SWSp5 EVENING LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1916. 14 i' ift tr Iff I if $ FINANCIAL NEWS BOOM TRADERS WHO WERE BULLISH IN MORNING TURNED TO SELLING SIDE Some Issues Were Bid Up Without Regard to Diplomatic Situation Pool Activities at Intervals in Many Low-Priced Industrials NHW YOItK, Kcb. 8. 'Tho room traders who liml been the clilef bull") In the market tluriiiB the first hnlf of the ttiiy lost confidence In their position lifter noon and turned to the HClllnK'nlde. Slight concessions resulting In the standard Issues from these sates wcro In themselves without Importance, but while the selling was In progress rumors were circulated about the Washington enbtnet meeting and eomo of the traders expressed disappointment that no announcement had been As n matter of fact, those Informed about current diplomat? discussions did not expect that any statement would be made ntter the meeting, but any excuse was good enough for the room traders to take as a reason for offerings of stocks. Some Issues, Including Allls-Chalincis, wcro bid up without regard to the dlplo mnllcNiUuatlon or market position, and there were pool activities at Intervals In many other of the low-priced Industrials, but taken altogther, the market was one In which outside Interest was absent to a greater degree than at any tlmo slnco the beginning of the year, nnd the variations In quotations were without Significance. For more lmportanco was attached in banking circles to developments In foreign exchange. The steps tnken by the German Government to stabilise exchange by deposits of gold In Holland were reflected In a brisk demond and sharp advance In IJerlln exchnngr, rclchsmarks advancing from 7 Pi to 76', 4. A short tlmo ago sold nB low as 71!'i. Copper Sales Reported at 2D Cents Sharp advances In the standard market In London caused considerable excitement In the copper metal market here. Some leading pioducers nnd dealers did not make quotations to the hucrs, while others held June deliveries at 27 cents a pound. IJuycrs came Into the market In droves nnd the prices of the arious sales that were made were based on the quantities In volved, the deliveries wnnted and the position of the customer. For nearer deliveries many levels nre being talked of nnd a sale of u small nmount of March copper Is reported to have been made at 29 cents. New York Bond Sales II700O Amer 'ot Oil Tm . . istoo Anulo rr J, 5n . . , J S)0O Amor Smelt Sec (Is 7iO Amer Tel clt -In .. 2ftomi ilo cvt 4W . lwno Atchison (ten U . MXW Atch & K Okln 4ii . 2-iikhi Hilt ft Ohio .Via "(XiO ilo 4 .. .IlKim ctn cv 4U.R .... . ,o(i no v i,t:&vv 4 4(oo Hilt R O Kwn .iHa Imhi llcth Sifrl rfl r . .i;omi lirook It T h tins.. "mm Huh Term Hide fli Mouo Cent I.tnth tut ? . Mum Cent I'nclllo IU,n 1INIOO Ollt l10 lKt U ;iooci ;iuu copper 7n lino Chen ft Ohio e 414 torn) ilo I'tn sow ilo r.B ii Oil Chi (It West 4 lo0 C'hl it Nwn Ren 4n I sm I'm II Ai g Joint 4 MOO ,lo K(.n 4k . Uooo Cht II A li III 114s Ji oil CM Mil ft st l cv M VKK) Chi Mil it I- S 4 KKKI Col Itlcliutrlnl . inni I Detroit Cnltefl 4i 240ix),l)i senir Corii n onoii Trie ,onv 4 Her II loon UriHt Nor 1st .. 47(00 lluil Miin In Is 7ik llu.l & Man rfil 5n Iikmk) loHn Central l .. .. W III Centrnl in lull .. i Inn Conner cv (Ji iy intern .Met 4'fit (M) Interl) It T ref ltlRh. Ixw. TONE IN WHEAT MARKET BETTER Shorts Covered May Sold Up to $1.31 Arrivals at Interior Points Light ,S74 V3 1MI. WIS ono Intir Mir Mnr ct VA iniji looo iHpnnoao new O H 4tjs 74i IIMNI K f I I H X. 1 lla IIHm) Ijickl SKel flu 11)30 IKH) Uieleile (Ian Int 1 1111(1 l.eh fll Cnnl -,i . Mm) jniK & Nnsh 4s IW) .Miinlnttnn stn 4, I0 Minn i St t 4 . .'imi Minn HI 1' H H M Is Will) Mo Knn 1 lt 48 Mill Mn 1'hc Is 2l0i() Mont Power (is Won .Not Knnni Htp 5s looo , v c I, s .Mis -.(h N Y Cent . 111(H) V l'. & I III,! Is ... UWlllI Jf V O At lluil l(,H lion 'II 101", "Jd iS'j 41(4 ii. -.2 tuts (111. H..8 lint l7t "w"' j At hum '&, iii;, 20ii(l N -J City .I'is Mny,T,l bxV 100ji ,v Y city Is lint 107' Olik SI-MA IISJ4 IIS), SH-lJ NEW YORK STOCK SALES IiBt close llUll Adams Express .1I7U US MaMti J liuld Mines H'4 ' Alaska OoM MhM 21 Allls-rhalmers Mrs .. 2)'i AIIIs-ChalmcM Mrs pt. MVi 07U Wi 02 'ii 21 82H 7l)'i W,'i mm m C) 7()J Iw, lis JI 20Mi W) r.s ni'J 110), f,) 52j 2fHs 21'i rsii Am Beet Sucar. Am Beet Sugar pf 'Am Can Am Can pf Am Car & Foundry. Am Car . l'dy pf Am Coal Products . . 'Am Cotton Oil Am Express Am Hldo A. Leather Am llldo Sc L ir Am Ifo Securities . . . 'Am Unseed .. . . Am IJnsral pf Am Locomotive . .. 'ftin Locomollvo pf Am Smelt & Itcf . Am Smelt vt A . . Am Steel Foundries Am Sugar Hef . Am Tel S. Tel .... Am Tobacco . Am Tob pf ne Am Woolen tr rets Am Woolen pf t r. Am Zinc I. & Sm Anacondi Cop M Associated Oil . Atch Top . S F . . A T S P (if Atl Coast I.lno . Ilald Locti Works llald Loco Works pf . . WSK 01H lOSJi Close. US 21 .'): 8'.'U 70 00' i ran in (fili 1,75 117'i H7h 11" .107?, 107"i .130M 12S 10W 111' . T.2 . 2')'1 . 2.Wi 2H . (uM .102'i lOI-ii 02' . r,3'i 11.1H .127 20-1J 107'i 07 H fiO'f SO'ii .vm OJ 2.US MM in OS 12'J)i 1LWJ Baltliuoio & Ohio . SSK OallUnoru Ohlu pf. . 70 BatoplldS Minim: . 2'i Diooklyu Itap'Ir .. 87Ji Hurus Illin . . So Bush Terinln.il . . .121 Butto .1 Superior . 70U CjI I'ctiolcuiu . .'!.)' i Cal retroleum pf . 05Ji Caiiiidlju 1'dt.lMu ..171 Central Leather fi.1U Central Leather pf Chesapeake ,t Ohlu Chl'o Clipper Chluo Copper Chlcaso Gt West... Chi Ot West pf Chi Mil & ht I' Chi Mil & bt I' pr Chi & Northwestern Chi It I & 1'ac Cluott Pea i. Co . Cluett Tea A Co pf Col l'Uel & Iron Continental Can Com Products Hef Com Products Hef pf Crucible hteol Crucible -Steel pf Cuban-Am bUL'ar Detroit Kdtsou Detroit United lt)s . UbtUl Sco Corpu JJome Mines Kiec Sturace Hat Krie . Krle 1st pf red Mln & Sm j rwt Mu .1 Sm pf. Oen Chemical pf yen Klectrlc ioodrich UK. Oreene-Cananca litauriy Consul Ureat Northern pf 107 107 Til .it 12S US 101, 10' i .11' j .ri2 2SM 285 ii 2.T, 21, VIM VM 07 ' 07j 102U 102U 102U 10J ICO'j lOO'i 0 1 ViM 0.1 nr bo so 11W 113S 1M1. 127'j 127 I27'i 20-i?i 2M 201 lOSij 108 10S fiO'S f0 .V) 97 07 07 fiO'f 00 00 S7'J SO'i SOK 00 lift 00 101 IO.'1'j 10 IH 1D0H 101'S 100H 101, 112 HHi lll'f 111U 117H ilbM 111!. 115W lUSJi .S$!j 70 88 70 8S( 70 2'5 S7 80 sr,a s.ri mm mo 79k 7h!i opx o;i 171 170 51",' 5W 2)8 80i 85H 110 70 S2 UlU 170'5 AM imu ioti7i won wm 02U 2d MM i: 35'i US'i 20i 7.1 111 lb', MI'S 2JK ma S3't i5H 2:1 100 111 17U 18W 104 47U a:,m 2aS 200 no no 17K , 711) i 27 77)f 77 120 50 10.1 Ot Kor cfs fur ore pr liut'L'tii lupin Illinois Cent .. Int llarv .V J Int-Met v t cfs . Int t-'on Cor v t c sh Int Consul Corp pr . Int Paper Cu Int Paper Cu pf . Jusp Coo Cop. Int Nickel r t eft Int Nickel pr v t cfs. Int M M els of dp Int M M pf c of dp. Han City boutbern . Lack Steel Cu. Lenten Valley Liggett & Mien pf Loose-Wiles Bis 2d pf Lortllard P Co, touts 4 Nash Mai ell Motors . Mm Motors .M Pf. Minn & St L pf Meilcaa Petroleum , Mex Petroleum pf . , . Minn St P & S S M Miami Copper . Missouri Pacific Mo Pacific tr cfs . Nat Biscuit Co Pf Nat Eiwm & S Co Tial Lead .,,. . Nat Lead pf Key Con Copper N Y Air Brake hvmxAH svoiim. N Y O & West Norfolk 4 Western North American Nor J'aclflc Pactftc MaU PeansylraaU It it .W, Peoples Gas Chi 10 J yhilailejphtt Co 42i pllU coal Co N J 1 i Pl S Car r,Tn Fal Str Corp N J 115 Pullman Co . 185 Q ulckitlvM 5', By StM ipe 40 By Con Ooppaf MM Iteadlflij TJM Beinbael'&B. Wb ltuc Island . . t, Bosk Islaad p , budlfcpl 37U ;W Bo S H 170 rn Boa & Co pi 12CH Hhjft-sfof H Si I 584 itaHttyft 3 6 I pi Uct"j isjtjtk Porte R Sug J3S ttwttara Patn nwf oourtna By MH feaattorta H) Df 60l ta&tted UMm$ vt 87 i-te.. rtr C 1 li'4 20 73 112 4.0U SO'i 22U 05'i 82M 115 201 .13S . 71115 40 . 28Ji 02 . JSH &i 32 . 5T.H 111! .172Jf 17.1 . 73,' i 741i . 47 47M . 04 tW 12Hi 12J t)2Ji 22JX ?4)3 U .1.jW OS1 1 13JJ, VMM 10ii 7.1 HI 40f SO 22) J 00 bOU 02 225 54 1.1 .Wi JSW 13J3S 20 73 111 WH SO 22Ji 1)04 , i 1114 1134 IW'j 2014 100 100 1304 1394 H94 78 404 204 t)0 384 53 M .U 5-14 J W 47i 234 78 48' 3 2S, 04 374 534 314 514 115 171 7.14 474 034 1214 10331 1034 1034 1105, 1104 1104 184 184 1751 74 104 40 454 20714 209 1094 110 174 104 17 784 704 774 274 27 274 7731 70)5 77 77 704 704 1214 1214 1214 50 50 50 105 1044 103 1214 1-'14 1214 1244 71j 72 704 71 534 534 514 153 15S 154 110H 1074 1083f 11X1 1UU 100 1234 1234 37 JCM 54 54 18 714 1 14 40 454 78 lb' 29 1,(1 .IS 534 314 514 115 171 734 474 034 1214 17 il 184 174 74 "4 10 454 54 154 110 99 123 304 54' 54 54 1284 120 204 2d 714 llf 154 1474 074 100 204 1174 71 I233S 304 54 54 129 20 704 113 1.54 140 o, , 54 120 20 71i 704 113 113 154 154 .40 140 7 073X UH4 1054 1011 27 27 27 117 117 117 704 70 70 IUK U3J( U3i Uit( 104 104 154 15), 504 50 5GK I0l3( 104 104 12 42 U .( 334 311 58 110 16.1 a 4)4 244 78 314 n 3iM IbO PI f 7 i ill! lilt 1044 165 a 4J 24 773. MM 4 4 3S4 170 5 4U 314 774 534 H 4 384 170 U0.4 128i 1204 01 5&K GO 97 97 07 154 155 155 1004 00i 1004 214 214 J14 ml m rj 8? S7 11 WON 162 1134 irih u UlBtclnsp Itlell lx. CliMC Tcias Co 200 2094 2li7 i 2084 Texas Parlflc 7 74 74 74 Third Uenue . OO'j 004 00 00 Tuln City It T 0 OVi 954 054 Und'r Typenr .. 80 SO 81 80 United Clsar stores 04 (14 04 04 United C Icar Sis pf 114 114 114 114 United Cunr Mfrs 014 01 01 (11 Union Hag ,1 P pf ,10 3') 30 30 Union Pacific 131 1114 1334 13 4 Union Pacific pf M't 834 MM 81'f U S Ind Alcohol . 150 1504 151 156 V S Ind Alcohol pf 107 1004 1004 1004 U S C I P . I' . 19 194 194 104 United Fruit Co . 110 1114 1304' 111 United Hss Inv Co 1735 17?i 174 174 U h Kuliber . 52)5 51 524 524 U S Steel Corp . 814 814 8.14 814 U b Steel Corp pf .117 1104 11041104 Utah Securities . . 194 20 104 20 Utah Copper . 704 7935 703, 794 Va-Caro Chem .. 184 18 174' 4S Va-Caro Chcm pf .110 109 109 109 Va Iron Coal S. C. . . 5 57' 5 51 50 Wabash . 154' 154 l.'ijf 154' Walash pf A . 114 114 144 114 alish pf II 284 284 2b4 2S4 Wist II S. M 074 084 07 074 West i: X. M 1st pf . 704 78 78 7S Western Union Tel . KS4 884 8S KS), Wllljs Ou-rland 230 2294 2214 2214 Wuomorth F W 121 1244 1234 12 1 Woolorth F W pf 1214 1214 1214 1214 11(10 .N Y CIU 4s 1ir,s reu liti i,nn, i l jtiy ss I', ! Kinn N Y Cltl t'.s llliU .1000 N Y N If i II i.h in .KKS) N Ont & U 1st Is M' iusa) .v y im n-r is ll.'foo N Y Hwv mlj fis looo N Y r a, II I'is 21010 .Vorr ft West l looo Nor I"nc prior U . . 