s EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 7, lOlO- r - LASKY'S NEW FILM AN ARTISTIC TREAT "Trail of the Lonesome Pine Beautifully Handled German War Pictures at Chestnut IJy Ihc Photoplay Editor Tiir: trail or tub ixinesomh pine." n I.asKVPftmmount picture In flxe trtrts from John Fnx, Jr.'e. mix el. WrertM .by 'Veil l)r Mllle. Released Monday, Plsjlne; At fllA fttanlAa first IhM .Ui a n M ! June Tolllvfp Charlotte Walker iwir juriti Toinxrr .lohn Hale . Paxe." Jmld'a nephew . Itoh llffllon Tompkins, Tolllter'ft spy . Theodore Robert Tnomas xieiitnan illeU Le Strnnne i'htk jones Tlicro lmve been few nnvetw that hixx-e mado a more universal nrp:ml or gained -A creator popularity than .lohn Fox Jr'a "Trail of the Lonesome Pine " tt was a sympathetic handling of an attractive theme: to some of tis It wi almost loo sympathetic It lacked virility. It bor tiered on the sickly Fenttmentnllty of "flnddy I.oiik Lors" and "Pollyanna," If ono will pal don a comparison with two books which followed It. It reeked with pathos and one felt doliiBfd In a luke warm hath of "heart throbs." tt made one Bloom unil become morose. If Riven to brooding over the troubles of these, pet characters of notion. I.asky. under the nble hand of Mr. He Mllle. has now taken this lsichr.vmoso and somewhat Insipid talc. and. with ex cellent Judgment, picked the best of the whole Rlory anil put life and vliror Into Its frame. Ho wastes no time' educating the little mountain maid, but plays out tho whole story In the beautiful hills nf Virginia, It Is a consistent treatment of the story and makes It much more plaus ible. There Is no need to dwell on the plot of the story. AVc have all either read or seen It. Tt Is on the beautiful picture Itself that one should speak. The opening is In Itself a Rem A ravine, dark and Bloomy, lit Only by a wonderful sunset Blow, with a great pine standing outlined with startling clearness against the gold of the Bky. Homarknblc as the out-of-doors scenes arc In nil the Lnsky picture", it Is in Interior lighting that the genius of Do Mllle shines brightest. The scenes aiound tho flrcplnce in the old cabin give effects which remind one of the loveliest old masters. Light and shadow are used with an ever-changing Intensity which throws a contrast into every foot of 111m. Charlotte Walker Is the same wild, un kempt June of. the play. Her acting Is spontaneous, natuial nnd delightful. while tho peculiar harshness of her xolce Is not missed In the least. In "Devil" Tolllver, Theodore Itoberts, that excellent character actor, adds an other fine piece of uork to his notable Hat of creations. Hard, cruel, self-reliant mountaineer and moonshiner, Itob erts still makes him a man with a soul and one with the Inherent Instincts of fair pluy. The terrible scene when he kills Dave, shows Itoberts In his great est art. He Is thrilling. The remainder of tho cast Is excellent, but It Is not the players alone which make the picture worth while. It Is rather tho proof that by clever handling, life and t entity can be put into a btory which of Itself Is neither great nor vital. Lasky has given life to "The Trail of the Lonesome I'lne." America has had many seriis of war plctuies since the opening of tho titanic struggle In the oM world. We had the German-Austrian series of last winter, tho Public Ledger's French war pic tures, the Italian films, the new Patho "Honors of War," a marvelous (.cries, but It remained for Mr. Wllber II. Dur borough tho well-known American war correspondent. In his dim, "On the Flr- LlHaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaPffiii) tsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssVTlV PbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbIB aaaaaaW-'5 ..'flWHMB I1PSPP lltt&Bl i j7&& A V!ISYJisssssssssssssssssf I ' ftf&g It. , M HaHaBaK$rf F$ataaaW mmm0- L14 ! aged sunday school teacher Honored by frankford pupils ti t . r k i r . iurs. uveringcon uiven I Wavm Pflnnnfinn ft .Qf Mark's Episcopal Church Bible Class CHARLOTTE WALKEK At the Stanley today In "The Trail of the Lonesome Pine." Ing Line With the Hermans," showing at tho Chestnut Street Opera House, to bring nn Intimate, unbiased, not oxer sensational and absolutely neutral story of this horrible struggle before our eyes. Although the pictures nre taken entirely from the Herman side, they nre fair nnd Just, no matter how "pro-Ally" one might be. They make purely a news story of actual occurrences, ungarnlshcd and unpolished by glowing