ZcsMAftH r RVBKING LBDGBB-PHILADBLPniA, I'UHHDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1910. 18 fOBNELL ATHLETE LOOKS LIKE POLE VAULT RECORD BREAKER BREEZY BOXING BITS' lUNDEE DANCED AND PRANCED HOW DUNDEE BEAT MURPHY WITH "AEROPLANE WALLOP' GAVVY CRAVATH HOLDS FORTH AND AJ-.su w ajl iurjj MUJtcrni i fniffht Handicapped f. Local Lad and Vis itor Shows Real Class as Boxer I n, ROBERT W. .MAXWELL Ir WAS a bait night for tha IrMi nt tlic Uvmnla A . lint night. T o sons of .j- singer nnil n boxer, timlcd the. ft1,.', Hregi i of defeat and rottrcil nmlil 1' Lntlc shouts of several thousand Si, Vuitomers who paid for Irtic prlvelege Rutins and seeing then defeated. , u"nsCU9tom(,ra were aided ami iMted by one perfectly good Jliix which !(,ea.i.'.h,ii.nrnnce Just before the S , put on and refused to leave ?,, -5, Euwnnls put out the llRhts. ln-i,ii the Jinx was worKlns "t Its best, '.i Murnliy h I" J"3t ns ,rl"11 ns Sm?.me Implies, was l.nnded a scientific E Johnny Dundee, the well-known K un who is sailing under the colors RrSlUM Murphx tried haul, forced IseMhi. ev"t minute of t. o six liurrl ."Stobiil hi best ertortB could &JSA th hnnillcBP Placed upon !!: k. Iho visiting hoodoo. ti broke badly for Ireland during the k l between the semlwlnd-up and the final Kit A eet singer Introduced an the LcenVman what tt.ints to i.B and don t fnnl W .mono threw Into the, ring" hrd through the iupen and, utter re run his hat held up hl hand for fece A Plan" iw I'""""1 "w" 0ieiux -.,! iinrn ptiilpiiMirrtl In Kv an accompaniment to some popular !S, but he bravely selected his own C ' nd started out on "Tho Uoclty Head "'-..Min The coins was line until lio Cached the chorus but then the roURh 'itgff appeared and he retired nmld cheers nd plher thine Wphy Fights Well Then camo Jimmy .uurpii. mu jm M Mm In Its grasp, but he didn't know IL Eten liuiic w ivtjuiu iwui' ,i .... .hard time in the ring last nlKht. "Despite this intlsiblo liuntiicup. notv ..... M.irnln nut un ono of tho best littles of his career, uud, although de- filled, Raincu it iiust "' " "i"'"".'' Kotoncc did ho let up III the entlio six rounds, and kept Dundee working hard it ill times. It wiii the kind of boxing that alwas makes a hit, nnil tho only ,crillclsm we h.ie to maKc is tnai it didn't last long enough We would have been nllllnB to see several lounils, but 'it la doubtful it Murphy felt the anie ,inr. "Dundee, nhvats a llash.t boxer, was 'ttMtr than ever. Ills "nnopluno wal lop," which always landed when both of kljfeet were off tho tloor, was too much for Jiurplij. The local prldo did not lurk on a defense aBalnst an nerlal nt 'lick. 'Dundee Was Fast r With the cception of the tlrst round Here wai no holding of Dundee. He averted around Murphy with tho Quickness of lightning, and every lime he would leap forward his left shot out tt itli torrlllc force to Murphy's Jaw or bod He displayed a learty respect for Muiphy's hlttiiiB potv r, anil lie never allowed tho West Phlladelphlan an opportunity to get set, The crowd went wild early in tho tlrst Ttund when Murphy landed tho first punch. It was n pretty straight light, and It caused Dundee to Jump back to tho ropes. In this session Murphy held his oppontnt to an oen