Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, February 07, 1916, Night Extra, Page 4, Image 4

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    iSSBwwwwS'SSiiij'' jmimmMwi.1 '! wnnm
mmmrmwrim --U'4
? -Hv i-wg lyyfrnyy1
, Senator Stone Says He Be
lieves Controversy Is Set
'. tied; Others Not Sure
Would Blow Up Welland
Canal to Halt Munition
and Food Shipments
' Acceptances by (ho United States of the
latest Herman stieRestlons for n settle
ment of the Lusltanla controversy wero I
forecast in olllclal circles todaV. I
-,'Tho, chief optimist was Mcnator Stone,
t of Missouri, chairman of tho Senate For
eign ltelntlons Committee. Following
a conrciencc at the State Department mid
White House, Senator Stono expressed the
belief that tho Lusltanla danger was
passed.' Ho said:
"My Impression Is that tho Lusltanla
case Is settled."
Other ofTlelals would not jro so lar. The
President has not yet determined on his
course of action. OHICIals expected he
would wait until the whole matter had
been, threshed out nt tomorrow's Cabinet
meeting before announcing any policy.
Meanwhile, ho and Secretary Lansing wilt
discuss every phaso of the Gorman offer
and determine whether by ncceptlng It
further decisions of International moment
bo prejudiced.
The one other outstanding dovolopment
of today was an Indication from Secre
tary Lansing that he Is docldedly Irritated
over tho reported declaration of llerr
Zimmerman, German Under Secretnry of
Foreign Affairs, indicating that the United
States had Increased Its demand during
tho negotiation. Secretary Lansing, In
this connection, permlt.cd himself to bo
quoted as follows:
"This Government has not Increased Its
demands In the Lusltanla enso as set forth
In the notes of May 13, June 0 nnd July 21.
I-doubt very much If Doctor Zimmerman
over made stu-h a statement, for ho must
know It Is utterly false."
Secretary Lansing stated very frankly
he. had not yet succeeded in making nn
appointment with President Wilson. Ho
added that he probably would see him
tonight, Until ho doea heMvlll not hold
nny further conferences with Ambas
sador von Bcrnstorft. The Secretary In
sisted, however, that no deadlock existed.
He could not say, ho explained, whether
n. further conference will be necessary
after the President reaches a, decision in
tho latest German proposals. Until tho
President reaches- a -let-lslon. Secretary
Lansing said, he could not Indicate when
the Stato Department will give out the
statement ho promised to make summing
up tho Lusltanla situation.
White House sources today depre
cated the action of certain German ofll
clals In indicating that tho contro
versy 1b settled at this particular stago.
It was pointed out that In International
questions of this moment prematura an
nouncements might work great harm.
It Is understood that discreet hints to
tho effect had boon given to tho Ger
man' Embassy.
The main factor standing out today was
that the danger point of an ultimatum to
Germany has passed. Kvcn if this
Government rejects Germany's latest sug
gestion!! further diplomatic exchanges are
Denies Hurried Departure From Ber
lin Was at President's Call
PAIUS, Feb. 7. When asked today If
he considered his return mission a suc
cess, Qolonel E. M. House, special diplo
matic agent of President Wilson, replied:
"I am entlrelv HatlsfliMl."
Colonel House will go to .LotS&n o!l1
morrow where he will again fconfSr will?
members of the British cabinet" before
sailing Jor New York on tho liner Rotter
dam, on February 19.
Colonel House has seen President Poln
care. Premier Drland and other members
of the , government, but declined to dis
cuss the nature of his mission.
It Is regarded as significant that Colonel
House curtailed his visit to Germany Just
at the time when President Wilson was
making truculent speeches which wero
supposed to bo aimed at Germany. When
asked why he had left Berlin so hurriedly
Colonel House refused to admit that he
was In nny degrco responsible for tho
recent utterances of President Wilson.
"It Is true that I left Berlin rather
hurriedly," the envoy admitted, "but the
facts of the case are that I began to get
lonesome for America and decided to speed
up my business."
NEW YOUK. Feb 7.
That tho Germans In the United States
plan to Invade Canada, destroy tho Well
and Canal nnd prevent shipments of food
and munitions to iMiglnml are the stnrt
llng charges made by Canadian secret
service ngents, according to" tho Now
York Herald.
Other facts revealed by a secret Inves
tigation which has been carried on for
weeks In this city and In Connecticut t In- i
cludo the nmazlng development that tip-
proximately 200,000 rides havo been pur l
chased by Germnn agents here nnd that
these weapons nro being sent by stealth
to the northern border for use when the
tltnn comes to strike the blow ngalnt"
It also has developed that during tho
last six months scores of trained German
nrmy officers have come to this country
In tho guise of Belgian refugees and
Scandinavians, and that they organized
secretly largo companies of Germans with
tho avowed purpose of making a raid
upon the Welland Canal. It Is said by
Secret Service agents of Canada that
many thousands of men have been enrolled.
Another Important development Is the
statement of a man conversant with the
situation thnt nearly one-third of the
munition contracts entered Into by the
Allies with American manufacturers actu
ally have hern let to Germans under ns
suincd names, nnd thnt the munitions
havo been stored uwny In places not yet
discovered by Canadian Secret Service
agents. Tho munitions, consisting of
sholls, shrapnel and Immense stoves of
rifles, have been paid for with money de
posited In vnrlou.i banks In this city by
well-known agents of tho German Gov
ernment. That the raid of this nrmy of Ger
mans was designed to be carried out
within tho next two months was tho
statement made by one Canadian author
ity last night. According to tho director
of a leading munition plant, whoso name
cannot be disclosed nt this time, not a
single rllle contracted for by the Allies
In 1915 was shipped to Europe prior to i
last Novcmbci. What beeamo of these!
rifles tho Canndlnn authorities nrr bend
ing their brst efforts to learn, hut thus
far, It was admitted last nigh', every
effort to get reliable Information has mot
with failure.
i a ejsfY. ovmt4imWmmXS$l INDIA
r , 1 TMmmMsk
mm in ALtics NWD& m wf&J
Si Dice Che Austriaci c Bulgari
Hnmio EiTottuato il Col-
legamento a Nord di
About 15,000 of tho Kaiser's troops in the Kamcruns are rcportctl to
havo crossed tho border into Spanish Guinea, leaving the territory
in the hands of tho Allies. Tho map shows the changes thnt havo
taken place in African colonics since the war began. Germany now
retains a foothold in East Africa only.
Continued frnm 1'nite One
scientific aluminum paint which renders
them as nearly Invisible as posslblo.
Each of the new hnlloons can romnln
In the air for 12 hours and can rise to nn
altitude of 12.00J feet within a spaco ol
loss than ten minutes. The nrmament
consists of several small cannons, ma
ehlne guns nnd about a ton nnd a half of
West Goshen Assessor on Trial
Breaking Election Laws
WFtT CHGSTKU, Pa., Feb. 7. Asses
sor Stephen Peoples, of West Goahcn
township, who also hns a position as n
State road supervisor, was placed on tvlal
In court here today, charged by Or. Bay
ard Kane, of the same township, with
violation of tho election laws.
Peoples had selected days for sitting to
enroll the voters of tho precinct, but sev
eral of them rtpplled and found him ab
sent, It being alleged that he was at work
upon a road contract Instead and had af
tcrw. rd collected fees from the county
for work he did not perform as assessor.
Teuton Papers Predict New Outbreak
of Submarine War
AMSTERDAM. Feb. ".A new mnchlne
for he transmission of poison gases has
Just been devised and Installed in tho
trenches on the west front by tho Ger
mans. Improvements also have been
made In tho artillery which makes special
training necessary for the gunners.
It Is believed that the O'rmtiiid are
awaiting a strong cast wind before begin
ning an offensive with clouds of poison
unses from their new appatatus.
Another burst of German submarine
activity is Imminent, says tho Cologne
(Germuny) Volk tfoitung. This paper de
clares that England will experience the
effects of a further submarine surprise
within tho next few days, nddlng:
"Everything America does and which
English diplomats work day and night
Continued from 1'axe One
principality of Transylvania, Inhabited
largely by Rumanians.
The Marmornltz correspondent of tho
Chronicle reported a sudden concentra
tion of Rumanian troops along the Hun
garian frontier within EO yards of the
Austro-Hungarian lines.
Italian Cabinet Holds Special Meeting
as Menace Grows
ROME, Feb. 7,
Durazzo, capital of Albania, probably
will be occupied by the Austrians before
many hours.
Austrian cavalry has reached the Ar
zenl River, four miles northeast of Du
razzo, according to dispatches received
here. It Is awaiting the arrival of the
main body of Austrian troops, which
crossed the Illver Ishnl early Sunday
after defeating a Serbian detachment
The Serbs are falling back to the south
to escape envelopment by Bulgarian
forces, at Elbassup.
