Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 28, 1916, Night Extra, Page 4, Image 4

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    'ing m uy f"y t
"-' SflpO-pr-'
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Note Replying to U. S.
Protest Makes Conces
sions Asks More Time
LONDON, Jan. 28. Appended o
the note of Sir Edward Grey reply
ing to the American protest on mall
eeirures Is a memorandum stating
that to avoid misapprehension no
malls will be censored or removed
from neutral ships brought forcibly
Into port for purposes of search.
Administration officials were hopeful to
day that Great Britain nnJ her nlllcs will
heed tho United States' protest against
Interference with Amcrlcnn mails With
tho text of the Instructions sent Ambas
sador Pago at London before the public,
Secretary Lansing and his assistants were
hopeful that tho Allies would realise that
nubile sentiment In this country would In
dorse It In Its ontlrety and that material
concessions would yet he made It Is
not expected that any formal reply will
to made to tho protest for somo time.
Inasmuch ns England Is consulting
Franco on the subject.
Tha protest la tho most vigorous et
cent to London, the uso of the term
"vexatlously inquisitorial" being strong
er than any suggestion ot made In tti
communications between London and
Washington. Tho position ot the I'nltcd
States la squarely set forth In the state
ment that "modern practice generally
recognizes that malls ore not to be cen
sored, confiscated or destroyed on the
jhtgjh oeas, oven when carried by belliger
ent mall ships."
It Is understood that if a satisfactory
reply Is not received hero within a rea
sonable time. Ambassador Page will bo
directed to ask that it be expedited
WANT $10,000,000 SET ASIDE
200 Forestry Men Appear Before
House Committee
WASHINGTON. Jan IS Itepiesenta
tlves of 200 forestry, conservation and
trade bodies today urged before the
House Agricultural Committee a $10,000.
000 appropriation for continuing pui chases
of forest land In New England and south
ern Appilachlnn States Governor Locke
Craig, of North Carolina, headed the del
egation. Unless the present program is contin
ued, speakers nrgued, great tracts ot
land will deteriorate through lire and soil
erosion Flood dangers were lncictu-ecl
also. It was said b half logged-off tracts
In the mountains
Will of Thomas P. Robinson, Who
Died in Virginia, Probated
The will of Thomas P Robinson, 14?
East Washington lane, who died January
5 at Richmond, Va . was admitted to pin
nate toda The document hequeaths an
estate of $21 S00 to Mis Leorona McFad
den Robinson and her two daughtcis
Bequests of $100 each to St Vincent de
Paul Society of the Cliuicli of M John
tho Baptist, Mann unK, and to the Theo
logical Semlnnr of St Chniles IJor
romco are made in the will of .John
Bojle, -1223 Pechln street The lemitnder
of the $15,S00 estate is loft to Mrs. Mar
garet BoNle, the widow, and to other
Other wills admitted to probate todnv
were. Edward E Eckstein, 1611 Noitlt
ISth street. $15,500. Wnltei S I'.lnehart,
who died recently In the Jewish Hospi
tal, $15,000; Therese Herlng. 3.S1J Hamilton
street, J10.M0, Albert Brandle.s, 121 Pine
street, $10,000, Albert P Foster. 2253 South
10th street, JSJOO. Thomas W. James. 37JI
Locust street, $4100. Mary A Peters, S0.1
North ysth street. $3700. William Coalman.
4X3 North Carlisle street. $.".000 Magslo
Carman, 2010 North 31st street, $2500, and
Kathcrino E Gresecke, T02D Grays ave
nue. $2100
The personal effects of estates weie ap
praised today as follows Ludlow V.
Clark. $33,657 83. Elizabeth Bartlett, $21,
163.94: Gabriel Upton, $SS7I 20, Harriet CI
C. Scott, $5875.21, Alwln C. Nowland,
$5173.48; Eliza J. Mohr. $2733 15, and Emma
H. Randall, $2170 33.
Delaware Valley Members See Curits
Publications "Movies"
Tho-Delaware Valley Naturalists' Union
convened today in the auditorium of tho
Curtis Publishing Company Building for
Ua midwinter meeting. James L. Penny
packer, the president, opened the meet
ing and replied to the address of wel
come delivered by a representative of the
Curtis Company The delegates then were
shown through the big building Uiter
they viewed moving pictures, showing tho
work of the "making" of the Ladles'
Home Journal, Saturday Evening Po-it
and Country Gentleman Following th
Inspection reports from 13 subsidiary
societies were read and approved
Supper will be served to the delegates In
tho company's dining room on the eighth
floor. The evening meeting will be called
at 7 '30. the topics of discussion being
"Mexico and tha Dry Tortugas " Tho
Epeakers will be Miss Mary S Holmes.
John L. W. Blrktnbine and Prof II. H
M Bowman. The last two talks will be
Illustrated by lantern slides
The officers of the Delaware Valley
Naturalists' Union are President, James
L. Pennypacker, vice piesidoiit.s. Miss
JIarj S Holmes, Miss Anna Woolman.
secretaries, Frank D Baugher, Miss
Lydla. 1. Rordeni treasurer, George B.
Actress Sues Boarding House Keeper
for Loss of Lingerie More or
Less Intimate
What can an actress do without her
silk stockings'' This is what Miss Mabel
Le Monuler, 1831 East Cumberland street,
would like to know in her suit brought
today in the Municipal Court against
George A Karlavagn, 3M-06 Noi th Frank,
lln street, proprietor of a theatrical board
ing bouse Miss Le Monaler sas that
she missed $00 worth of her wardrobe
wlide stopping at the boarding house In
She itemlzs her loss us (allows Sev
eral pairs of silk stockings, a vtaUt, tw
vomtljmtlou hjIU. six Iisndksrchiefs, two
stripM of ribbon, one grip, brush, tap.
silver frame msjiUure set, sowing r,
aMtilonr. jjwjImomi and unw revolver. th
Jost-mSHtionsd artlc.lt hviuM valued at
Daniel S. Boyd Gets Housing Post
1-iiimUOi Kruoen appointed Daulel S
Board for fit ear ue prcidnt df the
KeiubU-an Executive omimito of the
bib vtfurd tu 4iiain ihutf Uerk in
lle Invtalon or Huiuui'g and Sanitation
Too caw ajppiMe will aiiiumi i-umu 1
M TnwepMiB. wbo a4 iranifairtuJ to the
onucuiti uUV
s ) mm
j (virp
British troops, to the number of 20,000, me reported to bo virtually
besieged at the poit of Aden, on the Red Sea, nftcr losing most of
the ground they had occupied in this section. In Mesopotamia the
British relief column marching on Kut-ol-Amnrn is now reported to
bo 23 miies south of Kut, instead of six miles east of that point,
Meantime, the Uussinn forces from the Caucasus are pushing hard
act oss Persia in the hope of relieving the pressure on the British.
Valona, Ben Fortificata ed Oc-
cupata dagli Italiani, Sara'
Difosa e Tenuta Contro
gli Austro-Bulgari
rtOMA. 2S Gennalo
II Mlnlstero della Guerra h.i nuliblicnto
questa mattlna 11 sehuente rnpporto lel
gencralo Cadorna sulla sltuazlone sul
fionte ttnlo-nuitrlaco:
"VI e' attivita' d: artlsllcria .ippoggiata
da acropUinl su tutt.i la fronte l.arti
glleria nemica ha causato un incendlo
nelli valle del Terragnoio. che pero" e'
btato snblto domatu
"Acroplanl nemlcl hanno bombardnto
Al.i Honcegno e tlorgn. senza pero'
caiisnrvi d.innl La stesa nrtlgllerla del
nemli'o ha lnvece dWtrutto riparl e nostl
ill oserv.ilone degll nustrlacl a (roda
ltosva, muI Monte Serten ed a Muznlk, sul
Monto Nero
"Nella zona di Gorizia not abblamo nr
rostato l'offensiva del nemlco a tenlamo
fortemente le nostra pnslzlonl L artl
glleri.i nustrlaca ha bombardatn distacca
mcntl nustrlacl die marciavano verso II
ponte iloirison7o a nord-ovest dl Gorizia,
lnipdiido cost' la loro avanrnta
"Sul Carso il "G corrente lino del nostrl
repirtl avanznndo raplilamente guadagno'
terreno in direzlone della chlesa dl San
Martlno. Ora not tenlamo solidaniente
questa poslzlone "
Z' stato declno che l'AIbanla sara"
evncuafi dalle truppe alleate che vl si
trovano cloo' dasll Italiani che sono con
le forro dl Hssad n Durarzo Gil nlleatl
difeudeiunno snltanto la liala dl Valona
e l'lmmcdlato hinterland
A Valona gll italiunl occupano poslzloni
ben fortlflcate, ma si sa che forze aui
trltche e bulgare si illrlgono verso quella
liala flat uord e ilall'est lncontrando poca
reslstenza. Dlspatcl ulllclall da Valona
dlcono che l'nttnico sulla cltta' ed una
delle plu' Important! hattaglle della guci
rn nel Halcanl possono essere aspettate
fra una qulndlclna di giornl Si dice
aucho che e' probablle che la tlotta aus
trlaca tentera' dl parteclpare alia lotta.
bomliardano Valoni dall'Adrlatlco Se
cosl' sara", gll alleatl combatteranno la
prima grande liattaglla navale della
Ormal ognl reslstenza delle truppe serbe,
montenegrlne e ill Kssad patcla tontro
l'avanzata dcgll austriacl e del bulgari su
Dura770 e' Inutile Tutte le truppe serbe
e montenegrlne ed albanesl che non
vogllono arrendcrsl agll austriacl vencono
trasportate all'lsola dl Corfu' o a Valona
per cnoperare con gli Italiani In una
dieclna dl giornl o poco plu', si crede,
1 occupazlone di tutta la Penlsola Hal
canlrn da parte degll impel I contrail e
del loro alleatl sara' completa. ma gll
nlleail sono detlsi a dlfendere Valona
tenerl.i cosl' come tengono Salonlcco,
giacche' ambedue queste cltta' hanno
poslzloni strateglche dl grando impor
Intnnto le truppe ltullanc hanno evacu
nto Durazzo, u da un monunto all'altro
si attende la imtlzlu oho la cltta' e stata
occupata agll austriacl die sono gia' glun
tl ad Alesslo e vogllono conglungersl con
I bulgnrl provtnlentl dulla reglone ill i:i
bassan. Qui non si nittre aliuna apprenslone per
1 copro dl spedlzlone che 1 Italia ha a
Valona, glacthe' esso occupa poslzloni
dl dlfesa imche mlgllorl dl quelle che gll
alleatl occupano a Salonkco e queste po
slzloni sono ben fortlflcate K del resto
se la flott.v austrlaca usclsse dal suol
portl essa Incontreiehbn subtto le supeii
prl foree italiaiie e degli alleatl o sarebbe
dlstrutta Pero' si ha quulche apprenslone
circa la Grecla Kssa ha note amblzionl
su Valona, e cl st domanda qui che ensa
essa fara' dl frotite allattaiio degli uus-tio-bulgarl
Tutto l'lnteresse del pubbllro si accen
tra ora su Valona HI dice In questl clr
coll politic) che un'offenslva bulgara con
tro Valona potra' detennlnare una dlchl
arazlone dl guerru tra Italia e Germanla
Questo e' stato lllnora evitato con cura,
ma i'ltalla e' ben deelsa a dlfendere
HlonR rontro qualstasl nemlco che la
mlnaccl, e gll alleatl sono in pieno ac
lordo con II governo dl Itoma
HI dice che I bulgari potevano attaccare
Valona da pareochlo tempo, ma non
are made to improve stews, soups
and salads, but try these appetiz
ing little crackers alone if you
would know how good an oyster
cracker can be. You'll like them
either way.