1S.VSKI Nor 1'se Ken fls Irwin Ore Short I. ret Is riKi Ore ft Cnl r,s I(Hl Pnclnc Tel fis looo I'rnn.i Is HUH I0(1 do Ken it Pjh . 1JIKH) Prnn i rn lls loco I'onnn 4".s (li.'l mi MOI'I, l,nn, ItlHtlinK pen IS looo Iteliuh Cilbn .,s 101." Ioiki Hp, ir a. s " 10OSH) Itmk Islnml M Is. MKIO ht I, I M ,C So r.s LOOll St Louis Sun 1st Is. IMU") Hcatiuird A I. rM Is Mhhi South Hell r,s .... .1i,hh South I'm cv Is . . :i)oo ,io cv rot r ti r,s . a7()(X) South I"nc rfd Is.. 100(1 Muiitli lluy Ken 4s Hkhi ilo ion r.s . . 2 Win) Texns (Jo l. ... KIOil Tlllnl Ale nill ."s L1SK) I' Itllbliir I.H 4"l"l U H Steel "m s t KIKO I nlon I'm 1st 4s IVKKl Va llj ",s III HO Unliiisll lkt ".H 1(10(1 Unli-P T 1st et Is . 21(100 do 2il ll ll Uist l.lrit ii "s 20110 H?st .Mil 1st Is . 21X10 West Shore Is .'1000 Wiscon Cent Ken Is 1$ Mil, II II J ll.1i (Jls II.T4 liu3 in! Kill IITK. If, Ml in Ida's , 711 7t 10OJ, .slJi iiuii 7.'j ui."J Kl-'i XI 1(11 mi', ns IISK, Uil'i A'l no i'iTiT IH'S KlaS KHli, II ii, lllijs 10-,'i, !i-i Ii", 111 UH4 )na 7! I 71 10(11 10-.S, w 7a', liu'i lir.i, S.III, in iv, iiuii, lis is', liili', I', in4 72'A nn. h7'lj Kia-v; 1INIJ, "ii 1II2H W, Kill, ir.- II-, 111 (S4 lnj 71 71 11 lll' VI Kill, ll)i 7J' . II UK. lll"4 si inn. inl't. us IISK KIM 21 '4 l a. T."r, l S7', KAILROAD EARNINGS AND TJJXAS CINCINNATI. NI!V OUI.HANS I'AC'iriC. Dee. vtosh .... Net 0 tnjs. groBS . . . . N Al.XIIA.M.V Dec ktosj Net ... 0 mos, Kross . Net I'll"! $'ISll Did 211 (IUI r,.iM,iiii i.ai.15 a'si Inc $.'Ja,70S 1.11 711 4.11, 7al ij.i:ivj (1IUXT SOfTHIIIlN . . . . f-i4 :mi Ji2)ni7 10.' I'll b-' II", 2.71(i,iu ai,l J7 7!u loo an.517 DIVIDENDS DECLARED iUnclnu Light Company, regular quirtcrly 1 Iicr cent on preferred nmJ -' ijer cent on com mon, payublu Kebru iry l?l to stock of record I'cbnmry 10 rsorth i-ennsyhanla Hall road regular quar terly - per tent, pajulilu February !!. to atotrilioldnrB of record ribruary U Dome MIihh Comnani, regular nmrterb, n per ctnt . tiabk Marth , tu etock of record 1 rbruary 1" Quaker Oita Companj, regular quarterly l!Vt ntr rent, on minmon stock payable April J" to Motk of record April 1 Ainu regular quarterly m per tent on preferred, payable May JI to stock of record Ma 1, GOVERNMENT BONDS 2s ot UtlO reKlstercil . 2s of 1U.a coupon . r.in una 2s rtKlsttrtd I'anuna 2s UKIS riKlstered 1'an ima new .Is rvRlstereil 1'anuma new .is coupon . is or inis rrhlstered Is or luis ciuion 4h or Hi-", registered 4s ot lid coupon . . . . Hid ABkal. .. llD'i .. . . II I ,. IIS .IIS ..1014 101ft .. ..10IK , liml 1104 FOREIGN EXCHANGE NUW YflltK. Fob if The fcituro nt tho forclBii I'Xcli.uiKo 'mnikct w.ih the strciiRtli in Vlonu.1 excli uiko. Crown rlicclts. whlrli cold pitoril.iy lit 12fi3, ad vanced to 13 2i SnlsH oNttuiiiKP wns IilKher, with checks (iintcd at Ii 20'i .ind rallies .it fi lOU SterlliiK cxdimiRc con tinued firm, with demand 4 " anil cables I "fiVj. Krencli cliechB who ciuotcd at TfU and c.iblis at TiM I.irf iheilts on Kome, fi'fi, cables, fi 734. .SloiKholni clicilts, 27 7',; cables, 27 SO HikliHinarlts wore steidv ; checks, 7 1 13-1 B; cables, 74 15-Ki Pesetas wcie stcadj lit ID 11 cb.inBo on Amnterd.im wiih .hU.uI.v. with checks at 41 Ti-IG nnd cables at 4.' Itubles wcro llrm, with cliccltH nt 2'J 7.ri and cables 2D SO. In the afternoon Vienna cvUmiiro woiked still hli'liei, heliifr quoteil at 11 i" nnd 13 30. ItcIehHnniks jumped to "o1t 7.'ij Storllns was firmer at 4 7.1 lS-lfifi 1 7li and cables at 4 7CS, 1'ier.cli oNcbaiiRP wiih iinclinnfftd at E isU for cables and C Ss'J for checks. BANK CLEARINGS Hank clearlnKs today compared n Ith corre sponding day lasi luu ears 1015 1911 inn riiiia,ielpiii.i.$io inn iioo fjMiu.isa i:i,tmiosi lloston . . . 23M..V,"l 2H07I.4M) .'S.4 10,11111 .Sev Vork, Sui.MI.20il 2.i7.:il.,,."sii 3io.isu.Ihi lliltlmore . H,.,ill,HTI 7. Ill, 71ft 0.4Jir.7lil BAR SILVER In Xindon bar silver uaB quoted at 27d.. 1-liid In New York tho price was 5(lKc.. orr tc. olt Can Extend Rock Island Notes CHICAGO, Feb 8 Federal Judge Cap penter linn granted tho petition of Re ceiver Dickinson, of the Chicago, Hock iBland and I'aclflc Italluay Company, for permission to extend $7,500,000 6 per cent collateral notes, due February 16, to August 10, at the same rate of interest. ELKINS, MORRIS & CO. BANKERS Land Title Building Philadelphia Braden Copper Company 15-Year Sinking Fund 6s, 1931 Yield About 6 MIDVALE , CAMBRIA Send for our circular letter on these stocks, containing the very latest information. Hughes & Dier II .NKKllS UHOKKHS IBS Walaiit Street, I'UiUdtlpiiU, . MINING STOCK QUOTATIONS TONOI'AII .STOCKS. HI. I. Asked Jim nullcr Ill OH MaeNamara O- .01 Mldttas 11 in Mlziwh V.xl is 2o Montana , 27 to .Nor HUr 11 l- T,m llel 4 4'A Ton Rxt 4 m Ton Mln IIT. 7 Ilesellc Hull 07 IKl Wst I'nd .. 7"i 70 (joi.nnm.i) stocks Atlantl 20 22 llluo Hull 0J .III llonth 4J .11 IlulldOf,' 02 1)1 (' o 11 in .0", Conili P.-ic lis 01 Diunr. ii.li ai .oi nils) oi .nr. Plon nee 47 .Hi llnl.ir Cons "I " Coliir Mere. IS 1 JumlKl lint 12n 1 J" Kennnai In .20 Oro i isi S in.l Ken 0 (H, bltier l'lck 01 .r, ,MlbCI.I.I,ANi:OU8 Kalrv Azlee ..... 01 .01 Klmbcrlv oj 4 Nei 1 1 til A' h Se. Wonder l.d", 170 5TH INDUSTRY OF THE WORLD Motion Pictures Commercial Publicity Revolutionized by tho PATHESCOPE PROJECTOR built by PATHE FRERES A few of our customers: Pennsylvania Railroad, Du Pont Powder Company. Barber Asphalt Company. Waterman Pen Company. Remlnoton Typewriter Co, Herihey Chocolate Company, Beechnut Packing Company. A block of 7 cumulative preferred stock, with common stock bonus, of fered, subject to prior sale. Write for Illustrated book and price Burns, Doddridge & White Co. New Stock Exchange Bldg., Phlla. We Recommend and Offer Securities of Lehigh Valley Transit Co, and Philadelphia & Western Railway Co. Trices and detailed information on request. Edward B Smith &Co BAJNKCRS EIiluuiD 1992 Mins.ts tfU) York a4t PktlaiibM tftovfc JStehaneu BlOlD 1X0 CUUIHCI BTS., PB1UI4. 30 I'lxt Bisect, Kkvt Yoik mllECTOItY OF -ICCOUMTAKTa CUaca Public AccsuaUaU LAWlttNCK E. BIIOWN It on Tt iiiir.a. CIlICAOO, Teb 8 -There nni n do cldpdly bettor tone to tho wheat market todit,'. The (lemorallzatlbn,"tlint prcvnlled vestcf-dny wnn replaced by pronounced RtrcnRth, due to active buying, prompted by leports of n bctlcr demand for cxporl, Willi salei citlmntcd nt l.OOO.OCO bushels Koine selling caused tho market to waver for a time, but It wan nbiorbcd. There ttns n Rood deal of covering by shorts. Mn sold nn hlRli ns $1.31, after touching; 127"4, nnd closed nt JI 30',, npnliiflt ti 27' nt tho end yesterday, and July advanced to Jl.2,1'4, after selling nt II '', nnd finished nt $1 22K, compared with JI 26 jcsteiday's last price The action of tho mnrltct at Liverpool, which dlsplajed firmness, was a surprise, llencrnl cnIN for mnrRins wcro qent out last night A better demand for tho cash nrtlclo una ono of the stimulating fnc tors. Arrivals nt Interior points wcro light. Clearances of wheat nnd flour from the seaboard were about l.OOO.OX) bushelt. leadline rulures rnnited as follows Test il s wppn iiirii I J-H4 1 .11 l.JI 1 2.P4 ile Hern 7I1W 77J4 7"i1, 77U 7(!i 77 711 774 Sales in Philadelphia IIlKh. Inw. i CIosi S00 Allls Clmlm .. Wi Ji 12; ..HI . n. ri. n X. -i.U IJI II'IL It, t, Haiti 1.000 prei lon1 i""'-,, i';.' , .VI Hurt & RUS t C. 41 . 41 ,, n(ivo (Mm Steel . . SOU 70W W Id Corn I'rmi in True Steel M .loirt Kleo sior, .... na'i 1i (Ion Asphalt ..II lid i1 iM. ... 1 Y Ins Co N Am, ;il Key Tel Co t c nM (n 2101) likc Hup Corp 10'f, lis) Ih Nav . 77. 101 l.eli Veil .... 77W .11". Ih Vol Tr . ln'i Ml do pfd .. . .40 0 Mlnrhlll . . . r-IU 400 Miami Conner :i,I4 Ml rn Railroad. . TOW 1.1 I'll H-iit "K .lis; 17", l'enna Steel (.so do tircf 70 M1II11 Vn . . . S4ii l'hlln. nee . . 2 1 o I' It T tr ctfs. 0 Heading . .. . 1(H) Ton llelmont 2", Ton Mining Inn I'nlon Trac . . SI f (Ins Imp 1GS0 f H Steel. ,-, Wnrw Ir St . ill K(l 42 27V, 10 1 42H IIOU siH U)i 2.1 si 1.1 2-.!? i.i 10 ft r,n'l a? r.ris, no 1 ii 84 42 2JH IS' 7714 7 2.1 S.4 ii 72 21! (! 40 mu :17U .! 100 (il R- 27W 111 4 ft',, 42 Rll l-k, Net ChRC. i ' Ii '2 - !' "m 2 - 00. H I0 Wheat Ma) , July . Corn (new Mity ... July tints May Jul . .. Ijird May ... . July Klbs Mll . .lulv . I'nrk Mns . .Illll llld I.OU. 1.S7H l.-'OTt Close l.llli, LIU'S 1 loe I.B7J, 1.20'; I"'I 7ll'i I7i 10 o-, 10 2", 10 07 11.17 lU 111', 47J4 44(4 40 74(1', 111. JI7 4"i 20.10 2- .I.-, tAfketl 10 ir, 10 : 0 11. to II 2-, 10 10 20 (17 10 02 MO 1", tlOOl 10 12 IOHO 10 22 10 117 11 15 til. 10 ill mi 111 2-. til I", 20 10 20 17 -() 20 t20 1)3 20 U 20 17 Local Bid and Asked Tod ly's Illil. keil. Ililduln . n-,l(. Hurt tt ttus to 411 il" pnr ,'H4 Hrlll Id 1-, 1 11 m Hire I . , so Clielrli Mtoriirn i . Ucnernl Asiih tit 12 K h in, 1 1 1 do t e do prer . I.nko Sup Corp. Lchljjh Vullcy . 1 . ,....., 'I . do liter .... renna it 1 I'd, . l'hllii Hi do -, icr cuit dn (I ner lent I'lilli It r o 1 ( Ileidlnq lollop ill Itrlninnt 'lonnpih Mlnlnir U (! I 1' .-i btiel . . . lurk H do pn r . ... i.r.'i Pfd 1 1. 'it 7(,'i 111,, 10 , 12 . Ill I II, , ISJ, ' 7 .ft .V' HO 41 (.llUj sill, III 11U II'., ll'i I'l low una II uM s'n, l'i Vesterda s llld .Uked. lis 4J 1.7.4 ri' To', 1.1 .It II 14 IS .OS i;'i iVii 7: Is, .' Ihl si' Tolal sales, ll.tlO shares, compared nrllh 109,111 shares jesterdarl Urns far this week, 1l2.r,n sliarrs) snme period last iieelt, 11,018 shares. noNDS. Itlch L 2KN) lllee A Pen Tr 4s Hlij KIIHl Uc Irl 1st fis US 1000 l.rh Val Ken Is 11214 khi ,ln (Val ' Inn 1000 I, V Tr rcr Ss. in Ik 00 I'ii Co (Jen 4'sn In I lliifi) do ions 4'js 10(1 10MK) I Co Cons ,1s ni4 noon Itenl eii 4s ir5s 2(iio I n lltvj Inv r,s 72 100 elsliacli Co Ks 1)7 lnrnase. Decrease Total snles. S10,400, compared ullh rt7.000 jenlenlii) I thus Tnr Ibis week, ?1I(I,G00: same period Inst urrk, $108,400. Ket m. Close. ChsnKe 14 81 W us H IU'4 H2W mil Kki 0.1 0.11 I n.1 1ai. '4 WW, wvt, 111 '4 111 '-4 J4 72, 12 Jt, 117 07 2 HATES VOll MONEY Call New nrk lv4i"2 I'hlladelphlt 4 lloston 3. , Cnmmerilnl paper, thrto to six months, l'lill ndelphla, .I'Afl I per cent. Time. 2'4',j 4 .1 ri4 4 iTili' 4 ',!'; Ml 17 &" MY, W: I I '; , . II -I, 1'n, fil.l. II r III 7s J1' NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET .Ni:V VOItK, I'oli i-Tho mrfeo 11111 ket mis Ilss .iLtlio at tho opening to din and Hist pilt.es Mcio iinchangod to J points lower Tod is Yesleril i a ois nniK c lose 7. Vifi 7 Ml 7.Miii7 "S 7 10 7IOT17I12 (ion"l,"i 7 7(1 7 (Till" 70 . , ,sr7 so 7 7S1,7 si, 1 S-,ff 7 IS) 7 IlOfi 7 II.' Mircli Mi lune . . . lull . , s.epti mbi r . Met 1 mber , . S'les .00(1 Ii.iks The Detroit Edison Ten Year 6 Convertible Debenture Bonds can be converted into capital stock at par between January IS, 1917, and January 15, 1923. This stock is listed on the N. Y. Stock Exchange and sells at about 140. Bond holders will receive about March 1st of this year rights to subscribe for stock at par. Price nnd full particulars on request for Circular No. 328 WilIiamP.Bonbright&Co.,Inc. MORRIS WISTAR STROUD, Jr. Mannner 437 Chestnut St., Philadelphia Neu nrh lEuiton , Detroit IxiiiiIiin Carls William I' Honhrlclit A Co ISonbrleht & Co Philadelphia, February 8th, 1D1G. THE BUSINESS OF The National Bank of the . . Northern Liberties HAS BEEN TRANSFERRED TO The Bank of North A merica AS OF THIS DATE The friends and depositors of The National Bank of the Northern Liberties are invited to call at The Bank of North America, where they will find the old officers of The National Bank of the Northern Liberties, xand have an opportunity of meeting all the officers of the two institutions. SAML. D. JORDAN, Cashier. jsrJMlJs The First National Bank f Philadelphia 315 Chestnut St, Wm. A. Law, President, Kenton VVarne, Vice-President. OFFICERS Thos. W. Andrew, Cashier. Chas. H. James, Assistant Cashier. Freas B, Snyder. Assistant Cashier. Harry J, Haas, Assistant Cashier, F. W. Aver Chas. S. Child Joseph S. Clark Cyrus H. K. Curtis Franklin D'Olier DIRECTORS J. Tatnall Lea, Chairman of Board William P. Gest Joseph B. McCall Ge?ne A. Heyl Fred'k McOwen Wz-, ; . """"" wyivester a, marvin E. C. Irvin William A. Law Randal Morrfan J. W, Van Dyke Resources, - - - - $35,000,000 ' Investment Securities Graham & Co We wiu be glad to send- up - WnftnHI'l CA UO, nnKt. our T?RKr.. .i..i.. i, n-.., . . ?.. j, vukuior oi hit vestment offerings, which includes many bonds that are BANKERS 435 Chestnut Street Tax Free in Pennsylvania Annual Meeting of Fidelity Trust Compan The annual meeting oi luaeuty irust Company was heM today at Ha office, No. 325331 Chestnut Street and 43-53 Sou Fourth Street. ln The following directors were elected: GEORGE PHILLER, HENRY W. BIDDLE, WILLIAM P. GEST, EDWARD WALTER CLARK, JOHN S. JENKS, JR. v CHARLEMAGNE TOWER, EDWARD T. STOTESBURY, MORRIS R. BOCKiUS, G. COLESBURY PURVES, SAMUEL T. BODINE, JONATHAN C. NEFF William P. Gest, President, presented the annual repoti which showed net earnings for the fiscal year ending Januar 31, 1916, of $l,730,29f.49 These earnings were appropriated as follows: There was added to the Rudulph Ellis Gratuity Fund of Fidelity Trust Company, constituted by a gift of $100,000 made by the late President of the Company, Mr. Rudulph Ellis $25,000. making the principal of said fund $125,000. t .. , There was charged to Profit and Loss in reduction of the value of the office building of the Company, Nos. 321-323 Chestnut Street, 325-331 Chest nut Street, 43-53 South Fourth Street and 26-38 South Orianna Street 191,451.43 There were paid four quarterly divi dends of 6 each, 24 on $4,000,000.. 960,000. l.UjijSUl And the balance ii5553M0i6fi was added to the undivided profits of the Company which stood" at the close of business January 31, 1916, at ....