EVENING LlUMnfiB PHILADELPHIA. M()Ni)AY, FEhltUAUY 7, 1910. &rr PREACHING jFSTORIESARETIiUE," SUNDAY'S DEFI TO MUS LoKdigt Challenges "Whisky Gang lu Ilu"" M the Things It Says About Him &.. t, nTTATHTV. Tnfi fenc' can prove porno of the in 11 says about mo," "Hilly" sununy Ihtnpa It Ob " ... ,.r Wii nu t preach- Srff '"j- T1, evangelist also Bald jNtJwld give $10,000 to charity at the Ik,nuivV' offer was made while he was TB11I?nffn. special meeting for women i.nntinclng a ?' "-'". . ,. ,,,i iv, mm that '"-" . . . 1( no for H '",r,,e two blocks away. This. ffW"au a laugh and Dllly" c0.?. kJve heard somo rotten Ilea from v'.Mjky rang nbotit w,mt J saynt the "? ' w meetings. Show me the lhe5SX says I "ay such things and T ." his head off. If It is the last 1 t ever do. They know when they tf'uut Is a dirty He." i'lfHu" . ........1 nn Ihn lintnn. ."hlTf his Trenton cnmpalgn. llo has ! weeks remaining and his subject 1 changed to more serious phases than to. the last flvo weeks it, addressed ni.000 persons yesterday . hered a total of 081 trail hitters. naVn stm 3 t0 b0 cl'tcd Ii!1fo.ro thi pS.OCK) for current expenses will ho "TMUrday-s collection totaled $1707. nillv'a" subject last night was "What Chill the E"d no to Them that Obey Not S1, cosnel of God." Ho used Ms topic to nnounce his position of the doctrine of SKflrc II believes In a literal hell (Ire. tlffOod did not mean It literally, that's M, business. Ho declared there was a like of Arc, so I take It to mean hell Sunday Paid a ,,I"h tribute to lhrco Governors of Pennsylvania. V01.1,00"' Tener nnd Brumbaugh. Ho said there I i.tTt,n.. ivnn nf mnn thnn FJrtim- Ibaugh, that Pollock was responsible for I the Inscription -in uun wu iru n mu nation's coins, and that Toner pitched on ik. Mil to.im for which Sunday played centre field. His reference to tho Gov ernors camo wncn no 10m oi i-ohocb, who, when he could not pardon n mur derer, showed the man how 10 die by con- vcrtlns him. ! SILENCE GREETS LYON IN ATTACK ON SUNDAY Methodist Ministers Hear Evan gelist's Vigorous Attack and Say Nothing Evangelist MUford II. l.yon continued his attacks on the Sunday-Slouch type of evangelism this morning Ixvfore a neutral gathering of Methodist ministers, at their regular weekly meeting In Simp eon Hall. 17th and Arch streets. While not mentioning the names of his fellow evangelists, reference to "Billy's" par ticular way of saving souls was apparent to tho ministers present. The greeting accorded the evangelist, who has been conducting a campaign In Wilmington, was neither warm nor en thusiastic. The ministers, among whom nero several of other denominations, sat in stony silence when Kvungellst Lyon ttundered "rummage sales nnd church uppers never won a soul." Penranal evangelism was the theme of Doctor I.yon's talk, nnd this was the point he urged In IiIh first sentence. Quips, Jests and sarcasm do not win I, convtrts," he said. "It is personal work I mat Is needed, and if evangelists would do more personal work it would bo better ; for the calling. An evangelist should bo a nastor.." ho continued. "He should tsco tho heart ' aches and troubles of his Hock, rtefore a man becomes an evangelist ho should be a pastor, and lenrn tho work of God from the ground up, face the problems and be In a better position to get next tc a man's heart. This docs not mean merelv cominir down the trail, shaking hands and going out and lopping off a bad habit, such as drink, cards or tho dunce. AVe don't want reformation; wo want salvation. And wo must realize reformation is decidedly not salvation, it is a big thing to grip tho truth, but it is a hiccci- thtmr to linvo ; the truth grip you." Sunday's methods wore censured. 'Heavenly food Is all right. Out It Is being dished up wrong." Whereupon tho ministers wcro silent and continued so when the evangelist said: DR. STOUGII HERE TONIGIIT Evangelist to Deliver "Anti-Rum" Sermon at Bethany Church Evangelist TTpnrv W fi.iich tuhrt tmu Wen holdlnc IL rnmnilltrn tn. ratnrm Atlnn. Mo City, will preach tonight in tho Beth. . j lempie I'rcsbytman Church, 53d ',M Spruce streets. IB WeSt Phll.-lilolnhlri nu In riafmnntnwn I Hi ChUrrhfKl Imt.A ..pn-nnl.n.l ..! I fir... tl.. go to church" and an "anti-rum" "wipaign. and together they liavo about I tl.,.urehes m "no, SO of them In West ; rllladelDhla anil 7K In normiir.lrui, Au liJUS' ot theso aa Hethany Temple can ".re.. ual wl he represented at to t auht a meetini- fJ?9Jtv- Aaa J- I'etry. pastor, said to !J.i "10 rul nc "nrat como "rBt wolJ" Prevail. There will be an r"r"w meetings If needed. Tho Ger- t UUintOWn folk lirnhnKlu ..III n.rnila fr. K'!l rKsPruce streets, escorted by u band and i-i. I! ACCUSED OF CRUELTY TO DOG Owner Objects to Use of Animal's nair tor t'oultico t Tn. ..... . 'iwVv "v1"" uyazintn Uignazio, ot from .1 reinovl"t' a handful of hair i on ," " una uoiung it in onvp Wi.-r a Poultice, today caused his ar SJ"ni'nt be'lo Magistrate Uuckland In I ."'"." r y wo accusation or cruelty ;hha'r Poultice Is a remedy which tn.co.7n. i " "uw" " "iguazio irom nis owned0 ?JVfej?l? W' . F,zo AoB- Uiivi- ..."" '" u uunneii iee, was alni?wuh nienailo'u children. Sud- i litn. a animal sc.-atched Dlgnazio's Q e ush.ter ,n th0 'ace' When Ole Semhor. i"a '"U had hiPPened he re SSrt thB old Prescription for f hi. . and Cl,t8' und 1'ulled a handful feaentii "I1 ,.the dB'B hack. The dog ln;?d contributing a portion of Its hair 1 Rn u t0 ,he caUl, f humanity and I Rulii . elPlns. Dlgnazio made u El rl,'ro,n the hair and applied It to r y""" u" 'no ruce. or nia little iht t 11 mea"me, Mr. Lee learned mni.iv. . " "" ootrs nair nnu mane a cleiTf t0u A8cnt Mulvaney. of the limit. V."q revention or cruelty to (-.DlgnazlQ wag prregtjj, ruirl'a Assnll-nt r!i o ir. c v- JfeT CHKSTEH, i'a. Feb. 7 Paul , a leleeraiih lineman, convlntml aul' upon I'hrUtlne Hesa. U yeara rJurt r""' m sentenced today yQga Uutler tn Krrvn not I nuu Ihf.. ARTISANS ORDER MUTUAL PROTECTION Employment Bureau Advocated as Means to Advance Inter- j ests of Artisan Members The Most Krccllent Ttecorder has ad dressed to nil recorders of subordinate assemblies a communication of. Incstim ablo value, seeking to establish a per manent employment bureau nnd bring the unemployed Artisans In touch with those employing help. excellent recorder's ofilce, SOS Parltwny '"unit,, wncre, wuiiout cnnrKe. nil Artisans ilcstrlim cAiplomcnt can ttst their tiamca nnd nmlrcsscs nnd nnturo Of WOrk tlnclfn 1 rmlnrnM -C InUn. t.ftlt 7 "'!. n uuiFiujiin ui muui tfin also he requested to register their needs. This fAt..A .. . , .-. t. I .. uii- ' r"'u ""craunR Hinnff inicrnai lines. I White not Uhnlli. ..n. . t.. n..u. rt- -.. 1 Jh?, f n,,vc bc"'n '" nl'llne their tnnnbor- JJ.U . Jliri.. win. ii n inotiKiu, in ino broailrnlng nf tho ldc.1 umlef M. IS. t!o-or.lcr lltlM hi. nBal..ul- (..-.-,.. , rt... V . "WnK nf " Wea, unilef M. IS. ""Jj hi" nnslstnnts, provo hlahly artl or mutual help to many membe ucucmiui iers. Tho followine offlcorn lino been Initnllod for tho rurrcnt o-ir by Wllllim Pat ton As sombiy, No. 70: Muster Artisan. 1-Yank A. Chalmers; siiporinlondent. Carlos M. Ahnrox, Inaperlor, Prnnk 1). I,:iw: roconlcr, II. T. .lonrott; rashlcr, Itaymoml l ArmstronK: trustcos llnrry II. Hoattergood. IMnnnl Hon sou nnil Unltor II. Jackson; medical examiner, i.rnest . Kolsoy; ropresontnlho tn M. K. A.. Irnrik A. Chalmers; nllornatc. Wnlter It. Kosior; conductor. Wnlter II. Kcsler; rhtptiln, John S. Thompson; Br. M. of '.. Walter I). Krouvo; Jr. M. of C, Arthur Cottc; warder, Ircd p. j. Mnar. St. John'a Assembly. No. 2 held Ita nnnual banquet nt Mosobach's Casino on Wednesday oo;ilnK. Three humlred membors nnd tholr ladles assomhlcd nrnund tho tables. Tho oc casion noi featured with plrniy of music, sweet songsters and pond humor. . This As sembly has nrrnnecd to hold n special incellnp on Tursday ocnlnir. I-Vbruary -I). In Ilakor Pent Hall, till) Columbia avenue, for the In itiation if tnnilldntes. Invitations have bon oxtendod to tho vhltlng reirpsentntl',i to tho Most Kxcellent Asscmblv, the following day. to bo present and onjov the occasion. St. John's. In Its usual liberal spirit, also Invited nny Assembly having candidates for Initiation to bring them to this meeting. M. H. Master Artisan Harry C. Smith en tertained tho members of the int.', Producers Club, at the lintel lllnidinm Saturday even ing. One hundred members nnd Invited guests sat down to dinner, Tho rnsh prizes offered for tho greatest numlier of now mcmliers were distributed nnd Ilrnther Smith presented each member nf the club who had Introduced 10 or moro members n handsome silk umbrella con taining a plate suitably Inscribed and with a mark of tho Order applied. lUrh. member of tho club was also presented with a watihfnb emblematic of tho Order and the club. Itcprc scntatUes from most nf tho Philadelphia As semblies were present as well as from New York, Scranton and Atlantic City. Thomas M. Mnrtlndato aildressed the mem bers of Progressive Assembly No, 4. Tuesdav evening upon mmp of his experience in shooting blu gurnc In Alaska. Ho cave an Interesting tnlk nnd It was much appreciated by tho lurco number present. rirother Jacob U. Jonlon. Installed the of ficers of Larchwood Assembly, on Thursday evening M. I!, Superintendent Thompson visited Itadlant Star Assembly No. in. on Tuesday ovcn'ng and delivered a brief address. KOYAL ARCANUM District Deputies Instal Officers and Stimulate Work of Councils Thursdny evening flcorge Chandler Council, No. 937, accorded a reception to District Deputy Grand Itegent C. O. Krovv ert, who visited tho council In Its hall, L'OS Kast Olrard avenue, with the dual purpose of Installing tho newly elected ofllccrs and Inspiring the council to re newed efforts nnd fraternal achievements. After the new otllccrs assumed their re spective stations and tho new term was auspiciously Inaugurated by the presenta tion of two petitions for membership Deputy Frovvcrt delivered an Inspiring address, telling of the great work being accomplished by tho Royal Arcanum nnd directing special attention to the possi bility of substantial practical attainments In tho Held of operation ot this successful council. Ilrnther Frovvcrt was nulited n tho Insinua tion ceremonies by Udwnrd It. Kvans as grand ' Following tho udilresies It was announced that u committee was nt work seek nc a moro lonvenlent location and more commodious nunr ters and that In harmnny with the expressed pontlmcnt of tho vls.tlng Brand officer ag gressive work would be carried forward during tho current term. , ., . A public Installation of, officers of Pennsyl vania Council was held In linker Post Hall. HIT Columbia avenue, which was pleasantly supplemented by an entertainment and n iiIkiii for the families of members. To the music of tho council's orchestra James McCauslnnd was Inducted Into of lice, tho ceremonies i being In charge of I) strict l'eputy (!r"n,t ,'"'" William I.. Young, assisted, by Past HeKcnt J. Hloddnrt. of Integrity Council. Tho new lorpa of officers Is a voung, active, aggresslvo body nf members, which nuguis well for u suc cessful term umi a bright future for tho coun tll. Tho ladles' Auxiliary will hold a ".100" and dime ut tho Hotel Adelphla nu I-ebruary III. Tho Carnation Club lias been requested to conduct tho nffalr for the ladles. Dr. James It. Ilennlcs has again been se lected us tho chief manager owing to his wide experlenco and ahll'tytn liandlo large num bers. Liberal and handsome prles have been provided and a carefully se octe.1 prognim ar ranged for tho dances. Tho officers of tho auxiliary aro Mrs. Nowton 12. lloedel. preil dent: Mrs. Arthur II. Ilaton. secretary: Mrs. W J. Htoklnger. treasurer; Mrs, Dr. !. II. llellof. vice president, and Mrs. John Jolly, chalrlady ot tho tntertalnrcent Committee. The regular monthly meeting and dinner of tho Carnation Club, held nt tho ningham Hotel proved to bo one of the most success Jul bus new meetings et field by Oils ng gro'Htve organization. The musical features Incidental to tho banquet wcro specially en- 30Tr'oledIscussion of matters pertaining to the welfare of the Itoinl Arcanum vvns generally parllcipated in and many admirable Ideas "U8eKv"mMaws wcro amended that will Injure a yrcater growth In tho near future, and -.1 applicants fnr membership were read find bat laced for. Tho commlltco reports Indicated a better Interest In tho subordinate councils. A committee was appointed to arrange for an entcrtnlnment. Tho next meeting will take place February 3!, nt the samo place. lonlo Council received un official vl'lt from D. D. O. II. Charles (loldsmllli Tuesday eve nlng. Arrangements were discussed for a sullablo entertainment for Installation nlsht. Continental Council met Thursday evening In Krleii. hlli Hull. Hill Columbia avenue. Deputy William U Young Installed the off! cera for tho current term. Phil idelnhla Council, No. 20.1, will meet to morrVvv evening 7n ih'e Parkway' Ilulldlng. A di legation fiom tho Carnation Club will pay a fraternal visit Order of Liberty Home Lodge. No. I, held a lively session last wJekut which time 10 candidates were ii.iinlited to membership and much interest pre. va""l. To mike this lodgo I00U strong by the close of the ear. .very memker PlelBed himself to co-operate along this line. After unfinished business was disposed or a social hour was enjoyed by all present. The i Supreme secretary's "port shows that tlm society llstrlbuted $-J8.TiU.:il during last Vear ?nS thi " IIS asl.4T was placed out on founa toNtlia members at 0 per cent. Interest, it Sfsn shows that there were, iilu members In good Standing at the close of the year, w th iiiir numbers ill suspension cllirlblo to rein KennfVnd'V fa-or WO have been reinstat?d during" January" and ,nat over ISO Having the biggett itruc tural lumber yard in the tait doein't mean ai much to ui ai ihipping a man'i prder the day we get ill Edward F,Henson& Co. JlrWiiroI tnbr limUt t'opUr Bt. WlmrTM, t'bU. tiX, ?.for,onl' nnarterly mooting nf tho Artisans IiL".'.01."1'- one of lh rnlont and txipulnr f"c'al actors t,n ork nf tho onlor. will L? V"'1'1. Wc"li",l"v "onliig. rehrntrv 2:1 I .n.tS::.Mol,,lch " Casino. lSth street nnd lllrnrd I monue. It , Pxpoi.tod lh:it nonrlv 400 imin "s, will be prosont nt this dinner, hut reservations must bo made throimh the trf'JI'lcrs of tho astcmlilles not later Hi in rcbruary In. I - j Havintr the biggett itruc. , I i,.rl lumber yard in the tait 111 I new members were admltlect dirlnit Jnur', There were nets or iu.M0.2O on hand it tho elono or lam year. , ... l.-i. The tjupreme llxecutlve Committee, which will be In dOMlon In this city this i; ll nt A, O. Itoie. John tl. !i".ttI''ft" .facohh.M. D. itox-.'M. Abrahams. T. It. .Oretr. .T. II.. llerehey. J. H, Kryer., I 11.. W. '; f !ln. I). A. Mffitert. John Ilahorlch. .. M llonman. W. H. dnnllnor. J. J. Unnerty, (J. II. HnjJcr nnd J V. y.acharlas. AInnchcstcr Unity At the annual oooolnn nf lhe.,r'.'),la1,'1r'h!5 tltrlct. Abinrhenter Unity. .OiM Follows, held In this city, the rollolng ofneers wore oloetod for the uirrrnt year r. .r. O...M.. erf smith: I'. (I, !.. John 11. Hoys; V. V. it. M.. John Mollor; trrnourer. Nlc.nl Pmlthi I'. C. ".. John 13. Arntn: nnrtltor, ltolicrt Ueweyi trus tee. Jnmes.T. Whllnker. . . , .- ... Nominations for Urnnd t.wlco officers ere made n follows: ilrnn.l Master. Jesepn llimirnnl; Ilrnuly flrnnd Master. Jooern Arm; otrong: ilrnnit Hctretary. J. H. t'larke; Orynd Trrnnirtr. tloorgo Lonl; tlrnnd TniMee. N'col Hmllli: Urnnd Director. John I'., Aram. ,'" Rates eloi.lc,l to tho Umtvl llgf. l."n,,n,J?n cro: I", r. S.. John li. Arami .P. J'. '. M.. James Stcnnrt nnd P. II. M. John II Heys. ORDER OF MACCABEES Local Reviows Accord Receptions to Visiting State nnd Supremo OlTlcials Keystone Ttcvlcw, No. 2 It. rtlttcnhousc Hall. GHrd and Ilaverford nvenue, rcrelveil two applications fnr membership nnd con ferred tho "Short Korm" on one applicant at Its last mooting, nnd. after business had been transacted, the commander, Mrs. V. M. Helms, turned the gnvel over to the tiresldent of the Central Committee, Mrs. Morrlsscy, commander of Quaker City Ilovlow, who then conducted tho Central Committee meeting, which had been post poned from tho second Wednesday, so that they might liavo as honored guests, the Great Commander, Miss Nclllo H. Lounsbufy, and the Past Supremo Com mnndcr, Mrs. Kllzaheth 13. llrovvn nnd other visitors. Miss Lounsbury gave nn Interesting talk, nnd also spoke of the pleasure It was to receive the welcome which always greets otllccrs Isltlng this city. The Central Committee not only sends flowers to members who nre 111 In nny nf tho hospitals, but also sees that a towiuet greets nny officer coming tn tho city upon their ar rival nt their hotel. Miss lounsbury nnd Mm. llrnwn, who preceded Mlsi lounsbury. compli mented the membership In Phlladelphli uimn Its public meeting In Lu I.u Temple, nnd boned that it would tie the mentis nf Inter esting more women In the great work which tho association Is doing for tho protection nf tho homes nf our land. Supremo Chaplain Purgln said sho would give wav tn the vll tnrs, nnd was follow eil by Deputy lllekok. of the Hnrrlsburg district, and Deputy (Inrrletv, of the Scranton district, both nf whom com plimented the Installation Committee, and the latter especially spoke of tho beautiful drill work. . . tieaulliui gins were rrescnien in ..irs. tlrown. Mls Lounsbury, Miss Ilurgln nnd to Mrs. Itotenbury, chairman of the Installation Committee, from tho Insinuation Committee, and to Captain Crouch; Miss Ilurgln and Mrs Dnrwnrt, from the Pnlform Itank. after which Mrs. Minnie 11, Kvnns, commander of llart mm Itevlow. presented Mrs llrnwn. Miss lounsbury. Miss Ilurgln, Mrs. Illcknk and Mrs. Oarrlety with a group photograph of tho commanders of the vartousIlcvlews of tho city. A chicken supper, served by tho Cen tral Committee members from Keystone lle vlcvv, assisted by ltcvlew members, was then served and gTeatly enjned by over !0 mem bers, guests and visitors. The next meeting or tho Central Committee will be held at the home o Mrs. Annie llaney. commander or Philadelphia Review, 2117 South 17th street, Wednesday evening, Philadelphia Itevlcw, Nn 212. received three npnllcatlnns for mimhershlp nnd conferred tho "short form" on two nppllcanls at Its meeting on Tuesday evening. The beautiful new cltv banner, won for making tho greatrst per centage of net Increase during the semiannual term ended December III. graced their mom, and the members are going to work hard tn retain It another term. Mrs. Olson, Mrs. llaney nnd Mrs. Illerbach hivo their names on tho honor rnll for securing a new member, and In Keystone Itevlcw Mrs. K. M. Hclmi Is the llrst to have her name on the roll. Phila delphia Review voted to adopt Supremo Chap lain nurgln's Installation membership cam paign, ami a meeting of tho ofllccrs will be held nt the homo of tho commander, Mrs, llaney, at un t'.irly dntc. KNIGHTS OF MALTA Public Installation of Officers Planned by All Local Commandorics Wednesday evening, Mnrch S. a Joint public lnstnllnt'jn will be held of all new ly elected otllccrs of all local comtrmnd erlcs. Tho ceremonies will be held In tho Auditorium, 715 North Broad street, un der tho direction of District Deputy Grand Commander Harry M. Mouseloy. A full slnfT of uniformed olllccrs of the uniform rank will Impressively Instnl tho otllccrs. und tho occasion will ho graced by the presenco of Jasper T. Sembovver, of I'nlontown, supreme commander, and Charles H. Dlngaman, of Itcadlng, grand commander of Pennsylvania. Supremo Commander Sembnwor will make an nfTlcl.il visit tn this city in tho interests of tho brotherhood February 2S. March 1. j and a. and will also visit tho fraternity In liming ton. Del. While In this section nf tho country ho will meet State and supremo officers and leaders In tho various forwurd movements or tho organization and confer with them as to tho best means to still further promote tho weUnro of this ancient and honorable fra tcrnliy. Ornnd Recorder Hoffman Is busy at head nuarters in this city forwarding supplies of election return sheets und other official para- fdicrnalla needed bv subordinate commnnder es throughout tho Stalo In connection with the coming election und other work of tho order. The latest reports received at headquarters In this city show that the new tomnmndcry tn bo Instituted February IS at Dornien, In tho Houtbweteern section of tho State, will start with not fewer than ISO iharter members. Order of Hcptasophs The semi-monthly meeting of Rockland Con clave, No. 1141. Improved Order llcpttiaophs, was held at l.'12-l Columbia uvenue Tuesday evening, this being tho llrst meeting of this progressive conclave In their new quarters nnd also the occasion of the Installation nf of liters. Tho work of Installation was performed by Modern Plumbing Fixtures pre essential in a comfort able home. Stationary laundry tubs, bubblers, showers and baths are all being exten sively advertised by va rious manufacturers. It occurred to one man ufacturer that the best method of selling his goods was to advertise in papers read by the largest number of home owners and architects, That's what he did. He selected the Public Ledger - Evening Ledger because they are read by 80 of the architects in Philadelphia and by almost as large a per centage of home owners. Manufacturers of other lines pertaining tq home building have also found that it pays to use the Public Ledger - Evening Ledger. bletricl Deputy Supreme Arcnon It. S. Hart man, nsslsted by several ofneets of the Pu preme JJody, The following ofneers were ln stalled! Archon, Frank Kllpatrlck; provost, N. O, Kings prelate, II. A Carman: secretary, William 11. Chapman! financier, C. C llrldge; warder, O. Mejers: Inspector. II. M. Pnderr tontlnel. II. llolln, nnd trustees, II. A. Car. man, If. CJnnz and II. lllumberg Supremo Officers Hnrtmnn, lloldelherger, Wagner and Suppleo made fitting remarks ni to the rapid growth of this, the youngest con clave In Philadelphia and the exceptional de velopment of tho order In general during the Inst year. TWO HK11IWAYS IN CAMDBN COUNTY TO BE l'AVBD Roads Much Used by Autoists to Ho Improved Itlds for the paving of two highways much Used by autoinohlllslfl were opened today by the ttoad Committee of the Camden County Hoard of Krcehotdcrs. Ono of the bids calls for the paving of part of the pike between Camden nnd Moorostovvn, whllo the other provides for tho Improvement of Olenloch toad be tween Olenloch and IJlackvvood. W. I'cnn Corson was the lowest bidder I 4 Cunningham-Made ' PL A YER-PIANO 12 Rolls Music, Bench and Scarf West Phila. Branch 52d& Chestnut Open , Evenings Mlp!-1 "-"4QQBHH'vlHa'! for tho work on the Moorestown road. Ho submitted two bids, one for $58,748.12 nnd the other for J7.801.M. There, wcro two other hlddcrs-Kelly McHccly Com- i pnny. Camden, $51,711.1.1, nnd .1. V. Shan- i ley & Co., l'hllndclphln, GP,r,9 70. John It. Hales, Camden, was the lowest . bidder for the Ulenloch road work. Tho i price he named was 2S,2".2C. From 36th street, Camden, to the bor ough line of Mcrehniitvlllc, Ihe Moores- I town road will be paved with granite , blocks, nnd through Mcrehniitvllle to Cove rontl Topeka paving will be used, with a concrete base, lle.vond Cove road to I'eiisauken lltie the road will be paved Willi ntnlesltc, nnd will hnvo it lelfotd bnsc. The distance to be paved Is nboiit threo nnd one-hnlf miles, nnd It will take .'10.000 sfinarc yards of paving to complete) the work. About ono nnd a half miles nf the tilen loch road will bo n.ivcd with iimlesite. and the loatl base will be constructed! with mncnilnm. The Itoad Committee will place the bids before the tegular meeting of the Cnmdrn County Freehold ers on Wednesday. Completion of these two Jobs will be hnlled Willi Joy by Phil adelphia niitotnoblllsts, for the sections to be paved hnvo long been a souire of complaint from motorcar owners. The Player-Piano of today is not to be compared to the Player-Piano of a few years ago. It fills the need of every music-loving home, for it is a known fact that many Pianos in homes today have grown rusty for the want of use and 1 the lack of trained fingers to play them. The Player-Piano has done away with this condition. The wonderful mechanism of the Cunningham Player-Pianos makes it possible for the novice to render the most difficult composition with the same expression and brilliancy of the trained musician. Unfortunately many instruments are not sold on their merits, the dealers offering at low prices Pianos that are meritorious in case design only this being the least important part of the instrument. There is probably no commodity about which the average buyer knows as little as a Piano; therefore, what protection have you, except the reputation of a reliable manufacturer? Isn't it reasonable that a manufacturer, who has been making Pianos for over a quarter of a century and who has made a reputation for meritorious goods, has more to offer than the dealer who purchases his goods from a manu facturer through a jobber for whose reputation you must accept the dealer s word? We manufacture four different Player-Pianos ranging in price from $450 up. Each instrument is guaranteed by us for a longer period of time than Player-Pianos sold by dealers at a price 25 to 30 more than we, as manufac turers, have to ask. Then, when you have a Cunningham-made Player-Piano, you are sure of the merit, durability and musical effectiveness of the instrument; there are no regrets, no feeling of dissatisfaction. It Pays 11th and Chestnut Streets Factory, 50 th and Iarkside Ave, PLAN MAMMOTH STRIKE OF 700,000 WORKMEN Minors nnd Itnilroad Union Leaders in Conference al Mobile, Ala. NBW YoniC, Keh. 7.-A strike of 700.000 union coal miners and railroad workers Is tho plan of agents nf the ttallrond Men's Unions, conferring In Mobile, Ala., with the bonds of tho conl miners, ac cording to reports hero today. W. 8. Cnrtcr, president of the Hrolher hooil of Locomotive Imglnemen nnd Fire men, nnd W. O. !.ce, president of tho Itrothcrhood of Itnilroad Trainmen, were, said to be directing efforts to combine tho milicrn nnd railroad men In demands for Incienscd wnges. Hadicals among the railway employes declared tho power of the combined forces would compel tho employers lo grant Increases. A conference between representatives nf the soft coal miners nnd operators opens In Mobile tomorrow. Terms as to Think INDUSTRIAL BOARD WILL HEAR MILLERS Operation of Plants to Bo Dis cussed at Three Public Conferences IIAIUUHMUntl. Feb. 7. Pennsylvania millers will be given an opportunity to present their views on rules and regula tions tn govern the construction, main tenance nnd operntlon of flour nnd feed mills, mnlthotiscs nnd grain elevators nt public hearings (o be held before the In dustrial lionrd of tho Depnttmcnt of Labor nnd Industry. The nrat hearing will be held February It, In the Hartjc Huildhig, Pittsburgh The second healing will bo February 21, In tho t'nlon National Hank ilulldlng, Hcrnnton, nud the third hearing will bo February 2S, nt the Htnte Capitol, Hnrrlsburg. Itegulntlons Incorporated In a tentative drnft govern the construction of mills, safeguard against fire hazards and Insure that tho grain ho perfectly clean. Low as $2.00 B Weekly North Phila. Branch 2835 Germantown Avenue Open Evenings 41 I iiS? no1 mors than fclx yeai tu the ld fenitem,ri The Elrl was at TraFWfirT n-tn n 1 ? J i a vtv,u aa tadl maltreated. v sto.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers