- Tr -jr-v p-gSfcW" r$$wpm l! ' 1G EVENING LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1010. J FINANCIAL NEWS HOPES THAT DIPLOMATIC SITUATION ii WOULD BE CLEARED UP HELPFUL Commission Houses Had a Fair Amount of Orders on i it-' AT: i Hand at the Opening Baldwin Locomotives Moved Up New York Stock Sales tAl close. High. Ixw. Clone. Alaska J OoM Mines l)H 0J 0' ! MJf 21! 22J, M 28 ,'Ki 23 EOjf 70 80' 70 M)'i 08, 07 00J 07 Oi 07$fi0'(l 07' ( 0i OHf OW Ol'i OIH 02', 02 (I2's 07J. 70'4 07U 01 10. 107 105 107 ; NEW YOHK, Feb. 7. Tho npcculntlvo tone unci stock market movements were guided thla Jtnornlnc by tlio iiovaiiancr retiorts and comments on tho (lerman diplomatic Situation. Tlio hopes oxprcRaed In tho press Benerully for a smoothing out of jjjjho difference without diplomatic rupture caused marked Improvement In scn Ijttment, creating- a moderate demand and for "the time curtailing tho offerings. ij&otnmlssloii houses lind a fair amount of buying orders on hand when tho Jtitmrket opened, and tho traders on tho floor, as ono of them announced, wcro las bullish ns they dared to be. 5." Tho floor member of ono of tho most Important houses on tho Htrcet JJJnlrt; "Wc nro on the eve of a bull movement, and I guarantee an advance." lljlut this house was tho chief seller of stocks all through tho first hour aid an an Important factor In forcing the decline In Iackawnnna Steel from 81 to 76 as Boon ns the market opened. Later tho reports of the actlvo trading fn Cambria. Steel In Philadelphia was responded to with a three-point rally &'i4 79 In this market, ,mi There was a vigorous movement In Mexican Petroleum, which may bo attributed on tho surface to the incorporation of the new petroleum com- '"finny, but In all probability the upward movement may have found a direct ' Incentive In mnrket activities of the Lewlsohns. (, General activity did not prevail In the stock market much longer than the 'first hour. After that period there were some brisk advances In specialties, '"jylt'i Baldwin Locomotive demanding most attention. That stock crossed 118, J jnnklng a gain of over six points In all, with tho huMng coming from some jpf tho houses active In Mhlvule Steel. It was said thai tho nnnuat report, generally understood to he ready for Issue, will show about Ii per cent, enrned on this stock In 191!. but friends of the company Insisted that the market position wns not based on the 11)15 earnings, but on the known larger orders In hand, which will substantially Increase its prollts this year. Some Interests watching the trading In Lackawanna Steel this morn t.Oig Insisted that tho sale of that stock at 7G was the result of a drive, but, Jiijlthough tho merger managers might try to discredit It, tho fact remained "Vhat It Is now earning 2C per cent, on Its stock. There was a good demand for International Nickel, which made a gain of eight points, which was regarded as a response to persistent accumulation connected with the change arranged in tho par value of the certificates. Alaska flolo Mines Allls-rhalmcrs Mfg . Allls-Chslmen Mftr pf. Am Ar Chemical pf . . Am Iiect Hiwar. . . . Am Hrct Sugar pf Am Can ... Am Cat & Foundry.. Am Coal Pnxlnrts.. . Am Coal Prod pf Am Cntlon Oil ... Am Cotton Oil pf . . Am Hide & U pf Am Ire Securities . . . Am Unseed Am t.lnsxcd pf Am IKomolhc n:' nr.f nfijf iifif Ki no M'i Ki oojf too 28!i 2ii'f 2.1,f 2.l'4 42U 42'f 00 08' i 100 ra 28N 2.1W I2' 00 ' 100 M 20'f 2.114 12'f 07" l HEAVY LIQUIDATION IN WHEAT MARKET Stop Loss Orders Wcro Caught nnd Prices Declined Sharply All Around CHICAGO, Kelt 7. Thero was n Revere drop In tho wheat market here today un der active liquidation, and stop-loss orders were, caught Tho temper was very bear ish on the belief that Mrtually all the export business being concluded was for Canadian grades May finished Be. below Saturday's close, at $1.27',, or only 'c. above tho bottom, and July Ic. net lower, at $1.20, or only Mo. above tho lowest May started at Jl ,12'4 and nt one tlmo rallied to $1 31. and July started nt $.2 nm Locomotho pf .. 