Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, February 01, 1916, Night Extra, Page 13, Image 13

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rifm )' PHWW.llJll!lM."H.
"ffMmm imffixrtpwm y,
T. 1010.
I v
Samuel D. Riddles' Ball
r Will Be the Biggest Affair of the Early Week.
Miss Elizabeth Norris Is Honor Guest
? . .mnts n.i nvAnt of trio day
0 or ther night wilt bo tho Riddles'
T ... .i- n..llnn fur T.Ikiv Not".
'all at tne mww"""
" T ...,- .... Viinu iuaa Minn
Vis Mrs. Kiciaiu " """
fi. ..i. nnhsnn. a flrst cousin at
Eiw"e'" ... t.l
R3ia' molhcr wno "'"",
K...x T.Un. s Krcatiy iweu uy ui
Cloua' relatlns who mom to ho do
7 .ft they can to make her first win-
i.rln society ft happy one, and from all
I l'.r t has been. Lisa 19 extremely
'ffiracllvo and a Rcnern. favorite, so
'Till .rininments nro by no means
taedtd to help her havo a good time,
fnr aha WOlllu u' " "" '
u I, always nice for a debutante to
f L.B a number of things given for her
uA m wo aro all going tonight to en
,' it with her. I hear thoro havo
2. more than a thousand Invites Is-
,ued and music uu w -- ----for
all ages and conditions, so that If
rea don't want to danco you havo only
to leave tho ballroom for another
Lm nearby, whom you'll bo enter
(lined with ft buffet supper and special
orchestra. And as for tho catB them
itlves, they are to ho wonderful, so
Damo Humor has It. Mr. and Mrs.
Itlddlo are charming hosts and It will
surely bo a good party.
Thero will bo a number of dinners
bforo tho ball. Tho Tom Asmona
will give one for rama Dorr, who Is
a Dr. Ashton's nlccc. Sho camo out last
winter nnd Is very charming. Then
' the J. It- Evans Honcr'.it win niso en-
' tertaln at dinner and so will Mrs. J.
j, Gardner Cassatt und tho George Mc-
', Faddens.
! I met Rrooko Edwards yesterday
.fi.pnnnn. ntul wns ntilte startled as I
J thought ho wns already on tho briny
deep, His boat was to Havo saiiea on
Saturday, he told mo, but was hold up
and now It Is scheduled to depart on
Wednesday afternoon. Gray Dayton
Is going from hero also. It Is a mighty
flno thing to do nnd will certainly make
strong men of them. Tho sight of such
Miffcrlng nnd the bravery of thoso
plutlcy soldiers must surely havo a
great effect upon young America.
Brooke you know lived In Paris for
several years and was at school In
Switzerland, so he has long ago mas
tered tho French language and that
will make him useful at once. They
are to sail on the rtochamtieati which
docks at Boulogne nnd then they will
proceed by train to Paf Is. ho . tells
me; they expect to stay In Paris about
a month to get Into practice with tho
Ambulance Corps and then they will bo
sent out to do active work on tho
front. Brooko says ho will probably
stay nt least a year, and Ted, hl3
brother, Is talking of going over to Join
him In tho summer. They are tho
sons of the late Itlchard S. Edwards.
Their mother was Miss Lucy Ncllson.
It really Is funny how much a
simple childish play affects people, and
I could not help being amused last
night at "Pollyanna" to see so many
peoplo wiping their eyes, nnd at ono
time several sobbed out loud; nnd aft
erward, when wo were going home tho
comments and tho searchings for some
thing for each one to be tglad nbout.
We are nn Impressionable nation with
out doubt, nnd sometimes a fresh,
simple Ilttlo play hits Just the right
pot. There were lots of people I knew
there last night. The Joe Du Barrys
chaperoned a box party In which wcro
JIargot Scull, Gertrudo Heekscher,
Hatty Geyclln, Saunders Meade and
several others I could not i recognize
from where 1 was; then others In the
audience were Mr. and Mrs. Davo Pep
per, Jlr. and Mrs. Rowland Foulke,
Sirs. Charles West Churchman, Emily
Claxtou, Emily Suunders, Jlr. and Mrs.
Jones Wlster nnd over so many other's.
The Allianco Francalse was very
Interesting last night, and never havo
there been so many debutantes at any
meeting, many or them having reports
and recitations to make. Olivia Gaz-
d' zam was as cuto ati could be; she was
supposed to recite a poem, and evi
dently got scared or really forgot; any
way, she wabbled through the begin
ning and then snapped her small
fingers despairingly und was about to
sit down, but not a bit of It, M. Glroud
cruelly remarked. "You must do It,"
and handed her tho poem which she
then proceeded to read very well.
k, Tho Wedding of Miss Elsa de It. Leunlg
and Mr. Harold Macauley took place very
MUietly today at noon In St. Martin's
Kplacopal Church, Oak Lane. Tho cere
mony whs performed by the Rev. Wal
ter Jordan, rector of the church. Thero
were no attendants;, only the Immediate
families being present. The bride wore
Mravelliig Ult of dark blue After tho
ffremony a breakfast was served nt the
homnof Mr und Mrs. Benjamin Rowland,
In -Sbliiftoii
Mrs. Macauley ly the daughter of Mrs.
, .John B. J.enntff. of the Rltteiihouae. Her
father, the lam John H. Leuing. died sev
eral J ears u0-o. She has two sisters. The
eldest, Miss Maude Lennlg married Ma
jor Robert Hawkes, of the English army,
. Wat year, and Mr. Benjamin Rowland,
, ' wilt be remembered, wan Miss Louise
-ennlg. Mr. Macauley-ls the son of the
, lJte Pear Admiral Edward Yorke Ma
cauley. u. a jc.
Mr. and Mrs. Macauley will leave for
w "fork this afternoon to be gone
om time on u wedding trip.
!"" Alexander Rrlutou Coxc, of "ISSO
south Rlttenhouae Square, wH, entertain
ft luncheon and cards today.
". V, DeWItt Cuyler and the Misses
rler. Of 16tll and T.npust. Afras will
wtlva informally on Wednesdays n Feb
ruary after 4 o'clock. No card havo been
ent out.
' -A damA fn. t.A t.A.n .. iu. r
E-v. i. r""?'10! will be given tonight at
.7i '"" na committee in charge In.
teWles Mrs. Baltzar de Mare, Mrs. Arthur
Efi "" llrs Alexander W. WUter. Jr.;
if a. "" n- Cameron, airs, runcla
!ii otrawbrldiri. Minn Ihlmlt Xlla. i ;,..
MS Mrs. Edwrd J. Moore.
FrS' All", tnrl ILToat TXrillI.k.. lM.lt -
WKP4 entertain at dinner tonight
Xrflj nnrtTA lTArllln. rnAa J VK
Mh r s:.,n:.ss v-," ""
F? f . , will u ai (wine in-
j.. wuialy ihw afternoon at HH Pine tiet
,uu mm wiu tui out.
Bymtii Kawar4 da v. jidorreu U spena,
at the Ritz-Carlton Tonight
lantleOt11 d"yS 0t lh Trnymoro m Al-
On Saturday evening n linen shower wns
given by Miss Helen Hewcs, of Darby,
for Miss Anna Y. Powell, whoso engage'
mem whs recently announced to Mr. will
lam Bechtol, of Sharon Hill.
Mrs. Frances It. X. Livingston and Miss
Marlon E. Livingston, of Locust street"
wwnt"rncj I,omo from Baltimore
where they spent several days.
Mrs. Joseph Boyd Bnker, of Ihe Covins
ton, announces the engagement of her
daughter. Miss Ellen Ruttor Hnlter. to Mr.
Maurice W. Wiley, formerly of UaUlrnorc
Mrs. Baker and Miss Bnker arc spending
vlllc.Tc ' Febnwr nt Summer-
Along the Main Line
AnDMORE Mr. nnd Mrs. William Oft,
or Mill road, spent tho week-end with
n!.nr? 'f t?r ! B-M Ott. at the
vll E n Ch0,01, ,?,V8a ,li t00k tho Part of
Peg In tho piny "Peg o' My Heart," which
was given Saturday night by tho senior
BRVN MAWR Miss Mnrlo Louise Olio,
of Havorford rond, entertained nt dinner
recently In honor of Miss M. Kllznbetli
Suddards, of Overbrook. Tho guests In
cluded Miss Helen UnYiaetl, of Havcrford,
and Miss Eleanor Itushton, of Wynne
wood. Miss Glle. who Is u popular mem
ber of tho younger set, will bo ono of
next season's debutantes.
noSDMONT Mrs. Alba B. Johnson, of
Montgomery avenue, returned yeBterdny
from Now Orleans, whero she has been
spending a week.
ST. DAVIDS. Mrs. Richard Mo.Sherry
has returned homo after visiting her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rollln H. Wilbur,
at Old Stono House, St. Davids.
Mr. nnd Mrs. W. Clarke Grlcb. of St.
Davids road, will Irnvo todny for Ber
muda to stny several weeks.
The young women of tho Westminster
Guild will glvo a piny, followed by tab
leaux. In tho classroom of tho Radnor
Presbytorlan Church today.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Sheldon Cntlln. of St.
Davids rond, are spending several weeks
In Augusta, Ga.
WAYNE-Mr. and Mis. H. I). Dough
erty, of Onk lane, are spending some
weeks In Sarasota,. Fla.
Mrs. Albert E. Ackeunnn, of Lancaster
avenue, Is visiting at her former homo
In Chicago.
Tho Men's Club of Wayne will hold
their meeting in the Saturday Clubhouse
today. Captain Cliurles V. Kllburne,
IJ. S. A., and Cantnln Yntps Stlrllmr. Jr..
V. S. N., will speak on "The Necessity
of Military Preparedness."
- Germantown
Miss Helen W. Whltrldge, of Baltimore.
Md., Is tho guest of Miss Cathorlno
Cooper Cassard, S3S Fclhnm road. Miss
Whltrldge came up for the ball which Jlr.
and Mrs. Cuyler gavo for their daughter
last Friday night.
An Informal piano recltalvivns bivpii at
the Conservatory of Music, 109 West Chel
ten avenue, on Sunday afternoon, from 4
until 5:30 o'clock, by Mr. Edward Royce,
director of music In Mlddleburg College.
"Vermont. Mr. Itoyce Is the son of Prof.
Joalah Royce, of Harvard, and a biother-In-Iaw
of Miss Dorothy Randolph, whoso
marriage to Mr. John Kenneth Bigard
took place on Saturday. The artistically
rendered program on Sunday Included
Fantasia In C major, opus 17, Schumann:
three numbers by Grieg, three by Brahms
and ono of Mr. Roycc's own composi
tions, which wob' received with great en
thusiasm. A few of the close friends of
Mrs. Nathaniel Archer Randolph and her
brother, Mr. Francis Head, were Invited
to an afternoon of rare musical enjoy
ment. An attractive sale of home-made cakes,
candles, preserves nnd useful articles will
bo held on Saturday from 10 In tho morn
ing until G hi tho afternoon at tho Fairfax
Hall, Wayne avenue nnd School House
lane.. Tea will be served from 4 until 6
o'clock. The proceeds will be used for the
Pastoral Aid Fund of the First Presby
terian Church.
Mrs. John Frlsbeo Kentor. of West
Walnut lane, sailed a few days ago for
an extended trip through South America.
Mrs. Keator will attend the religious con
ference In Panama and accompany Bishop
Sheppard's party. They will visit points
along the western coast of South America
and return by way of Buenos Aires.
A quiet wedding took placo on Saturday
evening when Miss Laura Rebecca Wright,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. Emund
Wright, or 5434 Morris street, became the
bride of Mr. Clarence Herbert Frlck.
The ceremony was performed by tho Rev.
J. Ogle Warlleld. After a wedding Jour
ney Mr. and Mrs. Frlck will reside at 6424
Morris street.
Jliss -Katherlne MclC. Quln. who has
been visiting In New York, has returned
to her home, 281 West Walnut lane.
West Philadelphia
Jlr. and Mrs. Thomas Walsh, of SOU
North 35th street, are receiving congratu
lations on the birth of a daughter on
Saturday. The little girl will be named
Jlargaret Mary.
Jlr. and Mrs. William Bird, of 635
North 50th street, are receiving congratu
lations on the birth of a daughter, Helen
Mrs. William Wheeler, of 1509 North
67th street, left today for Irvlngtoh, N.
Y., to be the guest of her sister-in-law,
Mis. J. Jlcllvery. On her way home Mrs.
Wheeler will spend a few days In Newark,
the guest of Mrs. It. Alii.
Mr. and .Mrs. Frank J. Watson will glva
a card party tomorrow at their home,
the Larchwood, 15th street and Larch
wood avenue. Thero will bo 30 guests
l)r. und Jlrs. Theodore N. Pease, of 6S0O
Spruce street, are staying at the Tray
more, Atlantic City.
Mrs. Katharine A. Connerton announces
the marriage of her daughter. Miss Gene
vieve Connerton, to Dr. Lloyd William
Johnson, of Jlllwuukee, on January 27.
Mis. H. 11. Donaldson, of 3310 Race
street, vijl be at home on Monday after
noons, February 7 and H, to Introduce
her niece and prospective daughter-in-law,
Miss Dorothy Brace, to her friends.
Mrs. A, If. Reeve, of Jloorestown. will
uddreaa a meeting pf the Woodbury Jloth
ers' Club this evinlnar. The, aubjeel of
her Jeoture will be "Our Close Friends."
Mrs. Duncan Campbell will be heard In
keveral vocal aolectlona. A dUeusulou of
general topic will follow Mrs. Beeve's
address. ,
Jlr. Horaw; Ilobnii, of Bayonne,
spant the wtek-end hero veiling- several
of hla okl frlands.
The Mw new clubhouM ut the Kawell
Gun Club is co'iipleied and roan Uit
ois hate bveu eiueitjlned 'heie Juriiu;
tbe lvt two Us Several social evenu
uiu iduumd fui tho oeui future, iucluu
ing ft formal waning.
Along the Keadihg
The ninth annual meeting of the Men's
Utih of tho Oak Lano Presbyterian
Church will be held Friday evening at
Uio church rooms, Hlh street nnd Oak
Tho speakers ulll h Hie Rev. P. J.
StcltimeU and Jih1r W. W. Porter.
Tho next meeting of the Men's Club of
wyncoto will bo held In the parish house
or All Hallows Church Mondny evening,
February 7. nt 8 o'clock. Tho speaker
of the evening will bo Mr. Michael Dorl
zas, nnd his subject. "Tho Bnlkan Situa
tion nnd the Trcscnt War."
Mrs Alfred M. Duffey. of Old York
rond, Lognn, cntcrtnlned nt dinner Satur
day evening before tho concert nt Mar
shall Hall. Her guests Included the mem
bers of the Adnrlan Qunrtct, Miss Mor
garct Doll, Miss Marlon Fyre, Miss Juno
Hnrmer. Mr. Joseph Barnes nnd Mr.
Harry L. Grlltlth.
Miss Helen Vn.ro Morris, of Oak Lana,
has Issued Invitations for a dinner-dance
tomorrow evening.
Mrs. George E. Mansfield, of Old York
rond, Logan, rnlct tallied nt luncheon and
cards yesterday nflernoon In honor of her
nieces. Miss Josephlno McCnll nnd Miss
Freda McCnll, who nro vlBltlng In this
city. Covers were laid for 16 guests, and
the house uns decorated with early spring
flowers. '
A large pnrtv wns given Saturday eve
ning nt tho homo of Mrs. Benjnmln
Billing, or C'th nvenue, Oak LniiP, to
colobrnto tho anniversary of tho K. K. G.
Club, which Is now two years old. Sev
eral addresses wcro mado by Mrs. Walter
Munn, Mrs. Alfred Kurr, Mrs. Gcorgo
Lent;: nnd Mrs. Frederick Hilling. Among
thoso prcspnt were Miss Anna Ailoir,
Miss Esther DImithmnn. Miss Elizabeth
Rose, Miss Bcllp Mason. Miss Freda
Gctzmnu, Miss llrlpii Dutton, Miss Mar
tha Lester, Mls. Aloyslus Cnrr, Miss
Helen Dlnsmore. Miss Mnrgucrlte Clark,
Miss Mnrlou Folln, Miss Sarah Clark,
Mrs. Walter Bnldcrstou, Mrs. Joseph
Meglll, Sirs. Frank Cunningham, Mrs.
John Fronefleld, Mrs. James Fields nnd
Mrs. Clarke Mason.
Mrs. Henry W. Wnss. of Jenklntown, Is
spending some tlmo nt Asbury Tark.
South Philadelphia
Mrs. George W. Zelier entertained a
number of friends nt her home, 1714
Mini In street, on Saturday evening nt a
Rurprlsn party, In honor of Mr. Thomas A.
ITnnnam, a well-known South Philadelphia
baritone. A capital musical program
was contributed to by Miss Anna M.
Itowe, Mist Mnry Bernlco Zollor, Mr.
Hannom, Mr. Frank Feency, Mr. John
Dllkes nnd Mr. Augustus Zellcr. Among
others present were Miss Ethel Zcller,
Miss Edith Onllngher. Miss Mao Towers,
Miss Margaret Towers. Miss Anna Wll
llnms. .Miss Mao Gulnnnc. Mrs. Delia
Lnrklns, Mr. Jr. Robinson, Mr. Richard
Wagner, Mr. John Blumenstoclt, Mr.
George W. Zeller and Jlr. Gcorgo W.
Zellcr, Jr.
Jllss Emma Gillespie, formerly of Soutli
Philadelphia, now of Jlllford, Del., Is
spending the winter In Tamra, Fla.
Jlr. and Jlrs. Thomas Lawlcr, enter
tallied informally on Saturday evening.
In honor of the third birthday of their
little son, Thomas Lawler, nt their home,
2202 South Croskcy street. About 16
little guests were present.
Jlrs. George JlcLnughlin, of 14:t2 South
Broad street, entertained the members of
hor brldgo club yesterday afternoon. Her
guests Included Jlrs. George JlcJIorrls,
Mrs. Frank Stockloy, Jlrs. John 1C. Jlpx
well, Jlrs. Robert Wilson, Jlrs. George W.
Young, Jlrs. Georgo Slilslor, Jlrs. Thomas
Kleffer, Jlrs. Thomas Simmons. Jlrs.
Edward Hasse and Jlrs. William V. Bar
nett. Jlra. L. Jloyd announces the engage
ment of hor daughter, Jliss Anna Jloyd,
to Jlr. Samuel E. Banks, son of Jlr. nnd
Jlrs. I. Banks, of 2310 Jloore street.
Jlr. and Jrrs. Francis A.- Farrel, of
2225 Soutli Croskey street, aro receiving
congratulations on tho birth of a son.
Jlrs. Farrell will bo remembered as Jliss
Anna JIcKenna.
Jlrs. Albert Hord, of Rocheiie avenue,
WlRsahickon, will be hostess to the inom
bcrs of her sewing club nt luncheon to
morrow. Jlrs. Theodore Baldwin, of 421G I'cchin
street, will give an luformnl inusicale to
night for tho members or the Roxborough
Thimble Club.
The annual supper of the Young Jlen's
Bible class of Mount Xlon Methodist Epis
copal Church, Green lane and St. Da
vid's street, will be given In the social hall
of the church on Thursday night, Febru
ary 17.
The annua,! parish reception and In
formal dance of the members nnd friends
of St. Timothy's Protestant Episcopal
Church was held In the parish house
on Friday evening.
Miss Cella Krane, of New York, will
bo the guest of Jliss Dorothy Dorwart
and Jllss Esther Dorwart. of 0222 Ridge
avenue, during the coming month.
Jlrs. Robert Blrkiniie, of Alnslle street,
Falla of Schuylkill, Is visiting In Wash
ington, D. C.
Delaware County
TIib Fidelity Plnsers Kill pieseut "All
tho Comforts of Home" In th Llanerch
FlrehoiiMo on Filday. The pluy is under '
I tlie dliectlon of Jliss Edith JI. Keating.
The pioceeds will be given to the Episco
pal Sunday School of Highland Park.
In Leisure Hours
Villa found time to marry his (third)
wife, still there tare men who work but
eight hours a day u .d they cannot find
time to go any further than the courting
Certainly there might be a different
value standard of time In Mexico.
Miss Lichtenstein's engagement to
Mr- Neil Ziedman. of this city,
was announced on Sunday by her
parents, Mr. and Sirs. Samuel
Uchtenstein, of Hi Penjbevtoa
4lhJffir- - ' 'ft.Sffi&aMMa
MRS. G. BRINTON LUCAS oto b ,ll("' Crafter..
Mrs. Lucas, who is a very popular young matron living at Rose-
mont, will leave this week for Bermuda. Mm. Lucas, before her
marriage several years ago, was Miss Adelaide Lougheud.
Chestnut Plill
Jlr. anil Jlrs. John Htrawbrlilge, of Hill
crestiavenue. will glvo a dinner to-morrow
beforo tho Fortnightly Dancing Class.
Jlr. nnd Jlrs A. Barker Jlcllor, of St.
Martin's, will nlso entertain nt dinner be
fore the dancing clnss.
Jlrs. Boulton Enrnshaw. of Jlontgomery
avenue, will entertain at luncheon followed
by brldgo tomorrow. The guests will In
clude Jlrs. Wilson Potter, Jlrs. Henry Erd-
man, Jlrs. Frederick Slinonlii. Jlrs. Charles
Lloyd. Jlrs. Stanley Eaton, Jllss Eflle
Elliot and Jllss Carrlo Hlggate.
A paity for tin- members of the Chil
dren's Dnnclng Clnss, which meets nt the
Stentou Country Club, will be held this
afternoon at 4:30 o'clock. A number of
guests havo been Invited. The patron
esses Include Jlrs. JI. Y. Hanson, Jlrs.
Georgo Donnelly and Jlrs. Daniel Dono
ghue. Tho classes aro directed by Miss
Constance B. Taylor.
Member? or tho Stentou Country Club
Dancing Class will have a special dnnce
tills evening. Tho membership list In
cludes Jlr. and Jlrs. Geor;,t Donncllv,
Jlr. anil Jlrs. .Miles Hlggir.. Jlr. and
Jlrs. Asliton Tourlson. Jlr. ai.il Jlrs. Jl.
Y. Hanson. Jlr. rtnd Jlrs. Wion Stewart,
Jlr. and Jlrs. William Wagner, Jlr. and
Jlrs. Robert Wagner, Jlr. nnd Jlrs. E.
A. Kwlng. Jlr. nnd Jlrs. James JlcArdle,
Jlr. and Jlrs. G. llodgcrs. Jlr. and Jlrs.
E. A. Deschnmps, Jlrs. J. Y. Wllday
and Jllss JIalzle llcnwood. About 9)
guests have been Invited.
The fifth midwinter concert of the Tioga
Choral Society wilt be given tonight in
St. Paul's Reformed Episcopal Church,
Broad and Venango streets. Sir Julius
Benedict's '".ogoud or St. Cecilia" will
be. sung, with tho following excellent
ni lists taking solo paits: Miss -May Ebrey
Hotz, soprano; Jlrs. Jlabelle Cochran Ad
dison, contralto; Jlr. Henri Jlcrrlken,
tenor, and Jlr. TJouuld V. Redding, bari
tone. Jlr. James B. Hartzoll, of 130.1 Pike
street, is the musical director, and Jlrs.
F. J. It. Jones, or 4301 Noith l.'.tli street,
is sccictary.
Jlrs. Daniel Vhiton Blown with her son
and daughter-in-law Jlr. and Jlrs. An
drew V. Brown, or West Tioga sheet
will leave Tor Florida doling tho week.
Jlrs. Frank C. Fischer, or 3542 North
18th street, entertained at luncheon to
day, her guests being Jlrs. Laura Slilnkel,
Jlrs. Frank Vanderherschcn, Jlrs. Jlax
JIaler, Jlrs. Raymond Wcckerly, Jlrs. W.
F. Johnson, Jlrs. William Logan, Jlrs.
John Nuttall, Jlrs. J. Rlstlne, Jlrs. Charles
Bonsall, Jllss E. P. Palmer and Jlrs. E.
G. Gay.
Jllss Adeline Froellch, or 1251 West Al
legheny avenue, entertained tho card club
of which she Is a member nt luncheon and
cards on Saturday.
Jlr. and Jlrs. Morris Ileckliurtlt. of 2330
West Tloga street, are spending some
tlmo In Atlantic City.
North Philadelphia
Jlr. and Jhs. Hvim T. Jones, of IIIOJ
North 2.M street, announce, the iiinrrlago
of their daughter. Jllss JIarion ..ikahetli
Jones, to Jlr. Iouls F. Sommer. of New
York. The ceremony took place iu New
York city on January 18.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Parker have re
turned to their home in Atlantic City
after spending several days aa the guests
of Jlr. nnd Mrs. Jl. C. Rowly, of 15H
North Grata street.
Jlr. William Douglass, or 23th street and
Giiard avenue, lias returned home after
spending several duys at Chailestown,
The Ladles' Auxiliary or the St. John's
Commandery, No. 4, C. T., held a formal
dansant at the Hotel Walton Saturday
evening. The patronesses Included Jlrs.
William II. Bullitt, Mrs. N. N. Gill, Jlrs,
Lillian Thompson, Jlrs. Aiehiu Campbell,
Mrs, G. E, Brown, Jlrs. C. riley. Jlrs.
George Shaw. Jlrs. A. Wcckeily, Jlr.
Charles Curan, Mrs. Charles Danenhauer
and Mrs. Morse.
On Thursday night the Belmont Avenue
Baptist Mandolin and Glee Club will give
an enteitalnment In the Cookman Jleth
odlst Episcopal Church, Lehigh avenue
and 12th street, for the benefit of the Sun
day school.
Northeast Philadelphia
Miss Myrtle Doer, of North 7th street.
Is the guest of Jls8 Irene Miller, of Scran
ton, Pa.
Jllss A, Levitt entertained the mem
bers of tho Auxiliary of tha Northeastern
Ladles' Benevolent Society at her horns
20S3 North 7th street, on Saturday In honor
of her coming marriage on February 8,'
after which she will make her home In
Pocahontas, Va, Those present were MUs
Nan Cohen, SUM Sarah R. Telman. Jliss
Klbby Freedman, Jllsa Frances Klllsky.
Jllss Jennie Stevens. Mrs. Nathaniel
Klaltts, Jlrs. Joseph Idell. Jllsa Florence
Waldman, Jllas Jean Smith. JUm Rosa
Jletiner. Mlsa llosa SellgMMi Jliss Mary
Sollader. Jlltw lnora Y Soilader Mi&a
Katharine ilirshenx Mkf AuguMa Ko .
rei MWss Small lfcat'n ill;,- Id i 1. 1 h
leu Mttt Jen ike Urceiilx." g .li-- Anna
ixwit. Mis tiuiah 11 '(, a mm and alias
jjeao Lipwlta,
Contralto Includes American Com
posers in Her Representative, List
Itcglua Hiisslcr-Fox, daughter of JInik
llnsslpi', tlie well-remembered bandmas
ter, gave n recltnl under tho competent
local dhectlon or Helen Pulaski limes
Inst night In Wlthei spoon Hull. An cn
cournRlngly large nudlencp. which mado
ono recall the tlmo when recitals of merit
wete assured of local patronage, heard
tho contralto sing n variedly representa
tive program which traversed tho old
Italian of Rossi Iu "Ah Rondlml" ("Jll
trano" (16S.1): tho German romnntlclsts,
now of tho classics of time though not of
form: a French group of Idyllic and sen
timental pieces und a brace of lyrics, act
to music by American composers, which
fared well in comparison with what Is
being done by contemporaries on tho Con
tinent. Several factors combined to make tho
recital ono of the most enjoyable of the
Individual musical affairs of the winter.
Tho collective enthusiasm generated' by
tho mero presence or numbers was re
sponsible for nn attitude of warm reci
procity between singer nnd audience.
Mutually reactive, too, was tho recital
giver's cordial intimacy with her hearers.
A toucli of consideration not always
thought of and turned to deed by concert
artists was provided by tho printed text
of the numbers paralleled by adequate and
sometimes excellently spirited transla
tions. Translations wcro hardly needed, for so
clear was JIme. Hassler-Fox'.s syllabic
enunciation nnd so clarifying the cadenco
of the phrases as sho vocalized the
Italian, French, German and English text
that words singly ami In combination fell
Intelligibly upon the car.
But Jlmc. Hnssler-Fox can do more than
pronounce to music; sho can sing. In all
the term connotes. She can sustain tho
legato line with lovely effect; sho can de
claim dramatically; sho can italicize a
point with n sharp and effective stac
cato; she can color her tones with ro
mance, sentiment, pathos or Just simple
beauty, and she can do that difficult musi
cal thing she can re-create out of an
abundant comedy spirit such humor as
Brahms put In his nether Rhenish folk
song, "Vergobllches Staendchen." Her
voice Is nn organ of genuine contralto
quality, velvety in texture with a ilch
pile and luscious lustre, and sho uses It
with Intelligent knowledge of Its limita
tions no less than of its capacities.
The Itos.sl number had quite the grand
operatic sense and the minor hut tense
drama of tho ballad was In Schumann's
"Waldengesprach." Panlzza's poignant
setting of Veriaino's bitter-sweet "D'une
Prison" was piercingly pathetic In its
depicture of errant youth, while some
thing of the samo effect pervaded Pala
dllhe'x melodizing of Carneille's "Psyche."
James H. Rogers' setting of two Omar
quatrulna and Homer Bartlett's of "Tell
Jle Where Is Fancy Bred?" wcro u credit
to American composition. W. It. JI.
Jlr. Rubeit L. Sheppard and .Mr
Thomas .Summeiiiehl, of Frankford, will
sail from New York on February S for
n trip tu the llaibados. They expect to
lie gone nbout four weeks.
Jlrs, II. J. Kershaw, accompanied by
her daughter, left on Satin ay for Jack
sonville, Fla. They will vlfc.t Tampa and
St. Petersburg before returning, and wilt
bo gone about six weeks.
Jllss Dorothy Gallagher, of Asylum
pike, will leave tomorrow for Chicago,
111., where ahe expects to spend a month
with her brother and sister-in-law, Jlr.
and Mrs. George A. Gallagher, at their
apartment In La Plaza Hotel.
Jlr. and Jlrs. Georgo Ilurtz. of Acad
amy road, have Jlr. Hurtz's mother, Jlrs.
William Hurtz, or Boston, Muss., as their
guest for the winter.
Jliss Gene Farrell entertained at cards
and luncheon Saturday at her home, T010
Tulip sticet. The guests were Jllss Rose
Illoxom, Jllss Esther Rlordau, Jllss Clare
Heiisou. Jibs Gertrude West, Jllss Alice
Duffy. Jllss Lillian Goldman, Jliss A rice
Whltlin, Jllss Evelyn Levy. Jllss Edna
Story. Jllss Claro Bederiiiau, Jllss Slar
guerlte Doll, Jliss Frances Clarke, Jllsa
Martha Henderson, Miss Bernlce Canning,
Miss Marlon Griffiths, Jllss Pauline Flem
mlng, Jllss Virginia Dunlap, Jliss Helen
Carson and Jllsa Charlotte Jlurray.
At the meeting of the Twentieth Cen
tury Club of Lansdowne this afternoon
there will be a discussion of "Piesent
day Magazlues," led by Jlrs. Seymour
Dr. John JIcKennu, of Baltimore ave
nue, left Saturday for a trip to Havana.
Jlr. V. Jloore, of Highland ayenue, la
Visiting In Washington, D. C.
Notice for tbe Society pa( will be
occupied and printed Iu the Kveulns
ledger, but all such notices tnuat be
urlttcu on on tide of the paper, mutt b
tlgaVU In full, with full addrtM. and
wliru pewlble telephone uumber iuut bo
fetu'd all urh romoiuulratloua to
"Soilrty KdUor." Eftoln I.cd(cr, 04
IhMtnut !.
JtultM l'ie reaulreuieiiU ar carried
out 'hat ttrlltratlou may b polbl,
tba notice will ( be yublUhed.
Artistic Circle:. :n This City Interested in a Dance to Be
Given at the Walton Stunts and Specialty'
Dances to Be Order of Entertainment
ARTISTIC clrrles In Philadelphia rre
jCjl much Interested In the bal masque
to bo held nt tlio Hotel Walton on the
oonlng of February IS for the benefit of
tlio Three Arts Club This organization,
which wns founded only three years ago,
Is rapidly becoming a centre of artistic
life in this dty, especially for the young
women who como hero to study cither
music, tin drama or painting.
Tho club has Its liendnuarters nt 2M
South 17th sheet, whero It lias lensed tho
entire house, but the onicers aio anxious
to buy or build a larger and permnnent
homo, and Hip bal masiiuo has been
planned to rnlso tho nucleus of n fund
for this purpose. Jits. W. Yorke Steven
son, Jtrs. Austin Ilockschcr, Jllss Harriet
Sartaln and Jllss Emily Snrtnin nro
I nmong tho women prominent socially and
I in artistic circles who nrr members of the
j board of governors of the club, and nro
working bind for tho success of the ball.
Amusing "stunts," somewhat on the or-
i dor of the clever "skits" which have
l made the annual hall of the Academy of
I the Fine Arts fnmous, will ho n feature of
tills affair. Tlio exact nattlto or thoso
doings Is being vnieftilly concealed by the
commit too In charge, of which Jllss I1107.
Livingston Is chairman, but some most
nttraotho surpilscs nic promised during
tlio course of the evening.
Tho Tliren Arts Club was founded by
Jtrs. J. Harry Jliiltlnlor, the first anil
present piesldenl of the organisation. It
wns modeled on tho lines of tlio Thrco
ArtH Club of Now York, which has crown
ninaalugly In tho Inst ton years, mid now
haa a membership of nioro than .W0. The
local club has more thttti a hundred mem
bers already, II of whom live at the club
house. It Is hoped in time tu havo n
home largo enough to nceonimodate from
B0 to 100 young women instead of forcing
visiting art students to scatter aiound the
city In apartment or boarding houses.
Jlr. and Jlrs. Percy C. Fegcr entertained
nt their home, 3S32 North 15th street, on
Saturday evening The Biicsts woio Jlr.
and Jlrs. E. Taylor, Jllss Ruth Decker,
Jllss Jtabcll Heacock, Jllss Mnry Rellly,
Jllss Beatrice Tovy, Jllss Vesta Knur
man, Jllsa Helen Thayer, Jllss JIargucrlto
Graham, Jllss JInbel Graham, Jllss Jlar
cht Lupton. Jllss JIahel Reese. Jlr. nnd
Jlrs. E. W. Decker, Jlr. O. E. Docker,
Jlr. Ilownrd Balnbrldge, Jlr. Earl Dill-
more, Jlr. Q. T. Docker, Jlr. William
Reese, Jtr. Carlislo Taylor.
Among tho several features of the even
ing wcro musical selections by Jllss
Decker, Jllss Graham and Jllss Kauf
man, and demonstrations of tlio modern
dances by Jllss Heacock and Jlr. Taylor.
Following tho dancing, refreshments wcro
Jlr. and Jtrs. Lawrence JIcEvoy. of H19
Soutli 15th etrcet, gave a dinner in honor
of Jlr. and Jlrs. Pctor JIcEvoy, of Ger
mantown, who will leave for Polm Beach
today to be gone six weeks.
Jllss Sarah Lubcr, of 1SI7 North 8th
street, entertained Jllss Lucy Solom nt n
f o'clock tea. Thoso present wcro Jllss
Dorothy Barsh, Jllss Helen Cohan, Jllss
Jlay Goldstein, Miss Bessie Luber, Jliss
Bella Pressman, Jllss Frances Pressman
and Jllss Fannie Welsman.
Jlr. and Jlrs. Arnold Stlttcrlln. of 1721
Hazel avenue, entertained at dinner last
evening. Their guests Included Jllss
Blancho Whltccar, Jllss Emma Weasels,
Jlr. Harry L. Wymond and Jlr. John
Tho fifth annual "500" and dance of the
Indies' Auxiliary or the Ocean City Yacht
Club will bo given tomorrow night at Hor.
tlcul Hall, Brood street above Spruce,
and more than 1M01 persons are expected
to attend.
Tho hall will bo especially decorated
with palms and flowers and tho elaborate
electrical lighting effect will bo In the
club colors, red and white.
Club pennants of all sizes will be also
much In ovldence.
Tlio officers of the Ladles' Auxiliary are
Jlrs. William E. Hexamer, president;
Jtrs. Daniel H. Paris, vice president; Jlrs.
Robert JlcKeown, secretary; Jlrs. A. T.
James, treasurer.
The ladles or St. Francis or Asslsl
Church will give a euchre and "500" In
Asslsl Hull, Greene nnd Logan streets.
Germantown, today. Games will begin at
3 o'clock.
Last Wednesday evening Dr. and Jlrs.
F. A. JlcJIuliln entertained nt dinner
Dr. and Jlrs. J. J. A. JlcJiulUn. U. S. N
rormcrly of Buffalo. N. Y., and now en
routo to Jfanlla, P. I.
Among tho guests were Jlr. and Jlrs. J.
Frances Leonard, Jr., Dr. Edward Flat
icy. Jllss Catherine McJlullln. Jlr. Leo
Kelly, Jllss Gertrude JlcJIuliln. Jllss
JIary George, of Coatesvllle, and Miss
JInrgatet O'Neill.
The reception nnd dance of II Clrcolo dl
Sant' Angese, held last week in St. Paul's
T. A. B. Hall, 818 Carpenter street, was a
great success, though Professor Jlaurizlo's
orchestra muslo was Interrupted early
In tho evening by fire bells. The building
next door was on fire. This might hava
been alarming had It not been for Jlr.
George II. Bonner, director of tho Ma-
""convention" hall""
TWICE DAILY Mat, at .1 Night at 8.15.
Well Healed an. I Well Ventilated
I'KANK I'. HTILI.MA.V Presents
a IUna' World's tireatest Areui. Mais:
Horses! Clowns! Maneloua Trained Anluul
Exhibition: Ten Thousand Seals at 25c.
Prices. V5c 50c. TSr and at 00 Mats, i'5c
and BOc. On Sale ai Clmbels
Exhibition of Paintings
- nv
Paula Himmelsbach Balano
Johanna M. Boericke
Mary Butler
JANIJABV ill to rKllRl'ARA 8
AT THH 1'I.A.Srii" CI.l'U
Open 0A M to 5 l Jl ADUISHIO.N FREE
CHESTNUT ST. Opera House
MATINEES. 1.30 TO 5 V. M. 10c. lBo
NIUHTd. T TO Jl 1. M. JOc. 15c. t!0o
F'r.nf0B "The Ruling Passion"
With Cl.AHtE WHITNEY and Wjr. E. 8HAY
8pctalJ)rqan JYusIo and Alt-Star Colui(ej
VAUDEVILLE Continuous Jl A. M, to
II 1. M. I0o. 1 5c. 23c
okorob auger "The Giant's Fear"
and Company In ' """, "
"Four Jacks and a Queen"
tLat.h8 F Hopkinson Smith
McClees Galleries, 1507 Walnut St.
Walnut Mat' Today, 25c, BOc
"U1" Eg. 25c to I No bbjher.
"Hello People"" SJLi r.,.
MTYflM "today AT S 13 "
Mary Dorr; Alexander Kids. Hdtar AtcbWou
Bly & Co.) The Oordoa HlgblaiKUra; Fedarsoa
lirotbera, andJMliwni.
NIXON'S GRAND ""JJ4 & Msnlnnwy
- U""" Today. X IS T 0
PATIT.TNE World's UraatMt Hjpnoll.t
Baa el Caniu to hack CUJ at Hat Uai
Amoi-ipnn Arm i'lajein l.i il.T.
American 0 accoi nt f i 1 1
frwnrlprn uw m-vibw t' tun
! donna Catholic Club. Jlr. Honher's as
suring statements Hint there was "ho
danger." mid that all would bo notified If
I It became necessary, however, calmed lli
merrymakers, and tha dancing WAS again
resumed. Festivities wcro stopped later
by tho Rev. Father Daly, who Is an ex
ponent of "Safety First." A march v.a
formed and thn dnticera pioceeded to tho
Mailonnn Houe. '8H South 10th Btreel,
whcie the merriment continued,
Doctor Ptterop's lecture on "Safely
First" In tlio Madonna House some lime
ago left an Impression which gavn tho
members n clinnce to put Into practice,
Tho committee In charge of tho affair
Included Jllss Jlniguerlte D'OraMo, Jlls.
Jliiry Parpoallolo, Miss Anna Sammar
tlno, Jllss Lena Dllonardo. Miss Clair
Sammartlno and Jllss JIcGrath.
The Rousseau Club Meld Its meeting at
tho home of Mr. Leon J. Slonlmsky Sun
day nflernoon. Jlr. George J. Burrlson
presided. Reports wcie given by Ilia fol
lowing comniitteos: .Membership, 5tr.
Howard If. Kates; I'roginm, Jlr. Leon
t. Stonlmsky ; Invitation, Mr. Charles 1.
Lamport. A -ety favorable report was
given for tlio diiiice which will tnko plnco
at Mortel's th night of .March 9. Mr.
Victor .Sohwaiis! and Jlr. William Passer
mini, both students of tho School Of Prac
tice, havo been voted for rs tnembcra
of tho club. The club has ar-nr.ged for
a most elabotate Lincoln Day party to
tnko place February 12 at Mr. Nathaniel
Bloom's home. 1913 Noith 33d street.
After tho business meeting nn Inter
esting literary piogram was arranged,
followed ly a supper,
Tlio i lull rs a whole attended the
niuplinlo n ml dnnce given by the Hebrew
Literary Society In Its auditorium, 310
12 Catharine street. Among the members
piosent wore. Alt. Gcorgo J. Burrlson,
Jlr. Leon J. Slonlmsky. Jlr. Howard II.
Kates, Dr. Clinrles K. Selgel. Jtr. Paul 1.
Satiircn. Jlr. Nnthnnlcl Bloom, Jlr. JIU
clicll Fow. .Mr. Samuel Ltpschultz, Jlr.
Charles Lamport, Jtr. Samuel Goldman,
Jlr. Samuel Kornfeld, Jlr. David Cuper
sinltli, Jtr. Boinard Biody, Jlr. Iaaao
N. Buiiison, Jlr. Charles I. Woorman,
Jlr. William Follow.
ATLANTIC CITY, Feb. 1. Jlr. Charles
JI. Schwab, who. with Jlrs. Schwab, haa
spent tho last low days at tho Hotel
Trnymore for a brief period of rest nnd
golf, has returned to Now York.
Jlr. and Jlrs Gcorgo E. Shaw, of' Over
brook; Lieutenant nnd Jtrs. Jack Dalton
and the Jllsses Elizabeth Smith and Lucy
Shaw comprise a party bore.
Jlr. J. King JIcLanahan, Jlr. and Mrs.
J. King JIcLanahan. Jr.. Jllss Helen JIc
Lanahan and Jllsa Elizabeth JIcLanahan,
of Hollldaysburg, aro guests at the hotel.
Among Phlladelphlans at tho Traymor
nre Jlr. nnd Jlrs. S. Custer, Jlr. J. A.
Bates, Jlr. and Jlrs, Thomas Wrlgglns,
Jlr. und Jlrs. J. L. Poultney, Jlr. and Jlrs.
C. R. JlcCarthy. Dr. nnd Jlrs. J. T Llppln
cott. Dr. nnd Jtrs. G. W. Urquhart. Dr. and
Jlrs. Herbert Goddard, Jtr. Thomas E.
O'Shca, Jlr. nnd Jlrs. B, F. Itlchardsoiu
Jlr. Rnd Jlrs. J. J. Dllworth. Jlr. and!
Jlrs. H. H. Skcrrctt and Jlr. and Mrs,
W. W. Hanna.
What's Doing Tonight
I. i I. u Slirlncra' circus. VonVentlon Halt;
S o'clock.
Evangelistic campaign, rirjt Daptlst Church.
17th and Siinsoni streets.
Jteetlncr. buvlneas men and realdenta of 47th
Wort, lull Columbia avenue; 8:30 o'clock.
Lecture. "Philosophy of 'Atheism," by Emma
GoMmnn, T1S North Broad street.
Guild o.' OrKunlits, Church of the Atone
ment. Spanish War Veterans, 3d Iteilment Armory.
Lancaster Aenuo Business Men, 8930 Lan
caster menue. B o'clock. Free.
Academy of Natural Sciences, 1900 Hac
street: s o'clock.
Uohockslnk Business Men, "til street and
Oornmntown lucnue; 8 o'clock. Free.
Fifty-second and Market Streets Business
Jfen, 5210 Market streot; 8 o'clock. Free.
I.octure. "Dangers and Difficulty of Field
Photography." by A. need, Wltherspoon Halt.
lecture. "Current Events," by W. S. Myera.
Association Hall, Oermantown.
I' UJA.lv ill DA EVENINGS, 8 :tt
Peerless Musical Productltm
Pest Seats 81.60 at Matlnsa Tomorrow.
Hotel Bingham Cafe
Bingham Hotel Co. Market & 11th "Sta
B. F. Keith's Theatre
Paul Morton and Naomi Glass
Wlllunt Sl.-ums A Co.; Hantly ft Norton,
llji le Fluallibon Other Features.
tj r C A T"i This tc Next Wk Evga. at . 1 ft
OlJi.U Matlrwe Tomorrow at 1)16
Kla t Erlangsr A Usoria Tyler Pressnt
Ti Olad Plan, to Sprtai Good Cheer
Throunhout AH PhlladtlpMa.
Uest Bean 11.60 at Mating Tomorrow
GARRICK Last 5 Bvga.
Best Seats 11.00 at Matlnan Tomorrow
Next WeettTWIN BEDS. Beata Thursday
iilJlllljlrXll. POP, l MAT THl RS
uxylR.Sfaco Frances Starr
Th Most Discussed Dramatic Event of tha Yeai
"The Passiner Show of 1915"
10c 1M MARKET - SOu
ll A. n II v-
11 14 . in. to ll:Up. uv
Theodore Roberts
Tbura., I,lz.iiic
In THrtltinc froductlan
"Pudd'a Head Wllwjn"
Thursday. Friday. Batyrdg fAKNtS WAKU
Arcadia w ." '"'.f
uuiiii uiiietaui
In Vint Saoulus TU K KtA I.G TUlUMUi'
Thura..Frlt.,WtlUe4 lUck la Tht CBy$L
University Museum &&$!
VYUU. r-l.OU CLARK "Tnai afciw. .
t-.y. auitiu rbit altiaai HkMBbeiK : .' ,.v
Mats Tur
Tbura.. faat.
iiiiwriiiiTi"f " tv-T Lfa 'fjgacgjg"