'Wr' l"ya"iJiyywirfc"-y-Siit J EVENING LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 191C 16 PDGE LANDIS CLAMPS LID ON BASEBALL WAR FRENCH BILLIARD STAR PLAYS HERE-5 "wjWffHB1 4Tf fAVED FROM A KNOCKOUT .- Vtoiimui! Athletic Club. Imt Saturday VflliSJnntnil the " bout. t CAST OF uAK,ii.uo, 1$S An Announcer W".V.f, ....... 'i floxrr Iwtiv ort" ' fp-i.r two boxers, wearing the conven IILVKmw Tlicy smllo as they "T.- h rentre of Uio ring, shako dains friendly manner and take their ?.L Mavo rJooklni across tho ring at I Jimmy Jan's floofctni oncfc at hirnh- Jrrrrrrri ,,.,t ioOiilpon arrives, wearing coat 'itotttino violently.! uAthoarstly)M ready, boys I The Lit boii-achoo I (Starts to cough ami RICH ,, .....J--. Intnnrrl Uin rr.fir nf thn ,dt 1CW m' "'- "' !J.t;.. lrumuu Tavlor. pinch hlftcr for ,fifllan. dliauiscd as a megaphone, lie E'll'aral-Th" ncx' bout. Gcnt'mcn's be w Jimmy Jarvis, of Balaton an' ftniiMiv Mayo 01 ii tin. tr.lil6"in I luuiaiti '"D ., v,,v n.jMv. Cut out that Binall time BtufT. EitenMce them right. ... r.h(B,.n Jimmy JarvlB of Bawston Kj TAi,nnv Mavo of this city. Johnny biro and Jimmy Jarvis. (Exit iluggsy tiJrtiu reproachful look at Jack.) I Jack Jtcaulgan flit a whisper) Get Ldr.boysl fTAc & HOUND ONE Jimmy Jarvis Honest, Kid, I alnt goln' h&vo no mercy on j m "' .:. ". rtrft be nothln' left of you when I (ret Ihrough. You suttcniy navo a iuuBu iuukih wut. but alnl . ,. Johnny Mayo Comconanflte. You das- lent flte. (Slam; Jiang:. Jimmy notnin to wnai u win "u u I ret through wit' you. As I was sayln I Hint goln' to i Tnknnv Comeonandto (sends fet o todir and right to jaw) Thash what I kill fln'- . ... . f Jimmy stall in mis inc. ai w fcharoe ta ruin a truck driver when they Bragged Jou Into mo ring, juier i gei Bonejou'll . , , , , inknnir rushlna furiously ana sxctng- ni Mh fists) Comeonanllte. This nln't 10 conversation scrap, imn hmm. .mo ( to the law. staoocring Jarvis. They Unch). That's what I call fltln.' jimmv vou'll be lookln" for n Job sell In' lah. Remember I Blvo you fair warnln'. 'Bell) I'll get you ncx' roun'. HOUND TWO Jimmy When I get through wif you, llURPHY AND DUNDEE ARE IN GOOD SHAPE Fast Lightwoights Clash at Olympia Club Tonight two of tho beat lightweights in tho East rimmv Murnhv. of West Phlladelnhla. ami iotmny IXinJc. of New York will meet to- lent si ma uumfw ji-,. ." wiv-.i ...ok ET.-L ....... ... Ill !., III. m..Mnl. n.A, .1.. &IC11 AluriUiy wan ,ll, uut t.v kiviiiuiji iiii-, ,,.u sihf Itallin without a whimper. Tonisht ,m ..a different turnhv. for Jlmmv has ia aVImmlnpn thA ra.irlH nlth hln Husslnn holttiiuiKl. and boxlne uAder tho RUldanco u Aflam ityan. lie is in tno dcsi taapo oi oil cflrder. Oundco la always In rrikk shape, lm ni utenas to icca .tiurpny icatiier irom itl ta 111. and trv tn l.intt a bit; match In Ihll city with Charley White, of ChlcaKo. parley McCirthy, of C-ui ula. will tacKlo the UTer JM iieian, oi aoum I nuaiieipnia, wno trrlor to cllmh back ud thn ladder. Rntlor lislley, of Kensington, who has knocked out u un lour iocs inside me limit, win meet battler In Younir Palmer, nf Tlnirn. wrm Rill iwap punches at eery chance. SjPete (Kid.) Herman, nn Italian bootblac'c. rill ret an nnnnrtunltv tn lirnmn fnmrmji iiw nigtt when he endeavors to grasp tho jaotam championship crown from tno blomlc vow of KU WllUftms In tiow Orleans tonisht. ' tunuM ia ncneuuien jor i.v rountis, anu 311ly Wocan. Snorts Hdltor of tho Pcm.io jIDOK. Will p-ltn (ha Jnnlclnn nt tiA llnloh ;f thi COnlP.lt. Tnnlclit'u hnnr u'lll ., Tllll- mii fourth one In which ho will defend wuiriij, won nom jonnny unuion in i-os UlEflri. Jun 0. 