it c K rrr' lr I ," H' GERMANY FIRM IN REFUSAL OF U.S. Will Mnf niantrnttr A f 1 onlr Will lNOU UlSclVOW AtlclCK on Lusitania, Tenor of Note on Way BERLIN FbRESEES BREAK J lIBltLlN'. t'eh. 1. Germany la understood to have reject fed In diplomatic terms tho demand of tio United Statcn that tho sinking of tho I.lisltnnla bo disavowed, tt was nuthorl .tfttlvcly slated today that tho Clerman Cldvcrnmcnt will not admit tho destruc tion of tho Cuuard liner was llloKnl. ; The reply transmitted to tho t'nlted jRlntcs sets forth this position clearly. It l's stated, and makes It plain that under tv circumstances will Germany alter Us sUnd. Lntess America waives disavowal of tho dlnklnjr of tho Lusltnnla, or agrees to sub mit tho question to Hague arbitration, an Amicable adjustment of the Herman American controversy Is Impossible Thl.s Is the unanimous view taken by German Ofllelals and Berlin newspapers today. Tho IjOkal Anzclger, one of normally H most Influential newspapers, declared to day1 that Germany had done her utmost to prove, her friendship for Amerlra. The hewspaper further declared that Germany cannot admit that the sinking of the I.tisl tanla was In violation of International law. Officials, Indorsing this view, expressed the nope that Colonel K. M. House, the President's confidential agent, who Is now In Paris, will bo ublo to present th Ger man attitude to the President so correctly that an amicablo settlement may ho reached. PRESIDENT CONCERNED OVER LUSITANIA CASE Receives Important Messages From Lansing on Impending Crisis ABOARD TUB I'HEStDKNT'S SPK CIAL TKAIN. HAimiSBUKG, Pa., Feb. 1. As he sped back to Washington today to resume his place at tho Government helm. President Wilson studied Important messages which ho had received from Secretary of State Lansing. It was believed that among the mes sages was one relating to tho Lusitunla, but the President refused to permit any announcement of the contents of the dis patches to be made public. President Wilson is said to havo shown deep concern over one message, and to have 8a t In deep thought for some time after he had read It. It was regal dcil as probable, that ho would confer with Secretary tensing Immediately after reaching Washington, but no Cabinet meeting will bo held today. MRS. MOHR MAY MOW FATE THIS AFTERNOON Defendant Weeps as Counsel Pleads Her Case Be fore Jury PROVIDENCE, n. I., !'.!. 4,-Mrs. Elizabeth Frances Mohr and the negroes on trial fqr the murder of Doctor Mohr may, know their fate by tomorrow night, John J. Fitzgerald began the closing argu ment for Mrs. Mohr when court convened. Attorney General Herbeit Itlco will wind It up for tho prosecution. Fitzgerald began by referring to Mrs. Mohr as "that poor little woman In black, a loving mother and wife, who had no earthly motlvo to kll her husband." No motive had been shown by tho State, ho said. Mrs, Mohr sobbed audibly as her coun sel spoke, Fitzgerald recalled to the jury the un happy evnts of Mrs. Mohr's life with her husband and told of tho beatings sho had received from Doctor Mohr In return for tho lovo and devotion she gave him. 150TII ANNIVERSARY OF MEDICAL INSTRUCTION Banquet Tonight Will Celebrate Mem orable Event Today mai- tho 130th anniversary of the beginning of medical Instruction in this country, for 150 years ago today the medical school of the University of Pennsylvania, the first Institution of Its kind In America, was roundel by Johh Morgan. Alumni of tho medical school at the University of Pennsylvania will eclebrato the event with a big banquet at the Bellevue-Stratford tonight. It is ex pected to be the biggest event of the Wnd ever held by tho graduates of that Institution. Among tl.ose who will respond tu toasts at the dinner are Dr. Charles K. Mills, "Seaqulcentennlal KccaU"; Dr. Harry Lane, United States Senator from Oregon. "Septic Surgery" ; Dr. Edgar Fal.s Smith, Provost of the University, "Early Pro fessors of Chemistry In tho University": Dr. E. II. Bradford, dean of tho Medical School of Harvard University, "John Harvard to Benjamin Franklin Congratu laUons"; Dr. Alonzo E. Taylor, "Tho Present and Future of the Medical School." The toastmaster wilt bo Dr. John K. Mitchell, On the entertainment commit tee are Dr. Herbert 15. Carpenter. Dr. John D. CUrk, Dr. Charles A. E. Cod man, Dr. John D. Deaver, Dr. William Pepper, Dr. Samuel D Rlsley, Dr. G. E. de Schweinltz. Dr. D. Franklin Stahl, Dr. Charles K, Mills, chairman, Dr. Floyd E. Keene, secretary. PS3SJCBI3SMB MVBMia'MI iH WS !l!BH SPRING i OPENING 1 MONDAY 8 February We Make a Specialty of $5 &$6 Hats Most Unusual Display of Correet , Spring Models M. D. BELDNER 1 1 247 S. 11th St, rZm I MKUC.IOIB NOTII-a JcwUU KUHfclUr MIAJJJJl (tsl(ii'asi-lMifU 7th 3&.. jv $1120 IN STAMPS MISSING1; POSTOPFICE CLKIlK GONE Probo Reveals Serious Shortage in Haggerstown, Mtl. HAcfatlSTOWN, MI., Feb. 4.-t)l8clo-Miro of a $1120 Hhortnttc In tho stnmp ac count nt tlio HnporntovMi postodlcc, to Incident Willi tho (llsApnpnrahrr of Wil liam D. tlnndholT, n rlprk, Is nilmlttcd by Po.itnl Ilisncrtnr K t'nrtflilne. who lint ' brcl! here "("""i"" nccounts prollmlnary i to the transfer of oftlcr from Postmaster Ilirrv K. Hlnrlzmnn to hi suereeior. John 13 Sweeney. Tho .ilinrtnco In covered by tho iounir nnti'R bond of $20(10 Ho left on n Vnco (Ion on .Tflimiirv 27, but ban not been lienril from Mure his ilppnrtuin. Ho li tinmarrlod nnil li member of nn old and highly reelected IliiKor.itown fumlb. AUSTRIAN AIRMEN SHELL PRINCIPAL ALBANIAN CITIES Avlona and Durazzo Bom barded by Hydroplanes. One Brought Down CAPTURE KRUJAN REGION , , VIENNA, IVli 4. Avlona and Durnzzo. the ehlcr cities of Albania, wonv- bombarded from tho air ,K Aulro-llunBiirUiii hvdroplnnes on Wednesday, tho War Olllco nnnouncpd today. One of the hydroplanes that at tacked Avlona was destroyed, bill Its two occupants wero rescued by the crew of another machine The rescuing hydroplane reached the (lulf of Cat turn in xnfet.v, having made a (light or 1.1R miles. The 'olllclnl statement Issued by tho War Olllco follows: "In Albania wo raptured the region west of (northeast of Duruzso). "Our hydroplane on Wednesday bombarded Dnrazzo anil the camp near there causing heavy damage. On tho same day thire Auxlro-Hungnrlnu hydro planes bombarded Avlona. hitting the harbor works, ships and camps there. "Ono hydroplane was damaged and descended to thu sea. Another descended, destroyed the damaged machine and then ascended with the two rescued occupants of the destroyed hydroplane. This ma chine alighted undamaged In the (lulf of Cattaro, having covered 21'0 kilometers (13G.4 miles)." Avlona (Valonn) 1 tho Italian base. ENVOY VOICES DISPLEASURE Colombian Minister Disapproves Amended Treaty of WASHINGTON. Fob. I. -.lulls Bcten count, the Colombian Minister, has Issued a statement cxpiesslng his ap proval of the amendments to reduce the Indemnity the United States would pay Colombia from fJJ.010.000 to $1G. 000.000. and to make the expressions of regret for the partition of Panama mutual to hntli nations. Minister Hetnnrourt said ho was certain that the treaty, already accepted and rati fied by Ills country, would be rejected now with the proposed amendments. There were suggestions In I.atin-Amerlcan quar ters that tho Minister was considering whether It would be an expedient and diplomatic method of expressing disap proval if ho left tho legation and returned to Dogota Expect Jump in Quinine I'rice The price of quinine will be raised 1j cents on the ounce beforo tho week Is ended, according to predictions made to day by chemists. The quotations on ,th drug range fiom $1.01 to tl.15 un ounce lit present. Tho cxpecteil rise is cicdltel to tho demands that have eome this week from Fiance and Italv for the drug. Quinine brought Tj tents an ounce at tho beginning of the war. Prominent ODTTI BULLETIN OF (BE DcStiHo OOrjDODDODQDaiO n n Jl v& HE high spots to T oemi-Aiinuai clearance is that it is exactly what it seems a clearing of Geuting's own styles, every shoe a Geutinp; creation of nationally famous i make and stamped with makers, strictly Geuting real and every reduction MEN'S SHOES Formerly $4.25 to $5.50 All sizes in the lot. $3,75 For Shoes up to $7.00 $4.90 For $7 & $8 Shoes $5.90 For Finest $8 & $9 Models Brn P droLrjr All Boys', Men's and Children's weather-proof grain Storm Shoes at Winter Clearance Prices 1230 Market Shoes and Stockings for the family The Stores of Famous ahon-P JJ ' In Spits of tho Big Reduatians Every Foot Professionally Fitted Three Geuting Brothers Supervising EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, EBIDAY, FEBRUARY ORTONAAMAREESAN VICINOBOMBARDATEDA SILURANTI AUSTRIACHE Un Idroaeroplnno Nemico Col- plto e Distrutto dalle Bnt- terie Itnlinne Mercolcdi' n Valona PEI SOLDATI MUTILATI l IIOMA. febbralo Oggl II Mlnlslcro della flticrra ha pub bllenlo II scgilonto rapporto del generate Cndorna: "fn Vnl I.agailna (vnllo dell'AdlgO uno del nostrl lepnilMn rlcomlzlono appog glalo dall'artlglicrla nttnero' o disperse truppe nemlrhe a nord-ovest ill Mori. N"lla zona tin la vallo ilell'Astlco e Corra. nella sera del prlmo del tnese, 11 nemico, vestlto ill tumicho blanche ed appogglato da mltragllatrlcl, ovanzo1 cotitro Ic nostre poslzlonl llingo II fronto Camanotrc-.MIllegrobc, ma fu rcsplnto dal nostrl contrattncchl, o rlrncciitlu In- illetto. NVMn Val Siignna le nostre forze huiino ies)lnto quelle del nnmlco. VI sono state azionl Intcrmlttciitl ill nrtlgllena siilla fronto ilcll'Isoiizn A noid ill Oorlzla nol abblamo bombardalo truppo neml che marelaxano lungo la strada dl Itoslo. Nella zona ill San .Martino uno del nofttl repnrtl nltncco un trlncrrit- memo nemico e vi piese niciiiu pi "- iin niimeio dl fuclll e paterclilo giannto n maim. Una squailrn navnle niiHtilacn coin posta ill un Incroelatorc e dl qitaltro tor pcdlnleio ha bombanlato lerl mattlna la clttndlna dl San Vitcheno n (probabll mentp si tratlu ill .an Vlclno, In provlnulu ill Pfnarol i- la stazlone forrovlarla dl Ortona n Alnie, In pro vlneln dl Chletl. Rono statl fattl pero poehl datinl. I.o battel le ltallane ill terra rliposeio vlgo losamento ul fuoco delle navl che ' rono "ostretto a ritliarsl. Intnnto, mentie rlromlnclii una certa attlvlta' delle sllitinntl iiii.itrlai'he. cho possono orcasloniilmente usclre dnl loro poftl o sgu.iclnro trn le forze navall ltal lane. iinche kII aeroplanl uustrlacl si mos trano attlvl, noil soltnnto sill viuil tentrl ilnlhi triiprrn. inn audio 111 Albania. A Vienna ' stuto utiiiuiicium Infnttl I che una squadrlglla ill lilroacroplanl nm- j trine! ha bomlinrdiito Durazzo c Valonn, quest'uttlma cltta' martedl' e glovcdl'. Anche mercolcili', come nnnuticla Vienna j un accampamento ltallano n Valona fu ' bombardato Un prolcttlle Itullano rolpl' pero' uno dcgll idiovolontl al motore, , coslcche' esso cadde In mare Allora un I iiltio vellvo si ubbasso' e raccolsc II pl lota c I'uniclale e rluscl' a rltornaru con , essi nlla base ill Cattaro, sfuggii'lo ul- 1 l'nttacco dl due cacclatorpcdlnlcic Itallana , che si avvlclnavano a tutta voloctn.'. IVon. Dapeo, mln.Hi.o delle t'lnnnze. ha pronunclato un dlscoiso a Toilno nel I quale ha iiccennato alia neecsslta' dl far j fronto nlle spese della guerra con nuovo . tasso qunndo sara' terminata la sotto- ' scrizloiie al tcrzo prestllo dl guerra che sura ruitimo ii ministro un uctio cue II successo del prestlto nttuule e' assl curato, glacchc' 2 mlllardl dl Hie (-100 mll lonl dl dollail) sono gla" stall copeitl o puo' darsl che per II 10 corrento si nrrlvi alia s'omma dl .1 mlllardl dl lire. I duo prestltl precedentl rnggiunsero la somma complessiva dl 2o00 mlllonl dl lire. Oru Inveco dl Ipotecurc 1'avvenlre con l'cmlsslone dl altro viestltl, convlene meg llo, ha detto Ton. Dnnco, lmporre tasso su coloro cho possono pagaile, clo' che varru" a far eompiendere al pubbllco che conviene ilsp.umlare II dcnnio Invece ill sperperuilo in eoso non necessarle. A pioposlto dl qucsto sperpero, l'on. Duneo ha detto: "IjO sperpero del denaro In tempo ill guerra e' un delltlo. Quel che occorro ora e' Indurre II popolo a rldurrf le spese non neccssarie o ccssaro dl emcttere pres tltl quando I mezzi per pagarno gll Inter essi non sono faellmetite dlsiioiilblll. II nuovo slstcma dl tassazlone daU'oltohro del 1911 ha reso al Tesoro n7.r mlllonl dl lire u quest'nnno iciulcr.i' plu' dl 509 mlllonl. i; non bl.sogna dlmentlcaro cho plu' tasse nol paghlamo o meno perlcolo vl c' dl csscro forzati u sottoscrlvero a prestltl. I'uo' sembrare un paradosso, ma le tasso fanno comprenderc al popolo II lilsogno dl rlsiarmlare, ed ognl plu' piccolo llsparamlo e" un coedli'lente dl vlttorla." Le tasse ill guerra attuali compicndono quella dell'unn per cento sul Tosporta- Specials in El P remember in Geuting's the trademark of the standard Every value actual. WOMEN'S SHOES Formerly $4 & $5 $3.25 For Shoes up to $6.00 $3,90 For Shoes up to $7.00 $4.90 For Shoes up to $8,50 19 So. 11th A quick Servlca Men's Shop, (Bm UBsm $1.90 zlorte, quella ruIIo zticchero, sinic persono I eeentl da servlzlo muitnre, sullo nutomd blll 6 sul reddlto. SI credo che- te huove tasse saranno un aumento nell'Affran- cazlone dello letterc per 1'lnterno, da tro a quattro soldi, una Imposta del terzo sill val ore del blgllettl tcatro, marche da bollo su ddcumentl dl Vnrlo genere p probabllmente anche tin numento delln tnssa fondlnrln. o una Imposta progressiva che a comlnclare da una certa somma dl reddlto sarebbe ftbbastnrza grave Lb Villa Miration, dove nvovn sede I'Accademla Americana della quale la vllln e' a mora proprjeta", e" stnta dal prof. Jesse B, Carter, dlretlore dell'Aeca deinla. trnsfeMta lerl nd up cmultato for mato per dare asslstena al soldall mutl latl In guerra. Ottanla mutllatl sono dl gla' rlcoverall nella villa dove si Inseg nano loro I nuovl mezzl dl gnadgagnarsl da vlvele. 1'no ill questl mezzl o" la fab bricazlone dl aril nrtlllclall per soslitulro quelll nmputatl. SCHOOL AIEN NAME OFFICEllS State Directors' Association Adjourns After Election HAHtll.MHUIUl, Kob. t.-At the closing session of the' annual convention today, the Pennsylvania School Ulrectors' Asso ciation elected the following offlcois: President, Charles M. Myer. Hnston: Vice picsklentfl, C. Howard McCarter, Nnrherlli; Miss Mary t,. Trescott, Wllkes-llarrei It. CIIITord Cheyney, Thornton. .Secretary. Daniel 1). Illmtuellbiiugh, llnirlsbiirg. Hxecutlve CominiltHe, , I). McOlune, Urnddorli; V. (I. Davis, McKeespoit; l)r. It. .1. Vost, .South Bethlehem: W. I-.. i lloustcr, llcnlon; Frank llarnharl, Mt. picn,,,,,, it. Legislative Committee, T. (1. Miigrc, Altoona: W. O. McClurg. Chester: Dr. .1. C. Orr. Lcechburg: A. j: Bunford, Wllkes Barin; the ftev. Dr. 13. a. Brownmlller. Itendlng; Ambtoio Laiignn, I'ittston. I ."do .MILL WOItKEItS QUIT j Employes Demand Reinstatement of Superintendent TOIIK. Pa . Kcb l. Demanding that V W. Hhnuli, their siiperlntendem, who was forced to icslgn because of frequent qunr icls with another official, be reinstated 3.10 emplo.xes of the sllk'mlll of the Pennsyl vania Textile Company icfused to go "to work toilav mid tho plum Is closed. Walter . Itolieits, of New Voik, presi dent of the concern, is eippptc,! to nnlve here to adjust the differences. The com pany is rushed with orders. n FURS as Charge Accounts Solicited ZEPPELIN SINKS BRITISH COLLIER; 13 OF CREW DIE Airship Returning From Raid on England Drops Bomb on Ship ONLY THREE MEN ESCAPE LONDON. Keh. i. The collier Kranz Fischer, which left Hartlepool Monday nfternoon. wn sunk at sea by one of the raiding Zeppelins that visited Kngland. Thliteeti of thn crew. Including the cnptaln, weie drowned. Three men were saved. Chief Knglneer Birch, ateward Tn.ilor and Penman Charles Hllller. The I-'ranz Fischer was a captured enemy esscl employed as a coasting collier. The loss if n Zeppelin In the Notlh Sen Is described In dispatches from Orlmsby. Skipper Hlllam Mnrtln, of the trawler King Stephen, reported to Admiralty au thorities there today that nt dylirenk estcrdav moinlng while In Noith Sea his attention was nttraetei bv nashe.s of light plneeedliig npp.irenlly fiom an alarm lamp. ' The trawler's bow was tinned In the direction of (he light, nnd after sleamlng some illstnnrc eiinie upon n huge mass Ilontlng In the water, As the light Im proved It was seen the wiecKnge was Hint of th Oeimnn Zeppelin L-i The I Zeppelin was deeply siibmeiged, her I enblns being under water ami a pnitlmi . nf the envelope. ! On the platform tunning along I he top I of the Zeppelin weie seven or right men ' They balled the trawler, and nskrd to ! bo taken off. Their numbers were qulekK nugtneiitcd by nthrr Hermans from below until theie were more than "0 on the plat form. Chauffeur Painfully Rurned Mike Detollo. of H27 Balnbridge street, n chaulTeui'. was painfully humed nbout the hands and face when n Inrge motor truck caught lire In a garngc at law Fltz water stieet tod.i. Decollo owns the (tuck, but drles II for the Colonial Bis cuit Company It is the Hist mishap, he said, that he has had In 10 years. i fflaMm'Sc Beilanp 1115 Cijestmit Street Opp. Kcilh's A Fur Sale With Fur Weather We cannot emphasize loo strongly the appreciable reduc tions that have been made on all our furs in order to assure us of having to carry very few garments over till next season. At these prices men might well afford to make wife, mother or' sister a present of a fine new Coat, Muff, Scarf or Set. Fashionable Fur Coats 8 Russian Pony Coats Regularly 39.50 to 49.50 9 French Seal Coats Regularly 59.50 to 70.00 4 Hudson Seal Coats Regularly 85.00 to 98.50. . . . 3 Sable Marmot Coats Regularly 90.00 to 98.50 10 French Seal Coats Regularly 98.50 to 1 1 5.00 .... 11 Hudson Seal Coats Regularly 135.00 to 150.00 3 Sable Squirrel Coats Regularly 1 45.00 to 1 55.00 4 Persian Lamb Coats Regularly 185.00 to 225.00 15 Hudson Seal Coats Regularly 165.00 to 195.00 1 MolesKm Uoat Regularly 225.00 8 Hudson Seal Coats Regularly 195.00 to 225.00 14 Hudson Seal Coats Regularly 195.00 to 245.00 Sizes up to 52 bust measurement. Including Coats with Skunk and Beaver Collars, also many with beautiful borders, collars and cuffs of lustrous Skunk and ' Taupe Fox. Fur Scarfs and Muffs SCARFS nEoui.Arti.Y 2 Wild Cat 10.00 2.00 2 Monkey ; 1 0.00 2.50 2 Leopard 1 0.00 2.50 4 Raccoon 11.00 5.00 6 Skunk 12.50 6.00 6 Hudson Seal 14.00 7.50 8 Black Fox 1 6.00 10.50 5 Beaver , 20.00 10.50 3 Red Fox 29.00 16.50 8 Black Lynx 40.00 22.50 5 White Fox 55.00 29.50 6 Dyed Blue Fox 55.00 29.50 Fur nmvuAwuTC Natural Squirrel Set 18,50 9.50 Monkey Set 45,00 10,00 Red Fox Set 35,00 14,50 Caracul Set 40,00 14.50 Hudson Seal Set 35,00 15.00 Natural Squirrel Set 35.00 16,50 Leopard Set 45,00 19.50 Natural Lynx Set 65,00 34.50 P.. S. We particularly call enumerated above first come 4, 1916- -7 ARTILLERY OPENS GERMAN DRIVE ON FLANDERS LINE Teuton Guns Pound British Positions at Loos French Explode Mines NEW OFFENSIVE STARTS PAULS. Fob. I. Violent artillery duels along the entire western front are lepoited by the French War Ofllce In n statement Issued last night. Dispatches from London also to poit great artillery activity by tho Ger mnns nnd British The Allies' big gutis arc constantly bat tering the (lermnn lines In tho Ncuvllle sector, where the Germans obtained con siderable ground In their recent two da9' offensive. This Is supposed to be In an ticipation of Gorman attempts to follow up their successes In that region. Mlll tarv observers attach much significance to the Increasing signs of a coming Teu ton offensive, Hie cliloT object of which Is believed to be to thlow nil available musses of troops against the Allied left wing In an nfTort to push through to Calais. The French lonimtinlque was as fol lows "To the north of the Alsne we bombard ed enemy trenches on the plateau of Van cleie and around Vllle aux Bnls. Troop movements were signaled on the road EDISON SERVICE villi oil, rlesn nnd mnltt nil acljumment" monthly on yout KDISON DIVMOND DISC l'HO.MK.It.VI'll FREE OF CHARGE If du purchaxi your Hecords At KTAItlt MOS.S The TIoicr Snlerooni fnrpt,iL. the i;dloii lllnmoml I)Uc flOnOfiTapJlJ 3627 Germantown Ave. .lUHt below Krle Ae. Phone tor ,wi Suvvltmcnt. Kvenlnit. rbone, Tlora 25-93-J. Opfn lay MUFFS , . nEOUI.AIU.Y . Russian Pony 15.00 8 Natural Raccoon 15 00 2 Caracul 19.'50 4 Civet 18.00 11 Black Fox 27 00 10 Beaver 250 o Hudson Seal 30,00 7 Black Fox 3o!oO 6 Black Lynx 34.50 9 Skunk 35,00 3 Red Fox ,' 45 00 3 White Fox 65!oO Sets Taupe Fox Set 125,00 Dyed Blue Fox Sets .... 125.00 , Natural Fisher Sets 15,00 London Smoke Fox Set, , 1 15,00 Cross Fox Sets . , , 1 35,00 Natural Mink Sets 1 75,00 Natural Blue Fox Sets., 225.00 your attention to the few items first served. Purchasing Orders Honored from Berty-itu-tlao to Juvincburi $$! troops 'Cvero taken under our fire 'M "In the Argomie there was cfinsiiS! mlnlns nctlvlty. We exploded nunSS mine chambers, which destroyed thn dergrounil works of tho enemy. onS Courtcs Chaussees, nnother nt IV. Mortc, four at Hill 285 (Haute Ch& chee) and thrco nt Vauquols. HctweA'2 285 and Haute Chcvauchee enemy btS attempted an nttack against ou? posts. The attack wiw repulsed attff! nfllllnf-v ntwl Tirl1-i,1 i.i.n.1. i ... .ill -' - " B'cimue name, ft ."In Alsace, south or thn ti... J tlllerj; flro caused n connagratlo'n lh? enemy works at Cchlenberg innrthea Elected Stewnrd at Home NOniUSTOWN, I'a., Feb. 4, - i-v Itiirlmnn. nf f'nllnr.i.ulll . """" her of tho Legislature, has been .ij stewnrd of tho Montgomery CoS. Home, at Black Hock, to succeed Dr Brown, resigned Dr Warren Sande'rili Trappe, was elected physician m T at nome. MILLINERY 22.50 34.50 54.50 59.50 64.50 89.50 89.50 115.00 120.00 125.00 135.00 4.50 5.00 7.50 9.50 11.50 12.50 15.00 18.50 18.50 19.50 23.00 34.50 59.50 64.50 68,00 69.50 79.50 98.50 ,98.50 I i 1 1 ' ai "nvp " IIrnr'1 1helB J ; New Edison 1 j wU Diamond Disc ! PHONOGRAPH 1 I lllij rare ticat In store I i fffjj for ou Come in and Jfl iHiiia llHt,'M 1o t'lls wonder- ) I lliilfli fl1' Instrument you ffl I liilllll nrp under no obllga. ll'illl C'oiMcnlcnt terms nil mi Ludwig I ,. riano Co. ' wIlilK no3 Chestnut Si- H Perfect (j Modtrttj Edison Service Tetmsi f resaw jw u. . & KWf iwwia hu &1. ECZS353SS: rrft." t KSssrlSi kj- -..wj&'&TiHaa JS- -- - -t ag-arc-m W.f Hi -1 MB T-