Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, February 09, 1916, Night Extra, Page 11, Image 11
EVENING- LEDGISR.pmT;At-rcT;PTrTA-. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 3C916. nr rtJ.V WYNKE GOSSIPS ABOUT MANF THINGS IN SOCIETY'S DAY hiird Cinderella Cotillon Will Be Held Tonio-hfc in ficBosc Gardens of the Bellevue-Stratford The upera jjubu xNigau a -pnuiant Affair .. ...-ita Cotillon, which will ft? . " it., ihlrd tlmo this scnson, 5 ! hA jorm of a black nnd $dnf ,,, will nnncar on tho i.:...M really It Is tho easiest B , -7..,. nil.. Tho gucatB will ho 'mstimm -- fcW "rii Charlton 7arno.ll, Mrs. kf" J; ,n of Wilmington, and CmrT i-nu-i -. - ,. ni.. mZ cotillon will ho led hy Wl' .' - rtover Davis. TLr.llaa seem to grow In pop- plf "". Thcro will ho oov PW r ore tonight'- affair. ISS Bosongartcns will enter- r .rA her brother, joo itosenBr fei a dinner at tho Notions' ff" rlfl Mrs. Harlow C. Voor- .. ' ..-lain at Lo Coin. d'Or, IfflUie Emotf McMlchaela will also yfigcinw ... hal there is bo uiu k"'"k k? I a was irfvcn mado the & night a brnan ovc u linn Aloe Van rtensseinors u.u - H., ,, after tho opera to a f IS representative number of people 3 ?.. ..c whom woro tho rlole 'PEL tuwm. of Toronto I no- W Stotesbury walking alone JTnd tier promenado Introducing gKl -atron to all. I do not ?..?, i,.vA ever seen so many gor- 1T, gowns at any performance this W. .'. t r.mic niddle had a won- SIT creation of rich yellow velvet LilC. onino uuui.u " E,t,te red rose. In tho Henry Pratt "' , .1 Afro Plmrlln Kan box wero . """-": rriiM. the latxcr '" ' and Mrs. Ben Chow. Mrs. Henry Lan Coxc was wearing a handsome . nf creen velvet, and Mrs. Georgo Ming looked especially well In white 2,t. .ni silver. There were very few (I the younger crowd there, though I spy Mary uonicn mm uuu iwu otters. As for tno auuiunuu " Smenade. they even used opera l&sjej last night to gazo upon tno itlfe, and some of tho elite actually Ssft the grand tier to walk about up Jtiln. among them Fannie Stotesbury Mtchell and Eleanor Hopkins. lit seems too bad that Philadelphia Ju so little variety In tho plays pro ceed each season. Think what It muu'to have an Invitation to go to a tftitre party and supper Pino times in jf) weeks, and to discover that the thole nine parties are for tho same Sow. One small debutante announced filch; that Just that had happened to ktr. She had been to ono musical com St ro often that all tho performers letmcd to recognize her when she came the box. ilXndte nL0.? lho rtance' "111 r. ana aire. Ocrrltt P. Judd. iertnlnM" ProTlM! Locust street, brld va,i u,ncheon. followed by were Mrs nnlun "crno?- Th,c Wietta nn n- BoVJ'orl Enrnslmw, Itrs. Clin IlShn nZVKl W": ""old Oaylord, Mrs. iiulso and Mrn. ClllTord Hawley. nnMnrr3i'i?la,rt! V- Cadwalader, Jr., will Mr. tn.liSt7K "cr t1" wl" ncIudo J A ?t(Cphld5:' Mrfl- ""' Maybln lim If UM christno niddle, Mrs. AVIIU Irv ' P2.nner- Mrn' Arthur McIbs, Mrs. Phla Cadwnladcr: """"' a"a a S- Rm!.rh,,ST!10TBA' Scott Thropp. of 400 South 13th street, will Blvo a luncheon to- nfMiti"V!r5.Ir3 "cnry Augustus llerwlnd, Sfnnli ,YnInu' street, will entertain at ulnner this evening-. n,MtiJ' 2nrdnfr Cassatt. Miss Cnssntt and Miss Eugenia Casatt, of HIS Spruco ! r,nm ?W r',celV0 tl,ls afternoon from 4 until 0:30 o clock. Mrs. Thomas Do Witt Cuyler and tho Misses Cuyler, of 16th and Locust streets, will bo at homo Informally this after noon after i o'clock. No cards have, been Mrs. James Montgomery Willcox, of yuianovn, will lcavo this week for boa ton, where alio will be tho Bucst of Mrs, IijbenD. Jordan, whoso daughter, Miss Dorothy M. Jordan, will bo married to Mr. Monroe Douulns Robinson, of New orlt, on Friday, February 18. Mrs. Joseph A. Ttoussol will entertain at """i" '" "iicrnoon at ner nomo In tho rsnvy lard. Along the Main Line JIGniON Miss ImoRcn Goeldnrd. of Lynn, Mnm Is tho guest of Mr. and Mrs. S. Larle Haines, of Heath load. Mr. and Mrs. Tliomns Itohorts. Jr., of Balrd road, aro spending the mldv inter season In Hawaii. .r. nnii -urs. Jieiva Schwartz and their SOm , r" A,ltlony Schwartz, of Houpton, will leave tho latter part of this month for Atlantic City. Mrs. Schwartz has Just returned from a short visit nt the shore. ARDMC-rtn-Mrs. C. Frederic C. Stout of Glenn lnne, who is visiting friends In Washington, will return homo tho Inst of Mr. nnd Mrs. Henry Parilard, of Cricket terrace, nro receiving congratulations on the birth of a son. Mr. nnd Mrs. Alexander Campbell, of An) more, have returned from a two weeks' trip to Bermuda. VILLANOVA Members of St. Rita's Society of the Church of St. Thomas will give a euchro and dance on Wednesday evening, February 10. Miss Kllzabeth Morris, of Villnnovn, has roturncd from n visit to Atlantic City. ROSEMON'T-Miss Rosallo Dolnn. who has been spending several weeks with her grandmother, Mrs. Thomas Dolan, of 1S03 Walnut street, left on Monday to Join her parents at Aiken, S. C. Photo by Carl Kttmeheclc MISS UYTENDALE BAIRD Miss Bnlrd is the attractive daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Bnirtl nnd one of tho sea son's debutantes. She will attend tho dance nt tho Navy Yard to morrow night. Weddings MOUNT AIRY RESIDENTS CELEBRATE SILVER WEDDINa - Dinner Given at Manufacturers' Glub in Honor of 25th Anniversary of Marriage an Enjoyable Affair Other Entertainments M1 itny dinners and suppers have been ed by the patronesses for the St. Bit concert and ball which Howard UUeyhas gotten up and which will h held at the Bellevue-Stratford a Wk from tonight. Seldom has there ftea luch a distinguished list of pa- trenejses, and wo are expectantly mittng the event, which will he ono cf the most unique held In this city. M only have tho very host artists wlunfeered their services, but n dls t&jnUhed prima donna, Mme. Lydla wclte, who was ono of tho sensations stOfear Hammerstein's London Opera Home, will be heard. Mme. Locke will las the "mad scene" from "Lucia" ud the grand nrla from "Tho Pearl Jf BmU 1 Jffle will wear a wonderful gown that mi has had especially designed and sate for this occasion. It is a marvel Mi creation of silver cloth and green Jirfede, with a gorgeous headdress of Jnrris end an osproy feather. Tho diva gju also wear her pearls, which aro of tnawal beauty and lustre. A collec JJta of flawless emeralds will completo costume. Mme. Locke has never keard In this city, and a number Sf New Yorkers will come over for her iebut Mfowng the latter will be Mr. Victor Hbert, the composer, who Is an alum 3 of Villanova Colle over which 23utu"9n the,Rov. C -'-s M. Drls- j-f, .uu mien no .i- -euu oi mo fwtlnlan Order In the United States. 9 list of patronesses, which al- J2V Included manv nf tho leadlne- 5?sen. of the city, was this week mi en. :-S?H- y tho names of Mrs. Charle- tower, Mrs. James P. McNlchol, 5. John King Van Rensselaer, Mrs. ip Thompson Spencer and many STt MaVOr SmIIVl nnl Mra CmKI. SB Mso attend as the guests of Mr. jg rs. John Connelly, who are In- giwq among the box holders. NANCY WYNNE. Pei'Knnjila IS'".. Frederick C. rjurnnf has Usunl WM?'iuf a lun!heon at her home , nittenhouae Sauara on Tues- ruary 15. at 2 o'clock. John w n -.j ... - A nC . v4cioe una jmiss ton 'tt'Sriu !twyni1; Rosemont, have sent f .v. .ucauays ln i.-ebruary. W. InA -.r- . ... jjj.g, KODert M. nirvln T-- Iin?!.-? -par- at their home in Germantown Mrs. Joshua Ash Pearson, of 431 West Price street, will give a bridge on Satur day, February 19. Mr. nnd Mrs. Thomas B. Dunn, of Allen lane, will slvc a dinner on Friday even ing. Miss Slgna Fornaris, of New Orleans, who has been spending part of the winter with friends In New York, will nrrlvo on Friday to be the guest of her cousin. Miss Catherine Cooper Cassard, of 33G Pel ham road, A number of Ocrmantown women are ar ranging nn Armenian Bazaar to be held next week nt the old Wolstenholme prop erty at the corner of Greeno street and Chelten avenue. The house will be artis tically decorated for the occasion: there will bo rus weaving nnd rug mending and a cozy corner whero real Turkish coffee win oe served. All churches of tho com munity aro combining their efforts to make tho bazaar a huge success. Money is greatly needed to help tho Armenian sufferers and the public Is cordially In vited. On Monday evenlnc the admission will be by invitation only. Armenians In costume will servo Per sian tea, and altogether the affair will bo novel. Among thoso who are Interested in making tho week ono of particular en joyment to men and women of German town, are Mrs. Frederick Perry Powers, Mrs, i.obeit Downs, Mrs. J. V. Bclvllle. Mrs. Melvln II. Harrington. Mrs. W. S. Pilling; Mrs. Bernard J. JCewman, Mrs. W. N. Johnson, Mrs. Polly Graham and Miss Wllllts. Mrs. Edward T. Comfort, of 29 East Per.n street, has returned from tho shore, where she spent the week-end, and, with Mr. Comfort, will entortaln at dinner on Friday evoriins. I'hoto by Photo Crarters MISS