titles or patriotic remarks. A news man's story In simple words The films nre a credit to tho Americanism nf the man who took them The picture-story onens with a brief, but clever bit showing Mr. Ilurborough leav ing America In his great Klutz car, fol lows him until li" reaches tho German border, with cry short but Hnnpny scenes on the wav. The pic lures show the great Herman offensive against the Russians, when Von Hlndenburg made his famous drive on Warsaw. Intimate views of the detention camps showing the Kngllsh. French and Husslan prisoners nre screened. The men appear well treated and almost contented. Then comes the drive on Warsaw, show ing the enormous tiunntlty of guns, men and horses used Intimate views of Von Hlndenburg, the Crown Prince and two of his brothers and many other prominent men arc shown Then the pictures turn to the famous fall of Novo rieorglevsk, the great Russian stronghold. wher- Sli.OOO Russians were entrapped by Von Uaselei's army. Tho great battie Is vlxldly shown In a most thrilling series of pictures. It Is the xxonueriui ueians 01 uio. scenes xvmcii make them so remarkable They show the j men in enormous numbers charging into the face of Russian fire, falling and dying ex-en before your eyes It Is not sensa tional treatment. Hashed to get a thrill; It is xvar. Then comes the fall of the fortress, the victorious arm, and llnnlly the series ends with the ones on xthom xx-ar really falls hardest the refugees. I The most mnarkublc pait of the xvhole series of lllms Is the sense of tln artistic which has governed the making. Tho Zeppelin pictures, the cnx'nlry scene taken through a line of trees and sex oral oth ers would be u credit to a l-a-ky feature photoplay. i .Mr. Durbnrough deserves the thanks of the American people in giving us a fair I and unbiased lew fioin the Geimim side, ! Just as he xxill of the Al'leil side xvlien ho j returns after his trip to the Allied jiniles which he proposes muking noon. I 7X.. rnL n" T- .. . iu.uiv a nun ou , jrersuiiB, One 90 Years Old, Whom She Taught, Present Mrs. Thomas nx-erlngton, ICO! Lelpcr street, Fronkford. xvho was M jears old last week, nnd xvho has been a Bundnv sehool teacher ut St. .Mark's Kplscopal Church. Frankford avenue near Unity street, for the last 60 ears. xvas the guest or honor at the greatest demonstra tion ever accorded a Frankford Sunday school teacher, when pupils of her adult Ulble clnss. whom she hits tnm-hl fnr M years, gave her a reception at tho church I parisn nouse. Her oldest pupil, Mrs. Mary Charlton, . Who Is DO Vears old. nttemleil thn mmh. ' tlon. One hundred other pupils were present, and there were nlso tSO or 200 other guests, Invited by the hosts of the occasion. Mrs. Ox'crlncton was born In Frank ford nnd has lived there all her life. Sho Is a daughter of the late Or. Robert Hums, who was one of Fronkford's best known citizens, and a sister of Dr. R. Ilrucc Hums, who died at Atlantic City a few .xears ago. Her sister. Miss Helen K. Hums, who has been associated with her and assisted her In Sunday school work for many years, xvas nlso nt the reception. In behalf of the members of the Iliblo rlnss, Thomas Hucklcy presented Mrs. Oxcrlngton xvllh a handsome Hlble. Mrs. Ovcilngton xvas also glxen many bouriuots of flowers, one of thorn made of SO car- ialaHNaaBKjMKBIWW&iH PLAN MOVING PICTURES EXHIBITION IN SCHOOLS "Most Efficient Means to Re duce Trolley Accidents," Says Dr. John P. Garbor MRS. THOMAS OVEltlNGTON nations, and others of roses and orchids. !'ex John II. Hardy, rector of the church, paid Mrs. Overlngton n high tribute for her fnlthful work In the church and Hun day school, and said that Frankford had never glxen such a demonsttat nn lo mi) Sunday sehool teacher os the otio of which Mis Overlngton wnn the recipient. After the reception, tho class members xvent to the Sunday school rooms, xxhero Mrs. Oxcrlngton presented each member with one of her photographs, and Joseph it. umery matlo n brier address. Moving plcluie Instruction In the cle mcnlnry grades as a means of decreas ing the number of trolley car accidents Is being considered by Dr. Jo' n P. Oarber, superintendent of schools. Announce ment to that effect xxas made today at tho headquarters of the Hoard of Kduca tlon In the Stock Hxchange building. It Is proposed that reencs of children plnjlng In the streets bo reproduced In the class rooms before the children, so that the danger of certain strct games can bo Im pressed upon the pupils. The Rapid Transit Company Is said to be prepnied to furnish the uims u mo authority to produce them Is obtained from the olllclais of tho educational board This-plan has been tried success fully In other cities. In Philadelphia, placards and pictures Illustrating the danger of accidents have already been distributed nmomr the scholars, nnd the j number of nccldents hns thereby been consiocraoiy reuueeu. "The value of the moving picture ma chine as an Instrument or pedagogy Is now generally recognized," said Doctor (larbcr. "In nppeallng to the ec It Is often possible to accomplish more than by the mechanical recitation of a memo rized formula. "Hut If moving pictures are to be used In teaching the 'safety first' Idea, tho xvork must necessailly bo carefully super vised. W'p could not appeal to the mor bid Instincts of children. We could not, for Instance, shoxv the actual scene of nn accident, but xve could p'eturc a moving ttollev car and Indicate tho danger mat lies In playing too near tho tracks. Any xxlse plan to eliminate the dangers of sticct play would meet with my approval." DECLARE WAR ON SALOON Germnntown Pastors Urge Support of Local Option Legislators War on the saloon In Germanlown was declared last night from thico pulplta by the folloxvlng leaders In tho campaign to elect men xxho will vote for local option lh the next Legislature! The Rex. Wayne Channel!. St. Stephen's Slethodlst Lpla conal Church, Oermantown nvcntle nnd Slanheim street- mc jiev. 1.11m k-o . ley Hums, the Methodist Hpjscop.tl Church, nermanloxxn avenue nnd High street, nnd the Rev. J. Wallace, (Jrcen, the Third l!nptlt Church, Wakefield mid Wlstcr streets, who urged their cohgrega tlons to get on the llrlng line In tho anti rum fight. t "The war Is on In tlerninnlown and ex-cryxxhere against the suloon," said the Rev. Mr. Channel!. "Let It bo a xvar to the limit. It Is not enough lo stnrt a revolution against the saloon; It is not enough to refrain from signing it petition for the license of some man to sell the accursed stuff. We need a new laxv gox-- crnlng this Iniquitous business." KNIGHTS TEMPLARS GRAND BALL TOl Police Court Chronicles As a rule chickens do not snore. Neither do ibey cough. Therefore when Henry Raun, of Trenton avenue nnd York street, heard such sounds emanating from hl.i chicken house ho was somewhat startled. On account of the changeable xxeathcr Rami thought some of his chicks had the sleep. Hut a half-pint of whisky found In one of Howies' rear pockets made things look bad. Raun suspected that he (the visitor) was using the chicken house to get the eggs for his fancy drinks. Policeman lllgham, xvho happened along, wan of the same opinion and Hill was taken before Magistrate IJeltz at the Trenton avenue and Dauphin street sta tion. The pilsoncr xvas full of feathcis in addition to other things and his ex planation was somexvliat tangled. "I like all kinds of chlrkcnn," ho said, "an' I xvas out with a dllTcicnt kind of a chicken' Inst night She left me after 1 tteatcd her, nnd I think she accidentally took nix roll. I had to rest somewhere, and so In wandering nrutinil I drifted Into the lieadiiuaiteis of the other chickens. I That's the plain truth." "It sounds pretty straight," 'aid the . Magistrate: "but as xour rest was ills- He pondered a while j t,,"'bPl1' ' "'.'" ,',el ?'" -;o1tl1,", ". !or ,,v" 1 nld m run 111 Mia I m 1 n t T1..I. .... as he fondled a shotgun. He xx-as undo- , ' elded (L grip or (lie nsthnia. 50th Street Theatre MortKaRed The building containing a moving pic ture theatre, stores and apaitments re cently built by Cornelius W Van Ails dalen at the northeast corner nf BOlli and Pine streets has been mortgaged to John Cadwalader for 10,0C0. as to what to do xvhen the snores broke nut afresh They xxcre rather xolumi nous for a chicken. With the gun icady for nctlon. Raun op"iieil the kitchen door cautiously and tiptoed to the chicken house. Amongst the chickens he saw something with txx-o less, white hair and a red nose. Further I Investigation pi overt It to be a man. ' Whin ho xx-ns dragged Into the limelight of I!. urn's lantern the stranger said he I xx-ns Rill Howies. He denied that he In- j xaded the chicken house to steal chickens ' and declared he didn't knoxv he xvas In such a place until he heard them cackle. Three eggs xx-ere found In RIU'3 coat pocket, lie said they xvcre scooped up accidentally no doubt as he tossed In his I)K. DIXON TO ADDRESS .MONDAY CONFERENCE State Health Commission May Make Public Typhoid Report Dr. Samuel O. Dixon, State Commis sioner of Health, probably will deliver a report of recent Investigations tracing a typhoid fever epidemic to a curb market In Philadelphia, at the .Monday Confer ence, which will be held nt It o'clock this afternoon In' the Curtis Hiilldlng. The subject for discussion today xvlll bo "Waste and Economy in Distribution of I'ood Supply." Miss Alice Lnke.x. executive, secretary of the American Pure Pood League and 11 member of the Advhory Council of the Now York Department of 'Health, will dellxer an addiess on the responsibility of the consumer. Problems concerning the food supply xvlll bo discussed by C. H, LaWall nnd Mrs. Kdwln C. Grlce. County Commissioner Ocorge P. Holmes xvlll speak on "The Statu Work of Super xlslon of Weights and Measures." A session of the conference xvll be held every Monday In the Curtis Rulldlng until I next April. The object or tno conrerenrc Man Who Saved Family From Indians Is for the open discussion of public uues 58 Years Ago Inherits Farm ,lons- HERO REWARDED IN OLD AGE Theatrical Baedeker a.nttif;K-"Ttn IW'.!' with nnx coj a rnrre bv Hillshiirv I leU and Mantnret Mnyo, xhlrh ilenls with the romle, Hdxentiires of people who inlslnke other people's ap-irlmcnts for their oh 11. AIlin.I'RI -- '.Mirle-Odlle." with Frances Ktsrr. An sdmlrnblo llclnco proiliiPllon flrinotiKlrntlnB how sweet ore the uses of ntroeltx-. IOltm:ST-"Arouml the Map," with Rliile Al.ler nn. William Nerrls Hood music, bet ter netine iml slnslnu. I rban s seencry best of all. rtllOAD- "rnllvnnna " xxlth Patricia Coll I nee, r.ffle Slnnnnn nnd Herbert Keleev. The Blid girl" nt the "Rlml Imoks" pluxlng tho "rlatl (tame" ullh fentlmental thoroushness. I,YUIC-"PasslnR Show of WW," with Oeprgo Monrne and Msrllynn Miller. A tt Inter Har den show of tho usual txpo. with girl, run-xvax-, music and eoslumes In larKO quantities, phis some excellent burlesque on current phows. WAI.NTT-"KIIIennv." with I'lsko O'llnrn. a plav bv AURUStus riinu. rnrimnuu piury of loxe and mlxenturp In Ireland. PHOTOPLAYS. CHRST.STT KTIinnT OPERA I10HSn-"On the Tiring Line XVIth the Germans." the North American's war pictures showing scenes during the Ocrman offensive acalnst the Russians. STAJCL12Y Mondav. Tuesilnv and tt'ednefdav, 'The Trail nf tho Lonesome Pine." with Clnrlotle tt'nlker. Thursday. Prld.-iy nnti K.uurtlay, ".Nearly n Kin?," xvlth John liar rymore. ARCADIA Mondav, Tuejday and tt'eilnesday, "Acquitted," with tt'llfrrd t.ucas, an,l "I.ox e tt'llt Conquer," 11 Kejstone comedy. Thurs day Prlday and anturdav "D'Artjnan," with Orrln Johnson, nnd "Ills Hereafter," a KeyBtono comedy. PALACD-All week. "The Spider," with Paul ino Frederick, a Famous Plajcr film on Para mount program. Mlsa Frederick Is scon In a dual role ,,. STOCK, AMERICAN "The Yellow Ticket" The Ar xlne players la 11 thrilling melodrami of Itus- KNICKRRIIOCKRn "The Trnll of the Lone some I'lne." Tho Knickerbocker players In John Fox. Jr.'s popular play. VAFDRVII.l.K. KKITH'S Melntyre and Heath. Homer n. Ma eon and MarRuerlle Keeler. In '.Married", Itnlph Hunb.ir's Marylinil Jnjle lleather, l" If rev Hnll nnd llrown. Orth and I)oole. "Skeet" OallaKher nnd Irene Martin. tiRANIJ "In the Orchard " Marshall Mont gomery. Ixjnex Haskell, Walton llrothrrs and tJcer. W'c"t and Van Skhlcn, l.e.indcr, OLOIIK "Tho Ilandlc.-ipned dills" J. C. Mack Trio. In "On the Side Htrec": La I'mnie anil Rowland, Paul and Rdlth Aar ren. Rugcnlc I..i Illam, HcddliiKton and (Irnnt. the nollKherts nnd Francis J.enz., In "The Second-story Man," and the Ureat I,lcharUa- ntntLKsoFi: Dl'MONTN Duniont s Minstrels in burlesque of matters of current Interest. 2000 Members of UntS mandery and Guests A lv-"u "ui iiifair' Pully 2000 guests nre evn.,.t... Iho ISth.ahnunl tnurnnt M xvltlch will be held by Mary Com No. .10. Knights Templar. ton,S tlctllluml Hall The affair tt0 eellpsa all former efforts In t,t surprises and decorations Tho jrranil march with an ,1 Knights In full dress uniform 1,., as one of the spectacular ultSjS the ombleniB of Templarlsrn win kS In the plcturcsciuo procession - band and orchestra xvlll furnish V' A11 exhibition drill also xx-m !$' by the drill corps of ll,0 cem', The march will he led D!! Commander of Mary Comm.Vil, M nrcen, who will T to& Mmlncnt Sir nnd Mrs. yv tW! drick, commander of m V,ion SA Pennsylvania, the nmcers of ikT Commandery nf l'cunsylvanla .Ji1 especially Invited guests M. Sex-eral largo de.lecatlnn. .. J from Washington, IUItlmore, v. and other cities will nttend r: ntnto nnu city oHleia s, includh. and Mrs. Thorna, 11 SmUh present. FIXE CONCERT l'ltOflRAM . ARRANGED FOR TOSK Works of Masters to Be Htui Young Hebrew Association Roa ArranRcmcnts have been comsl.ta the concert which xvlll be Kvcn hui bulldlnpr of the Tounir Men's 11, socintlon, 1610 Master street, at 1', The piosrnm Includes "Toeuhl x'uruo, u minor," of DuclTix Rrahms' "Rhapsody in amlnor''fK "Nocturne, Opus. .12, No, i" jMT "vcnczi.T, e rvnpoll Tnrantclla" iu be rendered by I.uclcn Phlllln. 5 del c, race, Mlo Dlo" and -l.; Dcstlno," of Verdi. .u.l "Pnetn. X'n1 Snntr" k.. fl n A" rnlnrnfiii.fi ennmnn .....1 ... T ' wu.u.uu.u. .,..,,. u.,u, UI1U wienie dclssohn's "Andante and AlleirroK from Concerto, K minor," bv Ram, nlkoff, violinist 7 """ Accompaniments xvlll be plajedbr Catharine Moncs and Jacob rone' The Music Committee of the amori tunlllilnn flllntnii Tl.-.. " iK.iiiuc.1 ui'iuii miner, cnairmu. watd A. Urylaw'skl, Jacob Riuer.1 utu1111.-1iLi1.11, iiiruu uytniner, Eitv Plelsher, Willard (loldsmlth. Sampj toucliliclm, Stuart !'. Iwchhelm, CS. 1. jiusciiuu, Liviutv itoscnncimer ii A. Bchxvartz, t)v. Robert A. SchS' ur. ncnry m. wise Ha'pennies Scarce in EngluJ i.u.mju., i-cd, 1 Knsland la mJ a famine of half pennies onlnnl enormously Increased demand tntM KtlKOMO. Ind., Feb. T.-nftv-clKht cnrs apo John Hoyer, then 17, rescued a ' family 01' octtlets In the Southxvest who ! xx-ore hard inesfed by Indla'ns. Vi'sterday, Ho.xer, noxv 73, xvas a poor I man sliuesllnc to support his family. Today Hoyer Is xxorth thousands of dol iiis and has a blp farm near Indcpcn- 1 dence. Knn. II xx-as left him by the chll- I tlrcn ol John W. West full, thn settler In tho Southwest whom Hoyer saxed from ' the Indians. ! 0 K5 PROMINENT OTOPLAY PRESCNTATIO NSg EVENING LEDGER PHOTOPLAY CALENDAR y$5nfif nowno, Grrmama LEKV JIONU.W 8UIJJKCT TO CHANGE MONDAY ALHAMRRA j'WnJ. inni r i Muriel Ortrlche. Ill AL UliliVF a Circus Romance TnPlllIt Wilfred I.ucas. In AKtAUlA Acnultled 111.11 1 1 frkVrn Jtarv PicK'ord. In UtiljJlUA I Mndame lluttcrfty BLUEB1HP ZZ3-- BROAU'ST. CASINO Tlw YJffiiir'Wh nnn in William Farnuin. In CjijUrlll . Tho Slsn of the Cross CENTDllY . h,rlTeTKern.," CnESfTsfTOP. HODSE Tj,'rin;,rtw''pie EUREKA A'":TrLsVorreFoiry FA1RM0UNT ""fh J'r'lu TfKSnAT Marnuerlte Clark, In MUc and Men SlarKurrlie Clark. In Prince and the Pauper Wllfrcl I lira!. Ill Ai quitted Mnrj E'lek'nrd, In luu.ime IluitcrMv Muclyn Arbucklo, In The Reform CiiitllUd e WEDNKHIIAT llriant XX-aliburn. In Pieces of the Came Charlotte Oreennood, Jane Maraue-lte ClnrK. In Ml.p nuil Men Olj-a Prtioxii. In XVlut WIH I'runle Say! Wll'red l.uens. In Aecilillleil Idn S.-luull. In Fncllne Muriel Ouirlrhe. In A Clr.-'ua Itomance M.iuri Cust-llo: Tried for Ills- Own Murder Itehert Vrl k. In l-'rultu of I)tlic The North Atnrricnn's tli-rinuu War IMetur Iliiu Peters. In Tho Winced idol Marituerlte I'lark. In Prime uml the Pauper FRANKFORD 52D ST. GARDEN OERMANTOWN filRARD ULQBE URAND GREAT NORTHERN IMPERIAL IRIS JEFFERSON JIMB0 LAFAYETTE LEADER LIBERTY LOCUST LOGAN AUDITORIUM MARKET STREET ORIENT ORl'IIEUM OVERBR0OK PALACE PAIiK PLAZA PRINCESS UEUENT lflHT0" RUBY" SAVOY SHERWOOJ) STANLEY StrUAND tfSaUEiANN WOfiA" VfiWaA Plrkfnnl. In llehlni the .Sienes Mary XX'IIInn I-ucUave. In The Man of Shame CI.1111 Klmhnll YounR. Trilby In (iernldlno Farrir, 111 Temptation LIHUn (Rrh. In The l.lly and the Hose Clara Kimball Younit. Camilla ViLtor Moore, In Chlm mle F.idili-n Out West Julia Vctn. In JudRe Not Hnuaq Peters. In The Ureat Divide Ito'ieit II. 'lan'ell. In Ullndutrs of Ucvutlon Tho North Aiiifrbans tiennun Wur pliluris Tlieda Pari, Cnrmcu In Ida Sclinnll, In Fintlne c'am llernard. In liecausc He Ixixed Her Horothy Olah. In Jonlin la a Hard Road Clarn Kimball Younr. In Camilla I)e Wolf Hopper. In Urn Quixote IVirethv nieh. In Jordan I a Hard Road Kdrrund llreese, In The I.ure of Heart's Desire Sttl FH-inlln In A .Submarine Pirate Jut Human Jumbo Weekly. No. S Mary Miles Mlnter. In Ilmemtry Pauline Krderlrk. In I.)i!U mimore Mnllv Melntvre. In Her Great Hour F'sr" Wslteeir. In The n 'Inni I'usulon Lionel narryreore. in The Velio streak XVIIIIam Courtenay. In The Itland tit Surprise Pauline Frederick. In Trl"l: Mrl Doro, In The Wood Nyirph XVIIIsrrl Mark, In Aloha Oc Paulln Frirlek. In The Hplder Charlotte 'Iretnwood. Jan H'a Own Tnn featuring lien WlUon The Hert-breakera IncomnU to t.,mhirrVoJinjf.