filOUNT PARK MECCA MM AUXUS ?re9 2t2 Entered Great Pleas iflbi't ,1 i miR Suner- hra Uro,lu f intendent Vogues' Report , Mtai of I.56?-212 a"!1icsT,is0s.Vl . it., various ni."-v . ... I""1 JmB W over the record for the ViM l1 - .....nrriliiir to tho nnnual K?'Sf Superintendent Jesse T. Voices, ....1 to the Fnlrmount Park Com n"?":.. this nftornoon. jfeiion.- -- . w 10 visited mo i-am W K?c2l.V5. v.htelca. 73.461; blcy- WiH?i nrid eaucslrlnn, 11,303, ac 15. fo rcrls kept umler the super. f? ,J the Commissioners. i""1 vices' report shows that oo,6 1 Mf- of 'dredged material was "W SSi the Schuylkill Hlver; that vn "Oi" .''..,. tirrtnuila surfacing m Hnd 11.152 smiaro ynrds of grnno 'otwalVs; 3040 square yards Fll gjgrflcln '' "8B BflUa,' ynrdS ,Mpha w'ks - , eport bearing on 1 nvM Khcmo of flower-bed planting "? tmly of color scheme was sys- "ATe,u carried out and has served i tally carrn.ii . ,.. Zulroltself and n. S4Tnta in fnmlllarwtnB Hie P"be rin!tranif"talL"Bht-out color schemes to '" " ,,S ? tnsto to a nicer appro- ul. nf Rood gardening. The popu &m ,iho (lower gardens In Pnlrmount rit09Drcad over tho country and VsctodPnKU number of visitors ''jaringlheW'""' of ncw trceB LEnied nton the city's byways ;'tUcontrroTo ' the' Commission; IMJ'JS ,?nrr. nruncd. 23,231 cleaned, w.m?.j ,71' removed and lS.S.u wero U413 oanuvw, - - ,ricd 'JSn "he' superintendent rcc ,n conclusion, in constntctI Sf3?er wSr. c.redB.niK. the river repair- . !. roof Ol liorticuiiui... '" ."Ltalthe Aqnnrlum. ropnlilng Mcmo Lr0i'n!ll laying new footways nnd Im rlal "al ia,'"ru of the river along the C . from Olrnrd uvenue bridge to Ite trolley bridge. ' "MOTHER WENT AWAY AND DIDN'T KISS Jift """"' I Plaint of Little Girl Who Mourns Woman's unoxpmmuu . i .. ....., oivnv nnd she didn't lijWrSl ' sa hi Tittle Isabel Mc ks f-?,'.. she hugged tighter her Iff sister and looked up through tho SStahtr pretty blue eyes. "She went EJfiw.Sk ago and she didn't tell daddy swayu. . colllg. MlO SUTd la some new black clothes and jressfu hi nmlilv can't And her. tKS she is dead- The other ,SJ children started to cry again at fte innocent m.est.on of Isabel The m ssing mraro ' " , , , ...An. Lnnn,l w fe of Daniel J. ? MeLotighlln! 0103 Olonmoro avenue, who jicwugm.i . Atlantic noun- Cranyfor25yCarsSh0.s.5y:arH told. Isaoe . wnu in diiij . ......... -.-. 'IS. that she went out one day last Sand when she came back tho other f children were crying because "mamma j...,i in iiiiwk clothes an' she looked ao sad and she kissed us." Thicnnureii uii-- ) - -- Mrs. Hugh O'Neill. 2fitR Titan street. Tho Utter Is a daughter by the first wife of .,., irr n.,..i,iiM tiip mlsslnir woman !hM no relatives, so far as is known. Her SliieMith her husband seemed a happy one, r m ntlghbors. The woman Is thought by Kl' ... .. . .,. nlfiv. IM VOIICO iw "a niui win, ... i , Drinks Poison for Whisky and Dies n-nlrl I M.Mnlinn nf .123.1 Stillman . .I..., j-ii. F..r... n hnitlo labeled ''"whlsltr." but containing poison, at his home today. HIS wife found him tincon- ! ......i.. i 1...1.. Ilrt ,lloil lnlnp sciou anu huiiiiuuiii.