Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, February 03, 1916, Night Extra, Page 8, Image 8

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    -" y .. -.ino. J(i i TflJ'iJUJg.. T.-K-Fr .
iWomen Not Trained Thinkers, Expert Declares,
, and Therefore, Contrary to Belief, They Must
Actually Be Taught to Speak
SOMEHOW or other It seems almost jib thoufih It might bo polnp out of ttio
wriy to provtdo meat for tho humorists to undcrtnko tho profession of teach
ing wotnoft how to speak, ami yot Mrs. J. K. Owen Phillips, tho English orator
hnd educator, who lion been llvlnt: in Philadelphia for tho past year and who Is
now teaching our energetic "suits" tho flno points of public speaking, tolls
mo that hers is an exceedingly Interesting work. Furthermore she says there
aro a very great many women, indeed, who, strango ns It may seem, know
nothing nt nil nbout spcaklngl
Contrary to tradition and Inherent belief, speaking at least from tho public
platform or sonp-box H not a naturnl-born fcmlnlno accomplishment, and
effectlvo vocal fluency tlmt which Is qualitative as well ns quantitative Is
learned in most cases by a Blow and deliberate process.
Although history does not record who tho first frmalo Demosthenes was.
or when tho deslro for a larger audience than her spouso and Immediate family
circle first smote woman, Sirs. Phillips declares that tho modern woman, no
matter how retiring sho may be, is almost certain to be called on at somo time
In nor Hfo to mako a speech.
It mny bo at tho mothers' meeting, at the social settlement, at tho literary
club, tho sufTrago gathering or nt any one of u dozen places, but talking Is
being dono nowadays everywhere, and about everything, and preparedness is
tho word!
Inoxpcrlcneed women who have braved the public platform only to find
tho tongue, that usually glib organ, cleaving to tho roof of tho mouth even
as a mustard plaster, and tho knees wabbling nfter tho manner of St. Vitus,
dcclaro that they would rather dlo than go through an ordeal llko that again.
' Mrs. Phillips assorts that It's nil becnuso of unpreparcdness.
"I find." sho told mo tho other day, "that speaking comes moro easily to
women thnn thinking, and that If when they face nn audience they could only
gather their wits together enough to form consecutive thoughts, tho voicing
xnem wouiu uo natural enough.
"But we women have not thought enough. Wo nrc not trained thinkers,
and we must be if wo arc to mnke effective speakers. Wo must know our sub
ject, cooking, voting or whatever It may bo boforo wo can expect to get our
message ncross. Manner Is Important only when matter has been mastered.
Wo must know what wo aro going to say beforo wo can decide how wo nro
going to say it."
Not only suffragists, hut many other Philadelphia women, some prominent
and somo not so prominent, havo Joined tho publlc-speaklng classes.
What a merry time wo shall have when these femalo Demosthencscs aro
proficient enough to begin to "spout."
Should Women Obey?
They were obviously a brldo and bridegroom passing through tho city on
their honeymoon and Jupo I'luvlus, who makes tho rain descend In bucketfuls,
had caught her unawares.
Of course, thero were no prosaic rubbers In her trousseau, you could guess
that from looking at her so dnlnty and frilly and Huffy was she, from her curly
blond head down to her soft little boots which were meant to bo crossdo in a
llmouslno or a sedan chair and not for tho muddy streets.
Ho approved of rubbers. Ills own big waterproofs told you that, and so
te had brought her, protesting, Into tho shoo department of ono of tho big
"I won't wear them, I don't caro what you say!" she pouted pettishly.
"You nro going to wear them right now," he said determinedly ns tho
saleswoman fitted a pair the proper size.
"Havo them wrapped," the girl said haughtily, embarrassed but obstinate.
Tho saleswoman started to rcmovo them from tho girl's foot.
"Put them on her," said the man with a bulldog snap of the Jaw. It was
their first quarrel. Tho saleswoman hesitated.
Tho girl stooped down and took tho rubbers off.
"Wrap them, please," was all sho said, and boforo tho man could decide
his next move, tho saleswoman wn3 down at tho wrapping counter with the
offensive footwear.
When sho returned the man extended his hand for tho parcel. Tho girl
thought sho had won, but ho calmly untied tho string. When sho saw what he
was about and took in tho grimncss of his countenance, sho turned on her
littlo French heel and lied.
Tho last I saw of him ho was sitting In tho shoo department, tho rubbers
on lits knee, but when I got to tho elevator, there was tho brldo peeping behind
tho corner, trembling between laughter and tears.
1 Only yesterday, I'll wager, sho had solemnly promised to obey. But he, at
any rate, was doing his best to protect her and her pitiful little feet. Or
perhaps, ho was only trying to protect his self-respect nnd his prldo und his
aenso of masterfulness and proprietorship. Who can tell?
NOTHING could be more
alluring than this won
derful gown of peach-colored
chiffon and touches of silver.
Tho undcrsllp Is mado of
chiffon and taffetas com
bined, with a bodice of silk
not of tho samo shade. The
same Is used on tho tunic
overdress on the skirt and
the full drapery underneath.
Silver laco Is used In tho
form of handings, having
tho cxrjulslto traceries In tho
design to good effect.
A littlo bolero Is mado of
silver nll-ovcr lace on tho
bodice, being confined nt the
shoulders and sloovcs by nar
row silver laco braid. Tho
nlcovoi, If you could call
them that, aro small caps
of silver cloth. The girdle
Is also fashioned of the cloth,
with long streamers of the
same fnlllng down nt cither
side of tho front of the skirt,
beneath tho overdrapery.
Wide bandings of the silver
lace outline the draperies at.
(bo skirt, In panel style. The
samo may be ordered In any
color combination at J223.
Pull particulars as to
where this roitttnio may bo
purchased will bo supplied
by the Kdllor of tho Wom
an's Page. Kvrnino LnnoBii,
C03 Chestnut street. Tho re
nue.it must be accompanied
by a stamped, self-addressed
envelope, nnd must mention
Hie dato on which the article
I MrwA
1L kmk
fM, II'1' i
"y'MH 4ira'Ayi i,.x
Mrs. Franklin K. Lane nnd Mrs.
Lindley M. Garrison Among
Prominent Guests in
Hotel .Colony
Fashions and Fads
Figured silks aro rovlvcd
to bo used In tho fuller and
quainter models of dress.
Colored silk binding Is n
new fenturo of somo of tho
crepe do chine blouses.
Itlbbons mako a very smart
trimming on somo of tho
now evening dresses.
The now- "brushed wool"
sweaters havo a delightful
sitrfnco and color effect.
Marion Harland's Corner
' Renews Ecru Shade
"TN' reply to a Oornerlte, I will suy
J. that 5 cents' worth of yellow ochre
in powder form, purchased nt any drug
store, will renew tho ecru shade In tho
flno scrim curtains. If she gels too deep
a shailo It comes out easily. I have used
It for J ears and found It harmless.
Female Sleuths
Scotland Yard, nccordlng to a recent news dispatch, has been forced to
employ women ns detectives and police, duo to the scarcity of men In England.
Would Sherlock Holmes havo been able to achieve tho gloating triumphs
that he did over this famous sleuth organization, had "dctcctlvesses," Intuitive
and charming, been on tho ground to foil him'.' M'LISS.
Letters to the Editor of the Woman's Page
Address all communications to M'J.Us, cure of tlir Kt enlng ledger. Write on one
ltle of the paper only.
Dear M'Llss Somo time ago you wroto nbout a class of high school girls
Who were studying to bo salesladies. I havo been out of school for somo time,
but I would llko to Join this class. Could I go back to a high school Just to
toko up this work and nothing else? ANXIOUS.
Mrs. Mary Eastwood is in charge of these classes at tho William Pcnn High
School for Girls. I nm suro that sho will bo willing to answer your questions
for you and give you any Information you may deslro concerning this Interest
ing course.
Dear M'Llss Can you give mo tho words ot a littlo verse called "My True
Lovo Hath My Heart"? I want to put them on A valentine,
A. M.
The following aro tho words of Sir Philip Sidney's lyric:
My truo love hath my heart, and I havo his,
By Just exchnnge ono for another given;
I hold his dear, and mlno ho cannot miss,
Thero never was a better bargain driven;
My truo lovo hath my heart, and I have his.
His heart In mo keeps him and mo In one,
My heart In him his thoughts and senses guides;
IIo loves my heart, for once It was his own,
I cherish hla because In mo It hides;
My truo love hath my heart, and I havo his,
Dear .M'Llss I havo a circular from a magazine agency that will rIvo mo
big reductions on combinations of magazines. Tho subscription price is printed
on all good magazlneB. How can tho agency afford to mako such reductions?
Am J likely to get cheated? READI3H.
Every magazine dealer makes a certain profit on tho papers ho sells,
otherwise, of course, ho wouldn't sell them. The big agencies, because of the
magnitude of their business, can, I suppose, afford to take smaller profits.
Thta la what happens when combinations aro offered, Sometimes, too in tho
combination you solect, you get a magazine that docs not particularly appeal
to you, and then your own gain isn't so great after all.
Dear JrLlsa Please tell mo what will take ink-spots out of a linen blouse.
It la white. J.
Apply lemon Julco and salt. Let tho mixture remain on the spots for about
10 minutes, and then pour on boiling water. Repeat this until the spots disappear;
Not in Need of Anything
"I have never naked permission to Join
your Helping Hand, but just slipped In.
I sent quilt pieces to Mrs. A. J. V., nnd
now I havo some moro for tho girl who
Is an Invnlld and whoso nurse asks for
pieces for her to work up. If J. T. will
tnko tho scraps to this girl I shall bo
glad. Mrs. G. D. can make a tea of
saffron, then dip her curtains In It. alto
will find they will herorno like new. I
tried It and friends asked mo If I had
now curtains. I hone this will bo a
help and mako somo ono happy. At
this tlmo of tho year wo look for happi
ness. I am not In need of nnvthlng!
Thank tho good Lord for that! I do
and wish to ho of service to others, even
In the title trifling things, when I can.
"V. i:. W."
Whistling as an Art
"Hnvlng noticed tho recent discussion
of whistling as an art, I offer tho fol
lowing, which may Impart somo Idea of
It to those who dlspl.iy surprising Igno
ranco respecting It: Whistling has dc
Fcrvcdly become a recognised nrt In mu
sical accomplishments, producing, ns It
docs, the thrilling notes of unture's own
music masters tho wild birds, tltoo first
choristers of tho templed hills and clois
tered woods. Then, too, wo find the same
scientific arrangement for producing har
monious results that aro neceawiry to all
development of musical Rounds. People
havo been Imitating the birds for yeurs, it
Is true, but until now havo not attempted
to combine tho bird songs with tho har
mony of a beautiful solo. In whistling
there Is oven wider range of. execution
than Is possible to the voice or all Instru
ments, with tho exception, perhaps, of tho
violin. M. H. It."
Used Typewriter Ribbons
"I beg leave to advise that I havo about
15 slightly used tpowriter ribbons (Un
derwood) that I will give to Individuals
who possess a machine that they will (it
and which they use at homo. M. N."
The writer's address Is in our books.
They Just Drop In
"For the benefit of worried bovscwlves
who havo written to tho Corner of tholr
disquietude under tho Inroads of tho pests,
1 submit this way to get rid of-tho roach
pest: Set n trap, havo vessels of sour
milk for them, closo to tho walls or wood
work. They will gather and just drop
In until there are no moro to come. I was
tormented until I was nearly demented
by the horrible things. They slde
tr.ieked pepper, borax, etc. A dish of sour
milk showed mo tho way of relief. Tho
dish should best sot In tho path of tho
roaches, nnd fly paper helps. With best
wish for our Corner. MltS. M. B. 11."
Prune Whip
"In response to Mrs. G. C.'s request for
a rcclpa for pruno whip which will not
full when taken out of tho oven, hero Is
my formula, which never falls mo: Heat
tlio whites of 3 eggs to a stiff froth, add
a tablespoon of powdered sugar. Chop
lino S boiled and seeded prunes, or run
them through tho meat grinder. Mix
thoroughly tho henten eggs and sugar
with the prunes and bako in a porcelain
illfcb In a slow oven. Servo with whipped
cream. The secret of my pruno whip
not fnlllng Is that I nm careful to have
my oven Just right. I3e suro tho dish Is
well baked beforo taking It from tho
oven. This quantity will servo three per
sons. 1 know you nro Interested In prune
dishes, and hope to see tnls In print.
"X. Y. V.."
All communication addressed to Marlon
Ilnrmnd Mioulil lncloe Mumped, srlr
iiclilrfMrd rmrlape and n rllpplnir of the
iirtlclo In which jimi nr Interested. I'er
honn nlftlilnjr to l, n the rhnrltnlile
nork or the It. II. C. should write Marlon
Ilarland, in rare- ot this paper, for ml
(Irrnseii of those (hey would like to help,
nnd, hating reel lied then), communicate
direct with these parties.
ATLANTIC CITY, Feb. 3. It Is bo sel
dom that two "Indies of tho Cabinet"
chance to bo here nt tho snmo tlmo that
the presenco of Mrs. Franklin K. Lane,
wlfo of. Secretary of tho Interior Lane,
nnd Mrs. Lindley M. Garrison, wife of
tho Secretary ot War, Is a matter of very
decided Interest in tho hotel colony. Mrs.
Garrison Is nt tho Marlborough-IJIcnhclm,
where tho War Secretary Is getting
through a prodigious nmount of work In
connection with President Wilson's prc
pnredncss plans nnd his own vigorous
advocacy of a continental army, a propo
sition that has not thus far met with
very genera! favor.
Mrs. Lane, whoso tanto In dress is a
subject of much comment. Is spending a
fortnight very qlllnlly nt tho Hotel Chel
sea. Mrs. A. C. Miller, of Washington,
wlfo of ono of tho governors of tho Fed
eral Ileservo IJoard, also Is at tho Chel
sea. Slnco tho railroads nrc making partic
ularly elaborate plans to handle the
holiday crowds that will bo coming this
month for Lincoln's nd Washington's
birthdays, hotclmen have suggested that
they sco to It that thero Is no troublo
this tlmo In tho matter of Pullman ac
commodations. Hundreds of those hero
over Now Year's havo not yet forgiven
Atlantic City for tho fact that tho avail
able Pullmans woro not moro thnn half
sufficient to take caro of tho rush. There
fore, It happened that literally hundreds
who cannot hear 'to think of riding In a
plain day coach had to go homo In day
coaches or wait, an Irritating alternative.
A parlor-car famlno this month, with duo
notice given weeks In ntlvanco. will be
regarded by bonlfaces as quite Inex
cusable. Arrangements aro being mado
for runhlng a number of Bpeclnls to
Ilrood Street Station to tako caro of
Phlladelphlans, Ilaltlmorenns nnd Wnsh-
Admiral .T. A. Howell, U. S. N., retired,
who makes bis homo In Atlantic City, be
lloves bis sea-land boat Amphlblnn, a
very peculiar looking cross between a
craft and a vehicle that runs upon torra
flrma nnd water with equal facility, Is
going to play a part In the preparedness
plans. Armed with rapld-flro guns of
from .1 to D-lnch calibre, tho Admiral
Insists, 1000 of his "boats" would mako
It next to Impossible for nn enemy to land
on tho Jersey benches.
Ultimately, Admiral Howell hopes, bis
Invention will bo adopted for tho United
States Coast Guard. It Is operated with
an ordinary gasoline motor by two men,
and cannot, It is claimed, slnkv broach or
Tho Jockey-shaped toque of straw with
a stiff, sloping visor and no trimming nt
all except a raklshly set feather, Is new
to tho Boardwalk. Nearly all of the now
hats aro high-crowned, somo hinting at a
contlnuanco of tho military vogue.
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. C. Henderbon aro
among tho Phlladelphlans at tho Hotel
J. C, Bland, of Pittsburgh, nn en
gineering expert for tho Pennsylvania
Kallroad, Is at tho samo hotel with Mrs.
Dr. Dorothy Smiley, of London, who
has been "at tho front" In Franco with
tho British army, and who Is on this side
of tho water for but a fortnight, Is spend
ing a part of her vacation at tho Tray
more. Mrs. It. L. Dickson. Edith Elizabeth
Fales, Miss Anno M. Gill nnd J. H. Hem
plo aro among tho Phlladelphlans tboro.
Mine. Gndskl-Tauschor, tho grand opera
soloist, nnd her daughter also aro at
the Traymore.
Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Klemm, Jr., have
como from Ilavcrford to spend a few
days at tho Chalfonto.
Mrs. W. J. Browning, wlfo of Repre
sentative Browning, of Camden, Is visit
ing friends at tho samo hotel.
Miss Anna Phillips has returned to tho
shoro after a visit with friends in Lang
borno. Miss Betty Cuthbert entertained this
week In honor of Miss Clalro Francois.
w -' "" . vms- -r- -u.. - f iTI
FOR AILMJJiiNTa ujt stout WOJVtf'
m i
Jl lie I
V bet
! I'olfi
see a Bioui wuiin"
W V" d' e 7 with dyspeptic
symptoms, writes a well-known authority
In the American Journal of tho Medic
Sciences, I think of galt-a diseases and
do not dismiss It from my
mind until I
nm certain tho symptoms are duo to other
causes. , ..
Tho doctor then goes on to details.
Mild dyspeptic symptoms which are
neither constant nor Prid'cu ",ppdefi!
suddenly nt Irregular M'1 0(lan
ST 'dftaST Sermon'? tTZ&Z
erpantt'aYdnmen; attacks frequent
ly coming In the night; ometlmi a slight
Icteric or yellow huo noltccablo In tho
Lt.V L .i.. -A.- .nnn Rvmiitoms of gall-
nosls or mt ammauun ...- r. -
of gallstones unless localized tenderness
over he region of tho 8allae l ntao
noted. That region Is iutnacrth edges
of tho ninth nnd 10th ribs, about three
Inches duo west from tho pit of the stom-
"Vho reason why stout, mWjIIW'J
women nro more liable '"have gall-stones
or gnll-snc lnllnmniatlon than men Is. wo
think, tho corset. Not tho old-tlmo tight
laced' corset particularly, but ordinary
fashionable, loose-fitting corsets which
splint tho abdominal muscles and honco
destroy or impair their function nnd nlso
Impair tho abdominal circulation.
Conditions which must bo distinguished
from gall-stone disease or gnll-sac Inflam
mation nro gastric and duodenal ulcer,
cancer, Intestinal colic, neuroses (nervous
disturbances) of gnstrie secretion and re
He troubles from chronic appendicitis.
Tomorrow wo Bhnll tctl what tho stout,
mlddle-nged dyspeptic mny do to postpone
or cscapo gall-sac i
tin- .-
Contact in the Movies
Is there any real dancnr , ,
disease from tho closcnes3 of crcntra'ns
movlng-plcturo theatres? COn,acl n
Answer Consldeml.tv . ...
In ordinary theatres i' , 2?? l"n
T J1 ! Imnniin. .t.il I l
-,""' " . " '" ..t"."uren nnd other, "'
class, moro likely to carry ,i ,.,. r"..0'
le tno movies moro than other thoXn:
second, because a good tnwJLfc1
atres aro very badly ventllatcS Vuh!"
nro worse, wo think than thn ;,They
theatre buildings. ,,,a "binary
How to Cope With Gns
I havo tried every dietetic sugsiinr n.
doctor gave me, first avoIdln 2,.lhe
and sugars, then excess of p?otcfnrCheJ
I have taken all sorts of mcEe ? V1"1
ho prescribed and those I read nho'u. h?'?
I suffer dally from fulness and MuL et
or bloating. I belch largo nrnoun ".Hon.
gas. I am 43 years old, mot he, nt". ct
family and I guess about 1';
heavy. I'leaso tell mo what to do tM
Answer Fast. You cat ton ' m
Otherwise you wouldn't he bo stout Mai
It two meals n day-momlng and ev.
ntng-wlth nothing nt midday, or nt nl.l
a soda cracker or a cup of milk. Fnstlrf,
Is tho most cfilcnelous remedy vro knm.
for gas, provided tboro Is no serious or
ganic cause. vr
Astigmatism and Glasses
Is there nny harm In going without
glasses If the eyes aro affected with astl
matlsm? "
Answer No, not If your work Is com.
fortably dono without them.
How the Seat "Was Won
Tho scats were filled, some pass ngera
Were Rtnndlng In tho aisle,
But stiff she sat, looked straight ahead,
Nor softened to a smllo.
Tho seats were filled tho ono sho held
Was partly used by her
And bundles whllo her look defied
A ono to Interfere.
Moro came nnd stood, but still sho held
The sent with forward stare.
Nor moved her packages nor gavo
For them another fare.
Tho men stood by, of course, but sooh
Adown that half-filled alslo
A maiden came and took that scat,
With Just tho sweetest smile.
Tho bundles well, they lapward went,
Tho chilly stare It stayed.
All of which shows tho worthy nerve
Of many n smiling maid,
Don't from this tale tho Idea get
That women only are
Tho ones who seats monopollzo.
Tho men watch any car.
Of Public Interest.
Beauty Is as Beauty Does
If any ono tells you not to use alcohol
on your hair, stop for a moment and'
think It out.
Alcohol (puro alcohol, of course) Is used
very freely as a skin bath and Is recom
mended for Its stimulating properties
Very well, then, It will not hurt the hair
nt nil. Bo sure, however, to avoid wood
or denatured alcohol for anything execet
fuel. If npplled to tho face, tho oyes tiro
In dnngcr, ns It contains elements that
nro known to nffect tho eyes very serious
ly. A slight proportion of alcohol In
tho shampoo Is a benefit and serves to
stlmulato tho scalp.
Bowaro of rouge. That doesn't mean
thou shalt not use it, qulto t.io reverse.
If applied with art. It serves as first
aid many times when tho person would
appear sickly without It.
Tho danger Is In using cheap brands.
Tho only wny to bo suro of getting rellabls j
rougo is to purebnso a mako that carries .
a guarantee of safety. So many chemicals -enter
Into tho making of cosmetics that i
ono cannot bo too careful, especially In
using rouge. ;
Be Sure You Get
Deerfoot Farm
They cost more try them nnd see nhf
Tnerea itdness in tke world ,
but thercb (jkdness in
tka world .
Tkerei ptun but ob, there's
bemtv fcrd tkere's Kodc.
Ve're mjteo of our fete ,
I krvu,vje tJ! cu- Trvcke.
our choice
I. choose, to spring y""1
xnis cneerrvi
line of dope.
- ' " in
. ' Gingerisms
Past performances avail nothing. You
must provo today and give promise for
What doth It profit a woman If she pur
chase tho most becoming hat In tho es
tablishment if tomorrow it 13 passe?
Ancestry isn't a bit of help to you or
nny ono cu,e. It Is up to you to pavo tho
way for posterity.
Yesterday Is an dead as last year's
bird's nest. Oct busy today und get ready
for tomorrow.
Tho girl of today Is tho woman of to
morrow. See to It that you show her
what sort of a woman tho world needs.
Even If you do mnko a sprint for Hades,
why not study tho other routo In case
your engine stalls on tho way?
Adam nnd Evo raising cane does not
signify that tho Garden of Eden was a
sugar plantation.
Would you tako a woman at her face
value? First consult a chemist's price
"" " "
Absinthe makes us stop and ponder the
next morning.
A miss Is as good as her style.
Obesity knows no law.
Some Cupids kJl with arrows, some with
Pen and Pencil Club Will Honor Newly
Elected Jurists
A dinner In honor of Judges J. Henry
Williams, Joseph P. Itogers and Henry N.
Wcssel will bo given these recently ele
vated members of tho Stato and county
Judiciary tonight by their fellow members
of tho Pen and Pencil Club at tho club
bouse. Tho number of diners has been neces
sarily limited to 100. nnd tho number of
acceptances have already assured tho hall
being filled. Judgo Williams was elected
last November to tho Superior Court, and
Judges Itogers and Wesscl to tho Common
Pleas Court.
I "jS
ill I v v
Greatly Reduced Prices
Still Continue on All of Our
Spring Showing of Hats for
Wear at the Fashionable
Southern Resorts
mir Millinery Shop
1423 Walnut Street
Nothing In more Important for the
eeUluK of the dainty table than
mouldii. With a mould Jellies, pud
dings, Ice cream may be made to look
twico as attractive and appetltlng.
Come In and let us make nUBgenUoru
In the selection of tho particular mould
you desire. We have u complete a
uortment of all kinds, Individual and
1626 Chestnut St
The HouseFurnishinStore
Last year our eighteen agents in
vestigated 52,946 cases of cruelty
. Think what these figures mean! Think of the amount of suffer
ing prevented and relieved! Yet before this Society was granted its
charter there were no laws in Pennsylvania which protected dumb
Our Year Book and Forty-Eighth Annual Report recounts in
detail the history and present-day efficiency of this, the oldest hu
mane organization in the State the second oldest in America. It
Jsn t filled with cut-and-dried statistics or shocking specimen cases.
It tells you a lot you ought to know about modern anti-cruelty
Address Dept. J,
The Pennsylvania Society for the
Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
Incorporated April 4, 180S
Headquarters, 1627 Chestnut Street
I Headquarters, 1627 Chestnut Street
I " j.. .UU.UJ!
1 Uie TOCKH. I I - . ' yM"" "'K""8&Ki .-KSEV
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