18 EVENING LEDGER-PHIIJADELPTIIA, TUESDAY, EEBRFAEY 1. 194 6- CURIOSITY THAWED HIM Alleged Auto Thief "Cnmo Hnck" nnd Wns ArrCEtcil Curiosltv rt-sultctl In the undoing; of nil ftlieucd mitamobllo thief when esc-npe eeonioil n ccrtntnt,. Ail nutomobllo wns scon ilrtshlnj? up '-Hli street Inst night nt tcckles-i speed. It nworveit from curb lo curb, nurtowlv JlilssInK severnl poisons, until Its wild dash llnnlly emleil tip iiBalint the 'pp-nt of Henry H. Weber'n Iwjse, at WIS Not Hi 23th street. Webci mil uill In time to bee n limn Itcclne mi the street. A cloud collated nlul soon n 2!lh snort rni, south bound, enmc alone "Thetc lie lo'- slinuUil Weber "Tlml's the innn Del Itlm ' '. A nuiii who 'had been peering nnMoiisI.v mil of tlm cm window nt the moil, iluokeil. bill he win too late A top , limped Into it lutssllii auto nnd chnsed the cur for seven blocks nml nncsteil tlm innn. lie hud Mill llt the slicet, takliicr (he tli.it mr, which Imp pencil to uiIiik him bunk At the heiiiltiK he wild he una GeortfO Vclcle, 2S xoms old, ITth nil cot ilbovo Sus luehunnn itxenim. Ho wns held III $500 ball for n fuitbei licntlm. "I'm too cuiloiis," wns nil he would any. Trolley Strikes Autoj Woman .Hurt Mis. t'nthciltip Men,-, fit .cilia old. of RIM Mnllnsp uhnnl 1 .'l-nnk'nril. W11.4 111 jured when mi iiiitoniDbllc In whlt'li aim I wns rldlns nnd iliivon by her son. wns) struck by n liollc cm late Inst night nt Queen sheet nnd Wiivtio nvemie. Sim wns thrown out of the nutomobllo nnd 11.1I11 fully bruised Mho wan tiikrti to the Gcrm.mtoivii llospltnl. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING UA'IES EVENING LEDGER This STYM! Tln lor like tlilt) One time .. . . . . I.V rerllnc Threo times one neck . . .. I'J'je per line Six times one week . .. . H'e P"r Him Hlluntlmm Wuiitnl. Ihree times uii" week III cents per line per liihprtlnn Place votir order for three or more limes and it will lie inserted in the daily Public Ledger at no additional cost. One or tno tlino rnto for Uicmvi I.Hmnn ntl ri'siii' l.liiil.n mnililncil Is III i enls per line, llli the exiepllon or Help Wnnteil ini't Situations Wnnteil, ulilcli Is l.i eents per line. TYPE LIKE THIS (or like this) which Is pernilltfil In nil rliiKxIllcntlnnh rs eept Help ami Hltmitlonn Wnnteil. l.nsi anil Fouml, Pon-onalK Uiunllnr: nm! Itooinn. mlil PIV15 CKNTS PKIl I.INH TO ANY UP AHOVi: nATKS There is a ilruvj store near your home tli.it v ill accept Ledger want ads at office rates. LOST AND FOUND For Other I nt nnd ronnil Ail Nrr lnce I BANK BOOK- l.nil. rtetuili In flit S l'Jtli st. PERSONALS I WII,t. NOT IIP llPSPONSIIil.B for any debts unlf-fM 1 nntr.ti teil h imselr. WII.I.IAM K hi;ill)UN. JO-'ll N llutlpilBi it Phllailelplila. I. Yv'M It. llKl.I.r.n.MA.S will not Ijp reipon nlhle for an ilfbl unless toutrnt-teil b niVHelf HELP WANTED FEMALE BOOKKEKPKIt .mil nfllip ptii. In litlllillm; rrnilp P niaiiHRpr. Lump ; tl'J l.eilgpr iVnt. BooKKi:i:ri:ri . anil at uraio P vppilpuiti miiist lio qukk u"s I.pilKor Pentral CIIAMUl:it.MAII ami nnltre.lr. cxp. . lit st ref erence. Prot iirefcrrpil iltn. "nsu CHII.ONLHHL'-Wlillo nniniin lictnecn "J" mill 40 years ulil. to takp f ire of Infant sml boy if S. pxiierlpin el rpferelUP. .'J-'7 S. Pilll at. CLOTH WKAVKHS "wnnteil Anplv " John (1 Janiei U.ibsnn. m lll.iuket Mills, Hintt's lane. Kall of .si Inn 11.111. COOK AND AlTItK.SS-No HilKliInif, .'. In family. Pli mo Arilmori- 10". Tusilij morn. iSoOK-Wllltp. Ptntesl.iiit. small f.nnlU' In suburbs Phonp Oak I-hip net , COOKING hrfinliernnrk unit miltiiiR Mother and dausliter fir twi HUteis. inlured. 7't Spruce at UXAMINKHS, pxtii-rlenied on wush top'sklrts. Heltzer llroa.. :il Markttjt ' OENKHAI, HOUStlWoltK-Coniprtent Lolored irlrl. irood Lo.k. for Hnvcrford Mcpi cmplner ftoom .Ul Puhlli l.filRer. Tuea." o'lloek. OlltU Cooklmj and cpneral housework; ref erenco rpuulrpil. l-'t rf lunbert st Qint WantL-il nm Ktrln wlio ,ue ivIlllllK tn co to Allpntnvwi out tu do the moklitf; and downstairs wurk and one tn do the upst.ilrH TLATfLr uriil ftcxlth II Itli In tinltii' Imn.lif niti x " w n ! mil' tit ii 1- un" t , 1 in tin iiiti ti j kept rcfcniiLes rruulreil. M. SKI. I-du-er Kcr Qtilt-e HOSIKHY Kxnerleni-p.! knlttprsi tnppern ami loooers. uteadt wink, ko.i.1 pav, ulsu lenrn era: imio wnuo learmnc. 1 .-ii .Nijittreiue. HOSIEIIY-Uxamliiers wanted, steady work: 'good pat 1 120 N L.twrcm e. HOUSEKEHPPIl worklni: wanted, adiiirram. nf :t: lilsh wiiRrs uuburbs near trol. Rood took, laun.l lof re.l P Sll). Ledger Office UOUBBWOKK Wliltt ulrl. so borne iilRl'ils. Apply. nflPr l 11 in. .17 hellcra ate., Mlll- bournu MUh and Mnrket IIOUHEWOHK iBeiieraD-WdntPd. neat Ger- man or Stt'tdUli alrl. Phone f.'il Lansdowno. IIOUHKU'DHK white. wages Jii, no washlni;. Call 408 H I .'til at MAID to res afteV bot It tears old who rocs to school and to do niemlliiR and lady's maid duties, willing to go uway In summer, must bo neat In appearance, refined and hate ief erence. Apply t-'2 N. llruad st.. Tuesda). morning. JIODKI- For women's Coat Department Ap ply stitb floor, till PUbtrl st aTRAWpniDOB tAoi.qTmEri yURSE Wanted, experienced trained-baby nurse; referents reiiulred from last position. Call tn peraon except aunday, Nunea I.eanue. LI4 N ISth it NURSE, for 2 ihlldren, to assist with llitht hambernork. Protestant Rood references. S7 per week, riufne Ardmore U05. Tuesday before 12. OPERATORS- Applications are now belnc re ceived for experienced female operators on fuses. Call or address, statins experience. 241S Kl-ankford ate OPEHATORH on all parts of athletli under near and rieRllRen shuts. CHAltl.ES K SHEDAKUIl & bONS .Huh nml J.ombard. OPERATORS 011 all parts of silk and cotton shirtwaists, learners taken The lURcdorn lleri L'oiniaii ;d and Drown PET EY Why Didn't . HELP WANTED FEMALE gKJtTOI18 experience,) on warn Ion skirts .,- .iy mim, i .Mantel si SPOOLERS Experienced .otton skein spool era wanted V W Maurer Sour) lo. Vtnyno me nn.l Bilstol st , 4 US) N rr tnsntnwn me stenographer m become private secretary, mist m: WELL EDUCATED AND nl' LWQl ESTtO.MU) CHARACTER f 111. Ledger Central STHNOGRAi'llETt. must t.e ncetirali-rstnlp px KIlil,.c,.r.iyL' lcrwf-rk. I' Ss-.J-cdgf otnee. iv.iitius. lirfinntt tiierpfrpd: Icf. truilireu - Aji'ljes Tin nn nr. i,pu.. i.iiu nnii .m: .ttinrr. , WANTtHl- ( Rit tit pen Is nii,l r--J t-p.i t-nurn? ladle, lift. tfs ttf nee. to lake lit! tplMiltnlle wi -imi silnry p.iM tvhlla irnrtuWi iitcait nnt unrk: ticrnUhcnt position. ABIdy in person. HUM. TULUl'llaVU CaMPA.N'V tort Mrtet Slfel. Iletnee.1 0 nhil S o'clock, , ).N.T,:tJ llirwi.liialitu for enunll-v siliool. klleliMi nttil illnliiir romn work is .".(Mil: ,".'.?'" JIB. Appl .1 n. in.. Ilnniii bin l.etlner - 0'llre. VAHIItVOMA.V .rnr "f di"s V w ei-kTFeferriTeo rmulrnl Mil -'-'? spruce. Tuesilny inorn lue liptieiin nml in WOMAN, over i, rphiI eilntntlon. fof'trsxi-f llic tiosllinn, tn in-t nrst ss wileiiioman. tlion . hlfl.VnilvhijiersntijIRin N. AnierJIMi; WOMi:X(2i etttr.l, I'liite'stnril. ns iimlc. I'liiinhertiMlit mnl unltroni wlni nre niru- Inineil tn mine loiother. mint line rHInlilo jeffreini- for , lur trr nml itlilllti II sp), I.eilirerOflli e Yor.Vil I.AOY nhtmil strnoKriiPlier. r- Pcrloinril; tJV.' Lnlcrr I'entrnl lid'MlIll: tn irruto a III ilirroKBPllprill linilto- ttwk In n fiimlh or tn mliiitH ami liihv ivlinre n innn. kenl I ulll imv r cnoil wnceq Hint nnr per- lininettt nnttinmint In tlif rlclil person. Dlllv tlinp slioillil nppU who have pxcep- Motmllv co'l rofprpmen and il not nhlei t to llilnu In I mnkriinl. Munt he iinilpr pi 'nil Tiicsilnv linn nine nt SS", t lirmil nr Wlllp tn .Mis Nonimli H. Hheinnnil, 1710 l.pppr Rtiepf rrniikriinl. HUM' In nt. Ilcht frep for HRht si-rvlio, iihlln nninle. 1 Inl N tiilh st. .NOW IS Till TI.Mi: fpr MiuiiB tnillei spi-I.-Itu; fiimuipifl.il noKltlmts tn iouult Mips Dean nt l.pilcei Vntrnl, llro.il mnl Clipf nut sts. A siipi'lnl Krrxlip Is ipinlrrril tn sins'iuiitAPitniis iiuoicki:i:pi:iw and ri.tillKH lipnucli tlip I'nmitKri'l il Drpiiii nuiit tn Minium Ai)Vi:itTi.si:iis. iin.i i i-eal nuiuticr of Uilles lime heen linefitcil liv this senlie. (teuernl WOMI.'N wnnlpil us Unw riiuient elerki: 7II iimuih Phll.iilplplifn CNUintniitlnus rouiliifr. iiiiiiiIp ttjPKtlniiH free rititiklln Institute, Pent 7ir. I. lti .liciter. N Y. HELP WANTED MALE ACCOl .STAN I' iiimiii, tPliuior.iri nnslllnn miift lip ptn-tpii pil. ppc rt Imokki ppcr m lip 1 nudit rp I MiipllMui mutft rt. up mkp ppprl fiii p 1111,1 rpfv. ni tn nlilllu mnl iIkiiiipIpi Mntp tplriihuii' iiunihpi, P ss, ,Pl cent. TTiTvAMHtS- inipil." a,"fnr plush mill V. Ilikir Pn .Main mnl llnrsnu Ms .Mk IlPM'll IIAMJH in mii'liliie mIioii Anplt I, inn lrs.ihli koti n HOOKKIIPPI'H anil plpnnsrr.itihpr. pxppiIpih Pil. t up iMhiry uantpil I' Kin I.piIkpi- ofllip iiooKKRi:ri:it, nnd HiiuratP. PMiprlptiieii: miiHt In P H'i". Ix-ilKor Pcnlnil. iiuli I. "OYK wantpil. Ill or ovpi. In wnik In wall nnipr fin Inry. Annl. at oiuo. Ilecker Mnlili S P.ipe. Wider and SnjdPi np. IIOS wantpil foi piratnl-f; muni be oiei III. I'tnv , ijn.. tilth nnd "l.r-s-t lint sts III M.l'lt w.iuti-il. ilti Mi uillis from Phll.ulpl- 1O1I1. (Iprninn or Aimiilau piefened. P i!1- leilKeii't'iimil. v CIIIIP Hxrert tniuble of IkuuIIIiik ipvpimI luiidred nPonte U'rlte nr wee Mr. (Illbert. . I.edgei Central. IIuhiI nnd Chestnut kIs C'l.PHK ouiib man. fnlrl tMnr'eiitcil In nfllcp woili: must be nl nolutely mi-tiratp nnd ipllahlo Kood fiiinortuniu for uiUatKPiiiPiH. Klp tefereiK-e nml cMieilemc. .M 117. I.ciIkpi Cpiitnil CI.OIII WIJAVKHH wanted Annlv John X. .lainis Dnlikon. Iiip Ulinket .Mills. Stotl's lane. Pulls of Mini) Iklll CO.MPOSlrOlt wuntPd tint la Hide to clvp estl niaus ami dcslRu and 1 1 out work: i ham p for p. kopiI Hum: atntp affp. s tlm dcslteil nnd rcfpipi.ii- lonesii udcuie innllileiulal P s:i. l.eilKprofllip i:Pi:itT PIIKP. uipnble of h.iuillliiK seipial liiimlml people. Phone Keul:i);iiiii list, ask roin. Puhrm.iu uftert r:n a. m. Ploult HANDS in mat liFne slion. Apnls nun iHiahh kon jivp IIAIIDPNPR unnied. liernnntowiTTwlih Mime kuowUdRe (iiuouioIiIIph: fiuip hkp. i olor. e perlPiiip. refereme. M I.MI l.pilcpr Central M M 'IH VIST and ninliliie liiimla. Apph l.'tiiil liiiiilikkuii ae MACHINISTS -' flrslHlass lathe lliillds 2 Isl 1 Iiihh lifirl-ontiil borlui; mill hamls. I llrit- lam 1 Inn kins m. 1. Mine hand Ametkaii En cljieerliiR i'ii Ai.ihiIiiro and Cuuiherland sts M M'HIMSrs l.i work lathes pl.iiicr, lior iiiK mill. eli. only lili-li-Rnnle mi 11 need write nr mil 1(1 a 111. to 4 p. tn. Mi. Dean, I.:.-, S. pith M Phlla JlACHINI.sTS on Unlabel! work Itelily J P. M P 0llo!. io. IMill.idelnliU .MAN AND WIPi:" white. Plot : houseman and nurse for 2 1 htldreii lountrj: refs required .Meet II ::u Wednesday mornliiK. .Miss Reed. l.p.lKer Offlie .MAN AND WIPi: to wink on small suburban iiirin. 1 .hi i.tiiKcr t entr.il. , , . ,, ti it fk I'AIM hAl.l,sMAN wnnteil. exlierlatir-A.1 tn IintllSS Pllllll. tr.lllt. f.ir Itnlllnuira mlr htnte uue. exnerlenie refcreiues unit salary expiite.1 1 ilil.leili:er Jiffies SAI.i:sIAN - Plrfct liars, 10 tepresent lariro inanuracturliiR itiiueru In tltj of Philadel phia, pipferenip Rlteu to man acquainted with ill y Roods and department store trade. P l.'.l. LedKer Central. STENOliltAPHEIt 'IO IIECOME PRIVATE .SECRETARY . SIL'ST RE WEI.I. EDP CATED AND OP UNQUESTIONED CHAR ACTER, r si:!. t.EDUER ci:ntrai.. STI:NO(IIIAI'HI-:ii. neinlmtton operator, hi larce Lorpoiatlon. state iirp experieiae nnd expettetl salar. 1 Mr Ledger Central. TCRRET I.ATHE HANDS ' I'lrst-class loolmakers. Appl .lis I-'rank-ford ate between Ham and II p m TWISTERS wanted. 2. for plush mill. A. P. II.tl.er L'n . Main nnd Parson sts., Mt k WANTED Qlasi Cutters, RnuKprrt. Smooth ers and Polishers on Cut Qlas Table Ware. Apply The Palrpolnt Corporation, New Red ford. Mats. WANTED at once, experienced automoblla body builders: steady tmplojment Ilrunn & Co Hiiffitlo. N V WINDOW CLEANERS" in. Appl Quaker "ltv llouie and Window Cleanlnc Companj, M) Hounie Hulldlne They Tell a Guy They i HELP WANTED MALE wanted it.t t.mi, first i'I.am sf.ttimm r MEN Al OPERATORS D.S fl.tlVK IAMMI IOMATH MAI IIINI:H IIUIK WAIinS DA AMI vlmn WI1IIK AllOMATU MM IIIM3 Pliom t"IS l) , .n inn sritr.irr. llllllOKM.V. .N. v. , (Ifiirrnl At'inMnllll.i: MI'I'IIAN'K'M. KrllOOLS , siMiivii iiAiinr.v iNsriTiii: ran. hiioMt n!i si'iusii (l.MiiiiiN si l.'mlliw of llvk ''I Irrnll Hills mi ll $J" vv I nr 'Ion A lhiitn iiIbIhs.7 'to to !i in, nlt TueHilHv ttinl rrldux ulnliit. 7liito!i:n iii mi.vinm Mr.iiii'i' iimi'W'V I'tmriliiNH Milt lllilll '"l,M MI2N I)MY I -oi i.ami riTi.r: iirii.niMt AGENTS 1.1)1" VI or ti urlhiR for stihi rlptltms lo lnh pttnlillIiril PrpliMprlan wpekh riniolllon fnt pxporlPii pi anil Inrxpt-lpti pil tippllinnts, Rood liifiimr I t l.pilRpr rpnttnl SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE IIOi;KKi:LI'l3ll, 7 e,ir- rxp . r uipihle, lellihlp. iIpsIipw ppini.iuent ihkIIIou ulili xnoil i nil' 1 1 n r.s, l.ntKcr ('piural llO(MKi:i:i'i:il i i: I inns' ilepl siorp e"ptiiji.ilip i: st'. LpiIkpi iinlrnl ffooTxtvlll'Pnit, tlmrnuRhlv evimrlpmerl, Ho sins fiulililp ttork, I pst i-ers 1' 7PI. I.eil. put IIOOKKCI'IM'H- Ist-i llss I) V.. 1 Mierleiuril kiinulriliip of rteii'iKr.iiilii,. K nil. I.eil rent lio ikici:i:pi:ii npiiiie nr inking full I'hnrRP. nrst rprfipnips r .11. Iil I'ent IIOOKKI'I'I'ISIt 7 enrs' pvi. uiiuiIiIp ile ppn.lnliln. I it ipNSI! r 111 l.nl. rent itOOlxKIIIIPIIM. n-IMant ilPik, I .ip.ira' pxi ijiMlip.rpihle nfif. P 7li, J.pilRir "pui TliJilKKIlTil'l It l!i IiikIiip woninn. uipn Ide nr nm r-1crlt.il pus 11 M. I.Pd. I'enlral llOIJIUi:i:i'ITt lliinip nrflie Pp.. ntelilpnt, lipaltli, ttnrkmin's ,-nnii H "III, l.rtl Offlip 'l.llltK. fiishkr px.ptptn eil frtimMp. upmI, iIpsIipm iirriiinieui pimIIIuii I' 7.VI. I.pil Pen. i't.i;rtl, ili-iniii,ilip, ip-lrps pu-fltloti In iiiiiun- Inln nsnrl lintel, !' mil I.piIbpi I'entml, Pl.HltK inshlrr hlitli nflmni trtilnliiR. nent re- IIhIiIp, hpt ipfs P 7VJ. I.eilKi-r I'etitlnl COOK wlshps io"ltlnn In a small piKoip fain ll . whltp. nthntli-, bpst tpfrippip. till Iip twppn u a tn. and 'J p. 111 . '17.VI N Intb i,. COOK Pxp-rlpiii pil I'm! mnnnii Itv m imb- 111 lm. I "1 Wlslnii si. Pront AIIprIipiu. rnuK Unman iiiToicd, liouspwnrk. 1 lt nr ouiitri . lefcrpiup sn I'pinliiilon si. CllOI-"Plll i lass Pinlpslnnt wntnan wiirps x pi 1 week. II si, I piIbpi orrire 1 00K lintiiliormiiTil and walm-sp. wlillp wtiflt sltllntlnlis liippthel, P SI. I. I.piIrm Offln COOK w Ixlips i-ti unt Inn unnd rpfi rem e 'J'l W, Sphonl lain' lermaiitnwn. iTlCTAPII()Ni: iiipniinr I rif.' ep . papible atiurntp. hrt ipfs. P iliu. l.-ilitn Central. Dltl'tsHMAKPU Pietnti. iIpiIh-s eiieaceniPiit. owlii lo dull spiimui p Piling rowiis n sppp. . ipino IpIIiii. I Ins Wnltuit Ph Wnlnui i.l."s nill'H.-'.MAKI'll llrsl iIhm wlnlirs piibikp" imiits. nl. I pdRpi llini-li. ."."IS Mnrkpt it. tlllll. Iliilf-crown, In iisMpi with Unlit hniisp work. 110 i bllilren. P 7." LtilKpr Central loVI'IlNI'SK Swl. Iiiiik pxp . wllns io. of trust tern P sit i.piIcpi ivnlial. llot"Ki:KIni'lll. wnrklnsr fr iliamherwork l.tisllfili l'lotPKtant Komi yintusiipss. II sns l.eiliti'1 nfflip HOI SlfKlll'PI It imiinuRlim) Pxp wnniiiu. li-i lis nr . hotel oi-prl. II soj l.p.i orr. IIOPSHKPI.PI.II. innipPlent wldowpr's ImnlP nhlix Moil In 1 lilldi en rpf. 'Jll'l N I'llli. HOISPWoitK cctienil. no xwndiliur. spttlpd wnuiitti. 1 lt 01 siiinirbs rpf-. H si 1 .1 on 7aDY iliiilrps posithm In ilr.iflini nr Ipttprlmr 1 pni ic 111 pil mp.iblp. P s7 l.pdcpr Cpntial MANAiiPIt of inttern iIpiiI HtorktnKer 1 Iprk PMitrlpni pd. nllahlp I' SIC. I.i depr Ci utrit MOTII1-It's lli:i. PPIt lx ia or hour In lib". hhii-p of IlllPllta H spj. I.piIkii Oflli p NPItHlIltY (lo i:llNi:sS-ltilliii-il Mimic Klrl liroiestaul. truth Kncllidi nnd iiiusb . ltv ipfereme. 11 7'. 11 I.-iIkpi ofllie Nl Hi:UY HO IIIINP.-' 01 1 llll'luuri-p (Jprt man Prot 1 mi d eimil rrr. II sir, 1 nl orr STIlNOlillAl'lIPt!. Ilrst ilnss wpll fdili.llPd and pspi rietii pd liiuiIiIp siirptni iNkIips lliifiltinn of tiust P 14- I.PdrPI Crnlt ll STPNOOH M'UPIt I Nenrs' pxppilpmi iIpkIh-i In iliHiicp iiosltloii uiilik iiiiiiratp neat briit rpfs $1'-' P n" l,pilcp-CeniraJ j HrP.VfUilt MMIIIII asKiKiiini iTinikkii-Tier i! MS PVP innitilP nlllllili- ihalrns pnod npr 111 IllPUt 11ns. Ill tirlWItp oflli p I' "VI I.Pd I'rl' I STPNOOItAIMIPIl and linukkPPiiPl llleb ! f, liuol liind .. pars pxp Kimil 1 nm-sii' nd- pnt tapaiilp of takliiL' i liaici . P 7..7 I.pdcp'1. .-!TI-NO(ill 1lli:it mtr.itp voiuie Imp -- hIips iiiKltlon pxpprn'iii on 111 iieru-.u nori inoder.itp Falnr. P 7.n l.pdcir Cpiitnil STPNOCItAPIIP.n Ih tleprndablp best refy STP.SOIHl piii:ii 7 rn.-ld nn.l 11 ' ur e rninrlih f xn . PHpnlib' P 7.. LpiIitpp CpiitrMl I"' et lleut expel "" t.p.lcpr Crntuil .-I-l V,1,rt tltll-tl I'limiirloMt. tinnl. ,lwlru pos'ltloii t entrnllt Incited P7l. !,"1 eiit. I STPNOfJUAPHPIt Insurants- or law: it ir' experlcnce- be-t refs. j: sll. Leililner Cent. STHMHIItxPHHIt. raplirtplst: pxp. neat re" liable. Sin. I 7 in. l.edser Central STPMlGItAPIIllR CoinpelPiit pxii-r'.l 1 1111.1 ble. nit unite, besl refs i' 21 l.edei Com. VtASH to take home, iiiliiird woninn 1 lean washer 111 st 1 lass Ironor. 2:1"" .lerfersnn WOMAN pxperlented. would take ilinrRp of cpntlpinim's honip. or p.irp of Intulld bult. II sll I,etlKer Ofrii p. flNOLISH WOMAN" mid lie liKed rellllPil .beer" ful. tnuslt nl wishes sup-rtlslon pentleuuin's lumie: adults, best refs. r .117. I.edRer Cent COI.oilUD OI111. wants position as tiurae. referent e. L'n'lll Wlblr st. MISS DEAN at I.edRer Central Il.l" listed the rtuallrkntlnlis of tollliK ladlPH ep"rieitt ed In all kinds of offit e detail work uril has had special traliillic 111 selet tln the "rlRht per noii for the rlRht position." At quaint In r with toui needs either l.t p-rsoital ttiil or telephone Walnut or Main 'lllilll mid per sonal attention will be Rlien nroinptlt 'I his Is a free senile to I.EDOER ADVEIt T IS Kits. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE VD ERTISINO .Ii SALES MANAC.hl! 1J tetra' su tesful expericnte in unit tun dlsiiiR and iidicrtlsliiR, tralnlna of .iltsinen orlRinal t,elliiiR plans for seturliiR ilUiilliu tion ami dealer co-operation, know adtertlslns III all In. inches nnd Its npplli atloil to hales problems well and faiorahlv known In hu-d-npjis tlnles Atldrpss p l."2 l.edcei Ctntral AUDITOR nnd ntenimunt. It ears' experl enco with larRi- iiiit.oratlon. ileslres position nl trust. A 12. LeilKtl OfTKe. AI nniNO-HlO AND LITTLE M 212. l.i:JHR OKPIC'E BOOKKEEPER, iredlt man. office mansRer. l.'l xcars with piesent emplners. nee 111. de sires icHtmnsthln position. ihntie filbert rjs i or ndilrcss P LM'i. Lf.lRer Central BOOKKEEPER" and at master pxperlenced nian.jleslres position, it .12. I.edRtr tlfflte BOOKKEPINO reisonable P small sets spechiltj, terms 4 17. LedRrr Central. llPH.DEHS' ESTIMATOR and relnfoned con crete cuslneer ncturale quantity nian. Ro.id bnter. tapable of rututluR' offke. supenlslnR outklde work and handllnR thp l.irlnus tletails toniiet-ted therewith, will connect with a pro Bresslie toncern. 11 per week, with protli sharinu plan. F IVf. Le.lRerCentr.il RUTIiER wants work Pnsllsh good tharac ter. Address T. J.. I'.X'I Sansom st CHAUFFEUR, 12 years' experience 2'j jeara In last place, do own repairs, nil hlch grade cais, best refercnt-es Phone Ocrniantown 1741 West, or write lOTIS B. Chelten Ric . Oln CHAUFFEUR. English single, desires to mnko change, long private rererence, mechanic. tourlns preferrtsl. K 712, Ledger Centrnl CIIAUPPEUR. jouiie man. experlcm.cd, make repairs, prltate family. H Hll Ledger Oftlcc. CHAUPFEl'lt Young man. while, married, own repairs, best refa 2SN .IU mbrej CLERK Young mm, high school graduate, 2 ears' experience, wishes ihjsIUoii. P Tl'l, Ledger Central. CLKItK, ilnw. inung man t ears' experlcui-e. best refcrenres. P 74.1 Ledger Central Were Going to Skate SITUATIONS WANTED itIALE OMtlMINlMl. roacliman r:mtllhi slntle. un derstands nil nork tare henters. stot-k best referrnte wllllnsr, tellable. A I. ledger Off MN WD WH'K folorerl from Vlmlnla. wlf' one of the best pooks on hot breads pokes tin) n'es man. butler experienced on alit'l and lie pirtim siher flrst-plsss referenre Please r1p phone number II "2, linger nfftit. M N cnlniprl m.irrleil wishes pntltlon .-ibout flip hours it nlnlit. roo-I references. Address .Inlilloi , hivi s lm si i Camdfii. N. .1. MAN AND WIPi: hluliesl Rrade. tliornuRlilv exp'd. line bullet, wife line took: pxrrptlonil refs P "Pis .pder cejnlisl MAN M) Win: tnlorrd housemaid or took man. butler, ho washliiR, II 71.'. Il- rt.-i Offl'P. XI t v IVIi it ll-L I3.nl 1, ti,nlrln7ils Ihor- iiii'rIiIv iiipable nml exi erleireil Inillcr nnd link blithest pf II "-n? Ledspr Off lie. MS ami wle Cnirhninn or Ranleiier, wlfp look iioiiltri in iltln s"i . sonl lefeienre, Me'sh It til, l,e.Uer oniie Jl I ', nite.l :is .'rslres npp imltlni cen-rnl wnrk. best d' is . It 111. Leilcpi orflre. OPPK'i: MANAOPH nn.l npcoiinlniit dfsre 11 post ion toils with lamp loiporotlon. Per Inlpritpw. answer to P su, I.pdpprJ eju SAl.tSMMAS' "piiiI fined ileslrei rlnlllRP, Imnl nr tintrl wptl p-ln ntpd 10 tears' pxp use 'I" lefprpuie P i'n 1,"ilRer JeiUi1 "toi SU M".S '' In nil desires lonneitlnn In uiltertlsliii; flelil. Rood 1 m-iespondent : exiiprl phi p inters 11 tpars In nffb e iirniultient I hlla tiitslop tuiiidp. ntpr I tpnrs ttttli infill trad" itiipir Rpiiprnl pnpaillt. pinplntpd..here at 1 liipspni , prni lent sienoRtntiiier. rninmar wnn lettiltp muler opporlunllt dpslred for ren ilerlim sprtiin nnd wbrrp lo-altt will be up Iiieilnpi1. I HI". Irfilner Onlrnl "iop.Nil MAN. tPtnl nli'tnhier, bonest. wlillnR ttorkpr. uiiderFlanils bnilprs pletnlnr. ran ililnert. does all kinds nf rmnlrs. wants In ilntiRp his present imutmllnn for ste.idt ttnii a ianlior or bonsriiinn In aparlnieut lioiisp or hnp Aln I.edifer orflre Vil VH MAN wlsbps IpIi on farm, responsible, liamlles ihorouchli'-ed horsis nml mltle. Ad dress ",017 rrntiKford nte VM'Mt MAN 'J'l tnnrrleil desires poslHen of tiust. iimbltlniis, sober references 1S1 New Malket st JAPA.SP.Ht: nrst-ilnss fonlt. mints position: tilt or lountri nrliatp or rluli, best refer rnips. Paul Sns X mtli st EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES NICHOl.t.'S 1020 nilnbrlclRP st , has roinne lent butlers s-.-ond men housemen ioiipIps looks wnliiesj.es. t lianiberninlds cotrrpess ps, nurses. Iitutdrissps pte Wanted, addi tional JidP all 1 JPHi-lt rs 1'hnne l.oeust 21,111 WAVTPI) look". 1 hnnih'tmnlils . Iilldnurses and boiispworl, clrls nnd middle. aRed wninsn. look. 1 lintnbermalil nnd waitress want posU tlnns .MISS IIOM15 DOl UHPllTY. PH.". W'estiHMirilate MUM. KANi:. .'ill H, Hull St.. wishes positions, housekprs. cooks wnllrcsses. butler, house men, ilinmbermnlds, laundresses, iiiirses. etc best rere supplied: nil while help Phone Hliruc" -'liul. S-l.-Sv s M Anything For Sale? Any salable article, re gardless of its nature, can readily be disposed of and converted into cash through a Ledger Want Ad. The Ledger is Phila delphia's aggressive, silent salesman. It will place the story of your salable goods before pros pective buyers. Test its pulling power. Sell that attic accumulation today through a Ledger Want Ad. Call, phone or write Walnut or Main 3000 s -5n' .MISS Jl M1Y T. McCAltTHY. 2107 Christian i i Ian., linn supplies H wants Ist-clnss Prot., J i nth male and feinalp help, all nationalities HADA.Mi: SIti:, in.i.1 Chrlstlnn st Reliable IilIp supplleil nml wnnteil. all nationalities AUTOMOBILES 1'ur Sale JS DOWN AND J."! A WE Kit. nllhnut teal pstati security, will purchase a new Pord tnr. Mil other make of pleas ure or dellioi on tniiio plan Representa tive will tall, or ton cm tall upon us. Co-oper.itlip Autiiinolillp Association, Inc.. nd 7 N 21st st .JipiULP 4111 IIOI'tlHT AND SOLL Hltlll-ORADl: USED CARS Up liatp tltfiii. but unit the high grade. Pnvslblt tou hup one fur sile. AVe tan and will nil It foi tun If or and price ore right wo will but it. CO-OPIIRVl'IVi: AUTOMOBILE ASSOCIATION. INC. ". nml 7 Nortl2Istst 4 CADIl.Lc tfiuilng, K cylinder looks like new. Price JIMS) pMRscn WAjrrs aa n Rio.id st. c"Cl)ILLAC, 1013. touring car. overhauled nnd it (Minted, full pquliirmnt. prlt p S7f.ll. APTO SALES CORPORATION 112 N. Broad St. COLE lllPi. DEMONSTRA'IOUS SLIHHILY PSP.D. FOR SALE 1 S HOW EPS CO. 2I-.-47 N. IIROD ST. liOIXIE Villi .1 p issetiRcr touring, onlv run about l.'.isi miles, wll! sell for JG23 Phono l.niiist :i"iii.' J FORD nil. demountnhlo rim. Call locust 2I11 . LOCOMOBILE 1013 li-.IS-.l passenger Touring. rfiullil.pt wllh one-niBn top seir-starter ami plpitrlt- .iRhtB. ilinroughli rebuilt nnd re painted. Prbe SIKnii. LOCOMOBILE 2311 Market street Locust 4',0 11. A JBNKS. Mgr. Exclnngp Car Dent MARMON 1UPJ III first-class tondltlnn "lust overhauled and tepalmed. It. J. HOWLEY. 1UN llrnad a' t MERCER 3-napsen -er touring tar, self starter, electric lights, tires like new 1 cMOSi:il.sir, N. Hroad st OAKLAND SOCIABLE ROADSi'ER, "lOllTeX t ellent condition, extra equipment, cheap. Oak 1-ane Auto sia PhonoOakLaiie 272. OI.DSMOBII.E -Used by former Mayor, propo sal blanks tan be had upon iipplltallnn at Hept. of Supplies, Room III'.'. City Hall. SEND TOR PRF.E BULLETIN " OF PSED CARS liORSON AUTO BXCHANOB 238 N. BROAD WANTED rord touring, will pay cash or exchange for sfiOfl nlater-plano Yt'liltmore, -lkHLXihlcJ' TloRa72W: ' CHF.VROLITr AGENCY. Kerr's new garage, Hlin Olrarti ate Storeg J5 up. Wanted STOP. LOOK AND LISTEN' New garage opened, tars bought, sold an ex t hanged, accessories, new and old, courteous assistants, expert mechanism COME SEE PS Phlla. AMto Parts Co 1111 R llrnad sl . Phlla, OLD CARS "anted for parts. -.ri.in SCHOltBR. 3"1U-4...-, MARKET WANTED-OLD AUTOS FOR PARTS. 8l-2"iNOItTH PITH 81'. ANTEDOLD MHOS ANIl'jI'NK Ml N. 3D ST PHONE PARK .. at the Gazookus? Auto liveby and parages ini:pi:xiii:nt tanh ah vo i.imoi sinp.a taxich" and TOI It NO AH?. .., , to mm: i " pi:ii 1101 it and i p POP llisxinsi I'MtK 7. S't'XKH ct.psMi TO 111111. lopen dit ami tu-ihti "r""''-"?" I pass. louiliiR mr with robes 1 i o r. also bian.l new 7 piss llinousinp l. "our, wpiMliiRs imiprils en Pnplni 'V'7," nli Nl.W ilAltl'oitli one and onp hiir ton mm thire ton tru.ks wll lease ; both rinks yltn drltets 011 hour hasls with p'nirntt Knar nnleelna ponllliiloils sertbe II Ixoon. IrfK-ust 210 L'tiii liesinnt st TO 1IIIIP .VTON PIPIlcP-AllltoW 1I1LTK.1. llv ibe hour irlp il-it.ni week MINK HID Ml' II tan "st llnil AUTO REPAIRING 7 sPi:i:ion:i'i:it Titopiit.i: .1111 ,WI,t, I,,.- .. 1 iit-i.tviiini iti-tjf tit tit iipw pistons., n lid rlnc furnished weldhiBs ml linirinrt II. tl. Phlln. Pmlerwoiid ; o in.'i iianinum AUTO SUPPLIES I'AIIIN for Appertnn llultk Knox Wlnloti. Mltebpll Rultitn. Iteo l.lmore. 1'f""" ,,nl,'?r Pope-lliiiifiiiii sliRhtlt u-el Hrc "I to r oan prlres , Phlln Milo Puts to. .l North 1 Itli PIioiip Park III New- Depnt'i-p Sprt'l. p Sin I Iip.'! IHtM t 'o inll Anil sl Pholirs Walnut .11117 Itm a am)-'. AUTO TIRES " pi i.i.mw iiiti:t Ouarni'leeil Imio nille" Compare prlees, lavnlliip. 211. per rrnllnn. llltl.M'H. 2.111 S llrnn.l st. . rmi:sio.M: upmopni mh.i: himh for ror.i a,.; II.. por set. Inslillpd. Duplex .lire Co., 222S N Pro ul st Plmne Diamond UJl. D0G3 itoipoN nt l.i..Pott 'At.i: tirtiioK .vis w. piio.s'i: oviin- EUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WNTi:t To nrRniilre a synrlbale 10 take oter prnpertv tallied at M niinonn now riiiinliiR larRp tiroilts. fr.ini.uisi msb iicp.Ip.1 10 pootrnl hip situation all stnillintp subsi-rlhprs In i-ome In on ripnl shares. M II", 1pdeer Cfnlrnl WANTPD- Youiir man with $"nn rash to tnko hal' lulpres In leal estaln and hiilldliiR iifHiP. Our business is (.rnitlm- i-o we hate to open mi ndilltloiial offlip. nml want n Ik" xouiir nun who nn tnko mrp of Hip business or I he new off It p mid bp Inlf owner with us. Dun t wrltP Unless you llipon nurni.-.-. .ii't.. WrilP IIIUCSS .tt.'l itit-tii. i.ur.in -, ,i-'. ttpr oul for loreonal Iniert-ipw A o to sot lnlo business for tnurself Willi a 111 in Address Pirsblent, Prim Iti-al n nml HullilliiK Cnnipim. t.1l ." Pith In letter mi!!, for lerronai iniert-ipw t banco cooii l-sl.il st., Phllailelphl i. rOMt'AMI-t promoted, nnd flnaiu-cil. Address organised Southern 'InniHC SindlealP, .M "."'I, I.edRer Central, POR s Pi;rt CliNr. safe Intestment nrllc fowler Stamlinl l-unp Cnni patu, Ppnnst-ltanla liulldlng, before stock advances. ANOTHHR OPPOIlTPNITr oNt.v tinon invpstmpnt imqmnnn I.AUNC1I1NH A NEW I'HOI'OsniON HKI ItHTIHtNS ACT OI'ICKIA. m :;pj. i.EDiinii ci:ntiiau ENPERIENCRD PROMOTER. Influ euilil financial connections open for ctiKngpinents. rprpreiups demnnded: will ilpal wllh principals onlv. M ::.VI. LEDOEH CENTRAL. WANTED JL'i.Otm for going mnnufnrturlng 1 i.ii.in... ..innat- roniitrml fnr lm nrni emelltH . full (urtlciilnrs at 'nlerMew. M 441, Ledger Central. PATENTS-ARTHPR E. PAIOE. 714 Walnut at . Phlla.. mechanlial and electrical engi neer, ipglsteretl patent attorney : established litre .'111 tears, intentions deteloped. patents, trademark, tops rights setuied and liti gated anywhere, rcjet ted applications prnse cilted prcllmllmll niltltp free MANPPACTPRER of staple Roods, running dnv nnd night, wants JMOO to handle in creased business nnd discount bills, full par tlculnra at Interview. B 312. Ledger Offlce. OYSTER CAPE prnlltnhler select trntle. Ken sington ave. vlLlnlty or Allegheny , busv spl tlon, bUhlness mid slore mid dwelling for aahj ApplySjmuel Simpson. 727 Walnut st. OARAOE, Rood, established In fine location, doing good business, owner has two busi nesses am! cannot tonduct tho garner; will sell cheap Call at 2'HS Itldgo ayp PAPLSBOIto Restaurant, lie cream plant: bpst location glowing town no competition: iitconimntl.itlons for Lin weekly receipts. S20t It Mil Ledger Offlie . VIC I OR J EVANS ei CO Patent Attorneys. Washington D. C. rtto for tlescrlpttto liooklpt. DROP-POCKET COM, YARD ON 1 AND It FOR III1NI'. $40 MONTHLY l.'Jl) WEST TJOOA SI'. OROWINfj ORCHARDSr nil iirps, for sale. HARRY DARLIN0 1ON 1120 Chestnut st. A I'ROORESSIVE bus mm will pat- well for short tlmo oan of J.'OfU) against deposit of good tonal principals only, n .mi.j.en.n. Al TO. speil.iltt. going ineih.inlenl business: largo stock tompleted mdsp. . J2fHS cash out rlght: boom tomiiig spring P .ill. Lei! Cent. PICTURE TIIETRE-52..on,rowdpd nightly: beautiful modem, no t ompetltlnn. booming loci.': B'd scll'K rea.. sac E 4 in. Led. Cent, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR required at onco for established incorporated tompany : upplluints must Intest nt IeastW00 l'ostnfllce llox 3 HOTEL. Ocean Cltv, N. J , located near the beach, first-class following. For particulars address P 711'. Ledger Offlce. JllLLIARD ROOM, tables. 2 botvllnK alleys, ljirr.tlno Hotel. Broad nml Fairmount ate Apply between 1 und 4 o'clock. Wanted WANTED selling agency for first-class specialty In mill supply line. We have plcnti nf capital and an organized sell-Ins- force familiar with the trade in Pennsylvania. Ohio and Michigan. Manufacturers only need reply. Ad dress P. 722, Ledger Office. BUSINESS PERSONALS EVENING CLOTHES TO LATEST STYLE FULL-DRESS SUITS DEL1V & CALLED FOR FREB CALL OR PHONE POPLAR 2J3. OPENING EVENINGS HIRE LEI ONER'S 10TII & OIRARD AV..S.W. COR. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR removed by electrolysis, the onlv permanent way Evebrows arched. MISS SMITH. 4U2 Keith Theatre Uldg. Miss Hoppe. hairdresser, facial massage,man Icur1, lorni Mint Arcade, wlthMPis Smlt FURS AND FUR COATS altered ami repaired reasonable prices, work manship guaranteed Send postal or phona Belmont 2V.I w, CHAS. J. BOOSS, S137 Arch st. Will call and give estimate FULL DRESS SUITS- All new, stylish goods, large assortment. SAMUEL COOPER. 1010 OIRARD AVE. PHONE POPLAR 83 . f t t BUSINESS peksonals pi 1.1. titmss St IT", a llt futnw its Tuxedos and ? sups To hire and made to order. NIP HAM!'. TUP, TMU1I1 llj N. Mh st lull plmne wslniit 2111 vrT" tAT-rT:il win! P nkes In 'mill vxutr Ni.h?s lo ilaxr . It call Dliklnsos ISJJ llv the 1 an. load or montn. B'LDING MATERIALS REP AIRB c77ri TpfsttPI llll IMUJI11 for 21 tea;' Wo irairbm,!;:, f:f2 until tou hate our prb es Will be pieaspi M iJiip es Imite We are i.in enp-rs nn.l RenJ?ril roi'slru'tlon pepplP Uc do Jobblns nf ptert kind on aboil not lee We also litit and sell irtl estate and hi s. Iiesstanpet ties of ptert kind tliroiiRhoiii the &.' 'seruie Cen.nls .ollett rents ami .are for estates ns ton would Inve II done. Hleo-Pho,,ero, ,.11.,..,, NI lll'II.DIVll ". .Pil N'nrlh PHIl St. Ilotli phones CARPET CLEANING " cTN T IM1STAI. I'MU'Kf I'MIAMMI IIOPBIJ am si', aii.m: ciins;iNi"i; Hell Phone locust II"." DRESSMAKING AND MILLINERY THP. MrDoWIII.I. DHP.sSMAKINH b'CIIOOl. ?n7 Dcnikln HIiIr I lib nnd -Malket sts T-o rrr.lt M'llool, OP DltP.SHMAKIN'lI. t.AII.Y AND i:P.MMI f psafoNS IIJ-iJllllMtD AVi:. P"l'larJ"liJ 1II1.MKTITI Ill.S'ft In . Pints aril, all .male rials. A. Itlili'lMllD. IIP! ''ll;". r.-t.'-1 sr picioihai. m:vh:w pattihins lirmsiMAKIMI. uiltliiR mil rutin, tntiRht. Pini. diepsniki 121. W Somerset Tin. 20 i'.'W. FOR SALE nit.MAItH Pool., lonibliintlon secomt-hsnil, ImuRlit. sold, lenled txilintiRPil. rppalrliiK: siipiilles. I.nfe Keifer. Atnetltnn innnufiip turn 'L'ojliiiinl ntp il'f.t.lAI'D AND POCKP.T TAIII.CH i - Also bnwIliiK allots, past pumrnts. Hilt NH wick-iiai.ki:-ioi.i.i:ndi'.ii co.. uku ah-ii IIII.I.IAIHi, pullet, 2i.himl tables ippilrlni, supplies Clark Herd MIr. I o Sl.'l V. Piniit CVHIt HEiHSrP.liS, new an 1 factory lelmlll New totnl adders as low as JID on pnsv-monlhlt- piiiiipnls Call and i-co our into models. All rPRlslns sold hv us rtilli- punr niltfrd THE NATIONAL CASH RP.lJlH I Hll CO , 7lti Chistnut st. DESKS- llllnK't-ablnpIs", safps, lelephone booths nml olHi-p ruinlttire nnd flxturrs nf pvpry tle mrlpllon used, but hi line intulltlon, nnd ven i limp, nee thlliert nntwhrio HPIHIPS, 11T1I ANIHPTONWOO!l DESKS, large iissoritnent. nlso household fur nlluip Doling Cpnlrnl Sei-ond-band I urnl imp Conitnnv. nni-'Hiit-tl t'nllowlilll si. ENVELOPES 1TH PltlNTINO-IMno crndp; f,nn sl'p tl'J, 7.V.. 2IS10. J2 W.M IJUKI. 210.1 ScdRlev at p.. Phllailelplila Send for snmplps Itpst pter offpipd. SAPES. Dieprnnf. nil sI?ps, birg-iln: spptlnl tPtms, oppnlng A; n-palrlnc. 1311 1 lankftl nt. SHOW CASES, wall mses shelling, due floor cu-cH.riiisnle. ttipap. 211) Market st, SAFES Plippionf. i losing out Fllshtly usedtnll slzts . makes; big biignlns. 2111 N Fourth. r.O CENTS WEEKLY BPYS A VICTBOLA Cnll or write for partliulnrs IIEPPE'S UPTOWN STOHE"! Comer nth nnd Thompson sts., Phlla . Pa. EARLY ENGLISH dining mom sultp tables, tugs. pip. Call nfter I p. m If. tit Chestnut (Apt. su7). Phone Preston 4272 W. HEATING MAKIN-KELSEY lll.'M.TH HEAT Is better and cheaper than steam nr hot watPr. Pure flesh air wllh normal mnlstuip MAK1N KEI.SEY, II N ISth St.. Phlla. INSTRUCTION STENOORAPI1Y and bookkepplng by Individual Instrut Hon, toitro reqUlros only few weoks, pos, guar. 7til Louist IWnshlnglnn Squip LADY tlslta pupils nnd gltes lessons In piano, local, elocution nml English latest mithods usetl. terms ten mod. B 3U7. LedRer Office. MACHINERY AND TOOLS IT OFTEN HPI'1:NS th it iosis far running mnthlnerv nro excesslte Up suggest that YOCOM ANTI-FRICTION METAL foi lining machine hearings might help In such i.ises, IRON nnd BRASS POl NDRYS. 143 North Setoml. .1AMES YOCOM & SON. POW ER-PLANT EQUIPMENT Dtnamos. motors hollers, steam and oil en gines, pumps, nlr ompressors FRANK TOOMP.Y. Ilic 127N. .1dii. ABOUT LExKINO ROOFS-Trv I'cderal Proc es Cement foi which wo nre ugents It Is ihean anil effettlle. CHARLES BOND COM PAN Y, '.20 Arch strppt III.OUERS and exhaust inns, veiitllatlne fans American ami CroweU pressure blowers, gas furnaces. .1. Nuttnll. 174S North Mil. DYNAMOS motors nnd machinery bought, sold and rented nrmatures repaired. Main 01. Mirket 30(1. Yearslcv Co.. 224 N. 3d st. ELECTRIC HOISTS 13 II. P. "Mundy," Ml) tolls D. C. 20 II. P. "Lldgerwood." 220 volts A. C. . good tondltlon. Spy-fort's. 437 N. 3d st. GAS GASOLINE AND OIL ENGINES OAS AND OIL ENGINE CO . 4NJTJIST. PIPE, second-hand, all sizes, Phlfa. Second. Hand Pipe Supply Co.. 1003 N, 7th, Phones. MACHINERY for sale, planer, doublo surfneer, see It running, snetiiaer. inn ana Tioga. ALL SIZES sptond-hnnd pipe cut to order. M J HUNT. 1310 Beach st. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS HOWARD VINCENT PIANOS 836-838-840 N. Sixth St. ESTABLISHED 31 YfeARS. CASH OR EASY PAYMENTS $109 MAHOGANY UPRIGHT GRAND nlauo: used at n few- concerts only ny somo or I'liiianeipnia s leaning pianists like new. HOWARD VINCENT. SSl'-VIS-SIO North illh st Established fil vtnis. Ol CK PLNO AND "I'lANO-PLAYKR. Com f1-"" pieto with music. In flno condition: t ost JS'.n Sent! for catalogue HOWARD VINCENT Klll-KIS-WO North rith. $72 "UPRIGHT PIANO, .MAHOGANY CASE: fu b ze: koo.1 tondltlon. HOWARD viNL'i:rt : r. it.in-.s.ta-siu nortn tun C-lcclNEW UPRIGHT PIANOS; THESE V-s"'-' p -nos were mnde to sell for $27.1. $300. $33i guaranteed for 10 years: hating purchased the entire stock of these 1013 stylo pianos of a prominent New York manufac turer nt ridiculously low flgure I will close them out at prices never before heard of $111. $143, $130. HOWARD VINCENT, S3U.S3S.SI0 North nth. HOWARD VINCENT PIANOS 836-838-840 N. Sixth St. ESTABLISHED 33 YEAnS CASH OR EASY PAY-IBNTS FACTORY SAMPLES, nlanoa nnd players, cash sale Large and famous piano factorv resolving to discontinue Its showrooms and close out Its entire lot of samples, nlayers and pianos for nearlv one-third of their origi nal prices. $100. $123. $130 for the best $300. $330 $400 pianos. Finest make nlayer planos reduced to nearly one-third of their factory prices with maker's guarantee for 10 and 20 years. Strlctlv cash No charges. No Installments. No agents' commissions Private sales everv afternoon and evening Can also he seen on Sundays Private Piano Parlor 1710 N. 7th st JANUARY Brow n & Newbv & PIANO SAI.E-Gabler. Swlck. Simpson Stelnway. Schomacker. Klaus, Radle, Howard, $33 up; easy terms ; open evenings .1141 tiermantowii rLAYER-PIANO. J22V, cost $05O last year: cash only. Loan Offlie, llth and Arch. OJVD COT,-) 1 .11 II tlftt It alt ..,.,,. V.-,,.'- -,.. c ,', .'.'. 111,1 ,, , ., stile lewtlri t et i palic (Wbi.i ,"l i i istiv .t i it,,t, .--L':,'iit ffffil - .ft. u r vot 'is CSl! PAID Pftft PMMON'Lq ,3!2' Jl,.',1rp o?.!'i ,..";.r i, .1 Winunr t, r-ou " " " ,v lo I2S iifrt lllillll.SI I lilt ES I l loit in,,. old Roto, piiiiiiimi rnKo tc ih ii. 1J"-1 II. item i..is. i i..p,i I .-I Ooop fiWii'lS ,t ,. fir.it ,-....t. .,.,., . ... '.uni ii anllqiip clotks. elll all tlc-ll nftSli' .""vS IL'I't 110111:11s s 1T( ili,' "-oats PAINTING AND PAPERHANOl PM'KriIIAS'.ilINd inlntR low 1 f,.r.--T -a guar MP.PMCK 1 N lm I, llarni,'i.71. PRINTING I SOCIETY p.i-riunc ite.iiiitig invii.iT'r-3 visiiing ,n ,p cnil.n-.sliu nn.l printin. '," "'"I nrlntinj. "" "nen eienlnts.1. snop, 111111 1 iipsiiui, si ---f PUBLT-C STEN0GRAPHEisi il PMHtllAPIII II pxneil. lon.ll. "" "- .f nork,nt home, tin tallnn by phon?'H nril.r nil work .lellvrred iimmmlj ?H,t ipfrrenres rroni sal stlpd tllenls Mtio"3 1lMtr.lt. MWS OOtli st Plmn" ttelmomrjit STORAGE CONTtNIiNTAl, STOIlAlll: WAHEIIOI HP, L0I II ST. ABOv h CHESTNUT PACKING. MOVING SHIPPING till! Bel je, . . Hipp e, tirHiieii sroure.l !.. I iin txnit Loiusi lni;n Phonos Kei icMS FIDELITY PIIIEPIIOUP V, AREHOL'sri ISII-ISUi M.M1KPT st SE3 ATLAS STORAGE WAIU'HotRL - mot lug. pn king shliiping. .arpsl cImsiJ. Ph Itarlng7i2 for psilmaipMnrket an" j-' .?.'". .tlt-i A.. r niwii.ini, lit, I at,, 1,1" V. iT t., looting pn. king shipping nuto t!S llolh phones Let us pstlmnle " PIREPllOOP. .Mntlipinn. Conprpte Ws'rehnr. N. Phlln. Stmngp Co 21U Lehigh Tlo?53 Plinns nml Puinllurp BoiiKlit and si STOIlAlll In scpunie moms uinvlug, ,,',", slilpplni and mrpet ilrmlig Irfvlh Dm,' Kills tlldnn nti. Piiiilnr 1021 """j ' 4 WANTED IllinKI.N .lEWELHY.fnlMii teeth Pistols, tsl-u I Coin books, tilth prlips I pnv.mnlletl ihc jiil tlnuu l,A.,nlMH UlnPAl .l!0 U t,tl. ,,-. .T ."- , U" 1 'f'' "'.".-' -.-.,.. ..,,. IH - .l.'l-.i I 1 , ...'III, -, AVp must hue 1 lolltliin for oui new storiLti will pn; ton the hesi ,.ri ps for men's clou! 'mi. mil driss Tux. In 'ills ,t rlti PIitiiip Wnltuit l.'l'.. P. fore selling to otfcs IIPUPIS i vftll-t -I- -i-.-r n...l 11, V r.,1. ., t - .,. , , , .. K. 1,M, ,. ,- I'll. P(, CVS'P.OFF ilolhllig Up pnsltltplt piy mU" 1 phi. num. "! Kpnileiiipn ilnihlng, iVr mid pns.nl. wp .ell .lot ig Ity or in Prp.linnn llios till Smith sl Pli fJIek fftu Fv-'T-OPPCLOl'IllNll lllglipsi pil.e.rJjJT: lailles- nml men's 1 lothlng hats ii0P. ,, nlitine Pimlni nsil Illi.-lcpr 1J31 I...-.I... cast-o'-! ci.orilEs HiKiiPst nri.espaiTl; in,-,. - Miur in ci i,,..-. 111.11 iriiuirrs, tlrWN ir.lS cnllnvihlll d Phone Mm ket (Vi: ANPIOI P rilrniltllt. fids, tpptb fpn I I.aV Is. brnltpn IpwpIii. gi.t.l. d n illanwivv boiiRjil 7,li Mnliiul W nlnii 702H Estab '(( CAST-OPP limbing -hues 1 n.t tuts liouit spinl postiil. Siipilin(iii. IIJ2 Pnlilirst, falsi, -i pptii ..1.1 coit iper piKtiJu"; higlipst pil. ps iHlb' 2 S Mb st PPHNPI U'lt;. piano-' 1 irp Is antiques: entts or pirt bouses liniight fnr tush no mtlis l.r.,,, I,.rt I llr.,,1.1,, I'.-.l r.l.t .... I.,.,. ,,..m,. ,' .... ,i.i.-iii ,,, ., ,ii,- , IIIOIII..VI' pili i" n, lulling. 1'.07 Hi 1. I 1 fall II It l,i,, ,ur... own 1 -u me i-rcston Ilitl BOARDING BALTIMORE 1110 Uiirp. sunr.v second fa 11. uni , iiutitt- in Ki-iiiiciiii-t fxcni.nt ISDII. I DIAMOND 20117 I.nrgp rooms southern n I ttositrp idnule en suite icas table ha ;tl LOCUST. 'I'vip-I-'ront 100m simtliern sxrtl iirp. pxteiipiu innii" piiono i-resion ..in MT, vernon, is-'i NPelv iiirn moms rjl lioarn an-fi iiinie nunru 1 opini ini w. SPItl'CP PJln-ATTHAt"TI i: ROOMS, y,mil l.lv I ,l.l.l..l I X 1,1.1 I.Utl'l. SPlll OK. Pi2S..!l,--slnglo and doublo loonn. ufl lioor. tten tir.ite.i ciiniit- iniiie itoHro. SPRUCE. 10111 Irfiige Bunny rooms, titil noriiii rtimunc wniei- Menin npnr e-r SPRUCE. 1221-211 (lirlsmnntlp) Purn nn singlp, en suite tirttnte intlis tible txurtl 21ST. N. IliPD Id fiout. furn il-o '.'d rnrl room, mirurn. uonie uinie iiianionqtiujii 4UT1I. N .'12 Attiiu llieli furnished itcnil.1 lioor sunnv looms pxieueni taiue. pnone CO'TII. S.. 1.11 Ilandsninrlv fuin shed frorl rooiiipicpi ri i noi-wairr ncii- n nons VH SOPTII 3I1TII ST Allroetlip 2il.llnor 'rout px pllellt Inbls-luCR t-nte fnmllv I10t-w.1t lieu elet trie Itlbtl BOARD WANTED wants single loom with boinl In Bt'il or Cynwid or southern part of West PJilH- rum- r!i, tlplphla wlierc there are few boirners. Ledger Central WANTED Room ami boir.I for gentleinan nl 1 it Ifa nn 1.1th Pllli 17th 01 isih sts.. bttseaj Chestnut and Pine P IBS Ledger Cratn SANITARIUMS BEM'TIPUL tocatlon special st .entitle cut. nertojs, elderly, pierl comfort, nunisl Booklet Dr. Randal Clu Hue. Chestnut H1C I ROOMS FOR RENT ALLEGHENY. P.. Illll-Comfn. i.iblv furn mi for gentlemen reasonnblp Ph Kens. iitH.s. -nTFil '..I1...1 llnvlr.lliln slnplo nlul tlollblfi rfltinil private Inths. ttell heated $2 up Spruci 1B- ARCIf. L'O'lS-Neitly fiirnlshed rooms, $1.73 i", running water, locust r.i, .1 nROAD. N.. 8i3 Uuiisunlly large, well-ftp 1 nlshed fiont loom nnd bnth mnilern CHESTNUT. L'lln') Desirable ppcond-floor rtxal nnd bath, with an .nnvenieme-. CHESTNUT mill -Very desirable single rai-l 2d nnd 3d floors Menm heat Ph I,cj I CHESTNUT. lilH Ilc.iutlfully furn. rMrril wll!ieated.for buslntBB ptnjile. reaj DIAMOND. 11IIU Nicely fur torn. rir.J cltenp, also parloi : children accepted, riwnts IIAXE1,, 1711 Large sunny, well furn-rtyjl for gimtk-menf prlt. fam vton.nanq an-j, 1 HA.EI. AVE , .1127- Nicely furnished rootJ. well heated, southern exposure pnone. ,'.. l-pi.vnt' ,1.11 v.. I. tiim Blttlntr rollS.I ,, 1 . ,,.,U.1. (I... .-VII, 3 .Kill .... ,, steam heat, continuous hot water, Pop. tal SPRING GARDEN a'Sli-Communliatlng rnu.1 furnished, rctltietl people Poplar aioti vu SPRUCE. 1317- Rooms, single or en suite: pn.1 oatns: pror. orii.es steam neai eict-w.i TT1I, N.. nili-Rooins single or en suite, fel nouseiceeping 1111.1 itinuiiiR !... ui ,.,i. , -'.,1 t n...rnB... kl. -,,,, rPAnil. 1 nhyslclnn's office, electric lights Pop. -W'.l 13TII, S.. 2lll-Nwly furnished rooms; motlcnl contenlencea. phone. - 1ST1I. N.. 2bo.'l-Well-furnlBhPd rooms prliwl f.imtlv: gentlemen Dlamnutl 2222 111 Til. 8.. 33-"Well-rurnlshed room 2d ''."."'I for ?enlletiinn riinniriir water I oc-ust 301. n n.7 1. ,r , ,......., I 1KI..I SlUIT. -AtU'l ruin rooms, hot-water heat. genteenl I 22D. I. 3tfll-Nlccy furn.. well-hcatei - 1 nnd 3d floor rooms. Tioga BI0II XA Ji.TH, N.. PUS Nlcelv furn. room SgS?! front: excel, car service, good loe. Pk!;l SRPH. S.. 221-Comfortablv furnished M. ?.'l oiiiit'f iuiy lutniawi -r..it a wall heated. oij tli 3d noor rooms 43D, H., 440 Nicely furnished, warm nverlnoklnc 1ft- Rood car se Ice 45TII. S 431-1 or 2 gentlemen can h i jl nicely furnished rooms 2d floor. Drtriai hatb! Hmitll atlult family 50T1I. N.." 115 Desirable turn, rpomsj rl"A' fam. home comforts: near "I" Bel. J : S1ST, S., 32 Handsomely" furnished front root-Al steam heat, electric light all convenlencijl IIIUHI I.O Brett u UB ninncviam . 001 II, S, il7-2d story room. Il.lit houssksMj Ing, 3 large windows, gas and heat, bed " Jable linen. ;, PRIVATE family nice neighborhood. nD board elderly seml-lnvalld or Iielpless perso" Includ. nrrr""l'l ''.''' '!'1 "-''i REFINED persons desiring elKfU?,,h, ,' gle o- double rooms near Hroad and lociJ wrlta M 33T Ledger Central g I)ACHEIOR apartment. - rooms, with sn- rreston SMI "j bath. elec . exclus. section By C A. VOIGHT IM,,11,------ ' --------. i ii i i , P'JBAX I ' " --- - - - - - . -. - . i ii ii -ii, ii i is ,i i - - -. I n.iaiutW i Borj ( j -ri J x!y &?fex& W- to vERHe"i ) (?) 1 ,