8 EVENING LMI)OIStt-PHlLADELlHlA. MONDAY, JANUARY 24. 1910. ii iff POLITICAL PROGRAM OF WEEK CROWDED WITH BIG PROMISES President Wilson's Stumping Tour in Behnlf of National Defense the Outstand ing Feature ITINERARY EXTENDED WASHINGTON". .Inn 2I.-A wrok nf politics oponctl todnv. 1'ollllc-r.l pot of DemocrnK Kepubllcnn. anil l'ioRrslvf-s were bubbllne,. Politician", pnutrs an.l legislation were Involvr-tl. The chief pollMcnl ilr-vr-lopniont sched uled Wns the npponr.inre of President Wilson "on tho stump" In behalf of his preparcdnoM plan" Ho will trmkn the PMt of his nppeals t tlio country" " lltlrsclny nlslit nt New York. While ho l planning to eschew politic In thl hpcecli, and nlo dtiiinte his tiiltlcllr. West ern lour next nk, hi epccehinnklrm plan was prctttinnt with pollllcnl effect. Th. Hlnernrv fm his lilp next Meek MOTHER ASKS OPERATION FOR BOY WITH DUAL PERSONALITY; HE STEALS Ten-Year-Old Robert Smith Changes From Good to Vicious Disposition Is Now in House of Detention for Holding Up Eight-Year-Old May Kelly An operation will be performed upon 10-yt-nr-old Robert Smith. MIS Sliver street. In an effort to eradicate a dual person ality which on occasions transform? him f i om n child with a loving, peaceful dis position to a Juvenile fiend with vicious tendencies. Thl? was announced toilav bv tlio boy's mother, tlv iiRreoliiK to liavo the boj operated upon, she hopes to secure his parole from the tloitso of Detention, where 1 I? hi-lncr detained upon the eliniRp of stealing $4 M from May Kelly, S eHrs old, 3MQ Albert stlect 'onipetent physicians have assured Mis. Smith Ihat mi opeintlon for the removal of little Hubert's adenoids and tonsils would probably restate the liov to nor mal health. It Is lllel, also, that a brain specialist will mnke n careful evuinluu tlon of the box's skull, with a view to determining whether1 his eccentricities are caused by an Injury to tho head. "f have been bewildered nnd terrified, said Mrs Smith, "by the llirhtnlnir chnnrres which come over little Itobert. "I-Yir hours at a tlmo he Is a sweel loving little child, showing ever con sldcratlou for his brother nnd sisters Then his personality chances with baft ling swiftness. Ills eves take on n run Hint? Bllnt like an Insane person. He be comes positively vicious and dlsnlnvn 1 tendency to steal. I rntinot leac anything of valuo around for lie Is certain t appropriate It. "Tho Kelly Kli Is not the first child he has stolen money from. About a month ago ho held up n little ulrl and to-ik money from her. Robert Is mv favorite child, and T shall bo thankful tt an opera Hon will make lilm like ho was four I years ago. 'heatrical Baedeker the hentt of aiill-tn etuiredness teirltoi was laid before the president today. He irtuincd In his desk after a short tllp on the Minnow pi with Mrs. Wilson nnd round rn.nn limitations to make Speeches numtliiK t""' KremlliKly the entile coutrtiv vv.nits in hear his views Oil prcpaieilne's ntid Is tivilcltltf Its deslies know ii In leli'Bram t.-lephoiie. tetters and l.ersonnl envn I'pon the urgent le- llicst Of Senators Stone nnd Itced the Plc-ildetit i(iticnpd to liulude St. Louis lit the trl) Senator Ollvei -mil ii ilclcsatloil of Tennsylvuiilaii" wanted him to address lite t'eiingtlMiiihi "mm An-lety at Phila delphia on ith"i .liiiiuin.v n or February I or 7 Ituips"iiiutlve Snlt.illi of Illinois asked hlin i" ndilies the I'hlc.iRO Indus trial Club on his ."iiiIiir trip, l.epro sentatlve I.lnllilt um or Ualtlmore asked that he address the Hid Town Associa tion on l-Vhiuniy '.'I Senator Chilton of West Minium i steiiileil nn Invltntlou to visit Wheeling "eiiutois Tllliiian and Smith of South Coiollna Invited lilm to address the l.i-Rlsl.ituie in that Stale some time Uefon adjournment. The President limit all of them under advlacmeiil II" wilt spend much lime before his ilepaituie gulm: over data fur nished b the win mid imvv departments rcsardlnR pun'riilm weaknesses In our defense. The tie.iMtiiv and commeice de partments have aln furnlshcil llsiires to be used on the ttip Tho political aspects of the President's I trip aio cM'ccted to he emphasized In Ills exhortations to the public- to support the Kencral Idea of itici easing the nation's de fensesnot the exact pi entrant lecom nielidcd to Congress, hut the general pol icy. Speeches on the .Mexican situation are expected to deepen the political tinge to Ills appearance liefoie the country. Another political development f the week Is a meeting at Chicago of Itcpub llcatl lenders to make preliminary nr ranccmuiiis fm the national convention. Still nnotiiei l the movement under mi by Progrcs-ive Jtepuhllcan Senators ami nepresentnfees to ifTert a working agreement foi piogresslve legislation In Congress, worivin toward Progressive control of lh national convention plat form and nominee Colonel Itoosevelt nNo inav enter the political arena this week. Jlo Is being urged to speak at Chicago on prepared ness. W. J, Brjan will soon begin a speech making tour against the Administration and all other preparedness movements!, If plans of peace advoiates carry Ho has told them he will do what Is asked of him In that direction. inne tlflll Itr-rbf-t-t, comedians "Tlie Real Mr t," Mom nml Fry, l.irkri-i net. Powder ami I'han titan danr-cra. Mrlte.1 nnd i'Ipiek. en lists into What llie iuiii.iii.mi.uiuh ,,..... ..- riltfiAI.- Pnliynnm.." with Pair-lei Colli.i Tf.,1..,, ntn.1 11. c c. CtinhtnR fnmi flt.oilE Colonial Minstrels Oc-tmore and l ei IJffle Khnntion. Itorbcrt ..lemalo, , folneily bv i. leaner II. rnrtfr'a lories of the mm Rlrl who was llie perroiiMrntlen nf gladn'ss FORREST-Monday. Tuesday nnd ThursJav matinees lluili ,t Dents In a serlts of tirleiitnl ami modern .lances, rurported ly tier own 'ottiiinm. K'.Nir'KKttllO('Ki:it -' tnshle llie Lines" The Knlekerli"'kr IMniers In the tint I'lilladel .'Ilia perforin inre nf n drama of Imp Inirlgiie, spies nnd oxritcmfiu nt Olhrnltar. hv the author or "flecn Keys lo Ilnldpnte ' 1.ITTI.R TIIP,ATIH5--l"oiir lien comedies pre nte. h the Hlnne Kmlcty of riilladrlnhlH They are "tleieiin's lltibanil." by Philip Mnt'lter" "llierlnnes," b ,Mre nprstenherg. "IrfrtC nf Dtip'a VnlHtihur " lit. Ijurl l!lflOf.i and ''Orer the lulls " bv .Inhn Palmpr. A I vivnv lluili ha i mii.i piiirrcitiuniK ' wiii""j Peterson iliothrrs. nrrohnls. t-X'ttltlflStM. Illte llrlnrf.... ,n,n.1i...t. ,.... trickster ' I Ired from Yale". Weslnn nnl oun. In sonm nml rh.itter. The Masked Allilete nnd llie Ad) iVcll Ininhain. i;.l !! O'fMn nn. ,omii.tn in "fled Ike Kroin .Ncuda', Ullllam llerchfr. tninedlan. friOHS KinH-Plrst hair nr the wenk, rienrite Auiter, In ".fnek Iho (Hani Killer', tie.llo's ' Uc!'?- v" i."' 'nrber nnd compin, In "T.il.lnR n rhnnre" Ihe linnelhu Mm ks Marry Mehan eomedlan. Ihn lloers. In onus nnd ihatlpr Snennd half of tlio week, lack the Ulnnt Killer". Krott end Wilson Mimertlnlis, Annie Hionn and pninrmnv: the lioughprts Jndi Williams, niolioloulst Zln riette and l.olo. lomedlans hill Kniliey nn.l rninpnm . onen HI inirill and Hop nnd others MiOHeney. Wehb and Iliirns. Mntitn lir.m, era ,iml llobhj . the Pour H lekem Imnnn HL'llt.CStjr k. orMoNTfi Inimom a .Minstrels In tonlral satires with some flllhert and Hull" v. in l'iroixn in rriNTINPIMI Pt.AX.l Passlntt tihott of tPl.." with ilpnrge Jiiimop nnd JIirilMin Miller A winter Harden ho of lite uual type, with girls, r mum ihimi ari.l eostumes In larce iiuaniltles plus oinp 1 11 el'ent hartesqne on i urrrnt shnna. nilllltWT 'I'misiii t.ui." nllh .tnllati , Kltlnge. A tnuslf-al inmedv nf the IIIIInKe I nr irn pientv or opporinnitj' ror tne siar in nmienr In his remarkable KOtvns. Musi.. and plot thrown In (tARttli'K on Trial.' with Fredei iek l'env ami r good rast. An exciting lr or crime, nrltt'n liat'liivnrd In tho form of a til.il. Nmei nnd entertnlnitiR. I'HOTOPI.AYR. I i-llllSTNtT STIIKITT nPHIlV HOI SI men.- nun Tiipci.1 I urn turn or llie rnmnns tnr nn.l mi a sensaUcmnl death Tor lion .lose oer an Vl.fr.ftl nl I tf 1tmt tlopri'a InilwMnli.llnl. nf I'armen forties nearer lh" eoneehtlon of the I lllloilghoilt tho State will ho stunned as a author, Merlmee, than Hint of her fatmms , ,,,, .,,.,, . "' " " I'ciieiui lunrniiiine against UAK Smi'MKNTS Oh' QUA II. Moxicnn Ilirtls, Sent to This State, Fouiiil Diseased tlAHIU.SDL-no. Jan, It. The shipment of 10.000 ipinll from Mnxlco to Phlladcl- nd npJn.".'"!'!'!; ,,,,,, '' "'" s"lto (!a," Commission and sii.uwo ny irlate parties for dlstrlhiitlon jBsB' HV f "RUTH" OF THE SCREEN' IS A CLEVER CHILD M TO CARRY .. fi.enicnl m.annn aeo was so popu- "I PHILADELPHIA MAI f- thentrienl seasons ago was so popu lar, In another piece which suits her as well. 1 '.ere : gents. are One pi ess agents anil press nf the latter variety Is -.-. . -..... . . 