Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, February 08, 1916, Night Extra, Page 6, Image 6
jvtr-" -flW ycre IwwpTWTn wyuyimwwirflyjiWM mphh t G EVEHING LEDGEftPHIi;ADELPHIA TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1916. " w'TW'!Wr'i,Twii I ii FUNNY FURNITURE FARCE AT GARRICK "Twin Beds" Demonstrates What Ibsen Didn't Know About Playwrighting A torre by Salisbury VMA nn.l aiansRemcTU eeiwyn o. l7tVt 1IKD.4. Marxaret Maid. ejarrlck Theatre. fllanchc llawltlti V.alne Curnn Plltnor Monll t.e-0 t'nrrltlo Harry Hawkins..., John AVcMley fllanora Monll Raj- Cox Norah.. ., Allee John Amanda Datln.t Juno Peyinour Andreer Lutkln., r.arle tloothe Aft-T A room. In Ihe Hawkins apartment. Act II The bedroom of the Hawktna' new apartment. Act III-The aaino as Act 11 A Xew lioura later. . Stost fnrcca nre lbscnlc Most people expect "Twin Deds" lo be obsconlc. As it matter of fact It Is neither ono nor the other. Most farccn nre lbsenlc because they put the cause of tlm whole trouble wny back In the past, The wronit Kortttettmn Kcts found In the wrong lady's company; the loVInK anil Innocent husband can't explain why he has been out all night. And then the thin? gets fought out for three nets. Mnrprnret Mayo prefers another dra matic method. Whether It's "Oaby .Mine" or 'Twin Deds. she starts with a family QUnrrel, which Isn't 'supponed to do much more than supply "atmosphere" nnd set the sails for trouble. Alone townrd the beg I mi I riff of the second act, she lets you bejrln to see the roelts ahead. At the drop of the curtain the breakliiK waves are dashing; hlKh nnd saylnft, "Monti, the Dago tenor, has picked out the wron.t flat nnd (rone to bed In Hie nbcnt hill band's half of the twin couches." And all through the third net tho stern and rock, bound const of tempestuous fiirclem trouble Is poiimlliiir up unit down nuclei AT THE THEATRES LAST NIGHT that poor couple's shallow shallop of happiness. tt Isn't n bad system. It makes noil think that the openlns net mo a little slim In this case much slimmer than In "Baby Mine' but it lenves yon with the final, IhiKcrlnK Impression it having rocked wildly In your Boat for n good deal longer tlmo thnn you actually did. And In "Twin Beds," the system has been pushed to the point of producing a more crowded nnd complicated and confused, and therefoio, more cachlnnatloua last act than the American stage has known In many years. Very probably tho whole thing would have been funnier ct If tho company at tho derrick had played It In that over best farce key the deadly serious, the absolutely natural. Instead, they most of them, anyway shouted nnd grabbed chairs nnd did things which would have betrayed them to the others If It hadn't happened up on a plntform about 10 times better lighted than any room. They "got nway with It." flay Cox can get awny with ant'.:ng. A man who can disrobe In such amazingly funny ways "as Mr. Carrlllo can put a wordless but rousing climax on the quietest of second nets. And In the excitement of the moment nobody Is going to notice that Earle L'ootho acts Just like a stage tnanngcr. But how much more the actors would have got out of "Twin Beds" If they had tried to put leal characters Into It. Imag ine John Wcstley playing the husband as a genuinely nervous young man Instead of a well-fed, bounding broker who couldn't possibly worry over his wife. Imagine if thoy had all tried as hard as Zalna Curzon, who was really very charming und naive and therefore plausi ble nnd amusing an the young wife or tribulation. Imagine If they had all had the art of that veteran of 0 victories, Alice John, who can resist May Vokeslng or Maude Kburnelng an Irish maid. But "Twin Beds" was funny, anyway. It wasn't very delicate, perhaps. But It certainly never leered. And, its Jokes on mm very joiceaDie subject or twin beds were good Jokes. Moreover, whatever may be suld In derogation of the Castor and Pollux of furniture, they nil a long felt want in farce. Once upon n time, when a young husband stayed out of his own bed nil night, he got Into innocent trouble. .ow ho enn get into some body else's and be troublesomely Inno- IC. M. s' Jam 'MBKL&S& y 7 TJh ""'.' ' wIF"'' x!fPMHIL. "Mew f fsi?ZWfo&XBWw 'ill Mll jy TmSKB I JH m?W Ml If J-2SB& AJiflaHfilM VPTy .i..-.. 1 1.. i. ...i I. , .,i,i;,i, Vaudeville i Jy I z i FISKE O'HARA AT WALNUT Irish Tenor Singa New Songs in New Drama, "Kilkenny" Flscke O'Hnra, with a new array of "catchy" Irish songs, appealed to ad vantage at the Walnut In his latest suc cess "Kilkenny," written bv Augustus Pltou. Sr. The play is of the romantic Irish type which hus always been a suit able vehicle for Mr. O'Hara. There Is very little plot, but what there Is, holds the 'attention of tho audience with Its clean humor, nnd Mr. O'Hara's songs. The action takes place In Kilkenny, the same place whero the cats come from. In 1310 during carnival time. The story concerns the love affairs of lllchurd Desmond and Molna Carroll who have been giving amateur "theatricals" for charity. Moinu's guardian wishes her to marry Maurice I.evlne, but this Is not to be. The play ends with the hero und heroine marrying, a lost duushter re v united to her family, and the vllllan forced to leave the "ould sod " Tho part of Illchard was portrayed by flake O'ilara, while Anna Hamilton made a pleasing Molna. Wiliinm t xfn,... was seen an Maurice I.evine, Desmond's enemy and rival for the hand or Molna. Miss Marie Qulnn, who In private life U Mrs. Flake O'llaru. us Kitty O'Toole, kept the audience laughing by the clever manner In which she handled her bash ful naval lieutenant. Oood character acting was furnished by J. p. Sulllvun as Martnln O'Toole. Others who contributed to the success of the piece were Adelaide Matthews, Male Bloodgood. J, B. Miller. Henry Duffy and Eliza Mason. Mr. O'ilara used his pleasing tenor voice to advantage throughout the piece, and during the three acts Introduced several songs. "Contrary Mary CUry" proved to be the most popular, although 4rsjaiiu is jreiana to ale" and "Dear Mather Mine" had to be encored. Keith's If you know a clerk In a drugstore who recites the "Gladiator" at tho annual church entortalnment, leave him alone. And If you have a relutivo whom you dearly love, don't tel him ho has talent because he can walk like lMdie l-'oy and play lagtlnie. Take- heed from lhi cxpeilences of Alexander, lie was working happily In a I Ivor' stable at ecn per and always had enough to buy ham nnd liennp for his best girl after the show, nnd he wore clothes that brought everybody to tho front door when he passed but now nil Is changed. It you want to know the end of the story you'll have to see Mclntyro nnd Jleath at Keith's till week. They ex plain fully how talent Is often a curse In disguise In the cnuie erf tli'Mr famous sketch, "The (lenrgla MlustreK" They were given a warm welcome and their re turn to vaudeville will no doubt bring ttiein a golden reward. Th,y present the down and out darky as you usually find him with his frowns. Ida whims and his superstitions. And Its because they get light down to the root of things that tho laughs come ccmsuutlv. The sketch appears to be somewhat elab orated upon. It is "chuck" full of lomedy and overflowing nnd tho stars, who havo deserted musical comedy for u time, scored a triumph. In all fairness It must be said, how ever, that Homer U. Mason and Mar guerite Kceler In their one-act play, "Married," won as irnny laughs ns the stars. This sketch, which has beon ic vlewed Ujfore In these columns, contains tho nucleus of a three-act comedy. It repeated Its former success and churned the house Into an uprc'.i'. -Memories or tlio Southland were le Vlved by Itnlph Dunbar's Mnryland Sing ers, including Trlx Oliver, JIorteMiso Morchart. MnrJorle Xeihercut, l.orna Jackson and Charles Krlnk, nn exception ally clever lianjoli.t. This Is one of the classiest musical acts seen ut Keith's this season and It received a most cordial reception. JoJsle Ilcvither, iin English comedienne, assisted by William Casey, Jr., and Bobble Heather, repeated her former success. Frank Orth and William J. Iiooley, a new vaudeville cumblnat'on, made their tlrst appearance as partners In their old home town nnd pleased emphatically In "A Hard Hpot." Good acts wero also offeied by th Ilve Statues In statuesque ncrobatioH. "Skeol" Gallagher and Irene Martin In songs and dances, and Palfrey. Hall and Brown In "Follies of VuudevluY." r&MAr .Uorr 'r&? or HEtt SON DIED FOR COUNTRY Mother of Philadelphia!! Killed by Mexican Finds Solace in Patriotism Tho body of Samuel J. Schwaler, il years old, of ifll" North 7th street, u mem ber eif Troop B, of the tith Calvary, who was killed by n Mexican "sniper" near Brownsville, Tew, last Friday, will ar rive In Philadelphia next Thursday. Ho will be burled with full military honors next Saturday In the Holy Sepulchre Cemetery, at Hillside. Solemn High He nuloni Mass will be sung In St. llonaven tura's Catholic Church. 