IV 4 EVENING LIDaEEPHILADKIiPHIA MONDAY, JANUARY 24, 191C s I r It K AUSTRIA STRIVES TO HEM IN ARMY OF MONTENEGRO Net Spread to Catch Rem nants of Mountain King dom's Defenders SEIZE ITS ONLY SEAPORTS HOME, Jnti. 24. The remnants of the. .tontnesrlu nimy are today In urnva danger of capture, .Austrian troops having ocrupled the Montenegrin seaports of Antivnrl nnd tJulclffno. and are mavlnfc eastward to cut olf the Montenegrins' retreat lo the Adriatic from Scutari. The situation of General Martinovltch's forces .Is most critical. If the Montenegrins escape the Austrian net and reach the Adriatic they will be transported to thr Island of Corfu. As rapidly as possible the Serbs In Albania are being loaded upon troop Bhlps for Corfu. Within another fortnight only Italian expeditionary forces In Albania will dispute possession of the eastern Adriatic coast with the Austrlatis. .Montenegrin Government ofllclnls who arrived here today from Mrlndlsl said the complete evacuation of their little coun try by Monenegrln troops hud been plan ned before they sailed. The Montenegrin were to fall back ncrois the Albanian border upon Scutari, being Joined tliero by a few thousand Sflrufl and Albanian Irregulars under Kstad i'asha. They planned a last stand at Hcutnii, hoping to be able to retreat to transports on the Adriatic In event of their defeat. The Montenegrin oniclnls confirmed re ports that King Nicholas nrrnnged an armistice with the Austrian Invaders as a. ruso to gain time for the retrent of his army. They expressed fear Hint the Austrlans will wreuk terrible vengeance upon Montenegrin civilians when they learn of the deception. The Austrlans, however, suspected the good faith of the Montenegrin official. Though nn urmlstlce had been nrranged, General Koevess sent troops southwatd to occupy Auttviirl nnd Dulclgno. These troops are now movltlg to capture 'Sun Giovanni ill Medun, the port from which the Montenegrin plan" to escape to Corfu. WHOLE SOUL OF BRITAIN IN WAR, SAYS GEORGE Continued from I'nse One foro the war. On one hand, theie a the Industrial, commercial and Intellectual Germany, and In a most remarkable way she had blended the three elements. "Now that Germany." said Mr. llloyd Gcorse, with emphasK "wa lenderlnt; n great, service to civilization. It was con quering the world by the success of Its method nnd example. That conquest would have proved n very genuine bless ing; It would have been the means of sav ing some of the terrible waste from which most of the social evils of humanity hip spreading. As an ardent socialist re former, I freely confes"s I wan learning a good deal from that side of Germany, particularly In the illiectlon of municipal and national organization." CONDEMNS "PUI'SSIANISM." "But," continued trie Minister, In changed tones, "this Is my other point: Side by side with this Germany which we admired was the military Germany. "These two Gfcrmanys could not live together In rapid nnd beueilceia develop ment. This first Germany meant the per manent overthiow of old. barbarous Ger many, for. In spite of the fact that it employed weapons of science and cultuie. It was not the less barbarous." , , I recalled the Interview given by Sir. Ldoyd-George on Now Year's Day. 1911, In which tie made a plea for sanity In armaments, believing tlia common sense of the Industrial classes capitalists or labor had risen against the organized Insanity of swollen armaments, and the race for supremacy. Mr. Lloyd-George then said: "Germany', military classes saw this fact Just ns clearly as I did. They nude a most desperate effort for that very reason to re-establish their predominance. Germany started spendine on its nrmy as well as Its navy. I saw this could only mean that the military class was de termined to strike at the earliest possible moment, and that the real menace of Germany was once morn to bo found in her army." ALLIES SI-HE TO WIN. Lloyd-George Just a year ago at the Treasury, when he was Chancellor of the Exchequer, told me: "We are going to win the war." I reminded him of this today, Jle replied vigorously: "And I am still of that opinion." To n question about the strength und solidarity of the alliance, he answered. "The Allies are as firmly united now as at the beginning of the war." When I hjnted at the possibility of in dustrial trouble at home Lloyd-Geoi go retorted: "I refuse to believe that such a thing will occur. I am convinced that those who would entertain for a moment the Idea of thus hampering our gallant troops at the front are but a very small frac tion of workers. As fqr Industrial com pulsion, It la merely a bogey employed by those who would create trouble In order to further their objects," fn spite of Lloyd-George's linn confi dence In. victory for the Allies. I asked him what he prognosticated If they were defeated, "If the military class In Germany should win," he said with great vehe mence, "their trlumpli will be permanent. Make no mistake. We should witness the triumph of an Ideal pernicious ideal, of course but a potent one. It Is Just the old Idea of organized force which has been the basis of all military empties. "The Germany of quiet, pacific devel opment, the Germany that was concern ing herself with Improvement In the condition of her people, the Germany that was Increasing her democratic vote by millions at each successive election, wtjuld vanish from the sight of this gen Just Issued! Two Special VICTOR Records C0A1E AND HEAR THEA1 McCormack "A -l$1.00 Little BH Heaven," Harry Lauder Hsei&25 "O o u fj h i e Baker," V PERN Individual Ileariig $7 Kmks PH0WO6RA& 17 S. 9th St. eration and In Its place what should wa see a German r op ivAnnions" "We should see a Germany of triumphant warriors seeking whom It rould dovour, looking out for fresh spheres or shall I say fresh hemispheres? all lo conquer " No one could feel a, greater obligation of debt to the fleet than does Lloyd George "If we overthrow German militarism now," he said, "It will be because our command of the sen has given h time to organize and so make good our nnpre psredness. You have only to Imnglne what would have happened If command of the sea had not been ours, or If It had been wrested from us. Wo would have been overrun ns easily as the Balkan Peninsula within three mouths three months, mind of the declaration of war. FLEET ALHION'S SAVIOR. "Vrndoti would have fallen ns quickly as Uelgrade. France would have made n gallant resistance; so would llussln, but the nimles on the north and enstern frontiers of France could have been turned by descents on her south ami west coasts. "If Oermanj were to win the war, Europe would be helpless. Let us neer forget that Indisputable fact, ttusnln nnd Franco would not be permitted to build up great armies to defend their n millers and command of the sea would he taken from Great Itrltnln" "What about the Mom tie lioctrine'"' t inquired. "t cannot help wondering," replied Llojd-Gcorgo with a nilsclilevnu twinkle In his e5e. "If In that pent It would fare better than tho II1HI9I1 fleet " I PORTI MONTENEGRIN! DI ANTIVARI E DULCIGNO PRESI DAGLI AUSTRIACI Rg Nicola, Ricevuto a Roma da Re Vittorio, Fn Colaziono al Quirinale e Riparte per Lione P E R C II E L'ARMISTIZIO ltO.MA.3l Onnalo. Vi comunlcalo ufllcl.ile pubbllcato lerl sera a Vienna dice die fc'll mtstilacl hnnno octipato I portl motitenoKrlnl dl Antlvarl e DulclKno e die I montenefulnl contlnuano ml nrrendersl. He Nicola del Montenegro e' Rlunto In Itnlla o si h' fernmto