Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 26, 1916, Night Extra, Page 2, Image 2

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Will Not Change Present1
fPvnrln T?arriilnfiniia nc !
ide Regulations as
U. S. Specifies
No Announcement of "Complete
Blockade" of German Coast
Expected in Parliament
UBS DOS, Jnn. 25.
Thn British fJovermnent Inn virtually
decided to "stand put" on Its present
tradp refutation find will make no an
nouncement of n hlockndo of the entire
j?rnmn toast In J'nill.imelit thin nftcr
noon, tlio nmjorlty of woll-lnfonttrd pnr
Unmentary wrlfrs ngirrd lotlnv. Duly a
lew puperfs clinm to the belief t'mt tho
Cabinet will announce n radical chanso
of policy.
Tho net thrown about Oermuiiy by tho
existing relatlon.o may be tlirhtoned In
tome rcspocto. Hut It wim the Rencinl
belief of the London newspapers Hint the
Cabinet' linn deided uRnlnst any lovolu
tlonary chniiKo In policy.
iie storm of protest ruined In the
United States ond In .Sweden some of
tho pnpers brondlv hinted. Iins cooled
tho mdor of advocates of the hlocUndc,
If It has not had Its elicit upon the (lov
eminent. The neusimpern gave ptnmlnctit
display to the vns-llkn iitteiauces of
tho Swedish Pieiiilcr In his IllJUndai;
speech ycstcrdu.i nnd the Dally TclcKruph
and tho t)i ily News cmilloncd the Ouv
rnment iiiinlnst any action likely to in
volve Oreat ttrllain with neutrals
"Tho tlrebrands of tho pi ess have de
manded that we brush neiiii.ils out of
our path with a otrtuiK hand, but what
would he the position of the Kiuenle Al
lies If the vast icsourees of the United
States censed to be nt their command'."' j
demanded the Mews.
"There is reason to believe th.it Hie
Foreign tfccretaiy will announce thlr. aft
ernoon that the Oovernnient lias reached i
no Important decision with lefeienco lo
the. foundations of our policy," raid the
"Tfils countrj may be content with tli
present menxures whl 'h. If appnieutly
slow, arc sure, and which hitherto have
been adopted without any severance of
friendly iclatloiis with Hie neutral row
era. We have had experiences of the pust
of the? consenuciu'es of Imperious and
overbearing conduct."
Formal debate on the blockade Issue,
was expected to open with the intro
duction of ii resolution Indoislnjr such a
drastic otep b Arthur Shliley llonn, u
Conservative, sir Kdiwird (,rey wns
counted upon to answer for Hie Clnvi'in
mont with a sweeping denial of the charge
that the picsent "blockade" had been In
effective. Bitter debate iih expected. Hie block
ado nilvociteii iiuln assniliiiK the Gov
ernment with chaie. of unwillingness tu
to take, oil on,-, iiSKre'Silvn iiclion.
Continued from Puce One
no suRsostlve lines, no doubtful scenes,
no meaningful byp'.ny. I hato such
things I abhor them. .
"I bpllevu ill Hod, anil I novel- ten to bed
at nlsht without first droppInK on my
knecg In prayer.
"I love my woikl I love Maile-Ocllle.
I am bitter that my child Is spurned. I
nm hurt that this1 play, beautiful, clean
and upllftlnp, should he questioned by
Mayor Hurley. I hhould have been Rlad
to give all the piofits Hint would have ac
crued to me for charity If I could only
have shown my work to Hoston. Tho
people of Hoston would have thanked mo
for it, hut they will not have it the
Mayor won't have It."
"Marie-Odlle." mlKht bo described as a
study In innlden Innocence. Thn hero
ine, Marie-Odlle, Is a novitiate In an Alsa
tian convent during tlio Franco-Prussian
War. She has lived with the sisters
wltbiri the walls eer slnco she was found
a baby at the Bnte. She blooms Into
beautiful slrlhood in absolute Ignorance
of anything in Hie woild but prayers and
her duties about the convent.
Marle-Odllo was In the pigeon loft feed
Infr her pets when word was brought tu
thn Mother Superior by an aged priest
that tho dreaded I'hlnns were advancing
toward Hie convent. Tho Mother Superior
nnd the sisters lied, foi getting Marie
Odlle In their haste to escape1.
So she encountered the Invaders alone.
They wero hungry and she spiend for
them the menl she hud piep.m-d for the
nuns. Heldier-like they bade her, won
derlnir and frightened, sit In the Mother
Superior's place unit heartily they toasted
Some of the soldiers weie mite tn her
and she shrank away und could not un
derstand. Hut one, n corporal, spoko
kindly to her. He seemed to her llko
tho archangel, and In him she saw the
Incarnation of St. Michael, of whdm she
had drenmed.
The young corporal had left no sweet
heart behind him: he was of tho temper
that dreams of women and clothes them
with romantic fancies. He had the mel
ancholy foreboding; that he would be
killed In battle. As it happened, the or
ders of the squadron held him nt tho
convent when the rest had gone utlcld.
In the afternoon sunshine nnd In the
still solitudes he spoke to Marle-Odilo
of all that was in hla young and romantic
heart, To her it was as if all tho long
ings nnd musings of her young affection
were as by miracle fulfilled.
The next day tho soldier went his way,
and as he had feared hl3 life did go
out In battlo.
Marie-Odlle remained In the convent
with only the old gardener beside
her, and with nono hut him to tend her
when her child was born the baby that
heaven had given her as by a miracle,
aa she In her heart believed.
When the war was over and the nuns
tame back, carrying In their hands the
shining: gold altar, candlestick and cross,
they found Marie-Odlle sitting as golden
In the sunshine beside the ciadle of her
on, sb Mary is shown In many an old
Marie-Odlle told thepi the tale of her
fortunes and her miracle. The Mother
(Superior, a disciplinarian, bade her go
ancj so lift the stain from the convent.
Juat an the Mother Superior Issued this
command, a ray of sunlight strays
through a stained glass window. Illum
inating the figure of Marie-Odlle and her
child. This Is especially startling, as Just
behind the young mother is a picture of
the Virgin and her Child upon a wall
The incident, utira the assemblage of
sisters into affrighted compassion, and
the Mother Superior Is deeply moved,
She relents and gives Marie-Odlle and
hei child Mr blelns aa they pase out
into the world.
Mr. Belaaco will present France Starr
in lbs title rote of "Marle-Odile."
An English Dramatist
Sir Arthur Wlpg Mnero iknlghted 16)
weus Xttuix In Limdon, May H. IUSS, the
oly g$u of John Pniel Pluero. a solicitor.
"! Luc) Iialn.s Pmero He was educated
t ix'tvtUe M.-boels, and from June, 1ST).
,"i) Jut.). Ut. Ut km an axloi. XlaAe
bu t H wrltUM tlaa He U
l'B9 of tfc Koyal SmM of Ulera-
' & HMNaipr of Hys Aciulpmus Cam-
Austrians Hurl Incendiary Bombs on
Bosro and ItoncoKno
18O.MK. .Inn M.
Tlic following ofllcln' uminunlcntlon
wm IpsupiI tml.1 . "
"In tho trfiB'i'lni Vnllei on Ttio-d.iv
nlElit nom noMflon iiround .Mori nur
"In the Stunna Vnllcv thn cnem.V nUII
In the Htisaiui Valley thn enemy nrill
lery threw Incendlarv bombs on Hurst)
and lloneeifiio, cmi'lne (Ires In Hie latter
place riiu ni-llllprv In lenewed Hie bom
bardment of the (Viililoinxio station
"In the Tnlniln i i..oi til' Mir'liv.
prnlltlner by the fine, nt'oiniilul two nt-
taiks asalnst mir poiilnni -in fSantn
t.ueln. tliith were piumptii irpclod.
"On Hi' reninlndi r n- the f i out the sit
uation Is unehnnveil. '
Harry Ranear Speeds to Cam-1
den From Vermont, but
Finds Father Dead
A lace to sec HI.' fnther befme death
took him nwne was tost tndilv by Marry
Hnnear. n coIIck nthle'e, when his
fnlher, .lolin 1" Itnnenr chief niarhlnlst
of the lleneinl t'lienilcnl Oompnn.v, llth
nnd l.lmlcn streets, fmmleti. died at the
t'noper llopltnl dvo minutes before his
son's footsteps sounded in tho corridor.
The son, who I : jenrs old. was sum-
,tlM, ,1 frrit,, Mhtillnltiii v ft . hv n fnln
main veslerdnx. when itnnenr was found
iinciinselniia from iitemle nolso'iltm In hl.-i
olllce. Itr caucht the next train south
cj in I was nllHhtlmr from bts coach nt the
moment bis father died.
Itnnenr, who won IS jents old, lived nl
.T!T North Sth sttect, t'ntrden. He hail
been chief tnachlnist for soveinl ears. He ,
Is suivlveil by his wife and son. ,
Hurry Itaneur i the lninK atlilet,"
at .Mlildlebuiv ColliKe. lielmi he.ul of the I
athletic asocliitlnn nnd captain of the j
baselmll. football nnd basketball teams !
The fuiifiai will he Held Sundn. and
burial will be In Ailinstun Ccnielen.
March and Pennington to Die
the Week of Febru
ary 21
Hovei nor T:i umliam,'li nmto'.med today
that he would grant icsplles to fii-orgi,
.March and ltobinn S. Pennington until
the weide of Kebiuar.v -'I. when thov will
go to the electric obalr foi tli murder
of l,rwls PiukiTtnn in Media, Delaware
foynty The Uovcrnor lsiKd tills stnie
mi'iit: "These pi doners were tiled sepmately
In Hie c-ourt of tecoid having Jutlsille-
Hon. Kach wns found guilty of minder '
lit the Ural degree. I'pon appeal, these i
verdicts weie nfllrmed by the Hupiemn j
"Three sepal ate heatings were had be
fme tln Hoard of Pardons. The i:ecu- !
live respited the pi isnners In December,
after the Itonirl of Pardons had twice I
declined to ehnnge Hie sentence of the I
I'ourt. The third hearing wns theieupon
seemed and the final plea was made last
week befme the Hoaid of Paidons by the
very able cnum-pl In the ciispd. The hoard
imnnlmotiBly declined ngaln to ehnnge the
sentence of the Court.
"The executive bus sought conscien
tiously for a Justifying mason in amelior
ate the penalty imposed by law. He bus
given much time to the case, lie has
given counsel nil the time they requested
to piesent such a reason. He Iiiim coii
feried with Hie tiial Judge nnd has care
fully gone over the voluminous coire
spondeni'e and has heard all the paitles
t-eeklng audience In the case. He wa
anxious to find some means of Justifying
a cheilshed desire to mitigate the legal
penalty and reluctantly and in great dli
tiess finds himself unable to intervene
"The healings and the respite have no
doubt held nut some hope of lellcf to
these unfortunates, and that they may
have lensonable time to piepaie for eter
nity he heieby lespites them until the
1016 "
beginning Monday, I'ebruaiy 21,
Lancaster Mayor Heeds Appeal
of Negroes Theatre Man
Invokes Courts
LANCASTKlt, Pa., Jan. 26,-Thls town
Is huzzlng with more or less excited com
ment over Mayor Trout's eleventh-hour
revocation of n lle-ense peimlttlng the ex-
hlbltion of the Clrilllth film, "The niith
of a Nation." The Mayor told Manager
Yecker, of Fulton Opera HoiihC. the
city's lending theatre, that not only would
he take away the amusement license If
Yecker persisted In showing the plctuio,
but that the latter would render himself
liable to prosecution for "criminal libel
on the memory of Tlmddeus Stevens,"
tho great commoner of Civil War and
reconstruction times.
George II. Atkinson and Albert II. rinnn- '
hoff, of New York, representing tho Kpoch '
Production Compnny. which is exhibiting
the film In various paits of the country,
arrived here todnv. Counsel weie en
gaged with a view to taking out an In
junction to pi event Interference by the
Stevens represented Lancaster County
In Congress during the stormiest period of
the nation's history. In the exhibited
film tho chaiacter of "Congressman
Stoneman" is a thinly veiled portraiture
of "Old Thad." with just enoush variation
of detail tu accent the distinguishing trait
In the lattei's cniecr, which was a zealous
championship of negro equality.
Yecker declares that before bonking the
attraction at nu playhouse lie obtained
the Mayor's consent.
Mayor Trout says he was moved to
withdraw his permission after n con
sultation with City Solicitor Bernard J.
Mvers. He seeks to Justify his change
of mind by asserting that he had been
deluged with protests of leading citizens
when It became known that "The lllrth
of a Nation," with Its scarcely veiled
Implications against a "distinguished
citizen of Lancaster," who died nearly
50 vears ago, was to he shown on a
local stage. Trout's critics, replying to
this statement, assert that tho only pro.
teeatanta were "the negro waiters as a
body and Congressman W. W. Orlest."
Both Mayor Trout and City Solicitor
Myers are devoted adherents of the Con
giessman, who is the leader of the dom
inant party In thU county. Mr. Orlest
is In Washington.
Disappointed Lover Wants $1700 He
Snys He Advanced Her
by MiM Settle U. Mide. of Charleston,
J. V. Burke, of this city, txgan suit In
the e'lrcuit I'ouit here for J1TW he sa8
ha advanced Iter In the bUef that they
weie tu b mauled. Murke allegea that
at ih He ttwir nmiruige w4 to bave
tnkM 'JWee Um Mtaele eleeeej to At
liiatk CHi tod wa marrtad to a man
najjHtd ,ttgr.
.'t'y Concerned Over Fate
. n Mnn Nlnur Mminl
of Her New Naval
Base at Avlona
UOMK, .Inn. 21.
Atisirlnn troops havu occupied the Al
banian seaport of ftnii Olttvnhhl di Mc
tlun and am pressing sotltliunrd lowanl
iJuraszo, nrcorillnp; tb dispatches icc!vm
here todny. Tllpy plan tn foim n lum
tloii with the ItiilHni'lniui In thn region uf
I'nrt uf the MnntPiiPur.n and Alhni'iin
foiecs defendlni: Pcittnil crt captmed
when the Austrians lonk thn cltv. Tim
Kerbs escaped and are relreniintt south
ward. (Italian ircojM aie known to have hoi n
Innded near Imrnzzo sovernl inotith aac
N'o icporti of their wltlidrnwnl have lion
l cool veil. thouKh the nbove inessnKc riom
Home makes no reference to their pres
ence nt ttuiitftzn. It l posslhlp that n b.ii
tle Is Imminent In wh'ch ttntlnn tionii
wt be eiiBMijeil for the tit ut tiny in Hie
ftnlkan Peninsula. i
Hrlntllsi ilispatchi'S I ruin teperteil tlrit
Albanlnn Hoops Wider Kssed t'asb'i if
t tented southwnid totvnid Kllinnsnii and
encountered n llulnnilnn force ndvninliiK
ft "in lb lir'dn. The Albanians hurled h.u'k
tho llulcara In n bloody battle.
MILAN, .Inn. 2H.
News of the oi cupatlnn of Scitail
i om' an a surptlse to Italy, wheie It
was believed Hie Austrbins were not pre
pared tei nmkc such n rapid advance
Also It was hoped the MonlenoKilns under
Prime Mlrko nnd Heneral Alnrllnnvltoh
would orfcr n iomjei teslslance.
Italy N now seriously concerned for
the fate of Iter base nt Avlona. Union
. Sonnlno has had a conference with the
' Klnit at Villa Ada. Italian Inten-sts nt
Scutari wen- considerable. It was Hi
si'at of an Italian shipping ciunpany
wb-e ileainshlps probably have fallen
into Auiitiliin hands. Scutari hud an Im
prulnnt vvlieless 'Untlon
Antlvatl Is also an liupm taut Itnllan
iciitie. Nearly all Us comnietie Is in
Italian hand".
Little Nation Not Whipped While One
Native Survives
("ortrr, via Athens. .Inn. M. "Seihla
Is not benten while a single Sorb is ullve.
More than ever we me with the Allies
until our last breath."
Set bin's lexcUo to make no peace with
the Central Powers and to carry on the
fight on the side of the ICnlente wns
voiced today by Its I'lemler, Nikola
Pasitch. The nged stnteman wept as he
recalled the suffethvs of his country, but
bis eyes flashed as he lelleruled Ills de-
llnnce of the Teuton nations.
j "Our sulTeilngs. t'.e horrots of which
i can never bo descilbed, only exulted our
fidelity to the cause for which we aio
fighting," he said. "All we ask Is the
means wherewith tn llgnt.
, "The landing of the Seiblan tinop on
i Coi fu Is by no means complete et. Still
! larger foices me tn ionic and with these
once more collected, otu problem simply
lesolves Itself Into o-ie of provisions nnd
"Give us food and we will light to tho
end. We will make no ae.o."
Disarmament Proccedine; Without In
terruption, Teutons Report
MERLIN. Jan. 2'1. "All foieign leports
that lighting has been resumed In Mon
tenegro are pure Inventions," savs the
oflUlnl bulletin of thr AiHttn-lliingMiinu
Wnr Olllce-. "The icport Hint King Nich
olas, of Montenegro, ha" left his country
ami his army is eonlli tiled
"Tho dlsnimnment of the Mnntrnrgiln
army Is proceeding without Intel ruptlon.
At nil places wheie tho Aiistro-llunguiian
troops urrlve the Mmiteuegiiti battailous
under command of their officers, sur
render their arms without delay."
Measures have been taken tn feed the
population, which is gicatly in need of
tho necessaries of life. Fifteen hundred
Serbian soldiers, who hod taken lofugo
In Montencgio, wcio made prisoneis by
the Austrians.
Trustworthy reports from Northern Al
bania say that many Albanians aio join
ing Hie Austro-llungnrlans.
Berlin newspapers, as quoted by thn
Overseas New Agency, attach very
little Impoitunce tu the escape uf King
Nicholas, which thov regnid us "less
inipoitnnt than the fart Hint all of Mun
tenegio Is now occupied by AuMro-Hun-gatian
troops "
All Holmesburg Mourns During
Funei'als of Pennypack
Creek Victims
All Holmesburg mourned today, while
hundicds of awed school chlldien pasted '
by two little cofllns. line contuins the
body of lU-year-oli! J. Oilbeit Hhli-lui. who
guve his life Sunday in i,n effoil lo save
his companion. S-jeai-old llarrv Slorv, '
flum death In the Pennypack Creek. The '
other contains young ritoij. I
At 1 o'clock in tho home of the oung
hero, S037 Sloro street, the Rev. George '
HurnwDod, pastor of the llolmehuig ,
Methodist Church, Frankford avenue and
Welch road, said tho last rites for the i
little lad. Dllbert wns the ninth child of
the Shisler family. Theie are eight bo i
and four girls. The little boy was In the
fifth grade nt the Chrlstin School, Rliawii
nnd Jackson streets, und vvns tn have
been promoted to the sixth grade next
week. Chllditii from the fifth made sent
a uienlh of sweet pens and daisies, In
tel woven with brown and white ribbon,
the class colors.
At the same hour, in the home of lit
tle Hurry's stepfather, William McCart
ney, SOS) Frankfoid avenue, the Rev.
Walter Rue Mm ray, pastor of the
irolniesbuig Presbyterian church,
Frankford avenue and Decatur Htrect,
said the last woidj for the dead boy.
Both funeral processions met at the
corner of Ilhawn and Frankfoid ave
nues, thence wending their way to the
Cedar Jllll Cemetery, Frankfoid avenuo
and Bildge stteets, where each lad was
laid to I est. Interment in each cue
was In the family lot and was private.
When the last shovelful of eaith had
been placed on the little white caskets, the
mounds were entirely covered with
"'"'' "llril.P WANTKI t'KMALK
HOUtikJWOHK- . ouni fir! wanted to aulit
houwor or mm wllliiix la learn.
airfj iu .iv . jenKiiiiQwn.
PLBASE SBKU all tb boy' bouks aiul KliU'.
di uj ut to FurtMr OraUh. Evenlnt
f-- -iii r ,
AkSr '
U msm w mBh I
V wp? HM
Theodore A. Mchl (nliovc), presi
dent, itnd J. Frederick Martin,
secretary, of the Pennsylvania
Lumbermen's Association, in ses
sion here today.
Buildinjr Boom Has Caused
Greatly Increased Demand,
Say Delegates Transpor
tation Evils Subject of
The lumber business Is on the eve of ,
u new era of pi asperity.
Tills wns the npllmlsllc opinion gen- I
ernllv expicased todnv, nt the opening I
of the 21th minimi convention of the
Pennsylvania Lurnbei men's Association,
nt Hie Hotel Walton, a Iwo-ihi.v i ouclave, !
ntti'iiiled hv 1'HO lumbermen. The lumhci i
business, dependent on building opeia
tlons, which In turn nro dependent on '
the amount of money In circulation, Is '
inplill.v lespoiidlng to the stimulation of i
geneinl piospcilty, all agleed.
"Tlieie Is a feeling among us Hint the i
lumber Industry will become much more
in nipei ous." said .1. Fiederick Mai tin,
secietnry of the nssnclntlon. "Musiness
conditions decidedly have lmpioved, the
pilci's n i n high anil thn demand for lum
ber bus exceeded the supply."
"We aie now on the vet go of n very
pinsperous season," snld Henry Palmer,
of LniiKhnine, a directnr nnd foi met
piesldent of the association. "For a year
nnd n half after Hie win stalled our
hiisine'HK was stagnant, except ill places
where munitions weie lnnnulnctuied. Hut
now conditions me impiovlng rapidly."
Recommendations for the elimination nf
the poaching evil weie prepiued by Mr.
I'almer, who Is cliuiiiniiu of the Poach
ing Committee ,1. J. Mlllelsen, also a
l'oinier piesldent, shiipd a icpoit on the
rail i and pioblem, one that affects the
lumbermen vitally.
Country Cluh Members Hold Annual
Dinner and Election of Officers
vT,1 .'Y.','!",,.I. ineetlni: of the officers nt Hie
irih llllln Cnnntr Club mob bdil lust nlcht
nl iMicler's Cafe. An iippiniirtatlnn of Mn.iiiin
wan inuile for ihe Iniprow mem of the golf
i'r.1"'. '"'.'""'"s ofiliern for Hip ier wero
elecirii Presiileni. .1 Kinnlclin Mcehan, llrsi
rfLV, "ffKl!,,cn,, M,' llu"k' """"' 'ee nresi
rtfnl. VV 1. Vnm. liOHsurer VV I! Webaler:
rerordlng cireti,rv. It. if Wlilnplo; flniinrla
wiMiiry. O T. Kfinlwll The numbers "ice led
in (he Jinuril of llrn tors were II I. !: kels.
JI I. Munihy unit C. A. Ilrnun
' EE- IS3-
Calamity may come at any time.
Are you prepared to do your part?
The Pennsylvania Women's Division eH
for National Preparedness stands for efficient 1
anu uiuatiii'cu iurviue
nation in time of need.
- -
R Enrollment CampaignThis Week fe
Organize to meet emergencies.
Nursing, Diet Cooking, First Aid classes for
Enroll at headquarters today!
Campaign Headquarters
First Floor Widener Building
9 A. M, to 5 P. M. Daily
This Week
(Permanent Headquarter,
10,000 IN DRIVE ON
"tti -1. trli,ln,'1., nittn
riUIIUI VUiUlltrtHl -"vc! wanlHMiodiminv
Up Trenches and Then
Cut Foes Down
PAIltS, Jnn. :.
The lutes, Oernuili .Irlve nKlilnst the
Allies' 'Hies In not them t'tnnce and Hcl
hIiiiii In nn effntt to cut tlitotinh to Oalnis
has ended In complete failure, In the opin
ion of I-'iench mllltnty experts.
Althiumh Hin Hermans attacked conll'i"
i ousli- foi two iIiivh and two iilhts, ex
pending mllllnns of dollars wotth or nr
Hllerv iimniunlllon, they were checked by
the hemic ilefcnso of the Prehcli, Ilrlllsh
unit llelKlnn troops.
l some points the KipiiuIi voluntnrlly
i mne up smr.e of their shell-bnltered
tii-Mi lies. Inil whe . the tiermons tried to
on upy them they weie cut down bj the
neciirate nrllllery llrL of Hii Allies.
A dlpatch fiom St Omer estiiuntes tlint
i he (leinmin lost nl least lft.Oim men In
i their latest drive '.owaid tho channel
( oast.
Another series of attacks may be al
temnleil by the (let mans somewhere nn
I he west fiont inmiii row lo eelebtn - tlio
blrlhdny of the Kaiser, but a feellm; of
enuplele conlldence pievalls here that
the Teutonic legions will have no more
1 suei ess tltnii they bad In their latest
i effoil In open up a path lo Calais.
It Is tepoited that Hie Knlsei has rte-
patted for western hcudnuai teis.
UlNDON, .Tim. 31. A . MillMi orflilal
statement Issued Inst night snys:
"We had a successful aitllleiy bum
baidinent todn.v near Ovlllers-I.a-Hnlu-
elle, l.e lirlilotix and ttoeslnghe. Near
Hneslnghe we exploded n bomb stole 111 '
Hie cueni'H lines. i
"The hostile aitllleiy lias shown netlv- 1
It y iieur I Ininnieciiui t, about l.oos nnd at
llongc "
The newspapeis emphasize (he lenewnl
of benvy llglititiK nn the west front.
They belleie theic wns u serious Heininn
nttenipl to bienk Ihiough the Kienih
lines i loe lo the I'lnndcrs coast on Mon
day, nnd ptedlct that (teimnii activitv
In the west will pinhnlilj leach lis higb
esl effoit on Thin. ".day, when the Heiman
ninpctor celebrates his ."Hi blithdny.
Universal Suffrage in fiermany
Menibeis of the Herman Heiclistug are
elected by the universal Miiftinge of males
over ,'i.
Mahogany Case
Little used. In fine
condition. Taken as
part payment for one of
our own make.
Easy Terms
" Piano Co.7
sW& GrjChe:&hxat 5ts'.
state and
10 uitv.
Room 104, 34 So. 17th St.) Il
pppplpt fSflligltfmtmmmm
Berlin Admits Lines in Arnonne Are
Blown Up, but Craters Are Tnken
ItKHIilN, Jnn. Ki.-Siteccssful mining
operations b the French In the A roomie
lesion, tesultlnR In the destiuetlon of
some (lerninn tienches. the War f)iflce
ndmlttcd today. The follow ln report on
' nlieinth
tlons In the western theatre or war
"flench mining de'ttojed our trenches
'over a ihorl dlslanco nl Hill No. 2V,
' tinrthenst or t.n Chnlade. Wo occupied
I Hie etater and frusttaled an enemy nl
! tack."
I.n riullade Is 111 the ArROlilic hills nl
most west of Vet dun.
Hntcs Germnny, But Would Be nt
Teulons Mercy if It Aided Allies
LONDON, Jan. 2ii Wnr rtnnbllnRS may
distill b Sweden nt present, but Denmark
pietty lertnlnly Is koIpk to keep out of
this war. She wants to keep out nnd
linlli (leimnnv nnd Knitlnml want the
i snme Ihlni;. This much Is Rlenned fiom
convplsnlloiis with oniclnls In CnpcnhitRcii
end well-Informed petsons hern lodav.
If Denmark llnhts nt all It must be with
the Allies. 9ho lost SchlesWlK-Ilolstein
to (ieimany 2 years nttn and has bated
the Hermans ever since. Hut Hermnny
could cioss the ImaKlnaty lino separatlin;
tho two counliles and ovciruti Denuiaik
within a shfiit time. Hence, Denmark
cannot afford to IlKht.
On the other hand, Cicimnliy la not
nnvlous to Invade Denmntk. The Oct
mans receive consldctablo quantities of
supplies tbioimli Deiimark's nctltinl polls,
despite Hie lliltlsh blockade. They re
alize Hint Ihixhintl would blockade these
potts If occupied hv Hermans. Kuithci
mote, Hermauy does not want to Increase
her Doubles by conipiciltiB Denmark and
nmkiiit,' It necessnrj to delond Dcnmnrk's
Iiiiik shore line nKnlniit possible landltiBS
by the Allies.
A woman w.as up against it for some
thing new for her table. " "What can
I serve that is different?" she asked.
She opened her LADIES' HOME JOUR
NAL and found twenty-eight new
dishes, all worked out for her, using
vegetables obtainable all the year
Her daughter
wanted something new to play on
the piano, and she didn't know what
until she opened the same LADIES'
HOME JOURNAL. She found Joseph
Hofmann, the world's greatest pianist
maybe, telling her what to do!
So, mother and daughter were both
served by the same number of
The Ladies'
Look up the current number and tet
it solve what you want
pll ! It's onlv 15 cents I
l I
te- 7 Jill 1 . -. 1 j
8Ka flfl r &T Some businesses w e r e j S
F stff I&L M builded without advertis- 1J3
S& llill to5 ,nK as vere e pvam'ds jig
LT5 Slim 1 without the aid of steam v
t ffl Tfertsa cranes, hut not the modern Ms
L-? Sffl SSXSS 53 skvscraners. says Rich Vffl
Ml rfn S Richard. ffli
Hi 4, if
Jealousy and $500 ResnonsiJ
. w.w. U1 v-tt-gurio ueoree.
nP Tlnt,t,-. T etl
i uuuuo r t ri'y
iiuisu!rjiv. Jan. 2d -The .,.., i
Hon of OtCRorlo nenrce. ui... ."?a!ll'iB
slain nl Dohbs Fei rv in ,i... . " ""ii
puichasd for (300. nnd Hie crlm.'
insulin,! i.v i.nin..... ' "..er,ine
rtt,nnr.i fu . . '' nco.
confession to the
Kitty McCormlck.
" ' . ""!'. iiirorcinir i....
Police today by Jk
The police declare
..rMnn.i , .... , rt l'Cifthn.l.H
' ""-" i"e "leoigos w rP niirtt,.. ,a
ter. both of whom nn, V,.. !. hr
iiRlecd to pay J."0 If Heorge lii?7
the main stipulation being iii .i,1"
tftit'H throat should be em "
Five dollnm wno uni.i n . . 3
said, but the women wer nrh"! M
iuii' "ry cnuia nay inn lul,... '
IhbB r.cn...i.i. . , 1,'c,
,.,..t "ii-vui iiiii-n ncirn n
the police i,n, hiring thn
her home.
neini n ko-1ii
.... "tk
Although the pulUo hae desert,,!, 1
of the men. who, the Mccormick . ?
says commltlul
II, r ,,.,. .. """W
still at large
'"it-i. iney
Pasteur Scientists Inoculated Utf
-..1 ttflit. r; . u5i
ocuco iniii uiscuso nnu Then Sm3
cessttiiiy used Serum
PAKIS, .Ian. 0 A cute for.
the deadliest senurge known to gclenn
hum nceu uiscoveieo h fl,n, tv..:?S
pMslcluns attached to Hip Tunis br.I,Jl
of the Patleur Institute, netordlng la 1,1
foi matlon given out here today. (3
The three scliiHis, Doctor' Ncni,S
Doctor Conor nnd Dm tor cunaell tljkMJ
their lives during their experiments kvi
llinclllntlng themselves with cholcr-r
genns. "4
The newly discoveied serum u-n. tu..?
admlnlsteicd and nil Ihree 0r tho doctnr,!
recovered r,l