vVJfcWi'LVJJdUH'i p- inti .y..rif I ;fl ft CITY PERSONAL TAX LEVY ON $625,000,000 Board of Revision Reports Indicate Large Increase Over 1915 Total FOUR MILLS ON DOLLAR J EVENING LEPflER-rHILADELPHTA. ATOXDAY, JANUARY 24, 1916. VERA BARSTOW, VIOLINIST, owrs J3ACK LOST GOWN AND BARPIN Fifteen Minutes to Dinner and ' Nothing to Wear Is Predica ment of Soloist With Phila delphia Orchestra Unknown Finder of Suitcase Returns Articles, Including. Gift From the Duchess of Connaught ! 1fntr1, . I. it i . . . .. j . I'll nullum nie orrcrctl lo the , ' (iliUnowli woman who rcttlnicil tho sult- ImprCSSiVC List Headed by Do- wise. In which were tho only cvcnlnc , 'ln Holdings, Assessed at XZ Xt ?ff?U"JL,n A'?SS M $8,552,765 "T''f niol nwrm mcdlcnhinnt Id which ...... .. vlw, ,,,,,, Mv,ni.,,, sniU .llPfl ollt llnrstnw, Wild will 1,- "in snlnLt with the I'hllnilclnlitii Orchprlrn tiinlnlil the lth- , lth I j . . ., . . wm' ,l10 rhl ndeln hln Orchcrtm tonic $ The total return of tnxAble Pwjoiw nt lt llt.,t mnccl ,,, Allnntlonty.nl " rroperts " "1"-11 ," f c,ft , wl" col," Atiollo Thcnlro, "Is to ilml one's so f wil I four mills on the .lollnr II. If i yen will 15 minutes of n dinner pa.ty ..I 1 w hit larsely I" fsrran nf the 1U, total or ! ,mt1,tK to wear. F".C. ..v, .1.- Invnil 111, mi Wllltih M lllflll ti lnl . tit - ... . .. .... tssimOiOOO. the tnxe.-i upon which nmoiinleil . .. rnll, ,' ' v.,,. ..,., ., u .. Ba V.rt tiort W1C l( ' ..ft- ,. .t .. , . . a, to jt-vf- " Th entlte nsRcssiuom lor unit una 1101 hrf completed by llio Houiil of I!olnlon i.,. rnmliL nf Taxes, hut It Is psncctrd tp lonrh St! yi'ui or more All of the tcVeliiic, hvitn 'net of Awmldy which went intu I weight of the effect two rnra iiro. Is nulijprt to up. ' filchd.i anil til Mnrlallo!i In -H t'uunclln. I Vnik. The Inrfiot personal latum intidu for the present yenr li nceicillteil In the Thomiis "Unliin eitnte. which will pay tax mi nertonnl iiroiorl npprniscil lit HB-V!.--B as conipmed with J7.nii.nil mm year, while lit1 ciuitc nf llnnry II. Houston. . former ill fetor of the reunsylvanln Ilallroml onimihj . Is assessed ill JJ.ln.1.- (B4 nnd In l!ir. K.DO.FZ. I he estlite or v'i IJicxel Is iissessed at $(I.."Mii.l.'iO, as tomparcd to fi.130.3VI last ear. ' Tli' unwind riedltrd to Mir. Anna W. Walker Ten Held, wife of KtedorlcU t. PenfleWi ' nt" n ,nui' iiiiinn.-i.itnir m Vienna, ittitl datmlitPi- nf the Intr Wllllnin w.ltrlitmnn. of the Mrni of Power ,i Wcldhtmni" '"' who in luKnulcd as one 1)v f me n m m ,uinvii in ,t'v tnttv-,1 State, Is .'t.orS,;nj. Last jear her per sonal propei ty uas assessed nl .!,"." IXill. m Tlic estate 01 aikc i. wi-iiit'iiii is as- i'losseil nt l,i w. jojcpu . niexei. 111 t s GRS.6T0: rii.iilcin.iHiii"Tiittor 11 1 ?:',B:'J,3T I. land John IHihson at $.!,ml",Min, V- m.iirt,uinlii.'in4 Hiilttert lo the navineiit K .niH,nnnt tnvrs on river ld0.fl00 anil their Ml Ul V -!.. i Mcssments nie as follows: Btuphcn 11 ,wi-Uir. iii-IS.!-:"! .Ir ,'.'. .'.'...,.'