-- irr-r ?ac3' - -r - it P; '- ;r i o EVENING LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, FEBRT7ABY 7, 1916. if i hi . uj. ii i g n " SsC IWWtTJff JtJPf1 IjJI j.111 jt UUi WMM ft -r-i fiai i i - gv- -ygs - piuMiiMjaijfppj. fr--' &&ir4fflm ""T rs .gSrSfssg.""!'- -" PIT " y - ,fy 7 j v 'v y a t ' r rrc JvJ& WBk 2Jm dZm-Zr -ri l. i il . - P rrtrv ifc WW KM m XT K M tir I" M IB mm m c:.Trr yimtittfl voL.nt!2i ai FINANCED PWrtS "arffi "SENT POLICE & M WjiiYe.v tyl isu V :i9i pi ffc ffiifyy ffi'it il; -i gill 11 Wmli'zs k 'xmSmmSISfci &3MMWMm I yimi ESS S5? 1F k vfeSHESss W7Ffe fc-' ' SfWiE fi ESS Will f i I r'' ' mMwti&m HHS9 V.ll'fX .. i ilY3c nWtIWWfflATi iEBJ ?JHSlftH Wraf fcH nrr(r!nHlSMflII -"Mj: S rffiXMUv' Vfl rfl rfl'hm fiWii II ' '" . i MiMn?''r --i-J "Si's"2, '.i."- SfMIiSbm saHWli I syHAiiBiHHD i ia. i vaa i ef m --i- t i t irTi r ihi n hi 'hh i mi "miiim ui nn ai ife5:iaWi&niia k a M av fsfflwS e Ssaffl CfflflaflS ESifirWw csiKKaHRBaJ : mmwy w In i W 15. ;B1HI hS I 1 i JiyiMKllHS Buildings in "S ii I 1 1 il 1 1 irilHiBiB nin's . jr .' 'j . IJ fiS J 'atlSfeSCST. "3ajVA'SSftt b- -- - J i fe InSSn If (H If Ml I -I lux j if.y C, c fp jGS a ; PUBLIC rnrtABEu-nu TtmnAT MonoTlHrrTr1 'SSSonIPOLICB PATROriBRYAN" -. i.ih.u.1. rnici: m o w-nts 1 5 Wr! WR3J Y.M A Forty Mile Zone Prosperity Centres on ness 5,00'O.WO people populate this zone. 55,000 dis- tinct businesses exist in the city alone. More than 500 banks and brokerage offices do business in Philadelphia. Great department stores dot the shopping districts. Philadelphia business is created, directed, evolved by the same quality of people who gnake Phila delphia the greatest American industrial centre. i Analysis shows that the Public Ledger-Evening Ledger are the family papers of just these quality people. The Ledgers daily carry confidence and belief in the advertiser's product straight into .the homes of 160,000 greater-than-average incomes. No advertiser who seeks his share of. Philadelphia's prosperity can afford to neglect the Public Ledger - Evening Ledger introduc tion to Philadelphia's greatest -buying-power. The combination rate is 30 cents the line. PUBLIC LEDGER EVENING LEDGER INDEPENDENCE SQUARE PHILADELPHIA PN ALLIES DEFEAT Kf tttnch I Fit (EM "VMATM T.rKJ.. Ota Avrnne bW'iict AH hi Till Vu l'.V1i i M, rwi I'JlkV. m &i 59 1-" ..- Tlreov. Yitnti t I . IM. 'M 9 -- -m r m wm VMM wl wimit NtWt f BM ywvU 3 in ""-K4 MlMMMk J3 A" . possible, these are productions of Actual PhH business -i. UJJ.1 , ' !.. r-l -. fl" as aiiaiij-iiiiiiii VCv.J):-r -wiVj tJ'J;. wvi-ro. cvmss- :v.-,jiu & adel- hH m ?':MT.4 lii - IH ' ' mTH v." . i ?..? v.T 'iinni'.' ."mi r fflffl V ' -m.-j.lr rin I lfnn fgft. !,vvTt'S. "jjupl.i I it . . -. This is one of a series of several full-page advertisements that the PUBLIC LEDlxEK is placing in leading newspapers )t Npm Ynrk mhirnan. Detroit Cleveland and Cincinnati. This advertising is one of the things that the PUBLIC LLDbtMt , v , m s domflf fo mate Philadelphia better known A ,-.,&
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers