rft&&Fr"-rtfitz v FRANCE STRONG UNDER PRESSURE OF WAR OUTLAY fenormous Expenses Fail to It Cause Pessimism in ip Financial World iCASH NEEDS ASSURED By YVES GUYOT ,,, t.'Aienre Kconomltiuo rt Klnnnclcre. .' . Special Cable to tlio Evcntnn t.riaer I PAtllS, Jnn. 18. Tlie French Treasury ' Wc A"Bsti lf, hns borrowed $3.8-1,- MOOo lincl in atiiiiuuu nun cunt-u i-ti,-SrAOOO from tho Bank of France. Kx M for tho first tliroo months of the JJr,Vrtt -enr will total $000,000,000 'm... sinenses aro enormous, but fall U cause tho least pessimism In tho French world of nnancc. Our Treasury il.A. m ntlll enslli- nlnced, and. moro- ifw there Is still n cllentelo for tho tinds of national defense. nt, tcccldv statement of tho biff banks ?hvo that thoro Is ntlll n largo amount ''I? floating capital In France, and tho iSirfii is assured of finding money for v .iTTts needs. Yostc-uny's statement of p' ivt iBank of Franco shows that It hns Y 'ZtttJio tho amount of $l,002,2fiO,O00. which fiKmnjes with HOO.OOO.000 lti tho Helens. iiT Aennltn nil tho lntlcr'B efforts. Ger- 8'4n says that tho cold In their coun ts' E itlll nmounta to 800.000,000, and that m j.maro-Eolng to tako measuros to force P 'rjjrthla Into tho Ilelchsbank. Franco has Wizit had to uso force, u simple request tvjnthe peoplo bolnjr all that Is necessary fe inako cold flow Into tho Hank of M (?be Annual mcotlnH or tho Hank of fc'iYaaco was held today. Tlio report said F ihat the year 1515 showed a general ln- E Urt-UO In ino nnanciai unit commercial If Df tho wnr. F- The situation of capital bclnff paralyzed i-,viho outbreak of tho wnr Is now bolne Is rrtAttMy remedied, following tho decision " ' of tho banks not to tako advantage of ' . tho moratorium jot current iiccouuis. mo v'rtport showed also n pnticral amcllora . iitan of tho economic situation, nnd tho L! 'return toward normal commercial condi tions Is mauo ovincni. uy uio uiniiniuion of paper held by the hanks on which ptymont has been doforred under the moratorium. While, tho yoar 1915 began with tho banks holding $635,GOO,000 of pa per uncollectible under the moratorium, this amount has. been voluntarily reduced by the makers of tho paper to $.107,600,000. New accounts have not felt tho snino Impulsion, but, nevertheless, show n very ippreclablo Increase. . MINING STOCK QUOTATIONS TONOi'AII STOCKS. Hid. Asked .hi iS .S2 .in 4l. I Tlil .'nil Ilm Unlter Ill iW'lluKnm.'ir.i .'l E.MIdsrsy L KMItimh Extension '-1 SMonmiu - kXortn star i. trTrtrmoflh Hclmnnt 4" tj.Tet.opah Hxtcnelon I BTononah Mining ilw. rtt-snie una ."- JWest End 7S OOMJFIKLI) STOCKS. lUttinta '-! ,'WUf nun i- ; Booth II fBulldo? Z- cod ' ECOmblnatlnn Krai tlon . .117 .111 . ,n4 ir, . .ni . .BO ..'.2 . .(! .!"! . .17 .IS .1.2.1 1.WI . JO 21 . .." .ml . .(It .11.-. . .hi .hi . .Ill .IV. . .us .(11 . .1" "u . .'jr. ,:i.-. ijDIsninmineid n n . PIy . . tjFlorfnce . jJOoldllelri Consolidated PfloldneM Merger ,aiPbo t:xtenutiin t K(vna Ota . SanJ Ken Silver Pick ,i MISCHLLANKOL'S. , Klrr.Aitn i Klmberly . . . SN(ito HI. I lAriioni l'n S-jH, rlirsaa vvondci U . THE WEATHER Pi- 0flici.il Forecast WASUINOTOX. Jan. 2fi. For eastern Pennsylvania Cloudy nnd '.somewhat coldrr tonight and Sattuiltiy, with prohablv rain In south una rain or snow In north portion, modciute north- wut to north winds. The storm that was central over Illinois , yesterday linn passed rapidly northcast ,; ward to Maine and New Ilrunsulek with f Increasing energy, lK'ing accompanied by feneral light rains over Its entire coui.se. TJus Western cnlfl nrpn has crossed tho '. Mississippi valley and has spread over the Lake region and the Ohio basin nt the rear of thn stnrm. rmisinir n ilroil ill tom- 'perature of about 20 degrees in those dls jtrtets since yesterday morning. Tho storm mat was entering on tho Pacific coast yesterday has moved Inland over tlio 'Plateau region and has developed gieat ,'lntenslty. U. S. Weather Uurcau Bulletin Observations tnkrn nt R n. m.. Eastern time. 4 R Inat Tlnln. Vrlfli. -J.ftstlon. n.m n't. fall. Wind. Ity. Weather. Atlanta. Ga. . . iai ml S I.t P.Cloudy 14 Clomlv l.t ("linicly l.t rioudy III Cloudy 21 ll.iln J.t Clc.ir l.t noinly l.t Clotitlv 11' rioudy l.t Snow Stuntta city . . r.n 44 Bltlmnrn i'Ji nL v HW NV SV KgiMnrcK. n. i.:h '.hi B'.R?,i?!' Mass . . nu as .02 i curlnton.' 8. c. r.s .is s vukaku, hi. -it t, lit w .24 N .00 W N' uncignatl, Ohio 4'J 4'J onvr, Col . .. o O Defrolt. Mich S4 4 OtlVMton. Tex . Ot 112 lUrriiburir. Ph. X! :! HitUru, N. V . nn B2 HuiUx. N s... lit! Tl : w I'inuiiy .02 SV lis Cloudy ., v l.l fiouiiy . SV 12 Cloudy Oil KV 12 Cloudy una. Mont. :! .Ill ril'S0' u. '- i .01 N l.t riouuy : liivllsnaDollj, Ind, :t2 .12 .as NW ID Cloudy ciuonville. Kla, l!2 a .. K l.t Clear I 'Kansas city . H II . . N , -JO Snow Kjioxvllle. Tenn. M ut . sv l.t Cloudy f. Wltle Roelt. Ark. 41.' 1.18 NK I.t cloudy i K ""i,.cal. 4ii 41 1,111 N'W I.t Clear f 4"taIHB. t.y. . -Ill -III H?VAL'?- Tenn. ni (12 :m K I? cloudy . . K l.t P.CIoudv .40 11 l.t Cloudy . . SK l.t Cloudy .. Hv no Cloudy lj Vvirans . in in C. .v'x i o4 "VflDlM, rfAllr Va. sv . Cloudy N 12 Cloudy N Hi riiiuily aw l.t p.cioudv ' 14 Cloudy SV 111 Cloudy 10 12 Cloudy K I.t Snow MK 12 Cloudy Uhoina, OkU. IR IK .24 rBilUiltlDhld .14 M UJBSEWN,"" 5i M .02 OJ .fill .OS -- .,.,, afiij, . , ,r ill) prUaod. Ore. 211 20 aih,T funV Til 1. R. touts. Mo. Sit 24 e;i.rSu!- Minn. NV I.t Cloudy EU,Uki ' un In,.. :u t Lake. Ulan .'111 "K Ld H I'lOUdV Antonio. Tex. Ill 4il ,i 1! 1 IUIn ' SHllnlM'- 4'-' 4HI NW I.t llaln, kAftS 'v.". I iHI 32 .SS SB 14 Cloudy iiEil.Sje. Slarle.. 2 2 M NW I.t Cloudy Jfnlon. 1'a. .11 !V2 . SIV I.t I'.CIoudy lif.Sf- r "- "2 . Ni: l.t ciounv 'wjM, Cari..'4 .40 N lb Clear 'Uelow sero. MARRYING OFF iiusDi,.. r, .ii.tir, a r I MPU&B MEpl IfHE'cT VERV STRICT! f AlM'T, " f HE N UNCLB JEPrHAlHB-4 UEcTHA! WHAT SS'T - TOBACCO WE KBRE TODAV KIND Or A ZtSmiS I E' ) A VIUE AND P0R. A UONfr UlSIT StOUT IS I tSUTTERMIUd. i m J TmV JI. villi--,. , Lier-i 11 i"ii I wecu- I UNDERWEAR MADE IN PHILIPPINES REPLACING THAT OF FRENCH ORIGIN Islanders Producing Better-made Goods, Which Also Are More Elaborately Hand Embroidered. Batiste Used in Manufacture I'lmiol, m." "." ,1lm,"lv RcltltiR nil the A"' in- - "nt. nf l"l-lm, Collins inr nil "uT.-. ''-JtlilnK In that ureal .liin , V. f. !M,r ,lt and the not I in I .J ,V "f 0,,tn""nf '"'". I bavo Rods ,o, f,,,,,t;Xrrlel,c- 'r''- Preneh broldo.L? 0f wlllrh "r Plnlwirnlclv em- as far a Jh "' 1ir!",f''' nml ll,o ar. Industry? h"W' lm'' not ""'tl the "Hilt a most InlnrnQlln. .......