Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, February 08, 1916, Night Extra, Page 15, Image 15

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-.n Steel M&de New
fe fifoel Preferred Also
Telephone Earnings Improve
ilftnen outburst of buojtincy In Lnlto
stlor find ijiecmc Bl",",i" ""
WS. attention from Cnmbrla Steel to
WTh?lnr however, still maintain,
ladenhip of the local market In
J;! oZme of transactions, some
&' ,h.r chinulnB hnt..l- The St. eot
ffiinM to took fol nn Issue of stork
".':. i.unin Company to nitnnro its .
p '"" thpr than .1 sale of bonds
Swells in connection with the purchnse
Cambria Steel rompany were belnc
,d'fJ 1 0jt today and the opinion uns
... .i.ni inn entire new shuu 01
lEjSrVouM be subscribed for hy the
5.IhoMer lei Ins none on the hands
Rem"WrltmBsndleate The stock. I
!f u Mid. has ,een underwritten' by a
S number of private IndlvldimN and
SSew in till" city, who, ntcordliiK to
?,n",. in recclvo n commission of SV4 !
I tIJ! KM per share substantial HrIiM
Si accrue to the present stockholders. 1
Fiiiiimuli some criticism ni heard In 1
A- flninCIH tlisuic;!. v,. t,. .,,...,..-. .., .
Sflch the M"s nf the Mlilvulc deal was
Sa publle. It I" nulle likely that the
SrtlM chiefly Intel cited were utmost ni
Snitch surprised c ll"- '"V "
ffLu.C," .. (he outsiders The tetlletnelil
i r ? tho New York Interests did not take
:L. until after the closo of tho imrket
& Saturday, and the now p.utv came In
,01) 0'u'""'i 1 rr,l J, .lent von-
lain On CAIUIunj ...... -.- .. --- - .,
Ciraotly. a' ll, orriclitl announcement
M made before noon on Monthly The
'Cjmbrla-Mldvaio inuraituuH una ran-
Wardrobe Trunks Become Popular Since I
; America Shirtwaists' Price Soon to
Soar 60
-Our shipments of flower seeds nnd
'ether '"d"1 nro unusually heavy this
sprint'," said r. w. iloulund, or Henry A.
Prccr, Inc. 714 Chestnut street. "We are
gentium 111cm nuc ny
regular m.ill, parcel
post, express and
freight, and our fn
tllltles aio taxed to
the limit.
"Spraying material
Is nlso In great ele
m tnd as all that
kind of vvoik. ns
well as pruning must
be dono before
"What is surpris
ing Is the wide
spread interest
which Is being taken
In the care and pro
tection of wild birds
in every suburb of tho city, und, in fact,
all over We nre having calls for tho
'ptv; model bird houses from every lo
j'Some. of these houses nre vciy artistic
from a rustic point of view. Wo havo
them In 15 different styles, with several
Izes of each stjlo They arc all made.
el cedar, wnicn is more uuruuiu in. in i,u.
ether kind of wood for thl3 purpose. And
It Is certain that this fad for bird pres
ervation Is widespread It can bo seen
)a our squares nnd parks vvhero many
ipeclea that had been driven nvay tor
Mine jears aro coming imick aKuui mu
destruction of large timber tiacts left
many birds homeless, and tho cutting
(town tff dead and decaying limbs with the
tlon led them without holes for nesting
purposes. For that reason tho birds take
icrj kindly to these houses, which can
t seen attached to many trees around
our suburban villas and cottages. Teo-
plshaie found the birds .lie their friends
on account of tho mi rinds of Insects nnd
larvae they destroy, and they aro taking
cart of them
Here Is something hecomlnc ns popu
lar as tho bird houses," said Mr. Hob
land holding up a bronze sundial "We
have them fiom 10 Inches In diameter to
Mi Inches, and In stnndaid bronze or
rerde antique Most people think that
any tundlal wdll suit any place. Beforo
ite sell a sundial we must know whcio It
Is"B0lng to be located. The lutltilde and
longitude must be taken Into tonsldeia
(ton. I don't think the nngle of the
nomon Is so much Importance as tho
placing of lines and llgures. We havo
(hem from $3 to $13 Then gaiden bas
kets are becoming more popular than
senlng baskets used to bo These bas
kets come In different styles, and nre
fitted out with a variety of gardening
Here Is ono mounted on a staff. Tho
staff have a sharp metal point which Is
driven Into tho ground, and a person can
leave it and go about tho work of cutting
flowers, which can bo put In tho basket,
Khlch stands nn nu flrmlv as n table
)'e are having a great many oiders Just
PPW for these baskets, and wo have them
til the wuy from J3 to $10 complete.
Gut. to BO baelc In llifi hlrd-hollbCS."
hs continued, "there ate soma birds
Jhlch won't make their nest In bird-
nouses. They prefer trees. You cant
Induce a robin or a cnrdlnal-hlrd or a
catbird to build In one, of these little
Jpuses, but bluebirds und chickadees,
ackers, martens. .(e .. -n.nl fnkn tn them.
nd once they build thoy como back year
Iter year The trouble Is to keep out
the sparrows. Wo have a swinging house
tat keeps them out effectually, and tho
Other birds serni tn llfen thn .mvnvlnif
Seventv.Hln r,A nan. n? 4lo tftinVci
?, today are wardrobo trunks." bald
mlllam Curry, 11U Chestnut street "A
Sw years ago wardrobe trunks cost so
wicn they were beyond the reach of
ordinary mortals, but today wo are sell
w them as low as $15 and au hlsh as
WJUIs Vutton, of Paris, used to be
u moat noted trunkmaker. Ho mado a
tortune fmm ini. t..nn ...i. n.t.t
Uni lahlllnna Hnnn n- i.i.. ......I.,. T
aA. 1 I'.iico iur mo iiuim.
iit know whether he Is dead or In the
;.""'. or retired to enjoy the for-
,un he must havn mnrio hut I rfn know
i7 make a much sunerior article In
merlca. our beat wurdrobe Hunks are
Stle Of hllllt. nrv .. .! ..,r. n.D.,11.
WtUred in Philartelnhla flnplnnatl. Chi.
g" 1 Iletrolt principally. They are
''" V"" I1Dro ana canvas, liDro oe-
vunsmered the best material. All
srdrobp trnia i...,, .... i . .k..
. . ,- .m.,q ma Mum au mat v?
a right end up There Is a hump or
'tOtUDfrrflti,t.i n .... ,.,..j .- n,.i.
rf- The wardrobe trunk opens at tho
j.11 u ,ne" sP"ts " haI ne hu,t w
3 them nna iu ..i .' - t.Aiin-
ir ,herladlea' r men's The drawers
.1.1 oound and run on brusa glides,
Siting thn nnn...ln n..nnln n
Jfla1n '..l.W.. Ul UJICIIIIII, .,
h. s. very smooth, besides adding to
.strength and durability of the
iTh. u "I'mseives The upper drawer
v. u "?""est and Is intended for col
!. nandkerchlefs, gloves, etc,
lue OthAl. hDtf 0 ... -..t. la !,(
ardrobe, with hangers for loSults or
ST. 1 n 1 Px or shoes. The wnrd-
y U eaBilv nrltnutVila u ha AvtamlAit
ff considerable distance and coUupsed
very small suaca when oacklnir. Anv
jfk'nih" ba removed without disturbing
Wfto reeent Invention has contributed
ilS.to tn comfort and convenience of
Pdd travel than the wardrob trunk."
er wfl ba at least 60 per cent In-
m me prices 01 laoles BWrlwalsta
Hiirh Record Pennsvlvani'si I
Buovanfc TCpvstnnn
Bummnled and mnde public Just about ns
Miilckly ns It was poislblo to do so
( ambrla eroscd SO today, making a now
11I15I1 record
Pennsylvania Steel preferred nlso moved
up about 3 points Just beforo the ctoie
a bid wan made nt ROW, buyer 30 days,
for 6000 nhnres of Cambria. Pennsylvania
bonds were an active feature In tho final
With repard to the rise In Lake Supe
rior tho onlj news forlhcomlnR was of
larne orders nnd InereaslnR earnings
This vvna also true of Kteetrlr KtoraBo
Hattetv, although In the case of tho lat
ter there In nlwityi, tho hope th.it the S
per cent dividend rate may he restored
The Kev stone Telephono Company Is
sued its j muirv report of earnings to
tl.u, shoWliiR a Rrosa Increase of T2J2
nnd n net irnln of JT77I The surplus nfler
Interest changes was M1.25T, an Increase
of $2705 over .Inntinry, 1U5.
The llftlns of the cmbnrRo on steel to
be shipped to eastern consumers over the
1'ninsvlvanla lines was a source of Rrntl
lleatlon to the PlttsrnirRh steel mills. The
emhanro vvns tnken ofT, effective nt the
brRlnnlnR of the week, and efforts nre
nehiR mado to ship as much steel as pos
sible to custom consumers, who have
been Krently handicapped of late As
production cannot he Increnscd, other
consumers will receive correspondingly
less steel, but whether the difference will
bo noticeable Is 11 tiuestlon. Thero Is no
chniiRo In the shipping situation as to ex
poit steel, tho railroads holding them
selves ready to take steel provided the
vessel for It Is assured.
Made in
Per Cent.
this summer over Inst year." said I..CO
Becker, of M. Haber &. Co, manufac
turers of ladles' waists, 2J0 South Cth
"Tho shades worn will bo pink, maize,
iillc and old lose; at least these will be
In the greatest demand Thcie will be
somo stripes In those colors, but they
will bo verv scaice.
"Tho 'two In one' collar Is 'out.' and
won't be seen any more. The largo flat
vvldo collar of the samo material ns the
waist will bo tho vogue. Hverythlng
points to a heavy demand for high grade
goods, plain and In colors. There will
be a scarcity of materials, principally
on account of tho (.canity of dos Our
linn turns out over 400 dozen waists each
For the pnst month there has been a
gradual falling off in the retail automobile
supply business In tho early dajs of the
Industry the winter months were alwus
dull because the large majority of people
laid up theli cais. But today even the
pleasure vehicle is used the year around
In addition the number of cars In use has
Increased consideiablj Dealers gcnerallj
are at a loss to explain the present dull
ness According to a man who besldo watch
ing his own business lookH further than
his nose, the reason Is psychological. Ho
puts It this way: "Gasoline has advanced
over ICO per cent. In price. The advance
hns como a cent or two cents at a time,
and each time tho consumer becomes dis
tempered. He rails at tho oil trust and
concludes he must cut down his cost of
maintenance. Ho inns his thes thread
bare, refuses to bu spaio thes and gtn
01 ally neglects his car. Ilko any other
piece of machinery, his car will Buffet b
tho neglect, and later he will come fate
to faco with the fact that he must ovci
haul and equip his car at n greater cost
thnu If ho had kept It In good order.
When this time comes and It will be
soon wo will moro than make up for this
temporary lull.
Midvale Steel Suffered Setback.
Rights Made Initial
NUW YOBK, Keb S. Speculation In
the market for outside securities today
was comparatively quiet aside from a few
of the specialties, which developed exten
sive dealings, but genernlly at the expense
of values. In somo quarters the upturn
was rather shnrp, while In others tho
declines were Just as great.
Midvale Steel was tho principal featuro
and on heavy offerings broke sharply over
1 points with only a feeble rally . Tho
rights wore Introduced for the first time,
although the exchange basis was un
known to thoso dealing In them After
opening at 7V4 they moved up to 8, but
subsequently declined to 6. Drlggs-Sea-bury,
on tho other hand, after opening
down 214 points, later recovered and ad
vanced IH furthor.
CurtUs Aeroplane, which sold as low
as 15 yesterday, moved up to 54. Cuba
Cane Sugar, after an early small ad
vance, broko two points, but later recov
ered Hid. A ik
Am Ilritlsh Mfg- 27 '12
All Oulf & VV I S 6 is :-'i
do prcf -UV, 4il
Amer Marconi ., '! 4
AJix Rubber Ino w (e n
Canadian Cur & Fdy 71 7S
do prcf , I IA
Chevrolet Motor Car 1-T II.'
Chnndler atotors Ol'J IU
Curtlss Aeroplane ,, 47 .11
Cuban Cano bugar ."-.' Wi
Tlrlggs-Scabury 40 41
Haskell & Darker Car fl .",1'i
Ilendca Mf 27 irs
Inter Mcr Marine 17 !7fc
do nre( ... 7i) 7S
Int NUkel , AM4 .,
Kelly Bprlnxtleld 70 11
Katho,iion lironie pfd 2iy, 22"
Leu Tiro CO COVt
Manhattan Intnslt IU 2
Maxim Munition 7V, K
MldVHle fateel navj lu.
Oiu rievitor ill I.'.
Otm Klaenlohr w 1 KiV.
da or nnv:
I'eiTlf Motor ,, HM 27
Poole Eng & Mach 110 120
M Jowph Lead 11 int..
h b KrfUK w I mi, pui
htardanl Moton 8W 0
Submarine lit v t c ctf 37 37
Trlanxle Film 1 t clfs M, tt
United I'roltt hharlns- It;
II 8 l.lehl & Heat 3K 4
II H Llnht k Heat Pfd 4U 4V)
While Motnra w 1 W4 81
World Film IK I
Int Petrol 1254 IBM
III I 1 181 18i.
Ohio OH . .. 227 22
b O ol California 107 3T0
S O of Now Jemey B13 BUI
S O of New York 211 2U
Coaden Oil 20", 2DV,
Chalmera Oil 7
Koukton Oil IS',; inu
Mllvieat lteftnlrift M .M
faapulua IOIh 11
Atlanta 21 22
Cerro do I'anco , 10W 41
Ilutte DIZvl ctfa 1 71 3
Ilutle ANY 2VI .1
Flrat Natl Cooper , K 0
Ooldfleld Merger J JHU, 10
llecla Mining 2 aC 'iv
How Sound c HV.
Jim HutUr v 02 01
Jumbo Extn , . Ji ,,
Kennecott CDDoer , 51', AJ
McKlnley-mrruKh 40 41
Mine of Amerloa .1 IV.
NIdUoIds Mine C 7V4 7.
San Toy . . 10 20
Wtet KuJ Con 74 7tf
Vo(t Knd Extn .. . t 2
Erls RU '",n,'if ,Mi
li & O 5a . 101 102
retro de Fuco e . Ui 123
N Y State 4 J04
6t Ful 83S 84
i7Di?rwm ni7nTTTli7fl
L liL,in l U 1IL.0
iLiil IU md-bUdd
Will Take Up Measure
Thursday and Also Con
1 sider Compensation
IMllor lAeenee IJconnmlriue et t'lminiMerr
Rprclal Cabin fo fie .'irnfno I.eAntr
I'AIIIH. Teh s -Tho chamber nf Popu
tics will dlxcuss on Thursday the plan
to tax war prollts This lax will muh
nil who file making inonev out of llm
wiir. Including Intrrtnedlarlps, hut wl.l
only tnttch nclunl war profits c.ilrulntr-,1
on nu average for three years before tin
This tax raises llm question of rom
pensntlon for thop who lost through the
wni If It Is lust to tn pmllts nrlsinc
from rlruunslnnres Indcp'indont nf nur
own nctlon, It Is rcuinllv Just that thos"
ho lose through tin- same oln nmslnii, t s
should bo rplinbiirrtl bv tho Mntp Hut
thoro will never bo 11 budget whMl can
support thoto charges, especially In time
of war
Tho question of oxohnligo Is nlwnvo
oppn Ono cannot oplnln whv at Ocnova
exthnngc on 1'nrls Is vssi fine rensnn
off cied Is tho quantity of nntos of tho
Hank of I'rnncp spired In tho Invndod
provinces bv tho Oonnans und sent by
them tit Hvlt7PrInnd
Tho doprpclntlnn of llnllin prhnngp l
also sought to be pplnlnpil h tin iiliinunt
of paper monov In i-lroul ttlnu in foiolgn
countries, but nitordlng tn 11 fciimi'i
Itnliiu Mlulstpr thp excess of inpot
money hns a verv llinltpd ofTpct on ex
change and the real reason lies hi the
trntlp balance
Tho llgures of the Hank of Italy show
that since the end of May of last vetr
JlOl.000,000 out of 1SC.OW.00O In psppt held
bv It has bepn paid off, which demon
strates that Italian conunriclil and In
dustrial affairs aro In most excellent con
WHUAT Receipts 271 lis." IiuhIipIii IV
mind uiih faltly active und tilth strong inil
pldo ilhlcn prices nrlvanrit 2, Quolittlon
Car lrfl. In cvnort .levator No 2 re,l Hpnt
nml Knh J1,1",fil3i No 2 Southern n I
1 33?ll .Ti. Mriimir No 2 re,l, 1 "MnX 31
No 3 rul 132'13l. relerted A 1 VJ 1
1 31'j rejectni II Jl .'Sin 30
COHN Itnrdi ,, 1S2I7 IiiikIi I'rlcpa wern
ptrttlllv IipM. hut trailo was qultt Qunt.itlons
Car lots for local traile aa to tontlon VV nt
trn Nn toll t vji,rMi rgtoru atpinur
yelloH, SKiS.'c Wpntirn No I v. lion Tsiii
t.in.( , South. ytllcm, 7M(,TM)i , rob, 1 er
70 Ih . SO'iSlr
OAIb RttelptH 2i". irs huh. Trado litis
nulnt hut nrlns nllpil firm UtiotlllniH No
2 white. .wn7'p ptiiidiinl white "MiTX.i
No I while, -i.l',fi.1Hc No 4 Hhltp :22ie
",n c .anil lo om .K)i'jfi".'. , purllled otts,
graded, ","fi"i Vac
1 1.1 11 R tiuclpts T" hhl nnd l.r.n 120 lb
In tiuki There wni llttlo trsillm: ami alurs
were lar-zeu nominal Quotation per lnd
lh In wl Winter do ir t sillin ID U
straight. $1. 11111, Vi do intent i!i,rii7 ICan-81-
ileir Jute aieks, $. Liiflii in do strnlRht.
lute iarks, fU llfill 1(1: do intent Jute suks,
i, -,iml 'K hi tine (ln,t. tlcir, $, rO'Tiil 2",. dn ,
straight. $H2-,I'inn cn pat, nt u ,nii7.
fivorltp hrinda 7 2Vn7 7r, city lullN tholce
nnd fancy patent ?7 2"7 73 eltv mills, lritu
lir Krnloa winter. clear $' sorm 111 do,
strilEht Ji". 1 "fi 0 SO do, patent Jil MIH7
K 1 riont stipplln were Finnll ami the
m irket rulel -teitli, but trade was unlet. We
quote $" MS per 1 hi . as to quality
Thero tni llttlo tridlng. but v lines wrre
te.ullty held. Quotitlons rancrd as follow r
( Uy beef In Bets nmoked nnd nlr drle I, -Iffi
2"ic : Western beef, In cots smoked .'Hi
2"e, , city beof, knuckles and tenders smnk'd
nnd Hlr-drled. 2fli27e Wpptern beef knuckles
and tcnderH, hinoked. 2C1i27c beef hams jjs
S( 10: pork fninllv $J2-uri2l linms S P
Lured, loose, l..iiu,c. do, skinned, looso. lGlf
17c . do, do, smoked, I7i,iis'.,c other InmH
Hinoked, cltv cured ns tn tunnd nnd aver
nire 1' 1- 5T1T li nn-, smnkod, VVeslern curcl.