'en. -- ---- k. ViOla JJaiin UG Kltllll 111 ivp'.r.now putting pieces in uie paper lur .'""I,, y n,,,nn,i T.mil nuiu uiiiiii uuignuui in I Chestnut Street Opera House. He Is- to U. b. (JWlieU IrUClxl to Renlnetl nronch no conndence-one sieve iijinoi. f'nnf rnf'np'-j U'lurmic. .. t n jrl i,n,t ramiilnrlv n students of Ibsen VUIlliaCcOr S UROllS oil KcliU ns the couth with Vine street In his hair. Here Is what he hns to say 'nday nhoiit ccrlnln matters close to his ' nil: "Klslng to unheard of heights o mug rlchleousness. once again llir ""tntn llnnid nf Censors pinned the I -k In 10 mlns' catd to their doot SAtiitdni aft ernoon, and promptly went to the coun try for the week-end lenclng the fealuro production ptogramed ror rne c ;iesi nut Street Opera Houso all the coming week, squirming; about the floor of the censorious projection room. "Althmii-h Theda Hara In 'Tho Serpent' does not snulrni at all offensively, the hoard censors absolutely forlitd trie turns Kleine-Edison Feature Film Hy the Photoplay I.dilor "Tie Innocenee of lluth' -a Klelne-Killson film. In flee psrts. reUnsed .lanunrv Ifll , .tlmmv Carter iMHard I.irlj Tliilh Trncera Vloln I'ana. Mortimer Heynolds .1. .AiiRiistus l'hllllt'f !.dn Morris .' ,.I.na laM C FIAHLES MUKRAY In "His Hereafter," at the Aretitliii tins week. TO BOOST BETTERMENT New President Promises to Ad vance Great Public Improvements MlllllUI, .wrriiiirt.'. III. Ill 'Mill 1 ihnl, Parrnr. All th" week. srA.VI.I.Y Mondiy. Tuesilav and Wednesday, " Th" Call or the Ciimtierlan is,' with Dustln Pnrniini. Thurdn. Prldny ind Saturday, "The Sphlet." with Pauline riedertck. PALACK-AII week. 'Tho Foundling." with Mr I'hkford. A truly Plckronl pari for "I.lltlo Mur." Ain'ADIA Moiidnc Tuesdav and Wednesday, "The Price of Pouer." with Orrln Johnson. himI "Perils In the Park," a Kecsiono eomedj Tliuminy, Krlday and Hiturday. "Jhinnrs Altar." with llessle llarrlsralo and Walter lldward. Hnd "The Movie -Slurs," a Kev tono comeib. AT POPCI.AIt PItlrKS. AI.M'T "SiIiikiI Dacs." a tnusliHl What Is so rare as n day In June'' Whv, an liigcnup In motion plctuies who Is at tractive, natuial and nf sufficient dia mntlc ability to "get over" the big scenes h well as the nniusinjf or sentimental ones Mary Plckford hni nlwns uiifiuestlon ahly been attrnctlvo nnd nt times natu ral, but II Is only recently that she showed anv real dramatic sense In big moment Marguetlte Clark Is eriunllv attinctle and more natural, but falls In Hie dramatic moments. Anlla Stewart ein claim the pelsonal eharin, but no one would grant her either naturalness or dtnmntlc ability. She Is exceeding!) artl lli'lal In evet.i nioxemetit And so on. ml -Infinitum, trough our famous screen ramltos. However, there Is one noung lady who siems to have escaped the "Dish" method of attractiveness, the Plckford pout and the Stewart soulful ees, and therefore suree s In being natural nnd clever at all timei "'t s 1 4 Vlol.i IJaiiii. Not tlmt tlie ri.'im ni"i ioiing ladles lack these nttrlhlites .'l.'rely, '01 they do not. Hut the noveltv of ati oilglnnl method lends an nlr of distinction to Miss Dana's work that Is haul to resist In "The Innocence of (tilth, " a most r hiiimlng little comeitv, llllcd with action and excitement, In which the Utile slut I fea tin oil li the Klelne-Kdlson Com- patic. she Is given tlio opportunlt.v to show her ehaiacter drawing as Hip MM who, knowing nothing of the woild. Is iiuide lo face Its problems nnd lenllze Its evil Ihinilgh the I111I11I of death. On Ills deathbed her fnlhet gives hoi giinrdlnii shlp to his friend, .tlmmv Carter, a man-ahoiil-town The resulting revolution in Cartel's viewpoint through the girl's lu tluelicc Is finite as great as the chunge 1 In hers. Tlie end, of course. Is what one would eiect and ninny wish. The whole cuiupiny Is excellent IM wnrd I'nrle as .tlmmv Caller Is tlie t pi ca! selfish, happv-gu-lii kc, too-ilcli-foi-his-owii-giioil .voiiug man of our piesenl social sjsleiu. Ills acting Is consistently good and never forced. The photography is good tliioughout, more p.n tli-uliii l.v hi the iIiiikoi of Miss Uaua The whole piece is handled In a light and diverting maiiuei, with little lilts of choice comedy Kld. 1.10- iliicllon. with clua IMn.irds' STOri-C, AMl.ltli'A.N 'Within the Ijiw." The Arvlne I'lajers. In Itayard Veliier'a rnmous id.iv, with Itutli Itolilnson. as Mjry Turner, and ilcorge Arvlno as Joe Carson. VAiri)CVII,I,K. KI.ITH'S-Pva Tangira), comedienne, William Morris and umiiianc In "Mrs. Temple's Tclpcrani", Mnile Nordstiom. In "lllta of AHIng": Scotch Inls ami Lassies. "Tho Little Stranger." Henry Itudolf, vocalist, and Mario and Duffy, gimnnstn, flltA.vn Wlllard tno m.111 who Brons, Ten KusilnatiiiK Pllrts. llrnnn. ilan-is and llioun. runsniltha. Olniuud c;in;i.' nn.l eom pan. JucKlera. f'lcinents and o " n-.ir, comedians, Lew rtt7Klblions. xIopIioim. CiI.i)NIAI-Npi1 Neatnr hii.I his ten mei.i hear's: the Hriiat Leon, mniclan: "llcer unrl UmiKlus. dancers; Howard, Kcbble ami tne unpen latlotr of foiclgn birds. Doctor Knlbfus, secretary of tho State Came Coiuinlssion, mado this nnuouiiceiiicnt to day. So many birds have recently died In this State ns a result of Intestinal dls eiu.n introduced from ubioad. It In thought, that the drastic fiction of rorhld- enrrying out these linpoitniit pi ding shooting for a season or two may ' piovemunls. no necessary. The State Haino Commis sion had contracted for the purchase of about 10,000 Mexican quail. All hut 10 of the llrst .,'00 to nrilvo linvo died lis a re sult of the disease mimed nnd n stop order has been Issued for Btio others that an on the mad. We hope that ne may have ' may die, ..fir atom rMj-. jjr iXE. Stahhid to Death at Wedding POTTS VILLI;, Pa.. Jan. 21. Krank Jacobs, SH eurs old, of Hatito, wns stabheil in the Juguliii vein at a wedding nt that place Into last night. He bled to death, leaving 11 widow and six chil dren, Konr men aie held In the Ijiiis rord Jail to await 11 hearing. Jacobs at tempted In stop a quarrel among a num ber of guests and vviih attacked hy 0110 of the participants. A promise I" use nil Ihe IiiIIupiicp nf tho greater Chamber or Commerce to ad vance the great public- linpiovenients con templated hy the city was made hy Unw ind II. French today, following his elm -tlrin as president of the organization. Mr. l'lcnch was nominate! by Alba H Johnson at 11 meeting of the hnaid of ill Hctors In the liendqurirters of the Clinin- ni r 01 i.oininerce in 1110 w uii'iiei iiiiiiuhie.. . , i,,i..-,i i,, He was elicle.l unanimously. spruihieci 111 "Tho Cliaiulier fif Commerce." said Mi : I'rcnch, "faces greater ti,sponslbllllv now I than al any time in Its history. Tlie i-ll. Is coiisidetiug great projects which will Involve vast expendltuies. It will he the duly of this Chamber to lend full suppoit to the Alii) or and other city nirii l.iN in il I' im "The Chainbei mini the 1 n-n. 1 it mn of tho lie .vspupcis in the work 11. liim.-.!-Ing foi neideil public Impiovementi I would suggest that tho edltols nf the Philadelphia newsp.ipeis lake pail In the meetings of the Chariihcr. They could be mado members of a conference commit tee, nnd their help would he ot gieal value to this organization " Mr. Flench Is head of the Samuel II French Paint Manufacturing Compauv, president of the College of I 'bill ill. ley nml has been a member of tlio Cluimbei of v uinim-n mild' ll-l nrgillll.lllOII. t ll.l.nn ..III .. -1 . . , ., ,. . .1 .- in-. .i.-.a t-.rci.ii u,- inc! ..oaru 01 111- .- - Nullclouile t 1'i.rum't t'lciun- jeiiiuH niuaj arc .vina 11. .louiisoii. i-.vrus , ... . k-t. . . h. k. Curtis, a. c. Mcdowin. Charles p. i Geraldine Farrar '" lemptation Vauglian and II. Iv. .Miilfiuit, vice iuel- I ZHT" dents ; N. II. Kelly, geneiai secretar.v. and .ARCADIA ,.V.. "l .t.i ..rlilMIInn ntivwhptn. nnv lime bv any body, forever and ever, aodsavciisntnen! Thus do the righteous hand It to nnv ono they happen to disapprove of! In this Instance tho management of the Opera House was suddenly the completely be- left of fs 'show' for the coming week. The Fox representatives, who are under contract co supply same, humbly asked the censors lo 'give another look' at Theda and Indicate any parts that they thought tinnier" pass the picture with such sections cut out. Hut Hip board couldn't he bored, and went away, and Thedn's serpentine activities are locked up In a dark closet, which Is all very moral and nice for the little kiddles and the Innocent glilles and tho tread-softies of this great and glorloi's State. Let us hope that none of them break Into the closet and peek nt the Hara squirms In their celluloldlc nw fulness while the cen sors are nvvnv" "While some legal gentlemen and Intelli gent Jurists who hnvo some knowledge nnd respect for the rights of the common neeii-til are trying lo discover wherein "The Serpent' Is 11 nicnr.cn to the ns-yel-unstung community, another feature from the Fox studios will be shown nl the Opera House. Jt also features Theda Hara and was produced by the same man responsible for the condemned picture possible before he became so depiaved' Anyway. It bears tho censor's o. k.. and has not yet been seen by patrons of tho Opera House theic. As soon as 'The Ser pent' Is released from diiranco vllo It will be shown ns advertised." uoniraciors wagons on Feb! ruary l, bp. rl Announced 1 . i. 1 inziei, posini iwn ,,. ., ,s Ington ntirt siiperiniPiidein m ,rrf! nniiounceii nine tne i-nih) linnon'" .St en In flip heeMiiiiilvnilm. -. "lljj. dp'p'lla poat office would lirrnme pff!lS9 on I'ehruarv I net. iir a fnn a"M f.1 tlm-rl ninrntniHI nn.l ttcin.. z:1 ?U place Ihe s. leen wagon- nnd B lh. it 1, teles llan.l tl, II, u ,.rt...n1 ...... . .. C ' 1 ...., . ,...,..., , iieiivery, llie new sysiPlll, .ill I I Izier .J 11 not . olil.v added pfflelenev hi , considerable saving In both thnn ..iiEM pense. and will he the latest s(c,, nu Will li parpdnpss as fnr rts hip p.ucei L,'A roncerned. l a PlilladeU'lila tlm will be lh. im.. ,J 1, II, t-nlle.l l"ll .. , .r' "u ii n iieiR nil iv. .-n mall servleo ... 1 ...J (lovernnient owned nnd mnine a..:l."J The otlier two eltles are rhirago ani m Louis, and the new s.vslem there lutisV met with evfiN success, the rm.i.r : v pprts believe It will undoiihteaiy hs .1..1-I larly effccllve in PhlludelphU W'fl wagons which will bo replaced hett itic i nre hlrpil In cmilfne fen,.. 11- m .. ."? ..n. ....... ... .. ...... .,. ,, n. iwowi -i nt nn approximate cost of yi),(0 a They curry mnll mostly from tho central otllce to the railroad terminals and fsrrlei The new machines Include 1ft vu.,,'' tnicks. M -ton trucks nnd 14 "HontrTrv. ie electric car service wns replMln v motortrucKs on November 13. The .-". . B fM,l hiT 52dand juvr-suvya LOCUST j MATS, t.30 and a rTV OS., 30 in ii tl (Jrealest Xcwtpapty fioy Bvef Whiles l THE FOURTH ESTATE i-r1onEoRTDWARW,CK wi Friday MAD AMP V Saturday MISLEADING LADY Uoy Fatally Burned by Cnukct Candle ALTOON'A. .Jnn. 21. Kntcrlng tho room vc hero tho casket containing the body of his uncle, Francis Cnnrnd, stood, Charles Hllemau, aged 0, secured ono of llie caudles stn rounding the bier, took It to the cellnr and lighted It. Tho fiaino Ig nited his clothing, nnd he wiis no badly burned about the body nnd head that he YWSJV UlfnTAtlTm f)2d Ahoin Mint-t K h I IV! g R 1J I "ell Phone. UelmJrTl Mil uuuiuyjn a Au 1 wk;'d run patriotic vnoTo uriXTAcu A The Battle Cry of Peace" J A tAl.l, 1U AIUI3 AUAINST WATt 52d ST. THEATRE ""iM r.O.I AVIl Cl A V'tlrttif OTHIn. vv- llltHA MITCIiniiT. In TItK llMINK Tomorrow MIIlACLn OP LIFE PROMINENT OTOPLAY PRESDNTATIO vn miiimniiininminnmm"i mil nni i mini. . fflmki Sooim Gmpamu Till: following thentrrs ntilnln their pictures through the STANLEY; lliiiiklnu Ciunpuii). w hiili Is a Kiiiirnntee of rnrly show Inns of the finest productions. All pictures revlewi-d before eihlldtlon. Ask for (he Ihrntre In jnur locnllt) olitulnlng plcturea throucli the STANIJiy Hooking Conipan. II tl (UDD A t-tt-'i- Morris Passynnk Ave AI.HAIy.hUA Mat t)..ll ict.a. I:vks, TA.tr If FRFRTY nnoAD and , L. 1 a C. K 1 I COLUMBIA 1:QI'ITA1ILI: FILM COnr. Presents in "THD SENATOIV It. L. Tustln, treasurer. II Sh. -1 HVJI1 tl I PtSa ii .711 .K . " mm i . i CKNTHAT, I hrxfniif Sf On l4n...alUhtM i . ..n-vu. uucu ,,, in, rcaturc til special music oc Lively Uomediti? WKhT I'HILADKI.PIIIA GRAND Charles J. Ross EVENING LEDGER PHOTOPLAY CALENDAR Tlll.XSIII.h P..llo' Oitlll.N JOHNSON in Tin: pitic'i: op powi.it" iiahuy ciiiui- 1ION In Till: PI.IULH OF Till! PAHK I nnn A..J:i: Droad Above j-iuguii rvuuuuiiuiu hoc .VN't) TIIO.MPSON MATINHI! UAUA KVEKV MONDAY SUIIJLCT TO CHANGE ALHA3II.KA APOLLO ARCADIA IJELMONT ULUKHlnf) ltllOAD ST. CASINO CEDAU CENTURY" CHEST. ST. OP. HOUSE EUREKA" i'RANKFORI) KAIRMOL'NT rianTsT"! MONDAY Ucraldhie I'orrar. Tcmptailon Molly Mcintre. In Her Cireat Hour Orrln Johnoii, '1 Tho Prlto of l -er The ltattle Cry of Marguerite I'lark, In I'rlnco ond the Pauper Jiare MeDerinntt, in Tha Catjpaw Mary Plckford. llsmeralda aeraldlno O'Hrlen. In Ills Wife, Theda Hara Hluhar.l liuiiler, In A .Mnn'a Making Lola Meredith, In Tho Woman TUESDAY Geraldine Parrar. In Temptation Hazel !avn, in 1 he Miuiqueradera Orrln Jnhimon, In The Price of Power Th" Battle Cry of Pence IMivln Stevens, In The Man IniOde Vlnnle llurns, Hvery (Jlrl WEDNEbDAY THURSDAY ntU)AY lieraldlne r.irrnr, hi Tern plat Ion Mnrgiii'iltp Snow, in ltoiemi.i Harry (Jrlbbon. in The I'erlla of tho Park lauliii J-'reih rl( h. In Ljdla lilluioro In Dorothy liiinnelly, Mnd.imp X liessln II.irrlsci.le. in lloniiru Altar Victor .Moore. In Ohlni mle Pad'len Out West Holhronk nilnn. In Llfe'a Whirlpool Theda Hara Mnlrlmony IIIm Patlier'a I'ootaleps (ilPJlKN eiTmaYton" liHtAllil 'l,0HE O'ltKAT NORTHERN IRIS JEFFERSON .IU3III0 Ornco nillston. In Tho Hlnck fear Ithca Mltvhell. In The L'rink . nn.1 Mr. it!e. In The Whirl of Life Maclyn Artjuclile. in The deform Candidate TrlaiiKlo I'laii. Julia Dan. j Malrlrnonv Antra Stnnert. In My iJdj'fc bllpper Vivian Martin, in Over -S'luht. Marie Doro. In Tha Wood Nymph . Jlme. Pctrova. In What will People. Say? , Lillian flUh. in Th Lily and tha Hose Mary Plckford. in Madame Iluitertly Edna Goodrich. In Armstrong'" V Ifo Mnrnarita Plecher. In Th .Miracle of I.lfo llessle llarrlvcalp. In Tha Uolden Claw Maclyn Arburkle. in The He-form i'.iiiiIM.Uii llelasco's Famous Piaj Jlrl of the lioUlen West .. . The Hnttle Cr of Pence ilnlly Mclntyre. In tier Ureal Hour AlUs lloljlster. In The Money Uulp Helen Ware. In The Irice Th Rattle i-rv of Ihnily Mtevens. In The Jloufii of Te.tre The Making-over ol (ieoffrey Maiiulng r!r.;'lr.'.ck Perry, In The Family Slain Theda Hara Valll Vain, in Tho Woniau Pays William H. Hart, In Iletwecn Men Dorothv Donnelly, Madame X Dorothy Uroh. In llred in tho Ilnnn Hotert It Mantel). In Tho Clreen-eyed Maiittrr Edmund Ilreese, In The Iure of Heart's l-'lro Edna Goodrich. In Armslroiie'a Wife Graft Kl.th Episode Marie Doro. In Tho Wtrtd Nunph Marguerite Clark, In .SHU Waters LAFAYETTE LEADER LIBERTY LOCUST LOGAN AUDITORIUM .MARKET STREET ORIENT OM'JIEUJ! 0VERHR00K PALACE PARK PLAZA PRINCESS Tho Girl and the Game Author! Author! '"enc! llarrymnre. in The Yellow Mreak Fannie Ward. The Cheat: la Charlea J. Jtoas, j The Senator Fou The rth Ki Estate Wm. Faversham, in One Million Dollars ..With Morey. in lhc. Price of Foil 'oily "' Telles-en. In The Eiplorer t Lillian Olsh. In The Lily and Ihe Hose Molly Mclntyre. In Her Great Hour Thurlow Ilernen. In The City Nance ti Nell A Woman's i'n Itohrt Warwick, in Frulla of Desire In JIarKuerlte Snow, llosemary Julia Dean, In Tlie llantom Theda Hara The (lol.len flaw Tho llest of Enemies Tho Moth nml the .tame Paramount I'.t-turu Paulino Frederick, In 1 It-ll.i Donna Margarita. Flacher. Infatuation Wnlker Whltesldi". In Tho MelilnK Pot 'Ch Pauline PrcderbU l.)dla Gllimire MuiEiicrltc Clnrk. Mill Wntera Mack Swain. In The Movie Star The Daltle Cry of Peace '.(.V -'... Wnltliall. In 'Ihe .MI-.lc-Rdl.il,- idy Adda Gle.isnn, 111 aaved From tho Harem nlna Goodrich. In . AnnstiiiUK'a Wife i Oeomn P. Marlon, Excuse .Vie tMTUltlMY Pauline Preilerii !.. m LjilliiJllinore HnlUrook mints. In Idle s VV hlrlpo.il llenjle llarrlscnlp. In Honor's Altai Tlie Itnttle Cry of I'ej.e i Tlieodore Ittitierts. In ' -'iir? ' Mnnie ''iirlo halp Tho .jkatlni; Itlnk Dustln Farnmn, In . Mini.. ii cuurtesj APOLLO SJU MOLLY McINTYRE in 1IEH GltEAT IIOL'lt" BLUEBIRD0 "kad" ST 1'i.,,,;en?-'NT Marguerite Clark "' Till: PIUNCF. AND THE I'AFPEH" wiTifAAii"" pPnAR I'MUiioisr, I'KDAHAVi: tLUtl THEATHE I MARY PICKFORD.,:s.MEi.ALD.v I PAHAMOINT PICTUItE . I - Rockland Ave. WM. FAVERSHAM in "ONE MILLION DOLLARS" Market St. Theatre 333 ,aSt lidith btorey "TunpnicBorFOLLT" KEi: "GltAFT" EVERV WEDNESDAY ORPHFI IM OEItMANTOWN AND ""C nCUlVl CHELTEN AVE!?. - - TKIAXaUl PI.AY3 JANE IlitEV in "Let Katy Do it" SAM IIEKNAltD In "The Great Pearl Tangle" nRIFiMT "-D ""d WOODLAND AVE. VilCiM 1 Dally Mat ,2. Eve, 0:30 to 11. Lou Tellegen ..T,m "xi-Loncn- PAHAMOUNT PICTURE FAIRMOUNT !m'ffiItDAH: i.HA.'i: EI.LISTON. EDWARD IIRENNAN and IIHAl'E VALENTINE In THE HLAC'K. KEAR" PAT S.CV 12- MARKET STREET I AJ.J-V.J, ,n A M to jj.jfi p jt MARY PICKFORD in THE FOl'NDLINC" D nnd MARKET ST8. MAT DAILY. 2 P. It. la' VIVIAN MARTIN in ISmn vl.essa "UVtK INIUMI" m llVPDRRnrik' C3D and nAVETl. -...u.vuuiv rORDAVIttl TRIASaLE ri.AV" h TULLY MARSHALL In "SAllt.rj LOIKmi' RAYMOND HITCHCOCK 'n "STOLEN MAOIT" flARDFN C3D I.ANHDOW.VD ,vt e'.li. Mr. and Mrs. VERNON CASTLE 3 In "THE WHIRL OF LIFE 1 Wear Our Orflon IVlth the v.i unase. EUREKA 'l0T" AND i- u IV L ft rt MARKET STIIEinS V L. S. E. Presentu - "A MAN'S MAKING" Featurlnu RICHARD HUHLEJ. NDItTII FRANKFORD 47n The.Ia Hani Arnnlil Dily, In The Hnimo of Kenr mid llie Mummy the HunirnlriRlilnl Gcraldlni. cvilrlen. in Ilia Wife Theta Har.i. Sin The.) Rara The Power of unclenre Helen Ware. In ioi Currenia Edwin i Stevens. In ino Man inside Edmund Itree.. in The Lure nt Heart lu'a.ro Lionel Ilirryinore. la The Yellow Streak Victor Moore. In Chlm mln i iiiiJi-n Out West William II Hart, in Th IHsclnlo VnJ.",'t Suratt. n ino tnimiiirant ' Clara Kimball Viiuiik. In I Camlllo I ''arp!d I.ockwood. In J ne Ilollte of Scandals Ehilly Steien. In The House nf Tear Name O'Neli. In . Woman's Past Norma Mlsslni; l,ln Talmadse, ika Grace Elllstnn, In The Illack Tear Landon-a Lecacy Vn Innocent Vlllali Plain Hilda SDon.f. Dlvurced Fanrie Ward. In The Cheat Ueorse Fisher. In Eiciim) Me The Fourth Estate Lillian Glah, In The Lily and The Rose Parl Whltp. In Th Klnu'a (iame Triangle: Jane Grey. . '-"t Katy Do It, Tht.,b-..l'0"lw Stolen Maisle Msry Plckford. In The Foundling rnla Fadden Out West Grace Cunard, In Htr Better delt UE0ENT RIALT0 RUBY PAV0Y RIEfiWOOD STANLEY BTftAND Wh hIi. ,ovf, ' Wind Blllie'a Headache n5"Ui JVarwlck. In The Fruits of Desire Tburiow Bcrien. The City C. Audrey .Munson. in Inspiration TrlaiiRle. Jane Grey. In Let Katy Do It Clem Madison, In A Soul Enslaved Mary plckford. In The Foundling Huck Simons. I-imcher .Seal of the Navy ll'nry Woodruff. In The lleckonlne Flame Robert Warwick, in FrtiHi nf Desire Mary Plckford. In Madame Hmtertly Owen Moore, in Jordan Is u Hard loai Wlllard Mick nnd Enid Matkey- Tlie Conqueror Roliert Warwick. In Fruits of Desire ' .vli."",'!"1""' nf he Cltj K"b MarKuerlle ClaMon v,.'I!''k.i Suratt, ri rne InunlKrunt TIU Vlarshall. In V Siblc Lorrlii Dorotln Donnelly. Madame . Margarita Fischer. hi Hie Drason Wlllard Marke FRANKFORD A V EN IT, LOIS MEHKP1TI in arninnuni I'lcture RIDlii: AVE & DAUPHIN ST. Continuous show from 1! .30-0 .30-11. PARK i - uiiiiiiuiiuiriiiMv i tt'ills. iiiwu ,tiv'4 II .. THEODORE ROHERTS PARAMOl NT t7I T-ir Htrrnr the woman- jAUAiuuiN. yjcTOR MOORE In "CHIM.MIE I'ADDEN OUT WEST' 5508 GERMAN TOWN AVE. GERMANTOWN Macklyn Arbuckle REFORM CANDIDATE" PARAMOUNT Pit ture In "THE ri r.n.17 ""th a market KJL.KJOIZ. Jim . i ir,. Kvith . 7 t 0 ANITA STEWART and JAHLE WILLIAMS III "MY LADY'S SLIPPER" V-L-S-E Feuturc ipIPaRO AVENF1J THEATRE VjlrvlXty 7TH AND GIRARD AVE T.'.t.VfJ.K P..U.V JULIA DEAN In "Matrimony" ''ORD STERLLNG in "HIh Kalher'a Footsteps" PRINCESS 1018 MARKET RTHHET "VVIIV I.UVi; IH HLIND" "HILLJE'S HEADACHE" See "The Girl nnd The Game" every Thursday RIAT TO GERMANTOWN AVE. IW.-1.I. IU AT TULPEHOCKEN ST. THURLOW BERGEN in "THE CITY" .vrack and Knld The Conqueror Mcldlota' Asaasslnatlon The Prince of Yesterday Cliarlea J. Ross. Tho Senator In Maclyn Arbuckle. In The Itc-form Candidate Dlsby Hell, rather and tho Hoyi The Fourth Estate Virginia Pearson. In Thou Art the Man Charles J. Rosa. The Senator In fho Kins' Game Florence Reed. At Bay ".'ii? G'lS- !n Matrimony Hla Faiher'a Footstep bull VVatera .request) Mpljie MLlntyre. in Her Great Hour uX UJ'.'. Redeemed Mlle-a-Mlnute Monty Mary J'lckford. In The i-oundllnif JiiIU Dean. In The Ransom J. Warren KerrUanT Landoa Legacy In Valll Valll. In Ihe 'i urn. oil Thurlow RerKen, In The City Dorothv flleti. in Old llelclelberrc ,t Graft (No. 7) The Terror of the Fold Thurlow llerncn, In The CHy Henry Woodruff. In JThe lleckonlne Flame Holhrook lllinn. p, -' Whirlpool 'rh-Tiho 'I'd Lie" rhe .iw of Hu..ies icn,J.mr.....''!.mvai I" What Will People hay? V . V 'ainiadae. In , MUHriK Link Robert Warwick, in rrulta of Deetre Thurlow Rumen, In The City Arthur Hoops. In The Deill's Pra)erbook . Elsie Janls, In i'waa Ever Thua Anita Stewart. In Myi-adj'e Slipper 0..r''c, J?11?10"- I 'Ihe Black Fear l)rohv Donnelly. i Madame X Dorothv til-.,. ,.. Jordan is 'a Hard Road Holhrook lllinn. In !" Wlilrlpool Kdlth Storey. In On Her Wedding Ni Uht Triangle LiSSKS, J .. , Still Waters Laira: Graft (No. 7) Lffin, " The Inner Soul R-hJt,"wiii,e!r"va,- n nat will loi,iB nja, , ThVi.!f' Rett In ThB War of Wealrli 'Phi'",? Stevetie. n, The House of To..".. Muriel Osirlche. in A Clrcua Iiom0 Fslr. Trouble RFflFlMT la3i MARKET HTREET IX-,'-c l iivmas vnict: onaAx KUBKKI WARWICK ill "THE FRUITS OF DESIRE" Rl K V MARKET STREET ' -" HELOW 7TII STREET VALESKA SURATT in THE IMMIGRANT" ENSINGTON iHFRWOnn MT'' AND ,'ENL'E JIICIVV J J U iiALTIMnnn rvHVlK He I IftlvA in . ji.rni-. i, i.Anivi i-resencs WKt ' W M.L PEOPLE SAY" IU'AW,IB ",15 V&XS? ,,ETERS '" Broad Street Casino Dn0AE1nIBE1 j .uni..ir,a, -:.iu l.vi;.M.-vu. i tna . MARC McDERMOTT in -! "THE CAT'S PAW COMEDIM X ! PFNTITRV cmi" ave. l MAMiuLiif VfUllUrvI MATINEE DAILY ' GERALDINE O'BRIEN in "HIS WIFE" I hOUMi PLAZA BnOADANDroiiW "THE RED CIRCLE" U r. c-ir:l Ftaxorlnf ncr oeiier oeir 0ra"15 cuNARn NOIirilWEST C.roni Nnrrhfrn "adst. ERIE Vjreai i"ionnern ih-jimant-n aves ;;.- 1 ui.n '.aim marie doro in "Tin: UIMHl NYMPH ' HARRY GRIIinO.N In THE PERILS OP THE PARK" IDIO TUITA'TDI? 3H KE "VliJ llicrs, a aj, AV JEFFERSON :oth I AND DAUPHIN ! C A V H Y '2' MARKET STREETS O r V VJ I HTIII--RT ritiAxai.K i'mys i.illian gish in I npf.iNA nAnrT :., "THE I.rr.Y AMI THE ROSi; " CHAS ... -.r i-kmm. hi MURRAY In "The Grear Vacuum Robbery " I "NO QREATHR LOVE" Mary I'Ukfonl. ln The Foundllna ,e'Tlo';?.nca I-abadle. In The Jrl.e Faults of Ho The White Ally The Carecakr'.i Dilemma Robert Warwick, In The Fruits of Deelre Valeska Suratt. ln The immigrant Rejlna Badst. In xo Greater Love Blanche Sweet, House Peters, ln The Captive Dustln Farnum. la The Call ot the CumberUnde SUSQUEHANNA fflWIA VICIOIWA Vtota Dana. Ux Oladlola The Old and the .Now Gail Kane, m The Labyrlntti Theodore RoberU. In Mr. tirex of Moule Carlo X ai JbonrUn i'iiitt t George F. Marion. Excuse Me in William S. Hart. Between Mtn Lltette Thorn, ln Wild Jim. Reformer Arthur Hoops In The Straight Rod Dustln Farnum. la The Call ot the Cumberland .The Ivory Snuff Box Ham and Bud Comedy Ifolbrook Bllnn, In Ufa' Whirlpool Theodore Roberts, In Mr, Orex ot Mont Carlo Valll Valll, In Her Debt of Honor Tyrone Power. In Seet Alyssum Henry. H. Walthall, in The Misleading Lady L Viola Dana. In The Innocence of Ruth Mary Plckford. In Rag Dustln Farnum. In The Call of tha Cumberland Neat of the Navy 112) Th Greater Deceit Douglas Fairbanks. Double Trouble In Lionel Harry-more, In Th Yellow Streak By duplln. lo A gd) Burlaw Plite Robert Warwick. In Tha fruit of p.ilre Edwin Ardsn. ln The Beloved Vagabond The Olrl and the Gam Today Valll Valll. n Her Debt of Honor Malcolm Duncan. Alma Hanlon, In wild Oat Mary Plckford. In Madame Butterfly The Fairbanks Twin. In The Burglar's Picnic William .Faversham. in One Million Dollar Pauline Frederick. In The Spider Th,,Wonlan '' Door Charlie Chaplin Comedy lgu.ee Gtaum. tn Tb Forbidden Adventure Clara Kimball Youog. Csmlll In Robert Wsiwlcli. In The Fruit tit DctJr ""fi' lckftrd. in The Foundling Mary Plckford. In Madame Hmnrllv f ArrAVCTTir son Kensington LIONEL BARRYMOREAVi'iTLK "A YELLOW STRV:aK" LEADER , FANNIE WARD "THE CHEAT" - I T I O fl A imi VENANGO STS. 1 THPODORE ROBERTS and CARLYLE I HLACKWELL In "MR GREX OF MONTE CARLO " Paramount Picture. Weekly Programs Appear Every Monday In Motion Picture Chart .'VICTORIA market ST i , y i u i u u i n above ninth I Trlaaole Plau Present SID CHAPLIN In 'A Submarine Pirate " Estra Attractlon- MARY ROLAND In "The Edge of The Abyss " (STANLEY TMalM1,1.- I continuous I -wjsj rninum O 1 TlfRATltE llta 1 ousquenanna susquehanna aye. GAIL KANE in "THE LABYRINTh" S PartJl NOiniltUST STRAND 1:TH and cnUBD AVt 1 FRANCIS X. BUSHMAN in "THE ACCOUNTING" KENMNOlil.V JUMBO wnnm, cp .Vll ,-..Utl. w ... .,11 -a GIliAHU -" f GIRL AND THE GAME- t-jM&r iiii UTII0R! AUTHOR" ?.SLWVJ ER" THE AXIHV."KD IxJrV:.f,',',fl "THE G 1. "AUTHOR llPlnicn 'i "SAVING 8U6IE FROM '.I1B 11 lift A M to in r it In "THE CALL OF THE c uaiuc.Ml.A.NUS - .fitniiiiiiiiiiiiiii- gjLax JL; iiiiiiiriiiiiiiiniiiin....... 1eyssyipse,H.iJty w uffl Plckford. The Foundling uustiii rarnum. In Th riniun , ,, - Gentleman From .'ndAffa linn SrSftlg" f.ianci.e rorsytne. In The htrlfe Eternal The I-aw'e Injustice hen Lin Came Home Pearl White. In Hazel Klrke Muriel Ostrlebt. In Th Clrou Romance Norma Talmadge. Musing Links ln Special Surprise Day Robert Warwick, lu The Sins of Society I"aulln Frederick. The Spider In The Broken Coin 1) Haiard ot Helen Bessie Barrlscale. In The Golden Claw Mary Plckford, ta Jladame Butterfly T.'1U Will. In iter rJabr. efj, tneoa Bara. In Destruction GViru.'1VIlob,n0'-- In v Woman Sow Prl White, (n Hate! Klrke ,&rtJtcTfe7Tn Tbe Nation' Peril The Turmoil Syd V Sul Ph.nlln . ubmarln l'irate llazel Dawn. In The Maijueradr Paulhie Frederick, uv The Spider VIllIam Farnum, In Th Broken Law Arthur Hoops, la Tbe Devil Frayefbook; Mr Plckford. In Madam Butterfly ValU Valll. in TRIANGLE FILMS Can be obtained from H. SCHWALBE S. E. Corner 13th and Vine Sts. Noteworthy Plays Pre-eminent Players Each Week at the Following Iheatres: (yimjg$ ME !R0 ?.0 TUrlKS EXHinilED IN dM- ONE THEATRE IN EACH LOCALITY DISTINCTIVE CREATIONS Ask for Metro Pictures An .vbaolute Guarantee of Quality A r A ri I A CHESTNUT ST. H I Vrf f U BELOW 10TII ALHAMBRA rS&am. ARCADE 'M'li nivinioSD ST' BELMONT x aiD STRBKT BELLhVUb SUSQUEHANNA B E N N U3:" ,VOODl'AND AVE. BROADWAY -EUREKA ",0TH MAUKET BTS FRANKFORD '2ili2S?AB GREAT NORTHERN $&. GIRARD AV.THEA. iSt GARDEN LANSDOWNH AVE. VICTORIA 9"3 WARKBr 8T 1DIC Ntl KENSINGTON AVE. IFFFFRSON sotii'and jrri lun JJit fletcher sts. LAFAYETTE28" KET:1! LOGAN AUDITORIUM ll LEHIGH PALACE x.-SSaY.I ORPHEUM aE&gTVsjT3 OVERBROOK && AVJ PALACE ,8W MA"KE -t. t2i3.tU-J WOODLAND AVE. POINT BREEZE P&B RIDGE "" '''DOE AVENIJU6T RUBY UARS,tALL fc MARKET STS. :t lr.nnu a vrj a hth a sun. ..Tf"?.1:" tftll-QlE"ANNA: AV, P ATHE GOLD ROOSTER PLAYS WILL PRESENT PEARL WHITE IN ii n HAZEL KIRKE ' OXK OF SUB BVSroATUBj!8YBit0Sfa .tnin ii.. A-.w.f ... the ihsatrc VeJ Palhe Gold Hcostei Play are howa. PATHE Exchan.e, Inc., 1235 Vim! IMPERIAL "-wlWISTHART S: Motion Picture Chart Ajipeir Every MoncUy la Weekly Progra