ii, i jmmjifwr twmjf?i EVENING LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, THUBBDAY, FEBRUARY S. 101(1. T' " I""" I ., , t m.mM I,,,, IM.III-I.ll.ll l.lll ll 1. i W S-J-MH I I , ,-- T I II nil 15 JIVIDUALITY THE KEYNOTEv IN "READY-TO-WEAR GOWNS ilfginal French Models, Reproductions or Adaptations "i Obtainable in Philadelphia Values in Jewels and Novelties in Furniture ...dv-lo-vvear Rovvn. cither nn orlR- inch moui:. " ' ,.......---.-... ... Klter, nn nitniitntloti, la n recent wild Mls llitimn Hnrtmnn, of the Kinma Hnrt man Shop, 1B02 Wal nut street. "Thin modern Idea Is larse ly responsible for tlio rapidly IncronslnR n u itilior of woll Kmvned women In I'hlladelphla. Novvn ilnyn n woman enn order a rowii for any orraKlon In n hurry, and ean havo It In nhlo a few liourn. Vot pnly thnt, oho can neo linvv tho rmvn will look before ". ...n-rtt.tv nho decides on buy- PS This Is Srent ""lavement tin til . '..... ,, r-nwii from a nlc- MPl"..'. nterlalB and trlmmliiRS Bt..MTLn".. .,i nn. only to find that JtUn't wht you expected, but you had V net"'1,, r f!L - i '"Hi ?Ct -1 ii., j l t-MU ell it y tA-: 'Ml ' U1 .: yr . ,i if iS'.k.t. the covvn In for ovciilmr wear Ct ffi or caUinB r ilnnclnff. or the , rjufce' f moiirnliitr. a woman I? W,L. here and from an Inilnllo variety lCl, ia(!?.t, In a" sreat a variety of ma H ygf'iS iuh" 5rlBlnl models, but In ,r , "Tlntuncei ndaptatlotiH from French l Sii 5t b gown nulled to her par- .ndlvlduallty. with tho assurance Sfilll not bo duplicated. In fact, my It JJakJu adaptation to Individuality. H Atlarla as Klein '"" . JJ Jinny or Worth or I'nquln send over nny vi ,,...--- . . . , t Mr mol here, they are seni ... .,.,.,.. .j all t a chance to malto skctclicM Jin'v them. Then the collections are of and .ucli houses aa Alt-nan's Slome and Lord & Taylor and Mo Wr and myself and others buy rorno, l n5 some BO to Canadian Iioukch. Mean .. .Tanumcturer., In Kuropo have had Zr representatives over hero with tho Irica, and v.o get to work and mako our gowns, not necessarily copies of ' ir .Articular gowns, but adapting tho I1 fflerwt Ideas expressed In tho orlglnala j wit our own particular customers' .' tM and personalities. 'All my adaptations aro from 1- ronch p riieli only, and cost so much less than t 5? originals. This Idea permits a wo ! Mil of tasto to havo u much larger num l" t of gowns for every concctvablo occa u Jon and for a much smaller outlay than n"tta Is a groat demand for tailored 1 ralU this season and also for sport sweat n at. For autt coiUs velour antl medium ' ilrtd checks are the correct voguo. h t'TM IHie rcauy."-"1 " -" --' -- tdeuottely express tho Idea I try to carry it aut la my establishment It Is much ' iroader than that. It means not only ! tiiiy to wear, but perfect suitability In li teslfn, fabric, color and Individuality mtlned. Thero Is a big nlcho for such , in Jdea and the patronage 1 am rccelv 1 nj- from women of tho most refined and rultlvatcd tastes goes far to prove II." ' A $25,009 PEA1U NKCKLAPU ihVe are the only houso In Philadelphia hat confines Itself exclusively to dla aonds, pearls and other precious stones." aid Colonel J. Warner JIutchins, of 1323 SValnut street. "W e carry no iratches or any of ie one hundred and me other novelties if tho regular Jew dry atore. VJThe European jir Is having a pe culiar enecc on our hnlncsi. There Is tittle rrtail diamond tuj-br fdng on In SoroM at present. NLnerlca Is virtually Via only market of Buy account, nml fcaericans are cer-001 J- w HUTCH INS ulnljr not only buying a largo quantity, Wot the highest quality obtainable. KThe Ue, Beers diamond mines In South America are virtually closed down since the war beran. Tlio su.-u.rlnton(trniH nmi the other bis men connected with these lines were nearly nil KnL-llt.li rrsprvists- ind had to leavo for tho colors. Tho orld' diamond stijipiy virtually all Mmea from these mines, and each year the; allowed a certain qu&ntlty to be put to the market monthly. They aro not PQttlOg anv On thn m.irtrnl nnw nnrl Tni- 'that reason dlamnnrlH. osnpclnllv liln-h. iad ones, are scarce. TVhllo the demand aUrODfi (S 'nil.' tlwi (Intnnn In At.n.on livery great For tho last 12 months we Moit i.f the BtiinlW nnd . Inr u ' .ro sllll cut In Holland '."0. '." have sold more high-grade diamonds than in any other similar period. Thl wan especially the mac n round tho Christmas holidays. 1"."6r,0,,a n mngnincenl specimen," said rolonol Hutchlns, holding tip u puro hlito whlto perfect diamond. "It weighs bIx carats, mid we could hot afford to sell It for less than JSO0O." u was set In a Platinum ring of unique nnd chaste de sign. "This other one," he continued, pointing to another hnndsomo specimen of nn octngnn shnpo, "Is n very cho'en stone, ns perfect as a stone can poislbly he It weighs four caiats and Is worth $.1000. "Next to flno diamonds, pearls havo the call for favor. Indeed, 1 hellcvo tho demand for pearls If anything Is greater than for diamonds. We enrry nothing hut tho real pearls no Imitations, no matter how good. Hero Is a string of carefully selected graduated pearls worth $2.r.,000. There tire 57 pearls on tho siring, nnd the largest one weighs 16 grains Hero Is another string of 12.". smaller pearli that cots $2300. "The finest pearls romo from Ceylon, tho Persian (ititf nnd .Inpnn. Tho penrl divers aro usually Japnncin glrli special ly trained for the purposo. "For some years past the expert dia mond cutters of Holland have been com ing to this country, till now llrooklyn N. Y.. Is really a more Important diamond cutting centre than Amsterdam. Thn best, largest and finest diamonds are now cut In this country. Imperfect ones nro Mvery piece of Jewelry we sell Is made from our own original designs." CHANOns IN KITRNITUHi: STYLUS. "Wo nro located here on what may be called a sldo street for threo reasons." said .Samuel Iteldsmau, of the Consoli dated Furniture; Manufacturers. Inc., 1015 Filbert street. One of tho reasons Is wo aro In the centre of tlio business section nnnthcr Is we havo a lower lcntal and th.i third Is wo had stnrtcd a very successful wholesale business with an Idea to It be fore wo went Into tho retailing. "Tho Idea was to sell only to dealers and allow them to bring their customers hero to name selections. Then people who had mado selections In that way recom mended others, and before wo knew It .wo had quite n retail business on our hands. 