Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, February 08, 1916, Night Extra, Page 11, Image 11

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Horning Musicale to Be Held in the Ritz-Carlton Ball
I Room on February 14 to Benefit the Social Service
Department or jetierson Hospital
- t.r.m...rn. Rorlntv
AWJMDB "','::; ! tl,o con.
ftS "l Riven on Monday
K.S Wbninry U. I" the ballroom
Ifl' BlU-Oirlton nt It o'clock for
I b1 t)ic wards of the Jefferson
F0 .i.i N'o colds of admission have
K "UsUCil. bU1 il mo" " "" ""' '"
, .Tnid-Jins hcen decided upon by
Cm which includes Mrs. II.
'1? h Hare, Mrs. David Lewis and
'?, I'ranV Granger Kennedy, Jr.
lrL energetic women decided It
C, .tan npproprlnlo thltiir. as
t oncer? will ho on St. Valentine's
& to send out little cardboard hearts,
?'. !" made with openings for
vL ni coVcrc1 wUh retl "Tr
tCQlM8"". , ii,,i n mt n verae. for
Em.irbwt w inr .;.;..,, T t not itn
teKonslble; but that Is neither
man, wv .. . , Iucrc thnt 8
l,jrenor f j vcrse
nnted anu ..".-- ,.,i.
dartre. The iiuio -
Here's a heart,
please try to nil,
St Valentino will surely, thrill
With delight, If you will.
But come and help us help
Thoso who nre 111!
Destitute and sad they be.
It's for us to cheer, you see.
I f understand each one who attends the
fJccrtHlBO with his or her heart
k,,C0IH-, ...1..M. VnM TUlll fill-
I In his or ner nniiu, "!- j -
6 " b better than In his or her mouth,
'- ind will present the filled heart at the
K ! .. t. . .mini? to be a very fine con-
...l' -. ihv liavo tho promise of a
' .Tv f mnfllclann that they will
I Irs of their best for tho poor and suf-
..j Amnne thoso who will play
and sing are Jcro Shaw, Daniel Dono
i un and the young pianist. Robert
v . !v, who Is becoming quite
g famous for his romnrkablo talents.
' .. -.. .... 1.a nrntrrnm will
' Then tne womu" " "- i--o--
j Include Mrs. William Houston Greene.
': .,.. i.mn M. Anders, Mrs. Albert
'. Fine Schmidt. Miss Elizabeth Dickson.
Jlri. Dorothy Johnstone uascier, .ura.
i ,.v. Trrw Jr.. Mrs. Helen Mac-
I nimme Bentz, Mrs. Edith Malum, and
Llist named, but by no means lease as u.
singer, little Miss Elizabeth Lattn. who
lias quite taken Philadelphia by storm.
Then Miss Margaret Whlttaker will
jppear In original dances. It 'promises
to be quite a gala affair. Should any
one bo In fear of losing his or her heart
iwf.iro the .lav of tho concert. I un-
ffderstand lie or she may send it to
Mri. Hare at iuu soutn i.u suuui.
v t ct ciimmor nt Tiav Head one of the
younger men of Gcrmantown persisted J
V : . .i i i
' In appearing at on times aim uu m
r n.Riatnns in .a most remarkable green, i
:Lflt hnt; anme of his friends even went
jt'iorfar as to say he slejit in It; but his
b '.. -i.. . .,,.1 ..a A t Inn, Tin
moiner iram nu u.u nui. ,. ,ov .".
I 4iy, vhen ho was riding gaily along
' lraotorboat, something hnppened to
1 tie machinery, and on leaning over
to examlno what was wrong, the 1m-
wrtlnent wind noiitlv removed thelovcd
(eltfrom his cranium and it was gone
la an Instant, though he almost ten
, overboard trying to catch this most
precious of all his posesslons. Now
t Tfin wnuM th.nl? th.'if Rpntlmpnt WOS
t' bdlt about that slouch of green, but.
ttrange, is the heart of man, in that ho
can console himself with the new and
odd, and, will you bellevo It, only last
nW T mt lilm fficr, tn fnof. nn.l. ns
i ha removed his hat to bow with dignity
I rana grace, I perceived another curious
jfl (concoction of even brighter green felt
jlilhah last summer's affair. I was glad
if to tee ho could remove It. otherwise I
I might hae been tempted to think it
was "wished on," so to spealc.
T Dm Gnri-u ,n Imnv ,!,..( UtHn "Pi, lit
- ... Hw, , tw llblll M...W ...nw w..
Thayer, tho daughter of Mrs. John
L B. Thayer, Jr., of Haverford, is suf-
ferlng from an attack of scarlet fever.
' kittle Miss Pauline has a remarkable
-! talent for tho violin, and has taken
S'part in soveral charity concerts a
T ready. She Is greatly loved by her llt-
Mle Wends, who aro hoping she will
jrceaiiy recover.
Th fllBte n !. 1. .!.. .l.lnVi Xfloo
JEUttbeth W. rishcr, at 2-22 Bprucc atroet,
jmpnde Fisher, on Monday next at tho
. itri v,ut "in inciuuo ;maa juunu
'Mary NorrU Cerlionl, Mlsa Surr.h II. n.
lenrncK -ktt. .., .... ki.. a
.(Marjory Taylor, Miss Corlnne 11. Froa.
, H.,u Juki iiuimrinu jiouiMouii.