0th and Cnmbrlu sticets. Although stiicken with gilef, Mrs Michael Schwaler, tho young soldier's iiiuuier, ana u's sister Cntheilne are proud or the fact that he gavo Ills lire ror his country. "It is hard on us," his sister s.ild today, "but It is Indeed a beautiful thing to die in the service of one's coun tiy." It as announced toda that a move ment would be staited to have a memo rial erected to young Schwaler. Plans aro being completed for the elec tion of one to Chnries Allen Smith, the young Kensington lad who was killed In the second day's tight at Vera Cruz. CLEVER FILM COMEDY IN NEW FOX FEATURE "Merely Wary Ann," With Vivian Martin, Sparkling Bit of Screen Fun By the Photoplay Editor Tlie Evening ldaer reviews the prln rlpnl feature fllmn from private xrreen Inas In advance of pulitle presentation. MrinNr.y mahv an.v a rot nim in ne parts, frnturlnir Vivian Martin. A nim adap tation of Israel Zangivlirs Cornel)'. Far back, nbout 1D05 or 1S0, Kleanor llobson. charming comedienne, put us all In a most excellent humor and made many warm rrlends by her delightful "Mary Ann" In the "Merely" play of thnt name. The story was one of the sweet, sympa thetic nnd sentimental style which so wins the hearts of the many estimable ladles who attend matinees with great legularlty. Why Bhould we speak more of It? Tho poor. Innocent. Ilttlo heroine suffered much, but nit was happy In tho end. "Sufficiency," to quote Sain Bernard. "Morcly Mary Ann ' Is now with us on the screen, with that delightful little person, Vivian Martin, as our little hero ine, She Is uulte as charming ns Kleanor itobson was before her, and much more OUtllfut. She makes Mary a much moro "glad" person than Pollynnnn, n much happier one than tho Ilttlo girl In "Daddy Long Legs." And, withal, sho Is both natural nnd merry, something ono cannot say ror those other disciples of "I should worry." The picture Is excellently directed throughout nnd tho photography clear. While the main appeal Is ono of senti ment nnd pathos, theic Is plenty of action throughout the picture. Tho light be tween the gentlemanl hero and the rather ungentlemnnly vllllnn Is one of the most rough-and-tumble nffalis pos sible When thinking over tho last thico pic tures released by the Fox corporation "The Serpent," with Theda Bara, a thrill ing sex melodrama: "Tho Billing Pas sion." with Clailco Whitney nnd William K. Shay, n hypnotic episode of lndln, and this delightful comedy ono Is forced to see tho versatility of this company's work. KIND THIEVES LEAVE $2 Cigar Store Safety Box, With $218, Robbed of $21(5 Compassionate thieves left 2 for John Lnuber, a cigar store proprietor, of C301 Saybrook avenue, in he discovered today, after having caiefully looked up his money box from which 2I8 had been taken. t.auher, at the closo of business last night, put $218 In tho box and laid it on a tabln for a few mlhutes whllo ho went upstairs. When he returned he carried the box upstairs nnd locked It In n closet, without examining Its contents. This morning he reported to the police of the Citli stieet nnd Woodland avenue station that all but 2 had been taken. Tho thieves nleo refused to tnkc J." In small change from a cash drawer and a epian tlty of valuable silverware. PRESIDENT WILSON GREETS 'BILLY' SUNDAY "FRATS" MAKE LOVE TO "LIKELY" FRESHIES U. of P. Orders Continue Effort to Enlist New Class Members Sends Telegram of Congratula tion in Recognition of New Jersey Day at Tabernacle FKEE CONCERT NEXT SUNDAY Waller Drama at the Knickerbocker Bare feet a la Lady Constance Blchard ion, made their first appearance at tho modest Knickerbocker Theatre last night with the opening of "The Trail of the Lonesome I'lne." with Eleanor Moutell In the leading role. As for the play Itself, It sot a bad start owing to Frank Elliott's tendency to forget his lines. Miss Montell saved the day in the flrBt act, though, by prompting him herself. Later on Elliott rei-ovared himself and the play moved with ease that is characteristic of the Knickerbocker productions. A thing that should be remedied in the management of "" ne. me nnicaeroocKer is the late ness in starting and the long waits be. iween acts. It was exactly 11:15 )as night before the last act was started fhis will prove the source of many a complaint if It Is not remedied. MUM Montell. as June, was excellent. Ted Brackett also did exceptionally well as Judd Toliver. Charlie T. Moore. a the impulsive young mountaineer, did per btpif aome of the best actlni he has shqn here, while Philip Lord and Josie Sliuwn were pleasing-. An addition to the company la Earl Western, who created a good Impresolon In the role of Jack iiu? a partner, ine piece wuj well staged. NIXON GBANl) An entertaining thaw to suit varied tastes is given at the Nlxou Grand. Mar shall Montgomery, tho ventriloquist, with his talkative boy and pretty girl assistant, was the hit