Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, February 07, 1916, Night Extra, Page 6, Image 6
G .EVENING LEDGER-pniLADELPIIIA, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 19l6v f EXICO CHIEFS MEET 10 PLAN PROGRAM OF REFORMS AND PEACE stable Company of Men Dis cuss Work of Reconstruc tion With "First Chief" at Queretaro tLL PUT DOWN REBELS i ''UEtlETAUO, Mox Fob. 7 Develop its of fnr-re.iclilnp linportanco In tlio do ictton of Mexico were forecast today the. gathering In Queretaro of the, lend Constitutionalist civil and military flg , ' ho roster of personalities that ns ' ihled around the "first Chief" In- ' led General Alvaro ObreRon, Lulu irern, Minister of Finance; Alberto 'il. President of the National Itnllways 1 Director General of the Constltu- lallst Hallways; Governor Luis Cnbel o, of t lie State of Tnmaullpns; Gov i or Candldo Agullar of the State of ' .'a Crtuj Qovcrnpr Ucnjamln Hill; Gen- r tl Cesarlo Castro; Jesus Actum, Mite . tr of Jobernaclon nnd acting Foreign ulster! Igtmclo Itonlllas, Minister of t 'inmtinlcntlon, nnd Taster lioualx, Mire I er of Fomcnto (Interior). he conferees nmko up the greatest coi tion of powers thnt have been gotten ' jCthcr at one tlmo since tho early days Uie rcvohitlon. M Is behoved that most of these men v It accompany General Vcuustiauo Car- t nia to Guadatjani next week, when tho l ig-lmpendlng plans for the rcconstruc- iii of Mexico will be taken up. uencrai uarranza Is expected to call for . ii Immediate- movement toward the re- ilcltrant Zapatistas and Oaxacnnlans. heso campaigns which arc expected to lirlng about the complete subjugation of bclllous States, probably will last only few months. More than G0.000 soldiers will he thrown nto these campaigns. Ut this number bout 40,000 will lie used In the State-) I Morelos nnd Guerrcrro. Many of them III be hardened Ynqut veterans who hnvo i-'en fighting In the north. General Obregon will not command the tpcdltlon unless tho exigencies of the impalgn mako it necessary for him to o so, f 9k Sj& jt!r J? j W&M&m k MM 4 LANDING OF "ENEMY," "SINKING" OF VESSELS START "WAR" IN NAVY Admiral Knight Asserts Fletch er Broke Strategy Rule in the Atlantic Coast Maneuvers NEWLANDS WILL PUSH RAILROAD PROBE BILL NOT SO, SAYS THE CHIEF Wilson Foes Charge Ruse for Delay Until After No vember Elections VILLA AGAIN VOWS TO KILL AMERICANS KIj PASO, Tex., Feb. 7. Francisco Villa has declared war to tho death against all Americans in Mexico. He has vowed to kill all citizens of the United States who fall Into his hands. This threat -was made by the rebel leader to a group of Mexican miners at Plelages, Chihuahua, last week: "I will j;Ill every American I lay my hands on." News of Villa's decision of hostility was taken to Chihuahua City on Friday by Mexicans, who walked 40 miles to warn the American colony In that town, and was brought here early today by pasven gers on the first train from the interior of Mexico that has reached the botdcr In eight days. These, passengers also brought a report that has reached Chihuahua City that German' agents are backing Villa in his warfaro against the Carranna Govern ment They said that all tho scattered Villa bands in Chihuahua State have been Instructed to "let the Germans alone, be cause they are friends." The Pillages mine, which lies 21 miles west of' tho point where the Villa soldiers held up -a. passenger train last Monday and murdered General Tomas Ornelas because he had descited Villa for Car ranza, was robbed or $7000 worth of pro visions when Villa and his raiders ar rived mere on Wednesday. The' mine .is owned by an American named Finney and A. H. Davison, a British subject. Davlsoa jvns a passenger on the train that reached here today. CT Other passengers on the train said that Chihuahua City was Insecure, thnf'tVre aro only 500 Carranza soldiers there and that Villa raiders liavo been looting with in three miles of the town. There Is con siderable anxiety among the Americans there. R. LINCOLN McNEIL KENSINGTON TRADE BOARD REACHING OUT Special Meeting Called for To morrow to Consider Im portant Projects It Uncoln McXrll, chairman of the board of directors of the Kensington Hoard of Trade, has Issued n call for a special mrctlng of that organisation In Kmcrald I lull, llnncock street and Sus quehanna avenue, tomorrow afternoon at 1 o'clock. The meeting Is of Importance. In that a new constitution for the association, per mitting the election of an pccutie board, will ho discussed, and the entire membership of 150 of the leading busi ness men of Kensington Is expected to bo present. Luncheon will be served at 2 o'clock, nnd s-csslons will be resumed thereafter for election of this board. In speaking of the purposes of tho meeting, Mr. McNeil said: "Business men's organisations have found It a difficult matter to get the- cri tlro membership out for their monthly meetings. WASHINGTON, Feb. 7.-A controversy as ncnte as any that has nrlscn since tho Spanish-American wnr has divided strategists of the navy Into two oppos ing factions as a result of tho recent Meet maneuvers off tho Atlantic coast. Admlrnl Frank F. Fletcher, commander-in-chief of the fleet, has become tho target for unsparing criticism on tho part of Hear Admiral Austin S. Knight, president of tho Naval War College. In nfllrlnl nnd technical terms, pointed though polite, tho latter has declared that Admiral Fletcher, ns commnnder of tho llluo fleet, violated fundamental laws of naval strategy In disposing his forces to head off a threatened landing on tho t'nlted States coast. Admiral Fletcher Just as positively has declared that Hear Admiral Knlght'n concept inn of what Is and what Ih not one of the fundamentals of navnl strat egy Is erroneous. Whether the recent maneuvers, therefore, proved or did not prove that n hostile licet can Innd a formidable force In this country the or dinary civilian must decide for himself. oudi:i:i:d to hhfknd coast. The orders to Admiral Fletcher as com-mnnder-lti-clilet of the Hluo Meet, were to defend the ('lilted Stntes from n superior 1 ted advance force, which was technically cotivojlnir 100,000 men across the Atlantic with a view to establishing a base on tho Atlantic coast between Monomy Point and Chcyapcake Hay. The llluo licet was defeated, according to the umpire's decision In tho strategic battle, most of his ships were sunk and the war game ended with the Inndlng of tho hostile army on tho shores ot the United States. When the smoke of the disastrous mimic naval buttle cleared away Admiral Fletcher appeared before the Naval War College and there met with the criticism that ho had violated one of the funda mentals of naval strategy by dividing In stead of concentrating Iris force. Admiral Fletcher contended thnt tho "mnterlal elements" of the situation were such as to call for a division which, in tho circumstances, could not bo construed as violating the rule of concentration. Be tween tho two, strategical concentration and material dements, tho controversy teems to He. ADMIUAI. FMCTCnnit'S VIHW3. Admiral Fletcher before tho War Col lege explained that the purpose of the WASHINGTON. Feb. 7.-Admlnlstra-tlon leaders today decided to press their fight In tho Sennte to carry out President Wilson's recommcndntlon for nn Inquiry Into tho legislative needs of the railroads. Senator Nowlands, of Nevnda, chairman of tho Interstnto Commerce Committee, announced his Intention of pushing his resolution authorizing the inquiry. The opposition to tho Nowlands resolu tions will be led by Senator Norrls, He publlcan, of Nebraska, who charges that the Administration definitely pledged It self to railroad legislation In tho Ualtl moro platform that tho Now Haven and Hock tslnnd Investigations proved tho need of additional laws to regulate rail road flnnnclng, nnd that the proposed commission Is a subtcrfugo to escape pre-election promises. Senator Borah, ot Idaho, expects to lend n light to have tacked to thci New lands resolution nn amendment for In vestigation Into Government ownership of railroads nnd telcgruph and telcphono lines. Wilson nnd Mercantile Appraiser Fred W. Wlllard, whoso appointments were attacked because they were members of the Slate Legislature, vve.ro received by him nnd filed at Harrlsburg before they look office. Tho Penroso forces were surprised when Mayor Smith Indorsed Ambler's candidacy Immediately nfter the Speaker nnnounced on Saturday nigni inai o was formally iri the auditor nalsW fight. Senator 'Penrose, It was "A today, had made overtures to the Mayor In an effort to prevent him from Indors ing Arrtbler. He had Informed the Mayor, acconlW to politicians, that lie would accept the slate of delegatcs-at-largo an nounced by the Mayor three weeks ago, If the Mayor would rmnln .n..T?St Ambler candidacy. ' uent State Senator Charles a. fin..' Schuylkill, who first threw hj?3 tho ring," said today that he . nWt? the fight to stay, "it's An open n.u1- nny nnn may be n. candidate fnS;?1 was the only comment he woulc' iitvtV the Ambler candidacy, "' WH ft 1 PROTESTS AGAINST SEIZURE OP BUGS BY BRITISH It Is our purpose to present to tho members of the Kensington Honul ot j milncuer as set down by the Navv He- parlincnt mis to opciato and exercise tnc Trade such change In our constitution as would permit the establishing of an executive board to attend to routine busi ness. This board will consist of 21 mem bers and will hold stated meetings, at which there will be a discussion of such questions as will present themselves from time to time. Where any projects are planned which aro tu bo pushed a general meeting ot the entire organization will be culled. "The Kensington Board of Trade is the pioneer or local business men's associa tions In Philadelphia. It was developed by a successful carnival held In this sec tion some six or seven years ago and has continually broadened in scope. Wc have been Interested In improvement o the Delaware HIver front. In questions con cerning the public schools and public I licet, defended the course he had followed by saying that his "plan may not appar ently been in accordance with certain general principles of concentration, but we must remember that general princi ples an- not at all times applicable to every situation, and that forces may be divided and yet strategically con centrated." Hoar Admiral Knight, the umpire in the war game, took the opposite view. "The principle of concentration," ho said, "was violated by the Blue force. "Admiial Fletcher gave his reasons for this violation of a principle, which he undoubtedly recognized 03 clearly as the War College recognizes It. and those rea tons to him and tlr rest of you may Consignment to Pittsburgh University for Experiments Detained 7?! o Staff Correspondent WASHINGTON. Feb. 7. A consign ment of bugs being forwarded to the Uni versity of Pittsburgh from Copenhagen, Denmark, has been seized from tho ship In which they were being transported, ac cording to Hcpresentntlvp Stephen O. Por ter, of Pittsburgh, who has received a com plaint relating to the nonnrrlvnl of the consignment from a scientist connected with the university. Representative Porter has brought to the attention ot the state Department tho fact that the bugs were seized In one of tho re cent raids upon the malls In course or transportation across the Atlantic, and efforts arc now being made to obtain the release of the consignment. While nothing Is known here as to tho species, tho belief prevails that the bugs aro of the lousn family, such as liavo been found responsible for tho spread of tho dreaded typhus. It Is feared that any handling by those not familiar with their deadly character might cause a spread of the disease In the British Isles. 