102 Wtili I02'i 102' i ,m bmell ft lief . now W2H lom, I01M .....i . nnn .ime moved tin to $1.2 HI The 114 114'i 111 HI'S temporary Improvement wan due to some " Copper at 28 Cents ,i , Copper prices have boon advanced sharply by some selling agencies. Kor n'vnxlous deliveries quotations are: .March, 28 cents; April, 27 cents; May, 2G?i Hcnts. and June, 2fi',A cents. MIDVALE STRONG ON N. Y. CURB New York Bond Sales General List Eased Off After Early Show of Firmness. Traders Realized NDW YORK. Feb. 7. In the market for outside securities today speculation de veloped fair activity at the outset, al though Interest for a large part of tlio , ztlmo was centred in nnout nan a dozen Issues. Tlio general tone was htrong, w 1th rather sharp advances In spots, although In tho lato afternoon some Irregularity de veloped on realizing by traders. MIdvale Steel -was ono of the principal features and alter advancing more' than 4 points, due In part to the purchasing of tho Cambria Steel Company, later this was followed by a reaction of more than 2 pplnts from the highest. Drlggs-Seatmry. nftor an advance of 214. cased off Haskell & Marker was decidedly more active at an Improvement of more than 3 points Cuba Cano was In good demand, but later like wise fell back. Marino common was firmer on small dealings Motor stocks were gen erally strong Chandler rose 1A; Chevro let moved up about 3 points. Oil stocks were generally higher, with Rome Irregularity in spots. (lo.plU ator, advancing 7 points, cased, oil If;' Prairie Ipo Line was down 2, whil'o Standard! Olf of New Jersey moved up 4. Cosden Oil was moderately actlvo and firmer. Copper stocks moved within narrow limits. Ken hecott Improved, as did Cerro do Pasco Bonds were generally steady, with a slight Inquiry for Krlo 4s and Baltimore nnd Ohio 5s. INDUSTRIALS. Am riritlsh Ati ouir i w i s s do or Am Marconi Baltlmoro Tubo Cnnnillan Car St J-Mv enn Car & r.ly rrd Chevrolet Motor Car Chandler Mntnra Cuban Cano Huk Ourtlss Aeroplane DrlKCB-Scaibury do rts Ifcskell A Barker C.ir Hrmlee Manufacturing International Mercantile. Marino. do pref Inteniatlonnt N'lrkel new Kelly Hprinnnriii Kathnillon llronza IiM Tire .. Manhattan TranHlt Maxim Munition Aimvaie Steel utls Klevator plto Klaenlohr w 1 udo pref Peerleu Motor Poolo Erie & Macli Rt Joreph Lead B 8 KreaKO w 1 Standard Motora fiubmartni lit t c ctfs Triangle Film v t ctf. . !nlte,i I'ront Rhnrlns . (I a Light & Heat tAa pref nlto Motara w I Uorld films .. . .. STANDAHU oil. SUDSIIHARIKS. Int Tetrol IJ!4 Illinois 1 L 1M Ohio OH . I -21 .Htandard Oil ot California :-S .Btandard Oil of New Jpriiey .112 'Standard Oil o( New York 211 OTHBIt OH. STOCKS Chcden Oil Clulmen Oil , Houston nil Mldweit Heflnlnff Ripulpa i . iijNiwu crruuiuf. Atlanta ... -- , Ilutte C & V. v t ctfa ?S Ilutta & H V 21, Cerro do l'anco Hi; vlrst Natl fTonruT 7 -iioidneid Merger 'Ifecla Mining Jlowe nund Jim Dutlar . .... Jumbo Exlrnalon .uiitnentt Cnnner iioKlnley-DarruKh 4T .aunea at America ST'. 112 . . 1011 . . 1)4 H . Hltt vs ..IOI llluh. J'TKHi Adams Kxpreas 4 -. ,0(io Ainer Aur .-. . . . .Iirj'i i.,iir AnKin r i, ,h irii. iW Am Ice la ux Amer Smelt Sec fi 'Oil Amir Tel lit 4(1 .VJNI Amer Tel ct IVjb Win Armmir Co 4h . . . 4(K1 Atohlaon Ken 4a . Illim Atilllvim mil 4... . IIKJI Atchlton c 4s.. . Tl'Hl Althlann .".a 2H (I Alrh Trnna H I. la IMW iro Atlin I'll l.lno lt 4b nil, limn Allan Co I.lna H-jS.. . iil IIUMI Unit a nhlii 4a . !-''. 1 lrfl(:l Halt At Ohio c lk.s 117', 11)11 II A II P I. 1:aVV la vil. :KI II ft O Kwn .IM . lUHi lixrm llelh Steel rfd .'.. 11(1 m) llrokln It T : llllsllll'i lllai llrnokln I' 12 lm .la 101 JIXO I'nl ! X. in .-, . IIS", 4(KH Cent ill cona r inn, 27H0O Cent leather 1st .'a.lirj iir.(io Cent 1'iic Ixt 4s .. . imi'm 4IHIO Cent It It N ,1 5s. ..II11, mk Chill Conner 7a ... ni'i .1000 Cliea & llhlo rs wvA HOIHI Chl A Alton :iL,a .... 404 moo C'lil (!t West la .. . 7L't4 ...'"ii w ii i w jpint la .. in 48 I.m ST, ME J 'IW S7, tin !'-"! 1IHI III, !'!'(, ss mi lOlS lull.. 1IU ,ulv tinK.r (Ml - UUj Clne. (.-, lic-. PIS till 1UH inn IHi, 111 tin Mil !' !i7 cil, 11 l. 10Ji mi llll IISI, lllia, lmjn US', 111 Kfflj 41V ,VUHl do gen i.vmi c M a. hi ! en ra... ifti' lui iat 11.1 2'4 Ml mil !l- "r 7', sin. ,;T- 101 mi IISI, KIP, 111.' !!', US), HI 11171., iii.; !l"l IU' inon lmKi do r do i:en 4U MHM1 C M & I' S 4 . . . , VNI Chinese rcta 5a . . . JNI Col At South 4(4n . juna Corn Prod Sh lull r.oon Ciimlierlnml Tel ." IfliK) ricl Al Hud 1 ... Usui lien AV It (I rfd .- . Hum Detroit Tun 4Ua . . .UHNI Ilia b'ee Corn ..a . II .Main I2rlo gen la Mum no tnn 44 Mor ii .': m h r.rla I'.t lot 4s . , Mum CHe prior 4a 1MNI (li.uiby tona Us . . KxxiMlrcit Nor 1st .. .. ui llu, I X. Mm In .'.a .. :iono llu, I At Man rid r.s UJm 111 KUel ilcb 4"s... .iiuoi imiiana steel ra. .K1IX1 Ina Copper cv lis .111 mi .102. lirji, III . mi ifi 111 71 Mil! s'h; . MP., P171; . n"i . :il . 711-1 . i.'j in mi sr.n H'i Kl nm, r.Ti, ni 7'Jt, 7ll SI) Vl M. lll71i ll Ml fl ICHj ini. iiiitT .HiiK, ina uuppcr cv i.s lt jrc'j a mo Interb II T ref 5a n'l'i huh Lisooo Inter Mer Mar ct 4'5. .100 !"i IMiCI Japaneto ls S(X ij Hid . . . xx . . . 21 ... 4- ... as. ... 2" -. 71 ... PO ... nii ::: tf ...142 ... 12 ... -'.1 ... 2SW ... 17V4 . 71 ... 51 11 1 pref 82 4li' t 1 7J III H lOil llli54 H .r.'i Asked. :m 411 .1 ion 7H m 112 112 r.m Ml 34-. Si1 S'O 77' S ri -...1 pi tui; i in '-7 120 I.Vi 1014 (1 .IS 11 1 IS 11 ISO .'il .172 .-.1.1 211 !, 20 M 11 SI 1!5 I'5 11 11 ; ! lll K C Tl S A: il tla .1111 .M.O11O Ijieka Steel .".a IIKSI... II'IJ, pun. 1 i.iika Strcl .-4 1:1.-11 . 111 1IK I.k Sh deb la 1P.I1... 111 1IK) l.lg A. M T r.a IIK14 2KIO l.lg A: M T 7 lttPJ 110.1 I.i,rlllard .'s Hr.-'C 10(11 lrlllaiii 7a 12tl 2lkHI Ixiula A. Nash 4s. ... il', tlKO Ilex Pet Co lia Ser A. .110 Moo Minn Ac St I. 4b .17 ;nio mo Knn al t let 4a.. 7i MKNI HO .(I 4S .'IIKIO do fd 4a lIKlil Mo I'ne ct 4a , 1000 Mo Pac 5a MM ..... Isnin Mont Potter 5a ..... 210011 Nill Tube 5s ( N V O 1. S ,'IU.a I WOO N V C Hud 4Wa.. !ll, 5lal N V Cent l!a ll.V, Mil N Y City 4a 1P.VI nffii 4000 N Y naa II Ac P 4s... 11 -.noil n- v hwv rer 4a. noon n Y lty ndj 5a. liai hh;, in mi x-,i, ii'i M Kin, r.-i-i n.t 72', 711' J Mil, K.'l MIK, 1117 H Ii'i :il IC"-'. lOS'I 1SI mi'. ir,iK siu 110 IRI mi-. . 47 . 52 . 4 1 . Ml . IHP .1"0 lMKllI N Y Til gen 4a mil m v v u it 11 411,8 i, 111 H'i Km, MM, 110 II'I III", 111 11 1; iii-ji., 10. l.'l.i. VI .,... ..ui JU-'-J ill-"-. rLV .-'A l 110 'Out 40 .12 4 1 Ml nm, 100 711 IISI, Ml 7, un ft. n-i'i .so n.1 n.1 1ttU, 4VlO Knrf A Went 4k 7000 Nor Pac prior 4a. 7101 .Nor Pac gen n... uiiHHi i,re nnori i. ret 4a... I.I'M. 1.1..1 1.iiii Ore llwy & N con 4a.U.I 0.1 400H Penna gen ct 4Vis Krj lu.'K noon Penna 4a l!)oa H5 ir .VIOO do in 4I.J1 inn HIV. LliOO Penna 4a 11)21 101 101 101 iinhi reo A: liat 1st 4a .. ;bii :e.iv-j :ci 10JV, 12il'I i.i.,' I'-'?., 115 IK) 57 7S1I 411 MS 4IV4 Ml 1HI 100 711 mi, 115 !IH Mt 75. 111 W.', SO 111 IO ur 111 102 ir. 1115 Am Smelt & lief pf. Am Smelt pf A . . Am Steel Knundtles Am Sugar Itot . Am Tel & Tel Am Tobacco Am Woolen tr rcU . Am woolen pf t r. Am Zinc r. & Sm. . Anaconda Cop M . Associated Oil . , Atch Top A S f . . A T & H K Pf All Coast l.lno Haiti Loco Works Ilald l:o Wotls pf llaltlmoro A Ohio llatllmoro & Ohio pf Hank of Commerce . Ilatnpilas Minims . . Hcthlehcm htrel llrookljn Itap Tr ... Ilrown Shoo . . Hums lirm .. . Hush Terminal . . . lliitto A. .Superior . . Cat Pelroleiim . . . . Cal Petroleum pf . Canadian Pacific Caso J I Tr M pf. . . Central Leather . . . Chesapeake A, Ohio . Chile Copper . Chlno Copper . . , Chicago (It West Chl (It West pf . . . . Chl Mil A, St V Chl Mil A, St P pf t hi & Northwestern. , Chl It I A Pac Col Fuel A Iron Comput T Itee Co . Consolidated (las Continental Can Corn Products Itcf Corn Products Hef pf Crucible Steel . Crucllilo Steel pf . . Culian-Am Sunar Denier A. Itlo (Jr . . Sales in Philadelphia .Net High. Txiw. Clnse.Change hi Am TCI ft tci.izi. . rn . rtt i Am iiannnya jiii Am 5smeii. Cl.lil a.. :! ..100 III llllll ft B T U 41 l , ' 'o' I'". L-' lainai tiim steel . mm cm ruei . . . 4-rf) Crl n I A P. HIS l.lec Rtnrnge., 5 (Irn Aanhilt. II . do prer ... , I) Ina Co N Am, 40 Kent Hecu... 2S1 do pref 410 lyiko Sup Con I'D l,eh Val too Norf AV West , r.'U Penna It It . III Pn Silt Mfg... 50 Pi Steel nret . 1 Phlla Co cm pf. 4 1 200 Phlla r.lec .. . 2TH ; 4i 4i 111 IO SI 75 Am; Ki , 111 20 111 IL! :n :n 72 72 Zll 211 20 211 72 71 , 'tVJI 77 117 117 50Vi Wl 1011 100 HI SI 10(1 loo'i 024 IU' nj'i- t)." fi.i rMi iVi r,r,n iinij iM!f h:i'j H.n. . ,Il!njj 127 11!7 1117 . . .201 J I 205, 20i 20.VJ . . -io Al -tnf (VHj ... (10'f i)7'f 07'f P7U . .. os'f (,o'f r,.m mi ... HTH HTi MW SO', .. os ns m o'i ...UUH 101 llll I OX'. 1IX) HWi llW'j KXl'i - lll 112 112 112 1I2' 18S II Vi 117!i .ins ino ios . SS'j MJ, RSJj . 77 77!j' 7(1 lTO'i; 171 170 . 25. -i .i;o .i7r. . 87 N7, . AJ Til . Sl, KVi liw 120 1000 Heading gen la ... 1)1 loco Itepub Cuba 5s 1POI.. 07 70OU Hep Ir & S 5a Iis, 101000 Itock Island rfd 4a.. ni'i 1000 Hock Island 5a ... 47 10OJ) SI U I 11 S S OK 4s. Ml 1UI St I, I M & S Olf 5a. 1(12 200(1 Stand Oaa Ui , pal (4KKI t-ontS Pac cv -la . . . . Mi "nm un cs ret I .' .. 10.. iuwi nouin i.ic rru I U.'issi South Huy gen 4a "UKiO do con 5a M)0 Texas Co l la ... . Hum 'third Ale new 4s iihni no aaj ;ia uoi. .. . 721, ,.i)l(rj .'105 . . . N2 .'llalll Tnklo r.lmo I' H leather 5s .. IIKSI I' S Realty 5a :.(! I' S llubber (la mioi) I' S blrel 5a a t.. lisKi Union Pac rfd 4a 5001) I'n Ita S I'' 4a . iimhi v.t nwa OS Kl 711 71 71 lull 111 117 SI 17 Ml 102 11 M I HO, 10.11? 7 102 Ml'. h2 81 711 71 71 lll.lt, Ki 1)7 47- Nl'l 11)2 l(Ml S'l 1111 lVS, 72 Kl2i5 111.1 WI4 SI 711 71 71 1(111, .101 ion: iui! . ni m ni l)S 41V ns 111. II iv, i B.in B'-ll 521, ii i" .1 .1 Co 7 7S in zi 7.1 77 ,,,,., ,.,.., .wis .-;, . BON PS. Brie Rta uioai ; ini 102 .Uerru de IVsco DA ,,. 121 122 Stpaui 4 :..:..,;:. ... & i Xlploalng Mines n.ui Toy sftrat End. Con , West End Exln ' Magma, OK, FOREIGN EXCHANGE , 1NEW YPUK. Feb. 7.-At the opening; trio foreign exchange market showed only mqderate volume of business. Rates worked Irregularly Sterling acted heavy, While relchamarks and guilders were 'ffmer. With the exception of the last mentioned, there was little feature. Quo tations were Demand sterling 4.7a? 4.7) 13-14. cables 4 76HBI 74 7-14; franc cables S3, checks 5.KH, , relchamarks 7ll4, and 1): Swiss cables 5.22; checks B.KM: Vltnna, 11.05 ana 12.70; (Stockholm 7.70 ana 27.75; pesetas 19 and 19 US, guilders 43 ,aml mi, rubles 9170 and 30.73 In .Hie later trading sterling cables were a. UUla harder In tone, at 4.761,34 787-14. Franc cables were slightly easier, at 5.89 i JHd Checks, at 6W. Around noon the . iuijriEt was featured by a Jump of about pt rejlciuraarkji to 74H and 75. There .was uc explanation of the strength. IKikl Wabash 1st Sa . . . .101 104 101 IsXKI Wab-P T 1st ct 4a.. . 1 I 1 nii0 do 2d ct 4a ' J l.VKS) West Klee cv 5a 111 Wli I!tl 2000 West Union 4s 1X1 VU UOTi Keti Twlc PhlJjuWphU ctUuijfe HATES FOR MONEY cn. &$?? rta 3 .. SIX (MUIB4.. mir . . i nm iilvbu liijlion twr ailT wa iU04ll at it 1-1 urtaa at H" flU4 ftt Time. I 4 84 4 X41 DULL DAY IN COTTON; ' UNDERTONE WAS FIRM Liverpool Interests the Leading Buy ers Southern Selling a Factor NEW TOItK, Feb. 7. Business was dull on the Cotton Exchange at the open. Ing this morning. The early tone was steady, with prices 3 to 4 points higher. There was some selling for Southern ac count, with the leading buyer believed to be representing Liverpool Interests. After the call trading came almost to a stand still, and quotations at the end of the first 15 minutes were at or a point below the first levels. The market sagged back to about Sat urday's (closing figures, or a shade under on new crop deliveries, during the early trading. There was some selling here by New Orleans and Memphis, accompanied by renewed rumors that holders in the Memphis territory were showing some uneasiness, but the offerings were not heavy and the decline showed the effect of smalt orders in a narrow market, ilather a better demand was encountered around 12c. for May, and rallies of three or four points followed. The market con tinued quiet, however, and fluctuations were more or lesa irregular. Liverpool bought March here, but was quite a free seller of October, and there were rumors that orders were reaching here to sell spot cotton lor Continental account. . . lj-0e UOS 12.04 12 Detroit KdUon Detroit fulled Itis Diamond Matrh . . Distill Sec Corpn nomc Mlnr-s KIcc Morazo Hat . Krlo I.'rlo Ht pf ... . Kcd Mln X. Sm ... Fed ,Mln & Km pf. . . (ion Klcctrlc Ornoral Motors pf . . . (IreeiiP-C'ananea . .. . fiooilrlch II K Oranby Conol . . Cln-at Northern pf . . fit Nor eti for oru pr, (Incccn Hipln . HomcsUkc Mining . Int Acrlculliiral pf . Int Han N J Int t'on Cor v t c sh Iht C'onsol Cotp pf . Int Paper Co Int Paper Co pf. . . . Insp Con Cop . . . Int Nickel v t cfs Int M M ch of dp . Int M M pf c of dp. Kan City Southern Klncs Co K I, & I' Lack Sleel Co . . .. Laclede Gas . . . Lake Krlo & West Lchlch Valley I.itrcctt .1 Myers pf. LoosMVIIcs'Ilbdiit.. Lorillard I' Co . . . . Louis & Nash Maclav Cos . . Main ell Motors , . . Max Motors 1st pf .. Max Motors 1M pf . Mexican Petroleum . Miami Copper Minn . St 1. pf Mo Kan H Texas Nat Cloak & Suit Nat Cloak 5. S pf Nat Knam A. S Co ... Nat I,cad Nov Con Copper . . N V Air Drake . . N Y N II & II NTCillll N Y C & St L 2d pf. Norfolk A. Western... Nc Pacific Ont Silver Mln . . ... Pacific Mall Pennsjhania It It . . Peoples C!as Chl .. . Philadelphia Co Pitts Coal Co N Pitts Coal Co N Pressed S Car . . Qulclbllier Hy Steel Spc Ity Con Copper .... Heading ncpubllc US. ... Republic I S. Spf... Itock Island Itock Island pf Soars Itoo & Co ... Mofe-Sheff S & I . South Porto K Sug South Porto It S pf . Southern Pacific . Southern Ity Southern K7 pf . . Studcbaker Co Tenn Copper Texas Co Texas Pacific . . .. Thinl .Uenue IX 470 S7 M llll S 7IHS 78'. . :u Wi riaj, - 02 (17) a 0,'lij 170 171 170 . Ml 7 H7 . fi'J's o.'1'i M 02 (i2i ran UK 2:i)i 225. . C.T, r,n r..ia . 12 in i;i . 3.V, 3.5). :Wi . 1)7' i OS fl7'i 132)$ 132)j i:i2li I.'UJi 1211'a 120'i 129'i 129f . ID), 20). lO.h Ml' I . 114 1G), Io 18 18 IS l.'17'f V.17H 137 . 