HtW5tl7e , do boiled, boneless. 27c picnic
shoulders S V. curetl loose. 10fc.c. do,
smoked, 11".rai2Hc.. bellies In pickle nccord
Inir to nveraRe. loose. 12'(ifrlc. urcak'ust
bacon, aa in brand and iminne cltv cured
lVUlfte brenkfist Incon VV'ehiern tured 1 "Ti
file. Inrd, VVctern refined in Her cs lH.t .
do. do., do tubs ll'ic do pure iltv kettle
rendered in threes ll'.i do., pure tit).
Uettlo rendered, In tubs, lute
Trade wna quiet, but alucs vero steadily
held Reflnera list prbes Hxtra line Kiatiu
1 ited. Oc.. stindard gr.inulnted 1. OV powder
ed u 0.e . lunfeetloners' A. 3 UOc , soft grades,
5 13S3 73c.
IllTTnit The market ruled firm nnd agiln
i-e hlKher with demand nbsorhliiK the Itmlted
offerings of fanty stock rtillnwllm nre the
quotations Western fresh holld-p icked vre tm
er. fluty spedils I.V , extra, Ik txlra
tlrMa Ilw12t llrsts. 2HW luc . seconds iim
27i thirds. 211IJ.V , ladles 2K-'-'e nearby
prints, fancj, Idc . avernpe extra 3 ITi r
til sis Kill Uc hiconds, 2(HiJ7e . special faniy
binudH of prints Jobbing nt I'llfiA
l.l, lit) Iltielpts were quite libel il but
cholco stock wuh In goo I reuebt and prKes
were 30t per n60 hlRher rollowlng aro
tho quntitlons In free Lases. nearby evtru
l.'c per dozen ne.irbi flists JS. 21 per stindard
rase, nenrby current recelptB, JS 10 per tate
Western extra firsts, $K ."1 per cneo, do., tlrsts
JS 10 per case Southern, per case. J7 -On
7 Ml. fancy selected candled ckks were Job
bln at 'iSfl trir per iluien
CIIi:i:Hi: (JfTtrliiBs were light and the m tr
ket ruled linn with demand lair, (luol itlons
New 'Vnrk, full cream finey, held, lfc'-W!V ,
'specials" higher, tlo fair to wood, held. 171.
CjlSlii... do,, part cklms, IHilGc.
I.IVK Thn market ruled firm under light
offirliiKs und a fairly aitlto dimund Qnuiii
lions l'owls as to size nnd quality, lf.filc .
rimsters, 121fl2'i . spring thickens, soft
mealed, 17(3 tSe. . do Htaegv, IViHk. . turkeys
:ii-ii.'.'c . ducks, as to size and quality, lufttse
Seese. l(8I8c pliteons, old, per pair. 2y((2!sc .
o young per ilr, 1820c
DRKSaUD The market ruled firm with de
mand readily abtorbInK the offerings of
desirable stock Quotations Fresh-killed
dry -packed l'owls, 1- to box. dry-picked,
fancy, sclecte I, 20Vjc , weighing 4 lbs anil over
apiece, 20e weighing 1v, lbs apiece,
l'lc . welshing, I lbs apiece. 18c , smaller
sizes, nirciic rowis, in uuia r ury-i'tc-n-u,
fancy, -I lbs and oer apiece. lOWc smaller
sizes, IBOISc old roosters, dry picked, lie i
chickens Jersey faniy broilers 21St2c other
nctrby ftney broilers, 2Jl2lc , VVescrn broil
ers, weighing I'i'iii lbs apiece, I'-'St-'lc , North
ern Illinois chickens, fancy yellow welKhlng 4
lbs and over In boxes, 21t(22e exceptional lots
hlfe-her Northern Illinois, fancy. welghliiK 2laM
IVj lbs , In boxes, IVrlllc . Northern Illinois.
fancy weighing jv, iz 10s. in ouis i.ttinc
other Westen, weighing 4 lbs and over, In boxes,
ISKIOc , other Western weighing JttliaVj lbs , In
boxes, lfl?il7c other Western, weighing 2l.rfMtc
lbs , tn bbls llilc , Inferior, lie. .Capons per
lb Weighing 810 lbs, apiece, 272Sc , smaller
sizes, 2Jtf'.Uc , turkeys, pearbv, fancy, 27ft2Sc ,
do., do Komi to rholce 23fiJRc. , da, Western
funcy, 2tKr27e do do . good to choice. 211;
23c.. do, fair. 204f22c do old toms. 21c,
da, cults and No 2, 10620c , spring ducks,
nearby, isjijoc. do. Western, fancy, 17W18c ,
do do , fair to good 12ttlEic , geese, nearby,
HifclSc do Western, UHlftc , squabs, per
dozen White, weighing 11 to 12 lbs per
dozen, IV Sili (ISO white, weighing 0 to 10 lbs
per dozen. JV 23H3 7V white, weighing K Its
per dozen, jl 'XVjl 1 71 wldte, weighing 7 lbs
per dozen, J.1 .VMj4 white, weighing. b66V4 lbs,
per dozen, t-'MSd. dark I'.'.JSSi.l. small ami
No. 2 JlCl SO
Choice stock was in fatr request and values
generally wero steadily held Quotations Ap
ples, per bbl Jonathan, uncy. J.) 23f I M) do
lair fo good J." BOB.I, W'lnesap, 2 rl3 23.
llsldwln, JJDOtSI. Black Twig. 2.V).nl
drlmes' Oolden J2.G03.I areenlng J2 .Witt
York Imperial. 1241.1 Twenty-ounce $.'1il. Pip
pin J2S1 Hen Davis, Jl 7VG2 311 oihor iu
rletles, Jl 602 BO No 2. Jl 21B1 3D Apples.
In bulk, per lot) lbs , &0e fill 30. do Wei tern
per box, jl .'3V. 23 Oranges, Florida, per
crate Jl 73i 73. Tangerlnts, Florida, per
strap, J2SJJ Grapefruit. Florida pr crate
$1.7383 DU. Lemons, per box, J3B4 Plneap
Pies. Forto Rico ner crsto J.I84. do Florida,
per crate, JJQ2 30. Cranberries, Cape Co.1,
per bbl, fMtlt, do. do . per crate, J2B01,
do Jersey per crate . J? 2fia2.73. Strawber
ries. Florida, per qt . 1323c.
Trade was slow and the market developed
little change Quotations White potatoes,
per bushel. Jl (11.20. VVhite potatoes, Jer
sey, per basket-No 1 Hose,, floeiOe.. No.
1 other varieties 00&70.. No. 2. ao&40e
Sweet potatoes Jersey, per basket No 40a
30c : No 8 fl2V bweet potatoes Virginia.
er Ibl Jl 301 73. Onions, per 100-lb. Tmk
No 1 J.'W!.30 No. 2 73c )1 SJ, JtbUie
J)4Blsh. per ton, JlttS. do, Florida, per
hamper Jiai 10 felery, New, york. .r
bunch 23T7l(o Snlnach, Norfolk per bM
per carrier Jl SOatl 75 KsscUnt Florid i
per crate J2i30 Tomatoes, Florida ci
oarrlcr Fancy 13 B04 30 . choKe. J2S3
Muirooma. pel 1 lb. basket, JlaX.49.
Lattuce, Florida, per basket. II S02: do.
North CaroIUui. per basket 73p5,ii Xleaus
Florida, per basket, Jl 2.Vu2 2V l'eas, FUu
i.lu. ner basket J13U4T! PeDera. Flnri ij
. 4 '4k.. . ' .
I'hnio hv (liitckunst,
Lewis D. Zpipler Wns Widely Known
ns Clutich Worker and Clubman
of City
I.pwIm I Zlpglpr. a vvldplv known shop
miiiiufnPturri, dlril sitildrnlv tndnv nl his
hoinn, Hits North Kith strict. In IiIh 70th
pni All Xlogler wns the only smvlvor
of Hip original firm of Zlpgler Hrolhprs,
117 North 5t li slrpct, vvhlch vvns founded
hv him and his foui hi others In 1SC1
Mr Xlegler hnd not been 111, and laflt
night nttended n meeting of the board of
tiustpps of tho ItPthlphem Prcsbvtcrlan
Chin ch, Itro.td and Diamond streets, nf
which he vvns n member. Up was In px
collent spirits and mndo an engagement
with thp Upv. John II Davlcs, the p.ntor.
to take luncheon with him today, down
tow n
Mi Zlegler wns born In Chester County,
a membPi of an old I'pnnsylvnnln famllv.