break, as the Italian tu prone to wait the I'hlluilclphiaii out. Bjrthetlme the tlrst round closed nun dee lad taken Ills opponent's measure and had planned his method of attack. , It was a different Dundee who sprang from his corner at th6 start of tho sec ond round. Ho danced and pranced around the ring-, tearing Into Murphy with such flashes of speed that tho latter could not check him. In close. Dundee never stoii. ped. Hero ho had the ad milage on Mur phy, for tho latter could not get oft a punch in close Murph No Match Murphy was theia to fl-ht. and lie did f.ht;buthe was no match for tho rugged Italian. In the latter rnunriK Mnrnbv nplilnm landed a punch A couple of times, In a t-nenort to catc i the clusite New York. Cr, he rU8hed nernsa tbn rlnp-. lilttlni- tho I ilr " " ! As do all fl nlshed artists Dundee nut I Ouches to I is work I u ?ho ind. T Time and again he the pol shine iv una. rnunds "inn nn,i jut. tnit Murphy hack to the iop-s with Wine smashes to tho body. Ho got U right working in these two rounds. would dart across tho ring, some- UffleS in his eairnrnpsti fntrlv In.-nhif Infn U lr. Murphy tried to hold him off T extending his left straight out, but jwndee would duck under the obstacle, "tins away with right and left to tho body and head. Cold Tea Not iBomenhn , , . .. lift- i.v. j mlr wua causeu uy nieitli during tho intermission periods. 11.7 v; up a "usplclous looking bot Hh, ?undeo'a lips each tlmo Johnny SJ . t0 ,1,a cnier for tho niliiuto A.J!t ani fans near t'10 "lng saw that ..-. .m ot tho contents of the bottle Hoied 1 like the "old stuff." Investlga , however, proed that It was cold i SCRAPS ADOUT SCRAPPERS fffi.T3.fi. ,n.alo'' when ha pairs off UlL AiSSSf'i."1, "'? "'xnpltt next Muinlay ta i ,.th.U8,h "6 lo-il lad has been bo.. If ik.' li!.,lB.,lu Proved hU tlans ileildedli. bat ihirS'"V nr , Lle and Tuber In tntrtir,"1W.,''?cktu'le un bo u.stii as a 34.1m S.m "IS ,",no".up " tho favor te. 2S5S iSl yr,.,K", fr 10 rounds, being T-diai""2u.t .taKI"B a count wbllo B" OrojjJ Jack twke fur nlno tolls. 3-aft7..i?ne,,?fa Wlllard a slx-lnch ad frV VA"S.IS.1' Moran wl,c 'be pair meei iu!7 .OlK. Tha enntott,!,.- -nn.l- .nu I..-I "lU1h.,.u-.tKt Prk. The contender manil.s one Inch l tun.. 11TIII....I ..i.ki.. .hi. thu tetter of si pounds, whll- wu 4i-.-. n;r or ij pounus. wn 10 , . tlOM reach a 7814 Inches, will b on , PETEYHe Ought to I 'Hex ha V , v ' f ( LeSi0& prom T-rr AiiJ Ruw wwZ&k ! P8 ' rm,nmmm. J.l1" '. "" -1 .. iw-ia-iiari"r'Wiiij--j 11 L.u , . J'. C I f, (ffif? EWfr ,.n ,!,,, 1 .Z-S-Wll f ..i. ,. ., J SH HiL lrSj5B ' ," b9I Evening Ledger Decisions of Ring Bonis Last Night Of.VMI'IA .tnlnmv llnndrr defeated Jimmy Murphy, .lor lh shnilrcl ( hnr- Im JlcCnrlhri inmiK I'nlinir i"i from Snllor Snillr), Mlrkr) Hrunn ilefentnt tllmniy Mrt iil.e, 'lerry Ketclirl mm 'rankle t'lnrk itf. Ni:W Olll.nANH Kid llerninn drew Willi Kill Mllllnmn In 20 niunil. Ni:U lOIIK .tor Areirdn unn nn n Irrlinliiil kni.rk-nut otrr Hilly llennrlt mIipii I lie Inllrr uni dropped in tlir tl.lril round nnil lie as iimililr to con tinue, Anttinn) Mdiiiwnn ntnppeil Mike Ituonell In tlir tl.lril. Willie .Inrknnn ilc frnlrd niiiie U inciter, Miirty Croi drew with lint Allrn. TAAIAtl"A