IliS.1 1!ti7ftkal. U..nl.H nf 1,A T..n
PllCCt. enlnrtnlnn.l nt n I.,, ffnt lunnlipnn
"ttrddy afternoon, Among the guests
f .... Mvtu .ui loroiuy i-taLU(i, iiiina
ami, Barroll, Miss Mary AVIIIIams, Miss
CCMabeth MontBomery. Miss Josephine
ruoran. Miaa M.,..n,. ci.nvniaUd mpo vii
uiam d-t:. .;.:." .."",'.""''. .:.. :"
-, ui uf,en, .Mrs. josepn vnarion
J'TOfjCQW, Miss Esther Howell, Miss Is-
iaV "H,we" Jrs. Joseph urown. ausji
ti w, ' v ino, snai ueim aempio,
?tii atlerlna Conger, Miss Sibyl Wrleh.t.
i told C,aroUn? EnslUh, Miss Ellen New-.
riVi Aua"ni Miss Kitty Urinton. Mrs, J
,,"7 ,",iimii, Air. vuiittui nuns
"Ntner, Miss Mnrv (l.itlp. MIks iHnhel
!o?ers and ilra, T, Wlster Brown. 3d.
tu. i P ss-ln Parliamentary law. which
aa otei, f0,mcd, w meet toda; for the
J, Hlne wt the home of Mrs. Qeorga
'0raea i n.im. .. .- .
ylw,?. . .' c'aS3 mot of whom are prom.
Mr Clubwomen, feel that they should
K!;n,nroushljr posted as to parliamentary
lli7.C";lire a,ul w'th this end In view.
Bft?: tlKJuhurt Lee. of New . oitk, will
hS?. last year" madn a special tudy !
1tlhi i iamentary law ;
4IU4 Lillian W Kupertl. daughter of
7, """'Mi Hupeitl, has returned to New
Bit. r-T" Hsa-wiu tiaiv iu iiia uur
!Koi r,a daushtevof Alfred E.
at mi A. . A. A.
win g.v a supper ton.ght at their I
9. 18th anil Wain, it Blr.nl. attar f ho
L"" ' ft M, Anu-r U. Lea will utvr-
' a-ii uo. tti oie upci tomgttt i
.'a &jr i fcmoii McMfctuifi, wf
MlUValnut street, will entertain nt dinner
this evening,
Mrs. Kdwnrd Hlne Johnton and Miss
Florence- Mnrle Johnson, of 2211 Walnut
Btreet, nl leave todny for the South,
stopping at Nnssau, Palm Deach and
,M. "n(1 s,l"s. Qeorgo D. Itosengarlcn,
? ...?0llln ,8tl stteet, will leave today
for Hlbernln, Fin., where they will re
main several weeks.
Miss Hannah Vox, of 33D South Hroad
street, wilt entertain nt luncheon todnj
in honor of Mrs. Hoxle Harrison Smith.
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Stewart will
entertain at the theatre, followed by sup
per, this evening In honor of Miss Esther
Jean liochman, debutante dnughtor of
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Francis Mochman.
of 2018 Locust street.
Mrs. George Morrison Coates, ot lTIM
Pine street, and Mrs. Joseph Lewis Phil
lips will receive thh afternoon after 4
Mr. and Mrs. Rollln II. Wilbur, ot "Old
Stone House," St. David's, left Inst Fri
day for a trip to Quebec, where they will
Btuy several days.
An Interesting wedding which will tnko
placo early in March Is that of Mls-j
Annnbclle Doyle, of Co.itcsvllle. and Mr.
Thomas Jay Sproul. of Chester. Pn. Mr.
Sproul Is a nephew of Senator William C.
Sproul. and both Miss Hoylc and Mr.
Sproul are graduates of Swarthtnoie Col
lege. The wedding will tnke place at
Coatesvllle, and more than 500 Invitations
will bo Issued. Including tho Pi Ucta
Phi nnd the Phi Kappa Psi fraternity
chapters of Swarthmorc.
Members of thp wedding party will In
clude Miss Flora Poylo and Miss Sara
Boyle, sisters of tho bride: Miss Mai Ian
Hollowcll, of Philadelphia; Mr. John
Poach Sproul, Mr. Lawrcnco Sharpless
and Mr. Philip Shurplcss, of West Ches
ter; Mr. Charles Houston and Mr. Will
lam Worth, ot Coatesvllle. Tho brldo
will bo given In marrlngo by her uncle.
Tho Beta Kappa Sigma Sorority held Its
annual dance In the Bcllevue Hose Gar
dens Saturday night. An exhibition of
the fox trot by Mr. C. Ell wood Carpenter.
Jr., and Miss Elsie F. Sutherland was of
great Intel est.
The tlrst annual dance will he given by
the Excelsior Club on Friday evening at
Mr. Whlte'a dance Place, southeast corner
13th and Chestnut street. Exhibition
dances will be given during the evening.
A dance nnd card party will be given
by tho Jcnklntown Choral In the Hotel
Walton on Thursday evening, February 17.
The committee In churge Includes Mrs.
John Eagleson, Mrs. Lewis IJiemcr, Jr.,
Mrs. Thomas K. Ober, Mrs. William J.
Wolhenmayer, Mrs, Charles W. Hussey,
Mrs. William G. Slnugh, Mrs. John Har
der, Mrs. William L. Holmes, Mrs. Hor
ace Wunderle, Mrs. A. J. Montgomery,
.Mrs. J. S. Gaylcy. Mrs. Chnrles n. Har
vey, Mrs. L. P. Dutton, Mis. Georgo N.
Malpass. '
Among those who are ut the Tray
moie. In Atlantic City, this week are
Mr. and Mrs. William B. Whelan, Dr.
Joseph Walsh, Mr. G. Carroll Buzby,
Mrs. G. II. Buzby. Miss G. Cat roll, Mrs.
Ellen O. Harter. Mr. Calvin Pardee, Mr.
William Anderson and family, Mr. and
Mrs. G. M. Bri.lgman, Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Iluser, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Mc
Cahan. Jr.. Mr. Palph Bencker, Mr. and
Mrs. Chnrles Brown, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Schoen, Mr. George J. Carpenter,
Mr. anil Mrs. J. He.bcrt Carpenter, Mr.
and Mrs. Joseph Gllflllan and family,
Mrs. M. Emmons, Miss S. Sheetz, Mr.
Clarence Wray, Mr. J. It. Wray, Dr. and
Mrs. E. B. Smith, Sllss Margnret Smith.
