Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 24, 1916, Night Extra, Page 13, Image 13

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    " i H,"Sfff',J(iPiN
""JdVPnUjpil' 40jf'm3cf'r -tc
The Second Monday Evening Junior Cotillon "Will Be
jieia xuiiigiii- lYiioo uuwhs unu miss jpenrose Will
Be Feted Tuesday by Mr. and Mrs. Sullivan
WITH looay a ccr ol biuuij- nui
commence, most of tho affairs
will be, however, for tho younger set
'Tonight will see tno second meeting
of the Monday Evening Junior Cotillon,
which will bo bold In tho Hose Oar
j.n of the liellevue-Strntfortl, nnd
i will tnko the form of a dance and buffet
'nipper. Tho Harry Thayers will glp
dinner for Elizabeth Orimths before
the cotillon uiizaucm if, uy enc way,
; quite "10 of tn0 Greatest belles In tho
ideb set l)amo "l,mor ,lns u lll!U "
twill B0011 "ear somo "cws ' connec
tion with her, but then theso weo debs
'have so much attention from so ninny
ftnltors. how is it nossiuio to oo sure
Juntll they tell is themselves, and good-
Sness knows they nave plenty or. time
hn mako up their minds before decid
ing on their "I.lfo Sentences."
Tomorrow night Bcsslo Downs and
tfiarah Penrose will bo given a supper-
danco nt the Rltz-Carlton by the James
"Francis Sulllvans, which will be fun
intt doubt Mrs. Sullivan makes a
charming hostess on all occasions.
There will bo a lot of children's
parties at tho Doll's performance of
A -. m . l A - . M w ft t. I 1
5 r ClDuerClin, euniunu umcihuuui itiiiuu
K will be given by tho Misses MKtcr
ft at tho Dellevue-Stratford
Mrs. Chnrllo Harrison, Jr, will rIvc
Lone for her llttlo girls. Mrs. Thomas
vO. Aihton, Mrs. Ftederlck W. Schmidt,
fit Miss Mary Converse, Mrs. Goorgo H.
P5 Earle, Jr., and airs. Howard unison
will also entertain for children, nnd so
will Mrs. Edgar V. Sceler.
It wa3 truly a goodly gathcting nt
tho meeting of Mrs. J. Hutchison
K- Bcott's Supper Club on Saturday night,
at tho Bellevue-Strntford, and, by 'he
way, It was tho last ono of tho i.rst
series. Theso supper dances hao be
come so vory popular that thero is
quite a waiting list for membership,
and Mrs. Scott has decided to start n
mni1 Duflnq it tlnnrpci. hpirlnnlnrr tinvt
J 1 3' week.
lis- On Satin day night it was necessary
to throw open both tho Itoso Garden
and North Garden to uccommoduta tho
guests, and let mo say here a word as
to tho management. Things certainly
do go well at the Hellenic. Thero were
ill sized tables lor largo and small
parties, and ccry ono was most ttll
ciently served. Two orchestras had to
bo placed, for tho Rose Garden was too
crowded for every one to dnuco In theie,
10 all that had to bo planned out and
arranged for, and I don't think It
could have been better.
No ono expected to do anything but
danco and sup, nnd behold wo wero
given a surprise In tho appearance of
M tho funniest octot of darkles, who,
"dressed to kill," danced and rake
ralkcd, much to their own enjoyment
u well as tho laughing guests', for
(hoy wero extremely funny, especially
a little man with u red Turkish cap nnd
a swallow-tailed dress suit made of
hprl tlntlni- ef nu'nlnp. mntprlnl in
J largo and wido stripes. They wfro a
lource of keen amusement, and It was
;V rejtful to stop "toeing the light fantas
tic" for a short spaco of tlmo to watch
these more than comic cnteitalntrs.
There were a great many parties, and
let era! girls up from Baltimore, among
them Solby Zell, w ho was u guest of tho
Spencer Millers, but It's almost Impos
ilble to say who Is a guest of w ho at
these parties, for we all change around
10 much ftom tnblo to table, because,
K )ou see, everj ono knows overy one else
Mrs. Alfied Noirls and Dorothy had n
party and tho Chat lost A. Potter Jr's
had eight guests, among them Anno
Spencer, who Is a sister of Mrs. Potter.
Heath Baunard entertained a largo
Prtj His sister Mmgnret looked bo
lovely in a stunning gown of light-blue
pompudour silu, mado with a high
backed bodlco and open, sqUaie neck.
