Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, February 05, 1916, Night Extra, Page 11, Image 15

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    imim timSmSSSSPSSSSSBggglSB
Liotts Small Affairs Will
Many persons Are Leaving for Southern
Resorts Matters of Interest
1TH Monday tho IcnBt exciting
i, nt the season In llio social
VJA will open. Of course, great In.
frit centres rdund tho rtnnUnl Club
l&Ut of tho I'lnys nnd Flayers, liow-
y" . , . .(.I. i.r v I lm linlil In
ft. ballroom of the nctlovuc&trattor.l
LheD ., i .hn clubrooms. This will
B." ... ..... .rr,iir.q to nsk i.ny number
K nnd wo nro nil looking for-
Kird tO It "l" '"" B"-"'"- '
,n41cxpecv.u.w; ; " ,, ,, a fmlf.
?. i., i,v Henry Arthur Jnmcs.
.. east will Include Mrs. J. Howard
&. MrJ. rhlllp A. Castncr nnd Mrs.
f ', Woodward, Vinton Frccdley,
Albert AVclslr. Joseph A. Deerlns, Jr.,
il. ifMKiins Mcarns, Henry U.
Effer, Jr.. A rcxcl Stcc1' M,M
Pitiude Bun ...-....
r jiuu . ,1 motors.
Hoft Wl" ul- ""- ""
?'',;...- i(p!iinir event In tho week
An ower iin( alra
C Granger Kennedy will Blvo tor
SSrnlpcea. Emlllo Posey Kennedy una
their nieces, debutantes ot
I! on on Friday nlsht at the
flh, season, on Wnrdon will
ltIIVUC-"UH" " -
driven a theatre party by her mother,
bog1.." u... w. Warden, boforo this
8 Sir, and there will be several din-
rSKll- i
. ...i.t. f n vrrv exciting
I heard jcsn;!""! -
t MMuemcnt which is duo to como out
- soon.tnougn vu i'"'w -"
a tho party of tlio second part aro
i SnuousWdeny.UK the fact. Only tho
i her day I saw them at tho Rlt at
i an neonfnnd tho little falr-lmlrcd SHE
Iwu say'"!?' "Why. oi courso
Perfectly absurd and not a word of It
.4 jjci-v j otnnnod to
! true." wnen sumu " " -----&k
to them, evidently became per
F.p r i... rmnrks. Ho said nothi
fiionai m Broiv. and did not
fipear embarrassed at all, or as if ho
f . ulallke to run awn.
' ltemalns for one of tho most pro-
.!,. j.nnrtmpnl stores In town to
Improve tho theory held y certain
hypercritical Ones that a college edu
'" cation equips a man solely for the so
'. elil, duties ot life, paylns little or no
J" heed to the qualifications requisite In
5 business.
f This particular store has offered cer
tain Inducements to tho younger men
who have finished liieir course ui u-
...! in fact, has placed a number
f . .. . ..u.ln unulllnng lit Mm
! 01 tllCm 111 rcspunoiu'w .u...w.
fi'heads of tho various departments.' Of
Icourse, social connections nro not iu
t.- .i unf u rnnnlros innnltely
!noro than the popularity which tho
!kembership to tho smartest fraternities
'on,! niiihs rnnfers. to face tho dllllcult
problems which confront a man in busi
ness. In rather nice 10 unuw, men,
that uny number cf our younger men
who may hitherto have been mums
ltl.,.1- llrvl.tc in.1n ti fnTinnlmiH hlishpl
iUtJr ilfaillO UIIUV. li .., -
ijave secured the proper chances to tr
their mettle In tho grim business wonu.
rautchy Scott, Alfred SerBoaiu. iu-
nuixwwsers ami wniiura juiuinun '--Iiit.v7
tom nf lin ninnv voiinir men of
Lsoclal prominenco who nro hard at
mirk trying to rencii inn iwnuiuiu m
luwess ia tho mercantllo route.
.Mr. and Mrs. Itobert KSKlcsueld Grit-
filth, of Huverfurd. nnuouuee tho enpise-
ment of their dauglitei. Miss lilizaucin
Wllmcr arirntb. to Mr. IMward C. Pago,
Ic'sonofMr. nnd Mrs. T.oula Rodman 1'age,
of 20C2 Spruce street. Miss Griffith made
Iter debut this fall at a dansant given
Rty her Barents at tlio Acorn Club. No
awe lias been set for tlio weuuiug.
Xllle. Jeanne Moos, ot tlio Jlcrt c:ross
Ipina upion oi i-rencn women, win icu.
on rMona.iy atternonn at tne Homo ot sirs.
suwara Ti ESiqiesDury, iai, wiwiiui
Kitreet, at 4 o'cloclt. Tho statement made
my a. morning newspaper Unit tho lecture
TKndd not tako place, Is positively Incor-
(,Mr. Anthony J Drexcl Hlddlo has sent
Hilt "IPrlo no n nnnAntlnn mi 1fnmlfH nflnn.
toon at his home, 2101 Walnut street, to
meet ine Honorable Thomas IJ. mlth,
'Miyor Of I'hiladolnhln.
W Mr. Georce C Carson, of Torresdalp.
mft Klic a theatre party this evening In
ftonor of Miss Dorpthy ti. Norrls. Tho
un, wno win later attend Mrs. Scott's,
IJupper Club, which will meet this evening
ff the ballroom of the Dellevue-Strntford,
riu include Miss Lillian Rupert, of New
Ork: Miss M.llilL TlinvAi- f3rnlitn Mlna
AHatlnA TTttrn l,rrtn.i Allu fiiimn
llliLh RmtM fw onrl 11-a A I f pa.1 1.1
florrK Mr Antonio Vacconzellos, of Por-
""; iir. wnitney Wright. Mr. Robert
Wrere, Jlr Provost McMlchael, Mr.
garles Balrd and Mr. Alfred D. Norrls.
EMr. and Mrs. Artuco de Heercn and
Klr, and Mru nil.n.a Hf..nn ..rpa m,&uu
Kl M0r at a dl,mer given last evening
IKh i, lrs- JoseP" urace, of
ij'"itn, ui rami .ueacn.
Pfr- and Mrs, ndward Everett. Mnr
Irnni! .of . nydai Waters, Rydal. have
IS J lnvItat'ons for a hunt breakfast on
Kr w y' February 22. at 13 o'clock, The
Sj.i ',,' w, taKe place uttur the meet
ui start at U o'clock from their house.
lift anil f., T.i t.i. -r-. ....
uirtiu . I "" r-urie juimsan will
ItuV.j ' ue invitations Tor a dinner on
R..f y evening. March 7, before the Bal
IcW . '.V: ana MrB- Johnson will ofc-
ifr .. .. .. Yumui street, the home of
Batter . lrs' E- Hlna Johnboii. while tho
rfSnY. , v "uJurping in soutnern Caii
jHjn' '" the remainder of the winter.
llSv L i L'?abelh Yardley. daughter of
SK' and Mrs. .Tnhn ll vuln.. n ,no
m.t street '.. .:'., ""'"'"' ."'?
hi ,. .7 "'nwiiw ui uuiner las?
t .-.. KNu nuin n uancing
Ufl. .Inh II ..- - .
Efi ha.i .. . "ur"0. w i-peust street,
SPut,nalJVk0taeUMr8- QerSe Uler'
Witr. n,l ir ..
TO SnZ . iuomaa Kurlo White, of
K?jn85.ue 're. will u-lve a dinner
Slfkci r.T.,7 l . SJ'" at lne Philadelphia
fa th, lub'SS v w " ,erWttra
FLn?irente 'i11' or 8ford, Conn,.
Bliri.uM.r. "V.1 uay" tn'a week In
tsurr r ,?5S. rt " "i b
Mid r'r,rr -". iuiik, or uav
ir a Curt the first week of ifnh h
M ttoax..thT "J""1 ' l tidltli
lui if J bonuis Llgxet, which
ik ,7 a, M'uruay. Mareh i at
b&Uwr -.- iu (isaeeroer,
Had Urn ll.vi.,1.. ir. 5
" (f But nejtt k, tM ici thk
Characterize the Season.
daughlcrj Mrs. Robert Kelso Casiatt and
Mrs. A, J. Devorcux, at Sllnml, Fla.
.,.Iir;i Alberl J.cnper. of Milwaukee, Is
spending severnl days In Philadelphia at
tho UellcvucHlratford.
o.'ii' snc,,cl Prancls Doyle, of 1S33
boutli Uroad Btrect, wna a guest last night
nt a reception given by President and Mrs
Wilson In the White House at Washington
Along the Main Line
OVlJltnitOOK Miss Liinn Pearsons
will entertain ot luncheon nml bridge on
tho afternoon of Tuesday, February IS,
In, honor of Miss IMIth Hvans.
Mrs Joseph F OallngheK of BS36 Wood
lno avenue, will give n luncheon followed
bv- bridge, nt the Xlnnufncturers' Ctub, on
Monday, February II, for Miss CJcrtrude
McDonnell, of Toledo, O.
Mr. and Mrs. William John Scott have
announced tho engagement of their
daughter. Miss Mary Stinger Scott, to Mr,
TneiMili Tl . i .. .
"ui"i mummer oeiuio, oi uiui uverbrook
avenue, Ovcrbrook.
Mis') Rosalind Murphy, of 732 North Md
street, hns gone to Atlantic City, where
she Is convalescing after her recent Ill
ness. Mi:P.IONMr. nnd Mrs. William H.
I'Olwell, of Melrose avenuo and Linden
lane, will Rive a delightful muslcnlo tho
i iK in oi i-nnay, I'euru.iry 11, when Mr.
Oliver Denton, pianist, nnd Mr. Rafnel
Diaz, tenor, both of Now York, will
render original selections, while tho
guests will Include many musical pcoplo
of this city. Among those Invited arc
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Braun, Dr. nnd
Mrs. Silas S. Ncff, Mr. and Mrs. Thnd
dous Rich, Mr. and Mrs. Hermnn Sandby.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Nathan T. Folwell, Mr nnd
Mrs. Hdward Uok, Dr. nnd Mrs. Kdward
KclTcr, Mr. arid Mrs. William J. Balrd.
Mr. and Mrs. IJ. Burke Wllford, Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Hess, Mr. and Mrs. Philip M.
Sharpies. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick W.
Rockwell, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Main, Dr.
nnd Sirs. Frank A. Mantz. Mr. nnd Mrs.
Justice drugan, Mr. nnd Mrs. Henry But
terworth, Mr. and Mrs. Kdward A. Wnb
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tryon. Mr. and
Mrs. William Braun, Mrs. H. Phillips
Hnmmann. MrB. George Fletcher, Miss
Julia Qrlfllth, Miss Mary Grimth, Mr.
Arthur Wilson, Mr. Arturo Pupalnrdo,
Mr. Kills Clark Hammann, Mr. Charles
Grinith and Mr. Paul Grimth.
Dr. and Mrs. W. Newbold Watson, ot
Berkley road, entertained Informally nt
dltinor Inst night before tho subscription
danco nt tho Merlon Country Day School.
Their gurst3 were Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Itcllly, Mrs. H. Phillips Hammann and
Mr. Kl'la Clnrk Hammann.
Mrs. Kdward Burke Wllford, of High
land and Melrose avenues, gave a de
lightful children's luncheon, followed by
a theatro party this afternoon. In honor
of her little laughter. Miss Evelyn S.
Wllford. Mrs. Wllford and Mrs. God
frey II. Rcbmann chaperoned the party,
nnd the little guests present were Miss
Cecilia Lee, Miss Phelma Jollirfc, Miss
Anna Rebmann, Miss Geraldlno Lee, Miss
Phcbo Kbcrhard, Miss Kachael Hanlan
and Miss Kllzabeth Croft.
