Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, February 08, 1916, Night Extra, Page 5, Image 5

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BE Secretary snorn 01
fever by Enlarged Office
RfNewumw. uj. i.
S nf It's" Prestige on Wane.
lA! - . T-l!..4- rnntl-nl
Ol JUHK" """"
LONDON, Tel). 8.
. .. ftfU.lntrtt nf Mtl
ii J.tnvlI-UCOriie, .............
Isl; as BRttl" b(,""r me'1110"0'1 to
l . .ihlp successor lo i-orci Mien-
S ..-k. of K" steps out of the Wnr
ft tori Derby, who 1lrcctcd tho ro-
&, recxaltlns camjjB.
JtIIW wh"fl namo wus -""""
fepWttlon- , Kllrlmn.
l?aSnr"lBntlon Mi obtain
f? Irom any authoritative source. It
lMMHy "Breed that If lie quits.
V" Pn,.rA.yni im In Ecvnt or SIcso-
!lll P ""
ft'"11- .. .- t..l of l-
!rrnc.ln7 the chief ope.
Ziof OrestMrltnln-s armies. Sir Wll
i, Robert rtobcrtion lins tnken over
"."'.1. ,i Imnortnnl tnsk-tlmt of
Sin a" miliary opornllwis-iiiid Sir
S I HMs only recently beenmo com
SSSteehlef of the British forces In
rTM comparatively tranquil atmosphere
flit ft" muri;u ... -.. ,
Milton for smc weeks lias Riven way
Ti.i,M tn n recline of rcstlvcness, and
iMitht Dolltlcal London Is tilluttor with
foment nd speculation. This time.
Jiltto previous occasions, doubts aro
jtd upot. concrcto facts, not gucss-3
cr political nttnclts.
'revolutionary clianRO lias Just been
Md In the functions of tho Secretary
.V ..-. u.. .. 1. 1-1. 1 nw,1 li'ltnliAnni
i' uractlcally superseded in what has
tonthe foremost function or Ills orricc,
... dt once taken up by tho press as a
mbsUntlal sign that the duys of Karl
Hlchtner as War Secrctni y are dellnltely
J,VblJ no effort Is made here to conceal
that If the reported chance Is actually to
tx rAade it will mean In the last analysis
ihit Lord Kitchener has at last been
'domed by his political opponents, It Is
jttrUfo that lie Bill by no menus be en
Itlrely discarded ns one of tho leading mll-
KirjrflSUrM in ureal iiniuin.
tit Is pointed out l.cro that Lord
Kitchener's pocr hns ciumbled bit by
bit durlnB tho last twclvomonth. Kirst
Uord George, popularly described as the
emrire'i driving force, was mailo Jlinls-
Kr of Munitions That appointment do
iprlied Lord Kitchener of ono of the vitnl
tranches of Jils original provlnco of work.
tlthouKh ostensibly It was dono to "ro
l!ire him."
tTfcen cane last fall tho Pelby recruit-
Ins campaign. The traditional Idol of the
ijosters, K. of K was replaced by the In
surgent, Lord Deroy Tho latter's nnmo
wean to be associated with the recrult
aj campaign. Lord Derbj and not Hail
Kltcluner received the credit of dolnpr all
&lt was humanlj possiblo in delaying
ueanwhlle the fnos nf r.nr.i KitM. ,..,,.
kept lathe campaign with unabated blt-
mtu. une or tno latest attacks upon
Mm u mado by tho Weekly Dispatch,
Met 'called him "too r.'il" fnr his nmn.
int office and urged the Government to
renaniaiofnc .Near Unit, "where he be
ns,f1)id whcie ho can do tho best
'fab, when Llovd Onnrsn n,,io,,l
m Us nationwide roumlun nt ini,n I
f w jpeccuni; up of tho munitions
"ipai, naKins speeches that shook EnR
8d from npathj into nctlon, Lloyd
wrw rose from the mnai nnniiniiv ,1..
"ted man In the kingdom to the ped
ui . 'l e cmnlro's drivlns power."
raw Lord Kitchener lost In prestlRC.
iot long airo. nhen ihn ri,niinu mi-
ter made his now fnmous "too lute"
?? 3 Re'ierally taken as a vellcl
". on iviicneiicr, for It was the latter
fW Was held rsnnnqlhln tn !. fntl..
nfl the need for machine suns.