.'. I.MljlllMUl bT1 Mirv Kftre l.euls l.Rtilte .11, tlll.no John l. McConl CMatr 1 J.vi-Vmi ll.nrv 11 linil5I"II l.llHlf it,,,,,, t 1,, h.111. B lloumoii '-.Ftnle V, T. S. l).illey I. Henry llr-iita ticorce A Ilnhn Farali r. Sni;c Frank II, Win .. Gtorno C Thomas ltalo i Ctiarlcrnjcnc lower l.st. ' John Mcdiriti lint .... I.acjr . nnnirs iai. ... Henry Beiketl t:i. ... TJUlbeth llerciliill l.st. . . 0. DJiMOli rnlcninn nrm. I.. IJIklns. .Ir . i:m. 'r Herman H. Kreiner lt. jaron ii. .eu,' i.i. ... Sunlcy O. .ri.iKB Juac w .icnncs Ilelty M. KI11R fChirieJ Xorrlj Harriet I Snilih. J' Thomas nolan lainio .eiuin t Thoroa Drakot " jcrm uooiton r.jii.n,' Kuoaipn 1.1113 l.aMIK' Annn M. Wtilkrr I'rallclii. .. . Wl llenrj' U Komlti Kntiitn jonn n. 11m oiiinoii i.iuif.... Jtinnctle U Kelev ltnte .. F. Charlolto Unvrcai'o Ksuito Charles Manilcster lialo .. Andrew Jl. lloore Ilarr H. New Imld Alexia 1 du I'nnt Chirlra II, HnKels Anna 1). i)tt T. Cumnliell Steuiirt .Miriam II. Thormi 'tTaoTiaa It. Wananmker na Mm 11 wairo KlrT U. Weill?. s Rimini Aini'r lOftatr William u. riyinei i.siale F. A, Drextl Kstnli- J. It. Liiinln nil HMtntu jfharlea II IliilKivny 40fepn 11 itrixti f.iuiir William II Kttulili' Kalnto Cliarlea Unnltt Katnti- Aluaniler llhlill IM.it Fuaan T (Irounif Alira 11. win im i:n.itu J. Dumlm 1 miitti nit Kctalu... KJuraiil T IkiIiMih Katutu.... J. Oruen IIofrni.iii I'jiiitp 'Ueorre (' ThoiuiiH rU..N. l'Vllen Ijitdl narnct Ulan 11 u,l IlortRe JlnR ,' 1 nit- John f, Hoik i:.t ite , Nrelion I'.rnw ,1 . . 'Anna j iiruvni.n CutHte , Morjr 1 tuiic a, ...tt, I'abel u c, , Samuel Hlmi'i 1; lulu Ttomaa Sim. ion , La urn. Wni-t Oeorge p. i ,r.i,.irtcii Helen t Tin iu J. Leu . uuir ,.., Jcitrh I 11, lim.t.u,.. fMary llmto-i .'.'.'. ,,i'. "niici 1; .-riii! ......,. Iflllp II TIletilHifd ...."... ,AI'- I. Wtihtnll fttwait Wou J. U. M001I1 ji C. MtlmvieH , j". I M I'unri li Ji 'r.iuin.iH -J-"r T ti o 1 Jncii A. (i.ja.1 :: 'IIWICttO Wliulvn John (Jji-ilmr "jr. "!'!!i'.!I" T'JT.'.'JII no . :mis, 17s tm . llil.Miu.nn . "l4J.llthl.OU . ::ii.',,ii.i on . i,7S,iii 11.00 . ivi.7ihioo . .'!i',7.",oii.ih 2,i,-'J..,7 1 1 11 .TJil.tl'il) !0 lil.S 1 1 III .'illl.'TM MS JV't.ll.l nil at.-,. 1 01 no 7:1 1 li"i 00 mi pi; m 77,:t.",o 1 0 .-,ll.l(i mi .tll.'.oo n :::ni. Tit.". tin JlSI.KIO.IO J7n.nnn no .r,v.',7tri.i 11 711 I.IKKI.I 11 ::.ni7. vi.no SIS -ll'.llll 3.ll".s.MU.ir, 1 fi.ia n.iKi sll.nsii.no lll.i'.Hiin rjn,li:,.iii ir.'s.i 1 0 (to s:i (WJ.00 ii:i,:r,o.o'i r,.r,:i;i. isino ::.v,,ihi.ih) 17:1 VNiim llll.C. 1.-..1 o i.nm,ri.io.iiii "tl.n.'Ji no 1111,1171 no :ilii.Minii .VJ7, ntHi.no ii,:i:.ii. 1.M1.1111 i.ic:ui:miiii .VJl.l'OO.KI .'.inri.iMii.i 11 r,!i. I7r. ihi r, sints-111 7.1S.70H in ::n7,r,iiiiin ,v,l,n: 0.1 u ."SII.-.-J 1.(0 177,10 1,11,1 .'IKV-'tnl (III :SI'.I.7!IH.II 4i)'i,'i.-,n,iri l.:s7l.ss.(o r,7." 1 '". 1 o ii7t-i.:i'.'n.i:ii 1 ,t.ttl,7s! I) 1 n.i,ii!i.i n t ,-,u:i,7;ii.o 1 .-, l.-.lltlll 11(1 ....-.nlin.in IIIS SJO.IIII r.Tir. li it.im I-JII.IIII.IHI ,,i,7,n."ti.no .s.", i.ii'Hi.nii :'(i."i,a"i7.iiii :l,in.in :ios,ii.ii.(ni rjL',ii.',n.iiii l.ir.'.um 11,1 1 17.ltll.lHI s:ii.iii;i.no l.lll.T.f.'.l.ll .-.It.Mii.l 1 Jt.'t. t-'n.in iltV.S'l.lll It7,.v,ri.ui 7s i.s.in.1 11 .iu:',l"-'l.rjo 1117 l,(u.l, 1 -'J11.IS.1.MI iiftcrnoon. At the station the porter took in.v suitcase and when 1 was met liv friemls handed It to them. A violinist Is unusually niieful not lo lift 11 heavy nitt c!e, t.o I did not feel the difference In the suitcase hatiiicd to nn i" one I packed In Ne Hut there wan n illrfeience. When I opened my suitcase Feieial ulillues of political economy lolled nut. lint nnr a (ilsn of an evenins dtcss," Miss llaiKltm expiesscd vlvldl. hei tllsttes.'. ' "InuiKliie It, If ou can. I'"iflceii 111I11 utes to ilicsn and notlilur; to wear, lank ily for inc. I could unnun somcthlns. l-'oollihly, nl Hie last nionieiit, I had slipped In 11 pin, Klveii to mc liy th" . Duchesa of ('otuiiitlRht Ihc Inst lime t I played In Oltnun,-' f'Mil.ilnrd Allss Itar stow. "I luio iniicli lo he tlianl.ful for." she added. "My unknown friend had no ' menus of Ilml. 11s me. Time hiis unthitu ullcnre that could Identify me. I lelnriied hei miltcase In thc Inst and j found depai inienl, and one day later I ' iccelvcd mine In inturn. I ui com sc. I could liaxe liouahl snme- lliiiiK to ,ear In I'lilliiilelpliln today, hut, with a llvc-hniii' rehearsal. 1 didn't think I would have ninth t lino for shopping So I was miRhtv elad to see mj sullcnse iiRaln, I had a 'ipcc'al tlianksRlvIn-; day of nix own," said Miss llnrstnw, Krate filll.v. .Misi. Vein Harstow H a nntlve of fills-hiii-Rh, where she hegan her musical BLOOD OF FATHER MAY SAVE CHILD'S LIFE 15fS2 wi ' Physicians Watch Outcome of Unusual Operation on 23- Months-Old Baby Uiihlnl Co3fol. the 23-montlis-old hahy Klrl whoso hlood suddenly besan turning to water, Ih hcinpr watched with care to day by physlcilans following the transfu sion of bled from tho veins of her father and the removal of her spleen. The ope latlon. performed nt the Howard Hos pital, is regarded as of the utmost medi cal importance. A cie.irliiR up,, In a lnrge measure, of the cn-.itrovcrsy that exists rcRardhiR the true function of thc spleen Is oxpectcd. Should tho Infant recover It is thought that tho success attending the icmoval of the diseased organ will prove that It was u 'burying ground of tho blood cells." Whether or not tho spleen builds up red blood corpuscles tins been a disputed medical point for many yeurs. "Wo can't tell," wns the reply today at tho hospital to a query an to the probabio iccovcry of tho bnby. The operation was performed by l)r Kdward Martin, professor of surgery nt the I'nlverslty of fennsylvanla and con sulting surgeon of tho Howard Hospital, assisted by Dr. S. M. Moorehoad and Dr. K. .1 lVssolano. of tho hospital. Tho liali s lainer. e;cr i-osiui, a. Kim-er, m i.ir. i 3Uth Sth "..vet. gave a. tlihd of n pint of blood shortly heforo tho spleen was lemoved. MISS VKKA HARSTOW trainlllR fter Iwo vears In Vienna hIip returiicd In America and had liccn on the concert stii.se for the Inst three jears In flill.idclphl.i MIhh llnr.tlou Is thc I guest of Mr ami Mrs. ImMil Koriiliauser, of 12S0 I.ocurt sticrl OLD KECLUSK FOUND DEAD Police Hclicvu JIan Was Member of J Wealthy English Family CI.AVTON. N. .!., .Ian. 21. Coroner ORden Is InvcstlRatliiR tlio death of (ScorRo W. Ilnrrlson, fiTi years old, whoso body was found by nclRhbors In n hiiiiRn low at Kinnkllnvllle. The Interior of tho bungalow wns In disouler, and there were traces of blood nbout tho man's mouth. Letters found in thc bungalow, where Harrison lived alone, lead to tho belief that he was a member of a wenlthy Kiir llsh family, from whom ho received periodical remittances. Ho Is also said to have received a. pension oh a former lieutenant In the Hrltlsh army. He wns reputed to huvo hoarded his money, hut officials have failed to llnd more than a. small sum In loose chatiRo about tho place. SCOTT NEARING, OUSTED FROM U. OF P., STIRS UP RUMPUS AT NEW POST Socialistic Utterances Rouge Op position in Toledo City Col lege and His Scalp Is Eagerly Sought HAS CHANCE TO WIN OUT TOMMjo. Ohio. .Inn. 21 force work ing seerelli alirady nre nftcr the rcatp of 1'iof. Scott N'earlng, wild, ntter hav ing been t emoted fioin the faculty of the University uf Pennsylvania, Jollied Toledo's municipal university shortly nfter January 1. Tile movement 1 1 ou.t Professor N'enr Ing began within a few days nMer his nrrlvnl here. The Hist step wax nn at tempt In persuade Major Charles M Mllioy not to reappoint t)r. John S. Pyte nn a tinlversllv trustee. Thc objec tion lo Doctor Pjlc was that lie had de elnird liimsell In ravor of Poctnr Nenr lug Committees and individuals nre leaving no stone unturned to accomplish hl-i downfall. Pcrsounlly. b.v letter nml lelephone the ill) Is belllR lhiiruutlilj, canvassed. Oiu delegation Appealed to Mnvor Mll- "v tin ect. hut got no cneout nRomotit 'Hi" Mnvoi said thai he knew of un nh lectinn to Doctor Pylc, that lie had the Interests of the ttnlvcniltv tit liiarl and had made many sturlllccs Tor It. The enemies nf Doclnr N'enrllig assert Hint he Is using the unlversll for tbn exploitation of socialistic piopHKnudn. Doctor N'rnrhtR has delivered n nuinher of public nddresscs heie, boldly advocating economic leformi If the Mavnr disrrgiiids thc siirrcsIIiiiis nf the niitl-Nenrlng rorces. tlien, II Is said, an attack will he made on the uid veisltv itself next .Inly, when the City t'ouncll Is scheduled to make the l'.lli,-17 nppioprlatlons for the Institution. The Council will be asked lo withhold city support unless the uttltiiile of tlio uul erslty chnnges liver since the unlveislly wns estab lished attacks have been made upon It. The Institution pnrtly Is supported by an endowment, which disgruntled heirs fought through all the Slate courts. Doctor Nenrlng's ft lends, however, nre ralluig to his rupport t nlon labor Is snld to be solidly back of him and will take action In his faor nt Ihe next meet ing of the Central Union, reports say. Other bodies, including, of course, the Socialist party, nre piepnrlng to act, and It Is believed thai Doctor Nesting will be able lo hold his position, There are seven university tru-itees. With an nntl-Ncarlng man In Doctor Pylc's place that faction would have a innjorllj. K. H. PRESIDENT RECOVERING Head of Union Pacific Struck ! Head in Fall His N'lCW VOHIC. .Ian. 21.-A dispatch from I Omaha, lecelVed nt the olllce here of the 1 Union Pacllle Itnllroad Company nt fliSO ' this morning contained the following I statement rognidlng the condition of President Mohler: I "Wlilfe skating shortly nfter noon yes terday, .Mr. Mohler fell hackwaid on tho Ice, striking his head nnd causing n slight j concussion. IU- was unconscious for sev ,etal bouts. Ho Is' now conscious nnd making nood tctover. Pulse and res pilatlou regular. Surgeon attending is of opinion thai he will he all tight In a dny or two." a SMALLPOX IK DUBOIS Auto Strikes Two Motorcyclists Miscalculation of his distance fioin an automobile icsultcd In tho bcrions Injury of Krancls l.ucketta. lilS North lath street, nnd Pietio Kludaia, 211 North Juniper street, when the motorcyclo they weie ihllng collided with an autotiiobilo on llelmont avenue, neur city line, jrstcr ilny Until were thrown to tho stiect. They were taken to tho West Philadol phln Homeopathic Hospital, where It was found they were Internally Injuied. Wyle T. Wilson. 113 North 2d street, who drove the automobile, took the men to the bos-f'tul. The Dependable Tailor House eilablhhnl 1S60 We Dislike the Word "Bargain" Uor bargains. In tailored clothes at lenst, are n de lusion and a snaie. Here, however. Is a legitimate bus lug opportunity. Wo aro overstocked with tho most unusual assortment of dlstlnctlvi) suitings we've handled for mnny a year. So, with the winter season still young, we'll 1111 your order for Dixon Tailoring: and Dixon Srr lrc nt exactly $ft liolovv original prices. Hut onlv for tho bnlaiico of Jan uary. $35-$45 Now $30-$40 1111 Walnut Street fagQf i Lighting Fixtures at Retail Our reputation has c been accomplished by ad vanced ideas in fashioning and construction, strict integrity and selling at moderate prices. The Horn & Branncn M'f'g. Co. Retail Display icooms 427-433 N. Broad St. r. tfee old folks " as for food," says Chatinccy M. Dcpew, "half of my friends have digged their graves with their teeth." There is indeed little doubt that improper diet is the main source of ill health of many who have passed thc prime of life. When the human machin ery begins to weaken, the digestive organs need some thing lo aid them in their functions. Dried fruits that you buy at Martindale's are such an ideal food. Carefully select ed, f ull-lleshed ; they have those mild laxative qualities that aid the system without ill-effect. Pared Peaches, almost like the fresh fruit in flavor, 22c Ib. Unparcd Peaches, with tender skins that slip off easily, 13c lb.; 2 lbs. for 23c Apricots, 20c and 23c lb. Red Pitted Plums, 22c lb. Dried Raspberries, -lOc lb. New EvaporntcdApples.lCclb. .Mixed Pitted Cherries, 23c lb. Fine Rip; Prunes, Mc, 16c, 18c lb. Yotf save 4c to 8c a lb. ' on this totter A delightful, fragrant cream ery butter, bought by us in large quantities directly from tho creamery and sold to you with out tho additional expense of a middleman's profit that is why you save from four to eight cents every time you buy a pound of our Crown Butter. A butter to suit the most critical, and at a saving surely it's worth a trial. Tfaos. Martindale 8c Co. i 0th & Market Kttnbllalied In 1800 Hell I'lionea Filbert 2870. 1'llbert "871 Kr j stone Itacci SOU, Itnce S01 1 tate Health Oilicer Sent to Hotel to Investigate F llAltniSIH HG. .I.in. 2J.-A icproeutu- or the State Heultli Depai tmeiit liarf wen sent , iiUi,0s, where It la repotted rase of smallpox ban existed for eev .crM weeks without i,,,t'i,ir. i,u ,n. ?llnna.,l .... ., . .,... n .. . , iVIIncQ been lezlstoiprt nt IIia lintel V. li!H lithe diltPHKa nt,t,A..rnrl ,.,.,1 n siVi,.l ,,,111 C. - -... H,VICl ttl.M till 5HMI b ,t,l. M made to trace these. mmmmmmmmmmmmmtwmmttwmkvmmmmmmmmmmwmmwmtmtmmmmmmmwmmmmmmm B i-i'tiii:iiiitm;-L:Mi;;tji.'iii- ti.Mi tM(;;ti.(iH;f!i.NJfiiiiii;t MeMi.Uiiii.iii'uifHi'iH ii'ni.iiti i;(iu'i.i'fiejnim:ittr.:i'i: iU;iiiiitM;iiii.h-,Miin:iiniirH 1 Slefansson Films at U. of P. Motion tileliircB ...111 l.u l,n.. nlnl,l la th University of Pennsylvania Mu- -"-v, .un mm spruce streets, depleting .."' JondUions that explorers face in tho fn. . "B'0". together with a tUHIliiig "Mtment of tho rescue of Stefausson's ?";, There will be also a fanciful reel "titled "The cruise of the Kins and TtUlKe." The ,,Kltn I. In..l..,l . nl(.,ul !M l;30 o'clock, , I "Spray Your & a aint'f' " i"w,wujLg& n II "Spray Your Throat fveral times dally with a ood tji '"P'io" advises Dr. DUon. Stato B '".t CommlMloner. Our Clyco Formalin (2Sc A 75c) la admlrablo 'or trila purpoae during epidemics of np. pneumonia ana otber dlaeaiea. fieaaant to uao. and non-toilc. "excellent for cjilldren aa well . LLEWELLYN'S rblUdelpbU'a Standard Drue Slor 1518 Chestnut Street Olrco-Formalcta dozens o form) 23c ')')h!ti',,v'vwi.ma'iL!!!imx3iufi4 TJN ROOFING lli. ,..,, , luarcual irou io a ooo!".11 .0:,b-. Cua'.mc ready lo.Uj I I Ait ,,,.' ; " uoi piua cost or lauor. i 1 1 ti A.;"co muiiie. Wh .BkRCER CO., 59 N. 2d Slreet - U4 Mala 400Q ITTMLKTyiliW eueld of the, greatest artistic merit are shown in the Special Exhibition of Pearls and Pearl Necklaces from Dreicer & Co., New York NOW AT THE RITZ-CARLTON HOTEL (South West Salon) PHILADELPHIA IfiMlliliiM J. E. Caldwell & Co. 902 Chestnut Street create to order Jewelry of original highly artistic design and exceptional workmanship. CT, Consultation is invited. "WATCH YOUR STEP" " xour feet need llxln-. e "ANNA 8 1'. for 3tb A Sanson) Over irancal and 1 lillTVlT CT THE PHILADELPHIA ART GALLERIES S. E. Cor, 15th and Cheitnut Sti. Iti;KIJ II. WAIJIKIt, Vrr. Late M. THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneer NOW ON FREE PUBLIC VIEW VALUABLE PAINTINGS BY AMERICAN AND FOREIGN ARTISTS To Be Sold at Unrestricted Public Sale for the Account of FRANK H. G. KEEBLE. ESQ. AMI OTIIKK OWNKHH ' ON THURSDAY AND FRIDAY AFTERNOONS JANUARY 27 and 28, 1916, AT 2:30 O'CLOCK 11LI OWING AKB bOMK 0-"rilE I'ltOMIXENT AHTISTS HKI'IlKsUSTKll AJIEUICAN Blakelock, I1, A. Col. Tbo. U Word. an. Rlchurda. T. Hart. J. 'aKm JrltK.Mll IIAH1IIZOX Heauquean Olati, N llouheur. Iluaa OeCAnpa. A. O. Caln. J. C Delacroix. B. llenner. J J. Jaciiue." Ch. Van Marcke. E. Trovon. c. Thaulow. J. ziem, fell i OLD MASTERS CoUa Harlow I-jrellllery Guardl lltecbey Petera Tournlerea Go) a Oplu Hoppuer Iirraln Coella and others Catalogues mailed free upon request 09 Waldo ; JaumMffliry Menu's W 1107 Clafl in imter SSioes CURRENT styles arc in cluded in this sale. More over, reductions are based on last Fall's prices, when cost of production was less than now. Chestnut $3,000,000. Immediately available for investment in first mort gage loans on approved Industrial Plants Must be going concerns, showing satisfactory net annual returns. No amounts less than $250,000 will be considered. HORACE H. FRITZ 713 Walnut Street O " I ' , i mt.t Starting Today PERRY & GO. places on sale at Radical Reductions their rich and most comprehensive stock of WINTER OVERCOATS although woolen prices are soaring: and dyestuffs arc ten to twenty times dearer than last seasonl C The mills arc paying from ten to twenty TIMES as much for dyestuffs as they paid before the war! They are limiting the quan tities of cloth they will permit any clothing manufacturer to buy! We could hold over the splendid Overcoats now in our Store and sell them next season for several dollars more than the regular all-season prices marked on them! CBut not for us! Out they go at prices lower than we can make them for next sea son! Peel a couple of bills from your bank roll and buy one of them today, even if you have to store it ! C We will sell $55 and $60 Overcoats for $42; we will sell $40, $45, $50 Over coats for $33; we will sell $30 and $35 Overcoats for $24; we will sell $22.50 and $25 Overcoats for $18; and we will sell $15, $18, $20 Overcoats for $13. Group No. 1 Overcoats that were $15, $18, $20 this year Group No. 2 Next Season's sure prices $18, $20, $25 In this Sale $13 Overcoats that were $22.50 & $25 this year Group No. 3 Overcoats that were $30&$35 this year Group No. 4 Overcoats that were $40, $45, $50 this year Group No. 5 Overcoats that were $55&$60 this year Next Seasons sure prices $28&$30 In this Sale $18 Next Season's sure prices , $35&$40 In this Sale $24 Next Season's sure prices $50 to $60 fin this J Sale $33 Probably not obtainable at all. next year In this Sale $42 PERRY & CO., N. b. t. 16th and Chestnut Streets 4 - ..- gySfc e Manicuring. :so.