'o still carry on the wholesale end. Ue sldcs, we have a branch In New York at 15D Madison avenue, at the corner of 32d street a very handsome display room, showing nothing but tho highest grndo of goods. My partner, Mr. Hill, has chargo tnorc. "Most of our stock has been mado In Orand Rapids, although wo havo somo Im ported from Canada of a high quality. "The prevailing styles are what aro known ns the New-period styles. These are the William and Mary, and the Queen Anne, for dining and bedrooms. Colonial styles arc going out, and In placo of such massivo pieces the light delicate lines of the Adam and Chippendales are taking their places. Cane Is largely used In tho Adam pieces, but thero Is no inlaying work on any of these styles. "For parlors, or rather living rooms, the comfortable big overstuffed pieces aro In vogue, nnd for covering velours havo the preferpneo over tapestry. Those ve lours nro usually In brocades and broad stripes. "Halls aro furnished like tho living rooms. Ivory enamel is also popular for bedroom furniture, nnd chluesi lacquer In black and gold. "Hand-decorated various-colored enam els are In demand for bedrooms and din ing rooms." URRLKT ROOSTS NKWSPAPKR ADS. "Ronl success for retail merchants Is only possible through a liberal u.vj of printers' Ink. nnd particularly tho dally newspapers for advertising purposes," ac cording to B. J. HCrlet. president of tho Walnut Street Association, In an nddress delivered before the Rotary Club of Cam den last night. "The business growth nnd development of nny rotail street or section Is In proportion to the liberal uso of newspaper bpneo by tho merchants." Mr. Herlot explained eho operations of tho credit, real estate and publicity bu reaus recently established by the Walnut Street Association nnd announced that an employment bureau will bo tho next de partment to bo organized. Sheriff Joshua C. Haines, president of tho club, presided. HKRBKRT J. TIMT'S BIRTHDAY. Herbert J. Tlly. manager of the Straw bridge and Clothier Store, received many congratulations today on the occasion of his birthday. Mr. Tlly started with tho tlrnwwhcn ho was a boy and ho hns been associated with It for SB years. Ho has beon manager for tho last 12 years. WHEAT ENDED AT , UNCHANGED PRICES Market Was Nervous Through out the Day Volume of Business Not Largo CHICACIO, Feb. 3. Today's wheat market wat, a nervous nnd, lllghty affair, being subject to quick nnd apparently unaccountable, fluctuations constantly. May closed unchanged at $1.30, after It had been as low ns $1 .12 nnd as high as tl.33ft. and July also finished unaltered at J1.24H. after it had been down to , $1.23 nnd up to $1.25U. Near tho close the innrket wns somewhat firmer on csll l mates of sales of 1,000,000 bushels for export, hut Mt ngaln receded, with longs nervous. The volume of business was not ns I large as of Into. Continued offerings of wneat from trnns-Mlssourl territory In dicated nn activity for nn outlet. Recent nctlons by foreign ilnvernmeiits point to nn excellently equipped buying organiza tion. It was said that the Allies had selected u central buying agent at New York to bnndlo all orders, nnd thnt a committee would place all contracts for room on xessels. Large reserves wor reported at Interior points in Kansas. Loading longs liquidated nt times and there was covering at per noils, but on every upturn the selling procure Increased. Thn market at Llv- rrpmil steadied, after having beon under pressure lit the slnrt. Receipts ill tho Northwest wer rather light. The Department of Agriculture reports a fairly good snow covering over much of tho winter whent region west i.f thn Mississippi; over the northwestern dis tricts, where the ground bus been covered tor u considerable period. It snys that onsn cold of tho past week has doubtless been severe on stock exposed on mo ranges Com was ulniost as erratic as wheat, but chai ges in prices were narrow and the market finished below last night's close Leading longs sold. Receipts con tinued restricted with cars sciuco. The Southwest continued offer here. Crop news from Argentina wns unfavorable Tho market at Liverpool was neglected. O.its v,cro heavy. Ther was buying that looked like exports or domestic shipping business on tho decline. LiHdiiiB futures ranKcl ns follows: .. ...Mi uppn. miku. i.ow, clone. May I..1T, i.a.i', i ,tj i.;n July i.s us i.2.-.y, La-Hi U.2H4 uin ii ir iv ui'iirryi STHONO SEEKING INFORMATION ON MAINTENANCE OF EXCHANGE This Is Purposo of tho Governor of Reserve Rank's Trip Abroad WAHHtNGTON, Feb. .l.