Mrs. Henry Augustus Berwlnd en
tertained for Margaret, and Mrs. Rob
ert V. Downing also had a large nuin
oer of guests,
Mr and Mrs. William Coleman Free
man had a tnble, and among her
suests wub Charlotto Bain, who looked
ery mveet In a dark blue chiffon
Among others who entertained .ind
sre enteitulned I noted Charlie Gll
Pln, Anna Gilpin. Mary Steele, Mni-
S saret Patton. the Churchlo Williams,
Charlie Harrison, Jr, Mr. and Mrs.
BHllo Hirst, Mr. uud Mrs. Cecil Kitler.
Emily Ehrot, Neddy Page, Roddy Pago
nd the new Mrs. Roddy, Jean Thomp-
: on, Qertruda Pancoast, Roddy Wister,
" nam Jv. Reeves, the Evans Jtou-
erts, Major Porter, Commander Nel
Rftn IT 3 v- . n ,- n..it IT
, -...., w !; taronmmicr nun. vj.
H s- N.; Judge Audenried, Yorke Steven-
on, the itlttenhouse Millers. Saunders
& Meade, the Gardner CuHSUtts. Mariana
M Powen. Lisa Norrls, Sarah Nellson.
5 r, and Mrs. Sldnev F. T. Brock.
M Marguerite Patterson. Hannah Ran-
do.pl.. Llla Fisher, Betty Scott, the
M RWgway Relllya, Billy McAIeer. Jim
"neaweaver, Frances Clark, Mr. and
Mrs. Georire D. TlnsenErnrten. Joe
M engarten. Jr., tho Jesse Wllllam-
r . 3d, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Carlo
White, tho Jlmmie Potters, Mary
fhomas. Mnrln Kelt Rthpl Shields.
Jick Potter and Innumerable others.
What Interesting, not to say amus-
,us, sidelights are thrown on our
ecepted conventions now and again
by the proletariat! We go along the
en tenor of mil- xvav fnrerettlntr that
' there Is a world outside our own little
orolt, and a verv rpnl one. too. In
OL. T'nIch many people are living and dy-
o ttua weeping and laughing quite
; much as are own friends and ac-
ring, and at us, I am afraid. On Frl-
va night I -was riding In a Spryce
'tret trolley, that line which has be-
vcome dear to us through the efforts
" many facetious rhymsters, among
whom is the one who Jocosely described
,b car as "loitering" down Spruce
nd "wobbling" nut Pin On this
nenlnjr, as usually is the cuse, there
re numerous members of the "sub-
frged tenth" watea in the car. whe '
-win street or thereabouts three
passengers entered; a ery ounK nnd
pretty girl accompanied by two tal
low youths, nil eldently bound for
tho Downs ball.' glen for Bessie
nt tho Bellevtte t'nder tho llttlo
debutante's lustrous black elvet wrap
ono caught a glimpse of much Huffy
blue-green tulle, nnd her brocade slip
pers were of metal cloth to match tho
frock. The three after prating thcin
telvos Immediately became the cMiosure
of nil eyes Two toothless old women
who, with n joung girl nnd n little
boy, wero seated opposite, nudged each
other nnd stared and giggled. After
the sweet young thing and her cnalicrs
alighted at Broad street their re
marks became audible, and 1 hcatd
ono say, "Such a way to rldo In a car
If she even had a scarf on her head,
now, it wouldn't bo so bad!" Then In
answci t,, something the young girl
had said. "Huh' I'd Just llko to boo
jou go out In the street lookln' like
that." Of couise, in this land of the
flee, wo nro nil entitled to our own
point of view. XANCV WYNNE.
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph I.cld. of Ul'i
Locust street, will nho n flintier of S!
rover befoio the Culei li.ill on I'rldnj
Mi nnd Mrs William Coleman l'rre
nian will enlcitnln nt the theatre, tonight
before the meeting of the Junior Cotillon
nt the Ucllrvtip-Stratfoid Their guests
will Include Miss Sunii I,nnh Bruce, Mr
llnjnrd Henry and Mr. Caleb Wlstui
Mr and Mn Holllnshcnil X. Tulor
will also bIip a theatre partv hefoie tho
Cotillon In honor of Mis Tnlor' de
liutnuto sIMut, Miss ChrNtlno llaro rtotk
ton. ,
JIis l,inid T Stotishun bus sent
out cards for a the ilutifunt nt her home,
19J3 Walnut street, on Tluirsdii) in i
o'clock in honor of Mrs Oliver Enton
Cromwell, bet dnUKhtci-lu-lnw.
Mis. Cromwell before her marriage Inst
Noembei was Miss Hope T. llenle. This
Is tho ll i. st l.uge. entertainment Mis
Stotesbuu has given foi her. Because of
tho lllneis of Mrs Stoteshui's fnther, In
Chicago, the Imitations to the ilunsaiit
have been delnj cd
Elnhornte preparations have liecn made
for the affair, which piomlses to bo one
of the most delightful of the ycnon.
Mrs William Rotth Wlster will lie nt
homo Informally this nfternoon after i
o'clock at 1113 Spruce street. No cards
havo been sent out
Mrs Philip Mcuer lllilnelaiidci will ic-celu-
Informally this aftctnuon uftei I
o'lIocIc nt bur home. J31 South 2M street,
nnd tho mcceedlng Mondays until T,ent.
Nit cmds hao been sent out.
Mrs l.iiwronco Johnson, Jr., of 1227
Spiuco stieet, will 1)0 nt homo this nft
ernoon aftei t o'clock No cauls linxc
bten bent out
Mr. and Mis. Ilcmy 11 1 liompson, of
WllmliiKton, will glo a dlmtei at tho
Itltz-Curlton on I'llduy evening, January
Mm Thomas II. Teuton and Mis. .1 I!.
W. Uldlock, of 1110 Spruce stieet. will ho
nt home on Thursday, Jnnumy 'J7, nnd
the Thursdays In l'cbuiary, from I until
0 o'clock No caids have been issued.
Plans are under way for a masque of
191t and costume ball, to bo given nt tho
Academy of Music nnd Horticultural Hall,
Tuesday evening, February ii. Tho affair
will be given by artists and students con
nected with tho following uit oignniza
tlons of Philadelphia. The Art Club, the
T-Squaic Club, the School of Design
for Women, the Plastic Club, the Phila
delphia Sketch Club, the School of In
dustrial Art, the Fellowship nnd Students
of the Pennsylvania Academy of the Pino
The masque held last Mn was the first
step toward bringing together In an
evening of beauty and cnjomont those
with a common Intel est In the arts This
ear the Aaulemy of .Music will bo used
for the stage performance, lasting from
8 CO until 10.20, the guests then passing
undei the covered wn to Horticultural
Hull adjoining, wheie a costume ball will
bo held until 3 a in Tickets may bo
obtained by applying to tho Masque Com
mittee. 3)1 South guinea street.,
Mr. and Mrs Wharton Slnklei. of Klklns
Park, left last week for a trip through
the South, to be gone for several months.
Mr. and Mrs, John J. Bishop, of Colum
bus, N. J : Mr. and Mrs. Caleb S. Rldg
waj, of Crescent Columbus, N. J. and
Mr. and Mrs. William N. Bannaid. of
2115 West 17th stieet, Wilmington. Del.,
will leave on Monday, January 24. for
Fort Mejer, Phi , where they will remain
for several months.
Mrs. Bsrclay Harding Warburton.aof
Rosemary, York road and Township lino,
will leavo shortl for Palm Beach. I la
Mrs William 1 Cochran, of 21.T Hansom
street, has left foi Hut ope, wheie she will
i emain for several weeks,
Mr. Henn Lukens gao nn Informal
muslcale on Friday ufternoou at his
studio, 15M Chestnut street. Among his
guests were Mrs Winlield Scott Arter.
Mrs William Baker Wheleii, Mrs
William Houston Greene, Mrs. David
Lewis, Mr. and Mrs Harry B. Owsley.
Dr and Mrs Frank Owsley. Mrs. Coleman
peace Brown, Mrs. James M. Anders.
Miss SSIpporah Rosenberg and Miss Mary
ilallock Greenavvald
Mr Robert Armbruster will give a tea
this afternoon from 4 until 6 o'clock at
his studio. 16th and Walnut streets, at
which Miss Elizabeth Latta will sing.
Tho organization meeting of the Phila
delphia Indoor Horse Show Committee,
attended by much enthusiasm, was held
yesterday at tho home of Mrs. Walter C
Hancock. 3720 Chestnut street, and it was
decided that the Indoor Horse Show this
jlar will be held on Thursday. Friday and
Saturday. April 27, 28 and 29 The dajs
chosen areTne week later than last ear
because Easter this jear falls on April 23
Th committee discussed and approved
several very decided novelties In the way
of features for this year's program, and
lidles who compose the committee are
.SrieUrte Horse Show will be more
Intlrtalalng. more Interest mr and will
attract much wider attention than ever
In the past.