or the hill, This net Is a treat because of the fact that tt is out of the ordinary. "In the Orchard." a. musical tabloid, afforded several pretty glrla nnd a few comedians opportunity to dance and cut up. Louoy Haskell told tunny stories. Other acts on the bill were l.eander, comedy cyclist, nnd Wnler Brothers and Greer In a club swinging novclt). NINON. "A Itotmuico of the Underworld." one of the best sketches of tho late Taul Arm strong, pioved nn Interesting attiaetlou at the Nixon. It Is nieacnted by a Inrgo ana competent cast. From the standpoint of applause. Mnry Cirjy wius the hit of the show. To say .hat she Is just j little mass of clevenuss explains It nil. The bill also Included Harry Blutko's Midnight Ilolllckers, Dickinson and Deagon. Foley and O'Neill, the Paldiens arid the Berrens. CLOBK Theie Is an abundance of comedy In the bill nt the Globe. The Handicapped Girls (111 the headline position and wero well received. The act Is well staged and Is punctuated with good music. Entertain lug acts wero also offered by the Novelty Minstrels, J. c. Mack Trio. Uugene X.a Blanc. Itoddlngton and Grant, tho Great Richards, the Doughertys and A. Francis Lenz and company. Lucy Gates Will Bo Soloist at Metro politan Opera House' The next Hlllldav coneeri nt tlm ti,ii. delphl.i Orchestra 111 be given at the Metropolitan Opera House on Sundav arternoon, February 13, nt .1 p. m. Owing to the great number or requests ror tickets which i-ould not he Mitlslled for the first two conccr'. . the tickets for the 13th were distributed dliect from the oniees of the Orchestra Association, rickets which call ror reserved seat will ho honored until :i o'clock, nrtcr which hour those who are standing will be nl lowed to take unoccupied seats. Tho soloist will he Lucy Gntc.e the voung coloratura .soprano, furmotly eif the Berlin Itoyal Opera, but who has been ap pearing at concerts with irro.it ,,...,., during the past season. lhu program to be plaed Is as follows: The Chestnut Street Opera House Is showing "On the Firing IJno With the Germnns," the North American's war plctuies. Theso 111ms wero taken by Wil bur Durboiough. and, ns stated In the review yesterday In the Kveni.vo I.r.noKn, the work Is artistic nnd thrilling through out. Th,e Stanley opens this week with "The Trail of the Lonesome I'ine," with Char lotto Walker, which was reviewed fuvor nhly In yenterdny's Hvenino l,ni)iii:ii. On Thursday, Friday and Saturday "Nearly n King," with John Bnrrymoie. will be featured. The Arcadia begins the week with "Ac quitted." with Wilfred Lucas, which was favorably icvlewed previous! In the Kvk.nino LEnonn, and "Love Will Con eiuer," a Keystone comedy. On Thurs day. Friday anil Saturday "D'Artagnan." wnn urnn jonnsou, nnd "Ufa Herearter1 will bo featured. WILSON WILL WIN AGAIN, SAYS M'COMBS Democratic Chairman Sees Hard Fight Against United Republicans TIIHNTON. N. J.. Feb. 8. Trenton's religious icvlvnl nnd "Billy" Sunday campaign got national nnd Stato recogni tion today New Jersey day at tho Taber naclewhen President Wilson, Governor Fielder and members of both branches of the legislature paid tribute to tho evangelist and, IiIh work. Tho tribute from tho President Is In the form of n congratulatory message, whllo the Gov ernor nnd tho legislators joined In the presentation to "Billy" of n handsome Bible, n set of President Wilsons "His tory of the American People," nnd nlso a copy of "The t.lfo nnd Works of Thomas A Hdlson." Mrs. Sunday re eelxed n fine bouquet of carnntlons. The Bible contained the autographs of Gov ernor Fielder and of the -1 Senators nnd 60 Assomblymoli. Tho President's tclcgrnm follows Tho Whlto House, Washington, February 8, 191G. JOHN K. GILL. Trenton, N. J. Telcgrnm received. I am Interest ed to learn that you will observe n New Jersey dny at Mr. Sunday's tabernacle. I congratulato the peo ple of Trenton on tho lino work of the Sunday cnmpalgn. and sincerely hope the New Jersey Dny celebration will be successful In every wny. Please convey my warmest regards to Mr. Sunday. WOODltOW WILSON. Becauso of the fact thnt this Is Gov ernor's Dny at the State House. Governor Fielder felt ho could rot attend the service. He wna represented by John K. GUI, of this city, who expressed the Chief Hxccu tlvo's regrets nt being unable to bo pres ent. The presentation to "Billy" was made on behalf of the lawmakers by tho Ilev. II. J. Iobst, Assemblyman from Hunterdon, whllo the remombranco for "Ma" was glvon her by Harold B. Wells, Senator from Burlington. Sunday was delighted to have the law makers assembled In "gospel session," iih he called It. He preached