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene McGuckin, Mr. and
Mrs, W. It. Elsenhower, Mr. and Mis.
E. S. Smith. Mr. J. P. Burlnlgh. Merchnnt
vllle, N J.; Miss Frances Buileigh, Mer
chuntville. N. J.; Mr. ami Mrs. Daniel C.
Pcld. of New York; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Summerhlll, ot Woodbuiy.
Mrs. E. C. Jennings, of Wyucote, en
tertained nt miction bridge last night in
honor of Miss Elizabeth tlrlbbel, who
will start shortly on u tour of tho South
and West. Among Hie guests were Mr.
und Mts. John C. Mai tin. Miss Dorothea
Jennlnss, Miss Idclla Grlbbel, Mr. James
Daley, Mr. Percy Sanderson and Mr.
Herbert Foster.
Along the Main Line
OVERIiROOK. Mlsii Virginia Wctherlll.
of Sherwood road, will leave today for
Now Vork to bo tho guest of her cousin.
Miss Caroline Virginia Bullclt, for a fort
night. Mrs. James L. Glase and her daughter,
Miss Helen Forster Cil.ise, of 6432 Wood
bine avenue, will leavo today for Cali
fornia. WAYNE.-Mr. and Mr3. Charles IJ.
Coxo, who have been occupying Brent
wood, the home of Mrs. Thomas Learning,
tills winter, ure spending somo time at
Miami. Fla.
Mr. John Frost, son of Mr. A. B. Frost,
the artist, of Louclhi avenue, will leave
on Monday for tho Paclllc coast.
Miss Margaret Plley, a student of Vas
sar College, spoilt tho week-end with ho,1
parents. Mr. and Mrs. William A. Itlley,
of Pombr6ke avenue.
A uiasquernde ride will take placo In
the ring of tho Wlssahlckon Hiding Acad
emy, C30 AVcst Itltteuhouse street, to
morrow evening. Prizes will be awarded
for the best and most original fancy cos
tumes. Society Is ever eager for the new
and untried form of entertainment and
Germantown men and women are taking
up this new fad with much enthusiasm.
This evening nt S o'clock a stcreopti
con lecture on China, Japan, Kurea aid
the Philippines will be, given by Mr.
Dwight II. Day, of New York. The lec
ture will tako place In the chapel of the
Firat Presbyterian Church In Germun
toivn. Mr. Day was onu of thosa com
missioned by tho Presbyterian board with
Mr. Itobert E. Spear to Investigate pres
ent conditions' In those countries as to
the mltslon fields. Mr, Day has only re
cently returned from this trip.
The Germantown brunch of the Clvio
Club will hold its monthly meeting on
Thursday, at 3 o'clock, In the Parish
House of tho First Piesbyterlan Church.
Mrs. WHUdin Hatnea will deliver an ad.
dresa on "Tho Extension of Good Clf
ienshlp." Tea will be arved after the
Women Writers Club
The history of Irish folk-lore, from the
early days before Christ, when the Celtic
talea were gaunt nkeletons In their big
simplicity, down to the latter-day dell
cately woven fairy talw. with their pookas
and banshees, was the subjedt of a
charming talk b'lveu tUe Women Writers'
Club last night by Mlwi Gertrude M.
(yitellly, woman's page editor of the Pub-
CThe Irish people. Minn O'Reilly declared,
commonly supposed to be one of the most
superstitious rao,s In thelworld. In reality
hav no supeistttieiw at all. All of their
..! i-nuM hu, a s sound, comuioiidetufa
nouuvu - - - ...... .
fcNBln u e:el' delicately embroid
ered with a cover of suprUlOM l at
cornu,o w'th the Irwh lave of taa ur
terwua and IwmHW The nrChe. soft I
brogu of th speaker wad her talk all j
Tlioto by Mareeau,
Who .will bo RUcst nt ft theatre
pnrty to be given by her nunt,
Miss iMnric tiispnam.
An Interesting wedding which will take
plnce this afternoon wilt bo thnt of Miss
Mary Gulda. daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Gulda. 1112 Wobitor Rtrcet, to Mr. Sam
uel ClRiirclll. ot Ijinsdowne, Pa.t The
ceremony will be performed at 4 o clock,
In St. Mnry Mngdnlcne's Catholic
Church, Sth and Christian streets. Mr.
Gulda will give his daughter In mar
riage. Her gown of white satin Is made
with a court train and Is trimmed with
silver nnd lace, tho long tulle veil will
be draped with orange blossoms and a
shower bouquet of roses and lilies of the
valley will be carried. Miss Victoria
Gulda, a sister, will bo bridesmaid. She
will wear taffeta, lace nnd net.
Mr. Clnuiclll will have na belt man his
cousin. Mr. Alfredo Vnstn. There will be
a Biippcr for the bridal patty and the
Immediate fnmllles. They will live at .-ft
South 13th street.
Tho marriage of Miss Helen Cohan, of
42M Viola street, and Mr. Nathan A.
Kcntcr. of 4001 Haverford avenue, will
tako place quietly Thursday at tho home
ot Kabbl ltaphael M. Mclamcd, 181 North
12th street, ,'ilss May Drosky and Mr.
Morris Herr will bo tho attendants. The
brldo will be given In marriage by her
father. Mr. Abraham Cohen. She will
wear a traveling costume of bluo chif
fon velvet, adorned with braid, and
will carry a bouquet of pink roses. The
bridesmaid will bo gowned In old gold
charmeuso and will wear a hat of gold
Mr. nnd Mrs. Kentcr will leave Imme
diately after the ceremony tor Niagara
Falls, and on their return will llvo at
4001 Haerford avenue.
Mrs. Walter Addison Fox, of 300
f'ynwyd avenue, accompanied by" Mrs.
U.irclay Johnson, of 240 South 10th
street, has gone to Cuba for a stay of
several weeks.