Ho pngaged In business In this tlt with
his brotlu rs vvhpii a voting man Up was
n member of thp Mnsonlc Ordtr, the
I'cnnsvhiinl t Historical Society, tho
Manufacturers' Club and other prominent
Major Frederick II. Kbstcin
NHW VOllK, Tcb S .Major Frederick
II Ilbsteln, Itecelver of Taxes and a
veteran of the Civil and Sp tnlsh-Amcrl-can
wars, died today, aged 09
Financial Briefs
The nnntnl meeting of stockholders of
the 1'hlhtilolphln Tiust Company wns held
tpdnv Tliu nnnunl report for the lust
llsc.il year, which already hns been ftti
nltbid tn the stockholders, wns appioved
All the retiring dlreetois were io-elortd
Tho vacancy caused hy the death during
last year of Lincoln Godficy was not
At tho annual meeting of tho Fidelity
Tiust Company tho retiring dlreetois
weio io-olectucl and "IV0 was mhlnl to
tho undivided prollts nf tho company,
which stood, at tho dose of business,
J.muaiy 31, 1910, at fl.St3.61S
The production of the Uiccno-Canniien
Copper Comptny In January follows Cop
per, Wis "00 pounds, 'Iver, 113,b91 ouncea,
and gold, 710 o' hops
Tho New York Stock i:chango has ad
mitted to the list the AVllly.s Overland
Company 'h subscription tocclpts fot nevv
(onvci tihlo 7 per cent, preferred stock,
full paid and part paid
John II Mason, vlie president of the
Comiueicl.il Trust Company was one of
tho lonunlttpo appointed by tho Federal
Legislative Committee of tho American
Hankcis' Association to propose a bill to
retire tho greenbacks and submit It to
tho Currency Commission of the Ameri
can Hankers Association The others
named who William Van Deusen, cashier
National Newark Hanking Company, and
Oliver J Sands, president American Na
tional Hank, Richmond
CHICAiiO, Teh S 1HK1H Ite elpln -.(Vn
Miukit weak Vltxnl and butchers J7 7"i'ik2(
cood heay J7liVns2i), rough heavy $7 ir.1i1
MKi, llis-lit $7 unis.10. piKs fuvm7.23 bulk,
5.7 liUfih 111
CATTLK Itoceipta, 7000. VInrkct weak
liteves J" "OU'i (w cowh and heifer M H'.fi
hill Texuns Jll ".OftS 1,3, calves J'l J'.fl 10 73.
hlllJIll' Iteeelpts lil.reo Maiket stionir
Nntlvo und Wcsicrn, Sl.rOcS 3(1. lambs, JS -3
till iu
firm, receipts, 7nu nukaues l.xtra creim
ery 'Ulti Mc hlRher scoring, tmuaic
Stato dairy, .101 31c , Imitation creamery. JJft
HOGS Market unsettled receipts, 792V pack
aijcF Hxtra llrsts. 2'Hi.lOc. llrsts, 27SI2Sc ,
nearby w hues, Ity 17c mixed colors 2Sli t.
notrby bruwns, .I1S'I3c., refrigerator firsts,
Ofllcial Forecast
For Knstern Pennsylvania and New
Jersey Overcast nnd warmer weather to.
night anil Wednesday, moderate variable
winds becoming south
Tho cold wave moved from the Middle
West to tho Atlantic coast during the
last 21 houis, tho crest being over Mary
1 md this morning A warmer area has
overspread the Stntes west of the Mis
sissippi lliver and Is moving Into tho
upper Lake region this morning Snow
fluriles ate leported from tho States along
tho northern border nnd the adjoining
Canadian provinces from coast to coast.
Cloudiness Is Increasing over tho central
valleys and conditions nro becoming un
settled In the southern plains States
U. S. Weather Bureau Bulletin
Observations taken at 8 a. in Kastern time.
8 last Ham- Veloc-
isutlon. a.m n't fall. Wind, lty Weather.
Atlanta da 3 If ..11 in Clear
AUitille City 18 14 .. NW 10 Clear
Haltlmoro . ... HI 10 .. VV . Clesr
lllsmarck. N t, 2 - .. NW Clear
Boston Mass . 1 1 . W 20 clear
Hurtalo, N. Y. . S h 01 VV 12 Clear
Charleston S. O. 4R 44 .. Nil 10 Clear
Chlcaco. III. . . 10 2 .. K in Cloudy
Cincinnati. O. .. IJ 4 . K 10 Cloudy,
Cloicland O. 2 3 .02 S 14 I Cloudy
Denier. Col. .. il 40 . HE . Clear
Petrol!. Mich (1 4 .. K . clear
riulveston, Tex ns Bi .. hR Cloudy
HarUburg Pa 10 10 .. HW clear
lluiteras N. C 3d HI . NK 20 l Cloudy
llatlfax. N S 20 IR .10 NW 2(1 clear
Helena Mont 3d 30 hY 14 clear
Huron S D. 1 2 .08 8 . Clear
Indianapolis ... H 2 .. SK 12 Cloudy
Jacksonville .... M 61 .. NU 11 Clear
Kansas uiiy w .. n ii c-jouay
Knoxvllle, Tenn 2S 2H .. N (tear
Little Hot k Ark. 31 .14 .. K
Ls Anaelos BO IS ..13 Cloudy
tjulsvllle Ky , 10 14 .. K 12 Cloudy
Montgomery . 44 40 H Cloudy
Montreal Can .. 1 4 .12 NW 22 Clear
Nashville. Tenn 14 12 .. K . Clear
New Orleans . 64 64 .. SB P.cioudy
New York city 11 U . W 24 Clear
Norfolk. Va 4S 2A .. NB 12 Clear
Iklahoma Okta 32 2rt ..a 18 Ilaln
Onuha Neb. 10 (1 .. H Cloudy
Philadelphia .. 1" 1" .. NW U Clear
I'lttsburnh Pa.. B 6 .. SW Clear
I'ordan.1, Mo . 10 10 w Clear
Portland Ore . 4il 44 .24 S.W 12 Bain
Quebec Can . ! S .ID aw 2u Clear
St I.ouIs Mo 1(1 S fci-: ir Cloudy
St Paul, Minn. 4 .01 s 12 snow
Salt liae City 3(1 3d . 5 .. Cloudy
San Antonio 62 60 N . cloudy
San Kranclato &i ra ,li NE Cloudy
Santa Ke. N M 30 SO K Clear
Saull Ste. Marie. 2 a 01 V. Cloudy
biranton. Pa. ,.10 8 , SVV 12 Clear
lajBpa Fia, uo as .. NB . Clear
W-shli-aton ifj 18 . NW P Cloudy
tie uvv zero.
Prices Moved Modernlely Upward.
Temperature Normnl
NHW YontC, I'eb 8 niiBlness vvnn nl-
mosf nt n ntnndstlll nt the opening nn
the Cotton HxchnnKe this morning, with
nil the unit il ncllve Interests showltiK n
disposition to he r.tutlon The lone wps
otenttv with prlrca 6 to 0 polnls higher
Theto were only 10 IrniiRitotlon? on the
call with no sale of Ilpccmber or Jniiu irv
(luring the first li minutes
The hnvlng hv Liverpool of .Itilv vvnit
the largest stetdvlng fnrlor herp Thpre
vvns sonip U'ntl street buying nnd switch
ing of shorts from Mnrch to Jul v vvns
hoteil New Orleans housei purchased
Mnrrh but sold lulv nml thprp wore
hedge sales hv scvcrul spot Intercsta,
while others bought.
The foreign buying redupeil the Mipplv
of oontrnpts here ntid also teemed tn
promnte lomp nonttered demand from
WestPrn and Incal sources, nn vvhlch Hip
intlve mouthn nold about 11 to 11 points
net higher
Tpinperiturps wrrp nbnut nnrmnl in Hip
pntton belt thli morning. Clear condi
tions prpvnlled.
Yes rloe Ot.ru Itlnh tow. Irfst
Vtnr.il II Rl lino 12 (i-i 11 sn u 117
In 1201 12 III 12 2S I'-Ml'l 12 27
Jlllt 12 til IJ 21 12 40 12 21 12UI
iiilober . I.' 2U U 2S 1J4. 12 2S 12 11
Iieiemlier U'TI 12 43 12 61 12 11 3 37
Spot 12 10 . . .... 12 23
The$e Nott'cct Are Printed in the
Evening Ledger Frte of Charge,
ADAMS-On Fehrunrv rt into. WILLIAM
I. hnnbaitd of VIubrIo Adams (nee Aunrr)
nrfed 70 years Itelntlves and friends nln
WlnchmklnK Tribe No 33 I O It M , nro
Imllc.l lo nltrnl funeral services, Thnrsdiv,
IVbrunrv 10 nt 2 nilmk at his Isle rcsl
ilrnn IMdlncton P.i. Interment f'oruwells,
VI.MI IKiint. On Pehrunrv d llld WILL
IAM I husband of Hannah Albuntrr In his
121 j ear Kelatlves nnd friends are Invited
to attend funeral smlice, nt his Into resl
ilenie, IMIIncton IM , on Wednesday, t-el;-nury
n, nt 12 o clock noon tnlerineut Will
iam Penn Cemetery, Pomerton, Pi.
Al.roitl) On Kehrunry 7, 101(1, HCNJA-
. MIN JI ALPOIID. ricsldenco, 4(1 North
' Will t. Uuo notlco of tho funeral will bo
AI.I.IXIV. At Pnlmvrn, N I., on I'ebnnrv
C, WILLIAM II ALLISON, nged 73 years.
Relatives nnd rrlcnds of tho family, nlso
ncn flrubli Post. No 10 23d N. J. Infantry,
Company A, am Invited tn attend funeral,
on Wednesday, at 1 P m.,, from bin late resi
dence, Ilelnunre nvp, below Hrmil pi , Tnl
inyra, N .t Interment Odd rcllows' Ccinc
lory, Ihirllnston
AKVtSTItONO. On I'ebrunrv ft 10H1, MAUY
A. wire of William A Armstrong, Jr. In
the 31st voir of her ase nelallves and friends
of thp famllv are Invited tn attend the funeral
services nn Tuesd iv evintni? it , 30 oilock
preclFclv at her late residence, 117 Last
W'ltnut lone, llermnntnwn Interment privato
AHVIST1IOM!.- On Tehruarv (I, 11)1(1 ltKHIll
1 wife of Thomis W Armstrong and dainth
lir of Thorn is nnd the lite Mary C Wanner
ltrlillvcs and friends are Invited to attend
funenil servlcis. Thursday at 2 p. m at ner
late rrBldencp 311 1 Nnrth 11th street In
terment strictly trlvnle. Mount Pctlcp Cpme
lery llemnlns may bo viewed Wednesday
from 7 to II) p in.
ItAl'l'.K. On Kobrunrv 0 Win, .lCNNlll M .
daughter of Charles P nnd Miry Hauer nnd
grnnildriURhti r of Andres nnd Christian
Hiuer. of Ilrltol Pa, igcd 21 years Iteln
tlves nnd friends are Invited to attend the
funera' pervlces on Thursdnv at 3 n m, nt
her pirents' rerldenrc tllil North Water ft.
Intermont at Oreenwood Cemeterv. llemnlns
may be viewed on Wcdncsdiy, after 8pm
HKNDP.U On Kehrtnry 11. Will, FttHD
HP.ICK IlKNTinrt. nEcd 77 yenra nelntlies
and friends, also members of Anni M Iloss
Post No 04, (1 A U Invited to attend fu
neril services on Wednesdiy nt 2 p m , at
the funeral parlors of Charles Pfltzenthilcr &.
Sm llo N 21111 st Interment private, at
Mount Vernon Cemetery
11KNTON. On I'ebrunrv 3. 1013. MORRIS K
IIRNTO.v husband of Marv H Ilenton (neo
I'pnermnn) Relntves and friends, nlso Mo
llta I oilue. No 20. V ind A. 31 , Phlladel
Pbl i Consistory. 32d Decree and other or
ganlzitlnt.s of which deceased was a member,
arc Invited to atteml the funeral servbes on
Wedneslaj, at 2 p m at his into residence.
2.3 Pist Susquehanna ave Interment pri
vate, nt Mount Peace Cemetery Remains
may bo viewed on Tucsdiy, from S to 10 p. in
1I().I. On Pebrunry (I. 101(1. JOHN W,
hiisbnnd nf Pllzabeth S Iloyd Relatives
nnd friends nlso Welcome Lodse, No 431,
K and A M. , Mercantile I-odce, No 12. S
nf H. employes of A 11 A. P. II Llppln
cott Company nnd all other i-ocletles of
vihleh ho was a member, are Invited to attend
tho funeral, on Thursday, nt 2 p m. pre
cisely from his late residence, 2101 North
Colorado st. Interment nt Mount Peaco Ceme
tery Remains in ty bo viewed on Wednesday,
after S p. m.
HIIKMNAN. On Pobruary fl. 101(1. MARTIN
P Sr., husband of ihe lite Ilrldirct Ilren
nnn In bis 71st yrstr Relittves and frlemls
nro In, Ited tn sttend the funerai, on Wed
nesday at 7 30 a. m . from the rcsldenco of
hts sliter, Mlsa Cathirlne Ilrennan, 10-S II
Huntingdon st Solemn Requiem Mass at
the Church of the Visitation at 0 m In
terment nt Rockvlllc. Conn. Kindly omit
floral offerlnKs.
CAMI'IIKI.!,. On Februnrv (1. 101(5. RICH
ARD son of the lite Henry nnd Harnh
Campbell HKcd 37 yenrs Relatives nnd
frleudH nf the famllv a e Invited to attend
funeral services, on Wednesday, 2pm pre
cisely nt Schuyler's, Hroail and Diamond btn.
Interment private
f HKSTNl'T. On Pobruary 7. lOin HAMUHL
H , son of Samuel and Hirnh Chestnut of
Dolly watt County Antrim, Ireland need 21
yeirs Itelntlves and friends of tho family
also Wjckllffo L O I No 33. nre Invited
to attend funeral, nn Thursdiy. 2 n'clmk. at
tho residence of his hrnther-ln law Willi nn
Iloylc, 4U North Dearborn st (near ,0th nnd
Market). Interment tlreen Mount Cemetery
Prlends may call Wednesday evcnlns, be
tween s nnd 10 o'clock.
CI.AIIK On Kehruiry n. 1010. KLIZAHP.TH
Ll'CAS HIRST widow nf Dr Robert Curry
Clark Relatives ami friends are Invited to
attend funeral. W ednesdav Pebruary 0 at
10 a. m. precisely, from ot'lS Ridge ave , Rox
borouKb. Rem-Ins may bo viewed Tuesday,
from 4 W to 7 p m
tmillKTT On Pebruary 4 1010, IIHNIA
MIN. hushnnd of Anna Cnrbctt. Relatives
and friends also P. O S of A , P. of A
Washington Camp, and employes of John
Wveth Compiny are Invited to attend tho
funeral on Thursdav. at M 10 a m.. from
his I.ko residence. 1 Urt Houth 1 1th st Sol
emn Requiem Miss at tho Church of St
Rita at iu a. m. Interment at Holy Cross
HAM SON On Kehrunry 7, 101(1. JAMKS M .
husband of Soihla Dawson and son of the
Iito Daniel and Agnes Dawson Relitlvts
and friends, also the Internatlonil Moulders'
I'nton No 13, of Phtladelphli and Kensing
ton Circle, No 4 l of A nro Invited to
attend funeral Ihursday, at 2 p m, from
bis late residence 2ai'i Knst York st Inter
ment private, at North Cedar Hill Cemetery
DKNVin, On Kehrunry fl, 1013 JOHN II
DKNNKV.. Hr , husband of Cathtrlno Denney
(neo Penzell Relatives and frlen Is are In
vited lo attend Iho funeral si rv Ices, on
Thursday at 1 p ni., at his late residence,
IMS Wolf st Interment at HllhJde Ceme
tery via funeral car Prlends may call Wed
nesday, from s to 10 p m
Dr.Mi.HT. On Pebruary 11 101(1 CLARA A
P wife of Albert Denlghl and daughter
nf Anna P and the late Joseph 1! Duclnnan.
Relatives and rrlcnds are Invited to attend
funeral, on Thursday at I 10 p m., trom
her husband's residence. 130 Conger uve.
(Centra and Tatem ave ), Colllngswood, N
J bervlees at the Hrst M G. Church, at
2 30 n m Interment private, nt HarlUgh
Cemetery Prlends may call Wednesday,
after 7 p. m , at her late residence.
nnUOIIKKTs. On February 7, lOlfl. JOHN,
son of John and Hannah Dougherty (nee
McLoughltn) aged Id months Relatives and
friends are Invited to attend funeral on
Thursday at 2 p m . from his parents' resi
dence 3712 Lena st.. Germantown. Inter
ment Holy Sepulchre Cemetery.
KWAN. At VUlanova, Pa., on February (1,
CATIIARINK, wlfo or Franklin P. Kwan
Relatives and friends aro Invited to attend
the funeral servbes and interment at the
Mount Holly Cemetery Chapel, Mount Holly,
N J., on Wednesday February 0. on arrival
or train leaving Market (Street Ferry at
0 32 a m
FIN.VKHTV. On February 4. 1010, JAMES
7.. son of the late Michael Flnnerty and
Marv Flnnerty Glenn Relatives and friends
era Invited to attend the funeral on Wednes
day at 8 30 a m . from his brother-ln-law'i
residence John J UacUhus. 1S37 South 2.(4
st. High Requiem Mass at St Edmund's
church, at 10 a in Interment at New
Cathedral Cemetery
FISKF., Near Mt Holly N J on February
(t ANNA MARV FISKE. wife of Bdmund
V Flske In her 13d year. Relatives and
friends are Invited to attend the funeral
Wednesday, February 0 at 1 p m . from her
late residence, near Mt. Holly Interment
Mt. Holly N J Carriages will be at Mt.
Holly Station to meet train leaving Tucker
ton 7 18am and Philadelphia. 8 12 a m
HZO.NK On February il, 1910, MORT1CA
I'1CONK. husband of Sallla M FUone (nee
Sprague) and son of late Monica and Eliza
beth Flzone. aged 33 years Relatives and
friends, and Lieutenant John T. Oreble
Camp, No 10, Son of Veterans, 3th Division
2d Ward Republican Association and Old St.
Paul' Club, are Invited lo attend the fu
neral, on Thursday at 2 p. m.. from the
residence or his father-in-law, William 11.
Sprague. 227 Manton si. Service In St
John s rrotestant Episcopal Church. JJ and
Reed sts. J p. ni Interment Lafayette
Vault. Remains may ba viewed Wednes
day evening
IR.V7.ER. On February 0. 1010, BENJA
MIN, husband of Mary Frazer (nee Walsh),
Relative and mends, also the Circle St.
Alban No. S3. F. " A are Invited to at
tend funeral, on Tbuislay. at 8 TO a, m.,
from hU late resld.nce MM N 11th st Sol:
ernn Requiem Mih Mass at .Our Lady of
Merry Chunb. at IU a- m. Inttrment Old
Cathedral Cemetery.
It'I.I.KIlTOV. "(In February 7 lnld Ul.tZA
I1KTII l1ow of Wllllnm It. Pullertnn (nee
I sher) Itelntlves nnd friends are Invited lo
nltend ftinrrnl on Friday, at t in p m
from her lateresldfnce 11"2 W. Mnyamen
ping nip Interment Pernwool Cemetery.
(UNTNLIt On IVbrunrv 7, 1010. F.MMA
nlfp or I Martin llantnrr (nee Ilelnkel)
ReHllies and friends nip Invited to ntlen I
Mineral servhrs nn Ihursdiv at 2 p m
nl tier late rrsllenrp isiji 4 en 11 et In
terment private nl Ml Morlnh I emetery
Prlends miv view remilns on Wedncsdiy,
from s until lo p m
tIKIIMAS. -on IVbrunrv 7, Ibid HIINtll-
I TTA widow of Wlllhm II (iehmin llcl
nllvrs nml frlen Is nre milled tn attend the
funernl sen Ires Prldav arternoon, it 2
oilock nt her late resident!' unit Melon
M tn'ernient at Mount Morlnh Cemetery
Remilns inrtv be vtew.,! Thiirsdav rvrnlng
(IIIODIMI. In Pnst VVbneinnd township
Pa. Felnnry 0 mill CATIIAIUM! J lf.'
of Sidney Hooding In her ISth veir Iteli
thrs eni friends are Invltfd to ntt nd (uncial
w thout further notice, on Wednesday, from
her Hip resldeiue near sldev Station I rave
Ihe tinus" nl in i m SVrvlcps it st I'mil n
t'liiinli 1n 13 i tn Carrlnpen will mp t
tnilns al SI'IIpv ",c a m i InK south nnl
0 30 n in goln notth
(llt.VPIV. nn IVIirnirv 7 101(1 tll.Tns
C husbind of Lll7i Morlson rlrnlly In hH
7tt year ItrHtiies and frlen, also the iitli
t'enni cnvnlry, are Invltrd In ntlenl f'lnernl
on Thursliy nt 2 p m rrerljelv. from Ills
Into resldenrp 2102 N 20th si H'vlces nnd
Interment nt M. Tliomis P. 1: Cliufi h
Whltem irsli. Pa at 3 p m
UllRIUIHN. On Pebruary I'll" At.PllP.t)
FPflHM: son nf Alfred Ihcndorp and
lllanehe Wlntercersl Hrrbron. ngol -, vears
7 months, R'lillves nnd friends nre Imljpii
lo attend th" funeral services on t-rldnv
morning nt 11 o'clock nt bin Pirellis' resl
ilrncp, 332 fiist Washington line Oirtiinii
Inwn Intermenl prlinte Remjlns nmv lo
viewed Thursday evening
s. tiuldenll on IVbrunrv 7, 1010
I'HAHI.ns: HHNRV HAH Itelnllies nnd
frleiids, nnd nil nrginl7illons of wldeh he
irns a member, hip 'nvlieil to nitend Hie
rillieral sen ires nn nilirninv al IP in si
his late resldenrp 20.33 N Mb st Interment
rrlintp Itimnlin rnn le vi"wed Wednes'liv,
7 to 0 p m
ILMtl'KIt On IVhrunrv 0 mill .TAMPS
IIARI'EIt In Ids sVlli veir Itelstlves nnd
friends nlno pmplnven or Maxwell Rowland
A Co. and Vtlstle IxilRP No. 270 I () II I .
are Invllel to attend Hip timeril on Wed
nesday. -I 2 p ni fmm thp resldenip of
bis son. Wllllnm J. Ilnrpor, Ilolmesburg
htneilon Imennent private.
HAILS. on IVbrunrv 3, Into JOHN A.
mn of Willi mi V and Kntlp C lliyes
Itelillvps nnd frlen 's nre Invited In nttrnd
the funeral on Wedneslav, nt sin n m,
frotn his pirents' rellenie 2in'i North ith
st Solemn Ite.iuleni Mnns nt HI l.dn ird a
( Imn h nl .I) n in pre Isclj Intrrinent "t
lloiv Cropa t'cmeirrv
IIIIMIIlllSHN At Norwood Del Co Pa .
on IVbnnrv il mill, ADAM II. busbind of
Vcnes M Henderson need M) venrs Reln
tlves and ft lends, also Monitor l-ndce. No
3JS P nnd A. M of Niw V ork cltv nre
Invited to nttrnd tho funeral servlres. on
lliiirmliti, nt I 10 p in . nt his lite residence,
II Rldlev nvc Interment at Oreenwood K
of p Cemeterv HcmitiiH miv bo viewed on
Wednesday. New York pners pleipo opv.
HILL. On Pehruary 7 lfilfl HLlAHP.Ttt
ltlt.I. (nie VVnrk), wlfp of Noble Hill, need
7veirs Rel itlvis nn.l friends also members
of Siits Presbyterian church. Ilroid st and
Castle nvo, lire Invited lo attend Ihe funernl
seniles, on l"rldiv. nl 2 p in at her late
residence. 1712 South I "lit st Interment lit
Mount vtorl ill Cemetery Prlemla ni ly call
Thursdny H p m Autumoldln rimer il.
HILL. On February 7. 101U MARIAN
SINT.PR dniRlilir nf limb A llnnmim an I
lite Horace 31 Hill In her 12lh jiar It hi
tlves nnd frit mis are Invited In iltend the
funenl servlres on 1 rl lay afternoon, nt 2
o rlork nt the rcHli'encp of her mother, 2stl
Vorth If til el Interirellt nt ll Hill Re
m ibis miv be viewed nn Thursdav evinlng
linvtll.l.nit. On IVbrunrv 7 mill MAR
THA P wlfp of Henry llomlller and rinugh
ter of the I tip Aaron and 3IarKnret Hagle
iikhI 1.7 veira Relatives and friends nre ln
vped 10 attend tho funeral services on
Prldav nt 1 p in, at her Intp risldence,
iiO'jo 3ork roid. Ilnincltown Interment prl
v ite
IIIVr.lt. On IVbnnrv 7. 1010 IOIIN PRI
KOl.D HI lilt Residence. l.2 N 22d st
Due notice of the funernl will bo given.
IlllH. M On Pibrimrv (I HMO, IOHHP11
II, husband of Kntle V Irelind lino Cir
ter), ami son of 3Iary and the late Josrph
Irelind Relatives nnd friends alsi Pin
body Circle Nn I'l, 11 nt A imidnyes of
tho Rcconler of Deeds' Offire and Wistmore
land Republic in Association nre Invited to
uttend funeral services, on Tluirsd ly at 2 In
p in precisely, nt his lute rcMdence, 2n7s;
P Thompson st. Interment at North Cedir
Hill Cemetery. Rem ilns m ly bo viewed
Wclne-d o s to 10 p m.
,10C1IIM. On Pebruiry 3, 3010. HOWARD
HM1L JOACHIM, aged 74 venrs Relatives
and friends, also Mellti Iidge No 20", P.
nnd A M , Progressive Lodge No 4, A. O.
M P. Misonlc 'lemplo Sihnol of Instruc
tion Herman Uiterprlo Uulhllng and Loan
Association and emploves of c ratio & Co,
aro invited to nttend tho funenl services on
Wednesday, nt 2 .Op m. at Ills late rosl
ileme, 32i4 saiisom st Intetuicnt pilvutc.
Automobile funenl
.IONKm. On Pebrunry 3 1010 nt Ht Jo
seph's Hospital PRANT Is XAVlHIt, hus
hnnd of 1 itp Marv T Jones Rrlntives nnl
friends nre Invited to ittend the funeral on
Wcdncsd y ut 8 30 a m , from the residence
of bl Hon, Dr lohn P . Innes 1M3
Spruce street Solemn High Mass of Re
quiem. St Pitrlck'a ut 10 n m precisely
Interment private Auto funeral
K PP. On February U PHil MICHAHL
husband of Mary A Kniipp, aged 03 jeirs.
Itclatlies and f rli n le ilo Harmony sick
and Ittn. fltlil Association, aro Iniittd to at
ttnl tho fuiu ml services on Thiirsdnv nt
2 p m. at his Iito residence, Put P. Lc
hlKh avo Interment prlvati it Oreenmount
( pimtery Automobile funeral
KKI1A. On February 7, HUH JHVN.NH
Rll'V, ilausntir or imviu iuui I'nirlutto
Kelly (nee nirllng), aged 13 months. Rihi
tliif and friends are linltel tn atend tho
funernl. rn Wednes 1 ly at 1 p m . from her
jnruttH rislleni'e 4024 Wnvnc nve , Oer
mantown. Internum at St Matthew's Cem
etery, Consh.jhoi ken Vutomobllo funenl
Klli:i sflir.R. On Fehruiry 4, 1010 IACOII
KRIICSCIHIH need 72 vears Relatives and
IrliudH. also I'.d.inel lohn V . Moore Circle,
.No S7 I.idles of the (5 V It , nro Invited to
attend tho funenl services, on Wednesday,
at 2 r ni at the rcsldeuci of IiIh nleie, Miss
Rrethnuer, 1S31 Mount Vernon st Interment
at Mount Morlah Cernetiry
Klllli.-On Pibruirv 0 1010 PR VNCIH son
of I Yank and Mary Kiug and grindsnn of
Cathaitne and the 1 ito i h.irle Krug ami
lohn und Annie O Donnell Relnilies and
friends nro Invitid to attend the luneral on
Wt dnea lay it I n 111 from his pirents'
resideme '3.'i outh 10th H Sin his at
tho Eplphim Chunli. ut 2 p in Inlermint
at Holy Crona Cemetery Remains may be
viewed on Tues I ly uvcnliii;
I.ML On P. bruiry (I Mill, JtlN'A. wife of
the Iito Onbriel Levi tn her sth year. Re
latlves and Irlen.ls, also 11 Ne.Ui Jcshrun
Lndite No 2, aro invited to attend tho
funeral on Wednisday at 10 ,0 a ni , from
her ,atn residence 2uU North IMh st. In
terment Ht Mt Sinai
LIMISAi, On Pebruary 0, Mill, DANIEL
A . son of Charles P. and Mnruiret T.
