MANIA TO JOIN PALLIiiS IN MUHTH, ROME REPORTS , T.,,.11. t m y Vumg ixuyiuiy Equipped lor JJiariy Military Action BASS ON BULGAR BORDER I'BTIlOOnAD, Fob. 2. t. nnortlon with tho negotiations i?.h art alleged to bo proceeding bc- Cen Greece ami Itumnnln ana tho report B?f1,T.i ( rcmlv to form an antl- J,Vi..rin alliance, It la Hinted hero mai !.T.rih of tho Hlimnninn iroujia mo 'V.'r arms and that tho main Ilumnnlan nd" neentrnteil on tho lWgnrlnn K.jTtntiRnrloii frontiers, wnllo tho troops li ih nusslan frontier liavo not been creased. ' . to mnko illdlcutltos E" .. rvnirnl Powers witn respect to 1 Human" ... -------- r id. nurchaso of grain. Thirt dmlCUlllCS lliivo "ceil muracra , ',i. tiriiUli authorities, who are buy- , ,'. urge quantities and driving tip tlio '.Sims With tho purposo of exerting I'"" -. -.5lrriHiin- nn Ihn Danube. troops oi -"" " - iTnwnOV. Web. 2. A dlspntcli from Ifc . it.-. nHt rfrttrtfrt-onli nnva! if "According to tho Ilumiuilnn colony In t)nml. Rumania III nilircil win mo 'eld on tho slilo of tho Allies." 3 utr.AV. Feb. 2. The nttlludo of Itu- kinsnla Is declared by Vienna nnd Buda- pelt pai'ci" '" " "- - imtrln-Ituncnry. The Rumanian nrmy Is being rapidly oulppcn Willi ovcrynung necessary lor . ..v,m rnmnalcn. Largo consignments of horses havo already nrrlvcd nt anlntz. M. nenl. an Influential Rumanian who hs been In Home, Is proceeding tn Paris tfind London. Ho declares that sentiment f.ln favor of tho Allies has greatly In ?n!il lately A considerable chango fhas been produced slnco tho largo grain purchases by England. . 'PHILADELPHIA SUPPLIES RUSHED TO ITALIAN FRONT i Hospital Conducted by American Women to Get Twenty Cases of Goods HOME. Feb. 2. An American hospital ' has Just been established nt tho Italian front Four otners woro opencci soin,o time aero In leading Italian cities. Tho hospital at tho fiont, which Is being sup plied from tho ccntro established by Sirs. Thomas Nelson Page, wlfo of tho Amer ican Ambassador to Italy, nt tho Palazzo del Drago, tho Ambassador's rcsldcnco In Home, Is conducted exclusively by Amer ican women. Ilcglmontal orderlies travel dally between Itomo nnd tho front, handling supplies for tho hospital. Twenty cases of supplies were received today In Rome from the Emergency Aid Relief In Philadelphia nnd Immediately forwarded to tho front. Mrs. Pago said tho available supply of surgical requirements Is Inndequato and that thero Is urgent need for greater quantities of ether, chloroform and dis infectants. SEEK TO C03IPEL GOULDS TO ACCEPT ANSWER IN SDIT Texas and Pacific Rnilway to Present Argument in New York NEW YOniv, Feb. 2. Argument will bo heard today by Justice Donnelly, of the Supremo Court, on application of tho Texas and Pacific Railway Company to compel the executrfrs of tho estate of Jay Gould to accept nn answer In tho suit begun bv them ncnlnst tho onmnnnv .for J1.71W00 with Interest from December I, ma. Tho executors aro George J., Edwin and Howard Gould and Mrs. Helen Gould Shcpnrd, The complaint In tho suit alleged that on March 1, 1514, tho company trans ferred to tho St. Louis. Iron Mountain and Southern Hallway Company 35 nego tiable promissory notes duo Juno 1. 1915. i The amount of tho note3 was tho amount sutu iui. iiiu nines, mo compiainc saiu, were Indorsed over to tho plaintiffs by tho St. Louis, Iron Mountain nnd Southern U Company. On tho aftldavit of George J. Gould that tho defendant was a forolcn (corporation organized in Louisiana Jus tice ord lssuod an attachment, nendiner I trial. J. JI,,rryv.oll,bln- 10 N- 10th B'-i and Mabel E. llMblne, Camden. N. J. rjilwr Fleeter. 72il Federal Bt., nnd Sarah vJaraea M. (lplden. 1.11 1 S 4th St., nnd Mar ..nre'M Mllbprt. 1.111 8 1th at. i OenUz' "iSl'S' ftft 8Bta,U, "'" and Mlnn' PJ?."" A lloojrr ,218 '. rath St., and Bhnma y. Burger, 1317 N. Kid nt. r, -... iiiui i4u(,u OK. c llni'o, U.A '.mo' ".."," l"'!?fw" " a,,u ""- I "K!h n wf,r' r.1'-' .''""""on at., and Ellza n'w!h 9L Hallowell, S12S Irlvlng Bt. i 5f2hUlvcJ-, BK ? 10-" " " Chaw i uhm. lis Dlckliwon t. roSJUi.T l!nley. aoi2 Master t., ana $, Oueenle Ulluller, 5012 Muster at. i5a.)eS5.,BKi u? &?w" st" and Jenni t vfJz,er.'cus l'h at and Nellla r-SyVM. D.0."n.c.r' J'"-i "i, C. Sergeant at., "? ?dna4. Hart. :I123 liVankford T ave. ."... .nayne. Camden. N. J., and Mnrv .':? " Jianars. Camden. N. J yio cr,v.i, bach, Sill'l w. Pletcher at I.OU.H Kurt. .Io.,t r i.V.u S1L "' and "rtaiSif'w "'' "?' Me"rr fc't.. and Fran jMVrrtfV'' Kosclelako. :u:it Almond at. tWnt llnnienimn. :i2U2 Keimlmtlnn mo.. ..J Blltnn i Ar.ker,,n"n. KM-' Kensington ae. I'm .& ' en,1'"iker. Jr., 31.08 N. Jlarinall P VrnajJo , P K' "' VeyUn ,a3 W. Pri.w t, -.V J1 Torullto Bt. V,Y-"r'rkh.ol,lcri. M'8 N. 0th Bt., ami $S jif10T' 2Ii' HP ty nd c Hell. gr2r7isJN.tll -nd Cath. ! Wk1""11' "" " A1,ce c,Umo' . WINTKK ItKSOltTS ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. X4ysJiC4U, Jet II r-ao oa TLaHYinriTv - . . -.- .J. nr.Tuer.lor location with on .""Obstructed view of beach afjoardvv'glk A recognized mv. nas setanewtandaniof lApAWi?.13 comfort awibeour iAR0E3T TIDiPROOP pvsnur HnVui. ywrtrgaa. TUE WOBIPjyH InS lUtAwG Kcsonr HomoriHfwoRiDi wnBoroi!gnniiifli , 4SVI4A.NTJI Cm.N.J SJIIHWHlTta SONS COHMMY ayrMT9 ImKBB'W' ATt,ArTIC est riBAYWf EVENING HE'S DEFT WITH HP'S PRtUD CF THftT OIT JrrvP jpSug It lSSHftAs iff 0 Um IB ta' s3 yViy . . mm I 23 W SXme) OA 'd&L . " ST 9Tyl WARREN KRAMER ' EEMSJG ' """iMw.ibM THEJ.PftN KRAwiR'sp - rf-. JOnC,Tio,TnCB-l 5 m .Trk ? A," .'ViP . " 2 i H2 v5U a TT J ii E ravwusJcL I Warren Kramer, of Engine 48, a Champion in Handling- These Useful Implements and Proud of Both Accomplishments If every soldier In tho trenches wcro llko this man, Sister Suslo wouldn't bo knitting socks fo soldiers. Perhaps you've henrd of a four-legged chicken or n horso that can talk; but never boforo of a knitting llrcman. Thero Is ono, with Engine Company Xo. 4S. Ills namo Is Warren Kramer. Heard It be fore? Perhaps so, for ho's tho champion masculine knlttlng-nccdlo punlshcr In Phlndelphla. Wrist warmers, sweaters, fascinators, socks afghans nnd nublus all these and moro can ho knit. And ho can crochet Oh dear, how ho can crochet! Ho can mnko tho cunnlngcst little muffs and per fectly stunning bedroom slippers, so deft aro his fingers. Ah, then, one naturally says, ho's small and dnlns ". How did ho ever become n fireman, and how can ho enduro tho com pany and hnrsh words of thoso rough men7 NO, HE'S N(3T "PRISCILLA." But ono look nt Kramer changes all that. Ho's near G feet tall nnd crushos the scales down with 190 pounds. And nobody had better call him "Prlscllla," cither. A fellow tried It once, and thoy'ro talking yet about the tlmo ho cpent In a hospital. "Sure, I knit, and I'm proud of It," MRS. HUGH S. KNOX GETS DIVORCE DECREE Wins Her Suit Against Son of the Former Secretary of State PITTSBURGH, Feb. 2. Katharine Mc Cook Knox, member of a prominent Now York fnmlly, obtained today a dl-orco from Huch Smith Knox, son of P. C. Knox, cx-Sccrctnry of State. Mrs. Knox charged her husband with cruel and bar baroUB treatment. Her testimony was corroborated by her mother, Mrs. Hattle B. McCook. of Now York. Tho troublo between tho pair began on their Jioncymon trip. They wero married December 14, 1011, In this city. During tho honeymoon trip Knox charged his wife with going "out walking with some one." Tho Knoxs took up resldcnco in Wash ington, D. C. Whllo thero tho wlfo stated that her husband, when unnblo to obtnln liquor at tho homo of his father, would go to tho Army and Nnvy Club nnd tho Metropolitan Club. Later In Valley Forge Knox was found climbing out of a low window In their homo with a revolver in his hand. On ono occasion when Mrs. Knox nr rlvcd nt tho railroad depot in Atlantic City she espied a crowd nnd in tho midst of It found her husband "in n most fright ful condition." When Bho said, "Hello, Hugh," he, yelled out, "Well, d youk alnt' you going to kiss mo?" Whllo going to tho hotel In a bus Knox Is alleged to havo fallen out and tnon wcro compelled to cany him into the hotel. CLUBMEN OFF AS WAR AIDS Drook'o fidwards, and Gray Dayton Join French Ambulance Brooke Edwards nnd Gray Dayton, two of tho young clubmen Interested by John It. McFudcjon, Jr., In tho American Am bulance Corps, will sail for France today from New York on the liner Rochambeau. "Jack" McFadden, with other young men who havo volunteered to servo with him. expects to sail for Franco beroro tne ena of the mouth. Wage Increase at Cambria Mines ALTOONA. Pa-. Feb. 2.-The officials of District 2, United Mine Workers, havo received word that tho first advance In central Pennsylvania became effective at the mines of the Cambria Steel Company, In Cambria County yesterday, with a 10 per cent, Increaso becoming operative. WINTKlt IIKSOHTS OM) TOINT COMKOItT. VA. HOTEL CHAMBERLIN U. Jfi OlD POINT COMFORT Swlnunlnc Pocl,Go.SifooJ CuUine. t.urouan Utb anu TrcatmeaU. rortrm.wdt OIO. T. A01MI, Mauiir Fatttaas Msnrea. Va. "Aak Ut. Foater." 11th and Cheatnut SU. Cooka" Toun. 1ST B. Broad HI. I VtuM. U, B. Oc.. 1ISS Chailnut 8t. East Coast of Florida where at St. Augustine are the wonderful Ponce de Leon Alcazar Mr Robert Murray, Man'g. Mr. Wm. McAulitTe, Man'g. Sfart 243 LEDGER-pmLADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, FEBBUAttY 2, 1D10. THE KNTTTWtt Aw ALSO MIGHTY WITH THE FIRE HOSE ' ' I ! t?'W!sWW'Mi'K R&P IEARMIH9 TO CROtHeT I t ' Ipissrai yc 1 i OF 0tCT COVER lACC HAt?Ev KnttCRfOKH- Bald Kramer today, pushing n crocheting nccdlo through tho thread, rr however you do It. In tho llttlo pallor of his home, at .1102 Hutchinson street. "I don't cnie who knows It. Why should 17 I learned In knit nnd crochet when I was n kid, see? My mother taught mo nnd I never forgot how, nnd I'vo been doing It moro or less ever since. Look nt this muff." So Kramer sits In the cnglno house nnd knits whllo tho other firemen lay nnd smoko and swap yarns whllo they wait or nn alarm to ring. Ho puts newspapers on tho lloor so that his ball of yarn will not get dirty and nwny tho needles click, knitting caps for his "kids" or socks or murfs. He can knit two caps In tlireo hours. If the cnglno house cat becomes curious he puts moro papers on tho lloor. At first tho pcoplo who camo to tho cnglno house opened their eyes or smiled. But now they nro acustomed to It nnd when their cousins from tho country come to too them thoy take them around to see tho knitting marvel, after showing oft City Hall, the Liberty Bell and tho Curtis Building. AND NOBODY "GDTS HIS GOAT." "Sure, I'vo been kidded along," said Kramer. "But nobody can get my goat I tell 'cm to go chaso themselves " But thero was onco ho felt a llttlo HEAD OF ELECTRIC COMPANY A WITNESS Joseph B. McCall Summoned to Testify on. Subject of Cost of Service Joseph B. McCall, president of tho Phil adelphia Electric Company, was cnlled to tho witness stand today in tho henrlng beforo tho Public Service Commission to dctermlno whether the electric company Is charging exorbitant rates In this city. Mr. McCnll's testimony will close a phase of tho case which has occupied 'tho at tention of the Public Service Commission slnco tho mlddlo of November tho In quiry into tho value of the corporation's property. It Is expected that Mr. McCall's testi mony will end tomorrow and that a recess of a week will bo taken by tho Public Servlco Commission, which Is being repre sented by Commissioner John Monnghan. Charles J. Russell, sales manager of tho company, was on tho stand this morning. S1KAMSIIII' NOTICES NO WINTER HERE The picturesque -cento and won. deiful climate of lovely, tropical Porto Rico are only 4i days from New York. Go now. IG.Day CruUe $QA 50 " All Expense "X up ? earner your hotI all the war from New oik to and around the ftland. topping at prindpat port, and return. IO.OiV.ton itMmeii atpecially equipped for tropical, Saiunia eyerr Saturday under tha American Flaw, write for illuatiated booklet. PORTO RICO LINE Ottilias Dept. 1 1 Broadway, Naw York Ilrumh TliKrt ODIcc 701 Clirstnut Street, l'lillailelphta FLORIDA $31,80 I?.YD $31.80 JACKSONVILLE From Philadelphia every Wed. and Sat. IncludlnB meala anil choice of atateroom accommodation. All outildo rooma. Fin ateamera. -Ileal aervlca. Tlcketa limited to May 31, " Merchants & Miner' Tram. Co. City Onice, 103 Bo. Otli SI. Phone Lombard 1900. Consult anj ticket or tourlat aient. Perpetual Youth all its sports and pastimes all its laughter and joy all its freedom from care and worry. Imagine it! Try it! On the your winter there nou) Ak your ticket agent for particular or write FLORIDA EAST COAST Flagler Syatcm Fifth Avenue, New York jaa wen nutuaon direct, voicago nT piRir LcsanM nervous, or rxcltcd, or wntiti undor tlio collar or nmiptlilriR' like Hint. It wv when lie dorldrd to l:irn liow to become nn expert rrorlioter. Ho cnt to tlio urt-nnd-necdlc rocIIoii of u department storo to Inko Icssoiih nnd found lilmself tho only man naturnlly In n clan of n dozen or so women. "They lamped mo rlRlit much nnd lntieliod," Kramer Bald. "Hut 1 Itept rlRlit nloiiff. And liere'n whnt I lenrued." He held tip a ptrlp of corset cover luce, a dainty little thlnR. Ilia wlfo Is proud of hln accomplishment. "Not every man can do that," sho Bald. "It doesn't malto him cffemlnnte, either." Nobody ever said it did. Tlio "boys" nt the llrclioii-ie know ho's n "smoko cater," and that uhen tho boiir sounds ho's just as (rood at choklnir n flro ns he is at choking- n needle. Ho used to bo n soldier, too, with tho 22d United States Infantry in tho Philippines, where ho darned his own Boclta for throe years whllo ho wasn't act ually chasing iKorrotes throiiRli tho Jungles. Kramer Is roIiir t rttnrt n knitting class out at the Uybcrry flrehouse. whero he's Just been detailed. Harvoy Keller man, who's too fat to knit, they say, be cause he can't reach the needles, lias already enrolled In the class nnd lins learned not to hold the nccdlo llko a hose Munition Maker Commits Suicide NL3W YORK, Feb. I.-Thomas H. Kcllor, ES years old, niunnRcr of tho eastern de partment of the Peters Cartridge Com pany, of Cincinnati, shot himself tn tho presenco of his wlfo after sho had vainly struggled to stop him. Ill health Is given as the cause. V. L' tf, Jf-" s&lr m ,py With all its superiority, it is as easy to own a Lester as one of the many inferior makes. Being sold direct, all "in-between" profits of agent and jobber are eliminated. Terms easy and confidential. Let us show you how conveniently you can have a Lester. F. A. NORTH CO. 1306 Chestnut Street WEST PIIU.A. 802 South B2d Street KENSINGTON 3244 Keualuntou Avenue CAMDEN 820 IlroadtTay TIIENTON 200 Eust Mute Street LA RUMANIA ENTRERA' INGUERRANELMARZO AFIANCODELL'INTESA II Popolo Italiano di Ogni CInsse Hn Coperto Due Mill- nrdl del Nuovo Prestito di Guerrn MIRKO E' PRIGIONIERO? IIOMA, 2 Febbrnlo. Membrl Influent I della colonla rumcn.i In Tloiim dlcnno ch" nrmnl la decisions della numanla o' prcsa. V.trt nffermano clio It loro pacso sarn, nel prosslmo mese di mnrzo n flhneo dcllo potenze dell'tntcsa In giierra contro gll Imperl oentrnll. Anche notizlo da Vienna o Hiidnpesl dleono che 1 'nltegginmcnto delta Humaiiln preocctipa scrlninente ipiel clrcoll govern ativl Alio rnpltnll della Monnrchln sono Rlunto Infatll nollzlc necondo cul resorcito riinienn si vn rapld.imento nrmnudo con ttltlo qilelln ill mil i.a blsoRiio per In guerrn e che a Onlatz sono glunll una grnntlc ntiantltn, til ravnlll. t'n rumeno che c' ntnto a Iloma rcr riunlclio tempo e che orn o' partllo nlla volta ill PnrjRl in inlsslono speclale. M. ltenl. dlchlnrn ehc In nuestl ultlml tempi 1'oplnlono pubbllcn rumena si r' vollntn luttn In fnvorr delta Qiiadrupllco lnlrsa e che I'agltnzlono lntcreii7.lonlsta si o' fntta motto plu' Intcnsa ill qiiello die era (luiuriio tempo fa. Intnnto triippo iiustrn- iillgarp si vnunn concetitrnndo sul con- lino iMM lluniiinla ecu lo scopo di csorclliuo una ccrta prcsslono sul govcino iiimciio. Drll'tiltimo prrstllo ill gucrra Ilnorn souo stall coperll plu' ill 2 inlllntdl di lire, cloe' clira 400 mlllonl ill ilollarl, sebbeno lo sottoicilzlonl slnno stnto nperto sol tnntn II 10 gcnunla II. n. llsso reiteranno nperto slno nl 10 del con onto incur, scli bene it gnvorno nbbla ill gin' riccvuto la soinimi cho si nttendeva dnH'cmKslono del prestito. Per moltt plornl lo tinnrho sono stnte nITollate dl gento ill ognl clnvro cho ccr r.ivn ill ottencro una parte del prestito. I glornall dl Iloma nnnunclano che la Hethlehcm Steel Works, la grando casa mctnllurglca americana preileduta da Kchuhb, ha sottoscrltto tin mlllono di lire del prestito Italiano. Questa casa ha grosso ordltiiizlonl dnl governo Italiano per forultura dl matcrlale da gucria. Notlzlo gllintc da Ilcrllnn dleono clio II prlncipo Mirko del Montenegro, clio era rlmaato nlla testa delio truppo innntcnc grliio combattcntl contro l'Ati tiin, e' stato fntto prlglonlero daRll ntistrlacl e si trova nelle viclnanzo d, Podgorltn dovo si trovnno pure numerosl rt uglatl serbl. SI dice che mlRlinta di iloune o ragazzl o vccchl serbl alano perlti durante la tra vcrsata dello mom-igno per fugglro iLil loio pacso Invarc ilajl' ntistrlacl. Alia fronto Itnllnn o' stwe inntigurnto tin ospedalo amcrlcnno o qunttro nltri ospcdall sono stntl lr.avgurntl puro dagll nmcrlcanl In nltro clttn' d'ltnlia. Qtifllo che c' '.Ha fronto o' r nntcnuto In nr&n parte cor 11 fonflo raccoito dnlla slgnora I III 'I III III imi JT WE MANUFAC mend uinorolln 'ACTUnC nnd AVhother you want a new umbrella lor your own repaired, you will inn us equipped to give you the utmost snti&faction. THE CHAMBERS UMBRELLA FACTORY IS N (111. St. nnn airM Mnrket SI. I'lionoMnrKo' "Sl-O. iMillu. It never has a headache. It is never too tired or too obstinate to play. It never has to be coaxed. It is never "out of the humor. 9 You are not at the mercy of human vagaries if you have a ttltt7Nim2ftMln BRANCH STORES: ItHtniNG IS North oth street SCHANTON C20 Spruce Street AVlLKES-llAIUU: 170 South Jlulu Street NOHHISTOWN" 238 West Jlulu Street dcll'ambaclRtorc nmerlcnno a tiomn, Mrs. Thomas Nelson Pnge, cd c' dirctto cscluslvamentc da slgnoro nmerlcane. lerl sono glunta qui venll ensse dl mcdl clnnll mnndatl da tin comltnto ill soccorso dl Phtladelphta o sono state sublto spe dlto nlla fronto. Hclginn Iklucntnr to Speak Prof. A. Camoy, professor In tlio Uni versity of Pennsylvania nnd former pro fessor In tho t'nlveislty of I.ouvalti, will relnto Ills personal experiences In Ilel glum nt the llmo of tho Oermnii Invasion during n lecture tonight In tho Oak I.ruio branch of tho Froo Library of Philadel phia. Mr. Cnrnoy Is speaking In accord nnco with tho request of a commltco ot Oak I.ano clllzens. M HANAN'S Winter Shoe Sale Wc have placed several additional styles of shoes on sale -and made some further reductions in prices. This Sale offers unusual values. WOMEN'S SHOES S4. So Values $3.95 $5 and'S5.5o Values. ..$4.45 S6.00 Values $4.85 $6.50 and $7 Values. . .$5.45 MEN'S $5 and $5.50 Values. . .$4.45 $6.00 Values $4.85 $6.50 Values $5.45 EVENING SLIPPERS $6.00 and $6.50 Values Reduced to $4.85 CHILDREN'S SHOES We are closing out our entire Children's Department. Children's Shoes has been greatly reduced. Values $4.50, nnd we offer them nt the low prices of 85c to $3.45 oaeae sc u 1318 Chestnut Street TER Any one can play at once with the feeling and expression of an accom plished artist. The Lester is the easiest player-piano to accent, because it is the easiest to pedal. F. A. NORTH CO., 1306 Chejlnut Street, Phila. Please send me booklet and complete description ot your Lester Pluyer-Flano; also details ot easy-Day-ment plan without Interest or extras. Name ,.,...,....,......,,,,,,.., , Address T9 ... - . . TltAVELS TRANSBALKAK LlNfi Morgcniliau, Eh Route Home, Uaca Conatnntinoplc-Borlin Rond CONSTANTINOPLE, via Amsterdam, Feb. 2. Henry lorgcnlliitu, the Unlletl States Ambassador to Turkey, Is the first United States oftlclal to travel on the new Hcrlln-Constnnllnoplo express which haa Just been put In operation l through tha Haitians by the CJcYmnns. Mr. Morgonthrtti left on Tuesday for Jlerlln, where he will confer with J. W Gerard, United Stntcs Ambassador to der mnny. Aftcrwnrd ho will sail for tlm United States for a holiday. $7.50 and $8 Values. ..$6.45 $8.50 Values $6.85 S9 and $9.50 Values. . .$7.45 $10.00 Values $7.85 SHOES S7.50 Values $6.45 S8.00 Values $6.85 $9,00 Values $7.45 Every pair of from $1.25 to on E. I 2-J-Ifl fttf Kt,,"n8teri "v"v .aVfr. ,'af Mi i . .tt h i u io : l? t'fcijJtei.