11)1.1. UMilln Itrrmnn In n .inrou8 opnonrnt, Williams Is a heavy fa wte. and It V probablo tho naltlmorcan Ul fmerite from thn rnnrngl ultVi tilu nrnivn AUCt, N'ew York flrM fan ni&ain ;i'"?'n'day In tomorrow Mint's match bc- Ih. i;j .r1,naKy "l(i Jacic union, ai SuiJtil? I7. Spor,t,,B f1"1'- Hrooklvn. than rin.L ul a clinched two weeks ago. 'ori.i in in " .v m ",a Cleverness and vie- Em.-. 1. wut i-unicBiH wun tno --inan "', ".expected tn win on points, but ;"y Of the skentical bellein thn Ilooslsr k?f!nt dow,n the Hittler. as ho did last 'ln knocklne out Tom l-nvuler prtelt'; knocking out Tom Cowler. aVowlSfi,111. txjut with Jimmy Murphy at iv.ViKP.f?. Jonleht, Johnny Dundes will t To. infP"- " J. "Cheduie, I to V Uon(.ni.m?lcr;Tortor'eh has promised Pcot freffli io'li'.Jl.hH "J wou'd nr to get Fred Sin iiWf '.t8 'omolng Jack In a chain gj lilt If tho Oothani gloveman defeats pnwitrM ...... . . Blkkn nVii,10? nshl n nrn so conndent Bw ct SJ ifiif.1" ca.n Lrrnvt himself to bo Si VJ . h.lSlln Hehtwelghts in the city 'BwSfiiit t,5J.'",.e', ?la"y Taylor, of jrwMaway, to get a local star boxer to meet &'fwi!h,,i-ff',,? 'W Lew, wl11 n,cr lnto WIS FnJll.1,0 lirennan In a 10-round ra Nal?nno8"!5";aP M a Poor Impression l 1 looi n",".p.cta.t.ors .Saturday night In ftaltatU, throu'ghout "' e'S XmSttl a intaJrJ1??? Plans to put an all-star rre- Chuu l!3n.?r. the nwteh between laMJii'-Rffiy, and M'cUcy Donley at the uer. but i . " xoniey W ' puncJi thiS"?S 'onnecta w)l Is a rlewr th his nort- doubt about V?5m,1la.S,1,ynlra Club's program or '."fH bouirBL.1,"0. B'aflng of "two heavy Jul. IS tSES1oS! .,0 ,"!? wind-up between S"1"" Ua DVEtf "i1, Johnny Ertle. Jack JlUlimr:.U.rSd OR IlOmer-Smlth wllh Ijirrv khtT aa lle Mtehan, with Jack Hub' LSSVley Wl.rm.,11.. .t . - " for nlXi r' Zi" nas made a b a of wt In .w. i?rw. Chaney-J61innv Kllbani, LW'DunnaJii.inS't received word from ri1 WilUni rn'n,t ,0 ,he terms. Wlermul bit ""ubs an answer from Hen metz?r MARRYING OFF MAYBUJLLE irfe Hffll5 I'M GoiNC- IN SIX THRILLING ACTS Jjmmy Jarvis, of Bawston, Wins Oratorical De cision Uver donnny Mayo at National, but Loses the Boxing Contest By KODEUT W. iMAXWELL ycr ol man wont know you. You oughltn be more careful wit' yerselt and quit fltln'. I dont like to hook up wit' nny (Johnny ntthes Jarvis alt over the ring, .,, .. ,,vu,cr oi ngnis ana icjis to body, puts a hard oho across the Jaw and has 4mmy Hanging on tho ropes. Jimmy blocks thicc mora swings with Ms jaw, "" fcj vttncn.j JohnnyThanh what I calt fltln'. Come onnnnte. Jimmy hams. Sometimes when I get real careless yi-r liable to hit me. but I alnt worrln'. Yeh oughtta bo drlvln' n (Johnny lands a half-dozen hard blows on Jimmy's jaw, and again Jimmy wab bles and falls Into a clinch.) Johnny Whatcha talkln' about, yeh big uuuui -omconnniiio. Jimmy truck. (Dell.) I'll cot yeh' ncx' roun'. iinuNii Tintnn Jimmy What! You here again? Yeh'd better pick out a nice soft spot, becaws I'm goln' ta gotcha. This flto has gono fur enough, I nover Been such (Johnny again punches Jimmy alt over the ring, and Jimmy seems ready to take the count. Jc soves himself by falling