iiiiiib Alnhoner ilinilrd lolinnr Cnlili, K. (), llroun mill llnlllliiK Ilo.ilc drew, rirrsi'llil.l), MnK. .loe Dxnn nnt fnlight Karl Ilrrr. MIJMrillH .Inrlc I.iirrrn knnrlird mil Kid 1'nKtrr In llirre round. KANSAS t'lrY Ail Wotcnot iind I'mnUIr lliimn drew In right rniind. the short end of 4 Inches In tills plijalral ilepirtnicnt The Hriirls Hdltor Is In rei-elpt of n Idler from Holillrr KJtllo Klnlrv of Nwnrk uho Isniies rhnlli-ncM to .Turk MoCiirron IMillr lti-olri- and Killor Charley (Imndn Tho aohllcr atntcs he ha8 ncter been defeated At Thiim I nnxioim to vnh hlmpplf on Vounir ,Iik (Vllrlen for a ir,-round fet-to nt N'orrltonn Tho formrr rnrcnflv r.imi out of retirement unci his tlrst mnteli win. nlth Joe MeDrrmntt nt tho Nonimrrll Club. Thum and Little Jack met about n ear ni?j. Another Western boxer who ba imndeil the 1. 1st Is .Slnnlei Kptchell, a neltirwelsht from pkbihom.i. Ho Is milking Philadelphia Ills home. Tho proposed milch between lmk MrCarron of Allentnwn, ami Jeff Mmlth of laonne nt the National I'lub, here, probabb will be stuped on Lincoln's birthday, the weight n bo 1SS pounds rlmcslde. Al Mcfov. "mlddlewclKht ehninplon " wanin to meet Jaik Dillon nt tin pomulx This woulil be one time tli.it McCoy would be Injected with n sleep potion, h'tlll ho would be the champion, as L'S pounds Is thu mlddlowclehl limit Ilronkhn fans will Ret their lnlll.it Bllmpvor i'harle White nt the I'ltrn.nnt lllnk, IVbrunrv 24. when the Ohlcngn left-book knockcrout meets ll.irrj- fierce. Pierce Is n IoiikIi bird, nnd White may lute a h.inl tlmo louiiiliiir him Into tho rosin. A letlir recehed bv the Sports Hlltop. slimed "Loter of Si lent 111c HoxIiik." st ites "II hv iloeFh't a promoter In this i Ity matih llobht Henolds with n.ldle Morcan? thit i lnmv bout that would be " L O. S 11. Hlnn writes boxing Is flourishing up throunh the State. KenalnKton and Illchmond acnln are at Ior. gerhends oxer the respeciHe boxinc ablllilcs of Hobby Mt I.eod and Voung McUom rn. The former ret entl defc.ited Mitlfitern, but Illch mond fans want to seethe pair In action .iKalu. An Intir-dlstrlct match will be the feature fra nn the proKram of the HoukI.ih Club Thurmlnv nlcbt, when Young Jink 1'olnnd, of the 11th Ward. ta kles loe fl'.WII. of tlo JOth Ward. Matt I'onllu. tho I. id who proved a senmtloii when he mopped nut of the audi ence ami boxed without a minute's prcllniltnry work, amiln will appear. Ilu will meet Maxie Wclater NORTHEAST HAS STRONG QUINTET DESPITE LOSSES Uptown Five in Line for Title Shelton and Schoppe Leave In stitution OTHER SCHOOL NEWS Northeast High Schoo' raced :i 'liiemma In basketball when Wallace, tho tenter and both Shelton and Schoppe, the for wards, were lost to the team but Coach Walter Keating pulled his squad through In lino shape with a trio uf substitutes who made good light from tl stint. They were "Itay" Gardiner, Hronn and Awiultli. Together with Sturgls and Captain Johnny Hedelt, Northeast Is not lacking in championship cago material, Word was passed around the school yesterday that Shelton and Schoppo had left school. Keating will miss them, but In Gnidluer ho discovered a clever center nd with Htuigls and Asqulth as for- ! waids, nnil with Uliiu ami Miuchaidt