The Misses Atmore, of 861 East Chelten.
avenue, will give a eucbre and dance on
Friday, January 23.
n "Evening In Blrdland," by Mr. Ed
ward Avis, bird mimic. wa given in the
Sermantowu Bom' Club on Saturday
""," a part of tho free course of
fertalnments open to members. Mr.
X uTt" "nted musician, a. well as
naturalist and uses his violin with pleas
rni e" In connection with his remark
able whistling numbers.
Th rti.ectors and business manager of
.,T Lriian?own Conservatory of Music
the G,er"'"r,. d3 f0r a faculty recital to
have Issued taraa ',. rtrale,,
be given m " " Januarj a. at
VoritThe following artists will o
" Mr, Jobn Thompson VijnUt Miss
g fle n4 f" Mua HUa
11. iisou ".. .
l TV ll 'gsSnSMjife,
m m KmKK Iff w feL
t mm H(v JJEwb
If' ?S $$& ilBlllJT "iilllillMflli 25vNi7V V
v "flBS " MsBm WKSSfBBaimBSImV
A ery pietty and Interesting wedding
will tnl.e place tonight in tin Lutheran
Church of tho lteforuritlnu, (Jntatln nnd
Carlisle sticctH. when Miss IMna
Mucnch, il illghtci of Mr nnd Mr L I"
Mucnch, of 3732 North Cat lisle strct. will
be given In manhigo lis her father to
Mr James Stott, of l'nhorough. Tho
Lercmony will lie performed at fi.30 o'clock
by tho pastor, tlm Bev. I W. Ilobst, nnd
will bo followed by a leccptlon nt tho
home of tho brldo's patents. A gown of
Ivory satin tiimmcd with equlslti laco
of the Mime shade, and u tullo t catmht
with orange blossoms and extending to
the hem of the toiirt train, will bo worn
by tho bilde, who will bo nttended I"
her HlstOM, Miss lliln.l Mucin ll, initial or
honoi, nnd MHs Loulso Miieneh nnd Miss
Emily Mucnch. bridesmaids JMsh Ljilla
Stott, tho brldcgioom's niece, will be
(lower ghl
Ml Stott will hiivo his biother. Ml
1'iedeilck Stntt, foi best man, nnd for
usheis Ml. Clyde Lrnvoi, Ml. uraniiey
Ellis Ml
Phillip W. Cooke and Mi.
John Cording Tho brldegioiini mid bilde
will spend their honejiiioon 111 llin boulli.
and will bo at homo after Mai eh 1 at
107 lirecn lane, ltoxborough.
MHs Itegina Segrest. daughter of Mr
and Mrs. Louis Segrest. of 3120 Diamond
stieet. will become tho brldo of Ml Al
bert J Haseiibiiler this nfternoon at t
o'clock, in thn Chinch of the Most
Precious Blood, 21th nnd Diamond streets.
Rev Doctor Mnpleton will oflli'late at tho
ceremony, which will bo follow eil by a
reception nt the home of the bilde's par
ents Mr Segrest will givo his daughter
In marriage. Sho will wear her traveling
suit, a beautiful combination of wisteria
chiffon velvet and white fox tui, miu a
white hat. Miss Estelle Hasenbuler, the
bridegroom's sister, will bo tho bride's
only attendant.
Mr Louis Segrest. Jr , tho bilde's broth
er, will bo Mr llasenbiilei'B best man.
Upon their return from nn 'xtenslv trliv,
tho bridegroom and bride will live at 4017
Frnnkford avenue, mid will iccclvo after
February 1.
Announcement is made of tho marrliigo
of Miss Elizabeth J Srhocli. d lughter of
Mr. und Mrs Wnlter E. Sehoeh. of 2713
North 20th street, to Mi rosier u nrru- ,
neinau. of Carlisle, Pa. on Fildii) even- i
Inc. at h o'clock, fit tiie- home if tlio
bride's parents, the Rev I'iniiU 'hMl
pustor of tlio Emiiiiiiiuel itefoiuird Epi
.opal Church, Voik ami Sepviva streets
ofllclating nt the ceiemonj The bride
was given in marriage b hei father and
was unattended She was nttlied in a
gown of whlto crepo de chine and tulle i
trimmed with duchess lace Her veil of
tulle was caught with sprays of orange i
blossoms Mr. and Mrs Brenneman,
after a short wedding Journoj, will live
at Conway Hall, Carlisle
Navy Yard Affairs
Mis Frunk A Hulford. wife of Cap
tain Halford. U. S M. C . entertained at
auction bridge Saturdaj afternoon at
her home In the Navy yarn, in nunor
of her mother, Mrs E. S. Lone, who is
her guest for some time, and Mrs I. A.
Traut, wife of Commander Traut, U 3
N , of tho receiving ship Illinois. Her
guests Included Mrs. Robert Leo Bus
sell, Mrs. Littleton Waller Togewelt
AValler. Mrs. Alexunder S Williams. Mrs
L. J. Maglll. Mrs E. Snow, Mrs E. D.
Ryan. Mrs A H Owens, Mrs A 11
Court, Mrs William Leo Pryor, Miss
Margaret Harris, of Rochester. N
Mrs Rivlnus. Mra. Frederick Bunsville
Payne, Mrs Porter and Mrs Ralph L
West Philadelphia
Miss Marjory Maher und Miss Naomi
Maher, daughters of Major Anson A
Maher, foimerly of this city, now of Dub
lin, Ireland, gave a most enjoyable dance
Friday evening at 32u0 Chestnut street
Among those present wero Miss Jukes,
Mr. and 'Mrs. Adamson, Dr. and Sirs. J
Roberts Hrjan. Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm
Stouey, the Misses Goodwin, Miss Ruth
Israel. Miss .mlly Prowataln. Mr. Roland
Israel, Mr. Joseph IX. Bryan, Jr., Mr
Ralph Rahman. Mr. Arthur Prowataln,
Mr. Ernest Prowataln, Doctor Parker
and Mr. Hrjan 'Martin.
Notlcea for the boclety pae will be
acivpteil and urlntctl lu the Kvcatna:
I edxer, but all such notice mu.t be
vtrlttea on oue kldo of the paper, iuut be
llaued In full, with full addrru. und
vvtieu poaeibie lelepleuue number mut be
faend all such oniDiunIcatlon4 to
"Socltr tdltor." Kyenluu ledger, og
Cbeatuut afreet.
L'nlcaa the requlrementa ro carried
out o Ik aerllieatloo may be puulbU.
tb notice will uol be l-ublUhcd.
wtmm WV7 :iminHHHiik
H J l mWBmMP" " Tf i WiffffraWw- '
mwEKEmWta mM&mSS&mWBUmm: '
fv 9H i
wHr '
Along the Main Line
MEI5ION Tho second annual Informal
"get together" dinner of the Merlon
I'lvle Association, to bo held llmrsdo.
.Iiinuni .'". at 30, In the ballroom of tho
Overluook (lolf Club, mid which will bo
presided over by Mr. Edward Uok, presi
dent of tho association, will be called
Itnllroad Night, and promises to bo a
unique uffalr In tho history of the elub
Eve iv braneh of tho railroad svsteiu
will be taken up and practlenll) explained
by men nctunlly "on tlio Job" men who
liavo safely curried tlio limited express
over thousands of miles, through dciisu
fog, blinding blizzard and In sweltering
weather; men from tho electric load of
the Pennsylvania Railroad. Main Lino
division, who, with the nislstanco of lan
tern slides, will tell of the intricate de
tails of this latest rallrond development,
men from the tower room, who huo
woiked the wonderful signal code that
has saved hundreds of lives; men who
have drnftid tho glgantlr network of
thousands of miles of railroad heds, men
who have the responsibility of a whole
train on their hands nnd without whose
signal no stop can bo muda; men who
have 'run buck" luuulruis uf leet with
the red Hag to warn a fnst-comlng express
of danger ahead, men from the wrecking
new who have directed tho tragic work
in connection with big nnd small wrecks,
men. In fact, who have dono "the run
ning" In overy quarter of the railroad
world. Altogether the night of January
27 promises to bo ono long remembered
not ul In the minds of the men of tlm
Merion Clvlo Association, but In tlm
memory of "the men from tho ranks
who oro looking forward with much picas-
suMMi:itii.u:, s. c.
SDViMr.aviu.r. s. a
Mow lru
Psrwrb libl n.lf Ccn T.
iu, ata ci rotf itr iir(BK
Kiaioc ana unviua
I,t.n eeBOffttd wltb
h.ttl Outll. wild
turkM ft aid dr
bllotUt Tkru lltfulal
car irTlfS
BMkltt lKllnU.i
V. W. Waxtafr C.
CHAS A WElIt. Maaior.
fortttt.s Mai
"Aalc Mr Fo.ter' 12ib and Cheatnut Sts ;
Cooks' Tours. 1ST 6 Broad St. I faana. B. B.
uc itsa unaamue ou
I Superior location with
unoDsirucion viowoi i
and bMrdwcilk. A recorl
i standard or exael lance
1 -T " -i A JV "-
I C.c...60d. miTXJ.BU2Xf.
jM mmmmm-mmaBmtmmmmitmmi mm m
has 5taTiewtandaTdof
6swnmv.ua. m THE,1Hrcu,jTfrjwtteidv
HIE ItADINO Rtsour uoiriorTHt WORID
owMCaawis uiaaaiviat
Westminster " w bmco. Kir. i
1,1 00 X9 . W JU.SV Mil vkJjf. CSaJ. SMU,
Golf Seafood XA
an Oatba and X
trn...wnu Vk
t, Menegar f rfk.A
sroa. Vs. J -
uro to this explnnntlon of their exciting
work, In whoso telling many thrilling In
cidents and interesting slilo Uglits will
doubtlessly be revealed.
Mis. Carl E Llndgien ontertnlned nt
brtdgn and daiielm; on feiturdn evening.
Her guests Included Mrs Thomas W1I
llams, of Scrnnton; Colonel und Mrs
Fredciiek T I'usey, Di. ami Mrs. William
Walsh, Mr and JIrs flrorgo Peimlgnot.
Mr. and Mrs George Ciiufmnn, Mr. Ed
wurd Field. Mr. V. Field, Mls Katherlno
Qtilnn. Miss Mario Camblos, Miss Kath
leen Delnny, Mr. John Murnoy, Ml Hnuy
Dimenii, Mr Earl Hepburn, Mr Philip
Millet, Mr. William Turner. Mr Samuel
Turner, Colonel William Carson and Mr.
Cnron Rhodes.
Along the Reading
Mrs (icorgo Horace Lorlmer. of
Church rood, 'iicite, has nrinnged for
u class In pnrllnmentnrs lnw to meet
at h"H home nn Tuesday afternoons
during tho months of February and
Muiih Theso classes will bo conducted
bv Miss Urquhart Lee
Friends of Mr. Walter Jones, of Win-
cote, will ho glad to hear ho has re- I
covered from his recent Illness.
Mr and Mrs. Harold McFurland, of
Lenox road, aro receiving congratulations
on tho birth of a sou.
24, IMG.
Members to Be Addressed by Mrs. Nichols, Mrs.
Houston and Miss McConnell Mutual Progress
Society Holds Evening of Grieg Music
president of the Eastern District of
the State Feder itlon, will nildrets the
meeting of tho Twentieth Centurv Club
of Lnnsdownc tomorrow afternoon
Mr Howuid K Houston, of the Wom
an's tub or Itldtej Park will speak
on ' Amerlrntil7liiK the Immigrants," nnd
Mls Man McComiell. of Philadelphia
mil spenk on ' Educntlonnl Interests of
the Consumers' Inpue "
Mrs Isnnc II Rhodes, Federation sec
retary will he In charge of the meeting.
Mi llidgn lloigen addressed the Mil
tusl Progreos Society In Its rlubroom,
27 I hrlstlnn stieet. on "Edvnrd tlrleg
and Ills Mti'le ' on Frlilav evening Mrs.
iinrsfii was nlstcd nv Mr Iadore
' ornk Mi Authonv De Luca nnd Mr
Insepli Kossman, of the socletv, who
lnPd musical selections bv the great
NorweRinii lomposer.
The Vuxlllntv of the Hebrew Ladles
I mercenev Soilet) held Its reuulnr semi
monthlv meeting nt Its rooms, SOS Pino
meet Mi (leorgc J. Hurrlson presided.
Reports were lend from tho following
committee Enlertnlnment, Mr Mitchell
I'ovv nnd Membeihlp Mr. Solomon
n us mis ineoii uinsniirg, cnntnnnn
of the Ball Committee of tho mnlu or
ganization, nddresscd tho members and
also extended an Invitation to the nn
mini ball, which will lie given on Feb
iunr 22 nt Meicnntlle Hall A com
mittee wns nppolnted by Mr. Hurrlson
to secure donations for the bnll The
i ommlttee consists of Ml Julia Oreen
wnld. Miss I'nubi Bodek, Miss Adcllna
Cohen Miss Paulino Hurrlson. Miss Jes
sie Snvlt. .lis ll SalkowltA Miss K.
Berkoutv mid .Miss tistninu V special
entertainment und dance for the mem
bers will tnkr place Fobrunrv b nt tho
Mr Chiulc- A I'lshci entertained at
a stag dlnnel at the Colonnndo on Thurs-
1 dsv evening Clivers were laid for 20
cucsts, who Included tho Rev. William
K Plshcr, Mr .lames hhelble, of Read
ing. Pn Mr L man Hoffman, of Pcnns
urove. N. J Mr Cnlvln B. He's, of
llellcrstnvvn. Pa . Mr Wllllnm Durham,
Air Arthtii Hood. Ml. Eirnest Smythe,
Mr li .siliull.:. Mr Alexnndtr Hampcll.
Mr Janus Kennedv, Mr llarrv Kenncdv,
Mr llllnm C K Walls. Mr. Joseph
llostellej. Mr Adam C Fisher, Mr I W.
Klopp, Mr Jacob Rltzman. Mr. Earl Mr
Teeter Mr Harry King. Di J S Parker
and Mr Fred Lambert
A dunce will be given In the Masonic Hall,
Boverly, N .1 . on Saturday evening. The
latroncses include Mrs. T. uurnct liaiu-
wln, Mrs. Burton D Blair, Mrs Alexan
der C Fergusson, Jr. Mis John M
Hamci. Mrs Benjamin F Uatihtnn, Mrs.
(1 Walter Hollovvaj. Mrs Willlfim T
Kirk. Ji.. nnd Mrs. Louis S. Kite The
committee in charge of the affair includes
Mr John W Hauler, Mr. Alexander C.
Porgusson, Jr, Mr. O. Wnlter HoIlown,
Mr. Louis s Kite nnd Mr Frank W.
An Informnl surprise party was given
for Miss Catharine McClelland upon the
annlvcrsaiv of her birth at her home,
3518 Pnrrlsli street. Inst week Mr John
Carr and Miss Marie Heath rendered
sovcral operatic selections In duct, ac
companied bv Mr. Clifford Porter on the
mandolin and Mr Thomas Porter on tho
guitar. Among those present were Miss
Mnry FlotcJier. Miss Genevieve Ford,
Miss Helen Ford, Miss Theresa McMann.
Miss Catharine Kllgarlff, Miss Ethel Har
vey, Mr. and Mrs. John Baxter, Mr. Ed
waid McGowlu, Mr James McGulgan,
Mr. Georgo Fitzpatrlck, Mr. James Fury
and Mr. John Lee
A dinner-dunce was given last week by
Mr. and Mrs William Wright, of 1W2 Ox
ford street, to the members of their danc
ing class. A feature of tho evening was
the cabaret performance given by some
of thn members, among whom are Mr.
nnd Mrs W. Hutchison. M and Mrs. B.
Allen, Mr. and Mrs. (1 Ek er, Mr. and
Mrs Wolper, Mr. and Strt,. I Walker,
Mr. and Mrs. C Ycrkes. Mr. nnd Mrs. W.
Maule, Mr. and Mrs. G Ziegler, Mr. and
Mrs. F. crkes. Mr. and Mrs. V. Straus,
Mr. and Mrs. II Reeves, Mr T. Allen,
Mr. and Mrs. A. Shedaker, Mr. F. Fln-
kenhaus, Mr. nnd Mrs. A. Mllander, Mr.
and Mrs W. Parker, Mr. and Mrs. W.
Tho members of the K. K Klub were
entertained last week b Mr. Ired
Bchnuffele, at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs.
G D Cialg. of 4b02 Paschall avenue.
Those present were Miss Natalie Craig,
Miss Emma Peterson, Miss BInnche Chap
..an, Mrs. George McKauc, Mrs. G. D.
v"rolg. Mr. G. D. Craig, Mr. George
.doore, Mr. Lawrence Gcttlngs and Mr.
Calvin Craig
Tho Grandls Amlcao gave a party at
the homo of Miss Reba Zager, 19 North
10th street, on Sunday. Covers were laid
for 12 guests. Pink carnations were used
is always tedious par
ticularly when you
must continually hunt
for the janitor. You
can eliminate the
bother and futility of the task and quickly locate
possible houses by advertising your wants in the
Public Ledger.
Every morning early the Public Ledger is read
by a vast number of people who, more than likely,
can accommodate you.
An advertisenfSvb in the classified columns will
bring you immediately in touch with these people.
as decorations Mr, Abraham t'oheti en
tertnlned ns a comedian and vocal solos
were rendered by Miss Mollye Gelbcr and
Mr George Schwartz. Among those pres
ent were Miss Molbe Gelber, Miss Estella
Katlln. Miss Rose Shapiro, Miss Fanhyd
Osmnn, Miss Gladv Fox, Mr, Benjamin
H f-obelman, Mr Ludvvlg Molnar1, Mr
Howard Lnnnln, .Mr. Abraham Cohen, Mr
Oeorgo Schwartz nnd Mr, Harry A Fcld
mnii Miss Sarah Ocrson, of too South Eih
street, entertained the Unique Club, of
which she Is a member, at her residence
Miss Gerson Is nn ardent worker for the
ba7nar nnd dance to be given by the
club on February 2, nt the Gladstone
Club room", southwest corner Hth and
Susquehanna avenue, for the benefit of
tho war sufferers
Mr. nnd Mrs B Laskawltz, of 70t Bain
bildge street, announced the engagement
of their daughter. Mnllldn, to Mr. Max
well Dletch. of Camden, last Sunday eve
ning, and also announced the engagement
of their son llermnn to Miss Ida Mar
mour, of 2215 South 16th street, on Sunday
The ceremonv wns followed by a re
ception attended bj the following: Mr
nnd Mrs. Laskaw Itz, Mr and Mrs. B
Dletch, Sir. and Mrs A. Marmour, Mr
and Mrs. M Levin, -Mr and Mrs. J. Mar
mour. Mr. nnd Mrs. 1 Marmour, Mi.
and Mrs J. A Salkln, Mrs S. Needle, Mr.
and Mrs. Schmuklcr. Mr. and Mrs. Shum-
sky, Mr. and Mrs Pogatch, Mls Ida Mar
mour and Miss Jeannette Marmour, Miss
Jim isnyuer, .miss Matilda Needle and Mies
Reba Needle. Misses Anna. Matilda and
Ethel Lanknwltz, Mr Herman Laskawltz,
Mr. J. Levin. Mr Samuel Carmel, Mi
Weiss and Mr. Rosenthal
A long tnlk on "War Sufferer In Eu
tope" was given by Mr J. A. Salkln.
On Hundaj, the members of the fast
coming Crestmont Country Club, of South
Philadelphia, Mr Harry F. Henwood,
Mr John J McDcvltt. Mr. W. Leo
Dougherty, Mr Charles J. Bodgcrs, Ml.
Kurl O Lludberg and Mr Stephen Rlch
nrdson, obtained a beautiful site for their
new home, mnlnl) through the efforts of
their treasuier and secretary, Messrs
Rodgers nnd Doughorts, respectively, A
meeting was held Sunday, when the mem
bership was Increased to 12 members, and
tho final arrangements wero mado for
their first annual danco to be held In tho
near future.
Mrs William D. Bock, of 1533 Spring
Garden street, gao a small dance on
Saturday night in honor of Dr. and Mrs.
S. Sims, of Illinois
What's Doing Tonight
Junior cotillon. Bellevue-Stratford; 10 o'clock.
MlachA Kltnan recital. Academy of Mualc,
& 1G o'clock
Ma Mon's Association annual ball. Mercan
tile llall. 8 30 o'clock.
Mualcnla and cUnnnt. Walnut street Asaa
cttlon, Itltz Carlton, 8 o'clock
Local option rally, acrmantonn V. M. C. A.t
8 o'clock
lecture, "Julius CJaeiar." by Frederick
xVanle vltherpoon Hall, 8 o'clock.
Lecture, "Distribution of Illrds," by Dr. Wlt
mer Stone, Academy of Natural Sciences; In:
Stefaniion films, Unlvrrsltj Museum; 8X0
Concert, by students. Hahnemann Collece.
Lecture. "Unlat Churches Among. t Us," by
the Rev Joseph McMahon, Catholic Qlrla' High
Lecture, Umma Goldman, Itoyal Hall, nth
and Morris streets.
N'orthweit Business Men's Association, 233a
Columbia avenue, free
Reunion Class of ID0T, G Irani College, Moae
bach's Rait. . . . . ...
South Philadelphia Huslnein Men s Aaaocla
tton, llroad and Veder.il streets.
at the
Berlitz School
I6th Chestnut 6U. (Oyer IUker l'liarmaej)
Telephone Sprues 4604.
New CUaaea Constantly Forming
Temple University
College course (A. II. U. S.L
Teachers' Collece (U a In Ed.). Com
mercial Education (Normal).
Commercial course Secretarial coursaa.
and short, practical bualneas coureea.
Freeh m a n clauses forming February 1.
CTDAVFP"? The lleat Bustneaa School.
aitvrtXK. soi.807 Cheatnut Straat.
,r 1730 Jf. llroad St. Phone DIa. 8SS
Wagner sociable nvery Wed. & Sat. Evta,
Scholar' Anniversary Dance Tonight
Also Wtd. Thurs. J-'r, nnd fat. Euga.
Aaalatanta' Benefit Dance Frl Kva;, Jan. 58
CO.NTINUOUb Banco Hat Eve., Jan 20.