into a clinch.) Johnny I nln't goln' to stan' fcr this no longer. Comconanflte. Jimmy a bum. Jack McOulgan Is a big boob If ho pays you for this. You oughtnt get nothln' but a bag of peanuts. Geo you'r a awful ham. fiJcII.J I'll getcha nex' roun'. bounds Foun, rivn and six Jimmy So ycr tho guy what wanted to flto Johnny Kilbancl Haw, haws I can't help laffln' nt the nolve 'f some of you f Johnny ones moic lands at will, while Jarvis sends ioAij lefts to tho face. Jimmy is weakening id the legs, but Ms voice fi strong. 11a falls Into a clinch and rests.) Johnny I nover saw such a guy fcr talkln" nil th' time. (lilts Jimmy until his arms arc tired.) This ain't no oration. Comconanflte. Jimmy tramps. Wliy, you alnt got no shnl a-tall. Yeh ppor fish. I'm tho guy what Johnny Aw, ferglt It. Comconanflte. Jimmy learned Patsy Cllno how to flte. Yeh wouldn' las' two minutes with KH bano. Its awful ta bo sucha poor boob. Honest I'm sorry fcr yeh. It's a shamo to ruin Buch a good truck driver. Why don't yer foller ycr regular trade? You nlnt no (bcll)t Well, good night, Kid, yer a swell lighter. Yeh'Il bo champion somo day. (They smtlo and shake hands.) "CUItT.MN" CRAVER DICKINSON COACH Will Have Full Power to Select Own Assistants CARLISLE, Pa., Feb. 7. Tho Grnduato Advisory Committee of tho Dickinson College Athletic Association at a recent meeting elected Forrest E. Cravcr head coach of tho 1916 football eleven. Tho commlttco gnvo Coach Cravcr the power to select field coaches and work out and select tho system of play, a3 well ns se lecting tho players to represent tho Red and White cloven. Chlckcring Ts in Hospital fountain Chlckerlnc. nf thn Penn prow I.i n patient In tho l!nlerslty Hosplt.il with an Infected foot. While rowlnic l.mt week ho chaffed his right Instep on the footstrnu and It swolliMl so that ho hnrl to hao It lanced. Doctors say It Is not serious mil that ho will be ublo to resumo practke wlihln a week. SNAPPY SCRAPS ABOUT SCRAPS AND SCRAPPERS It now looks as If Kllb.ino will noer tackle Cliancy In u clnmplonshtp bout unlcsa they meet in a no-decision affair first. Johnny wants to get a line on Chancy in a short contest, It stems. Harry Wills nnd Kim Langford, negro heavyweights, will meet in a "U-round set-to PETE (KID) HERMAN He will get a crack at Kid Will iams' bantam crown in a 20 round tilt at New Orleans tonight. - - I Will Stop Moran, Says Jess Willard CHICAGO, Feb. 0.-Jes3 Wil lard declared that tho fight with Frank Moran in New York on March 17 will not go tho 10 rounds, and ho doubts if tho Plttsburgher will last eight with him. "I am going to make this fight as short ns possible," said Willard, "although I hate to deprive tho fans of the chance to see a lot of fighting for their money, but I think they will bo satisfied with what they have scon after I finish with Moran. This will bo only a 10-round bout, and you can bet that I will fight hard and fast from tho start until it ends." JEFF MAY REFEREE WILLARD-MORAN GO Tex Rickard Will Ask Former Champion to Officiate in March 17 Bout NUW YOniC, Feb. 7. James J. Jeffries, former world's champion heavyweight, will bo asked to refcreo tho ten-round battle between Jess Willard an-1 Frank Moran, which Is scheduled to be held "somewhero" In this city on MnVch 17. Tex Itlcknrd, who Is promoting tho nffalr, will offer Jeff the Job. Illckard and Jeffries arc great friends. They havo kept up a correspondence ever since tho light betwen Jeffries and Jack Johnson, which wa3 promoted and refcreed by Illckard. In case Jeffries accepts Tex's offer, ap plication will be made to tho State Athletic Commission for n rereree's llcenso for Jeffries. Whether tho commission will grant this llcenso Is problematical, but If precedent Is followed there may bo some difficulties placed In tho way of Jeff's appointment, "I think that Jeffries as refcreo will help tho match along," declared Illckard. "I Intend to Invito Jeffries to seo tho bout a3 my guest, anyway," ENDICOTT TO CAPTAIN 191C SWARTHMOIIE TEAM Right Tackle Unanimous Choice for Leadership of Eleven swArmiMonn, r.i Fob. 7. Paul n. nmii- cntt unanimously wax elected cnptnln of tho tiunrthmoro 1!)10 football team estcrday at the annual binnuot Klcn to tho placrs by Dr. IMnnrd Martin, a former Snrthmoro student, now he.nl of the Unlcrslty Hospital. i:ndlrott, whore homo Is In Atlantic City, enmo to Swarthmoro from Peddle Institute, whero ho plaed football for four cars. being; captain of Peddie's famous 1012 team, eery member of which has slnco starred on arslty elevens. At Swarthmoro nndlcntt has been a regular on the Ilrst team for three years nn rlcht tickle. Ilo his (Mined a reputation. Ho is T- years old, weighs -00 pounds, is H feet 1 inch In helRht nnd is ii Junior in tho arts de partment of tho coiteBo. Thirty-five members of tho pnuad attended tho banquet, held at thn Sprlnhacn Country Club. Iinctor Martin. 15ob Maxwell. Swarth inore'a All-Amcrlci cuard nnd coach, and Hill Ilopcr were amonc: those present. Tho follow ing letter men otod In the election: Captain Murch. Donnelly, ll.ikcr. Hndleott, Stoens, Smith. Curt In A. llush. A, C'ornog, Mcliotern. Stow ana Itldpath. Joel to Sell norscs NEW YORK. Teb. 7 -J 15. Joel, of London, who Rlcaned his Health from South Africa's diamond fields, but to whoso heart r fine etrliiR of horses Js nearer than a supcrfino strlne of cemfl, is evidently pessimistic concerning tho tmmcdlata future of thoroughbred racing on the Kncl'sh trucks. This is indicated by a cahlo messago Just recelied by Hdwnrd Johnson, of this city, in which tho Jtrltlsh horse owner makes what ho calls a sporting offer to sell six of bis best m.ins, including tho noted Jest nnd Princess Dorrle, each a doublo n inner of tho CXiks und the 1000 guineas, for a lump sum of $100,009. nt New Orleans Friday night. This will be their tlfth battle. Their most recent contest w.is hold In the Crescent City and Wills was given the verdict. Chicago will be one of tho leading boxing centrea In tho country as toon as tho lid Is lifted if the attendance at a recent exhibition c.in bo used ns a criterion. Paekey McFar land boxed Hver Hammer three rounds, and six other matches nf tho same duration were put on last week in tho Coliseum as a pre liminary eent to tho beginning of the six day bike race nnd moro than 12,000 persons wero present. Tho tire marshal was forced to close the doors on .VJOO more. Jack nrltlnn nnd Ted Lewis will meet for tho "welterweight rhamplonahlp of the world" In a i.'0-round bout ut New Orleans on March 4, on which date Fred Fulton and Jess Willard wero scheduled to box." Now that Franklo White la In perfect trim and ready to make his reappearance In the ring, no props niy win gei started witnin a week or so. Ills Little lUUy constituents oro Just