Along the Reading
The senior class of the Cheltenham High
School will give its annual play on the
evenings of March .1 and 4 in the school
auditorium at 8:15 o'clock. The play la
entitled "What Tlnre Ih It?" and Is a
musical comedy, written by Mr. Horace
Jenkins und produced and managed by
the members of the senior class. Mr. Jen
kins Is assisted by Miss Ruth Leaf. Miss
Gariock nnd Mr. Walter Mills. Miss Leaf
has written the music for the piny, while
Miss Gariock will instruct the choius In
singing and Mr. Mills will teach the
The Baroness Frederick von Hlllcr Is
spending some time as tho guest of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Barney,
at Elldon. Ogontz.
Mr. Joseph Wllmsen, of Elklns Park.
has been spending several days ns the
guest of Mr. and Mrs. George . Hallo
way at Beverly. Mr. Wllmsou returned
to his home yesterday.
Miss Marlon Sharpless. of Haetheiton,
Chelten Hills, spent the week-end ns the
guest of Mr. and Mis. J. H. Hutchinson,
at Oakwood, Jobstown, N. J.
Miss Roglna Eckcrt will be hostess at a
brldgo party on Saturday to meet Miss
Eleanor Bertel Long, of Elklns Park.
Tho house will be decorated with flowers
and valentine favors, and there will bo
about CO guests present.
Mrs. William H. Brown, who has been
snendlng several weeks In Atlantic Clt,
has returned to her home on Montgomery
South Philadelphia
V surprise party was given MIsr Grace
Uozart last week at her home 2121 South
13th street. Thoso present Included Miss
Irene De Mnrtlura. Miss Besslo McLaugh
lin Miss Catharine Fitzpatrlck. Mlfes
Beatrice Ryan, Miss Murgaret McNnmara.
Mr. John Crosslne. Mr. Fred Cunco, Mr.
Thomas Lahart, Mr. Bill Doyle. Mr. Ld.
Kcough. Mr. Joseph MucNamara and Dr.
Chailes Cahn, ot Baltimore, Md.
Captain Andrew Gilbert gave a pig roast
at his cottage at National Park last
week. There were 10 guests present.
Air and Mrs. Elmer Bonnlck, of 13th
and 'nituer streets, are being congratu
lated on tho birth of a daughter.
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Boorse, Jr., 1M
We3t Onturlo street, have gone to St.
Petersburg. Fla.. und later will make a
tour of the Southern resorts,
Mrs Myer Schleslnger. of 3733 North
Gratz' btreet, Is entertaining Mrs. Irwin
S. Schleslnncr, f ew J-endon, Conn.
Mr and Mrs. Abraham Sells, of West
Tiog.i street, have returned to their
home 'after pasting a, fortnight In At
lantic City. ,
Mrs Henry Barry entertained the mem
bers of the Tioga Pinochle Club at lunch
eon and cards today.
Mr and Mrs. John II. Hinkle, of Tioga,
left 'last week to visit the winter re
sorts of Florida.
Mr and Mrs. Slgmund Graahelm, of
3711 North 13th street, had their daughter,
Mrs. Louis Gold, of Albany, N. Y as
their gueat over last week end.
Northeast Philadelphia
A studio tea was given by Miss Genr
trude Bloom, of 958 North 6th street, in
honor of ,MUa Mae Kail. nan and MUs
Goldle Enle, of New York. Among those
nresent were Mlsa Polly Polacoe, Miss
Sadie Mayer, Miss Esther Sledman, Miss
Nlta Lang. Miss Pauline Jarver, Miss
Rose Wlsen, Miss Emma Gutlleb, MJss B.
Kfhner. Miss Stella Scheann, Miss Hattie
Gutlleb and Mia Florence Goodman. Miss
Bloom was assisted In receiving by Mrs.
Regina Bloom, Mrs. Max Mayer, Mrs. O.
Goldstein and Mrs. Y. Yemberger.
A banquet will be given at St. Michael's
Hall. Trenton avenue and Cumberland
street, on "Wednesday evening February
ID. under the auspices of the Young Peo
ples Societies. Th main upoaker of the
evunlug wiU be Profeior IiU, of Swartb
tnora College, who wilt $ak t 'if.
BHBlKlSllllllll, l
Bmaa r W y ' IJTii u i i li "T 'i li 1 1 i nil iBBI in 'iA
Miss Bochman, who is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Boch
man, will be guest of honor at a theatre and supper party to be
given by Dr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Stewart.
First Dance Given By Alumni Since Its Organization
Will Be Held at Hebrew Literature Society.
Rousseau Club Had Meeting on Sunday
THK Oeorge Sharswood Alumni Asso
ciation will give Its first dance since
Its organization on Saturday evening,
February ID, at tho Hebrew Literature
Society, 310-12 Catharine street, at 8
The artalr promises to bo nn unusual
success as Mr. Samuel Gcvcr, chairman
of the committee In charge. Is working
very hard In its behalf, nnd the members
are taking active interest.
Tho committee In charge of the dance
program and the evening Is composed of
Miss Gertrude Boss. Miss Kdlth Bosen
feld, Mr. Benjamin Goldstein, Miss Ce
celia Goodman and Mr. Samuel Gever.
Mr. Bernard Brodlo Is president of the
Alumni Association.
A very Interesting meeting ot the
Itousseau Club took place Sunday after
noon nt the home of Mr. David L.
Cupersmlth. Mr. George J. Burrison pro
sided Mr. Leon J. Slonlmsky, chair
man of tho Dance Committee, reported
that tho danco which will tako placo nt
Martel's on March ,9 promises to bo nn
unusual success. Mr. Paul I. Saturen
wns appointed to nil a vacancy In the
Membership Committee. Mr. Morris
Welnstock, ot tho I nlverslty of Pennsyl
vania, was voted for ns a member of tho
club. Mr. Nathan Bloom and Mr. Leon
J. Slonlmsky are arranging tho Lincoln
Day pnrtv, which will take placo at Mr.