$1,843,648.49 The progress of the Company during the last ten years is shown by the following comparison: On January 31, 1906, the capital stock was $2,000,000, the surplus $7,000,000 and the undivided profits $564,675.63. On January 31, 1916, these figures were as follows: Capital stock $4,000,000, an increase of $2,000,000; surplus $11,000,000, an increase of $4,000,000; undivided profits, $1,843,648.49, an increase of $1,278,972.86; showing a net increase in the surplus and undi. vided profits of $5,278,972.86. This increase has been attained after paying out in dividends the sum of $6,880,000. and distrib uting gratuities to employes aggregating $176,137.79. The sur plus has been accumulated exclusively out of earnings. During the same period of ten years the trust department shows a large increase in the amount of trust estates. On Jan uary 31, 1906, the total amount of real and personal property in the charge oi tne -ompany was iuh,J76,664.98 On January 31, 1916 204,112,404.56 '3 Showing an increase for ten years of $95,735,739.; Fidelity Trust Company increased its capital stock in loin from $2,000,000 to $4,000,000, and now has the largest capital, US WCI1 US Uic laigvai, i.uiaiisiiii.u v-uuai ciuu ouiJtUS OI 3117 nnanciai lnstiiuiiun in x-iiuauciimia February 8, 1916. CONDENSED STATEMENT FROM FIFTIETH ANNUAL REPORT OF Fidelity Trust Company t tiiij ci.om: op husim:ss, j.imiaiiv hi. mm RESOURCES C'iinIi In llnml and ln Until Unmix, stni'kN, :('.. . IlonilH nnil MnrlKiiKCN l.oniiH mi C'ull'itcrul Henl INInlr Arerurd Intercut ..... .Ain.nin.iiui.in :o. iiL'.on.-.io n.iHii.Min.nn i.'UTO.'i'irts i,asn,i)7if.no s:ni,(ni.si ji-i.ssiM(U.7n LIABILITIES DrpONltK I'ii pi till W I JMKSJKttas . . .r i.nfutAMMi ...!.. i f . ....,:. -tv.vww , .nil i jiiiin 411,1 UJIIl 1U"H KurnliiKH 12,IJ,eiUl (Vrlllli-d ClirrkN fKjj-. Vccriu-d TnxrM .. .. SS.1I I uj iciicriu incomr Tux .. iajn( ."lKD,4S3.:i Amnunt of I'iihiIh Held In Trunt... .?2n4,ns,i(ij;o Your Income Tax The Income Tax Law requires each person subject to the tax to file a report of income not later than March 1st. We arc equipped to assist individuals in the preparation of their income tax returns, and invite the free use of our department opened expressly to handle such matt.crs. Inquiries by Mail Will Receive Prompt Attention. ' Philadelphia Trust Company Main Office 415 Chestnut Street Droad Street Office 1415 Chestnut Street We own and offer, tubject to prior tale $75,000 4 ALLEGHENY VALLEY RAILWAY 1 GENERAL (NOW FIRSTJ MORTGAGE 4 BONDS j Interest March & September, due March, 1013. ; PRICE, 97Jfc and interest, to net over 4.15 Free of Penntylvania State Tax CHAS. C. HARRISON, JR., & CO. ; BANKERS I FIFTH AND CHESTNUT STS. PHILADELPH'i Member riiMadelphlu nnd New York Stock Kichanirj 4 I h "City of Philadelphia! r if 3s, 3Ms, 4s" THIS announcement would not occasion much! interest from the average newspaper reader, fll ici aij aavertisement ot this type proaucw results ror Ledger advertisers, Wn5 J i TnniisrsnrJo nt Ul. 1 1 1 olrnrkj ... ,..., ut uauiwers, oroKers miu ."- dealers buy the Ledger for its comprehensive finanj cial news. That's the reason the Ledger is populad among financial men. J And that is why financial advertising in & P..U1:. I .i i . .. . . . u. i-cugcr pays Dig dividends. r CI p 1 i o P' oi ?. b la t M Tt ir in b lo V JT Pi ' t tt u pi t 1 dri la Ilo Trt W PP ail I lie t lio .& : i Hie w 1(1 thi til iff Hi pi ore la th lor dot ire tUr ire it : m ov ' u. 'fo m t t Mi a; lot he Ira t n f"l,HN.!SlllwIW;!; WWWHUWIWIIH WWOKUW' '