5 JgWryr -" GT" - "l"i(BlttPliiitfWiaBB!SBWiW" VSTRA7 MONDAY February 7, 1916 Wtopt Kuenmg S SIDELIGHTS ON THE NEWS OF THE DAY AS GATHERED BY THE EVER-PRESENT CAMERA MA ,..,.JiV"fV 3?'V . ' .fc&l&.. " s vv. - '- . rV''..-, v? .... -. -h;t '"wirvrrw".,'v'" v 4- .jw- v. vffi.vv .sr-. 4. v.r .v v tr as , t i . : ..w t s. . . s . . v . v . .-. v .v.-.. j .:' :.r..!5iVaT . ..... 'J(r 'J: ..k.;,,..: jvwrn ." . ??ft" . . . v j. m. -.. . . v r . ..it s fji n .. -..y. j ? stw .. .-";.. .: ., ;. ti s ' jp-k im. o n. . . i: -- r u. i a i s - v . . ' . .''... t i .B.yAT . 4 . ZW trg '? usx $&P&!i ' v( v & wsa f' 88a?$R& ws? ' &"! $J . nw n CITY ROOF TOPS UNDER CRUST OF FROZEN SNOW A view taken during the recent sleet storm looking east from the roof of the Central High School at Broad and Green streets. f. m fei mmmsmma & ii mjs kK x$w 5iT 6-. -3 &v. 55 r -jx. r, ea & ; Fl . ? wis-. ?? VfA v, " fMV t ;4-l li fi From . Portland Ad ciutf Tortiaad Ore . f4C. u ASSOCIATED AO CLUdS W0RU 303 nEBCHAftTS BAftK BtBG. stes&s&2ed I" v.'k-ii-liA11 VIS!SPf- ivf" Ka$e$stiva(,3Mi - ; :-;f raaSkS'..". imiMiATous tnpmnfi. SSfP 3'4'SV r! .'.r'i.:' 2ojirio )"'..' "....- B?MISJ -' o- a tmBm $j,ZrW ' r ,- T&f&G JS5g! IWKTr' -fc 5?Sfe: BtSyt.. .ti&feM IK?B' v"Ax w iSSiZS-- i2si;2 "VfjH (Ju.ynrg i ni 5"H ikifeJla wsyw 3wAwv,rtjjrJw ' -rfa" t!irtK- - t aSV ;p xv v i' v. f a- -- :: -v - ..'Al&F?J ,. !i4.X4l ' . . fcC 1,MI1 ujtmM u , ,.. rtaaS3ft3'!-iUf,T Hl '; k TUIS IS PERCY A. ROCKEFELLER graving that a, niiil&ijaire, in a btjiing auit looka just UKe"Bnybp.(iy else, "as, BstQKened by this snapshot' at - ' " , Palni Beach. OREGON WANTS TOURISTS, SO SHE GOES AFTER THEM The upper, picture shows a single letter, ten feet long by. f pur feet wide, mailed by the Portland Advertising Club to r the Associated Advertising Clubs of the World, boosting Oregon's official better-writing week ' when all residents wera urged to write to f nenas jn the East about the glories of the West, The lower picture shows the giant letter box erected in a business street to receive such mail. ,It was si big as a house. i A nnnn nmr m m.r ........ -. .-cvTT if . uuuu juun- at inti WA1VO JUUOi tt& t... IIERP. .. . .... m rti ".""' ".5t" wno Drougnt tne Appam acrosa Atlantic to Norfolk, is shown herein uniform wr the deck of the canturd liner. In fit - .-.-