Bloom's home. 1915 North 33d street.
A trio, composed of Mr. K. Chnrles
Selgel, Mr. Saul I. Saturey and Mr.
George J. Burrison, rendered a number
of very interesting selections. Mr. How
ard II. Kates and Mr. Leon J. Slonlmsky
were at the piano. A supper nrranged for
the members followed the meeting.
Among tho members present were Mr.
Mitchell Fow, Mr. Nathan Bloom. Mr.
Isaac N. Burrison, Mr. K. Charles Selgel,
Mr. David S. Cupotsmlth, Mr. Charles
Lampert, Mr. Howard II. Kates, Mr.
Samuel Goldman, Mr. William Hollow,
Mr. Paul I. Saturey, Mr. Leon J. Slonlm
sky, Mr. Charles I. Woorman. Mr. Will
iam Possermnn, Mr. Bcrnnrd Bordle, Mr.
Samuel LlpschulU, Mr. Samuel Kornfeld
and Mr. George J. Burrison.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Elchcl, ot 1,1 Hast
Wcllens avenue. Olney. gave a dinner of
30 covers, followed by a dance, last week
at Ionio Hull, in honor of their daughter,
Miss Laura E. Kichel. Among thoBe
present wero Mtss Matilda Ilupertus, M as
Kdlth Bachmau. Miss Agnes Smith, M ss
Virginia Bach, Miss Anna Scmlsch. Miss
Charlotte Hohlman, Miss Mabel Dorn
helm. Miss Anna Stltzenberger. Miss Bes
sie Waters, Miss Ethel Free. Miss Lsther
Hoag. Miss Ada Bergey. Miss Marlon
Harrlck, Mr. Preston Brenner Mr. llay
mond C Walker. Mr. Harold Fox, tr.
Raymond Fox. Mr. Howard Bergey, Mr.
Buddy Dyckle. Mr Edward Graharne, Mr.
Herbert Weber. Mr. Lou McGartlo. Mr.
Ell wood Oppenhelmer, Mr. Illchard gai
ner. Mr. Andrew Schoellor. Mr. John Mc
Master. Mr. Louis Krleg, Mr. and Mrs.
Kichel. Mr. .and Mrs. SemUch. Mr. and
Mrs. Stltzenberger, Mr. and Mrs. W. J.
Payntet and Mrs. A. V. Meyers.
An -original leap-year dansant for
charity will be given tomorrow evening
by the auxiliary of the North Eastern
Uidles' Benevolent Society at Apollo Hall.
17.6 North Broad street. The committee
In charge ot the affair Includes Mrs. N.
Klalts, Miss Lenora Sollodor, Miss Mary
Sollodor, Mlsa Frances Bllisky. Mrs. J.
Idell, Miss Rose Metzner. Miss Jennie
Stevens. Mlsa Jennie Greenbcrg, Miss
Jtoso Seltgson, Mlsa Ida LIchten, Miss
Suzanne Black and Miss Katnertno
Freedman. Tho president of the assoc -otion
is Miss Anna Cohen, the vice presi
dent. Miss Katherlne Freedman: the sec
retary. Miss Sarah It. Telman; the
financial secretary. Miss Jenle Stevens,
and the treasurer, Miss Lenora Sollodor.
A delightful pa,rty was given last Friday
by Mlsa .TUlIe Cohen, of 5117 South Sherl
dan street, to celebrate her graduation
from the William Penn High School.
Members-of the Carlyle Club who at
tended were Miss Tillle Cohen. Mr. Jo
seph Charleston. Mr. Harry B. Dubln,
Miss Kathryn Epstein. Mr. Louis Fein,
Mr. Morris Fein, Mr. John GInsburg. Mr.
Elmer Orcenbers, Miss Dora Krasney,
Miss Clara B. Laventhal, Miss Lillian C,
Le Vene. Mr, Elliot I Llebman, Miss
Rose Spotkoy, Mr. Maurice Tublnsky,
and Mr, Herbert Rovno.
Other guests were Uss Esther Aleln
koff, Miss Julia Blumsteln. Mrs. B. Co
hen, Mr. B. Cohen. Mr. Samuel Cohen,
Miss Lena Cohen. Miss Ida Cohen, Mr.
Israel M. Cydell. MrSadle Darling. MUs
Vera Darling, MnWBert FLnley. .Mr.
Arthur Echlll. Miss Esther Kornfeld, Miss
Anna Miller, Mr Pomerantz, Miss Kate
Rosner. Mr. William Uosenblum, Mr.
gcuwerln. Mlsa Mildred Spotkov and Miss
Anna Steinberg
PreparaUoii ar now being completed
for the fourth, annua) danse of the trau
Photo by Mareeau,
Club, which Is to take place on Monday
evening, February 21. at the Columbia
Club, Hroad and Oxford htrcets. All the
members of the club have been actively
engaged for many weeks In this prepara
tion, and everything points toward a most
enjoyable and .successful evening. Tho
committee In charge promises numerous
novel features, which will add to the
gaiety of the nftair. Tho literary com
mittee also wishes to announco an open
combined literary and entertainment,
night, on Wednesday evening, March S,
at the clubroom.i, 2156 North Broad street.
Debates are being arranged with various
Tho boy friends gave a leap-year party
in honor of the girls of the Flasam Sewing
Circle on Saturday evening, at Miss lies
slo Rosenberg's house, 1033 South 5th
street. Those who attended were Miss
Ida Brlnn. Mlsi Reba Cohen. Miss Esther
Schlesslngor. Bliss Anna Derringer, Miss
Bella Shapiro; Dr. Alfred Cantor, Mr.
.Samuel Llebman, Mr. Maurice Lavau, Dr.
Moo Llebman, Mr. Howard Kaeclincr, Dr.
The "Ishkablbbles" will give their win
ter frolic tonight In the Roso Gardens of
the Bellovue Stratford. There will bo ex
hibition dancing by Mr. C. EUwood Car
penter nnd Miss Dorothy Miller and by
Mr. Jack Slgei and Miss Elizabeth Cope.
The exhibitions will be followed by a
fox trot contest, for which a cup will bo
given to tho winners.
The committee In charge of tho affair
Includes Mr. H, Deweoa Kirchncr and
Mr. Gilbert Van Hoesen. About 100 guests
nre expected.
The Bryant School held its fifth monthly
meeting in tho school building on last
Thursday. Tho attendanco was the best
on record. Mr. Tlndal, the principal, de
livered nn address. In which ho welcomed
the class of 1DIB. Mr. George W. Wlnaur
sang for the assembly. .
Mr. Henry A. Laesser nnd Mr. William
11. Henderson gave a dancing exhibition.
Mr. J. Wcilcy Moore gave a recitation.
Dancing followed the business transac
tions, and refreshments were served.
Mrs. Russell Wilson, of 1921 North
Park avenue, will give a card party and
linen sdiower tomonow afternoon, at her
home, In honor of Mr. Wilson's sister.
Miss Anne Wilson. Yellow and white
spring Dowers will be used in the decora
tion!,. Tho guests will Include Mrs. H.
Rex Stackhouse. Mrs. Clarko Kendrlck,
Mrs. Karl Stewart, Mrs. Charlotte Tyson.
Mrs. Clifford Terry, Miss Frances Barry,
Miss Virginia Barry, Mrs. Louis Van
Court. Mrs. Lo Roy Walker, Miss Chris,
tlno Pllughnupt. Mrs, slyrtlce Shrlver,
Mrs Abo Anders, Miss Edna Hill. Mrs. D.
Taylor Gladlng. Mrs. George Stephens,
Miss Edna Underdown, Mrs. Ira Smith,
Mrs. J. Bert Fettling, Mrs. Lore Franken
field, Mrs I. Newton .Smith. Miss Isabel
Hall, Mrs. Frank MIsky. Mrs. Charles E.
Delser, Miss Irene Fagley, Mrs. George
Underdown, Mrs. Louis Rutherford, Miss
Mary Savage, Mrs. Alfred Wolstenholme,
Mrs. James Guthrie and Mrs. William
Mr. and Mrs. Myer Klrshner. of 733
North 16th street, have Issued invitations
for the marriage of their daughter. Miss
Edna Klrshner, to Mr. Louis II. Cohen,
on Saturday evening. February 27. at 6:30
o'clock, ln the Metropolitan Hall. The
brlda'a attendants will be Miss Dorothy
Rlcklln, maid of honor: Mrs. William G.
Wltlln, matron of honor, and Miss Emma
Ricklln, .Miss Fanny Felnman. Miss Goldle
Wersov, Miss Mary Petchon, Miss Pauline
Welner and Miss Esther Cohen, brides
maids Mr Isador Klrshner, the bride's
brother, will be best man, and the ushfrs
will bo Mr. Adoloph Lspyowker. Mr. Myer
Weinberg, Mr. Joseph Cohen, Sir. Ixula
Freeman, Dr. Maurice Jossom, Mr. Kathan
Kold and Dr. Robert Klrshner.
A very Interesting program has been
arranged by Mr. Thomas Mulchrone for
the monthly meeting of tho Holy Name
Society of St. John the Baptist's Catholic
Church on February 13. Addresses will
be made by Mr- James Bennett and Mr.
John Mulhern, and St. John's Orchestra
will be assisted in the musical numbers by
local soloists. The officers elected for
191S are: President, Mr. James J. McQar
rlglej vice presidents, M James F. Mc
Callen, Mr. Thomas Martin; treasurer,
Mr, James F. Gallagher: secretary, Mr.
Michael Nolan, marshal, Mr. John J,
Wall, and spiritual director, Rev. Patrick
H. McGlnnls, Mtasra. John J, Foran, J, J.
Walt and JosepHH. McKernan were ap
pointed delegatesTfcthe Union.
Notices for the. Society page will be
accepted and printed Id the l.veulne
Ledccr, but all ueU notice mutt J
written en one tide ot the paper. inut bo
timed to full, with full uddrtu, and
Uea poaatble telephone number uiuit b
bend all uch rommuulUou to
"Satiety Kdltor." EmbUj Ledger, CO
Ckettiiut ktreet.
Volet thete requirement are carried
oat to that verhlcattou may b tumliU,
the notice will ust b imUUhcd.
Photo by Marceu.
The attractive (laURhtcr of Mr.
and Mrs, Christopher Wcthcrill,
of Overbrook. Miss Wcthcrill
will leave today for n visit in
New York.
Women members ot the faculty of the
Philadelphia Musical Academy, nt 1617
Spruce stiect, gave a concert Inst night
for the students and their parents.
There wore orgnn, piano, violin nnd
vocal numbers on the program, which
was as follows:
Quartet- Vnlse Impromptu Haft
Miss Mary Walker, Mtm Joan Calhoun,
Mrs. A. M. Hoyt. Mis. F. 1). Ulnn.l.
riano Kolo t'olnrwlim C-Hhri Minor. ...Chopin
... ,, Mlsa .Marlon Hull,
Molln Concerto (1 Minor, Opus 20 Hrurh
a) AllcRru Moucrnto,
Ibl A.lnulo.
Hr Urrie Lclatid-Uols, Mlra Vlrnlnli Henderson.
i!icerlo D Minor Uublnatclii
, . Mln Alice I.cMiib.
Orsan Solo-Vniitnale 'V Minor Itlcblcr
Ijiio Solo-fu) Kurest .Murmui'l.ma t.lszt
idi TiirKlsli .Marcl.r,
.. , MIm M.iMon Orafc.
ocul-ra) "i:g llllnkt I)er Tliuu"..nublnstcln
(b) Hnuk". l,i rorito
(c) Ilioi.Khta 'n- w I.iks".. I.cbnian.i
,., , Mlii Sophlo ilpiarh.
Wolln-fa) Chanson I-ouls XIII el I'avane.
. ,. . . Coupcrln-Krelsltr
(b) fcpanlih Danco Saraaale
nl , Mlaa Alma Orafe.
Plnno Solo (a) roveletto MacDowcll
(b. Hexcnianz MacDowcll
, .Mia HcsiIp Davis.
vocal-fn) "Whoil lluy .My Ucndcr".Ocrmnn
(b) 'Ron tag MorRcn1' Ilral.ma
iV . !l?art HK" Koeater
(u) "i.lirapturptl" Foestcr
t, , Mario Zeekwer Holt.
Duo-Pas ,les t'vnihnlet riiamlnado
-Mlsa Lisa Mohr, Jllan l'lorence Urban,
Tho affair was. held In tho concert hall,
nnd about SOU guests attended.
West Philadelphia
The members of the Victrlx Club, M33
Mne street, will entertain tomorrow eve
ning In Knights of Columbus Hall, CSth
and Market streets. Tho affair will bo a
supper, followed by a dnnce, und the
guests will Include those who have
assisted the club In the social enterprises
of tho past year. Those who will have
tho affair in charge Include tho recently
elected president, Mr. John II. Griffin,
Mrs. William J. McMenamln. Vice Presi
dent and Mrs. Edward J. Titterton. Plain
are alto under way for the uunuul play of
the club, which will bo held In the near
Tho T'razi Club will hold its midwin
ter dance on Friday, at the Phllomuslan
Club. The committee has planned a de
lightful evening.
North Philadelphia
Mrs. F. Caplan, of 2012 Arizona street,'
announces the betrothal of her daughter.
Miss Yetta Caplan. and Mr. Victor Abel-
Mr. and .Mrs. Walter Hutzell enter
tained a number or friends last week nt
a house warming in their new home, 4729
North 12th street. Tho guests included
Miss Eleanor Rows, Miss Lorraine Barns.
Miss Edythe Bachman, Miss FJsie Good
year. Miss Claire Eckert, Mr. .Mark Cul
ley. Mr. Raymond W. Walker. Mr. Edward
Sheetz, Mr. Howard Hoover nnd Mr.
Charles Guy.
Miss Dorothy Rlbbans, of Newark, is
spending tome time as tho guest of Mr.
and Mrs. James Maurer, of 2827 Diamond
A novelty box party will be given in the
Cookman Methodist Episcopal Church, Le
high avenue and 12th street, on Saturday
night, by tho Queen Esther Circle of the
Miss Elsa Wolslrer. of 1G15 North
Marshall street, will entertain nt luncheon
and cards on Saturduy, when her guests
will be Miss Margaret Wolfe, Miss Emma
Shields. Miss Ileuluh Teltsworth. Miss
Chrlssle Geyer, Mrs. Arthur Nltzsche, Mrs.
Henry Braehhold and Miss Olive Lees.
Mr. nnd Mrs.. Thomas M. Fitzgerald, of
West Baltimore avenue, will entertain at
the opera this evening In honor ot .Mr.
John Heenau, of Atlantic City.
Mr. Charles J. Pilling, ot Windermere,
leaves today for Plnehurst, where he will
play In the tournament.
Miss Victoria Hays, of Germantown,
spent the week-end with Miss Cecil Ryan,
ot La Crosse avenue.
Hotel Bingham Cafe
llhiEham Hotel Co Market & 11th Sts.
lOo 12U MArtKET
in 4 r i i a.
Pauline Frederick
In Which the Superb Emotional ArllJto
presents Two Distinct Characters.
11:13 A. M 11.-1B P. M.
CHESTNUT Uelow 10th
10 A. M to 11:15 p. u
Wilfred Lucas
Tnurs.. Frl., Sat. Orrln Jormon, "D'ArUgnan"
fin wink TnU Kent Week. E.g., S-SO.
ijcll 1 1L1V. Itat. Tomorrow. 2.S0
Popular Price Mat Tnorrow,,ut, sats J,
ppAATt ThU A Neit Week. Evr... Sill.
iJ.lvvyiXi- Matinee Tomorrow. 2.-19.
Waw Erlaner ft Geor; Tyler Present
Tht OlaJ PU'J, Spreading Good CKr
Throughout Ml PMtadtlshla,
Best Seats 10 at Pop. Mat. Tomorrow.
"SB II. AT $.15.
Ernest Schellinir
Dr Kart Kaek.
Navy Yard Affairs
Mr. J, A. Itossoll, wife of Captain Rbn
sell, tT. 8. 'M. C will entertain at jrlrtgB
tomorrow afternoon ill her home In tliS
Navy Ynrd. Her guests wilt Include
Mrs. Littleton Wnller Tazewell Waller,
Mrs. flmedley D. Butler, Mrs, C O. Ldhg,
Mrs. li. J. Mnglll, Mra Frank Halford,
Mrs. R. B. Hulllvnn, Mrs. Alexander A
Vnndegrlft, Mrs. E. D. Ryan, Mrs. W U
Llttlcflcld, Mrs. Alexnnder S. William
Mrs, William Morris. StrK Albert E
Strode, of Amherst, Va.; Mrn, J. Mnrc
lon. Mrs. J.anz. Mrs. II. L. Beared. Mrs
R. B. FnrduharRon, Mrs. D. P Mannls,
.Mrs. J-;, snow, sirs, Alexander S, Vflmlfi
grlft, Mrs. Frank 1). Kllgoro nnd MM.
Raymond S. Keyes.
Mrs. J. Marston, wlfo of Lieutenant
Mnrston, V. H. M. C, will entertain on
Frldny afternoon at bridge at Her Home,
2331 South 21st Btreet, In honor of Mrs. A
C. Dcarlng, wife ot Lieutenant Dcarhii,
P. S. M. C. Her guests will Include Mrs
Littleton XV. T. Waller, Mrs. ti. Q. Ma
gill, Mrs. Smedlcy B. Butler, Sirs. C D,
Long, Mrs. J. A. Itossoll, Mrs. II. H.
Sullivan, Mrs. Alexnnder S. Vnndegrirt,
Mrs. E. D. Ryan, Mrs. J. B. Lowry, Mrs,
Raymond S. Keyes, Mrs. A. C. Dcnrlng,
Mrs. Nelson P. Vultc, Mrs. Rhlph L.
Shepnrd, Mrs. Charles A. Lutz. Mrs, J
Isaacs, Mrs. Georgo P. onnmer, Mrs. K.
W. Scott, Mrs. Henry -jrynn, Mrs. Paul
Blackburn, Mrs. Chad wick and MrB. Tor
rey. Mrs. Raymond S. Keyes will cntertnln
the members of the Tuesday afternoon
bridge club this afternoon at her home,
2102 Shunk street. Her guests will In
clude Mrs. Chnrles A. Davis, Mrs. Albert
E. Strode, of Amherst, Vn. , Mrs. V
Isnncs, Mrs. Alexnnder A. Vandegrltt,
Mrs. J. V. McAlplne, Mrs. Roblnette, Mrs.
Warner Lotz, Mrs. Homer If. Norton,
Miss Blanche Lane, Mrs. A. T. Graham
and Mrs. E. McClung.
Commander C. B. Price. V. S. N., cap
tain of tho Navy Yard, and Mrs. Price
will leavo shortly for tho Asiatic station,
Shanghai, China, where Captain Price
has been ordeicd.
Mrs. Victor Isaifs. wife of Ensign
Isaacs, U. H. N., will entertain at n small
dinner on Thursday, February 17, at her
home, 2328 South 21st street. Her gupsta
will Include Mrs. Henry Br.au, Mrs. Ray
mond S. Keyes, Mrs. J. Mnrston, Mrs.
William L. Pryor nnd Mrs. rnul Black
burn. ,
Mrs. Alexander A. Vnndegrlft, wlfo of
Lieutenant Vnndegrlft, Is entertaining
her slstcr-ln-law, Mrs. Albert E. Strode,
ot Amherst, Vn., who will remain with
her for n few days.
Captain Charles Bryant Drake, United
States Army, and Mrs. Drake havo as
their guests at the present time Mr. nnd
Mrs. Harry Landa, of Sin Antonio, Tex.,
who will remain until the end of the week.
Captain and Mrs. Drake will entertain at
dinner In their honor on Thursday oye
nlng, nfter which they will go to the
naval dance at the Yard.
Mrs. J. V. McAlplne, wlfo of Doctor Mc
Alplne, IT. S. N., will be hostess tomorrow
afternoon to the members of licr bridge
club. Her guests will Include Mrs. Clin
ton Williams. Mrs. John T. Fcnner, Mrs.
John Handy Hall. . '
Delaware County
Miss Nellu L. Wetherlll, of Chcsjer.
has Issued cards for a luncheon at her
home, 41st and Potter streets, to tricot
Miss Marjorle Blakeley on February U.
Miss Blakoley's engagement: to Mr. .Al
bert C. Hay, of New York, was recently
announced by her mother, Mrs. Wlllhtm
S. Blakeley.
Tho Ladles' Auxiliary of tho Clifton
Heights Fire Association will give a
theatre benefit tho latter part of this
Mr. Frank Clayton, of Nqrwood. Is tI.i
ltlng In Richmond, Va.
What's Doing Tonight.
"I.ur-la," Slolropolltan' Opera House. H
Chester Helical Society. Hotel Walton.
Hush Society, lecture, "The Neurotic Child,"
Professor O. M. Campbell. Unl orally of I'enn.
s)lvanln; H-ir, o'clock.
Dlacusslon, "Houalnic Problems tn Croat
Cities," Oermnntown V. M. C, A., R o'clock.
Annual dinner, alumni of General Theological
Seminary, Church House.
17'VD"DT7,CJrT' T1I,S next wkek
Peerless Musical Production
Beat Seats j 1.60 at Pop. Mat Tomorrow.
A IOa-vVii Positively Last 7 Times. Tonleht
iCKJlUIll at 8 :13. Last Pop, I .Mat Thura,
DAV&.5I,ASCO Frances Starr
SrSSS "Marie-Odile"
Tin: most niacussnD play kybk
T VTCTr1 Positively Last 7 Times.
Ll I llJ Last Pop. 1.S0 Mat.Tomorrow,
fitrj. Lively II l'ou !Vi o Uvely Time
N. Y. Winter Garden's Greatest nvuj
With tho Sams Great Cast, Including,
If you like a sirly show repleto with hauntln
melodies, extravagant spectacles and ons on
B. F. Keith's Theatre
Mclntyre & Heath
Homer n Mason (: Marguerite Keeler Josu
Heather; Dunbar's Man Ian J Slnger
rtank Orth and W. J. Oooley. Others
Chestnut Helow 11th Street
I Plavw to Capacity Crowds
and Kiocous .appiause i
Tho North American's Master War illra
"On the Firing Line With Germans"
uconipanIed by Leuure by W II Durbor.
Vh tha darlne photographer, who sesurtd
ShU SOW ft" 't ttUtln with Von Hloden
rlrvl-to Theatre auNiPHnarra
"Handicapped Girls" Bi
Novelty Minstrels " JSrt
' "mbtropohtan opera HOUSE
tonight Lucia Di Lammermoou
TooUrht t T and 0. ' Dklfiaaes
Ki)magc ot t',n
Ilea io?Jl- H?4?" J,a"S- .
WALNUT Mat- Today. 26?,
FISKE O'HARA in "Kilteim"
Americanist y?JlowTid
MlOaUtlt Rolliclicra.