aching to boo Whlto in action again. The real purses for the Jess Wlllard-Frnnlc Moran bout follow Willard, II7.B00 and Bl per cent, of the picture, privileges, win. lose or draw; Moran, (JL',500. win, lose nr draw. Moran's end of the pictures will bo taken care of satisfactorily by Tex Illckard. At tho very least tho cost or running this fight will Jump close to the $107,500 mark. And thin figure does not include unforeseen obstacles, sucji ns postponements. Inclement weather or the thousands of other things that crop up unexpectedly Henry Hnuber and Young Jack O'Brien are putting on llnlshlnsr touches to their training in preparation for their 13-round Journey at the lalice A. C, Norrlstown, tomorrow night I'a h covered several miles on thn rnmt thl morning, and with a short gymnasium work out his afternoon, they will be ready for tho boll, v Jack Hanlon Is arranging his Olympia card for February 21. He has promised Jimmy Murphy a crack at ltenny Irfonard If tho West Philadelphia!! shows well tonight. A return bout between Jark Kantrow and EJdle tiulll van, who put up an Interesting setto lost week, inuy bo staged as the opener, A wire received from Charley Itayder. man. ager of Wild Burt Kenny, this morning states that the "Borneo person" defeated Willie Mcehan In 10 round nt the Fulrmount A. C New York, Saturday nUht, despite the fact that Kenny was outwelnhcj by 35 pounds. Announcement was muds this morning by Muicirsy Tavlor. of the Hroadwav ritth n i.i effect thit Knockout Jo O'Donnelt had run out of his match with Willie Hamion scheduled for Thursday night Taylor has booked Wllila Hannon to meet Franklo Moore. In bis last bout at the Broadway Hannon defeated Fight. Ing Jimmy Murray, of New York, ' BASEBALL WAR ENDS; LANDIS DISMISSES SUIT BY FEDERALS Continued from rage One them outlaws from n legal point of view were thrown Into court "There was full argument fin to tho sub ject matter. From n legal point of view It would have been easily solved, but my acquaintance from watching tho game ns a spectator for 30 years, convinced mo that a decision. If not destructive, would hnvo been Injurious. Neither side would havo walked from the court a victor, so I decided, not only from n judicial view, but on my own discretion, to postpone a decision. "I wjsh to state that In all tho argu ments there was not the slightest rcllco lion by which the most suspicious mind could Impugn tho gamo or nny act of a player." 8. S. Swartz, of St Louis, attorney for tho Federals, presented the petition for dismissal. Many Players Jump Tho Fcdcrnl League suit against Or ganized Halt was entered shortly niter flubs working under the national agree ment had Induced several players, who had neceptoa advance money and signed contracts with Federal League clubs, to Jump back to the team's which they do sorted. After Oeorgo Haumgartner, Hilt Klllcfcr, Ivy Wlngo and 1'crrltt had per formed the double-Jumping act, It looked for a tlmo ns It other players would fol low their example. This would havo meant tho wrecking of tho Federal League, and, on January R. as a last resort, after waging a losing battle, the Federal Lengtio entered Its milt b'-foro Judge Lundls. In Its putt tho Federal League claimed tnnt tho Na tional Commission, Its laws and the na tlonaf agreement under which Its members work wero In violation of tho common law and tho Sherman unit-trust