Improvement in the weather conditions,
that nearly for two weeks have hampered
the Austro-lfungarlan operations. In Al
bania, lid 'permitted a resumption of activities.-
Small Serbian forces on tho southern
bank of the Isml opposed overwhelming
numbers of the enemy, but after a battle
lasting eight, hours the Serbs, were com
pelled, to retreat toward Durazzo as a
A long Cabinet meeting was held here
on Sunday, at which the situation In Al
bania was again discussed.
Germa8 Drive Foe Frqm Position
They-Captured, Berlin Says
UbJPtLIN. v Feb. 7 VIoleni artillery
duels are' rasing In Artois and south of
tJM KQnim& River
rhr German War Office In an official
K if ptjitsmfrnt today declared that big gun
nuei DI a nerce cnaracter are in progress
between the La Baee Canal and Arras,
la Argonne the French occupied a mine
crater, but were driven out by the Ger
m.ns. .The oUpwipa; Is the text of the official
"Flflrce- artillery battles are proceeding
between the La Basse Canal and Arras,
as wll as south of the Somme River.
Th enem; has violently bombarded Lens
tsetse last dfjrs, ' t , , ,
WJjp the Argoan thj Vjwh occupied a
$ orator at Hiil N Jfc gortheast of
Ij ' Sm W4--. hut wtr drive, oqt Imroe
u&iiito' W a. $uAtr-attek,
: . 5
Germans Have Three Equivalents, but Pages of the Book
Seem to Be Torn Out, Say Savants on
International Tangle
"In the bright lexicon of youth tliero Is
no such word as 'fall'!"
This is one of those sentiments thnt
one voices every morning as ho under
takes physical culturo exercises to reduce
the size of his girth. Ho says It as he
bends from tho waist without bending the
knees, In order to touch the Iloor with
his linger tips, and If ho Is very fat, there
is much grunting and puffing and con
siderable pain in calves of the legs.
The Germans havo a variation on this
old saying. It goes like this:
"In the bright lexicon of youth there
Is no such word ns 'disavow.' "
Savants and students of German lan
guage and literature smiled at the Idea
of the Germans disavowing the word
"disavow." They said today that thcro
was such n word In German, thnt there
were nt least three such words, nnd tnat
If the Germans wanted to dlsavo-v the
sinking of the Lusltanla it would not bo
the German language that would keep
them from doing It. They were Inclined
to believe that It would bo because they
did not want to use the perfectly good
equivalents for the English word "dis
avow" thnt might continue to disavow
They might say "nlcht anerkennen,"
which, according to the dictionaries, has
tho sense of "not to know," or "not to
acknowledge," and also "to disown," by
refusing "to know" or recognize.
Or they might say "verwersen," which
means "to throw" or "to cast away,"
"to repudiate," and so "to disavow." The
German word "Iaugncn" carries the idea
of "denial" and "disclaiming" nnd "dis
avowing." So they agreed that tho Germans wero
not without equivalents for the thought
expressed by "disavow" and that there
must bo other reasons for their failure
to find the place in tho book.
Theru will be danclnc on our perfect
ttnnr unci, an ulways, tho perfect
Walton ruiHlno und Bervfce. Table
r.'nv;ittorin may be made by phoning
l-'llln-rt S.'ilS.
IHUK.Ni: G. MH.I.KIt, Manager
ill cAicnclS
!iil.il w .&. w- TH!-3
ii I
I jjjjiiHl
ji iirtXa
ffly&ss-iFr r-
rrSSiWSJir'VjV.a rr0"lr! -"Maii&vl
for arises from tho strivings in mako a
submarine war Impossible for Germany.
England will bo less successful than ever
during tho next few days. The German
people nro supporting the submarine war
fare with the same enthslasm nnd de
termination that they did nt the out
break of tho war."
ItOMA, 7 Fcbbrnlo.
lerl si rlunl' II Conslgllo del mlnlstri,
che dlscusao dl nuovo la sltunzlone in
Per due setllmane II cattlvo tempo ha
rltnrdato t'nvnnzntn delle fore alls tro
blllgare nell'Albnnln. ma ora, essendofll H
tempo rlstablllto, gll austriaci hanno pas
sato II flumo Isml ft nord cd a nord-cst m
Durazzo. I'lcroll rcpartl serbl tcntarono
dl ostncolaro t'avnnxatn degll austriaci,
ma dopo una battaglla dl otto oro furono
rontrettl a rlplogarn su Durazzo cho o
PoblcUlvo Immcdlato dello forzo austrla
che. Qui si nspetla cho Durazzo sarn' occu
pata da tin momento nli'nltro, glacoho tin
dlflpncclo dice che rorrtl dl cnvallcrlo,
fonnantl l'nvanguardla dello forze alts
trlaehe, sono gin gluntl ai flumo Aracn,
eh- o' ad nppena (lunttro mlglla da Du
rnstzo. Qucstl rcpartl aspetUino 1 nrrlvo
del grosso per contlnuaro la loro mnrcla
e passaro II iltlmo. Ii forzo scrbo rlplo
gano n slid per evltnre dl essero avvllup
patp dnllo forzo bulgaro operantl da El-
La sltunzlone In Albania va dunnue nv
vlclntmdosl rnpldamento alia sua faso rls
oltttlva, giacche' si ritlenc che lo forze
nustrlaehe marccranno sublto da Durazzo
contro Vnlnnn.
