aKNlT GOODS TO RISE with JflAMBDAD VANCE IN WOOL Manufacturer Tells of Great Increase in Cost of Mate rial rom Which Wearing Apparel Is Made. Other Business Motes John E. Hnnlfen, president of John i:. t.nlfen & Co., manufacturers of Vcnll ftunlfen & Co., manufacturers of V.hlt ''rood- ft Oxford ii ml Thomp'on streets. y the crcnt advance In prhrs of nil niiiun ui WOO! anil worsted yarni slnra October litnt limit re illll In n tf-cldpil In. renin In Hip pi-psem prlrpH for v mlPii tin. d'rivenr niul nil Ulnihi nf knit Roods i mo futurP "Last rirlolipr." he said. "I wns lroliip; to liuy enough yarns to keep our ihIIIm i running for thin ypiiv, hut wiim advls-d by Ihp yum broker" In wait till flerr-mlier JOHN K ItlNIIT.N j bouRhl n consider- . b1e nmouiil In October, and I wlnli 1 had 'closed contracts for nil 1 could Ret then. , closed ' the prices were up nbout lr pnr ci !'when 1 went to buy In December out. "People KPnerulIy do not know the class Lioteoodi Hint nre now helmr inndo by the rttnlttlnR process," said Mr Hnnlfon. "Here j ..mIhu et elntliu fni nion'a onrl iftftit pniia v- .,.... ftwdmen's overcoats that look IIUp heavy JTWOVen POOOH, urn. uii-j mi' mi miuu'ii. (inn (tit we turning out. enormous nuaiuiiipi oi lighter wplght Jprsoy cloth for women's PP-" ...!- 1 .. .1-11. I...- -1.1 -.1 flfCflsefl. 1I1IB jcrpuy I'ltJiii nun iiiimiiiru vmttK n voauo 111 Pnrll, where It Is IipIhk tmide UP mainly In Hpanlnh deflRUM by the foremosl areHainaiierp nr are limiting n wmxl deal of It In broad colored Ktrllin- ifor epert' costumes for ludle We Iibm -.i nrPBPtit 17 different combination-! "f ffcolor strlpeH, nnd we nrc lurninK out oout Ki.onu ynrus a nny. Tho underwear whleh wo niiiniifiirtinp f all for mcn' wear, nnd In mnde up In tho natural-wool nninn Bimnnr in hip wvlbknown Jaecor underwear. Our best f wool comes from Australia, but wo alo Import cnmel's hair und alpaca yarns from Bnfflnnd ' .. "There Is no question nbout the scarcity S 6f woolen underwear at present. This i country Is supplyhiK nil tho countries that 5f formerly lookeil to ucrmany, uiiRinnu anil France, ana wo iinvo our own nonic nuu- ket to supply nil well. A man caned nei-e yesterday to place an order for J'lO.OOO worth of poods, but on account of the uu Mttlcd condition of the yarn market, I could not rIvo him n price till I llRurcd out what I could buy tho yarn for. "Our salesmen usually ko West In De cember for orders. This yenp they did not so, as we had mom orders thnn wo could well take enre of. tt'c air working jf diy and night. In addition to our knitted . piece goons, wo iiirn um huuwi ? io n idoien of underwear a day. Tbero Is ono t. house In this city that buys more than 1,1100,000 worth of our Roods each year. We ''export goods to Australia and to other foreign countries through our New York . house. "This war was the salvation or Knlt iioods manufacturers In this country, and U a reasonable tariff cannot he passed to shut out competition from nuroad, I am afraid we will be ns badly off as ever 'iwhen tho war ends." X '"M the present timo this country Is nl i most wholly dependent on .Inpan for silk ,h. munitfnr, liit-lnr- nlll-nnBPH." Hnlll AIpX- nder Tnnnonbaum, of 1. Tanueiih.iuiii Eons & Co., manufacturers of ilbhnns. . silks and millinery, !W MnrKet slieet. '. lil nnlirtilv " lrt f-nlllltlllprl. "PIlll tPlt thp ' exact situation In Japan, whether there Is .. m ahnrl pron nr whpthpr Janrtii knows she has the Roods that are bo urcatly In de l' mandand Is Bolnp to make all the prollt & she cah. And n. one could blnmo her. Tha Innnnnnn anViirnmnnl utm.rl-i hnpW et !' f hM ulllp r-rnwpr In th.nt i-ountrv. Tho old facts aro that recently silk has roiio ! 'up from 13 to $3.10 a poupd for double f. extra silk. Tho quantity of Bll ,llnt I comes from China is negligible, and as for I 'silk from Kuropea.i countries, the price is out oi an reason. '""Our tlrm is the largest silk nianufac- , turlnfr concern In Philadelphia. We mako rioDons nnu Droau sua, anu uur iiuub aiu located at Allegheny avenue and C street. As to ribbons, there Is n very heavy de mand for wide ribbons, and very few manufacturers are equipped to tuin them out. We are thoroughly coulnped'. nnd it believe we can meet all demands. Huyers ft; of these wide ribbons nre not considering prices the only qoestlon asked Is, 'JIavo you the Roods?' I "We have been in this business for M E eara and have Just moved from our old Hr,quarters on Arch street to this largest, Iiuusl jnuueruiy equipiicii wnuirn,n iiiu- fiiinery sioro in tne couniry. o occupy 100,000 square feet of space and have mo latest centrifugal electric shutes to con- yey goods from floor to floor. . "But to rut hack to rlhhons. tho shades Smost In demand are Alice bluo, coral, nUger brown, bottle green, old rose nnu American Beauty, nnd the materinls which predominate most aro failles. moires and taffetas." CHINKSB VASES IN VOGUK "For moro than SO venrs at loast three members of our Ann went abroad every year to buy goods," said the manager of J, li Caldwell & Co., 902 Chestnut tree, "but no ono went last year, and athe prospect Is not very inviting at pres ent. At ino same time, we nave Kept our ptocks up to date. Many of tho European concerns sent representatives over here, Jid In that way wo got supplied. In vSOme thlnc-H thin pnuntrv Is heeinnltig If?'0 turn out bettor nnd moro artistic EEOOdlt thftn l-llpnna'ii haul Tn 1 n PIDHIIpIhI Bwoda. Formerly we were almost wholly HaeDAnHpnf In. Oikoa n. lllluult. llllll 'ranee, w are producing today u better nd more artistic nrtlclo than Kurone Bver did. ', "Look at this," be continued, holding 3D a dellpntplv Httt,l onnmpl fewel box. TUI. ... . . . ,- a pinn row) uone in transparent t-wi- era mi-n..i. ...i v i. i.A... .La I-- imicii wueil A lliovo it "M" "" itlnta Bhado nil nn.l ntT u-llh UlP ntnv of light from deep to light pink. Wo "is no mrelirn roocIh to eoua tnat. aim mlaht HBV thn NnniA nf pvprv Itlece ill htl Cabin ThAr, tnnl at thn hoIllltV Of & ngravlnc on tho silver, how It shows "Wugh the tinted transparent enamel. One. of thA nrwpltlpH miiph In demand iM preeent Is ecraso leather goods. The Mfiace has a finish like enamel and !gmes In the most delicate tints. Hose IP MARRYING OFF MA Y BELLE : : : : : : . ' ...-.. .- 1 , . , . . sgxss-. -. p ii y 11 If riAATiTirwr TS PUT 0M TH' r fSMRE, FEtTD-BAG-sHf MEANf LETS) U HOPE VOL) r v fdT7T7Tt777N Cc .'e," . 1 iFp5 ska" n&A 5?afsT hsissaSi wxuHwsi1 nairxP I- tess 585 ra lis-Kt!J sL Tw"2Ri 4ilS BS&f st.j hvS ma K UMr? ' J k M,fk',! y npir.i -V SLAwr-T Ll- J " iMe, , AH- rA6 ! B."bybN- vb my n IN PRICE, I ,!,, ii.,,-.. ,,,,, ,..., , I i ,.". ''"".' ?rrcM ." Write nre; HIP PlVlirltPS. la fnn.1n lut- t,..J. of desk ton, Jewel bnscs. serving boxes. elr it-! , f th"rp nrc '""c "'I'' "Iiapes. '" " " nmnlMP table get. nil the plprcs nip plnmrrtlptl notations niul the en BrnMnjr is rather utim-iml. ltiimtterfd t.er In Kipntiy in demand, tinlcli sliver p.p'er. wIiIpIi iiv n. .- .- ... 'iermnnv. .. .','" "". 1, '. ' "'' '' " me from nPMV. :'.,r '" "h " K"m' ,.,!7i,lt'"' 'I " KrP!lt ,l"uiiil for ('hwt KOOllS, fllrll IIB Vniinci I.. .,., .1. 11, eye I ....- v, i.ifi,..-,, ,'ll', HP I1HVP n SIIIIpMi Mni-lt I... II. ,.t. j p .,,.,,. .,- " "ivivi ii twin mi- "que The modern aro enact roplefl of antiques. We have antique cilne.ft vases lA-ft . ."-S n"'1 "Iciii ones from r.!pV.,10 fnT?' 0,,l',r slnre' wp wvet nn'l such a- lniMliP.,1 ns tliitltitt the holiday. e file Just slnckPiipd up a llttlp. but nrter I.rnt the wedding season romps in and we will be as busy as evpr ntfaln." WHAT Mt.N AllK WHAItlNfl 'nn.. of ihp ii,kh ,,, ,PInuMf mens fiirnlshliiRS Ibis ttlnlrr," snld Da- vld A. I-eirti. tnnmiRcr of .MncDonntd .: t'nmphPli. u I'iKHintil str-Pi, was men's knitted milf Hpis. These Roods nn- HPiirh alt Im-I"-Hd rrom I'rani'e and IIiiRlnnil Knnip im ninili- lii-i,. niul In rripi thi-v run nil ihi wn rinin $.1 to '!' Mount;! mil hi It hurkliM ttnr also impu'iir both In gold mid nIIvpi. Up also nli n gip.it inan in uolrl platPd The solid gold cost 3J, Moiling Hllvpr from $1 and Kohl plated fii. I'AVIIi A. l'lllllto. I'unry csts tire romliig In nga n ImiIHimI Ups iiio not vpry iiiurli In vogue Just now; the demand Just now Is for silk with bold stripes nod black and uhlto patterns. "In shirts silk Is still vpty poputnr. Wo have them from r,.H) to Jr.. ready made, und from to $t.r.. mnde to order. The greatest ilfin.mil is for custoin-niailp, nt 511). In all shiits the stiff ruff has given way almost ecluslvcly to tho soft turn bark cuff. j "Tlieie wai a big demand for men's sweater coats nnd knitted vests this pea son. .Mnchii. chamois nnd hilcksklu gloves with embroidered backs Mini the most favor, especially In natural shades. Wo have men's silk socks up to 10 n pair nnd lisle hnlf-hoso ns low as Co cents a pair. 1 could not say Hint there Is anything very striking or novel In men's furnishings for tho spring." FOIUUON'IOHS WANT CATALOnriJS. The liiircau of Foreign nnd Domestic Commerce, In connection Willi tho Cham ber of Coinnierce, states that It lins ro-celvi-d many icqucstH for the intaloguus of luiinufaituruiH of various kinds fiom firms in Spain. l'orUir;il and many Mcilttciniuenu polls. NEW ATTACK ON (JAMHLEUS Director Wilson Warns Landlords of rermittiiiK Gaming on I'rcmiscs Crusading against Philadelphia gam blers b putting the Isitip ti t IPiil ps tate owners In whose houses tho gambling Is done. Is tho method adopted by Uiiei-lor of Public Safet. Wilson to keep that end of tho lid on tight. Landlords, thoy are warned, can be prosecuted for allowing tenants to oiioruto gambling lioumw on their premises, If they aie awaro of what is going on. Not one of tho several hundred can bavo any doubt of It today, for a letter to every landlnid of gambling houses In the city, warning them unit "a portion of (their) said premises Is now being used for tho purposes of gambling," hns been bent out by tho Director. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES EVENING LEDGER This STYl.n TYPH (or llko this) Ono tlmo Wo, pirllns Threa limes one week 12V.C per lln Six times one week 10q per line filtuntlons Wanted, thru times one week 10 cents per lino per insertion. Place your order for three or more times and it will be inserted in the daily Public Ledger at no additional cost. On or two tlmo rate fnr Krr.vi.vo I .runes nnd Pi'BUO I.etoer comblnei! U If) cents per line, with tha exception of Help Wanted unit Hltuatlons Wanu-J. which la IS cents per line. TOP. , TYPE LIKE THIS (or like this) which la neimltted In oil rlnMiflcallons ex cept Help und Situations Wanted. l.ot and Found. Personals, llourdln? anil Itooins. add K1VU CUNTS 1'UIt UINU to ANY Of AHOVK A1 US. There is a drug store near your home that will accept Ledger want ads at office rates. LOST AND FOUND I'nr Oilier I nsl nnd l'nuiid Ad er Page I IIRACHI.UT- I-ost. on I'rlday. Udy's nalih "laiclet inarked "M. J H' Reward. Re turn to 'Ihn Nunnandle. 'tilth and flu stout. PIN linat, on "or about Jan. M, a diamond und ruby bar pin no nurd. Addrots II III), I.rdgr llfdie cilnWDOil-TjKt. uuni black chuw dug. ery i.tmkv built, ai.inds about IS Inches hlsh. ery lic.iiy Id nk injt. lant fa 1 11 uth und Jef ferson. Liberal icnur.l. Hill Vine l-nc. 1TI.T. I'l'HPY- Ij'i. '""to Alred4lii puppy. Ileivard If returned 212 ri. E!d at. f i "m i EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, JANUARY . PERSONALS , Ui7. ?ft'nA.BmlJh w0''' ner two good of Phn JTV'." Vrr ' fnr "" s concern . ' '"'y'lpnln . On best, Friday after noons Address nit Aldlne Hotel. ''rniiinrM0NUV ,0 nny 0,"! b,,t ,ne ulhrlied PHILADELPHIA VENDINO COMPANY. HELP WANTED FEMALE """UKl'-'ll'lJH. Willi tlie Innifnnre crrl P'..: p"ll renln for raimhle pprton, rrplv, r ... V "rcrlenre, nue nrnl refcrtiirps, whlrh Si1.!.1,"' I'tV."'1. "lnfl,'r,,tl-11. n,"l M,,r5' e -JIr!1 i-MJrfiijfr orriip. nnoKKimPllli, puiwft,,,, t, "Vail nflrf"ln n.m, lltn 1.0-urii n. C'lAMIllMlMAIM nnl unllrpnr. white. I'fnlfs- lSlll. f.lf Iff ftntlldUn lAnillt nt 1 -KlA-nHnn fpnulrp.lMppt rnnvpr Itnnni Stn, PiiMir iPUItrr. .Vnli,n, I) oitnrlt ",l'V,",A'-'tti't,."i ,",," " 'olns: spin fT'&t n,Ml I'hliiHelphli. other tiiahl fcfrl. It Ka t.eilRpr nnirp. rLUl'?!iVi,?,:' "r" eolofpil eiM. fop one rlilld: ?iCPP.,.S 'D reference required. Call lull N I2tn t. CJMI.Ii.VrtinE for Ktiiall hibyi KnrMH nr "! " . ' ir I " J1 ' '' ffir noin, foo Went ,-,- -',". ,.,,i,-. ,nn i ariirp pniii CLOTH VUIAVKIIS wnnteil. Aply John A tatties t J.Wnn. Inc . Illanktt Mills. Bi-ott's lane, (Mil nf ftlun Iklll. ' cnoK. ehamirrmnM nnd naltrcMi experienced n-lillp malii re.crcnrrs requlfeJ. acm imr ln si. COIIJ, Protelnl not over Id, rrlvule'famllv'. W" ivnlti t : " wa,hln! reference; frioK, lirrmim" prrfprir.l. for family "off three diiPsApplv f,Ntntlii tlOViniNHSS, pxperpiip"if,"fnr"ehlld 54 jenrsT "."'."' '?"" I'lereiiers required. I: I1A2, LeJser Central. iTrig tl n Jt:rrletiwnrnil pr "in.i"i opf rrsen Feoit k Miam nnd Htnn.l.ir.l full biiIo ntp msrliltirf , Iparners II m m icnrs of "Be losen. . Apph Unlla-rttlon lloilerv f"n Orrhnrrl st. h.-tnw I'nltv, Kiankforil. HOt'HBjyoliKr no washlnu. iriiit be "peo.1 ciMiJ. J.1 per week, niermlilp, I'n, Meel emplov ernnom ?in, pUhr i.pUgr, Hit , 1 o'clock. MrvrllKrts tini.pfUl. to so in Central IVnn R",,nlS.,'1,.l?, "r on' r,,ild rrntPniHiu can ll.'i.m S'fi, PuMir l.MKrr, Mondnv innrnlni; l n cloi-h Nl'lliif; Uiuilci, ptperleiiep'ir iriilned lml iiiirfP. rp pnii r.nnlir,i flnn, Titl poKltlnn ',.?," I'.' PT'""!!. piein Hmi.lny. Numes lnaup. nil n ith ft NI'ltF!:. rNlmrr,. Pmlrslani. fnr a'-.-pnr-"Id hnv ni.rl nssHi with Infant. hi-M rpfrrnpp r;V,"Lrf,1 uT",,''J'lmrr. Chestnut lllll f.S.1 or rall .SI? 8t. Mirtln'n Isne. (tlirdnut lllll. OPKKA'rTiltri-Aniilli-nilnns nre nmv IpIiik i-p"-cpIvivi rnr pxi prlrni-rrt frinalp operators nn !.','!!!" i.. f.". nr "trtirsi!, slating cxperlonrp, a is rrnlikforil hvp. OptTllA'fnllH, i tperh nt-nl.'iin "Tjulnn rpeciai twin-npmllP marhlnps. inaklnc Jprps nml luithltiB .suits, ftpiirly work Hyxlrnle I IppcpiI l'niprivp.ir Co . S-ltf. N, llnwiinl. (IIAMUHR. e.it'Pr . oil r rs' vpnt"iinil"iintnii nulls. John liloiiil. rretitnn AllfKhrnv npn. HIK WIIAVHIt.i. pxnrrlrnrp,! nnrl lenrnnrs lint miller in. Hniinunlt Silk MfK. Cn.. mill niul Illll .ling l'urk nvr. SOI'T SII.K U'tNUISItf). pxnprlenpp,l nml irnrneri", not un-ipr in venrs. Annlv l-fnr-to n in...tiiintinlt filllc Miiiiufiiitiirliic Com- P.iny. ISili and lliinthi g i ars avor WAITttKHH. pxpprlprjppn Cnll Iipiuppii'ii niul lJoloik. with refprriipp, 202) Walnut t, W XNTfitv. Prluht niinit Inrlles. hp- twii'ii IS unit 22 psr of ngt, to mko up Iptephone work: n expprlPnep tirrps. pury; i-ninrv rmm wnue Ipnriung: pirts nt work I'lrnmiiciH iojili,!i. Apply In person, nnt.t, rnunMioNi: cojipany. tO'5 Market Sued. i Uelncen 0 and 5 o'clock. WANtOt A elrong Ctrl fer putting up liot lli.l cpoiIs. Apulv N'ntlnnsl Iirllg Co.. Stcn ino nvp . unop Wayne Jiuutlon. flMA' tn rln in fitrlorv llllll ofllcPliT KlPSilV pnsltlnn hours T..'tO In II. l-'pp Mlns IIniI. Itnoni -"!0, I-ulillr I.eilKPr, Niliirday liefore 12 nt Ini'k NOW IS TIIK'TIMK fnrlnun"g "i.i"iii?rTppir lug rnmmpri In 1 insttloiis In consult Miss lli-nii lit i.pilavr I'Plilnil. Itroinl nn.l i'lu-t-iim hy A fclieyl il service In rniilerril In NTiwhnrtAPiii:iis IiiinKKutiiTiis .vi" ct.r.ItlCH ihniueh ihp Cnmmrri't.tl Iippnrt inunt to I.PIllinil UWIIHTISntH, uml :i preut iiinnhp- nf ladles hive bepn lirnrniril nv in la snr Ii p. flciirrat Wr)Mi:N w-untpil ns UnvprnniPiit rlcrks; J70 innnih, I'lill plplphl i ex.iniinatjoti.i ponilui;, Miinplp nuiistlims rrpp I'rnnklln lnstltiite, I'ppt "I , I.. HiK-liPkter, N. Y. HELP WANTED MALE AiiUNTS Wrlln Inilustrl.il Dppnrtinent I'nllpil Ktutps I'anii.illy Cn., Nnw- York: now- Issuing innmtily pUMnonl an-Mi-nl nnd lip.illh pnll lp. wo orfi-r llberul ssency lontractu la ppnnsylHiila. lltioKlcniHMHt. for IPniiieniry position, by n tnrnoiutlnn; must hp lliorouchty cxperlem H anil.i nmpctpiit . stntu ui;p refert-in'os und sjt nrv dt-sirpil. ! .11... Iilsrr I'entnrt ATTI1NTION TO TOOL llHSll i.N'KUH wanti:i At Timi. ni:sniNi:its also TII(l..MAHi:ilH ASM) maciiim: oprrat- oiis i'iu a conciiiin i.v wi:sti:iin I'K.VN'MYI.VANIA CAM. AT III.N'lillA.M 1IOTUI., SATCItDAY. .lANf.XIIY 211. 10 A. M. to ti v. ii rim pcitsuNAi. iNTt:itvn:w. i'am. i:. ii. KTr:it.Ni-:u. HOY. HI in over, tn work in wntl paper fac tory Apply at nncn Decker, Smith & Pane, Wuterjiul h'nydpr ae. HOY. must be more than III jrare, fnr ofilre work. l..ii per week. Apply Mr. IlnleUh, Itiiian JjiT liui Clipi.tniit i. ItoY. HI ra. of ugtt; centrul real cstntp ofllcn; yi to stun: pxp. unnIiSI2, Ledner Office. CI.OTli WIIAVUftrt "wanted. " Ajmly Johir& Jaim-s Dotiyon. Inc., lllunkot Mills, Scott s Jane Culls of .Schuylkill. COST ('I.UItlv for large manufacturing plant: must be experienced In dftall cost nnd ;ue tory lU'rouniniit: stale refeienco and Milnry reiiulred. V I'M. Ledger Offli, HNA.Mni.i:!!. with experience en Jew. elry und metals, to take charge. Ad dress Hname.cr." V. O. Box Mil, Now York city. nXTHAOROINARY OPPORTUNITY A large corporation, placini; nn tho market a new fdsh-Kiadp speelulty, reuulrpa the ren-lit-H oi the ealesmcn nf PliltadelpliU dlmrict with experlinro 'lliu rn.uhlne U the en siitlnn or the itntur); e wnndirful as to ,lel ilpu, rluilnii: It i-uih nn cmiiiif tllinn: nmm but hlgtiPet grade men will bo ucieptcd, and unlpsi ou tan present credentials aa to inur ni illl. und phururlrr dn not niLKu annllpa- tliui. leniuiit ratp'li. strictly comnilnsloii baida C wllh enttsf.ictory drawlntr uct'ounl, men with imviTUBliii, pxierieiu-u prcierri'u. 1 1, .em , ,-i.,i,,t i.L-i.'i.-e ' . u, i.mmuii Jf 4" ... IVrifltl'MnN'P MAKKIt"oa clmk tnoietnenilT piau to niuke K-id P-iy. R 221, Led. Off JANITOR'S HhlLI'UR. exiTerieni-eil, who can take iuio of boilers. Apply to Janitor upart- ment hmue. N. I? i or, 17th and Walnut sis. WAW Hoy Bbouriifor law officii; mnilcrato Hilary, prlvllru of studying law. V. i,'al, LedgeiCenlinl. 1.11 t: INSl'RA.Ni-IJ AOKNT to mllclt lire In suruiu'v while 1.11. our debit. Address Joned, I.aunt ii ll.irrott, Inc.. 411-1.1 Walnut st. MAOIIINLSTS --J ttrt-cljii latlm funds. 2 flriit" clusj li'irUuntal borlux mill hands. 1 first class ihucktng muchluu hand American Kn clutcriiis Co.. Aramlnco and Cumberland kti. HELP WANTED MALE OFricn POY In aerounllnn moml must he ner 1(1 pir or ne. referenre reoiilred. &ii ilrps In own Inndwrltlnx one lPlnr down Inwn. or f-'oiilliwpst Philadelphia preferred. P1I.'. ledger Offlre . OrM'ICt: HOY lit I llarrlmii IliilMlntr. I'M KCIt Wanted, a flrat-elaM rellabTe mark si- uslnmrd to pirklnR. one who liss hanolM 'arge rrnrkpty preferrrd. nnsw-rr with ref. prpnpp. II 721, I.edRfr Office I'OSITION'OPTiN FOIt A KfHST-CI.ASH AM, AllOCNIl MACHINIST. A HOOP OI'KNINO Poll TIIK IIIOIIT PAHTY, STATU US- rnniRNfi: and hai.ahy rl 220. i.r.nnr.u oFficr. t SU.rH.MAN WANTUI) Phlliirletphtn rlaar fnrtorv making n line of . nnd ltv. goods H eppii fn- n trroil sjilrstnnn for New York Miitr. IViiiiflMinl,i and Hip Middle Won, niiiii ii.im- inorniiRi nrqinmunrc wun inn tiaifp Xddris", with rplptpncps. itlvlng full rirlli ulirs rreirdlnc trtst rmnlovmsnt. lot. I Pitcrr OIHr SAI.HHMAN 0 in fn vp.-irn or nae. who Is full ii''qnsluted with thp plumbing and milt supply liiinlnpfp, who his the nhllltv to handle lielp. The position l to lake rlnrite nf Ihp rjnnr In n iblln hoe In northern New -Irrpv. Wp want an 'A No 1" man nnd nre willing tn pny for samp. Addrees M ,'i07. Ledger Olrtre . - flAl.E.SMAN. first rlnss. to represent larpp in-iniifncturlne conrern In city of I'hltidM plila, preference alxen to man arnualnled with dry kiwi's and dep'rtment store trade PJ.1I; f.pdttprCMiir.il SAI.USMAN wanted tn hlndle Kmerron phnno gr.iph. mnnev-mnklmc proposition Apptv 221. N. Iirmul M.. I'lill.!., iiiirrjnn in. Siturdav HTISNnillt riKH, first rlius. for a poiulden llnl roeltlon nut of rlt . nppll -ants Fhnttld have mi ncfldeinlr ednrilfnn, will etrtl.- nee pxi pr. nnd whether married nr single and name nr present emplover. Applti'Stlnns will bp ir'nled with strictest innfldtnrp. I' .ill. Lelcer cpntril KTUNonltAI'llUlt lo start nddrenlnit nt smill s.it ndvanirnirnt In belter pos. nn scon an ounllllfd ri-fs tnniM'ennsytvani ntda. STIINnoilAPIir.n In nnslst editor tfo" Mum- rinp nnd technical data sbepta. referenres. tfsl l'ennslvniila llulHlng. KTpNOnitAPlli:il, Prnlestnnl, etrerlenfed. ntmut ts In 2o. for sales department Applv Mix MPtal Cnnimnv 411 Illehmend nt STIIAWttllltir.i: ,t- CLOTIIIKR llenulre furniture and lleddlna falesmen: those ulih.hlh-cr.idp spIIhik epprieni-e. Ap. RH Pureaii nf l-'niidnxinent. IU door, efoic It n in. TtMtllHT I.ATlll! IIANDtt rirst-rlnrs tnotitiakers. Apply 211" rnink fnrd nvp between s n. m nnJ n p. m. WANTIJM IlrniiRhlsman. prperlcnred on hot niplnl worklnu prpesps or hnmniera, capalde of deslgntna Interme-llate sizes, ntatc exee-rli-nre und a.ilurv i-xpcctpd. Anawpr P 2:11, l .dJ"p 'I'hje WANTUP A voitnc mail tn learn tn park f:oods, must ho free from tlnunr nnd tobnecn i.iblls, .pptv N.uloinl lnus Cn.. Htenlon jii. iibnip avnp .Tutii'tloii. WAXTBP Two printer's dexlls. Apply Nnt'l Pniki'n. St.-nton nn ubnn Wnvne June. WAVTUP. tnnn ipnmlnMl and wife nn ruie lakcrs fnr sln.ill mil linuse. K 111. I pd Cent. 'NTl:f A flrst-rbies rpllnbte llcgerill ill ell rui'llilesiilsnRooi flnlnher. II 72U l.ed,Off YOI'NO MAN nf cond nprrnaeh wnntPd tn sell riMifpr'M supnllns one who will start mi mndpst wiir.m wltti tbp nsiitrnmc Ihit lip wtll oulrkH 'nnim.iiid hlulier ia If he insists ennd. pxcpllrnt rlnnip fnr lldvanreilinnt. Wrllp nnlv un.l tell nnnirthlng nf nureelf our iilnbltliin s.ilnrv exppcleil nnd RPiiprul ImstuppH pxpprlent p. If any. H 22.1. I.iilRer iifll.-e. -V! X- EFFICIENCY l4 is the keynote to pros perity. The prosperous ;"" business man, who is efficient, knows that the ; Public Ledger is an effi cient medium wherein to advertise his wants. You ,' ' can profit by his experi ence and bring your needs before the eyes of prosperous business men. Phone or write Walnut 3000 Main 3000 ; rNXKwmrra YOl'Nf! MAJC nnll. brlwrrn tho nuci nf 1(1 and H. i'n Irarn the tnnU'tiK hiiHliirfri: inunt hn of pood ImMis and well Ktmiml-pil in olo mentary . tliit.ilton. Addrca. ulth references, M nr I-edpor (Vnlrnl. ViU'.S'i; MAN. 18. to Ptnrt ns office hoy and nuullfy for b-plter imMltlon In rapid. v trnvv. ln nrpnlilZAtlnn; rrferencca require d. J00K I'eiinHyhnnla irultdlntc. RO llM'l.HIKNCnir MArillNIST-H nanted gut. kl lv laro nilnhurKli plant. Kood (ircb und trail work. Apply Mnndny nfternoon or eenlnK to Mr. It. Ilthhim, nKtatered t ont "iT-tHiHotK ChfstniK and 0th kI VO!N(J MAN. nK about 20, for l-roker'a of Itto, operatn typnwrltpr, poo.1 future un1 Hilarv AddrrHW IJ fr Ledser Ofllcn A'ITi:.VrilN TO Din HIN'KI.HK vanti:i", riHST-rjAt.H nn: sinki:hs nv AU.-Alt(H'Nh , AI'TOMOltlM: WOIIK ron a coxrKUN'iiN vi:sti;un IMINN- HVI.VA.VIA. (.'ALL AT UIMLlflAM IIOPKI. SAI'I'IIDAV. JANM'AIIY , 10 A M. TO i i m . van ii:hs(jnai. ixtkhvikw. cai.i run i:. ii. sti:hm;u. (ienerat SPKCIAK AUTOMQIlir.I. Irifitrurtlnn Rien d?y nnd nlchr by expert li. Fi.nL.u n 4 1. nN..I .. . n.lnln.t lllf. nis- im 1 1 ix. n m inn rmcAV uuil Ullhinn aniu ui hoot repairing In all Its brunrhe, timlnsr. wlrlntr and CO road lensunH at a ory Mmall enul til I V lle-rt ,t tl 1nw cost nil N. Ilroad st.. P. Pets. III'SINUSS SI-.RVICK COMPANY IlKPIIS.. SHVHRAI. OTIIUII POS. OPKN 1101 LAND TITt.i: RU1LDINU AGENTS IOCAI. nr traveling, for subscriptions tn Inng established I'resbvtiirlan vveiklv. Prnnostilon fnr pxpprlenied and Inexperlencpd applicants, Kod Income. U l.l-'l, ledger Centrul. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE COOK ami baker, pood, white, very clean, win assist with other wnrk; best reference; $S per week. 1' 2.12,I?eder Central. COOK nnd ihambermald. "smnh Protestants, wish .liuatlona together, 1 it or country. Call or wrllo to 20.11 ritxvvaler at. COOK, exierlennd and cu'iuble, best refer- ilue fill mil llralldywtno st. DRUSSMAKUR. Frein h. dealreu engagement. owing 10 qui! seusnu, evening gown a spec ; remn Hiding 1111s walnut, i'n. wulnut ni.ii. llol'SHKUUPBR lnianaslng)-Ur. Ist-cluss ref.; hotel or prl v. II biij. woman, lad Off LADY wllh little girl going tn school desires u posltfuri as muriugtng housekeeper, nr will give muiher'a tare In thlldrcn. references exi bunged, y 411. Ledger Central. LAI'NDRUSsns, 2. experlem ed. want day's wnrk nf any kind. Plionel7i:i Hniithst. NritSH wishes enb'agem'ts, Ininlld uuiternlty, attendant iuse. doctor's ref. 2014 N. Till st NI'RSURY OOYURNUSS- Rellned inmig girl. Pintestant: teath Hngllsli und music; ilty l-efereiiiv II .111. Ledger Offli e ST15N011RAPHUR cuiilpetent. tliurnughlr e perjenied In bunking und brokerage business, desires position; salary $1D, P 72'J. U'd. Off. Plot by J. P. BIcEvoy (Coprlght. 1010. lly The, Tribune Company) SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE KTKNOflllAPIlr.n. competent : I sears' exp. In i'iuikhir- nnu nroKernre nun r Tun. ld. on ri'Tonixn tjinRiiairen. T'.nRllsh branches, roreiRners llnom .-ill l,n,l. im s,,nil ri.rtAnnlil WelRhtmnn Itldg ' . int'Vd WOMAN, pxperleneed In the rare nnd edttentlon nf Utile ehlldren. wishes position for In arternnons ns rnmpanlon fnr ehlbl nr ehlldren. I to s jenrs of acp ddrees 37. Ilrnnch t.eiteer. Wavnp aryl chelten nips A I.APY of .'tilttirp snd refinement, wltti inn eenlal temperament. pleisliiR peisoimllu. best famllc connexions deslrea p-'sltlon ns nttpiidnnt or companion tn younR nr eblerlv ladv nf renneitifni RntiiR tn Allantle City, or I Inrlda. . rpilentlals reinlcrtd. Address II 211. 1-cdEfr Office SITITATIONS WANTED MAIiE ACniTINrl . his and little. M 212. LedRer Ofllee. nnoKKi'.r.pr.n iniiiifr man 21. desires position Rood ref erenres moderate saMri If roeltlon perma nrnl with Rood nppoirnlti- for ndwinrereeut. "nnli'- t'n'leftnwti. Pa lfl'lt.rT5tlS'i:sTlilATnrt nnd reTnfereeT ion rrete enRlneer neeiirate ouintltv ninn Rood bilvpr. cnpablp nf running n'rtvp superlrtiiR outside work nnd hindllng life inrioiis delnlls cnnnepled therewith, will roniiect with a prn Krpsslve rnneern. Ml per week. Ith prorlt sharing plan V tr.7, I.edRer Centrsl lU'TI.KIl Young cnl d man wishes situation' pHvatefytnlly: best city ref. II 2art, Irfid. Off cliAtifFUt'lt. experlenfed, fntr meehantc, sln- Rte. deelres.pislllnti with nrtinte rnntl: fur nlsli bet nf ref. W , 2120 Krnnkfnid .p iSAHt l'.S'nil wants work, underst.inds Mnes. nrrhp-, melons, nrrhlds rises the prnpngnl lug nnd crnwlng nt nil bard and sn'l nnnded pHnls. the rotation crnnplnR of fruit nnd vpHMubles and the tnmirpmrnt of nn petote ddreen Nlenl. loll Webster St.. Nredhnm, Mass. il.Mtt)NI"ll, "iegetable. wlOien" position: inn ihlllreii a yr.ira nnd 2 lenrs eld, flrst-elux rpiereni-p Ilnx 24. Oalibnurne. Chrster e'euntv. I'Sj ilATtnrJNIjR. married, nn famllv. wants prl" vale plaep, pxrellent re'erenres from present ndnast employers, t' in, ledger CentrnJ MXN ANT) Wlt-'t', ' colored, hoiiseninld "nr cook mil), butler, no washing II 7.12, f-d-per Oftlcp MVNAN'P WtKtfrcn'nred "fnitlef nnd conk. oiing. referen e. 1227 Christian st fSl'Ctcr. POSITION' waTifed bv retlible rnnnT middle nged. tine penmin. neruriite in figures, best reO-miiee M ill. Leilper O'llee. St'i'ltUTAtlV. ale, bnnslipiTpr. pxperleneed In piliipsliiinnl nnrk. delrs -Imllir nr prlinle rnsltlon, nnnecilon wli't Innk er corpnratlnn iilmi iiirpiiitlip. ref. P 11. Ledger Central. HTI'N'OilIlAPIIUIl Young man wlth"prev'nits nfllpp exn , best refs K 47, L.edgcjr Cenlriil. "WANTUD. "a JOIt iis'niHerilslnR inanngfr, urslslnnt sides ininaeer nfn"p mnnagpr tn mi Industrial organisation nr editorial nr tnmiii work nn nnv rltv. lonn or fHrin puh- I iiitlon: hap 2.1 yeirs' experlrnre hi fnnlnn nnd nfflcp elerlenl nnd exenitlip work: chnrgp of two ndvprllslng denarimcnts. two publl iiillons, one order dppartmeni : undi-rstaiiil bnndllnc itieii and svsiemn In use In modern nrfb-ps nnd ninsi ktndn ndiertlslng nnd print liur wnrh: have mule gnod where 1 nm. but w ml In cli.nicp for sal lif.u lory reiiFons, inn -1.1. but feet 10 venrs jnunRer. best of refer enres prefer In remnln near Philadelphia, but will gn am where If worth whllo. Address M Md, Ledger Ofllee. YOt'Nii MAN would like rmslt"nn ns eliemlst In inrtnl lai'or.ilnrv or chemical sitesmaa In PblbnlPlnlil.i. hns Ind rxperlenrp ulotig the ipptal ipnl and luhrltntlng nil line. Address Mr H. W II. Crawford. 2."2 Pobllisnn St.. II liRhimtnn, N. Y , MH'NH MAN'l mini "nbstalner" linndv wlHi tools, strong, willing tn learn nnd to innkp himself uenernllv useful, desires tn charge bis urgent nceupatlon fnr stpsdv wo-u pii h nnttllrv farm. 7lf. LidRer Ilratich, r.tOO Oer- tnatitnuii uve. YOI'NO MAN." 22 venrs old. desires tmsllloii lo it Jewflry house 4 vears' rxnor'ence: best nf reference. II 201. ledger Ofllee. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES MISS MAflY T. MiCAPTIIY, 2107 Clrrlstlnn ll.ir. 1"HI) llippttrs A- w.mta 1st floss I'rot , Citb male and female help, nil nationalities AUTOMOBILES l'or Sale liril'C.HT AND SOLI' llltlll-IIItAHK CSI.'P CARS Wp hive ilipm, hut only the hlch grade. Piiislbli you hivp pne r-ir silc. Wp can and will sell It for yitu, If mr und price arp right ne will hllv It. CO-OPURATIYi: At'TnMOIUI.i: ASSOCIATION. INC. ," nnd 7 Nnilli 21st at 112:1 NORTH HROAP" HI'RUUT IV11 Rnbertsnn's old nrlgliul Auto School tfitrhPH vou now to re putr nno bow tn drlxn iitiina. (Ill NllllTII RRflAP STRI'.UT 20 lll'ICK ROAP.lTKR. Illlil. perfpet" IllPChnnlenI I'lindllloii. i.in be eepti nt Wjni'oto gjraRe. or .iddrpss W, .lonesL Wynrote. Pa. CADILLAC, ltil.1. touring car. overhauled and tppaluteil: full equipment, price 7oo. AI'TO HAI.US CORPORATION 1 12 N Proad el. CAPII.LAC, IIII.1. louring car. overhauled mid rppilntcd full nqiilpmeiit. price J7H1. M'Til SM.CS CORI-ORATION. 112 N llrn.nl st CADILLAC K. cylinder touring, late model: .tiMii) tiOMi:RY-.swAii'ry.. -jAh n. nrond st CHILMURH ,1-passenger touring car. eiuilpped with generator, pleitrlc llghlB and piigine, tire pump, gnod I'nndillnii; can bp seen at garage, .1.1 12-13 Oermaniowa nve. litn. H7I. CIIAI.MURS" TOCRINU CAR -Driven bj owner nnlv: Klrestone deninuntabb- rims, peen by nppnlnttiient. Phone Tioga l7bl. COLO, ini.l, PITMONSTHATOItS SLU'.lITl.Y I'SKl). lOll KAI.B I, H. ROWHRH CO, 21.1-47 N.llHOAtJST. III'PMOIIILi: 1IIII-T2 touring, electric llghta and atarter; bargain. Phono Locust .'1.102 J, I.OCOMOIIIl.i: li cylinder. 4 pns. A RelltlP mnn's torpedo In flno cnndltlon In every rptux-rt: tires tine, will ilemonstrutc. J CVi. Liilger Central. WIIITP. 1012, r-PARSR.S'OKH. it-CVLINOllfi TOtritlNIl, IN liOOl) CONDITION Ml', CIIANICAI.LY: TIRUS IN OOOD CONDI TION 1. c. MOSUR 2111 N RROAP HT ii-l'ASSllNllUR MI'.RCilR miirlnK enr. self nnd (leetrle IlghtH. tires Ilka new. I. C. MOHKR. 21H N llroml st. .SEND KOII CRKf ni'l.l,E7TIN or t'SKD CARS liORSON At ffO UXCIIANlin. 2.1S N. nitOAD SUCONDOIANO PARTS. SCIIORIIR. 0.1 ll-41-4: Market. CIIUVROLHT AtlUNCY. "Kerr's new garaj Clio Ulr.ird avn stores j.1 up. Wanted STOP. LOOK AND I.ISTUN New g.irogo opened, tors bought, sold an ex changed, accessories, new and old, tourtcous assistants, expert niei h.uilAin 1 co.mi: sin: rs. Phlla. AVItn l'or"-Co 1141 S U-on,l pi t'lillu. OLD CARS WANTUI) TOR PARTS S II O II U R . 334 1-4:1-45 MARKUT ACTOMOHILHS and tires bought for Junk, .my inndltlon:dron postal 2120 oxford st. WANTUI)-A I'TOS FOR JUNK." OKT OUR price ilrst, n.14 Diamond st PhonoPark 11B. nxciIANiIC new fiiOO player-pann"for iuio Wlillinore Plana Co . 20M Lehigh. Tioga 72.10. WANTUD- Old autos fur Junk.'sMI N. .'Id Vt. Phone Park twi. H'ASTIID-Ol.b AU'IOS 1'Olt PARTS. S2a-25 N. UTH ST. AUTO LIVERY AND GARAGES LRXINOTON OAHAIIK UNDKR NEW MANAOKMHNT an n mix srituKr FIRST-CLA.VS ItUHAIRINa STOItAdU IR.00 HP I.I.IK I'hnnu Preston r,fiOt. INDUPHNDKNT TAXICAII CO. PV1I N. IMl.l.lNC.TON ST MMOL'SINHS TAXIOAII8 AND TOl'HINIl CARS TO IIIRB II. .V) PUR HOI'll AND UP POP; i;s..1i',M. PAUIC 71 NUVUR CI.OSUI' NUW OAlTroill' mi" and' one hilf ton and thrca-tnn tnaki,. will leusn both truiks with drivers on hour haslr with cniurntt guar- untieing continuous service. It. C Koun, Uui2Jr). yww Chestnut sL Iti IIIRU (open day and lilghtlRrand-new .1-1 as touring cur. with rnbes. 11.21 hour, alsn brand-new 7 put, limousine. II .m hour; weddliiRS Minerals etc. Poidar 1H17 W. TO IIIRK-S-TO'NPIKRCK-ARROW TRUCKfiT lly the hnur. :rtp, day nr week. MINK. 1401 ARCH. Locust im IlKATINCr-Uod room, laundry or garage.; get estimate. Franklin (las Steam Radiator. F 2S, lauger Central, 29, 1916. AUTO KEPAIHINq J SPMr.OOMETRH TltOtMIM? 7 8Ki: IIILI.Y AT HIS m:v IJCATION .no n. nnAoo st. CVI.INDtlnS niMlOflRt). new pistons nnd rlnei furnished, web'tngs and hra'inn H II. t'nderwood ffi . 1021 ttanilllen st , Phlla. AUTO SUrPLlEC PARTS for Aoperson. Ilub k. Knnx. Winlon, Mitchell. Sultan. Ilambler. Ileo, nimote, I'ennsshanla. Pore llarlforil slightly .used tires st our nnu prlers Phlla Auto Parts Co.. l-n-S.I N. Pith S' Pbrne 1'leV 141R PKAftlNdS Npj- Peparlure Ferii-e ?ti The Owltllam Cn,, 1111 Areh st. Phones Walnut .IPU. PnepincJ 4:uxo TinES T'Ut.f.MAN TltlBS Ouarnnleed mno miles compare prices, c.asnllne, 20e per rn" -OIIIM'S 2.1(1 Nnrth Prnnd t. pinnsTos't: ptiMorvrAiiu; niMs mr Knni ears, 1,1 per set, Jnsislled Punlex Tire Co., 222 S' Prond st t'hanp Plnmnnd 1121. B'LDINO MATERIALS REPAIUS st'ccus.irfi, him Minns nm 21 yuaps Wp beiame suripssful bv gliliig fatlsfne lion. Don't do any building or nlterallon wnrk until jou haie our prlers. Wilt bo pleased lo give estimate. We nre earrenters nnd gentrnl construetlon penplp. We an Job bing nf eien hind on sbnrt nntlro. Wrltn nr phnne for price , ..... Tllli Pl-'NN ItUAL nSTATU Ht.Pfl CO Doth plumes 24SI North Ullli st CAUI'flNTIMttSrl AND .tOIHIINO-Altern-lions nf eierv k'nd worn ciir,inps1, pinmpl ten lie- 22 if.us In business, estimates fur-nl-hed I'enn lleil l'inp and llulldlng Co., 21.11 N. lfitli Itnth Phones BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES COI.I.frllJ trnlnpd man. with ,1 ypnrs' sites experience, both pii ih mad nnd In thP offlep, Is willing tn Inixat f.ieoo nr Mono cash, with sen tees. In nny leRlllmiile business, must stant strlel ImesiiRntlon. beat relcrencci. It 227, Ledger Office. cOMPANltiS prnmnted, ortantted nnd nimnied. Addrrsi Soulheili t'lnanc" Syndlentp. M .1.VI. Ledger Central. COTl S PKR CITNT. rafe Ini-estment write Cowlor Standard Umn fnni pany, Pennsvtianla Uulldlng, lieforo stock ndvancen, ANOTHRR OPPORTUNITY ONLY S10OO INVUHr.MUNT IIUQCIRKO l.AI'NCIIINll A NKW PROPOSITION IIIO IIBTI'HNH: ACT CJI'ICKI.Y. M ,14, LIUnlUR CUNTHAL. KXPumi'.Ncr.i) prioMOTUK. innn- entlnl llnaui'lal innnepilnns open fnr rngiicpmentM. referpnees dPinindeil; will deal with principals ntdy. M 3W, I.KDdUlt CUNTRAt.. C.BNTLtTMAN wllh fltll") lo S2O0O to takn P'.'tlp nart trensurer or new popular Philadelphia corporation: no mner.-i i' im, i.eoRer unicp. MANl'I'Al'Tl'RKRS! If inn haip niijlblpa In the Hup nf cenernl niprehiindlse nr s. nnd 10c. sppclaltles. wo would like to represent inn In Miirxland, peliiwnrp, Ytrglnl.1 and Washington, n, c. Wp hale an pstali. trade, nnd sell nn inmmts. bnsls. Mir pnrtlrs., apply ll.iltlmore 'innmlH slnn llnu.p i,nt w. Halilniorp si . ilahlmorp. I'ATUN'TS-AHTHt'll 15. PAIOH. 714 Walnut St.. Phlln., mni-hanlral nnd electrical Pngl neer. rcRtatered patent attornpv. pstnhltsbed hero flO leara, lnipntlons developed, pntrnta, trademarks, cnpi rights sei'ilied and litigated nnvwhero:- rejected applications prouecutod; prPllnilunrv uth Ice freo CAPITAL wnnted for tho development of Mala Line nnd central c tv teal entitle 10 p. r cent. InMircd. Rrand npportunltl now walling: money iimplv seetirpd. Iniestnr can gUe Hervleo. U S.17. Ledgpr Central. 5.VOO TO'lNVUST. with -crvlics. ln"aprotn Islng liinnilfai'turliig hurlnpia that i'.in ho made prntltnblp with Im re.ised capital and bils xji. Addres'i, with par . II .IIP led. Cent. HhTARLISIIUD real estate broker "epei Inllilng In (ommer btdg. Imprnic'ut deslics rinnnrlal and bus iihHMiinrp rrnm Investor nf menus Inr further deiel.jif busluessII 12S.Led.orf. HULA. CIIARTI'.RS PRbcCltl'.P-Cnrpnratliilla nrRlinl7Pd rtadv fnr bus lowrl i nit ; best legal spris. linnn nssll. SUCI'RITY IN- 'UHT.1H;NT CO.. Hox lVi,Vlliillllfton, Del. ir thi: tiiri:i: lauiiust iiakinc. i'irmh In Phlla. were to slop hakliiR lor 12 hours thero would be a bread famlpo in Phll.i. 1 repreeent a Sllldlrntft which Is lirchaslng in established Imkely. tuldtnlUe I at JI.'Jl.OIKI, fvoioo subserthed. 7n.iX0 Icit. Close enr porHllon. NotlilnK lens than sinoi) enld to any ono partv. Treasurer and tlo director ships upen. Investigate. It will pay ion big. SUK MATTHIAS A ROUT IT. ill!) North (2d St. WAN'TUD Tn organize a nvndlcatn in Inks over property valued at 1 000 000. now- running large profits; $Vi,oi4i canh needed to co-'rol the eltuatlon: nil tyndlcate subscribers to cnnie In on inual shares. M 110, ledger Central. FINK MANlTACTITUINO OPUN'INO-CIH-zens of goml tnwn In Virginia will glvn sub Muntltl lln.iticlal nsslstaiuo 10 ii.-w Industrv nf Importance, espeiiallv one which will logically IU la with relation tn raw materials, such as coal, coke. Iron and vvnnd, nllway facilities ample, labor situation gond; will negotiate with practical man whn can com mand capital. M. V. RICHARDS. Ind and Agr. CommlSHloncr, Room 2.11. Southern Rail way, Washington, D. C, YOI'NO MAN, with lino to $.100. to take active part in corporation: must te fairly Intelligent and honest: statu experience; no trltlers. P 70d, Ledger Office. $500 TO $1000 Invested now In a growing manufacturing Arm will pay big. Will stand any Invent-gntlo-i, nnd banking references. Write M 433 Ledger Oftlce. OLD.ESTAHI.ISIIKD IIAKURY nnd confectionery, at IflV) Jefferson t. ; new. ly altered and improved,; for rent, in tlrst class condition In eviry respect, and baker's rermlt granted a gonl pla 'o for the right man. W. J. SMYTH, I12S Chestnut st, HIITTAURANT. splendidly furnished; doing Eood buslines, must bo sold; owner has other uslness which requires all his attention nr will leasn for 2 monthi on trial with privilege of .1 n-ars' lease. !' 110, l,edgerCentrl. OARAOU. old rslHhilshe.1: doing gnod'busl nesa. ,11 cars reasunablp rent, price, linn,) i.ih. P IS, Ledger I Ira 11c h, 211th and D.iu- phln sis. PICTURF.'tHUVTRH. $2100. crowded nightly, teautlful, tnndeni. nn competition, booming IrKjtlon. good eelllng rtaton: tacrltlce. E 440. Ledger Central. " DROP POCKET COAL YARIl" ON P. AND R FOR ItH.VT. 110 MONTHLY. 11.10 WHST IIOOA ST $1000-MANt'FACTURINO hllslne-M,' textile, rstnbllihfd, bus) nnd prnntati'e particulars at Interview p 70S. I edgcr Offli e Uncle Jeptha Hates Money So Does Bryan TEM WHAT T50 Vou MEAK BV THIS Ery.TRAVVjAMCG WERE- FoUeX TfcOTHPICriS FOta- ONLY THREE "PEOPLE I I'D NEVER. LEAVE MV M0KE.V TO FOLKS I KNOW I 15 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES OrtOWIMd ORCHAhiA.all (e. fo7 Mle. tlARIIY IIArtLlNOTON 1420 Chestnut st, "". VICTOUl WANS CO.. Patent Attorneys. Wnshlnalnn. D. c. . . . Write for'desrrlpilie booklet Mt'flT HKI.I. poi'ket-blllhird room 'nkes In I(J to t' weekly, three tables In Rnnd location: i all eiriilngs Fredericks. ISIh and York, f RT.vrll for mnitng rl tore business, with ?ino an I abiliti tn run stnie irood dealt Cen tral Thratip. Atlantic citj. N. .1. ipiTIM., orean city. N. .1 , located near tho hearh first ilaes following. For oartlcutara address P 71n,l.edsernfil. e, OlSTKR AND CHOP ItotfgB; V'stnbllrbed afl sears: will snirlflceon account of sltknpss. siiil flreen st. WAN I' U'jT'll'I'np I'l.x.NT in msnufartuio P- and il-ln h (hells V 112, Ledger Central. ?l'I.i.V-l:ot'IPPnb mirh'ne hoii fnr inTo.'or rem .1 c. JOHNSON. 221 N. lath. J nitled WANTIJO Aaeiiey fnr first-flats salable mill nnd faetnrv specialty. We hue plenty nf capital nnd nn nrganlrrd selling fnreo fonilllnr with Hie tiurie In I'ennsylvaiiH. Ohio and Ml-liltnn. Manurni-turprs only need I null' A-iurees i- i, iuer unice BUSINESS PERSONALS i;vi;nino LATHRT BTYI.ll .ritLL-PRHP-l HI'lTH. clothcs pi'.liv. ,t- cM.i.r.p ron viu.R cm. i. op pmom: popi.Mi ill. To. opiJNi.Nii I'.VUNINHH t Li.iPNr.irs. lorn A (HiiARP ,v. n.v.ryn. fl'I.L' IIRtiSM MI'ITS " . "" rulawoys, Tujedns en. I Snrk Suits ' .. . Tn hire nnd nude In order. NUt'IlAI'MR, Tim TAILOR, ID N. Dth it. Hp' pjione. Walnut Iflts. j HI'Pniri-T.I'Ol's 1IAIR removpil bv pleVtroTiW. thp nnlv permanent wuv Kvehrows arched. MISS SMITH. 402 Kfiili 'I'hpnlrp tlldR, Miss lloppp. hilrdresser. fncl.il nisrsnRe.min. Iciir'B, form. Mint Arcade, wllh Miss Smith. . I'HRH AND t't-R COATS . nltpeed and repnlrnd. rrnsnniblp prices: wpak inniishtp gii.ininieed Send pnstnl nr phone ttolmnnl l'1l W. I'llAS .1. RCilS't .1117 Arid rt Will cull and glip plltnnle. jj V'l'l I, fifn.a PIMTS--AII new tvll.ti.'soniT Hrtp p.s-nt-ient. SlMI'I't cnnpivi. 1010 nifiMtfi vi: pitciNi' t'npuitt niii.j DRESSMAKING ANj' MILLINEIJ.'.' Till! M.'POWUI.L DRHSSMAKlNtl SCHOOL. 507 nencklaP.ldB.1 1th and Market ntL' POTTUR Action. OI-' liltr.,MMAKlNtrr" DAILY AND OVI'.NINO SPPHIONH. . 111.1 OIRARD AVi:. I'ntilnr M74. ' IinMSTITOIIINO. V. yard. A -I material, but tons cow. plpttlnR. stamping hand pmbrnifl ?ry. Modern. 1O02 Chostnut. Phone Spruce 210,1 IlllMSTITCIItNO. 10 cents a iar.1, nil mate rials. A, RUIClIARD, 1111 CIII'JtNCT ST. . PICTORIAL ItBYIRW I'ATTURNH (IOWN.1 remodeled, high-grade work oiU. Pliono Ppruep 2221. DRI'.tlSMAKINO. eulllUR and titling InilRllt, Plc. dieismkr. 1211 W Somerset Tin. gfliaW. DRUSSMAKINO I'llttlng. ntllng tiu'ght. UlV pvb. by practical rtr'iikcr It'OI Sininm, Phnhr. CARIET CLEANINO r C O N T I N P. N T A I. CARPHI CI.KANINC1 lit II8B COI'll srltlJRT UOi: CHUSTNI'T Pell phone. Lnrunt I0I10. 1VHST PHII.A. MONARCH STORAnBCO. WUST PHII.A. 1c. PUR YARD . WI.'ST PI1ILA. 3S70-72 LANrAIITUR AVL ltOKt! CO Iinl. CARPUT IltiATINO," ",111 N U'lh No ttimhlcn need. Phone Tlnga M00. FOR SALE RATH ROOM Mndrnlzp yours for fiO Porce lain pnampl bnthtub, wiiKtint'iud and water lIospI. also glass shelf. 21-ln glass tllo low el bir; nlrkel. plated Inllel paper holder; oval tdnte glars mirror, all wnrktnunshlp and material gunniutf ed Call and see what sva hue. llnnklelH mi led on application Open PVgM HARRY HTILLWULL. 2202 N. 2Dthlti IIILMAIlt AND POCKUT TAHLUS Also bowling nllPis; pasv pavments. RRUNS" WICK-HALKU-COLI.liyilUR CO.. lOQ-j Arch. RILI.1ARD. pocket, 2d-lia"nd tables; repalrlnc; supplies i.'iarK-iiera iilig in., .'11 p. rroni. IIH.l.IARD niol. rombln itlnn. 2d-hond bought. sold, rentpd. pxeh'd Ken fer. t2 Olrard ni Kjc. CASH RHOiSTI'RS. new nnd second-hand; tola! adders as low an tn. on easy monthly pivmonts, all registers sold by us fully guar anteed Tho National Cash Register Co., 710 Chestnut st. 1 DUSKS, filing cabinets, safes, telephone booths nnd offlin furniture and fixtures nf every description; used but la fine cnndltlon, and lerv cheap; free delivery nnvwhere. IjrilHUS, IITI1 ND 111 'TTON WOOD. ; UnVULOPI'.s'wITH PRINTINO-Klne grade; Min sire nn. 7.1c; 2000. 2. WM. DUKE. 2101 SedRley uve.. Philadelphia. Send for samples. RcM ever offered. - TOR SALE I 2 0 . .1 0 VICTIIOLA VI AND SIX 10-INCH D. dT. RI0CORDS Ouaranleed to be In pprfeet condition. An exi client outfit for one who is looking for n Rood machine at a rearonahle price. Ftlty cents weeklv accepted. Call or write for complete description and large Illustrated catalogues. HUPPE'S UPTOWN STORES ' Corner Oth nnd Thompson als. Philadelphia. Pa. HO CENTS WEEKLY ntJYS A VICTROUA. call nr write for particulars. HUPPE'S UPTOWN STORES 5 Corner nth and Thompson ots. Philadelphia. Pa. $.1 DOWN AND $.1 A WEK.K. without nnl estate rcrurlty. will purchas. a new Fnnl cnr. Anv nther make of pleas ure or delivery nn same plan. Representa tive will cull, nr )nu can call upon us. Co-nper.itlve Autninuhllo Association, Inc. .1 nnd 7 N21st st : Spruce 4 111. JUWUI.URS' mahoganv wall nnd (Inoe cnees. from 11 ft. to pi ft. Inng. French stile: nho condition Central Second-Hnnd Furniture Co.. nni-tl Cnllnwhlllnt $22 -VICTIIOLA ND RRCORDS LinOn SIZH IN OllOD CONDITION. RICDER'S LOAN OFI-p'E. I2S MARKIIT ST. f20-l)IA.MONtl PARRINOS. PURU WHITE AND PHR1TCT. VAI.fB IV). RIEDER'S I)AN OFCP'R, 12S MARKET ST. US-LADIES' DIAMOND " TIFFANY r3N O'AOUMENT KINO: VALUE V1.1 RIEDER'S LOAN orj-'lCU. 12S MARKET ST. ., $lt1-DIA"MCNl)""RINn. PURE WHITE AND PERFECT VALUE- IC0 RIEDER'S LOAN OPICE12S MARKET "T SIX REAt'flFUL ROXWOODS 100 years old: n"w- is Hip tln-p in tninHidani. Address Hrnry Mun.lt Oakbnuine, Chp.ter Co.,ra, c"' i-i., . .lo.lnu out sllchtlv used, all - ' . . ', i ienF(), v tit v vi t'E. si -11 vi'w 1'iixnmnN. RIEDER'S LOAN ori'ICE. 1 'S MVRKET ST. TWO VERY FINE 7 foot door cases. WIS Chrls'lnn et HEATING MAKIN-KEI.SI'Y HF.ALT1I HCAT Is better and cheaper than etesm or hot water. Pure fresh nlr with ncrmal moisture. MAKIN KEL3EY. n N IMh it . Phlla. INSTRUCTION STENOORAPHY and bookkeeping by Indlviddal Instruction, cource requires nnlv lew weeks. pns. guar 704 Lnoust 1 Washington Square). MACHINERY AND TOOLS " FOR RALE One. 23 k. w. d c 123 vnlt Wood cenerutor. In tlrst-clns order CHARLES liONO CO S2u Arch st PIPE, second-hand, all etzes. Hand Plpa Supply Co.. 1001 N Phlla, S.con4. , 7th. Phnnea. VI.l.-I:oUIPP:n machine Jobbing ehoa for rale, 'il'ilt North Randolph st Other Classified Ads on Next l'uge o W T K rt to f i t I M ! H t, V , I" f ' vr -- r ' vj " V a-".-.-... y t ' -- M0M&Y TO FOLKS KNOW IV wm- s!i fc&L I j -; - A P T -v Iwouub wmte ir; WQUUTj WPkSTB. r! JtA: " m. hi ' " " " "" " ' " ' ' "" ' s ' "-- rL-i -