NARBDRTH-Mrs. Frank H. Dallette.
of 121 Chestnut street, entertained at "500"
on Thursday afternoort.
Mr. John Welsh left early this week for
a tiip to Florida and the West Indies.
Mis. G. Harper entertained at a small
muslcnlo Thursday evening in honor of
her guest. Miss Clnlre Balrd Wells, of
Ridley Park, Pa. Among her guests were
Jllss itlalro Huipcr, MIsh Mury c
Schroller, Miss Minnie F. Schroller, Miss
Armenia Cameron, Mr. Gordon Craig,
Mr. James Bentlcy, Mr. Alfonso Beaumont
and Mr. Leon Nicholson.
ARDMORE Tho Christian Endeavor
gave a social last evening In the Ard
moro Presbyterian 'Church.
IlItYS MAWR-Mr. nnd Mid. John
Bosh, ot Morris avenuo moved today to
230J Dauphin street. Philadelphia.
Mr. and Mrs. John S. V. Dunne and
fumlly, of Old Lancaster road, have re
turned from "an extended stay In the
South. Mr. Dunne's friends will bo glad
to learn that ho has recovered from his
recent Illness.
Mrs. Wulter Clirystle entertained at
luncheon yesterday at her homo on Mor
ris avenue. Covers were laid for 12
Mr. and Mrs. William II. Loescher, Mrs.
12. W. WeHtcrdyke. Miss June Loescher
and Miss Margaret Loescher, of Morris
avenue, moved Wednesday to 1841 Morris
struct, Philadelphia.
1st. DAVID'S Dr. and Mrs. a. L. H.
Jumesou uud Miss Jameson, of Villa
Floienza, have gone to Augusta, Ca., for
tho bulanco ot the winter.
Smith, of Strafford,
New York.
Lewis Lawrence
has returned from
Chestnut Hill
Mrs. William C. Hesse, of 103 West
moreland avenue, will entertain at bridge
on Thursday afternoon. February 21, In
honor of Mrs. Basil Harris.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Herbert Goodall. of 73M
Bryan street, aro spending several days
In Now York.
Tho members of Miss Lockwood's Danc
ing Class gave a bal masque last evening
at the Philadelphia Cricket Club.
Tho next meeting ot the Dinner Club
will take place on Saturday evening. Feb
ruary 12. at the Philadelphia Cricket Club.
Among those who will dine there will be
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Whlttnker, Mr. and
Mrs. William Flndlay Brown. Mr. and
Mrs. John Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
C. Colahan, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Goodall
Mr. nnd Mrs. Barker Mellor, Mr. and Mrs.
Henry B. Cartwright, Jr., Miss Catherine
Colahan, Mr. Hinckley and Mr. and Mrs.
William W. Watson.
Mrs. H, Berkeley Hackett. of 103 Hast
Mt, Airy avenue, has returned to her
home after v9itlng friends In Richmond,
Mrs. William 8- UyA. of 233 Harvey
street, entertained at bridge yesterday
afternoon. There, were 20 guests pres
ents Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd will give a
dinner of l covers on Wednesday eve
ning, February 16, at Manfrelm.
Mrs. Warner P, Earnshaw, of East
Johnson street, who has been on a shop
ping toUr In New York for several days,
will return today and will entertain a
matinee box party this afternoon for her
small daughter, Mis Corllae Earnshaw,
The Manhelm Dancing Class, under the
dlrectlJn of Mrs. (George A. Brooke, will
meet In the ballroom of the Gerrnahtown
Cricket Qlub tonight.
Mrs William R- Elsenhower, ot UpsaJ
street west of Wane avenue. Is spend
ing a fortnight In Atlantic City, N. J., re
cuperating from accent Illness. ,
Mrs. Henry P.' Currn, of the Fairfax
Apartments. Is In Atlantic City for a
short atay.
- South Philadelphia
MUM 0nvleve Uallaghsr. of t7th and
MIKU" strMls. entertained at a, dHgbtful
iunctwoa. followed by cant on Wednes
day Her guet included Mm Tracey.
Mr. Crrl. Mr Bers",n, Mr LowiM
Mil OeWW, Mr MfcNeltt Mr?. qrtlV
Mr OwM-halsb. Mra- VltiB. Mrs,
Hltotf ajuiMr MCaxur.
Top row, loft to ripht Miss Helen Glnsc, Miss Ada McDaniels, Miss Esther Bislcr, Miss Jessie Sparks, Miss Frances McCann, Mr. Charles Walnut, Miss
Elizabeth Gibb, Miss Jean Beasloy and Mr. William Harrity, Jr. Third row, left to rifiht Mr. Frank Watkin, Mr. Joseph Baldi, Mr. Albert Sparts, Mr.
James Mlllholland, Mr. William Clausen, Mr. Frank Sparks, Miss Frances Lciscn, Mr. West Jordan, Mr. Sydney Wilson, Mr. Joseph Lamorellc, Mr. Bartlctt
Stryker, Mr. Matthew Kennedy and Mr. Herbert Bear. Second row, left to right Miss Dorothy John, Miss Dorothy Dexter. Mr. Edward Carrier, Mrs.
Philip Castncr, Miss Katharine Stevens, Mrs. Louis Do Lone, Miss Eleanor Uarr, Miss Ava Mulholland, Miss Eleanor Evelami and Miss Rosalie McMichan.
First row, left to right Miss Virginia S. Wctherill, Miss Ruth Powell, Miss Lucy Shnw, Miss Frcdcricka G. Bremer, Miss Adclc M. Mosier, Mr. William
A. Hayes, Mr. Herbert John, Mr. Ray Farnngton, Mr. Francis' Stevens, Jr., and Mr. Reynolds Piorpont.
Along the Reading
The Jcnklntown Choral gave a moving
picture benefit Wednesday evening at the
Jcnklntnun auditorium. The affair was a
great success and tho house was crowded.
Miss Helen Palmer, Miss Rennlgcr, Miss
Marie Woolley and several other girls
wandered around during the Intermission
with baskets of candles nnd (lowers for
Mr. Fredcriok Campbell, of Mather road,
Jcnklntown, hns returned from Now York,
where he has been for several duys.
Miss Marguerite Sill, of Bent road,
AVyncote, has Issued invitations for a
bridge and "500" Thursdny afternoon at
2:30 o'clock. The guests of honor will do
Miss Kathrlno Rogers, Miss Alice Hood
and Miss Marjorie Kent.
A dancing class for tho young married i
o, nf Wunnntr. Is bolnir arranged to take i
place every Tuesday cvcnli.g at S o'clock
at Chelten Hills Hall, Mather avenue.
The first meeting of the class was held
this week.
Mrs. Frank Schoble, of Greenwood aye
nuo, AVyncote. will return the end of this
week from Montclalr, where she has been
the guest ot her son-in-law nnd daughter,
Mr. and Mrs. William McDonald Powell.
The annual business meeting of the
Women's Auxiliary, of tho North Hills
Country Club, will be held at tho club
bouse at 4 o'clock this afternoon. About
r,0 members will be present. The election
of ofllcers for the coming year nnd tho
now members of the different committees
will be elected. The ladles of the auxili
ary will be hostesses at dinner nt 7 o clock
for their husbands and friends.
The Dntortalnmcnt Committee of the
North Hills Club will give a bridgo and
"MO" on Filday. February 11. at 8 o clock.
Mrs. Hdward H. D. Ncuhauser. of 11th
street and Chelten avenue. O.ik Lane,
will enteitaln the members of the South
... t c.i- circle Monday nfter-
nnn. at hor home. Thoso present will be
Mrs. C. Howard Anthony, Mrs.
Hall. Mrs. B. G. Hltchner, Mrs
Bcnt-ko and Mrs. Albert Gee.
Mrs. Albert Dudley, of 11th street and
Chelten avenue, Oak Lane, accompanied
bv her sister. Miss Lily .Marlon, nnd her
Hvo chiuircn. Miss Marlon Dudley and
Master Wlltard Dudley, huvo been spend
ing part of tho winter In Florida, nnd ex
pect to return in about two wcekB.
at 8:15 o:ciock. for tho benefit of the Re
view Club, or uiikuw.
West Philadelphia
The Misses Felton entertained at din
ner last evening at their nome, 4611 Cedar
avenue, in honor of Miss Helen Gragor
and Mr. William Warwick Fel.ton. whose
marrlagevwlll take place on Tuesday eve
nlng Among tho guests were Miss K ea
nor Morse. Miss Marjorie Carman, Miss
.-.I t..,unii Arias Anna Gaston, Mr. and
Mrs. Stanley 'Willcox, Mr. and Mrs. Hetzel
Atherholt. Sir. ivauer wnn
Stokes Itoiwall. Mr. Reynolds Plerpolnt.
Mr C. Virgil Hughes, Mr. Addison A.
Piatt and Mr. Carroll M. Felton.
JIIss Edith Godfrey, of Hamilton Court.
39th and Chestnut btreets. has as her
guest for beveral days her sister. Mrs.
William Foster Jones, of New lork. Mrs.
Jones arrived In Philadelphia yesterday
and was the guest of honor at a lunch
eon given by Miss Godfrey today.
.Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Cady, of 4239
Regent square, entertained at bridge on
Thursday evening. Their guests Included
Si", and Mrs. Edward Bowen. Mr. and
Mrs. George W. Langston and Mr. and
Mrs. Matthew McVlekar.
Miss Florlne G. Winder, of 1129 South
52d street, has Miss oann nn,' ui
Egypt; Miss Hazel P. Skinner and Mr.
Ted Gasklll as her guests. .
Mr C. Mauer, of HM North fiOth street.
Is spending the week In Baltimore as the
guest of friends,
Miss Margaretta Kern, of Atlantic City,
Is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bol
len. of H18 North Redtleld street.
Mrs. Samuel P. Kenworthy, ot Green
lane, will leave during the month for an
extended visit to Florida.
The Holy Name Society of the Holy
Family Catholic Church will give a prom
cnade concert and card party op Wednes
day evening, February 16, In the pariah
hall of the church. Several hundred In
vitations have been extended, and the
games to be played vflll be pinochle and
Mr and Mrs. William Spink, of 413
Lyceum avenue, will leave shortly to
spend the midwinter (n Florida and points
South. J
A Lincoln's Birthday dinner will be
Klven on Saturday nlght, February jj, ty
the men of the Grace Lutheran Church,
Ridge and Roxborough avenues, in the
social ball of the church. The pastor,
Rev" Paul 2. Strodaeh. will preside.
Mr. and Mrs- ft A sbort Rttd thelr
r.miiv nf liimt Lovertnstoii ttvauue. a
l3ta a wee& la At aotlo City.
, . . v.n. r,.nri nmi McCann, In u gorgeous red and white
Mrs. M. D. Loubach of Valley road ana l atIn C0StumC( aUo lecevcd much np-
Sharpless avenue. Melrose l arK, win give plau T1e costumea shown in tho "You
1 ....rii ir.nrinv nvenlng. February II, ;, . .,. ....., ,. ,.,- ,....-
Melange Given at Overbrook Golf Club Last Night Full
of Attractive Singing and Dancing Choruses.
Performance to Be Repeated Tonight
Tiin vaudeville entertainment, entitled
"Vanity Fair," which was given last
night nt tho Ovcrbrook Golf Club, mote
than fulfilled tho expectations of thoso
who saw tho performance, and as tho
program will be repeated tonight It Is
pectod that tho ballroom will bo crowded
to the doors. A one-act comedy, entitled
"Which Is Which?" was presented very
creditably by Mrs. Philip Castncr. Miss
Katherino Stevens, Miss Jean Beasloy,
Mr. Eugene Heine nnd Mr. Matthew Ken
nedy. Apait from the Interesting features
of tho show and tho grace nnd charm of
the dancers, tho costumes worn made
quite an Impression on the nudlence; but.
then, It was "Vanity Fair," and, of course,
tin dressing was up to tho hour. The
costumes for the chorus, "Araby," upon
I which spotlights were thrown as tho
chorus members danced down the plnnk.
extending from tlie stage to tlio audito
rium, were gorgeous In their brilliant col
orings and rich trimmings, while the
skating choius, nttircd In white satin
. suits and dresses, trimmed with white
fur, and topped with fur caps, presented
I an ideal pldturo of winter sports. And In
i the bnndbox chorus the little French
maids In bluo satin with dainty aprons
t nnd tho men In regulation bellboy suits
i made quite a hit. Tho "Vanity Fair Girl
Tableaux," during whoso reproduction
I Mr, Herbert Bear sang 'The Girl I Ixvo
1 on the Magazine Cover." created quite a
sensation- The poses wero shown in a
largo frame representing a magazine
foer, nnd the costumes wero lovely. Mrs.
Philip A. CaBtncr, in a wonderful cerise
velvet cloak trimmed with fur, and with
rich and becoming headdress, made a
I "cover" beautiful enough for any artist's
pencil; Miss Adelo M. Mnslor nnd Mr. W.
1 Allison Hays, as Columblno nnd Harle
' iuln, sho in fluffy white ballet dress, with
I pink rosebuds and pink satin drapery, and
he In a many-colored Harlequin costume,
presented a startlingly lifelike replica of
the original Vanity Fair cover; Miss Elea
I nor Carr, as a black nnd white poster.
dressed In black velvet nnd white satin,
made a stunning "cover"; Miss Frances
nine: brinht cerise dresses trimmed with
black for the girls, and fortbe men black
satin English knickerbockers. Othors
wore In Hungarian and Dutch attire.
The choruses included Miss Virginia
Wetherlll, Miss Ruth Powell, Miss Lucy
Shaw, Miss Sydney Wilson, Miss Fred
erica G. Bremer, Mr. Everett Mosier,
Mr. Ray Farrlngton, Mr. Robert John,
Mr. W. Allison Hays. Mr. Reynolds Pler
pont, Miss Jessie Spnrks, Miss Esther
Dialer, Miss Ada McDanlel, Miss Helen
Glase, Mr. Archie Sparks, Mr. William
Sparks, Mr. James Mllholland, Miss Dor
othy John, Miss Eleanor Eveland, Miss
Dorothy Dexter, Miss Rosalie McMichan,
Miss Adele Mosier, Mr. Joseph Baldl, Mr
Bartlett Stryker, Mr. Frank Watkin. Mr.
James Mllholland, Mr. Louis De Lone.
Miss Elizabeth Glbb. Miss Frances Lel
sen, Mr. Charlie Walnut, Mr. Joseph
Lamoretle. Mr. West Jordan and Mr.
William Harrity, Jr.
Among the solo dancers were Miss Ava
Whose engagement to Mr, John
Wallace Beuuer will bo announced
today by her parents, Mr and
Mrs, DavidE. Neiffer.
I I1U1U UU IJ1U Dlllfi LKUlua r V . u D.u,
3 if raMJHQPHyHH33B fa
i rrrBl T& -tf
firrrrV j3Wm . ;
( -- r
Mflholland, Miss Helen Glase, Mr. Will
lam Clausen, Miss Virginia Wetherlll,
Mr. Edwnrd Carter, JIIss Frances Mc
Cann and JIIss Ruth Powell.
A dance followed the performance.
There will be nn Illustrated lectuio and
moving picture entertainment given on
Thursday, February 17, nt Wltherspoon
Hall, under the auspices of tho Daugh
ters or the American Revolution. It will
be called the Battleship nnd Boy Scout
Flag Fund Benefit. The set of colors to
be presented by the Pennsylvania Daugh
ters N. S. D. A. It. to tho battleship
Pennsylvania will bo on exhibition for
the first time. Tickets may be obtained
from Jtrs. Thomas Potter, of Chestnut
Leading society matrons who are Inter
ested In the preparedness movement have
come to the aid of tho 1st Regiment. Na
tional Guard of Pennsylvania. They have
consented to net ns patronesses for It at
tho reception to Governor Brumbaugh on
the evening of Washington's Birthday.
Tho reception will bo followed by an In
door regimental review, nt which the
Governor will be at the post of honor".
An exhibition In fancy drill by the Lu Lu
Patrol and dancing will follow tho an
nual custom or the regiment In celebrat
ing tho natal day of Washington. It Is
looked upon as the military social event
of the yenr. attracting National Guard
officers from nil parts of this State, ulso
from neighboring States, as well as reg
ular army, navy and marine corps ofllcers
stationed In and near this city.
A large hqnorary committee of regular
nrniv ofllcers, ofllcers of tho National
Guard of Pennsylvania, noted Inwyers
and Jurists who at ono timo served In tho
"Dandy First" lias been named, rno usi
of patronesses follows: Jtrs. George E.
Bartol, Jlrs. Robert G. II. Brock, Jlrs. J.
Gardner Cnssatt. Mrs. W. It. Donner,
Mrs. George W. Chllds Dretel, Mrs.
Washington II. Gilpin, Jlrs. Howard t'.
Graham, Jlrs. James Large, Jlrs. Joseph
Leidy, Jtrs. Howard W. Lewis, Miss
Jtarla Dickinson Logan. Jlrs. Joseph II.
McCnll, Mrs James Francis Sullivan,
Jlrs. Charlemagne Tower, Jits. Churchill
Williams. Mrs. J. Bolton Wlnpenny and
Mrs. W. D. Winsor.
Mrs. Arthur Umholtz,, of WVM Montrose
street, entertained the members of her
Sowing Club nt luncheon on Tuesday.
Thoso present Included Jlrs. Harry T
Forbes, Jlrs. Frank E. Lo Nolr. Jr., .Mrs.
Parker Miller. Jlrs. James E. Shaver. Jr.,
Jlrs. GeorgB W. Smith, and .Mrs. Parker
Gr.ivatt, JIIss Anna Lelthead and Jlrs.
A. Knight Paxon, of West Colllngswood.
N. J.
Mls3 Fannie Brown, of 1920 North 8th
street, formerly of Montreal, Can., will
give a theatre party this evening In honor
of JIIss Rae Fine's birthday.
Among the guests will be Miss Sara
Block, JIIss Frances Charney, JIIss Bessie
Greenburg. Miss Jeannette Petchon, Jliss
Edythe Snyder, Miss Ida Jletzger, JIIss
Julia .Mario and JIIss Henrietta Prusscl.
One of tho most attractive leap-year
parties of the seabon was given last Sun
day by Miss Jean C. Orllck, 1312 South
5th street. The house was beautifully
decorated and the tables elaborately set.
Among those present were JIIss Hannah
Rousher. JIIs? Emma Horowitz, JIIss Mae
Horowitz, Miss Bertha Lapayowker, JIIss
Bertha Hou&cr. Miss Edith Cornman, Miss
Gussie Phillips, Jliss Myrtle Rubin, Miss
Sarah Orllck, Miss Rose Orllck, Miss
Pauline Scholl, Mr. J. Abrams, Dr. Jlax
Lapayowker, Dr. Maurice Reltcr, Mr.
Meyer Weinberg, Mr. Joteph II... Hober
man, Mr. Abraham O. Newman, Jlr.
Adolnh Lapayowker. Jlr. James Orllck,
Mr. Nathan Kaplan, Mr. Harry Kaplan,
Mr, Jacob Orllck and Mr. Ira Orllck.
A lecture on "Physical Culture" was
given last evening by Dr. Richard A.
Kerr, of the Southern High School, at the
Furness School, 3d and Mlillln streets, fol
lowed by drills, dances and patriotic songs
by the eighth grade pupils ot the school.
The monthly meeting of the Young
Slen's and Women's Hebrew Association
cf the Hebrew Literary Society took place
Tuesday evening, ut the If. L. S., 310-12
Catharine street. Mrs. William Glnsburg
presided. Reports were read by commit
tees; Jlembershlp, Mr. Herman Zeldner;
debating team, Mr. Benjamin Byerj in
slgnla.VMr, Harry Tuff; Literary Circle,
Mr, Bernard Brady, Mr, Maurice Satu
read the report of the Board of Gov
ernors. Miss Miriam Magll gave the report of
the Young Women's ''Get Together
The Publicity Committee, which has re
cently been appointed by Mr. Tinsbury,
has reported very active progress for the
association. The committee consists of
Mr. Harry Kalodner. chairman; Mr.
Oeorge J Burrlson, Miss R. Sutland, MUa
Miriam Magll, Mr. Benjamin Byer, MUa
A, Sutland and Mrs. Herman Berlin,
Preparations for the datite, which I
to be given Wednesday. February 16, at
Apollo Hail, were reported by Mr Ben
jamin Byer. chairman of the commlu&e,
as well under wayj
MUa A- Lankan ad. Mlw a. Lankan,
5, 1916
of HJ3 Louden street, Logan, cntertnincd
nt luncheon, Thursday nfternoon. Their
guests were Mrs. Harry Curnow, Jlrs.
Thomas Brnnson, Jlrs. Theresa H. Mous
ley, Jlrs. K. L. Schmidt. JIIss Mary Kaul,
Jlrs. A. Eggart, Jlrs. JI, Rumpel, Jlrs.
F. II. Lanard and Jliss Kitty Lankan.
The 20th nnnlversay of tho Langhorne
"Sorosls" will bo celebrated at Its club
house on Thursday, March 16. Mrs.
Joseph Esherlck is chairman. Tho an
niversary will be for members only.
Jlr. nnd Jtrs. George Reed, Jr., ot
Omaha, and their two children aro guests
of Jlr. George Reed.
There will be a subscription dance at
tho Bucks County Country Club tonight.
JIIss Alice Ivins has returned to Lang
horne after having spent several months
with relatives in Chicago.
North Philadelphia
A card party and danco to maintain a
pnst-graduato fellowship of the Philadel
phia School of Design for Women will be
given next Friday at tho school, Broad
and Master streets, under the auspices of
tho alumnae and students.
Tables for cards will be arranged In tlo
long Broad street gallery, the samo In
which the famous art collection of Edwin
Forrest hung when ho was the master of
tho houso on North Broad street '
Tho cnminltteo In charge !ncludes'th0
officers or tlio alumnae association ot the
school and consists of JIIss Clara V. Rich
ardson, Jliss Harriet Sartaln, Jlrs. C. B.
Varnum and Jlrs. Sarah J. Harvoy.
The prizes will consist of pictures
painted by local artists and students of
the school.
Northeast Philadelphia
Jlr. nnd Jlrs. David K. NolfTer, or 035
West Dauphin street, will nnnounco the
engagement of their daughter, Jliss Flora
JIarlo L. Nclffcr, to Jlr, John Wallace
Bender, this evening nt a dinner.
Jlrs. Teresa Liable, of 2912 Ella street,
will give a freedom party In honor of her
son, Jlr. John Liable, tills evening. The
guests will bo Jlr. nnj Jlrs. William Doh,
Miss L. Doh, JIIss J. Doh. Jliss D. Doh,
Jliss A. Blum, Jlrs. (. Blum. Jliss A.
Parker, JIIss Josephine Giildln, of Haines
port; Jlr. John N'lrolls, Jlr. Charles Edll,
Jlr. James Baity, Jlr, Harry Herhst.iJIr.
William Jlojcr, Jlr. William Jlusken
beck, Jlr. Edwin Gross, Jlr. Arthur Gross,
Jlr. William Reler, .Mr. Harry Hoflior,
.Mr. John JIack, Jlr. William Buehler, Jlr.
Louis Stcbcits, Jlr. Adolph nium. Air.
Jacob Atwater, Jlr. Edgar Spellman, Mr.
Albert Heller. Jlr. Albert Schlshuhs, Mr.
Charles Schlshuhs and Jlr. James
Tho choir of the Wesley Church, at
Sepvlva and Huntingdon streets, held Its
choral meeting last evening ut tho home
of Jlr. and Jtrs. Sealey, of 2536 Sepvlva
Jlrs. Lambert, of 2170 East Cumberland
street, entertained tho members of the
Wesley Sewing Clrclo at her homo jester
day afternoon.
Mr. and Jlrs. Crouse, of ?HC East Cum
berland street; Jlr. and Jlrs. Scanlln and
Jliss Florence Scanlln, nnd Mr, nnd Mrs.
J. McCleury have returned fror.i a short
stay at Atlantic City.
Jlr. and Mrs. Edward Gregg, of 23IG
East Cumberland street, will entertain at
E00 on Saturday evening, when those pres
ent will be JIIss Nan JlcOarvey, Miss
Florence Cramps, JIIss Florence Scanlln,
JIIss Mary Crouse. Jlr. A'lctor Frld. Mr.
Henry Spurks and Mr. John Squires.
Jlr. and Jlrs. Francis Rlchter. of 3306
North Broad street, will leave on Tues
day for Hartford, Conn., where they will
be the guests of their son-in-law and
daughter, Jlr. and Mrs. Frederick Oenther.
Jliss Beatrice Oliver Rlchter is passing a
week with friends In Kennett Square, Pa.
JIIss Rae Fox, daughter of Jlr. and Mrs.
Samuel Tucker Fox, Jr., of AVest Tioga
street, will leave, today for a lslt In
Washington D. C. On February 10 she
will go to New York to be the guest of
Jlrs. James Bradley and Miss Ethel
Bradley, of 316 West 106th street, at a
tea which will be followed by a dinner
and dance.
lira. Louis a. Green, of 1903 West
Venango street, will entertain at lunsheon
and bridge, on Jlonday, at her home. Her
guests will be Mrs. Robert JfcCrsery,
Jlrs. AVllliam Kugler, Jtrs. Louis Cave.
Mrs. James Thompson. Mrs. Llnd Jlason
Baker, Jlrs. Jack Roberts, Jlrs. Lillian
Howltt and Mrs. Samuel Scattergood.
Jlr. A. Pomerantz, of AVest Tioga street,
Is spending the midwinter In Cuba.
Notice for the Society pace will be
accepted and printed iu rUe Ktrnlnc
Lrilitcr. but all url notice luut be
ivrltUu ou one aide a( the paper, luut b
Icutd lu lull, uttli full KddrtM, and
wutn polble UbfyUou number nut be
bend alt aurn. mmmunleatioa to
"Society Kdltot:' Kvcubijc Ixdeer, 03
CUMluut ktreet.
Vnlca tbu requlnyuenl r hfi1,
but a that flstl uiuj b tsml1,
the nttM Ht sat ta iubHftwi.
Tho mnrrlago'of Miss Enrnh M,vAlkeri",
daughter of Mr, ond Mrs. William jAtrtM
Aiken, of 21M.1 North Lambert ritrcet, toTUr
C. Marshall i.udolph, of Ifll West Cayuga,
street, will take place at 8 o'clock tonight,
nt the home of tho bride's parents, The
ceremony will be performed by the ttov,
Dr. John O, Wilson, of the Union Meth
odist KplscOpnl Church, Diamond and.
21st streets, nnd will be followed by n re
ccptlon. Tho bride will wear a gown Of
Whllo crepe de chine nnd duchess late,
with n veil of tulle caught with sprays
of orange ulossotns, nnd will darry a
shower bouquet of lilies of tho Valley
and roses. Mr. Aiken will give ills daugh
ter In mnrrlngo. Sho will bo attended
by Miss Ada Kmhardt as tnnld of honor,
whoso frock will bo a charming combina
tion of pink chiffon taffeta and Georgette
Mr William Hunter will be best man.
Mr. Rudolph nnd his brldo will leavo ort
a short trip, nnd will receive after Feb
ruary 15 at 4107 North Orlanna Street
Golden Wedding
Mr. and Mrs. John Brown, of 3513
Queen lane, Falls of Schuylkill, will give a
reception tonight nt tholr homo to celobrnto
tllMr flfitnth tlniMlnn- n . . !.. .... -ft.
Brown nnd Mrs. Snrnh A. Rogers Brown
wi-ro marrieu in tins city On February 4,
186(!, by the Rev. Theodoro Stevens, a
Methodist Episcopal clergyman. Both
wero born In Somersetshire, England, but
met In this country. Sir. Brown came
hero in 18BC nnd when tho Civil Wnr
broke out, enlisted In tho 116th Regiment,
Pennsylvania Volunteers. Ho Is a mem
ber Of tllA Did Hllnnla nn.1 TC..
- " .... tn tviiu VJl J'jIICUIIIU-
ment ro. G.l, Union Veteran Legion of
itiiumyuiiK. .iir. urown is 77 years old
and his wlfo Is several years his Junior.
Thf nrn mnmhard nt tl.A t-..,,.. r.-......
kill Methodist Episcopal Church. Of their
noun I'liiiurcn, iour arc living, Mrs. Fred
erick Clayton. Mr. George Brown of Rox
borough; Mr Frank Brown, of Bayonne,
N J, and Miss Bertha Brown. These
with the nine grandchildren will be pres
ent tonight
Girard Farms
Mrs. Clinton Williams, of 2119 South
-1st street, gavo a most dollghtful party
on Jlondoy ufternoon, to celebrate the
first blrthtlny of her little daughter. There
were about n dozen llttlo guests present,
ranging from 1 to 4 years of ago, and
their mothers. The nrtlstlc decorations
wero In palo pink and green, and each
little guest received an attractive favor.
Mrs. James A. Hamilton, ot 2503 South
20th street, optertnlned at a delightfully
Informal .luncheon, followed by cards', yes.
terday afternoon. Her guestHr'InclUded
Jlrs. Leon Isenhowor, Mrs. Joseph Burke,
Jlrs. Chnrles Visitors, Jlrs. Albert Becker,
Mrs. George Thomas, Jlrs. Lewis Thomas,
Jlrs. JIabcl Turner and Mr. Anna Ball,
Friends of Jlrs. J. JIcGurk, of 2103
South Garnet street, will bo glnd to learn
that sho Is rccovrolng from her recent
serious illness.
JIIss Mabel rhlllps, of North Lanu
downo avenue, will return today from
week's visit to New York.
Jlr. and Jlrs. J. S. A'anzandt nnd JHss
Loulso A'anzandt, of North Lansdowne
avenue, will leavo February 12 for a
month's stay at Sarasota, Flo.
Jlrs. T. G. Cooper, of South LansdoWne
avenue, returned today from a visit to
Miss Bessie Jones, of South Lapsdownq
avenue, will give a dlnnor-dancp at her
homo this evening. Among the guests
will be Jliss Marccllno Jloj'ers, Miss
Estclle Foster, JIIss Jtargaret Da Caux,
JIIss Marlon Bailey, JIIss Emma Love.
Mtss Helen Adler, Miss Eleanor Nlnls.
'JIIss Jlnrgnret Dunn, JIIss Ruth ZMgler.
JIIss Cora McCuIly, Miss Catherine.
Bloodswortli, Jlr. Hugh Hasson, Mr. Lin
coln Gilbert. Jlr. Foster Damon, Jr., Mr.
AVnltcr Dunlnp. Jlr. Walter Ebroy, Mr.
Robert Steel. Jlr. Jlyrlo Peck and Mr.
AVllson Peck.
Jliss Irene Morrison, of AVycombe ve
nue, will entertain her bridge club on
Saturday afternoon, February 12. The
members of the flub are Miss Pauline
Andersen, JIIss Annie Brown, JIIss Flor
ence Young, Mrs. Austin Boyd, Mrs. Mil
ton Hagy, Mrs. Robert Wilson. Jtlqs Mar
garct jrorrlson, Jliss Gladys Philips and
Jliss Edith Harris.
Tho senior girls of the high school will
give a A'alentlne dance at the home of
JIIss Helen Oestcrllo, on Linden ave
nue, February II. The members aro Miss
Lillian Bloodswortli, JIIss Edith Bonsai,
JIIss Ruth Chalmers. Jliss Mildred Davis,
Jliss Josephine Gapp, Jliss Clara Ingram,
Jliss Ruth James, MI?h Georgette TJiorn,
Jliss Alma Underbill, JIIss Emma Riddle,
Jliss Ruth Shannon, JIIss Dorothy AA'imer,
Jliss Gertrude Palmand nnd Jliss Made
line Jlahoney.
Delaware County .
.Mrs. Frank Copeland will address the
Ridley Park AVomcn's Club on Jlonday
afternoon. Her topic will be "Art In the
Gchernl Hwang-Hslng. ot Media, haa
returned from a visit to Nqw York.
JIIss Laura Hlbberd. of Jtcdla, has an
nounced the engagement of her nfece,
Jliss Laura M. Hlbberd to Mr. Howard
JIIss Florence Richards and JIIss Bal
Joeh Richards, of Arden AA'oId Farm,
Media, are vlBltlng In New York.
Colonel and Jlrs. Frederick Taylor
Puscy, of Jledla, have taken apartments
at tho Rlttenhouse for the wlntep months.
The marriage of JIIss Ellen Hayes
Nicholson, daughter of former Chancollor
and Mrs. John Reed Nicholson, and Jtr
Randolph Purksdale Shackelford, which
will take place at 6;30 o'clock Jlonday
night, February 14, In Westminster Pres
byterian Church, will be ot considerable
social Importance. The Rev. Charles L.
Candee, pastor ot the church, will offi
ciate. The bride, who will bo given in
marriage by her father, will have as her
only attendant Jliss Annie Armstrong
Porter. Jlr, Angus Eccles, of Carney's
Point, will be Jtr. Shackelford's beat man,
tvhlle the ushers will be Mr Donald
Campbell, Jlr. AVIllls AV. Shackelford, of
City Point. ro.; Mr, Stephen Shackel
ford, of Charleston, S. C, and Mr. Nelson
Leltch. of Haskell, N. J. Immediately
following the ceremony a reception wilt
be held at tho home of the bride's parents,
131S West 14th street. Following their
honeymoon, the newly married couple wilt
be at home after March 7 at Rlverylew.
The bridegroom Is assistant superintend
ent of Plant No. S ut Carney's Point
Captain Edwin H. Marks, of the United
States Army Engineering Corps, who, re
cently arrived In this country frqro the
Philippine Island?, wqero he has been
stationed for some time, la visiting las
sister. Mrs. Henry S, ryle. Jfa arrived
In this city last week and will Rtjiy with
Mr. and Mrs. Pyl about a month.
What's Doing TonigW
Korti PhUalpW Bl Uro rekusT
toctattea dfiwur, A4llU Ilultl.
au of 1603 Northeast $lWal TmioilW
Wail eebeel 4UBr, JiukUrj.
Veteran Wboelpim AsMflattnu 4UM.
jisliavue-wnuieru nuw
Miukal and daai. Vouuir Ue' ni Teva
mief-n T a-a-Jf '
tW A
9 nLraw IU.
H?t: yuoi-k
R KavMWMrfe, ,atst fsstaefc . s
Ugtj fnuwliSaiiTWllia testKrt a
swaMe? cUub.