-ia The Yello-v I'aupart Alice Uradv. wHolbrook Blinn. In The pallet Old vxi Urj) Mk. in The Conqueror bt Ida Sthr,ll. FnJlne' Marnierlte Clark. In Tb Cruelble (leralillne Farrur. In Temptation Marie Dmpress. In wio'i Croaroadu Theodore Rohcrta. In Mr. Grex of Monta Carlo iraft I. No. S) (iladys Hanaon. In The Prlnir e Path William Fox The Frnirth rrepenta Fitate Fmnda X. n'nhman. In Man and HI Soul TiiimsnAY ntuiAY Cleo RlilKlev nnd Wallace Held: The Hidden Cluiue Henr lnlker. In he XX'arnlnK Orrln Johnson in IVArtaitnan Duslln Farnuni. In Tlie Gentleman I'roui Indl ilia SATtini)AY TIIR folloxvlne tbealrei. nbtoln their pieliirea liirouch Hie STANF.KV llnnklnE' Coniiiuny, wlileli Is a ciinrnntee of rarlj hhowincn of tlio nnrt nrodudlons. All iilctuies rcvleivid before exblbltlon. Ak for the theotro In your locality obtalnluc picture, tlirouch tho 8TAKLKV llonltlnc Company. CUNTKAI. Chestnut St. Op. HouserJ THi: NOIITII AMERICAN'S GERMAN WAR PICTUREf Ornie KlINtnn. In Itlack Fear I.'ilnln Stexens In 1 he Man Iiinlde XI me Peirox-a, In What Will I'eoplo Fay Marie Fmpresa. In laixe'b Crod.roai! Clio rtldslev and Wallace Held: The (iolden Cluiue Dilftln Farnuni. In The Gentleman From Indiana Orrln .Inhmnn, In IVArtiicnan Fannie XX'ard, In The Cheat Hi leu Ware, In Setret l.oxe Herbi-it Fi tier. In The Cltv of FiillbiL' I.lKht 1 Thisidnre lifiheria. In ) Mr Grex of Monte Carlo Dorothy Donnelly, Madamo X neld: Jhe flolrteii Chan ITUATDDA 12'h- Mnrrloft raByunk Axe. ALHAlUuKA Mat Dally alii; e . T i 0. """"'"" vaudeville t I'aramTt Pictures. 11 naiiiu -,. 1 nohen -nnhiTu7 marguerite vam I-lulls of Dcilrc , 'MICK AND MEN" II inrDTV BHOAD AND 'LlDLK 1 I COLUMBIA ! I:C3UITAIII.I: FF.ATUP.U MVini.l.YIVInlNTYRF m HCil GIIFAT 1IOFP." ciriln Jolm.sin. In D Arljiiinan Fannin W'nrdTliT" the Cheat Mary Plikford, In" Helilnd the Hienea ARCADIA m:i.ov igth - TitiA.vai.i: vij.ivh WIl.FltFI) LUCAS In ACQUlTTIiD' ITIlVl MACi: In -I.OVF. WILL COMlFF.rt" 02D AND THOMPSON 31ATl.Ni;i; LIA1L.I The Nortli Aini-rleann German Xar I'lfturea Dorothy Olah. In Jordan fa 11 Hard ftnul Theodore llohrrtB. in Mr. Orex nf Monte Carlo Klsie Janls. In Tho Caprleea uf Kitty Frank Keenan. In The Man Inside Mary Nasb. In The Fnbrnken Itoud Francis X. IluMimnn. In Man and Ilia Saul Tllinche Sweet. In The XX'nrrena of Irfttnia Alice Ilrady. Helbroolc Illlnn. in The lkillel Girl De Wolf Hopper. In Don Quixote TtieiU Han. in The Galley lilixe Wlllliim S. Hart, lletueen Men Illanelie Sweet. In Ihe Seiret Orchard . 8yd Chaplin. In A submarine Pirate The Mm Iiulde Vlxanla Tyrono Pner. la Thou Hlialt Not Covet Ttu'h Illalr. In The Fourth Katate Orrin Johnson. In The Price of Power Valll Valll. In The Turmoil The Ph iMnm Island Tho Hilla of Glory Pauline Frederick. In Y.ai.x Iela Ilirrbcale. In The Grtcn Suump Pauline Frederick. In I.J dla (illmoro Dorothy Donnelly, In Madame X Clara XX'hltney, In The ItulinK Pasalon Orrln Johnson, In The Penitents, Amies Oil tine. In The Love Trail ,., S. Hankln Drew. In Who Killed Joe Marlon? Triangle E?'1 .Marie Doro. In The Wood Nymph Harry Carey, In A KnUht of the nance Anltx Stewart. In My Lady'a Slipper Warren Kerrigan, laindon's I.ejcac In Orrln Jnhnron. la Tho l'rlo of Power xlllsm Courtenay. In The Island of Surprise Mr.ll Mvlntxre. In I ler Ureal Hour Anra (Ilynne. In The lane Trail Clara Kimball Younir. In The ellow Pavaport . Dorothv Oish. In Jordan Is a Hard Itoad Pauline Frederick. The Spider In Dorothy Donnelly, In Madame X Muriel Ouirlrhe. in A Circus Itomance Ths Pine Cunlmated Noox, No. 3 Cl"m KlrnbaU YoTmrTin Tha allow Passport Mabel Trumielle, la Tb Magic jikm Jne Urey. In Let Kuty Do It Harold IaKktvnod. In 1-lllu of the Sulu Seas House Peters. In The Great Dlxtde J'auIIre l-VederleW. The Solder In Maria Kmpress, In lane's Crossrosids Kdwln btexens, In The Man Inild The Prlm'tlv Strain The Guardian An eels Marituerlte Snow, in the I'petait Lillian Walker. In Green blockings Mary Pickford. in The Foundling Nance O'Neill. In SouU In HondaK The Mummy and the Hummingbird Chsrlntte Walker- Trail ! fh-rlotta Walker ur me raine'ome int UV nrmnit In The n'iruit tMf srlt J'in.hsa-. la TVr Crssott iIeB ArhufHe. lu Ujrl Himkcalt. 14 TB4 Urteu awamix Trail I r-h.rln-le Wfilk.r- ... - rrr . --;-:.--'. "-T-:--- VI LB A4UUTWIUI IllS Trail of tho Lonesome Plat Flcrrni Laadle, In ' Tfc Price of Her silence Robert WsrwUk. in yirultl of Oaslrt Marituerlte Snow, Paul Gllmore. In itosemary Charlotte (Ireenwoad. In Jane Theda llara. In The liallex- Slaxe Tyrone Power, In Thou Shall Not Coxet Muriel Ostrlche. In A Circus Itomance Victor Jlnore. in Chlm m'.e F.idden Out West He'en Ware. In Secret lane The Seiret Xeent A September Mourning Molly Mclntyrp, In Her Great Hour The North Aniirlcan' Germnn Wur Pitturia The Greater Will frnturinie Cril Maude Valll Valll. In Her Debt nf Honor Dustln Farnum, In The Gentleman From Indiana Henrietta Crosman. In The Supreme Test House Petera In The Wlnited Idol Mary I'lckford, In The Foundling Thutlow IlerKen, In Tho City Grace Blllston. I Hack Fear The lied Circle Hesaia narrlscale. lu Honor's Altar Norma Talrnadge In The -MUtlng Links Clarn Kimball Younir. In The 4 ellow Passport Jane Orey. In Let Katj Do It G ra ft INo, 0) Marta of the Jungle .. Vnlll Valll. In Her Debt of Honor AII10 nrarty. Hnlbronk Illlnn. In The Hallet Girl Orrln Johnson. In The Price of Power Mire Prady. Hnlhrnok Illlnn, In The llallet uirl Malcolm nm . Willi O nn. In Marx- I'l ' 'mil. w A lllrl i' YstenUy llonn- 1',-lfrs. In The Great Divide Filna Goodrich In Armstrong's Wife Po,ulln Fri!erlck, In The Spider Power featuring Arthur Maude Pearl White In The King's Game The Girl and the Game The Telegraphic Tangle MarcuerP Snow, In The Upstart Arthur Iloips In The Final Curtain Mry Pickfwd. in The Foundling Morris Foster, In The Spirit of the Game Lionel Iiarrymore, In Tbe Yellow Streak . 1 1 John Barrymftre. In Nearly a King Tfoi Itetupi Cnd'l4ata Ousts slejrruuata. la Tb Ora Bwsajo John laireme and Nell j tia iu . u 4Jvaqer Kstherlae KseLred. In Tbfl VVlnnea Ijol Igrguerlta Scow, itosamary la Clara. Kimball Young la The YtUow Puscoit Margarita Fb-cher In Lonesome Hearts Wffl Andtrsan. In 1 on tba Floss Cleo RUglcr, In Tbp Cborus Lady CUra Kimball Younr. In Tba Ytllow Fajsuiit Alice Hraily. Holbrcuk Illlnn. In The llallet Girl Valeska Suratt. In Tha Immigrant Louis Vnle. in .l.ifc Chase fho Virginian, Tlieda llara in The Galley Slue Tho North American's luTinan XVnr Pb tnr-a llryant XVashhurn. in The Altler Case Walthall- Thp strnnge Case of Mary Page Henry Worslrurf. In The IleekoninB Flame Jho House of n Thousand Candles ".".""..P, Wlthall. In The Misleading lady .Mary Plrkfnrd. Iri The Foundling Hvil Chanlln In A Submarine Pirate -rhl1"inni Courtney, lii" The Island of Surprise Julia nean. in The Ransom Itcsjlo Ilarrlaenle. In Honor's Altar N-?hmtTa,,mi",lre- In The Jllssine Links n-?KBJ.narrl"c'le- In Th9 Green SwamD Itnhert Warn Ick, In rrulta of Desire APOLLO MURIEL OSTRICHE in "A ClltCUS UOMANCH" BLUEBIRD "00 am ,moAD ST PAItAMOFNT Fresenta FANN1K WAHDFSsynllAYAKAWA in Logan Auditorium Br,?oikundaAv.. MimiO PICTl III: COUP. Presentn LIONFL IlAKIlYMOlti: and IHHNt: HOWI.UY In "Till-: YF.LLOW STltKAK" LOCUST is"-",1. ind 1XCUST HO and S-.10. toe 1:11m 11 -nn. n. n ::u ir,i CLAItA XVIIITNKY and WJI li. S1IAV In -Till: IIULING FAhSION." Win FoProduct'n nr-x nyfsiM'T b-d ahovk markkt BELMOlN 1 Mata, 1:30 t :i::in. lrtc na Tt' 1.C...1 In "Madame Ilutlcrlly" Mary ricKrord paramount picture. BOTH AND r"I7riAR VAliAUOUKT ciJdaii avf. Ct.LAK thhatiib PARAMOUNT Production laMl tT ... In "THH SIGN OF William rarnum Tni: choss- FAIRMOjUNT 50TH $j$&nD AVK. nLl'KUlllD PHOTOPLAYS Present Mme. Sarah Bernhardt '" "$g$XK FRANKFORD r,,ANYvi!kS MARY PICKFORD in nUHlND thi: SCHNUS" 52dSt. s, Mat.5c,Evg.l0c WILTON LACKAYE in A MAN OF SIIAMi:" Market St. Theatre S33 masVt:t Vitngrnph Pictures Piesent WM CUFIITUNAV lu "Till: ISLAND OF HFHPItlHi:" SHi: "GltAFT" KVHRY WHDNFSDAY ORPHFI IM GUKMANTOWfJ AND unrnCiUivi chf.i.ti:n whs. JIARli: DOItO In "Till: WOOD NYMPH" HHNRY II. WALTHALL nnd UDNA MAYO In "THi: STltANGi: CASH OF MARY I'AGF" ORIPIMT 0-D nd WOODLAND AVB. V-lMs-ilsi X Dally.Mat 2 Hvir . 0:30to 11 PARAMOUNT PICTURi: Pauline Frederick in "ZAZA" 1VKST I'IIILAI)i:i,I'HH fiPAMrs 02D and SIARKBT 911 v"uw MAT DAILY. S F l CLARA KIMBALL YOUNGI "CAMILLE" OVERBROOK MD tni jJ P?U"'n tuiangi.i: mu 1 AMLLARD MACK In "AIslHArl V.' HITCIICOCIC In thi: vili.au 1: scandal" VIrtIiViZ.l AT gyl CLARA KIMBALL YOUNGS WILTON LACKAYE in "TrM RIIBPk" A otii and .,7i.,.ri.. M.XP.KET mtm li.iun.M'ji hui; RIBnONFEAn "A PRICi: FOR FOLLY" - Featurllng - JiiJiTtl STOIiny and ANTONIO inSI IIVJPPDIAI Tl cou ..t uiurwa iiicuuc walm: TlilAXUI.n V..DS DOROTHY flLSH In "JORDAN IS i I ,,&A.??,s,,Ki5..Ani,cKij: vm .,.,. i"mj 4V11 1 PAI APP 12H MARKHT STRHBT I rtLirtXLa l0 a. p( to UiIB P. M Pauline Frederick in "The Spider" PARA it O F N T PARK" moan avf. & dauphin st. v ContlnuoiiH show from !i 3U-0i30.ll. PARAMOUNT PICTURC CHARLOrrK GItFK.NWOOD nnd SYDNHY GRANT In "JA.VI: ' Hlih Filers Tbe Secret Wires Orrln Johnson in The Price of Power Vulll Valll. In The Turmoil Ileasle llarrlsrale. In The Green Swamp Helen Ware. In Cross Currents Robert Warwick, In Fruits of Desire Mme. Petroxa. In My Madonna Triangle: Willard Mack. in The Conqueror Trail of tha WIM Wolf Uncle Sam at Work Pauline Frederick. The Spider Lou Tellegen. In The Unknown Ilarold Lockwoivl. In The Husiard's Shadow A Modern Paul Tha Cold Fest Getaway Ralph Kellard. In The Ifeclous Packet Alice Rrady. In Tbe Woman In -IT Constance Collier. In Tbe Tongue of Men Special Surprise Day Holbrook Illlnn. in Tbe Ivory Snuff Box John llarrymore. In Nearly a Klug Antonio Moreno. In The Gipsy Passion Dorothy Glsh. In Jordan la a Hard Road Valeska Suratt. in Tho Immigrant Marguerite y- ' Tb UoMart J"1" Suratt. In The Immigrant C'-nSl,k Tnorn- ' The Smugglers """"-."rrlscnl n Tho Oreen Swamp -''''redlth. In The Precious Packet mack Fear Almly, In The Woman In -IT Tr'lS,"'r1,.UAII1"1 "ck. n Tha Conqueror ',',uc-".1aaore-Jn 'blm He Fadden Out West Pauline Frederick. In The Bplder Sarah Ilenih.ir.lt. In Jeanne Pore A Farlnlan Romance Muriel Ostrlche. la A Circus Itomance H'Ph Kellard. In The Preclouu lackel Ileglna Radet, In No Greater Love Valll Valll. In , Her Debt of Honor GERMANTOWN """gftx. PARAMOUNT Pkture - GKRALDINH FAR. RAH In "TEMPTATION " Added Attraction THK STRANGB CASH OF MARY PAGU" r.uTH .1. MAMKBT 2 Hl-T-0 sl.-iOOII KIMIIAI.L ORGAN CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG in CAMILI.F." GLOBE PIRARH AVENUE THEATRE IjlKAIVU 7TII AND C1IRARD AVE TRfA.VOLH VI,AYS-LILLIAN OISH In "THE LILY AND THE ROSE" KeMUone Comedy till IIOIIHKRY" "THE GREAT VACU1 nvnf lMnrf rtPrn InAD ST . ERIE & Ureal WorthernB oermantn aves De Wolf Hopper '"qTote- IRIS THEATRE 3U0 cnnunboton EDMUND BREESE in "THE LURE OF HEARTS DESIRE" Francis X. nushman. Man and I1U Soul In f'auline Frederick. Bella Donna John Barrymore. a King Nearly a In Robert II. Munlell. In The Unfaithful Wife Holbrook Blinn tba nallet QUI 111 Yaleska Suratt. In Tba Immigrant Harsruertia Soows in tt l7n.la. JEFFERSON 20T" 8?,DEASUP,"N TKM.VOJ.H PLAY3 . SID CHAPLIN In "A SUUMARINE PIRATE" TWO DAYS ONLY LAFAYETTE 20U KENBmESUB Marguerite Snow (Ro8'enmary I FAHFR FORTY.FinsT and lXwi-llil LANOABTER AVENUB I'AHAMOUNT PICTURE Pauline Frederick ,a "wS&,0rb- PRINCESS "'SrSAgSf" "THE HEARTHREAKERS" "INSOMNIA" Seo "The Girl and the Game" ex-cry Thursday. RIAI TO GERMANTOWN AVE. ' 1Mrtljiu AT TULPEHOCKEN- ST Alice Brady and Holbrook Blinn In "THE I1ALLET GIRL" RFflFNT ,6M MARKET STREET IVC'VjE'1 IIU31A.Y VOICE OliOAX CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG in "THE YELLOW PASSPORT" RI I P. Y MARKET STREET w - DULOW 7TH STREET , , Tr, truxolb I'WTunna ,i,lfcKT w.'.r:';AJlIi,,?,SK. in 'the coNcjiTi:noR" MARK SWAIN In "THE MOVIE STAR" NORTH DJ Ci 1 ; nitoiDk uiuuu oircei asino nil -xiATINEE 2;,10 i:ENINa.Iuf VIOLA DANA and EDXVVRD EAKIi "The Innocence of Ruth" Qvm CENTURY E"MAEEi "THE STRIFE ETERNAll 5 Acts SOUTH nnnxn and poMOI w-rm si PLAZA "KtU C1KULC" 1 "HIS OWN TRAP" -Featurlnr DEN W! nml DOROTHY I'HIl.l.ira MIIITIIUKST 1 SHERWOOD "S&ASSm- DANIEL FROHMA.N Presents MtWH Marguerite Clark'" "rttV0Jaw. SAVO-Y ,218t1i!ee?et Ida Schnall in "Undine" TIOGA "TH VENANGO STS" . 1 Pp amount ricTtmn Macklyn Arbuclcle 'n 'the reform CANDIDATE" VI CT O R I A UARKKT 8T. TrionnU Ptas Pressnt HE8SlFnAnnIsATS In 'THE OREEN SWAMP "See 'T-h.l.r.ilP Casa of Mary Page'- ax.ry W& Tfo hu",'? STANLEY uin1Ef.An.01v,B,,ST" ww1."".' """""mb vyaiKer in "THE TRAIL OK THE LONESOME PINE" 1H15 A M to (l.ia J. M. Susquehanna TIiuBavmt MARGARITA FISCHER "THE DRAGON" 5 PA 4 NORTHEAST 12TH AND OIBABP tf 5IAHU aieULIiatui nf "THE DEVIL'S PIT" or "TIIEMI" OF ROOM NO 13' -Jt-Part i"a - art ml C T O s. STRAND KENSINGTON i .... iun .J ritun-t- o-;'-.vi! ruw nun. ivn TIIR GAME" CUeS "Jimt Human' The Jumbo We's'mii "The Child of Circumstance" JUMBO sjuww; .1 nntv Weeldy Program Appear Every Monday b Motion Picture Chart I I I ' METRO PICTURES EXHIDITEP IN ONLT ONE THEATRE IN EACH LOCALITY DISTINCTIVE CREATIONS Aik for Metro Picture i ah Absolute aunraatee st quality mt PATHE GOLD ROOSTER! ftKr ECT PLAYS LOIS MEREDITH "The Precious Packet" Py FRED JACKSON PATHE EXCllAN.t) iv U3S ,SB fiT 56thSt,IH uu",ull t.l'IU'KAdulI'v?i, nnao Thio sir.. Fw. uijliio j.tisk7 -j rf.siea llli the Ills raJraiounfi, GERALDINE FARRM in "TKMl'i'AliW' vi.. ...... rf.i...iniiii in rr11.14.1a.Maj7 iii"i" r.nir I All pictures secured thru btaaKM 1 UJ.N .UNMl iN Till M TJvN JbTV1