Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 25, 1916, Night Extra, Page 4, Image 4

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' Jii WHWppNywfW Wi. Wpl"' w
Compulsion Act Goes to
, Lords With Adverse
Vote of Only 36
I,ONtX)N, .Tnti r
The compulsory ntllltnrv icrvico bill
passed the House of Ceininum. on il
third rcadlnp last night by a olo uf 353
to 3.
The minority uRitlnnt ronscrlptioti ns
Virtually only a third of Hint palled hi
tho llrst reading, nml IiihI Mglit'H over
whelming' majority It considered n srent
triumph for I'remlei Amtulth tuiil Aniltevv
Bonar Law.
The bill wa. sent immediately to tbo
House of Lord", vvheie It wus Bltm Its
first reading Tlie second rending will be
given before tho l.tirds em Vtilmln.
and Parliament probably will bo jiio
roRued Frlilij.
In tho rommoni Hip fieivermnont ac
cepted an nnicndiiHiit Hint iuiitn 1 pun
lahment should nut be Inllictpd for le
fusnl to obo a call to the toloia
Tho principal disillusion turmd upon
eufeRUarels against einplovlnj, the mean
urp for Intltistilnl roiupiilslou, inntiv uf
the mombeis lxpiiasIiik miipiumi legaid
Inn the nttltude of H.ivld l.lul-t1ioiie,
Minister of Munition, eupcuullv n Jli
Lloyd-Oeorgc had not putlkip.iti'd in the
debates on the bill
Honor Law, in belmlf of thn Unvorn
ment, Kae furthci iisMtiraiiteH on thin
point, which he deiluiid were binding
on tho whole (Joveiiinii nt
On motion for tin tlilid lcmllnK "Ir
John Salmon, the foiiner Home, bicntutj,
nsserted that nltliuujli the dovetmtunt
had done much to uuest tliu obJictionH to
tho bill, it had fallul tu ulltiv tho fears
of thosp who billeted the bill was n
mere prelude to Incluttiinl inuipultdijii and
had alto failed to meet the cit of Hie
conscientious nil lector ThPn fore he vviib
unable to ucomtmml that the bill nhoiilil
bo allowed to pass Ms thltil leaelinit ith
out dlvlKlon He Ktiomjv dtpieuieil
however, violent opposition to the bill
onco It became n Ian
Republican House Leader, in
Preparedness Speech, Ex
presses Fear
WASHINGTON, Inn Jl Wilt with
England .ind not with lleiinanv Is most
to bo feared bj thp I nlted Mutes Itcpie
ecntatlve Mann, liepubllcrin leadPi. ele
claied on the ilooi uf the House todnv In
announcing his support of Hie piep it ill
ness proginm
Representative Mann went on leeord as
fcvorlnR a standing mini of .0outi oi
even half a million men If it Is neees
rary. He imploied hlu colleagues to look
at the question of picpuiliii for ttoulile
as If In theli hinds rested the final le
sponslbllltj for the defense of the nifllim
In a vigorous defence of Uerman-bu n
American citizens In the llouve todnv
Hi.prcscntatlve V fc Uennet. of New
York Llt seconded tho view expuxsed
bj Representative M inn
"The hlKli-liunded oppression of the
British I-mplie Is moi e llkelv to Involve
the United Stateu. in trouble tluiu un net
of Germnnv lie elec Intel
"Upwaid of 4Ctt Ameilemi ships, wall
ing foi neuti H poitn. have been taken
Into Klikuill In dellnnce of all lutu
p.itlotvtl law, and vet no 'isliiit uieouniu
blllt' note Iihs gone to London
"What the foielgii-liorii eltuent of the
rouuliy (leunud Is a unlfoiiii tiiuilaii
pollcv, ndmlnhteied to all coiititiles alike
They object to tlu Inltid Mated le.imi
lliK a dependeiiev of (ileal Jliitaiu, ' In
.I0K, LOXU AM) SHOUT, .'()()!)
In Other Woids, Joe Is Accused of
Robbing Collection I5o
Joe Anderson in a pious man He In also
both till and short tall ph.vslo.ilh . .1)101 1
financially Furthcrinoie Ine la InipulHlve
and Inconsistent. It aeems that ui living
made him bad anil that he vv.ii tnin h
better befoie ho stalled IntUlentally
Joe Is a netjro of C7 vcais
On passing a church at Ittiau and Paul
streets toda, he heiiiue eled with re
Ileious fervor Ho went Into the unlearn
edifice and prajed in silence Then his
ejeB roved about the darkness lie
noticed a vomnn pravliiK neai bv Then
he Baw her walk tow aid a little blULk
box and drop a coin in It as she pusoul
out. .Joe'a attention was centnd cx
cluslvely on tlie bo He nupioaihed It
quletlj, and by chance, managed to find
a small chlcel in his pocket He nttiuked
the box with tho clilsd and extracted
The setoo law tho robbeiy and Jelled
Joo replied with, a defiant grin and
tarted down tho stieet Hut the shouts
the sexton attracted several policemen
who vvero standing In front of the Flank
ford police station, Just opposite the
Acting Detective McColqan caiio'lit n
demon after a chase of two blocks unit
landed him before Maxlstrato Ilurle
"Ah dldn' ten' steel nuflln', deed ah
dldn'," asserted Joe.