Lindsay. Relitlvts and friends, alfo Phlla
deliihla Fire Department, membi rs of Pn
glno Company No 17 und the Insuranco Pi
tinl are invitid to nttend tho funenl. on
Wedmsd.ty ut h 11. m, fiom the residence
nf his futhtr 2i, Maple lerrure Clifton
Heights Deluw iro County Pa High laB
ut Ht Chirks' Chunli Kellyvllle, at 10 a
in Interment nt ht, Charles' Cemetery. No
I limits Suddenly, nn Pebrunry 0, 1010
JOHN I.. I.OOMIS aged 4S years Relatives
and friends also Perkins Lodge, No. 102. P
and A M und employes of Swift & Co,
aro Invited tn attend the funeral services Prl
day, at 2 11 m ut the residence of Mrs Cath
arine I lovomls 13s N i.uth st. Interment
nt West Uiurel Hill Cemetery Friends may
view remilns Thursluy evening
31 l)lt V. On February 0. 1010, JAMES
MADARA. Relitlvcs and Mends arc Invited
tu attend tin funernl services, ut his lato
resldenci 2220 Mount Vernon st on Thurs
diy, at 10 3u u m luiirinent private
MAI.TVI.N, On February 0. 1010 DIlllO
RAH 1 MALTMAN wife of William T.
Mailman Relitlvts and irtends alro VV 111
lam ReynoIdH Circle , No 117 Unites of the
(! A R, are Invited to attend Hie funeral
services on Friday at 1 .0 11 111 at htr
late residence. Horseshoe Shoals. Westiiroup
Light Station Fort -Mlttlln road, lniermont
private Mt Morlah Cemetery Automobile
sti b e
MILLUtll-On February 0 1U10 3HOJ1AS
UIIKKXI AN husbaml of 1 rna Mlllird and
son of the I ite Jainis T. und Catherine
Mtlluid ntel 4(1 yeirs Relatives nnd friends
ure Inv tod to nttend tho funenl services
on Wulnis! ty. at 3 n ni . al bis Uto rrsi
tleme. 2'S E i.t Phil Ellena st Mount Airy
li termciit prlv ne. Remains may bo viewed
Tjesliy tvenlns
MON VII VN -suihlenly. on February fl, 1010.
!AMi:-i. husband ai Marv E ilunshan uica
1'ovvers) Relatives and frlen Is, also the Holy
Namo and Itxsury Societies of the Church of
the Sacred Heart and C K. of A. liranch.
No IIS. aro invited to attend tho funeral,
on Thursday at 8 u in., from his late resi
dence 4 il v Inslow st , Camden, N J Sol
emn High 31 a us at tho Church of tho Sacred
Heart at 0 to u m Interment at Calvury
Cemetery. Remains may be viewed on Wed
nesday evening
MOTC. Suddenly, at Atlantic City, on See.
Olid Month tth IHlli rilO.MAS EDOER
TON MOTT iKed 02 years, and MARTH
Rlliac.S MOTr aged 71 years, of Iowa
Relatives and friends are Invited to atteud
tho funeral, on Kcurtbduy second Month at
2 p m , at Pip-lids' MieiliiK iloute. 1th and
Arch sts , Pblla Interment private
Slrt'VHTX. At Newtown Pa on February
John MiCarty aged .30 years. Relative
mil friends ure Invited to attend funeral
from her late residence North fetat. st
Nevvtovvn, Pa. on Thursday. Fcbiuiry 10 at
8 30 a m Requiem Mass ut St 4,ndrew a
Il C Church, Newtown. Pa, at 10 a 111
MtCI.PUE. On Februaiy li, 1U1U. EJ.I.A
11ET1I B . daughter of Alezauder and tha
late Mary J SlcClure. aged 20 years. Rela
tives ana rrlcnds are Invited to attend the
luneral services, on Wednesday, at 1 p, m,
at the parlors of H P FraukcnDeld's Sons
3300 Vina st. Interment at VVaaimlnster
ilcllEMTT. On February 7 1010. JOHN.
son of Hugh and Marjory McDevltt (nee
Mcliugb). used 10 years. Relatives and
friends, also . oung Men's! Catholic Club of
tha Immaculate Conception Church, are In
vited to attenl luneral, on Friday, at 8.30
a ni.. from nU parents residence. 11211
Leopard st , near Front St. and Olrard ave
Solemn Requiem Mssa at C'hur.h of the Ini
maculate Conception at 10 a. ui Interraeot
at Nevv Cathedral Cemetery.
McKNKOE On February 3 1918 at I.OW
..,, ..... t.f A T-I-Il RCV. ui, nt . hj. l.fa
llaUlif w and Margaret McKaron and brother I
of Cllhprlnp MeEnroe. Rfllvllves nnd. friends
nf the family are Invited lo nttend the fu
nernl on Thursday morning, at R 30 o'clock
nt the chapel of Andrew J Hair Son
Arch nnd ifllli st Solemn Requiem Muss
nt St John's Church 1.3th nbove Cherthm
st nt 10 o'clock Interment nt Old Cathe
dral Cemetery. Remilns nifly be viewed on
Wpflns.liy pvenlng nftir 7 0 clock.
Mi II I.AMII i:Oii Pebrunry 0. loirt,
JAM ED, liushand of I llrnbetli McOlashen
Miei Rnffertyi nnl poo of Mnry nnd the lain
lames Midlashen Relntlyen and friends of
Ihe family nlso the East End Democratic
Aeeni IhIIoii are Invited to attend funeral, nn
Thursdiv at .'.() n m from his lite resi
lience 2727 Evnt Thompson at. (23th Ward).
Mnlrtnn Illgh Mass nf Requiem at Ht Anns
(htir-h nt In n m Interment nt st Ann's
MpVI VHOV -On Pebrunry 0 1010 MAUY
M widow of tnm.s McVtnbon Relatives .nnl
friends nre Inv lied to nttend the funernl, on
Wpdnesdiv, al 2 p 111 from her lato fold
dencp -All West (llrard ave Interment HI
Mount Morlnh ( cinelery,
MPOAItOEE. On pehruary n, 1010 Mints
AVI itnssiTrtt wire nf Irwin N Mesnrgee.
Thp funernl serv I es on Wednesdav at 2 43
P ni nl the resident e of her dsurbter Mrs.
llerterl M Tllden overtelgh McKcan nve.
(lermmtown Interment prlvnte.
VIOOKE. -On IVhrunrv 0, told flHOHOE.
hltsbnntl of I lleti Moore (nee Filresti mid
mi of Ihe lite Lieutenant ilporgc nnd Marv
Moore Itelntlves nnd friends nlso employes
nf llm Ilurenii of Hurvev hto Invited to at
tenl funeral services on Wednesday nt 2
1. Ill preilfcClv. Ml his late reslden. e 2211
N Itth st Remilns may be viewed on
Tiiefday, from 7 to ti p. 111. Intermenl prl
3100111..- On February 0 10IO THOMAS J.
MOOlli:, nged 37 years Relatives nnd
friends nlso Cntnden counrll Nn in l C.i
Camden Lotce Nn 2111 II P o 11 nnd nil
other or; inlzntlons of vvhlch the deceased
wnii 11 member are Invited lo nttend funeral
Thursdav IVbrunrv 10 11 11 in rrnm his
lite reside n. p, 112 New lersev nve Copings
wo id N .1 Solemn Requiem Mas nt HI.
John's ( hurch, Colllmtswnnd N I nt to
a 111 Interment Cnlvnry Cemeterv Auto
VII LI. EN. On IVhnnrv 0 11110 3IARHA
RET Ml I.LIJN widow nf Mltbnel Mullen,
Itelntlves nnd friends are Invited to attend
funeral nn Thursdav, it 1 1.) a in from
the residence or htr son In-law, lames 3.
Infills (Oil (Ireenvvny nve. Solemn High
.Mass at St. I'lemenl's Chunli Pnechallilllp,
nt 10 11 m Inlenuent St Mb hnel s Ceme
Itrv (heater, I'll. Aulninoblln serv lie
Mlltl'IIV. On IVbrunrv 7, HMO THOMAS,
bush ind of the late Ellen , Murphy Rein
Hies and friends nlso employes of the P.
It r Rondwsv Depar nient. Division Nn 3o,
A 11 II 1111 I SarsllcM Drain 11 I c H I .
are Inv lied In nttend the fl rnl nn Prl lav;.
nt c a m from his lite resldeiue 12 tO South
llm knell st (Jtlh and Wharton sts) Solemn
llluli Mi"s nf Requiem nt st Anthony 3
Churrh at 11 30 a. in Interment nt Holy Cmsa
(' ineterv.
M.Vt lllll.l) Suddenly, In Philadelphia on
MOLD son of the li'e Clurlrn nnd Rebeecn
Pi mherlnu Newbold Services at the Church
or tho Ascension, Ilroad and South sts on
Wednesday, at I p m. l'leuso omit flowers,
PM'KEH. At lite, bite residence, "13 41st
rt.. on Ftbru.irv 0 1010, captain nDVVARO
E PACKER, sr , In tho 81si year nf his nge.
Reliilves and friends, nlso St Johns Lodge.
Nn 113 P nml A M , Hattallon und Old
Ounrd of Mate Penclhles an 1 ladles Aux
Illiry or Md Guards nre Invited to Httend
iho funeral serv lies on Thursday precisely
nt 2 p in, nl tho State Peni Ibten' Armory,
ltrnid helow Rate st. Interment at Woodland
Cemetery Remains may to viewed nt hie.