II comunlcato ufflclalc pubbllcato lerl
sera dnl Mlnlstoro delta Gucrra nnntincla
sempllccmento cite, art eccczlono ill
nzlonl dl nrtlgllcrla, non si e' nvuto nlcun
cho dl Importanto sulla fronto Italo
austrlaca. II Secolo dl Mllano pub ..lea tin dls
pacclo, rltnrdato dalla censitra, cho dice
cho 1 govern! dl Berllno o di Vienna hnn
no formnlmento notlllcnro al govern!
rUmeno cho essl rlguardano como attl
o.itlll 1'elezlono dl due ir. dentistl delta
Trnnsllvanla nlla Camera del Doputatl
rumena e ta vendlta dt 80,000 vagonl di
grano ftll'Inghlttorra,
11 governo rumeno rlsposo cho la costt
ttlzlono rumena non gll pcTmetlova ill
nnntillaro I'elcilono.dcl due deputall trnn
sllvanl o di qualslasl deptitato Irredon
tlsta so non nuando questo clezlonl fos
sero lllegall. 1'er quantlo rlgunrda la ven
dlta dl grano all'lnghllterra si trntta sem
pllccme'nto dl una qulstlone cconomlca e
nnturalmento lo atitorlta' rumene uevono
salvngUdrdnre gll Intcrcssl economicl del
paeso cho governano. Intanto si dice che
truppo btilgare o turcho vnnno coneen
trnndosl nl confine delta Itttmanla.
Olungo notlzla cho lo forzo nustrlaehe
o bulgaro hanno effottuato It loro col
legamento In Albania cd hanno gl.v at
taccnto un reparto mlsto dl Itatlanl e
serbl che, dl fronte a forze stiporlorl, na
dovuto rltlrarsl su Fieri, a circa 10
mlglla da Vnlonda tjucsta notizin o ni
fonto atlstrlaca.
Notlzlo dlrctto glunto n lloma dlcono
Invcco che lino squndrono dl eavnllerla
auslrlnca ha occupato II vlllagglo al
bancso dl Krojn. a circa 12 mlglla it
nord-cst dl DurnZzo, ma che to truppo
llntlnnn minlln rll Ess.1l! non SOPO tl-
cora venuto a contatto con gll ntlstrlarl
ed I hulgarl. . ,
Ncll'lnterno dell'Albnnla si hanno ferocl
combattlmcntl tra nlbanesl crlstlanl c
muflsulmanl, cd I bulgari hanno recltttnto
bandn alhnnesl annate. tTlTlclall bulgari
cd nuslrlacl si sarebbcro datl, si dice, ad
organlzzaro mnssncrl nolle pnpolnzlonl
nlbanesl. Pare Intanto che forze Itnllano
contlnlilno n sbarcaro In Albania per op
porsl alt'avanzata degll austro-bulgarl su
Un dlspacclo da Uticarest dice cho la
I grando offlclna Skoda, la fabbrlca dl
nrtlgllcrla dell'lmpcro nustriaco, cno sorgo
n rilscn, Doemla, e' stat.a In parte dls
trtltta da una terrlblle esploslone.
11 dlspacclo Invlnto da llucarcst nl
Secolo dl Mllano dice:
"Secondo Informazlonl glunte qui da
fonto degna dl fedo nel famoso arsonale
nustrlnco Skoda si c' nvtitn una torrlhtn
rsploslotio dl mcnlllte. Tro edincll dclle of
flclno compresn qucllo cho era usato per la
costruzlone del grossl cannonl tdraullcl da
.101! mlllltnetrl, sono saltatl in nrla o l!Ci
pcrsone sono pcrlte nel dlsastro."
Lo ofTlclno Skoda sono Ira lo plu' rlno
mate del mflndo c, dopo le Krupp, lo plu'
grnndl che gll Impcrl contrail possedevano.
SI era spenso detto che I grossl cannonl
cho rldussero lo fortezzo francesl e bclgho
ernno delle nmclnc Skoda o non Krupp,
como si supponovn.