reaily to nIay wlle" c',llll'1 l")u"' wltl! Ganllner. tho crew leadei. at enter and Urown uud llcdclt. guards Norlheast Is ic.idy to light Its way tu thu top of the High School League. Amuug tho scholastic qulnlels ilc-trl.it; nlRhl games Is tho htraycr"H lluslucss College, htrniers would like to Hit llist-class te.11114 hating hoinu halls. O. J. New in. inn, -'l 1'lno s'rect, is making tho arruiiRoinciiis for theeo games. Strair'a I'nlleKu placra plaed tho Chester High school rtsertes In thtlr last game. Jenkintown Illsh Hchool athlt-Us eeem to hatu an edge on tho Ahlngtoii I Hull bo) a this season. In tho cage games betwisu tha Jen kintown and Ablmtlon buys last week Jenkin town IIIkIi won both first und second team games. -- t The glrln pl.ijod n cuiiih jesliid.i und Jen kintown lll.h, with tho MUst-.s llhe, Cnrlln, Taylor, hlinud. 1'ottM und Truuibauer, weru farced to admit defeat to tho AbliiKtun High team, .'ill ti I'l. Tho Misses lick. Noble, llo dlne, Wr.it, Wilson mid lli-lchcrt represented Ablngton High. laawrcncctlUe School's t,whnmlng tram will bo entered in the 1'rlniiton luterschulastlo meet to be hull ut l'rlnceton next SaturUat. West rhlladelphla. Central High and ht, Luke's .School will hate aquatic tlars entered from this clt The Vlllanota ITeparutory S-hool basketball players are making 11 gnat uphill tight this bcssou and nn, doing beiter work in the c.ikb now than ha been Iho use at any other tlmo this Ht-atou MiCully and Cruno are .uliig ex. relleut work, und Volght Is also huprotlag In hla work as guard. rollowlng the game with Narberth High ihls afternoon, thu Chetinut Hill Aindeiuy pussera will meet the (lermantown Academy tuam at bt, Martin's on Uuturday ulternnon Coach htockluv considers tho ilerinaulmtn gama one of the bhc stents of the season. Learn How to Fall With All That Practice &mmh& sMp?S3Si!SBSK ! wj rsra i Jv .'wVSwMfaiSREuCnjW ASKBaHiPlv.IHIilti i'mmtM'&szzz'i -x " ?m jMrnummmMMmsBmiamm. . "msittizvX wwrnsmsiiwarM H2hTArtt' tj-laKHW),t?HftiSi.r''i: II' ..Mils I liUmmBien&llmnmKMGaXlB'jiM tra4 ftiMKHnUMmMi&xfflmZfttlvXiKa fSSl?aMWii&WvjM "!HPIf55!nL ycAWEmaSK SrftS!E.-,-EMff &ws32SiwjwlFJ mm JiPwA Lr. K m Emm mm W $Mk Twfisiwu FOSS, OF CORNELL, EXPECTED TO CRACK POLE VAULT MARK Protege of Moakley Shows Wonderful Ability in First Sea son's Competition CORXEMj has a youthful pole raultcr uho, Coach Jack Moakley thinks, will tnnko a strong bid for the world's record this spring. Ho Is I-'rank Foss, now a .junior. Tho reason that Moakley thinks so highly of Foss Is what ho accom plished last j oar under scveio handicaps. Toss was only a sophomore then, and It was his llrst year of Intercollegiate com petition In tho Indoor championships at Madison Sciuaio Garden In March he cleared the bar at 1." feet 3 Inches. Then he entered the University of I'ennsjlvanla relay races In April and surprised even his coach by clearing the bar ut 12 feet 10 inches. Ho might have, gone oven higher and endangered the world's record of 13 feet 21. Inches ltnd he not sprained his v mt on Ills U 10 Jump. It was thought for a tlmo th.it Foss had luokcii his wrist, but It pioved to ho only a bad spinln. Hut It was sucli a bad 0110 that the youngster could do no morn practising that spring. Ilut In spite of his lack of prnctlso Foss mine to the In tercolleglato championships 011 Fianklln Flold and depending entirely upon gym nastic work for his strength, ho tied for first place at Vi feet. Foss now Is In good condition and will go after tho Intercollegiate indoor mark next inuntli. Tho wmld'si out-door mark Is held by Marc Wright, the former Dart mouth stnr, who, in 1.1.', cleared tho bar at 13 feot -". Inches in the olymplo try-outs at Ilostou. Foss Is a good com petitor, and In his efforts o create n new record will have tho ns.sis.nuco of Wilbur Newsletter, 11 I'etmbylvnnla sophomore. BIG LEAGUE HALL OR XOTIjING! Mysterious Circulars in Baltimore Ex press Demands of Fans IIAT.TIMOltn. Feb. S.-Wg lengno ball or nothing, Is tho demand of Baltimore fans today in circulars which inyateilous. ly have niada their appearance In town. Tho circulars protest against Baltimore's omission from the major circuits, and urge tho fans to boycott tho "tank town International I.eugue" variety of playing. .WU$-l FRANK FOSS who tied with him last year for first .In the Quaker relays Foss Is a small man, standing about G feot 7 Inches nnd weighing about M5 pounds Curiously enough, this is tho haino phslquo most Intercolleglato cham pions have possessed, notably Wright, of Dartmouth, and Dray and Gilbert, of Yalo. Chunk- Derrick Again Hoisted , I.Ol ISVll.Li:. Ky.. Fob. 8 Cliude Derrick, list yt.tr sliurtslon ror tho Loulstlilo lAmerl an Aesoil.lt ion 1 llaseball Club, has been sold for nn niMimtl price to the Indloupolls Club of thu - nn IniKiie. 1'resident O. II. VVathen, fir tbn i.onUvllli' Club, made this unnouminieiit latu todiv. DerrUk was tetuml from the Chkago Nationals. Penn Tank Team Wins Tho rinusyltunla swimming team hid no dlflbulty In duft-atlng iho I'lttaburgh uuuatlo stars last night In it meet at Welghtman Hall, scoring 51 points to 80 against the "Smoky 1 lt" bo. ln only two etcuts d!1 the ti. Itors scorn 'tlrst place, thosa in tho 3U-ard ram and tho son.feet back stroke runt I Amateur Events Scheduled bg Middle Atlantic Union ClIAMriON.HIIirs I'rhriuiry 18 nnd ID Itoilnc, Pitts burgh Athletic Am-im iation. l'ebruary 'it U()-urit Itrent stroke, ritlsbiirRh Athletic As-.cn latlnn. l'ehriiarr .(i (Ijniininllc, l'hllnilelphla Tumitrnirlnde. March 3 Swimming, r00 jnrds nnd fane) diving, riilluileliihla Turngenirliiilr. . March 3 Swimming. 100 .tards unci nnej- lilting (fur women), I'lillaclelphhi 'liirnirrnieliiilr. March I .sitlmmlng, ir,0 .Urdu brrast Nlrulcu und 'HO .ards frc-r stle (fur ttnmrn), f.ermnntuttn oung M'omrn'H ChrlMtiun Assuelatlon. .Mi.rc.lt III nnd 11 Wrestling, l'llts lilirKh Athletle Assoclatluii. Mnnh ts snlnimiiiK, 400 3 arils relay, Philadelphia .SttlmmliiR Club. March 2H Indoro truck and field, Car nrele 'lrrh. A. ., I'lltsburgh. April 15 Swlinmlnir. .10 nnd 320 .arils, (irrmiintown Yuuug .Men's Chrlttlan As sorlutlon. "" (i'i:x i:vi:nts February 13 Crus-coiintry run, South Iletlilehem, l'n. I'ebriiary 17 Anuutlc meet, Soho Ilatlis .Swimming Club. I'rhriuiry IB swimming meet, C I.lli rrtj . JI. C. A. 1 rlirtiury ID Cross-country run. North ttrxt Ho. s' Club. l'ebriiury 10 Swimming meet. Tilth., drlphlit Tunicemelnde. Irbruar. 