Into tcsidcncc, Wedncsdiy, between 7 and 0
I m
PAUR3. -Sllddenlv nu Pecnnd Mnotll 7th.
MIO, ISSA1C I'jtKRY of Horsham. I'a , In
his 7-'d yeir. RelultiH und friends are
Invited to attend the funeral on sixth Dav,
Secon 1 Month at I P m from Horsham
Prlends' Mieilug House Trnlley will meet
I II p 111 train from Heading Terminal at
Willow drove
PHNMH'K. On Second Month 7th 1010. af.
It r I1I1' resident e, I0O3 Chester nve West
l'lilbi lilldili IDA 1IAV. w le of Abrah im
L I'eltnni k, ngetl ,33 vears Re.atlvca only nre
Invited to attend the funernl, on Fifth-day.
ut 2 p in Interment prlv am
Pi-.ssi.NO. On Pehruary 7, 1010, ELIZA
1117111. widow of jVutonlo D Pessino and
dnughte- of the late stimuel and Mary Jones
Ogdcn n her v,nth year Relatives and
rflenls nro Invited to attend the funeral, on
Thursdiv at 2 p. m. from her sister's resi
dence "(.! North 20th st Interment private.
KI.EVEs At Haililonfli'Itl, N I nn Febru
ary 7. 1011), MRS Itt'TII P RI nvrs No
tl e of the funernl will be given
HKVII.NC. ION. On Februnrv 0 1010 ANNIE
K, daughter of tho lite lames and Lucllla
II Remington Funeral services it tho resi
dent c or her nltcc 127 South 43th st., on
Wednesdav, at 2 p m Interment private.
HIIINEII Mtr. On Pebruary 7 MIO. MAR3".
wife of Harry Rblnehurt (nee Hmedlcy). nged
3s vears Rtlitives and irlends nl.n the il
V. Jl Sodillty of tho Visitation Church and
"Women of the Holy Fimlly and jVltar So
ciety nf St. llnnlfaclus' Church ate Invited
to attend the fuueial on Prldav nt s 10 .
III , from her lato residence 2S7d Emerald
st '-oleinn Requiem Mass nt the Ciiurch of
ihe Visitation nt 10 n m. Interment nt Holy
Sepulchro Cemitery.
RICE. On Pibruirv 0 1010 EMMA, widow
of James It. Rice. In her S3th year.
HI sll. Siiiblenlv, on IVbrunrv 0, 1010, ROY
J. son of Prnnk and Emma Hampton Rush.
He! alien und friends, also members of Re
lict Council Nn 47, O V A M , are In.
v Ited 10 attend the funeral serlvtes VVeilnes
tliv, at 1 n m at his pirents' rcsldenco,
2030 N ,0th st. Interment private at River
side i emetery. Norrlstown I'n Remains
mav bo viewed Tuehday, from 7 3) to tl 3D
p m
11VAN. On Pehrunrv 7. 1010, MICHAEL J,
hushnnd nf Caroline Ran (rte Maglnnls)
Relit vert nnd frlenda are Invited 10 attend
iho funeral on Thursdav at 11 a m . from
his lite resldenrp. 1321 North ISth st Sol
emn Miss of Requiem nt Church of the
llesti nt lll'tl 11 111 Interment ttrlvnte nt
New Cathidrul Cemetery. .Vutomobllo serv
ice. SVI.HEH. On Pebruary 7. MM CAROI INE
SVLliCIt Relatives and friends also the
societies of which he was a member are In
vited to attend the funeral services on Trl
div, at 2 p m at her lato rrsldonte, 422
Richmond st Prlends may citl after 7 p
ni Thursday
SEEI H. At Esslngton Pa, on Tc rimrv ft,
MH.. WILLI AM W SEI3I EV son of George
und the Iito Henrietta Stclev (nee Liming),
HKcd 22 vears Relatives and friends, also the
Sun. lav Sthnol of the Central Itip-ist Church,
of Woo II ury N J ure Invited tn attend the
funenl services on Ihursdui nt 1 p m, at
his sister's resilience, 2322 South Sartaln st.
Interment at Pernvvond Cemeterv Friends
mav call Wednesday, S p m Auto service
SHERREIt. On Fehrunry 7 MIO. ALEX
r Sr , hush tnd of Mary W Sherrer. aged
70 inrs Relatives un 1 friends nre Invited
to nttend funeral hervlees on W etlnestlay nt
2 p. in ut his late residence 3132 Irving St.,
West Phil idelphl 1 Interment private, at
Ml vtorl ih Cemeitry
shim:. tin P. Iirunry 7 1010 MARY widow
of Nitlunlel Shlve Sr formerly of Fort
Washington I'u nerd 02 years Relatives
und friends nro Invited in attend the funeral
services Thursdiv at in n m nt her late
lesldeme 1313 Auburn st. Interment private
at Dnylestowti Pa Remains may bo viewed
Welnesdiy from 7 to 10 p m
SLACK On February 3.1010.SUSAN CATH
ERINE daughter of Lewis and Matilda F.
Slaik aged 1 weeks.
SI EVIMEIt. On February 0, Mill IOHN I...
sou nf H Prank and Anna E Slemmer, In
his 21st year Rrlitivrs and friends are
invited to attend the funenil serv lies, on
Wednesdav it 1 P m r. lively at his
p.ti nits' residence, 1103 Sycamore st Had
don Heights N J Interment stru Hy private,
hi I.iunilew 1 1 melerv
SNOW DEN. At his residence the Lincoln,
nn Pebruiry 0 MM LLEWELH NT SNOW
HI s Relatives und friends are Invited to
titit ml tho funeral serv li es, on VV ednesday at
2 p m nl the apartments of Oliver 11,
Pair, lf-'0 Chestnut st Interment prlvute.
MltEl.T. On Februaiy 1. 10M SARAH-,
STREET (formerly of Hurst, England) wife
of James W Street aged 71 years Relative
ind frlen Is are Invited tn attend the funeral
eer.lcts on 3'huisdiv, at 2 p .11, at her
liusba id s reslleiui, l7ul St. Paul si . Nice
town Interment private, ut Lmrel Hill
SWKHNm. On February 0 1010 HUOH,
husband of iutherlno E Sweeney (nee Dunn).
Rtlutlves and friends aln M Mary'a Ilene
ttclil Soclity, st Charles T A U Society,
employes of Southern Pennsylvania Traction
ComiMiiy are inv tied to attend the funerah
on 'Ihursday at s 41 a m, from his lata
resldeiue, 4 f-l Washington ave Cllftnii
Heights, Delaware County, Pa Solemn Mass
of Requiem at St Charles' Church at 10
u in Interment at St Charles' Cemetery.
Kelly Mild No carriages
SMUT. On February 7. 101(1, at his resls
tlence Hammonton, V J . FRANK 9,
SWIFT. In Ids with year. Funeral on Thura
day. a 2 P. m, ut Hammonton
'All IIIC On Pehruary (1. MM ANNA.
.vllovv or HaiKltrfo Taylor, aged 73 vears.
Relttlvea and friends also Tougua e ounctl.
No O'l D of P , 1 11 It M , Helena Sister
honl No 1 Dames of Malta, ure Invited to
uttend tho funeral, on Wcdnesd iy at 3 p
m. from tha residence of A ( Piatt, 2034
Svdenhum st Further services at St Simeon"
Churcti tllh st and I.ehluli ave ut 3 JO p.
111 Interment at Mount Vernon Cemetery, Re
mains may bo viewed Tuesday, from 8 lo 10
11 m
WAT I'. On February B 1010, ROBERT
W ATT. husband of Rose Watt (nee MooneyK
Relatives uud friends aro Invited to attend
the funeral services, on Wednesday, at U
p in, ut his late residence 2130 Hollywood:
st Interment at North Cedar Hill Cemetery.
v, 1111 1.VHN On February 0, MM, SAM
PEL STERN WlirTEMAN aged 87 yeara 10
months Funeral from the residence of bis
cl lugbter, Mrs J Elmer Sellers 015 Andrew
ave Coltlngdate. I"a on Wednesday, at 2
P m Relutlvea and friends Invited Inter
ment prlvute
WOOD At Evesboro, II J on February 0,
I L1CAI1ETH S widow of Thomas It Wood,
tt.-td 81 years. Relatives and frlenda ant
Invited to attend funeral. Thursday, at li
F. nu, from the residence of her ou-lu law,
toward O. Wells, Hvc.boro. Automobiles
will meet the train leaving- Market Bt.
Ferry Philadelphia, at 10 40, at Marltoa
Station Interment, Coleutown .Cemetery.
Friends may call Wednesday evening;
UlllsTEH On February 0, loiu MARY
A , beloved wife of Philip JWurater (uea
Otrden). In her 43d year Relatives and
friends, alto 1-adlta' Aid of General a KsUcat,
Camp No 228. fi. of V , aro Invited t) at
tend funaral service on Thursday ut 2 n.
m at her late residence. T23 VV Oxford air
interment private Farnwood Cemetery Au
tomobile funeral. It era a Ins uiay be viewed 014
IVednesday evening $ to 10 o clock
Zll.(,l Kit Sud lenlv on February 8. llft
at h s resl Km, . HilS North 10th at LEVY U
1 ZlEUltR sr N iiit-a or funeral IsUr
ZOOK On Fcbruiry S. 110, MARY tilHA.
daughter of tha late liail'J and CwliU $,
400k. la ba 6itU rear.