-u ui.iij. . . la the Samaritan Hospital. Theatrical Baedeker MARRICK-"Tiln liPrts,'' ltlj I!nv Cox. A. a which itala with Urn comic ailventurca . of I pwpl ho mlatako other pcoplo's apartments i tor their own. PiDEtfan - ''.Marlr-ndilp " with Frances purr. An nnmir.inio nei;ii.ii inuiui, demonitratlns how sweet nro tho uses ot itroclly. r0HREST-"Aroun. tho Stan.", with Hlslo Aider and William Norrla. Ooml niualc. .bet ter actlnir and slnslng. Urban's BCenery .beit pt all. BBOAD-'Tollyanna." with Pntrlela ColllnEe, HSe Shannon an.l Ilcrhert Kclecy. Tho rtafl rlrl' nf thn "olnil hnftlcs' nl.lVlniT tile k "ilaj jame" with prnthnental thorouchness. I ITRIO-'TaisIni! Show nf 1015," with Ocnruo f llenroe and Marllsnn Sillier. A Winter Gar- oen mow oc tno usuhi iypa. ivuu kui. "" iy, music and costumes In lame quantities. li lome excellent burleanuo on current turn i. ffALNUT-"KUkennv " with Tlsko O'Hara. a 17 ty Aunustus Itou. A romantic atory ol love and adventure In Ireland. iiirr-r,"!rY ivfl f CHESTNUT STIIHET OPCRA flOl'SE "On in ninnif Line wnu tne uermnns. inn North American's war pictures. sholnK Kenrs Surlns the Herman oftcnalvo aKalnut the RussUna. ITANXEY-Wednesday "Tho Trail ofho uwrsome tine iMin unariaiiu n inner. Thunday, Friday nnd KatunUy, "Nearly a Klnj," with John ll.irryinorc. ARCADIA - Weilnesd.iv. "Acnultted." with mured Lucas and l.ove win conquer." a. Kentone corned) Thursday. Friday nnd Saturday, "D'ArUBnan." with Orrln John on, and "III. Hereafter," u Keystone com edy, fAUCE-AU week. "Tho Spider," with Taul- rreaericK, a i amous flayer mm on iuni mouQt program. Mlsa Frederick la seen in a OJll role. STOCK. AVERICAN-"Tho Yellow Ticket." Tho Ar- Slayers In a thrilling melodrama of Ilus- IICKERn0CKErt-,'The Trail of the Lona- rme. -ino KnlcKcroocscr players in &a tox, Jr ' popular play. VAtinr'.VlT.T.T? ttmrS-McIntyre and Heath, Hpmor n. Wa. t , fl, warsuerHo peeler, in iarriea-'; Kjph Dunbar'a Jlaryland, Joslo Heather, fl ITiy Hall ami llrnun firth ttml nnn.pv 'roVvSJ" 9a"aKher and Irene Martin. AiBAND "In thn fir. hnrH' M neclm M ITnnt. I' RS5nr,,.Lony Jtaakell. Walton Urothers und efiwU uni' Van BUhlen. I.ennder. kKflThe Ilandlcapijed OlrU." J. C. ER Trio. In "On the Side Street": La :" and llowlann. Jiaul and Edith War- k nn.i r.?v ." -" iimii,., iieuuiu.iuii anu I-to"18 Doughertys and Francis Lenz. In fgjj oecond-story Man," and tha Oreut rtimin UUrtLESQUE, I irSST.sD.umonl's Minstrels In hurleaque , - ...,. vl current interest. EVEOTNGf- "ME FOR THE MULE," SAYS MOVIE STAR Mutual Player Says No Auto mobile for Him Other Photoplay Notes By the Photoplay Editor Every moving. picture star In the film world drives a W-horscpower racing car of low, rakish design. If you nro to be lieve the numerous stories sent broad cast telling of their narrow escapes whilo driving their latest model through con gested traffic. It Is always n car of high cost nnd great speed that the film favor ite owns, not a small, comfortable car built for pleasant motor trips. It would seem that the motion picture Industry existed merely for tho purposo of keeping the automobile manufacturers busy. Agents for nutos are supposed to flock nround studios thicker than small boys around a big lcnguc pitcher during a world's series. However, there Is one moving-picture star who will have nothing to do with automobiles. This Iconoclast Is no other than Sydney Mason, stnr In the Mutual Mastcrplctures, De Luxo Edition, which are ptoduccd by the Oatimont Company. Ho has purchased a Jaunting car and a ilocuo white mule, which he nonchnlnntiy drives through the motor-lined streets of Jacksonville, Fla., undisturbed by tho taunts of his friends "No automobiles fot me," snyB the Gaumont (Mutual) stnr, ns this Is solid comfort, nnd 1 am not worried nbout tho high cost of gasoline. "Old Ironsides" runs on one speed, but I have no tiro troubles and the carburetor never gets clogged." William Collier has nearly completed his Mack Bennett comedy. "Getting Mar ried," and Is preparing to devote nil his time to a new flvc-reel Kay-Hee fcaturo which Walter Edwards Is directing for Incc. Three distinct parts of tho United Stntcs. In ns many different directions, wero used for the locnles In the produc tion of "A Corner In Cotton," a forth coming Metro feature produced by tho Quality Picture Corporation. Tho first scenes wero photogrnphed In California, tho Interior mado In Now York, nnd tho linal scenes made In nnd near Savannah, Georgia. Marguerite Snow has tho stellar rolo in this production. Alma Hnnlon, who Is working In the William Fox production, "Gold and tho Woman," threatens to create a shortngo In pennies If her present plans develop. About a month ago Miss Hnnlon mndo up her mind to save every penny that came to her In change and provided her self with a neat little box, thinking It would bold all the pennies she had thought sho would collect In a car's time. Her sur prise was great when, after sho had been saving for a week, tho box wns overflow ing, nnd having 247 pennies to her, nnd the collecting of tho insignificant cent became a fascinating pursuit. Miss Han Ion found that she averaged between 200 nnd 2M pennies every week. Becoming possessed of n number of money wrap pers, she now puts them away In a small safe, requisitioned from her father. Sho has determined to let them nccumulato until sho can have them sent to tho bank nnd receive n nice, crisp bill with the numerals in tho corner reading 100. During tho making of a scene in the new World Mm corporation's produc tion, "The Hand of TcrU," starring House I'oters, under the direction of Maurlco Toumeur, tho director had chosen for a character part nn old nctor, who, while a flno artist was unused to tho terminol ogy of tho studio. He was also of Hi bernian descent und pugnacious. Aftor n hnrd morning's work In the unaccus tomed sunouudlngs, the Thespian's tem per had ilson to a boiling point. Unnlly, Mr. Toumour shouted: "Fight tho Cam el a." Tho nctor needed no second Invita tion: ho wns sore nt tho cnmc.n anyhow. Picking up a chair ho had waded In and seriously damaged the Instrument, nml tho camera man. who tried to protect It, befoto he could bo lestrained. nnd ex plained to him that the term Toumeur had employed simply meant, In camera slang, to gnzo straight Into tho lens. At tho Frankford on Wednesday "Sam Bernard In "Because Ho Loved Her, does somo terrlblo things In saving tho "beautiful cashier" of a high class restautant. You can Imnglnu tho Irre pressible "Sam" In a position of this kind. Somo of tho things that happen will recur to you a week after and make you laugh anew. Wallace Held, tho ladles' newest lighting hero, appears at the Tioga Theatre on Thursday In "Tho Chorus Lady. This young man (Just 23 and married to Dorothy Davenport) Is one of tho most icmarkablo actors In tho Mlent drama. Those who saw him In "The Birth of a Nation" will recall lilm as a veritable Hercules, while In "Carmen" In support of Geraldlno Farrar, ho was a very hand some dragoon nnd delighted tho ladles with his lovemaklng. t,. r.i dm rViinr Thoatro on Thursday, February 10, will have on op portunity of viewing the fur famed Grand Canyon of Arizona In "Tho Great D vide." with House Peters and Ethel Clayton. Tho Jefferson Theatre has arranged to show "Tho Battle Cry of Peace" next week. ers " MORE JOIN CITIZEN ARMY Big Rush Expected nt First Drill Sat urday Night Many men called today at recruiting headquarters, 1917 Mount Vernon street. End enlisted n the proposed citizen army otmm men. which Is being organized or . Drexc, 111,1,110 and other prom inent' citizens of Philadelphia. j Do Witt Jobborn. recruiting officer, predicted that recruits would como In by the thousand Saturday night when tho first biB drill will be held at Cooper Battalion Hall. 23d and Christian streets. V CUlzens' Committee on Organtzat on, which is to number 200 representative men of the city, is being formed. This commUtee will open recruiting station 'VeserrdaVyarj1w Mded to . KM which was Pledged to help work at n meeting In Mr. Blddle's homo last Monday. TiTCDttTOn PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, EEBBTTARY "OLD IRONSIDES" 10 kSsWi JM ! Sydney Mason, Gaumont (Mutual) player in his donkey cart, which he prefers to an automobile. SCALE OP KISSES MEASURED BY FEET IN FILM WORLD Measurements Vary From Five-sixteenths for Mother-in-laws to Sixty for the Extreme Vampire Variety In renl life kisses are measured by their slncetlty or lack ot It; it Is rarely pos sible to obscrvo them, and when It Is possible one usually looks away, from a. sense of delicacy. In tho movies kisses are measured by feet. It Is alwnys possible to obseivc them, nnd one never looks awny. The measurements vary from live-sixteenths of n foot to CO feet. The five-sixteenths of a loot Is for mothers-lnlaw. Tho CO feet nro the extreme vampire variety. Iloughly speaking, the billions of miles of film that unwind dally for tho benefit of America lu her hours of recreation can bo calculated on the basis ot n foot a. second. That Is. for every second of nctlon portrayed n foot of film Is used. Tho crank that moves the film really goes faster than that; perhaps It would bo more accurate to say one foot to every thrce-qunrtcrs of a second; call it a "counted second," for people always count seconds too rapidly. They don't rcallzo how long a second can be. When It comes to n kiss-second (or foot) there may be nn cteinlty lived through In that atom of time, nn oxperlcnco to bo remem bered for it lifetime. In the movies there aro all sorts of kisses humorous kisses. Insincere, Judas kisses, short, long and mediocre ones, stolen kisses, very serious sincere ones, nnd tho "fudenway" kind at tho end of tho story when the lovers melt away Into the forever-nnd-ever nt the end ot tho film as If they Intended never to stop. FIRST AID PREVENTS SUICIDE Turnkey Saves Man Who Hanged Himself in Cell First-aid treatment promptly ndmlnls tered by Pollccmnn Craig, turnkey at the 20th nnd Federal streets police station, prevented a suicide In the cell loom of tho station Into last night. Thomas Hohan, 2ti years old. 1257 South 29th street, who attempted to kill himself. Is In the Poly clinic Hospital, and will recover. Hoban wns arrested at 2Gth nnd Wliar ton streets last night on the charge of Intoxication. It wns exactly 28 mlnutci aftor 11 o'clock when he was placed In tile cell. Just 12 minutes later ho was found hanging from tho top of his cell by tils belt. Craig cut him down and adminis tered first-aid measuics until he regained consciousness. Ho was then taken to tho hospital where It was found that his neck was tllhlncated. Craig was complimented on his prompt work nnd his knowledge of first-aid methods. CALLS RIVAL LOVE PIRATE Chicago Woman Says Another Has Stolen Her Husband's Affections CHICAGO, Feb. tl. Miss Ada M. Cox, pilnclpal In n sensational Mann net case against William Kufus Edwards, million aire St. Paul lumberman, was defendant today In a 117,423 suit for alienation of nf fectlons. Mrs. Snmuel II. Brown, oi Chicago, charges Miss Cox Is a "love plrato" and has stolen tho affections of her husband. Tho suit was expected to ndd complica tions to the trial of Edwards for violation of tho Mann act, which Is set for Feb. ruary 21. New Resident Physicians at Jefferson Tho following Jefferson Medical College seniors have been appointed us resident physicians of Jefferson Hospital for tho year beginning June 1, 101G: William II. Spencer. Kochestcr, N. Y.: J. Allan Ber tolct. Heading. Pa-; Joslah E. Smith, Chaileston, S. C: Ulrlch. P. Horner. Tay lor, Pa.: Davd It. Morgan, Edwnrdsvllle, Pa.- James B. Clinton, Beaver Fnlls, Pa.: Earnest G. Williamson, Elmhurst, Pa.; Clarence A. Patten, Hampden, Me.; AVI1 lam W. Lcrmnnn. Monessen, Pa. George O. Meyer was nppolnted as resident pathologist. Each appointment, however, Is depend ent on whether or not tho student passes his flnnl examinations. HEAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOME VICTOR WATER HEATER FO 11 COAL A new principle, con itant supply; 24. to 30 call., 1c. lleats ItadU tors. too. Accept no substitute. There la nothing "Just as good." Send for Free Ilookltt. S.V.REEVES,Mfr. I'atented and Patents pending 45 N. Second St There Is a different length of film allowed for nil theso vnrletles. they say, the table of length of kisses being nbout ns follows: For nctors: First-Sweetheart or stolen kiss, commonly known us tho "grab It nnd run" Three feet. Second Sweetheart kiss Fifteen feet (that's 10 or 12 seconds). After marriage of ono year Twenty five feet. After live years Six feet. After 21 years, not classified; varies with circumstances. Mother-in-law kiss Five-sixteenths of n foot. Soul kiss Sixty feet; repeat once If necessary. Hemember tho censor. For actresses: New hat kiss-Six feet; repeat If necessary. Klcli uncle kiss Twenty feet. Poor uncle kiss One foot. VnmpIro kiss Sixty feet. Stolen kiss Tho woman Is helpless In this; It Is tho actor's responsibility. Kissing departing visitors Ono foot. Kissing your own baby No limit. Kissing your husband when ho comes In Into For nffectton, (lvo feet; for detective purposes, long enough to tell whether it Is cigar smoke. When the formula Is repeated to any great extent nt least soven seconds must bo allowed for catching tho breath. Plan to Stop False Alarm Evil For the purposo ot devising plans to reduco tho number of false alarms of fire turned in throughout the city dally. Chief MncLaughlln today will confer with Fire Chief Murphy, C. J. Henderson, of the Hoard of Fire Underwriters, nnd n representative of tho American Associa tion of Fire Underwriters. Tho number of false alarms has reached serious pro portions, it wns said, nnd they aro n dis tinct evil. Inasmuch as companies often are answering false alarms when, In fact, they arc needed at fires In other places. APARTMENTS N. E. CORNER 17TH AND WALNUT STS. lllllili mttPfflxmwi& fflssms &M m fiffiEJEBI 3.Ul 3X82 3 & tL i 2f Ji -1 n- r -0 XI This 13-story concrete and steal fireproof structure reaches tho high est point of development as yet at tained in apartment construction ana may bo properly styled a perfect place of nbodo. fl An earnest effort has been mado to offer a matchless homo to those whoso first consideration Is not to count the cost alone, but to procure that which they deslro; where thoro Is only perfection, the size and char acter of which may bo selected nnd shaped according to tho distinctive requiremontB of the Individual, fl Sulten are arranged from two rooms and ono bath to ten rooms and live bnthB. Including several de sirable bachelor suites, fl The location ts excellent, being convenient to the business and shop ping centres and yet not too near. II All things considered, the rentals are moderate. fl fl Further Information, arrange ments for Inspection nnd reserva tions