ELEANOR VERNER The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Vomer, who will be guest of honor at a theatre party and supper tomorrow night which will bo given by Mr. and Mrs. George Peterson. Along the Reading Friends of Mrs. J. WeMey Pullman, of Greenwood avenue, Wyncotc, will be glad to hear of her recovery from her lecent operation and that she Is recuperating at her home. The Missionary Fund Committee of Wyncoto will glvo a benefit dance at Heochwood School on tho evening of Feb ruary 26. Patronesses of tho affair will bo Mrs. Horace G. Fcttcrolf. Mrs. How ard S. Eckels, Mrs. J. Wesley Pullman, Mrs. Benjamin S. Sanderson, Mrs, Will iam T. Prlnglc nnd Mrs. Charles A. Hob bins. Tho Eclgo Hill Country Club or chestra will furnish tho music. Mrs. Edmond Brlcklcy, of 4911 North 12th street, Losnn, entertained the mem bers of hor "300" club yesterday after noon. Those present were Mrs. Adam Tletz. SIh, U A. Wright. Mrs. Edward Homlllcr, Mrs. Frank Huckel, Mrs. Har per Gibson, Mrs. Itlday, Mrs. Manwarlng, Mrs, Ocorgo Hnuser, Mrs. Montsomery, iMrs. Edward Weber and Mrs. Joseph F. Donnelly. At tho regular monthly meeting of the Independent Firo Company, No. 2, of Mc Kinlcy, the followlns olflcers were elect ed: President. Mr. John T. Crldland; vice president, Mr. Thomas McKcohnn, Jr.; recording socrctary, Mr. Frederick Kern morly; llnauclal secretary, Mr. Meredith Klnselln: treasurer, Mr. Jpmcs Dough erty; chief, Mr. Patrick Whuloii; first as sistant. Mr. Frank Lane; retjond assist ant, Mr. Albert Slielmlre; uliectors, Mr. Patrick Harklns and Mr. Thomas Mc Kcohnn. A euchro and dnnco will be given tomorrow evening' by tho organization. Tho Women's Club of Somcrton held an open meeting Saturday afternoon at Ervln's Hall. Mr. Charles Edwin Fox, Assistant District Attorney of Philadel phia, gavo an Instructive lecture on "The Child of the City Streets and tho Utility of the Juvenllo Court," and Illustrated his address with CO lantern slides. Bala-Cynwyd Tho Cynwyd Club will hold open house on Washington's Birthday, from 2 until 6 o'clock In tho afternoon. There will bo dancing. Mr. Itaymond de H. Fuguet, of Now York, will visit his brother-in-law and sis ter. Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. de V. Keefo, this month at their home on Llanberrls road, Hala. LISTEn-McCOWN. An extremoly quiet wedding will take plnco today at 4 o'clock ln tho Second Presbyterian Church, 21st and Walnut streets, when Miss Elizabeth Eystcr Mc Cown, daughter of Mrs. Frank C. Mc Cown, will becomo tho brldo of Mr. J. Morgan Lister of Germantown. The brldo will bo unattended and will wear a traveling suit. Mr. Lister will havo Mr. Sheldon F. Potter ns b03t man, and thero win bo no reception. After nn extended wedding Journey through Florida and the West Indies, Mr. and Mrs. Lister will ho at homo after April 1 at tho Burlington Apartments. CUTHBEIIT HOBB. Tho marriage of Miss Sarah Amllla Robb, daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank Firth Robb. of 3809 Chestnut ctrcet, to Mr. Richard W. Cuthbert, Jr., will bo qulotly solemnized today at noon at tho Church of tho Saviour, 3Sth nnd Chestnut streets. Tho Rev. Robert Johnston, rector of tho church, will offlclate. Tho bride's only attendant will bo Miss Helen Mc Chesney, of New York, and Mr. Herman Cuthbert, of Newark, N. J., a brother of tho bridegroom, will act as best man. A wedding breakfast nt Hamilton Court will follow tho ceremony, only tho lmmo dlato families and a Tow lntlmato friends being present. fm on SaturdJ'y -i r!enr! , r . . 'IU5ori 5if. " M"- "" Penn Sm,,h' IftiiSVr0! will regret tr !,-, ihJ lBWth2 i-her room ot no Ritz-Carl ' w HBiern nirsnir -m i urip. SWS.,?' J1"" home' JW South 'Sandw Vt. V aernoons, Feb- I " Washington. " y"'le feMZev-x, "orcer Rhine- SKr Kln'Tr"0!': SJ'" Aubrev Tin ... fw oroce.. . ;:.- r"u ? ernBawri.'wffi: t u .".eJ V mony where Mr Tni m"u iSL.5M West Philadelphia Mr. and Mrs. Edward Newton Haag will give a dlnner-danca this evening at tneir home, 4837 Cedar avenue. Their guests will Includo Mr. and Mrs. Alexan der M. De Haven, Mr. and Mrs. D. O. Eaton, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Fell Lukens. Mr. and Mrs. Harrison N, Diesel, Mr. nnd Mrs. Henry Rogers Swope, Sir. and Mrs. Louis Kates and Mr. and Mrs. Martin P. Olynn. MIsa Mary B. Landell, of Hnmllton Court, 39th and Chestnut streets, has re turned from a visit to Atlanttc City, Mr. and Mrs. W"'lam V. Long nnd their daughter, Miss Anne D. Long, of 411 South 4tt!t street, ana MIbs alary J. Long, of the Normandle, will leave to morrow for an extendea visit to Florida, Miss Marguerite M. Carrlgan, of 4907 Walnut street, has been visiting her sis-ter-ln-aw at her home. 16 South Boston avenue, Chelsea, for several weeks. Mr. and Mrs, John Calnan, of 1437 North Vogdes street, are receiving congratula tions on the birth of xa son, Edward Charles Calnan. Tioga Mr, and Mrs. Jordan Homer Hartzell gave a dinner on Saturday evening at their home, 1702 West Erie avenue. Pink roses were combined with violets In the attractive decorations, and corsage bouquets of violets were presented to the women. The guests included Mr, and Mrs, Ceorge ShattcU. Mr. and Mrs. John Noth hardt, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Kins. Mrs. Elizabeth Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. William Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. Evan Badger, Miss Bessie Cook and Miss E. Neva Hartzell. Mr. A. Elchel. who has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. tfan. of 3728 North 18th street, hai returned to his home in Richmond. Va. Mrs, W. Burt Thompson, of 2209 West Ontario street, save a tea yesterday aft ernoon far Mr. Thompson's mother, Mrs. James Thompson, of Fort Washington, who with Mr. Thompson, has been her guest for several days. Mrs. Harry R Blanck. of 1304 McFerran .,,..) entertained Informally last ven- ami Mr nui,,..i ,..,.! ;. ..' i inrlndlnv the sewlntr club . B sk wml xss I oKh 'Bra.tS. n3 ; '. - i Wilmington Miss Amy du Pont has returned from a short visit to Atlnntlc City, Mrs. C. Marshall Barton entertained her Blstor-ln-law, Mrs. Carlyla Barton, of Baltimore, Md., over the past week-end. Miss Suzanne Speakman left last week for New York to spend several d,avs. From there sho will go to New Haven, Conn., and then to Ithaca, N. Y., whero she will attend the Junior prom at Cornell University. Mr. and Mrs. Henry M. Canby and Mrs. Christopher L. Waid and daughter havo returned after spending a fortnight at Atlantic City. Mr. and Mrs. Wlllard A. Speakman aro spending a week In New York. Mr. and Mrs. Henry P. Scott nrrlved home from Palm Beach last week. Colo nel and Mrs. Edmund G. Buckner will return home from there this week. Mrs. James Bally entertained at auction bridge on Saturday afternoon, In honor of Mrs. Joseph Bally, of Pittsburgh, who Is here for seveial weeks. Camden and Vicinity Miss Dorothy Earley, of 313 North 6th street, vlll entertain at cards on Satur day afternoon. Miss Ruth Freeman, of 4th and Linden streets, has gone to Montclalr to attend school. Mrs. William S- Scull, of 6th and Cooper streets. Is entertaining her sister. Miss Oakford, of germantown. Mrs. Walter J. Stnats, of Merchantvllle, formerly of Camden, gave a card party for the benefit of the Island Heights Yacht Club. Most of the guests were summer residents of Island Heights. Roxborough Mrs. George Holland, of Ridge avenuo nnd Gerhart street, will entertain at luncheon and cards tomorrow, when her guests will bo Mrs. Harry II. Thompson, Mrs. A. L. Adams. Mrs. Mary Mott, Mrs. Elmer Pflstercr, Mrs. William II. Hag Bert, Mrs. I'axson James, Mrs. John A. Strusc, Mrs. William W. Wilson, Mrs. Benjamin F. Hendren. Mrs. William Amos and Miss Edith Itlghtcr. In connection with the celebration of tho tenth anniversary of the Young Wom en's Clulstlan Association of tho Falls of Schuylkill thoie will bo a tea on' Sat urday for the Junior Aid Committee of St. Timothy's Hospital, at which an address will bo made by Miss Mary Peacock. This will be followed In tho evening by a cos tumo entertainment, "Girls In Other Lands." Other programs Include: Febru ary 13, Jubilee vesper services for girls from 12 to IS; February 19. "Girls of Yes terday and Today," hlstoilcal pictures of Association life; February 20, vesper services, with an address by Mrs. Charles Ganger nnd solos by Mrs. Elmer Lowo Hntchins; February 26, "Ploneor Day," address by MIsa Elizabeth Wilson, of the National Hoard, followed by n tea to sub scribers and nn exhibition of gymnasium work, and February 27, "Rejoicing Serv ice," address by Miss Wilson. Mrs. John Relble, ot Hermitage street, gave a sewing party last night, at which surgical towels for St. Timothy's Hos pital wero mado. During tho sewing cur rent topics wero discussed. Mrs. William Edward Shappell, of Man- nyunk avenue, entertained tho members of the Roxborough Auxiliary of Camp Devltt Informally last evening. The Roxborough Dancing Class will give another of Its ccrl-s of dances on Friday night at tho homo of Miss Jean Phillips, C429 Ridge avenue. Prankford .Mr. and Mrs, Phillip Goll, of Montgom ery avenue, will entertain at dinner Sun day afternoon In honor of Mr. and Mrs. George Wllhnanns, of 1S3G West Venango street. Miss Marguerite Goll will bo tho guest of honor next week at a dinner dance given by Mr. and Mrs. Howard D. Long nt their home, on Old York road. There will be 60 guests. Mrs. Albert II. Dlsston, of 6642 Torres- dale avenue, Tacony, will entertain at cards tomorrow afternoon. On Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. Dlsston will also give a card party. Miss Edna Ynrwood entertained the members of her sowing circle last eve ning at her home, 4459 Frankford avenue. Her guests were Miss Edna J. Reynolds, Miss Josephine B, Mulvena, MIbs Linda Phrelfall, Miss Caroline Altkens, Miss Marguerite Braff. Miss Alma Davles and Miss Agnes Abraham. Northeast Philadelphia MIsa I4a Quass. of Virginia, is tho guest of Mr. and Mrs. L. Harris, of 825 North 7th street, and during her stay many entertainments will bo given for her. Miss Sara Luber, of 1847 North 8th street, entertained Miss Lucy Slonlm, of Hornoll, N. Y nt a tea. Those present wero Miss Dorothy Bnrsh, Miss Helen Cohan, Miss May Goldstein, Miss Bessie Luter, Miss Bella Pressmnn, Miss Fan nlo Welsman and Miss Frances Press man. A minstrel and dance will bn trlvon by the Burnt Cort qiee Club nt Hanley's Casino on March 2.'', ' , A surprise party was given for Miss Florence O'Noll, of 2312 East Huntingdon street, by her friends on Saturday eve ning nt her home. Thoso present were Miss Elizabeth Murray. Miss Anna Ron nie, Miss Anna McGinty. Miss Beatrice .larvis, .-miss ttooerta Jarvls, Mr. John Dougherty, Mr. Thomas Cunney, Mr. Juck Lannahnn, Mr. Frank Monahan, Mr. Gus Schulto and Mr. Harry Welsh. The annual supper and entertainment given by tho Ladles' Aid Society of tho Beacon Presbyterian Church, at Cumber land and Cedar streets, will be held on Thursday evening, March 9. Mrs. Louis N. Goldsmith, of 1332 North Franklin street, entertained at a dinner last week In honor of Miss Florenco D. Albus, whoso betrothal was recently an nounced. Tho guests wero MIsa Edna Smukler, Miss Leonore Davis, Miss Sadye Rosen, Miss Rebecca Cherry, Miss Dor othy Wolfe. Miss Sndye Udltsky, Miss jwui .uuiier, auss Frances Albus, Mrs. Louis Rosen and Mrs. Goldsmith. Tho Northeast Junior Christian En deavor Society will hold Its meeting dur ing this month on Sundays at tho home of Mr. and Mrs. Kcssler, 2120 Huntingdon street. R. AND MRS. OUST AVE SWOBODA, of 220 East Sedgwick street, Mount Airy, celebrated their 23th wedding nnnl vorsary with a dinner nt tho Manufac turers' Club on Saturday evening. Spring flowers wero tho decoration. Among thoso present wero Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Phlbe, Mr. and Mrs. James Henry, Mr. and Mrs. Robert McNeil, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Orleman. Mr. nnd Mrs. Albert Gnndy, Mr. and Mrs. Ira W. Barnes, Mr. nnd Mrs. Octavlus Law, Miss Loulso Swo boda, Miss Mildred Swoboda, Mr. Fried man Brown and Mr. Georgo Gllckmnn. A society has Just been formed for tho purposo of promoting lltorary activity and encouraging sociability. On Sunday a meeting wns held at the homo of Mr. Joseph N. Gorson, at tho close of which Mr. Herman 11. Berlin delivered an ad dress on "Assassination and Intervention In Haiti." Among those present were Mr. Gilbert Fleishman, Mr. Herman II. Berlin, Mr. Joseph N. Gorson, Mr, P. Paul Polakoff, Mr. Louis Rubin and Mr. Louis Rosner. Tho next meeting will bo held on Sunday at tho homo of Mr. Louis Rosner, 233S Kensington avenue, at which time Mr. Gilbert Fleishman will deliver nn address. A surprise party was given In honor of Mies Ethel Kern, of 3614 North 13th street, to celebrate tho anniversary of her birth, on Saturday evening. Tho party was ar ranged by Miss Helen Rocknfoltor nnd Miss Kntherlne Witty, and all credit Is duo them for the cnjoynblo evening that was so well spent. Among thoso present wero Miss Lavlnln Cnrr, Miss Grace Dur yoa. Miss Dorothy Gngo, Miss Myrtlo Williams, Miss Ethel Kern, MIS9 Mildred Kern, Miss Helen Bean. Miss Mao Kllllan, Miss Natalie Boycr, Miss Miriam Sulli van, Mr. Merle Duryoa, Mr. Clarence Williams, Mr. Herbert Quay, Mr. Elmer Quay, Mr. William Quay, Mr. Raymond Kraft, Mr. E. Bertram Wright, Mr. Fred erick Greer, Mr. Samuel G. Hopkins nnd Mr. Do Forrest Volgtsbcrgcr. Mr. and Mre. Louis Well entertained lost week at their home, 62 North Salford street. In honor of their daughter. Miss Tholma J. Well, who celebrated her 17th birthday. Among thoso present wore Miss Catherine Chently, Miss Catherlno Moore, Miss Yctta Morauskl, Miss Sadlo Moran, Miss Alberta Longaker, UIlss Fannio Daniels, Miss Nora Payne, Miss Augusta Hirst, Miss Gertrudo Stern, Miss Etta Stein, Miss Helen Goldman, Mls3 Cath erlno Kane, Miss Mlnnlo Lerncr. Miss Cecilia Landow, Miss Selma Katz, Mls3 Mary Woods, Miss Jnno Schelndcr, Miss Lillian Schlderer, Aliss Gladys Well, Miss Adellno Well, Miss Ruth Well. Mr. nnd Mrs. E. Bltncr. Miss Anna Wolfe, Mr. L. Anderson, Mr. Albert MIddloton, Mr. Joseph B. Fay. Mr. William Trcaoy, Mr. Joseph Haplcr, Mr. Milton Stern, Mr. Abraham Goldstein, Mr. Charles Fried man, Mr. Benjamin Wilson, :Mr. William Kirn, Mr. S. D. MoyCrmnn, Mr. Louis Lyons, Mr. Jack Harris, Mr. Benjamin Shapiro, ;tr. Edward Murphy, Mr. L. Leo and Mr. Paul Jones. Mr. John Sclfrldgo, Jr., of 2437 South Molo street, wilt entertain at his home tomorrow evening. The guests will bo Miss Lydla J. Schmidt, Mr. Alfred S. Cox, Jr., Miss E. IMay Leonard, Mr. John Pockworth, Miss Edna Allen, Mr. Ray E. Selfrldge, Miss Margaret Pylo, Mr. Paul Johnson and Mr. Charles Littleton. A surprise party was gtvon to Miss Beatrice Llpschultz, of 4603 Haverford avenue, on Sunday evening, ln honor of her 19th birthday, by hor mother. Among thoso present were Miss Jean Lcwln, Miss Elizabeth Kret, Miss Fern Slbcrt, Miss Mnry Oxman, Miss Tda Gcrton, Mis3 Sophia Gcrton, OIlss Henrietta Llpschultz, SIlss Eva Oxman, Sir. Bert Benjamin. Miss Esther Bernhardt. Miss Dolly Burns. Miss Beatrlco Llpschultz, Miss Gert Goldfus, Miss Mlnnlo Lyman, Miss Ida Bennett, Miss Jennlo Hersher, Mr. Louis Hersher, Sir. Harry Bnrntz, Mr. Jnck Weiss, Mr. Meyer Gilbert, iJIr. Sam uel Ross, Mr. Harry Shore, Mr. Samuel Suklns, Mr. Charles Gross, Sir. Gus Singer, Mr. Louis Davis, Mr. Harry Sl bcrt, Sir. Jack Bramnlck, Mr. Leon Velll, Mr. Irvln Llpschultz, Mr. David Llp schultz. Mr. SI Lowln. Mr. Ralph Sher man and Mr. iMnrtln Kane. Entertainment was furnished by Mr. Jack Weiss, Sir. Harry Baratz and Mr. Louis Hersher nt tho piano, and Sir. Samuel Ross and Sir. Sleyrr Gilbert, who gavo vocal selections. Dancing followed, Kohn, Miss Henrietta Hoffman, MIsa Gert rude Ratner, Miss Rcba Stern, Miss Daisy Cohen, Miss Lillian Cohen, Miss Violet Nelson, Miss Lottie Clnsko, Mis, Frances Flshor and Stlss Anna Coprlnsky, Mr. Jerome Knskoy, Sir. Alfred Fclu man, Sir. Leo Hoffman, Sir. Frederick Ratner, Sir. Abraham Ivlnsteln, Mr. Slartln Cohen. Sirs. .!nr,i, rni, vt- Samuel Levy, Mr. Joseph Ratner, Mr, Sid ney Abrams, Sir. Herbert Levin, Mr, Jnck Lovln, Sir. Bernhard Levin, Sir. Isadoro bcliaffcr. Sir. nnd Sirs. II. I. Levinstein, i. n.'V? Mrs' Mnvor Feldman, Sir. and Sirs. Mitchell Ifaskey, Miss Rose Levin stein, Miss Lucille Lovinsteln, Sir. Sam uel Lovlnstcln, SIlss Roba Wlllnsky, Mr. ? ,, v'". Mr. Frederick Rudnlck, Mr. Julius Rein nnd Mr. Joseph L. Rein, of I'lttsburgh. SIlss Rosa Ij, Shapiro, of 609 Pine strcot, entertained at hor homo on Sunday eve ning. Among tho present woro! Mies Fnnrilo Oxman, Stlss Reba Eager, Mlog SIolllo Gelber, SIlss Estclla Katlln, Mr. Abraham Cohen, Mr. Louis Rosonblum, Mr. Aaron Roscnblum, Sir. Ooonr Hchwnrtz. Sir. LudWIg Molnar, Mr. 1L Joldelbnum and Sir. Howard Lannln. SIlss Fannie Oxman played several piano solos. Tho latest dances wero exhibited by SIlss Rose B. Shapiro and Sir. Oeorge Schwartz. SIlss Tlllyo Bnrmaoh, of 611 South 2d street, entortalncd tho Gem Delta Club, ,n wiucji sno is a mcmDor, on Sunday. Thoso present wero: SIlss Mary Cooper, SIlss Dorothy Uaskln, SIlss Yclva Flom lngcr, SIlss Sllnnlo Gross, Mls3 Mary n. Ehrllch and SIlss Goldlo. Rademan. SIlss Jennlo Frank was entertained as a guest. Delaware County Sir. and Sirs. E. J. Bcrlet, of Ridley Park, and Sir. nnd Sirs. Georgo Scott Graham, of North Philadelphia, havo is sued carda for a. costume danco at tho 6U James on St. Valentino's night, Monday, February 14. Tho guests will bo tho mem bers of their dancing class. "Tho Neighbors," by Zona Galo, will be produced by members of tho Twentieth Century Club on Tuesday afternoon, Feb. ruary 9. Mr. Ncall Slatslnger is coach ing tho play and the cast Includes Sirs. Robert L. SIcLcan. Sirs. Andrew S. SI. Young. Sirs. Paul Lachonmeycr, Sirs. Robert D. Taylor, Sirs. Horace F. Griffith, SIlss Ruth Wundcrllch, SIlss Allco Star shall and SIlss Stary Galbralth. Sirs. X. Byrne Dougherty Is managing tho affalr.- Slr. L. Slorris Hall, ot Ridley Park, has gone on n business trip to Pittsburgh Tho Spring Haven Country Club will glvo a supper-danco at tho clubhouse February 21. Sir. T. Ellwood Allison is chairman of tho Houso Committee, which has tho danco In charge. Sirs. J. L. Beaver and family, of Llanerch. havo gone to Atlantic City for a month's stay. Tho Darby branch of tho Needlework Guild will hold n rummago sale on Friday and Saturday. Sir. nnd Mrs. G. S. Wllsey, of East Lansdowno, will leavo today for Buffalo, where they will livo In tho future. Mr. and Sirs. Andrew Jlycrs, of Aldan, nro entertaining Sirs. G. Wellwood, of Pittsburgh. Lansdowne Sir. Charles Jones, of Allentov,., Is vis iting Sir. Joseph Buckley, of Stowaid ave nue. Jliss Slarlon Ocstcrlle, of Linden ave nue. Is suffering from a broken nrm. AMUSEMENTS Woodbury The Country Club Dance Committee will hold dancea on Washington's Birth day, St, Patrlok's Day, Easter Slonday, Memorial Day. July 4th. Anniversary Day. Labor Day. Columbus Day, Thanksgiving Day and New Year's Eve. Probably others will be arranged, for If advisable. Sirs. Foulds, of Blnghamton. N. Y,, spent the week-end with her daughter, Mrs. Aaron Stevenson, of Wenonah. Sir. Thomas Scott, of Frankllnvllle, lis visiting his daughter, Mrs. D. SI. Wedd, of H1U itriwt. The Rev. Howard Thompson and Mrs. Thoropwn. hive lftfor PensaooJa. FJa. Miss Lillian Harris, oj: Ptnnsgravo, Is vUltin at Mje hem or Mrs. George Greeahj. North Philadelphia Sire. Le Roy I, Walker, of 22M North 13th street, entertained at bridge yes terday afternoon, the game being fol lowed by a buffet luncheon. The guests, who are members of the card club of the hostess, included Mrs. Thomas F. Seward, Jr., Sirs. William Datz. Mrs. William Wright, Sirs. Norman Ulnwechter, Sirs. William Jarden, Sirs. C. Herbert Stoer. Mrs. William Reeve, Mrs. William Lynch, Sirs. Walter Peterson, Sirs. William Sautter, Mrs, A. Irvln Voss, Mrs. Wil liam Campbell, Sirs. Clarence Palmer and Mrs. Frances Vetterleln. Mr. and Mrs, Horace Loeb, of 1726 Green street, have gone to Atlantic City to re main a fortnight. The Second Kneisel Quartet Concert The Kneisel Quartet returns on Thurs Cay evening, February 10, for Its second concert of tho season In Wltherspoon Hall, under the auspices of the department of muslo of the University Extension Society, The program to bo rendered follows: llratims ....Quartet In A minor, op. 01, No. 2 Alloyro non troppo. Andante moderate. Allegretto yl ace-tempo dl mlnuett. Innate. Allerm non a,Ml Beethoven.... Quartet In q major, op, IS, No. 2 Allegro. Adagio cantablle allegro adagio. Scherzo (allegro), Allegro molto quasi presto. Beethoven.. Caatlna from Quartet In B flat , major, op. 130. ' Jean Sibelius. .Two movements from Quartet ... . In D minor, op. 50. (Voces Intlmao.) Allegretto (ma resante). Allegro. What's Doing Tonight A regular meeting of tho Doracn So ciety took place nt 405 Wharton street on Slonday evening. Sir. Abraham J. Slorrl son presided, and the Entertainment Committee announced that tho danco given Saturday evening nt Casino Hall. 721 Dickinson street, proved both a social and financial success. Arrangements were mado at this meet ing to havo regular monthly dances and also to engage Lu Lu Temple for a Slay hop for Slay 6. Tho committee re ported elaborate plans under way for a country dance to be hold on the ove of Purlm, nnd a Dutch supper Is to bo given In honor of some of the hard-working members of tho organization. SIlss Ida Nameroff. SIlss Eva Slashbltz, SIlss Katherlno SI. Davis and Sir. David Savcrnick wero appointed as an addi tional committee. Sir. and Sirs. II. I. Levinstein enter tained Sunday afternoon In honor of tho 10th birthday anniversary of their daugh ter, SIlss Ada Levinstein. Tho guests In cluded SIlss Natalie Feldman, SIlss Hilda AVlllnsky, SIlss Bella Kohn, SIlss Theresa FORREST Tonight at 8:15 Matinee Today at 2:15 "When the rlpht plrl comes along; When tho ritht girt strikes the gong," THAT'S FROM ONE OF THE MANY FETCHING SONGS IN, KLAW & ERLANGER'S PEERLESS PRODUCTION AEOUND THE MAP Now that THE RIGHT SHOW HAS COME ALONG and has struclc tho gonR of popularity with a ble rcsoundlnir tans that has been heard all over Philadelphia, BE ONE OP THE MIGHTY CROWDS REVELING IN THE INDESCRIBABLE DELIGHT IT OFFERS EVERYBODY! Heat Scats $1.60 m Topular Mat. TODAY. AMUSEMENTS intry i.ira coirerence. Cham- Kensington The ninth annual ball of the Slammoth Social Club will be held at Vfaelzer Ca sino Hall, on North 7th street on Friday night A, euchro and promenado JiH be held tomorrow evening at tho VIMtatton As sembly rooms, Lehigh avenue md Potter street. The proceeds will be timed over to the Cathqlle Day Nursery. JU8 North Hancock street. Mr and Sirs. George Hurts, of Acad emy road, have Mr. Hiutz's mtber. Mrs, William Hurts, of Boston, Mas, a their guest. Four-Stats Count ber of Commerce; 7:43 o'clock. lecture. "The Emigrant Question." by Inula Mward Lavy, Houston Hall. University of I'ennsyltaida; 8 o'clock. Free. '" Lawyers' Club reception to Justices of Penn yjvanla Supreme Court, Bellevue-Stratford Hampton Institute meeting Wltherspoon Hall; h o clock. Schmidt String Quartet concert. Little Thea- , V O W V4UVB, Cinderella Cotillon, Bellovue-Stratford. 8 o clock, Chester Medical Society meeting. Walton Ho tel; 8 o clock. City History Society of Philadelphia. Hnr. ma School for Girls; 8 o'clock. Free. Officers of Home and School Association meet, Shlppen School, I'Jth and Cherry streets; a o clock, rroscenlum Club. Teller Memorial Svhool. Broad and JeKereon streets; 8:10 o'clock. Dance, Ladles' Quaker City Motor Club, Ho tel Walton; 0 o'ofook, ' Fellowship Club, Horticultural Hall; 8:15 o clock. Annual ball. Jewish Sheltering Heme, New Mercantile Hall; (i o'clock, Fathers' Afsoctatlon of Frankford High School. Old High School Building: 8 o'clock. Free. BROAD Mat. Today TA0T Klaw 4 Erlarser & Oeorje Tyler Present POLLYANNA The Glad Vlay, Bprtadtng Good Chetr Throughout Alt Fhlladelvhta. Best Seats 1.W at Popular Mat. TODAY. Garrick Mat.Today s jw KuvSlTWIN BEDS Best Seats J I at Popular Matinee, TODAY '.'do lOo 12H MARKET -10 A. SI 11 P. M. ALL THIS WEEK Palace Pauline Frederick IN PHOTOPLAY OF UNUSUAL MERIT "THE SPIDER" T VPTP LAST POPULAR 1 50 U X -IVlVf SIATINUC TODA LAST SIX TIMES N. Y. Winter Garden's Greatest Revu THE PASSING SHOW OP 1915 With the Same Great Cast, Including OKOlton MONROn. UUQBNH and WILLIE numuiu una aiAitix.n .mil,i.i;h A flQlr-Vii TosltUely Last 0 Times. "wmiu 0t 8;jo. Notice for the Society pago will be accrpted untl printed In the Kfrnliur Ledger, but all such notices must bo nrlttrn oq one side of the paper, must be signed In full, with full address, and uuen possible tclrvb-one number must be given. Stud all such commutUcatlous to "Society Kdltor." Ettnln; Ledeer, 0s Cbestuut street. Unless thtMi requirements ore carried out so that irrlUratlon may be possible, th notice nlU not be published. Arcadia CHESTNUT Below ICth 10 A. M to lljlS P. M. DOUGLAS TutftS-"" FAIRBANKS "His Picture in the Papers" Hi. 1 MARKET AROVB 18TH Jsran QV ":ia A. M 11:13 P. M. OLdllltJy CHARLOTTE ZJSp4ilS WALKER "THE TRAIL OF THE LONBSQME PINE" ACADEMY OF MUSJO NEWMAN IKS - ? SAT., ut 2:30 .TtJIU Switzerland Tkkm M. Wc- l t HPf'. AjH See- FREE EXHIBITION WATER COLORS " F- Hopkmson Smith MeClees Galleries, 1607 Walnut St, If you like u irlrly show replete nlth haunting melodies. extrunfrant spectacles and one lone HiiGerins laugh-test, see this "Passing Show.' Next Week Seats Tomorrow The World's Greatest Entertainer, HARRY LAUDER MM Tlnfcht Last Pop. $1 Mat Tomor. DAVID RELASCO !? Of Presents J.-x tmwco ULUH In Edward, Knoblauch's Masterpiece "M AR I E- ODILE" Most (lltcuased play ever presented In Phils NEXT WEEK seats tomorrow l-HXj-Li. vaj-j MAIL ORDERS OW gn. SOTHERN "NmISue0 With M18S ALEXANDRA CARLISLE B". F. Keith's- Theatre CHESTNUT AND TWELFTH STREETS Mclntyre & Heath in "THE GEORGIA MINSTRELS" Both Scored a Triumvhl" Evening Ledger. Homer B. Mason & Marguerite ICeeler; Josls Heathers Dunbar's Maryland Singers; Frank Orth and W J. Douley. Others. CHESTNUT ST. 6peraHousQ CHESTNUT STREET RELOW J1TH DON'T FAIL TO SE6) "ON THE FIRING LINE WITH THE GERMANS" Presented by the North AmsrUan Pbotographwl by "Daredevil" Durboreuzb ALL SEATS Mc FROM ! TO 8 P, 2 AFTER 0 P M.. 2Jc AND COc. fyrVc, Iheatie juniper ts. VJl UUC VAUDB VILL E-WiBUQU n A. M. to 11 P. U. 10c. lie, $o, "Handicapped Girls" jfiSiSSU Novelty Minstrels Ywtoh $&VKn. J. C. JJACR TRIO. OTHERS, trr 1 A. Pod Mats. Tuu. ThUM. WaUlUL 5c 50c lteg ,Mt. at, Company. Trujtss. CitujiieriUil Trust TiuJU- Silt. gigs SSc to ?l. no hUayr- PJSJffiCraARA in "Kilkengy' NIXON 2g?i? JSf Hso J$ NofiBttit HUiustH ktvltki. : Aiwrieaht&s: YUowTicket i-fi m j a I TS