Wie j
Former United States military
"""attache nt Berlin, who is men
tioned as a messenger for German
officials in the letters taken
from Captain von Papcn by the
Engineer of Flyer Coming From Flor
id the Victim
NOHKOLK. Va., Feb. S. Knglneer
WrlRht was killed and his fireman seri
ously Injured when n Seaboard Air Line
llycr, noi thboimd from Florida, was
wrecked near Sanford, N. C, early today.
Heports at the main offices of tho Sea
board Air Lino hero say three cars were
overturned, but so fnr as can bo ascer
tained none of the passengers was In
jured. The cause of tho wreck has not
been ascertained.
Letters Seized by -British
Show Langhorne Acted
as Messenger
Interesting additions to tho Von I'apen
correspondence are contained In a par
llnmentnry paper Issued last nlsht. Tho
paper gives tho translations of nil the
documents taken from Captain Frnnz von
Pnpen, 06 former Clermnn mllltnry at
tncho nt Washington, and the full entries
of his bank nccoimt with fac similes of
checks nnd stubs.
A letter dated merely "Washington,
Tuesday," and signed "It. Hntzfeld" Is
one of tho documents now for tho first
time divulged.
trrlnce Hermann von' Halzfoldt-
Trnchenberg Is counsel of the German
nmbnssy nt Washington. 1
This letter contains tho following'
"I telephoned today to Albert. The Am
bassador. In my opinion, should necrtho
less Issuo a statement to enlighten tho
native Americans and pro-Germans nnd
lend their thoughts Into right channels
Tho peopl6 are really so stupid; besides,
this means wo can openly dcfcnd( tho
Americans In the Adams, ltodley. who aro
Implicated In this nffnlr."
Other letters obviously refer to Major
Langhonip, formerly United States mlll
tnry nttncho In llerlln, who wns sum
moned home early In 1913. These lcttois
arc from Coloi el Herwarth, of the Ger
man Gcncrnl Stun. Ono letter to Captain
von Pnpen says:
"I strongly advise you to see Lang
horne. Of course jou know h Is re
turning. Kvcrybody regrets his depart
ure. He Is iiulto exceptionally popular
with every ono here
"The bearer of this letter, Mr. Lycll
Fox, can give you news of Berlin. He
Is rellnblo and understands how shame
fully dependent on Hnglnnd the United
States have become, Tro forma, of
course, he Is n neutral, I think there
will soon be n big change In Amcrlcnn
Another Herwarth letter, dated March
22, says:
"I hope you nnd Boy-L'd received all
my letters, which I forwarded to ou
through Langhorne nnd Fox. I hope the
people over there will gradually hoc rea
son. I am suro you nnd Boy-F.d will
do jour share to contribute to this re
sult. I shall do all I can by Influencing
tho reporters, who always come to see
A letter from Hdwnrd Lycll Fox, dated
Berlin, July 23, says:
"It Is my sincere conviction, nnd in be-
Today in the War
German nrtillcry is pounding the
Allies' lines in northern France
nnd Belgium ns the first move of
their new offensive. Hundreds of
new guns from the Krupp works
nro in position. Great troop move
ments behind the German lines arc
reported by Allied nvintors.
French guns, in reply to the Ger
man fire, shclkd a fort near Ilct
Sas nnd trenches near Stccnstraatc.
Pnris nlso reports the destruction
of a German blockhouse between
the Oise and Alsnc.
Rumnnian participation in the
wnr is agitating both Allies and
the Central Empires. Germany, it
is reported, is ready to make a
military demonstration to counter
act the Allies' diplomacy at Buch
arest. It is officially denied in
London that the Central Empires
have dispatched n menncing ulti
matum to Rumnnln.
German troops continue concen
tration on the border of Greece.
Bulgnrs also arc there in force.
Turks arc massing on the Ru
manian border.
have been cnllcd out for Rervlco under the
Derby plan. All aro single men.
In order lo aoii Inconvenience nnd un
due pressure upon the recruiting oftlccs
It wns ni ranged that only a certain num
ber of men should bo required to report
today, but from now on until thb four
Rush of Volunteers on Eve of i Rrois re cxtinute.i the rccrtiits win eon-
Enforcement of Com
pulsion Law
LONDON, Feb. 8. Four more groups
of Ungllsh nrm recruits, enlisted under
the Iird Derby sjstcm. "began reporting
to the colors todn. These men will not
be ready for active service until summer.
