EVENING tEPaER PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1916. ' 1 1,1 . ' ' 1 1 . 1 . . . . 1 " - " 1 r HNSB PROGRAM M BE CARRIED ALONG ON "STEAM ROLLER" Locates of National Prepnr- redness rienauu uj x..i Showing oi ouuugui un Preliminary iuai Iresident is gratified ASHINQTON, Feb. 8.-The Admlnls fc." t,nnretlne?s program Is to bo Pit ihrouffh Congress at record speed. I!i m,oaltlon to the measures to plnco im V. team-rO Hcrcd. inn nuvocaies oi ? hoVo at last discovered that they v vniL', ji. .if .. ,....- .. rf lite " .., whlln ITnitflo. Ihfi navnl VTlmy bills "r8 t0 b? wh'PP'"! "nt" " 5 pressed for action In the very ItaLllent Wilson was admittedly very F k nltMcd by tlio demonstration of r ..rtlsanshlp that marked yesterdays H& "rough the House of the bills Kiln tho number of cadets at An rMi and malting funds nvallnblo to Hr.l tho Mare Island and Brooklyn KrZ Yards. Ho has all nlong realized Ki.it many Itepubllcan votes would bo KliI .' ovcrcomo tho opposition ot iKfitaiithern Democrats who have fetaKmselves with tho "little" army rft.vv men. Yesterday's demonstration C Convinced him. It was learned at tho lllouie today, that tho opposition lf.Mwm now exert all pressure possible TonthU defense program through. L. .. .. .,n .Iniitit that tho InrCor RTnCre it,. nnnt flpfpnsn Incrensna K5drtSe field 'artillery Improvement plans fire ceriam n " (""Tho continental army plan of Secretary Iw War Garrison 13 uuuu w v.. i 1Mb Ko" 't there likely w II be sub- irocu. . .t.lrnhv tin tint nnnl sTitltuted some j - -- -------KS can be federalized and mado tho iWfOaM can in. mlrllllnn It In "": ,.i,i Hint tho term of enlistment in the regular army will bo shortened, & that a reserve strength can bo built n and a system of skeleton organization Mrfected whereby regiments can bo transformed from peaco to war strength t very enon noiicu. t.. 1. 11, r. firfcnso nrocram that Is ..i. 1 Uft TirAoWlmit iinw. Convinced that It Is going through, Jio plans to take Ll ..l 1.1.. ..ti. Inmlortf rlnrlnr tho next fnrtnlcht tho question of financing tho eitraordlnary expenses. Tho general Itllnp taX SUggCSUUllM mill u uua mam have been knocked In tho hoad by Con- r 1.-. l.nn. V. n 1 fl tl tn ttlV ffl flA. 'line, automobiles, Iron and Iron products. The President realizes uwi mo moat pup DUr tax that could bo llovled under ox- fbisun? circunisuinwuo 10 hiuiiiuii. ...., Mind the legal sharps of Congress and tho IfAdralniatratlon now aro trying to find a llllepil way to lovy such a tax. Iff $10,(100 LEFT TO HOSPITALS HIPOLITO VILLA Brother of General "Pnncho" Villa, who has been arrested at Havana at request of the Amer ican Minister. Villa's Brother Arrested in Cuba WASHINGTON-, Fob. S. Ulpollto Vllln, brother of General Villa, who Ib charged with dcHtrolng railroad property In Texas, was arrested In Havana, Cuba, nt tho lcqucst of tho Stnto Department, fol lowing tho request of tho Governor of Texas, tho Department stated today. It Is understood ho will be held for trial In Texas. BEL DARING SCHEME OF HOUSE DEMOCRATS Wilson Leaders Consider Plan to "Lump" All Tax Measures to Guard Against In- vidual Attack WILL GO TO COMMITTEE WASHINGTON, Feb. 8. Passage of ono omnibus bill to Include all revenue legislation, Income nnd munition taxes, tariff commission, the sugar duty and all other subjects, was tho daring political strategy under serious consideration to day by Administration leaders. Tho House Ways nnd Means Democrats plan to meet Thursday to consider tho scheme advanced by representative Gar ner, of Texns, who has been consulting President Wilson. According to the plan, tho bill would Include legislation: Revising tho Incomo tax. Levying now inheritance taxes. Itepeallng present war stamp taxes. Increasing duties on whiskey nnd cigars. Taxing war munitions. Creating n tariff commission. An anti-dumping clause. Ilctnlnlng present tnxes on sugar. Itcpeatlng taxes on mixed flour. Hy advancing Just ono revenuo bill, Representative Garner today pointed out, many Republicans and Democrats would voto for It bccaUMJ of some slnglo Item of legislation incorporated. That It would decrcaso Democratic defection on pre paredness revenues was another vlrtuo advanced. Garner believes that enough Itcpublt- CAIlft Wnilln t.A .A.MAt1,l.1 In A,fnApt ,t.A omnlbds bill to Ins lr Us passage. Tho now rnlslntr plan ndvanced of In creasing Internal revenue tnxes on whisky and cigars Is nlo gaining support. Tho present plan of leaders I to raise taxes on whisky 15 cents n gallon and change tho system of taxing cigars from that of numbers to their value. This would raise $35,000,000, it Is estimated. Tho whisky and cigar tnxes would be n sub stitute for the present stamp taxes, which raise $33,000,000 annually, and aro sched uled for repeal. WHITES IN DANflER AS IlEDS SEEFC TO AVENGE "BAD MAN" Piutos and Navajoes March on Vii lago in Arizona FLAGSTAFF, Ariz., Fch. B.-Nlnetecn while men, 40 white women nnd n number of children were In dnnger of massnete by Pluto and Navajo Indians at Tuba City today, as a result of tho killing of Totntln, n Navajo "bad man" and cattle thief. Tho Indian was shot to death In the mountains near Tuba City, 70 miles from here, by Indian police last Friday. The latest ndvlccs reaching here state that a host of war-palntcd redskins wns npproachlng Tuba City, chanting denth songs and threatening to avengo the kill ing ot Totatln. A band of nrmed men left Flagstaff for tho threatened city early today, but It was found that they could not reach there In time to prevent bloodshed. LACADUTADIDURAZZO E'PREVEDUTAAROMA CERTAEDIMMINENTE Le Truppe di Essad Pascia' Non Possono OfTrire agli Aus- tro-Bulgari Alcuna Seria Itesistenza VALLONA SARA DIFESA ROMA, 8 Febbralo. La cadutn til Durnxzo e' conslderata qui ormiil come ensa ccrta c In not 1 7.1 a c' attcsa da tin momento nll'nU'tttro. SI rltleno chc lc truppe dl Essad pascia' ed I pochl repartl dl forzo serbe cho si trovnno con lul non offrlrnnno alcuna reslslenza, e si credc anzl cho esse rlpleghcranno a sud, wtlla via dl Vnlonn prima cho lc forze austrlnchr e btilgaie le nbblnmi, clrcondato. Austrlacl o bulgnrl hannu operato II collegainonto, ilpctendo la mossa strnteglca gla" segulta nelln Serbia, o le due armnto convergono su Dtirnzzo. Soltanto Vnlona sara' dlfcsa dagll Italian!, e sara' una illfea completti, slcchc' si rltlcne cho probabllmcuto aus trlacl o btilgarl non rlnsclranno ad Im pndronlrlsl delta naso tiavale Scmbra cho l'atlacco dl bulgarl conlro I frnncest che tcnevnno le llnee nvanzato a nord dl Balonlcco non debba esscro con slderato come l'lnMo dell'attesa oflcnstvn toutonlca contro quclla base degll nllcatl if cho si sla Invcco trnltato dl soil com battlmentl dl nvampostl senza alcuna lm portnnza rente, In questl clrcoll mllltnrl st o'ntizldl oplnlono Cho I'offenslva conlro So lonlcco nan sara' inlzlata so prima gll cserclti nustrlaeo e Inllgaro non nvranno complctalo la conqulsla dcU'Alhanla, so prima cloo' non nvranno preso II campo trlnccrato dl Vnlona. K'ccrlo cho I tedes cha, I bulgarl ed 1 turchl contlnuann n concentrnrsl sulla frontlera green, ma si tratta scmpllccmcnte dl nreparatlvl per ,1'ortenslvn. Telegratnml da Londra dlcono cho II govrrno Inglcse ha rlccvuto Informazlonl dcnnltlvo che neistin tlttlmnttim o' stnto presentnto dallp potenze ccnttnll alia Itu mania per la vendlta dl grano aglt inglcsl. Ncsruii comunlcnto unirlale e' statu pulibllcato dal Mlnltcro delln Oticrra ierl selii Plreti In rIIuiizIoiio sulla fronto Halo atlHtrlacn. Kvldentcmentc In sltuazlone e' linmutat.t. e forso si sono nvutl I .lolltl duMII dl nrtlgllerla til cul parlava II gen rrale Cadoina nel bollcttlno dl Ierl I'nltro a Fern. 11 comunlcnto tintclnlo nustrlaeo dire die la HltuazlotiP mllltnrc su tutte lc fiontl e' tmmutatn. Informazlonl glunte qui da fonte rumenn aulorevolo dlcono the. mentro nesstin ulti matum e' statu piesentato dagll Impcrl centrnll alia lUiiunnla, la Gcrmnnla e" hen dcclsn ft rlcorrerc a rnppresagllc e ad IntimltlAstionl per Impedii-s l'lntervento della llumania nella gberra a flancf) deglt alleatl. Per ora gll sforzl dclla fiermanla. sono dlrettl a rovesclare II mlnlstero Brntlsmi, romprendendo che soltarflo un mlnlRtero dl uonilnl slcuramente In favorb del tcdeschl polra' Impedlre Hnlcrvcnlo. Ier do' II mlnlstero Ilrntlanu e' nccusato apert nmente dl corruzlono per aver pcrtnesso ta. vendlta dl 80,000 vagonl dl grano all'ln glilllcrrn, commcltcndo coil' un at to ostlle alia Germanla ed all'Austrla. n Ti ifil f i'tf'l.t'l''iir't - HlPl PURE FRESH PAINT Believe Me Every job we do reflects, to tho minutest detail the specifications on. which you give us the work except it may be a little better than you ex pect. Painting and Decorating Oct Our animate Firtt Botli Phones 28 S. 16th St. f vETi l EDISON SERVICE Club to Build New Clubhouse Sketches for a new clubliouso for tho Old York Iloail Country Club, nt Jenkln town, have been submitted to the club by Oliver Kandolph Perry. The first wing will be built this year. V will oil, eltan and tnthi all adjustment! monthly on your limsoN niAMONn disc rilONOOKAI'H FREE OF, CHARGE If you purchase your Jlecorda at BTAItrt A MOBS Th Tlora Knlramotna forpi,l.. tho i:dion iiinmond Diio" nonogrnpni 3627 Gcrmantown Ave. ,J:yS JKT Pltonc ftr A'fto Butelement. Open Evenlnca. Phont, Tloia Jl-li-J, I ' ffffili of Louisa W. Anshutz Probated. uiner uunuuaia .BBMuests of 3000 each to tho Pennsyl- ,P I. .T...I1.I n.1 V.A n.ll.n.n,llA TTnn Y1U11& X1U5PUU1 ttliu Li.u yji uiuukuii; uua Lit. I n1 n hnm.aBl nt tlWI In tl.A Tlda. i..l.n TTArtirt fnr Wldnwo nn,t Rlnrrlrt Women form a part of tho will of Louisa W, Anshutz, 2033 Arch street, which was admitted to prooate today. Tho remain der of the estate, valued at ?SO,C0O, Is left to a brother and sister of tho testatrix. ; Other mills probated today wcro thoso of Solomon Rogasner, 3522 York road, and William Wegleln, 5514 Glrard avenue, who kjt estqtes valued at t ,600 and $11,233, .lupeiuveiy, in priviiiu 'lutraL:. J. You Will Appreciate the NEW EDISONDionJD-m PHONOGRAPH as you could appreciate no other musical in strument. The lifelike manner in wnicn it faithfully rc-crcates the original performances of artist, band or orchestra is a revela tion. Come and hear this wonderful instrument and you will understand just why the Edison is the first choice of those who want the best. Convenient terms arranged. Ludwig Piano Co, 1103 Chestnut St. Perfect Killmn Service f k Society and Business News JiLJii ir8 Wm Latest in Health and Oral Hygiene "Today and every day" h h Ivory Plants Grow ; v,v AA,fk Look at the Plates Shown and Learn Why They Need Tender Care. You will begin to take real care of your teeth as soon as you realize that every tooth in your head is a separate, living plant of ivory which with care will continue healthy and serviceable until you need it no long er and which with neglect, like any other plant, will decay, wither at the roots and die. a Absolute cleanliness is the solu tion of the problem of tooth care. Cleanliness from food deposits be tween the teeth. Cleanliness from the germ life that tends to swarm in every mouth. Cleanliness from deposits of tartar and scale on the teeth and under the gums. Clean liness from decay spots. A good tooth brush conscientiously and thoroughly used will take care of tho food deposits and retard the accumulation of tartar. An antiseptic and acid-counter-scting dentifrice like Sanitol Tooth Powder or Paste will destroy the germ life and keep the mouth sweet and pure, besides lessening the for mation of tartar. Your dentist seen twice a year wH keep your teeth clear and clean of tartar, etc., under the gums, and will attend tho tiny spots of decay that may havo formed and prevent their spread. m This care of tho teeth cannot be- flin too soon cannot ever be neg ected if the teeth are to bo straight, Vtronor. KealtTtv nnrl ivhitn- f Look at plate one. Here are the little seedling teeth hidden from a.H.1... 1 l II I ... uus an reauy to sprout into visible ivory plants. The "soil" through which they must push their way (tho gums) must bo kept healthy and prepared just as the prdener must tend his garden be. joro the seeds he has planted sprout. Keep the infant's mouth clean and pure by washing every day swab gently with a bit of cotton soaked in a weak solution of, Sanitol Liquid Antiseptic. Plates 2, 3 and 4 show tho for mation of tho teeth ira their pockets and other teeth coming through and in position. During this period the mother or tho nurse should clean the child's mouth and teeth several times a day, using a child's tooth brush with a little Sanitol Tooth Powder or Paste. I THE HOME OF SAN1TOI. BHBHWgMMgtii iii iPiW 'i i ii maaa&giUy '" WIHOHai Plate 5 shows all tho first teeth formed and in position. At this ago every child should be placed under the care of the family dentist and should be taught to usa a small tooth brush regularly. iLoo carefully at Plate 6 See those second teeth being formed back of the first teeth? They are absorbing nourishment from the roots of the first teeth. If those first teeth are healthy well and good, but if they ore not you can readily see that tho second teeth must suffer. This is a vital reason why, tooth cleanliness should bo most carefully watched. Note the same things in plates 7, 8 and 9. Plate 10 shows all the teeth in position but the wisdom teeth. These second teeth should bo guard ed and cleaned several times a day, using Sanitol Tooth Powder or Paste and a Sanitol Tooth Brush which is properly shaped for reach ing all surfaces. V Pint 1 1 All the teeth are in place every ivory plant is in posi tion, and it remains tp boseen how long these plants will remain healthy and strong. This matter is in your own hands, and the answer is cleanllnest. Plate 1 2 Shows the mouth in old age. There are young people not out of their twenties whose mouths look liko this neglect is the cause. Thero are old people in the eighties who have evf ry tooth in their mouth care is tho reason. Remember this-rBad teeth in your children aro a reflection on your care as a parent. Bad teeth in your own mouth are a reflection on your own knowledge of oral hygiene Sanitol Tooth Powder and Paste are antiseptic preparations. By virtue of this quality they destroy harmful germ life present w the mouth and retard tooth decay. They counteract acid rnouth, and a acid mouth encourage gerrohfe. i injurious toj teeth and gums and promotes decay tho service of thesa Sanitol Tooth Preparations in this direction is apparent. They aro pure white in color, containing no artificial coloring matter as any coloring matter must be considered to be a useless, perhaps harmful; Impurity. In a dentifrice this is an important feature. Sanitol Tooth Pdwder and Pasta aro prepared under supervision of the chemist of the Sanitol Chemical Laboratory Co., with the greatest care and accuracy and of the finest ingredients. Their base is the high est grade of Precipitated Chalk of sufficient density to serve as an ef fective abradent, but not densa enough to injure the enamel. We do not use chemicals, drugs of any harmful nature, pumice stone, cuttle fish bone or any gritty matter in our tooth preparations. So for a pure, sweet mouth and healthy white teeth be sure you get Sanitol Tooth Powder or Paste the preparations that wero awarded the Gold Medal, highest award at the San Francisco Panama-Pacific International Exposition. All Druggists Free Sample Package of Sanitol Tooth Powder or Sanitol Tooth Paste for your name and address and 4 cents in stamps to pay postage and packing. Sanitol Chemical Laboratory Company St. Louis, pw$ U. S. A. 323SLJ A one-crop farmer was sliding down-grade. And when he spent $25 for the cow, he felt guilty. One day he heard a dairy expert talk. He took some milk to be tested. Two milkings four gallons tested 6& per cent ! By some trick of fate he had got hold of a cow wdrth $300. That piece of luck, and some sound advice from the ex pert, set him right-about-face. He got started And today his stock and his income are answers to every dairyman and farmer who wonders whether a pure-bred herd pays. Read the account Coming Out by the Milky Way in the February 12th issue of There is a page every week on dairying. It is not written by one man. It is written by many all dairymen or dairy experts by readers of The Country Gentleman. Look for their experiences and suggestions week after week in the department headed THE BUSINESS OV DAIRYING ' This is one of the twelve regular departments that give you definite, valuable ideas and information about each of the departments of your farm fruit, livestock, dairying, field crops, poultry, farm management, market gardening, farm buildings and power, household affairs, etc. And every week there are from six to ten special articles by special farm investigators. Send the cotipon to-day an The Country Gentiematifa: 51 issuies-fbr only $1 Or subscribe through any authorised Curtis Agent ddt ravear y The .f Country i Gentleman Box iBjj The Curtis S Publishing Company r Iadotaauc. Satn, rViUfojpila Enclosed oleaie. And SI. 00 t Canadian price SI. 7 51 Pletut tend The Country Gentleman for one, year to the aJJiat ttloul i Street crR.F.D.. ' i f i "m "" v ' t'jjr iwi i I jT J 'I )'l 1 I 11 I I