-llenjamln S Strong, Jr., governor of tho Federal Re serve Hank at New York, hns gone to London for tho purpose of ascertaining nil Information possible from bnnklng cir cles nnd from thr English Government of the maintenance of a level of oxchntlgd In New York. This Information Is sought by tho Fed ctal Reserve Hoard at Washington for the purpose nf meeting questions of ex change should demands be made upon the American gold supply nfter the con clusion of tho European war. Governor Strong went to London In his otllclnl capacity but not upon authority of the Federnl Reserve Hoard. It wns learned lodav thnt the reserve bonid sooner or later must deal With the ques tion or exchange mid for this purpose will appoint a representative at both London mid Paris. Details of the proposition have not yet been worked out. The nclloii of the reserve board, however, will he large ly determinable upon tho report of Mr. Stiong. Mnv .July .. Outs Mnv ... July ... l-iirij-May ... Julv ... Itllis. May . Mnv . . Pork M.y .. J uly I!!!'j r.ttf, 17, TO'. 7HS, .-.Hi 171. 7M, Wi4 lilt. ..11107 ..10.2-2 . .inic ..II .11.-, lllil. tAfkld 2n :tr, 20.50 KI.I-, 10. W 11.02 11.1.-. 20 50 10.0.-, 10.2S M7 IO.0T ilO.'J.-. tn.ii2 in fi ll. ic, 11.10 clnin, 'i.:ii 1.2P4 7II 17!.' .-.Hi, 4- 'in.to 10.25 to.ru 11.07 l'n..",2 SO. I'. 20.10 20.1.-. 20.50 12(1.1.-. LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS rmrwoo. ivii. .t.-imns-nnHpii., in.ooo. MnrKi-t Kio.irlv to .". lilEhor. Mlxp.1 nml butch ers, J 7 ir.ii 7 ii": rhoiI licay J7.uiii7.ir,, rnnuli heavy, 7.;:0O7.rr, IlKht, $,.2.-.il.N), plgB, JU.-.T, fltl v.: hulk. STiJKiTDli CATTLIJ-ttc Pints, iiooo. Market stesdv. nerves 5i)T('i.7.l, rows nn.l heifers. .'t.ii.Vu S. III. Tpxiiiih. $lUlfs.50. diver, $11(10 7.1. HIIRI3I-ItcirlptH, 10.0011. Market l.vtcv. hlBher. NutHo nnd Western, Jl.50tiS.23; l.unbs, Sail lt.l... DIVIDENDS DECLARED nantman Kodak r'ntnpan. extra til per rent, on common, pavnble Match 1 to stock of record I-'ebruarv 1.1. LlRKett & Mvers Tobaoeo Company, regular quarterly .1 per cent., payable March I to Block or record rebruary IS LiKKett A: Meers Tobacco Company, regular ouai.crlv .1 per rent, patnblo March I to Btnek of record Tehiuary IS. fleneral Asphalt Onmpany, regular qunrterly Is M-r rent, on preferre.l, paynbln March I to uiocxnoii biers ot record fobniary 15. Draden Copper Bonds Sold, Report NKYV YORK, Feb. 3. It Is reported that Kissel, Klnnicutt & Co. havo purchased nnd icsold an Issue of $15,000,000 15-year sinking fund G per cent, bonds of the Kradeii Copper Mines Company. Tho Kennecott Copper Company recently ac quired virtually all of the capital stock of the IJraden Copper Company, paying therefor in stock ot the Kennecott com pany, which figured at tho prlco of $50 a bhuro for Kennecott slock. Funeral Today of Jolin C. Sayre Filneral services for the Into John V. Si.yre. rrllglons leader and social woiker. will he hehl this afternoon nt the Second Hnptlst t'hurcli. nnd will be conducted by Ihe pastor, Hie Rev. 1-5. W. Powell. On Suntlny afternoon In tho church n memorial service will be held by the Helping llnnil Class, an organization within the church founded by hltn. Inter ment will be private nt North Cedar Hill, GEORGE L. MARKLAND Great-grandson of Early Philadelphia Settlor George U Markland, great-grandson "f Thomns Mnrkland, a I'hlladelphla settler In 1750, and son of John Henry Mnrk Itinil, years ago one of this city's leading attorneys, died yesterday nflernoon nt his homo. Scennc. Pn. lie was 75 years old nnd had been 111 for several days. Mr. Markland was tho oldest member of tho rennslvanla Society of tho Cincin nati, being admitted as n member In 1S-J2. Since 15SS he was one of tho members of the standing committee. Ho studied law in the olllce of Ills father, hut could not practice owing tn an Impediment In his speech. Francis S. Markland, n contrac tor, Is n nephew. IN" MLMOIIIAM KHNNr.HV. Solemn Rich Maps v. Ill lie rele. brate.l In St. Michael's Church. 2,1 and letter son Ms., at 10 i. in, on Hitimlay. In inem nry of Mra. ANNIK KKNNIIIIV. widow of Jerenl.li Kennedy, who wuh bulled on Feb ruary C, 100S. entljs Thc$e NotlccM Arc Printed in the Evening Ledger Free of Charge. PHILADELPHIA MARKETS m ?- GRAIN Avn rcr.nrm lt53A?:elJ,,- 233.310 huih. Thro wns JIWH Inquiry from exporters nnd millers, fr..,StJ VM "". Quotations: Car lots, u;l'';JftSl S, No. 2 Poiuhern red, Sl.Slta MWf No. 2 rod, tl.M-Hl 81. No. a red. KfBIJl i.8UVMH.3a',i rejccieu , Cit:lPt, 0000 liubh Trlcca ruled " 2.1 tradi-. as to location Western ut' Wease . Wfslern bteamer yel- ', , S?,?0! ft "tern No. 3 yellow, bow & RofiVlc. '""" ')0W2&j cob. per tu iwrISa!21,,', 51,202 huh. Demand was Etnr vc K're w"'11 malnta'ne.1. Quo SSHrSt.2 .whlif- Bic.. standard white, BS' " ,3 white, 6ifiuiic.. No i white, Pl tSoTfu'e Mt"' 8,veMc': Pirlncd oats, jILl?e"..l.e, s bbls. and l.tlT.l.M EtS !V T"a bulk of tho limited trans muSivV.,? e.niJ-hn4 stocks, which were iu.7i:....1J.,.ne limns or the n.llln. Tho Uitr nn .VI..,,, w iimiw or me n.iu. -jno Km fh, J! eaaJly. maintained. Quotatlnns, per WnSli wLSf-P "iter, clear. 3.(Bfil. do.. liUkrUl.TSi3, d0 P"nt. U.Mt(U.7.1. Kan 'ck; 'wiJ1"-. 3 i0; do., straight. P&iin'' iSS--3'd0- patent. Jute sacks, RwrS. viTil23ii0-. tH"n'. $.2-''B7. do., Pwhiri? Sl",.T.9.,ftT""- city mills, cholco Kr.. "W. Mtent. lT2.HRT.nn. i-itv mill. n. hSreWrniH23' rt?- I"nt. IH3SS0.7X N mlit S w" 'n mall supply and steady klU7 ' " ,uote 50 per bb. as to I . PROVISIONS xAit'SK'! afalr Jobblns trade and tho "' CUvy..,.- yuotattons ranged as fol- Tcir bJIr,rD-b,ff' ln "moked. 21 4 iria,lSS Wckl? nd tenters, smoked H: toTk' ."."SSf 2ilJi!(Tc. beef lmms, $2(J hSffcl. l..' .'". y. H.Ma'li! hMtnit. H. I licroTSo' .'S0-,' ?S-i 'skinned, loose. 119 W'fc '"okf,J. UrtfcJHiic other hams, BflTeT d: n'. smoked, Western cur.ed. KhS.u'f ' GO., boll.,, hnn.il.. nr. ..,n,J; tri, o - -p "- -". tee. -. hwv do. accoAl. reakfaat E"il. ilai9L, cued.- se' l-ic-Kiton. .r"!'"?'. loose. 12t4MHe.: bre E?Wc.VfcriikfS?i. ,lnd .Yy"- c"y cured. ISytaM iKSfi '"con, Western cured. 133 fc4va.tA '."' rB rn...J"!v!- do., pure city, kettle ,..V1 .-'"vct, lio' cln. niiro eltv. at """"" In tubs, I Hjc. E REFINED SUGARS i? aurku u,.. . . . .. .Meet. i'.7 .su.ei out nrm. ueuners (Muitt.d"a o?"9 runu ated, Re. stand WW A s i&CWc Powdered, 0.0.1c. s con fe. A' B-.. soft srudos, 3,1303.73c. UAIRY PRODUCTS -7 '! !fl Recelntw nt ,, .n ... ,.:Ilie were well sustained under tDllowtnt aro the quota esn, solid-packed, creamery, , extra. 32.., eitra flnU 2u iSSl"' jwl.nts.. fancy 33c. average :'Ja:ilc i seconds, 258 I of prints jobbing at i. ?.h'5,rk,t.ruld """ "' th Ute "VrlS.de"Jn.'1 ,'eaddy absorbing- the .?". e deslrabl ta.k. Follow? a, We Sir 1 '"J'" iM. near- nia, w u per caus. in T . V Dulv1u.rD- B,r wto"" "" - 1J Ftl K ami itilail Arm unla. u ir,.n J..' '" itt r-!tr.--' 'sir to sow. liaiBAf. steady under moderalo oltcrlngs. Qunlatlona: Fowls, us to alio and uualliy. IiIIHTc.j roomers, 1212c, spring chickens, boft meatcd, 17ls.. do., stoggy. IWiHU-.; tur keys. Wji-.'-.V. ducks a to size and .pialltv. l.MilTc.; geese. 1.117c.; plgi-ons, old, per pair. Sottif.: do., jouiik. per p.ilr. lhn2iK-. DItK.SHKU. Demand was only moderate, but nlues wero well HUMtntned on nne deslrablo-slzrd stock, offerings or whlih wero light. Quotations Fresh-killed, dry packed Fowls. 12 tn box. dry picked, fancy selected, Mfr.; weighing; 4 lb nnd over apiece, 20c; weighing 3U. Iba. apiece, ll.e ; weighing, a lbs. aploce. lsc : smaller slies. l.14flK-., fowls. In Mils., dry-pli knl, fancy. 4 lbs. and over apiece, ltHic. f smaller sizes, 151Kc.: old roosters, dry-puked. 1.1c.: chickens Jersey fancy broilers, filtrate., other nearby fancy broilers. 22621c . Wea ern l.roll jtr vLiffhinff iujf,' it..,, nniece. IrJh'JIc.: North ern Illinois chickens, fancy jellow, weighing 4 Iba. and oker. In bozea, 218220.. Northern Illinois, fancy, weighing 246 5 lbs. In boxes, lSfiliic, Northern llllnoln, fanc. eighlng 2V,WIV los., In bb!., 17B1SC , other Western, neighing 4 lbs. nnd over, In boxes, ISffliic. : other nestern. weighing 2(4ttiu, lbs, In boxes. JUtil7c., oiher western, weighing 24Wj Iba, In bbls.. 1.1011c.. Inferior, lie . Capons, per lb. Weighing SBW lbs. opleco. 27B'-"c . smallci sizes. SIV.'ik : turkeys, pearbv. fancy, STfl'.'Sc , do., do, good to choice, 239200.; do., Western, fancy, 2iMj27c. ; do, do., good 10 choice. 23jj 23o.; do., fair, 20fle2c; do., old toms, 23c , do., culU and No 2, lft2k!., spring ducks, nearby. IStj'JOe., do., Wentcrn. fancy, 17lSc , do., do., fair to good. 129111c.; geese, nearby. 10180. . do,. Western, HHIHc; squabs, per dozen White, weighing 11 to 12 lbs per dozen. t1.SSal.V, while, weighing n to 10 lbs. per dozen, (.12141 .1.7.1: white, weighing s lbs. per dozen. M..WSI.7.1: white, weighing 7 lbs. per dozen, ft .mftl white, weighing, 13 f, 4 lbs per dozen. $2 50tj.l, dark I2.251U, small and No: 2 flftl.SO. . FRESH FRUITS Demand was only moderate, but values wero steadily held on choice stock of most de scilpllous. Quotations: Apples, per bid Jonathan, fancy. ll!11.Hi 1 Jo. fair to good 2.ro3: Wlnesap. 2 .Wit3 23. llaldwln. I2..VH .'1 23, Walk Tlg. 2..Vtn. flrlmes' Oolden. 1.803, Creenlng, M.S0S3. York Imperial. $- tltt; Twenty-ounce. 2,1; I'lppln, 2.l: Hen Uavls, II.7X-O2.f0. other, varlftlea. tl.MBC.-' No, S, tl.2.101.50. Apples, la bulk, ptf 100 lbs.. S0c.0ll.ra1. Apples, Western, per box ll fiSJl2.2.i: Oranges, Florida, per irate. JLTS tf2.30. Tangerines Florida, per sirar, jm. nnurmt i.-inriii,t iter crair. i. ,,,..,. Lemons, per pox, 384 yjnsJfJfles pr crats Porto ltlco. 'w4. Florida, 2e2.SO. Clan bet?les. Cii Cod.Vr bbL. 'lUfflll, do., Cape Cod' per crate art I. do., Jersey, per crate. J2.2isW.73. straw terries. Florida, pr qt.. " VEGETABLES The market was qutet and unchanged, wllh ample offerings. Quotations. White potatoes, per bush Jltfl.SO: white. P?:atoe., Jersey, per tasket-No, 1 Itose. (aWljt No. 1 other ""etiesf liKS 70c. . No. 2. MWaJS" J?1' toes. Jersey, per Ukket-No- I. 4peo0o., o. .. tS26o.; sweet potatoes, Wrglnla. per bbL, 1 M)l T3. onions, per 100-Ib. bag-No. 1, hveSo'.So. 2. 7-1C.&I121. cabbage. PanUh. p.? ton, S10. releo. ,New York. r bunch, 2573e.; Ipluacb. Norfolk, per bbl.. 7Jc ?l-15; kile. Norfolk per bbl.. 0075c., lettuce. Vlor. Ida. Mr Uarketrl(fl 3000.. North Carolina, par basket. 76c ll, .boans, . Moru. Per. ms. ,THE WEATHER Official Forecast WASHINGTON, Feb. 3. For eastern Pennsylvania nnd New Jersey: Fair tonight and Friday: Home what colder tonlnht; fresh west winds. Rain, snow and sleet wero Koneral In the Atlantic States diirlnK the last 21 hours, occasioned l.y the movement of a storm from South Carolina northeastward alone tho const. Tho storm In Indicated off thn New iJnRlnnd coast and conditions are clearing In tho Mlddlo and South At lantic Stated. Clear skies aro generally reported from tho great central valleys. The temperatures havo continued to fajl In Kastern districts, whlto n reaction to warmer Is reported from tho Mississippi Illver westward. Sovero freezing occurred last night In tho euHteru half of tho cot ton belt. U. S. Weather Bureatj Bulletin Observations taken S a. in., ICnetcru time. I.QW 8 Inst ItRln- Velnc- Stallnn. a.m n't. fall. Wind. Ity. Weather. Atlanta, oa NW 2 1 .nn nw 12 .us NW .82 N . . NW 10 NW . . - W . W 14 .02 W 2 . . N 10 . . W IIS .. Nl! 21 ,r,n nw :ih i.nn n .00 Nfi 0 k Atlantic city .. 211 2d llaltlmore, Md.. 2IJ 21 lllsmarrk. N. U.-lfl 'HI Itnstnn. Mass... -J .- lluffalo. N. Y... 14 11 Ch.irleton,8. C. 42 40 Chicago. III.. .. 10 0 Clnilnnatl. Ohio. 12 12 t'letrlnnd. Ohio. 14 14 Denver. Col..... 2 Detroit. Mich .. 12 10 (lalrsinn, Tex., as 3S llarrlsuurg. in- ' ,(i.,,i.r.,M. .. L. . .ti llnlir.LY. N. K... 22 'JO Huron S !.., ,' Indianapolis. Ind. 10 10 JiiLksonvllle, Fla. 32 32 Kansas Cllv 12 12 Ki.ox.llle Tenn. IH IS .title ilts;k. Ark. 21 21 l)s Angeles. Cal. 4rt 41 l.oulsllle. Kv.- Id 14 Montgomery. Ha. 22 '.'J Montreal. Can... 12 JO Nashtllle. Tenn. Id 11 v nriMtna. Iji. . 30 30 k.-w Vnrk " S2 1.HH NW " Snow Norfolk. Va. ... 3'JI.I" NW So Cloudy Oklahoma. I Okla. 21 2 .. B 2S Clear Omaha Neb. .. a it .. 'NW . Snow 1'h uaiieipnia .. -" j.wi iv ii nnow M .6i .6i Clear Hnow Clear 12 Clear 1.1 Know 2d Cloudy 14 Cloudy 20 near 12 Clear 12 Hnow . Know 2d Cloudy 12 Clear 12 Snow 3.1 llaln 22 llaln NW 10 Clear W 12 Clear NW 14 Clear N 10 Cloudv .. ! Cloudy . . Clear . Cloudy 10 Clear 1? Clear . . I'.CIoudy to Clear 10 Clear Nil HH Nil W N N NW N I'hnenlx, Ariz.. l'lttuburgh. i-a. 1'ortland. Me... Quebec, Can... fit. IjiuU. MO.. JO JO 1 111 in .to w 18 IK ,38 N 14 10 .fill NR 111 11 .. W Kt 1'aul. Minn..'! II - H Halt Lake. I'tah 31 32 .02 HW H. Antonio. Tex. 2s 2S , . K San Francisco.. 30 411 .12 HW . . i, .. H .42 NW .311 N .81 NW . aw u.mn Vo. N. M. 18 14 8a. Sie. Marie.. '! Hcranton. ' -0 Jf 'I'unipa. Fa.... 411 dil Washington . -24 .24 Winnipeg. Can.. 2022 Delowi zero. Clear 10 Cloudy 18 Know 0 Hnow Clear 12 Clear . Cloudy .. Clear . . ltain .. Clear . . Cloudy .. Clear 12 Clear IP Clear 10 Clear J1.204S2. peppers, pian per basket, 1 vvB.V); Mfti peau. Floriua. per oasaet. , "-? ,JU' Jew. Horida. per carrier, ll.60l 71. eic , iei!.i.KVF traie. 24K 30: tomatoes. tv.M.i " r:r. ..- u &i snavj so. rimice. rwffitT"TS bSikitT IIST40.--NEW YORK BUTTERAND EGGS NlJw YORK. Feb 9 -Bl'TTBH MarkM iftrkriOuiJrrsBiiuSt rawa W aatai. Obervationa at Philadelphia s A. M. narometer 30.1.1 Temperaturo ....... SO Wind Northwest, 17 inllea Hky Snow v rreclpltallon last SI hours 1,117 Humidity 78 Minimum temperature S.I Maximum teniperuturo 43 Almanac of the Day Bun sata .. .. Moon souths 5:10 o.in. ..12:16 p. in. Lamps -to Be Lighted Autos and other xhlcles 3il0 p.m. The Tides PORT niCHMOND. Hlth watery, . tau, vtAler . High water tomorrow ... 1:42 p.m. ... $:3jp.ra. ... l:taa.m. CHBSTNUT STnBET WHAttP. "TlBiff Vfh" " HHh water law water High water tomorrow HHHPY ISLAND,. nigh watar ;;;;;;;;; fitfti wSIk iowraiw' " 131 n.m 1 aj a.m. .20ta. . X.Gn D.m. ATUOOll. On lVlirunrv 2, 10115. MAIIY A.. wife nf Itnnom Atwnod nnd daughter of l.ennls and the late Annlo Dowd. hi licr 1'Oih e..r. It.lntlves nml rrlends are Invited tn attend the funeral, on S.turdav. nt 'to a. in . from her latp residence. :usil Collins M. High Mns nt Chureh of tho N'atlvltv. nt 10 a. m. Interment nt Holy Sepulchre cv-neterv. AHKIIN. On Jninmry HI. 101(1, KM.n.V, llfe of Jimes P. Ahem and daughter of tho late I'airlik nnd H.irah J. Frlel. llelatlves and friend, are In. lied to nttend r.ineral Friday morning at - :io o'clock, from her htisliand'B reshtenre, 2H.VI Kast Allegheny ave Solemn Ileulil.m Muss at Church of tho Nntlvlty. nt 10 o'clock. Interment at St. Ann's Ceme tery 11AM.. On February t. 1ftl. Itnt.IIN, daughter of Wilfred and Annie V, Hull (neo W.ill.nn). nged 21 n.ira llelatlies and frl.-t.ds are Invited to attend the funeral s. r Ices, at her parents' rcsldencQ. 2101 Mt. Vernon St.. on Friday, nt 2 p. in. Inter ment prUnte. IIAII.i:. On Fel.rtinrv 1, 11110, HOIir.HT. huKband of Mattle Halle, nged 02 years. Hela thes nnd friends nro Invited to nttend th funeral servlies, Friday nflernoon. at 1 p. m.. at his Into residence. 3212 Larchwoud ave. Interment priVato. IIAItlt On January 31. 101(1. AMHl.IA H WnCKHIU.Y. wldo.v of George W. Harr. Ilelatlves and friends am Invited to attend the funeral services. Friday, at 2 p. m,. at her Into residence SSI N. 4 2d st. Interment private nt West Laurel Hill Cemtery. .JIAKill.MAN. Jammry 31. 19Ht, JOSEPH W., son ot the lato Louis and Marl" Haugh mnn. Itelatlcs and friends aro Invited to nttend funeral, on Friday, at 8 ISO a. m., from Ida lato residence, 1213 N. 23th st. Holemn Iteiiule.n Mas-, at St Elizabeth's Chureh at 10 o'clock. Interment at New Cathedral Cemetery. IIDItlir.N (neo Mllden). At her residence, 3207 Irving st.. on February 1. 1010. ANNIE 13.. widow of Orlando II, tlordcn. Ilelatlves nnd friend, sre Invited tc. nttend the funeral services. Friday, at 2 p. in., at the npai. ments of Oliver II. Hair. 1H20 Chestnut st. Interment nt Montrose Cemetery. HltOWN. February 1. 70in, MI11A PARK, wifo of Paul T. Ilrown nnd daughter of tho late William K. nnd Margaret r. Park. ItelatUrx and friends nre Invited to nttend the funoral services, Friday, at 130 p. m, nt her late resldencn, 1211 Bouth Itrnad st. Interment private. Mount Morlah Cemetery, l'lenso omltv Honors. C'AltTKIt. At his lito rf"ldenie. Oakmont. Delavvaro County, Pa. on February 2, 10H. THOMAS J. CAItTEIt. Duo notho of the funnrnl will lie given. COTTON. On l'V.irunrv 1, 101(1, ALnEItT nnWAHD, son of c?ans lz, ana Jinry c Cotton, aged 40 years. Ilelatlves and friends nro Invited to attend funeral services, nn Friday, at 2 p. m., nt parents' residence, 38 Writ Johnson St., Ccrmantown. Interment private. ft OZIEIt. At his residence. 030.1 llaver ford ave. on February 2, mid. ItOHKHT JOHN CUOZlEIt. Notice of funeral later. I)e MIJY. On February 1. 1010, HIDON'IE. wife of Oustavo do Mey. Ilelatlves and friends nre Invited to attend tho funeral, on Saturday, nt H .tfi n m.. from tho resldncn of her son, Felix C. de Me,. 13.11 s. Vlth St.. above Chester ave. High Itequlem Mass nt church of tho Illesscl Hierainent nt 10 n m. Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery. I 1 1 : ) 1 1 .. On February 2. 1U10. HA It All EI.lZAnETH, wife of Frank a Dlehl Ilelatlves anil friends, Excelidor Chapter. No. 38, Ladles of the Eastern Htur, and nil other societies of which she was u member, nre Invited tn attend the funeral services, nn Haturday. nt 0 a. m precisely, at her late residence, 2810 North 12th st. Interment at Hillside Cemetery. Iteinalns may be viewed on Friday evening. IlOl'ailKIlTV Huddenly. nn February 2, lttlil, i:.STIli;il. wire of Ilernard W. Dough erty. Funeral, to which relatives and friends are Invited, on Haturday, at R a. in , from her late residence, ltrio .South 13th st Solemn Mass nf Itequlem at the Church of tit. Thomas Aouluss, at 0:30 a m. pre cisely. Interment at Holy Cross Comolery. Automobllo service. lirrriKl.n. -on February 2, lOlrf. EL1ZA ntTTH II., widow of Thomns Puffleld. Ilela tlves and friends are invited to attend the funeral seniles, on Saturday, at 2 p. in., at her lata residence, 121 North 3-1d st. Inter ment at Mount Vernon Cemetery. l'KNTON. On January 31, loin. ANDItF.W J . Hr.. husband of Fllinla Fenton (nee Hver ley). aged 71 years. Ilelatlves and friends au. Invited to attend the funeral on Hat urday, at 830 a. in., from the resident of h.s son-in-law, Ueoige W Hush. 2330 East liiuohln st. ItequUni Mass at the Churih of the Iloty Name at iu u. m. interment hi Holy Cross Cemetery. rKTI'KII.- On February 1. 1018. DAVID a FETTHlt, husband of the late Slary D Fetter (nee Dungun). In his Slst jear Ilelatlves and friends are Invited In attend the funeral, on Haturday, at 1:30 p. in., from the residence of hU. daughter, Mrs. Waller H. Worthlugton, Neshamlny, I'u Hervlces continued at Itlchboro Cemetery Chapel, at 3:13 p. in. Interment at Itlch boro Cemetery. Trolleys for Nethamlny leave Willow drove 12:42 and Doylcstown at 1 p. m. FHIKU On February 1, 1010. DEUTIIA. wife of Hubert J Frlel, daughter of Jacob and Katie (iullong, agd 21 yea re. Itela- v tlves and friends are Invited to attend the funeral service at the residence of her parents, 283d miles St., on Friday, at 10 a. m. precisely, Interment at Hillside Cemetery FKY1IU On February 1, 1010, HAimY. son ot the late William and Margaret Feyhl, In his Qlst year. Ilelatlves and friends are Invited to attend the funeral, on Saturday, at 8 a. m.. from the funeral parlors ot Frank J. MpKenna. 10:4 poplar t. High Itequlem llass at the Oesu Church, at 0:13 a. m. Interment private. GAI.LACHEH. On February 2, 19111. MAHY OALl.UllIErt. widow of John J. tlallagher inea McUrath). Ilelatlves and friends are Invited to attend the funeral. Haturday. at 8 3d a, m.. from ber lata residence. 610 North 2th st 8oltinn High Mass at St Francis Xavler Chureh. at 10 a, m. Inter ment at Holy Cross Cemetery. GOItMLKV. -Anniversary Solemn Itedulem Mass on Haturday Fobruary 6. at St. Ann's Church. hlgh ave and Memphis st . Phlla . nt a a ni. for th lita marv ninui pv of the parish ot Closbtr County T rone, f r Und. and wmother of the Ileva. Mkhael H end ,Danlt Oormiey. lislaUvea sod friaadj at lavttid to atrt.il. 0H0y--Oa January 23. 1010. t MadUoa, DEATHS J?J5,n.n., .n Fehruary 2. Klin, ritoniHJ qrtljnn (nee Huicheton). widow of William Orubb nnd daughter of Ihs Intn Rha nnd Phoebe llutrhesnn (ne chew), sget 32 years, nelallves and friends nre invited to attend the funernl services, on Haturday, M I n. tn , jt her late residence. 113 South 4th st, In terment private, nt Fcrmvond Cemetery. "Vi.'Jll01.0.".. P'hrtiery 2. inlfl, HEN JAMtN FItANKLTN HADDtTCK. at 21.11 lie Ijinrev place. Funeral i-ervico private. Interment In Chicago, HI. ,,&Fln'!l?"7.A'. Morrlstovvn. Pn , nn .tnn.iary 2i'i 'i1.1?' .r:M,,'.'Y v-.rc w" of '' " 1 " I.1"1 dfiisl'ter of Ihe late Jseol. M. and Angelina Coivden. Ilelatlves nnd friends sre invilrd to nttend th funernl services, on 1 rldjy. nt 2 p. m.. st her Intn residence. 203 I.. Main st. Interment private. !IA!lAN.-rrin IVhruarj 1. 1010, JOHN J.. wn..2f l S.'.T.'rK. nn'' -VT''. a- I'irs'l. 'nee i5-"W' . I,.?lJ!vr.''. ,", fi-l'nd. sln lidge No. 04 I. O. o. M thn Wm Crnnin Ilene llrtaL Asi'n. th. McMnn gle . and II.. nnd he . Twelve. OVock Club, nre Invlled in at- tenn funernl. on Mnndav nt R :io n m , from 1 ,,. ..'.,r ,""""" ''. ..' v-eoar st laist Wsrdl. Solemn Itequlem Mass nt HI Ann's (htitih. at in n. nt. Interment Holv Hepulchre Cemetery. HAIUUNM.- At llrlslol. Ps., on Fehrunrv 1 THOMAS II IIAHKINH In his ,72, year I eisllves snd friend., also 11. c, llfnttv 1 -,i. ., ,.,,. ,a ,1., nn.i nn ntner otgsiu rsll'ins nf width he vvss a member, nre In vlled tn attend the funeral services, on Hal uMav. Fehninry . nt 2 p. m.. nt his Inte resilience. 3iy Jerfersen ave., Ilrlstol. Pa, Interment Ilrlstol Cemeterv lllll.l.KIIMAN. On Fehrutrv !!, 1010, .111. HHPHINE ll.. wife of Lenin tl Hellermnii slid ds.ighler or Ihe Isle Henry nnd Hnrsh Ilr nner, nged 70 vears. Ilelatlves nnd friends nre Invited In nttend Iho funeral servl.es, on Saturday, nt 2 p m , nt her tale residence, nssn ttislng Sun ave, l,avn dile. fn. Interment rrlmle. Ilemnlns inn be viewed on Friday, from 7 to tl p. nt. llr.l.v. I'.ltMI.W -on IVI.iiiarv 1. lOld. HAH UIKT J dntighter nf llsrrv ,1 snd luisv lelvers.n (t.ee Itsrtner), aged 17 moiuim llelall.e. nml friends are Invlled tn attend Ihe funernl, nn Saturday nl 1 1. m . from her parents' resident e, 1121 West Ii.-ittphln st. Interment nl Ivv llll ivmelerv. Ill I.I,, on t'ehru-iry I, 1010. HELEN E. daughter of Ellralieth nnd tho late John F, Hill. Ilelntlve. nnd friends nre Invited In nttend funernl i-erv lees, nl her mother's resl deme. .is, 1 lirovvn st , Wrst Phlla,, Friday, nl 2 i. 111. precisely. Inlerment private. IIKIUINK. nu IVIiruary 1. Inin. THOMAH J. son nf Nell and Ihe Hte Thnmns .I. lllg. gins nice Ketinev). Itelsllves and rrlends sro Invited lo nttend Ihe runeral. nn saiurdav. ".' "' "....')! '""" I'1" hmthep in la.v'i. resl den. 1, Willi in. J. MiNnmiira. 2HI7 Smith iiiiii.ii si. i ISih nnd Shunk sts.i. Ilieh Ilequiem Mass nl the Eniphinv chureh nt in ... ui. iiiirriiiciii 111 ,-,1'iv 1 .tine.in tery drill Ceme IHIVrov. rtn rebruary 1, IDIrt. HA HAH C. widow of Oenrge A. Iretnn, I". H. N'.. In her Mltli venr. Services Thursdiy, at M 11. tn., nt ihe reelilet.ee of her nephew, Samuel A. Ilnreford, .,1:11. Kevser si,, ilern.nntovvn In. terment iTldny morning nt Penil.erlnii. N. J. via 10 1.1 11. m. train from Jhirket -St. Terr.. IACOIIS. On Fehrtinry 2, 1010, FltED IJIllCK W. JAfOns, nged 70 years. Ilela tlves nnd friends nro Invlled to attend the funeral services, on Friday, nt t 11. m.. at his son-in-law's residence. Joseph II. Tracy. 4 '-V,".rr,onn.n.od "" Wyncolc. l'.i. Interment nt Ilrlstol, Conn. JOHNSON On rebruary 2. 1010. LE HOY, M.n of William T nnd the Lite, nenrglanna Jnhnsnn. nged 10 ears. Ilelittlves and friends, also s onenien's, club, are Invlled to nttend the funeral seniles, on Saturday, at s p. m.. at his parents' residence, 5211 Hnvder ave Inlerment on Sunday nl fieorgetoivii, Pel via , 11. m. trnln from llro.ul Htreet Station! LA CO.MTK. At Wlldwnnd Crest. N. J on '..T,".'!11; ,' . .'' HLSTINA LA COSITB. late of I'hlladelphl... i.Rl, si ,enrs. Friends mnv view remnlns Thursdnv evening, n'ter s orioik. Mass In St. Ann's ri'm.in Catholic eh.lrihl-rl.1ny. at ll n'elnek. Inlerment lit 1 ..pi May Cemcterj. Wist Capo .Mtv. N .1. I.ILI.EV. On February 1, 1010. ELLA J. vvlfo of William II. I.llley. nged nil yeirs. Ilelatlves itp.l rrlends nre Invited to nttend tin runeral s, rvl.es. Saturday ut 2 n. m. at her late resldenin. 7110 N. 41st st. Interment nt Arlington Cemetery. Ilemnlns may be viewed I rldny fnim 7 30 to n p. m. .MVItlil. MI. - tjn ivi.runrv 2. 101(1 CEOIinll LOriS MAIIKLAN'H, nged 7li DEATHS enrs. ftelstlves nnd friends nts Invited lo attend funeral. Sat.irdsy, nt fl-lo n. in., from his Ists residence, Smith nve., Heenne, Ivinwnro. County. Pa, High Moss nt. th Chureh nf Our Lsdy of I'erpeiual Help, Mop tol. Pa., ot 10 3ti a. tn. Inlerment private. Train leaves Hrnad Mt. Station at U:3o s. m. Automobile funeral. Mrl'ADIlKN. On February 1, 1010, THOMAS P.. son of Mrgsrt snd Ihe Inte Patrick Merndden .Ilelatlves nnd friends nre Invlled tn nllend funernl. on Hatunlnv, nt S.3II 11, m,, from his late residence, 2.17, N. 4.th st. .West Phlla Solemn Itequlem Mas nt Church of Olir Mdv.nf Vletnrv nt 10 n m. Inlermenl nt Cathedral Cemeterv. MneMU.I.IN. Suddenlv, Jnminrv nl. 1010. JAMES, husband of Hnrnh Mnr.Mullln. Ilela tlves nnd friends, also the members of ths I nlnn Inbemnile, Preshyterlsn Chureh; Fame Lodge. No. 77S J o o. F.. and the employes of l)l( key A MeMster. nre Invited tn attend the funeral services, on Friday, st 2 p m.. nt his late residence. 2013 East Dauphin st. Inlerment prlvste. North Cedar Hill Ceme tery. Ilemslns msy bo viewed Thursdar. from 8 in 10 p. m. Mrl'Ari.KV.--On February 2. 11)10, JOHN, husbnnd of Ihe Isle Cnlhsrlne McCiitiley islillves olid friends, also Philadelphia taidtp. Nn. ,M, t O 11. M. Men's Frlendlv lllhle I'nlon II. C. Stone Men's Club. William Wh'irl.m. Jp. i'o. eniplnves arn Invlled lo nttend funeral Hiltitdnv, at 2 p. in., finm his late residence. 7318 lluls ave. Interment Fern wood Cemetery. MI.A!tS.--On Fehnnry 1. 1010. ELIZA M, wife of lllehnrd Mears, nged 0.1 vears. Heln Itves nnd rrlends nre Invited to nttend funernl. Frldav. at . 30 n. tn . from her late residence 22rt S 17th st. Ileotilem services at St. Elisabeth's P. K. church, inth snd Mlfnin "Is., at 10 o'clock. Inlerment nt Fern vi nod Cemeterv. Ilemnlns mnv be viewed llmrrdnv cfler 7 n. 111. alll,t.i:iT.--on rehrunrv 2. lOlil. JOHN P.. son of the late Martin nnd Mnrget Milieu. Mineral will be i.tuiouiiced inter, from Ids late residence. 1 12(1 miner st MONTI'.ITII - On rehrunrv 2. mid. WILL IAM MONTE1TH. nged II vears Ilelatlves nnd friends, also members of Philadelphia True lllue 1. 11 l. No. in. Sine of LlheMv, It H P. No 11, are Invlled tn attend fu nernl, on Pundit v, at 2 n tn.. fiom his late residence 2811 EIaorlh st. Interment Mount Mjrtnli Cemeler . AU'LIIOON- On I'ebr.mrv 1. mm. THOMAH, son of Ihe late Thomss and llrldget Muldonn. Ilelatlves nnd friends arn Invited to nttend funernl. Friday, nt 8.30 a, m . from the resilience of christian Sleln. 1:1:1 Nectarine st. High Mass at church of the Immaciilalo Conception nl 10 tt. m. tnlern.rnt ut Holy Cross Cemetery. MI'lllt PHILIP, on February 2. 1010. Due nn he of the funeral will be given. MM'.IIS. -1111 IVl.runrv 2. HUH, EI.ISE L. wife nf (Irnrae V. Mvers (nee l.ehri, lleli tlves mid friends nrn Invlled to nttend fu nernl services, on Haturday, nt 2 p 111., at the resldein e 01 her daughter, Mrs. .1. (Ideate Ilenv. fol Kerper at. Lavvndslc. Pa. Inter ment prlvnle, Mount Peano Cemetery. NEWELL On Fehrunrv 2. HUH. EMMA COX NEWELL. Interment 'ptlvnle. NOPPIH.. On I'ebruirv 2. IHI11. MISS EMMA NOPPEL, nged m yenrs. Ilelatlves (Ind rrlends, also Hleben Wclsen Fiiiucn Un terstuetrungs Vereln. Nos. 1 snd 2. Cnnn slatlep Frauen Vereln and Third Spiritual Society, nre Invited to attend the funeral services, on Saturday, nt I 30 p m . from Ihe residence or her brother, Edward A. N'oppel. 11.17 Poplar si. Interment 11 1 Hill side Cemetery. Funernl ear. Ilemalns may ho viewed on Friday, after 7:30 p. in. O'NEILU On February 1. 1010, MAIl OAHET O'NEILL inc. Ilonohile). wife of Nral O'Neill. Funernl on Snlurday, nt .S i m., from her lute resldi ncc, 171(1 N. Wil son st. Solemn llequlom Mass at St. Oreg on's church, nt 11:10 11. m, Interment Holv Cross Cemeterv. Itelatlvea nnd friends. nln St. flregory II V. M. Hodaniy, nro Invited to nttend. PltH'ITV On February 2, 101(1. MAIIY, widow of Adam Prettv. Ilelitlves and friends are Invl'cd to nttend funeral, on Sattird ly, nt s 'It, n. m , from her late residence, uin Stenton r.ve., Oepntanto.vn. Solemn Hcqulem Muss at the Church of the Immaculate Con ception nt lo o'clock. Interment New Ca theiin.l Ccnicter,. HECKEI'IS. Suddenly, On February 2, 1010. SFSAN W.. wire of Samuel S. llo-!tr-fus. Due noitci. cf iho funeral will bo given HF.Iil.I. On Fol.riiary 1, 1010, HAHIltF.T L, widow of William Ilegll. at the residence. tslo IMsi'lmll live. Servl.es nt St James Deaths church.' Klngsessin. on Saturday, At tt a. m. Interment prlvste. ltr.PPAni). Suddenly, on February 1. 1019, JOHN M. JtF.PPAnD. (CM 00 yenr. ntln tlves Snd friends sro Invited tonltehd lh funernl services, nn Sdndsy. st 2 p.. tn., nt the, residence of his son-in-law. Mr, William (irifnih, 4223 Mantua nve. Interment nt Fernwood cemetery, llfrnsln may b viewed Saturday, from B to 10 p. m. Automoblls funernl. IIYAN. On February I, 1010, 1'ATnlCrf .T nusiinnn nr Hteim itjsii ana son or istrii-K .. uvnn, r , ngeu nz e r isio 1 Hill. Holy Holv en l-it friends, nien the imljcc officers of th 2d District snd tho 4th Ward llepubtlcan Wab, nre Invited lo nllend the funeral, en Mondkt. nt 8 30 a m.. from his late resldtnes, nil Kster st Solemn High Mass of riequlsm st St. Paul's ci.iir, h at 10 a. m. Interment t Holy cross Cemetery .1(11(11 MM, I). At Aiken, fl. C, on Second J,.0,n,'h,'..i,'.l,.ner ,77lh birthday). MAP.TIIA M'llOFIEI.I) Ilelatlves and friends ate In vited to nllend the funernl, from Friends Meeting House. Darby. Pa.. Seventh-day (Sniurdav). tho .'ill. Inst, at 2 p. m. Inter" nient prlvnte, .OHWIK.-fln Fehrunrv 1. 1010. WABHINO TON t SHonn. 111 Ids 40lh yesr. nelallves an.' rrlends nre Invited to attend Mineral sen lre, on Friday, nt 2 p tn., nt brother's resldetne Hnnnrd E. Shore, 2021 Oreen St. Tn nrx-rr.l m Phllsdelphla Cremstorj-. In lerment private, nt rrlends' Southwestern Cetneten. SHIKISS. On February 1, 1010. MART A. SIMKISS. vvlfo nf William Slmklss snd ds'ighter of the late Tnomas nnd Mary llsn. nlgan Itelatlvea nnd friends, nlsn II. V. Jt, Sodality, League nf the Sacred Heart, Altar 11 lid llosnry Societies of the Holy Spirit Church, nre Invlled to nttend the funeral. nn Saturday, nl 8 30 ... m.. from her Ists , piuciKT. .- r-n.ii 11 iiiimn ave. ruisrnn 1... r-niemn iteniliem .vines nt the Spirit Chun h nt 10 n in. Interment nt r,i,i , eine.ery. sV.:T,l.'0.n l'nrunrv I, 1010. JOSEPH AL-Ill-ltV SMITH, In his Md vear. Helal'ves and friends nre Invlled to nttend the fiinerrl, on Itldiv. ai 11 1 m,. from St. Anne's Prntfstntii ; Lpisconal Church. Welsh and Vnrk rnnda. VMIlow urove Pa Interment nt Ever green Cemetery New Haven. Conn, STENZHOIIN Suddenly, on February 1. inin. tyiLHAM STENZHOIIN. husband of Lena Slenrhorn inee Nltirt). aged 30 years. Ilelatlves and friends nre Invited to attend th funeral services, nn Thursday, st 8 p. m.. nt his lam residence, nn E. Seymour st., (er MiHiiiown. ii.iermeni private. HI'LLIVAN On Fehrunry I, 1010. ANNA M . wife of Patrick J Sullivan and daughter nf the lale Pain. It and IIP dset Finn. Iteln Hies and friends Hre Invllid lo nttend the. funernl. on Saturday nt 7.30 s. m.. tt'm her .lite resliletn e. 1210 East Fleti her St.. isih Ward Solemn Itequlem Mass at thn Holv Name t'lnir, Ii nt 11 a. m, precisely, interment at Holv Cross Cemetery. THOKN.-On February 1. 1010, JAMES If. TIIOK.V Ilelatlves and friends nte Invited lo attend funeral services, Friday, at 1:30 p. in., nt Ids Inte residence, 3131 Ludlow St., Philadelphia. Interment private. TVSON. On Tebruary 1, 101(1, DANIKL C. T18ON. Ilelatlves and friends, also employes of Strawhrlilgo Sc Clothier, are Invited to nt tend tho funoral services, nn Friday, at 8:30 P. in., at his Into residence, 100 East Tabor rd., olney. Interment private. I'M'IIIKn. On Tebruary 2, 1010, KOrlllA'. daughter of Charles nnd Myirla Untried. Ilelatlves nnd friends, also members of tha Singing Society of Philadelphia Turngemclnde, nre Invited lo nttend funeral, on Saturday, at 2 p. m , from her late residence, 212d Itldge ave. Interment nt Mount Peace Cem etery. WAI.KDKN On February 1, 1010, A. WAL TEH. hushnnd of Lydla Wnlkden (neo Con ner). Itelntlves nnd friends are Invited to nttend funeral services, at his late residence, 2.137 N 2".th st.. Sunday, nt I p. m. Inter ment Hillside Cemetery. Remains can be viewed Snlurday evening, after R o'clock. IVITMI'lt Suddenly, on February 1. 1010. ANNIE I... daughter of the lale Elam F. and Maria Wltptrr. Ilelatlves and friends are Invited tn nttend the funeral services, on Friday, at 2 p. m.. nt her late residences 1K10 N. 10th st. Interment private. WYATT. At Wilmington, Del., on Feb ruary 2. 1010. WILLIA-M HENRY WYATT, Jit., son of Wlillnm II. nnd Mary K. Wyatt; nged 3 cars Friends nre Invited to ths home. 1413 Van Huion St., Wilmington, Del., on Frldav morning, from 10 until 11 o'clock. Service and interment private. Hero Priests of the War A SERIES of heart-thrilling articles written for the Sunday Public Ledger by Rev. Peter Guilday, telling how the chaplain-warriors have set a new standard of priestly zeal and spiritual bravery. Each article gives vivid and interesting facts relating to the self-sacrificing work of the army chaplains. NEXT SUNDAY No. 3 THE MARTYR OF GEI A splendid type of Belgiar Gelrode he was accused of spying on their shadow of his church. JODE, JOSEPH DERGENT liest. When the enemy entered tposts, and was shot within the Read the Story of This Brave Priest in SUNDAY'S PUBLIC LEDGER W4VJ .,.?,.. mm uiih 1 . umM-a. WJUJ Mill gfj t la ail naca Cutvelery WUbi iout el4 feailv Kiwi nu 1 v i. iw. WStitittWi f Itawe. iMWffl POULTRY