Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, February 07, 1916, Night Extra, Page 10, Image 10

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Parents Action in "Backing Up" Youngsters
, Against School Board Disrespect for
i Law, Mrs. Schoff Asserts
ALTHOUGH many pcoplo aympathlzo wholly with tho pupils of tho Filler
. School In tho sentiment that prompted their enthusiastic demonstration
last 'week In tho Interest of Principal Sowden's retention, I havo heard many
other sobcrthlnklng men and women dcploro tho occasion for the probable
effect it will have on tho futuro discipline of the school.
Comes now an Interesting letter from tho president of tho National
Cotifrrcsa of Mothers and Parent-Teacher Associations, Mrs. Frederic Schoff,
who voices a strong disapproval of tho part played In tho affair by tho mothers
nnd fathers of tho children.
"Tho strlko of school children becauso of tho removal of a principal
was probably In Imitation of what tho children had seen older pcoplo do when
they had a grievance," she writes.
"Many children's acts nro traccablo to Imitation, and nro the result of
ignorance as to what Is right.
"Such methods nro subversive of law and order. Children cannot dlctato
ns to tho administration of schools, nor should parents condemn tho action of
tho Hoard of Kducatlon or Superintendent of Schools without knowing tho
reasons for their action.
"The Superintendent of Schools nnd Hoard of Education are deputed
by law to have charge of tho school system. They aro conversant with details
ad no ono else enn be. They certainly desire to work for what they consider
the best interests of tho scHools, and they should know better than tho
average citizen docs what is best, because It Is their opportunity and business
to be informed. ,,
"They aro fallible nnd should bo ready to listen to the protest of parents
at any time, but such protest certainly should como to them directly; nnd
from parents. To permit children to feci that tho control of tho school rots
on them, to permit them to voice their feelings In a strike. Indicates that
rospect for law needs to bo Inculcated.
"Children who aro not taught respect for their elders, who defy authority
and sot up their own wishes ngalnst thoso legally chosen to mnnngo tho
educational system, arc on tho path which will lead to anarchy unless they
arc trained to understand that a country without law Is Impossible; that tho
duty of every good citizen Is to respect tho law, and If It is not a good law
tako measures which nro legal to change the law.
"Lawlessness In children leads to adult anarchy. Tt Is not tho children's
fault. Those who know whero such methods lead, those who arc tho guides
of children, have no more Important duty to tho children or the nation than
to culttvato respect for law, to show them that they owo respect to parents,
to teachers, to those who are older nnd wiser than they arc.
"Duties of citizenship, proper and improper methods of adjusting differ
ences, patriotism, loyalty and a spirit controlled nnd calm in face of disappoint
ments, should bo a part of every child's education."
' Flirtatious Booties
Tho Mayor of Oklahoma City, after having legislated liquor out of town,
has now had his attention turned to tho fur-topped boots that women arc
wearing. Those, It Is declared, constitute tho next worse evil with which
the. Western city Is afflicted.
Tho fur-bedecked footgear, nccordlng to a committee who visited his
Honor, aro responsible for a 60 Increase in flirtation and mashing. In
'short, they are hold to be the devil's most potent Invention, thus fur.
"Verily, it has been said with wisdom "to tho pure all things are impure."
' J'' 'YTyr Mm
- hmA nBi
t wSesmi I 111
', ' WVtFl3ww3Mr T"a' . 'iifSwfiKwiJwifflMS'
Catch as Catch Can
Now that we havo learned to twinkle nnd fox-trot with tho llssomo grace
of an Irene Castle and that wo havo reverted to our schooldays on tho skating
pond, "and have achieved tho figure eight and tho Dutch roll, wo must, I am
told, forget these trivial accomplishments. Tor wrestling Is in!
Forego the waxen Hoor and glassy pond nnd como to tho padded mat.
) Muscles aro to bo tho order of the coming day. Formerly when a woman
wanted to protect herself In a dire emergency she resorted to the lowly
but not to be nnlfTcd at hatpin, or even a sharp fingernail has been known
to do effective work. Now we're to learn all about toeholds nnd scientific
jujustu methods.
"Throwing a man ovor" may como to have more than just ordinary
"WTienever a woman makes a vow that she's never going to marry it's a
safe bet that she's been contemplating that very thing. Gcraldine Farrar
could tell you that.
Taken In
For tho first tlmo In tho history of fashion, American dressmakers havo
been Invited over to Paris to confer with the French couturiers in regard to
the kind of styles that aro to bo put out.
Recognition at lost. Heretofore our countrymen have been Invited to
como across with their pockets bulging with coin to purchase- tho creations
that tho Parisian Btylcmaker In the secrecy of his atelier plnnned without
American consultation. Sometimes tho finished product of his Imagination
was a bit weird. Witness tho sheath and hobble skirt.
But tho Paris craze was upon us and we copied and hobbled most fear
fully. Then wo found that tho French women themselves had not nccepted
these atrocities. In fact, they wore made for tho American trade. That riled.
Gradually our Independence began to assert Itself, and now there nro some
bold enough to say wo are fully emancipated.
At any rato, a Franco-American Alliance has been formed to settle "the
, difficulties of the dressmaking trade." M'LISS.
THIS Is tho tlmo of tho year, and tho best time, to buy furs. It Is the wlso woman
who knows cnoush to wait until the January fur sales come, or shortly after this
time, for Just at this tlmo tho skins talto tho lowest figures possible. Tako today's
model, for Instance. Theso furs ordinarily boII for $175, according to tho buyer.
They nre tho precious and decidedly Mattering nnturnl bluo fox, with a natural ani
mal scarf, barrel muff nnd a soft ruflllng of chiffon velvet. Tho price Is $98 Just
nt present.
Tho hat may bo hnd In satin or will be copied In straw If ordered. In black
or colors, the shape Is the chief attraction, with a French wing nt ono side for orna
ment. Tho prlco is J1S.B0.
Full particulars ns to where these articles may bo bought will be supplied by
tho Editor of tho Woman's lnge, Kvn.siNO I.kihik.h, BOS Chestnut street. Tho re
quest must bo accompanied by a stamped, Belf-addrcssed envelope and must men
tion tho dato on which the article uppcarcd.
Letters to the Editor of the Woman's Pago
Address nil communications to M'Llss. rnrr of hr Kicnlnir Jllccr.
side of the paper only.
Write on one
vDear M'Llss Will you please toll mo if tho wireless signal S. O. S. has
1 any meaning other than that it Is a danger signal at sea?
as soon as possible to Bettle an argument.
Kindly nnswer
Our Souls." In
S. O. S. Is often popularly translated to mean "Save
reality It Is simply a distress code signal.
Dear M'Llss Pleaso find out for me, if you can, which language has the
greatest number of words, the English or the German? SCHOOL)
According to an authority that I havo consulted tho English languago has
450,000 words and the German 150,000.
Dear M'Llss Somo tlmo ago you printed a letter telling about a class
In photography for women that was to be organized. Can you give me
some information about this?
I am anxious to take up photography want to learn it from tho ground
up but do not want to go out of town to do so. Any help that you may
give will be deeply appreciated. CAMERA.
The Lantern and Lens Guild of this city Is going to give a course of
instruction to women In photography. Miss Emily Fergusson, of that club,
will be glad to tell you if tho class has been completed or If thero aro still
Dear ITLto-What is tho best way to give an Invalid an alcohol bath? Is
spopging the roost efficient method? AMATEUR.
Yes, a sponge bath is good, but if you use 90 per cent, alcohol It Is a. rather
expensive process If any of the liquid Is wasted. One woman I know takes an old
bath towel and makes a mitten to fit her hand. Tho friction, as well as the alco
hol. Is good for the patient.
SCURVT, or scorbutus as doctors call
It, is nowadays rarely observed In
adults, oven In Institutions, but It Is still
fairly frequent In babies artificially fed.
Tho condition Is constitutional. It Is
characterized by spongy, bleeding gums,
nose-bleed, extreme tenderness of the
limbs to touch, swellings nnd dlseolora
tlqns like black-and-blue marks about tho
limbs, "rheumatic" pains and soreness,
perhaps a disinclination to move tho
limbs almost llko paralysis, pronounced
paleness of skin nnd lips (anemia).
Usually the child's health has been ap
parently good up to tho tlmo of the at
tack, which Is generally between the 5th
and 15th month of life, though It may
occur at any age nnd In the best of pri
vate homes. Indeed, most cases of scurvy
nowadays nro observed in tho babies of
the wealthier classes, who don't know
how to feed babies.
Sterilized food is the most common
causo of scurvy. Proprietary so-called
"infant foods" nro accountable for tho
majority of cases, and proprietary foods
are almost always sterile. If they havo
no other virtues, although condensed milk
is sometimes found contaminated with pus
producing germs. 1'nsteurlzed milk Is
sometimes responsible for scurvy. Clean
raw milk Is tho only good Imitation of a
baby's natural food.
Simply changing tho diet to unstcrlllzed
food will euro scurvy. The addition of
fresh fruit juices, orange Julco especially,
is tho best known remedy. Orango julco
should be given In amounts of from a
tablespoonful to six tablespoonfuls a day.
divided Into three doses, each do.se about
an hour beforo a milk feeding. Any other
fresh fruit juice peach Juice, prune Juice,
apple Juice may be given if orango Julco,
cdnnot bo had, Even for a normal baby,
being raised on tho bottle, a teaspoonful
of orange julco may be given onco or
twice a day between feedings, from the
fifth or sixth month, ns a mild laxative.
Children over a year old should havo
fresh meat brotli every second day and
flesh vegetable soups every day as a pre
ventive of scorbutic symptoms ns well as
a cute.
Tho extravasation of blood under the
skin, causing the "blnck-nnd-bluo" or
cllonlsh-brown dlscolonitlons precisely
resembling the miu ks from bruises, havo
often given rise to unjust suspicions or
accusations, especially In the case of ba
bies in institutions.
Scurvy Is caused by sterilized or pre
set ved food, nnd cured by fresh, un
changed food.
Teacher Tries Her Hand
Tho lenclicr said my llttlo girl lias pink
eyes. Please advlso mo what Is good for
pink eyes.
Answor If she wcro our little girl, wo
would have an oculist or tho family doc
tor make tho diagnosis nnd prescribe ac
cordingly. The tonclier naturally doesn't
know pink eyes from Iritis or trachoma.
Calcium Sulphide Swells
Is calcium sulphide a blood purifier?
Does It clear tho complexion? It seems
to drive out odorous Impurities from the
skin. ,
Answer To both questions, no. It pro
duces a bad odor, all right hydrogen sul
phide, like spoiled eggs but It drives
nothing out, except Its own by-product.
rnrtlen up to in (I perxonH
nri'Oiiiiiimlnli'd nt our linlla
D2I) Market Street nnd
1U21 Chrnttiut Street
Mi'.xus, r,oc ui
Office, 734 Market Street
Madame Lisette announces to her clientele
that she is now affiliated with Mr. Thco.
F. Siefert, tho well-known furrier, at 14.2b
Walnut street, 1st and 2d floors.
z$ gnlontf be iHobcg
will present at their opening a beautiful
array or cnapeaux vnponea, aea
premieres matsona de la Rue de la
Paix et de son originate creation.
At present wo aro
showini? an exclusive
line of Palm Beach
and Southern Hats.
I j is
Marion Harland's Corner
Would Adopt a Baby
"T WROTH lo Mrs. R. D. about the girl
JL she offered for ndoptlon. As tho child
Is S years of ngo she will not suit my
want, n3 I deslro a baby gl.l from IS
months to 4 years of ago. Plenso keep
my nnmo upon your files, nnd when you
hear of such a llttlo ono as I long for,
let mo henr from you. Thf nk you for nil
your kindness to me. MRS. C, A."
Wo havo been tho means of filling other
motherly hearts with gladness by placing
lonely, friendless babies In nrms that
nclied to clasp them. Wo register your
hnmo, nnd with It the request that tho
reader who can bring to you the fulfil
ment of your wish will communlcato nt
onco with tho CoriVor.
Novel Our Grandmothers nend
"When I was n girl I rend a novel called
'Chnrlolto Temple,' said to he a story of
Revolutionary time" It is n tnlo of a
young girl uhoso lovor deserted her. 8ho
was nfterwnrd burled In Trinity Church
yard, New York. C. A. V."
It must bo nil of 70 yenrs since I, too,
rend the story of "Clinrlotto Temple," be
lieving It to bo fiction. Thirty yenrs Inter
I learned Hint It was really biographical,
nnd vlilled the grave of the heroine In
tho churchyard of Trinity Church, New
York. It struck me then nnd nt several
subsequent visits ns strnngc that I fre
quently found fresh flowers upon tho
simple Rlnh tl.nt born her nnme. I am
told that the brass tablet Inserted In the
marble, Inscribed "Clinrlotto Temple,"
has been pried out nnd cnrrled off by
ijomo vnndal or a relic fiend slnco my Inst
visit. Would It bo practicable to get a
copy of the old book which took such a
hold of the sympathies of a dend and
gone generation that pilgrims laid flow
ers nbovo tho henrt of tho botrnyod and
deserted girl for hnlf a century after her
death? Will collectors of old books nnd
tovors of tho roinnnco of real life put us
upon the trnlt which may lend to tho
discovery of tho poor llttlo hlstory7
Hot Water Jug
"Do you need n hot wnter bottlo? dot
nt any drug storo or a grocery storo a
jug that will hold a gallon. Seo that it
has a good cork. Iho It filled with hot
water. In many cases It Is far better
than n hot water bag made of run
bcr, Al "'.
Until within a few years the hot water
Jug was found In the best continental
Uhotcls In cold weather. Each bedroom
was supplied with one, tho ruuDcr ua
has superseded It now In the larger cities,
but In Italian nnd Swiss provlnclnl towns
tho Jug made nnd used for this purpose
alone still holds Its own. May I ndd to
the suggestion of our esteemed corres
pondent that the Jug will hold hcnl nnd
bo more comfortnble to tho feet It Incased
In n knitted or rrochetcd bng innde to fit
It? Tho snmo may bo said of tho hot
water footbng. In my own homo a knit
ted rover hnngs In tho bathroom beside
each hot water bng ready for service. The
sllpperlncss of tho Uncovered rubber Is
peculiarly unpleasnnt to the feet of del
Icato pcrsonB nnd children. The worsted
caRO retains tho heat In bag or Jug nil
night. A nleo present to an Invalid rcl
atlvo Is ono of theso bags crocheted In
bright nnd hnrmonlous colors.
Snvlnrr in the Kitchen
"I am interested in tho economics of
tho kitchen. I believe wnsto Is sinful.
There Is an old saying thnt a woman enn
throw out of the kitchen window ns much
ns her husband brings In nt the door.
N'lco llttlo dishes may bo prepared from
left-overs. Wheat bread makes delicious
puddings nnd toast, nnd when dried In
tho oven and rolled Into crumbs for fry
ing purposes or soup thickening is ex
cellent. All kinds of bread leavings may
bo tnado Into dressing, even If thero Is
no meat served with it. Scnson It nil
tho sntne, uso butter or bacon drippings,
and bako. It also makes delicious grlddlo
cakes. Meat boiled with vegetables Is
often stacked up In country kitchens
waiting for soap making. It Is hotter
for mo than fresh fried bacon when
crisped Inside tho oven, nnd drippings
mny bo used for mnny things. Even
burned bread mnkos nn excellent coffee,
to which milk nnd sugar may bo added,
and which Is wholesome nnd nourishing
more so than tho genuine bean.
MRS. B. C. M."
Tho second half of this letter will ap
pear later In the week. It Is too long
for Insertion as a. wholo and altogether
too good to ho cut down. Readers will
bo on tho lookout for It. She Is n wise
economist, nnd her "hints" nro admirable
throughout. Not a crumb of bread nor a
drop of dripping or gravy Mlmi,'
thrown away. I cannot lmnih .'
over, that even n wasteful housswifif
Alio irnAi yjK jilltlCB Rre Unfit lAl
penr ngnin upon the table. In k,
croquettes, scallops, and broths Uii t
nants of boiled or roasted meals ni
good service In competent hands.
condemn bits of cold meat to th 5?
fat pot I mean, of course, blb.
hnvo not been served from dish tow
The Bcraplngs of plates nr imm ,?,
.All commnnlcfttlnns addrtMM t. i1
Ifsnnnd should Inclose tiS,ilf'VV
nddrrssrd nc!ope nnd n eUtinin. i.'?
nrtlclo In which you nrp InUreitfS "VU
sons wishing to nld In the ih.Vi.T
work of the it. II. O. should writ, vi,'"
Ilnr bind. In rare nf this n.Ii1''
dresses of those thtr wonld I
nnd. hnvins; received lhm, eomm7..i,"l
in rnrr ni mis ppr. .'"'
those ther wenld hi. tV,'
j.-j-i ..r .,.-- r.iii-"- "wiibuowj
uimi null iiit.q pnriiei.
Reflected Glory
"Piffle!" said the man when uli!
It nrfected his pride to bo known L,
husband of a famous wife. "Thhi
fleeted glory' business Is rot. I canvi
the llfo of me understand what la ,,!,
feronco between being tho huabajiil Vi
'successful' woman or n 'beanm
woman. It Is simply a matter of ii
tlvo after all. For my own part t-'
proud to havo won her approval toJ
ter what the genornl public thinks."
Uo t.11 K-ave Friands i
who borrow booUs j
Until they hwe. stuM
nere3 where. L tell thern
ror us t.ll -
Ple.Ts.9e. hrinff us ovr
books ptjlcK.
VJs- J
Purchasing Agents Orders Honored
1X15 CljeStitut Street
Opp. Keith's
Offer Tuesday Remainder of
Women's Ftar Coats and Furs
At Large Price Reductions
French Seal Coats
Full flare model, collar, cuffs
and border of Skunk Fur.
Heretofore $110.00
Hudson Seal Coats -
Straight full model of Hudson
Seal, collar and cuffs .of Seal.
Heretofore $150.00
Hudson Seal Coats
Ripple model, collars of
Skunk, Beaver or Seal.
Heretofore $175.00
Hudson Seal Coats
Full flaro .model, collar, cuffs
and border of Skunk Fur.
Heretofore $210.00
Persian Lamb Coats
Fine quality skins, collar of
Skunk or Persian.
Heretofore $210.00
Hudson Seal Coats
Chin collar, cuffs and border
of Skunk, or without border.
Heretofore $275.00
Hudson Seal Coats
Full flare model, collar and
border of Skunk.
Heretofore $350.00
Sable Squirrel Coats-, .
Leipzig dyed skins, straight,
full model.
Heretofore $150.00.
' 115.00
Hudson Seal Muffs
Hudson Seal Scarfs
Natural Beaver Muffs
Natural Beaver Chin Collars
Natural Skunk Muffs
Natural Skunk Scarfs
Black Fox Scarfs
Black Fox Muffs
Natural Raccoon Scarfs
Natural Raccoon Muffs
Black Lynx Scarfs
Black Lynx Muffs
Heretofore $27,50
Heretofore $15.00
Heretofore $25.00
Heretofore $20.00
Heretofore $35.00
Heretofore $15.00
Heretofore $19.50
Heretofore $22.00
Heretofore $14.50
Heretofore $14.50
Heretofore $39.50
Heretofore $35.00
Charge Accounts Opened
(Copyright, 1013.)
Twat'c tup
JP.lir V iT lACCIOEiST. HERE FIDO .'.FIDO. , ' J lOHl MflNTY-S1 BEAUTIFIM- I . ?MMtaaaai
Mdh. c m i as". f'cv. . i I ii Bkntmif Jisf.M ni1. .w -m ,- .
vssrjr W&ct) 3 k .JMy. I BHI, stam? 4) k f. m & m$Js-
: - kin 7rr ', . ! . . -jwik t Ay y img M