EVENING LEtaEB-PXtII;APELPHlAt TUESDAY, FEBETTABV 8, 1016. ' - . , i , , i .. , ., . i . . - a i OllS 1 OME u 4X. HE NOVEL OF OFNOPS1S. tnslnic ha' cxHcl himself In Smith itatyMI'lBFJu. .f h wife. All. 1irt....ir.cM "nt.-ivmnti!. Atnn Wayne, WSir?inij 8ceno following n well-l-V . Jihukc i btcaiioo of AllVa Intimacy rt Wi.fi Sew York., After sdmo Mm- iwrt ', Vlecldcs to mo wim ncr anil &ti",ii?0lhM' Hcd hlmsMf. riri't his OlaiL.too, h" "' .-, tlin young. man us fine"! iiY. of hl profligacy, .uitrr llnr SJSu;'aenlr realized the olsnin titrt AVEniflit she Jumped off the i"e,f.'it w pnl'lhff mlt of the station. ItriM A :iiotie. He went to Africa ns Swm ? &fflS Ills rff eenry eirns Sr'1" . . Jf brTJKCS Ills efficiency pirns iriill3'r.llllon "Ten Percent Wnne." Iffnffi.hen nil trace, .IK." So.'" to Gerry's old home WyyVllli1' Xro she live; ,1th her Pii ft All Ignorant of the fact. fWMtf'L.; the father of a boy back In m,KCMil does rot tako Gerry long to IRMJimM.lho father of a boy back n iWS II d e FW 'Y"wlf to his now urrnunuinKB. mm !,$', m Margarita, tho girl. Inn tiirnc.l m to far w ?. I-.irt n well ns herself, to ffaffirtlruupon tt number of lmnrove-Pn-M The neatest 11 tho sjstem of fimt. -?,!!, which ho hopes will en- ""mS? io rccultlvalo tho naturally rlcli ll tDlB - In whoso parish Mnr- 'KlniiM calla upon her ana linns ucrri mli'ISlrfrtetf ditch.. Upon the prlesfi 'it,l vramias, ion her and n flnds Clerry ittRpreicntatlons. Gerry marries aiar- IWf. ho lives fomo distance In tho .Mrtmr of Oerry and his Irrigated lrB?t... Ocrry to keep hla starving cat- i" VXJiiintll the drought Is, over. U'J. .rries. One ntternoon no is at; OcW.K'.h. houre by a rry. It Is. that of lewW J! ISlw; son nnd ttnrmritn's. : K A'tt. Tn lovo with' Tier. Tut . ..rcnii '-..- v. .,,, .i.in mm Col- tiBS'"'' refuses to allow him to pro '!, .terray night Jake Kemp, a Toxim ' 'JLL-tinff JU1 American ortinu uiin in :K? CAm.rlcaV seeks refuge, with Ocrry. ffi'U "ntff: into conversation, ' wfAPTHn XXHI-(Contlnued). lliTE3," said Gerry, and added, with an I Idea to estamisning a mm, hko C i. f"Niw," s"1 Ken,l'' ,,: alnt rm tl10 sat." Crrr looked Incredulous. "Aren't you in American I" ft'Suw am," replied Kemp, unperturbed.. FARMER SMITH'S PIN-MONEY TALK Dear Children Isn't it perfectly wonderful? Wc have this minute over 18,000 members, but that is not enough. Clubs in New York, Cincin iall and Kansas City each have over 75,000 members. Of course, it has ialen them over a year to get that Ioany, but wc have only been working since Thanksgiving, 1915. One of tho FIRST things we are taught in this beautiful club of ours is to be of service and somo of our kemhers are earning PIN MONEY In a very pleasant way after school and on SATURDAYS, If you are wide awake and willing to do some pleasant work, send mo your name and address and I will Wp you. Do you think as much about the money as you do about the fact ihW it will help you in after life if i'Bjps begin earning money NOW. COMIC VALENTINES ,i 0h, goodie ! Next Monday is Valentino's Day, so we want to have a party on paper. DM you ever sec a party on paper? Draw a comic valentine on white paper with black ink and send it to your editor. Ho will print the BEST comic valentines received in the Kain kw news next Saturday, so you tan CUT OUT comic valentines and send them to your friends. Don't waste a minute. Send in a comic valentine NOW. If you want to send a comic valentine to your editor, do so, but make it yourself. AdiUess Farmer Smith, Children's Editor, Evening Ledger. Our Postoffice Box ' This is little Esther Miller, who had a happy 9-year-old birthday Sat urday and who is president of the Boxhorough branch of the Rainbow Club. Them are livo little cirls in this band, Eliza beth Chase, Ruth M. Millut. Evelyn Chaan aid Ger main Ostennnnn and Esther herr self (she tiiuVt tell me if dollio be longed). They are hanpy because they arc busy. Esther writes, "We are making dresses for rhn HnlilPS nf. St. Sjnjn irrcvam v flvuUCrJl pwthy's Hospital and wo are going Md Postals to the older folks." 8ely little folks are learning the ki of service. tEose Fisher. South 4th street. jfowd like to send wireless messages Rainbow Club members. If they ot know anything about tho "dot daslv" she will gladly 'teach them. gose would also liko to exchange Petals with members. wnat do you think? One of the MARRYING OFF MAYBELLE LISTEN To THIS) "DOWN IN THSIR. HEARTS WJCME.N ADORE THE CWG MA.M TYPE, THE BRUTE. WJHfj VAJIULv CONQUER. THE-M AM DRAG- THB . HOM& BV THE HAIR,... " THAT tASTEMS, COOT, I't-u TRY T OUT ON MAVBE.LUE. "RIGHT NOW. I THE YEAR. Sgffiggg& f'm nw? Tcxis-leastwTiya I was Now Mnll' 0Uur f0,ks masoned over to Now Mexico when I was a yearling." ttn!Ty ',,ad bccn Wpst moro than onco. came In n 5?co,,e ll"tt Koaternen "fm m oxas nntl tho Territories hf.i rlLc'S Slnle'' nnd wcro considered cut onco removed from foreigners. "Hcckon you're, f m Noo Yawk," was ;cra"8 tt dcllborato contribution to tho conversation. "Vou'ro rlRht," said Gerry, "How did ou cues? it?" "I b'en thar," Bald Kemp. .''I1.1 ,lIlat. mik lagBcd. Ocrry In stinctively avoided the question direct ana Kemp vouchsafed nothing more. Not till nerry camo upon him hitching up his loads early next morning did lio speak again and then ho said Willi a glint in his oyo that was almost a smllo, "I gucs3 them's tho nrst orchids that over traveled to ma'ket under a diamond hitch." Hero was an opening, but It camo too late. Gerry did not try to follow it up. Once moro In tho saddlo Kemp scorned to ncqulro n midden new caso of body and mind. II0 hung by ono kneo and a stirrup and leaned over toward Gerry. "Stranger," he said "I'm much obliged to ye. It's a long way t'm tho Alamo to Noo Yawk, but tho hull country's under ono fence." Ho waved his hand and was gone after his pack-train, lifting his mule with his goose-necked spurs Into a pro testing canter. Gerry followed him with his ces. lie felt a scnt-c ot losq and failure. Kemp hnd been llko a breath of nlr laden with somo long-forgotten scent that defies memory to glvo it a name. For days Gerry's mind kept going back to Ills loJger for a night. This stranger had broken tho quiet How ot life. Ho had gone, but the commotion he had caused lingered on. Two weeks after his passing, ns evening was settling on Kazcnda Klores, tho ecno ot a mulo's You must learn to MEET people and to talk pleasantly with them and persuade them to do what you watt them to do. I am happy to think that two of our girls have made one dollar selling candy and that FARMER SMITITS RAINBOW CLUB furnished tho money to start them. I am glad Pat rick Sweeney, of Pottsville, has sold more papers than ever before, since he joined our club. And, wonder of wonders! Leonard W. Bitterman, of Montgomery avenue, city, has been the first to earn money through our pin money plan. If you want MONEY you have to work for it. Write me a special letter NOW. FARMER SMITH, Children's Editor, Evening Ledger. Farmer Smith, Children's Editor, Evening Ledger, Philadelphia. I wish to become a member of your Rainbow Club and agrco to DO A LITTLE KINDNESS EACH AND EVERY DAY SPREAD A LITTLE SUNSHINE ALL ALONG THE WAY. Namo Address Age School I attend little patients of the Philadelphia General Hospital heard about the club just through a postal a Rainbow member sent to him and now he has joined tho club himself. His namo is Thomas Smith and" he is getting so well that he is able to run about. Florence Evans, North 5Cth street: Watch the club news and you will learn all about tho credits. Many thanks to Frederick Schumaker, Oak Lane, for sending us a very pretty story. Wo hope to hear from him soon again. Olivo Collier, Shunk street: No little Rainbow need form a branch club. Sho is perfectly wel come all by herself. Thomas Lester Jones, Bancroft street, has a ?6.50- ("iF"r"EVER. FIND HERE AGAIN 1 HEART OUT AHI j-"' rratsw 35j hmtt "3Mw JsfiU i'.i' trx. ti'-vC o-i yL30 mincing steps on tho bridge mado Gerry look up from his work. Kemp was rid ing toward him. H was ns though Jio camo In answer to Gerry's constant thoughts. Gerry hurried forward to meet him. "Howdy," said Kemp and paused on that to measuro his welcome. He was satisfied nnd urged his tired mule on toward tho house. Gerry walked beside him nnd learned that tho shipment of orchids had Just caught tho steamer at thp const. Kemp unsaddled his mulo and tossed the harness nnd slicker Upon tho veranda. Gorry onencd tho gap Into tho pasture and the mulo nosed Its cau tious way through to'water and tho grass. As Gerry was closing the gap Kemp camo up nnd stood beside lilm. Ho cast n knowing oyo over the fat stock. "Ton done a good Job for Llcber," he remarked. Gerry nodded n little sadly, "Yes," ho said, "tho contract's filled. Lleber's send ing for tho stock day after tomorrow." As they snt on tho veranda that night smoking endless cigarettes Kemp turned to his host. "D'ye mind If I stay over a day with you? Truth Is, I want to ho'p drive thnt stock up to I.lober's. I want to he'p whistle a bunch o' steers along onco moro and smelt tho dust an' the leakln' udders, an' I shouldn't won der If I let out a yell or so corralln' 'em at tho other end." Gerry nodded understanding. "Why did jou leave It?" he ventured, and then regretted and murmured, "Never mind." Hut Kemp was not ortcned, "Naw," ho said, "I hain't killed my man not lately nor anything llko that. I left It," he went on rcminl.,cojitly, "because I couldn't he'p It. I got to dreamln' nights of pu'plo cities." "Purplo what?" exclaimed Gorry. Kemp took a clgarotto from Ills mouth and almost smiled. "Never did hear of Tho Pu'plo City, I reckon?" Gerry shook his head. Kemp drew a well-worn wallet from the capacious In ner pocket ot his vest and took out a RAINBOW CLUB bank account in n Broad street bank. He is one of tho pin money squad, too, so you may expect to see that bank account grow. Brer Rabbit's Telegram It was nearly noon time when Brer Rabbit jumped into the Woodland telegraph office and shouted: "Can I send a telegram?" "Don't know," replied tho operator. "What do you mean?" asked Brer Rabbit. "You may send a telegram," said the other fellow. "Smarty," answered Brer Rabbit, taking a olograph blank. "Who is it to?" asked the operator. "You don't have to know that, do you?" asked tho fellow with the long ears. "Yes," ho replied. "Well, it's to Mr. Squirrel, Sica more Tree, Woodland, U. S. A." "Go ahead and write it," said the fellow behind the desk. "I don't want you to see it," said Brer Rabbit. "This is not a postoffice." "Hurry up. Time is money." The operator started to go to work. "I guess it is," replied Brer Rabbit. "But say, if Mr. Squirrel comes in, tell him I want to see him." "All right' answered the operator. "Now SCOOT!" And Brer Rabbit did scoot. The King and the Sentinel , (By Gilbert Harris, Snyder avenue.) About fifty years ago n great country was at war. The sentinel who was on duty heard footsteps. "Who goes there, friend or foe? Ad vance and give the countersign if friend," he said. It was the king in disguise who ad vanced and gave the countersign. He said to tho sentinel, "Come with mt and have a drink of wine nnd a cigarette?" Tho soldier was ver nngry at tho.o words and said: "Off with you before I kill you. I would not drink or smoke now." The king was pleased with this reply and tho next day when he rode past tho sentinel' he said, "For your obedienco to tho rules you shall receive a gold medal." Tho soldier wore the medal all his life and never forgot those words he spoke to the king. Do You Know This? 1. What street makes you run? (Five credits.) 2. Namo three Philadelphians who are mentioned in history. (Five credits.) 3. What is hail? (Five credits.) VOL) AROUMD T FEAR. YOUR. EAT T ' . .' rngged clipping. Ono could road In tho glaring moonlight and Gerry glanced through tho printed lines. Then ha rend them through agnln, tmk runrt.E city. As I mt munchlnc mangoes, I On the purple city's .walls, I heard the catfish calllnB, . . To the cnwOsh In the crawls. I saw tho paper sunbeam, Bproutlnjt Jrom the p-ilnlei sun; I piw tho sun was sullen, Tor the day had hut begun. Of dusty desert sky-road, Ten thousimi miles nnd more, Stretched out heforo the morning, And ll.e sun sat In tho. door, lie swnated seas of sunshine, As he started up the sky, And ho drowned tho purplo city, In a tear-drop from hla eye. No moro slnll purplo pnnsles Look up at purplo pinks. Nor purplo roses rhal Tho cheeks of purplo minx. Alia! ror purplo cltv, And Its purple.pcopled halls! Alisl for mo and mangoes. On tho purplo city's nails! Gerry looked upon his guest with new wonder as ho handed back the clipping. Kemp put It awny carefully, rolled a fresh cigarette nnd blew n thick puft of Bmoko out Into tho moonlight. "Can't say It's po'try nnd I can't say It ain't. All I know Is it roped me. I know Hint writer feller nover munched no mangoes, 'catiso mangoes don't munch. I know ho never sat on no wall nn' heerd catfish callln', 'catiso catfish don't call. Hut ho seen It nil, stranger, Jest the way he writ it down, nn' I be'n dreamln' pu'plo cities ever senco I read his screed." "Did you start right out to look for them?" asked Gerry gravely. "Naw," said Kemp, "I didn't havo iiothln' to go on. Hut ono dny a drum mer feller thct I was stagln' across the White Mountains give mo a plant maga zine, and It hnd nn article on commercial orchids with pictures In colors. "They was mostly kinder pu'plljh nn I reckon it was that what got mo started. It was tho fotctnnn polntln' out my mount to mo an' I didn't lose no time. I ilrnppcd my ropo on htm nn' I'vo been rldln' him ever senco." "Found any purplo cltles7" "Not rightly. I seen 'cm more'n once. 15ut I guess pu'plo cities is always yon side of tho mountain. You can't Jest rldo up nn' put your brand on 'em. They're born mavericks and they dlo mavericks. An' I saj-, good luck to 'em." Kemp rose, tossed awny his cigarette end nnd stood leaning with crooked elbow nnd knee ngnlnst n veranda pillar. His keen aquiline features and deep-set eyes were lit up by the moonlight nnd seemed scarcely to belong tq his great, loosc Jolntcd frame. Ho was loose-Jointed but llko a llnll strong nnd tough. "There's one thing about tho pu'plo cities," he added, "the daylight always beats you to 'cm Jest like In tho po'm." Ho turned and went oft to bed. Gorry sat on In the moonlight seized by a strange sadness the sadness the spirit feels under the troubled hovering ot the unattainable nnd tho mirage. Life had queer turns. Why should a cowboy start out to look for purplo cities? It was grotcsquo on tho face of it but, beneath tho face of It, It was not grotesque. Margarita stole out to scat herself be side him. Sho slipped licr hand Into his. Pho wns worried. Sho wns nlways wor ried when Gerry's thoughts wcro far away. "The Man," sho said, for thus sho had christened her baby boy from tho day ot his birth, "tho Man sleeps. He cried for thco nnd thou didst not come. So ho slept, for ho is a man." Gerry's thoughts came back to his lit tle kingdom. Ho sighed and then ho smiled a smile of content. "It Is Into then, rat Mower?" He put his nrm nround her. "Let us go to bed, for tomorrow there is woik." "Tomorrow there Is nlways work," said Margarita. "I am not afraid of work. Gcree. The end of woik never comes. It Is tho things that end that make mo afraid " She, too, had felt the flutter ing wings ot tho unattainable. Unknow ingly she stood beneath tho shadow of the stranger's purplo city's wnlls. Tho next day Kemp tried honestly to help Gerry with tho tilling of tho soil, but the effort was still-born. Kemp had almost forgotten how to walk nnd his lilgh-hecled boots fell foul of ocry hum mock. "I.ook'y hero, Mr. Lansing," he said nfter hnlf nn hour's toll, "ain't there t.o colts bad tins you want backed nor calves to brand? This hero dlggln' wakes up tho rheumatlz In my J'lnts." "What nbout milking tho cows?" sug gested Gerry. Komp actually blushed. Ho cast a quick glance at Gerry to see If this was some weak witticism to bo promptly resented, but was reassured by tho surprise In Gerry's face. "Stranger," ho said, "I iln't never touched no cow with my hands. If jou want I should ropo 'cm an' hog-tlo 'em, I'm your man, but some missus will havo to tako the milk away f'm "cm." Gorry threw back his head nnd laughed, but his laugh was stopped short by tho glint In Kemp's eye. "That's nil right, Kemp," he snld. "Tho mlfsus la milking them, right now. What's tho matter with you Just taking i holiday? You've done a hard rldo and (t won't hurt you to havo a loaf." Kemp wandered off to the house with solemn face. When Gerry came in to tho midday meal, ho found him with a saddle cropped on tho arm of a bench giving tho delighted swaddled heir to Fazenda Flores his first lesson in equitation. That night they sat again on the veranda steps, but Kemp was not talk ative. He whittled a stick until it dis- THE CHEERFUL OT In .summer we aWc-le or "the wt-lU.3, In winter we sWfc.'te. or tka ice, , Tne setx.sons rre t-11 just liko trres LthiriKthtx 1Kb worlct is so nice. RMcCAC1r) Plot by J. P. McEvoy (Copyright: 1019; By The Tribune. Company) NOW VdU CCiME WITH ME 0S- I'UU TTCAG You. OUT .Y THE, . HAIK.'. s. i NAME. A CAFE, A -v THECsPHlLUS. i HAV& TWO UA? -0 I CrVKES". j I V. appeared In n. final curly shaving nnd then Immediately started on a fresh one. "Known Iteber long!" asked Gefry at last "Goln on two years," replied Kemp. "Docs he live off his stock?" Kemp looked up. "Haven't you ever b'en up to Lleber's?" "No," said Gerry, "It's two years since I enmo here and I've hever been off tho place. Lleber's been down here a couple of times.'" Kemp Arunted but nsked no further question "Liebcr," he eald, "c'talnly don't lle olTcn his stock he plays with It. Lleber is tho goatskin king. Ships 'cm by tho thousand bales, If you or any other man in theso parts was to sell a goatskin away t'm Llcber, you'd bo boycotted. Lleber on this range la God you're for him or you're ng'ln' him nn' thero nln't be'n any ono ag'ln' him for somo spell now." "Oh," snld Gerry. "As for knowln' him," continued Kemp "everybody on this round-up knows Lleber, but thero ain't anybody knows why ho Is. Llcber holds questions and smallpox about alike, He nln't thar when they hnppen." CHAPTKn XXIV. LIHUIStl, nccompanlcd by two herders, 1 camo early for his stock. Ho greeted Kemp warmly, "Going my way?" ho nsked, "I b'en loafln' nround hero with that In mind," drawled Kemp "I'll tako a hand If jou'll nllow me n mount." "You can take your pick," said Lleber; "that Is, after Mr. Lansing tins had his." Tho thrco of them walked Into tho pns ture. Lleber looked nt tho stock with kindling cps. He tinned to Gerry nnd hold out his hand. "Shake," ho said, and Gerry did. "What do you say to tho first five of tho hoises out and last ton ot the cattle for jour shore?" Ocrry Hushed. "That's moro than fair," ho said, "You know tho best of tho horses will load the bunch nnd tho fnttcst ot tho cnttlo will lag behind. You sec, they're till strong now." "Thnt's just it," said Liebcr. "They're alt strong now, and it you hadn't taken 'em over they'd have been mostly dead by now. I'm satlsfled-moro than satisfied and If you are, too, why it's nil right," The herders wcro sent to tho upper gnp to head in tho llrst five out. Kemp, who had seized one of the saddled horses nnd was already mounted, cut hoises out from cnttlo nnd with a whoop carried them toward the lower gap. A beautiful Iron gray gelding broke away from the bunch and trotted up to Gerry to nose at his pockets. Flvo horses sprang through the gap and Lleber headed back tho rest. Ho turned to Gerry with a smile, but the light had gone out ot Gerry's face. He stood, with head hnnglng, his nrm ncross the nrched neck of the iron-gray. Lleber strodo over to him, his silver spurs Jing ling. He laid a big hand on Gerry's shoul der. Tho gelding sprang bnck with a snort. "That's all right, boy," said Llcber. "I wouldn't give tho roan out yonder for two of him. Will you trade even?" jiarnlr. W V j&M&mr' Vfe JGSBfflSS&SS&X ' HBhV vSwSlSkSSSSaaS' '" irv iffy xrrv Wmk liSl!1"" '! Ik Sw nfesS;Ssi5Swd&s' Philadelphia & Reading Railway tPt fpTA' "The Line That Saves Your Time" I"1 '' rt ' - f HATE. To TXi tT vAlQ ...FfcUGW. "You can have the lot for this one," eald Gerry with n, laugh. "No," said Lleber gravely, "Just the roan." Kemp had gone off to round up hla mule. Ho camo up from the river, driving It beforo him. At every Jump ho caught tho mule a flick with his rope and the mulo kicked nnd squealed, but cams on with long, stiff-lodged strides. "Hl-ylt" yelled Kemp and snatched olt his hat to beat his mount, while he kept tho rope end flickering over the mule. Ocrry and Llcber laughed. Kemp wns llko a mummy come to sudden life. "Do you know what?" said Gerry. "I think I'll como along with you." He led the Iron-gray out by his forelock nnd old Bonifacio hurried to help bridle nnd sad dle him. Llcber mounted his stallion nnd turned the horses ns they came out. Kemp suddenly sobered down to business. When Llcber hnd thrown back tho Inst ten of tho cnttlc, Kemp camo out nnd closed the gnp behind him. "r think I'll go ahead with the horses," said Liebcr. "You go and take yo' men with you," Rnld Kemp. "I could drive Ihl, fat bunch from here to Kansas with nary a hand to spell me " "Well, you'll havo Mr. Lnnslng to help you," snld Llcber, and rode on to where his men wcro holding tho horses In a milting, kicking mass. They passed over tho brldgo nnd awny In a moving pillar of dust, for tho desert hns swallowed tho first rains nnd wat air dy crying for more. Tho cattle strung out and fol lowed slowly In their trail. With whistle nnd yell Kemp urged on tho laggards until he hnd the whole string well In hand. Ho kept them nil traveling, slowly but steadily, and With never a. word to Gerry. Toward evening his eye caught the glint of the sun on the white plllnrs nnd wnlls of n dlstnnt house. Tho house, was In tho midst of tho desert. Hoyond It loomed a single big Joa trco. "Lleber's," said Kemp, nnd Gerry nodded. Gorry hnd expected a surprise of soma sort when nt last he arrived at Lleber's, but the things ho saw thcic, strnnger than anything ho could hao Imnglned, left him calm and unmoved ns though somo prescience had propnied him. Tho houso was built on tho usual solid lines ot plantation headquarters. Great, rough hewn beams; towering rafters, built to carry tho heavy tiles and to bear tholr burden for generations; uncclled, vast rooms with calclmlned walls; all theso wcro not outside Gerry's experience In tho now land. Tho strnngeness enmo with the rugs nnd tho linen, tho etchings nnd tho furniture, nnd last nnd most signifi cant, tho shelves nnd shelves of books nnd the tnble.s piled with mngazlnes In three languages. Everything boro tho stamp of quality, ocrythlng had tho dis tinction of a choice. Ocrry did not let hla curiosity carry him beyond n rapid glance around tho great living room where they found Lle ber, bathed and freshly dressed, super intending tho making ot Ico In tho lntcst Ingenious contrivance for the pampering of tho pioneer. The three men gathered nbout tho curious mnchlno and watched its Jerky sway and swash. At one end wns a great demijohn of acid, at tho She Should Travel on One of the READING vSSBfLE FLYERS Noted for ( llRl5ffl Comfort, CI EVERY Those Cave Women Must Have Been Easy -BUT HE: Ei I - HT . r irrrz y other a vacuum cArafs, half" filled with water, Their throats wera pawned anff ns tho Ice began to form ahd s6ildlty they maintained a silence that was alnwai c.remonlal. CONTINUED TOMOnilOW The exqui site flavor of S.S. White' Tooth Paste 1 is only one of its virtues. Purity, safe- I ty and free dom from drugs are others 1 In 10c or He tubes. H xvfch 'H vour iruonlst'a vr Sv or m a I c d on ,yj. i receipt of p r t c c . When Milady Goes a Shopping in New York eanliness, Courtesy and Convenience HOUR ON THE HOUR No timetable needed To 23rd Street Convenient to Shopping and Hotel District. To Liberty Street Close to Subway and Elevated Lines. Save time for shopping by lunching or dining on a Reading Dining Car. Noted for cuisine. Li4flifeLg8B5'Ji-ji-'J - ;r cz3U3i fi A l -ii pry ttfUOU w CZ3TZD I i ffliftMBB- 1-mit.Ti ... j!V . It "M.'JM JrWli wl fmM r" inlri mwaniii imy inn ihpihhmihhm "tenf .J nifcLi imi 1 1 u iifmim liu n if.nnni.iii ,iiiiiiiiniiw..t.ii m h i iiim.twwTwiwi ' " " 1 '"' ' '" """ 1Trn