I'hanno fatto perche' proljnlillmpnl ne
Ratio stHtl Impidltl diillu Gnrmnnla
Intnnto si npprende un nltro ditto ruil
no 1 gieel si loncmtiiinn nil Arglrn
eostio ed a Knrltrii pet linpedlm he I
bulgari attocohlno Vnlonn esl (Ileum) nut
In icnlta' essl Invadono I Uplro I.n Gel
mania hn llnorn evitato ill mandnre
tiuppp stio nell Albania, per evltarr dl
venlie n contatto con le forze Itiillnnn e
provopiire eiisl una illchlarii7loiiP dl guer
ra. ma truppe hulgnre sono state man
date a loopernre con gll auslrlaoi
Five Boys Who Held Up Bank Funds
Took S15,G1G
CHICAGO, Jan 2 The police todnv
announctd thnt thev lind ni tested the
five ' hab bnndlts" who toolt part lu ves
terdav's tobberj of the Washington Park
National Hank, und that thev had re
coveted nearlv all of the $r.fU6 when the
mouthful robbers obtained In their bold
The arrests eio snkl to hove been
made on Infoiinntlon furnished the de
tective buteiu In Mrs Joseph I'rlednian,
whose husband was one of the men tnlien
in custodv
While pait of the raiding partv was
knocking on the front door of the house,
n pastebouul box pnnlalnlng about tlfniii
of the stolen moncv was thrown from a
window This monev and the other im
rency found bv the detectives una identi
fied bv II J Knvanaugh, a director of
the bank
In all eight men and foui women were
arristed Tluec of the men under auest
were said to be "Kddle ' Mark, o well
known pickpocket. William Teln and "Al"
Hi odie
Joseph Filedmnn, who, wllh his wife,
also was arrested, is a driver of a news
paper wagon
Merion to Spend $325,000 This Year
Administering the affairs of Merion
township, in which many of the Main
I.lno towns are located, will cost $32."i000
during 1916, according to the budget now
before the township commissioners at
Ardmore The tn rate foi the ear will
not be changed from the T mills In force
heretofore Appropi lotions include J.U.00O
foi police and lire, iV, 0 for hichwnvs.
$32,215 for health and drainage, and $16,000
for lighting
9J need a Biscuit
are more than an incident
to any meal. They are the
best food made from flour.
a food to work on, to Ix
think on, to play on. JP
How Bulger shaved
by "scientific man
agement" Bulger had a "fussy
face" just like yours. He
used the best shaving soap
he knew of and kept his
seven razors in the pink of
condition. He could shave
in five minutes, but if he
didn't spend ten more sop
ping on soothing lotions and
steaming his face with hot
towels, his skin felt like
hot parchment and an ugly
little rash broke out on
his neck. But ail that is
over since Morton told
him about
Now lie Just shaves,
washes with told water if
Bridget Is late- his face
feels -tine, and lie Is ten
minutea tu the tooil til
hours a year I And all t
cause of that soothing, heal
ing medication In Hcslnol
Shaving Stick All good
druggists sell It For trial
size free, writ to Dept. 7-M,
ResinoL Baltimore. Md.
11 ligjgplscult.fl
Moslems Attempt Desper
ate Offensive, but Are
Quickly Beaten Back
Slashing blows hv Ginnd Duke Nleho-
las' Russian armv have sd serlouslv
trlpplcd the Turks In the Caucasus that
i complete victory Is now In sight, ac
cording to advices received front Petro
grad todnv.
i The Turkish forces ilefendim: Hrrerlim
took the offensive when the Russians
halted after their Orst successes, but
were driven back In rout.
Thp Russian surrpss In vsin flnor has
had the same effect on Persia tnal the
German victories In the eastprn thpntie
hnil on tlulgniln. according to the Athens
correspondent of the Dallv Mnll Up savs
II Is reported Hint Petsla Is about to
Join thp Allies
The general effect upon the Moslem
peoples vlll also be of Immense benefit to
the Allies whose piestlg" In the Orient
had tititlniibtullj .surftred n a lestilt of
the evncuatlon of Galllpoli penlnsuln
Hrr-pium Is thp strongest Tuiklsh foit
ipss In Asia Mlnnt. it fonns the Iip
Ktonc of the Ottntnnn linn of defense
ncnlnst Itilssli The fnrlincntlons nte
model n and nrc piiulpped with Kinpp
Aiixlelv for the saretv of Geneial
Townsheiid'n Mt sotmlatnlan nriin shut
up In Kul-cl-Ain.irn. which was iiicrtased '
.M'sterdav In the ndmlsslnn on the put i
of thp Government that Oehpriil Avlmpr I
with his relief fane Is not vet within
JO miles of his destination, was iillcved
soinewlint todnv bv n mesngp riom Gen
eral 'lownshend himself, annniiiiping n
wltlidinwnt of Turks before his lines
The messagp was vcrv brief catrvlng
tlio ntinouiiremeiit that the Vurks had
evoui ited their trenches on the land or
sonthein side of the defenses at Kut-el-Amnra,
and had fallen back to new posi
tions about a mile from the HrlM-h In
tienehments A dlspttch received heie todnv quoting
a leport printed by the Cologne olks
zeltung. telling of the straits In which
the lliltlsh Kiinlson nf Aden. In Southern
Ainbla. had been reduced wns proinptlv
denied by the Pres liurrati
Writer to Take Inez Haynes Gilmore
as Bride
Ni:V VOIIK. .Inn 2S Kiom the battle
front of tturopn to the battlefront of mat
rlmonv todnv came the nuthoi, Will Ii
wln. The Cillfnml.i man and Inez.
If i nes Gilmore. w ho also w rites and gets
real uionev foi It. nie armed tndav with a
passport, sometimes called n tn.nrlage li
cense, and I'cbiuarv 1 they expect to face
the 42-i cntlmctre bntterj of their friends'
eves while the marriage ceremonv Is per
foimed nt 47 AVnshlngton Square
Irwin and his bride will sail foi Ihuopp
the dav thev are married, to spend their
honeymoon nt the front
Whitcomb Beds and Cribs
20 to 50 Per Cent. Off
OEVERAL patterns of brass - trimmed
ljj enamel beds which are to be discon
tinued, we are now selling at
One-Half Price
Hn n il ii il H ii
We dtlUtr to your home J
'jniii-jflf a 'f , LaZ - .,iiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiniiMiiiiiv.
ready at hand to bring Quick Service to
your door or a personal call at any bi our
offices will secure the same result.
Quick Service is yours for the asking,
free of charge, excepting where new parts
are needed.
With such a service at your beck and
call, there is no reason why the gas lights
in your home should not always be in fine
The ' United Gas Improvement Co.
Todays War Developments
The Allies rtf? reported as exne
uatlns nil of Albnnla, excrpt Av
lona (Vnlona), where the Italians
hiuo thfir ba.
Grand DukcsNicholass H tlrlivcr
ine; smnshlnfr blows ngninst the
Turks in the Caucasus. Tho fall
of Kr?crum is imminent.
Great Britain oflicinlly denies
tho story from German sources
that 20,000 troops nrc dcspfrntcly
defending Aden from Turks and
Arab assaults.
The Moslems on the TiRrh have
retired to new petitions and the
belcaj;ucred army at Kut-cI-Ainara
are safe for the present.
A fiercely contested battle is rnK
ing in tho Arras sretdr or the
west front. Both French and Ger
mnns nssfrMbnt they hnvp made
(rains and repulsed countcr-nttac'js.
Austrian nrtillrrv, shelling tho
Itnlian positions brforo Gorizia,
checked tin attempted assntilt by
their own It oops.
NeiKliboia Hush in to Quench Ulnae
in Wine Cellar
Too mum vohi'iterr llietmn intd
havoc Willi the home of Ralph 111 l.
I1G1 Smith llth stieet. vhen fire war dls
rovcred there ritrl loln. It seemed as
though the whole neighborhood svrmed
to his tepotie tllccl told the police
When he told the neighbors the tlr did
not amount t ntnlhlng. Ihcv tefused
to Ilstpii ho snld. and fnlrlv fouiht to
get In lie sild hn htarrd his feet nga'n't
Hip ilmir bit thev rushed nvei lilin He
wns kno"kpd down and tr.imphnt on bv
the rnthuslnstle volunliets. j
lllfpl was nsleen on the llrst floor or
' ih house when the ftimel of 'uirnlng
aliiihol i.iused his nosn to twluli Smoke
nouieil un fiom the biisenieiit, which Is a
wine cellni owned by John De Sllllpl.
There rnnie n loud knocking on the door
Weil nilmltlid two nelghbois who dii'lied
downstairs mid assaulted the kegs The
Hip wnn soon extinguished foi link of
fuel, hut meantime the lest of the neUh
bnrlmod gathered despite Illtcls vigor
ous nssprtlons that the file wnn out and
Insisted on ciowdlng Into his house
I'nmllles iipstnlis that wanted to sleep
weie "lesitiPd" liv being pn'sed In linli -raising
trips ncioss ledges and down
awning poles, fuinltuie was run led d.iiv n
and dngged about till the house was
iie.ulv denuded I'or neailv an linui the
lescnets wmked. loiu after the tliemen
lind gone, and while llltcl and othpi oi -(upants
of the lionise piotested nntlnsi
the ieuionl of tvi'n ilnli tnd pktuie
Ilici.! and the tlnre othei famllks in the
hoimc woiked till dnvlueik to put the
furniture tmik In the lwue Itlcci as
seitcd that then w.isn t nmcli left to
bum in the wine cellar, thanks to the
' volunleei tliemen
Electro Construction Co.
Commercial Trust Building
Electric Light & Power Wiring
These are mostly 3 ft. and 3
ft. 6 in. widths, though a few aie
three-quarter and full sizes.
Heretofore we have made our
cribs with sliding rods. We aie
now making them with our chan
nel slide and therefore are selling
patterns with sliding rods, all
new and fresh.
Cribs, 20 Per Cent. Off
Crib Mattresses, $3.75 up
you arc at a distance and can
not come to the store, we will qladly
mail you booklet.
The Whitcomb Metallic
Bedstead Co.
1710 Chestnut Street
Factory, Shelton, Conn.
New York Boston
The telephone
and the postal
card are ever
mvtmiBtumamnm .tiMUUnuaBeitiiami
28, lfllfl'
German Plot
Planned by New
Secret Service Heads
i N'HW YOtUC. Inn 2"
The illscoveiv of a itlrtoarnph In the
I rooms of Captain luv Onttnt, naval at
tache of the lliltlsh I'.mbnfsu lias prc-
i tentel CUtmart agents liecnmlPT og
nbrttit of Impoitant Hrltlsh Oovbriitnent
1 Crtplnln tlnunt'fl f-leiit' ' snx he out-
I wilted men who honed to catch him off
' his guard. Th slorr of the illrtograph
I forms it lemarkable behlnd-tln'-sceites
narrative of never-censlng dupls fietween
the hlijhlv orguiilred seirPt seivlies iniiln
talned In tills colintiv 111 the Centra!
Powers mid Hie Allies
The Teulo i agents, nflr tnon hs of
jilatinlng. rmtceiled In planting the dle
togirnli In the loom often useil bv i'np
tnln Onunt fo' conferences The plotteio
tool, iooiiu situ tied on nil sides of Cap
lain (inuM's apartment, lelow and above
"The Uelnimi Hgrnts wntvlud Ununt
foi two weel.i and ibsened his dillv
tnol'el ipiiIs " nld the lufoini.int. "Thev
made mliuil" PMimltinilons of ihe forma
tion of the unl'i". the location of inricts,
ventilating Hstcms etc
per in vn.vTit.ATf);:
"Tlicj IliulK lilt upon the vetttllatoi as
the pin whore n diitoRinph could be
placed Ult't the nld of nn evieil me-
b inlilitn the eouplMtnis entcted
Onunt's apartment Thev 'tiallcd' tli
dlciogmph from tho inptnlns loom to
nn adjoining one.
The Mhune icrha)S would have
woil.ee! peifetth except Hint Captain
'latint, since he took up his resldetut In
.Ve Toil., had until Ipated the miv
ri"tliod of nttnrk AccunllluK ho hud
aruingtd with Ihu hotel maiumemeiit to
ninkp n tiioiough scaieli or his iiu.irteis
nt Intel vols it nt lonct twivt u week I!e
eniisp ni" this Ihe dlctoginph wns dlsiov
eied almost nt oiae
' .No attempt was made to uripst the
Kii&JImIi Oiilom Mfiilcl,
UnhoKiiny 'Inn or Dull Calf
Ituhlirr nr l.rnther Snlr
.. Here is the chance for young
men to get a top-notcher having
extra style and value.
One of many models that have style and stability.
In every size and width a lit for every foot.
i il
in i
II PHILADELPHIA possesses the ffl
HP , 1 best Electrc;typing plant in the M
I C I The pride in this possession no T
IK doubt rests largely with ourselves
IK but the convenience of it: rests with 5li
I iMt ''le more important, on a national i
J jx scale, a local business becomes, the Sli
fl T more reason Philadelphians should xll
Q patronize its product, Local Printers 2ju
lllx ant Advertisers should specify Royal i
not ours. Royal Electrotype Company, 'Jj
K 620 Sansom St., Philadelphia. Tele- jjl
JJ phones; Walnut 1731, Main 4340. Mb
for thA kIai i.-
bprrtuse the rival Secret n,A.i'e?x
i.. K,A. . H.a.1 . . .'
because It was thought best to wM
conatttnt watch upon this conspiMiirt'l
i, ,j miv Bftinv mm wnv and
N'nw annxrAiV
"This was done, and
i vi niifux. '
discoveries were made.
. I'or IhManw.S
th ldentlt-"V ut
tain flaunt clinched
' men who lmti surf.).! c
I nintelen and Cnptnltn Hov-ed atifl l
I Pflpett as dlrectois of tho (lerman sJ2
St n Ice ' ow
' Dover Thentre Burned, Lous J3fjf
i uuii.li, im, jnn ii The first fin,,1
i any consernteneo .lint tins viu.i 5 "i
in moip than ii'vem tlpafpft, -i v.?'
I Ilovd's moving picture thcitre en ffi?
The origin of the fire is a misttrr i
tlio building was n mass of (lames iyZ
It wan discovered flood wnfi .. W
l-pait of the Ilohblns Hose Comnanv 1,12
I the adjoining huilflings The loss amnw
wa no Ij.
I surnnee
Crackers offers nu
trition in delicious
form for either child
or grown-up. Made
of selected flour
baked right packed
right kept right
Every Dollar Does
Double Duty Here
We are making a new
record on value-giving in
these $.50 Shoes.
With every pair goes the
double guarantee of satis
faction; a certainty of
style, of workmanship, of
. $
Shoes and Hosiery
1204-06-08 Market St.
men responsible
5P & 10?