It Is estimated that the British Army will
be Increased by approximately a quarter
of n tnllllon men by tho calling out of
these recruits
This makes eight croups of recruits that
tlnue to present themselves.
There wns n big rush of Derby volun
teers today to enroll thcmselyk-s beforo
the conncrlptlon law goes Into effect on
Thursday. H nitrating before Thursday
the lecriills snc themselves from tho
stigma of draft.
Special nppenls have been Issued by Sir
Charles Wnkefield, tho Lord Mayor of
London, who has published n list of
famous London corps with vvhldh men
may enroll. Sir Chnrlcs Is anxious that
the famous London cglmcnts. which
hnvo distinguished themselves In the first
year of the wnr, shall bo kept nt their full
hnlf of many other Amcrlcnn correspond
ents here, that the misunderstandings
between our cuuutrles nre due to the
poor advice and vvurpcit viewpoint of tho
American Kmbassy In Berlin. President
Wilson ennnot know the German view
point under tho existing circumstances."
Doctor Dumba, tho former Austro-Itun-garlan
Ambassador nt Washington, nhoso
recall was requested by the Amcrlcnn
Government September 23, wrote from
Lenox September 1;
"Everything hns ended happily In
In Washington, and the people already
think they henr the bells of pcaco i lug
lug, Wo have not got that length yd, but
It Just shows what a good etTcet Is pro
duced by good words and u light hand."
ra&, A
I $MZZ f xi 1
rmm j& jiMm
ro. Jo i JS4rovy5! x. v
-? M iVrvSl v U
111LI Mfl -
pr5 V& iP f
Her ValcjUrve
Matinco Dancing
Wi-Uncmlny ami Raturdar
4 tn 0 P. St.
Afternoon Tea Wednesday
4 to G P. M.
?nc,:.t S! ftrvadSCfaftiiiitlk
ilnnlir. II r.o ! St. to flnMn- X- i-'
flag liiM (Bast Uteres Mi
,N lb SI
C. J. Hcppe & Son -1U7-H19 Chestnut Street 6th and Thompson Streets
Getter al Clean-Out
Women ys Shoes and Slippers
Women's short and discon
tinued lines of shoes in Patent
Colt, Gun Metal and Russia Calf,'
also Evening Slippers, formerly
$4 to $8.
a pair
We have made another and
final cut in the prices of nearly
all our other men's and women's
shoes, which makes them the
very best values in the city.
I "
I sl
I "
I m
39 S. 8th
930 Chestnut
203 N. 8th
e genuine rianoHa
within the reach of most every home
Equitable' Savings Certificates
are representative of po-operation between the merchant and
the consumer and represent a cash discount on all purchases.
' x Ask for Them Save Them
and Deposit Them at the
MUTUAL TRUST CO., 5th above Chestnut St.
In. i
He if,
hi& ol. i3vW Dtari!nwt,iM ifnounl i? ,t9Lfr 4ni (!ftl p
: thi
5th abv. Chestnut St.. Phila.
Void after
Jan.. 1920
V. M. FRIDAY Cremo Butterine
3H6 N. Camac Street, Phila.
BKK!SE3Sra?3iiKStS ,
The Stroud Pianola
Equipped with Metrostylo and
This instrument has every patented "pianola"
feature used on our famous Steinway and Weber
Pianolas. It is made by the same manufacturers and
carries the same guarantee. We further guarantee it
to be the best $550 value in Philadelphia. We will
refund your money if you find a better value.
The price of the Stroud is within reach of every
prospective purchaser. If desired, you can pay monthly
or weekly, on terms as low as" $3 per week. You can
also apply your regular piano as part payment. .We
will gladly estimate on its exchange value. Catalogs
of this style or of any of our other styles will be mailed
on request.
