Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 26, 1916, Night Extra, Page 7, Image 7

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    w v-nvv ' "
Sway girl gives
..nnti.vear-old Mary Wen-
leVeill61-" , i
f&t, Who Fell into xrouoie
WW V - . , . , c -
rt Tendcriom, is wuy iui
Her Disobedience
fori ll'cntocfc'fl irw'ce o
(jirls WHO WOIUU nun jiki
'GrS) mind your mothers. They
foffpCSl. rr-,,1,, vnii ilnn't
Koiv fine you have It.
K cltv is no place for girls
m small towns.
ViAn'i trust "iricnus num
.Do"Lin Thev will take
fetowpfyou. .
iWR IW"'"
IrWt "sass" vour mothers.
& spend all your leisure time
R to "movies" and dances.
Ifn withctlc Rtory. this one unfolded
Swmiliwto llltl Mn,y Wonlock, tho
fcat-cM Shcnnnuoan i-u.t em who
Sk i Philadelphia, lured hero by tho
Court Aid So-
!.nom. 1701 Summer i
i i nothing but n child In n snllor
Sftnd shortUlrt8. Ilut In her llttlo
Ffi and head today there nro the sor
Ta lifetime ns alio tell of her ex
Slices since she enmo to "seo tho big
I'm. Managed the stage where she can
5"vm are dry. anil her young faco Is
V- '.. .i,niitu nf tho exncrlenccs she
Shad In the last threo weeks since sho
Way from home
W,rv Is the daughter of well-to-do pco
("J ii. irr fnther Is n mln.
Jwry is 'nc "u"
fejn Shenandoah
vcontractor She was mo nppio 01 ins
S and the little mother of a t-ycar-old
?7 tf.r mother Is an Invalid and can
Smile In tho care of tho homo and tho
dfldrcn. .linrj- ' ""
S)h I don't know why I was such a
.. .- i.n.-rt iinmn." she pnld. "I had
in nice at home, and I did not rcnllzc
jnjhere are lots of other gill who
kie It nice like I did. I hope they pnillt
K'wSat I have suffered. Nothing was too
itch or too expensive, for my fnther to
lit for mc, Hill, you ace, l wn iuuiiimi.
llanot for the boys that I longcd-lt
,iS)ust for a good tlnfc. I wanted to ko
trainees and to tho movies, but my
Sople were strict, and I thought that t
few best. If I bad only listened to them,
Iwinld never he here.
fjwell, I scrapped mid I sasscd my moth
ciiometlilng awful," shc said, with n
yasht expression In her hlc childish
ifoj which have seen so much sordldncss
"fjfet he came to Philadelphia. "And so
n day when I was particularly sassy
Si father said that I was breaking bis
Wirt and my mother's heart nnd sending
if little slater to the Rrnvp, because she
trMfor mc and l was oui ni nances ami
awtes In the eveninc. lie told mc be
jyiild do everything ho possibly could to
Kale me coniemcu ih iumui.', um il l
njli not 'be. he would havo to put me
?r auinuwiei t:.
ghat settled mc."
lahl fool. So I s
T?r somcwneiL',
she said. "I wjis an
said I'd go away. I
nwd my things neroio my moincr s
lift? Shc never thought I meant It.
BatJI did. Another Kill. Helena, and 1
'SnS together. Wo took a room. I bad
Mj$ money, so we paid our rent. Ilut
d not get ny work.
MKCTS Of.n "FniEXD."
en one evening wo wcro In tho
staging Terminal nnd there wo saw a
nffpromlnent man from our home town.
Wit Heffner, that Is what we call blin at
iwe. Jle lias a grnnd wife there nnd n
(liar-old daughter. He sold lip would
Uie ua to his librae until we got settled
toe and had work, so we went. It Is at
B Summer street. He took us In tho
Hck, way through an alley because I
tat since found out It was a bad house
IgJtrthe vlco iiuaiqntlne. There bo had
i?Uier wife and a C-year-old daughter
uointr one.
K" staed thero for while, and the
r wlf6 started to give us Instructions
Wat how to nrosi .: In a blu cltv. It
,fu terrible," nnd the child coveted her
,'J with iier hands ns though to wlpo
Hi 11.. m,r i. ..ii
-j v iiiLjiiui iua in 11 mi.
W would not do It. nnd finally she said
.UK COllId tint ntlil wniltrl ha. t.-.m.. ...n, tin
5fMnt me out. Only I wish shn had
m me sooner. Nobody knows bow
wickedness thero Is in tho world
w f V l ',0 no"0 that 'her girls will bo
btm ty the exnerlenen I Imvi. lnnl. Tl.v
Wr can tell who their friends are. I
JQt that this man Heffner was all
'?- v"e ljelngs to a fine family nt
y;mit mercy, what ho Is doing hero!
y Nonpins Tim police.,
I I.QtlflPrl Mm nnltna nr T .-. .. -
.ul. DIace. nnrl tliAir n.n nk..i n u.
,Selrl3 out' too," she added, "and
ifi.1 am m a" nwhil mess. Why didn't
Mil. ? holne nml mlnl my mother?
aese othr iio . ... ....
fcfjwem n tl,3 predicament, and of
Js' llcro w,u l,e a terrible scandal at
WK? .whi." u ls 'nl that Heffner has
aiv .ldlne a double life. His wife.
lit..V1.' l3 ln tho hospital now. It Is
SJ1,'1I you, when I get home acaln I
Jw to mind my mother."
iSSheast Station's Famous "Bum"
Makes Running Catch
g, the pollco dog, sprang after
S. "' u was gett ng awnv from M
i 1HUB Pftntli. nn.l lnnH .,.. n.l
Fh VI 7 "' miiu iie,.ll ovuic, unit
BBelt hiU ."iu" "" """ "rr.veu, an
lti.1 , " ,uuy receivea great praise
li" Trentnn ,,,.o,, ..j n...ki
II BH t, station
!5stflttJam8u8rows dally ln the North.
ifewti ,as mtul8 a number of
ti7n entered tho Finn shop, at 2633
""'i mm nignt, ana, wnue wrs.
Softh if , ,U0Klne. Batnereu up iu
LSia of goods nnd fled.
En n- :l tun after any man he sees
Klh .i!ch trolle' cnra tho vicinity
KTS Station. Tho ,o., ..l.l . .I..ln
S?41 the edge of Ills tmil3nr
:2 Said hn wna Tnl... nA.v.nii f no??
lit ..w tfuiiH VrfUIIIJIUVIl, ui .
ilh.? "treet. ana ho was given six
l,u in the House of Onrreptlnn.
IV.!1' 'klm. bivullcn l-. Ktc.
AltE KVKNI.Y hlU'l'OltTKl)
I1V TllM lisp nl. Till.'
M Corliss Laced Stocking
""'lulu, an iney may 09
washed jr lolled.
S-'P'o'tublf. mails to measure.
M KI.AhllC; odjlktubie; Uces
Llk.'a loBKlne: Hisht & durable.
tl'QNOMIOAI Cost ,75 raoh.
pt two fr tho same limb. S3.0U.
li"-tpito Call uDd Lb mruMjrc.l
rce, or wrltn for self-mudLSuro
' -' t lllu.ik No. ID.
.also raako non-slastlo
Abiomlnal Delta to order.
Ilourn, 0 to 5 dallr Sat.. 9 Jo 4.
Peon.. Corllu Limb Specialty Co.
ji.'i'"1 ulS- Pboue Walnut W 1
UU-13-J5 fWttt 6t.. ytUla-. t'a.
Mnmmoth Parade and Monu
ment to Honor Memory of
Boy Killed in Mexico
One Year Ago
Aprlt a year ago the ttnrrt Stntes
warships lay off Vera Pros! growling at
the sunny wharves and dorlts of the '
Inzy Mexican port. They wer lowering !
bontsful of marines with Hlbi A hoy I
naineu mun on hoard the New Hamp
shire) was not suppoird to go. Ho
begged to go-he wanted to see action
He wnsn't nfrnld to get Into a scrap with
the lurking snipers In the sinister look
ing buildings nt the edge or the lnsy nnd
.'audy-elored and dirty city
And because one boy wasn't afraid the
diumn will rumble In the streets of Krn.
slngton and tho bugles sound and the
Hags will be moved nloft, nnd Kensing
ton will honor her hern. For tho boy
balled from Kensington nnd ho died Un
der tho Hag.
There will bo n monument elected '.o
his memory that ihc gnllnnt young form
of Chntles Allen Smith may look down,
In some public square of lit homo sec
tlon, forever upon the children he was
playing with, as one of them, so few
years ago, reminding them to bo binve.
That one boy's Imputilve "Let mo go,
too, sir," will bring out In pnradc, with
bands and hnnneis, snllors nnd marines
marching, guardsmen, veteians, Kons nf
veterans, Veternns of Foreign Wars.
Spanish War Veterans, O. A. II. men, lied
Men, Sons of America, Amcilcan Me
chanics and nil tho ladles' auxiliaries
theieof, besides Iloy Scouts and Camp
Flic Girls.
It will bring out the political clubs, the
social clubs, business men's associations
Including the North Kensington. North
Front street. Port lllclimnnd, Frnnkford
nnd Cobockslnk, nnd the Kensington Mer
chants' Association anil the Frankfoid
and Kensington Hoards of Trade.
In short, nil the great Northeast will
come streaming forth from every corner
to fco upon the monument that young
faco that wasn't afraid.
Tho Smiths are n typical Kensington
family. Young Smiths mother, Mis.
Jennie Smith, lives nt 3.V.I Slouton
stieet. The boy worked In a mill liefme
the call of the sea lured him. Ho died on
April 22, 1911, when the American forces
occupied Vera Cruz. Another Philadel
phia boy died at the same time, Ocorgo
Poinsett, to whose memory there nro now
two monuments. '
Ildwln L. Hoffman has been appointed
chairman of tho Chnile1! Allen Smith
Momoiial Commltco by the North Ken
sington Iluslness Men's Association. He
probably will preside at the meeting of
the co-operating associations. Thu Gov
ernor nnd the Mnyor will he Invited to
make addresses at the dedication, and
It Is tho determination of the chairman
to have the monument In place by
. emorlal Day, so that the exercises may
be held then. ,
The members of the committee are
Councilman A. C. Keeley, Councilman
Feidlnand Hnumgartle, William Hleinen
schneidor, A. Wenceslns Woller, William
Dost, John Dei lock, George Mnrgorum,
Charles A. Mai tin, Hllwnod Unggort,
Mnglstrntes DloU and Moclear , Council
man A. W. Wnldron, David Stiumpf,
James Pitts, F. M. Ward. William
Hancock, Finnk Fanning and Hairy
Nephews and Nieces of Amanda Mc
Keal Get Bulk of $45,000 Estate
An estate of $15,000 Is disposed, of In o
m,, ul Amanita McKea., i71l rVor:b 17th
stieet, who died at her lesldence on Jnn
uniy 13. The document, which was admitted-
to piobate today, bequeaths the
bulk of the estate to nephews and nieces
of tho deceased.
Other wills probated today include the
Joseph II. Hollowny, 3.17 Whaiton street.
$21, COO; Angelo do I.ortnzo, 52.'! South Stb
street. $SO00: Tlmotbv Murphy, 3717 Fair
mount avenue, JC00O; James 11. Gieen,
MeicbanlMIIe. N. J.. $i003; Mary P..
Nuencmann H2.' North Cth street, $I5();
Kllzabeth Dunn, who icccntlv died at the
Presbyterian Hospital. $3300; Joanna
Comoy, :rill llaitvlllo street, JJC0O.
The personal effects of estates weio ap
pialsed as follows: Jnno II. Manner, $23.
300.90; Guillnumo Fausson, $23H.(;0; Ida 1J.
Abrams, $3l!i:.10, and Thomas Hcllly,
Go Fnrther From Home, Says Presi
dent of Corn Exchange Bank
Opportunity for Philadelphia to become
tho disti Uniting centre nnd exchange mar
ket" for a large section of the Hast wus
pointed out to members of the Grocers
and Importers' Ilxchange by Charles S.
Cnlwoll, president of tho Coin Exchange
Bank, In an address last night at the
"There Is a call hero to do business on
a bioador basis," snid Mr. Culwell, "but
many meichants hero show too great a
tendency to keep their Held limited to
tho city they should go further from
Mahogany Case
Like new. Taken as
part payment
Matchless Cunningham
Easy Terms
I'l&.fr Chestnut Stsl:
H J fgj II A 1st A mEf I
- 1
JSMm &(.
Si BI1
mm 1
Kensington boy, killed at Vera
Cruz in April, 1911, to whose
memory a monument will be
erected in this city.
Wife in a Rage Tells Police Husband
Is a Thief
The story of bow a family squabble
caused a wife to call up the police anil
Inform them that her husband was reg
ularly stealing good from tbe Pennsyl
vania Haiti ond was icvealed today, when
Ocorgo Kline, lfih" Noitb GCth street, was
analgned before Magistrate Stevenson.
Kllno was held In 5X) bail.
Kline and his wife quarreled last
night, and tbe low became so bitter that
In icvengo Mrs. Kllno went to the tele
phone and communicated with the 61st
nnd Thompson streets station. ' Kline
has been employed for 17 years as a
brakeman for the Pennsylvania liailroad
and Ills wife alleges bo has been lob
bing fi eight cars for a ling time. A
search of tho Kline home disclosed a
number of valuable articles, Including
clothing, talking machines, cigars and
Paris Green Dose Proves Fatal
John nrbutton. 71 yeais old, a faimur.
living at Ilarren Hill, died In the Chest- I
nut Hill Hospital todav, thu result of
having taken pirN giein, the polite imj j
with suit Idal Intent, at hi:, home vcstei
duv. The aged man had been ill for i
some time.
Pneumatic Auto
mobile Tires for
November, De
cember and the first part
of January were 210 per
cent greater than for the
corresponding period of
last year.
Which shows how truly
we spoke when we said
in a recent announce
ment: The more we
put into our product, the
more we tale out in sales.
r a yvsJS
i t
! j f?rfBv Punctures and Skidding
i&j?rj&!2. By our Doiibie-Tluck 1
AV I yt!p l All-Weather Tread.
ffi "
m . .ni.i i --!! 1 aWfeaiaP' i- ma w' inmD iim. .
Gold Chain Also Included in.
Christmas Gifts From Late
Manufacturer to
gold watch and chain, the 'first one
eer nien to nn employe for faithful
service liy the late John It. Stetson, the
hat manufacturer. Is possessed by Frank
Wolf. Jr., of 10J1 Jerterson street. Thii
souvenir was owned bv bis fattier. Frank
Wolf, Sr , being presented to the latter
In 1S7.1 The watch Is still running accu
rately nnd looks ns good now ns on the
dn Wolf lccelvcd It.
A nn of Wolf said today that tho tlme
pleie can he depended upon thtougbout
I tbe nnr. It bears the following Inscrip
tion "J. 11. Stetson to FrntiK woir, a
fnltbrul apprentice. Cbrlstmns, 1S7.1."
Wolf always worked along tne Unci
Hint constant application gnve tho licit
tesults to tils einplojer, and nutomntlcallv
lie 1 1 aped the reward which conies from
horn t endeavor. The nwardlng of gifts
for faithful woik served to crente a bet
ter understanding among the workmen
and their superiors, and Inculcated the
Idea thnl lmpiovcmeut In the output of
the plant would be felt In the wage en
velopes. Mam believe that this policy of reel-
1 proclty at the Stetson plant was one of
I the foundation stones of It- success.
Wolf was known ns olio of the men who
never watched the clock nnd kept ever-
I lastingly nt each task until It wns com-
, pletcd
, Since the nwardlng of the first gift In
1 1 sr thousands of watches, chain nnd
1 large sums of money have been given to i
employes or tbe plant eai'i year. And
1 the get-together splilt Is still In evidence
j In evcrv part of tho big establishment.
j Among other employes In this city who
1 luivo piizes dating bad; fiom the linn's
enrly i!ns is Henry W. llrlck, of Gcr
mniitown. Uriels has a gold watch which
was presented to him In 1SVI.
Aged Preacher litis Held Meetings
There Since City Hall Was Built
Kver since City Hall was built, the Ilev.
John Cavnaiigh, an Itinerant preacher,
has conducted little meetings on the
plaza. Ite was sincere In l.' utteiauces
and Intel ested the better class of people.
Hut last night the clergyman was stopped
as he Mulshed a prajer and Infoiincd of
the new rules, which forbid meetings on
the plnza.
The cop who told the aged preacher of
the ruin was veiy good-nnturcd about It,
and expiesscd sorrow that he was obliged
to take such a step. Many who have
been in thu linblt of listening to the aged
preacher uoio also disappointed. In or
der to learn the cause of the order tho
minister went to the olllco of the Super
intendent of Police, and was Informed
that the action was taken on nccount of
the utteiance of irresponsible speakers,
who held meetings for the solo purpose
of attacking city olllclals In foreign lan
guages. The aged preacher was broken-hearted
over the step taken. Ho has been preach
ing for ID years. He goes from clt to
city, and bis-sole purpose ls to help those
who mas tli If L within tho sound of his
oh Goodyear
Goodyear No-Hook Tirei
arc fortified against i
Rim-cutting TJy our No-Kim-Cut
Blow-outs By our On-Air
Loose Treads By our
Rubber Rivets,
Insecurity By our Multi
ple Braided Piano Who
Who carried n watch, a gift from
the Stetson Company, tinted
"Hyphenates" Suspected of
Launching Move in Inter
ests of Missourian
Speaker Clark Is likely to become a
candidate for the Iietnocratle .nomi
nation for President In certain exigencies
which nin develop nt tho St. l.ouls con
vention. This Is the opinion expressed
heie bv polltlcnl observers who have lc
celvcd a litter from a Champ Clink poli
tical campaign committee. In New York.
The letter booms Mr. Claik for Presi
dent anil points out bis strength, espe
cially cniiihaslzliiK that Ills attitude for a
"strict and real neutrality ngnlnst either
Iltitente or Alliance is admirable, and sat
isfying to the most ciltlcal opponents of
the Administration."
Speaker Clark declined to discuss
the question.
&vn!fnm ?
Special Sale This Week
The Finest Italian
. Lucca Olive Oil
Gallon Cans S2.G"
Half Gal. Cans.. .$1.35
Quart Cans 75
Pint Cans 10
Half Pjnt Cans... .2:1
12I12 Market Street y
at Heppe's
Beautiful New Aeolian
$15 Down and $10 Monthly
Price, $395
DELIGHTFUL music for the entire family, a real musical education for
children and elders, a handsome piano for hand playing1 and music
lesson practice all are provided by the Aeolian Player-Piano at a cost
so low that practically every family may afford itl
These Player-Pianos arc perfect instruments. They have full-scale,
88'iiote player-actions, with special patented expression devices found only on
players of our manufacture. You cannot possibly duplicate these instruments
in musical capability in any other Philadelphia store for less than 600.
As pianos, they have fine tone, perfect action quality in every essential
to satisfy the critical musician. The cases arc beautiful, figured mahogany in
high polish or the new rubbed dull finish. A bench to match accompanies each
These Player-Pianos, remember, are made throughout by The Aeolian
Company the recognized leaders in player and piano manufacture. And they
carry the unqualified Aeolian guarantee.
C. J.
1117-1119 CHESTNUT
26. 1010.
Long Confab in Federal Building Brings Forth Nothing, '
but "Jokes" and Knowledge That 'Abroad They Make
Patent Medicine for Chirpers They "Can" Them
"Pills Is pills, 1 suppose, but what kind
of pills may these be?" questioned one
of ttnelo Sam's employes In the custom
liousa room In the Federal liulldliig to
day ns he opened for inspection a mvs-
teilolts-tookliig tittle pneknge, which born
evidence nf having traveled many sens.
Other custom lioitso olIlelnlR gathered '
about the speaker. There was no doubt
of It, the mysterious box -of can con
tained pills, which looked harmless 1
enough as tliov lay side by each, staring
the bold Investigators III the faop. Never- I
theless, there were two wield tilings
alum! them: First, their color, which was i
n tawny green "sort o' serpent-like." as !
one expressed It: second, ttie fact that
"cemlngty they bad no "passport," or '
label, to establish tllclr Identity or 111
gredlency. Such unthouglitfulliess Is con
trary to nit custom house etiquette.
"What hind of pills dn you think they
ate?" 0110 man questioned as ha moved
his specks.
"Search me," cntue tho reply.
"Itctter sentch the pnehago far r
label," another suggested.
Ilut siienklng of surprises, tho worst
wns yet to come.
The label, ptlnled In several foreign
tongues, was found among tho wrappings,
and proved the pills to bo liver pills for
The pills nre Bald to be wonders and
will cure nil ailments, even Insomnia; In
fact, ntiMhliig but clipped wings. The list
nf directions did not state whether they
should be taken In spirit. or whether a
yr-flY""TP'-m Ol ,iirr IP ' '" " fevS. ''5-?:-:?!4l.
, inMSmL
"1 . ISI
I . If A'
T ALWAYS carry a tin of
1 VELVET in my hip pocket
an when I see trouble coinin'
I draw first.
m l ! mi
UCl" i J ZZZ.. ', TiaMJMiTlL I II lift 5(ll
' ' ..l"'-F 1015 i-B5'y
chaser wns needed. It did say, however,
that all prlse-wlnnliiK pigeons should
take thwi, and that they could be ad
ministered with relish, even to chickens,
"Wonder If any stiir pigeons havo sent
along any personal recommendations?"
one man asked facetiously.
"ttnrekn," another exclaimed, ns his
face beamed with sudden Inspiration.
"These pills arc meant for Mrynn'a peace,
"I hardly think so," came the rejoin
der. "How about ltemy Foul? Didn't
be bring back a peace hint from the
trendies? Mnybo these pills should bo
sent to Detroit"
"Nothing doing!" oiip of tho wise ones
said. The Ford pnrty llnd a squirrel
aboard to eat tho nuts, Ton knew that,
didn't you?"
"Can both tho Joke nnd the 1 Its," enmo
the suggestion. It was promptly accep
ted. Dies While Daughter Is Being Buried
l'OTTHVtl.MJ, Pn Jan 2(5 -Mrs Mary
MelCcrnaii, aged l5 cars, died at her
home nt Shenandoah today, wblto liar
(laughter, Mrs. Kllscabetb Talley, wlfo of
the former president of t lie Homo Friend
ly Insurance Companv, of Haltlmore, wns
being burled In Hint city. She was a na
tive of Ireland. After a restdcuco at
Heaver Meadow, Carbon County, sho re
moed, with her husband, to Shenandoah,
r.n jenis ago Her husband, ttarrett Mc
Kernnn, died In 1VR
Hatv 1