brevemonte per rlprendcre pol II viirrIu verso Lione dove si trova Kla' la retina Mllena e dove e' la R('d" del Rovernti montenegrlno Alia stazlono dl lloma 10 Nicola rd it prlncipe Pletro furono rlcevuti dal re Vlttoilo Ilmmanuele die 11 nccompnsno' In nutoniobllc al pnlnzzo reale, davunll n cul una cran folia feco al sovranl d'ltalla e del Montenesro una entusiastlca dinio strazlone, tnnto plu siRtilllcatlvu in quanto sono note le accuse die lino a pochl glornl fa st faccvano nl vrcchlo re. L'Incontro tra I due 10 suocero 0 jjenero fn plu' die cordlate. nffezlomito. He Ni cola c suo flfillo feeero colazlone nl l'a lnzzo reale . pol rlpartirono alia volta dl Lione. ln dlspncclo dn Hrlndlsl dlco cho II piesidente del conslRllo montenegrlno, .Mlouchkovltch, ha dlchlarato die 11 Mon tenegro nccetto' la propositi dl ormlstlzlo venutn dal comandantc uustrlaco sempll cemcnle per Kuadnsnar tempo, do' die era neccssarlo dopo la conqulsta del Mon te I.ovcen da parte del, uustriacl. In fattl l'nrmlstlzlo dicdo nl montciieRrlnl tin settlmana dl tempo per prcpararo hi ritlrata verso l'Alhnnia. Qucsto sarebbe stato nnche confermato da tin Renerale die accompaKiiavji la ii'Klna Mllena a Lione. Si dice cho re Nlcoln ha prontl I document! necesxaril pcrvprovaro lufuttt die l'armlstlzlo fu accettato appunto con questo scopo In vista. Una quantlta dl rlfuglatl dal :..onte neRro, dall'Albania e dall.i Serbia sono RluutI a Hrlndlsl, Barl e llama. Un dlspaccio da Slrncusa dlco die al larco dt quel porto navi da guorra itallane hanno catturato due plroscafl Krecl cho avevauo n bordn contrabbando ill Ruerra, evldentemente destlnato al sot tomarlnl austrlacl e tedeschl operantl nel Medlterraneo. Slccome In questl slornl 1 era parlato molto dl dlchlarnzlonl illverRcutl fattc dal mlnlstro liarzllal e dal Mlnlstro Martini circa la dlfcsa dell'Albanla 0 la dlsper slone delle forze. do' ha I .lotto 11 mln lstro Martini a splecare mcgllo 11 suo penslero. KrII ha ditto cho la qulstlone ulbanesn e' lnnanzl tutto una qulstlone nazlonnle Itallanu, ma essa e' stata de ferlta al conslgllo dl cuerr.a degli alleatl perche' si declda so quel paese devo essere dlfeso, ed II conslRllo ha avuto le neccs sarie splegazionl dal punto dl vista ltall nno. in tal uiodo qunlslasl iizlone che I'ltalla Inlzlcra" ueU'Albanla para' subor dlinata brII Interessi generall della tjucrra e del plan) degl ueat'.. THERE'SuseforUneeda Biscuit every day, in every home, in every street, in every town. are uniformly formly good. fresh, uni- NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY jglfaeBda Biscuit lyi FIDELITY-PHENIX FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY of New York , Home Office 80 MAIDEN LANE, NEW YORK STATEMENT AS ASSETS Bonds anil Stocks .,.,,....,,. Real Estate Loans on bond And mortgage. ,,,,,. Premiums in course of collection. ,. . Interest, dividends and rents accrued, Cuh on deposit and in office. ...... Total Assets Include excess deposit of and New Mexico. Philadelphia Agents: RUSSIAN PURSUIT OF CAUCASUS FOE NOW RELENTLESS Turks in Erzerum Region Are Retreating on Fifty-Mile Front SLAVS' BLOWS HARD I'KTnoQIlAD, Jan. 21. Turkish forces III the ronton of Erzerum and AlnscliRerd, In Armenia, nro lotrcat Ing on a SO-mlle fiont, pursued relent lesly by the Hu..ilans. Turkish losses linvp been very heavy and thev have been compelled to abnndon a Ir.rRe amount of supplies. Despite the intensely cold weather and the deep snnus In the mountain regions the Russians are nttacklnir Incesinntly, tisltiB both cavalry ami Infantry. Grnml Duke Nicholas, formeily In sil pietnc command of the llusslan ntmlcs, now In Tianicnucnln and northwestcin IVila. Is striking hnid, swift blows In order lo weaken the Turkish lines In Me. xnpotamla, where 1'Ir Turkish and Hrltlsh fon'cs aie at Rilpi. It Is if potted on Rood authority, that, imltur to the terrific pressure of the llus slan forcei, Tuikey lias about decided to 1 abandon tho pioject foi the Invasion of L'tTMit. Fifty thousand fiermiin tioops aie snld to hae nrrlied ill Tuikey recently, hut IT these soldiers nie used tlley will prob nhlv be tin own iiRalusI the Husslaus nnd the llrltlsli In the Tiansciiucaslaii. I'er sliiu nnd link splicifs or nctlvity. LONDON, .Ian. 21 Itenw flRhlliiR occurred between the Hrltlsh nrmy that li nttemptliif; to reach Kiit-el-AiuMin, In Mesopotamia, mill the Turks. The tiattle took place lit Kssln, seven miles eat of Kut-el-Ainnrn. The Hrltlsh were unable to tlnvo the Turks from their position". The pur pose of the Hrltlsh Is to rescue .he origi nal expeditionary force, which nni been surrounded at Kut-el-Ainara by the Turks. U. S. TO ASK TURKEY IF IT SANK PERSIA Will Await Until Official Aus- trian Reply Is Received. Report Doubted WASHINGTON, Jan. 21. The State Department expects to cable Ambassador Morgcnthau at Constanti nople requesting him to ask the Turkish aovcrnment If It li true that a Turkish submarine sank the British liner Persia. Secietary Lansing said today that as soon as llnal word Is received from Aus tria on the Persia he will cablo Ambas sador Morgenthnu to obtain n statement from the Turkish Government. Austria's final reply on the Persia is reported In press dispatches to have been given to Ambassador Penflold, nnd it Is behoved to be on the way here now. Dill to Abolish Electoral College WASHINGTON, Jan. 21. The nbolltlon of the electornl college and the election of the President and Vice President by direct vote was advocated in a resolution today by Senator Norrls, of Nebraska. iniiiiiiimiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiTiuaMfy "fl'JiwiiiHiiiliiii)llliimiiMiillliiiisiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii)iiiiiw I Cook's Mrs. Housewife told Quick Service that the kitchen gas light was not very bright. She knew that cook took pride in hav ing her kitchen neat and well-lighted. It pays to keep cook happy, thinks clever Mrs. Housewife. The "U. G. I." motorcycle man put on a new mantle and made a slight ad justment. Result bright light, happy cook, happier Mrs. Housewife total charge, 15 cents. Quick Service Satisfies. The United Gas Improvement Go. " '''''jiMiiititiHiiiniiti"iuiMTtiinmiiniiiiiitUiiji.iiiiiiMiitiiiiiiMiiiiriiiiMiiiHwtiil,n7n77iV Western Office 137 SO. LA SALLE STREET, CHICAGO JANUARY 1ST, 1916 LIABILITIES Unearned premiums ,....,,.,.,.,., .$7,909,326.42 Losses in process of adjustment,,.,,, 466,300.65 All other claims .,.,.,.........,,.. 200,059.67 Reserve for dividend, payable Jan. 3rd, 1916 ,....,.,..,., 250,000.00 Reserve for contested Liabilities (not Losses) . . , . , 250,000.00 OF $14,754,741.00 "66,500.00 15,500.00 1,337,762.90 116,940.01 1,067,704.57 Policyholders Surplus 8,783,461.74 Capital Net Surplus $17,859,148.48 $112,811.12 in Canmda HENRY EVANS, Presidest PREVOST & HERRING, ! GREAT GERMAN ! DRIVE ON ARTOIS LINE UNDER WAY Teutons, by Night Attacks, Force Wedge Into Allies' Defenses at Neuville TERRIFIC BIG GUN )UEL PAntP. Jan. 21. Trench military expeits Kec In the re nownl of tlermati offensive In northern France another effort to rut a path through to the channel coast. Following the succesful fiermnii nt tncks nenr Neuville St. Vnast, n Rie.it arllller. duel has developed on the Lens fiont, wheie the lliltlsh nnd Fienchhino been carrying on a long-suslnlned and furious bombardment of the (ierman mili tary establishments and the railway lines converging thrc Since the Hermans, by means of n se ries of ferocious night nttneks, were able to establish a salient In the Fieuch lines near Neuville St. Vnast, tlmy have had to withstand a severe bonibaldment and nlo stiong counler-nttncks carried out with great dash and bravery Artols tuny ngnln beiome the field for a great battle such 11s Hint which was launched by the Allies last spring, when they pounded flu- clerinnn lines for inanv weeks with artillery Hie which was In cessant night and d.iy The territory north of Arras, stretch ing nil the way to the Helglnu lioimdnrj. is scarred and shattered bv battles There lias lecently been a slronu concentration of reinforcements and supplies In that legion, and air scouts of the Allies re ported preparation tor a dilve. Instead of resorting exclusively to ar tillery fire as n prelude to Infantrv at tacks, the Cierninns exploded two mines not far from the scene of tho famous net work of defensive works known ns the "labyrinth." When the Germans rusheil forward they found the trenches badly smashed by nr- t Crackers The nut-like flavor of N.B.C. Graham Crackers is due to the natural sweetness of selected flour, brought out by perfect baking. They come to you crisp and fresh a3 when first taken from the oven. NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY Happy Now! $2,500,000.00 6,283,461,74 8,783,461.74 $17,859,148.48 32S Walnut Street tlllcry tiro nnd, whn reinforcement tried to mdve torwnrd, thpy found th wny burred by n curlnln of Are, which took In All the hlRliwAys of nppronch. ' The nljtht nttftcks developed very sud denly. All nt once tho Germnn Runners nil nlonff tho Artols front let bo hundreds of stnrbombs, which lighted up the sur rounding country like the nunahlno of mlddny The (Jermnn troops, which were bclnp held In remtlncss, rushed forward In nn effort lo take the French nnd Hrlt lsh by mirprlee. The German artillery men continued shooting rockets nnd the flRlitliiK was soon nt close quarters be neath the red nnd blue lights fionr the bombs. SUPREME COURT UPHOLDS INCOME TAX LAW Continued from 1'nci One since It Is settled thnt clause exacts onlv n ReuRinphlcnl uniformity, ami therp I not ii semblance of ground In nm uf the imposition for assuming that n violation of such unlfiomlty is complnlnul of. "Ho fnr ns the due piores of the Tlfth Amendment Is relied upon. It sufllcrs to sny thnt there Is no basis for such reli ance since It Is eiiually well settled that such clause l not a limitation upon the tn.Mug power conferred upon I'ongiess by the Constitution . In other words, that the Constitution ilocs not conflict with Itself by conferring upon the nn hand n taxing power iinil taking the siiine power away nn the other tiy the limitations of the dim process clause. "And Ho clinnnc In the situation heio umild nrlse, even If It be conceded, ns wp think It must be, that this doctrine would have no application In n cusp gnu mm mmma ggftv 'v,vAAsvtun)ii nnn'tuuihjhniiiHnnun i uiniuaiUM 't'y.J; l'HIl.A.'S K.VCM1SIVK i)i:ai.i;iis in FI.tlOK KAIIUICS. RUGS AT m DURADLE MmMmm RUGS The pu retinue at n VxVi Iluuilhmr Wlltou Hue durlaK Male UTca you rxavtlr $11.00 Sli. IteruUr I'ric Stir Trir. 27x54 J6.00 ?:i.vr. .16x63 7.75 r.-r, 6x9 29,75 2X2:1 8.3x10.6 43. GO y.'l.T.'i Sili 47.60 ::ii..-.ii 10.6x12 ......... 66.00 .'0.11(1 11,3x15, ., 83.60 (UJSIt Stanford Carpels At Whslenle Prices Including a re duction of from ?2,50 to ?1.85 ?ier yard on our amous Uund har Wilton, similar reduced prices are nam ed on Axmin sters, Velvets, Body Brussels and Tapestry Brussels. I Many Additional Btgular and Odd Sim la All Weates at Proporllonala Btducllons Oriental Rugs-Beautiful Pieces Extraordinary Values 3 Notwltbatandlngr aulck clearance wa (he beat weaves and m. where, although there was n "'"' " crclse of the taxing power, the net com plained of was so arbitrary as lo cm strain to the conclusion that It was not the exertion of taxation, but n eonflscn tlon of property, that K a taking : of the same In violation of the Mfth Amend ment. We say this because -none of the propositions relied upon In the remoslcst degree present such questions. "It Is true, ns It Is elaborntely Insisted, thai, although there be no express leg Islatlonnl provision prohibiting , we progressive feature ot tho tax causes It to transcend the conception of nil taxa tion nnd to be a mere nrbltrnry abuse of power, which must be treated as want ing In duo process Hut tho proposition disregards the fact that In the very early history of the Government a progressive ttix was Imposed by Congress, nnd that siCh authority was exerted In somo If not nil of the various Income taxes en acted ptlor to 1591. "Itesldcs this demonstration of Ihe vinnt of merit In that contention, tho error In the others Is equally well established. In fact, comprehensively surveying all the roiitclitloiis relied Upon, we can not rscnpo the roncluslon thnt they nil rest upon mistaken theory." Arrests (o Stop Jitney Hows IHsorderly behavior and protests by commuters resulting from the efforts of hackmeu and Jltneympn to get "fares" on the Jenklnlown-Wyncote platform of of the Heading Hallway have caused acvcinl arrcits on charges preferred bv the railway. Detective O'Donnell took out wnrrants for George McNnmntn Walter Ncwlaiid, Andrew Knndler. P. Hlieelian, ,1. Harry. G. XIeyer, At. Whnlen nnd .1 Wallnce. rhey will have hearings nt .Vorrlstown tomonow morning. That the rare opportunity which this sale offers to buy furniture and interior decorations at unpreceden ted prices is appreciated is shown by the large daily attendance. Tuesday's sale will include scores of offerings, including imported up holstery and drapery fabrics, etc. 1315 Walnut Street l,tn,lt,liiiiii!inimiimni)i)t)iihn)imtliiliiH!liiin'iliii,)lntiniiiiiui MILL CLEARANCE SALE of the World's Best and CARPETS WHOLESALE PRICES r r? fINB AS SILK RUGS ASIRON The purrhnnc of Wilton IIuk during you exactly $16.50 Slie ItcruUr Prl (Sl VHc 37x54 i.76 5.0O 36x63 10.36 7.70 6x9 39.50 30.30 8.3x10,6 58.00 44.75 9x13 , 65.00 4N.30 I0.CX13 88.00 OU.00 11.3x15 110.00 H3.00 rtRitcriOfi'MWtivtdT RUGS thr piirehime of a Oil! IturU wlck lllon Ituc durtnic thla aale navca uu rxuetly $13.50 Sli. iUfular Tries Sale Prico 27x54 $5.50 4'fS 6x9 33.75 23.00 8.3x10.6 ,...,,.,. 49.25 :17.5U 9x12 ..,,,,.,..,. 53.60 40.00 10.6x12 71.50 34.00 11.3x15 ......... 90.00 07.33 the present creat scarcity and rapidly advancing price have marked hundred! of email and medlum-alxed nice. a treat number ot room sizes of. exceptionally Uns quality 1220:1222 MARKET STREET CITY PAYS CHURCH $66,258 City Treasurer William MiCoach tort,. paid n warrant of 166.258 to the O'tnem ' ,,v"" l " """".-u vnurcn or Am-. ii-n. i m- .'win ii'i'icm-ma an nwnM f tironertv la'ien liv Mm nil.. ., ,-". "' street for Tnrkway purposes " The moncv comes out of the II ftM. Hem contnlned In n ninm.,r.i i!'' w-. 1 Ibp mirrlmsn of tirnnerlt nlnHM .. .'of of the rnrkwny nnd for the rlevelonm.!!! 'evelopmc! of the thorougnrnre. 0$ JV- S m:i Sc With oysters or clams, on the half 3hell or in soup, Oy&terettes are tho crackers that bring out the real flavor of each. NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY H 3 AN RXI'KIIIIISCH oKTiiHi:t;-(iLAHTi:ns OF A CIJ.NTimV- KM V n DxlZ French L' ' saves DODV IIRIISSEXS nuas stu ncg. 8tl. 9x12, .134.00 2.0O ' Hard wick & Ma ree quality. AX31INSTER HUGS Slit Hit- Sal. 27x64., 12.60 SMO 6x9., .,14.50 11.30 9x)2... 28.00 23.30 VELVET Extra Quality 81i Rci. BtU X12,. 128.00 (C22.30 Velvet, Tapestry and Scotch Art Jtug. for ces ot I ji I