may bo made through NORMAN S. SHERWOOD 1411 WALNUT STREET ! frv mmm MWenjarj-pj S2iJtt4 111 I fc-ssss-ssssss - MYSTERY AT U. OF P., IS FACULTY FOR DEFENSE? Dean Qtiinn Says Military Training Was "Broached" Did the Unlxerslty of Pennsylvania faculty, nt n special meeting last night, ndopt n resolution Indorsing the Introduc tion of n course of military (mining lu the school 7 Or did the University of Pennsylvania faculty last night refuse (o discuss the matter? They did And they didn't. Aithur I). Qtiinn, dean of the college faculty, said ho such mutter was broached nt the meeting. II. 1). Lent licit, professor of German, was Just ns rmphntlc in his statement that such n resolution wus submitted nnd adopted. Quoth Denn Qtiinn: "Nothing of gen eral Intel est wns taken up nt the meet ing. Certainly, the question of a military training course 'did not enter Into the discussion." ltcjolned 'he professor of Get man: "The resolution .v:is adopted. Of course, there ute it few 'hold-backs,' but I wns not among them. The question will not amount to much, hut I voted for It any way. ' The innn who holds the keynote to the situation refuses to talk. Ho Is D. H. Sliiumwiy, professor of German philology, und. more Important, wns scciotnry ot the lneetlm; last iilKht. "I have no authority to speak on what happened nt the meeting," said the profcsor. "De.'in Qulnn possesses tho sole authority to speak." And tha dean refused to sny anything to amplify his fnorlte remark of "noth- 'S limmiiim"""" . . 1JU JJJULSJLJHJIJJU- ; Bk 'in: ; following theatre obtain i.klni t'omniny, lilili Is ' Hunk iliW urniliK'llniii. All p cttircH ,rciceu neiore rxiiiuiiiou. i; ir ih" tlicuir!' In ' "our iiuuilty obtaining pictures through the STANI.LV Iliiuklng Compuii). I II II llinn A 12th. Morris 1- Pnssyunk Avo. ISth. Morrl, i- r-a-syunh : Avo. ARCADIA rtltt'CTMtrP nut.d'w ioth ..., , v-.-.r.!- 11. AYS DOl'Cil.AS KAIIIHANKH In "HIS l'ICTUItn IN Tlltf PAlT-nR Arini t r 62D and Thompson APOLLU MAT1NL-11 DAILY OLGA PETROVA in -WHAT WILL I'EOPLB BAY?" RI UERIRD "m sonT" r "A CIRCUS ROMANCE" 4-ti? n if-. TWIT 02D ATlOVn MArtKITT BELMONT Mat- $..!& L Wa Schnall ' "Undine" TnAANADVn CEDAR TiTThH crnn l aclaytox & "orsrs nvrr.ns in "THE GREAT DIVIDE" FAIRMOUNT soxn Ai&nD avB. Ida Schnall in 'UNDINE' FRANKFORD "n raAN,AFvEUNDuE -TniANtii-n rLAYS- .... .. 52d St. s Mat.5c,EvB.10c GLADYS HANSOM in Till. rltlMllOMi t-A-lll GERMANTOWN S509TGorrV,AANvB. -Mr.Tiio ricTtmn .,. FRANCIS nf.HII.MAN & linvntU.Y BAYNB I ItAftUin i SOUL" -X ritJC BOTH & MARKET 21S-7-9 IuLUDL Jls.000 KISIIJALL OHOAN Alice Brady and Holbrook Blinn In "THi: BALLET OIP.L" World Feature -MO ADn AYF.Nt'E THEATRE lilKAKJU 7TH AND OIRARD AVE. BLANCHE SWEET in "THE WARRENS OF VIRGINIA" i- s. rVTL.o..n RROAD ST . Ellin & Great iNortnern oermant'n aves. -TRIANHLE PLAYS TYRONE row Hit KATIJIIYN WILLIAMS Ti In "THOU SHALT NOT COVirT" IRIS THEATRE 3Ha JSS"0 -TRIANOLE PLAYS onitTN JOHNSON In "Tho Prii-B of Power" i'atTY nnd MARKL In Keystone Comedy JEFFERSON 20T" &1SfV,p,,,N METRO PlCTl'RE-VALLI VALLI In "THE TURMOIL" LAFAYETTE 20U KCS9,nSvenue -THIANCILE PI.AY8- nrcstr. liARRISi'ALE In -The Oreen Snamp' MACK SWAIN In a Keystone Comedy . r rrn FORTY-FIRST AND LEADLK LANCASTER AVENUE VITORAPH FRATt'RK VNITA STEWVUT 'm.i EAHLK WILLIAMS AMTA lV.jJy'iivnY'S SUPPER" mmnrmssismmi METRO PICTURES EXHIBITED IN ONLT ONE THEATRE IN EACH LOCALITY DISTINCTIVE CREATIONS Ask for Metro Pictures An Afclute Ouarante of Quality 9, 1916. Ing of public Interest happened nt tho meeting," except to add, "Tho meeting of tho college faculty are not open to the public nnd nothing Is given out to tho press." In addition to which there may be a mystery concealed somewhere cither In the black handbag In which Professor Shumwny carted away tho minutes of the meeting or In room 200, College Hall, where tho meeting was held. ASSAY COMMISSION HERE Work Begun to Fix Value of Coins and Bullion at Mint Tho United Stntcs Assay Commission begnn work today at tho Mint, to de termine the value of tho coins nnd bullion In the Institution. It wilt contlnuo Its work today and tomorrow, Tho follow ing compose the commission: James If. Moylc, Salt Lake City; Thomas Arthur, Billings, Mont.; Kcnyon 11. Conger. Irvlngton, N. Y.; Benjamin J. Koscnthnl, Chicago; George 13. Roberts. New York city; Dr. .1. M. Henderson, wOltimbUK, Ohio; 11. C. Oranbcrg, Os h kosh. Wis.: Charles Hnsler, Olney, III.: Prof. James L. Howe, Lexington, Va.i Dr. Franklin 13. Tuttle. Lexington, Ky.; I tuny L. Day. Wallace. Idaho; L. A. Fischer. Washington. D- C.i Dr. K W. Clnik, Washington. D. C : Representative C. C. Dill. James A. Ilrynn, Newborn, N. C; Pi of. Andrew C. Lnwson, Berkeley, Cut. More Flurry Than Loss in Fire A lire of undetermined origin In tho gnrngo of the Mnson-Hellln Coat Com pany, at Richmond and Dyott streets, during the noon hour today, caused moro tumult than dnmngc. Workmen from tho nenrhv coal yard of the Lehigh Coal and Nnvlgatlon Company nnd Crumps ship yard nldcd tho firemen In checking thu tlanies, which caused several hundred dol lars loss. PROMINENT OTOPLAY PRESENTATIO BoSna Grmpomu their pictures through the KTANI.IJY gunruntee of enrlr showings of the .LIBERTY BnOA" nr.m.niA nrnnilwny Stnr Feature J. VAItHi:.S KEniUOAN In "LANUON'S I.UOACY" Logan Auditorium BnSSrAind Ave. V. L.-S. E. Production A Vltagrniih mnster Plore. WM. COURTNEY ELEANOR WOOD; ltUFF In "THE ISLAND OF SURPRISE. " rf1 IOT f2D and LOCUST lJUOl Mats, ami SiSO. 10c. Egs. 11:30. 8, 0:00, 15c. Orrln Johnson In 'The Prleo of Power.' Fatty Arliucklo & M. Norman In 'He DM k Ha Didn't.' Market St. Theatre 333 "&& World Film Corporation Presents MOLLY McINTYRE in 'HER GREAT HOUR' "GRAFT" ORPHEUM aERMAc7lELTNE.ANADVES. CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG in "THE YELLOW I'ASSPORT World Teature il?Il7:IMT "2D nnd WOODLAND AVE. VJKinil'l 1 OallyMat.2. Evg.,0:H0toll. PATIIE GOLD ROOSTER PLAY Agnes Glynne in 'The Love Trail' DAT KCX? 121 MARKET STREET IrALALJi 10 A. M. to 11:15 P. M. PARAMOUNT PICTURE Pauline Frederick in The Spider' DADIf" RIDOE AVE. 4: DAUPHIN ST. JrIrv Continuous showfrom2:30-0:30-ll. MARIE EMPRESS in "LOVE'S CROSS ROADS" PRINCESS 101sVn,AEOT "THE PRIMITIVE STRAIN" "THE OUARDIAN ANGELS'' Sea "Tho Olrl & the Game" every Thursday. DTAITii GERMANTOWN AVE. K1AL. IKJ AT TULPEHOCKEN ST. LILLIAN WALKER in "GREEN STOCKINGS" DPr-flUT HI" MARKET STREET Kh,vjt,lN 1 wiuA.v voice onaAN MARGUERITE SNOW in "THE UPSTART Rrin V MARKET STREET U D I BELOW 7TH STREET MARY PICKFORD in "THE FOUNDLING' Paramount SHERWOOD "bTltor Daniel Fmhman Prosenta CHAS, CHERRY In "The Mummy & Humming Bird" i II rt V 1211 MARKET A V J l RTBEET NANCE O'NEILL in "SOULS IN BONDAGE" rp - p 17TH 4 VENANGO STfl. MARGUERITE SNOW in "ROSEMARY" Metro Picture VirTflRlA MARKET ST. 1L 1 UKln ABOVE NINTH Clara K. Young In "The Yellow Passport" Extra Added Attrnetlon-H. H. Walthall & Edna Mayo in "Strange Case of Mary Pago" CTANI FV MARKET ABOVE IOTH ? ' A Charlotte Walker in CONTINUOUS 11 :ir a ai to 11 US P. M. "THE TRAIL OF THE LONESOME PINE" PATHE gfiL GOLD ROOSTER fSCi PERFECT PLAYS VS PRESENTS LOIS MEREDITH "The Precious Packet" By FRED JACKSON AT ALL LEADIXO THEATRES PATHB EXCHANGE, INC.. 1235 VINE ST. tMl V-VC" 15 'DOPE' USERS VICTIMS OF LAW'S VIOLATION Deputy Collector Glover Ac cuses "Unscrupulous Doc tors" of Defying Har rison Act John W. Olovcr, Deputy Internal Rev cnuo Collector In ohnrge of narcotics, made a spirited attack on unscrupulous doctors of this country in nn address de livered nt tho weekly meeting of the Rotary Club, held In tho Hotel Adelphln. Mr. Glover asserted that such physicians nro responsible for 9" per cent, of tllo habitual opium users In the United States, "Two per cent, of nil the people In the United States nro nddlctcd to tho iso of drugs," ho said, "Fifty per cent, of those nro brought to tho practice by doctors, 15 per cent, by association with other drug users, nnd the remainder through dlsensc, which leads them to use nar cotics to deaden pain. Ninety-five pet cent, of the habitual opium users of the country nro brought to the practice by doctors." Cnptain on Trial Before Inspectors John 13. Phillips, cnptain of tho Phila delphia and Rending ferryboat Delaware, wns placed on tilnt beroro tho JTedoral Board of Steamboat Inspectors today, no cuscd of negligence nnd violation of the pilot rules, in connection with the col lision between the Delawnrc and tho tug- i boat William J. Bradley, on Decombor. 9. The caso wns heard by Inspectors Sargcant and Wilson. CENTRAL Chestnut St. Op. House SStSSt THE NORTH AMERICAN'S GERMAN WAR PICTURES WKST PHILADELPHIA PRANn MD nnd MARKET STS. lalVHuNLJ MAT. DAILY, 2 P. M 5c. WM. FOX PRESENTS THEDA BARA in "THE ClALLGY SLAVE" ins q i 'J ISM "tJrri!APRV5i l Til J"3K"jL 'isrsgf OVERBROOK C3D ttnd f gggVs. -DOt'RLB TRIANGLE RILL , DOROTHY tHSH At OWEN MOORE In "JORDAN IS A HARD ROAD" . 4 "FATTY AND THE BROADWAY STARS" " ART"iFlM C3D LANSDOWND AVE. UrVIU.n MAT., 2. EVQ.. 0:10. WILLIAM FOX PRESENTS tl The Fourth Estate" EUREKA 'XS IARKET STREETS WILLIAM FOX PRESENTS Theda Bara in 'Carmen IMPERIAL Theatre hut it6 WM. FOX rrescnts RUTH I1LAIR In "The Fourth Estate" NORTH Broad Street Casino nnoA3D,Is,,l0, EVENINO 7 -IS AND ft MAURICE COSTELLO in "TRIED FOR HIS OWN MURDER" Other PF1VJTI IRV ERIn ave- MAnsnxi L,Ci( 1 Ul 1 MATINEE DAILY R. R MANTELL & GENEVIEVE HAMPER "The Blindness of Devotion" .six ArTi "the nrn rmci.TC" SOUTH PI A 7 A BROAD AND PORTER Lntirt STREET8 EDWIN STEVENS in "THE MAN INSIDE," 5 Acts NORTHWEST C-n.,al,nnn THEATRE 17th A Susquehanna susquehanna avb. Trlnngle-Kay lleo ICatherlne Knelrod A Rous Peters In 'THE WINGED IDOL." 5 Parts. TrlaiiBle-KcyMon FIXED MACE In 'T-IIOOKEI) TO THE END." 2 Parts. NORTHEAST STRAND 12TH AND 0InARD AV1L LILLIE LESLIE in "VOICES TROM THE PAST," 4 Acta. "N'eal nf thn Navv," tTt Episode. Othrl KENSINGTON JT T 1WT R r FRONT ST. AND U IVl B U OIRARD AVENTJB "A NIGHT AT TIlnSHOW" , "PHANTOM ISLANDS" "A ROM STEER" 14 -TUB HILLS OF GLORY" "SAMMY JOHNSON. HUNTER'- Weekly Programs Appear Every Monday Motion Picture Chart TUCATDE Evening I Mh I flCH 1 IC All Heat, J6e. .1111 II ill. IIHI.OW )lut. Dallrl'iSO w w 'M'ltUrK dult 10eCull.Se Opens This Sat., Feb. 12 With the III Paramount Plcturo GERALDINE FARRAR in "TEMPTATION" Il.U.I5,Mnry I'lckfortl.'-The Toundllng" All pictures secured thru btunley IlUg.Co. WEEKLY PROGRAMS APPIUR EVERY MONDAY IN THE MOTION PICTURE CHART Has Not Percy a Kind Heart Not nr , . , r n ... Plot by J. P. McEvoy ; J : : ; : iuAlililljy(jrObliLlAltitJljLta (Copyrllhti V "y Tho TTIOupo companyi , I IKST5 AT BR5i Ccop M0KM.N- L VHT VQU l WOJCHI I "SN I M hT feV N(f- W VULGAR In'TOEOPHILOsA VfJf ? IS K6.C VA Ml U OUWT T(T QSEA lASS(
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