31 Aiiuntle meet, lljgrla Swimming Club. l'eliriuiry ii Cross-counlry run, Clover Athlrlie Club. hniar 33 Cruhs-c-ounlry run, South llethlrheni, I'a, rebriiiir 311 Cross-country run. South Iletlilehem. lu. Jlnrch II tU-uilowliroiik niimial Indoor trainer.. Pirates Sign Shortstop PITTSHCnOH. Feb. B.-Hhortstop James Hmlih his been slencd to plat tilth thn Puts burgh National Leiguo club next season, h'mlih plated with the Chicago nnd naltlnioro l-'ed-tral League teams last Feason Leach to Manage Roclie.ster IlOClli:STi:it. N v.. Feb. 8 -Tommy Leach, a former National league, ball plater, has signed a contract to matiago the ltochester team of tho lnttrnatlonal League according to a statement made by President Chapln. PARCEL POST Notice Ford Auto Owners All Ford Auto owners residing In Penn sylvania nro requesttd to semi name and address and number of car to our East ern distributing ottlco and receive valu able lnfurmutlun of u tash co-operatlte distributing proposition In connection with tho car sou own. American Ford Owners' Assn. 610 Urexcl I!!d rhlladelphla AS BASEBALL'S KING OF S.WAT Circuit Clouts Give Philly Outfielder Edge on Sam Crawford Magee and Cobb Also in Running for "Bust-'em" Honors fTVlH featuro Illiil todn JL w-llderltig mstery "Who In baseball's lending slugger?" In nt many reels ni you like There me two lending contenders. Thev are Sam t'lawfoid. of Deliolt, ntul Cactus Ciauth, of I'lilladelphl.i. Tlftj next two in line nre Sherttood Nottingham Mngeo nnd TtniR Itnyinond Cobb. As the fan populace nlwnys esteems any one who enn hust 'em, ntul ns thero lmp ionic in tiinnv ipierlps as to who should weui the Wnllopliig Crown nnil sit on the Throne of Sttut. we will deem It n rnre pleasure to present the comparative swat ting Millies of Mr Crawford mid Mr. Crnvath ntei the ten-tear ionic inwford rules supreme, ns Crntnth hits tolled lu big leiigup imrb for only lite seasons For tho I last ten campaigns there nt e three men fnr out In front nt the applied science of producing ettn buses the innln test of slugging nbllltv, plus speed. The three arc Crawford, Willi SIS extra I liases .Magee, tilth ".,9 extra bases, uud Cobb, with 7r,2 extia bases. It will likely be a Jolt to the talent to learn that Sherwood Magee bus hit for nioro extra bases than Cobb hns since the Georgia Ghost went to Deliolt, ten je.iis . ngo 11 win he no surprlso to learn that I Ciawford Is nearly 100 eNtr.i bases beyond both, ns the Tiger stvutsimut Is known as 1 111., ,1,1 ltf tot ,11,., (In, nf lllu lnnr.ll. ... ,, ,,1.-0. IIIIIUIVI .1. 1113 ILUhllVi (.rawiord s. Lravnth 1 The ense of Ciawford vs. Cnivnth brings In the main mystery. Crawford over a ten-year span has averaged 81.6 extra bases a season. Ci.iviith, oter n llte-jcar span, bos averaged W 1 estra bases each year. Ciavatlt would appear to hate tho decision. Hut thetc Is more to the mystery than this 111 10 years Crawford has made CO home runs a ttlllp over t to the season. In live tears Cravatli has tnndc 71 home runs about 15 to the- season. Crnvath, 011 nn nveiuge, has hit three homo runs to Crawford's one. Ilut how much ot this Is duo to Cravatli nnd how much to the short I'hill.t bairlcade? Continuing the Case datath leads In home 1 litis