- .. .,., lrtv"lnL?C '"I.1" ll! '''"llPl'Ino Islands Is mnr i "V ".'.' r.M I'ro.litcl out of t tho i ." " ."'."'mm'. It M hfttnr mnita ... niiiiu riau lornlflir !,,,. i nH(l i.i , tunn the v...i. ...'.". ' """"cieii IIM..A.I " '.".fflH1!."l'lJ' "ft RO --. ...,w ,-,iH p. phi". The t'lllplnna Upo a. oatisto wlili'li r rrnrii naliipook. 1 I ,i. , "". i tun nut nunc rrrtnln is woven by thpm or not. Nonn of this broldery. "u.iuumK jne cm- u,XZ."xn':rnU "iterlnc Int. n women's "" huh season are (Jenrirnlln .ii'iiu a very nimv al.A... . ...... ... . Is lnn.l,. l m ,V ;""-' iiiuieriai WIIIOII taffntn " VWV Yrk nml """ WlllOW taffntn. ov'er'l.n.r0"11."'" 'rl ,0,!'01, tt0 ' scarcely noticeable. ..T.. ":.."".. "I,L l,,e "iiTeases were In rtw ,1 nri """ ''aVO ,,ot commencrd .V?.?i , ,ll,"?oll,, me ruiitiliiB to IlKht Syc!" ' Wl,ICl' ,Io"'t re"'"rt! rn,'"h oitocor.ATi:-A ma i.vdihtut. ii,'?.'n,y l'7;jns u,,c "mler the Impression hat chorolato and cocoa are nindn from tlio ordinary cocoa nut." s,ii, j. A- ODonnell, HnteM iniinngpr for It. O. Wilbur & Sons, chocolate ninnu-fni-tureri. 23 North 3d street "As u matter of fact, thp are the in n n it f a c t u red product of an en tlrelx illfferHnt fiult. hiiovvn oh the cocoa-fruit or co coa pod Tho tree on which this fruit or pod grows is a native of the tropics, and conies principally from the tronlcal ti.irts J A. 0'Ik)Nm:i.i. of Africa and South Ameilca. "These pods, which resemble In shape the 01 dinar, encoanut, but ate smaller, are cut from the trees and split open by tho nntixi's Inside tho ikxIh arc a num ber cf lieaiis, which nre taken out and dried, the husk Is thrown away. liciiiK of no value. Then the beans nie put in bass mid shipped. In appcitiunce, the bciins lusenilile pe.ich stones "When we teeelve the beans they arc llrst of all thniouKhlj clcdiieil. Then they nre masted and crushed and tho GRAIN AND FLOUR UIIKAT. -rtfM elf-til, t.VJ..'.Hi liucli. Tin- imir litt wan "Ucuh, liut nxport limits wcro koii i l ally below 11 unrktiblt 1mm I (Jtiotritlnn-i: Vitr lntH, In export elcx.itor No. 'J rwl, spot nri'l .l.immi) $1..':mm,h, .No. Z Huiitlif-ru rptl, 1.::tfil..ls j-teaiiicr Nn. '2 reil, '.:,1i .17. Nn. " n:, Sl.:i."Ttl .'IT. rclm-tcil A. .-sUItUn i.:n'. ri-jo-tpii it. sLaifit i:t. roltN. HpcpIiHh, l4.ti.Vi lnwh. 'lY.ule una qutPt. but pib'eK ruletl Klo.itl ijuotfttotiH l'n r tois for lot nl trutle, uh to lornUon -Wi'st-nn No. 'J ellou, sJWsV- . Prt-rn Mfjuiipr p!Um. Mi'fiv.'tiyc. , teni Nn. : icllow. MigsVe : Southern .wllon, M)IiMV.. rob, per 70 lbs. MlfiSlP. OATH Uroelpts. H!i. huxh. noniand naa tnlr Mti-l nrlct'H woro up I ni.tlnt.ilnci. (-jun-tattoii'4 No. '2 nlilie. .VctLOc stiintlirrt white, SstiriS3t'. No. ;i white. M1tT,Wgc . Nn. 4 white, "ifitlin : Farnr;lo o,itn. ."l'.jii.;ip. . purl tletl natH, RrailP'l. r.ii-(iri7'--i". ri.fH'It.- UoiplptH, J!-', bnrrels and t;s (Ni pounds In ni Uh. Mill MmltM worp well tiustulned, bat the hulk of the Uniltx-d tr.iiM nclnns ujih In M'cond-lund htm kn, uhlcli weio relalUeh i hi tip. Quotatlntu ppr ltt'l llw. In woml Winter, elear, WJlTwiil. do., K'rnlKht, ?uTm--": d.i., iMtmt. fii.TiiiaTr- Kan-Ha-. tlejir, juie hjk'1'3. $.y.MKnl do. t-trnlKht, Into saekH, $iVnrt.'J7,, do , patent, Juto ,i k, ti.'2rfli.:: Hpilnir, firrt dear. ."7."AH. do., Ktrnlcht. $r-ftfl '-''' 1.. patent, 9iUS.Ti 7 . do., foAorite brnnrt. S7.'-.'Vti7,.v, city mills, cholro aml fani'j patent, .T7.-.7.ri); vlty mills, reg ular era iles- winter, dear, ,-lir-iUil: do, btmlxht. 7ittW: do., patent, $u.:i,"f(0 7" UYIJ KLOl'It uat fpilet but ilrm under lliiht ofreriniK'fir. Wo iioto $.".W(1 per hbl.. as to quality. PROVISIONS The market i tiled Arm with n fair jobMnK demand anil prb-ts or lard wire a nhade hU'her. Quotations runnt'd as rollnvvrt f'lty bent. In sita. smoked nnd atr-drlrd. IffJ.V'. , Wetern beef. In -.etH. moked, HiL'.V. , ejt beef. knuekleH and tenders. moked and air-dried. "itft'J'e. ; Western beof, knurklCM and lenders, Hinoked. t!il'n-7e beef hams, Jl'Sii'tO, poik, I'ntnllv, f.riOit-t ham. S. P. eured, lnm-o H'ail.V, do.. 8klnni'd, loom., tMil,it..t- . do, do., sinoKed. l7l4vSi. other hams, ttinokd. Mty cuipfl. uh to brand und morns 1"l-?n"i. haniH. Knuiltetl. Wi.itein mred. Ii-Jj.17. . do, boiled, boneless Sik. , pluile Hhoulder. fi. l t'tireil, loose. 10Va .: d, xmnked. ll-jWl-'- . belllps In pickle, aecmdlnc to uerase, loose. lli'ulU'-jC, brealcfa't baton, nn In hinnd and nvernKe. city cured lr-tfti--.., breakfast bneon. Western rtitwl l.lfrUk., lanl, Wifsu-ni. lertueu, In tierces. U -!., do. do., do., tuhs, 1 1 i . : ilo.. pure Uty. kettle undered. tri ileivii ill. ilo.. pure city, krillo rcnncied. In tun. 11 lie Ittil'INED SUGARS Tho nmrkot riilcl Ilrm but iiulet. Itertiiers' list prkes Hxtrn nun grdnulnttil. '".: stanrtarrt Ki.inulale.1 5.le.: pou.lereil ...; Lonfcrtloncrs" A, ."..7..c. , eoft gradcji, 5i.i.i)o. DAIRY PKOBUCTS lll'TTIMI. Re. elpts ..f fiun v utoi'k were llcht nnil Uio market niloil steady with .le iu.in.1 equal to Hie oiferlnnK. (Juotallons. eiilerii. freih snll.l-n.i. kel. irenimry. fnnry TV Ilrsis. liiillik'. : w-ionils. I'iKiSse.. laillm. iltlii.'.'.; neHrhy prlnu. Jni.. .'HI-.. nicrHKr extra. iHi.'lV.. tlrsts. : O'u'Uc . wtnnils. 'JH'i Sv, spccl.il fancy l.ranilo of prima JobhliiK at KKui?S were ttrm anU .'UK. per uw hliher with u fair .leiiwnJ (luotatlons follow In irieiSws. iwarbv extra. Kc. i .ln.. ne.irbv Iln.t. t70 per atanilar.l abe neaibv urrrnt rewluts. s.Ji per c.ibc. Western extra flr.ts. "tu per him: 'I",, ," '"-,u .''"C, ''-- fuher. seleciHl ran.licd ero lobblim at aii''i:iKK.S-Tn"'market rule.1 Ilrm uiiJer IlKht ofrtriiigs uikI a 'air ileman.1. Fo1Ioiib are in . nuotatlons. New York, full .'ream, fancy, held IS4KIXV.- "-P-Ul-" flKlKr. il.. fair to B'd. Iwldt I7'1M,c: do., n .klni.. 1 US Irtc. I POULTRY I.I VI". Tho niiukri us uuht with ample MAYBELLE PHILADELPHIA MARKETS EVENHfx LEBGEIt-PHttABELPHIA, FRIDAY, JANXTARY 28, 1010. shpll. . "'HI Wliat IS Klllllllt tllA '! A' Id leinoved The shell and of ait used ii. . ili i r"' ""'' ,h' ,'l,rk ,,row" Pw- '.ii MJil tm!""9 I" hnon as the cocoa nit), hip niM are then proilnd and come 'ri. i " i . nVV ",!"n,: . ..-.?. ","?r m'' '"' tlie proper Ulin V i i 8UBnr nn'' .vn,,l",, b'sl-f What Is kllOWO ns tillillln rlinrnlnln Mixed with siiKnr nnd milk, It makes the wpll-kii.irtii milk chocolate. From the ll.iuor Is extracted a certain percentiiRe nf natural fat which Is tho cocoa butter of cotnmcice. "Hy pounding the nibs nnd p,ipIiik Ibem thrniiRh sieves we IihVp the llnlsbed cocoa which Is sold In the croccry stores "We don't export nnv nf our pfn.lucls except to ruha nnd Mexico. We have ii salesmen connected with our I'lilUidclphla olllce alone, not coiinllug those connected with our New Vnrk and CIiIcuko ofllees. or the brokers through wlmm we sell InrKe iimmtltles of our products. Our sales amount to millions nf dollars a year, and our Roods are sold In every State In the t'nlon. We are one of Phila delphia's leading Industries, nnd are the only exclusive nianiifacturi'ts of cocoa and chocolate In the city, "Our great specialty Is the well-known 'Wllbiirbuds,' which are iickimwIedKcd to be the llnest vanilla chocolate it Is pos sible to produce. This chocolate com mands the hlKliest price, but Is worth all asked for It. It Is also the best adver tised vanilla chocolate. Wllhurmllk' Is another of our well-known products and Is sold In (luarter-pound blocks at a popular price. "It is true that many of the armies of the different nations have undo inllk ehoeol.ite a part of the soldleis' rations, but the manipulation of thn .standard le o.ulre.1 necr appealed to our linn." CANNED TOMATORH SCAUCK. Unless there Is a good clop this year tomatoes are going to ho scarce and dear, In the opinion of W. W. Wilson, dealer in canned tomatoes, with olllces in tho llourse Untitling. "The regular crop last year," he said, "was f.0 per cent, short of normal, and for that reason prices have gone way up Tomatoes In cans nre lulnglng $1.0. a dozen, whereas the year befoie hist they brought only Co cents." Mr. Wilson has canning factories in Delaware, Virginia, .Maryland and New York State, and each cnr cans about lOi.OOil cases, of two do.en cans each, lie says the principle cause of tlio sboit ago was the heavy rains and hallstoims which struck the plnnts when they were in blossom In all four States. "The best tomatoes usually come fiom Delaware," said Mr. Wilson. "A good deal depends on the weather conditions. All the reserve stocks have been drawn on and tho shelves have been swept clean of any leftover cans from other years. "There are oilier things that will keep prices high this year," lie continued "First of all there arc tho fertilizers. Potash Is not n be had and fnrmcts will plant a smaller acreage. Then the price of cans hns gone up from ?l.."0 to ti a thousand and cases for packing have ad vanced 2 cents each. Unless the weather is very fnvonthlo you will see tomatoes scarce and dear." itn"eilntH at rptentlv reved julceit. Quotation?' Kowli-, as to sl7P and quality, ItWMTe.. looili'i, t'JIM-'-t ; Hprtntr thkltrns. oftmeated. I7f I1 . do.. HtaKev, laWl'k-.. turkoi SUflSSi'. . duck", ns to size and iiialU. 1ViI7c ; nee-e, l.MflTe. . pliieon-t. old, per pair, ii.Vu UV. : do.. unK per pair. jiLMk lItHHKn. Fine deslnble-sUeu toek sold falrl and was well i leaned up al full llqures. hollow Itik are tlio quoin tlonn rirsli-kllleil. dry-p,ieked fowls, lJ to box, dr -Picked, fancy, selected, '-tl'jc.. do., welfihinc t lbs. and oir aidcie. 20c . do uelbiim -l1-- Ibi. aplcLp. ltic. tlo., do , weluhltm It lbs aplCLc. lse. , do., smaller sizes, Ia1i 17i . FowIm, In bbls., dr-ploked- Kum, I lbs. and ncr Hpleee, lll've. . smaller siei, l!ift tSe. Old rooiters, drj -picked. M'jc Clilrkeni, Jer- t-vy, fancy bioIIer-4. .'t'Jde. other nearby fanev broilers. 2"?? '-Me . Western brullern. wplffhlnK l-'j'tt- lbs apieie. l-l'tilc; Northern Illinois, famv ellow ( hickeni. welwlilnjf 4 I hi. and oer. In boe. Ulfi'Jl'e. . do., do., wrlffhln-r -Mf T1 lbs., in boxea. iN-riik-.: do., weighing 2if.1i bs. In bM., ITtrl-" : other Western, welRhlrm -I lbs. and ner. In tiote. ISfftsie ; othrr Western. weiKhlnc 2U(ft1U lbs. In bote, ir-5M7c: other iern. welRhlnc I'liWA lbs.. In bbls.. lftfflfle.- Inferior, Mr. t'.ipons. weiKhlns -tH lh. apk-.e. uai2V.. dj , smaller sUes, 2ft"t. Tdrkejs, ncarbv, taiicj, 27WJSi. . tin., do bom( to i hoUo, 2l W2k' ; do.. Western Taney. 2itil27i. : do., do.. Kood to choice, LMflU'.V do. fair -it','-. ii ,, old tonis, Sic. . do, culU and No. 2, ltiiluc Sprinc du ks ne.trb :sttVO . do. Western, taniv. 17'nlSe. . do. dn. fair to Rood. 127?l.ie OeeM. ncarbv. HIUiKe.: do., Western. tlflU'r. Siiuabs. per dor. Whtr, wticninff ii to vj lbs. per noz.. 7.I()?j1' white, welfihint, 0 to 10 lbs. per doz.. $i ."O'l .1: white, weighing 8 lbs. per doz., S.'t.'.'ViiJl; do., do . 7 lbs. Dcr doa . Stft'l ."0: da . do.. itflrtU lbs. per doa.. fi.MWJ.Ti , dark. $2.2.13 2.73: amall and No 2 flrtl.2.. PRKSH FRUITS ruiH'y ntnik nipt with fair f.i1h nnil hIup- Renrril itilptl htendy. iih lollows Aplen. per bbl , Jonntlmn ranri, j'l.UI'ii.'l.r.il .In., tair to ciio.1. f.'itlfr.'l. .Mi Intoah ,lri..'SO VVInrmp, XJ.rAlflll '".. Itlilulti ."Jl?i.'t f". Ilhu.k Tult. j.riiK2.t : .nun.I.'J.'V. (irlme.4' i.olden. $.:-ilWt; flreen Itl3 S',.."jJ-y:t Vnrlt lliiiifl.il ' ".'( Tltmilt , 11 ounce, acy-j.'i. Hipln WM: l Jen Mink 91. lit fi'.'.r-tl. other inrletlf-.n. 1 .'.IKr" r-O. Nn. 'J. $l.'.'."ifil.r4 Apples. In hulk, pr 1H lb ."Ur fifl.r-11. Apples. FHtrrti. per hov. Si MtifS.l,.1. Or.iriKe. rlorldn. i-er irate. 1 T.TfiH, Tunser inert, Klorldti, pei ittr.ip. $'ZH'.. flnipefrtilt, Klorltl.t, per mite. $ 7.f.'l Tf. 1'nion-i. per hox, ITi-l. PlneniiplcH ptr er.iti. Porto (tho, l.rrii2."il: do., -lo . Florida, KU'i.7K ian herrlfH. Cir tol, per hhl $'Hr 1 1 . do., dn . per 1 rate. $J.rHi.,l- do. .ferae., per nuie ii.'J'i fifJ.lo. Straw heirfps. Florida, per qt.. I'.VmTmV, VEGETAHLES Trada nun fjulet and prli es rlinnc.l little ch.inee. tiioutlurn: hlte Mit.iine. per liusliel, 'Hil.u. White piitatoes Jerpey, per lmkelXo. I ltoic. lOf7(k-. . No t other MirlellM. nnU'K:: No. 1" 'Uliinc. Sweet tKUatoeo. Jnmey. ter banket No 1. -toli.MIc , No. 1'. l.'.lll'.V flncet fntatf.eK, VIlKblla. rer l.bl . SI .-.nfii.T.l. nnlnns per llkMh. half So. I K'A-.". No 1' 7.V.fil I'.", ral.lmse linn. Uh. per ton JS'ull (Vlerx Nei ork. per hum h SAlr 7.V Hplnui'li. Norfolk it bid . 7.V (11. Kale, Norfolk, per I'M MliiT.V. Uiliue. KlorMa ik-i banket JlfM.rji: do. North Carolina, per banket. 77h.?JI. Henna. Florida, per basket. ll..-miM'. l'i.i. Klnrlda. iwr banket. i't .".o. l'n,er. I'lorhli. per carrier. l 7.Vi.l'.". L'csplim Fb.rlda. iwr erille '.'ill'..'JI. Tiimatoen, Klulid.i. ptl en te, .'Ik-il..'.u. Munhrooma, I'lorld.i. ?r lib. haaket. 11.sii. Solvay Extra Dividend .SVItAt'l'.SK, X. V., Jan. US. The Solvay t'rnci'kH Conuinny ilecl.ireil a quarterly ilivlileml of 3 per cent, anil an extra ilivltleiiil of I per cent. hVmet Snlviiy I'ompany rieclareil 11 iiinitcrly divUleml of 2 per cent, nnil an eNtrn itivlilenil of l'i per cent. ERRATIC DAY IN WHEAT PIT July Established New High RecordCorn Also Hit New Top on Big Sales f'lttr'Afln 1.... nc Tfulm.'! nliAAl i.,iv.v''. .11111. k'. I.JHH.r- .....i. i t,i,tnt una .1n...lh.ll.. ....tl.. . I I, ImiaI. ness active The start was we.ikcr. he- causo of disappointing cables and mil. clal repoils Hint Hio cold wave oter llir winter whom belt had been piece.led bt now Thp t'cclllie was soon followed In an nilvnnce. M:u rlsliiK to $1.3;4. nitiiliisl I JISCMM.37.it the end csleiday, and .lipv eiiniiiisiiiiift n new high retortl nt 5I.211,. 'onipnreil with the previous IiIrIi mark of tl.:i, rtfrnltiHl $1 ZiH al the end rteiilav. Thete veie fears thai there nilnlit lie ox tenplve wlntfr UIIIIiik Heavy lornt Bteelilatlvp Iniylnir started n Bcnetnl deninnd. Hrnll7ln3 salt nnd ,ri'iotls from the seatitMril nf further le selllii(t l foieiKn owners of American wheat, however, rnnseil prieeS to drop liolow last nlBht's e!oe nsaln. Tills do. illne enimht niitiierotis stop oulers. hut support sent the market up (icnln. Hell Hie was reneweil lalec nnd the close was easj at t.!A for Mai. or the low polul of tlie session, mid nt .isr,", roi Julv, or only ," above the bottom. Tho Modern Mlllei" report was bull ish. It said Hint the winter wheat clop was without snow conrlmr following mi sinoiinlil.v blah lemperntiiies. It railed attention to the fact that the ehntiRci In the mercury wer mint ln lenl. In some winter wheat sections. It s.ild. the sliuttnui' of wheat was acute with mill enlllim tin the surplus dis tilols fni siiiplles There was consider able nervousness over the espoit situa tion In iteneral. fin ii touched new hljsh levels for tho season. May and ,lul both selllni! nt 8le. Trndo was on an emit moils scale. Due commission house look about 2,OiO.OO0 bushels of both positions at the start nnd was followed by many Inrue local bulls and small tinllers lA'tHlltic tiittirfs nuicptt ns felines ...I v ' Whe.it Own lllKli Inu. l'lnp. 'ilo.e M.lv 1..IT I :iM, I. I'll l.:i.'i l .:i:t .IlllV 1.- I'tM. ti.avi, i ii ;iu. 1T! .-ii, HIH- i nrn mew ilcllei i Mnv 7 n SI Tin, MI'S Mil., .nnv tints M .. Julv . Uiitl -.hiiiiiiuv Mnv . .lulv . Itllis Imuiiiry .Mnv I'.irk .liuiuarv Mux JiiU Hid. MP. .Ml. ."ill. vi', .. i a . .. .Hi.;.-. .... 1 1 1. r-: .111.77 .. .11. '.Ml . . 'Jn VI .'.M 7.", "I'll IMI lAsketl. 'IH.2S I II.U7 III Ml III.".". Ill 7.3 ill 1.7 lu.77 11.10 L'll III '.'II llll 111.110 IlllV. In I'J n't III.IIJ 10 H7 II" Mi 10 77 II. Ill lll.MI II 12 SO ."'. SO. Ml I'll llll I'll. Ill I'll. Ill 111 Ml tl'U.1.7 Financial Briefs The New Voik Cotton I'xctinngc inem heislilp of O. M. Mltchcl has been sold to .1. 11. Hews for Si:i,n Tills is an ad vance of .".0. Tlie Canada Cement Company, Ltd.. re poits for the war ended December III, Ifil..: Net prollts. JI.7IJ.01 1: bond Interest, $lo..,n;0; prcfetreil dividend. 7'i.".,0iW, sur plus, jmI.MI; total surplus, (:,i;5,"":i. t'Mnard .M. M.ilpass mi lodaj elected pieilileut of the Centennial National Hank, Niii'ct-ediiu: C llowaid Clark, Jr., deceased Mr .Malpass lias hecn vice piesldcnt nnd cashier of the bank. Itvln I'"isher, who hns been assistant cashier, was today electul cashier. The New Yoik banks lost In the Kuh tieasiiry .veterd.iy $."01!, DUO, and lost since last Kriday s.71'.i,000. I'nlled States Steel picfcncd vtaa quoted ex-dividend today. I.ehlRh Coal anil Navigation was quoted ux-dlvidcnd today and will he tomorrow except for cash .lb.i I! .lohilM.n was elected picsldent of the third annual couvi'iitlou of the National KoieiKn Trade Council, at New Oilcans. Chandler Ilrotlicrs K Co. and 1IiiI1k.ii If n A Co., of New York, lme piiichascil $t,ijO,0,jn 7 per cent cuniulativo piefened slock of Otto Klsenlohr lltos., liicoipor aled. ItAlMtOAI) KAKNINGS 1lil.-. I vi:sri:itN. 57n.-.,o.,l HJ. ir.u .17.11VI J.71ll'.-tl 1. nir..::i ii 711.1111' I'.M'II'II'. ncreaie. DNTAHIl) ANH Deienilr Hrons. S'll.'il'l C.-..IU7 7!" Ill 0 117,10.:: 1 7:1,1110 1'im. i.vi Ji.iijs.ix.i 1.71 WiS i.irji.i'i'.i l.xl'l.olll I.UVi.l'll. I S IS.l.Sil Net Suri'lin N'lnt- months' rosa .Vet Surplus ... NOHTIinitN Iet.cniher cro-ti Net Surplus Six months' cross Net Surplus . II.7IIS. I.VI . :i.ll'7.tH i.r.i.o.70'1 , K'l. Illl.l.'ll . li.KII.II't ll.lil.' III.'. HUPIW I.O ANT Kr.s)l-i:il.NNA 12 mouths en tied IXirnitier III, till.. ... . tl.ir.il.lli' si: (irons income. nper expon ni tnxes. NpI Incem-ri 7111 :ni: I, Sin, inn III.1.SII, l'i .ll'l.iiiii :lM'.7il' 1' 1 1 nt 1 rrt etc SuiplUd "."eiretiise. ciii;haikaki: ami tmio. I in ember nros .. Net MP phi Sl months' mo Nel Surplus .... SI iiil.i.iit l.littiri.1 ijin.vri. l.it'M sen . Ii 7 in.". I. Till!. ".IS Sl.l Ml 7 7n 7 r.l'.. 774 1.1 III. "Ill 1'.'I7I..VIS 1 S. ISMS! 1 LIVE STOCK (IPOTATIONS CIIICAOO. .Inn '.'S.-IIIHIS lleii'lpis. S 01 1 1. Market Hi'u I ."V . lilKher. Mixed and bun h-i-rs. .7.10117 7". irnti.l hea. 7 IIMi7.tl.-.; i-oilKh lic,i, 17. Wfl7..Vl Uuht. e7 1'ofl7H1. plub. .-, JIKi III.S1 bulk 7.V.n7MI l''ITI.i:. Ile.ilnu. I'.MHI Maillel hu u.lv llreie.. 0 Klli'.t 70. ..ma an I heifers ::.tlW .10 Tex.uu 'it. mil 7.1'.". .'Hhe.s. 7 win in .'.. HIIKIIl' - Itetrlpt'. 1.11m. Marker Urudi Na. lii nnd W'catern. S7.:t'is. lambs js.-'infi III 7.1 NEW YORK NUTTER AND KCCS NKW Yiiltb Inn l's 111 TTKH. -.Market prbtn llrmei I .1 lop Kia.les IteetrlptH. tr.'ll paikiiRes Uxua miumn .llti'll1." .: higher m one,-, .f.'fi ll'W Stnlc d.llrv. StifClllc. , 1ml inilnii .runner) lllfjl'l'ji. KilllS - Maiket tlrmer. RfnclpiM MB .u Uio ill iransii i.Mia urnia, ;n.i.ti. , nraie. . ST-jflSlic. ncnrln unlto. miiMTc. . mixed I .iilor. I'sfisti. n..rb lu-oii.'. isu.ll.'. . le frleralor lint. ls.,tilc. BAR SILVER Tho U n.lon .juoiulati for mmmerilal rar nlhei lo.lav uas S7t.il In N York the prue of bar allier waa ST. Cflltl, MAIIIIIDII M i:V.MITUAli i;H.llr anil Mrs. I 11. Mneee annoiime the marriage of oieph I their .laiiahter .MAIKIAItirr MAI'.V. tn IIKMIV JUKHNNV STKWAIl'I'. by hU l!roi' Miwi flev. rdmnnd l I'reuderuatt. Ar hldifhop of I'hlla.lr'vhla ut Hi Maluihv'a Churth. on Tuevilay. J.iniinr 1'-. lull). No tarda Plot by J. I McE-oy ('opj rlfih I'.' Hi. Il Tho Trlbunu oininy 'SOMETHING- Teui-s me I'M NOT &0IN To LIKE UNCLE IN .MI'.MriMAM PINRX. In mmnrr ef SAI1A1I PINKX wh ilcpirtM.nn the 2Sth f Jum.sry tnin, ni !W Hr lilici Mr. A lll'CK, fi North Slh M., Plillarttlphl. TIIAf'Vi -In tovlnit rimembrsnc nf my lp- Iom-.I wlro, EMMA n. THACV Dlf.l ,tn. 2S. Iiwt). Btlll nt, nnd mlwed. Ilusbsnd. Bcatljg Thete Notice t Are Printed tn tht Evening Ledger Free of Charge AllltA'lH.- On .faniu- an Inlft, at Vint .enlonn. N. .?.. MAtMAItKT T. wife of flcorse It Abianis, aRpd l rnrs. funeral and liiirrment prtislr. from her late rcl 'lencc. liuentnnn Halur.ln '.Mh Insl . nt I tn Tmlr leue Mntket Street Kerry, I'lilladelphlii, nt II 12 n in. ror Vlnrentnnn. ltll.M:t. tin .Innuirv 57. Win, K,MM,. vrlfr) of William It, till) en. 1'rlen.U nr the fam ily are Iniltnl lo lew the renmlns, on Sun .lav. bplueen 11 nn.l H p m.. at her liusbnn.rs residence. I'lloo Iivinton ap.. Oak l.ane. PerNlres nn.l Intcrmtnt prliate nt conienlento of tho family. llltOWN. On .latiunrv J:., mill, MIOHABt. I'. himbinil of Soplilo lltown. rtclatliM ntt.l friends ilsn A. O. tf., DliUton No 22. Moll Nnmf iclet of Pt. I'.ltMbcth'a Church, nre lnltrd to attend tho funeinl, on snur day nt S no . in. from his late residence, Slid w Thompson si. High Mas at St Mlmt.etli's Church at III n. in. Interment at New Cathedral cemetery llttll'VN.- On liiiciiri 2.., 1I1I0, i:t,IVA. tiiilnw or Captiiln Villlhihi Penn Hrown, ItelntPos and n lends also Ijidle' Ainllliry nf Camp Nn. 21. H of V. nre United to at tend funeral serxl.e. Saturday, al 2 p. ic . nt the rrnlilrncn of her son-in-law, .lames P. Ttao, 71 N PiTtloii st. Interment at Mt. Mnrlih Cemcter. lirrKMIII.- rm .Innuari 1'7. Illlrt. HVHIH. I.A. .1 utrthter of Kmmn and the late Ionard llnrkner. imed at venrs Itel Kites and frletiiU. also members of Clninplou Conn. II, Nn. 11. I), of 1,. are Invited 111 attend the rtiheri.1 .mi.'ct. Htind.tN afternoon, nt 1.10 o'.'lock. rtf her lair resident e .Its esi IMiiphln street. Inlrtment nt Mniitit Morlnh Cemetery CAI.I.I'.Nlll'.H on Inniinrv :.., UHrt. ANN ti lt. llt,KNNr.llltASSr.TT. widow of ficoriie l:. (nllemler. -if New York. I-'uneral Ren Ices and interment prlxalo. New- York papers please ropy: OAuMIY. On .1 .nuirv I'., Iliin, WIM.1AM. husband or Asnes Calbilinn Cnrney. Itela tlies nml friend., nlo llnlv Name ro.letv of tile Church of the KptphatlN me Inxltrd to nttin.l funeral, on Saturday moriilnv. nt s :tft o rln'd, 'ri.ni hit late residence 111"-' llttnei st. .Solemn ftlRli .Mns of llcmlem nt the Church nf the Ilplphinv. at 10 n in. pre cl.eli. Interment llolv Cross Cemetery Cn.Ni:i.l,V. On Jstiunrv 2fl. HUH. KATIII beloxe.l wife nf Patrick Ambrose Cunnellj, nicc.t I", ears lleiathes and 'friends are In vited lo attend the funeriil, on Mon.hu. 11 1 n a. m finm the resttlrin e of her father-in-law. Mi ConnelH .".oil North :i.l st ItlRli Mns. Hi n 111 . St Xerniilcn's Churili Inter ment ni I loii Septthlne Ceineter. CONWAY. On .lannnrv Sr. I flirt. HANNAH, nlfe of the late Palrlek .1 Coniiny Hela tle and friends are linlled to atlend fun eriil. on Ratur.liv mninlng. at 1 :,o n clock, from the resident e or her btolher, John .1. Mrr lit. '121 Mill. r at. 1'Vh Ward. Holcmn lleqiileni Mas. nt Nalltltr Church, at 10 11. in Interment nt Ncn Cathedral Cenieterv. rnnsov. -On tnnunry sr., mm MIIIV A COllSON, niro o' William I,. Corson. Iteta tlvcs and friends arc Invited to attend the funeral serlrea on Sun. lav. nt S p ni.. nt her late re.l.lenee SOO Ternon st. Interment at Mt Morlah Cemetcrv. t'lllMVTIIi:itS.-Oll lanuarv S7. tlUfi. MA TILDA CIlimTIIHUM itiee lloKehnlrl. lfo of llarrv Croutliers. .Ir.. In her SS.l vear. Ilelatlvca nnd friend". Champion Council, n s. D s. aln emplovp. ..r William II. Horn, are ltivlle.1 to attend thn funcrnl. on Hun il.i, at I P .m rem hor lilc residence, lirl'l I'rnnkford hip l'r.ci'.l to Palmer nillt. Intel ment al llieenmount iVinrlerv Itenmlns m i bo lcwod Siitur.biy. after H p. tn II t IS. -On Innuirv S7 HUH. WII.I.IAM I', husband or Josephine MiWs. and sou of the late Simiiel P. and Man S. Iil Itelatlvo and friends, also empl.nes of the Chelteiihini KnltttiiR Company, are lm lied to alien. I the funeral -"enlccs. on .Mon.lav, at I 'III p. 111.. ut his Into resilience. 'l.'.ll' North MHnlhc st. Interment private, at Law ni low Ccmoterj. I-i lends may leu remnlns on Sunday, at . P in. Autnmoblln funeral lir.NTZr.U At her resident e, North (llen slile, l'n.. .lanuniy 27. HUH MAIIV 13.. widow of II. A. Dentzel Ilelatlles and friends ale Inilted to attend the funeral serv lies. on Monitav, at S p. ni . at the apart ments nf Oliver II Hair. IM'O cliestnul st . Philadelphia. Interment private, nt Mount '.Ion Cemeter. llOIIItlt On .lanuarv 27. HUH. AMANDA M . widow or Clnrles Dnerr and dailKhler of Isabella nnd the lite Wllllnni II. I.nrnn and tho ciandd tilRhter of the late William C and Hose Turner. aRed :i." vears Iteli tlves and friends are lnvlle.1 to attend tho funeral, on Hundav. nt S p m.. from the rp3ldpni'o of her aunt. Annln K Itlvcrs 1'SII. Hast Norrls at. To proceed 10 Palmer Vault IIIIN'tll.lN On .lanuarv S7. Iliril ,11'I.IA DONOVAN Itelatlves and friends arc Invited to uttehd the funeral, on Saturdav at II a. ni . from Spoil Mora st. Solemn lllsh Mass at 10 a in. at St I'ranels Navler's church. Interment at llolv Cross Cpmetcr.v IMI KAN. Iiinil.m Sa. HUH. MAIM UOItAN. iil.lniv nf .lames Doran IlPl ltlvca and friends, also tho II, V. M. Sn.lalltv and laitiit. nf the Sacred Ileal t, are lnvlle.1 lo altend the funeral, on Hatur.lav. at S u ni.. from her lato rcsl.lemc. I'll'IH Catharlno at Solemn He nulem Mass at SI nth'.nv's Church at 0 SO n 111 Interment at Cathedral Cemetery. DOW NK. 1111 I a n miry 1'7, lull'., MAItC.A IIET now NKY mcc CorrlK.in). nf Tiinm Countv (lalwav, Ireland, widow of Patrick Iioivnev. Itelatlves and friends arn invited to attend tho funeral, on Monday, at S ::o a m.. from the reableiue of her daiiRhtei, Mrs Knthirtue Kunke lo.'. Powclton inc. Sol iniu Muss of lleipiipni at St. .lames' Chun Ii at 10 a. ni Interment ut Cathedral Ccnlc tcrj. I.'K'II i:l lli:ll(.i:il. On lanuarv l'7 HUH .1AMHS Cl.OYD. son of i:ila and the late lleoiBP Kb llelbcrKer am-d ."II v'rara. Ilel ntliCH and friends 111c Invited tn attind Hie funeral aei v lees Haltuilav cv. nlnir at 7 ...lock at the apartmeiita of OHwr II Hilr. isl'o chestnut street. Interment at Alex andria. Iluntln&don Countv. Pa nn Sundnv. IJVANh. On .lauu.iry SH. HUH. WII.I.IAM. taifband of Anna Elans. Itelatlves and friends also Highland I'.uk I'lro Conipanv N'o. 1 lire invited to nttcitd the fiiucial. on Satiirdav. at 1 .'ID 11. 111.. trum hit bile icsl. denie. i'orieht live, ind Stato road. Hlch bind Park. Ci.pir Darbv. Delaware Countv Pa. Interment at Mt Morlah Ccmeterv. IIVIIK.- Ou In 1111 1 rv S.'l. HUH. HUN.IA.MIiI II. I'YItl HKPd 7f venrs t''lllerul services and Intermiiit pilvnte on riitunlav I'Altl.UV.- On .lanuarv I'll. HUH, JOHN J. lm. band of Catharine Karlev ineo llnydl and son of the late Patrick and Marv Turlev. Ilclattvps and friends also Kcvatnne llraiuli No l.",7. N. A I.. 1'.: Jerks and carriers of Atntiou K and oth.r substations of Phlla dclplill Poato.'llie P o. P. A. and other oisaidzattons ot w-hb h he wan a member, are Invited to attend the funeral, on Mon .lav. at s :;o a. 111. from hla late residence. Sill.', Cast hllKcaut st Solemn Itcqulcm Mass al St Ann's Chuirh. at 10 a. in. lntPrmcnt ul llolv Sepul. hie Ccmeterv CHUN. On .liinuarv I'.V HUH. DONUTSO II;I.IX. husband or UHIII.i IVIIx and lalhcr nf Mrs. fleoiKfi V Powell llelallieri and fi lends, also mcmbeis o'' Kensington UidKe, No I'll, I, and A. M . Kenslnulon Chapter, No. S:(-'l, It. A. M Kensington Comiii inderv. No .11, K. T.. VUclltv l.o.lRe. N 1. IK. I, O 0 V.. and I.I11. 0I11 Circle No s, II. A. f Penua . arc Invited to attend funeral, nn Saturdav at I ill o'cloik. fiom hla late net dencp. Ill'il MarlhnroiiRh at liiicrmcnt at ilrcenwooil iK. of P.i Cemetery. rl.-.l.i:Dl;it. On .lanuait S7. HUH. SAM I'lll, himbaii.l or ihe l-ile Anna Kikhleder. Iteiaiives and friends, also AqudiiH Aihvitn l.n.1ce. No l.'U. I. O II. A , .ire lnvlle.1 10 intend ihe funeral 011 Sunday, at III a m . from the parlnra of Kmanuel Asher it Son inns Diamond ft. Interment at liar Nebo Cemecr llll CI..- Ho lantiuri S7. mill. IA1IKS son of John and Catharlno fr'riel. hkc.I S.l years. Ilelailves and frlen.U, also West Philadelphia Council. No .III. KlilRhts of I'olumbus, are loVIIetl 10 lliirilil ii. o i.it.ri.ii. uu luridly, at 7 III 11 m.. from his late rejldeiue, .'Ills Kll I crt st Solemn Hetpilem Mans at St. James' Churili at U a. m. Interment H Old Cathedral Cemetery 1:111: On .lanucri '-'7. 11110 ANNA Villi, A OAI.H. vvlfe of John (tale mee iolison, aged SS vcam liclillves uu.l rrlctlilii arc In vlted i" attend her funeral services on Sun dill al S p. in . at the residence nf her tin band, 'tt'-l FarruRUI uve. Camden, N J In termenl at New Camden Cemtteiy. itenmlns mav be vUwe.1 ml Satuldav evening. BUT USTEN.PA' HE'S GOT CO.000.0Q AND IF VJB'RE KIND TO HIM ME. MAV NOT CEAVE IT TO CMARiTV LIKE H& DI'.Atllfl OAnnlTV.v On Jsnunfr 2(1. tnio. WILLIAM. son of Austin nml Kllrith (larrlty, nieJ SO yeits, llelatlvps and frlsnds are Invltsrl to nltnd the funeral rrom his nsrenls' resi dence, zorn West Indiana av,, on.Satiirdsy. RtSlfl a. m lllrh MssS of Itpqiilfm nt St. I'otitmha's church.. nt 10 n. m. Interment nt llolv Rcntilchre Cemetery. (IIIVAN. At his reslilsme Holmes. Vh , on January 37. inifi, JOHN .1 IIOVAN. husband of the late Kmmn M tiotati. In his 7oth year. tet(ies nn.l friends, also employes nr the S S While Dental Company, ntid mem iprs of William W'lndnm Conn. II. No. Mil, o I. A . are Invited to attend the fu neral seniles on Mondnv. nl 2 It m.. nt tho residence of his son John B Onvan .1112 t'nrrl.h st , Philadelphia. Inlermcttt private. Hemnlns may bo Mcvvc.l Sunday, rrom 1 to II p. m. HANI. Suddenly, January 27. HUH. ANNA K HANI) (nee Ilnbertsl, wife nf Willis M. Hand. Pr , sued f.'i vears. ltelnllves nn.l friends are Invited In nttend funeral sen Ices, on Monday, nt 1 p 111 . nt her lusnbnnd'n resi dence. 1111 llelnlt ave Audubon, N J. Inter ment nt New Camden Cemetery. Kindly omit flowers IIAt'st Suddenly, on January n mm. JAMF.s 11., iiiisbsn.i nr Annie M ttnus. ihee llerrmannl. In his "Hill year. Itelatlves nnd friends nlso Ilah Tribe. Nn lift. Imp. u II XI . tlmikpr cm cinle. No. n?, It, of A., and Clenrneld Council. No. fill, O. of i A, are inviie.i ui aueno ine tunerai tcrvlna, on Hundiv. at I .10 n tn. t.recl.elv. at hts lalp lesidenre. .'Mir, i:mernld st. In terment at llelvue Ccmulerv, IIAVi:-).- On January Sit. loin. HltlDOP.T II, widow of Thomas llnvcs. aged 77 venrs llplallvcn ntul friends ore Invited to nltend fuiiprnl. on SaiuMlav, ut S .'10 a. tn.. from her late rrldrme, 1.112 N. snth st Solemn llciiulein lllsh Muss at the Chun h of thn Pre. Ion. lilnod, al til a. 111 Interment at Holy Cross Cenieterv Automobile funeral IIIIItON.- Suddenly, on .tnnunry SI. Ifllrt. MAltY IJ wife of William .1 Heron nnd daughter of the Into Thomas nnd Ann Olen nv Itclsllvps and friends, also St. Leo's Ladles' Iieticnclai Mniielr. lUvlslon No. 1S. Ladles' Auxiliary A O II Itlessed Virgin Sndallly ami all ollur societies nf which she was a member nre invited to allrnd the fu neral no Hitiirdav morning .human EH, nt s in n'llnck from t!7ts Kcj.lone St.. Tniotiy. Solemn tletitiletii Mass at Hi l.eo's churth. at In o'clock Interment nt St. Dominie's Ceiiielpry. IIIM'I1M.VN.--At Mooreslovvn N 1 . tin .Inn iinrv sn. mm, kmma m hinciiman, widow of lldwaTd llliichmnn, tn her Rlst year. Itei aiives and friends nre lnvlle.1 10 nttend funeral, on Monday, nt I P in., rrom her lute resilient e. Ill N. Chun It St.. Moore town. N. J InteruiPtit Colislonn Cenietrry lleninlns may be viewed Sunday, from 1 to 11 p. 111. IIIII.I.IN4IS--oltTIL On .lanuarv Sil mill DAVID IIOLI.INtlSWOIITH. aged 711 .veals Itplallves and friends are Invited to attend the funeinl servl.es on Hnltml'iv at II p ill pre ilsely nt late risidetue. Mil'! nilswnrth st. Interment nt Mt, Morlah cemnlerv. Itemilns tnav be viewed FTldav, belweeu 7 ntul II p in. IIIII'KIVI. -On iniumrv S.l. tnifl. I-'ANNIH, I!, diuchter of the lalp Jnliti nnd Kate lion kins. Ilplntlw'. and friends uro Invited tn ntitn.l the funrial. m, Hituidny, nt S'10 11. m from her lain residence. 1T.1 1 N, flth st. "oleum ltetitlem Mass at St. IMwatil'a Clmrrli at tn a. in. Inlet ment at New Uathe- dr.il Cemetery. IIIIOV, On .llilllliilv S7. HH1I LOUISA, wlfo of Christian W. Irion nice S. hratler). need H.1 venrs. HcI.iIIicm nnd frlen.U. also mem bers of the ionuregatb.il and Uidlen' Aid Smieli of St, .Ml. luicl's ihrmin Lutheran Cllitn Ii are Invttctl to attend tho funeral seniles on Sunday, at S p. 111. at her late residence. SHI.l Jasper st. Inlclinent at IJirrnmoiint Cemetery ivi:i:i. 1:11. mi .luini.m S7. mm. ciiaiilcs. husband or Lena Kccler. nged H'l vears Hilntlvcs and rrlen.ls. also the emplnvcs or the Harrison Saretv Holler Works ale In vited to attend the rtllirral aervl. ps. on Monday, at In a. m. preilsplv. at Ills laic residence .Ills North lot Ii st.. Tioga Inter ment private nt Hillside I'emelen, via lunernl . ar. Itemalns mav be viewed on Sun.lav evening KHLI.Y. On .human III. 11HH. IS Mll'.l.t.A. widow of Mb hue) Kellv mee McComnnl. llelatlvps and fi lends, also Sacred Heart and Altar Smlell.s of SI. Mbhael's Churth. nte lnvlled to attend Itinera). .Mon.lov, nl s ::n 11 ni.. from the resident e of Iter eon. lull' N lli.wnitl St. High Mass at St. Mltllael's at III o'clock pretlselv. Interment at Holy Sepulchre femctcrj. KKI'SMAU'. On .lnntcirv ZT. lIHH, MAIIV. widow of John W. Kershnw. In , the SIM cnr nf her age. Itelatlves and friends nre Invited to attend tho funcrnl servkrs. on Saturday at S n. m. precisely, at her Inta residence nil West Iji Ciosto ave . i.ans downe, Delaware County. Pa. Interment prl l nte. Automobile set vice. I.1MI1N. On .lanuarv I'll. mill. JOHN LA MON. agetl 87 vcirs. Itelatlves nnd friends. nlo Shcklmli Lodge. No. SHI I". and A. M.. KciMtone Chnpler. Nn. 17.1, n. A. M.: Mary Comnintulprj, No. 'Ill K. T.; lo liimbia Club, dirt 1 tors of S.l and S.1 Sis Pas senger Itwv Co.. and dire, tors of the Penna C-iI.I Storage Company, are Invited to attend the funeral servlcie. nn Saturday, at S p. in. pretlselv. lit his laic residence 1".TI Dia mond st. I11tc11n.nl nt South Iamrel Hill Cenctcry. I'lcaac omit ilowers. Automobile funeral. , LAMil'.N.Sl'KlN. On .Innuirv S0.tnllt.ANNA MAV. daughter of the late John nn.l Jennie Langensteln Itesldenee 1 IOH North ,1th St. Due notice of funcrnl will be given LI.IIIV.--O11 .liinuiirvi SH. If It II. JOHN H, liiishnn.l nf Mnrv T. la-l.ly (nee Ootsin.lti, In his HOth vear. Iteiitlies and fr'ends also members of the Art hconfratemltv of the llolv t'-amilv. Altar Sotlety and A. M. Col lins llenctlclal Sotlety. arc Invited tn attend the funeral, on Saturday, it 7. flu a. in., from Ills late res'ilence. 110S North CM st. Solemn netpilem Muss at tl n't lock at St Pettrs Church. Interment at Most llolv Itcdeetner Ccmelcrv I.OIMit:. -On .l-iiiiiiuv S.l. HUH. ill Allelltov.il, Pa.. KlaMtlLNl-i: 11. wife nf luls H. I.o.lgp, In the ,'Htli vear of her age Rela tives and frlen.la are Invited lo attend tho funeral seniles, on Sundai, jHituun .10. at IS .10 p. m. it her fither's residence, l.ovti linker S.l Price aticet. West Chester, Pa. Interment at Cumberland Cemetery. 1.(1 IILIL On .lanuarv SH. HUH. VICTOH A it., hllsliand of Sarah F Lotler Ince lliighcsl ngerl 7 vears. Itelatlves nn.l rrlen.ls. also "d llhndo Island Cavalry, nro Inviteil to attind the funeral services, on Saturday, at S 11 in, at his lite rcsidelitc. 1TISII North Carlisle at. Inlermenl at IlllUldo Ccmetei v. LOW 111 .-On lanuarv sil IDIit. Mrs. tSA lli:l.l.i; P LOWHV. Itelnllves anil friends are Hutted to attend funeial servbes. Sun .ln, at S p. m.. at her lale resilience, SUIS Ml Veiiinn st. Ititermeni private. MilllUlli:.- "n lanuary I'll. HOWARD .1.. son of John nnd 1:11a Mt llrlilc into Mc llulrei. Ilelatlvca and friends nrp Invited to alten I the funeral, on Saturday, al 8 .10 a.m.. from his parents' resident p. :ipii,1 North I'nlr hlll St. 17131 Wardl Itroujem Mass at St Veroniin'a Churt-h nt 10 n. 111. Interment at New Cathedral Cemetery. JIKItis. On lanuarv S7 UHH (H'.oltrii: I . son of Clinilee 11 and l.lu II. Meigs, aged SI years. Itelntlvea and flirnds ale Invited to attend the funeral servbes S1111.IA.V. at S p m at parenis' residence. S.l I South l-'arrucut lerrate Interment private M(l(ii:i;. At Mogcclovvn Hast Nnrrlstnvvn, Pa., on Jallil.in SH. Ill 10. IIOIILItT JOHN, ami of the late Daniel nnd Ann Mngee. Seniles al Ills lite residence on Saturday, at S p. m. Interment private. .Ml I, UN. on Jiiminry Sil. IIU11, .lA.MHH .1 . Iiuubauil of the late Marv C. Mullln int. Haiti. Itelatlves mid friends nlso Division K4. A. O. II . nre Invited In attend tho funeral, on Snturtl.lv. at N".o n. Ill fiom Ills laic residence. MCis W'cdlnilnster live. West Philidelphla Solemn lleoulem Mass al Chun h of Our Mother of Sirrowa. at lu a. tn. Interment nt Cathedral Ct meicrv. .Ml lll'll V. -On .latiunrv S.l. Illtn, ItODHHT S.. husband of Itebectn J. Murpltv. aged 1.1 venrs Ilelatlvca and frtettri-. nihil emplovea of Jatot. Heed's Soiih. are invited to attend the funeral eervltes Mondnv. at S 11 tn.. ul his late it .Id. 11. e. 1.1.1 N. illicit et Interment a Mount Morlah ivmeierv. Trlends may view remains Stindav evening M:n'. In I'hlla.lelplii.t. on .lanuan ST. HUH, IlANIHl. J NKI'K. aged S! years, b'utierni bervUes and Interment at Alluaiia, Ia. .SKI.- On January I'.l mill, MiUMAN' ItK'IIAltli. Infant son of Max II und Mar garet Neu mee S. hwnrtzi. Itelatlves ami friends are Invited to attend funeral, on t-nturdai, at I p. in., from patents' residence, SS.I Monroe st Inlermenl nt Feinwo. d Cim oter. I'rlends may tall Kriday evening1 OTONMIK -On Jnnuurv I'll, 10 lit. IIIUD OKT. wife nf Thomas O'Connor. Relativts and friends are Invited to attend funeral 011 Saturdav ut H .1U a. m.. from her Into re! delltp. mil H Hector al Colutinhnckt n. Sol. emn Iteiiuleoi Ms at St Matthew's Church, nt Id o'.loik. Interment ht Matthews Now Ccmrten .vrriiitMiv- 01. imiuarv ;n. mm. maii- HA HUT K daughter ..f the lain John and lltilha Patterson, aged 'lti year Itetatllcs and filtnds are Invited to attend tho luneral nn Siturttav at S a. in . I10111 northeast car 11 r ld and Pine stt. Solemn Iteiiulein Mass at St Joseph' Church at 11 "10 a. m. In terment at New Cathedral Cemt lery. Uncle Jeptha Is Sure ONE 1 HUNDRn thousand -doulats: I HOLIJ u,.,1 I I IMUUM 1 fww- m ,uMm-KHKm ntJAtHfi Ji xrr. OATtllT on .ranusrf 91, ltHS It An. llnghrs) nelstlve n. frreni' are1 injltetl to attend, the funeral, pn Monday, ftt s "a ft. frrim her Is is reildenci l't r"i rAK lllh Xssii at f'hurcfi fi of fnil rnt nf I Jiil f Mercy nt 10 h m Interim IiMr Orbs Cemetery. Unltlmote (Md 1 pspsrs piisse copy, HI TIL On .taruisry J. IftlO, WILLIAN,. Ill 'TIL son of the lata William T nntl lUchej M Ittith. Itelatlves nnd friends sre InriUd to attend funeral, Bxlurilnv at 2 p,,rfl., from his lale residence, 2-i.in N, itnth si. titters ment private. MllllnrZ. On .Unimrv 2T. 1016, HAlt; IIARA, widow of Justus afheet Fuftefsl and Inlermrnt at llradii.g, Ps. M II lll)i:ill'.IL-On Jsniiary 31. lOtA, I'BTRlt J . husband nf Margaret Si hropder, srl M jenrs Itelnllves and friends are Invite.! to alteti.l funeral services on Monday nrtermvnn, nt 2 o'clock, nt his Inie residence. Hi West taMiIgh ftveniip. Interment private nl North woo! Cemetery. Hemnlns mnv he viewed on Sunday afternoon, from 1 tn ft o'clock, MNNAMii.V. -On January SH. loin, IDA A., wife of Jno. IV Slnnntnon and dauithtef of Margaret and the late Joseph llmwn, Itelst lives nnd friends, also members nf fit. James' Methodist r.plscnpnl Church, nre Invited to nttend the funcrnl services, nn Saturday aft ernoon nt 2 o'clock precisely, at her 1st residence. MSO laiwrence St., Olnev. Inter ment private, nt North Cedar X I ill Cemetery MM'.N On .IntiiiiUv ST.miH. Mrs. AMANDA 8INi:s. Itelatlves and friends are lnvlled to ntteni! the funeral services, on Ssturnftv, nt 1 'm p. m . nt the residence nf her piece. Mrs llnliert I.einau, 421H Spruce st, Inter ment pilvnte SINMirr. - Suddenly on .InmlarV HI", IPIH. MILHH. son of the late Oeorgs nH Marv Slniiott Due notice of the funersl will be given, from the Parlors of FredsrlcK Mann .Ir , inth st below Montgomery ave. N'tnil. On .Inniinrv S.l. HUH. JOHN, hus band of Teresa Smith 'lies Hindenon), for. mrrly of Count v Cnvan Ireland. ItelnltvJS and frlttids, also Holy Nnino Society of St. Agatha's church, employes of tho renneyl' lanlu llallrond Cnmpativ and taidgs No. To. II of L r nn.l II. nre Invited tn attend fu neral on Saturdav. nl 1 10 n m., from ,h! jate resldenee, T1I7 Sprlnir Onrden St., West Phlln letpliln. Solemn High Mnss of Ilenulem nt Bf limthi's Clmrrli nt III a. tn. Inter ment In llolv Cross Cemetery. Si'l'.UtNS, In 1lrl.1gcp.irt. Conn., on Jan unrv 27 ItiHI.TIIO.MAM illtnUNB STKAtlNB, aged HP vears n months 1.1 days. Inlerm.nt Saturdav nt clrcriiwnnil Cemetery, Ilrook Ivn. N. V. sil HIIS. -On .ttinmirv SH, 10111. ANNIB lli:i.l. STI'IIIIS aged H vears, at Merlon S ttlnn. Pa., or pneumonia Funeral service Satitrilnv, nt 2 p. 111. Interment at West l.nurel ill!! Ccmeterv. Till II I'.- On .rnuunrv 21. I0IH. DAVID A. eon or the. lain James H. and Carolina r Trultt. Itelatlves and friends, also Maesasolt Trlhp. No 121, I. o. It M.. and P. It. It. Itcller. mo Inviteil to attend funeral, Satur dav ut S p. 111.. fr.nn his tale residence. 120ft N. 2lth id . I'amtleti. N J Interment Arllnc t..n lemelir.v. lleltmtlis tn,iy bo viewed rti div evening after 7 orlo. W.UiMHL- On January SH HHO, ALKilKD M . Jr., eon or Altre.l M nnd the latn Mamie W'ngncr men Alkeni nnd slepinn of Minnie Hiigner ihee annoni. ngs.i HI years, HelatlvrH nllrl friends are Invited to nttend funeral seniles, on Saturday, nt 2 p m.. nt tho residence or Ills parents :tl.l K. Somer set st. Inlet ment tlireninnunt Cemetery. ite mains mav be view id Kriday. from 7 to 10 p. m. W Lllll.--'in .lantiuri SI. HUH. MAIIV It W't.llli nice Culpl. widow of Jneenh II. Mchh. aged Hi vears. Itelitlves nnd friends are Invited to attend tlie funeial services, on Siitindav. al 2 p. nt . nt the apartments of Oliver II. Hair, ts'.'u chestnut st. Interment private Will I.LII. On lanuary S.l. lllll'.. I1AII UAIIA. wire of Krank Wevler. In her .ir.th veat. Iletattves nn.l friends, also the soci eties or whb h eh. was a member. Hte In vited to intend Ihe rutict il. tin Saturday, at v to a 111 . fiom her tale leslnencc, 1120 South Tlltiev st Mass of tteiititem at St. Atnvslus' I'hutch. at m a m. precisely. In terment ut Holy Cn.s Cem-terv WIUUl-V-.- on JiiiHiury I'.l, mid, JOHN It.. Iiusbnnd of Man Wiggins Itelnllves and rrlen.ls are Invited to attend the riincMl Mtvlirs. Sntiirdiv. at S 11 tn.. at the res! .'once of his rnn-ln-law. William II. (lehmsn. 1:1211 South Melvltlo st Interment at Mount Morlnh Cemetery. WlLlilNS. At Weal Pilnnra, N J., on January Si), mill. JORIII'A WILKIN'S, agsd Ml venrs. Iteiaiives and friends, also Wash ington Camp, No. l"l. p O S or A., ot Pal nisni, N .1.. Penna. It. It. Kunil, nf New Jersey are Invttctl to attend the funeral, Satuiduv, nt S p m., horn his late residence, ,-JiS Arch t . Pulmyra. N. J. Interment Mor gnu Cemetery. IVIItT'. 011 .human SH, HI IK, JULIA S.. widow of Dr.' John l. Wurtz ineo Altmler). Ilelnilvcs and friends, also Holy Kamlly Sotlct and nil other societies of which she wan a member, are Invited to attend fu neral, 011 Siiturdaj. at .s an a. ni . from her late resldtutp. Slirt N. Hownrti st. Solemn llcmlem Mass St. Honlfntius' church, at in a m. Intcrniont nt New Cathedral Ceme tery. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES EVENING LEDGER This STYLE TYPC (or llko this! One Hmo Lie per line Three times one week Six times one weeli . 1-Vic per line 100 perlln Situations IVantetL three time one week 10 cents per line per Insertion Place your order for three or t more times and it will be inserted in the daily Public Ledger at no additional cost. One nr two tlmo rale for Hi EMM. Lkikik nnd 1'L'iu.ic t. Enum combined Is 111 cents per Hue. with the micerilon uf Help Wanted nn.l Situations Wanted, vvhlih Is 1.1 cent per line. FOH TYPE LIKE THIS (or like this) which Is peimllleil In nil classifications ex rrpt Help and Situations Wanted. Lost and Kuund. Personals, floaitllng and Iloom. add KlVi: CUNTS 1'HHLINI: TO ANY OK AIIOVU IIATHS There is a drup; store near your home that will accept Ledger want ' ads at office rates. PERSONALS ALL INTKItHSTi:!! In forming lodge Ancient Mvetltal Order iloae Cruel send for In formation, applliailun blanks, r I". la-dje" Central. PAY NO MONKV to itn 0110 but tho author.-:' .(die, tor . I'lllLAHKLPIlIA VHXDLVn COMPANY.' ' 1 HELP WANTED FEMALE HILL CI.KItK In olllto of manufacturing com pun. uhaUiant bill clerk, good typist and act unite ul figures, tile referenced and stat age, eiperit'nio und salary expected. K IS, la'tlger Ceiural ltoOKl:ni'Klt, with Are Insurance esperl line, go.it ot.enlng tor mpaitle person, Heplv Mating csperieiuc. age and references, which will bo treated conndpntlal. and salary ex pelled, I 7S:t, Ledger ornre. llonKKIlKI'KII. .Uiutde-entn. wanted; giv experience, reference and salary expected. 1' "ST, ledger Ofttto CANVASSKHS Lidlea to canvass for tunlni nln nit nrtiers. ppiy I'linstnut st. C, J. Hepim & Sons, I'llll.Il.Nl'IISH for email babj , Kngllsrior Sconh Protestant call before noon. 1UQ W'.'at Walnut lane, iltn Carfare paid. cuiTH WILWKUH wanted Apply JohrPS James 1'obton, Inc. lilanket Mill. Scott' lane Falls of Schuylkill Other Clu-slllnl Ails c-n Next Pair of a Royal Welcome MOVU'C Ht$ HEALTH? NvJHAT A T5EAr5., SWEET, K'NCl.SPUEK"DS, NdOLE CUD PKPr1 HE. MUST BE. ORDBP-. A. GAvULOM CAM OF UUTTEKMILK .ii 'ii m II ",in "' V V J V lD HE'S -RlfSATjl UlNlCUG. VEVS-RLV MORMlMg.; JEPTflA". , 1 'tortb . : GmiiS HAV-Uv iTHREATENS Tot IT "K ' vJrl""' J - IT , ' -" ' " - "-" " " '' ' "" " iil-w"wwi '-ii ' - 1 -, , j '" ' 1 wuwwimemtmem?e'm'' .lHl 4 I s PS lemWmeW " Em ti-- . 1 immmmmmmmmmmBmmmmvm