"What do jou bo to church with it
Chisel for?" asked the Juiltfe.
"Ali'm u ploua man, uh am." declared
Joe, "but dere urns 11 somflu Jes turn
obah ma an I jes couldn't rents' As to
dat chlatdl t Jes nudiejly hub It fo' uui
work "
"Well, I don t like the kind of work
you do" said the JuiIkc 'and 1 Hill just
naturally hold sou in flOO bull fur court"
"First Lady" Will Make Bow to
Country at Large
WASHINGTON. Jan Jo -Mis Wood
row "Wilson will muke her bow to the
country at large, stuulng next Krld.iy
night. The hardships of "campjlssnltu"
liuv no terrois foi the new ' i'lit I.iiiIj,"
and the will inako the enllju 1 limit with
the I'resldent 011 his priaiedutuw junket
H will be the Middle Wtutt's tlr.st view of
the President's bride
Committers on 1'iepuratlons In all tliu
cltlw to b iUlted, It i said, have taken
Into conslderatlcm that Mrs Wilton U la
aecompani the President
The President will appear at noon in
Thursday before u tlelexatioii of lmu
cieryraeii In Aeolian Hall, wheie ttwy
will present him with 'a testimonial for
hU cJToi'itf tow aid xtuce
Would Shut Up Hival Store
ApjiIIeatiou for an Injunction to lestralu
tfpereer owner of his store from opentiiK
U store uaarby was tiled todav In
(StqatHion Plea Cocirt No 1 b t'neiUs
J3erWi, of 4MU1 Turner stieet Ileier
bought hU grocery stoje at the southwest
corner of 39th ajid Oxfcvd tiett fioin
rS.vtd M Jalidautn In H ember 1911
urifcn 't'in lie si i il i i i iii
ijifit JcUdaiai A nil to , j etc,
t'cre;. w llui live blcuka hux n i'u ..
Jehfctitiau tH 'Pi.ii a stent, iji lii uupuijte
The computed y militnty set vice bill vn introduced in the HouAe
of Commons on January 0. Tho vote on the first reading wnt 103 to 105.
A Cabinet crisis followed. Sir John Simon, the Home Scctelaiy. re
sicrnctl. Three other membeii of the Minittiy thtentcned to resign. The
Irish party decided to stand bv the Government and a motion to kill the
bill when it came up for nccoiid rending on Innuiiry 12 was lost bv 431 to 39.
The bill passed its thitd leading by 383 to flfi.
It is now in the Iluure' of Lords. The Oovernment's plan to rush it
through is indicated bv the following p"iii;tnm:
January 2r (Tuesday) - S'eeond lemlini;
Jnmmiy 2C ( Wednesday)-- Thinl leading.
Januat.v J8 ( Ki nln ) l'ailiamcnt to be pioiogued,
Kebmaiv, 1 (Tuesilav) -Hill to be law.
Third Attempt to Attat'k Dover
Fails Bombs From Aero
planes Fire Monustir
I.ON'IJUN, .Ian a A Uprtiinii aeropli'iie
pn5cil over Dovn nt I o'clock vealPldnV
iiftiiuoon A Ililtlsli olllitnt nnnminrc
ment IkhupiI lit nlwlit pnvd that It wan
pnRaeul h nil tin antl-alreraft Riinn and
puriiPd bv two Itrlllsh inmhlntu
CnmltiB nrter the two olr attnilta on
the east (0iil of Kent .vcKteidnv, thin
incident Is held to be further Indlin
tloti that ii y. pipln laid on Hnvlund I
i ontempl.ited Hurli liiVuHluna by nilo
plauis have preceded Zeppelin inlila bo
fore 1'iPKiiinablv thpv are neoutlua; ex
pedition, iilniPd at leainlui; of dofeiiios
(i nil ptoteitlvo meaHltrex alunu; tho eotst
I'lre reKiiltliiK ft him an nlr raid of Hie
Allies liiiM partlv ilentiovnl Monnxtir, u -(uidinu
to a dlxp.itch from f-'.ilonUn to
iln The siiiiu iiuiflion ul alixlilp' nltnUid
thp ViiHtio-ili ilium an I Itiilwitlitn lamps
at l!levv;i II
Olie lllllldleil mil i iRlllV ephixive Hid
lot i nrlinrv shi IN weir thrown on Moii
uslli nml IMI mi i.li viill
Within Three Miles of Fortress
Captured by Marshal
Von Mackensen
PIZritntiltAD Ian J'i - ISiinclan tiiiopi.