three to one Hut in tilplcs nnd doubles Craw ford Is far ahead. He lias averaged 19 triples each year to Cravath's 10, and ho ban averaged .11 doubles to Gnvvy's 23. Cravath's big extra base average Is due In the main to tlio.se 74 home runs and many of these home runs are due to thoso short fences in the homo yard .lust how many is where the mystery enters which leaves the Crawford-Cravatli debate In doubt Taking tho records nlonc, Cravatli stands out as the slugging king. HINTIMt ItllSOIlTS ATLANTIC CIT, V. J. O a Atlantic art. nn .srpt n tipiv .stanHn-rp .r..,.iB ..m.A.i jl.....!.. -. v,vk. wwiiiiuic onuucauiv 'IAROEST TIRCPRO0F RCSORT HOTEL aswiirrcT-a. " e wonI'pjwrioTr.c.i-ir hie ttADiNG HtsoRr norti or tut worid nQaiiDoromWviin ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. OWNCSIHIP HSNaaiMfHT Q8IH WHITC SON- COMPANY I 6T. UKOIIGE, 11EUMUDA ST. GEORGE HOTEL Delightfully situated on Iloie Hill. Rooms largo and well furnished. Private Baths. Bun Parlors, Tennis, Golf. M, OALLMAN. 6Mi:uHr iiitiixicriicituiJDA SCAUR LODGE s"s,P,;xIAr'as A Ideally located overlooking the ocean. 8pa clous veranda; homelike appointments: for Drofeulonal A business men. F. A. 1IALCU. "" 1'E.ttIHlOKE. HKHMUIlA GRASMERE-BY-THE-SEA Located near city and ocean; boatlnr, bath Ina, fishlnc; all conveniences Ezcelltat table. Booklet N. B LUMHClt. Prop. I'AflKT. BHK.MUDA SOUTH SHORE HOTEL Klba Reach Surf bathlnr from house. A first-class, modern family hotel. Larce rooms A. A. JOIINON.Prep. IIAILKI'S IIAY, IIKUMCDA THE SEAWARD nicluslte patronaee. iiiijOLintirtft-u,,,,! tnm thB house: free boating & fishlnc L. T. Constable. rilAhCATI, IlKltMUDA Tlntfl Fvnsnnti .Weally located. Ulec. -.wWv.. .. -. iigrileu, steam heteitt lltcry, motortiuats. hhtiles. Kverythlut; mod. und up-tu date Mills looLlet on iiupllcmlon to A, A I'KVIHl'O.S' t'HAbCATl I'. O. IIKIIMI'UA. Write or rail IIBI.I.KVIK'S TOl'lts H7II llro-Uu-v. New Vurk Clt. HAVANA. CUH.V THE LOUVRE Si, Plans Central to all attraction- Orchestra 0r- man, tnall.o, erencu ana bpanisn spokta. llooklet J CASTRO. FORNOS HOUSE SEAvt rooms Uery room nuh private balcony. Hoc ltnd told baih. Moderate term Oopo tta Central l'rU. Near all thcatrits. Superior location with an I unobstructed view of beach I aM boardwalk A recognized I standard of excellence I Cay.'yj-0--'-- ?-i?-.l cramps. atantio city P-tMaVMORE. nt By GRANTLAND RICE will be that be- , Taking Into Consideration the larecr field' f where Crawford has done his batting, tha argument begins nil oter ngnln. The Wallop , Under prcsent-dav prices the baseball.,, i wallop Is a piker's gift comp.iied to the ring variety Tev Klcknt il expects several thousand folks to pay over $S0,000 nn the chance 1 that one l O. wallop will be put upon display when Wlllard fines Moran. jn Hnseball Isn't the only gntuo that reeks with clpbate on this nupstlon of the wallop. You can flnil nttv number of boxing ' ' rump followers willing to testify that n Month's wallop Is 10 per cent, stouter t, than Willurd's Also an eittnl number j willing lo testify the other way. With 11 t till 0 contingent 1 onllclent enough that .lack Dillon tan outpunch cither man. Wlllard, Moran and Dillon There Is no part of a debute left as to tlic