16 KVEHlfrft KEDaBB PniEAPHLTHlX FBtDAY, JANUARY 28, 1016- . HELP WANTED EEMALE COOlt Fli-sl-class cook, German or Swedish preferred; must bt ell recommended. Call 1323 Walnut st, Friday, between 18.30 and X CloCk. COOK, chambermaid and waitress! experienced white, maids; reference rcaulrod. JWC9 Bar- loir t- , COOK, Qcrmarl preferred, for family of three .adults. Apply 1811 North lfltht COOKINO and downstairs work; settled white woman for Moorestown, N. J.i utility man Kept- H 727, ledger Office. . nnvrntfnsq A- lnr,l. five- rhilit 2U, rMIM! Orst-clasa references required. I) 652, Ledger Central. , InNfNO ROOM ATTENDANT Must wait and assist In ehnmberworks nosltlon permanent, In the country. Apply to employer, 0:30 a.m.. ledger i sr central, uroaei nnn tnesmui. si. fio.IERY Experienced knitters nnd toppers on Hcott k Williams and standard, fall nuto matlo machinesi learners, 11 to in years of age, taken. Apply WnlHre-Wllson Hosiery v-o . icrconrci si . cicnew imcj. r mi.. .,... TfoslEKY llxperlenced knitters, tapper nnd loopers; steady work: good pay; also learners iald while learning. 1320N. Lawrence. feOUSEKEEPER, working." seven (J) In fam ily: no laundry; must bo experienced and ca pable: salary 7. Apply lul N. Lnnsdow-no aye.. Lansdowno. Pa. HouSF.WoflK intelligent woman to nsjljt with light housework and enro of scml-lnvnlld. auburbi: goodwngcs. It 7211, Ledger Office. TTot'SBWOHK. genernl, whlto Prntestnnt; ex perienced and capable; reference. Call .kIoi Knox St., Oermanlown. fidUB-vVOllK, general. 1'rotestant: small fam ily in suburbs: ref, 1! 730, Iodgcr Office. NURSD or mother's helper wanted for 1 -year-old baby, Apply at onre. MO Wyncoto road, denmniown. m?RSE, graduate, for general hospital duty, city and suburb. Immediate Homo Ilureau, r2 West Stith St., New York. OPERATORS Applications nro now being re ceived for experienced female operators on fUBes. Call or address, statins experience. ' 2411 iranKroraavo SALESLADIES, Intelligent; unusual proposi tion; salary, exp. not nccessarv. nil In per son, bet. Zand ft p.m. Mr. Mason, IMS Poplar. SOFT SILK WINDERS experienced and learners, not under 1(1 years. Apply hpTore 10 a. m., Snuqolt Silk Manufacturing Com pany, 18th nnd Hunting Park nvcj STENOGRAPHER Living In Oermnntown, Mt. Airy, Glensldo or Willow a rove; state experience) and salary expected, L 017. Lod ger Ccntrnl. BTENOORAPIIER-Competent j-oung woman; must have had experience In .paper printing or advertising huslnesB. FJ.J.edgert-ent. fifCNDdilAPIIBU with legal experience: stnto ige, exp. nnd salary, E SIP, Ledger Central. WANTEn Bright young. Indies, be tween 18 and 22 enrs of ngc, to take up telephone work: no experience neces sary; salary paid while learning; pleas ant work; permanent position. Apply In pcrBon. BELL TELDPlIONn COMrANT. 400 Market Street, Dctween 0 and 8 o'clock. WANTED Singers for first-class vaudeville ? reduction. Apply to Charles Shlsler. between 0 and 11:30 a. m. Friday morning, stngo en trancc lll)ou Thentre. tli ami Race sts. WAITRESS nnd chambermaid, competent, for family of :i at gentleman's country Placo where other maids are cmploved: only a trained maid with reference Is desired. Apply Hox .1. West Chester l'ostofflce. Pa. WAITRESS, experienced, ralf between 0 and 11 o'clock, wl th re ferenre. 2(r.".i Walnu t st. WOMAN, over 2S. goml education, for travel Ing position, to net nrst as saieswi mgr, Anply In person. 1"P N. A nman, then mer. iiiug. TOUNO LADY wanted for dentist assistant In South America, satisfactory cohtrnct glen: state full particulars. Address r -i-. I-cdgcr Central . NOW IS THE TIME for young ladies seek ing commercial positions to consult Mls Dean at Ledger Central, Broad and Chest nut sts. A special service Is rendered to BTENOORAPIIERS. liOOKKEBPERS AND CLERKS through the Commercial Depart ment to LEDC3HR ADVERTISERS, and a Krcat number of ladlea have been benelited by this serlce. Genernl TVOMEN wanted as Government clerks; $,0 month. Philadelphia examinations coming; eamplo questions free Franklin Institute, Dcpt 715 L, Rochester. N. Y. HELP WANTED MALE ARTIFICIAL LEGS Experienced man, compe tent In overy way. for the making of nrtlllclal legs, good future for right mnn: give lull par ticulars with experience. E S.VI, Ledger Cen tral ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT-Good open ing for young man in carpet mill making wfltons and nxmlnsters. applications consid ered conlldcnttnllv. Applv. Btatlng cxperlenco aand salary required. Mrp03.LedgrOfflcn ATTENTION TO TOOL DESIGNERS WANTED. At TOOL DESIGNERS. ALSO TOOLMAKBRS AND MACHINE OPERAT ORS FOR A CONCERN IN WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA CALL AT HINGHAM HOTEL. SATURDAY. JANUARY (, 10 A. M. TO 0 P. M. FOR PERSONAL IN TERVIEW. CALL E II. STERNER; BOY, 10 years old. wnnted: grammar school education, intelligent and active, good op;or tunlty for advancement Cull 00O Chestnut at. Ask for Mr. Wcscott. BOY, 10 or over, to work In wall paper fac-to.-y Apply at once, Becker. Smith & Page, Water and Snyd e r av e BOY, 3d years old, for office work. Address 375 Branch Ledger. Frunkford nnd Alle gheny; BOY to run errands In drug store. 7144 Germiintown ave, Wagner. BOY. Id years of age; centrnl real estate office; W to elart. expr, u nneces 11 212. Ledger Off. CLERK Young man. high school uxn. pre- ferred, salary $s start. F HO, Led. Central. CLOTH WEAVERS wuntca Apply John & James Dobson. Inc. Blanket Mills, Scott's lane. Falls of Schuylkill. COLORED BOY for porter In drug store: ref erence. B2d and Larchwood. t DESIGNER on women's wear, fancy; must bo Orat.rats man; stato age. experience and sal-a-ry expected. P 731. Ledger Office. EXTRAORDINARY OPPORTUNITY A large corporation, placing on tho market a new hlgh-grndo specialty, requires the serv ices of five salesmen of Philadelphia district with experience. The machine la the sen sation of the century; so wonderful as to defy description, it has no competition: none buj hltxhest grade men will bo accepted and tinJeM you can present credentials as to our -billt and character do not make appllca- I ton: remuneration, strictly commission uls with satisfactory drawing account; aei with advertising experience preferred. B 220, LEDGER OFFICE INSTRUMENT MAKEIC on clock movements; oppor. to make good pay, B 2-1. Led. Oft. JANITOR'S HELPER, experienced, who can take care of boilers. Apply to J.i.iKor. apart rnent house. N. E. cor. 17th and Walnut sts. XflFTJ INSURANCE AODNT to solicit fire In surance while on your debit. Address Jones, imit oc auricu, inc.. -ti.-io v ainuc SI. MACHINISTS-2 first-class lathe hands. 2 first class horizontal boring mill hands, 1 first class chucking machine hand. American En glneerlng Co., Aramlngo and Cumberland sts. MAN. young, who has had experience In a draughting office; one experienced In lettering preferred; good opportunity for the right party. Apply Brilliant Manufacturing; Co., 10J7 Ridge ave. MA3 CITTER. first class, .slrard va. Apply 631 K. PETEY There's Really Much Better Value in HELP WANTED MALE .... omen boy 1U4 Harrison Building. PACKl-TR Wanted, n flrst-clsss reliable man, nccustomed to packing, one who had handled large crockery preferred: answer with ret ri l ,lL. j i jjf i JW,'!ilil PROGRESS! ARI-J YOU LOOKING 1TI1 A "snap-Ior is your determination to progress sufficiently strong to maki) your employer's inter ESTS YOtJll ONLY CONSIDERATION' LARGE. CONUpn.V, WITH BRANCHES IN1 yiii.uii'Aij uitilh ok tiiim i;uj,ntiv AND EUIIOPI- IIAH A T.-n MAS A.FIJIY (H'KMINUS Wl. HIGH-GRADE YOUNG MEN OI- 1M e el.liieil.le.;i.. Artll.lLI AiNU A.VIIII I iw.-n, WITH K.VOWI.F.IMIU Ol'. ACCOUNTING vviliut. ADDlllJSS IN OWN HA.NDWHIT- !. .J..J'1.' ..." , "H. I..l l,r,iiiv j ...ui. 1 ."j..!1v'n. Am;. i;aipi;i -1..I-,,,, , V,l i m i;ii ui;tail. k mi, li.uhcu cent. SALESMAN, hosiery, first clnes, new estab lishment, good opp for right man. state full . particulars: salary or com'n. 11217, Led, Off. SALESMAN, voung man. In. book store ono with some- knowledge of tho busl ness pro- lerren. v on, i,eiiger centrnl. STENOOHAPHBH, about IS Venn old. wanted In manufacturing plant In Kensington to assist with general office work: good chance for ndnncemcnt, reply in own handwriting, stating, nee, experience nnd wages wanted. Applv P 73., Ledger Ofllce. strawbridge & clothier llenulre Furniture and lledcllng Salesmen: those with high-grade selling experience. Ap- rtly Ilureau of Employment, m floor, efore 11 a. m. ri-iirn.vp lathi1, u.wri.u First-class toolnmUers Apply 2 1 IS Frank ford ne. betw een s n. in. nnd n p. m. WANTED Draughtsman, cxperlciucd on hot metal working presses or hammers, capable of designing Intcrmeilltto sizes; Htntp. expe rience and snlary ixpocted. Answer II 8.1 1. Ledgor Qfllce. WANTED l)ctnilcr nnd"trnrcr, experienced on tools preferred. Mall samplo drawings and particulars to 32"i llenwool boulevard. Scho- nectndy. N. Y. , WANTED, man (employed) nnd wife as care takers for small npt. house. F lit. Led. Cent. WANTED A ttrst-clnes rellablo llggerman on crucibles: also good finisher. It i2. Led. Off. YOUNU MAN or good iipproach wanted to sell roofer's supplies, one who will start at modest wages with the assuratico that he will ejulcklv tommnnd higher pay If ho makes good, excellent rhnmo for advancement. Write onlv nnd tell something of ourseir, your ambition, salar expected and Kenernl business experience, If any It -23, tedger Oftlce. YOUNO MAN wnnte.1 fo'r general oMco work"; must have some know ledge of typewriting; good chance for bright boy. Apply N. W. corner Pth and llrown, at 0 n. ui; YOUNU MAN, with experience In mechanical draughting. Standard Fuso Corporation, Paulsboro, N. .1. II' YOF ARE A HKIII-CLASS YOUNG MAN OF INTELLIGENCE. AIIII.ITY AND AM IIITION. HAVING A CLEAN. St'CCESSKEI. IlECnith. WITH ACCOUNTING EXPEItl ENCE. WE OFFER A POSITION AND EX CEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITIES FOR AD VANCEMENT, ADDRESS IN OWN HAND, GIVING AGE, EXPERIENCE, ETC.. SIN GLE MAN PREP. E tun. LEDGER CENT ATTENTION To DIE SINKERS WANTED. FIRST-CLASS DIE SINKERS ON ALL-AROUND AL'TOMOIIILU WORK FOR A CONCERN IN WESTERN PENN SYLVANIA. CALL AT 1JINGIIAM HOTEL, SATURDAY, JANUARY 21'. 1 A. M. TO II P. M, FOR PERSONAL INTERVIEW. CALL FOR E. II. STERNER. Genernl SPECIAL AUTOMOI11LE instruction given dsv nnd night by expert mechanics at tho oldest nnd original auto school; repairing In nil Its branches: timing, wiring and do mad lessons at a cry small cost, nil N. lire id St., F. Pet.. HUSINESS SERVICE COMPANY BKPRS.. SEVERAL OTHER POS. OPEN 1301 LAND TITLE BUILDING MEN can uso their spare time. E IMS, ledger Central. AGENTS LOCAL or traveling, for subscriptions to long establlshed Prishvterlin weekly, proposition for experienced and Inexperienced nppllcants: good Income. 13 1B3. Ledger Central. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE ASSISTANT BOOKKEEPER General detail clerk with auditing exp. i; 0,71, ledger Cent. BILL CLERK Elliott-Fisher operator; II years' experience; SU. F fill. Ledger Central. BOOKKEEPER, with knowledgo of stenog raphy. 7 years' exp. E 113, Ledger Central. CLERK and assistant bookkeeper; 121. lcugeriirancn,j.itin anci uqupnin. COOK and clinmbcrtnald. Scotch Protestants, wish sltuntlons together; city or country. Call or wrlto to 20'H ntzw nterst. COOKING, light housework, colored woman; country; ref.; call or write. JSlill'ombertom COMPANION or reader by tho hour or com panion for scmldmnlid. V. S13, Ledger Central. DRESSMAKER, French, deiitrcs engagementT owing to dull season, evening gown a spec; remodellng; 110S Walnut. Ph. Walnut liins. L.VDY with little girl going to school desires n position as managing housekeeper, or will glo mother's cire to children: rcfeienccs exchanged. F40. Ledger Central; MOTHER'S HELPER Retlm-d Protestant woman In small family. E U4S. Led. Cent. NURSE (graduate) Rctlncd, cheerful; ciro of Invalid or child, or companion to older chll- dren; reasonable; cxcel.refs. FjH, Led.Cent. NURSE, exp.. Infant or children: refcrcnccT i clone miss iceeii, i'uuuc qgcr. PRIVATE SECRETARY Competent, rellablo; exp. In reul estate affairs. E S30. Led. Cent. STENOGRAPHER, capable joung lady, just graduated, desires position. rlu7 Eadom St., Frunkford. STENOGRAPHER, competent, thoroughly ex perienced In banking nnd brokerage business, desires position : salary 13. 1' 72U. Led. Off STENOGRAPHER, beginner: well educated; good cor'dent; neat worker. E 73-1, Led. Cent. STENOGRAPHER, expert: nccustomed to tcc- rpinriai mines; enpauu E 3-H. Led. Cent. STENOGRAPHER, speaks acrm.in; can asalkt oGlce .( V 122. ledger Br.. Hith u nil Dauphin. STENOGRAl'HER. competent; 4 vears' exp. In banking und brok'e business. P 730. Ix-il. Off. STENOQRAPHKR-Kxpert. 4 years' exp.; 3 in steel bus Incss. E 010, I-ilger Central. STI:N00RAPIIER Accurate-," willing, depend able: trial solb Ited, E 7.,. ledger Central. STENOGRAl'HER-Some experience; rapid typlst: S10. 11 M7. Ledger Central. TUTORINO-Languages. English branches: foreigners; backward pupils, reasonable. lumen .yii. vvcigncman iiuiiaing. TL'LEI'HO.NE OPERATOR, thoroughly experi enced, reliable, desires privuto branch. E 818, Ledger Central. TVPIST desires position: iSl 120, Ledger Hrancli. 10th nnd Dauphin. LDY. Parisian, desires engagements; French taught by ciulck method at moderate rates. J 1133, Ledger Central. YOUNG LADY desires position as nursery governess or companion, II 210, Ledger Off. YOUNO WOMAN, experienced In the care and education of little children, wishes position for the afternoons as companion for child or children, 4 to S years of age. Address 37, Branch Irfdger,WavnenndJ"helten a yes. WOMAN, with fi j ears' general office exp., seeks position on account of llrm leaving city, exp. on payroll and cashier's duties: can furnish refB. and bond If necessary. E 350, Ledger Central WOMAN, colored, wants position In private family; good cook or general housework; can glvo good reference. 024 South 12th st. A LADY of culturo and refinement, with con Eciii-i. i.ciiijcr-meiii, pleasing personality, est family connections, desires position as attendant or companion to young or elderly lady of refinement going to Atlantic city or Ilorlda. credentials rendered. Address B 223. t o.l ror cl-H.-p MISS DEAN at Ledger Central has lilted the qualifications of young ladles experienced In all kinds of office detail work, and has had special training In selecting the "right per son for the right position' Acquaint her with your needs either by personal call or telephone Walnut or Main 3000 and per sonal attention will be given promptly. This b a free service to LEDGER ADVER TI otitis. BITtTATIONS WANTED MALE AUDiTTNoTbrg andTlttle, donoTiVresponslbla mnn, bonded In $5000. M 212, ledger Offlre BOOKKEEPER, Experience double entry, de jMrcsjiosltlomjrood reference. H 21S, IeL OIL CltAUFFEim. experienced, frtlr mechanrc, sin gle, desires position -with private family; fur nlh best ofref. W 2I2 Frnnkfnrd nxe. ClfADWfTltR Young man, married, white! jown repnlrs: best refs. 2V-.S N. llambrey. CirAUFFEtlR and coachman, married; wife willing to assist light L dutlesI' 721,J1edLOff1 CHANOE Exp. motion pleturo operator, handy nround machine-! nnd electrical work, wlshea to make change lo somo other lino of work. i: Till, ledger Central. . , OARDENEU wants work: undcVsinnds vines, peaches, melons, orchids, roses, tho propagat ing and growing of nil hard nnd soft wooded plants, tho rotation cropping of fruit nnd egetnbles nnd tho management of an estate. Address Nlcol, 1041 Webster St., Nee-dhnni, Mass, OARDENnR, vegetable, wishes position; two children, 3 years and 2 years old; flrst-clnss reforence. liox 21, oakbourne, Chester . County, Pa, GARDENER, married, no family, want prl lato place: excellent references from present and past employers. F 40, Ledger Central. GARDENER, single, first class In all branches; best refs. "Hardener," West Chester, Pa, HOTEL MANAOER, highest testimonials! ex perienced man desires to mtke n, change nnd will entertain first-class proposition In I'lilla dolphin. 15 2M, Ledger Central. MAN desires work as helper of nny kind. Chathnm st, 2SM PRESSMAN. Job. A-l. 14. years' oxn . best refs., prefers position. Iodgsr Office. ii RESPONSIBLE POSITION DUSIRliD bv executive nnd sales manager; over IS vears with large manufacturers: good cor respondent: experience In auditing, cost keep. Ing. purchasing, collections nnd credits; clean, effluent record nnd habits: accustomed to nssumlng rorlous responsibilities; can fur nish bond nnd tnke up promptly general business burdens or nn executive or will net In capacity of nssitnnt. Will accept, mod erate salary until nblllty nnd worth aro pro en. Will locato where services reiitilredi aged 3(1: married. Detailed abstract of ex perience rurnlshed mum request. Phono, Poplar 703." W, or address E SIS, ledger Centrnl. STENOGRAPHER Ambitious young man, competent, rapid, In dustrious. It YEARS' EXPERIENCE In mercantile, legal nnd stnttlstlcal work, de sires connection with firm whero nblllty Is nppreclatcd; ns private secretary or In an m rxecutlxe capacity. F 13. Ledger Cenlrnl. STFVOGRAPIIER Young man with nrrtlnug office exp. : best refs. F -17. Ledger Central. WANTED, A .1011 ns advertising manager, nsslMnnt sates innimger. office manager In nny Industrial orEiinlntlon or edltmlal or lnout work cm any city, town or farm pub lication: Imp 2.1 ycnr' evpeilenee In fnetory nnil office clerical and executUo work: charge fif two advertising departments, two publi cations, one order department, understand handling men and slrtns in uso in modern orflcea and mnt kinds ndiertlslng and print ing work, have made grod where I nm. but want to change Tor satisfactory reasons; am 13, but feel 10 enrs vnunger: best of refer ences: prefer to remain ucnr Philadelphia, but will gonnwliere If worth while. Address M .'(Hi. Ledger Office. YOUNG MAN would like position ns chemist In metal laboratory or chemical salesman In Philadelphia: Ins had experience along tho metal, coal and limrlrntlng oil line. Address Mr G. W. II. Crawford. 232 Robinson st., Rlnghamton. N. Y. t YOUNO MAN. tntnl abstainer, handv with tools, sttong, willing to leant and to mako himself generallv useful, wishes to chango his present occunatlnn fpr steadv work on a poultry farm. 71ft, Ledger Branch, MO) Gcr- nyintojiave. VoUNO MAN, 22 veins old. desires position In a Jewelrv liiue ; I years' expcrlonco; best of reference. 11 20l.IdgerOfflce. YOUNG MAN" desires position; rellablo: whole- sale c cmi.houso, with I"tirpiJ2,','.J-c1'Cent. YOUNG MAN, 10, In t'r Ing room: expert- enc-e In machine design. .Vl Chatham st A MAN of 30, with wide experience in pxpcu tlvo work ami large circle of friends In public nffnlrs, desires fdtu.itton requiring part or entire time, thorough knowledge of Phila delphia, capable organizer: total abstainer: htglicjtt rcfeienccs. Address Box 203.", Middlo Cltv Station. A MAN. 33 oars of app, wants a position as bookkeeper or clerk, or paymaster: can fur nish reference; also bond If rcciulrcd. 1 S3S, Lodger Central EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES -, . . COOK and chambermaid. Scotch Protestants, sisters, wish Mtti.itii-ns together; tltst-'lass city reference; 1'rotestant nurse or lady's maid, Prcilc-stant and Catholic waitresses, girls for chambtrwork nnd laundry; butlers, houseman: highest re fcrcner-i. supplied, no ohlectlnns to Ihn rotinttv. Mrs. Kane, 311 S JOlh st. Phoiio Spiueo ."Kit. MISS MARY T. MCCARTHY, 2107 Christian IIoc. l'ili I) supplies fe wants Ist-clnss i'rot., Call, male nnd f i.ile help, nil nationalities. NH'HOLLS. Ili2i r,nlnbrldgn M.. competent help; all nation- dies supplied and wanted. Phono Locust 2130 WANTED, nt tho Episcopal Office. 312 S. 12th. coolcs. waitresses, cnaniiicrin.ihls AUTOMOBILES LIMOUSINES, SUITADLD FOR FUf 'FBAL WORK OR HACKINO Locomobiles 1011 "M-jlO" Limousine, electric lights nnd generator Jnno 1011 "(MS" Limousine SllOO llill "0-4S" Limousine, with starter nnd lights jl.too 1012 "IS-4S" Limousine SIS.'.O 101:1 "d-p;" Limousine nnd Touring... S22.-.0 1014 "-:!" Limousine , x-.-t.'ii 1014 "0-iS" Llmouslno and Touring.... St-'-nn 1015 "il-SS" Limousine $3301 Other Makes 1010 Cadlllao Limousine jioo mil Oldsmoblle Limousine s.-jw) 1011 I.ozler Limousine and Touring, ...$1W0 TUB LOCOMOBILE COMPANY Or AMERICA 2311-22 Market Street. Phlla. II. A. Jenks, Mgr. Exchange Car Dept, Locust 4 CO. Race 8360 UUP.IOUILE 1014-33 touring, electric lights and startert bargain. Phone Locust Siiji J. ' B-PASS. MERCER TOURING OAR. self and electric; lights: tires llko new. I. C. MOSUR. ,10 North Rroad st. SEND FOR FHEH BULLETIN np itskii r-tiiH OORSON AUTO EXCHANGE. 233 N. BROAD BUICK ROADSTER. 11113; perfect mechanical condition; can be seen at Wjneote garage. or address W. Jones. Wncote, Pa. ' SECOND.iTAVn rAT-nq SOHOIIER, 334M3H5 Market. Ui-,,Y'IA?I'a;r AODNCY. Kerr's new garage, lellO Glrard ave. Stores $3 up. Mabel's, at That 1 Boarders l The better class -"of boarders looking for "a permanent home in a re fined neighborhood, with nice environment," con sider the columns of the Ledger a bona fide guide. They know that desir able places are advertised in the Ledger that its "Want" columns arc de pendable. Are you adver tising your vacancies in the Ledger? Begin today. Phone, write or call Walnut or Main 3000 AUTOMOBILES l'or .Halo Used cars AT BIO HAVINGS Tim PlttCES QUOTED BELOW ARI5 HPECIAL J-OR, ONE Wl'.EK ONLY, AND THE SAVING IS FROM 30 TO JIM) PER CAR WHILE THEY LAST: 1011 E. M. P., GOOD SHAPE J1S0 , 1012 E. M, F EXTRA FINE J BO 1011 STUDnilAKER, ELECTRIC LIGHTS AND STARTER iOO 10U STUDEBAKER, STARTER, ETC 453 1010 OVERLAND, STARTER 430 101.-. FORD ROADSTER 250 1011 SIX STUDERAKER SEDAN. 700 101.1 SIX STUDEnAKER 37.1 BE SURE AND SEE THESE BE FORE YOU BUY. PHILADELPHIA SALES CORPORATION BROAD AND OALLOWIIILL STS. YOU CAN'T MAKE A MtSvTAKn IN BUYING USED CARS HERE These cars were taken nt a LOW VALU ATION In exchnngo for the Increasingly dc. ninndecl Cadillac "Eight": they aro ALL STANDARD makes: they will all RUN; innnv bavo been OVERHAULED nnd RE PAINTED, nnd they are orfercd by a concern of HIGHEST STANDING. You aro thus absolutely protected. You know ns well as we do that a GOOD I'SED CAR Is n far BETTER nnd SAFER "buy" than a CHEAP NEW ONE. Roadsters. Touring Cnrs. Inclosed cars READY TO GET IN AND RIDE. Some can bo converted Into delivery cnrs at tho very small added expenso for the proper sort of body to suit your business needs. Don't mlnlmlzo opportunity the Importance of this LOOK THESE CARS OVER TODAY CADILLAC AUTOMODILE SALES CORPORATION 142 North Broad street. SALE USED CARS Which have been taken In part exchange for COLE GRANT Our entire slock of traded-ln automobiles has been marked down to clean house beforo tho rush begius. BUY NOW AND SAVE MONEY L. S, BOWERb COMPANY 21.1-217 N. Broad St., Philadelphia, $r..00 DOWN AND S.1.00 A WEEK Without real estate security, will purchase a New- Ford Car. Any other make of picas or delivery on same plan. Representative will call, or ou can call upon us. Co Opernttve Automohlto Association. Inc.. 0 and 7 N. 21st st. Spruce 4311. 020 NORTH BROAD STRELT 031 Robertson's old original Auto bchool teaches sou how to re pair unci how t-i drivn nutna (Vll NORTH IIROAD STREET 020 CADILLAC 8-cyllnder touring, late model : SD.UU. COMERY-SWARTi. 2J3 N. B ij)aa stt Wanted WANTED, old automobiles nnd old motors or farts; high prices paid, cush. Also 1013 'landers motor in good shape for sale, cheap: parts for Stearns, Autocar, Maxwell, Elmoro Crawford; now and tc-eond-liand tires and tubes for eale. B. Shorlej, Edge lllll, 1. Phone Keystono, Jenklntown 2S A. STOP. LOOK AND LISTEN! New garage opened; cars bought, sold and exchanged; accessories, new and old; cour teous assistants, expert. mechanicians, Thlla. Auto Paris ColHl's, Broad, PhlU. OLD AUTOS Wanted, Puckards, Plerce-Ar-rows. Nationals, Autocars, Locomobiles. Olds mobiles. Wlntons. fitude-hnlcei-H. IvfleeVeniia Stoddard-Daytons. Dougherty. 1728 N. UneX AU'lOMOIllLES and tires bought for Junk; any -en rt Is In .fviin - . - " -!:?"""! '.."" '"p'- -ov u-iufu b.i WANTED AUTOS FOR JUNK GET OUR , price first, pit Diamond st. Phone Park 41B. EXCHANGE new $(0 player-piano for auto. Whltmore Piano Co , 201.1 Lehigh. Tioga 725U. WANTED-Old autos for Junk. 831 N. 3d st. Phone Park OSS. WONTED-OLD AUTOS FOB TARTS. B23-83 AUTO LIVERY AND QARAQES INDEPENDENT TAXICAU CO. ,,1J31 N. WILLINQTON ST. , LIMOUSINES. TAX1CA1IS AND -.-. ..... TOURING CARS . to tyrtn. Si.nn !-ER hour And up . POP. lC83-,ir.SI, PARK TB. NEVER CLOSED TO HIRE tonen day nnd nlghli, hrnnd-new fi-pass touring ear, with robes, it. art hour; also brand-new 7-nnss. limousine. ll.RO hour: weddings, funerals, etc. Ponlar 1017 W. AUTO KEPAII-UNG 7 SPJ1EDOMETIJR THOrnLR 7 SEE HILLY AT 1113 M'.W I1CATION B10 N. ItRAOD ST CYLINDERS ItrtioRED, new pfstons and rjngs furnished, weldings nnd hrnrlng. H. H. I nderwnod fe Qo , lw, Unmllton St., Phlla AUTO SUPPLIES PARTS for Apperson, lhilck. Knox, Wlnton, .ll..lll. OLIllllll, llillllUll-I , JIUU, f.lllllll,'. Pennsylvania, Pope Hartford : slightly used tires at your own prlres Phlli. Auto Parts Co.. S23-2.-I y. nth st. Phono Park HH. HEARINGS New Depirturo Fervhe Fta. The Onllll.im Co., 1111 Arch st. Phones Walnut 1lri7, Rneo3002. AUTO TIRES , . PULLMAN TIRES Guaranteed loou miter. Compare prices. Gasoline 2iic per gi'---.. ORlM'S. 230 North Broad st. FIRESTONE DEMOI'NTAIILn BtMS for Ford ears, tin per set, Imnnllcd Duplex Tiro Co., 222S N. Rroad at. Phone Diamond 1423. DOGS BtlSSTAN WOLFHOUND for sale, cheap, 1033 N. 11th t. Phono Diamond 0705. B'LDING MATERIALS REPAIRS SUCCESSFUL BUILDERS FOR 21 YEARS We became succcsful by giving satisfac tion. Don't do nnv building or alteration work until you hno our prices. Will bo pleased to glvn estimate. We arc carpenter-) nnd general con-tmetlon people. Wo do Job bing of every bind on snort notice. Wrlto or phone for price. THE PENN HEAL ESTATE & BLDO CO. 1 loth phone-. 2 131 North Kith st, CARPENTERING AND .tOHIlINO Altera tlons of eorv kind: work guaranteed; prompt service: 22 vears In business; estimates fur nished. Penn Real Estate and Building Co., 4T I N. 10th Roth phones. HUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES IF THE THREE LARGEST BAKING FIRMS In Phlli. were to Bum baking for 12 hours thero would be a blend fnmlno In Flilln. I represent n svndlcnto which Is purchasing nn etnbllbed Kalcry. cnpltntlred nt flBn.UOo; J'.O.(Oi) subic.rlhd; X'o.tsK) left. Clos" cor poration. Nothing les than $3000 sold to liny ono iiartv. Tieasiirer nnd live dliectnr ships open. Investigate. It will pay you big. SEE MATTHIAS ABOUT IT. ill!) North 52.1 St. $300 TO Siono Invested now In n -rovWng manufacturing -firm will piv big. Will slnnd nny Investi gation, nnd banking references. Wrlto M J.lj, Ledger Office, ANOTHER OPPORTUNITY ONLY S1O0O INVESTMENT REQUIRED LAUNCHING A NEW PROPOSITION BIG RETURNS: ACT OUICKLY. M 340. LEDGER CENTRAL. EXPERIENCED PROMOTER, Influ ential financial connections, open for engagements: references demanded; will denl with principals only. M 330. LEDGER CENTRAL. MANUFACTURERS! If j nu li-uo anything In the linn of general mcrchandlso or .V. and Hie. specialties, wo would llko to represent vou In Maryland. Delaware, Vliglnl.i and Washington, I). C. M'o have an estab. tiade, and sell 011 commls. basis. For paitlc-s., npiilv Il.iltlmorc- Ccimmls slnn House, ilia w. H.iltlmnrost UiiRlmore. PATD.NTS-AltTIIUR IS. PAIGE. 711 Walnut st., Phlla.. niocli.-iiili-nl and electrical engi neer tpglstered patent nttornev; estaldlshol hero "0 vears: Inventions developed; patents, trndeiu.irks, copj rights secured and lltlgntod nn where: reje-cted applications prosecuted; pri-lttiiln irv idvli o frro. M NUFACTUfaNC. BUSINESS whole or half Intc-rest: clearing about $."000 ouniKillj. pubjeit 10 large Incicmio. $."000 to $lo,(Hci pc-eptlonal opportunity. MEYERS & JOI.Y. 411 N.lth st..RonmJ!02. A PROSPEROUS, old-established school, clearing over $0."0O ycnrlv guaranteed, can bo iiuri-li.ised fnr S'-OWi; trlnl allowed. Ad dress King. MO Sterling Place. Brooklyn, , N Y. RBSTAl'RANT, splendidly, furnished; doing good buslni-ss must be t-old; owner has other business which icqulrcs all his attention or will Ic-are for 2 montlis on trial with prlvllcgu of .'1 vears' lease. F I 111, Ledger Central. SWjs) TO INVEST, Willi services. In a prom ising manufactuiliig business that can bo made prolllnbln with Increased capital und bus exp. Address, with I iir., E "! l-ol. Cent. PICTURE THE TRE. $2."00; crowded nightly: bcnutiful. modern, no competition, booming locution, good selling reason; cacrlllco. E IIP. Ledger Celltr.ll. PARTNER for moving picture business, with S.'.OO and nblllty to run same; good deal; central theatre-. Atlantic City, N. J. M .',01, ledger OfOce. DROP-POCKET COAL YARD ON P. AND R. FOR RUNT, $10 MONTHLY. 030 WEST TIOGA S'I OYSTER AND CHOP HOUSE. Established 2d jcnis: will sacrllko on account of slckiiuss. (Kill Green st. GROWING ORCHARDS, nil nges. for eale. HARRY DARLINGTON 1420 Chestnut st. VICTOR J. EVANS L CO.. Patent Attorneys. Washington. D. C. write lor iiescripiivc-iioi)Ki,'i. MUST SELL pocket-blllliird roomp takes In $10 to $.".0 vveokls; thrto tables; In good location; call oyenhus. Frcclerlcks, ISthnncYqrk; A MAN vvltli S2u00 to Invest can secure 11 good lob and receive security and good Interest on Ids iuonej II 21(l.I.edgcr Office. PARTY with SV'OUO r"$'ifloo can learn of a good R per cent. Investment by addressing ll.'ll.Iiedger ofllce. HOTEL. Occar City. N. J., loc-nted near tho lieaiii; iirsi-riahi iouowihse. ror particulars address P 71 1. I,edgcr Ofllce. DRY GOODS Cents' furnishing store for sale in business district; long lease. Bon 400, Chestcr, I -. YOUNG MAN, w'.th office, desires a Phlladel- phl.t agency. S. Gross. 223 Drexel Building. Wanlrcl WANTED Agency for first-class salable mill and factory specialty. Wo have plenty of capital and nn organized belling forco familiar with the trado In Pennsylvania, Ohio nnd Michigan. Manufactures only need teoly. Address p 722, lodger Ofllce. BUSINESS PERSONALS EVENING LATEST STYLE FULL-DRESS SUITS CLOTHES Delivered and Calied for Free, CALL OR PHONE POPLAR 233 IHRB l KN 1:VCN'NOa LEIDNliR'8,--10th & Glrard ave.. S. W. cor. FULL DRESS RITI-PS Cutaways, 'IMxedos and Sack Suits . To hire and mode to order. NEUBAUHR, THE TAILOR, 10 N. 0th st. ne-n iiieie. vvainut .019. STKNOORAPHER. expert, handle any amount of work- at hume. dlctutlon by phone or nt office, all work deliveu-d promptly; highest references from h.nlslled clients Mrs. M. Biker. BOS S. Wth st. Belmont 5183. BUSINESS PERSONALS SUPERFLUOUS HAIR removed by electrolysis, the only permanent wav. Eyebrows arched. MISS SMITH, 402 Keith Theatre Bldg. Miss Hoppe, hnlrdrser, .facial mnssnge,man. leur'g, form Mint Arcade, with Mlssjmlth FULL DRD3S SUITS AlT.now.'strtljJi, good? Isrgo assortment. SAMUEL Cotll'HH,, 1010 OIRARD AVE PHONE POPLAR 0312. DRESSMAKING AN-' MILLINERY Tim Mcdowell dressmaking school. 307 Denckla Bldg.. 11th nnd Market sts. . HEMSTITCHING. 10 rents a yard; nil mate rials. A. HHtcllAHD. 1113 CHESTNUT ST. PICTORIAL REVIEW PATTERNS lOTTER SCHOOL OF DRESSMAKING DAILY AND EVENING SESSIONS IH.-i OIRARD AVE; DRESSMAKING, cutting nnd fitting taught, prac. dressmkr. 1235 W. Somerset. Tlo, 2033 W. EOR SALE BILLIARD AND POCKET TABLES-Atso bowling nllevs; easy pavments. iiuu.H-WICK-JilALKE-COLLENDER CO., 1002 'Arch. BILLIARD, pocket, 2d-lvand tables; repairing: supplies. Clark-Herd Mfg. Co., 2421 NIrpn BILLIARD, pool, comblnitlon, 2d-hnnd bought, sold, rented, exeh'd, Kenfer. 320 Glrard nve. BUILDINGS FOR SALE Two stccl-framc partly inclosed buildings, suitable for industrial plants; galvanized iron sides; slate roof; size 120 feet x 138 feet, and 120 feet x 160 fectj height, 24 feet in the fiat, GO fec't to peak. MAKE OFFER. THE DE FRAIN SAND CO. Beach and Berks Sts., Phila. CASH REOISTERS, new nnd second-hand; total nddera ns low- as $.10, on easv monthly piyments; nil reglslcra solcl by us fully guar anteed. Tho Nntlonal Cash Register Co., 7.:o Chestnut st. DESKS, Ollng c.iblnets, nafes, telephone bnothi and onieo furnlluro and flxtures of everv description: ued, but In flno condition, and xerv cheap; free delivery nnvvvhere. 1 1 1 'GHI'.S. 11TI I A N I ) nUTTONWOQD. DESKS, large nssoflmciit, nlso household fur niture. Billing Central Second-hand I'urnl turo Company, HOI IKid-ll Callow hill st. ENVELOPES WITH PRINTING-FIno grade: r.no. size ii'i, 7r,c: umki. $2. wji. duke, 2101 Sedgley aw-.. I'bll.idclphla. Send for samples. Best ever offered. s 2 n . r. 0 VICTROLA VI AND SIX 10-INCH D. T. RCCORDS Guaranteed lo be In perfect condition. An exrellent niwnt for ono who Is looking for n good machlno nt a reasonihlo price. Fifty cents weekly nrceptod. Cull or wrlto for complete description nnd largo lllustratod catalogues. HEPPE'H UPTOWN STORES Cornor otli and Thompson sts. Philadelphia, Pa. 30 CENTS WEEKLY BUYS A VICTROLA. Cull or vvrllo for rni ttcubirs. HEPITS UPTOWN STORES Corner oth and Thompson Bts. Philadelphia. I'a. $2'-,-VICTl!OLA AND RECORDS. LARGE HIS5LX IN GflOI) CONDITION. RIEDER'S l.OAN OFFICE. 12S MARKET ST. $20 DIAMOND EARRINGS. PURE WHITE AND PERFECT: VALUE $.". RIEDER'S IN OFFICI3. 12S MARKET ST. JirTTA DIES' DIAMOND TIFFANY FIN G'.MlllMJLVT RING; VALUE M.",. RIEDER'S . LOAN llFF'ICi:. I2S MARKET ST. tO-V-DIAMOND RING, .PURE AVHITE AND inii.' Hi"1': .VAI-tll? SlflO. RtEDER'S MAX OFri('E12S .MARKET ST. SIX BEAUTIFUL BOXWOODS. 100 years old"; now Is the time to transplant. Addrc-ss Henry Mundt. (j.ikl-ournn. Chctcr Co.. Pn. 'Vr?'-''c- si'T ltoii'it its- silvMMi- vai.fi:; J12S0; NEW CONDITION. RIEDER'S l.OAN OFFICi:. 12S MVRKET ST. SAF1 Flrenroor cloclne out sllnhtlv used, nil sires .t mnkp: hu haignlns. 210 N. Fourth. KEATING MAKI.V-KELSEY HEALTH HEAT Is better and cheaper than rtcam or hot water. Puro fresh ulr with normal mntnure. MAKIN KEIIEY, (1 N isth st , Phlla. INSTRUCTION STENOGRAPHY nnd bookkeeping by Individual Instruction, courno icqulrcs onlv fow weeks, pas. guar. 711 1 Locust (Washington Souaro). MACHINERY AND TOOLS COST IS MEASURED bv the results ohtlllnod, nnd in no oilier way: then reduce costs unci Increase results with vnur machine bearings lined with YOI'OM ANTI-FRICTION METAL. IRON and BRASS FOUNDRY. 115 North Second. .TAMES YOCOM & SON. POWER-PLANT Eljl iPMENT Djnamos. motors, bnllc-rs, steam anil oil en Bines, pumps, air c ompresiors . FRANK TOOMEY. Inc . 127 N. 3d St. DART STOCKS AMU tiii-m" PIPE-CUTTING MACHINES, ETC. CHAJtl.ESJiOND COMPANY. .".20 ARCH ST. BlyOWERS and exhaust fans, ventilating fans, American and C'ciwell locssuie blowers: gas fuinaces. J. Nuttn'l, l.js North Rtli. CORLISS ENGINE. l(KI2-lnch, Ohio, heavy duty, left hand; excellent condition; Imme diate delivery. Seyfprt's. 137 N. .'Id st. DYNAMOS, motors and mac-hlnerv boiuht, sold nnd rented: armatures repaired. Mala 01. Mark"t BOca. Ypiir-dPv 22lNJId sL PIPE, serond-halid, nil sles. Phlla, Second. Ilnnd Pino Supply Co., 100.1 N. 7th. Phonos. MT4SICAL INSTRUMENTS EDISON DIAMOND-POINT I'HONOGRAPH v-ost $00 new. . This outfit Is cmplete, with record- nnd will bo sold for .f.'!-, jmyablo 73c. weekly. Call or write for complcto description and large Illustrated catalogues. HEPPE'S UPTOWN STORES Corner oth nnd Thompson sts. Philadelphia, Pa. S3S LARGE ZONOPHONn TALKING MACHINE With Cabinet nrd 0, Records Finished In beautiful quar erod oak: cost new $b; can bo paid 73c. weekly; an excel, lent bargain; In good rondltioii. Wrlto for lompleto list of bargains and special trial offer. HEPPE'S UPTOWN STORES Corner oth nnd Thompson sts. Philadelphia. Pa. 5b5 CHICKERING UPRIGHT PIANO: HOWARD VINCENT. 838 N. 8TH. OLD GOLD CASH PAID FOR DIAMONDS. PHECiotia f.t0!e8'-sol,'3i silver, platinum, false teeth, I'hlla. Smelting anil Jlef, Co., J28 S, 11th st. OLD GOLD, sliver, nlatlnum. nlnteeit nnrn nlH style .ievyelry, teeth plates bought for cash. ist. 1H7U. j. i.. Clark, refiner. 807 Sansom. HIGHEST PRICKS PAID FOR DIAMOMrvt old gold, platinum, false teeth: also pawn m-evvva. aovcj r iiuejrv ay., ti UOOr front. OLD, GOLD-Cnsh paid for old gold, silver, nntlque clocks; wl II call. Bell nlione, Locust 12I0? RODOKRS. 27 South 17th st. -& CPNTINHNTAL . STQBAOK WAREHOtlHPl PACKING MOVltV'iiV?.. "''.?!. ABOVE CHESTNUT- ..'. T pets, cleaned.' VeonVA"u... !UHitt.Iheso-iiA(,6"W FIDELITY FIREPROOF WAnptcYtTT-T 18U-18I0 MAIIKT2T 43? , USE YPA.W.'NoTvNn-pil.ppi K'NGT w'''utDVtFr,VMc.,P?N7:itnEft W. NORTH FtJS PHONF, Ir,.'llM 1llM. ATLAS Tf.AS STORAGE WAREHOIT?i;i O.ovltlg. packing, ehlppng. Vsrie, , l-llir.J-?for estimate? MaiketJ Storsr xt.rir.. .Lv"iii n2M -..'-i nvi nnn -3 jiut',sr( P,n&lA 2"J6-'IT-.AV, reh. trTnnii" :" nd Xia" " 1 ,i.. .' "1 f FP?I? m movineS..T7r- bi's'Ridgo-'a'vp-"?,;"- Levin linSf; ; si oc wuis turniture. fa so teelh fiv,. v. ." "'" broken Jewelrv, gold, si ver MSf.ry. it Jjoiig ht.J5WainuCv-ln'l t jo&o. !gVff D''".'V.-TEWELRV, false teeth ,JrI,-!r5i , Ing extra "high ,Prl,'-er Fo?rfn',en's UM.' " r",n,r,r,""ne. Vnlnut nc.-.. " cl0"HiJ rSlLyJ-TZ,227 nnd 211 N nth si " r.lcrp.nt-T.- m....; 1 1 Oenllemen's cast-off eld h ng " S, . coats, shoes nnd. .trousers. Highest' ATI'S iff ni.''MPnre.Jirnn , flflij rSLffiVAi CAST-OFF CLOTHINOWp posHlveTvS -nTj-i.tliisoVthstlh0hiT'i5!' 'A ",p ''.'!''""'.: IdghTprleT TirtTc. 1 CAHT- sTotthn t-iii (.iiit'i. m rininitii ntt -'i a mi. .. ." vr J-l.2!l'.KellFsoi,n8tirnnd SpVlng OsriSJ- i' CAST-OFir CLOTHING Tlll,-.i ..?. .Jk, A. i for ladles' nnd men's cloth-g hats VhSIs '.w ''J PhoneVoplar..1sni. BlnJke?. T255' PoD1J,fr h FALSE TEETH, old gold, silver, plfSnT hlghestprlcespald. 2 S. nil! st '""""""l riTRNITURE piinn carpets. I.ntlm7;-. ..! or t, :.in houses .bought for cash ',', ;i how- large. .1. Bernstein 1 1 'I Hldgo ave FuitNiTtfitf :-p.; HIGHEST prices pild fni iKB nnperTninr '' ?lnns give c-oire.t w-clgbi Phons wl. W A. Berrv '" ''1" "iverfeMaHJ IIIHIIKHT nilKHT prices paid fnr ii.-w-snri."mnMi-r J -T-'- cnrnp 17-"' ,'.. . ""'. .?-n.l Postal A M . L. Rosongnrlc-n r.oit Untn wV.i s-Sf I'lj-IIEST PRICE p-,1,1 fr entlmen's t. off clothing. 12117 Urn-Mi. ph. I'reston StST- ROOMS FOR RENT AItcll.U023-Drslr.ildp single and double roomv.S prlviitP lnths;vvell hcatcl $2 p Knruce 3. ARCH. .(MS-Nuv furiilshed rooms, $1.75 ,o,'-i1 gunning water. Ixirust 12H ,T. ''- P,; ! BHOA I ), N.T M3 Uniisu.i llv Infgp. "vvcibfur: " ' nilipdrioiitrnnm nn.l I nth- modern, ''T -ii '-- 1 oe 1. i-.t-..i Aicr.i- llvrlv nnd niel fiirnhfied rooms, well limited reference". r CHESTNUT, -iittt-Aitiiictlve suite, "prlratr Rh:nlsoslngIe)r double room reference. CHESTNUT, L'lll'l (new luan.iuc-tnc-iitl -Allrae. eive rooms, pingiooi en mitn rnod., ref, ' f CHESTNUT. -r-MS lliautlfiillv turn ToofnT well heated, for lnmlni-sw nf.nni, . -v,.' CHESTNUT If (ll-Vi-iv eleMncM.-single rSnri"T-i 2d nnd ",d lloors: stenin bet. Ph. Locmt B fjffl uiii ns t r'uu-lersn.ii.i, si-. mil-floor roonT i.? nllil lift til Hi I .ill intle nit I...... Will -, H- e'lVII etJ 1MI V I'llll'NI r1 4 CHESTNUT. lini-P.p.-iutlful rooms slnglo or 1 r UIillo r.irl.l,A.I ah .... r... ..,,.., VJ- . ,, ....... , , .tii T,,.-., ,11 inn 111 iiisnc-n. G1UAUD AVE.. ll::7 2 in wlv furn front rail.. nrly.itpbnth; rearon.ible Poplar Pins J. Gltl.L.N, 1S12 lllrhnionl ltnoni- singlnuid n., B.il.n. ..In..,.. 1 . r. t .. ....... ...,..- , .. .-.,- -.. "ii. i. . en- nu. tin,, -i . tieiup noaro HAEL AVE, r.l27-Nii.v fuinlshecl room!,. well heated, southern exposure nhone. MT. VERNON. BIOS-Rnonis fnr lodt-lng, Jl.Mj 1 all convs. ; toinf. : clean, pbi-crful. Pop. fiGfiiw, tfl JIT. VERNON. usi-Nevviv furn sitting room: 71 " "in iivit v-uiiiiiiiiivjiiii iiiiL w iirr 1 nji Xhiili, PARK AVE, N., 2ill7-Ili-nried prlvnto (niu will rent furnished rooms, with or without lioaid:rcasoinbl( Plione 1 In ."iSlr j, , SPRING GARDEN. tat- Cnmmiinl, itlnr fen. - t fiinlMhcil-reOncilpeople. l'opl.er "tl,"0 w 1. , SI'KI t L, L.li Tloonia. slngip oi pa suite: DrL li.itlis; prof, ofnecs: steam licit electricity. - SPRUCE, lil2-lirgo suite, n'cuvc nnd lain: slnglo room, private bath, i nullum exposurt, SPRUCE, 2022 Owner Ini well furnlihtcl b.ie-hplor apt.. 2roonis.md bnth 0 replace. WALLAfTE, 1012 llitlfuiifurnislicii house; ront exci. bnaril;ailiilis. eb-iitlsi pn 4 is; w. 7TII. N.. .110 Rooms, t-lngli- or en suite, for housekeeping nnd lodging: $1 J."i up 11T1I ST.. N., li"i Central, line io.im for busl- ness people. Phone Wnlnut "111 . 12TH. N.. 2o".7 2 icimmunlcatlng rooms, sec- ond-floor front, or l.lige silting room, phone. 12T1I. N., 21 12 Two furnished rooms, light housolepg. ; business women, be-ttpd. phone. 13TH. N 1307 Cnmrort.ible furn rooms;' pliyslclrin's ofOcp; elc-i trie lights rop. 3.1117. 13T1I. S., 210 Ne-nlv furni-elu d rooms, modern convcnienc es: pnone. I-4V ir.TH. S.. 312 Gc-ntleimn can have slnets ' jnoni nnjoinu iinin.nisn proreisionai otnee. 10TII. S.. 'I'l AYell-fiirnlshrd room 2d front; lor gentleman; lutining w iter Locust .HU-. 10111, N. ::."i.l. Second and thirl .floor, well furn. rooms: hot-w iter belt, gi nMemen: ph. 22D. N., ,'i(4ll Nicely fuill . well heated 2d unci ,.ii iioor rooms, tioso nun w 20TI1. N., IihIS Nlci lv furn. loom 2d-(loor tinnt: ncel. cirtcrv ice , go ui loi Pk. nulSA. 3STII S.. 221 ('nmfmtnhlv furnl-died '- -nil ::.! poor muni-: well ne.iteil hoard op.vfll. 13T1I. S.. 1311 or 2 ce nth men can have 3 nicely riirnisncii rooms. 2d Poor, private n un: smm nuuu inmiiv ."OTH, N., 1 in Desirable furn. moms, prlvan jam:, homo eomforts. near "L " Bel 2:103 M. 210 ST. MARK'S SQ 1121 cm I I ik iO-Two e looms, two baths; pilvatp famlh men pro lerreo; pnono; nrc.aKr.ini: u cii-orea (i.e. c 'tjw.eii.i, i i eiriUin-'U iimie i uiiiii in incs. modern, private home eb trip lights; 10- minutes to city nnn. Telephone- iiarnig 415. GIJNTLE.MEN who de-sll will urnlshed sln glo or doubto looms nc-ir I'-o.td nnd Locust wrlto .M ::.it. Ledger centm BOARDING BALTIMORE,. .410 I-llK-. slllinv second-floor room- coiiino or gcutieiin n e e'lent table. CHESTNUT, ncU'e Two (.eutlenieu i an luvt i-epanito room end board in pilvato homo: pnnno llallllg i i in vv DIAMOND, 20117 Laigc rooms se.utliern ni posuio; single', en sure- reus . laoio i;j.: pn. Sl'ltUCE. 1010 Laigc.buunv rotnn with board; running water, j-tc-im heat ,-1 utor Sl'UUCi:. lo2S.::o -single-nnd loul-li rooms, 4ih Poor, well hc-alccl: e hob e tabli imnrd. Sl'llUCU, 1221-2(1 (Brlsnionde-i Porn rooms, Hlugle n suite: private I etbs- tuOlo board. BPRUCE. 12'!ll Lad would like to sublet vei-siury room b uanco nr e aoll , 15TI1, N., 1330 i:xcrptlon.ti uite bath. 2 orS gentlemen, nr couple, cleclrl Uy gas, ste-ni ueai: also uniurn. apis . tune kuc-sii jiuwu.. ivnir v iT-ri Aer..,,iv uiix-in vai-H. with board: reflncd; tiiliio board Diamond 23MW. 10TU, N.. :i2 Attractfvelv fuiulsbed second- noor siinnv rooms, excellent i.com iuiuho. S0TII. S.. 131 Handhomely fum.ahed front room- electricity: hot-water heal nnons lill o. 1.1111 d. , ., , Attractive 2d-lloor front, excellent table. -private family: hot-water heat electric llfOt ,., , a rm-ii c-e- PRIVATE family,- nlco nelgb'nood, will bear!, elderly senil-lnvalld or helpless rereons. in eluding nursing, reasonable M MSJ-eajtenj Sl'IirRIJAN OVERBROOK Gentleman enn have third front room, adl. bath; family of 3 adults, superior board. P 701, Ledger Office rj BOARD WANTED GENTLEMAN desires good board wltblaMja minutes warn or loin anu tnesmui ; v--e - genial people. !' 147v J.eugcr -enii-i. SANITARIUMS 1IEAUTIFUL location, special sclentino ctrt nervous, elderly: overy comfort, net Booklet, Dr. Randall, City Line, Chestnut STORAGE jvirvA.NNs stToltArm 1 1 1 ll Of- lnl., k.,. ,ans :hoth Jnie,.1'1', fl a, WES? PIIII-J- VIATIC ir KI- ffBT Vfi, WANTED T4- c oin noons. Willi nrlr.,. t -.. ..'..-':-. tOint.JST . Hoc. (People's sfore). "in'd'S' llih'a?" AV nART.ni.-l- nr rvi..,... -!!l1 in Orrtrtt- In nl-..U .. .' 'cc.i , By C A. VOIGHT r ..i .-.in-. . , . i jl 0 f-lUKTi GOT A . " N I c.A-Vo.-ateW-. . jV VouoowVWo-rHiu 7b Do om N Z . ,M 6LAOTV(c ,--, T OM tv V Ukc my y T Hr Mo-SMe ( HAWK- I old 6IHl had More J st p-rE jA ) 3 r. 1 k