pusHltiK down Horn Vhf iiuitlieaat. Iinve
appronihed to within Hint inlloa of Hu
ltv of I'lnsk. nccoriliiiK to dispatches
leielved hue todnr
The (viimint aie stienstliPiiliiK tlicli
poyltioiis alon tbo Oprlnskl Onnnl, noitli
of I'lnsk to meet the espntei M iv at
tack Tlie moviiniiil iikbIiisi I'lnsk Im 1111
xttnslon of the nlfenslve laiuubed
nRiiiiiMl tlie Vustio-cleiin.iiis In tin Kovil
Siunv Itaihoail leKlon a few weeks ntfo
I'lnsk wax. occupied bv (ieiinnu tloops
under Pltld Maishal von J'uikensen In
thr Teuton dilvi followlns the cipliiie
of Warsaw The (JennaiiH halted tbeii
custwiiid dilve ul I'lnsk and MiuUenseii
then moved upon the Hall aim 'llieie
have bien no pnviotis lepoits Of 1 Uum
olaa advame mi I'lnsk
(iinllniuil Inini 1'iue Our
now stems pinhable the n (lilitious will
be nioie dillb ult of realiatton, uh ii tnin
, Iniiim would set an utbitiiirv limit hi one
diiei lion
It w is snlil Hint It would be tluee hi
foil! witks litfuie the ii1eHlloli of tales
would siltle down to a mole ul less
stendv basis Tlu lonipauks an inn t
IriK tlie cunui'-tltioii of the mi culled Male
I'lind which was fated bv the Mate
to lusiiie liabilities of emploveis Most
of tliu InsniHiiie nun sav tliat this will
not piovt a serious competitor It Is
pointed out Hint the nuillai Insi'ianci
coiiipaiiieN oftei a wider niiiKe of protec
tion than the Male e'tuiil Neulv e.civ
siate fund III nthei MaleH, It wns Slid
has unue bloke" In tills Mate ll wus
Khcn uiilv $.!i).lHM to put It on its tiet
Om mine cnin.ln,'ho in Wist IikIiiIii
made tin Mute I'uti.i iheie baukiupt and
the eiuplovii whs Hilled upon to make
Tin State Pund wa .llovved to thaw
rules ID per tent lower than the stoi k
companies were ordPted to ask While
casually men deilaie nils Is discrimina
tor, thev sav it hns foiled of its irftcd,
as Hie htale Pund Is bound to puv onl)
in cases that tome within tho law, while
the stock lompanlis pav foi mlnoi In
Jurlis, like dlslliuitetm Ids which are not
adttiimd iiiulu tho State Ptiiul
Only 200 "Deletrateh" Respond When
Assembly Convenes
ST I.OI'IS. Mo Jan .2 Piospeill)
has put a damper on James Hades How's
hobo convention When the niinual con
vention of the tasual, mlsrotniv nml uti
omploxod worUeis was called to unlet
heio todav fewer than E0O "diileifaten"
wore In the hull How, inlllionaliu liobo,
and LjuldlnK sphlt of the cniiviintion,
could not bo found His (.eeietnrv an
nounced ho was not looking foi the
"bos "
"Sme (lie uttendunce U slim Times
uie tfood," sulil ona of the delegates.
' You can't bui k uualnst tsood times and
et avvaj with It Iloivevei, matters of
pilinuey Im'iortuni (i to the vvelfure of
our set will come tip for discussion "
Tim iiuestlon of feedlnu the delewatea
had not been decided, hut Doctor How,
It U hoped, will part With sgnie of his
Income uud suppl the els.
To prevent the inconvenlcnco of walk
Ins a sreat distance from the "special
cms." tho hoboes this jc.ir aru meeting
in a hull three simures, from tho i a II road
ards ,
Two Yoiing Wives Und Tlitir Lives
WAV YOltK lun J'i Two xounar mat
ried women, districted from illness, end
ed thulr llve-s earl toda b) jumping
fiom wlndowa The victims weie Mrs
Uejisle Cillck, who leaped fiom a fotirth
stor window of In i home Into Port
Washington uvcuue, and Mrs lnnle
rni, who killed htrself at the Wash
ington Heights Hospital
1916 Patterns Now Here,
250 Designs to Choose From
Auniltrful uiiutrLineiit of titlum Uv
tu unit slrli nil rich Ulntlncllve
Tb's W the onlv pUt In (uwn to get
Anibrmiu genuine linpurteel fccolch
4 Madras Shirts $
To Your Order
Mum lu jour tia t jjuur mrutn. tu
gt.jfi tv 1 ojt ft-J cl-.vi ere
COULTER, 710 Chestnut St.
Guy Wise Will I5e Attached to
Laboratory of Surveys Bu
reau at Salary of .$8000
tlitv Wise of SHI Aldleli'b "tin I, was
tinlav appointed bv Dliertoi Datumniin, of
the Depin luient of I'ubllc Winks, to llie
$M0i pniltloii of asslstnni pimlniei In Hie
tp!lnu labomturv of tin Hun ml oT Sin-
On Oi toiler I'd". Iiilius Acllei. nn
etiRlnppr in the Ilurenii of IIIrIiwavs, whs
appoluti'd to the pn.-lllnn hi the lliiienu of
invevs to Mil a vacancv, but under the
pipsint VilininlHltiitlon has ntitincil lo
bin old position which mules a silntv of
I'hp piovlslolinl nppolntiiiiiit of IJiikI
neet W mm? wus npii uvcil bv the 'lvll
crv lee t'omiiilislonerH this nftiinooii and
lie ilsiiinei bis new duties at unci
The i'IMI "-ervlu I'oininlKKlotiM todav
ixeinpted from eMitnlnatlon t'lih f Inines
I' li l.iiiiublili of the Hleitilinl llui nan,
vvhosi' ippoliilim nt dales fioni the Hist
of the vim The i Ncinptlnii Is bnsi il on
tin peuilrai (jii.illlli iitlmiH of tin individ
ual and not on the olllce Itsdf Me
l.anchlln who was appolnliil b DIhMmi
Wilson Is iiullleil with hiving ixipp
tlonal knowleiiae of the m i ds of tin
buieati In h.iv Inc.' sei vi il as Its Inad
undei fin im i Mas in Itevbiun
Individuals i i inplid from a tniupi tltlve
examination I'ei nuse of tin It pmillai lit -ness
foi pnsltiiin, nndci the old Mvll
Seivlie I oiiunisulon lui linli d I'hhf t'nil
ton I. 1 1 iv Is of (in Mini an of Wnlu
who bus Im'hii ii t lineil bv M Ivor Sniilli
Young Charges of Children's
Aid Society Went Away
for a "Lark"
I Plve iiinavvnv vounjr lil" w.mN of I le I
I t'hlliheu' Aid Hocletv. weie utuimil to
otnci.ils of the Institution tndnv bv the
Camden polke, follow Iiik theli ariest In
I that i Itv Insi nlKht whin theli lirk '
was well u'IiIpi wnv Thev ale thnm i
Plsher, 11 vears old. 'Vlorie Moot? IS viais
old, Mvrtlo liiicts n m.iis old, INtbei
Hates, 14 pnrs old and Doiothv Haines,
II xea I a old
I'lireu of the Kills espnied fiom Hip
residence o Mis Mat v Itnwi, .'0IJ So ith
Ritlfoid stieet West Mill ulelphl l ami
the others Horn imothei of the I IiIMm n's
Aid Soilrtv s tt'iupiuni v pheltiis ue u fSti
strict and ("hestei ivinuc t'pon beliu;
lelunud to tlie siidttv tlu iiuiawnvs
were taken to the heudiiuaiters at ll'i
South lltli stmt whcie tliev will be le
laliii d In Hi initial slieltci until sutls
fhctuiv at i iiihi "i nts i an he maili lor
ludMhK Ihein while tlu.v v III have no
luoie opiKiiluultlf s tn es n i
Vistinlic tlnee lull In Wile pl,u i d V i 1 11
Mis Itowt to In innd foi it thehillord
Ml i el milieus Until in laiiKemeuts weri
liiede In whli h uni of I Ins Kills was
liuusfi I Ii d to I in fMli -'lint liniioiai
Ii 1 1 i ill i .( ii iiifci lu uni of I In uuls
llim In tin emlv ivinln), tin "X
chaiiKeil nil I ennui hack In Mis Itoweii
ledldeiue witii a loiiipauiun Tlnie was
mm ii wbixpi ilu: and liviuu of llniis
on tin lips bttoie tin two vUlluis liiinllv
1ft I.
Shortlv u fit i 'I o'clock Mis Howe went
lo thn (i Uni of lift liume to put coal on
lli fin inn e When she uiun upstairs
the ft mil duoi was open mid the thin
Mills wile unin ,slu iniiuedhiti h il
poited lilt illsappi ai.llii e In Hit pollie
ult lieanu an iiiiuu dliiii Itnil'.i Ion
ami found Hint two Kills i( ini-iim
fiom the othei tMiipoiaiv sin Hi i
kuaxcb ru(ii:s kxijlvxi)
Measuie to Como Hefoio Pailiument
Tomotiovv Immediate Action Seen
I.UNUON. Ian .'3 Plaint has uifced
IhiKlaml to d elate an immediate block
ade without awnlthw fiuthei iirotcsu
from neiituils It was lepoitul todav on
the eve ot tin f mill illsiussion of the
blockuile pioposnls bj tho tlov tiiiiiu nt in I
I'urv ment
The prouoiintiuient of Premh ofilclals
lias Kieutlv streiiBthened the position of
l-oiel I'hailes llcresfuid and othci lead-
ins uilvoiiites of a stilnrent bloi kade
ueciee rne piemcted loilnv that the
sentiment in theli favoi will be dls
pla.ved so stioiiKlv In the House of I'om
inoiiH loinorrnw that the Uuvi rnment will
be foried to take liiimcdlite aillou
Tho blu kade udvncules toduv iliilmed
a laiKe majofil In Cuiiiuinns hi suppoit
of thu' iolc Tin piofissed to have
no ilellr..1!) Information lis to what touise
thu Uovernmeiit has deeMed upon but
declared that a blockade decieL sbuiild
go liand In hand with the adoption of a
coiiscilptiun measure to prove to llcr
Itiuio tha Knalaiid is In deadly taiue.st.
The 'Automatic Chess I'lujer"
The ailtouiatit diets and eheikcr pluvu
was pot the property of the IMen .Musee
hut belonged to a man who had lented
space In the .Mune Whin the .Museu
close tl, the UUtiim itun was etui tied tn Its
ovvnei. It was manipulated lu a seciet
pwcess that has not been made public
.iXiiMDw v.V N
George Allen, inc.
1214-CHESTNUT ST.-1214
New Embroideries for 1916
Attractive ilesujn. in 27 and 45 inch
Flouncing; in combinations of Net and Filet
Lace with Organdie, Batiste, Marquisette,
Voile and Crepe
85c to $11.25 yd.
Advance Showing
Smart Hats for Southern Travel
PrtceJ Moderately
Petrograd Hopes for Junc
tion Before Spring Only
10 Days' March Off
I LONDON-. Inn 2'
Tlip lltisslnns oiicrTllns In the not
Persia 70lie lire tientltiK the tlrltlsh In
Mesopotllltih, nccoidlliK In dlp"itc'hps to
Hip Tlnllv f'lirniiletp I'etroctad hopes a
luiiptlon MM he effected before apt Ills'
'flip Hils9aiifi In West Persia ale Indeed
ft Hear the Itrlllsh force at Kut-el-
Alllinn that If theie vveic no dlfTlcultlrs
III the vvav It mlKht be possible In nhmit
ten dnvs lo cover the distance but ns Ihp
! vvn) lies tluough a iiioiititalnoiis coutitrv
I II does not seim possible to hop? Hint
I the I(iihIuiis and i:ni:llih will meet that
niiiloualv too HiPte Is a Bood ded "f
flKlltlnj? "till lo lie done The Herman.
with the Turks and their I'oislan svmpu-
lhi.i", aie dnlnc t lift t tit most tn loip
i a wpiIup bttwtpii the litisians and (len-
eial Avlmei foru s
I The 'I'putoidi allies mustered sttpnalli
foi mi iittaik at the Kandelati pis
Which has been lipallnl Sllirc then 111
addition lo binds which lied wcstuaid
tiiiiu llamadaii In Keim.iiislinti, tliev
have SeclliPil the aid of other tribe of
l,m I? Ian, a little pinvlucp which Hi s Juit
south of the 11am idaii-lxermiuiHliali
The news has it en iphIvpiI III Teheisn
i Hull tho (iuii nun of l.iiilstnli, who had
foi uud at the InstaiKP of the I'eislan
(ioveiuiuent tin aiiniil tone to put down
bilKntidam' anioiiKst I be lairs, Ins roup
over with his force to the Ciininu cause,
but llieie is eveiv Kllsoil to InllPVe Ills
nsMaiiio will be ovenonie and that thu
III It lull and Itussliins will loin fortes In
Mesopotamia befoie spring and thu ef-
fettivilv bin tlie wav of Till Its and llci
tnaiis lo Mmlhein Peisin
I.O.MiO.V Inn JTi-rieucial Sli IVnv
Lake, omnunilci-lii-chlef of the Itrltlh
tones In .Mesopotamia, has sent the fol
lowing tepoit of the sltnntlon tbcio
Geneinl 'lownshend lepoits fiom
Kiit-el-Vniniii that In litis surf It lint
supplies and tint his lioops have not
been luithei uiBiif, '
rilHtLIN", Ian :"
'linklHh tiuops east of Kut-el-Ain.na
have been lelnfoiml bv the iiiiival of
attlllei.v and luraiittv fiom llaKdnd. and
have tepulsid attemplH of the llilllsh in
advaiue lo the n-llef or Ueininl Town
sliend s besic,n wiiiison
I'oiisianllnople lepoiled toI.iv that
'lowiislieml s tionps have ceased making
soi ties 1 om the Kul-i 1-Annra foils evl
dctitlv lackliiK: ammunition 'I lie I'IkiIs
IIooiIh hive ponied In upon many wells
in tin legion ol Kut. inakliifr tlulr vvatei
unlit foi dilnkliiK putposrs ItaRiktil dis
patches pi relict that the Htltlsli Kaulson
will soon he toned to suriendei because
of exhaustion of theli vvatei and food
Tin Tuiks uie ioiispivIiir tlieh fones
and ni.iUiiiK no Infantrv assaults upon
the defensts of Kut M he hive mu
tinied thim-cvis thus f.ii with sbelllm;
the ontei tints and stiensthniliiK their
wui lis eat of Hu town, tioni w lite li di
leetton lit mini vlmei is attemptiiiK to
iippinitli Willi the nllef foices
Kvduition of Olliciuh' Sitlarii-h Also
IMilANAI'iil.ls. Ind inn f, -lladlial
i Iiuiim s In Hie constiliitioii of tin Pulled
Mine W'oiUiis oi Vmeiii i ale lutnipoiat
nl in tin lepoit to be mule to the ion
vi iilluii bv tin onsiltiiiion I'ommiitit. it
l t aim known todav W hllt Hie i ommlt
iti aiinoiiiuid thai Its leport was nadv,
it piobablt will inn ciiiin up until to
luol low !K
Dhin lb ItKati s IlllVt lllllltda le-ollltlilll
wblob wotilil i ut tin nesdeiit s silaiv
tioni S4IHKI In $.'Vhi nud the SeeilllllV
Inusuiei's ami vlie piesldnu's salaries
ti om i'M) to J.'Onn
I'hailtiol Pa mini is have a le&ulu
Hun P1III117 foi a Icdlstiiitii; of the au
ih'iaiitf thlds and coiiMilid.illiu, a ftw.
MKsuiit I deli Kites would exi nipt tuem
lieis n (0 jeais ot ane fiom a pel capita
hull 111a ilth'craltH would aineml tlie ion
stitutlon ptcvldliiK foi the expulsion of
tlu nttmiilei who made political spt edits
bflole mliieis
West lilnlii deltKites would expel
auv nieinbci ot tlu union w ho was a
ineiulic 1 of a mllllaiv cnnipanv
Todav Is Hie Jiith iiimlvnisaiv
found tt Ion of llui mlno winkers'
T V I'owdeilv, of WusIiIpkioii
of the
U c.
Hie veieian union m 111 and one of the
oiuiiuiHis ol Hi KnlKliI h of Laboi was
expetted to at live in time to make an
.iddiess toiiiiiiitmoriitlnK thn annlversarj
of the founoint; of Knltbls of Labor
To .Make Hrick Factory Safer
I Weslev LlevvellMi, ovvnei of the tlre
bililc nianufnctoij at s3' oith 9th
sued in which a man was killed last
week bv being sucked into a kiis iiifilne
will rloso the place foi a duv while the
hullilliiB and fnctui lnsieitors ordei
chaiues that will make the establishment
safci He notilled Coronet Kuleht this
moinlni; nt the Inquest on the dead man,
tiniest lleno, of 15 !0 .Viuih 9th street
that he would complv with tho Coroners
on all heavy weight
tmlllliKS overcoatlnK
unit cvenlnx dress
llio Walnut
THllorlas; Only
S N N NNN VA rkN,-l
j"K I Ik S P
Today's War Developments
Whllo the Teutons are sweeping
Montenegro tho liulgnrs are pre
paring a complete drive through
Allmnin to drive the Italian epe
ilitionary force Into the Adriatic.
On the Greek border inaction pre
vails, and nothing has been hraid
in teceiit dispatches concming
the heavy drive upon the Allies
at Salonlca.
The Entente is busiest in the
Oriental rone, where Kusimns in
West Peisin are striving for a
iunctioii with the British lelicf
foice in Mesopotamia, which is
still sevcial miles fiom the bc
lengucicil nrmy at Kut-elAmnra,
where the Turks hnvo been icin
foieed. On the Caucasus the Mos
lems ato still rcticnting towatd
Erorutn before Oinntl Duke
The lntcsl Geunnn note 1111 the
Lusilanitt contioveisy lruchctl the
White House today, having bun
sent to the Stale Department by
Ambassador Lleinstotir and trnns
mitu?l by the State Deportment to
the Piesiclcnt.
It was offieialh slated that the
announcement that the (Jcimnn
note meets all of the United Slates'
demnnds "was puie supposition
unci unjustified by Hi" facts."
Changes Position of n Year Ago,
When Tie Said Present Bill
Must Have Time to
Prove Ittelt'
WASHIMSTO.V. Inn i". I'lesldent W it
son, It was niiiiotliiciil at the White House
tod iv. Is committed 10 11 Tariff t'omnil
slon to InvestlKide eondltlciii with a view
to submitting lo foiiRiess toioninu ndn
llons foi tit 1 l(T schedules suited tn nil de
mands It was olllclnllv staled thai the
President icalllne tint follow iiiR the war
teitnln economic conditions will 111 Isc
whlcdi cannot be anticipated now. believes
lint 11 houid, compilsed of lesponslbte
liusliu ss men In the 1 oiiuti v slnill ir to the
peininnel of the Peilei il Hceive Hoird,
should be named to Invtstluate this eoun
ttv's tiacle
It is not Hie puipooe of the Piesldent
so he has Indltaled, to divest Cnnmess of
nnv of its iiiesent iioweis t'onKies will
receive the lepoit and lecommetidatlons
of tin proposed Tat Iff Commission
The decision of the Pi evident tn estab
lish the commission is 11 chatine fiom his
position 11 vim uko, when lie innoimcoel
he vvlslipcl to Klve the pi esc nt tatlff nn
oppoitunltv to woik Itself out befoie nnv
clniiKi'S weie ill uie ill the svstim I'toni
time to time sni e thin he has said that
owIiik to the unnatiiial eoiidltlons icsult
hiB from the w.ti, the piesint tnilff has
not had .111 eippoitunltv lo show Its
stienBth 01 weakness Within the hist
two months, however business men of
all parties all ovei the lountiv have
tu Ked the Piesldent to appoint a tariff
commission In 01 dei tint this lountiy
mnv propcih meet ami piollt bv the eco
nomic upheaval which will follow the
1 ml of the win
'lho commission ns wanted bv the Pies
ldent would be nonpartisan
John B. Wilson's M'),500 Estate Do
vi.sed to Bt other and Sisters
An tstnte valued at $TI00 Is ellsposeel of
bv pilvate beepiests In the will of John H
lleon, ItiS I (iilseoin stieet, rrankford
aduilttetl to piobite to.ln.v bv Ilegitet
Sheellan The bulk nf the estate Roes to
William H Wilson a biolhei of the testa
toi, and two slslcis, Vllie l.ee end Hllza
beth H Wilson
Othei wills piolntnl weie those of tllla
1 McCiullv IPS Noitli .nth street, who
left pioptitv v elucd it SIS TOO Sura M
Clirfoid TjI Noi Hi :nth stieet, JSTOO lames
I Smith who died at St JnHeph's Hos
pital $id(ii). Hildjeei c McCabe. 1Z1R I'oun
talu stieet Slinu nnd MU line I Itiafian. lift
Hist Clitloid stint, iO Tlie personalt
nf the estate of lohn Hetz lias bei n np
piaWed at K'TJfiTI c'hailes lllnmer
tn:5U. .Maisutet n.ilbrultli $.'d"i,3!, Kan
nle Mien 3STMS, and Sallie IC htnlev.
It 12 at.
.Major Smitlt'H Health Improves
Majtil Smith, v ho his he eu tumbled to
Ills home foi several divs siiilerhiK fiom
u Miveie cold. Is lepoiled tmhi lo he
honiewbat lmpioved
mi Hale & Kilburn's II
Many pieces of Exquisite Antique and Modern Shera
ton, Adam, Heppelwhite and Chippendale Library, Re
ception Room, Dining Room Furniture, Odd Chairs, Tables,
Divans, Mirrors, Screens, Marble Statuary, Upholstered
Furniture, Bedsteads, 50 Magnificent Oriental Rugs and
Carpets, 3 Antique Flemish Tapestries.
The Philadelphia Art -Galleries, Reed H, Walmer, Man
ager. C. H. Luengene, Auctioneer, wijl conduct the sale.
1315 Walnut Street
I ill
I Am
B SmvtmaMi.fitf'j-T" nr i. . i ,,7.', ' i.i"'""i,i'..,. .''"', j. .
25, 1916
Gil Alleati Teiltonici Si Prepar
1 ano nd Atlnccare i Due Porti
Albancsi di Valona
c Durnzzo
ttriM . r fleniialn
nelie la elltn' ill "ctliarl r eltta ptejn
iHnll aiistrlacl ilnpndue sloinl ell ncranlln
battiiJlIa alia line ilMIn ijimle I mnntrne.
jelnl fiirnno sconllll' A leiina e n alcj
nniclalmelite amiuneliilo die eiitnl o
era .nrtipalit dalle rot" ansttii-imsitthlte
i he piesto. n uuaiiln eilce II corrlfpondente
,li I I'Hnvas da Snlnnliro. attacihci nunc)
nil Hall ml cbe orcuponn la eosta nlbnnese
OlutiKe puie nntl'ln ill tanidri rhc I
btilann hntitio oceuiitto la cltln' albnnee
ill lleral e m.irclnno su Vnlottn die f'
orcupata foi temciile ilnttll Itallniil. tneiitre
Kll atistrlail muoviinimo pttctn In dlie
lone ill Duini'70
Con l on up irlotic ell Keutni! ' rhlnto
die non eslntono le tratlatlve ell piee
nii'lto iiionleneRilne di eul Vletitui pit
I iva nnroia e e tie II MonlPiiPKrn Hiui'litlvii
uiieelie' seromlo iiiiinto si ellceva I rami-
i.,.n,Mlni ,. tdltl,rt,n l.ttiltln ftnlltni I 111 ha 'e
l IIV,tllll HI ll'inviv .vi.ti.v. .,,..-....
alii cnnilli'lonl llssale elall'Vustila
l.i notl7le the si hanno qui a lionia
' el'e cum ilie I occupil'lone ill h'rutnil in -
venue In senlto nil linn vlnlentn hnttiiplli
ul fnmoso nionie Tniabosh su eul nella
prima menu hakanlin tnnte iniKllal i ill
tnoiiti ne nihil lasclaiono In loio vltu pinna
ill i oiKiulsioila Mn eiucstn volla i rami-
teiiesilnl non nviviinn eaiilionl nelutti alia
dlfcsu e laitlKlleiln .Ulstllnui elihe II ko-
liiavvento v
I nionie tiepilnl cJ I subl cite si tiovn
vniio a Hcutaii hanno ma n iitinutii cm
bra, taf.tl.Hti l.i illlrilii su Sun (Jloviinnl
ell leelim, o puilo lenliino dl inRBluii
uore l)uiun i lie i molto pill' li slid I
inonttneRilut liatlinneiu pel due Klninl
eon una dlspeinln teslsli'liu le fote
misti Incite Millu linea I'odeot li'lo-Hciilai
inn alia line fuiono eostieltl n iltlitiMl in
seKUllo nllaiil'O ellrlnfoi1 pel ell atts
tilail l.e foie sc i lie si "mm dlvke In
pice ole baiule pel avere faclllliil I In I It I
H at I
M e' apple so e he le c onilMonl i he 1 ns.
ti In avevn niesso al .Monleni'tio pel la
pace claim eiltiemotlo tunlllantl Isa o
leva II dl sin mo ell ttlttl I ntonlepeL.i lid
inaschi e ipitlla ill II eia' iHI heellcl nl cln
ilttnm iinnl ilovcvano e""etc lueoipoiall
nellesenl lo nuslilnco e nianilitl u inni
liatteie contio le titippe alpine Itallane e
pol ttitti epiel solehtl seibl die. iiiiuu i
lall o feritl, si ciiiuo ilfHKlnll nel .Mon
teneKio elovevaiio cssele lonscmtl
all Austila
II Sllnlstcin elellit Oueiia comtinliava
lei I sent II sequent! tnpporto del neper lie
"In al l.nRiirlna sntuin senin la no--tin
fanteila fece nlcunl plccoll fniliinnti
nttncchl anile colllne it noid ell .Moil
Nella zona sulla rlva slnlstia dill' ellse
It nemlio apil nn vlolento fttoco di tnl
ttncllatlicl contio le nostie pnsllonl sulle
peiullcl scttetitilonnll elclla Kukiiii Teu'i,
mil non pionunclo' ulctlti attacco e non
fete alcuii d ilinn
Nelln vnlle del "-ctcn let I la nostia
nrtlKlliiia homhiiilo .Moos, catciaiielnne
11 nemlco die In ciccupava
l.attlvlta' del nnstil reputl ill fanle-
Tuesday January Twenjjth
Downstairs1 Showroom
Public Auction
TOMORROW at 2 o'Clock, on the Premises,
ria ne la coiicn ell Pic,0 ne rfi
To in Inn. tlctn II .... - , V M,Mffi
.1. alhrnne e l,V ""Z.T"n
dornvo I lavorl dl ionolkUmeni?l
sue nosl?lonl In .me.i,, .... .. "l0 km
an. he fntto del prlBlntilcrl ' aM
toil ie hattrrie t,An,iAi.. .. M
salle pntllcl setintrionnl J,M
Mlcholo npilri.no Itnprovvl &,!
neeii-u snne nnsiie poSI?lon r)l W,.I('
4ilcltla ronrcniro tin rnm.l " I R'
fimcn ill rHnnmn ijnt ,i,Pm .JJ,.'?1'
...-. i. i".v; ..";.... '."'"""lo .ir
iiunilo doin ' "Knoitft
j lei I II tnlnlslni rnr'inii prHumJI1
ccllinoMlii ell Inn murn'lone Si ..n!5
dale elnnnlo
t'loie linsst llalluii ill.se rh..,P
era veiiuio pei -Mimhlaie hn K
sitlutl eon nil ami. I frnn.o8i m,r I""8it
,. .".'' .."" Pr
...:.'..."' ' ' -"eeno tn lujii
leimnie n nnm ,im . -. .: "
piome n ui a7ioiie i omnne ai ,Ti
s: .ir''?-
hlteltn snlltMrlln
u-l eonsTrf a."
ilefill allentl e neli0
derisionl Sffi
II mltilsttci dlse
eitll it.,u.fll
e'uoin una veiln mr uie nm l. ,. 'Hf.
del solo eloveie ,h. si lmpn,,c MoZ',H
dell'Itntesit. nueilo ,lt ,,,;,!?. f.wtiS
dell'Itntesa. epieilo ,n '.,,"' f WKg
esnurlie II tieniito e nmio le., ,S
appiollltnrr pei epiaiito e polhit. J"fl
Imouteslnblle eutieiinriit, ,w '." clet,
Ihianltrla e ,11 unmini .lie h. iff
Ihntio piesentl alia .eiinmnn T "J1"
ll.llte del CoihIbJio finnre,c P-mi,
lev nilnlstio .lecli I teM IMe-hon
Mahogany Case
Like new. Taken as
part, payment for
Matchless Cunningham
Easy Terms
I unm.n"htf
Piano Co.
I15-CKeafcimt Sts?
IS nil '
ml !
Jill 3 '
4prot tiuut hu oa ou VecemtXri & lual '
i itiiiyWiWimNiUhi
imwmmmm iiJiMtfiiBMHMMri