Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 28, 1916, Night Extra, Page 3, Image 3

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    i i4liw Ji'jwSinVi4wy3r
-irtii 'Ps9r'f'Sf
t l jWiwuu luuuuiimiw
V 1
$ Jfoted Surgeon From Tokio,
i- viaifinir Friends Hero. De
clares Propagandists Seek
to Cause Strife
I .. .. ,., ,
i JXcuton newspaper iuuii uanisncu
From Japan navo jieauquaricrs
In Shanghai
German Designs on V. S. as
Seen by Mrs. Wilson's Kin
Dr. Rudolf Rolling Tcuslcr,
cousin of Mrs. Woodrow Wjlson.
wife of the President, and noted
surgeon, of Tokio, Japan, makes
following charges against German
propagandists: ,
Adherents of the Kaiser arc
seeking to embroil the United
States in war with Japan.
German agencies have been
established in Shanghai, Yoka
homa and other centres in the
Orient to spread broadcast spur
ious reports about alleged friction
between United Stntcs and Japan.
German editors found guilty of
this oflfenso have been expelled
from Japan. They sought refuge
in Shanghai, whore they are con
tinuing United States-Japan war
One of spurious reports which
stirred Japan wns that American
fleet of six warships was en route
to Tokio to enforce demands of
Wilson Administration relating to
Chinese treaties.
Germany see1' many benefits in
United Statcs-.Janan war; would
ston munitions shipments to Allies
nnd stop Japan from policing Far
East for England.
,. Tokio Government resisting every
effort to increase ill feeling be
tween this country and Japan.
K Tho sturtllnc nccu.ssitlon Unit tlm (!cr-
V II.. tn t .ln1M. ...... ...I..
niall il lll.imilliiir.ir. im.t- ui-iiifi.-iiiiri)
'Annncil " l'"t " embroil the L'nitril
-.-.-.- I.. .. ...111. 1......H ....... ......In
PDluU-a IN '! ...HI .MIJMH IW timnu
. tbday 1" Ur. llwlnir IJolllntf 'JVusler,
noted Fin .con aim inrccmr 01 ai. i.uko h
Episcopal Ilnspltal. Tokio, Jnpnn. Doctor
& Tcuslcr is visiting C'hniic.H it. l'aiicoast,
VA West Pi Ice .street, Oorninntown.
Doctor Ti'iixlcr declares Hint tno ncr
man roui." air maintaining aKcncles In
rckln, Sli.iiiKbal and other Oriental cities
with the eiirei.H ptirnoso of l..crc.asliiK
friction between Japan and thin country
g,V by scatterliiK .spurious reports broadcast.
Wf Tho Gcnmin Oovernmenl, be Minted, was
K' thoroucblv alive to the advantage which
would no named u reeling 01 nuiiicicui
'blttcniep uould be i roused between
Japan (and the Tnlted States to brliiR
about ,i declaration of war.
Wnr between this country and .Tapnn,
ho asserted, would virtually stop the
shipment of munitions from the United
States to the Allies, nnd would place
Japan In a position w) ere she could not
nntlpA fho Viir Mfist for Knclnntl.
K Spcnklne from lfi years of association
? wlfh llio lilflinut nfllnlnln of .Illlinn. Dfll'.
' tor Tcuslcr said that Japan had nnthlns
but the friendliest nf feelings for tlie
K' Unlteil States, and would resist every cf-
f' fort on the part of the German Govcrn
. ..... .In... ...... .. ..!....!. tn i.nlnltnnu
J1ICIII iU I1I'.)IIU Itlllll illlltj (l.-t.l.llMI.3i
-, Doctor Tcuslcr Is In this country con-
riurtlrn? n r-iimmilrrn lo raise (0.000 for
W new buildings and equipment for St.
Lukes Hospital. Ho la physician tor me
Hrltlsh and American Kmbasslcs In
Tokio and Is a close personal friend of
Count okunia. Premier of Japan, and
other hlKh olllclnls of the Japanese Gov
ernment. The Mmperor of Japan lias
shown liis Interest In Doctor Tctislei's
hospital project by contrUiutliiK $i',C03
from his own privy 'purse. Doctor Teus
ler Is a llrst cousin of Mrs. Woodrow
WHson, wife of the President, nnd was
educated in Illchmond. Vn.
Doctor Teuslcr was roused by an article
33, puoiisncd mis wcck in tno prcsB ni tins
' country. This article was given out by
f a Gcrinan in Now York and was to tho
S effect that a book bad been published In
Japan which outlined a plan by tho
Japanese Government to seize California
and the Philippine Islands. A copy of
the book was sent to tho New York Ger
man bv H. brnlhftf In Germjmv. nml trnns-
Ift Unions from tho publi-ation wore printed
;' In several newspapers throughout tho
;), "This book or pamphlet," said Doctor
i Teusler, "was purported to have been
Bd -puoushed with tho niitliorlty of Count
El Okuma, who Is nresldent of tho Nntlnnal
Defense I.nnf.nn nf Tti.wi.t reiila lu tiliun-
B lutely false, however, as I will show.
. "Tho pamphlet was published several
Rj, years ago by a Japanese fiction writer of
Kjno standing whatever. It was an anony
K mous publication and wns of such a.
V!) rllA'tn n...l ..... I . ...... . .1....
., ...vu,, uuu uiiuuiilliceu cnaiituier liiau iiu
Japanese of standlntr nald nnv attention
., to it It was read only by the coolie class.
Trt .U .1 . .. .li - -
mpf w.i iim ursL page oi llio paiupnici were
K, the words, 'Published under tho uusplees
, Jf tho National Itellef for Military Af-
lalrs.' There is no such organization In
"A former reporter for n New York
newspaper, who was working on tho
r Tokio Advertiser, kept the ball n-rnlllng.
Ha saw n chnnqe to unload u. sensation
on the t'nitcil States. He had tho
pamphlet translated several months ago
,ana sold tho material to some Xew York
newspaper, with the assurance that tho
took had been published with the full
' authority of Count Okumn. Of course,
the thing created a stir In this country.
A0W wo are havinir this verv old affair
u fehnahn.! 1... n ..... -i ....i. r,nH..... t..i.n
received the pmnphlet from Ills bi other
,' "This same discredited nowsnanerman
K V responsible for another fake in tho
if. CarnnnfrMi in ci.. .. nn.. i.n. ....., t.
in, -r"n.. vw Bill WJJ .VV.l.tt. IJtfc.t.. ..."
uiiiieo states and Japan. He wroto nn
-tiicie m which it was declared that an
Alnerlcan licet of six warshlna wns en
route to Japan to enforce tho demands of
" uson Administration regarding tho
Chinese treaties,
"Thf.S lnlK,...nin... n.ti..ln ....K
, .j . .......wiiiiuvui iiuiu .o mu'
r "shed In cood faith by tho JI-JI, the Ko-
""n and the Mainlchi. threo of Japan's
leading newspapers.
The American Peace Society, composed
Of DrOmfnpn, An.lnna ....rl Tn....nAaa I.I
In . . -... ..lllkllkt.Ha UIIU IIU1II1IIMU ...
I'Oklo Jmmedlately Investigated this ar-
K-"' una established the facts which I
S'liave stated,
blnillur itlflnmrnn tm-v rnnnrla oi'A nn.
i''?Lns cnatantly on both aidea of tho
u J Herman sources and are obvious))"
Don't try'to'wah your cur
tain. It take a laundry
uch at thi to make them
a artistic and graceful at
they ihould be.
Ummmm '
i m&MMMMmmF
dcslBiicd to stir up feellnB between this
country nnd Jnpnn. A few months nuo
a Clermnn newspaper In Yokohama wns
found utility of such an offense and tho
publisher and his 'staff were forced to
leave the country.
"It Is a slRiiincnnt fact Hint thesn men
who went to ShaiiKhnl nre rontlnuliiK
their work of spreading fnl.se. reports. Ar
ticles nro boliiR sent nut from Pekln
anil Shnmthal for the dnlliillo ptirposp of
embrollliiK this country In war with Ja
pan. It Is my llrm belief Hint much of
this propaganda of dissension Is bclns
financed by the German sources.
"Germany knows the mlvantnRo she
would Rain If she could drive the United
States anil Jnpan Into war. She knows
that It would put a check on shipment of
munitions to tho Allies; she knows that
war would keep Japnn so busy that she
could not protect Ktmlnnd's interest in
tho Orient.
"The American people have never shown
enoUKh uppreclntlon of the fact that tho
peace of the whole of Asia nnd tho free
dom of the Pnclllc Is directly due to the
fact Hint Japiiii promptly and courage
ously kept her part of her treaties with
Kncianil. Without such support It would
be dlllleiilt to Imnttlne that HiiKland would
have been able to eloso the North Sea
with her licet. If the North Sea was
open It Is probable that tho Pnclllc Ocenn
would now he Involved In warfare which
would lie disastrous to American com
merce." Doctor Tausler questioned the report
printed recently that Japan was rcnow
ItiK pressure on China In the matter, of
tho "Ilfth Kroup" of treaties.
Edward 1 Smith, Jr., Who Started
Business in Camden, to Be
Buried Today
Tho pioneer jitney man of Camden will
bo burled today. In honor of tho man
wlio bl.v.cd tho trail for their Industry
the jitney men of Camden placed their
ears and themselves at the dlsposnl of
tho family and friends of I-Mvnrd !.
Smith. Jr.. who died two days nm nt
liis home, .125 lCnlKlin avenue. Mr. Smith
boKan business with one machine nnd
soon acquired two or three others in
which ho plnced employes.
Tho funeral of Mr. Smith will be hold
from Schrocdur'H uudertaklm; establish
ment at -nil and Arch streets, nnd Inter
ment will be In Now Camden Cemetery.
Tho How Charles I. KltZKCorKo, pastor of
tho Union" Methodist IJjdscopal Church,
will conduct services at a o'clock.
Jltnoy men will tnke the mourners to
tho cemetery and back to their homos
freo of charge. Eight Jitney men will bo
honoiary pallbearers.
Albert Firth Accused of Striking
Woman With Teacup
Albert Klrth, Ml years old. of iMil Kast
Gordon street, wns committed to prison
without ball today by Magistrate Pen
nock to await the outcome of tho Inves
tigation being made by the Coroner of
tho dentil of ills wife, Mrs. Firth, yes
terday. The woman's death was leportcd
to tile Coroner by Dr. II. W. Goose, of
Amber nnd Dauph'n streets, who said
that when he was called to see the woman
only a few hours tieforc she died he ob
served n cut over one of Iter eyes.
Deputy Coroner George Hrennan, who
has mado a partial Investigation of the
case, Informed the Magistrate that Klrth
and his wife bad n quarrel three weeks
ago. during which Firth Is said to have
struck Ids wlfo with n tea cup. James
Kane, nf 4th and Cambria streets, who
was anested as a material witness, wns
held in t'M bail for bis appearance at the
Coroner's inquest.
Jn.HPiih lVtcrH. IR'.'il I.oinluml St., nml Ellza-
hotli Rij-s. HSU Lombard at.
Jnieeta A. Miller, '-':"!7 Memphis St., nnd Kllza-
Iwtli I. Hart. EHW Aiiii t.
Hurry i' Smith. Jr.. SI2 B. Thayer t.. nnd
JliirK.ii it 11. I'lilimu. nn Sprucy it.
Jlnniii Katz. let N. 7tli bt.. and Ida Wnlt-
iii.iM. vsti .V. 71b t.
Jnlin KnitowHkl. 4'tt!t Kdgcinont at., nml Anna
ilnrreslil. Vta Alinoml t. ,, ,
IMwaril 11. Itli'liimlKon. JI.IO llnrhm at., nml
1-Mna Ijtwti. 1 .VI ll.-prliwonil bi.
Jnhn T ItUharils. l.lCI S. IWrrance t.. nnd
Itulh Ad.illis, ISlI H. Opal t. . , .
David IloKilonoff. I'M looro St.. nnd Heb.i
Snviler, Nn) Heed t.
Collin II. Arrott.l7-J.SN. loth t.. ami Al-
meilla Hand. 10I N. 11th st. , . ,
Ilcny Chllfeix. I- Morris t.. and nesalo Srul-
IlSSrv1 riftfi'ri "i".' 1 W. Tion at..
Anna It. M.lilnnls. 1HW Qlrard live.
ci3reiii'B H. Krlck. ISM N. rianklln at..
1 "u"i It Wrlxht, .11:11 Morris at.
,!. if u,.t.nnti.irhpr. ljai;uo island.
JUIIU "...-, ,...., n..? k.' Ill.t. c.
wSuKS-rilVr "Ma?arck "4 l Stllea at., and
Kiitnriyna Htourk. 4.118 llermuda at.
Jin-Ob Itwae. "JUS 1" KcrEiant at., and Hnnna
M lUKlan. JUS K. HoKeunt at.
Dlrnltrloa 8. ilourlllla. Chester. Pa., and Marj
jHndI'oKwvw,k,..,'loiT N. Pelhl at . and Ann,
,,u),ftirU'A.,,U,rOu,f.en4",-OIy0 at., and Jennie
"Si1, 'crowlry, 1 SI. N. I-Wn.. .t .. ., .,
''llUbon. llOOltoeu.t at." - " ""
The Song that Took
New York by
Surrounded by many other
hits on the
Victor List for
Stockholder nnd Expert Asks
Permission to Become Party
Plaintiff in Big Powder
I Litigation
VIt.MtNftTON Del.. Jan. 2S.-The
nllnnmcnt of stockholders of K. t ilu
Pont do Nemours nnd Company nsnlnsl
I'lerro S. ilu Pont nnd the 11 other dlrec
tbrs of Hint corpornlloti, defendant In the
'Mil Pont suit," wns continued todnv.
when Louis A. de Onzenove, Jr., formerly
nn eliBlnecriiiK expert for the powder
company, petitioned the United States
District Court for permission to become
n pnrty plaintiff to the nroeeedltiKS.
The Intervention petition Is the seventh
of Its kind filed with the court since the
first of this month nnd Is considered ns
siKnlllcnnt In that the nctlllnner. havlui:
been n unit In the personnel of the 1
powder company, hns had nn opportun
ity to observe nl llrst bund Just how
Pierre S. ilit Pont and his "nssoclntes"
In power administered tho policy of tho
Louis A. tie Cn?.eno'p, Jr., comes from
tho prominent Virginia, family of that
name. He has held n number of super
vIslnR positions with the company and Is
n stockholder In both the old nnd the new
powder company. .
In his Intervention petition Louis Case
novc, Jr., asserts he baa similar cause for
complaint as advanced by Philip K. dil
Pont, of Merlon, Pn., who asserts that
Pierre S. ilu Pont, president and director
of the powder company, and 11 other di
rectors of that tilOJXXUW corporation
fraudulently acquired "wnr brides," now
vnlued nt more than t50.OCO.noo, from T.
Coleman tin Pont nt 11 tlmo when the
powder company Itself should have taken
over thesn holdings'. The defendant direc
tors acquired the sloek In question for
nbout $ll.X).0(O.
Mrs. Charlotte D. M. Cordeza
'Asked $177,352 for Loss of
Jewels and Clothing
Mrs. Charlotte D. M. Cordeza. of Cior
mnntown, will receive f87W ns her share
of a fund of $.'.11,17.". which the White
Star Line has depositee1, with (he New
Vork Trust Company for Immediate dis
tribution nmonK the f.60 claimants for
datniiKos arisliiK from the loss of the
steamship Titanic, which wns sunk by
an lecbtirs In April, 1012. ThU will be
tho largest amount for property loss paid
to nny of the claimants.
Mrs. Cordeza sued for $101,753 for Jewelry
and $72,.V.i:i.7.. for clothlnK lost In the
sinking of tho liner.
To Mrs. Irene Wallack Harris, widow of
Henry P.. Harris, the theatrical manager,
who wns one of the victims of the
disaster, will be paid $S7M. She had sued
for $1,000,000 for tile loss of her husband's
Mrs. Elizabeth C. Case, of Itoeliester.
N. Y widow of Howard H. Case, le
celves the same amount as Mrs. Harris.
Mr. Caso was the monaBhiK director of
the Vacuum Oil Company, with n salary
of $20,0"0 a year.
Mr. N'orthrup, of the tlrm of 14. A. Ash
down & Co., Sow York, said today there
would be another distribution of $11!,!2.'
ns soon ns ecrtnln legnl formalities wcie
completed. The original amount demand
ed by the claimants before the $664,OM
compromise was agreed on was $1S,
wo.ooo. Tho lirst who will receive checks in tho
distribution of the money nro tho lawyers.
Their fees total $IU,000.
Hoy's Lep; Broken by Automobile
failure to see nn approaching automo
bile was responsible for tho Injury of 5-year-old
Kdward Kianklln, 21100 South
street, as lie was playing In the street
In fiont of his home last night. Tho car
of J. A. Coleman, D12 South Mil street,
struck tho boy, fracturing his right leg.
He was taken to the University Hos
pital. r
Special Sale This Week
The Finest Italian
Lucca Olive Oil
Gallon Cans $2.05
Half Gal. Cans.. .$1.35
Quart Cans 75
Pint Cans '10
Half Pint Cans... .23
1232' Market Street
now on suitings, over
coatings and eyenlnr
Sample freely
1116 Walnut
Tailoring Only
The Bath
Water is to cleanse, not to nourish; to remove
body impurities and not to deposit the varying
quantities of mineral salts found in natural
waters. Purock Water is made absolutely pure
that it may thoroughly cleanse and absorb.
It is right to drink water to quench thirst, but it is far
better to drink it to promote health. To be assured of
purity you must drink Purock. It is the most health
ful habit you can form.
Purock Water is delivered to offices and homes in
sterilized, sealed glass bottles. Six large bottles or a
live-gallon demijohn, 40 cents.
Order a case, use one bottle.
If water fails to please, we will,
at your request, remove the
case and make no charge.
210 S. 24 th St, Philadelphia
Blankcnburg Appointee Quits
as Chief of Bureau
of Lighting
Colonel George M. Mnpra, chief of the
fiureau of Lighting, today presented his
leslgnnllon to Dltoctor (leorge 13. Dates
inan, of the Department of Public Works.
Tim resignation will become effective on
Jnnunry 1. -
.Mnpes was appointed chief of the Un
real! of Lighting four yearn ngn by Mayor
Hlankcnburg, lifter having passed it civil
service examination. The salary Is $2000
a year.
Xo reason hns been given for Mnpes'
leslgnnllon. When naked today If be
liad been asked to resign, not for nny rea
son of Inellleleney, but to make way for
the appointment of nn Organization man,
Mnpes said:
"I have nothing to say nbout mv resig
nation ns yet. 1 may have something to
say, however, when It becomes effective
next week."
as luowns sTAxn aciiast
Declares He Hail Been in Battle With
Ton Assailants
Pedestrians on loth street were startled
this afternoon when a wild-looking man
put his foot out of tho fourth-story win
dow of tho house, at lnil South loth
street, and declared that ho would jump
to the ground. Persons near the line of
the window mn to the west side of the
street and patients nt the Jefferson Hos
pital directly opposite ran from the
While the man wan bracing himself to
take the Jump Policeman Swltken entered
a side door and ran to flic room. Ho
forced open the door and found the man
standing with a chair raised over bis
head. He hald ho was Peter Morrlssetto
and told the policeman confidentially that
he had been holding back 10 men who at
tempted to kill him and declared that the
liattlo had continued all day. As no men
were In evidence, .Morrlssetto was taken
to the tilth and Locust streets station.
He will lie examined by tho district
Postoflice Safe Robbed of $1000
IlKACON. N. J., Jan. ::8. -Burglars to
day blew the safe of the Hopewell Junc
tion postolllto and escaped with $1000 In
stamps and $15 In cash.
The matinee girl weeps
at the heroine's wrongs
nnd munches a chocolate.
The bitter and
touch hands I
L. D. Berger Co., 59 N. 2d St.
Bell, Xlarket ISi Kiyitont. ilatn (duo
Number of Signatures Expected
to Reach 10,000 by Tonight.
Seek to Stop Third Read
ing of Measure
Petitions nskltig that the third rending
on the .llttiey bill how before flip New
Jersey Legislature be postponed so that
a public hearing ran be held before tho
Assemblymen cast fhelr Html vote on the
measuie wero circulated today In Camden
by Jltncymen.
More than 3000 slgnatuies were obtained
beforo noon, and It Is expected that tho
number of signers will tutnl 10,000 beforo
night. The third rending on the bill Is
scheduled for Monday, and If tho Com-u-ittee
on Municipal Corporations grants
a postponement the P0 Jitney men of Cam
den will load their machines with regular
i iistomers and give them a tree ride to
Trenton next Monday. A public demon
stration against the bill will be held by
the Jllncyinen nnd their patrons In tho
streets of Ticnton and In tho Htnte House.
Tho Jltneymen today also distributed
thousands of cards un which Is printed,
"Please Defeat tho Kates Hill Against
the Jitney." More thnn 100) citizens of
t'nimleti linvo already signed these cards,
and they will bo mailed to Assemblymen
at Trenton.
Rudolph S. Ayres, counsel for the .lit
lieymcn, will go to Trenlon today for a
conference with K. J. West, chairman of
tho Committee on Municipal Corporations.
Mr. Ayres will ask Mr. West concerning
the chances for n postponement of tho
third rending. It lies with the Commltteo
on Municipal Corporations whether or
not the bill will be repotted on Monday.
The Jltticymon today appointed tills
e.omniltlco In lead the tight In Trentnni
1,eoii Meenan, chnlimau; Herman Zim
merman, James Klly, George F. Frets',
Jr., nnd Hurry Crnssey, Jr .
At a big tnass-mcctliig last night tho
Jltneymen sent for John It. Kates, of
Camden, sponsor of the bill. When ho
arrived they asked him to offer an amend
ment to tile measure. He refused to do
tills on the ground that tho bill In Its
prerent form was designed to make tho
jltnoy business permanent. Tho Jltney
men told him that he was taking tho
wrong means to that end, and that If tho
bill became a law their business would
bo ruined.
The principal features to which the jlt
neymen object In the now bill are the ono
to mako them designate the routo they
will take and Keep to that nnd another
giving the city power to llx tho amount
of the bond. Tho bill If it passes will
compel tho Jltneymen to pay & per cent,
of their Income to the city and will place
them under the supervision of the Public
Utilities Commission,
Autoist Held (or Preacher's Injury
Testimony that the accident was un
avoidable wns offered today when Joseph
Ilylo was arraigned beforo Magistrate
Penrose at tho Oermantown police sta
tion, as tho driver of an automobile
which ran down and seriously injured
the How J. P.. Killlan, 7.1 years old, a re
tired Ilaptlst minister, living at the Nu
gent Home, 221 West Johnson street.
Ilylo was held under $100 ball for a fur
ther hearing.
J. E. Caldwell & Co.
902 Ckestnut Street
Finger Rings
I :(Jt 1 ' JL
Our Spring shipment of imported
materials has just been received.
It offers a splendid variety of finely-woven
fabrics many of them confined exclusively to
our establishment.
But these latter we have only in limited quan
tity therefore, it is advantageous to make
selections for Spring now, while the stock is
still complete.
Ksldbllshccl in 18i8
Spend the Week-Ends
at the
The invigorating ocean breezes
will better equip you for the
activities of the following week
Frequent Fast All-Steel Express Trains
from Chestnut Street Ferry
For thoo who only desire to spend Sunday at the
Seashore, we operate Special $1,00 Excursions,
leaving Chestnut or South Streets 730 A. M.
Representative Crosser Accuses
Powder Makers of Betraying
U. S. Interests
WASHINGTON, Jan. 2S.-Chargc3 that
tho dil Pont powder Interests hnd a con
tract with Gormnna to notify them of
every powder contract made, even with
the fulled States, were brought today
by Representative Crosser, of Ohio. Ho
cited tho alleged contract as nn example
of opportunity and tctnptntlon for bo
trnynl of this Government.
Denouncing prlvnlo munition manufac
turers as "gamblers In human blood,"
Ciosser nald they nro constantly nddlng
to demands for Increase of tho army nnd
"If we nre to bo prepared, tho tintlon
Inlist do Its own preparing," snld Crosser.
Money for McGonifilc I-'nmlly
The Kvr.xtNii Lkpikr ncknowledges re
ceipt of I he following contributions sent
for the relief of the family nt Joseph Mc
Oonlgle, 1"00 South Nnpa. street:
Luini S. 11 7
r.llrti O. II I
Anonymous J
Wallace 1
This is
the Wise
French Kid Button Boot $3.00
This boot is proof con
clusive that smart style and
perfect comfort can be com
bined. Of glossy, fine quality
black French kid, high cut
andCwith long vamp, this
boot in every way, except
price, duplicates the mod
els for which you must
pay $6.00 or more else
But the
,P.1 $3.00
here is.
We do not ask you to
take our word for it come
in and make your own com
parisons. Ryal Bf Shop
1208 Chestnut St. Pz$OT.st
ifTTkn,! (Over Child's Restaurant) a, 7
platinum mount
in ings, designed
and made in this
l' fata?
V a. ay
1 cn mrlY
I r vHW
ert "W
A. ef a
"The Direct Line
to the Shore"
$13, $18
that sold by
the thousand
all season
$15, $18, $20,.?
Their sure prices next
IFinlcr tvill be $3 to $5 .
more the coat than this
season's regular prices!
H Many's a man covets
a Perry Overcoat early
in the season, but is not
prepared to pay the
that man's
t Single-breasted and
double-breasted Over
coats; close-fitting and
juose-nEiing wvercuais; ;
velvet collars and self
cloth collars ; big, roomy
sizes, and assortments
C A prominent Philadel
phia business man bought one
of them and told us a fcti
days later thai he had never
Tvorn so light and easy a-coal a
that Tvas so warm!
Our own
$13 and $18
Putting it off may lose
you the coat that's tvaiting
for you here now, if some
other man sees it and lihes
it first!
"N. B. T."
16th & Chestnut Sts.
228 Market Street
Both Vhones
M Neptune Laundry
V s P
1501 Columbia Ave.
u? nettovtthti&ltr
1 AA. '