Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 27, 1916, Night Extra, Page 11, Image 11

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    -frjl-f--"-( wf.
zi y1" ijn auuiJUTi
The inarrlnRc of Miss Anna Schuek, jf
tW Knst nniiphln street, to Mr. Joseph
t'lil whs nolemnls-.ed yesterday morning
at n o'clock with a Solemn Nuptial Mass
In m. Honlf.tro's Church, Hancock nnd
Diamond streets. Tim tliv. Pntlipr nvrr.
lit, and Mrs, Edward T. Stotesbury Will Give' a Large
Hebrew Educational Society and Young Men's Hebrew
Dansant mis Aiiernoon to Introduce heir
Daughter-in-law, Mrs. Oliver Eaton Cromwell
Political Association Will Entertain for
the Hebrew Sufferers Abroad
' ef.ll,,llrlt nfllnlnl.l ni. l.l.l- ...I.- ....
1-anyT afJHJjfciyiyji. ) 'JfflplljTfi
11 1 1 11. iii. 1 1 . 1 1 11
?. ni'nrif nnn fo InnklHM
OF CUl IWri i-.ij "'' " ""'""IS
fVwwanl to the dnnsnnt which Mrs.
Stotesbury will Rlvo for her cliuiRlitcr-
VRulaw. Hope uenio . romweii. una
ftefllOOn. 1 "-" " " '" "u " """'"--
I? it aftntr. The new bnuroom or tno
fmotosbury tmnio will lie used, of
'course, mm '" '"' "' "' '- ""
Mai afnlr l,M? Stntesburys lmvo Riven
&4 eenson. Owlnjr to tlio Illness of Mrs.
L.MMUtiry's father In Chicago the In-
Iritatlons were delto.'d, nntl some were
received only this week. However,
KLv nre out In time. Hope Is
Iferr pretty unci attractive nml seems
ifo tfe very well liked by her new
Barent8'ln-inw. ouc mm inr iiiihuiiiki
t nt 1721 I-ocust street, nnd their
t,.in Is nil trimmed up with little box
Krcc8 like the Stotesbury homo. Con-
Tad's Orchestra will play for tlie danc
ing this afternoon, wlilcli will take
klace In the ballroom nnd adjacent
Lnu. Of course, most of Mrs. Crom-
Krill's bridal party will bo there nnd
t are all looklnB rorwnru to me tea
felth Br --crtntlons.
Th second Cinderella cotillon was
held last nlRht In the Hose Gardens of
W Bellevue-Stratford, and was very
joyabte, though a number of the
Bembers have gone "up North" and
down South." It is pleasant to have
joma of tho subscription affairs stick
to tho old cotillon, for tho various fig
ures make a diversion In the evening's
Slicing, and even though not spurred
K to success by attaching numerous
V.vors. as thoro are none at tlio um-
Iderollas, still It Is something different,
nd that means a great deal, no go to
( parties nnd we one-step and fox-trot
ind waltz and even maxlxo a bit; nnd,
"inn wo co again and ngain ami no it
xver and over nnd enjoy It, but still wo
It like a chnnge. Tno uinciercnns are
about tho smartest subscription affairs
after the Assembly, which, of course,
itands alone. They are instinctive in
that no debs are asked, and they begin
early and end at midnight, which is a
toon for tho business man.
The Craig Biddies ontertalnetl nt
dinner last night before the cotillon.
ind the Stewart Wurts gave a dinner
"of 16 covers.
Tho death of Mrs. D, Leeds Miller
it her home In llnverford on Monday
cast the shadow of a great sorrow on
her family and friends. Mrs. Miller,
thn wna n cousin of Mrs. Clement A.
HGriscom, was widely known In this
City, and greatly loved ns well. She
leaves three daughters, nil of whom
Ire married. Tho eldest is Mrs. Fillc
brown, who lives at Paoli, and with
Mrs. Meredith has a small tearoom
thero and also all sorts of odds nnd
'ends which nre curious or unusual
m Mrs. Miller herself ran ft delightful
tearoom in iiryn .Mnivr, nnu ner
"daughter Isobel, who married Steve
Morris, has been actively engaged In
novlng picture work. The youngest
Siughtcr, Nellio Miller, married
Cbarles D. Carey, of Wyoming. Mrs.
Miller hud the respect of many peo
ple for tho way In which she took up
her widowed life, and, having beon left
Jjrllh very little of this world's goods,
Bet about to support her family with
treat bravery nnd success.
The Hits', was gay with luncheon par
ies yesterday nftcrnoon, but quite tho
jjiost noticeable was that given by Mr.
iantcs-Dumont for Frances .and Lota
Sullivan and Gladys and Robert Hinck
ley, of Washington. Tho table was de
lightfully decorated with spring llow-
ers, and rather an interesting fcaturo
or inc menu was tho "Pommes snntos-
ftlumont," which were sent to tlio tablo
as a reminder of tho days when Mr.
Bantos-Dumont began his career In
aviation. So popular was ho In Paris
it that time that tho maltre d'hotel in
fono of the smartest restaurants evolved
a "souffle " which was known ns tlio
Pommes Suntos-Dumont," nnd which
tesemblcd an nirshlp In shnpo. The
noted aviator was delightfully sur-
jrlsed when tho familiar dish was sent
In Ma nl.ln
W,U was rather amusing' to note tho
expression on the faces of all tho party
after luncheon, when they reached their
motor to find themselves facing a bat
tery of cameras, but Mr. Snntos-Du-
iWont after a sllglit frown bowed cour
teously to the photographers, and stood
railing while they snapped him, tho
.rest, of tho party scurrying into tho car
for protection.
Others who lunched at tho Ultz were
Mrs. Craig Biddlc, who was smartly
gowned In black broadcloth and beaver;
jneTom Rldgways, who were with Mrs.
lyllllam Donner: Harrv Tucker nnd
pcHarg Davenport, of New York; Mrs.
ftooert Strawbrldgo and Mrs. John
LThe Philadelphia Operatic Society
Binder the direction of Professor Was-
IjJ! Leps will give "II Pugllaccl" and a
lyilet "Dances of tho Pyrenees" to-
"flu In tho Academy of Music. Much
atereet js belnn taken In tho bullet,
Especially as Mrs. Austin Heckscher.
EDO was Miss Celeste D. Alassov. of
i?'s city, wrote tho score and Pro
JMsor Albert W. Newman has sup
plied the plot nnd taught tho dancers,
gvery one who knows Mrs. Heckscher
Sgd her great enthusiasm for music
! Anxious to hear nml son the ballet
Kf. Heckscher Is a sister of Mrs.
Enry Edward Drayton. Her daughter,
nme Heckscher. made her debut
? season, and early this sea-
Eg" her engagement to Dick Newbold
Es announced. The sturs in the pro-
tfstlon tonight will be Miss Helen
3Lcnanan, Mr. Paul Volkmann, Dr.
& Lloschutz. rr. .Tumps Davenoort
Eg Mr, B. Y- Coffralu.
Personals o
J. Bnow. of Duron T.aiin Manor, an-
Qntia u .. ---.. -- v.,
JfS " marriage 01 ner uauj,in;i.
Sfit Anno 'Le Conte Snow, and Mr. Ker-
' ineouule Paternotte, son of Mr. ana
rAlexnnriAtt l..t..nn,ia nt lpii!L.4fitil.
SJUnj, yesterriau nfternnnn. In the
B of the Immedlato famlllea only.
Hwemony was uerformeil by the
1r Leahy
f&ft Ueaa Slnkler entsrtaln.ed inor-
mnllv nt innfiinA,. ii. i. , . . i ,
home , st Dnv?.rB Wp,lm"'y 1l "f
M, . , ;
nini. i.. i 'I1' ' "t cntcrtniliPil .it n
mnit lunclicnii of II rovers ycsleiilay nt :
.... ,m. ,,, nniiiiRioii to nlinounro tup ,
ciiRaceinent nf lim- mi. nn. i.i..ii
Clilchcater. to Mr. Philip TJ. Laird, of
llmlngion, son of the ltev. William It.
.. ' ". wfH-known Mplscopitl clcrc.vninn,
of Mrookvitte, M,i., and brother of Wlttlnm
Winder l.nlnl ti.ut, ...i M..
, ... '....I .. M..III , IfllUH ..II
Lain! Is associated In the brokcrnifc bllsl
ness. Tim MntvAf-a ...,.1 i..i.i .i.n"..
ere In pink and the placo-carrts an-
nounccd tlic cimaccmcnt. They were pink
hearts, surmounted by n I'upli'l, who held
n wedding ring over his lingers and when
this was removed two little leaves came
apart nnd revealed the names of Mr.
Laird and Miss Chichester. Miss Horls
Lea. of Sandy Spring, Mil., who Is Slav-
big with Miss Chichester this week, was
present at the luncheon, and the oilier
guests were Miss Harriet Klrkun, Mlsa
Elizabeth Ilnmsiiy. Miss 1'ollv Laird. Miss
Louise Nowlnnd Miss Alice Hush, Miss
Kleanor Hush. Miss Madeline Owens. Miss
Unrbaia Vmidegrlft, Miss llenryette Sin-
&? sis
her debut here thrcowl,ors ago. ;
The mnrrlngo of Miss Morenre ISoall, ,
daughter of Mrs. Joseph Iloml Itenll. to
it. wiinain Jiynn Thornton, Jr., win mite
Iilnce on Hatiinlay, Kelirunry R. nt tlio
linino of the bildo's motlinr, 777 Madison
avenue, New York. The Ilev. Dr. Krliest
II. Stlres, rector of St. Thomas' Church,
will olllclate.
Mrs. Wnlter Jackson l'recman, of ls"2
,.., ,. , , . , , . Cfc., '
Spruce street, has relumed frointho
South and will be at homo on Sundays,
fioni I until fi o'clock, until April. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Morris W. Stroud, Jr.,
gave 11 small Informal dinner nt their
home on' liroiiRhtnn Innp Inst evening.
Mrs. Newlln McConiipll. of Gray's lnne,
llnverford, was the hostess at a chil
dren's party,, given yesterday nftcrnoon
following the children's dancing clnss nt
the Merlon Cricket Club. The party wan
given In honor of the small daughter of
the hostess. Miss Marjorlo McConntll.
Mrs. McConnell was formerly Miss Mar
jorlo Obertcilffer.
Miss Mary S. Paul will entertain nt a
dance at her home. 211 West I'psal street, '
Gcrmnntnwn, tomorrow evening. There
will be about SO guests piesont.
Mrs. A. K. CJrnhnm, of 1812 Chestnut
street, will sail for Kuropo on Saturday
on the steamship New York.
Mrs. I'axson Dectcr will give a lunch
eon nnd bridge In February In honor of
Miss Kdlth I'vnns, whose mnrrlago to
Mr. J. Lawrence Pancoast will tako
place after Faster.
Mr. nnd Mrs. John R. Valentine, of
Highland Farm, Ilryn Mnwr, have left
to snend the remainder of the week vis-
Itlnc friends In Ualtlmore. On February
ID Mr. nnd Mrs. Vnlentlnc will leavo on
another fox hunting trh In Harford '
County. Mnrvland. !
Mr. and Mrs. Logan M. Bullitt and
Miss Jean C. Hnllltt. of Torrcsilale. will
leave on Saturday for Havana, Cuba,
where they will spend several months.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Jay It. Llpplncntt. of 1025
Spruco street, will leavo this week for a
trip through tho South.
Mrs. Peter Boyd, of 133 South lSth followed ''y I1"1"5.0' ,?'1,lcl1 ,vj"j ?!.vc"
street, will give a icceptlon nnd danco ' b.y Mrs' I:"lf '" Or.oeni of M.i "j,1
on Monday at tho Rlttcnhouse. ; ennngo reet, 011 Saturday at the It It-
tenhouse. Tim Mowers used on tho lunch
Mr. nnd Mrs. Victor J. Mulford, of eon tables will l)P pink roses and maiden
Greenwood avenue, AVyncote, arc spend- ' hair ferns. Assisting Mrs. Green in re-
Ing several days this week In Atlantic
Mr. nnd Mrs. William II. Donner will
entertain at dinner this evening at their
home, 313 South lSth street.
Mrs. Thomas M. Kenton and Mrs. J. R.
W. Hldlack. of 1313 Spruce strcut, will
bo at homo this afternoon from 4 until (i
o'clock. No enrds bnvo been sent out.
The Philadelphia Chapter nf St. Mary's
School, Ilurllngton. N. J., will entertain
nt luncheon today at tho Ilollovuo-Strat-
Mrs. William Howell, Jr., of 221S St. ' M. L. Wallace. Mrs. William Rowland,
James place, will give tho InHt of her 1 .Mrs. James Thompson. Mrs. Jack Coates,
nt homes today. I .Mrs. Robert Deardon, Mrs. William
1 Cooper. Mrs. William Clark, Mrs. Clar-
Mr. and Mrs. Mattbuw H. Pollock, IT. S. I t,cc jnv, 51 ra. Charles Asam. Mrs. Sam
N of 213i HHner street, nnnonnco the'. ul T. x.-OX j,.., Mrs. William Ingram,
engagement of their daughter. Mias Mabel j,.8i Gertrudo Hlchens. Jlrs. Jncob Ilalrd,
Florence Pollock, to Mr. Luther Pattcc, ! Mrs. Robert M. Green, Jr.. Mrs. Robert
of Washington. . McCreery. Mrs. Joseph Kmerlek, .Mrs.
t I'M ward I'atton. Mrs. Allen Miller, Mrs,
Alnvirr tlia M-iiii T.i'no Kdgnr Green, Mrs. Charles Herrmann,
Along tne main .uine j.s MIllHr, i,r,smllth. Mrs. niury stew-
OVIORRROOK The second annual din- ,.t( jtsit iip.ssio Clnrk, Mrs. William
ner of the Merlon Civic Association will i'0py, Mrs. Frank Green, Mrs. William
bo held tills evening In the ballroom of Marshall, Mrs William Kugler, Mrs. Otto
tlio Overbrook Golf Club. The president Seliniini. Airs. Ilcrmun Horn. Mrs. A. C.
of tho association, Mr. Kdwanl Unit, will
ARDMORH Members of the Main Lino
Choral aro arranging to glvo their winter
musicale on Friday evening, February I,
In tho Lower Merlon School auditorium.
The Choral, which Is under tho leader
ship of Miss Anna McDoiiough, Is 0110 of
the largest and most successful omatmir
,,,.nl fit nt 10 let ftifu irlrllilt Ittivltirp
'"""":;..... -n T.,,.. ,.11 c ...i.V,. i,V, '
excellent voices. Its concerts, which aro
held semiannually, aro always gUou for I
a worthy cause, and on this occasion ,
h. Wvnneileld Children's Hospital will bo
An attractive danco Is being arranged
to tako place tomorrow evening nt tho
Greystouo on Schoolliouse lane. About
60 guests have been invited.
Miss Helen Van Duscn. of 5131 Morris
street, has returned to her homo from
a visit to New York.
Miss Dorothy Burgess, of 630 German
town avenue, has returned from New
York, where tho spent H fortnight on u
shopping tour with her sister, Mrs. Lan
Ins Harvey, of Wilkes-larrc, Pa.
tho benellclnry. .Mrs. byuney uiiycr. or ' ".'': ,;","".'" ,, " """"" '
Merlon, will be tho soloist. , Frank Haley, and the. class 01 leers:
Mrs. L. II. ICIchengrcen. of 37 St. I'aiil's ;',r- " "" '"P. prcsicicni; .Mr. ini ry
road, left yesterday for Mcrelmiitvlllo. ' Williams, vice ..resident; Mr. Harry
where sho will visit her father. Mr. John v3' secretary, and Mr. Milton W.
J. Burleigh, while Mr. Klcliensrccn is I l'"V- treasurer. The program will In
away on a business trip. elude also u number of bright musical
Whose marriage took place in December. Mrs. Bedell will be remem
bered as Miss Elsie Mathilda Ilentz.
" fc ' anvil. I III- Ul nil;. II nil WtlH
Bvpn In innrilngp by her stepfather. Mr.
Clmrlei. tlnitmaler, was ntteii.le.1 by her
niald of honor. Mr. William 8. Smith
acted nn best miin. Mr. and Mrs. I'bt will
spi-iid their liotieyinoii In Hcrmuda. Tho
nridcaiooni has thtrc brothers tlRbtliig In
lite tleininn army, one of whom bns been
tUKen prisftncr and Is hi England.
Tlio nlatrlagc of Miss Mllzabclh .loupph
Ine PclHvcnalc. MailL'htCr nf Mr. .tnlin It
Sclnvcnalc, of North IRtli bH-pkI. In Mr
AliUinnes . Ilarndt, of 1037 West Tioga
"reel, took place on Tuesday afternoon
"l l"p ( '"'rcb of tlio Ccsu. lSth and Stiles
streets. The ceremony was performed by
l,c 'lev. Fir. (luldticr. The bride, who
"'"" Rlv,n In man-lngc by her father, was
attended by her sister, Miss .lusllna
c.cliweiip, as maid of honor. Mr. John
eliwoiiglc. the bride's brother, was best
ma". ,'l," "'elr return from a short
wpddlng Journey Mr. and Mrs. Harndt
vl" "v'e ' this cltv.
Tlio mnrrinm .if ti.,u tni -.1. i-i.i
K,pson, ' of 'tl'T" nlcnillfo "xilLm
Kplseopal Cliuirb. rpon their lelurn from
thole wedding trl, , Mr. and Mrs. I-'rscston
will live at l.lti Harrison nveniie, (llensidc.
Tlio weililiiiK of Miss Anna I'omerantr.
ami Mr. Havld llublti took place on San
dfly evening m fi o'clock, nt Apollo Halt.
The ceremony ivus performed by Rabbi
11. L. I.evlnthnl. The bride was attpmlpil
1 by .Mrs. Alboi't .1. Itubln n matron nf
"J " .....ui, .,. ikiiiiui (in iniiiiuil 111
honor, and her bridesmaids were Miss
linlin .Inwers. Miss Lena Segal, Miss
Anna Cnrtciibiug, Miss Sophie I'rlpsteln
nnd Miss t'cnrl Ruth. Mr. Albert J. Itubln
acted as liest man, nnd the ushers were
Mr, Samuel r'rmik, .Mr. Samuel Wnxmnn,
J,r. Orson Green. Mr. Abraham Pom-
('milts', nnd Mr. David Pomernutx.
l-ollowlng the ceremony, Mr. and Mrs.
Itubln left for New York, and upon their
ictiirn will live nt SJ2 Nonh Sith street.
North Philadelphia
Mrs. Simon Guns, of 2117 North 15th
street, gave a luncheon yesterday nt the
Mrs. Cbailottp Tyson, of 1742 North 22d
sticet, will entertain at cards tomorrow
afternoon, when her jiuests will Include:
Mrs. Clark Kcndrtck, Mrs. Newton Smith,
Mrs, Russell Wilson, Mrs. J. Diirbln
Acker, Mrs. Leo Fastbilrn, Mrs. II. Rex
Stnekhoiise, Mrs. George T. Thompson,
Mrs. Illlynrd Smith, Miss Grace
IVOssono, Miss Helen O'Ossonc, Miss
Isabel Hull and Miss Selma Strauss.
Mr. nnd Mrs. David n. Simon, of 1516
Diamond street, have gone to Florida
for a visit of several weeks.
Miss Caroline C. Smith, of 160ft Diamond
street, entertained nt dinner Saturday
evening In honor of her birthday. Covers
erc laid for 12 guests.
M'sa Uussln Reese, of 2C27 North Xth
street, has returned from a visit to her
uncle, P.-nf. Herbert Reese, of Now York,
and her sister. Mrs. L. R. Mycrson, of
Newark, N. J.
Prominent among the week's entertain
ments will be the reception and luncheon,
ceivuig win ne .Mrs. i.naries .iiciiic, .iirs.
Jack Roberts, Mrs. Herbert Klcmlng, Mrs,
Harry Kubii and Mrs. Georgo Klcmlng.
Other Kuests will be Mrs. Wnlter Holmes,
Mrs. Hampton Warner. Mrs. Robert M.
Green, Mrs. Thomas Hoggs, Mrs. John
McCandless, Mrs. Samuel Boggs, Mrs.
Albert Rcnnlek, Mrs. Charles Pabst, Mrs.
George Hoggs, Mrs. Louis Cave, Mrs.
George Kecbler, Mrs. I'dgar Wriglitman,
Mrs. Redo Walters. Mrs. Llnd Mason
taker. Mrs. Michael McDonnell. Mrs. Lil
lian linwitt, Mrs. Henry Montgomery,
Mrs. Thomas Durham, Mrs. Samuel Scat-
tergood, Mrs. William Henry, Mrs.
I diaries Wood. Mrs. Albert Fiecman. Mrs.
jiuzi,y d Mrs. Albeit Slgel. In tho evc-
1 mug .Mr. aim .Mrs. ureen win givo a
j dinner for the receiving party nnd a few
I additional guests, Including Mr. Charles
: Medic, Mr. Jack Roberts, Mr. Herbert
Fleming unci Mr. Harry Kuhn.
Tne first anniversary of the Men's
Illblc Class of tho Itlilcc Avenue Motho
'"' Kplscnpal Church. Ridge avenut
"hn hhawmont street, will take place
ionluM in ho church niiilltoriiim. Ad-
dresses will bo made by Mr. Georgo
Tho annual hnii'iuet of tho Ushers' As.
soclatlon of tlio Bethany German Luth
eran Church, Martin and Pechln streets,
will bo held on .Saturday night In the
social hall of the church.
Camden and Vicinity
Tho Misses Pancoast, of 203 Cooper
street, have been visiting friends In Bala.
Minn Gertrude Trnubel, of 200 Klin street,
Is In Hew York.
Mrs. Gale Bennett has returned to her
I homo in Newborn. N. C.
. llmirln nwnn -in, nf llll.ln ..louuna. It.
Miss Wiprp;ins nnd Miss MnrRnrct
honor nt two consecutive dances to
by the rmrentn of tlio former, Dr.
West Philadelphia
Mr. and Mrs. lMward It. Sterrett. of
fiMJ Fllswoith street, announce the en
gagement of their dau'ihter, Miss Lottie
Simpson Sterrett, to Mr. William A. Iten-
dcr, Jr., of 4027 Paring sticet.
Mrs. Craig N. Llgget. of WW Walnut
street, will kIvp a buffet luncheon this
afternoon. Mrs. Krpderlek It. Stryker.
Miss Hvn Wilkinson, of New York, and
Mrs. John B. Tlnslcy, of Louisville, Ky..
will assist the hostess In receiving.
Among the guests will lie Mrs. George
ICrct.v Shoemaker. Mrs. Samuel II. Vroo-
ninn, Mrs. Dale Baker Filler. Mrs. r.lmei j Mrs. Wnlter Hoardman Decker, wife of
Rodenbaimb. Mrs. Roberts I.elnau. Ml. ' Lieutenant Decker. V. S. N., of 232.1
George H. Scranton, Mrs. John Archibald South 21st sticet, left last week for Pen
MacCallilin, Mrs. Harry Watklns. Mrs. sacola, Fin., when- she will visit her
William Walton, Mrs. Howard H. Llgget. parents for a few months.
Mrs. Robert Llgget, Jr.. Mrs. William II.
Shoemaker, Mrs. A. Q. Casselberry. Mrs. ' MlslH Kglhr nolmy. .vi, imH i,ccn the
.111cr1 nnuiii, .iii. i.iiuiu.- i. ,.111.11,1 1
Miss Mary Cooper, Miss Kthel Lelnaii,
... ,, , , ,., , ,....
.Miss Hannah Sparks, Miss Jean nn
Kirk, of Princeton; Miss Marlaima Wor- I
den Miss Iiisetihlne Scott Miss Tleininn. ,
n'VSw 'mS m';- Davis "of
Pittsburgh. I
Mr. and Mrs. D. McLaughlin, of 3707
Ixieust street, nre entertaining Miss Mar
guerite Dolnn, of Penh Amboy. N. J., as
their guest.
Dr. John Balcolm Shaw, the newly
elected president of Khnlra College, Kl
mlra, N. Y will be the' guest of Mrs.
Julia Wlllott.s Williams at 11 reception to
be given In his honor at her home, 4023
Walnut sticet, on Satuidny, from I until
(! o'clock. The alumni as well ns the stu
dents of the college have been Invited to
be present.
Mr. and Mrs. William Madara, of 52!
North Crelgbton street, announce the en
gnKemcnt of their dnughtcr, .Miss Bertha
Madara, to .Mr. Charles J. Gclslictmcr, of
310a Catharine street. The wedding will
take place In August.
- ...-v-Frankford
Miss Deronda Filbert, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. II. Y. Filbert, of Fox Chnse. will
leave today to spend a month nt Rock
ledge, Fla., with Mr. nnd Mrs. Springer
and their daughter, Miss Vera Springer,
of Lennox road, OgonU.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bamberger, of
Arrott street, will entertain nt dinner
nnd cards tomorrow evening. Their
guests will Include Mr. and Mrs. Thoron
Bernstein. Mr. and Mrs. William A.
Carter, Mr. and Mrs. Adam Iteeht, Mr.
nnd Mrs. Hownrd Lewis. Miss Eva Ren
berger, Miss Father Wallace, Miss Kdlth
Joyce, Miss Clara Bernstein, Miss Eliza
beth MaglU, Miss Evelyn Krutz. Miss
Marlon Graham, Miss Beatrice Hoyt, Mr.
Thomas Ettllnger, Mr. John Barran, Mr.
Louis Bracco, Mr. Robert Mnseflcld, Mr.
Charles Havelock, Mr. James Warren,
Mr. Leonard Gurney and Mr. Thomas
Miss Lota Knlerman, of East Lans
downe, Is visiting Miss Irma La Roche,
of West Philadelphia.
Mr. William Sullivan, of East La Crosse
avenue, has gono on a business trip to
The Girls' Gnmrna-SIgrrm Tau Fraternity
will kIvo a proKrea.slvo dinner on Saturday,
(irapofrult rocktalls will be served at Miss
Helen OeMerlle-'H, cremc of celery soup
at Miss Lillian niood worth's, creamed
chicken on toast, potatoes, peas, stuffed
olives and rolls at Miss Kdlth HonsalTs and
Wnlflnrf snl :td nt MI.hh Dorothy Wlmpr'H.
The last course of Ice cream, nuts and j
. ... ...in i. n..n.i t ti..., i.-..n in. i
luuiu itlll '( t.1 i ti .,L ..Ufa ,.,,,, iitb ,,,-
die's and will be followed by a dance. The
members of tho club are Miss Gertrude
Palm, Miss Madeline Mahoney, Miss Until
.Shannon, Miss Km ma Itiddle. Miss Helen
Ocsterllo. Miss Dorothy Wlmer. Miss Al
ma Underbill, Miss Oeorgette Thorn, Miss
Iluth James. Miss Clara Ineram, Miss
Josephine Onpp. Miss Mildred Davis, Miss J
lluth Chalmers, Miss Kdith Ilonsall and
Miss Lillian Illoodsworth.
JIany of tho younger set of Woodbury
will uttend the midyear dance of tho We.
nonuh Military Academy tomorrow eve
ning. This affair is always looked upon
ns ono uf tho big social events of the
year for the younger set. The cadets will
give nn cxmuitlon drill preceding tho
Mlsa Hnzel Kclk will become the bride
of Mr. Leon Anderson, of Glen terrace,
this evening. The wedding will take
pluco at the homo of tho bride's parents
on Salem avenue.
A trip by auto ucross the Lincoln High
way was tho subject of an Interesting lec
ture given Tuesday evening under tho
auspices of the Woman's Mission Circle.
Music was furnished by tho Girls' Mis
sion band, and Mrs. O. W. Moore ren- I
dercd two vocal selections.
Miss Klla Mlddleton Tybout, the b lory
writer and novelist, who is u native of
Delaware, but has not lived here for a
number of years, Is visiting In this city
as the guest of Mrs. Frederick William
Notice for tho Society page will be,
accepted and printed in tho Evening
Icder. but all ouch notice muit be
urllten on one ldo of the paper, mutt be
tlcned lo full, with full addfete, and
nhca pottlblo telephone number mast be
Stud all aucb coinmunlcatlon lo
"Society Editor." Erenlar Ledger, 60S
Cheetnut ttrcet.
Unlet tbeo requirement are carried
out o that TcrlOratloo may be potilble,
lb notice tf I'll not b publUhed.
Ann May will lie the tuc3ts of
be ydveii tomorrow and Ssiturdny
nnd Mrs. Howard S. Anders.
Along the Reading
The Montgomery County Brunch of the
Women's Pennsylvania Society for the
Prevention of Cruelty to Animals has Is-
sued Invitations for Its nununl meeting
and tea, to he held on Thuisdny after
niion, February 3, at it o'clock, In the
palish bouse of All I billows' Church.
Wyncote. Reports of the year's work will
be read, olllcerii and malingers elected for
the coining year nnd an addiess made by
the president.
Naval News
guest of Mrs. Nelson P. Villto nnd Mrs.
.iiiiuiii i,iiivii lur 1111; itini it 11 uii3n, u.ir.
. .. f,,r ,,r i,m , vMhlmtiin n C
'L" fo' , " h""'p" ,,,, u ' L, tL
"''"' " came to the city for tho
navy-- dance, and several very charming
n'fn,, were given by the naval set for
Jiillnn Wllleox for the last ten days, has
Captain Chin lea Bryant Drake, 1. S. A.,
nnd Mrs. Drnko will entertain on Tues
day next, nt dinner, In honor of Captain
Robert Lee Russell. I". S. N., command
ant of the local yard, and Mrs. Russell.
Covers will be laid for eight guests. .Mrs.
Drake was hostess yesterday afternoon
to the members of tho Wednesday After
noon Bridge Club.
South Philadelphia
The ladles of the Aurora I-adles" Circle
were entertained at the b me nf Mrs.
Matthias Sehwoal, 1321 Mifflin street, last
Sunday. Mrs. Louis Fuhrmelster, violin
ist, with Mrs. William Baclunan nt the
piano, rendered (-elections.
A reception was given In honor of Miss
Mno McGoldrlck at her homo on Wednes
day, January 19.
Mr. and Mrs. William Fraser, of 603
Washington avenue, were given a surprise
reception by their friends on Monday eve
ning. Tho event marked their l."th wed
ding anniversary, and was attended by
about M guests.
Miss Gertrude A. Hern, of Broad street
nnd Washington avenue. Is visiting
friends In Doylestown. Pa
Miss Kathryn Itelchner. of Colwyn, and
Miss Fay A. SliPdland, of South Philadel
phia, have arrived home, after spending
some timo at Atlantic City.
What's Doing Tonight
I'liilartelphl.i Operatic Society nlnRS "IikH.
rl," to lu followed liy hallo t, "Dfinro of the
I'yrcuprs," Acmlcmy or Music; 7:15 n'rlock.
rntverslty Extension Society recital liv Perrv
IteniiiH, liarltone, Vltlierimon Hall; N:15
American Council of the African Inliuul Mis
sion, Sir 10 North 2Mh street.
Centre County Association banquet. Hotel
Walton; 7 o'clock.
Circuit No. 1. Pennsylvania Rankers Associa
tion, annual illnucr, Itellcvuc-Htratforrl Hotel;
7 o'clock.
rnllarielphU C'nntrni'tnrH Association annual
dinner. A'lelphla Hotel; 7 o'clock,
Opler Kawtcrn Hiar dlnncr-i.uice, Ailelphla
Hotel; 7 o'clock,
Hnnluaro .Miiniifacturera AsHocintlnn annual
dinner, Uellevuc-Ktratfonl Hotel; 7 o'clock.
Cedar Avenue Improvement Association. 47th
Mreet and Cedar axeutie; H o'clock. Krce.
Flfty-seeoml Street and I.ancaHter Avenua
Iluaint'Wfl Men, .Vtt tircct iui l.-msdowno ave
nut; S o't-lock. Tree.
PhlladelphlA KIiikIo Tax ANSoclatlou dinner,
Rlank'K. VCl Chestnut Htreot: t:'Mi o'clock.
"Muhlc. Old and New." lecture by Fullerton
1,. Waldo, Alumni ItulldliiL-. Uroail street above
1;;! :f1nut,11i;'l;':
i iiiiiimuai.iil iu. it.il
tire- and dance. C
o'i loi'K.
Suponor location witn an
unobstructed view of b$ach
nnd boardwalk A reenrtmzfid
f standardof excellence
S"?lHP&mm. m.'ZXif&rlEtfzL
nas ?et anew .standard of
aerviee. comfort and beauty
owniaaHiF uNaiuiNT
at (be
Berlitz School
liltb Cbettnut St. (Otcr Itiker l'barmar)
Telephone Bpruco 4601.
New Clae Conatantly Forming
HTDiVFP"! 1n Uct Hutlnea School,
fljiuvjuvu 801-SOT Cbettnut Slrcti.
W - 1730 N Ilroad St. Phone Dla. 838
agner i-ructlce C'laa Mon..Tue. & Tbur.
scboiam' Dance Tonight Kerrr"t
Annlrry ". ""'" Orthettra
Aatlttanl nenetlt Panco Toiaor., Krl. Evg.
s Real Continuoui Dance N!xl
Orcbettra ""M"M" ""vwSat. Evg.
Gfosfo&zt j r
AllKdtfLAlt council meeting of the
Hebrew Kducntlon Society was held
Sunday evening at Miss Wcgnmn'n home
720 Morris street, Mr. Herman 1). Mazer
Kavornble reports were given by Mr.
Alfred Diamond, chairman of the vatlous
committers. Mr. Hoot, chairman nf the
Athlclle Committee, reported progress.
I''inal arrangements were completed for
tlio cbecher tournament, whl"h will be
conducted under the nlispteos of the coun
cil mid managed by Mr. Kamuel Miller.
A 1'iitlm piny was decided upon nnd was
placed in the bands of it special commit
tee, coiislstlnir of the chairmen of the
various classes.
Mr. Louis K. Hosen. president of tho
tenth graduating clnss of the South Phlln
dolphin Illah School and editor-lii-chlef of
the Southron, addressed Hie council mi
"The .Vced of Mitigating the Suffering
nf Hie Jews In the War Zone." This was
received with nrcat enthusiasm nnd the
council irnolvoil Itself Into a committee
to work Indny, which Is Jewish Tag Day.
The speaker was thanked by the chair
man in behalf of the roiltiell.
After the business meeting the follow
ing entertained: A violin solo by Mr. Mel
loy. of the Southern I Mull Scbunl; oirhes
tra, mandolin solos, by Mr. Wiener and
Mr. V. Illlrk, and n vocal Solo by Miss
Applebaum, accompanied by Miss Hosen
blum mi the piano.
The next meeting will be held Sutulny
evening, February 6.
The Young Men's Hebrew rotltleal As
sociation will obseive "Hebrew Day"
with (he announcement of the bl, charity
affair tliey will give for the benefit of
the war sufferers In Kurnpe. Mr. J. H.
Lit, chairman of the Itellcf Committee,
has taken an Interest In the organization
to help make the affair a successful one.
Dr. Leon I-'cldermnu and Mr. Morris
Onion, chilli man of the oraanlzatlon, have
been woiklng hard for tlio last two
weeks making arrangements for the
biggest entertainment the V. M, II. 1'. A.
Iins over given. The mcmliets who are
nlso trying In make It a success nre Dr.
Harry Herman, .Mr. S. 11. Sehntz, Mr.
D. Frank, Doctor Coldberg, Dr. J. Hreeu
rpnn. Mr. t'aiil Hosen, Mr. Harry Weln
slein. Mr. .1. I'oopernian, Mr. (!. Shay.
The ladles' auxiliary Includes Miss F.dlth
llernay. Mbm ltose Finuk. Miss Mstber
(lassll. Miss Levey, Miss Kaufman. Miss
Klein, Miss Mcndleson and Miss Llndcii
bnuni. The Dramatic Club of Illusion i", A. O.
H.. and Division a. Ladles' Auxiliary,
will lepeat the Irish piny, 'Sbauti
Aroon," tonight at St. Patrick's Hall,
21st nml N'nudahi streets. Tim proceeds
of tho affair will go to the building fund
of SI. Patrick's Church, nt 20th nnd Lo
cust streets. The play was given on Tues
day nlKhl with, great success nnd a large
attendance Is expected tonight.
The wist of characters Includes:
Kli.iun Arnon...
l.nnl I'Vimoi. . .,
I'VrgiiM Hlfiril.in.
Dim (I'llrnilv. ..
Torn irtlr.nlv. . .
n,l llrnniiiLis. . .
I'n trlil!
Ml. o'Diiulv...
I'nlrlrk filllon
. . ........ ..Innclih .Mullen
llll.im .t HouBlieriv
tames I'olIN
Itnl.pft Kerr!
William Ferris
Dennis Cinnim
Ianis Mills
Murle Wrsttott
i.,,.. iin...i.
. .Sa'mli Mi'Tnlllia
This ilrnmntic association Itns achiever!
a number of successes in the various
plays they have undci taken.
The annual dance of the La Salle Col
lege A. A. will take place tomonow
night nt the Hotel Walton. The patron
esses will be Mrs. James A. Harrett. Mrs.
I. M. Ilianagan, Mrs. Francis J. Hrcn
nnn, Mrs. Frank Callaghan, .Mrs. P. It.
Connolly, Mrs. John J. Donnelly, Mrs.
Itlcbard Doyle. ,Mrs. William Doyle.
Mrs. Mary Frcney. Mrs. M. A. Frenoy,
'.Mrs. Mary J. Gallagher, Mis. Anna Gill,
Mrs. Thomas W. Olllesple, .Mrs. M.
F. Hanson. Mrs. William J. Har
rlty, Mrs. Anthony J. Hirst, Mrs. Anthony
J. Honiii, Mrs. Jules Junker, .Mrs.
Thomas F. Klrby. Mrs. Joseph II. Leh
man. Mrs. II. J. McOuigan, .Mrs. D. P.
McKenna. Mrs. A. MeWllllams, Mrs. .1.
Albert Miller, Mrs. Helen Dooner Mooie,
Mrs. Kdward A. Morroll, Mrs. Hernnrd
.1, O'Con.iell, Mrs. Frank O'Donncll, .Mrs.
Joseph J. O'Loughlln. .Mrs. Patilek
O'Nell Mrs. James Perry, Mrs. Martin
J. Powers, Mrs. Andrew Qiilmi, Mrs.
John Iteuss. Mrs. Louis A. Uichards, Mrs.
Joseph Huf, Mrs. lOmil Scherr, Mrs. M.
Simmons. Mrs. Charles Strnub, Mrs.
Charles V. Toner, Mrs. Charles F. Wns
som, Mrs. J. It. Wheliin. Mrs. Helen
Williams, Mrs. Henry Wellington Miss
Jeno Laura Glenn, Miss Anna C. Mc
Closkey. Jliss Vera Mlchcls.
Tho San Soucl Club will glvo a ".ICO"
CBSy, trgJ ijffi&l
"Tf8 is a bulb car The
best buy ever made. I
put a want ad in the Public
Ledger and got a buiifch of
dandy offers."
"The Ledger's a great paper, I know,"
"It sure is. Am told that it is read by 70 of
auto owners in Philadelphia, and I guess that -iW
reaches more DeoDle who
ariv nthnr nnnPr i'n 1-urn
If you want a used car, use a Ledger want ad.
Send your ad now for tomorrow's paper, ' .
pnrty this evening at the home of the
Misses flrove. nt 1S03 North 27th street. f
The Mutual Progress Sueiuiy -will give
n collective reading of Charles Kami Ken
tiedy's popular drama, "The Servnnt-'ln
the House" tomorrow evening. The cbaf
ncters will be taken by Mr. A. ScUlly,
Mr. Morris Hellvcll, Mr. Isadora Cor'lk,
Mr. OnVId ttllborg. Mr. Irrnel licckman.
Mr. Nntlinn Uudnltzky nnd Mr. Joseph
Itossman rcspectlvcl. Preceding 111
reading, Mr. ('Iiarles D. Fco, of the so
clety, will rend nn original essay on Walt
Whitman nnd Mr. Joseph Itossman will
read one on ancient music.
Mr. Morris L. Srhnevcr gave n farewell
dinner In honor of Mrs Alma Wnltmnn
Crist on Friday evening. January 21, n't
the home of her mother. XIrs, Alma "WalO
num. SftM South Hosewocd str;ct.
An Informiil reception was given In
honor of Miss Hdythe Mnrsden by Mlsa
M. Christine Nielsen, of 2StS North 27th.
street, on Saturtbiv evonlii',". The guests
Inrhuled Miss Olgn Nielsen. Miss Clara
Mnrsdeii, Miss IMvtbe Marsden, Miss
Kntlierlne Potts, Mr. II. Ooldnor Potts,
Mr. Allm McFiidden, Mr. t). 11. Andor
son and Mr. John Hansen.
Miss Kmmn H. Hilling entertained at
"SOI" party Monday evening at her home.
101 North Mat sticet. Her guests Were
Miss Kmlly Stroud. .Mlrs Lnurn Mnches
ncy, Miss Petty Stiles. Miss May Stroud, .
Mrs. J. Harry Stroud, Jr. M- Harry S.
fSrahnni, Mr. William fi. Stroud, Mr.
Herbert Myers, Mr. John Souder nnd Mr
J. Harry Stroud, Jr.
I Miss Helen II. Walker, of 21M North 82d'
street, cntertnlned a number of school
I friends lit a lea. Among the guests wcro
Miss Sarn Waller, Miss Minerva Wo,ln
initio .Miss iiene item?, .miss num.
Wheeler. Miss Fdslc Stevens and Mlsa'
Winifred Stewart. '- '
A large party was given nt the homo of '
Mr. Henjamln l.elder to celebrate tha(
niinlvcrsary of the "nwl Club." whlcli Is
I noxv one year old. Several addresses wer
l made, one especially by the president, Mr,
I Lelder, who spoke on the prospects .of
I Philadelphia under the new Mnyor. Mr.
I Chares Daniel Master and Mr. David
I Daniel Clearllcld also spoke.
I Among tlioc piesent weic Miss Anna
Lossnnsky, .Mls.i Hstber Adolf, Miss Betsy ,
I Itoss, Miss Hose Dtmllti.inn, Miss Hello
Sehubman. Miss Itote Fclnstoln, Mlris
; Carolina Lelder. Miss Mary fietzmnn. Miss
Helen lleriiian, Miss Kuiinle Steinnnrdi,'
Miss Jean Harden, Mr. Louis Borden, Jlr. ,
Leon Spencer, Mr. Victor Fclnstcin, Mr.
Max Nelson, Mr. Morris Cooper, Mr. "(
Jacob riliissnian and Dr. and Mrs. A., U.
Lelder. k
Southern Resorts
DAVTONA, Jan. 27. A number of golf
enthusiasts arrived this week to try'thclr
skill on the Dnytona links. Aviation It '
now the sport par excellence. . Threa
aeroplanes nie stationed on the beach,.
which forms a wonderful background for
the inan-propcllcd "birds." The weather
this week has been especially conducive
to aviation and many visitors have
tnken the opportunity to soar high. above . -the
picturesque .resort.
The younger set Is looking forward with"
keen delight to the lirst leap yean rbaH
of the season to be held In the new. Bur
goyne Casino on the river fronj, TUoa
duy evening. February 29. "
Mrs. C. G. Smith and Mrs. Mary Rnhler,
who spend n part of the yenr nt their
cottage on Sovereign avenue, South Chel
sea, nie at the Colonial for the winter.
Mrs. Joseph M. Hums and Miss S.
Helen Hums, of West Chester aro spend
ing tho season at the Dcspland.
Mr. mid -Mrs. W. W. Doughtcn. of Phil
adelphia. Joined Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Llp
nlncoit. of Hlvcrtnii. nnd .Mr William Ci
j Diddle, of Now York, who have beon
at the Despliind for a week while vMr.
Illddle's yacht was being overhauled The
entire party lelt on Monday for a cruise"
to Miami, and will stop here again en.
louto North. - .
Mr. W. W Stokes, president of tlio
Burlington Trust Company, is spending
the winter at the Prince George with his
nephew, Mnstcr Tom Dnger, of Moores
town, N. J.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Mooie have taken"
aparline.its hcie for the season. ' "'f .1
Mr. Samuel Horner, of Pllll.'ulelphin.-.ls ;
siienil'iiK January at the Clarendon. Mlsa
! II. K. Wlrts and Miss 10. D. Ross nre en
joying tho winter teuton at tills resort. .
Mrs. A. K. Savage," of Philadelphia, la
here on a motor trip accompanied by "
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph II. Dent, of Jack
have frond cars rn spII trVrmi .,
' l V
'1 - -" -
....Ji".i "i .WJBli" t ,i-