The Aeolian Family
of the player-piano world is on sale at Heppe's
At Factory Prices
ns follow;!:
Steinwav Pianola $11J)0 I Wheelock Pianola $750
Weber Pianola ?1000 Stroud Pianola S550
Francesca-I leppc Plaver-Pianos S450
Aeolian Player-Pianos $395
Terms Cash, or charge account, or rental-payment plan
All rent applies to purchase
'ine JKeature 01 use secHica weels; m Our i
February Fereltere Sale
'tf.'Y''LL be a quick clearance of all sample Ivory Enamel Bedroom Suites, at a saving to
you of SO per cent. These samples were consigned to us by various manufacturers
we represent, and they have asked us to close them out. This is th srcnnrl nnnnr.
tunity we have offered in the past four months to secure high-grade manufacturers' samples
M at one-half the value, and those of our customers who purchased at our recent sale of high
p grade period upholstered samples will appreciate this opportunity.
Denominations Sc, 10c, 25c, SOc, $1.00 and $5.00
Patronize the merchant giving Equitable Savings Certifi
cates he deserves your patronage.
Write us for further information and we will tell you who
give Equitable Savings Certificates.
Lincoln Building, Philadelphia, Pa.
Bell Telephone Walnut 3213
(Pi, -K
4-plece iTorjr Suite, Including Ilcd, Ilreaier, Chiffonier
no ouei ' uuica. Jinninjauj "I1". tane ci rA nn
VM Panellnar. Her. SISS.OO. Sale nrlee
g $180.00 -&: jsir.,1'?:!?. $122.00
0 $195.00 .eeu.,vsoB7e...8.,,.,.,r:...c':ne $130.00
M $190.00 '-ft". lvjjr Suite, c... $126.00
7 Pieces
Value $325
Sale Price
POSTER BED, full size, fluted
posts with pineapple tops. Dresser,
50 inches wide. Chifforette, with two
paneled doors, inclosing a series of
sliding trays, two drawers below.
TOILET TABLE with triple mirror,
Toilet Table BENCH, CHAIR and
$240.00 4-Ks:l,7..."',.,r:..cM $160.00 I
$250.00 ne...,vs,.7e..s.u,.,.':...r""" $170.-00 i
$200.00 -ftuA;iye.,.s.UUe:..c"" $134.00 i
$285.00 .'"elvcrrsul.e. C.ni $190,00
$z6o.oo 4-y.,1rs:U),v7e..s.u,.t.c:...c"ur $175.00
Aside from thu econd week feature, we offer tho following exceptional value, in MaHocanv and
Circassian Walnut.
Vouls XVI or Adam period, 4 piece.
Value 9)173. Clrcaulan- 1 C flfl
Wuluut, Sale..,.,,,, Ua,UU
... ' or 'u"m 'erlod 4-pieee sialtosanr l'oaler Cojonlal Suite, 4
ycuruvui nunc, iuauoganT. iicb- .,. .. .12-500 orrn n,
ular,.Bo.0O. $98.00 Sa'e"'.."ef:.!! :. $78.01
Our period Dining Room Suites in Mahogany, Walnut and Jacobean Oak, we claim to bo the finest
in the city; the most distinctive and at the samo timo the most conservative.
Our February prices for equal values are 40 per cent lower than any Retailer in Philadelphia.
Consolidated Furniture M firs., Inc.
- 1 1015-1017
Filbert St.
"Furniture of tho
Better Kind,"
f Tfunutor
Jatsvxreu te;
159 Madison
Now York
Out of the High
Rent Districts
Philadelphia Store
15th & Ches nut
of Every Garment
in Our Stock for
Men and Young Men
When 1 first planned my
chain of stores I deter
mined to maintain a certain
high standard of value at
a close price margin.
High corner rental, exces
sive overhead expenses,
laxes, etc., make it impos
sible to do 'business at a
profit. Therefore rather
than increase prices or de
crease values 1 am discon
tinuing the Philadelphia
store and closing out my
entire stock at the follow
ing Reduction
$15 and $16.50 Overcoats
and Suits
$18 and $20 Overcoats
and Suits
$22.50 and $25 Overcot'
and Suits
f23 and $30 Overcoats
and Suits
and so on. Suits and
Overcoats reduced from
$32.50 to $18; $35
now $20, up to the fin
est garments, including
Montagnac Overcoats,
all reduced in the same
with astrakhan
shawl collars,
Originally Marked $25.00
Outside shell of the finest
black kersey, quilted lined
throughout, All sizes.
15th & Chestnut
AU otorsti K Toxk )
UosteB, FYOfidt&ca nod Buffalo
JriSA &-
ati.jiuis. ja.-aajS.-st ife