Un telegramma da Monaco dl Havlcra
dlro cho 1'aerodromo dl Jnhatinlathal o'
stato dlstrutto da un Incendlo cho ha dl
vorato ancho scl o novo aeroplanl cho si
trovavnno ncgll hangars.
Gnrrison Short of Pootj!
X ' lurK Var1
wiucu ncportg
llrltlsh troops besieged- In tti 5
potnmlnn town of Kut-el-Amar,
Turkish forces, nro short of fooa an
munition, nnd will bo compellf.i iJVl
inn. rtrinr,U . CV
by tho Turkt.t.!ST
render very soon
ndvicca received by tho Turkish "Si
Onice. 3j
A dispatch from Dagdad mi.. .Ml
.t VHAhH... .. .... LO U1U.I
u.-n;.--r. int.tHu Hum ine cotnms
tho beloTguered troops, sent in SV
lief expedition that has tried n I.S1
roach Ktit-ol-Amarn.
for nsslstance,
nppoalcil rM.ii.Vt,
saying that th. rX
force was on tho verge of starvallnS'-!i
that the supply of ammunition. J.W1'!
tvrttlld tfiel ntltt, n tunnlr
Dysentery nnd typhus fever 2
to have caused tcrrlblo havoc nmm,
English soldiers, live tompornry hiull.
being crowded with the Buffering. ,
French and English CruiJ
bniu to lio violating Three?!
JMno Limit
NOm-'OLK, Va., FtV'.ij
becoming to mo reports received tt
shipping olllces here, not only' a'l
Virginia cat)es being closelv naiMiuiil
Allied cruisers, hut the fact thatath.1
h.IU 11... I. Avlnt. t V..t.. , ."1
cording to theso reports, there art til
luruiKii iiumuiB, imiu rucopnizea ftl I
jirittsn cruiser c;aronin, and a iks-M
guaTOiiiK me Huuiimrii cnnnncl, mIIrJ
IU UV J'lt'ULtli - - U
"In patrolling tho coast ycslerdjT'i
last nlglit both ships wero Inshnd
an extent that unquestionably' tuM
them well within tho limit," said ifcj
I'llUli Q
W&MA'J'' Swirling, pausing; swirling along" again, the
lliMmntWWfi music dances under my hands I '
(,' WW
" Ju4 T
tf j
ol ii . . .
ir Important
Swirling, pausing, szcirling along again, tlic
music dances under my hands I
T SIT at my Pianola playing the 'Whispering- Wind
JL Mazourka' by Wollenhaupt I who have never
learned a note of music ! And I do not sinSply 'sound
notes.' I play with feeling and expression. People
listen to me with rapt faces and closed eyes. I execute
delightfully playful little passages where the wind seems
actually to dance among the leaves. I soften indescrib
able little runs by just a natural easing of my feet upon
the pedals. I dash into a dizzy scamper down the scales
by simply following with my Metrostyle pointer along
that waving red line which is marked so clearly on my
music roll and which indicates for me the perfect music
time of this beautiful piece.
"The Themodist causes the rushing, dashing melody
to sing forth from the delightful embroidery of its ac
companiment. The sustaining Pedal device gives the
beautiful sustained effect just where it belongs, without
a thought from me.
"I am putting temperament, feeling, emotion behind
this exquisite pianoforte music by the few simple
devices on the Pianola, whose use has been so easy for
me to learn.
"Ahl it is wonderful, this Pianola, which allows thousands who
have never learned music to play the world's piano masterpieces
with art, with finish, with deep musicianly feeling. Never had I
thought when hearing player pianos before that the real Pianola
could be so different."
You should understand
that there is but one
Pianola; it is made only
by the Aeolian Company;
is handled in this city by
ys; and is obtainable in
the folloxvinn models;
The Stelnway Pianola
The Wheelock Pianola
The Stroud Pianola
The Famous Weber
Prices from $550
Moderate 'Monthly
Enables you to pfay the piano -well
We want you to come to our store nnd hear the trenulne Plannin' Tt. Aiia
Company who make this wonderful instrument have developed it 3o that every ono
.,. tv.uj ii, wen, unrein ji amers irom
the host of player pianos which attempt"
to imitate it.
We are the representatives in this
City for the Pianola, and we handle no
player piano but the Pianola line that
wonderful jjroup of instruments embracing
the finest pianofortes in the world at their
respective prices, combined with the genur
ine Pianola action,
The Stroud Pianola
Price (550,
Comrtaht, tftf. Th Aolian Company