law. Federal Leaguers were confident that a speedy verdict would bo rendered In favor of tho Independent urbanization becauso of tho stand J ml go Kcncsaw Mountain Lnndls had taken In tho famous Standard Oil case. Tho bill further petitioned tho Court to enjoin tho National Commission or any of its members from trj lug to get back tho players who had Jumped nnd signed legal contracts with tho Federal League; to prevent them referring to tho leaguo ns an "outlaw league," and from referring to tho players as "contract Jumpors," Tho suit was filed especially ngalnst the American Lcnguo and Its eight clubs, and President Johnson, tho National League, and Us eight clubs, nnd President Toner, nnd tho National Com mission and Garry Herrmann. Suit Entered on January 5 Tho suit was entered on January 5 and enmo to trial before Judge. Lnndls on February 20, In tho United States Dis trict Court In Chicago, with a host of magnates, players, basoball notables and lawyers present. Tho counsel for tho Nntlonnl Commission Included George Wharton Pepper and Samuel L. Clement of Philadelphia, Judge Williams of New York. Attorneys Calvin and Klnkead of Cincinnati, Tho Federal Leaguo was represented by Kceno Addlngton of Kansas City. E. 13. Gates and Judge Myers of Indianapolis. Both waved tho technical question of Jurisdiction raised by Judgo Landis and counsel for both parties declared their willingness to stand on their written ap pearances. The principal points of at tack In tho opening nddrcss of Kccno II. Addlngton were tho power of tho Nntlonal Commission, which the Federal Lcnguo attorney described as Judicial, executive and legislative, nnd tho rules of tho Na tional agreement under which tho Ameri can and National Leagues and tho Na tional Commission maintain relations vylth tho minor leagues wero cited to show the extent ofhat power,. Detjie' Trust 'Charge Organized Ball's nnswer was a general deninl ,ot tho charges that It Is a trust vUtliln, tho meaning of the Sherman law; and tho specific defenso was based on sec tion G of tho Clayton act, recently passed by Congress, which reads: "That tho labor of a human being is not a commodity or nrtlclo of commerce." Tho defendants contend that as Organized Ball deals only In labor It cannot violate the anti-trust law. Tho chargo that Wecghman, Ward and Gllmorc nro not altruistic In bringing their suit was made and evidence presented to show that Ward and Wecghman sought WINTER RESOItTS OLD TOINT COMFOUT. VA. HOTEL CHAMBERLIN OLD POINT COMFORT 8wlmmlngPool.Colf,Seafood Culiina. huropean Ualba and Treatments, tortarma.writa OtO. r. AOAMS, Managar "Aak Mr. Foater." 12th and Cheitnut SLs-i Ceoka' Tours, 1ST 8. lirotd at I 1'anji, n, ft. Oc.. lt&a Cbaatnut 8t ranriii monmi. va ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. tri MNTIfMW cT.71, i" . r'.'.V "l juuunor location wim an imnrtrii-,tn(H uiouinr hiA I and boardwalk Arecoflruzod j standard of excellence UftMCifvOUU. KAUAKJ.BUiMT, has : Jervli XARGE3T TIKPR00r RESORT HOTEL IHWHtTE,Trsa. W THE WOftUJJ:tm?rl.clH, lilt IrADIKG HfSORI IIOUl Of THE WORIO noanniRiitgh'iM ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. OWNtRSHIP uaMaeiuiNT JOBIAH WHITE A SONS COMPANY Westminster nr. Iieach. Ulcv. to ' " ; :.t. rrlv. baths, run, water, 11. SO US dlr. to S12.S0 UD wklr. Chiia. Huh 'It I Aum. ioc. uai, lies., ouc. Arena lies., J 3c Plot by J. P. McEvov (Coprrlinti 1010: By TB Trtouna Company) to. jB X It Mzds GC3FW ATLANTIC CITY I set anew. .standaTdcf ce . comfort and beautv (Cooyrlgbti 1010: By Tha Trlbun. om.,i . to gain admission to Organized Ball by buying the Now York Americans and tho Chicago Nationals, respectively, and only falling In this, did they try to hnvo tho National Commission declared a trust Following Is a report of tho proceedings day by day: Mr. Pepper, organized ball chief coun sel, gavo a history of tho gnmo nnd tho formation of tho first agreement be tween the American and National Leagues, which preceded tho national agreement. Theso nitrcomcnts, ho de clared, wero not for tho purpose of pro tecting them from outsiders, but against each other. In 1913 tho conditions under which baseball was, played had recorded a marked advance, said tho lawyer, "nnd tho recording angel, I bellovc, will find n balance to the credit sldo of our account," he declared. Tho now rulo re garding tho option of a ball playor'a services, tho attorney emphasized, mado for his liberty. "He Is a freo agent when ho has served ono season after cxplrntlon of terms ho signs for," ho declared. Landis Aided in Peace Treaty Judgo Lnndls allowed the defendants 20 days In which to flto answers to -the original bill of complaint This was dono and then Judgo Lnndls took tho caso tinder advisement A decision was never rendered, todny's action making It Im possible and safe-guarding baseball ns It Is now constructed for years to come. From time to time during tho past year there havo been rumors that Judge Landis was prepared to announce his decision. Finally It was announced exclusively In tho Kvunino LEDDKit that acting upon a tip from Judgo Landis to Judgo Williams, the warring forces opened peace negotia tions which wore eventually worked out Tho climax came when tho war , was officially declared off at tho penco gather ing in Now York, with all parties satis fied, but the owners of tho Baltimore Fed eral League franchise, who Insisted that they had been crossed by their fellow magnates. Tilt vs. Pcnn in Tank The Pitt swimming tenm. which lost ft close meet tn the Navy nt Annnnolls on Saturday, will meet Penn In the local pool tonight. Tho stnr of thn 1'ltt tenm M Tavlor, who won both tho III nnd 100 yard dashes at the Navy. He alio swam on tno winning relay team. This will be tho llrst time thnt tho two universities havo cct met In tho tank. ii vrxMi- ) TT Will Soothe Zim With Ear Muffs During tho course of ! year Heinle Zimmerman, of tho Cuba, ia the target of much nbuse from tho players of tho opposing team's bench. Heinle i3 of a sensitive nature, nnd it is just the verbal nbuse, according to Joe Tinker, that upsets Heinle's nerves and leads to so many of his wrangles with tho umpires. To remedy this Tinker plans' to havo Heinle stuff wads of cotton in his cars during tho coming season, and thus make him immune to the malicious oratory of the opposing athletes. CASSIGNOL TO OPEN BILLIARD SERIES HERE Plays Cochran in First Match of Five at Allingcr's Tonight Firmln Casslgnol, champion bllllardlst of France, who enmo to this country to force Willie Hoppe, world's champion. Into matches for tho 18.1 and 1S.2 balk lino titles, will open a flve-gamo match with Wolker Cochran, the boy wonder, at Allliiffers Academy tonight Tho other games will bo played In the afternoons and evenings of Tuesday