16 Die in Train Crash in Russia PICTHOORAI), Feb. 7. Sixteen persons were killed and 12 injured In n collision PENROSE WAGES WAR ON CONTRACTOR FOES LETTERS TOLD OF WARSHIPS' PERIL OF BOMB TH ROWERS Easy for Cranks to Drop Them From Bridges WASHINGTON. Feb. 7. Two letters received by Secretary Daniels suggentlng It would bo easy for1 cranks to drop bombs on warships parsing under tho Brooklyn and Manhattan bridges ucrnra tho Hast HIver in New York led to tho extra precautions reported taken to guard these spans. Secretary Daniels told of receiving the letters today. Ho said they were written apparently by intelligent persons, but ho refused to glvo tho name.- of the writers. The letters wero sent to Admiral Usher Who was told td uso his own judgment In the matter. Secretary Daniels said neither letter referred to the cruiser Washington, but merely stated "It would be very easy for cranks, or any other person whose mind might be Inflamed by present conditions, to do great damago to warships and pos sibly causa great loss of life by dropping bombs on them us they passed under the structures. squares, street Improvements and transit j bl.em vcrv ,,. Pprnaps lt , 'na,llrn pllshed a great deal for Kcnslugion, and I sliall continue our efforts. WEST PIIILADELPHIANS K WIN SALOON FIGHT 'Extra Guards at Navy Yard Here The Philadelphia Navy Yard.'at League Island, and all other navy yards have been assigned extra guards during the last month, nccordlnz to the announce ment (oday at Washington by Secretary Daniels. Ho told about It while explain ing the extra precautions taken yesterday to guard tho Brooklyn Bridge when the cruiser Washington passed under It. A letter suggested to the Secretary how easy It would be for a crank to drop a bomb on a ship. Marriage Licenses at Elkton ELKTQN, Md., Feb. 7.-.Marrlage II- censea were Issued at the Hlkton court Office this morning to the following couples: William S. Plummer and Helen c. tlogan, Henry Kalinle and Bertha Itobinsop, Craig It. Casey and Awllda Heavencr, Isaiah Canston and Adeline Weber and Nicholas J. Bliss and Bertha E. Kirkwood, all of Philadelphia, John E. Solloijray. prederlcktown, Md.t and i Maud B. Ottenger, Philadelphia; Judge W. Rodgers, Wallnsford. Pa- and Nettt ! al Robinson, t'oncordvllle. Pa,; Clayton I OWmore and Mary Van Heed, Reading; i C Smith' Hoffrnun and Helen Wise, Ens. ton. Pa.: James Hill and Blanche Green. Newark,' WllUsm J Keenan and Jennie ti. Anderson,C'hester; Carl Uehllnger New York, .and Elizabeth Fox, Merchant TlHe. N J. Ciiiitiiiiird frnni rnt;r One I!irchwimd -ivenue met vigorous objec tions by persons living in tho vicinity of tho propis-ed new saloon. Tlicy were a unit In declaring "iat a license was not necessary at the point applied for nor was it wanted. After considering both cases, decisions wero handed down today refusing tho petition proeiited by Hughes and Mnlone. John J. Winkler, who has been Kecking a transfer for two years from tho corner ot Gth nnd Hansom streets, was granted permission to tako his II ecu so to the Northeast cornei of 2d street and Snyder avenue. The Sansom street property oc cupied by Winkler was purchased by n publishing company and ho was obliged to vacate APPLICATION Ci IIANTKD Tho Court al.so grunted tho application of Joseph A. McGIHIn fur a transfer from Nicetown and Harrowgato lanes to Ihr southeast corner of Ella and Clearfield streets McGlllln's application to bo trans ferred from his old location to the north west corner of Somerset street nnd Ara mingo avenue was refused. Petitions to revoke tho license hold by James J. Keefe, 413 South 12th street, and Charles Iangbein. northwest corner of Gth nnd Luzerne streets, were decided In favor of tho saloonkeepers. Keefe's license was attacked on tire ground that he sold to questionable characters and al lowed them to frequent his place, while Langbcln was accused of selling to a per son of known Intemperate habits. U. S. Lighthouses Shown in List The "Light list" for 1010. showing loca tions of lighthouses along both coasts and in the Groat Lakes, and changes hi the system, was Issued today by tho Fed eral Department of Commerce and sent lor Philadelphia distribution to the Ily drographlc otllce in the Bourse. Tho list of lighthouses fills more than 500 pages of the book uu thu subject and contains complete Information relating to opera tion and signals of all lighthouses under Government direction. TODAY'SyMARWAGE LICENSES Ti'atban D. 'O'Neill. NorrUtown, I'a., and aura It Pttkell. NorrUtown. Pa. v'1SKIW8ith8-.!!,h " QuUeppa WUJIaoi t(,IaruUr. Jr., lHtt N. flt it., 4 Angab4le Unk. IIM N SUt !? JUUiU Cprlme. 2W! iHiyuia it., nod llrlsWa X4UIU ltunlerl. K.lt U. illclu si., nnd Clara MflergJ. t64 8. Hlik. Court II. Itlrhter. uji Wlnton m . and Juinla B- Mother. IMrby I'u Uiu iUUw 'wlodarcayk. HurUnjtton. N, J. ri. lletea rilOilowjka l-'O Fltswdler , John f Uraham :Mi PK-ktiwun k. and Mar- urei i- Meuugunu, zib II. 'jinon t. nd and X1 Chill Btcttnturif ;u ri-cnuy 4v., Viol B. Btnntil -- Ii Itulitit C. Horama 4471 N Marlon ave.. Ua M Ttumudin. lM N J.,ut V y-. 5B1B Jnerwn t.. and Jli. rSih "Sth t. i , . if.t itf -yf.i a. JLtcour (. Wolf til VI LumtMrd M., Hal U- Wi : wu. $st t asui 7 u rtu a, manmmms, jwui Aitfuepy jJJikJftJ'a."? Jo -tyggmy aaiwKpisf- ! o. i&K &uUaf"f "' "a &SmSiL e.lh !0zM ' MOVING The Classified Advertising De partment of the Public Ledger and Evening Ledger will be lo cated after Tuesday, February 8, .on the second floor of the Washington Building 60R Chestnut Street adjoining the Ledger Building More Room There Hence Better Service Telephone your Want Ads to the Ledge Walnut or Main 3000 that tho Wur College .should be Inclined to place a little more emphasis upon tho matter- of strategy than the commander-in-chief of tilt- licet places upon It. In other; words, I think It was to be expected that the War College would attach more Importance to tho strategical than to the material elements of the situation. "Tin- first criticism which I make of tho Blue strategy is that It scenit to me to start from the promise that Its task is an Impossible orre. Now, apart from the irradvltablllty of over taking just that view, 1 urn far from believing that In this particular caso the task of tho Blue was anything as like us difficult as bcerns to hao been considered "It seems to mo that battles have been won against odds far greater than those which confronted tho Blue commander, and I repeat that tho War College does not consider that the Blue task was anything ns dllllcult as the llluo commander ap parently assumed it to be. SPOILED HIS CIIANCUS. "Whattver chances of victory the Blue commander may have had," Admiral Knight got-s on to say, "whether few or many, h- i enounced them, I believe, uhon he divided his, forces, as he did at thu beginning, leaving five fighting ships with 10 1. and SO 8-inch guns in Narragansett Bay and made it clear to his subordinates that. In his opinion, the only possibility ot cffcctlvo employment of his ilect lay In directing It cxclir Ivcly against the enemy's train nnd In (.acrillclng It, If necessary, in an effort, none too promising, to locate and reach tho transports " Continued from I'nKe One me. His Indorsement was personal, siuco wc have long been friends. Mr. Ambler said ho had not yet planned his campaign. "I'll wait a. while nnd see what Senator Snyder does," ho said. The Speaker, Incidentally, announced that today he received tho resignations from the Legislature of three Philadel phia representatives who wero appointed Assistant City Solicitors by John P. Con nellv on Saturday. They arc Harry T. Bauerle, 10th Ward, 12th Legislative Dis tr.ct; I. (J. Cordon Korster, 2d Ward, 2d Ulstrlct, and Frederick Beyer, 43d 'Ward, 2.ith District. He also nnnounced thnt the resignations of Director of Puollc Safety William II. AUJi iMMIIIIjilWi fi ! H, IIMI,,., cr !spt iwiru m i n n t-M h j-wk-0 furt -fli ffl 1 L I AWU iHHfl I I nil lijrtiflrVk ISHvK pffr iwii ii i Sr l&MmffiWd0? Were $5.00 to $8.50 ?V V TiiRW'iBIKr'MARriX f ink ' vAfiKAitf f- 45LirtP ifrb an Jm bl iu eraafvVsiKB J ?h.s ?