to them and to the others in tho tabernacle a sermon on "Lack of Vision," saying, "where there Is no vision the people perish " The "fral mailing" season at the Uni versity of Penns)lvanla continued today, the Freshmen making sure lo Identify thomselves as first-year men by wearing the regulntlon skull caps they arc sup posed lo wear always during Freshninn year, but do not until that badBo or humility becomes nn nsset. The "rushing" of n man by a fraternlt Is the urging of him to pledge himself tit Join that fraternity If he should be deemed worthy, after n period of proba tion. This "rushing" begnn yesterday immediately utter chapel, at which Provost Smith had urged the first-year men lo accept the Invitations many of them would receive. Tho ngrecment entered Into between tho fraternities, not to "rush" men until after tho midyear examinations, which closed last Friday, Is said to be produc tive of good results. In tho first place those students who come to college for unworthy reasons, and who do not study, but take moro In terest In athletics thnn In anything else, nro eliminated by the midyears, which, under the new rule, become n provlng ground for would-bo frnt members. Another beneut Is that class spirit Is fostered by withholding Invitations to the frats until late In tho college year, Aernln the fraternities keep a closo watch on the scholastic standing of their members. The ngreement between the fraternities was mado by the Inlerfratcrnlty Council. Fraternities that break the rules of this council nre fined. Of tho thousand mem bcrs In tho freshman class, about noo are Invited to 'join frats. Piovost Smith was asked today If. considering ills high re gard for the value of fraternities, ho did not think this was a rather small num ber of men to receive the benents of fra ternity life, Ho replied: "Tho frnterrtltlos want men to do some thing for the I'nlvorslty, nnd those who really do something receive recognition. The fact thnt only a limited number nre Invited forms nn Incentive to tho fresh men to do something worm wniic, whether In scholnrshlp, athletics or the various other college activities. Fraterni ties ate unquestionably good. The Iden that they make a man snobbish Is all wrong." GROWTH IN 'DOPE' I CHARGED BY KRUS MEETS READY DE Pierce Archer, r R( Collector, Disputes Dircc Statement as to Hnb Among Girls RESULTS OP NEW Hxcepllon was taken most forri day to the statements of Dr$ Kriisen with regard to his uru "drug" situation In this city kl Archer, Jr. Mr. Archer 3 'Cn Internal revenue collector ami member of tho Nnrcotle Commli lit is headed by ICdwnul tiok , i1 been connected with "laMng joW, Harrison narcotic law for neiri.. In this city, Mr. Pierce saw i most cmpljnllonlly with the ffi conclusions submitted by Doefe,? Director of Health. CIOr K Gives His Son $155,000 Home SCW YOItK, Feb. 8. Henry Parish, who retired last year at tho ago of 85 years as president of the New York Life Insuinncc and Trust Company, Iiiih pre sented his olty residence at 18 AVest fi"th street, to his son, Kdwnrd C. Parish, The house was assessed last year at $105,000. New England Women Will Meet The Pennsylvania Society of Now Kng land AV'omen will hold its midwinter meet ing nt the Acorn Club on Thursday niter noon of this week. Mrs. Arthur II. Lea will give an Illustrated talk on Russia. Tea will bo served. Doctor Krusen asserted that h,, half of the 1500 drug users In ,' wero women between the nue nt 2r. years. To this statement Mr 'i replies Hint of the 3000 cases tin sorvntlon since tho 1st of MorIw scarcely 23 per cent, were women-, ugo limit Is set. " Director Krusen asserted thai were more victims of narcotics it ent than previous to the passa,. " Harrison act. At this statemen' Piorco was unite overcome. "Tills statement would lmnt Pierce, "that the very careful abi enforcement of the law by th p authorities, backed up by tho itr. efforts of the Philadelphia police and by the tremendous force of opinion expressed by many hund physicians nnd druggists, has ml failed lo reduco the amount of Illicitly used but has Increased It." Mr. Pierce docs not think that f) Krusen meant to make tho uii credited to hint. Ho thinks that li' rector meant that tho Investigator tho pollco nnd tho various societies revealed n number of drug usm were previously unknown. i "The Hnrrlson act can't wipe out taers unless the State co-optrates every power nt hand," continued! Pierce. "It nlms by a system of ret Hon nnd by tracing the drug from Jr facturer to -consumer to catch dops", There ought to bo an Institution ' u permanent cure would be as3uretl havo been 2CS arrests " persons ped Mope.' four of which were physlclaai United States Attorney has obtained Ictlou In nil but ono l, these "( "There Is not a day In this depart but thnt an linbltu.il user of dru-ict In, broken down hi mind nnd bod-1 nsks to be sent to tho Philadelphia") pltnl. Wo have made the price of 'd in the Tenderloin Joints jump to H e what It was before tho 'Harrison act" passed. Tho only wny tho vice cat utterly wiped out is to givo long (ut. the penitentiary to those persons cat peddling 'dope' to boys and glrM hope that tho dep rtments concerned take this matter up -.'Itliou' delay," ftt&aBESSsc. ! '4 PROMINENT OTOPLAY PRESENTATIO I'rfrttlwil Owrttir. Bell finng rrm "I.-ikme" "Hootch" S mplinny . . . Arln'Cftro nome," from Tono poem, "Klnlanrtla" litrlltiz Dellbes . .. .Mentlelrfuhli 'HlKolettn". . .Verdi Sll,lm "Yellow Ticket" Kevived at American The Yellow Ticket," Michael Morton's drama of Ituislan life, was revived last night by tho Ueorge Art Ine Players at the American. The play deals with the unjust persecution of a oung Itusslan Jewess by the secret police, and how a younsr American Journalist rescues her from their tolls. Huth nouinson makes a convlnclns ana sympathetic Maria Va renka, while the lUron. head of (he se cret police, affords George Arvine a chance to display his versatile talents. Itlchard La Salle Is seen a tlm young American journalist, and the other mem ber of the cast aid In maklnj the pro duction a creditable one. Delegates to D. A. It. Convention Independence Hall Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, today. In tho New Century Club, jsth street, near Walnut, elected delegates to attend the Continental Cungrcsa of tho national or ganization in Washington nn Anrll m The delegates are: Mrs. D. S. Stetson' legent of the chnpter; Mrs. T. C. Alncent' ltei nates. Miss Llda H. Ashbrldgc, Mrs J. F. McCoy and Miss Emllv AahhrM,.,. Tho topic for discussion today was. "The AVorld Navy." Itocltefeller Leaves for Soulh TAmtYTOAVN. X. y.. i,'eb. 8. John D Itnckefeller, who leturned to his Poeun tlco Hills estate last week niter spending two months at Lakewood, N. J leaves today ror Jelol Isle, Florida, to remain until spring. 'Siu.i S..V,-" .....: -J ..M "" . mayinr the hir3Ji"i;.inV,i,I2,"JSSta0.''iWne.. an,1.1iV;1Mmer'AWnt,reS;'r! IK Of th UriUftl tvriA wi,k t,iV '' Court Ends Ballot Count ruTTHVILLE, P. Feb. . - Jud Bmmm ta .oniplcted tUe count of the tjUcU unit at the Nov smb ;r svlectlon at t,ut 'rMk W4t Maltanoy iownhli The i&ut eg svliool directors aatl squiiu poor v "i ( dilftnal jditrbtly from the re m'lui r tiw !cU0A board More tvic . t. e to in iiMret jr Ifef court. "GAG" UULE OKDEItS FOK IMMICBATIOX BILL Committee Votes to Force Literacy Test Measure Through House WASHINGTON. Feb. S. A "gas rule to force the Burnett Immigration bill with the llterawy test for Immigrants through j Committee today The Immigration bill may be taken vu Thursday. This would set aside eaneral approi nation bill and other Important mtasurea uwaitlng i-onsIderatiQii. The strong support behind the Immigra tion put u anxious for baste la order that the Ilotis may have another pp. portuntty to vte on the bill if the Prest dnt agata vatce itus mau a lie did. at y4l. F " Theatrical Baedeker QAHItK,K-"Twln 1)1," wltli Hay Oo v ?o'rB,Uho,n!a,aJj, 0r,c,;7.l,,:0D,e- AnCLPIH . - "Marie Odllo," Wtn Franrea Htarr. Ar. admirable H.la.co prodwtlon LfwiS. '""' "'"' "" & u.so" FORnnaT-"Around th. Map," nh El.la best of all. a ,,nln,f- Urban', scenery D5?AD-J,'',l,.!!yJln'' whh Patricia Collin... .....v niaiuiun and ntrliert Kelr-Mv ,p- fflftd Vlrl" nf tli.. ,,Ia , , ..,, .T-. a 'a "; --- .fc. . ...w aiuu UIHJ1.Q LY Monro tlon alii T!Z- 1!L'C ,i'' eo.lumfs In largii quentltifa how. ne ounetqu on current WlIJs'!,'r."K1"',"lv." will, Flslie O'Harj u fP&J?. A.u,nI,tu". w,ou- A rontantlc J?or? of love and adventure In Ireland. See re'leiv. PHOTOPLAYS. TN'tlT CTHEET OPEItA HOUBE-"On ftrlnr Ua With the nermini!'' th h American's wnr ni,,.. -L- !" rgra.'iffi" ,he """"- . iniia sX.ArJ,LU,1 TuJay and AVedneaday. -rh. Trail of th. Lonewme Pine," with ICIiaruiitl Walker, Thuwday. rd.y and to Jrt " AROADIA-r-'rueiday und Wadnttday ,,., qultte.1." with frllfred Lucas "and i2Zl JVIIl "lonouer," a. Kayatoni comedy. -tiSn day-j. Friday 'and Saturday. "IVArtaanan" wlih Orrln JoUnaon. and -aila IleVeafi-? '. Keyalone comedy. "ner, a PALACE) All week. 'Tbe Holder" with u.... in Frederick, a Famo"rffw'nl mon pi'i1" ST. I.OL'IS. Feb. 8,-"Tho Demociats nre looking for it hnid fight in tlie coming I'lesiilentliil campaign, but AVoodrow AVII sou enn bent nny candidate the ncpulill tans put up," declared AVIIIIam F. Mc Combs, choliman of the Democratic Na tiniial Committee, today. The Subcom mittee on Arrangements was perfecting plans for the Democratic National Con vention in June. 'McCombs predicts that the Republican and Progressive parties will be reunited and will support one candidate at the coming election. "That will mean wo will have tn Unht the combined strength of tho two pnttlos, but President Wilson is strong enough to beat the combination," said McCombs. "President Wilton's strength has In ciensed greatly liv Ills imir in iii v.w j and Congress will back him up in his pre- i,ui ruut-as piuKram. "AVhen we go Into the convention to nominate a President tho passage of tho hill for national defense and the passing of u tariff commission bill willbe history. Uy that tlmo the Lusltanla controversy will bo settled. In my opinion, and with the fine record the party has ulready made In tariff rcvion. In the establishment or the Federal reserve bank system and In other legislation, we .should have a record which aiiouiu wunstanu any ouslauglit of tho opposition." Mr McCombs also asserted that Hryan's position ono way or the other would have no effect on the next campaign. Up to noon today tho committee had held only Informal conferences, but ex pected to complete Its work by tonight or tomorrow. '"""" inuunuinmiimii immmi. inmii Om Boam Grnmrni TUT. follnwlnc theatre obtain their pictures through tlie STANLEY Hooking Compuny, wlilrli a guarnntee of rttrly ftlmulnga of the mint production!. All pictures reTleivrd before exhibition. Ak for the theatre In your locality obtaining pictures through tho STAMJ.1 llooklnc Company. A I II a HJinn A 12th. Morris ft Pttitsyunk Ave. ALHAhIdKA Mat Dally at 2; Evf.. 1 0. iiuuiiiuuiu. vaudeville A i'aranVt l'lcturea. MARnunitlTR CLAHK in "MICIJ AND MEN" ARCADIA CHESTNUT OELOAV 10TH WILKltED LUCAS 111 "ACQUl'TT'ED'' , I'ltEI) MACE In "LOVE AVILL CONQUER" DSD AND THOMPSON MATIM.I. UAIL.X APOLLO MARGUERITE CLARK in THE I'llINCK AND THE PAUPER" BLUEBIRD -09 NOBT" nn0AD ST Paramount Presents MACLYN AIHIUCKLE in "THE REFORM CANDIDATE" DPI TAiMVT'T r'2D APOA'E MArtKRT rJllLMUrJ 1 Mats Ii'lO t 3:.T). We. I'.,m. Il.io. 8. 0:30. 1.1c. nT r T;,CnrA '" "Madam" Butterlly" Mary ricKrora paramount picture. LIBFRTY BROAD AND J " COLUMntA Dorothy Donnelly in 'Madame X' rathe Gold Rooster Play Logan Auditorium BlTftk?.l3.,. iJJ'Am-K PLAYM imltl.V JOHNSON and bt-l:NA OWEN In "THE PENITENTS." FORD STERLING In "THE HUNT." M ii Tl Tsvrx NSWM kWtV CENTRAL j Chestnut St. Op. Housed THE NORTH AMERICAN'S GERMAN WAR PICTURE WEST PHILAIIEI.l'IHA J GRAND C5D ani1 siatiket sii! MAT DAILTl 2 rsx,i' "GRAFT" No. m OVERBROOK C3D "dM jii:d fi:.itvi:e day 'l HARRY CAREY in I 1VV,T,n mm ...... .. . I . ".nuiu ur T11U U..Mit7 J: J I nARnPTM 03D & LANSDOWNEltli and LOCUST I A'1' -'. fcT,l i. ii:i und .ii.to. me. I imrtfli''L.P!AY.s-iOROTiir oisa 11 ,- it.vn u rv.-n. i-: iwiiUV.N lis a livitn linin1' -. .... ". ".", o, tv ., iMi:. i -... -.:... :r -""- ' ,.t,v..'SVJ.,t-vkv nni1 WSI- ,:- "AA' In 1 HE RULING PASSION." Win FoPruduct'n LOCUST City Deing Hid of Vice, Says Wilson VIcb and crime, aro belni; suppressed SPf iriil,,ihl,H.rl,?.'..?ccor,1,nr t0 "'rector or Public Safety AVIlson. who spoleo last nlsht at tho sixth annual banquet of tlie lloca HuHlnens Men's Association, In -Aleijobacirs Hall, 13tli street and Giro re avenue. The work Is also belne carried on wt limit publicity, tho Director said In Older to aavc the city's fair name. rrnAD paramount LtUAK THEATRE 60TH AND pnrtAii AVE. raraniount i'rn,iuttion CHARLOTTE GREENWOOD and SYDNEY Q RANT In "JANE" FAIRMOUNT MT" ?AD AVB. Parnmount Picture SIARGUEniTE CLARK In "The Prince and the Pauper" Banquet Tonight at Union League t"i t"ri"!!!f:Vv"1 l, tendercel tonlKht by John Grlbbel, president, and tlie oillcers of the Lnlon I.eugue Club to members who have been admitted to the club within the last few months and their sponsors. CHESTNUT ine r North STOCK. Prune and - Spray Now FRANKFORD "" FaANKAFv0ERNDuE Paramount Picture- A'KTTOR MOORE in 'Chimmie Fadden Out West" 52dSt. :U, Mat.Sc,Evg.l0c JULIA DEAN in "JUDGE NOT" Market St. Theatre 333 lASCT Patho Pictures Piespnt AGNES GLA'NNE' ill ''THE I.OA'E TRAIL" w QRAFT" Ktry Wednesday ORPHFl IM GERJIANTOWN AND ", tVHIulk pla'yTCN AVES- XIARIE DORO In "THE WOOD NYMPH" Ivesatoiio Comedy "Tho Perils ot tho Park" ORIFNT C!D Bn1 WOODLAND AVE. vluL,n DallyMat.,2. Urir., 0:30 toll. MtiiKniph Peature . ., RANKIN DRIV III ' WIO KILLED JOE MARION" "JORDAN KCljSTll.V!: COMEDY- 1 A ' ' and tup nnoxDWAT sum K 1 1 R V V A lorn and n - xrAnirt-rr tmrrm -niu.iiui.i: i"L.ys- ivAiiiujtiNE kaei erd 4 house rral l.-.,.... '" r. ' "V W1NUED idol- ;i Ketstono Coiuedv "Crooked to the m'l IMPERIAL Theatre ,& S - TRfNJL13 lilJVB- AMLLIAJI h HART In VHBTWECf feci '..,,.. -KEYSTONE COMEDY- m.A HEIGHTS AND DARIM1 IIE.ir M. PALACE J p Pauline Frederick in 'The Spider 2H MARKET STREET . . 10 A. M. in 11:13 P. e-AIIAUUUKT NORTH PARK n'DGE AVE. K DAUPHIN ST. ...,Yi,r., Contlnuouaiihow from!! :30-0 t30.ll i?,ARA':'' ,-.7 nlurlir th Great Star of tho Orlslnul Cast, DOROTHY DONNELLY Paths eloM Rooster Play RvnJ Ci- l r-' BROAD utuuu Liucci vasino bii Ul'EVIVU 7 11 and 9 I BRYANT WASFBURN b ECK3 OP THE GAME COMEM PIECE! GERMANTOWN 850SAxVB Paramount Picture GERALDINE PARRAR In "TEMPTATION." Artdeit attraction "THE STRANGE CASE OP MARY PAGE" GLOBE MTU & MARKET 2 15-7-0 il.1 noi) KIMIIAI.I, nnniv I'uramouni j'icturs Theodore Roberts ln """ annx " """"" MONTE CARLO" AHERICAK "Ttw Yallow Ticlt.t " Th. a, via. playera In . tUrlllln melodrama ef null UNICKER!)OCKER-"Tha Trail of th I. fm Pine," Th KnlckerbSck " Diay"iV John Koa. Jr populur play, " in A'AUDEVILLE. KEITH'-Helntyre and Heath, Hom,r n f. Ralph Dunbar a Maryland, jiu fflSSI trS ".. "a" and Brown. 6rth and"-?"' Rrer.Y''M. if.V ".&, ' n -"-'- "W vaaiau. oiiraeiiii . eomiry.,Locay Haakell. AViiionHSl'i;.:!!- VIatr TI. n ..UT-" i,,r.! J. f Fr.M.ia llj.und. Piul and BEdlth W,U r.- .Eyj". M .uunC R;3dfe;.z. VC- iimni. ine uoagatftiu ana Vanpit -- fw JTha SwonaTatSry Man!S IS cft.tJt la WSii. - UUHUSSOiUB. Oraat This should be attended to be fore balmy weather sets in. A thorough spraying will destroy the San Jose and other scale an any larvae of Insects. Don t fail to trim the fruit and shade trees. It should be done iw. thc sap starts run. We. have a large assortment of spraying material, pumps and pruning tools, Catalog Free MICBELl'S MB fllRARn AVENUE THEATRE VJirVrMAL 7th AND OIRARD AVE. MARIE EMPRESS In "LOVE'S rnosH hoaiis" Special Contest tor Amateurs Ht-pnt Nnt-tViprn RROAD ST . ERIE & ureamorinern germant-.n aves - TRIANGLE PLAYS De Wolf Hopper in 'Don Quixote' IRIS THEATRE 8ua A:vSaT0" BLANCHE SWEET in "THE SECRET ORCHARD" JEFFERSON imi gag$plN TRIANGLE PLAYS SID CHAPLIN, a Keyntono Star. In "THE SUBMARINE PIRATE." LAST DAY. LAFAYETTE 20U I?EN8INKSi5UB PAULINE FREDERICKTn "ZAZA" PRINCESS ,0trpptET " T II E It V S u "''''4 ."."n", 1K"..,,"z..,,'nR!AI. NO. -I "w v"" '11 wma - every rnursilay See RIALTO GERMAN-TOWN AVE. avi-M 1U AT TULPEHOCKEN ST. MABEL TRUNNELLE in "THE MAGIC SKIN" RFfiFNT ,634 MARKET 8TREET CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG in "PUB YELtXW PASSPORT" CENTURY '?,;; tK7l ROBERT WARWICK in "The Fruits of Desire,1' 5 Arij SOUTH BROAD AND PORTO SltK PLAZA MURIEL OSTRICHEin "A Circus Romance," 5 A ,OH''HU'EST DANCING SSS DanceTonight. Moa J-BTEP CONTEST TOMOR Vfww?" BVqf I FADFR FORTY-FIRST AND JrrtW . LANCASTER AVENUE Paramount Picture PAULINE FREDERICK In "LYDIA GILMORE" R IIH V MARKET STREET ,., "--trianglSTy" strect SAMnfeRARD IS qtT?S0Ta?S.., SHERWOOD "JlWiaPon. HOUSE PETERg'J'ITC ,! "THE OREAT DIVIDE" TOX ln SAVOY ",Jt,-Ieet:et ' 1 i?Da2S.WS?D " AB AMJ80.V In "LILLO OF THE SULU SEAS'" TIOGA "TH VENANGO STB: fi7J5SUJ?li,Ur,-MACI'yN' ARRUCKLB "THE REFORM CANDIDATE" Susquehanna TSmwM ROBERT WARWICK in, "Fruits of Desire," JprWj NORTHEAST 1STII AND OIRARDP1 FLORBNCB T.A nADIB !-JI "THE PRICE OP HER BIUSM'! B-Part Soo-lal Mutual JJalerpw STRAND HAM AND RI'D COMEDY KENSINGTON rnoMT nr. AhT) (1IIIA1U' ' V I C T O R I A "arket jr. C. ot Mary Pgw.-arr W.d'IfnThurV STANLEY Lket arovb imr continuous Charlotte Walker in 1UV5A;,M.0 T"K TRAIL OK THE LONESOME PINE" 11 llS P.M. .a............ 1 I I I" JUMBO "TI4F MAM IMSinE" Vivania 'Seeing America H Weekly Programi Appear Every Monday t Motion Picture CM 3 KrilOOI.S AMI rnilvn riOMDlCT'St-Tli.mnn.'. ,.....,, . . I ZZLL- -- . .; 'TtuUti. 2 Tcarrait tSSiK ? rtu, I SIKA ITER'S Tb,Bja aaataa, iktal. '-- a hm-svi Catatsttt I JiWl!"ij METR.O PICTURES EXHIBITED IN ONLT ONE THEATRE IN EACH LOCALITY DISTINCTIVE CREATIONS Ask for Metro Picture Al AUoluu Oijarantw tt quality m PATHE GOLD ROOSTER PERFECT PLAYS LOIS MEREDITH . r TV , "The Precious Packet" By FRED JACKSON ' ATAUj .him n.,, .. .. I PATHB IXOJUh'OE, WC IMS V1NH fi 1 . WEEKLY I1U1HAMS AtB? --Mn --... ' - -f t" i ...' -. - - -T--r" r.. ..ri.-aaa f-.l nt TIIFATREft'i ooin oi. "s .. Onpna Tlile Sat.. Feft J TBWtkJ .kj -fcW-J . . ,'J WltU the Hi rnnUBlJraiil GERALDINE PAJWW! in "TBMPf ATIOMj FVb.M.U.Mary l'lck(orel ' Jh ? m piciurea aecureu '- pTr - aiusfpAT m THB SUTIMf"-" itfjijjilB JSjtt iJ M. - 3lE txijrriM&-- LJi(t