78!' M)'i H) Jin --" JJii vri mi ,vi K'l M 81 ii llll'i 11.5'j llfl 190) i 2()j'i 2(l'l 12)a ll'f ll UHH KS), 70 171 JH 170 87, fil 8,5 120 70' i M r,r,'( 171 87 fi.')'f li2I 13 (IS eotcrlne liv lilt trailers. Thero wns n ilccrcnso of 1,341,000 htislicls In the visible supply In tho United Stntcs during tho week to (17, 118,000 liushcts. Tho Northwest re ported Increased offorH from tho coun try. Hlrcncth nt Liverpool wns morn thnn ortsct by lack of fresh liuylni? In centive on tho port of the public. Tho weather mnn chowed low tcmpcriiturcs nil over the wheat country. Know fell In pnrts of t. winter wheat belt over Sunday, but tl, to wnn noino apprehen sion Iiccnuso of recent rains which wcro followed by low lempcrrUurcs Ilurope In ntill unnlilo to obtain ndc Isphcrc, but thero wni no Improvement quntii Rtippllcn from tho Southern ltcin In tlio demand from nlirond hero today. Clearances from thi- Bcnlioard wore more limn 1,000.000 liusheln. HuoulptH nt Interior points were r,0 per cent, laritor than last year. Michlirnn'M crop icport Htntnmcnt for Jittiunry mis liulllsh. IauiIIiik futures rnnccil ns follows- Micnt- ripen. HlBb. lyiw. Mm- I .tl 1..U l.STI. .ItllV .... 1 -i'i i.-i-i I P 11 T I- ..ir ml' no I'hlln Trao THj .1,, ion net .. 1(1 I'nlon True 1..IJ w u I : un Lfn rv . . -nt 1SI-, IT R Klr. .. .. MM. lli 1LS1 Wnrwlrk I A H. luU lo'd 51 WcsDnorclnnil ' 'HV. W XO'l, Wi IW's 41 T!HS 4011 2lli r.lKj :il 72 an m 117 KM Kl R 4 1... VTSf 74 :i4 4W 1 414 mo ... air, un, tii J tf j.. 227 !K7 2S7 el .. .. UlU "IS KIH lj tl I(ii', .Mi US 1 Total milrs, .111,041 rlinrrn, tomiinml "llll 21,(121 Minren Inxt lonilny. IIONDS Net V llluh. liw, Clowe. cliniiRC J.vm Am Ofls ft V. fin 11214 iKji mv, uxm Hire P T 4s HIJ Hi(. RI14 4IK10 llnrwnoil 1:1 (W.llfl Inl le.1 lisKK) lh Vnl gen 4s ir.'Vi rju, 2Vi - 4 1'iKiO ilo Ren Vf,K ..I11.I l(tl ll 'I .-4100 Pa conv Is 1IIIS IrlV, li'iS IrlS J Sivn Pn C cons 4is.lll."'ii IO.-.U 111-. - .'17(10 Phlla Ul 4s . si Kil, Nlji i, inon ilo Ss . 10114 loifi ini'J I()il Hpli-Am I Us I ftt ( Ktt . WKKi Staml (I lis . . Win. n'i'5 If)t4 - i 1DOO I'n Itwy Inv ,71 71 71 I- 4 f Increase. Decrce HTOH RECORD FOR CAMBRIA STEEL; 100,000 SHARES THE FIRST HOUI News Tliat New Deal Had Been Made Caused Heavi J Trading Ever Seen in the btock Kest of Local List Neglected Totnl unlrs, f.H.'.IOO, rtimpnrrd "Mil JI0.2OO Inn! Mnnilns. ..110 . 7(1 . 10.5'. 18' j . 28),' 02H . 37' ( . . 53' f .. 31 52), ..171 ..HI ., 18 . 7Hj li 13S 711 10.5' i 1!) ( 2S 02 38'i 6.V, 32) a .57' I 17.1 lll'-i IS 71' OI1,' 10',- 18 137'a N)' 221j llfl'f 82' a 11(5 203 lt? 13S 7!) 10.5' 3 I!) 121 If 122 Ii'i 22) i 130 01', 1101. 18'-j 71!,' 11 10 II',' 10 23' j 13.' 02! s 111 Wj 7 ii1,- 17',' 10 I3S 7!) 105', 18', 2S 02 37' Ii .Vt!-j 30 M'i 17I'i 17 lll'-j lll'a 17', 17). 72 73'. !l 01 i'-M'i 121'j 1.51, in. Corn (new tlellvi-ry) Mny 77)1, 77 i July 77't 77'1 a; 14 MS, Clne. 1 In. l.'J7N !. I.Wi, 1 '.'I'i, Local Bid and Asked (His Miy ... July .. Ijinl Miy . Julv .. IIII11 Mnv .. Julv ... l'nrk Mny ... SO' Jul? ... Lit: illil. tArkctl. int; i'ii; lis1. 7.-; IT1. -ii', 47)! lonj KI.L'll inn7 ll 07 lots lu.ni tl.oj it ir. so 10 iu n in.m itno 10.17 tio'i- 11.07 tn. 1.-. iii.1.-. S01!1 1111! 11.), lore 10 10 ion", 11 10 SO'J7 SO. IS Financial Briefs t Two hundred and fifty thousand dollars of AiiKlo-1'riiich loan ii per cent, bonds Mild nt 0K In one block ilurlnp; tlio Orst hour of tratlliiK on tho Now York .Stock rixclinnRc today. Tho annual icnort of the Pcttllmno M11I- hi, j liken Coinp.iny foi the jour ruded necein- lier III slinwM total inciiinc oi (iiwii, itKnlnst $13'','.ll'i III 1011. Tlicic una 11 IIt1.1I dcllult of $1SI,1II, im'iilnBt ?1C0,122. 02 38', .53). 32 fll'TI 201 213' M'i IS 3', 205 i 130 . 81'J . UHh . II . 77 .120' a lv 78 27 130', 711 105', n 77 120 10'i L'. 132 02'. Ill IS', 7IU 104 17'i 1.5). 200 17 7.5 20), 130' f 7.5',' 105'j It 77 12(1 10',' 11)2 21 132 fl'-"s III IS' j 7.5 1 1 1 ' i 17'. 1.5'i 20S 17',' 70', 27 130',' 77',' 10.5), U 77 120 10', M'I ina KS'a C-l 11)0)5 101 121' l'JDj KVi 12I'a 81!j 82', 82' 82' fl'a il"i Tit,' 88 88' 3 SS'i .5.3' .51 13 .51 100' a 111). 108). 110 30! 3(1),' 30j 30) 10 1.51 1G), if,) O'i 0)i O'j (i4 7.51 70 70 7(1 113 112 112 112 2,5) 20' 20!j 20!j ()!)!j 72' 1 701j 7Ui 1.5 1.5'a 1.5' Jfllj 111 t-18 145 147)i 07)6 08!i 07),' OStj ltt5 100W 105'.' 100 02 00' Ml' 00' 110)i U7)a 110', 117'- 113' 113),' 113'i 113),' 7 7) 1 7), 7', H)f 17lb 1.5 10' , o.5Jj fifil i 50 .503, 105) 100 10(1 100 12 12', 12), I2)i 32' 33!a 33 33,' lOS) 107, 108' 3 Cotton exports Inst week were S01,Kft hairs, as compared with 4S2.7DD bales In the name week last year. Tlio exports this crop year have liccn 2,92G,niG bales. The previous riir the shipments were 4,12.1,071 bales, und In 1013, C,r,2M,K2 bales. Chandler Ilros. cl Co. were heavy buy ers of Cunbriii Kteol. Tho Ch.tnillor Motor Company, has tlccl.iiod an Inltinl iiunrteily tllvldoiid of 115 l,er cent., plaeliiir tlio .slock on 11 fi per cent. IiohIh. The dividend Is pay able April 1, to Htockholdor.s ot record .March 7. liccdrt recorded In this city In .Inn 11:11 y -Here 21 IB, reproscntinir si prop erty" valuation of JG.I.ID.WX). as compared with 213-5 and $1.5,59,91.5 respectively In January. 1015. Tlio respective Ordures for mortKaKCH were: January, 191(1, 2270 and $fi9.3ri0,740. ns compared with 2002 and $.-i,101,i99 In January, 1015. The New York banks lost to Sub treasury Saturdny 2,007,000, and since Krlduy last $3,277,000. The folIowInR local stocks were quoted cvdl Idcnd today except for cash: Na tional Ci.ih, Klectrlc I.lBht and Tower, tho Ulcetrlc Company of America. Cuban Bold coin to the amount of $700, 000 was .shipped from New York to Havana. Il.il. lulu nun; .- s'us t c .... in nr Ilrlll .1 (1 , Cum Hlecl Hire SlomBo tlen Ant tlo pref lCe stone Telepluino Ke fltono 1V1 t e .. . Ke stone Tel pref ,, like Sun Corp IlilKh NnMrallon ., j?hlKh VHlley .. . LohlKli Valley Tr ... l-li Val Tr pfd ... PennsiHnnla I'hllt Hlectrlc I'hlln Co ilo r, per cent. pref. tin (1 titr cent. pref. I'hlln. It T ilo t v ItcullnR Toiliy Kitunl.iy, Illil. Asked. Illil. Asked. ..1174 UK ll' 113'i ..II 4S ,. r.'i'i .. a-. .. 7!)'i . . 1 a .. .1.1 .. 7t'-4 .'.' 11 . . I.S .'! .. i'i ..' p'm . . h'i-v, .. 27: .. 41), . Mil . 41), ,s2i .. 77l 01 r.'i m :i7 .n .is 711' 1 ", V' 111 i.a k nvi a:i av, U V.'4 ij-i ii'i 11 iti 121 (IS 70 IHi, IH-, liv, 7ili, 7.V, 711", 77t(, il.Jj 77 111 IH'i 1f ,ii4 n tv mv, nc, "" .in'. J7 S7', S7J, 42'4 4 1 if IJ'i .is :iu :is 41 4 1", 41 III ISi-5 111 111 IM4 111 7S 77', 77lj -NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET NP.W YOUK, I-'cb. 7. The coffee market opened Irregular thlH mornliiK with first prices 2 points lower to 2 points hlKher. Timlinff was n little more active. Tolij s Halunlny's ojicnin Kelirunry Mureli 7M April 7,-.t7.i .May 7.W Juno July TBI AllRUSt " U'l Mcpteinher 7.7S fletiitier T.MftT.SS .Vll ember 7 STi Decemhcr 7.SS 111,1. bales, IS.(KS) I, iKi. ( lose 7 I III 7. 1.' 7 .W!i7..".l! 7.r.7-7r,s 7.:.'77.(.0 7 ISItiT.UI 7.(.Sfi7.IIl 7 7.'fl7.7l 7.77(7.7'l 7S1SI7.S.1 7 SI5I7 "Jl 7.&S(7.llO The acquisition Jnt nnnounced brings toVetlicr some of the lending mlnda In the atccl Industry-Wllllnm I!. Corey and i, C. Dinkey, of MIdvale, nnd William II. Donncr, president of Cambria. Mr Corey in n former president of United Btntcs Ktccl Corporation. Mr. Dinkey and Mr. Donncr each formerly was president of tho Carnegie Steel Company. Tho wide scope of Midvnle, which from tlio com pany's beginning last fall has Included nrmor plntc, munitions and pig Iron, will becomo even moro extensive with the ad dition of steel rails and other products In which Cambria Steel specializes As was to be expected, tlio attention of the local financial district today nos con contrntcd upon Cambria Steel. After n sudden brenk from 77'4, last week's clos ing quotation, to 75 In tno first few min utes of trading, heavy buying orders np- pe.ired nnd tho price rose rapidly to M cstnblishlng n new high record, llefore the first hour wns over more than 100,000 shares changed hands, which nlsp prob ably constituted a record. Ho heavy was the trading in Cambria that tho Stock llxchnngo authorities an nounced that tho Clearing House would remain open until 6 p. m. tonight for the certification of sheets Approximately 200,000 sharcH of Cambria changed hands during the session. When official announcement was made at midday that the .MIdvale Steel Com pany had purchnscd control of Cnmbrla at $SI per share tho trading quieted down nnd the price reacted slightly, which was difficult to explain In view of the state ment that every stockholder was to bo given nn opportunity to sell out nt $81, Pennsylvania Steel preferred moved up over 3 points to S3, on the report that W. II. Donncr had obtained control of tho compnny. According to best Information, the Mid vnle Cornpnnv will put out nn additional Issuo of stock, which will bo offered to shareholders for subscription to provide funds to pay for the new acquisition, It Is regarded ns probable that If new stock Is authorized It will bo of tho same, m, ns that now outstanding, and will wltS valuable rights. -" CW Incidentally, today's nnnouncemttii iP made by tho Mldvnlo People IhsHivH salesmen had been told not to accoM moro orders for delivery this year, J! nitint nrrt rtlfinlnir full rnn,tl!.. '.7. plants nre running full capacity Jfii orders 011 tho books sufficient tn it!