-i.V r'VT" a " v3STRAt. THURSDAY January 27, 1916 f merger KUttnttg I - I f nt SIDELIGHTS ON THE NEWS OF THE DAY AS GATHERED BY THE EVER-PRESENT CAMERA MAfl iftlMIW' 8S 'SfcSStSfeS LATEST WAR-FRONT PICTURE OF THE KAISER, WHO IS 57 YE ARS OLD TODAY f tWpW$W'Wm& ' feC W'&WS'vkSiM! This photograph, which has just arrived from Germany, shows Emperor William inspecting: a column of troops in East Galicia. At his right mm&Um&Mk i$M'&(m&f 'YBrj JVWks T?fW4 walks their commander, General von Bothmer. It is to bo noted that the Kaiser wears a knitted hood which Roes around his head and covers J E'S W 'VSFV 4sSl"l llis ears li is Probahl0 that this is for the protection of his weak throat a considerable concession for the Kaiser, who believes in a Spartan rigor. SHRJNERS' CIRCUS POSTER AND NOTED CLOWN WHO WILL APPEAR These sign? advertising the big indoor circus at Convention Hall next week are appearing all over town. iBKt'ia apor trait of George Hartzeli, of this city, who will impersonate a prominent citizen of this city at the show. THE TALLEST WORKINGMAN IN CAPTIVITY Sichaei Stieglar, 17 years old, went to work for the E. G. Budd anufacturing Company yesterday. He's 6 foot , and weighs 208. 'Ilia companion is 4 feet JUL inches, high IN THE "DANCE OF THE PYRENEES" TO NIGHT Miss Karlene Franz will be "Perdita" tonight in the Philadelphia Operatic Society's double bill at w Academy of Music. Her costume is of orange ana green.