-& klii M HVIffV WVWlffi 7 ULVflOJ'Ur VftsdO M. If Iv TtliiaFNv cvw'-V f Ifek f . fznna' fn jhb V 1 $3.90 $3.35 Hallahan's Shoe; Absolute Closing Out of All Winter Shoea for Men, Women and Children At Reductions of 20 to 50$ WOMEN'S SHOES Were $4.00 to $6.50 Satin Dance Slippers unrulnr tfzJio sllp prrn, hleh nnd Iott heel.iv of line qnal Itr Natln, kid lined. All colorn to match eoiru. Were $3.00 to $S.M $1.90 The season's smartest styles in black, colors and combina,"! ions, ouitonca or ruccu. vu sizes among tnem. Tables full of odds and ends wonderful bargains, $1.00 $1.50 Silk Stockings to Match 90c pair Were $5.00 to $7.00 MEN'S SHOES Were $4.00 to $6.00 Were $3.00 to $150 $1.90 Tables full of odds and ends take your choice, $1.00 H ALLA H AN Remarkable Bargains in Discontinued Lines of Children's Shoes 919-921 Market Street 5604-06 GERMANTOWN AVE. 4028-30 LANCASTER AVE. Below Cholten Ave. Above 40th near Fairmount Ave. 2746-48 GERMANTOWN AVE. GOTH & CHESTNUT STREETS Above Lehigh Ave. New Crystal Corner Ilrnncli Storm Open Every Krenlnc Mnrket Street Store Open Snturdny RTenlngrs. juimi i uu1 usuumaM JUtTIJ,MlltJUil.XlmlAWlLlllllll Zeppelin Hangars Built in Russia IMJTUOOnAp. Feb. 7.-TaKlns atlvan taut) of tho winter lull alonB thn Itusalau front, Clerman solillcrs aro rrcctlne JJoppe 1 In and aeroplane stations at 'several points, acconllriK to advices received here today. At Uda, south of Vllna, a build lrr larKo enotrRh to houso several Zeppe lins la beirrs erected. PAKCEL POST U.S.Army Shoes .mi nr.tK $2.75 t vt. I'nusual vlnBSrmr'may TAN AMI m.At'K Double Woo! Blankets Hurtli $7.00 Our CO 7C I'rico p.iO 920 Army Axes WOltTJI $1.50 to $?.on SPECIAL, 40c FRFF iHuktrutcd Catalogue, bend So ARMY & NAVY STORE 225 MARKET ST. $& SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES LEARN LANGUAGES" t I be Berlitz School ltb CUttlnut St.. (Ovrr ltlktr l'bsrma) Telophono Sprue 4604. tt tw Cle Cdnitautlr Yoimlag STRAYER'S " Bt Buiioe8ctir" V 80-S07 ChMlnut 8tit. - - UAKCIMQ The O. EUwood CatcaUr Studio, SJ CbeT-nwft.f-k.Tb,J1",t tWUlbd b044 Ut Pba4lWt olU tirn uwi muii,ta method. w-5 60,000 "CE-Z Gas Lights Shedding Nightly Cheer in Philadelphia Homes The Welsbach Company is rushing to completion a big factory to take care of orders for the "C.E-Z." Orders arp rtnxA? VtrmL-or mnfu ; J i U f r "". awaiiii0 ui auvdnce, ana no new" ones We have a liberal supply of "CE-Z" lights immediate sale, due to our ordering months ago. Prices, 70c up, according to Equipment. Why This Sensational Demand for the "C.E-Z"? . I hese are a few of the reasons; are for It is a mantle light so simple that it can be at tached as easily as a common burner tip. It does not need a chimney or special glassware can be placed inside the shades already on your upright fixtures. It gives 90 candlepower of white, diffused light, at ' a cost for gas of only I cent for 3 hours. It is neat, durable and attractive dresses up a room at a small outlay. And the 60,000 present users are all telling their friends of the wonderful satisfaction it gives. The -popularity of the 'CE-Z" is bound to in crease each week. Begin at once to enjoy this great lighting comfort in your home. Go into your nearest gas office, or our big store at Broad and Atrh ,! l .. i telephone or write' uS to send a representative to your home 1 dthoW1" u0r V". m? on ypur fixture reaa for use at no extra charge. ! WC w" Mn" ,hc 'W ""! p' ' THE UNITED GASt IMPROVEMENT COMPANY 4