M TO EVENING LEDIJTBPHILADB1;PH,IA TUESDAY, FB3BTJABY I gOlfi, FEAR NOT PALLING PICTURE OR SPILLED SALT, SAYS M'LISS Success of Endless Chain Scheme Shows How Deep-rooted Superstition Is in Feminine NatureThey Fear Not to Answer Letters tTAVTl you received your endless chain letter yet? Did there como with m? if ,?,"8r hm" an tnnocuous-looklng missive which when opened dla-?-it.. 'I t n of theso Pesllf0"8 epistles demanding that you sit down immediately and send nine similarly prayerful letters to Unsuspecting friends fti?a acquaintances, threatening you with dlro happenings In caso you failed to obey. aJ'J?? hvflh,t ot yura yet, you doubtless will, for, according to postal autnorlt oa, theso prayers aro being sent broadcast over tho town In numbers ryiag with a seven-year locust plague. wnat a travesty on prayer and religion is this, and yet so dcep-rooted in our natures la tho ovil of superstition that It is safe to wager that nlno out of every 10 women at least, will bo so struck with craven fear at tho promlso of an awful visitation that, rather than run any risk of calling down an Unknown iro on their Innocent heads, thoy" will go to tho troublo and write those letters. It was only yesterday that a friend of mino was startled to find horsclf the victim of ono of theso endless chain fiends. "Throw it In thO WaStO-naner basket, flp.ir." -aina hnr Vinnhnn.l'a tnmn comment when his advlco was asked. "Pay no attention to It whatovor ' s Don't bo guilty of helping along an Ignorant, wildcat schemo llko that, which ' can ao no ono any good and can do a great many harm-" My friend thought a while. ''But," she protested, "It practically puts a curso on mo if I do not follow Instructions." And her reply to hor husband's "nonsenso" was a determined move toward tho desk. "It only means nlno two-cent stamps, nlno pieces of writing paper and nlno envelopes and about a half, hour's time. It's worth all that to bo com fortable" Thl! nhn nAAnA fen.. 1IM1.M a- .l. i, -I--,- - .. ., . ..-. .. . .. uuu ,,, inina iu mo i-uuiuss cnain ana incidentally wcoKcneu her powder of rcslstanco for tho tlmo when another test of strength of mind and character comes along. Superstition denotes mental weakness which llko a physical weakness can and must bo overcome I don't bqllevo there is any man or woman living tpday who is entirely without his pet belief In a "hoodoo." It may be tho spilling of tho salt, tho passing under a ladder, the falling of a picturoj it may bo a certain nrtlclo of wearing apparol or Jewolry that wo believe to bo un lucky. It may only be, as tho paradoxical Chesterton would say, a superstition of being superstitious; but In some gulso or shape, It's usually there. Tho wise person will not permit hor llfo to bo hampered by theso fears any moro than she will foster a mental weakness by becoming a party to any silly, endless chain absurdity. The real curso or Jinx Is put on you when you consent to being cowed by an anonymous threat Into writing tho letters not when you rcfuso to comply. If you don't bcllevo me, ask tho letter carrier who has to "toto" the additional mall. Ho thinks ho's tho ono who has tho jinx on him. SEEN IN THE SHOPS Decadence of Etiquette , "Write something about etiquette," Is tho plaint a. correspondent sends to mo. "Two weeks ago I gavo a card party. I sent out 3G invitations with K. S. V. P. requests stuck conspicuously in a corner of tho cards. Only seven people were pleased to respond by letter, although 28 camo to tho party. I was simply despcrato tho day beforo tho affair camo oft. I didn't know how many to preparo for, or whether tho wholo thing was doomed to failure. Tho people who didn't answer were tho kind who consider themselves 'very proper. They've been raised to know better. Isn't this deplorablo?" It is deplorable, O. H., moro so becauso you do not suffer alone. TI1I3 sort of thing is constantly being done. Apparently people no longer believe that "manners maketh the man." Instead, thoy seem rathor proud of tho fact that they Ignore the social amenities. Time was when "repondez s'll vous plait" wa3 a mandate to bo Instantly obeyed. Now wo say with modern sang-froid. "Oh, I'll make up my mind In a day or two and telophono her." Something Intervenes, tho telephoning la forgotten and when tho day arrives, not having committed ourselves, wo either go or stay at homo as the fancy dictates, and the poor hostess has either been put to tho expense of an oversupply or tho embarrassment of not having enough. We havo societies for almost everything nowadays. "Would It not bo a good Idea to have ono for thoughtful responding to formal Invitations. v 7 b 1 IIS?- JR flf , MmSJH3&mmA WWMlMflSy ! HH mm mm H iliwl IP Wmimttfl mm mmim. imms SfflS 5s U ufAwBlimtt tin! tut 1-lis in . 1 4 rilim. !2f far WOMEN'S CLUBS BUSY THIS MONTH Receptions at Various Club houses Mark the Opening of Social Events Letters to the Editor of the Woman's Page Address all communications to M'LUs. care of the Erenlnr Ledrer. side of tbe paper only. Write on ono i Dear M'LIss Kindly lot mo know what Is good to make tho hair thick and stop It from falling out. Thanking you, I am H. P. If your general health Is good, your hair ought not to fall out. Nervousness, lack of sleep, poor circulation or any one of a dozen ailments cause failing hair! Strike at the root of tho troublo first and consult a physician so that you can get Into good physical condition. If your Kair Is oily it will not hurt to wash it every two weeks. If It is not oily and you can keep it free of dust by thorough brushings, once a month hould bo sufficient, since it Is not good to take too much of tho natural oil out. Crude oil. If carefully applied, 'is a wonderful stimulant to tho roots. It should be used ono or two nights beforo the shampooing. Nightly massage, plus tho application of a tonic recommended by a reliable scalp expert, should noon get yoUr scalp Into a healthy condition. Dear M'LIss Kindly Inform mo where and how to apply to become a movlne- cture actress? FOR GOLF OR MOTORING HERE Is a good-looking outfit for sports and outdoor wear which will attract nny woman, not only because it Is so smart, but because It Is practical, both In fabric and design. Tho whole thing Is fashioned of pongee, plain and rose clicckcd. Quito new and decidedly effective Is tho npron tunic which serves to cover tho divided skirt. This, as well as tho sleeves, Is full, to allow tho freedom of move ment which Is essential to a useful sports outfit. Hall buttons of tan pearl, a black taffetas tic and bandings of tho plaid upon tho natural pongee form tho trimming. A cool, comfortable hat Is shown In this model of pongee, featuring a visor to protect sensitive eyes from tho &un. A band of rose matching tho colors In the plaid Is fastened with a pearl buckle. Tho price of tho whole costume Is $75. Full particulars as to where this outfit may bo purchased will bo supplied by tho Editor of tho Woman's Page, Evenino LUDonn, GOS Chestnut street. The request must be accompanied by a stamped, self-addressed envelope and must mention tho date on which tho article appeard. PYORRHEA DEMANDS ATTENTION OP BOTH DENTIST AND DOCTOR February Is ono of tho busiest months of the year In the woman's club world, nnd tho very first day Is being ushered In nt tho New Century Club of this city with the proper ceremonies. At 3 o clock this afternoon a reception will bo hold, at which the President, Mrs. H. S. Prentiss Nichols, will bo assisted In receiving by Mrs. Sabln W. Cotton, Jr., Mrs. Cyrus H. if r'nrfln Mm ltnrn.cn Hellers. Mrs. Illchard Peters, Miss Elizabeth Lowry and Mrs. S. Hums Weston. "Tho Community Value of Organized Playgrounds" will bo discussed by Ernest L. Tustln at tho mooting of the Century Club of Norwood tomorrow afternoon. This afternoon's meeting at tho Philo muslnn Club, 3911 Walnut street, will also take tho form of a reception. Mrs. Ben jamin F. nichardson, president of the club, will bo assisted In receiving fiy flirs. Charles Adamson, Mrs. Walter C. Han cock, Mrs. Richard T. Randall, Mrs. Harry W. Jaync, Mrs. Frederick P. War ren nnd Mrs. West Ulssell. Mrs. Charles E. Wnlto and Mrs. Fannlo K. Simons will preside at the tea table. Following tho reception an address on "Maternity and Emergency Relief for llolglnn Mothers nnd Babies" will bo given by Mrs. William S. Cnsselman. At tho Plnstlc Club, 217 South Camac street, tho board of directors held their meeting yesterday. Tomorrow afternoon the regular monthly meeting of tho club will ho held as usual. No nnrllcuiar fea tures of ontcrtnlnmcnt havo been planned for the occasion. This Saturday marks tho closing of tho exhibition of work by Miss Paula Hlmmctsbach Balano, Miss Johanna M. Bocrlcko nnd Miss Mary But ler. Tho Now Century Club of Chester will hold a meeting this afternoon, at which William Berry will make an atldrcHM. "Tho Monroe Doctrine, as Allied to tho Pan-American Congress," will bo dis cussed. Mrs. William D. Randall Is chairman of the affair. Tho cxccutlvo board will assist the president of the club, Mrs. William Knowlcs Evans, In receiv ing, Tho current events class will meet today also, and tho homo economics class tomorrow afternoon. Mrs. J. M. Wood Is chairman of this claas. The classes aro hold at the T. M. C. A., from 9:30 to 12, Tho class In solf. expression and polso will bo held as usual on Friday morning. Tho Twentieth Century Club of Lans downo will discuss current magazines, led by Mrs. Seymour Eaton. Marion Harland's Corner Hcti v 1 will be much obliged for any Information on this subject. A nRAnun wlf you think you have talent in this line, you should apply to tho director nt a-moving picture company and ask him to give you a trial. Lubin's Is tho only largo studio that I know of In Philadelphia. Dear M'LIss Will silk suits bo in style again this spring? What colors will be popular? Thanking you in advance, , v. M. Yes; the popularity of the silk suit Is by no means over. Designers show many models in taffetas and gros de londres. Navy blue, soldat blue, tans, black and black-blue or rose-and-plald combinations will all bo in high favor! ' Dear M'LIss What is tho meaning of the name Lucy? Lucy means light, brilliant, happy. L. II. M. .1 Dear M'LIss How would you clean white boots? They are made of kid and get very soiled. READER. There ore several good cleaning liquids on the market, any of which I would be glad to tell you about If you send a stamped, self-addressed en velope, Gasoline and white soap applied with a handbrush has been used by some women to good effect. Dear M'LIss Kindly give me the proper pronunciation of tho word allies. I have heard many, many variations. Where Is the accent? b. O. Indeed, you are not alone In your trouble. This simple word has been grossly mistreated. The first syllable is pronounced llko the "al" In pal; the accent Is on the last, pronounced as "lies." Dear M'LIss Can you place the following quotation, only stand and wait"? It is from Milton's Ode on his blindness. 'They also serve who DORIS. Dear M'LIss Can you tell me where dumdum bullets got their name? CURIOUS. The bullets were called after the place where they were first made Dumdum, Bear Calcutta, India. By WILLIAM A. BRADY, M. D PYORRHEA alvcolarls et dcntalls (chronic Inflammation of tooth sockets and discharge of pus from tho gums) Is bo very frequent and so very Injurious In Its effect upon the general health that It deserves free discussion. Sovero anemia (weak or watery blood), stomach and Intestinal troubles, and "rheumatism," are so commonly noted among tho Injurious elTccts of neglected pyorrhea that good physicians nowadays Insist upon an export dentist's examina tion, fortified, perhaps, oy an jway photograph of the Jaws, In order to re veal any hidden pus pockets or "septic foci" which may be entirely accountable for tho general ailment. In provlous discussions of the subject, competent critics Inform us, wo have not sufficiently emphasized tho Importance of dentistry. Wo have dwelt upon tho en- dameba and tho streptococcus na causes of pyorrhea the former treated by hypo dermic Injections of cmetlno given by physician or dentist, the latter by scrap ing out tho pus pockets and preparing a vaccine from tho material, to bo admin istered at Intervals over a prolonged pe riod of weeks. Of course It Is a dentist's affair pyor rhea. Ho must determine whether tho disease has progressed to the extent of calcareous deposit and, so lar as no la able, whether nnd where there are pus pockets to bo drained and curetted. But ho should work In conjunction with the patient's doctor. The best dentists al ways do so when treating pyorrhea. For Instance, without tho physician's sanc tion, In a caso of pyorrhea with second ary Joint lesions, it might prove disas trous for tho dentist to curette or sur gically attack a number of pus pockets at ono sitting It Is always better to do a little at a time, and at Intervals of sev eral days, because each curettage or opening of pus pocket effectively vac cinates tho patient with his living vac cine, a very helpful thing for the second ary lesion If homeopathic, a very risky and sometimes disastrous thing If In large dose. Success, then, In tho attack upon pyor rhea Is to be anticipated by teamwork. Most people look upon tnelr dentist much In the spirit In which they look upon their dressmaker or barber. That Is wrong. A dentist Is a forco for health If you give him an opportunity. He should be ap proached as a specialist, by and with the co-operation of the family doctor. milk, a slice of bread and butter, or a eoda, graham, oatmeal or similar bis cuit. Or a soft-boiled egg or poached egg with bread and butter and cup of milk, or perrldge. Lunch (10 a. m.) Bread and milk. Or bread and butter with brown sugar on It Dinner (2 p. m.) Boiled rlco or baked potato with gravy: glass of milk. Or cup of chicken, mutton or beef broth, with barley or rice In It. Some fresh fruit Juice. Bread and butter with sugar on It. Cus tard, tapioca, cornstarch or rlco pudding. Supper (6 p. m.) Bread and milk or porridge. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Diet of Baby From 1G Months to Two Years Will you kindly suggest a normal diet for a baby of 16 months? Answer Breakfast (7 a. m.) Cup of Are You Aware That Philadelphia produces fully one-third the carpets woven In the entire world? Well, It does, and although such carpet districts as Wilton, Axmlnstcr and Brus sels contributed names to carpets that havo become household words as well as housohold commodities, our own city now leads In their manufacture. Our United States, of which we think as a young nation. Is older In point of maintaining a single stablo government except Russia. AH tho rest have under gone momentous changes during tho last 125 years, What's Failure? Failed wo yesterday, my Heart? Seemed our way a path of thorns, 'Splto of opalescent moons, 'Spite of crystal dawn3? Beat tho pulse of Life In pain? Drooped tho spirit, tho' athrlll, All the world In golden garb Wandered Summer's hill? Why, then, what's a falluro for? 'Tls but brako to halt somo madness; Serves to stay our paco awhile Till we're sure of Gladness! What's a grief but that suro spillway Built to hold Joy's overflow? Skies this morn may glower leaden But for us thoy glowl And to us tho barren hedge rows t Echo still some song of bird; Hark, what says Its burden? "Courage!" Aye, at last we've heard! Edna Mead, In New York Times. THE CHEERFUL CHERUB Ilt-rd work, t-nd .simple. joys.tkey sw, . Keep one rrom getting doll i-nd gloomyi Some people je.&K t .simple. liFe. I simply hid. it htrded to rre UO "O". . LUIGI RIENZI 1714 Walnut Street Importer and Ladies' Tailor LINGERIE Gowns and Waists White Serges, Gabardines, Light Woolens Soft Silks and Voiles For Palm Beach and the South Rienzi Tailored Suit for $65.00 Marked Saving on Orders Placed Now Advance Showing of Fashionable Spring Millinery Boon to Both Parties "THAVn notlcd In the Corner the ap JLpeal for pieces of quilts. I am having a great quantity of all kinds of silk and satin pieces, as I am In the gown-making business and they accumulate. I would bo perfectly willing that somo one should mako use of them and derive somo benefit from otherwise absolutely useless things. For years I havo longed ond planned for .nm mIIv hnnrtmnde aullts. I valuo them greatly as an art, but my time Is so limited that 1 have never come Into possession of one. If. through your kind ly Corner, 1 could get one pieced In re turn for many moro pieces, and perhaps help the needy one, she would bo willing to exchange labor for material that 1 will supply. I value work above overyining, as It glvos life. juiia. m. Wo havo allowed you to give your story at length becauso It concerns closely our great body of patchwork artiste. Our Corner bears dally witness to their num ber and the earnestness with which they Beok for material for their handiwork. I lay asldo other matter for this onco to put you Into communication with those who will hall with Joy your proposition of nn exchange. It should be n boon to both parties, Interested In Butterflies "Do you know of any firm which car ries a full lino of butterflies for sale7 I Bhould much llko to know of ono. "CHAIILES P." Business addresses aro ruled out of tho Corner. Supposing, however, that you nro Interested In natural history, and par ticularly In entomology. 1 suggest Inquiry nt tho Museum of Natural History In your city for tho Information you sock. I also refer your Inquiry to renders who may bo able to assist In your research. Wo hold your atmrcss. Teachers' Course of Study "Will some ono tell mo whero I can write for Information regarding tho coun ty teachers' examination? How can I ob tain a course of study for teachers? "ItUTH C. P." The superintendent of public schools can give you tho Information you desire, or tho principal of tho high school In your neighborhood can direct you whero to get It. Preserving Mistletoe Berries "Will some one pleaso tell mo how to preserve Intact tho berries of mlstletoo? Wo havo quantities of It, but tho fall rains seemed to loosen tho berries and by Christmas they wcro all gone. "MRS. W. C. D." Referred to florists, botanists and decor ators. Wo havo representatives of all thrco professions among our active col leagues. You will hear from them through tho Corner, and tho rest of us will bo glad to learn how to preserve tho mllk-whlto berries. Ice Cream Cones "Hero I como again! Somo one asks for a reclpo for Ico cream cones. I sent It In last summer and saw It printed and clipped It again. I never miss reading tho Corner. As It has been asked for again, you might bo willing to republish It: Cream together cup of powdered sugar and U cup of butter; beat stiff. Then Btlr In Vi cup of sweet milk and a teacup of flour. Flavor with tea spoon of vanilla. Turn into a lightly greased shallow pan; spread smooth with a cako turner or broad knife. Bako to a light brown, and whllo still warm cut Into squares. Roll up each square Into a cone or cornucopia. If they cool too quickly, place them In tho oven to soften sufficiently to handle. (Pleaso clip this time! WILLING HELPER." Thank you heartily. I hope Corneritcs will, as you say, clip out tho recipe for future use. Tho writer of tho abovo says It Is a trade secret, but she willingly gives It away for tho benefit of all who read the Corner. Let those who think they will over havo Uso for tho formula cut It out and preserve It, If not for themselves, for their neighbor. Boohs of Patterns "I am In trouble not serious, however. Could you direct mo to some old fash ioned quilt block pattern? I onco had a book of them, but have misplaced It lit quest tvhon you have time. A. B. m I havo never seen such a manual, but1!! In consideration of tho ruih upon thaJI patchwork Industry that provades tht'M community it is responsible to bll! mk that books of patterns must be lisuelJV Tho praetlde of passing one from hsniwl cannot publish tho names of books uj publishers. We can and will forward to you tho titles of any that may coma to us In response to your request. . Embroidering Initial on Linen "When a young woman embroiders her name upon lingerie, which Initial dots sho use that of her first name', or thju of her last?" H. r. k,-. Usually, and sensibly, sho works both Initials upon handkerchiefs or any article of wearing apparel. If Bhe works but one It Is of her surname. Both letters are prettier and moro distinctive. Used In Window Cleaning "I ofton see plate-glass wlndows-pr. tlcularly of stores covered for hnnr. a tlmo with whitewash. .Will you tell m a wny una is uonor Ana u mo glass In prlvato houses would be Improved by the process? MRS. N. B. V," It Is not whltowosh, but a paste of whiting and ammonia used by profes sional window cleaners. It Is left on the glass for nn hour or two, then rubbed off nnd polished with old nowspaper, rubbed soft botween tho hands. Tho win dows of prlvato houses may 'bo cleaned In the Bamo way. All communlf ntlonn addressed to Marian Hnrlnnil should Inclose a stamped, ael( ntldrfMctl envelope nnd a clipping ot the article In which you nro Interested. Fer sow nlshlmr to nlil In the charitable work of the If. II. C. should write Mnrlon Itnrland, In care ot this paper, for ad nnd, having received them, communicate Gingerisms If American heiresses received trading f stamps witn uieir purcnascs oi imported husbands, thoy would at least havo some thing to show for tholr money. Tho blue ribbon lie tho epitaph. Eat, drink and bo merry, for tomorrow you may go broke Somo persons wear their religion as If 1 It wcro a rabbit's foot 1 "Why doth tho heathen rago?" Becaust missionaries butt In. "Look not upon tho wine when It Is red" white wines nro preferable. $30 For Otir Regular $40 and HS Women s Suits MaJe-to-Measure Pro-season sale for a short time only. The best values this prico has ever commanded. Newest fabrics. Evory gar ment a Victor creation. Benj. S. Victor Tnllora for Women nnd Mimes 1115 Walnut St. M SHKPPAIiD 'S The Grace of The New Laces The season's novelties are largely of that soft, filmy character which can be draped so successfully POINTE VAPOREUSE POINTE NEBULA ALENCON and substantial Cluny, Italian Filet and French Valenciennes. NECKWEAR The Newest The Most Wanted Lace Vestees with high, boned back and open front. Collars and Cuffs in rich shades to be worn in contrast with white very, very new. looS Chestnut Street m POOR MONTY! THERE'S NO ESCAPE i - .. . , lur U. UUUV UL ,U 1..U..L..O. I near uaicuna. inam. i . ' .-. ... . v .ill i KnL-iL. I: - i I Answer nreuniam u a. m.i v,up or i i 1 1 i JSZtj&m - JSSSSiiiJ V 11 f - vtt. A urn rrnr. Z77Z7T777Z " " ' ,11 i uiiuijirj tinu timi itiiuMjiuiyo ,.:: ::; ccopyruht. ims.) ;; ;; I Know you'll mss mf when i go, t r ) I HT$6,"2i t J , ... TitfLeft.iF JFirnw ' ( -,zz MONTYO I WANT YOU TO HAVE MY KOKTRAIT TO RMfJM5tK M 3Y. t -w m r i l a c n f i ilii i i.i.unr nciL.r i - " rw t .' " u y-r i i . t lit -n . . n i