- them operating nt that rate for the n. II months nt least It was estimated today the iinniiiu nngc of the V. S Steel Corporation!) Tnntmrv Allowed nn Increiinn nt i...--' m.a AAA AAA AAA Ihhm - l-l 'UU.VUU llttu vv,vvv .una in Y16W Af .. i,.lH it.. 1, ..v ut HOIU'lip uoiiutlioii ui iiiu milts, mij BrK14fl ing can be looked upon ns Rallsfa-traSl The corporation has been compelled laid IU.W IIUIIUu.. w. . ...,....,,. u-, U, 0nn l new business offered owing to contM UUIIU1M'."',- I The general local list was practlcalf ncKiuciuii uwiiiim ...u H.cucr part of thir session. An Indication that the RjmJ Transit votinK iruai m imciy to I14 trtal tended was the fact that the Slock JjSlBi Committee admitted to the rceulsfSWI of the exchange tho certificates !. extended for live yenra to Kebniarx al NEW YORK nUTTEIl AND EGcl si:iv YOttK. IVb 7 HlTron jnl sllshlly" hlKher nn.l (lrm; receipts, noiji ZS1,' nc.es. Kxtrn creamery, niiiv.lsp.. hlnhtr??:' creamery, SMieilzC. . "J IXIGM Mnrket stonily. Ilecelpts, font JS nirc. Ilxtra firsts. :iIM2c. i nrsln. soii!?, nearby whites. nVB.iV., mixed color, !?&. nenrhy bronns, xyftZOc.; rofrlscrator nreutj 11- u 4 LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS f CMK'Ano Tcb. 7. IIOOS.-ItecclpU, Mixpii nnn liuifh. 7.iiV!f.l.-,t ri,i"U VnPltpt .-.C (3S.1.-I. Kooii ois.1.1, kooii neiy. ,.trrn.i.i, roush hZJL' bu,M: T-M"S-05S plR- &m heifers, gl U98.."0, Texans, JU.S0US Co: uiS $1) svwlo 7.",. ". HIIi:iJI-n-eelttii IN 000. Market Umi,' Nnthe and Western 11 I.50SS3, lirLi."!l' l-UIUS, , Cotton at Liverpool UVIJItroOL,, Fob, 7.-Spot cotton to day wus (Ulct nnd unchanged on the basis of 7.!Cd. for Mid Upland. Tho sales aggregated 5000 bales. Including 4000 bales American. The Imports were 1.1.000 bales. Including T.000 bales Americnn. The mnikrt for futures closed steady un changed to 1-j point higher. Canada's Municipal Bond Sales MONTItl.'AI.. Feb. 7. - Tho municipal bond sales in Canada for January, as com piled by the Monetary Times, nmountcd to $2,971,185, compared with $1,G76,G93 for December and $1,781,947 for the corre sponding period of last ear. r a X iaf i.M co PUBLIC SERVICE pf.lOOJ ... CS!5 . asu . 216 . 77M . 5.1 .110 . K M .178',' 170 . 5Slf 59 100 100 . 107 10(1 UU? IUU)J 57'i 51i 40 LMJ,' 78 M 110)3 H ,51s 10 24Vi 77'f .VI 110 . )i 170 158 ion ;rj'i m, 10 2t'f 77H i 110 H .' 170 SSIj Ifih 100 100) ', 21i on;. .. 20I L'lU '.'1 .. GO 00'f 00 ..H0; 15H ', 150)2 153U' .. SO .17H 50', 50'f 2054 209!,' 205!,' 209 7Ji 7)i 7 7 . . cm; 00? ( mv, r.m-. uuiicu t.i.ai Plum .. ui Ul, l) Ulg Union Pacific 133!,' 134)i 133( 131 Union Pacific pf SI 83J 83)f &IH U H Ind Alcohol 152)f 158!f IM 150 U 8 Ind Alcohol pf . -las 107 107 107 .. 18. 19 19 10 ..m'i llOlf 139), 110 17) 17) mi'l7H .. 3.' 3114 31) 3Uj . 51)j 52H sm fiajj . .1001, lOflJf iooj 10(,. b2)f Rih 83)i SUj Iiu USCIPIF United Fruit Co . United IDs Inr Co United Itya Inr pf U 8 Rubber V S llubber 1st pf, U S Steel Corp .. U 8 Steel Corp pf. . Utah Securltlei 19'f Utan copper 7b)j Va-Caro Cbem 47H Wabash. Wabasli pf A Wabash pf Ii West E & M Western Maryland . Western Union Tel Willys overland 15 - 4-1!,' 281, . 06 . 27 88 117 20 79M 18!, 15!,' 4U 28 07H 28), to),' Wlllu Over pf ret I p. Woolnorth F W .123 110 19'( 78Jj 47JX 15)f 44)4 28)5 U0) 28 SStj 230 220). 230 I0U lUifi 100 123 123 123 117 ID), 79), 4Mj 15)i 44)j 28)5 07! i 28) oSlj la to j 11B mot., wtulwr rf'L5 IIL1I U 17 ii'il h -Jl .. '2.5? la fi I2J2 12.GS U2t IP German Dank Statement BEItblN, Feb. 7,-The weekly statement of the Imperial Bank of, Germany ehowa: Cold reserve :,4S3.S0t),OO0 marks, increased 1,640,000 marks; commercial paper and treasury bills 6,273,000.000 marks, de creased 175,000,000 marks; circulation and banking notes 6,602,000,000 marks, in creased 288,000,000 marks; private deposits. l,7S5.0O),0O0 marks, decreased 367,000,000 marks. Gold reserve covering circulation and banking- notes decreased from 39.1 per cent, to 37.7 per cent. MINING STOCK QUOTATIONS TO.N'OI'AII STOCKU. 1 1 1.1 Asked Jim Duller i .nn M tt'Nnmara 0- .OI Miilnay HI .17 Mizixili Extension in 20 Mont.ini -. '-'' North Hlnr 1". .1(1 TnnniMti Itelinont 4 4)', 'I'onopih extension 4 IVi Tonopah Mining 'U 7 Kescue IluU "7 .O'I West Knil 71. ..il COLDl'inl.Il STOCKS. Atlanta 21 .-'I Hlue llull (r; .('I I lent h II .41 llulldoc III 1)1)11 oi .ol Cnmblnntlon l"rBeion ns .o'i Dl.imomltlel.l II II OI .ir. H.ilsy 'i ,T Klorcnco 4t 1 tloldflelil ('onsnlltlate.l .. .1.7 (loWlleM Mergir .1.2 . 1 Jumlio Kxlenslon 1! 1. "I Kcwunas I? -" (Iro W . Sandstorm Kendall O', (Hi SlUer I'ick OI .0.1 M!bCULIANnOU3. Fairy Aztec 01 .Of Klnifierly "r '.'i Neuila Illil I'i -if ArUoiia. United .Aj .Jl Neiutl,, Wonder l.'