8 BTHlSrlG L'EDGEB PniliADMLTHTA, MONDAY JANUARY 31. 1010' V PRETTY GIRLS, BALD-HEADED, SHOD IN NO. 12'S, TO DO ORLANDO BALLET Horrors 1 But Junior League Debutantes Are "Dead , Game Sports" and Will Appear at Bellevue in Play to Aid War Sufferers It can't bo done. Just Imnglno pretty girls with bnld hearts and No, 12 feet! Society folks Insist Mint It's Impossible, but never theless they're nil ngoR to sen tho ex periment, Tim walls of tho ball room In tha Bellovuc-Stratford nro oxpectert fnlrly to bulge under tho stress of tho Knur Hiindred Plus who will thronjr thoro when SO of the dlmplcdest nnd most chnrmlnpr members of tho unmarried set foretro their front curls nnd fearfully but hopefully present themselves In nn amateur play called tho "Hallet of Orlando," with Its setting taken from tho Florenllno period of tho fourteenth cen tury. The privnte. view of tho piny Is tomorrow nnd tho show Wednesday. Frorri start to finish It Is to bo an out-of-the-ordlnary "out-of-the-ordlnnry play." ( Tho most out-of-the-ordlnury things about tho piny nro tho costtimes. For be It known that, according to old prints, milady at tho tlmo of the set ting: was moro beautiful than other beau tiful women according to tho baldness of tho top of her head. TJirrerltiR fiom tho monks of tho porlod, who bclloved In a bald spot on the crown surrounded by a thicket of hair, tho femlnlno fashion demanded tho brow run back ns far ns milady would clip away tho hair. On tho back of tho head wns worn a tall cap, suspiciously like a "dunco cap." On It were flappers llko the planes of nn aeroplane. The gown was exccsslx-ely flowing' and to remind folks that they had feet 'neath their wldo skirts, the ladles of the day ndopted excessively loni? nnd pointed silken footgear. THE HOKROnS OF AVAR. "How horrlblol" cried society matrons. When told by their daughters of the pro posed costumes. If the girls hadn't been slnco last sum iner making tho costumes, they might think eo, too, but, they say, they have had plenty of tlmo to get used to tho Idea of them. Tho play ta for tho benefit of suf ferers In tho war zone, and tho girls In the' Ballet Orlando say that tho costumes they wear only bring homo tho horrors of war. Society Is aghast at tho thought of Its protty debutantes appearing minus their scalp locks nnd with long shoes stuffed with cotton llko a Christmas stock ing. "DEAD GAME SPORTS." "The girls aro dead gamo sports," said one young "deb." "Not ono balked. Vn will look perfectly lovely. AA'o won't be surprised If wc start n new fashion of halt-dressing in Philadelphia." Whether or not tho front curls will ac tually bo clipped off must of course re main a secret, but ono pretty member of the cast hinted darkly that It was ens-y to obtain nice new bangs "at so much per." There will bo eight real men in tho play students at tho Academy of the Fine Arts for It was explained that they could practice In the daytime, which was tho only time the girls could, on account of parties at night About half of the girls will take tho parts of men nnd theso aro the cholco rolfs, tor it was said tho cos tumes aro "perfectly darling." Each "boy" will wear a wig of curls. There will be a loose blouso and the rest will bo mostly tights. To bo sure there Is a short skirt, but It would never in tho world pass the seashore three-lnches-above-thc-ltneo rule, Miss Georgnnnn ftrowii, who has won much local fame for her Egyptian dancing, Is coach and "picker." COMEDY AND "PEP." The plny will be a comedy in three scenes. It will not bo a "problem play," says tho announcement, but there'll be plenty of "pep," nnd, continues the poster, "you know thero Is lots of 'pep' in theso days." Tho acting will nil be pantomime not a word will be spoken, oxcept porhaps under tho breath when sonio ono perchance comes to a halt on tho end of ono of the long shoes and ties up tho action for tho nonce. Thoro will bo a Villain In a villa, stil ettos, moonlight love scenes, duels, sere nades, with even nn attempted murder. Of course the would-bo murderer can't shout "Die!" anil tho "vlatlm" can't gurgle, but horror, Joy, affection, an guish can nit bo "registered" Just ns In tho movie. OIHLS DESIGN SCENERY. Th scenery Is nil hand-palntcd nnd ex ceedingly novel nnd hcnutlfut. Tho sky will bo gold. Tho first scene Is a garden, tho trees being most striking nnd pur posely not like anything grown nowndnvs. Tho next sccno Is a moonlit grove, nnd tho last Is a street In Florence. Tlio scenery Is tho work of uMIss Dorothy Stewart. Miss Oertrudo fjnmbr-rt nnd Miss Christine Chambers. The young artists havo been highly complimented by IOUls Dakst, Granville Uarkcr nnd other ex perts of modem scenery ,for their excel lent effects. Miss Dorothy Stewart Is stage manager and ha3 nrrnnged a novel entry for tho opening ballet by having the stage built In tiers. Tho dancing will be under dif ficulties with the elongated shoes, but It Is most striking. It consists of a scries of exaggerated poses, all studiously copied from the old prints. AA'elrd and creepy music will accompany tho novet dancing. Tho ballot and cast have been prao. Icing for a long tlmo nt 709 Arch street. HOPE TO RAISE $23,000 Tho costumes were designed by Mls Etcnnor Sutler nnd mado by the girls themselves, who nre all members of tho Junior League. Tho New York branch of tho Junior 1-eaguo recently mado $23,000 and every effort will bo mndo by tho local branch to cqunl that sum. The funds will bo turned over to the Emer gency Aid Society, which will buy pro visions to send to homeless families In the warring countries. The officers of tho League are: Miss Gertrude Ely, presi dent; Miss Adeline Pepper, vice presi dent; Miss Elizaboth Henry, treasurer; Miss Harriet Frnzler, secretary, and Miss Eleanor Hopkins, assistant secretary. IDA SCHNALL SWIMS INTO PHOTOPLAY FAME RISING FROM THE SEA Good Work Displayed by Swim mer in Blue Bird's New "Undine" By the Photoplay Kditor DINE" iiml sholnn tlll "tlNIHNR" lllim ltlr,1 nlinlnftlnv In five n.ill Tly Henrv ntto, from the. ilr. In Mmt Eoufluo Ilelenied todny ween iu me victoria Queen I'mln . . . . Onillnp ?..!, ho Waldo, tho huntor . .. titi..t.tjiit,ti, . . .(trrtni'lr Amm Mil S liti ill . . .Thnmi- I'r Itn u ....... Jnr It NV,,ii IMuKt.ii (Iit.cI I LOGAN BAPTIST PASTOR TO HE INSTALLED TONIGHT Elaborate Services Planned for the Rev. Melvin B. Wright Tho Rev. Melvin B. Wright will be Installed as pastor of the Logan Baptist Church with elaborate services tonight. Tho Rev. Dr. Walter B. Shumway will be tho presiding officer. The passages from the Rlble will be read by tho Rev. Dr. Rutger Dox, of the Tioga Baptist Church, and the In' ocatlon given by the Rev. Dr. Richard Turner, of the Bishop Foss Methodist Episcopal Church. The Rev. Dr. Russell Conwell will preach the sermon, and n prnjer will be delivered by tho Rev Merchant S. Bush, pastor of Holy Trinity Presbyterian Church. The charge to the pastor will he made by the Rev. Dr. Forrest E. Dager, of St. Paul's Reformed Episcopal Church, and the charge to the church by the Rev. Dr. John Gordon, of tho Temple Theological School. Greetings from the Philadelphia Baptist Association will be read by the moderator, tho Rev. Elmer W. Powell, and tho greetings will Include short ad dresses by pastors of the neighborhood. Annette Kellcrmail has it rival, ntvl "Neptuno's Daughter" n successor In id i Schnnll nnd the now Hlue Hlril phnlnplnv, "Undine." Miss Schnnll is ncllliei- quite so slim I nor quite so graceful ns Miss Kcllcrimin, ' but she dives nnd swims with nil tliat Indv's vlnoi. nnd she otlt-ncts her. A'nt. If Miss Schnnll pro far from Miss Kel lermnn's equal as n screen ornament, sho would bo morn thnn welcome ns into moro opportunity for the directors tn give us ocean scones and hntidsoinc nthlrtlc women disporting themselves moro Or less as nature Intended. "t'ndlno" Is the successor uf "Neptune's Dnughter," because It makes moro of tho Bea and the sea nymphs', nnd hns far less of tho stupid, stagey "court stuff" with which tho earlier film was overloaded. Tho story Is the simple old yarn of t'n dlne, her love and the child In whom she Is rcln.-"irnatcd. It gives ample opportu nity for visions of iiinltlcns sporting In tho surf, high locks nnd high dives, caverns, witches, a looly queen of the nymphs nnd her nttcndnnt dancing gills. Hy some excellent grouping nnd good photography, the graceful nut lines of the dancing nymphs nre thrown ngnlnst env crn mouths nnd across the dazzling sen In some very pretty picture. (Vrnslon ally the shade of a censoring hand cm be seen blotting out some of the lliinst visions nnd obscuring a turn of pint. Hut If "I'mllnc" Itself has sinned, It hns sinned on the side of discretion. In tlio water It" nymphs aro free of draper: when they come to land, presto! they nre nil decked out In seaweed. THE F1WINO TOUPBDO A I'ltm Alls-'l'rl-ini;lo feature llrm In IHc parts, fWtliirliiK John Emprnon. Released todnv nnil nhnuti at tho Arcadia Monday, Tuesday nnd Wed nesday. "The Flying Toipedo," tlio newest Griffith-superintended production of the Til anglo Company, Is a good talc, with some amusing trimmings and sonic excellent battle scenes thrown In. It frankly pie tends only to entcrtnln. It Is not tr.vlnir to "warn" the country ngnlnst "foreign coalitions." It produces an Invasion of tho Pacific coast merel as an excuse for tho efforts of some spies to steal tlio se cret of the "flying torpedo," the success ful ruses by which a novcllst-detectUe, Clnvorlng, iecovcrs It, nnd the attack on tho country. In which the torpedo saves the nation from ruin. Tho story moves clearly nnd swiftly through some qulto exciting tricks. nnd ruses. It ends in a series of battle plc tvics, differently handled from those in "The Iilrth of a Nation," "The Ilnttle cry of Peace" or "The Serpent," but quite as good. The operation of the flying tor pedo, directed by wireless. Is very suc cessfully accomplished. Tho advisory board of experts is shown with a dozen actors made up as clever Imitations of Edison, Ford et nl. Ah for tho fun of thing, that resides In the whimsical novelist detective and the acting of John Emerson. Tho typo Is a decided relief from the usual handsome and morose sleuth of the screen. The censor has done ono of his usual clever bits of work with "Tho Flying Torpedo" At ono stage of tho story the spies ure supposed to kill n man by plnc Ing a enpsulo of gas In such a position that answering the telephone breaks tho shell and releases tho poison. Labeling W ' ' nrlllen WMvurd, In the form of a trial. Nine! ana entertslnln. PHOTOPLAYS. S'Var'JlunniV'VvsVn. fitriTS't T BTItKBT OPERA HonfiK-'T'ie KjRiisA' fa. T'oi India "nmlX harem of a native prince, tiir-lttlA Mnnria). Tuesday and Wednesday, a"ti, , KMnB Torpedo." will) .lohn Emerson. -Jh "Tftn flnlJ Htil.'' a Keystone comeciv ,ll --. :Klfl and Tiuirsuny. i r"'i..""'i V.".,. :.a Sml lie DWI." wlih Homoo Arbuel fabol Normand. ...mi. i iMrnin-"Tho Temntat on," with neraidine ''VarVar! All Seek, n story of ""la's ' ?& Wife K,-n"5he". Held. HTnCtC. tMrnlCAN "All on Account of this." Tho A Arvlne pl era In ilouls M nn's play Headed i.v llutli rtoblnson and Oeorgo Arlne. KS'lCKKHHOCKnn "Carmen. 'I lie unicssr. hoeVer playera in Merlmee's famous plny, nllh Kleanor Montrll In the llllo role. VAfDIJA'lM.t:. uv.tTil K Mrs. IiiiRlry In "Ahi.' Morion A cliarmhiK Rroup from the t'nlwraal Bluebird finturr, "Undine," playing nil Avcek at the Victoria. in "llrTore and,, After": Hlmins n In "Fllnder's Tarnished Flat : I jiorton, songs ami dances: 8ao riten,"orallst; ltohh a Oordone. In nrt studies llrnn ey biki jsorrw. in '" i land". Marie nunlbuon. monoloRisit. iivv.Ii Pauline hjnnotlst; "Piano Movers." Mr and Mr" for.ion AVIIde. shadnWRiaplilsta: I lent Ha, es, bnnjolf t: Sid llaxter ani com iianv. Blacknlrc artists: Foley itnd O Nclll, under tho supposition that some mole pntron may bo Insfdred by such u dec ice to discover a powerful and fntal gan that r mi lie contained In a quarter-Inch enpsulo. I -g borrow or steal some of It nnd do some friend to denth, tho board hns excised cnnuali of the enpsulo business to keep the audience partially In thu dark. Perhaps It is only self-protection. Theda llnrn, stnrred in "Gold nnd the Woman." a AA'ltllam Fo production, directed bv Jnmes Vincent, fainted dur Inc the niulilncr of olio of the scenes In Hint nlcture. The scone was Hint of a raid nn thn home of. a wealthy Mexican landowner. Miss Darn was required to j stand still In the middle of n sot while ' bullets were chot past her nt the win dows In back. The tension pioved too great and she collnpsed. Helen Eddy, the little gill who made such n hit In "The Gentleman Prom In dlnnn" Hint she was permanently en gaged on tho spot. Is a snd young Miss these dnys. The icnson? She has a horse or rather hail a horse that liked to go out nights. In fact her steed liked to go out so well that he never came hack. Helen Is absolutely green about anything pertaining to horseflesh nnd after she took her beast to the bain sho forgot to fustcn the door. Result one horse miss ing and u end little film nctrcss. nenin-rt nMinn. uho will soon he seen ill a big AA'orld Film feature, Is thinking of j quitting motion pictuie wotk lor Mitne fhlng less hazardous, such us teaming dviinmlte. During the past three weeks hq has been bitten by a bulldog, smashed over Hie head with a Japanese Jar, but ted by an Irate tniii, hurled In the debris of (in exploding freight steamer, slashed ttcrosn the hand with a subro and thrown off the Palisades of the Hudson. As n -peclnl feature on next Frldav evening. Mr. Enrl Metcalf, ono of I.ubln's popular screen stars, will essay the dialect Gei man part of Franz I!"hstuhi with the Arvinc Players at the American, and he promises to ninko much of Its grotesque queiles of speech and manner. As his guest on that night, Mr. Metcalf will have a number of popular film actors and actresses. Miss Robinson will poi tray Kllzn, nnil Mr. l.a Salle the son AVultcr. and Mr. Arvlne the diameter of Franz liochstulil eveiy night except the night he gives wny to Mr. Metcalf. In iiedi NIXON-Mnrv Horr. Impersonalor: . "The nnder Kids." i:dnnr Atchison .Elv In "nillv s Tombstones': the Hordon lllnhlanrters. mual- i lans. the I'edcrson Iiroiners, acrouais. i ill.tlliri-Ucnrge Auger In "The tllant'a Fear' : I "l",ir .liKks snd i a (Jiicen ," Jlmmv Itev- iioIr. monnlnglat. Manning. Cloan and com ' irmv "Visions d Art : Nettle llon, com , edl "n'ne: l)o lilo's C'lpuj. Alf Ornnt. mono - oast. Tabor and llanlev and the Four tlofiilrs. at pniM t.n rnircs. rr.r Br to , lSSSS' &- '"""" ' " '"". :" ' " . .. , ., ,,!, 1'miH . , nr.tii.tit it, nr,mn ,111 till- tuiu ,....,. . ........ Th- scenerv is by .Ioepli I rban. nlmsc nork ul h tho ifoston open t oinnany la so noted, musli lj.v Herman Kunk words nnd lrlcs hv ' M. H Mrl,ollan. A show of the usual tnerr.i Hue to annuo one In need of rrlax !lltnA-"lntliiinna," with t'ntrlela folllnRe, , Pffln Shannon, Herbert Kelcey nnd I'lillln , Merlvnle. A cntmily h (". i". (.'uililng, froni l:lnnnr II rotters stories oi me inuim '. who wns the iirisnliinmllon of ',' I ,Vinr I'nPflnB hn nf lIU.i." --.b ilenrge titles lilns rrni now 1 1 A UIIIl 111! I H R O nn TiIhI "III! I'redeilik Perry ii An oX'HInn nt"r of erlme. th rmi ordt r. A mtlKllIll show with trmesn. ilrnma, I T!rfSHAJrTfW3 Se3iUKr fi-z&mwit-v !. .AJW V- A -. . . . niriiiiiiin ii i t iTiixri-nr I fimL I': ; II- l-lirii ..,-.... - . " ..( i nincuv nnd t xirnnKnn7ii. -i?u iunr...j. Vlrtit mrtronoUtiin nnmurilon. PLANCOUNTER-TIIROST AT SALOON INVASION' 100 Clergymen Call iMontlnJ Agctinst Activity of Liquor M Men in West Philn. A "counter-attack" against the ".stnJjS nvnslon" of West Phllolclphla W llM launched this afternoon nt a meetlnJM en uy iw clergymen nt tho Ccntriil tig Men's Chrlstlnn Association i ..t,.,, n .m.iiua win oe lollnn-. d newspaper advcnin. called You The u was saiu. nlul newsnnner n,t..u i.,l Of thn tin,, a. "advance" on v.. will bo employed to teach tho public tS sohnmno ni.,1 nkl.re.. ... ., ".? ln . ..., ..,.u uuuvt lUffin iniercsts in their Philadelphia. ' saiooiiKcepers who nre now nl'S rlAat.firlt.rp t. sn.,A liM.u. ... ... . c'l. 1 . , . H. """" iiteoBcs in west Phil adclphla Invested In licenses in Sou iff PhlUdelphla to be used as wede secure licenses In AVest PhlWelphht through transfer, nccordlng to the nil fir n.n.i,. T I.I. .. . , . , ucuibu mj. viuiuiit., pastor Of lh. Chestnut Street Until 1st rimmr, ,nX '"H Chestnut streets, one of the nntl-salocn leaders of AA'cst I'hllndelphla. "Those men knew they could not oh. tain licenses directly In AVest Phllad,U phln, so they Invested their innn... ... In South Philadelphia, where, opposition In wnnW." ilnelnrnrl ll, ll.. f" '"g.n .' ams. "Now they're trying the ea mcinou oi iransicrs or llcennes ?3 British to Tax. Theatres i LONDON', .Tnn. 31.-Heglnnld McKenfijil Chancellor of the Kxchenuer. has k... ! engaged for several weeks In plannlntr 3 new schemes of tnxatlon to be onnouiiceS -B In Hie Jlnrch budget He Inn decided In principle, according to the Dally Mall upon a tax on theatres, music halls, cine mas auu an cmcriuiniuouis PROMINENT OTOPLAY PRESENTATION -!t;;U a -V1 ieMi MIL. ii i m, SoSm Gmpom THK fnllnwlnc tlieulres otitnln Hielr nil uirea llironcli me slwim . iklni ('.iniiiiiiy. which Is n Rimruneo of curly Hli,.lnRs of the .,..t Mr, iliiViliiiis All nil lures revleivcil hernrn exhibition. Ask for fl'e Iheaire" "in "ur lo.aity oMnlnlng pictures through the STANLKY llooklni; Liiiniiany. Theatrical Baedeker AUnt.l'Hl-".M ir'e Oilile." with rriitli ci Starr, n di.mi.i hv lMwtnl Knoblauch. prodiiLcd b Uild Itelusio Th story deals with a outm irirl In a romctit hi Alsuitj ihirhiK the Prunco-l'russl in War JKinrmST "Aioiind the Map," with j:ilo Alder, William Xotrta, Hazel Cox and others. 1II1IMDDA 'Sin. Morris .rovsuiik ALliAnluKA Mat ujiuuta. ukm. .o nLiiiniuuiin vaudeville S. I'uraiii'i l'letuici Mary Pickford in 'The Foundling ARCADIA riinsTNt T i IIHI.OW' H1TII TlllAXUI.1! 'I..11 S , TUP In -TIIIJ KI.YIMS John Lmerson Tonpnoo" n-r i r md and Thompson i APOLLO MATINEH DAILY JULIA DEAN tn "THi: HANSOM" LIBERTY B,lOAD an;!olumb1a MARGARITA FISCHER in "Tilt: Pit AGON" Equitable Picture. LogiAditorium BronJ A;..d MHTHO PICTflti: foni Presents Mary Miles Minter ln ""mCTc'inE" MarkeTsrtheatre 3a3 maS:t Sarah Bernhardt in Jeanne Dore SI3K "UltAFT" EVEKY WEDNESDAY BLUEBIRD 200 NOItTH nilOAD ST IKNTKAI. Chestnut St. Op. House "THE RULING PASSION" First Run Fox Feature WK.ST rilll.Alini.I'lHA nRATNin S:D nnJ MARKET STS. VJIIVttniy MAT. DAILY. 2 I', St.. 5c Woni.n .Msenu ALIC BRADY ill "THE RACK" OVERBROOK 03D nnd ISfflf TKIAXOLK PLAYS IlESRIE DAIHH.SCAI.E In "THE OOI.DES CLAW." WEHER A KIKLDS 1st inn nr.si ur uxiJMiES" I'AIlAMOrS'T Presents CHAIH.OTTE tmiSHNVVOOD T ANR" nnd SYDNEY OHANT In CEDAR VAKAMOVKT THP.ATIIE ItOTII AND rniiAii AVE. 'GIRL OF THE GOLDEN WEST' I'AHAMOL'NT I'llODVCTION FAIRMOUNT 20TH AND ('.IllAlll) AVE. VITUillAPH HLfi: Itllincj.N riiATI'Hi: I'lesenl AMTV STEWAUT and HAIII.H VVILIIAMS In "MY LADY'S .SLlI'l'Ell" ORPHEUM 0EI,MASi?SrvNADvnS. iiiTAxnr.i: plays- norma talmadoe in THE MISSLNO LINKS" SAM UEIINARD in HEr.vrsK hi; loved her." HDICMT 0-D ami WOODLAND AVE. UK1C1N 1 DallyMnt..2. Eve, 0:30 to 11. I'AKAMOLNT I'll'TLIlK THE VOICE N THE FOR" DAI rV "I MARKET STREET rALALt io a. m. to n :is p. m. MARGUERITE CLARK in "MICE AND MEN" DONALD BRIAN EVENING LEDGER PHOTOPLAY CALENDAR EVERT MONDAY SDIMECT TO CUANOE ALHA3IBIIA APOLLO AKCADIA BELMONT BLUEBIRD BROAD ST. CASINO CEDAR CENTURY CHEST. ST. OP. HOUSE EUREKA FAIRMOUNT FRANKF0RD 52D ST. GARDEN GERMANT0WX GIRARD GLOBE GRAND GREAT NORTHERN IRIS JEFFERSON JUMBO LAFAYETTE LEADER LIBERTY LOCUST LOGAN AUDITORIUM MARKET STREET ORIENT ORPHEUM OVEJtBROOK PALACE PARK PLAZA PRINCESS REGENT RIALT0 BURY wm WpWQOD mmtiv STRAND SCSqi'EHAXA fI0lA r- 'i MONDAY Mary I'lckford. in The FounJIInK JulLi Dean, In Tho Hansom John Emerson, ln Tlio Flylnc Torpedo Dlancho Seet, ln The Escape Charlotte Oreenwood, Jane Malcolm Duncan, ln Wild Oata The filr! of the Golden Wet Harold Lockuood. In Tile End of the Road 1'ox Feature: The Itullnir i'aiafon The Nation's Peril Anita Stewart, tn My Lady'u Clipper Houso Peters, in The UrtJt Divide Edna Mayo. In The bllndnesa of Virtue Marzuerltn Clark, ln The Crucible Penman Thompson's The Old Homestead Douglas Fairbanks, in Double Trouble Robert Warwick, tn Fruits of Dealre All" Brady. In The Rack Triangle: Orrln Johnson, in The Trice of Power Vnlll Valll, In The Tunnolt TUESDAY Mary Pickford. In The Foundllnc Pauline Frederick. He I la Donna ln John Emerson, in The Flytnir Torpedo Blanche Hweet, in The Eacapo Anita Stewart, ln My Lady's Slipper The Mvsterloua Bride Sellff News Marguerite Clark. In Prince and the Pauper Thurlow Bergen, The City Fox Feature: The Rullnir Paaafon Lillian Olsh. In The Lily and the Rose Marcuerlte Snow, in Rotemary Pauline Frederick, Bella Donna Eulalle Jenaen, in The Wheels of Justice Triangle: . Frank Keenan. In The Conard Denman Thompson's The Old Homestead Ulani'he Siveet, In Stolen Goods Dustln Farnum. In The iientleman From Indiana Graft Trlanirle Orrln Johnson, In The Prlco of Pofer Mary Wckford, In S Behind the Scenes Katherlne Karlred, In The Winged Idol Girl and the Game CI Wraith of Ha'don Towers Emily Stevens. In The House of Tears Oeraldlne Farrar, In Temptation Marcartta Fla'htr, In 'I'ho Dragon Theda Bare, tn Destruction Mary Miles Minter, tn HarUira Frletchle Sarah Bernhardt. In Jeanne Dore Donald Brian, In The Voice In the For Norma Talmadge. In The Mlwlng Link Paile Barrlacale, in The Golden Claw Marguerite Clark. In Mica and Men Marguerite Clark, in Prince ami the Pauper ucfji na CTjcJe jPVSLWIISS. Hejrn Ware, in Mcrt Ie "fts t Warwlek. ln 'FUlta of Dealre OeraUilne Farrar. in Twatatwn VaUl ValU. ta Her Debt of Honor fjui X HiMfaaan. In Peiuijnttoa'a OEoiM t?3X2rb&in Lionel Barryfi&are. to Dura Tborns Cbrl J Run. In Thv Bjenjlor 141 'JriHlaeD Iu Mary Roland. In The Edge of the Abyss I-ove'a Pilgrimage to America. The Mummy and the Hummingbird Oeraldlne Farrar. In Temptation Clara Kimball Tounr. In Camilla WEDNESDAY Mary Pickford. tn The Foundling Graee Elllstnn. ln Black Fear John Emerson. In The Flying Torpedo Blanche Sweet, The Escape Julia Dean. In The Ransom William Duncan. In 'I he Wanderers Clara Kimball Young, In iniDy Theda Bara. Carmen , Fox Feature: The Uullng; Panalon William Faversham. In One Million Dollars Victor Moore, In Chlm mte I'adden Out West Triangle Plays Let Katy Do It Florence Iharili. In The Price of Her Silence Cooper Cllffe. In A Parisian Itomanca . Valll Valll, In Her Debt of Honor Julia Dean, tn '. The Hansom -S8 Marguerite Clark. In isvo uiiu me i auper William Farnum. In uo uroKen ijiw William Courtenay. In The laland of Surprise Triangle: Marie Doro. In . IIVWI .JllJJI Olga Tetrova. In What "Will People Say? A Daughter of Penance The Bubbles of lilaaa Triangle; Wlllard Maclt, In The Conqueror Oeraldlno Farrar, In Temptation Robert B. Mantell, In The Unfaithful Wife Wlllard Mack, in Aloha Oe Dorothy Donnelly, Madame X In The Maklns- Over of Geoffrey Manning Norma Talmadge, In The Mlsalnc Links Violet Mersereau. In The Path of Happlneu Marguerite Clark. In Mice ami Men Mary Pickford. In Such a Little Queen Julia Dean. In The Ransom The Secret Seven Two I'hllanthroplo Bona Helen Ware, in becret Love Pearl White. In The King's dam Oeraldlne Farrar, in Temptation The Smuggler of Santa Crut Mary Pickford. tn Madam Butterfly PudTnttad Wilson" Beast Barriacale, la The Mating- Thurloar Bergen, ln Tha CUy wtsss? (en In a Broaitway I'nlieraal: The Nature Man William Farnum. ln A Soldier's Oath Ajilta Stewart, in My Lady's Slipper Margarita Fischer, tn The Dragon Dorothy Donnelly, In Madame X Sarah Bernhardt, In Jeanne Dora Houae Peters. In The Winged Idol Marguerite Clark, In Mice and Men Muriel Ostrlche, ln A Circus Romance Lulu Glaser. in Ine'e Pilgrimage to America .... . Deatlny The Mlnalng Mummy Francis X. Bushman. In Man and His Soul Virginia Pearson. In Thou Art the Man Henri Woodruff. In The Bcrko'lng Flame Oerda Holmes. In The Victory of virtue Mary Pickford. In Madam Butterfly Theodore Roberts, In Pudd'nhead Wilson Lillian Lorraine. In NMl of the Navy, No. 13 Lillian GUh. in The JJJyand the Rose Eoill Stevens, in The House of Tea s THURSDAY Francis X. Iluahinnn. In Man anil ills soui FRIDAY Franrla X. Bushmnn. In .Mil 11 Hill ills Kmu Mr. and Mrs. I'nitlo, In Thu Whirl of Life I Victor Moore. In c'hlm ' into Fadden Out West Wlllard Mack. In The Conuueror Blancho Sweet. In Tho Esinpo Marguerite Snow. In Rosemary i. Itankln Drew, In Who Killed Joo Merrlon? Grace Elllttun. In Black r.ar Wlllard Mack. In The Conuueror Blanche Sweet. In The Escapo Sarah Bernhardt, In Jeanno Doro Muriel Ostrlche, In A Circus Romance Fox Feature--The itullnir Passion Wlllard Mark. In Aloha Uo Duktln Farnum, In Tho Gentleman I'rom Indiana Clara Kimball Young, tn Trilby fill tli Storey. In Thu Dust of Egypt Ella Hall and Rupert Julian, in Tho Jon el ,, Volll Valll. tn Her Debt of Honor , .Emily Slot ens. In 'Iho Houce of Tears MarKUerlte I'lark. In Prince and the Pauper Juno row, In Sorrows of Il.ipplners Dustln Farnum, In The Gentleman From Indiana Pearl White. In The KlnK'n Gnmo Fox Feature: The Hulini: Passion Edwin Arden. In Tho Beloved Viiuilitid Edmund Hreese. In The Lure of Heart's U-alie Ednu Goodrich. In Armstrong's Wife Eugenie Besserer. In The Circular Htatn-ace SATURDAY 1'iancls X. Bushman, In Man and His Soul Thurlnwr Ilereen, In J The City Wlllard Mack. In " The Conuueror Blaneho Sweet. In . The Escape Lnu Tellegpn. In Iho Unknown FRANKFORD 47U ..n HOI SE PETEItS and ETHEL CLAYTON 111 'THE GREAT DIVIDE" GERMANTOWN k08ae. PARAMOUNT PICTIItE THOMPBos-s ',The 01d Homestead" GLOBE 6 I9TH . LimiIs Valo. In The War of Wealth Mary Pickford. In Rags William Farnum, In I lie Broken Law .... Fox Feature: The Rullnc Pabslon William Farnum. tn The Broken Law William Cpurtenay. In The Island of Surprise Pauline Frederick. In iieui ilia Donna, . Martrs of the Alamo Discontent Thn (i j inula Margirim Fischer. In riio Urngon Edmund Ilreese. In Tha Lure of Heart's Desire Robert Warwick. In Fruits of Desire Alice Brady, Holhrnok Hllnn. In The Ballet tllrl Itnbert Warwick. In Fruits of Desire 1,ar,a,'Hermolt. In The Calspaw John Mason and Hazel Dawn, in The Fatal Card Clara Kimball Young. In Carollle The Mummy and the Hummingbird CJeo Rldglev. n The Golden Chance Gertrude Robinson. In As a Woman Sows Excuse Me Patho Gold Rooster The Girl and the Game When Two Play a Game Francis X. Bushman, in Man and His Soul Viola Duna. In The Innocence of Ruth Pauline Frederick, ln Lima uiioi Jlloiore Miscon Anderson. In The Knotted Cord Marv UUi Barbara Pi la T Fanok Ward, la s.t'aruusr BUI JaM WUsou. In Ths Lure of Has Mask Harold Io knond In The Bustard's Shadow Marguerite t'tarfc In 1111 Waters Lillian dish, in The,,lly an-l the Itosn Pauline Freilerli k. In I.ydls Uiltimre Hnlhrnnk Hllnn, tn 1 Jfo's Whli I pool Marguerlto Snow, Paul lllmore. In Rosemary The Red circle Bessie HarrlsealR. in The Green Swamp !):.rothy Kelly. In Mheela of Jubilee ''li'ii Mndhon. In A houl L'nslanl Oeorce Fnwcett, lu Tho Corner Robert Edesnn, In Tho Clio Man Charles Rlchmnii. In Heights of I (lizard k MARKET .Mai . " IS. Elirs . 7 i. 0 World iliu roniornilP" I niiirr Huiiremc. UOUEItT WAIlWH-lv in "FRUITS OF DESIRE" pinADn AVENUE THEATRE UlKAKlv 7TH AND lilRAUD AVI" lltlAXUI.K PL tl'.S'--DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS n "DOUBLE TROUBLE." Keystone Comedy A JAMTOIl'S WIFE'S TEMPTATION" 7-i . rVl-lU.. BROAD ST . ERIE 4 Great Northern ueumantn aves. TKIAXOLB PLAYS 0 1Uo In "THE PRICE rrm Johnson of power" nfnk...nfn aOlarlr in "the riUNcn aiaiuv.iiiv i AND T PRINCESS PARK" RIDGE AVE. 4 DAUPHIN ST. r AsAlV. contlnuousBhowfrom2:30-0:30-ll. AHA MOUNT J'U-TIJKi; THE PAUPER" 1018 MARKET STREET nni'UPO rtC MVRTHnV" "A SKATE FOR A BIUDE" See Iho "Girl and tha Hamey everi' Thursday. DTAI TTi GERMANTOWN AVE. K1AL, 1 J AT TULPEHOCKEN ST. ROBERT WARWICK in "THE FRUITS OF DESIRE" DET'CNT HKM MARKET STREET KC.LlE.lN 1 U17S1AX VOICE OROit.V HELEN WARE in JEFFERSON 20TH IRIS THEATRE 3" AsviSnTON VALLI VALLI in "THE TURMOIL" AND DAUPHIN STinr"r Mr. , , 'fir I." - l.'ATtinl'r tv'A t.r.lll'n anil HOUSE PETERS In "THE WINGED IDOL" FRED MACE In "CROOKED TO THE END." LAFAYETTEoTr??ENS,NI-vEuE EMILY STEVENS in "THE HOUSE OF TEARS" 1 SECRET LOVE" Rll D V MARKET STREET U JtS I BELOW 7TH STREET GERALDINE FARRAR in "TEMPTATION" f.ARnFN C3D LANSDOWNE AVE MARGUERITE CLARK in . "THE CRUCIBLE" I0TH AND EUREKA V-L-B-H Presents "THE NATION'S PERIL" THE TOPIC OF THE HOUR MARKET STP.EET. r jA NORTH Broad Street Casino BR0A5to' MATINEE. 2 :f)0 EVENING. 7 and 0 MALCOLM DUNCAN and ALMA HANL0.S' in "WILD OATS' Comcdiei' PFIMTI TRY EnIE AVE. L MARSHALL CdllUftl MATINEE DAlUf "The End of The Road" 5 Adj Featuring Harold Lockwood hOUTII PI A 7 A BROAD AND TORTER rliift STREETi "THE RED CIRCLE" NORTHWEST I'aulliift Frederick, In j.Jdla Gllmuro Bessie Barrlfiale. In I he Golden I'luw Sarah Berulurdt. in Jeanne Doro f CAriTTD FORTV-riRST AND L.llAL'C.rA. LANCASTER AVENUE GERALDINE FARRAR in "TEMPTATION" Weekly Programs Appear Every Monday In Motion Picture Chart SHERWOOD 5.more FRANCIS X BUSHMAN and BEVERLY BAYNE In "PENNINGTON'S CHOICE" METRO. PICTURE iuvo"Y ,S,EKOT VALLI VALLI in "HER DEBT OF HONOR" 1TT1I i VENANGO STS. TIOGA LOU TELLEGEN '" 7ow.v PARAMOUNT PRODUCTION Vic T O R I A "oninth Bluebird Fenturtx Present IDA SCHNALL In "UNDINE." Sea "THE STRANGE CASE OF MARY PAGE" eery Wed. and Thura. StlsniiAhannn THEATRE -17th ou8quenanna susquehanna ave. CHARLES .L ROSS in "THE SENATOR" 5 Parts 1 NORTHEAST STRAND ,2TU AND a,riARD AVE m LIONEL BARRYMORE In a ll-Reel BloirifiaSi Drama "DORA THORNE" ' ',a ANTONIO MORENO In "THE GYPSY TRAIL'' 11 3-Act Drama OTHERS. ' KENSINGTON STANLEY CONTINUOUS ll:in A. M to 11 ii? P. M MARKET ABOVE 10TH Theodore Roberts In "PUDD'NHEAD WILSON" lITIirtn FRONT ST AND U KJ 1V1 D J OIRARD AVENUB-g "Till.? nlni. Avr n,ii' uwiiv. rhn Xo 3. 1m "THE WRAITH OF HADDON TOWERS.? run .itTfnr uti-im v -i.v.in'rix'n A LA CARTE." -jfi'VAN GOOD FOR NOTHINO iv Molly Mclniyre. In Her Great Hour "W9 I'rrHcale. ln Tho Green Swump Alleo Brndv, Helbrnnk Bllnn. In Tlio Ballet Girl Trlancle Play Thft coward Graft fNn. 8) Jerry In the Movies Robert Warwick, In Fruits of Desire Dennis n Thompson's The Old Homestead The Conqueror A Movie Star' Thurlnw Reriren. In The city Jn Ills Own Trnn Iho Homesteader . Mms PetrovH. In What Will Ptople Syl Anita Siewart. In My Lady's Slipper "wis, Peters. In The Winged Idol Thurlnw Beraen. In Mo I'tt.i n.. , Tho Filial Judetnent Henry Woodruff, In Tho Beckoning Flame Trlanijle' Jiarle Doro, In Iho Wood Nymph Dorothy Donnellj. in Mlljlnn X "'"""IP .V I Mme. Houval. Bertrand . i A-I-Il"ar' ln A Life Chacc William -Courtena j. In" Theislarid of Surprlaa I Fliirem-e Bead. in u rtew vork Mary Miles Minter. In unnury ri t- . " i, t . 'iniiress, lit Behind Closed lioora Henry Woodruff, in The Beckoning- Flame J. Warren Kerrigan, in Son n' the Stars C'leo Ill-lalev. In The Golden ffaanfe Thsmlore Pi lurts. In Mr. Gr of Monte Carlo Lnu hi Glaum. In The tarbMden Adventure Thm "as Goal Old Days Florence Rad. n In New York .Marie Kmpresg. In Behind Clossd Dodrs Triangle' Marl Doro, n Th Wood NmpL The Extra Man and Hie Milk-fad Lion Vivian Martin, la Tb Llltl Madniollle KannU Ward, la Tenmisiee's Pardnsr The Brokes Coin ufi Their Sinful Juoueuce Triangle- Wlllard Maik. lu A toils, Oe tan me VVsjrd. in Taj SfBm-l Pauline Frederick. In BenJ)onna fhe Ooldeii Cnanie Blanche Sweet and Ow.n iloor. hiThejicaP,n JUe ffi5!Uta Y TRIANGLE FILMS Y Can be obtained from H. SCHWALBE S. E. Corner 13th and Vine Sts. Noteworthy Plays Pre-eminent Players Each Week at Following Theatres: ARCADIA the CHESTNUT ST. BELOW 10TH TiTinarnnA ISTH and ALHAlVlDIVft MOItRIH STS. A R f A D E s0''a U,C,,M0ND bT BELMONT aK"RBt BELLEVUE susquehanna R F N N U33S W00DLAN'D AVE. BROADWAY EUREKA uw FRANKFORD Iost. GREAT NORTHERN .SvS. GIRARD AV.THEA. "MWS0 GARDEN LANSDOWNE AVE. VICTORIA w MAItKBT ST IMPERIAL Vaut sts. ririrsWftarmftsyrfssVi&i MD A GREEN WAY AVE. i MARKET STS 3H7 KENSINGTON AVE. IRIS JEFFERSON fletcher sts. LAFAYETTE 2(U KETNoaNNAaVB. LOGAN AUDITORIUM "noarr LEHIGH PALACE leKe. OT? P 14 P I I M GERMANTOWN A K r rl n. U IVI chelten aves. OVERBROOK haverford avh. PALACE ,3H MA,,KET pACfHAI I T1ST AND rrtOVnrtLaLi WOODLAND AVE POINT BREEZE morsTtV5 nirQr 1731 RIDGE AVENUE RUBY MAH8,lAW MARKET BTS. SUSQUEHANNA oU7et,?ann8au1v. WISH ART Io1nentavE. k. J,e-l-a..--L-.s-tl. t-t-l-t-s. METRO PICTURES EXHIBITED IN OXLT ONE THEATRE IN EACH LOCALITY DISTINCTIVE creations Ask for Metro Picture. An Absolute Guarantee of Quality PATHE GOLD ROOSTER PERFECT PLAYS PRESENTS FLORENCE REED IN "NEW YORK" WITH AN ALL-STAR CAST I.ndudlnf . JOHN MI LTERN PAN! A MARy3'' FORREST W1NANT JESS1L RALPH ; AT ALL LEAD1XO THEATRES ' I PATHS EXCHANGE. INC. ViSi WM?i: . Florence Reed, in In New Voik A.tl C. . JtYlaW Slipper Edmund Breeie. In The Lure of Heart's Desire Rlclard Bkhler. In .'wi vi rata Marguerite Clark. In Still Waters Fannl Word, In Tennessee's Pardner Theda Bars. In The Galley Slavs Marc Ma. Dermolt In The atspaw Faunle Ward, in The Cheat V I C T O R I ALL THIS WEEK Market SI. ubote Nlntli Drebestrn CONTINUOUS 9 A.M. to 11 P.M. "UNDINE" Simssr '-lstt Paugoji-- .SU2"1 SiliSSf: With IDA SCHNALL sk ,;? j frrat?v icja A BELMONTPhrESi MAT.DAILrj;310eEVGS.VSb8,l5 AH Week D. W. Griffith's MaiUrful 1PIW THE ESCAPE Blanche Sweet, Owen Moore and Great C LOCUST "The KB AKU A." ,,,,, . The Theatre ..- -m House with the Oran That j, Mats. 1.30 and 8.J0; Bui. 9.30 to " - . TODAY TONIOHT . TODAY TONIOUT DESTRUCTION THEDA DARA . Tomorrow Manttll, In TheUnlaltWulvr M D Bt, Thtre Mats. Be. Evgl. 0S r.d. "!l i.n'a ,. tnnTIIEC Mgo,ro,v-THB WHEKLB OT ftfgjgjl Weekly Programs Appear Every Monday In H"- Motion Picture Chart IIOT91U J -te 10a. ail. la Us Bchaall. la Ida U Ida. SchaaJl U la m Z3XZtt2S&ZZZ&CZZ?Z: fjyYg q3&3N m ., - - - J)