Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, February 09, 1916, Night Extra, Page 13, Image 13

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    Btw &i&&plE55ZS!S!!!l
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". "Ml
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f If.
el tit
I Bleacher Seats, Draft Rule
ana Jf layer Liimit
on Docket
VrW VOIIK. Pb- 0. When the Nil
itnn't LenRUP mnnnnlcs went Into session
Tine Wnldorf-Astoria Mils nriprnoon It
... regarded ns (crtnln thai llio follow
nicnsiires would lie
.. ihrpp "reform"
inn ""
Tnt dOTrnm.iiv rwoluilon
bleacher scat, to MOO.
ond labels' icsolntlon
Thlrd" rioiiilistontVa resolution lifting
; player limit from 21 to 22 men.
Financial nutation unci llio nchedtilr for
this reason nlu wcte on llio iirogram
for discussion ...
lyt, .-,,-....l Tnntim linn nrcnnlpii In
thrf Klnte Tones, its president. Iinmu
illvrom error In the execution of nil olll
riil functions, and especially ns resards
hi decisions on prolested Raines. It was
nimssary to ninend the constitution of tho
lNuruo before thlt power could be vested
In the president, but the board of directors
las of one mind, and the work was car
Jed on Willi B'pnl nthuslnsm.
Indeed the enthusiasm reunited In sev
.,! outbursts of souk, and Charles II.
Fbbets, Squire of 1-Tntbush, and Harry
t Hempstead, of tho CSIants, yodclcd
with great effect, "There's a Hole In tho
Bottom of the Son," and Percy D. ITaueli
ton said in awed tones: "no they do thoso
things In New York: do they really?"
After a lengthy discusslon-onc which
hai been rairled on Intermittently for
..voml months the directors decided to
abolish lh0 PrlvilcKo of appeal from tho
decision of the picsldent of tho Ioiikuo
on protested Knmefl, nnd by tmatilmous
consent tho constitution was amended.
Thli decision by tho dliectors will pre
vnt nny such appeal as was mndo by
Barney Drcyfuss on a game played In
Philadelphia hi which the Pirates were
Other reforms may bo worked before
the meeting Is brought to a close soino
time today. Harney Drcyfuss proposed
that a rule be written Into the playing
code malting It imperative that the fence
at the point at which the foul lino In
tersects It be 2T0 feet from tho homo
plate. I'niler the present rules tho fenco
need bo only 23". feet from tho home plate.
Ores fuss Is hitting at tho Philadelphia
Katlonal I.eaguo grounds, which are so
small that a ball which would bo only a
long fly. easily caught by a fair out
fielder on another Meld, sails majestically
on for a home run.
Drcyfuss said that tho right-field fenco
was responsible for Cravath's fnmo as a
home-run hitter, and iiuoted tho world's
series In which a couple of his long drives
wero caught bv Duffy Lewis to sub
stantiate bis statement. Ho also said
that Craath made only llvo homo runs
on other grounds all season.
In accordance with an older promul
gated yesterday afternoon, the diamond
of every National league paik will bo
surveyed prior to the opening or tho
playing season, and a report made to
the president of tho league. This may
result In several changes on several
grounds where tho net rules have been
violated. The Tolo Grounds In this city
may have to be remodeled If tho letter
of the rule Is to be obeyed, for the grand
stand Is much closer to the plate than the
W feet prescribed in the rules
Scholastic liaskctball
Schedule for Today
"ion school i.kaui i:.
lift,"1".1 i!iKh " "'"' I'lillnilelphln
High School, nt Mcst I'hllndrlphln.
i.?.!; i,n"?".".'" ""lts" 1". Cfllliollr High
School, nt li.nl.fr City Athletic (bib.
(icrinniitmvn Academy s. Darby High
School, nt lnrb High.
iciuplc I'rriinrnliiry . Chester High,
nt C heMcr.
Mtnrthmoro High s. Ilnierford Prep.
He.ertes.nl llmcrfi.nl.
i "STin .A'1'?'" Acndcmy t. I,ovvcr Mer
lon High School, nt Anlmurr.
ii.n"""- Prepnrntorr n. Pcnii)ttitiilii
Military College, nt f'hesler.
Central High . ,
.Southern High .
Nnrtlirnst High
M. I'lillnitelpliln
si:comi ti:,m
Southern IIIkIi
W. I'hllmlelphlii
orthcnil IIIkIi .
inn iiikii
Mon Lost I'.C.
3 5 .000
. :t a -,nn
. . a a .noo
HlKll . '! 3 .11)0
l.l'.Adti: .STAMIINO.
Moii l.ntt I'.C.
. ... ft I .RM.1
IIIkIi ..3 S .mm
2 I .333
.... I 4 .'.'Oil
Uptown Quintet Wins
Game by 23 to 17 Score.
Miss Many Foul Goals
Brother of Philadel
phia Javvn Finishes
Strong in 15-Round
Bout at Norristown
Northeast High School Is still climbing
in tho High .School liaskctball League.
The 23 to 17 victory over Southern High
ycsteniay In the leaguo gnme nt South
ern's own cage upct the downtown
Hrjuni), but sent Nottheast Into a tlo for
second position.
It was an unexpected reverso for f'oach
Ingber's boys, but the result upholds the
prediction that tho uptown quintet may
bo feared by all tho trams.
There was nothing Unity about the
Northeast victory yesterday, for all the
boys played well and the passing and
Held goal throwing was especially good.
Not only were tho winners clover in scor
ing, but they guarded Southern so closely
only three Held goals were made, by that
team during the entlro 40 minutes of the
A victory for AVest Philadelphia over
Central this afternoon would not be a
big surprise, and then nil four trains in
tho leaguo would bo on even terms.
Tho Kre.it fault lth llio majority
nl.i.oru lu flint, itn.i1.iipra 111 fmll trnil
inc. Northeast made coo.l onlj !l out of 13
of tho
goal throw
Five Associations Are Arrang
ing Plans for Coming
Raeing-crulslng will be tho event In
Tnotorboat and ynchtlng activities In this
vicinity nnd along the South Jersey coast
ind Barncgat Hay this coming season.
Already the live associations, tho Dela
ware Ilhor Yacht riaclng, Delaware Itlvcr
Yachtsmen's League, Schuylkill Nautical
Association, Combined Ynelu Clubs of
South Jersey and 'he li.irnegnt Hay Yucht
Racing, aie foimulating plans on orulslng.
racing lines.
The first organization to go on record
lor holding the.-e motorbont sports this
season was tho South Jersey Yacht Hnc
ing Association, which is mndo up of 10
ilubs, extending along tho South Jersey
coast from Atlantic City to Cape May.
It was at the Invitation of tho Harnegut
Bay yachting folk that tho otllclals of tho
South Jersey club decided to hold a cruis
ing race from one of tho centrally located
clubs on the South Jersey section to
the Seasldo Park Yncht Club. Kach and
every boat of tho 10 clubs of tho associa
tion will participate In tho uiulslng race,
irrespective of class or rating.
The boats will bo raced In their classes.
"Iter the raco llln cnmn,.lii- hnnln will
f Wlclpiite in the championship race meet
.i.fi I,ar,lcsnt Hay Yacht llaclns Asso-l?'n-
0 bo held under the auspices
''the Seaside Paik Ynelil Olnl. n Anmnl
(v. iT.h?,,boat 0ttiers of tho Atlantic City
aciit club have leally been the sponsor
,.'"'" crulaiiiB-racing movement, al
uiougn cruising was tho main object nnd
wire closely followed by the members
S.J . lu" from tlle club ' Harnegal
"jy for the last two seasons.
twirl1"6 rlgnt ,n t'"3 footsteps of tha
m.. efsey foIks and adhering to tha
rinhf .an.l races of several of the yacht
...:! 'Ji tnl3 vicinity last season, tho Ice-
T.rtT. mmutce of tno Delaware River
oi Iac,nB Association, which Is com
tnin, . i'16 I,rtfsent lmo of 10 yncht
M crul i dubs' has Pla,,neU a week
of August
our. h . 'r '" crart from 'e 18-foot
truLU tl lha ,,lBh 8"ee'' e3,Pr33
rajta entered In the race. It
,CSM f the Koystone Yacht Club,
tirlon. y, Atter th0 nssembly of the
bJXLCaa3e3 of craft lhe oat3 U1
ke racert .le Vu0rU and tn" nrs le' "'"
Vaeht oi,,.10 the. SaIc,n noa- u, ni"
thanfnnn ,.,a,Ul!iU'nca ot Shl- less
An. "au'lMl miles.
n..7r."rlMl..'" the boats the Re-
.. -Tr""Hiife Will flvrure out thA win.
chancea from tho rlialklim. Asiiulth acorpii
2 Held coals nml 1! out of 0 from the foul
lino StursH tho fornani, scorcil Held roiiia.
Mlnohardt, who took his plan In tho hccoiii
half, alio Kot in soino brilliant work unci
landed a field eo.1. , , . ,
Itaj Inrdlner, tho crntro, who plicn h
seroncl Io.ikuo gnmo ni a regular on tho team,
anln showed championship calibre. Ho mndo
a field K'o.il and broko up mutiy of Southorn'H
plays. Medclt, with 2 field Roala, showed
that though ho plays Rtiard he can iilm tally
from tnu una, out ne wni on corm in ioui
KO.U throwing,
chin ccs.
making only 1 out of 7
The Southern Illfih athletes did not play
listless lmkctball In spltu of their defeat, but
thev could not pet Ioopo and wcro wild In
RhootlnK for tho baskets. Had Mondros been
lens Htendy In IiIh work nt tho foul line, tho
Southern score would have been different. Ho
mado 11 out of 14 chances Rood for points.
MomtroH tallied 1 field coal, Iewtmrt scored I
and Uunnln Rot tho third. Wat nun. DanzlR,
Wntou and Ciottlelb wcro other players on
thu team. ,
Southern Is stilt In tho running nnd tho
downtown athletes hope to como back atronR
In tho remaining games, us they havo dropped
two In n row now nnd expect to get out of
trio siump. ,
Southern's second squad met stiff opposi
tion In tho second team Game, tho Northeast
plajera losing bv a single field Roal, tl to 12.
This slves Southern u lead In tho second
team league which will bo almost ImrKHsIbto
to overcome, nnd the Itroad und .TackHon
Btreots athletes aro at least sure of this title.
Wcanlon, Itothmin. Weiss. Danzig. Sacks nnd
Poland aro members of the victorious second
team. It was a hot battle from start to finish
yesterdiy. Northeast made 10 of the 11' points
as a result of the foul goals scored by Odgers
tho guard. Ohrlstenien, tho centre, got n field
goal. Schneider nnd I'aul. forwards, and lier
nnrd, guard, 'were tho other players on tho
team. j
Media High, with ttimnbelt, T.aerv, Agnew,
Schuch.irdt and Westcott playing, beat I.ans
ilownn High lit a ery Interesting nnd closely
contested Delaware County High School League
bahkethill Kama jrstcnl.iv afternoon by a scoro
of 18 to 21, Agnew ami Iaerv did most of
tho scoring. ltnn. Mr Ivan and Kldd played
tho best Rumo for Lnnsdowne.
Swnrthmore High Is still lending tho league
nnd the students who hate been cheering on
tho Gnrnets are confident thnt they will hold
first place, though Media Is now pressing
th lenders. Secretary 13. 12. Hlnman has an
nounced tho following re!sed league standing:
AVon Lost lC.
Swarthmore High School I 1 ,0
Media High School 4 n .MI
Darby High School 2 2 .r.no
Chester High School 1 4 .4:t2
Lansdowne High School 1 4 ,200
Tho West Philadelphia High School first team
regulars now lino tin with Plnkerton and
Meurkle, forwards; McCaskev centre, nml
Jfncnmnn una liuoiierr, guarus. 'ina.wronu
III5Y put on a 15-rouinl bout In Nor-
rlslown last nlfiht ami It was a Iiuro
sucresi. A couple of thousaiiil citizens
of the city anil other points east nml
W'eit Knthered In the Op'iy Ilou-e, saw
ono Kood contest and portions of two oth
er and went home perferlly Hittlslleil.
And It Is said to be uulle a task to sat
isfy the Rood citizens In Ronio ot our
Younjr Jack 0'Hrlen, aided, ndvlsed nml
urited mi by his brother, the famous
Philadelphia Jawn, outpointed Ilenrv
Ilauber In Hie II1511I net of the show.
The youthful Jnw'n hnd Hpepil, nsKrei
slveness and a i;ood left Jab, and thoso
Evening Ledger Decisions
of Ring Bouts Last Night
NOKKISTOWN Voiiiir .Inch O'ltrlcn
ilcfoiilril llrnri llnul.er, Mnilor C'nrrnll
Miocltril mil f.iu rink In the MM-mul
round, 'Icrrr Krtrlirll loppcd Ulllle
iliirhpoii In I lie llilril round.
ItCAIIINd llenii.v Kiiiifninii drrit wllh
i.iiiib snndmi, .Inch Miniiiion miiii from
Kid Itiiiiiiiinil, IMille Mrrhnn nnd Kill
(I Donnrll drew, IMillp (Irnlinhi ilefcnlcd
Snllnr Smite, Kid Albert uliiiicil Tom
my Itflllj.
M: OIIK .Inch Dillon mod from
HnlllliiK l.cllmkj.
IKIslllN IIomiij l.eoiuiril kiiorlird out
I'lill lllooni In Ihr eluhlli.
Tie for First Place Is Best
Western Electric Can
I K. 0. Itll.l.t
W I..P.C
w Ul'.r'
ill rLNrt stkt-M:W U clt)
'yp' vio
proved to be too much for the hald
worltlni; Ilauber. Henry also foURht hard,
but his rushing tactics and slum-baiiR
punches failed to stop his opponent.
O'lJrlon clearly hnd the ndvantiiKo In
tho irreatcr number of rounds, lie land
ed the cleaTicst blows, put up a marvel
ous defense, und, nlthniiRh he was rocked
several times by hard punches to the
Jaw and body, ho more than made up for
It. Ilauber lost, and there are two rea
sons for his defeat. The Ilrst, of course.
Is Youiib Jack O'Urlen, and the second
Is Henry Ilauber himself. Henry was
not used to loiiK-dlstmico bouts.
Ilauber Started Well
Ilauber Is a sincere boxer, lie starts
rlKht In from the tap of the soup; to do
his best nml keeps on koIhk until the
bout Is over. This system Is suecehsful
In six-round contests, but in tho lonitor
bouts Eomethlnc; Is likely to happen
Henry used himself up In tho earlier
rounds, and Youns Jack was Just wise
enough to let him do It. The German
hnd tho ndvantai?o In the Hist sl rounds,
but In tho seventh O'Urlen took the lend
and sailed along- easily until thu end. He
almost got Into serious trouble In the
T-it, ttDTHfc UIIMG
a j , 1 on His shoulder. virrHCWT
12th and IStli sessions, when Ilauber camu
back strong, but ho rallied quickly and
finished In good shape.
It was a fast battle from start to finish.
There was action In every louud, nnd tho
large number of Haubcr's pals In the au
dlenco had plenty of opportunities to
cheer. There Is no doubt that Hnuber
was the favorite of tho ciowd, and he
remained a favorite throughout tho battle.-
Thoso who expected to sec a slow, un
interesting battlo wero disappointed In
the very llrst round. Ilauber rushed
O'llrlen nit over the ring, lauding stiff
blows, while Young Jack look the de
fensive. The speedy work continued
louud after mund, until It looked as If
three sK-louud bouts had been lolled
Into one.
Haulier Dangles in Air
Secrnl times when Haulier rushed,
O'Urlen slopped him with his shouhler,
lifted him otT his feet nnd had him dan
gling In the air. It looked like a wrestling
scene on a busy evening, lull Henry met
with nu mlsfnitune and always leached
tho Hour wifely. It showed how hard
the .toys were boxing and their eager
ncs to get at each other.
Philadelphia .lawn put on some big
league stuff hi the eniller 1 omuls, when
he distracted Ilnuber's attention long
enough to allow Ilrother .lack to get lu
some telling blows. Haulier was plainly
worried and hurled 11 few kind words lu
Jawn's dliectlon. It Ms said that .lawn
was making faces at Henry, but nt a late
hour this could not be verllled. At any
rate, Muggsy Tnjloi whlspeied a cou
ple of words In Ilnuber's ear at the end
of the round nnd It was noticed that
Henry Kept his back turned to Mr.
O'Urlen as much as possible during thu
remainder of the ronlllcl.
There was a lull In the proceedings at
the beginning of tho ilftli lound, when
l V -fiJ-Z-
. Hid Jack ,
.V'-'l 11, 1. ice. Ill :i .7 i?i. Ainirii l'ull a ti .5.V1
Slniid llnllrrti 1 ..1 121 jm innnl III, i i IT
J. .1 iHiti'n s .UI71II ,, Kllljiirn L- It .1,11
Uy a single point, 21 to 23. K. fl. Hudd
scored n victory over Western Mlectrlc
In the Industrial League Inst night, and
virtually clinrhed tho pennant, as tho
Iludd's remaining gnmn. scheduled for
next Thursday night, will be played with
the lowly Hale . Kllliurn. which dropped
Into last place last night hv succumbing
to Standard Holler Hearing, 43 to 2(1.
In the games next week .1. .1 Dobflon
meets .Valloiml Illscult nnd l:ieclrle Stor
age meets American Pulley on Tuesday,
wldlo on Thursday Western I'.leetrlc plays
.Standard Holler and Hale fc Kllburn plays
II. (1. Hudd. This combination brings
together Iludd's closest rlinl. Western
Hlectrle, ami Ktnndaid Holler third In
the lace, while the league leaders are
meeting Hale ft Kllburn. the occupants
of the basement.
Although Hudd has one contest to win
bcfoio claiming the bunting, last night's)
game virtually won the championship, as
Hudd can go along In Its usual stride
and win Its futuie game without much
trouble. Should Hale ,Vj lCllbuin wish to
compier tho leaders it will have to show
a big Improvement in play, and tho worst
the IIiiiIiIm can do Is to llguro in a tie
with Western Kleetrlc provided Western
Illcetrlc defeats Standard Holler.
Despite that Western Kleetrlc used
Dave Keir, the Heading Eastern Leaguer,
In the game last night, tho tall centre
was not a factor lu producing lctory.
Keir played an excellent game and scored
two goals from (.crlniuingo, one that
looked like tho winner. However, he
allowed Hazlctt to lilt tho nut a second
later. Shortly after a foul called on
Western Klcctrio was conveited Into a
point by White and the game was won.
t'rmi tlie tnlk nt the Mlnnllc ioat ttanlliu?
ftfot latlon meeting, nn pfTort will be mndo tu
lulM on (i nt:onic orRiinlfntlon nmonff the len
pln kiilRhts of this cltv nnd vicinity. A Ways
and .Means Committee, consl'tliiB of II. L".
I elir. lce preldent. Mr Ilobcrts, of iho
Hlrnnhrlilfte ft Clothier Leirnue. niul Joseph
Tr.nl!, him try nnd map out Ideas to brlni?
nboiit this result.
UlierU Hell team, of Hie Philadelphia
l.niBiie. l Mrtually sure of bclnit the opponent
of Hie Inning trnnt III the tjunker City
l-onpiie scries lo see nhlch Hill haie Hie en
train c fee pnlil to the Atlantic Coast champ
ionships in Washington next April Liberty
Hell hotted lt class lunilimt the T. II. Mmllh
squad list nlKht, totallnR i."itl Tor three r.imcs,
linocklni! ilon In eiiccrsslou win. 101.1 and
MIT. mllh totaled llT In Its nnal match
ftftilhst llio leaders.
Ill the Plill.iilrlphla League matches Inst
nlBlit llnrrv Wolfe roi Ids ciirxn ti.ill rolllnit
to Icrfettlon nnd Uiet S.11 In the third game
for the Mmlth train. Morgan rpglitereil S-1.1
In the enmc game Ciok totaltil l'M nnd
Hwlsher nil In this ecrlc"
Pciin.vliHtilii Hallroail nund mndo a plucky
cITort lo rntch the leaders niul trlmmcil Sub
urbanites llireo atrnlght. This ecrlen, toa.
una proftiictlin of numerous high single gnme
totals. Shatter got 2!.". In Ids llrst game. Top
ham cracked out Sit. drapped to 1R1 nml enmo
bm-k nltti 'J-.'n. Llthgnu- liiing up n 'Jl.'l count
In his nnal gnme nnd Not It's best effort nns
'JUT, Suburbanites' brst single game lntllWu
iril erforts were by Hobcrlmm and lllltebcttcl,
e,n '1 of whom knockeil ilonn 20.', Philips being
n cl,o second with 2MI nnd II. Klch Hlmllng
up with lnu.
Last night's Drug Lcnguo contests remitted
tn a hunching of the lending teams, Nationals
dropped two games to H. 8 White, which had
41 pins handicap allow nm and won the dc
tldlng game by 22 lln".
series. lis MI, second. game totnl, wai th
best of the night, Walls nnd Oroome each
reaching 31.1 pins,
Thirteen teams nro olrearir In sight for tha
Atlantic Const bowling championships.
The mediocre bowler Is to be catered to by
the Atlantic Const promoters In future tour
neys nnd suitable prises will bo offered.
The National Howling Association city asio
elation will meet next Monday night.
The fees In the tocnl howling governing
bodies nre cheap enough, the National Asso
ciation charging 3.1 cents for membership and
tho Atlantic Coast fKI cents.
Workmen are about to start tho construction
of Costa's now- alios.
Casino nlleys. will In nil probability
1 team to the Washington scries.
Sew-ral locnl officials of Hie Atlantic Coast
chapter will nttend the meotlng In New York
on Saturday night.
The, Artisan's, will renew their bowling series
on Keystono ullcs tonight.
Philadelphia for the first time In recent
years will not be represented In tho American
Howling Congress championships at Toledo
which starts March 4.
Smith, tI'rciu-h & Kline Company
Jolted Wnmpnip. Inking nil three games,
ilucli.iniin'H 210. sni ami lini being 11 urettv
guild help, while nickel contributed 20T In his
inirii game.
Plilladelphli Wholesale Prug squad met a
big surprise when Mulford banged nut 11
lull score In Hr second game. Crawford and
Hi Ichcl were high for the winners, with 221
nnd 211. respectively.
Camden l-'lre quintet In the Inmirnnco
LeiiKUe dropped to second place because they
met with .1 triple reverse nt the hands of
Itoostcrs, w-hllo Aetna downed Transporta
tion three straight. Cnindim lost the second
game b a scant !lc plus. It boosted Honstera,
who are third, and made the Muni outcome
of the t'liirncv more Interesting, Only two
men reached the 20(1 mark on cither team
Trummcr for Camden and McClcllan for
The Western Hlectrlc teams are well
m ill-bed. as ehow-n by the closeness of many
of tlie ricent games.
Pulled (las Improvement Company Lengun
has Just begun to bawl. WIntlel, or West
Philadelphia, with 2o.". list and 2-1(1, aided Ida
ic.ini to score a triple triumph.
Cerm.intnwn, of the Hoyal Arcanum League,
showed surprising ability ngnlnst Hnvcrford,
tho leaders, llermantnw-n winning tho entlro
Several Local Gunners to Bang
Away in Whitemarsh
15-Bird Test
Tho llrst trapsbooting event of the week
Is listed nt the Fort Side Inn Club today
nt Whitemarsh. A number of gunners of
tho locnl clan will compete. Fifteen birds
per man, with handicaps 23 to 30 yards,
will govern tho shoot.
Owing to tho proximity of tho Penn
sylvania State championship white flyer
test, which Is to bo held on Washington's
Illrthday, at Harrlsburg, a number of
crack up-State shooters aro expected to
participate In today's competition.
"Iko" Knowles, Sam Oehcltrec, Hoff
man and half a dozen other prominent
wlilto flyer artists from this city havo
slgnltled their intention to tako part.
Hnrl Melrnth. of West Philadelphia, ran .IT
talrdH straight" recently In a live-bird tourna
ment held at the Delaware Water flap grounds,
lie denned up In three events without a miss.
a 20. bird event, 10-target match and tied In
a miss-nnd-out contest with T kills,
It was discovered that one of Haulier's
gloves was torn. Huddy Wlgmuio was
sent on a still hunt to llnd another, but
he did not arrive on time, and the In
termission was lengthened. This was
the only slow pait of tho battle.
In the sixth Young Jack claimed
Ilauber was hitting low, but Ills protest 1
was not allowed, o foul was seen from
the ringside and the crowd seemed to
be of tho same opinion. Jack quickly re
covered, however, and soon took the
lead, which ho maintained to the end.
Jack Carroll Makes Good
Jack Carroll, an able seaman nnd
another champion of the navy, made his
debut with Lew Fink in tho semlvind-up
and won lu the second round. Sir. Car
roll is 11 very husky person, and Ih con
Hideied n l.rst-elabs heavyweight by our
Jawn. He weighs more than 200 pounds,
seems fast nnd has a punch, which Mr.
Fink will admit. If questioned closely.
In the second round after Fink had
stepped Into a Hock of healthy rights
and lefts, Carroll started one from tho
lloor and caught Lew on tho Jaw. ltcfcrcc
Frank O'Urlen counted him out.
UIIIIIII.LH ie,Taau',M-Fiii.P3r
Heavyweight Bout Moved Up From
St. Patrick's Night
'KW YOKK. Feb. P. Jcsp Wlllnrd. world's
heavyweight champion, and Frank Mornn will
meet hi a 10-rnund bout at Madison Squaro
Harden here on March H for it purse of TO,O00,
It Iuim been nnnounued by Tex Itlclmrd,
promoter of tho match.
The date originally agreed upon was March
IT, but It was changed because M.iritsou
Kqu.iro Oardcn, the only available place for
holding tho mutch here, had been previously
engaged for thai dale, itlikard said that tho
board of dlreiiors of tho Harden hud ugreed
to accept JT.IOO for Its use, with no per
centages, While a tentative agreement already Ind
been signed for tho bout bi-lwccn 'lorn Jones,
manager for Wlllard. and Iko IMrgiin. repre
uenilng Mornn. lllcknrd announced that Jones
and Dorgan would meet again today to
sign tho tlnal articles.
team llnn-up ns announced by Coach Herbert
Hughes includes uanzanaKer nnu mien,
nr fi i , "'" "Hire out me win
f each 5 deductlne the time allowances
ta?.cSf.. ..After a ,la' ot Pleasure
..." .""' l"e
ttllM 0f f"Shty more than 55 nautical
-. 7. A day of ram will .i..u ..
on-J annual 'Sl,S wlU nP ' tho sec
ClJ a' cha"-Plonshlp race for the
I1 the pLf".?', lleld "noei- the auspices
Hay CornthIan Yacht Club, of Cape
nlt".?0"1 be heIa at eean L'y.
'nr iJnr'..,han Ukel- t,,at lle Su--'
X tor th 0.n WlU elt,l0r PUt on "O"18
te wmi. ?vft.U,nboaU -" them
"-peie In the scheduled races.
GlMk Veteran Catcher Signs Brooklyn
HWWtb.X05K' Xib Chief Meyers, for
I-4tt ?hJ.ew,.Yw- nu- flrit-strlnis
!ia fh t. "' muneu a
-f, , . " "-? V WJJbftMVh
iHt to n, . h,.vn Nationals Meyers
Wi, " VUi
n hit. Mm Iln,l,,
Un .- " '",'uswn aasum
''liJj" hB1
," w
id1 ei
war-t m contruct
,-ar t tun and Is '
wards; E. Feaster. centre, and Kotb and Her
maun, guarus.
Tho preparatory school nthletes did not scoro
many points against tho lied and Hlua flrst
vear athletes In the nulscop.il gymnasium yes
terday, for Uoi-lor Orton brought dovvn a very
strong and well-balanced track squad.
Martin, of the Chestnut lllll Academy has
ketball team, led his men to n Tlto-2.1 win
over tho Xarberth High School quintet yetter
day nfternoon. Mart'n. the captain, scored
at! points out of the total of 31 made bv Us
leain Wharton. Jamison, Uallcy and Lllas
were on the winning team.
Narnertli's plavers Included Captain nill Dur
bln. Ilarscli. Mct'arter, Smith and Dowries.
Durbln tallied Hvo Held goals and T out of 14
foul goals.
Cermnntovvn High Rchol Is making a bril
liant record In basketbal . The , Manlielm oth
leiea beat St. Luke's School, . '12 to IP. In the
Tumii at Wayne jestcrday, At the end of the
first half thev were leading, la to ii. ino
Oermantovvn team did some great passing and
the Held K.il shooting by Ilunielt was re
markably good. Collins and Ilftzmer also
pi.c3 it B?eat game of basketball.
In the last three games played Coach Phil
-owls' nroteges have established s. new high
ffco'd for cUVvsr ork. In the lust ball of
the same with School of Pedagogy the Podd
eocs tallied only four points.
la the last half of the next game, with
Northeast Itesenes. the Northeast players
Kored only four points, all foul goafs. In
tho last hilt of the guine with St. Luke s.
yesterday, only five points were made by
Oermantown's opponents In the Una) half.
The St Luke's School plajers are making
up for lost lime, and hope to win Ihfc rcinaln
i.K. Vinivs on the basketball schedule, Sar
gent, Walrosley, Vllmer. McKelvey. Uontales.
Conrad and Ackmer are making good In the
caJ interostlng Incident of the Oermantovvn.
St Luke's School game yesterday was the
cheering Innovation sprung by Coach Lewis'
' in.iJd of cheering St. Luke'
Defeats Caldwell in COO-Yard Sprint
in 59 -1-5 Seconds
NRW YORK. Feb. 9. Two billllant
performances, standing nut above a series
of events which wero marked by high
class competition, featured the annual In
door games of tho New York Athletic
Club held last night In tho nrmory of tho
22d Corps of Engineers for tho first time.
James ("Ted") Meredith, captain of the
Vnlvcrslty of Pennsylvania track team
und world's record holder for bSO yards,
lecorded tho fastest time ever mado for
the distance Indoors when ho defended
his 1915 laurels In the Uuermeyer 600
yard special, which brought together llvo
of the tleetest distance runners in tho
world. The sturdy Quaker lad, in admin
istering the first defeat suffered this year
by Dave Caldwell, the remarkable runner
of the Iloston A. A., was clocked In E9 4-5
seconds, cutting two-llftns of a second off
the best figures ever recorded, which lio
made himself last year In gaining tlie
first leg on tho Buermeyer trophy.
Defeat of Eli's Five Proves Big Sur
risc in League
INTKItrOLLIXilATK i.i:.u;i:i:
Dartmouth. 30; Yale, IS.
W.L.P C I W.L.P.C.
Pennsylvania 4 1 XnliDartmouth ...2 a ,400
Yule .'I '-' .HOT Cornell 1 - ..TEI
Princeton ....2 2 .uOOlColumbla I U .20
Saturday Pennsylvania at Columbia; Yale at
NBW HAVH.W Conn., Feb. fl.
Dartmouth sprung a surptlsc yesterday
by beating Charllo Taft's babketball team,
30 to 18, before a big junior promenade
crowd. The Green Mountalr. men had
occupied last placo in tho Intercollegiate
race, and Yalo had a chanco to tlo I'enn
for first place again. Tlie loss of tho game
Is a keen blow to Yule.
Tho big assemblage of pretty girls evi
dently had Its effect on the work of tho
Yalo men, for they wero considerably off
tho form they displayed when they de
feated Peun and Princeton hero during tho
laht three weeks.
cM9t "spell-bind" many
en Info liking what they dislike
every man s taste is his own
after the
fame, us Is utuany ino c-.umm. h " .
oir.iher and gave the Main Liners a cheer
of cheering
Is i
gether and gave
together ana gave
before play started.
Several Cities Are After Jersey City
Club's Franchise
NEW YORK. Feb. 9. When the an
nual meeting of tho International League
began at the McAlpIn Hotel this after
noon President Ed. G. Barrow announced
that he had received offers from four or
five cities for the Jersey City franchise.
He said he would put the offers up to
the club owners and allow them to decide
for themselves. . , ,
Asked if a club would be put Into tsew
ark. N J-, Barrow replied;
"We want to put a club In that city,
but the claim of Charles H. Ebbets for
J71C0O has scaled the magnates oft. .No
one owes Ebbets that money and he wont
et It utherwise this looks like one of
the most successful years in the histoiy
of the lvague '
Uellam A. A. would like to arrange games
with third or fourth class team with halls.
Address Walter McKee, 18111 Christian street,
The Philadelphia Business College desires
to arrange games with Ardmoru Y. M. C A..
Salemuslan High School, llrownson Library
and uny third or fourth class teams tn Del
avvaie. I'ennsvlvanla, New Jersey and Mao
land. Write L. I) Costs, Mil Spruce street,
I'lUiaaeipnia. ,
The sophomore class team of the Darby High
School, wishes to book (tames for either after
noons or evenings with other high school
sophomore teams. Address Paul Herb, 16
South 5th street, Darby, Pa.
York Policeman-Athlete Wins
Back Rank as Sergeant
NEW YORK. Feb. 9 -Matt McOrath,
former star athlete, today won back his
rank ns sergeant In tho metropolitan po
lice, following a five-year fight resulting
from McOrath killing a man on Christ
mas Eve, 1910,
McOrath was acquitted by a Jury and
re-enteicd the police department ns a
patrolman. Justice Ford reinstated him
as sergennt today on the Intervention of
Mayor Mitchcl.
his advertising' tells you (truth
fully,ashebelieves)thathehas the "best tasting cigarette in the
world" and you believe him, you
probably try his cigarette. It may
be a very good cigarette. But his
over-enthusiasm has led you to
expect something almost impos
sible. You light that cigarette
Well, there's a good chance that
you're disappointed. It may not
be the fault of the cigarette. The
cigarette may be mighty good.
But you've been led to expect too
much. You've been "over-sold."
And besides, rasres differ
who can tell what cigarette will
best please your taste before
you try it?
That's why we leave the taste
of Fatimas entirely up to you.
We believe you will like them;
but you may not.
To be sure, most men like the
taste of Fatimas better than any
other cigarette they ever smoked.
Figures indicate that. More
Fatimas are sold than any other
cigarette in the world costing
over 5c.
But the taste isn't all.
If you do like Fatimas taste
as well as these thousands and
thousands of other men do, you'll
find a second reason for sticking
to them for good. And that reason
is that Fatimas will give you
cigarette-comfort at all times.
This is why they have won the
name of being as SENSIBLE a
cigarette as a man can find any
where. They are comfortable to the
throat and tongue. You'll never
experience any "sandpaper
tickle" or "hotness" in the cool
smoking Turkish blend of
And Fatimas can be smoked
more freely than any other ciga
rette we lcnowofwiriiourleaving
any mean after-feeling, as some
less skilfully blended cigarettes do.
If you have never smoked
Fatimas you should try them.
The Cllrard Field Club, at a recent meeting.
aiMftl in nut a baseball team on lliu HeM thin
spring, making 12 luusecutlvo seasons. Qlrard
' . .......1.1 SAI. V.I 1,1.,. .,.,...,.... ......
mndM h anlendiil record last season aualnut
such teams as llethlehem Steel, Koxborough,
Stetson. Mt. Morlah. Dlsaton, llridesburg
1'aschal. Frankford-Vt averly. Palmyra-ittver-ton,
I'ltman. Atlantic City, Cape May. Ocean
City and Wlldwood. An early start is being
Ilia ,, umi ait vcimpru leum
ilunnail ffll
desiring a good attraction should address
Schaeler, UuO North Pawn street.
The now Madonna C. C. Hve Is scheduled to
play the strong South Philadelphia Boys' Club
at the tatter's hall, l'.'tb and Wharton streets,
next Saturday evening. The Madonna team is
making a good record this season and always
brings a big following and a string orchestra.
The first game of the three-game series be
tween the West Brunch Y. M. C. A. and the
fat Ignatius C. C. will be pUyed In the West
Branch, gym, 52 J and, g-osom streets, tomor
row night. St. Ignatius has a high scoring
team and Is making a strong bid for the la
dependent championship. West Branca U also1
plating a fast game, having made a clam
sweep o( the three-game series with the Ma
donna team of tha American League As
Jack Kelly the Vesper oarsman, t plvliur
at tenure for Vest Branch, his Ikiat House Kuw
fi tends will be un hand Tbur4 The Yv-est
lkaoia Kexitcs sm have, a game silieiucd.
Cassignol and Cochran Divide
Flrmln Casslgnol and Wetker Cochran di
vided honors in the set und day's play of their
lb. 2 balk line billiard matches at Allengcr's
Acudemy yesterday, the European champton
winning In the afternoon, loo to 12tl. having
a high run of 217. with an average of ml 2-3
to Cochran's 21. In the evening It was Coch
ran who occupied the limelight, as he de
feated Casslgnol 400 to 15 In lu Innings and
averaged 40. Cochran had two high ruus of
78 and showed splendid control of the Ivories.
Peace Dinner Tomorrow
Today U the last call for the sporting writ
ers' dinner, which will be held at tho Hotel
Walton tomorrow night at U o'clock. The final
call Unds acceptances coming in at a rapid
rate. Remittances can be made until tonight
to lajuls N Uoldtmlth, 1011 Chestnut etreet,
while a committee will sit all day tomorrow
at the Hotel Walton prepared to attend to
the eleventh-hour arrivals.
Sanitary Humidor
; vs&sS!
Wrjtfgm f
ml( 4fe
:zjk i7$L Q vj"
.rviftTvxi. b-p
a iiirr i i ,r -. iw- ua,
vmiHP 1
VLSHKii' 1
20 for 1 5c
f no iouaasnon ((STbxrennnal ilpto(wMnDcbJtn(.,Mlbji
Tha tlsta of the dffonllAuvihlln0
to a leadlsjr tobacco Journal 1 up to lbs
(poker, Bui there art otbei QualitUj
iui juu snouia loos ior in mo cigarette
that you aro going la stick lo for your
steady smoke. Here are a couple ol f est
thai mav heln tha ..,!. .mniM
choose more cs btlwcea diaerant
kinds ol cigarettes.
The first test is (or coolness, which
means more comloit to the throat and
oogue. Light any cigarette. Draw la a
cloud el smoke a small, ordinary pul
snot sufficientlo make this test. Hold
I lajour poulh lor a lew aecoads. Ll
It coat" around minil ... .....
and throat. Now blow out lha smoke.
II the clgaictla contains a high grade
ol mfld tobacco leaves, combined la iuil
inerigDi proportion. II wil alw.ji Icel
COOI- and smooth knlh In nw .!...
i .-.. .---... z" '. .-v
i u iwtti loogue,
Iua u
ii other land. If the proportions
right audit Ibe cigarette CGAiiini
inlerlor grades of tobacco or bid-,
Irand ol rank, oily UifTioa wUriee
pplngsllng at Iba Up ol year loagu
.- auuyapcr ucaie m yeaj
I eel
Test number two How da you let!
4lUf (asking all day r
K the tobaccos In tha cbrsrette toclndi
tprrect proportion of mild tttitt-uu
' '"""ousiroesnsiuDenp(Op.
eriy meUowtd by aje-and if Ihti hi
been so blended as to bilog out Iho bed
Ibe day wuboftl felias aay etf eel Ireiall
thai sn art likclr to bare that tuiiaill
vbsjf nxftiTH -VOUMMjf
"" ' ' ' " "' ,J J i i s i i t rutwm m illii