p t fcH'jip! 1 1,' ' WjnW" ' "POLLYANNA" MAKES OPTIMISM A VICE The Seductive Power of Glad ness Fills New Comedy at the Broad wuit.LYANNA." it comedy, In four acts, by Tstherlne ChUholm cushlne;. .based on the .?! SimtA novel by E ennor it. Porter. Man- L'MmenT! KIrw ft Erliinr ana Oeorjre C. 5?t?f; broad Street Theatre. L'i rSrrol . . Ml' mi Weathembv M ft Lam'" n in,,t irnn..i Jim. orfM.r,-.i..vYJrtie'fl Aid." a . - ftHa nari'illit Vt la TakAalrt Till at A i Trolly Harrington, th. .unt fotlrnna Whllller, the man urn, Miss ratricla Colllntro '&'. -I VeW&Tobln 'SfeW ??.. " .b.MMr! ThflCTerlvale siMcker. rendlcton'd man.. Mr. Harry Unrfoot B&Vc'hllton. rendleten's me?,rh(jrt ffi &Ali.V.VJ,MjS.r,lia2 4 vnadav. Act 1 M bw Polly Hnrrlmtton's Mnr. A summer Rfternoon. Act 8-.loIin Rnoleton's library. Some woelm Inter. ,Aet a Ifnnieiiit hntir Inter than Act 'J. ' 7et The library. Fivo years luter than 'let 3. I never Heard so much about being , olad in "IV Ufa" Sirs. Carmotty. No. Indeed! woven i.vcn iiiourii PAllvnnnn swears that the niblo holds ? ihA record with S00 admonitions to bo m iw. Ko one wns ever so Rintt ns rouynnnn, id thoroushly, dutifully, Impeccably Ian as that "glntl child." Hero 1st a Jartlal cntntoftuo of thlnrjs she In Rind bout In Miss Ouahlns'B play, not to men tion Mrs. Toners two hooks. Pollyanna la fllad because her father's Rone to Heaven ,11a letl lier IU MVi Ul'l "im " mm,:, in M Nf jsnuianii., nt,A in tec her aunt, and Kind to he there. nil Iliad her mint's Ixnutlful, ir not Invlmr. olnd they need to nend crutches diatom! ef dolts lo the Ozark nilrslon, whore tier iwther exiled hcrhoir to do penanco for irvlnir to elope with John Pendleton. Ola to bo nhle to feel sorry Tor Aunt Polly tiKauie she wouldn't Fpeak to her lovor, Doc Ctillton, all tho 20 enrs after ho abused her father for pre online their mutch. Olad she has freckles Instead of warts. Glad John Pendleton has shut himself up In a thrice-barred hmifo for 20 jenrn. because he'll be so much ulnddcr when she Rots In. Glad John Pendleton has n. broken leg, bo tnusc It mlftht be it broken neck. UUd that she BOts her own lees out of erder. IhrouRh -n nutomohlle, at nbout the time that she's got John Pendleton and Aunt roily and Doctor Chilton Into lovable names i, mlml- heen tiro not because the Hint h.14 bout run oul but because Aunt Polly Is ut lrt moved to call her "dear" nnd to kiss her. Even (tlad that .llminy Ilean, the nrphnn r la 6earcll or a nininer unit sup inriiis nil inhn Pendleton In Act HI, turns out to bo sin BLA 4ntlretv respectable Huston arista rat by ft?, Ami 'elnd. of course: oh. tickled to death. : that tho Jam-porked audlenco was Kind. too. I Which, needless to say, takes In tho mannce- men,. V (-I.!., nnlll.nmin" lei l,,ul 4 1, n nn t rruuni?, i uivuiiiut ici jLini. iiitti. nuiL l a ntnv. Pponlp llkn It tlm wtiv tlinv t, Uked "The Man From Homo" and "I'eij o' My Heart" and "Daddy I.oiik Uprs" EjUl lit Just about the same sort of ueople. They like Its theatrical naivete. Ttiey into tho am about how tho two sinters loves were blighted by a stern parent, and how one girl ninrrled a Missouri mls.slounry K and bore Pollyauna as a penance; how me omer wouuin i spcnic to ncr lover through 20 years of loving splnstr-rhood; how one man continued to ailoro from afar, nnd how thnt other shut himself up $ ai a select sort of hermit In a very ele- rwt house. They like Jimmy Bean for being a sure 'noimh orphan, nnd thev like him better still whon lio turns out to have Just as complicated n lot of Joal-ous-hearted nrlstocrntlo parents who put Mm In nn asylum somehow or other for tome reason or another. They like cverv- body to be kept In darkness for live vniim aj to Pollyannn's possible recovery. They like, In fart, to find a irood. old- fashioned piny with nil thn thins Hint have made Harris's "dear Tlieiitro" just what It used to he. And. of course they like this psyehomedlcnl mvstlelsm raVn..t l...l .. . ....... .. . . ' uuut KJjKiuusM unu miracle woricuiR. .They even like to bellevo that those itranee neonle out In thn loner dark itreets of the slums have smnethlnR to liu llad about, too. Perhaps It's the movies. Pollyanna's formula enn he nppllcd to "Pollyanna." The prltlea can h rrlnd I' about It becatiso It Is jjolng to repair tho lonunes or tjcnrfcp i . Tyler, tint most of 1I because It lets nn wateh Patriots Pnl. iMInge do the monumentally nrtistlc Job Of Setting awnv with all IVillvnnn.-i'n illadness. M'ss C'olllnie'a work Is i-eiillv 5- noteworthy. She Is youth. She Is radi ance itself. She Is tho very splilt of self-conscious gladness. She makes her self a Ctrl in HHIll nu nrnll i,a VtnI,. Cl1n ilums all those dllllenlt. ainrarv isnlenees H.M that not a drop too much "syrup glls- lt"8 10 tne siistcning eye. She hnndles Preachments nnrl nnnliinnaAj ivlll n childish grace that redeems them. And f"e cans up terrible visions of what Tolyanna" would be with some pert young person making "points." ...The supnortlnir east Is mure tlinn nrl. imlrable. It ia nvtrnvrtrmnt 1VIH, ln Raid optimism becomes almost ns seductive u Pessimism and threatens to be far Bj we permanent a dissipation with a ma- viUy qi piaygoors. K. M. Ruth St. Denis & vnvea xvare ueiignu B- It Was a slncnlnrlv ,lnllpitrnl entor. talnment which Ruth St. Denis and her company presented at the Forrest yester W afternoon and which they will re peat today and Thursday. The Anglo American theatro cultivates too llttlo of true art of the dRtice, this fusing of movement, costume, sotting nnd music into a new and specialized beauty. In dancers, dances and costuming there were almost no flaws, Tho ensemble of s St. Denis' six nssiatants, whether JS!y !lere w'll-o'-tlie-wlsps In gray vell n. the crescent moon, a dragon fly, a Javanese dnncer Rivniii,, n,i.nDn . tSier?,ballr00,n merry-merries, was re markably spirited. Imaginative and lllus-mIi.-j ,u.ty ot vigorous, henltliy form Is itJ Si n Denutv ot graca and femln- wiiy, The bizarre and the nnvel wern nC I00' ln a 'lozen SUlses. ,,MiBs st. Denis herself keeps all her old lure erarf. n.i ., .. . ' .. , IHtha . v juivur. nuo iiiiiiicn IRXLJ'8' n08el In excerpta from some itrmterta,:?1 fi1""..?' l?? Print.. iiB Princess turned peacock, did a mod- -. ...uriva unu closed with her famll pungent mystic ceremony of IHahda," Kil" Viss st- Denis, as her only male ,-- .... lea onawn, a man of tine tig- HDOSlni. nnpaiiuoo uuu i-yimnn fBni .i. ,B i"icuiariy good. Ij"..1"1, entertainment Miss Ht. Denis th.: 18 moro tha dancers und, In W AI0? senae' dl-nces. it adds a elm out S?a ,,naS'natlve background, built Will. cyc'oialnns and various simple toti,fni,J!1'operllca' ta hold the whole inurtarnn,Ta"i.t'e...'IB,.sa,,e.',e Oneniai i. .. v Du,,lc""'a near ine c-oiiii-Shs 7L.b.alle,.s that have won fame abroad ttraiirtT .ir"U'oon be "nown to America haTiv "" "ai usse. .Miss St. Dents Hisht. . sreat deal with scenery and hkhlu 8ni1.. 8he should be commended Si .for ,.t; But she ca" more. She Rok?i """ "Ke Joseph Urban and Tied I n ' J8nta (ot ",Jl'he Man Who Jlar- ,f ' ri.T1""0 wife") to make every tcrap mlieS S "Property perfect in Its em ,m. i" U'"J me I'nysiocd diuck Rteni,le dJ.P achlved that perfection fere e.' """ Ule HBhtlng and waits It' Often ut inn. r'br C0U,d "ot spoU the 'nipresslon .,rf itiai wtta fifa in it an. K. M. Knickerbocker Plavers 1 Good in New War Drama rfi"!UQ t (''a control of the Rock . ' between njents of Britain PW tor n Um aV . onf ""J h, nwuii JtL A?l.u.ln lrl' a"li Weri"iZ'rUtandS s?yeit tourUts stranasa in Eu- PASSING IMPRESSIONS OP "THE PASSING SHOW"" m i I r. w In' " JSS&SJSSSit ropo In wnr time cntnulno In the elever plot of Kail Herr Hlggcr's "Inside tho Lines" at tho Knickerbocker Theatro. The play Is by nn menus easy lo pre sent, ns It calls for wvcrnl varieties of acting, from emotional to comic, hut It may ho said, to the credit of the nipin mcrs of tho West Philadelphia stock coin puny, that they give It with much talent running thiough the cntlro Intricate plot with admirable nctiiiK. "Inside the Lines" had never been spcii In this city before, nnd If Inst night's house Is to be taken for anything. It au gurs well for Its success hero. The piny is easily one 01 me most tunning pieces scon here for 11 long time. The piny li im BKiiiuiiy presented ns 11 is written, tho feature of It being the dialnRiio be tween a Herman and British agent, their conversation being so adroitly handled that It Is Impossible to toll which Is the Kngllsh agent and whlrh Is the .Kaiser's represent!'.! I vo. The U'llhelmstrusse agent pierces thu Hues at Gibraltar and seeks to blow up the Knglish licet lying In the harbor. Tho play Is also strictly neutral. lly far the bent emotional acting was thnt of Ted llrackett. us tho Indian ser vant who had wailed live years hi the house of the Governor Oenernl of fllbral tur for "the day." Ills cunning, charac teristic of the Indian race; his emotional evpreislon and his enunciation made bin: nil that could be desired In his lole. Mlea nor Moiitnll, In tho role of the Amerlran buyer stranded with 11 trunk of Parisian creations, was vely effective. Flunk V, Klllott as Captuln Wondhouse noted ad mirably and kept the audience guessing as to his Identity until the last minute. Thomas Shearer brought Jit the needed touch of humor Into the piece. 1'hllip Lord was a trllle too stiff and lutlllclal; It was too obvious that the general of tho second act had been the holelkeeper of the llrst. The entile company d'.d well nnd the production was elaborately staged. "Within the Law" at American "Within tho Law," the popular melo drama by Bayard Velller, was produced last night by the (leorge Arvlne Plnyeis at the Amrrii-iui Theatie. Kuth Itobln son, the leaillns woman, portrnyeil the part of Mary Turner, the shopahl. who, after serving a term In prison for a 01 line of whl"h she was Innocent, allies her self with n band of clever clocks, who mnuage ilways to keep well "within tho law." ltlchard LiiSnllo was se-n In the role of Richard (Illder, whom Mary mar ries In order to revenge herself on his father, who sent her to prison. Tho part of .loo (Inrson, the clever foiger, wn-i capably handled by Mr. Arvlne. The piece was well ataged and the remainder of tho J parts well illstrimitra, pnriKiiluil.v enm liieiiduble work h,'ng done by Willard Dnshlll. Clydo Armstrong and Grant Irvln. "School Days" at the Walnut While actually as old ns Its title, "School Days" nt the Walnut Is presented with so many clever changes and minor elab orations that tho iitliactlveiies.s and pleas ing qualities of the three-act musical com edy nro beyond intention. Jlormnn Tim bers, who was the star when tho piece was produced In vaudeville. Is still the stnr of tho production, and his clever violin playing last night completely won the audience. i The vlplln parts In which he played several duets with Hnttlo Darling earned well-earned npplnuso. The violin dancing net of Miss nailing was particularly well received, coming ns It did Just after her sudden metamorphosis from tho part of Nonnle. tho girl pickpocket nnd street waif, to a clever and accomplished musi cian. Tho entire three nets are laid In and around the schoolroom. The settings are attractive and the song numbers are of the tho tingling Kinu wnicn always cnll forth an cucoro. Mr. Tlmberg, ns Izzy Levi, Just over from Itussla, Is a delightful character throughout. Other leading parts aro effectively portrnyed by Wilfred Derrick, Morris I.oyd, Lily Denn Hart, Will Stuart and Jack Ferries, who, as an Italian boy, guve several character songs in line style. Vaudeville Keith's Add efferescencB to a cyclone, throw In a dash of hurricane, flavor this with a 42-cajitlmetre gim-and you will have Kvu Tanguay. njecuvca nomiim ex hausted some tlmo ayo In describing her. Broadvvny booking; experts predicted her retirement time nd time again, but a packed house at Keith's last night showed that their prophecies have slipped u cog. The answer is-the people want "Kva" and It's the people who foot the bill. nd as for those who don't like her well, there's no escape. She told those who welcomed her last night that she would stay on the stage till the sexton rang the bell on the Itnal curtain. Upon her tlrst entrance the cyclonic comedienne announced, in song, that personality" brought all her fame. This admission was mude in a dazzling costume of peacock blue, bedecked with Jewels, which no mere man would dare describe. Then she popped on with a shimmering creation of red with a foliage effect. It aeemed as though she were singing from a jeweled forest. Amid this environment Miss Tanguay declared "I'm here to stay." And she did. She was " sooner of than she was on again iu dotted black and white costume, which emphasized the graceful lines of her athletic figure. Jn this comfortable outline the meanlnsf of the word "Tan cuay" was explained. In this, the candid comedienne declared, the people made her what she was nn n iw m"i. At this point -MIM Tanguay Indulged a few eplHrams, and finally offered to tft. the war with u regiment ot Tan- incidentally, she mau9 Coarllo EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, JANUARY etitssz&ismvi. ZTTrAfjO- Gaoo& '" """ s'ehrneder, the leader the trenches. help her out from Continuous applause meant that the au dience wanted "I Pon't Care," and she sang It with all her former gusto. Miss Tnnguay finished with n nourish and a crash of approval. Franker Wood and Hiinec Wydo In their iinl'iue nrfoilng "Good N'lght" were also a distinct hit. William Mollis, supported by a veiv ca pable company. In "Mrs. Temple's Tele ginm," which was out down from a thieo act comedy, won no end of laughs. Mile. Mnryou Vadle ,i Co. and Corps do Ilallet. which incltiilPd six pretty girls, obla hied 1 artistic results J Jians s. I.lmic. under the direction of Oilier good acts on thebill were .Mario Nordstrom In "lilts of Acting"; "Tho Lit tle Stranger," an nrtlstlc race-tiaek sketch: Jack Wyatt'H Scotch Lads and Lassies, lleury O. Iltnloljih, "The Vn ginnt Tenor," nnd Mnilo and Dttrfy, nn exceptionally good team of gymnasts. GLOIJi:. There la something to suit all tastes in vaudeville this week at the Globe. An abundance of music, comedy and tin Ills nro found ln a bill which Is unusually entertaining. .Vow sonTs nnd a number of pleasant surprises at given by Klein Brothers' Mlustiels. which act was rewarded with plentiful applause. The thrills weie sup rilled by Delmoro mid Leo. daring gym nasts, who appeared to take tlielr lives in their hands without the least liesl- 1 taiicy. The bill also Included .lanow, wlici mystified with his lemon trick and made money appear Just when and wheio he desired; Olive Hiisroe, In songs and comedy, and many other equally good acts. NIXON. If applause Is any criterion, then the show at tho Nixon this week is n pace maker. Theio Is Just enough flavoring of comedy, slngliiK and class to make a good vaudeville dish. Owen MeOlveney In character impersonations proved to lip a Justifiable featuip. Kmlly .Sinlley, for merly a local stuck favorite, wag sup pnited hy a capable company In an enter taining sketch. Laughs galore werp produced by the Four Slickers. Othpr nets which ilelightril a large audience were Webb anil Hums, maxixe brothers, and Hobby, iiml luincaii and Holt. The pictures followed the pace set by the show. WILLIAM PI3NN. Marshall Montgomery, assisted by liclna Courtenay and a iiuurielsomo kid. showed that ho had lost nono of his power ns n ventriloquist last night nt the William Penn, nnd, Incidentally, dispensed some good comedy, In which Miss Courtenay nnd tho youngster gave valuable assist ance. Mr. Montgomery has the knack of getting results with apparently llttlo effort, and his offering had tho stamp of class throughout. Moore, Gardner nnd Rose, In quick songs, comedy and dancing, proved to be winners by a big margin, arr. nnd Mrs. Gordon Wilde, expert shndowgraphlsts. produced all sorts ot comedy pictures with their fingers. Other good acts were of fered by Kva Shirley, Six Malvorn Continues, and Kramer nnd Krnmer. A pleasing added feature was tho Tri angle Keystone film, "Dizzy Heights and Daring Hearts." NIXON GIIAND. "Willard, the man who grows," proved that ho could be tall or short without tho slightest effort last ulglit at the Nixon Qrand. Inspectors from the audlenco saw that he had no elevating mechanism con cealed about him, nnd his plan for grow ing was a complete mystery. The bill also Included Ten Fascinating Flirts, Drown, Harris nnd Drown, IMtnund Gln- grns, Juggler; Clemons and O'Connor, and Lew Fltzglbbon. There was nn entertaining story In tho pictures. Mischa Elman's Recital The Russian violinist, Mischa Llmun, played at the Academy last night to an audience which left only u small number of seats vacant In that large auditorium. The applauso was tenacious, almost eager, In spirit 'and tho encores started early. Tlio arranged program included concertos by Vivaldi und h'rnst, variations on a Mo zartenn theme by Scolero, a group of shorter pieces and Sarnsato's "Sllgeuner welscn." Tho qualities and aptitudes of UiIb vio linist were so recently detailed in this place that no repetition is either neces sary or udvlsuble. Tho morul of Mr. Dl man's playing Is n blow to certain theor ists of the divine passion. For it Is, ap parently, posslblo to luve where one can not respect. O. V. S. "Marie-Odile" Coming David lelasco will present Frances Starr at the Adelphl uuxt Monday In "Marle-Odlle," by Kdwuid Knoblauch, whoao previous plays, "Kismet," "The Faun" and Milestones," the latter in collaboration with Arnold Dennett, gained him a recognized standing among the playwrights of the day. "Marlo Odlle" is described as a study In maiden innocence. In the title role Miss Start plays a girl of sixteen who has passed tho whole of her young life in uii Alsatian convent end is absolutely Ignorant Of the world, until the German invaders of 1870 break in upon it. Tiie drama enjoyed a long run In New York last season. 57 Years 'Old and "Still in the Iting" LANCASTER, Pa Jun.- S.-Qeorge Whitby. ST years old. nas announced Ma Intention of performing tho daring dou- ble leap over the back of two elephantB with a circus thU season. . He will Join HH m TfUr Maiu Wair- NURSES ARE PEACEFUL AFTER STORMY NIGHT White-Capped Young Women Tiptoe Happily in Shore Hos pital Following Victory ATLANTIC l MTV. Jan. "o.-Uvorythlng Is peaceful at tin- City lluspllul this morning. Twenty-one pupil nurses, who defied the whnli Imatd of governors last night when they pledged tlk'iiihelvcs to reslKU In a body this morning utile's the board dlsehniaed Miss Xntuipttp llurk hard. siiMM'Inteiideiit anil .Milcf r,f nurses, are smiling as they tiptoe through wards beeuufp thev won i.a'f their buttle. Miss Itiiiithard, who had weathered sev eral storms, Is no longer chief of nurses, although she still holds the rank of super intendent and retains her original pay. There Is tn lip a now supervisor for the staff of young women. Some main tain, with the "round lohin" impounded, thnt Miss Ittiikhiml was "loo arbitrary" and attempted lo say that Hie nurses should not dunce or visit a eabaret If they paw lit while off duty. fiKOCKHS DINE TONIGHT Will Hold Kith Annual Banquet nt Hellevtie-Strntford Members of the Ornceis and Importers' Kxchtinge will tasto tlielr own wares to night at the tl'itli nnmin! dinner of tho organization, lo be held In tho HpIIpviip Stratford Hotel. The feasting will be sup. ploniontcd hy nn elaborate amusement program to be given by professional entertainers. Among those Invited to deliver ad dresses arc Alto or Smith, Professor Calvin O. Altlmiise, head of the Depart ment of Commerce. Central High School; I'raiu.un spencer Kdinonils; Joseph S. .MncLiiiiglillu, head or the Iippartment of Supplies, and lleury llom-li. Secretary of Internal Affairs. The committee on ar rangements nullifies William T. Kirk, Jr.; Allien M. Warien, William W. l'razler, Jr.; I'lllhworth L. Posey, .1. C. Lawrence, II. A. N. Unily nnd Watson M. Null. Theatrical Baedeker u'''A"-"rollynnn," with Palrleia Oolllnce. nrflp Shannon. Herbert Keleey an1 I'titlln llriluile. A iiimpily tiy C. c. Cunlilng. from i-.leanor II. Porter's ntorlcs of the vouns nlrl urio was tlio perFonltlc.ilion of i;lailnea. KonilllST Monday, Tuesday ami Thurs.Iay fnHtlreeii. Hurh Kr. limil, in ,.. nt Orieninl and nimlcrn ilancen, supported by her own company. CONTINUING ri,AY8. LYme "Parting Show of IMS." with CieorK Munroo and Merllynn Miller. A Winter C3arlea nhow of the usual tyiw. with Klrli, riinny, muel" nnd costumes in lureo fiuanllttes. plus eomo excellent burleaouu on cuirent shows. FOItm:ST-''C'ourln I.uey." with Julian i.itinse, a musical eomedv of tho mtlniie tj'ic. with plenty of opportunity for tho star to appear tn bis remarkable gowns. Mu.sc nnd plot thrown In. llAniHCK "On Trial." with Frederlek IVrry and a Kopd cnet. An oxeltlng story of crime, written backward In tho form of a trial. Isovcl and enturtalnlni:. I'llOTOPLAYS. CIIKST.N'ITT STIIKET OPKHA HOPflE-'T'ar. men," with ThcUa H.ira. Tim I-'ox nroliie- tlon of the fnmoua story and fij'ni, with a eensatlonal death for Don Jose over an M-rot elirf. Jllsd Ilnra'a Imperennitlin or Carmen comes nearer tho eoneeptlon of the author. Merlmoc. thin that of her famous rlvul. Karrar. All the wecK. STANbRY Tuesday and Wednesday, "The Call of the Cuniberlands," with Dublin Knrnum. Thursday, Krhiay nnd Saturday. Ajie rJiucr, wiin I'uunnu rrcuericK. I'ALARK All week. "The Foundling," nith Mnry 1'lckford. A truly l'Ickrord part for "Little Mary." AftCAPIA Tueiday and Wednetday, "The Price of Power," with Orrln Johnson, and "I'crlls In tho Park," a Kejstone eomedv. Thurkday, KrMay and Hiturday. "llnnor'B Altar," with llesslg Parrlsi-alo aad Walter Kdwirds. and "The Movlo Stars." a Key stone comedy. AT POPULAR PftlCUS. WALNUT "School Days." a muslral pro duction, with lus Kdwnrdi' "Kids." STOCK. K.S'!CKF.UHOCKEH-"Jniae the Lines." The Knlrherbiicker Players hi tho first Philadel phia iwrforpianco of n drama of love. Intrigue, spies and excitement ut Gibraltar, by tlio author of "Seven Keys to lialdpate." AMEItlCAN "Within the Ijiw." Tho Arvlne 1'laivru. In llnvarii Velller's famous play, with Ituth Itoblnson, ns Mary Turner, and Ucorge Arvlne as Joe Carson, VAUDEVILLE. JCEITU'S-i:v,i Taneuay, comn.llcnne: William Morris and uinipany. In -'Mrs. Temple's TeleeTmri": Mario. Nordstrom. In "Ults of Aitlng": Scotch Lade and unrsies. "Tha j.ituti Hirunjer. iienry Kuilolr, vocalist, and Mario and Duffy, Kvmnasts, UltANK -Willard. tho man who jtrows: Ten Kasc matins I-llrts. Ilrown. Harris and Uioiin. funsmlths: Edmund aingaa and com IID. jugglera; Olemenla and O'Connor, lonitdlans; Lew I'ltjgltboni. xylophone. COLONIAL; Ned Nestor and his ten set hearts; tho Great Leon, majtlcian. nicer and Douglas, dancers: Howard. Kehble and llerterl. comedians, The Ileal Mr. Q." Moss und hry, liladtiacc act: Powder jnd 'hap. man, dancers: lUKeu and Clega. cicllstj; Peterson Drothers, acrobats. GLOIIB Colonial Minstrels. Delmore and Lee. eynuiusts; OUe llrlscoe, comedltnne. Janon, trickster: "Hied from Yalo": Weston and louiiaT., In fir.fa and chatter, The Maskd Athlete and Tho Lady: Cecil Duitaam BJ De notMln and company. In "Ked ike Kroin Nevada": William Ilercher. comedian. CBO.SM KEY8-Fjrt half of the week. Oeorsa Auner, In "Jack iha Olant Kilter": DedlrTs Circus; De Voy. Fsrber and compuiy. In "Taking a Chance"; the Ilancing Macks: Harry Mehan. comedian: the llowcrs, In soiiits and chatter. .Ssconel half of the eek. "Jaik the OJant Killer"; Scott and Wilson, comedians; Annie .Sloan aad company, tho Douchertyj; Jack WllUams. mo Jiolojlst . Zln- ' MWtUi LUllltUldlia. NIXU.V- Hiully Smiley and' company, unen ilih and llnrns' ll.Hr. tl.mli ucuivenev; iveuD and lluros ". ?,'"?. B'by. thv Four Silchara; Duiuun uu (iu,,, iuy uLiiers. BIJRLEiiquE. DUMONTB Duntont't Mln.tr el. la topical satUaa wjth soma UIlbn aad Suuiian THEDA'S "SERPENT" TEMPTS CRITIC New Fox "Sensational" Film Turns Out a Skilful Pro duction THR SBHPKNT, tiv phlllii ttarthotomsp. Di rected bv llaoul Walsh. Photoarnbhy bV OrerRP IJenolt. slx-tmrt For feKture. ynhl.l Lazar, tho serfs dauRhIer..'rhedft ttflfa Inh tjianr, the serf James Mnrrtis MartM t.nzar. her mother. Lillian Itnthnwav Ilrand Ijukp Vntonon Clinries Crntg Prince Vntonotr, his on,...Cnrl llnfViaunb Audrey Pohl, vanla's lover. .lleorfto WnUh i;rna JJlrhnn. the Prlncp's tlaneoo Nan Carter Oreitolfe, steward to the duke .. . Mnrecl Morlmtice Hy the Photoplny Kditor Yesterday nflcrnoon the board .of cen sors had a llmtl took at "The Serpent," the new Fox "sctisitlon.tl" Him starring Theiln ttara, and nntiouiiccil that they would ti"-ult the counsel of daylight be fore handing down their decision. Per haps "Tito Serpent" will be on the screen of the Chestnut Slreot Opera House to night, perlinps not. Tho Photoplay Kditor saw nn tmeut print. Hn saw It with the scenes still in which the Vn matingcttiolit proposed to ellmlnnte without consulting- the censors. It in enough to say Hint lie was not utnstril. Ho snillpd a little at one of the legulnr "siren" plots, In which nn limnrenl young itiuy, after being "Kardoued" by the in -evltnbtp Grand l)ul:e Horls, discovers that th' only natural thfug Is to try to spread misery and desolation throughout all mankind. And he smiled 11 gnnd deal more nt any moralists trying to take It seriously. Kvon tho li people didn't do thnt. They turned it Into a dream nnd left the heroine still n heroine nt the end. As 11 dream II Is not only a rrtnarknble bit of realism, a slnrtllng nnuUsIs if Hie maid enly subconscious; It Is a llrst-rnle pier" of Inspired ptnphoo.v. For 111 the course of It tlto young lady ilrenms the fJrent War of August, Kill, nnd lets us Into a very ex cellent bit of churchyard lighting. It Is miller hard to say too much for the skill Willi which "Tile Serpent" bus beiii put together. Not only the Inge nul'.v of the dieam and tho handling of 1 the awakening, but thu business nnd ! movements of the actors, tho seiiuenco of scenes, the sturdy realism or treat ment, a dozen novel touches are all ad tnliable. In sumo wayn tho wnr sceno I stands out highest, bernnse It Is so of- feellve and iiliKtagy and because it is so different from "The Hlrlh of n Nation" and the other buttles we hitvo had. Itaoitl Walsh has done Miigularly well by Ids material. Wp can wish him better In the future, pnribm some New York headlines In London and soiite curious geography maxmumnjj.ijLt.i-iJJ1. jLtsjj.'isxijjJULixiJxijjj ljutsjxsxi jt nJ & 77 O &WjqmM Da TIIH fot ItooUlll fothmlni: theatre obtain Cuniimiii, whleli H a fliipst lirivlltctlllll. All plCllires rcvieiiv" itrmrr f Alliimimi. fc ,. the theatre In jour locality obtaining pictures thrmisli tlio STAM.hl HoiikhiK I'limpany. ALHAftlBRAgSKi: tiftli, Murrls I'a"unkAie. r.pf . , ' ruiii't l'lrtiii'-n. Geralctine Farrar '" "Temptation" ARCADIA ,& , ,,.i it-r-i i nt ivm nntllS JOHNSON In TIIK ITllfB OK I'lUVKH" IIAIIU1 It 1 11- HUN in "THK l'LUILM UV 'till'- 1'Alilv." Ai ULLU MATINKI! DAILY HAZEL DAWN in THU M ASU U DIl A I J KltS" ' bluebTrd "t" 0Ar7 ST- llroadway rcnture-KDWIN STEV11NS In "THE MAN INSIDE" BOTH AND C'tUlAK AVE PAltAMOL'NT CEDAR r.illAMOVST I'll i:Titrc VICTOR MOORE In CIIIMMID PADDKN OUT Y!U.tl FA1RMOUNT L'flTII AND (lIUAnD AVE. .......,.-. v-m npppllB TiMr.-a fiirv.i.: EDNA r.imuiutii i l'.Ml.il.'i ."? '-'.....,... , "AU.MSTUONl.H WIFE" JFRANKFORD 4TU FnAN,i?UB "1,A..!,,f;r4' PAUAMIII'XT Pli'TPltE GERMANTOWN' 5508t,aae. PA?.iet,,,?UNT Macklyn Arbuckle In i "THE REFORM CANDIDATE" -"f ritJC S0TH A MAHKET LjUJjtJt, Mat.. 2:ir.; Eves.. EDNA nnOflHK'II In "AIIMRTIIONO'S WIFE" Paramount Picture T & 0. GIRARD AVENUE THEATRE 7T1I AMI liIJlAlU AVCi David Itelasi-o'H Farnnui Plav ,. THE GIRL OF TIIR GIlLDDN WEST" Evenlnif Amateur D.inelnK Contest Great INortnern uermantn aves. TIUWat.K I'l.AYS MARIE DOIIO III "THE IRIS THEATRE 3UB .?vfg1T0N MARGUERITE CLARK in "STILL WATERS" JEFFERSON 20TH AND DAUPHIN STREETS TIUANOl.H PI-AYS LILLIAN. UIRII In THE LILY AND TIIE ROSE" I'HAH. MURRAY' In "The Great Vneuum Robbery." LAFAYETTE so4 ken8INXvb1Sub HILDA SPONG in "DIVORCED" t CAriirn ronTY-FinsT and LiCiAUClV LANCASTER AVENUE FANNIE WARD in "TUB CHEAT" Weekly Programs Arpear Every Monday ln Motion Picture Chart Hill 111 finmlilillllll II I lis wrmw i i ytwimVVmii,Wri'iVfm ' "pil"'llt'Pr'lBTTlTlrJl 2SS7 nrmv A BTnrff IIUANULL Can be obtained from S. E. Corner 13th and Vine Sts. Noteworthy Plays Pre-eminent Players Each Week. at the Following Theatres: ARCADIA CHESTNUT ST. IJELOW 1CTII ALHAMBRA 12T1I and MOI1H1S STS ARCADE BELMONT 2WU itll'HMUMJ ST. S3 N 02U STREET FRONT 4 SUt-OL'EHANNA BELLEVUE RENN U33if WOODLAND AVE. BROADWAY "waVTy3!" F1IREKA mi & WA',KIW ST,S- FRANKFORD SaV GREAT NORTHERN &. GIRARD AV.THEA. wAl2D GARDEN LANSDOWNE AVE. VICTORIA un ,ABKBT Si imnrn i a i ooth and I HI r L U 1 rt L, WALNUT STB. -V.-t.,..iA ..,):. A -4 ,fr MtJ.k.lLAJL.ij&1:iT-Ari...J,)...l.A, - 25, 1916. nnd promise tho Chestnut a. paying at traction, The Stnnley opens tho week with "The Cnll of the Cumberland!!," with Dttstln Fnrnum. On Thursday, Friday nnd Sat urday, "Tho Spider," with Paulino Fred crick, will lie screened. Tho Arcadia's early week feature Is 'The Prico of Power," with Orrln John son, and "Pet Us In the Park," a Key stone comedy, while for Thursday, Friday and Satuulny, "Honor's Altar," with Bes sie Hitrrlscale, nnd "Tho Movlo Stars," a Keystono comedy, will ho shown. The Palace is showing "Tho Foundling," with Mnry Plnkforil, all this week. In It llttlo Mary has a part of the kind the public loves. The llatrymnrcs are well represented In the Metro productions nnd are doing ef fective work. Lionel Unrrymoro's latest rolensc is, "A Yellow Streak," which colncs lo tho Tioga on Wednesday. Special efforts are bring made to pro mote "The OM and thn Game." a now serlul play of rnlliond life, which shows at tho I'rlnress every Thursday. KKUSBX AIM'OINTS DOCTORS Health Director Pinna Shnkc-up at Philadelphia General Hospital A shnhc-up nt the Philadelphia General Hospital, said to Include the replacement or Daniel V. Seltzer, head of the Institu tion, Is planned by Director Krusen, of tho Department of Health and Charities, who already bus made a number of changes ill the porsotmol of the lltockley stuff. I'pndlni; tho erection of a now hospital, tin) Director has appointed four visltltiK physicians to Improve tho serv ice. The nppotntecs nro Dr. K. D. W. Ltnl lum. 21i Mouth mill silent; Dr. K, D. tnghnni, 1S31 Chestnut street; Dr. K. V. Gilpin. 132 North n2it street, and Dr. A. CJ. IJuckloy, of tho Friends' Asylum for the Insane. Dlicctor Krusen also has limned Dr. Chillies W. b'ohnelTcr, II" South 20ih street, ns visiting laryngolnglst to the tuberculosis department of tho hos pital nnd bus provisionally nppultited Miss Matiil 15. Lyle us nnesllietlst In the l!u roau of Charities, at $!)00 a year. Ciiiiteiiiplateil changes III Mnyur Smith's office cnll for the resignation of Joseph H. Hiiuirr, chief clerk. He will be le pliii'i'd by the man ho succeeded, Ilcrbeit M. Oral i. The latter held the position ulnee the Weaver administration until be resigned ill the request of Mayor Dlank unbui'K two years ago. The new chief clerk will assume ol'flco srinifl, time next mouth. At tho present time be Is in the employ of Senator Kd wlu II. V'ire ns n paymaster. Chief Clerk SmniT, who Is prelected by civil service, ia itiideislooil to be willing lo resign. PROMINENT QTOPLAY PRE5ENTATXO A- Gmuwm Mnn d id tlielr pliluren tlirnugh the SiAM.i.i giiaiiiiuee ai enrij Mum inn ni ino LIBERTY nnoAD AND COLt'MlttA George Fisher in "Excuse Me" PATiir, aoi.u Koosriiu pi.ay Logan Auditorium Ilroad Abovo Hock and Ava. rntAN-rn.in IM.AVH LIIIIhii filsh In "The l.llv and the Ilose" i'Ii is. Mima' in "(Jrcal V'aciiuin Ilobbery Market St. Theatre :'33 MAHKDT STIIEET I'KVltl. WI1ITD In "Till: KINrl'8 GAME" "ailArT" Everv Wednesday Pee ORPHEUM onnMA??io.0DvEs. TltlAXOLE rLAYS JANE ORGY In "Let Koty Do It" SAM HERNARO In "The Great Tearl Tangle" ORIPNT I2D nnd WOODLAND A WK.1CIN l D.i y Mat .1'. Eve 0:5 AVE. .lOtnll. Mem. 1 Miiterlitoro At'KltEY MPXSliN In IS'HI'IltATlDN" PALACE MARY 1214 MARKET STREET II) A. M. to 11:1.1 P. M. PICKFORD in "THE FOUNDLING" ItlDGD AVE. & DAUPHIN ST. Continuous ehovv from 2:20-0:30-11. PARK PARAMOUNT MAnOPKItlTK CLARK In STILL WATERS" (Hy Request)) PRINCESS lOlR MARKET STRP.ET ny love nnnEEMBP" "MILE A MINUTE MONTY" "Girl and the Game" every Thursday. Seo RIALTO GERMANTOWN AVE. AT TUI.PEHOCKF.N ST. Georite F. Marlon t-- Vivian Hlaekburn In 'liAi'UHi-; .in. Patho Gold Rooster Play REGENT 10.14 MARKET STREET u umax voicb ohoax ROBERT WARWICK in "THE FRUITS OF DESIRE" RUBY MARKET STREET HELOW 7TH STREET Trl.inclo I'lavs Wm. Halt In "Uetweon Men" Kevstone Comedy "DIZZY HEIGHTS AND DARINO HEARTS" SHERWOOD "SiWiSPoRB DANIEL FROHMAN Presents GLADYS II NPON AltTlIITR HOOPS In THE STRAIGHT ROAD" SAVOY 1 MARKET STREET LISETTE THORN 111 "WILD JIM. REFORMER" TIOGA" 17TH VENANGO STS- THEODORE RORERTS nnd CAR LYLE I1LACKWELL In "Mil GREX OF MONTE CARLO." Paramount Picture. vTcT'ofA"AJir,JBiS-,OTK TiI.iiikIo nresonts Sid Chaplin In "A Hiibmnrlna Pirate." Mnrv Roland In "Kdae of the Abyss" Seo 'Stranao Ce,io of Jlary Pase' Wed.-Thura.. CTA1MI PY market ahove ioth roVniroi i DUSTIN FARNUM 11 11 A M to tn "THE CALL OF THE li'ltSP. M. I CUMDERLANU3" nn., ij;; 5 fJL J f!J "" xxaaxa 1T inffff ralTiO I'lLMd H. SCHWALBE n c sin ab.omuiun aye.. JEFFERSON klbtc'her sts. LAFAYETTE 20U ketnoTab. LOGAN AUDITORIUM ?,N LEHIGH PALACE ..Sb. ORPHEUM 0EncMATOENNA?Es. OVERBROOK havSave. PALACE ,s" m"11" ST paphai i TI8T AND irrtO-nrtJ-.Ij WOODLAND AVE. POINT BREEZE JSng?,.8 RIDGE 17s MDQm avenuk F U B Y MAImJA,'L MARKET STS. SUSQUEHANNA qVSLtY. in C U A I T WlOKT AMI J ALLKGllKNY AVK. TTttItI1 $ SUFFRAGE DISTRICTS' WELL MEET TONIGHT Tenth and 23$ Legislative Groups Functions on Thurs day at 1823 Chestnut Street Tho third annual convention of th Woman Suffrage party In tho 10th legisla tive district will be held tonight in tho Central Congregational Church, Ath and Green Rtrcels. Mrs. George A Plersol, chairman nf tho Philadelphia City Com mittee of tho party nnd the nev. Robert If. Morris, pastor of tho church, will be the speakers Tho IM Legislative District organization will also hold Its annual convention to night, in tho chnpcl of Odd Fellows' Homo, nth nnd Tioga streots. Ms. George It. Wobensmlth will preside. Miss Jnno Campbell, one of the plonceVs in tho suffrage movement, will give tf historic levlcw, nnd Mrs. Ocorgo A. Dunning will discuss some of tho present and future aspects of tho sttffrngo movement. On Thursday afternoon, Fobruary 3, there will tie n cako nnd candy sale at thn Woman Suffiago Shop, 1823 Chestnut street. Honfiro May Cost Child's Life Play In front of a honfiro near his home nt 812 South Delhi street, may cost tho life of 4-jear-old Attllo Dezardo, who fell Into tho blaze and wns burned from head to runt lieroro rescued. Tlio child's mother, Angrllna Dezardo, heard his cries .ind raced from her house to tho btinllrn. Sho wns severely burned about the hands, arms nnd face and was taken to the Pennsjlvanla Hospital with the boy, who Is not expected to recover. LOCUST MATS, lt.no nntl n. (Ircrttrxt AVtr.tKipfr 52d nnd LOCUST MATS. 1:.10 nnd !t. nvci.. 0.30 to 11. (Irrotest .Vcirspoper Plow .'rer Writ ten THE FOURTH ESTATE Thursday ROBERT WARWICK in FRUITS OF DESIRE Friday MADAME X Saturday MISLEADING LADY r,2d Above MAHKET Uell l'htme. llelmont 1441 All This Week DAILY. 10o; KVGS.. lBfl T1IK PATRIOTIC PHOTO SPIWTACLB "The Battle Cry of Peace" A CALL TO AHMS AGAINST WAR CILVTHAI, Chestnut St, Op. House "& Theda Bara in a Fox Feature Special Music & Lively Comediea wi:st i'iiii..i)i:i.i'iii. 52d ST. THEATRE ,,, r,2d AN-D SANSOM STREETS -MAltOARITA FISCHER In "Miracle of Lllo" Toinoirow 11RED IN THE HONE GRAND r,2D nnd MARKET STS. VilWAlIt MAT nAUiY , p JLi j "GRAFT". Sixth Episode OVERBROOK niD ""SSXfifa nitOnW,VY FEATURE CLEO MADISON in "A SOUL ENSLAVED" GARDEN MD & LANSDOWNE AVE. MAT.. 2 EVG.. n:S. vPnnin,in3AJtOo,de Claw" ui.Hi.n A: HELPS In "He.it of Enemies" Ilrar Our Organ With the Vox Humana. t EUREKA 40TH AND MARKET STIIEETS TRIANGLE PLAYS ronDt.iS-G-''lins"Fa1tthri?a0'K;o,.ten.'. NORTH Broad Street Casino r3ROJiSll'"' EVENING 7 AND 0 VINNIE BURNS in "EVERY GIRL' OTHERS CENTURY ErUR AVE MARSHALL l-UUIUlVl MATINEE DAILY HOLBROOK BLINN in "LIFE'S WHIRLPOOL" NIHTH PLAZA UI'OAD AND PORTER . " STREET MOLLIE McINTYRE in "HER GREAT HOUR" NOHTi"VKST SuKnnphannn theatre 17th & juaquenanna Susquehanna avr HOLBROOK BLINN in "LIFE'S WHIRLPOOL." 5 Parts northeast STRAND 12T" AND qirar avr WORLD FILM CORP. Presents HOLItnOOK HLINN lTl "THE IVORY SNPFF nox" s Acts HAM AND HUD COMEDY KENSINGTON JUMBO FR0NT 6T AND o u iyi a j oirard AVUnjB "LANDON'S LEGACY" "AN INNOCENT VILLAIN" "SAMMY'S SCAND I.OI'S 8C1IEMKS" METRO PICTURES EXHIBITED in ONL? ONE THEATRE EACH LOCALITY IN DISTINCTIVE CREATIONS Ask for Metro Pictures An Absolute Guarantee ot Quality Weekly Programs Appear Every Monday in Motion Picture Chart H Spm a TO rRnL 1Mb fl f i m A-'lJil1J. i 4- w