wallop that Moran nnd Dillon have. 10 concealed about their persons. These two have put the punch upon display too,,,, often to be doubted. Given nn opening either can leave a dent in the Jawbones'"" of an Iron ox. .lnmes Coffey Is willing to - . tuke oath on Moron's kick, while Cowler . nnd others will imikp nil the nflldavlts iipeded upon the ha maker that Dillon directs. (mi What about Willurd? Tho Kansas .,,,, Dwarf hud no liistt tap hidden up Ills blceve when he fought Ciunboat Smith, ", Hear-cat McMahon and Curl Morris. Ho dropped Juck Johnson, but only when the ,"" reeling Smoko was about gone. . Can Wlllard outpunch Mornu or Dillon? Wc doubt it Hut with the Kiinsan's bulk and power nnd n fairly clever defence, what chance will Moran have to drive the dreammaker home? Wlllard Is stronger than Moran. has a longer reach, a greater - cletemess and a better defense. WINTllIt UCSOItiS Great Surf Bathing' - most wonderful benches in all tho - world to sun upon smartest society, ah of the continent finest winter resort,... hotels down on tho Florida East Coast " rff Spend the winter nt St. Augustine PONCE DE LEON " -. ALCAZAR ,., the finest resort hotels In the country. Ask , , your ticket agent for particulars or writ' FLORIDA EAST COAST Flagler System 243 Tilth Avenu New York 155 W. Madison jggkf? St., Chicago lini sr t. 1 il '11 lV 'hi r& "",' HSjf ''MinLCS TJ-Vfv)?)""" I i 177 wMr trA iTiV tcS d, JfMfiyi?'- asT!. h skTi r" Tj-LiU-3-Pi. ''rtt , plrt rr!&uf 2iirM. -iidli KEY WEST. nl. ISLAND CITY HOUSE Tourist and commercial Kfodffrn In .v.rr Amal till tall; table and sertlce nrst class Rooms wltv OtlD, Mrs allEIlMANl IIUltllUH. v't THE JBFKEnSON European plan. Dallr' " roncrrla by If Marine Hand. Home of tax green turtle, lobster and ether sea food. U - Army and Natal Station. Tarpon and nn other kinds of nahlnc. LKESIIUltG. ri.A. SUNN YSIDE o? .ak.. "AnLs" , -; it'KAit i.r.ii.iiiuiiu. ..,.' A refined private home In a beautiful orang grove. Write for literature and terms. Iti O. n. NEKDHAM, Leesburr. Fla. Oltl.ANIlO. FLA. ' ', TREMONT HOTEL'onNj Rooms single, en suite with bath; under ' owner's supervision; excellent table; North m cooking. Write Captain J.W. Wllmet. ST. AUOU8TINE. FLA. . The Valencia and Cottages Gtram heat, electricity. Mrs A Mlis Ecksrt. CIIAItLCSl-ON, 8. C. VILLA MARGHERITA Only Inn overlooking Harbor and UatUrr Parle; refined patronara; Southern cookl&jr. Wrlte for booklet and terma. CALHOUN MANSION opens for exclusive catrenaie, orlclnal Ce- lonlal furnlihings. Southern cooklrur. yacht. Inc. coif, tennis air and Mrs J it. ue Llertolttt. HAMILTON, IIEKMUUA VICTORIA LODGE Centrally located, opposite Victoria Park. Excluilte family house Modern Close to all attractlons 115 up. Kuaene A. Davis. IMPERIAL HOTEL cN'nraj,'1; Jjgj Thorouahly modern Rooms ilnjie k en suns Bun parlor and ballroom. Excellent table and service. Boolet. . L. UUCKLEH. Ucr POINT PLEASANT HOTEL Only hotel on the water front. Open all year. Newly Improved New management Home cooklnc. Rates t3 per day up. IC W. Ilalldea. THE ALLENHURST f3rV,k Strictly flrst-clasi family hotel. Centrally located Modem. Home cooking. Boating, bathing. No bar W. 11. 8PU11UB. By C. A. VOIGHT a-nil 1 lu nidi U'H