-t 1 iO SECURITIES "Public Service Securities arc indissolubly linked with the success of municipalities." Q "Wc unqualifiedly endorse and offer for your consideration the obligation of a highly successful Public Service Company (net earnings in 1915 -were nearly double those of 1914) in the form of a 10-year Bond to Net 6,27 Q Amount applicable to payment of interest on this security more than 4 times sum necessary. fl Xax refund in Penna. Federal in come tax paid. J Complete data on request. Bakcrr Aylirvg Co. Land Title Bldg. Philadelphia. Kentucky Traction & Terminal Co. .Kentucky Securities Corporation Since taking over the management of this Company in 1911, over $2,000,000 has been put into the property for additions, betterments and for the retirement of debt, and approximately $250,000 earnings have also been expended on the property. EARNINGS For the years ending June 30 j Tofnl ll'riinc (All HOtirceNi . . . . Opt, Kx (V '1'na.rH. mis .?n i,.,:i:i,:ii , -i l,.-.:i7.il mi.t -l2l.IIMI.lill .tjCHH.imii.tH :i is, i in. 1 1 m:t im'omi: .. InlerrNt ChnrKciii Hnklnir I.'und, cU'. 171.rMIt.-Sll SUIIIM.l'S npiillcnlilp to imiiieiuiH yfn,n:ti.on I!nrnnl Jin llir Prrfi-rroil Slm-k .... 0.1 iinivimi.n:! mil KH.sn.i.on I K.t II1..1 1 .17.111.11' 2in..-M.os inir s:tn,ni- IIKS.SS7 a .It os. F.Bdfl Dec. ni.ltuj iio.o-iti.it l.Mi.noo.o-i 7 7.0 n7l,OMI.I)2 1704SS-IJJ1 R.27o 441.710JU 3-I3--.7.1J;. 2Vl,13lja i in.1 jo 14; 102,8313 J 10 The Kentucky Securities Preferred and Common Stocks' are listed on the Philadelphia Stock Exchange. Kentucky Traction and Terminal 5 Bonds are Tax Refund in Pennsylvania and the 6 Cumulative Preferred Stock of the Kentucky Securities Corporation net over 8, handler & Company ; INCORPORATED 1338 Chestnut Street i MIDVALE CAMBRIA Send for our circular letter on these stocks, containing the very latest information. Hughes & Dier 1INKKIIS a llltOKKItS 1135 Walnut Ktreet, I'hllailelplilu, l'u. BANK CLEARINGS Dank clearing today compare! -with corre sponding d-y last two ears' PhlUdelphla.t-7.lI.K.,l IJQ.OO.1.702 20.2S."s01 Ifctn " . 21.ISI.Shl iiI.HlT.U74 IS IStMJ New York; 7.2oo,Sha ais.Tiqail iST.tziiviiu Chicago M.4W.1ST 4H.72il7(I )3)Ll.Nia SI Louis 17.5S.81S 13,8n.0S4 1I.J77.S12 DIVJDKNDS DECtAUED Ioteriu.tlooj.1 NU'kel CotogaaY quarterly 3 per cent oo conimon Crockur. Hbl euro, 2 pr ru ce com man. i.r!?l llaxch J to ttaik of ruird JTvbrazrr 13- ywwwyggwwwjijjij j' ; iii)iiiijmi;iji '""VI'VIAM1 Lgy I Scacoast Railroad I I Prior Lien 5 Bonds I Price on Alilillcatlon m Pennsylvania Company Ouaranteed 3 's Series C Due 1942 Price to yield 4.35 IVJELLOR & PETRY Uemlxra N. X. & I'Ulla, block EicLne SM COUUElit'MI. THl ST fJUJLDINO We Wish to Buy Phila. Sub. G. & E. Ss, 1960 The Phila. Sub. Gas Ss. 1931 Phila. Sub. Gas 5s, 1919 Schuylkill Valley 111. 6s, 1923 Sub. Gas Co. of Phila. Ss, 1952 Consol Schuylkill Gas 5s, 1929 Peoples Gas Co. of Pottstown 5s, 1920 Jenkintown & Cheltenham Gas 5s, 1933 Huntingdon Val. L. & P. 5s, 1947 Chester County Pub. Service 5s, 1941 tlccd A. Morgan & Go. WKST KNII TnST,,,J!.I,ING Memberu ot tlio l'hllu. Block Exchange I F YOU arc not familiar with Modern Service and Equipment in an up-to-the-minute Bank, it would pay you to personally inspect the Corn Exchange National Bank. Chestnut at Second Wheat, Corn, Oats Provisions Carried on favorable terms. Continuous quotations posted In our Board-Boom. Write for our Dally and Weekly Market letters. Ulds and Odera Doug-ht and Bold. HUGHES & DIER Members Chicago Uoard of Trade 1135 Walnut btreet, I'hlladelphU, Vm. WANTED Underlying UoniU of PHILADELPHIA COMPANY of rittaburgU BABCLAY. MOOSE E GO, 123 & 125 So. Broad St Members at N. Y. rhUa. Block Hicham. milKCTOHV OF ACCOUNTANTS Certified lublle AccoBstania IJIWUE.NCB K. UltOVVN CO. msjiBAU sTATgwus-r uyujjujp. jjuwwB rtjcAKMlii " ti u. Wc laJ(c pleasure in announcing that Mr. Marshall G. Peabody rvill be in charge of our Netv York Office in The Equitable Building Telephone Rector 3024 Brooke, Stokes & Co. Bond Investments Philadelphia 15th and Walnut Street8 February lat, 1916 Baltimore First Floor Calvert Building 2 i LOGAN TRUST COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA 1431 CHESTNUT STREET CAPITAL. AUTHOR ZED . . 11,000,000 PAID IN, S0,900 sBimm Ilo AKin UNDIVIDED PROFITS twv r tittl Company ia organUed to pive infor rvfrnS? n- aU fid'ary matters. Where this Lomprny is made Executor, Trustee, etc. Wills L1sssfirSFv3r and depsifed iot ROWLAND COMLY Prttidfnt WILLIAM BRADWAV Treasurer
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers