Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 29, 1916, Night Extra, Page 11, Image 15

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'iii;wyiini,iiitfpw;wWppiiiiii l i )iill ppWffTW?w..iiiJ.iwiP3 ''i''."!.,-
;' Mr. and Mrs. lkic H. Clothier Will Entertain Tonight
in nuiiui ui miaa -umsauutn uawson Wheeler al
the Theatre Other Affairs of Interest
EWJ5AUETII W It R t: I. K It, the
daughter of H. Bowman Wheeler
niul n most nttrnctlvo debutante,
trill bo Riven a tlrcntro party tonight
j,y the Isaac II. Clothlor, Jrs., of
Sunnyhrool; Farm, ltndnor. The
guests will he principally from the
debutante set, and will include Acnes
ltrocklo. I'1""- Nnirls, Mildred Shcppard,
Carolyn Sheppurd, Uytondale Halrd,
Sarah Myers, Murgarettn Myers, Ilosa
monilo Fisher, Josephine Foster, Mr.
and Mrs. Andrew Wheeler. Mr. and
jtrs. Lloyd Con tea, Howard Ornlmni,
(frnhani Roberts, Hlccardo SCImmcr
man, Judt Thayer, "Walter Wheeler,
Arthur Wheeler, Bob Toland, Crawford
Jladelra and Dlclc Bullitt. After the
theatre tho party will go to the
Ucllovuo-Htratford to Mr. Hutchison
h'eott,'s Supper Club, where there will
be additional guests.
If anything were needed to further
Impress upon ono tho1 absolut" social
Ucmoerae.v of "our own" Tony, It de
veloped Thursday night, when ho niul
n paity of cleigymen and religious
workers from this city and Wilming
ton Journeyed down to Carney's Point,
jf. J , where tho du fonts are busily
engaged In turning out munitions.
and held a Drcxcl Ulddlc lllblc Class
Tony, you know. Is no respecter of
"classes." lie la the absolutely original
foclal democrat, and ho Is just ag
happy apparently oven moro so per
haps when bo's chatting with a hand
ful of men on somo slum mission an
lie Is at a debutante reception or
afternoon tea around Illttenhouso
Square. Thursday night Tony talked
religion to several hundred workmen,
and when ho finished ho sat down with
somo of them and listened to their
Borrows as well as their Joys. It was
rather warm at tho works when the
Itcv. ,1. W. Howard Gray, of Wilming
ton, opened the meeting, so the powder
trorketH simply divested themselves of
their coats, rolled up their sleeves
and sat back In apparent content
ment lo hear Tony expound lilbllcal
doctrines nnd tell Just how to walk the
path of rectitude; nnd he handed out
some knockout truths n la Billy Sun
day, let me tell you, and what Is more
tlicy undoubtedly struck home, for
when ho finished there wcie shouts of
"Hand 'em out some more, Tony"
"Tltat's tho boy," unci "Ulght-o."
Combining tho spiritual Willi tho phys
ical, as ho usually does, our strenuous
friend offered lo put on tho gloves with
any of them, but no ono volunteer cd,
apparently deciding it wore best to
take his word for ills prowess. At any
rate when the meeting came to a closo
the men shouted themselves hoarse for
Tony und voted him tho mos.t popular
visitor to the Point slnco the. war
Can oii believe it? Huidly it's true,
however. A certain young man whom
we all know was wending his way tea
ward u cry short time ago, and finding
he was too early for tho affair decided
to stop a while at the Bellevue-Strat-ford.
He did ho and talked. ETC., with
some boon companions. Time went on
apace and our young hero left for tho
tea. Arrived at the house ho got bite- J
cessfully through some pretty speeches
with his hostess und the little deb and
then sauntered into tho dining room, I
and on receiving a rup of chocolate
smiled dreamily and, with thoughts of j
the earlier hour, walked over to the .
sideboard, placed one foot on u nearby
elialr nnd caielessly blew tho whlpptd
cream off the top of tho chocolate!
Theie is evidently no cessation of in- I
terest In the woekly meet at tho Hunt- '
Ingdou Valley Hunt Club, and, tho I
weather being propitious, tho attend- '
ance today will bo uniiMinlly large. ,'
Quite a few guests from out of town
will join in tho run, among them j
Mr. und Mrs. Horatio Whlttredge, of
Baltimore, ulro aro tho guests of Mr. i
and Mrs. Hurry M.'Hart at their apart- '
ment at tho Itltz. They will bo tho
honor guests of Mr. and Mrs. .Spencer
K. Mulford, Jr.. at luncheon beforo the '
meet, and ' Miss Harriet Denver will I
entertain at tea at tho Huntingdon i
Valley Country Club. Mr. and .Mrs.
Kidney F T. Brock also gave a illnrnr .
In their honor. Mr. and Mrs. Willi- I
tredge will return to Baltimoro on
Mrs William dray Warden, of Itcilgato,
School House lane, will entertain at din
ner on Tuesday, before tho ball to bo
Slvcn by Mr. and Mrs. Samuel D. Blddle.
Mr and Mrs.' Thomas Karlo White, of
2J Spruce street, will give a dinner of
to covers at the Philadelphia Cricket
Club on Saturday, February 5.
Miss Itobeita Brown Downing will en
tertain before Mrs. Scott's Supper Club,
at the Bellcvuc-Stratfoid, on Saturday
evenm3, Kcbruuiy 6. .
Mrs Edwin II. Killer, of The Terraces,
Iloiemorit, will give a children's party on
Tuesday afternoon, at the Acorn Club. In
honor of n.-r i,tti., ,jt.,,ir,tprti. Miss Nan
Filler, and Miss Kllba Wirth Fltler. '
Among tho Philadelphlans spending the
week end at tb Traymore, Atlantic City.
re Jude Mmm Hallett and his son.
Mr, Morris Dallett, Jr. Mrs. Horace Fas
lit and ,'lm George Ganctt.
Mr. H 1. Way Und lux l.ued caids
,'r H tea on Tuesday afternoon, Fob- i
ruury s, at tli Amni Club, to meet the
'lev George T Berry, field secretary of ,
,'" iinencuu .mc.mi amuu hiiuh, ,
"l --.peak on "AChrUtUn ItenalwHince J
in France " i
- fl- ..n.l ... . tf 11-lllr.J.V ll.lV
ken apartments at the BlU-Carlton for
k.-. uuiaiice oi me inier. j
M'8 Thomas Newhall ha returned to
: J-he Old Place, her home in Itliun. from
Milt to per uunt. Mrn. Joaiah Low,
Ulackwell In Nrt- Vok.
ilr and Mrs KdwarJ Sdenham Page
' Dv.oo at a bpend nj( the week at the
jpetlvvue snaifojij
Mil, tM.14 v.-'i.p and MIm Uurith
t-Ujimoit NUaon will rtteivv t ibMt
borne, mi pi street, on Tuesday In
Iebruary after 4 o'clock
Cardq have been Issued by Mrs. Will
lain Woodward Arnett, preildent of the
woman s Auxiliary of the Church of tho
.!?. TrlMi,J-' r"r a tea on the afternoon
or Thursday, February to, at a o'clock in
the parish house, 217 Mouth 20th street.
to meet Mrs. John Markoe. president of
the Woman's Auxiliary of the Diocese of
Mr and Mrs. George It. Dllkes nnd Mist
Mnrle I.oulso Dllkes, of 2:111 Locust
Mreet. left Friday for Otd Point Comfort,
n., and l-renclr I.lck Springs, Ind.
Chestnut Hill
Mr and Mrs J. Boss Pilling, of Mer
maid lalie, are being congratulated upon
the birth of a daughter. Mrs. Phllllng was
.Miss Anna Fries before her marriage, a
few years ngu.
Dr. and .Mrs. Kthaji Flagg Hutler will
lie guests of honor nt a tm to be given
this nrteinoon In Washington by Doctor
Butler's parents. Mr. and .Mrs. Charles
Henry Butler. Mrs. Butler will be re
membered iir Miss Margaret M. Itcnsliaw.
daughter of Mrs. Lewis H. Bcuslmw, of
Chestnut Hill.
A dinner-dance will be given this eve
ning nt the Philadelphia Cricket Club, St.
Along the Main Line-
OVfitimUKlK Mr and Mrs. Charles
I. Hpxlrr me upending somo time at
White Sulphur Springs, W. Vu
Dr. and Mrs. M. D. Llpplncott, of
Diexel ro.td, are spending the week-end
In Atlantlp City.
Mr. and Mrs. It. Brentnall I.athbury, of
10.10 Upland Way, Ovcrbroolc, will give a
delightful dance tonight at tho Over
brook Colt Club. The guests will number
about 8.'.
AnDMOrtU Mlsi Mabel Huey, of Mlll
bournc, will glvo a novelty shower, fol
lowed hy r)0, this afternoon, In honor of
Mlts Runic Carter, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. William V. Carter, of Hiivcrford
loud, wlicme marriage to Mr. Herbert
Slack, of Newtown, Pa., will tnke place
next month. Valentine decorations will
bo used, the color scheme being red.
The guests will Include Mrs William
(1. Nelson. Jr.: Mrs. I.lnwood llarmuui.
Miss Mabel Myslnger, Mrs. Oulleta Bash,
Miss Marguerite Leedoin, Miss Itlta Flem
ing, Miss Knolu Gould, Miss Helen
Mutinies, Mrs. Ilobert Irish, .Mrs. II. rt.
linllowrll, .Miss Marguerite Dickinson,
Mrs. Itogors, Mrs. Clinton Both, Miss
Cora Thomson, Miss Beglna Donaghy,
Miss Coral Justice, Miss Jean Woli.iston,
Miss Helen Itorer, Mis I.lsetta Nouuom,
Miss Jean Carter, Miss Cecilia Illrkey,
Mrs. Hamilton, Miss Mnrlorle Johnson,
Miss Je.innettii Campbell, Miss Mnry
Campbell. Mrs. Bngllsh, Miss llllcn Wor
rall, Mrs. Harry Iccdom, Mrs. John
Adams and Mrs. Vocum.
IIAVMBFOBD Miss Isabel P. Heek
urts will entcrtnln tit dinner tills evening
at Iter home on Hose lane, before tho
dance nt the Merlon Cricket Club.
Mrs W. Ci. Autlenrled, Jr., of Mont
gomery avenue, left yesterday for Chi
cago, where she will spend a month with
ST. IiAVin'S-Hciir Admiral W. W.
Meatle, of Orchard Way, who has been
spending the winter In California, has
gone to Aiken, S. C.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Merritt Taylor, ot
Wayne avenue, have gone to Miami, Fla.,
to remain some time.
Mrs. II. A. Kuulsley, of Oklahoma, who
has been tho guest of her sister, Mrs.
Theodoro A. Wcldershelm, for several
weeks, has gone to St. Petersburg', Fla,,
for a long visit before returning to her
Northeast Philadelphia
A hewing circle meeting of the Imma
culate Conception Church will bo held on
Monday at tho home of Mrs. S. Baker,
1121 Marlborough street.
Alias Ada Kamcns, of 1512 North Frank
lin street, entertained a number of her
f i lends at .a Dutch mipper lust week,
when the following wore present: Miss
Clara Oieeriburg. Miss Kdna Flahmari,
Miss Sadie Shiftman, Miss Pii'Me Boson,
Mls.s Lillian Jnmlson, Miss Katherlne Al
ius, .M l.s.i Hannah Goldstein and Miss
Dorothy Kauffman.
Mi. William llymau and Miss Ceatllcc
Hymati, of 13:!ii Montgomery avenue, have
left Philadelphia to spond tho winter In
Florida, where they will be Joined later
hy Mr. William Ilymnn.
A delightful leceptlorr was given yes
tciday afteinoon by tho graduating class
of the Joel Cook School, following tho
cities day oNcnlnw. Tlio Interesting pro
gram Included vocal and Instrumental
solos by Miss Margaret Held, Miss Grace
Perstou, .Miss Lillian Westerluud, Allbs
Knld Vcabsley, Mlis Kniily Bltteuhouso
and AllkS Grace Itolilnnon: recitation by
MUs .Marie Schacier. and tho class
prophecy, written by Allss Alargaret
Sel.ofleld nnd rcail by Allss Carrie Firth.
Two Imndsonm etchings In color, by .Mr.
J. Alphegu Brewer, were presented to the
school by tho class.
Camden and Vicinity
Tire bovcirtli meeting of tho Needle and
Thimble Club, of Camden, was held at
the homo of Allss Minerva Cutler, 323
Kalslin avenue, on Tuesday evening.
Tho next meeting will bo held nt tho
homo of Airs. SI. Segal, 1000 Newton ave
true, on February 1.
Mrs. Rubin, before hxr marriage
on Sunday, January 23, was Miss
Anna fonw-rantx, of 1644 South
Lawrence street.
MtEa-icerc" IIP! ' '' - '"" k .ifllllliS
Along the Reading
The Bow Benjamin Sanderson anil ves
try of All HiiIIow'h Church, Wyncote, gavo
n reception Thursday night In the All
Hallow's Parish House. A delightful
musical program was given by Mr.
Baltzel. Mr. Warren, .Mr. Welnmeycr. Miss
Marguerite SHI, Miss Yoder, Miss Hth
olytie Seiner. Mrs Warren. Miss Harriet
Blblnghalis arid several others Among
those present were: Mrs Thomas Dando,
Mrs. Frederick Campbell. Miss Matgaret
Vlele, Miss Katberlno Vlele, Mr. and Mrs.
Parvln. Mr nnd Mrs. Townscnd Sharp
less, Miss Marlon Sharplcss, Miss Doro
thca Jennings. Miss Nan Kent. Dr. John
Bower, Mr. Joseph Cochran, Mrs. John
Kckcls, Miss Sarah Pearson, Mr. nnd Mrs.
William II. norcr, Miss Hllzabelh Camp
bell, Mr. Coopor Pullman, Mr. Percy San
dorsorr, Mr. Sidney Sanderson, Sir. Ben
jamin Sanderson, Mr. nnd Mrs. Charters A.
Bobbins, Miss Frances Bobbins and many
Mrs. Charles Potter, Jr.. of Washing
ton lane, Clicltcn Hills, will have as her
guest over the week-end Miss Mario
Weeks, of New York,
The Jenklntown High School Athletic
Association will give a danco on Frldnv
evening, February 4, at the Jcuklntonii
Club nnd Bending ttonm.
Mrs. Alfred Mansfield nnd her daughter,
Miss Margnret T. Manslleld, of West 70th
street, Onlc I.ane, have leturncd from
While sulphur Springs, wlioro they have
been staying for some time past.
Air. and Airs. William It. Tucker, of the
Greystone, returned yesterday from At
lantic City, where they spent several
days with Mr. and Airs. William It.
Tucker, Jr.
Airs. II, F. Dewecs, of 11.1 Church lane.
Is spending some time nt Atlantlo City.
Alias Kllzabeth F. Wlldemore. of IIS
Apsley street, Germantown, entertained
Allss Jennie Chance, of Palmyra, and
AIIes Marion Gill, of Germantown, over
the week-end.
West Philadelphia
Allss Clara Amy Wllllts, of 4)0.", Spruco
street, will give a theatre party, followed
by supper nt the Hellcvuo-Strntford, to
night. The guests will include Allss Tlrel
ma Wnllls, Allss dully Frlcke, AUss
Katherlne Aluller, Air. Thomas W. Fales,
Air. Jean Aluller, Air. Carl Hnrr and Air.
Hcbertou Frlcke
Mrs. Wlllard Arrlhon AlacCalla and
.,.rs. Bovan Aubrey Ponnypackcr have is
sued cards for a tea on Friday afternoon,
February 11, from t until 6 o'clock.
Airs. Gcorgo II. Fry nnd Allss Kthel L.
Fry, of 22Ti South tld street, have issued
Invitations for a tea on Thursday, Feb
ruary 10, to meet Airs. Walter Brooke
Suppler, of Cynwyd. Airs. Supplee will
be remembered as Allss t'mlly Baldwin
Alias Butlr Divert, of 333 South 43d
street, entertained at tea on Saturday for
tho Delta Sigma Delta, the members of
which Irrcludo Alias Dorothy Zurn. Allss
Alarlan Wclhcumaycr, Allss Lorralno
Sherwood Stalil. Alias Alarlan G. Parke,
Alias Leonetto Behfuss, Alias Klla Brunet.
Alias Jane Gilflllan, Allss Bstclle Lauber
and Alls3 Anna Sykes.
Airs. Frances B. K. Livingstone and
Alias Alarlan U. Livingstone, of Locust
street, accompanied by Airs. Horace B.
K. Bitter, of New Vork, aro spending
several days In Baltimore.
North Philadelphia
Alias Helen Hlgbt. of 2J4 North 16th
street. Is ontertalnlng Alias Marie Flanl
gan, of West Philadelphia, over the week
end. Alias Anna AL Strain and her sister,
Alias CllzaUth B. Strain, of IMS North
Giatz street, are being entertained over
tho week-end by relatives In Wilming
ton, Del.
Airs. Kathleen Leo Diamond, of 1543
West Uilo avenue, In spending tho week
end in New Vork.
Atlas Dorothy Burn, of 2012 Tioga street,
will spend the week-end at Wading 111-.'-icr,
N. J.
Alias Mildred Bowland, of Fillmore
street, spent a few days last week us the
guest of her aunt, Alias Caroline Bow
land, of utl6 North 3d street.
Mr. and Airs. Arthur W. Starr will bo
at home after February 1 at 46S1 Frank
ford avenue. Mrs. Starr will be remem
bered as Allss M. Webb.
Mr. and Airs. William Kuhn, Jr., of
4833 North Sth fetrcet, Olncy, are receiv
ing congratulations on the birth of a
son, William Munrrlng Kuhn. Airs. Kuhn
will be remembered as Miss Julia Man
ning, daughter of Dr. and Airs. William
II. Manning, of 1337 Morris street.
Notice (or the HocIMt pais itlll be
accepted anil printed lu the Bvenlni
IJicr, but all men notice muil be
written' on one IJe ol the paper, mutt be
tlcned In full, nllb full adtlrcu, and
ulien poxlble Ulrubone number mint be
Send all ucli rommunlcalloui lo
"Seclrtjr KJltor," erenlurr Lcdtcr, 9
I Iimtnut itrret.
Unlets three requirement are carried
out u Ibat terlllratloa may be poulble,
lb notice will not be publltbed.
Temple University
Col'rse coumek (A. U. B. b.).
Tchr3' Coliece (II. H. lu Ed.). Com
mercial Udututiou (Normal).
CoumieriUl roiirno. tjoretarltl coor.
IV (1 (port iimdlial buln count.
Kreluiian clawie Sormiag Koorury .
w" 9l-0T PiMtnst SUMt.
rWX ' $ ' ' ' ' 'HI
liiilllk ''' ' .. vS
The Academy of Music Has Been Leased for Tuesday,
February 22, for the Masque of 1916 Rehearsals for
St. Francis Entertainment Under Way
SUUIKTV and tho arts will combine to
make the Masque for 1916, given un
iler the auspices of the seven allied art
organizations of Philadelphia, In the
Academy of .Music on the evening of
Washington's Birthday, nn artalr of un
usual brilliancy.
Already nearly all of the boxes for the
performance have been sold to persons
hoelally and artistically prominent in
Philadelphia. Tho private sale of boxes
Is under the direction of Air. William
Shewed Kills nnd Airs. Siilllard-Smlth.
The following Ik a partial list of box
holders: Airs. Bdward T. Stotesbury,
Airs.. C. Shlllard-Smlth. Airs. J. Mndlson
Taylor, Allss Violet Oakley. Airs. Yorko
Stevenson, Airs. Joseph F. Slnnott, Mr.
Herbert Welsh, Miss Alary Butler. Air.
Osmr Alcrtz. Airs. John Harrison, Air. S.
N. Bourne, .Mrs. Lorlng IJrouet, Air. John
I). Alcllhenny, -Mr. Charles Bond, Allss
Brnlly Sartaln, Mr. Theodore II. Search,
.Mis. James C. Still well, Allss Janet
Wheeler, Airs. W. C. .Madeira, Airs. Hor
ace Howard Furness, Airs. Horace Wells
Sellers, Mr. Percy AL Chandler, Airs. L,.
Webster Fox, Air. K. J. AIcAlecr. Air. T.
Henry Jarrett, Air. W. W. Adams, Airs.
J. W. Coalcs, Air. Alullcnberg. Allss Alary
A. Burnham, Countess dc Santa Kulalla.
Airs. J. Louis Kettcrllnus and Airs. George
11. Stephenson.
Tho Alastiue will he given In a series
of seven pictures, each picture under tho
direction of one of the seven allied art
organizations, nnd each plcturo will bo
a part of tho basic Mory, which will pro
ceed aJid develop by means of tho ex
preaslve action of the performers nnd
without the spoken word.
Tile music for the Alasque Is under tho
direction of Stanloy Aluschamp, Jr , who
has had so much experience In tho dif
ficult task of arranging und adapting mu
sic to similar purposes.
Allss Beatrice Fox has been cast for
the principal feminine rolo In tiro AInsque,
In which about SOD artists will participate.
Two or thrca times a week the cast and
tho eight different choruses of the revue,
You Don't Bay," which will be given In
tho ballroom of the Bellevue-Stratford on
Friday evening. February I, for St.
Francis' Convalescent Home, rehenrao at
the Walton. Tho revue, which Ij In two
acts, la replete with clever dances and
dialogue, while the music, which has been
specially composed for tho occasion. Is
catchy and original. These elements will
add greatly to the success of ono of the
largest amateur performances given for
charity this winter.
During tho perforiuam Alias Alma
Grafe, violinist, will play, nccompaniid
by her sister, Allss Marlon Grafe. An
other special feature will bo n picture
danco by AUss Mae Dawson and Air. Kd
ward Carrier, while Mr. Bobert W. Uell
will recite.
"Wonderful Light In Your Kyes" Is an
especially pleasing chorus, as tho girls
participating nro all of a petite typo.
The group Includes Miss Itosanna Gil
lespie, Allss Dorothy Mundy. Alias Mar
garet Butler. Allss Anna Toland, Allss
Gertrude Zane, Jllss Bosemary Freney,
Allss Gertrude Cronlrr, Allss Irene Alc
Closkey and Stlss Alarlon Northrop.
Among the worrren who have consented
to act as patronesses, are Airs. John
Loughran. Airs. John J. MacDonald, Mrs
Thomas Gillespie, Mrs. Bobert G. White,
Airs. O. Alartlu Brill. Mrs. Stephen Simon,
Mrs. Barry A. Poth. Aire J. B Jllrst,
Airs. L. Carberry Bltchle, Airs. Jonathan
P. KdwardB, Airs. Caleb Milne, Mrs.
Samuel Castner, Mrs. Philip Cnstner. Airs.
I Superior location with an
unoDsiruciaa viewoi o?acn
and boardwalk ArecaDnized
i standard of excellence
has set RTievv .standard of
the hading Htsoar Horn or rut worid
owntnaMip umaaiuiMt
I Westminster K T Br- sc0 eiy to
1 .r? V. " " F'1' th. run. wattr. I
i vu uvui m-w (U(mr. Vfeaa. aluara,
William F. Harrlty and Alls. Mai tin .Mo
loney. The Norma Club celebrated Its lOtli
anniversary with a banquet at Alose
liai'h'M on Thursday evening. Among
those present were Allss Htliel A. Crnig,
Alias Alarlon L. Hall, Allss Jennie Brown.
Alias Lydln Kirkpatrlek. Allss Lucy 13. AIc
Cabe, Allss Anna At. Whnrton, Airs. Susan
Klnkald, Mrs. Isabella Landau, Air. and
Airs. Andrew Plnod, Air. and Airs. Harry
K. Landori, Air. and Airs. Charles G.
I lowland, Air. and Airs. Henry P. Howard,
Jr.: Mr. and Airs. Thomas Warford, Air.
and Airs. Charles H. Aloyer. Air. nnd Airs.
Henry S Warford, Air. anil Airs. Thomas
Halg, Air. Francis George Flood, Air.
Arthur P. Klnknld, Air. W. Gilbert Flood.
Air. William S. Halg. Mr. Herbert B.
Howliifd, Air. Jitmcs AI. Blddcll and Air.
Gcorgo A. Hnlg.
Air. and Airs. S. Frank, of Frankford.
entertained In honor of tho return of
their son, Air. Joseph Prank, from a trip
west. Tho guests Included Allss C.
Vlvlcnno Couchcl, Air. D. Alnurlco Irwin,
both of Donorn. Pa ; Air. Charles Allller,
Allss 11. Bialno Sublns, of West Sunhury,
Pa.: Allss Bosa Frank, Allss Doiothy
Frank. Miss Isabella Frank. Allss Sara
Snider, Alias Bosallo Goldbnrgh, Alias
Sadyo Byron, Jllss Fay Allller, Miss
Alaybello 11. Smeyne, All.ss Helena Fuhr
mnn, Alias Florence Kuhrman, Alias I31lzn
helh F. Smeyne, Alias Hsther Goldburglr,
AIIes O. Fay Snider. Alias Alarlon Brooks,
Air. David Kline. Air. L. Leonard L-isday,
Donorn, Pa.; Air. Samuel Alarklcy, of
West Sunbury. Pa.: Air. II. Albert Green,
Air. Irving Snider, Air. Josef Smoyne,
Air. Arorton Segal, Air. Samuel Alper, Air.
Samuel Lepow, Air. L. Lewis Lepow, Air.
Samuel AL Linden. Air. Theodoro Bubin,
Afr. William Frank, Air. and Airs. N.
Frank, Air. and Airs. S. Frank, Air. Joseiih
Frank, Air. Jewel Slsserwino and Air.
Charles Miller, of Tacony. Pa.
Tho women of the Loyal Order of
Alooao will entertain nt tho home of tho
president, Atrs. Samuel Welsh, SS7 North
tDth street, West Philadelphia, this eve
ning, Woodbury
Tho Woodbury Dramatic Society has
started rehearsals for Ito play, a com
edy, entitled "Ills Last Chance." which
will bo presented nt tho Opera House on
February si.
Dr and Mrs. J. C. Curry, i Holyroyd
plnce, attended tho performance of the
Philadelphia Operatic Society, at the
Academy of Alualc, Thursday evening.
Several members of the Woodbury
Equul Suffrage Leneuo accepted the In
vitation of the Philadelphia Equal Fran
chise League and attended a luncheon at
tho Bltz-Cnrlton on Thursday.
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For Illuitratt4 pamphlttt and tV
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CC-. ISa Cbaataut St.
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oioroiNTCOMroar as VP
u Balhl ao4 If
tarcu.oriM yi
v. "-" -
Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. Pemherton Hutchinson
Married to Mr. George Whitney Martin at
Noon Today Other Nuptials
TIIK man-lago of Atlas Agnes Wharton
Hutchinson, daughter of Mr. and Airs.
S Pemberton Hutchinson, to Mr. George
Whitney Martin was solemnized today
nt noon lu Christ Church Chapel, 31th
and Pine streets. The bride, who wore
n gown of white satin, had her sister,
Miss Aimer Hutchinson, ns her only at
tendant Mr llerrry It. Shcplcy, of Bos
ton acted as best man, nnd the ushers
were Air Slgourney 11, OInev, Air. Ar
thur Sweeney and Air. Douglas Crocker,
of New York, nnd Air. Bowland Hinns.
Jr., of this city. Following the ceremony
n reception was held nt tue Home ut inc
bride's parents, K13 Pine street.
Air nnd Atrs. .Martin, after a wedding
trip, will llvo nt PC.l Lexington avenue,
New York
An unusually pretty wedding will tnke
place this afternoon nt 6 o'clock In tho
1'nltarian Church, Chclten nvenue nnd
Oreen street, Germnntown, when Miss
Dorothy Barrdolph, daughter of Airs. Na
thaniel Archer Baudotph, of Now York,
hut formerly of Germantown, will be
como the hrlde of Air. John Kenneth By
nrd, of New York The ceremony will
bo performed hy tho Be v. Oscar B.
Hawcs Atlas Bandolph, who will bo
given In marriage by her uncle, Dr. Joseph
Head, will wear an exquisite gowrr ot
white liberty silk, mnde with a long,
narrow train, trimmed with duchessv and
point lace, with the bodice composed of
tho lace. Her tulle veil will bo worn In cap
effect, with a lace frill, and will bo held
in place with orange blossoms. Sho will
carry white roses and Miles of the valley.
Atrs. I'3dward Boyce, of Vermont, a
slater of tho bride, will he matron of
honor, and will wear whllo liberty silk,
Willi sprays of pink flowers scattered over
It In an artistic design. Sho will carry
Klllarnoy roses.
The bridesmaids will Include Alias El
frcda Boaamassler, of Philadelphia: Miss
Alargaret Ames, of St. Paul, Allnn.i Miss
Lydla Hush-Brown, of Washington: Alias
Cara Burch, of New York; Allss Kllzabath
I3yro, of New York: Miss Isabel- Coopor,
of New York; Mlaa Theodora Schurmcler,
of St. Paul. Minn., and Miss Jean Head,
of Philadelphia, n cousin of tiro bride.
They will wear frocks of liberty silk In
rainbow colors, two wearing lilac, two
yellow, two blue and two pink. They
will wear scarfs of tulle and will carry
.snandrnipitiB harmonizing with the shades
of the frocks. Air. Byard will havo his
brother, Dr. Devcr S. Byard, of New
York, as best man, nnd tho ushers will
lucludo Air. Carl Ulrchwny, whoso father
Is dean of the New York Law School; Air.
Benjamin Barbour, ot Now York; Air.
Francis Head, nn undo of tho bride; Air.
Nathaniel Archer Bandolph, Jr., tho
brldo's brother; Air. William If. Sawyer,
of Worcester, Alass. : Air. William II.
lloch. or Whlttcnsvllle, Alass.; Air Alrnct
It. Lntson, Jr., and Air. Bicliard II. Atc
Intyre, Jr., all of New York.
A reception will follow the ceremony
at tho home of tho bride's undo and
aunt. Dr. nnd Airs. Joseph Head, CIS
Westvlew avenuo, Germantown. Allss
Bandolph comc3 ot an historic old fam
ily and has always been a populur mem
ber of the younger set in Germantown.
Air. Bynrd Is a graduate of Williams Col
lege, of the Law School of Columbia Col
lego and Is practicing law In New York.
After an extended wedding trip Mr. and
Mrs. Byard will be at home on Saturdays
In AInrclr. after 4 o'clock, ut 63 West 11th
street, New York.
A quiet wedding will tako place today
at 4 o'clock In tho Church of Our Mother
of Consolation. Chestnut Hill, when Allss
Bessie A. Brown, daughter of Mrs. Pat
rick Brown, of Sll Norwood avenue, will
become the bride of Air. Blchard Donald
son. Tho ceremony will bo performed by
tho Bev. Nicholas J. Vaaey. Alias Brown
will wear n traveling suit of dnrk blue
cloth, trimmed with seal fur, and a black
hat. Sho will wear violets. Aliss Florenco
Brown, who will bo maid of honor, will
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I i
wear a black velvet suit and a white hat
and will havo a corsage bouquet of Parma
violets. Tho best man will bo Mr.
Frederick Crowley, After the ceremony
a reception for tho Immediate fam
ilies will follow at the bride's home. Ml
nnd Airs. Donaldson will be at home after
February 13, In Queen Lane Manor.,
Tho marriage of Atlas Mollj'o D. Itosen,
! daughter of Atrs. Sarah. Itoacn, of 17S3
i North 31st street, to Mr. Harry II. .Lewis
will take place tomorrow afternoon at
the home of the bride's mother. Tho Bev
Dr, Alnrvln Nathan, of tho Beth Israel
Temple will perform tho ceremony, which
will bo followed by a reception. The 'bride
will wear a gown of whlto duchetse satin
trimmed with point lncc, and a veil of
tulle arranged with sprays of orange blos
soms, and will carry nn Ivory-bound
Bible. Sho will be attended by her sister,
Allss Francf s D. Itosen, ns maid' of honor,
and Miss Frances Budolph, Mlaa Eatelle
Itosen and Allss Alny Schwartz, as brides
rnnlds. Master Milton Boscn, the bride's
young brother, will act as page. The maid
of honor's gown Is of pale-pink taffeta
draped with nllo-grccn tulle, and Jtlre
bridesmaids will wear pink taffeta frock
and hats of pink tulto trimmed with pale
Air. Lewis will have Air Isador Budolph
ns best man, nnd his uahcrs will be .Mr.
Ixml.s Silverman, Air, Samuel AI. Schwartz
and Mr. Harry Schwartz. As the wed
ding Is the culmination of a romance that
begnn In Bermuda two years ago, Mr.
Lewis and his brldo will spend their
honeymoon nt that resort. They will be
at homo after Atarch 1 at H33 North 31st
Announcement Is mado of the marriage
of Atlas Miriam Coiburn Boot, daughter
of Mr. E. P. Boot, of 631 East Lovorlng
ton avenue, Roxborough, to Mr. David
Fulmer Keely, son of Sir. and Mrs. Oliver
S. Keely, of Ijyceum avenue, on Tuesday
morning, Janunry 15, In the Leverlngton
Presbyterian Church. The pastor, the
Rev. Dwight C. Hanna, officiated at the
ceremony. Allan Mary Boot, tho bride's
sister, was her only attendant. After the
quiet aervlco, Mr. ond Mrs. Keely left 'for
a trip through tho South. They will live
nt 4423 Pcclrln street, Roxborough, upon
their return.
Air and Airs. B. Scott AlcCrackcn? of
Cynwyd, entertained at dinner Inst night
beforo tho subscription dance at the Cyn
wyd Cluh. Their guests were Atr,rJind
Airs. Edward W. Chambers, Mr. and Mrs.
Harry A. Fcrreira, Miss Elizabeth Frlcko
and -Mr. Edward It. D. Fox, ot Caldwell,
N. J.
The Cynwyd Club gnvc the first of Its
series of midwinter dances last night in
tho clubhouse, on Llandrlllo road; which
was attractively decorated for the occa
sion. About 100 guests were present.
Air. and Airs. Alnrtln P. Olynn, of Bala,
will leave next week for a trip to Cuba
nnd will spend somo time at Palm Bcgich
en route.
Air. and Airs. John Q. Fleck, of Bala,
nro spending the week-end at Atlantlo
City. Air. and Mrs. neck, accompanied
by Air. Charles White and Air. John Keen
Fleck, will lcavo next month for a trlp
to Jamaica. a
What's Doing Tonight
American Academy of Political and Soqlal
Science meeting. Wlthtrtpoon Hall: S o'cteok.
Philadelphia Ileal Citato Board dinner, Jtall-vuo-Stratrord.
Bavcrford alumni dinner, I3tllevue-Stratfor4
Hotel. it
Commerlcat Traveler of New Jersey ban
quet. New lllnnbam Hotel.
Hecltal. Philadelphia School ot Expression,
1714 Chrstnut street.
Concert, Children's Country 'Weelc Associa
tion, New Century Drawlns: Booms,
i '
Bonbright & Co.
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