and Wednesday. Not only will this bo the first oppor tunity of Phllailclphlans to see Casslgnol In action, but they wilt witness a great match, as Cochran has proved conclu sively that ho Is certain to be tho most dnnserous contender for IIoppo's tltlo within a few years If tho wizard is stilt the chnmplon. Casslgnol Is rated as a greater player than Melbourne! Inmnn and other Kuro pcans sho have toured this country In recent years. Invariably the English nnd other foreign champions nro experts at ono particular style, but they aro help less in a long match with thn American stars, who master every anglo of tho game. THE BEST REASON0; IN THE WORLD FOR . V; BUYING A CADILLAC ' IS WHAT EVERYONE THINKS, AND SAYS, , AND KNOWS ABOUT THE CADILLAC ' ' Theophilus PHILLIES BUY -a GOOD AT WAIVER PRICE FROM CUBS,., Will Be Strong Contender for Position in Mo ran's Outfield ATHLETICS.! i WAS WITH Wilbur Good, right fielder of the Chi""' cago Cubs slrrce 1912, was purchased by ',K the Phillies today after nil other National League clubs had waived claim on him. Tho addition of Good will strengthen the. Phillies, and If ho plays up to form he ' & will hustle one or two of Moran's rcgu- , Inr outfielders for their positions this season. ' Good was never noted for brllllancyy H but Is consistent Ho Is one of tho fnsteit, n men In cither lcnguo getting down to first base and also Is an excellent bono run ner. Lack of fighting spirit has prevented,,, A Good from developing Into one of tho great outfielders of the game. If Moran " ran Instil aggressiveness In the former kj Cub bo will bo a wonderful help to the chnmplons. , r, Thnt Mornn fears Cravath's leg may ' troublo him and that the rest of his out fielders are by no means certajn to show ns woll ns they did In 1915 la oVldent At tho closo of 1915 Moran bad five outfield ers, nil rntcd fnlrly high, but he has now" added Josh Devore and Good to the Data. Though It Is not generally known. Good ' was once a member of tho Athlotlcs. '" Good was taken South with tho Mack'- -' men In the spring nf 1910, having beon-j-o-. purchnsod from Cleveland, which hacf, M drafted him from Akron, of tho O. and "" 1. League. Ho fielded so poorly 'that" Mack turned him over to Baltimore for, further seasoning. Until lato In the fall. . of 1009 Good was a pltchor. and this ac- "' counted for his failure to llvo up to cx'",',n pcctatlons ns an outfielder. th In 1910, Mack's team of youngsters MV showed rcmarkablo form, winning tho'" American League pennant and later the',"1"1' world's championship by defeating tho, Cubs, and Mack failed to cxerclso his op tion on Good, who still was below major leaguo standard In fielding. Good's work; "Tl nt Baltlmoro Impressed a scout of the -rr Braves and ho purchased his release. r union Jnoni (it nn vllirtT hull . Has a Bean on Him .7-y.rtt 31 If ttnn ' tui Ml" rtllpfT it nt 11jMl !3l linn "vV iT ni I rt IR?1IJ Jid' "t i - T03 t rJ - uoY f ! I, ' . i no ,; jiiA . ion I " '" f. '" ! mil 1 'i.iil jjlfl "I ii iftk Riffir' I'M Going- 1 f ,l-i- rART A Voo oust think. Yoo'W Cn? H3LWB BrisaksN Ti S v f-As i was savihtw "V ;sgTn ii " ' 1 . WHEN I bIowtup uwm&.. Skm the thb. chajp. wiVHprzrl. jRwL I awful, stnc: s VH&t 1 (VTr?urE' epoRG vije ' d -jv E- ii i. - --,... . -iii - ' " '''I' 11 J i iii i'ai i r i i saW ,, m i i i mi m . r i , i.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers