&mmF 0Kwmrim0fi '$! 10 EVENING LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, JANUARY 24, 1016- M'LISS DISCUSSES SPANKING VERSUS MORAL SUASION What Do You Do When Tommy Steals the Jam or Pinches Sister? Feminist Says You Mustn't Resort to Bodily Punishment nio SPANK or not to npank! X Tho old question of "sparlnp tho rot! and opolllnR tho child" Is raised onco more. And by no loss n person than that fearless nml radical philosopher feminist, Ellen Key. If you nre nt all familiar with this remarkable woman's writings you will know that she believes this to bo primarily the day of tho child, with women running It a closo second. Man, nccordlns to Ellen's: point of view, has occupied tho front row long enough. It's his turn now to take the back seat. In n. recent artlclo on the present-day woman and the new conditions ho will hnvo to face on account of tho great war, the Scandinavian writer takes n "whack" at the mothers who believe In correcting Juvenile cvll3 by Un stinted use of the old slipper, tho hairbrush or the open palm, These aro tho people, she avers, who believe that n world peace will be brought about by one nation "beating up" another. "Even mothers who are anxious to work for peace," she save, "believe, for Instance, that In the nursery, when the bigger brother has struck tho little brother, she must punish him as the one way of making him feel the untrm kind Of suffering he himself has Indicted. This Is the kind of thinking of tho ancient savagp, 're for eye' and "tooth for tooth'." Bodily punishment, according to Miss Key, Is nnither civilized nor rational. And she declares fut titer that there can bo instilled In most children by rational means the truth that by acts of unlawfulness or deceit they deprive themselves of social Joy and mutual trust. "What would be the rational thing to do." she asks, ami then answers tho question herself, "when tho big brother teases the little brothers nntl ulsters? That the former, hi prners disregarded, lie Kcparated fiom tho little ones for a whole day, so that he may suffer the consequences of his unsocial' conduct Just as criminals have to stirrer It In prison." It Is only by the inculcating of this Individual self-control that n national, and International self-control con bo established, she concludes. Many mothers, however, whose youthful offspring at times bchavo 1II0 veritable "limbs of Satan" will decry tho moral suasion method. "Vvo got to make Tommy yelp with pain," one woman told mo tho other day, "if I want to curb his temper fits." I'm no expert In these matters, hut from what I've observed I'm Inclined to agree with Miss Key and tho other domestic pacifists. There's something undignified, not to 3ay brutal, In tho picture of a big, husky, full-grown man or, womnn raising the hand against a tiny child. And, Although 1 think It almost humanly Impossible to hnte one's mother, still I believe that n child's love for tho "authoress of his being" renches its lowest ebb ttt tho tlmo When she Is indicting corporal punishment. What do you think about It? Crossed Eyes a Habit "I cured my little girl by calling her attention to tho fact that she was looking cross-eyed," a woman told mo the other day. Sho went on to say that while there was a degree of defect that causes whut wo call "crossed eyes," a bit of effort will correct It In many cases. Perhaps this Is true, I hopo so, at least, so try It persovcrlngly nnd It may help In some caso you know. Woman, the Official Shopper "My wife does all the shopping because alio !ccm.i to be endowed with .1 true value Instinct," said a business man. I hope woman Is able to qualify and think there Is u great deal of truth In this statement, still I know hosts of men who balk nt friend wife's selection of cigars, neckties and razors. Provident Women Buy Now for the Future "I'll take that hat at to," said the woman to the milliner who assured tho purchaser tho velvet alone was worth that amount. "It Isn't becauso I need a hat now, but I know next season will bring such a scarcity of millinery materials, that we'll be glad to inalco over our hats." I tried to dguro out Just how much of this plan was logic, how much economy and how much extravagance. I followed tho woman and found her making careful purchases along other lines, so I assumed sho knows what sho is doing. The Perversity of Human Nature Did you ever notice how many persons go In a door marked as plainly as the nose on your face "OUT?" What is the answer? Perhaps in our hurry wo fall to notice tho signs and tokens, but whatever the cause, it is within our power to avoid colllsfons'hy going In when tho sign directs It. You, I 'and all'tof us have seenwomen enter elevators, then nsk If thoy aro going up or down. The operator has distinctly announced whether tho elevator was going up or down, still tho woman waits until it gets u running start, then discovers she wonted to go tho other way. Funny, isn't It? Who's Who in the Trenches You weren't thinking of your own son, husband or brother when you were rooting for militarism, were you? Certainly not. You think It would be an excellont plan for this great and glorious country to look for trouble, but should It come nnd the men of your family ho called, it will seem a tragedy to you. Bear in mind, however, that war is no respecter of persons. M'LISS. Letters to the Editor of the Woman's Page AddrrM all communltutlnn to M'I.I. care of the i:enlnu I. nicer. Write on one hide of the puper only. Dear M'Llss At what ago Is a child really capable of recognizing its parents? CUHIOUS. I don't know about father, but It is popularly hupposed that at tho age of 3 months a baby will recognize Its mother. Dear M'Llss Is there any opening for a woman who writes children's stories? I have often "made up" fairy tales, etc., for my youngsters at bed time, and they liked the stories so well that I wondered If other children would, too. What shall I do with my mss.? HOUSEWIFE. The only advice I can give you, alas! is that given to all writers. Select a magazine or paper which prints this kind of material and submit your manuscript to them. If you aru not successful, try again, and keep on trying. In no other field I& perseverance such an important and necessary asset as in the literary, Dear M'Llss Kindly glvo me a good recipe for pickled pears. I had one lor years, but it got burned up with tome papers recently. Your kindness will be appreciated. H. G. Use 6 pounds of fruit, 3 pounds of white sugar, a pint of the best cider vinegar and an ounce each of clove, allspice, mace and cinnamon and one grated nutmeg. Put the fruit Into a kettle with alternate layers of sugar and spices and add the vinegar. Let all boll for 5 minutes, skim out the fruit, and pack In glass Jars as It begins to cool. Let the syrup boll till thick, then pour over the fruit. Bottle tight. SEEN IN THE SHOPS jHmlBraF ? IIP, Jllll Si T I 1 v If Marion Harland's Corner Helping Two Invalids "mtlANK you for sending me tho ad- JL dress which I naked for. I sent one bundle of patches, nnd will send to the other Invalid a package nlso. I Incloso the stamp uhlch was rorgottcn in tny other letter. SAIIAH J. N " So mnny things of varying Importance were overlooked nnd forgotten In the holiday rush Hint it comes ns n pleasant surprise that the stamp omitted from n former letter .should l-o recollected pvi-ii by so faithful a coworker as yourself Don't thnnk us for the address aie the obllsed party In Biieh tianfnc tlons. Building Up a Library "I hac for some time wondered bow t coald get some mnRitztncs nnd books for our church, whom we expect to orgnnlze a public llbrnr.v. We nsk for your help In this mntter. Our church, which Is at tended mostly by children and young peo ple, Is a mission and used ns nn Institu tion. I hope mnny of your renders who hnvp books nt this Benson will be willing to pnrs them on for our llbrnrv. I know the children nnd.iu'ung people will be glnd to lend them. It. J. tV This Is not n call for the expenditure Of money. None or us Is (lush Tor the fit At month nftrr the liolldny. The b.iblt of nlvlnc, Indulged for weeks pnM. siioiim mnkc us risll'M In the tending ft Ibis letter. I ennnot urge too strongly the duty ptcvnntlng bool s from tircnirnt lug'ltitii tubhlsh. Yet whnt rise me tho rows .if .ohmus ii-.nr- of votir rnnuly will mtr open again that aro nirnmted i'i fot Itirn desuetude upon top shelves or lit dni! closets? Pond to us for the nddiess of the volunteer home missionary tnd stimulate your children to select from the aforesaid rows what they would like, to rend If they went to that school. Atn.ln ITn Infn PreltV Gifts "I nm the womnn whom you thanked o nicely for the white gloves for your pupil. I am wondering nbout your work, nnd If It takes voti nmong the noor. 1 have made nn offer through the M. H. C. to make proonls for some who mny not get any otherwise The forneriles have lesponded bc.tutlfully. My mind goes out pnrtlculhrlv to young girls who get less thnn good IP Ing wnRCs nnd, loving pretty ndornments-a perfectly womanly crav ing ro often nre tempted from good paths. Such n girl would rejoice In nnd he made better for n bit of pretty ndorn ment. Others nre furnishing the mate rials, but t am trying to make them tip Into whatever they may best accomplish. 1 nm getting great pleasure out of making them for people whom ptobably I will never boo In this lite. I dnre not promlso loo much because those who havo sent In silk pieces, etc., may nsk me to help some one In whom they nre pnrllculnrly Inter ested. Hut 1 came ncross your letter In nn unexpected way last night, nnd, be lieving Hint (lod lends ni" when I en deavor to renllze It, I Just thoitqlit I'd write ou this letter N. M. W." The render who mnv quer why so much space Is devoted to one tetter will hearken to n simple comment from the coworkers iff Hie writer. All the provlclnns of this admirable communication were attended to through the mall. Theie would seem to bo no lenson why It should nppenr here. We offer It ns n specimen of the work tho M. H. C. has sought to ac complish during the year which h Inpsed Into the ocean of eternity pott Our Corner was styled In my hcarln the other day "a household nnd home A cyclopedia." I substitute "a tralnlnt school In neighborly dittj," If it fujJs this end we have nothing more to aiv With this In mind readers will see clean what wenlth of satisfaction la bound ti In the above teport of n colleague. Bh did not expect to see her letter In prim She will pnrdon the net In consideration of the motive that urged mo to lay (t before a sympathetic constituency ami possibly cnptlous public It It go toward the summing up of the nnmtnl return of whnt we have tried to do nnd our sue' cess A SMART EMBROIDERED TAILLEUR CHURUIT'S methods of employing embroidery ns trimming transforms n plain costume Into almost anything ho wishes to mnko It This suit, for Instnnco, Is cut on really simple lines, nnd the contrnst of the white trimmings upon tbo navy blue of which the suit Is iniule Is decidedly strlkng. The material Is new, by tho way, nnd Is called navy Polrct twill. The tlo nnd sash nre nindo of Hercules bruid. and the buttons are pearl. The lining Is of turquolso bluo tnffctas. The samo peeps from underneath the ilolmnu sleeves und lines the pockets on the skirt. I'rlce. $79. , A smart hat Is shown, being made of Neapolitan straw, with a flaring satin brim. This rises sharply off the face at tho front, ami Is held to tho crown by means of a Jet ornament. In black or colors, the price is SILVIO. Full particulars as to where this costume may bo purchased will bo supplied by tho Kdltor of tho Woman's I'nge, Kvn.stNO Lcnnnn. 60S Chestnut street. The request must bo uctomimnled by a mumped, i-clf-nddiL'Sscd envelope and must mention tlio dutu on which tho artlclo appealed. Beauty Is as Beauty Does Even If Nature did endow you with all the feminine graces and charms, sho didn't you Intend to net as custodian of them throughout, your natural life. You must help, and bo sure to remem ber that rternnl vlgllnnce Is the price of beauty, which Interpreted menus not only to bo on the watch, but to bo on tho Job. Try graduating the temperature, of water when you apply It to the skin. In stead of spongliiK tin- face with very hot water, then douching It with cold, bntho the face with tepid water, keep on adding hot water until It begins to burn ust a trlllc. Now, the same process Is reversed. Hun cold water in your fnco bath until It Is quite cold. You'll llnd your skin re sponds to this treatment and after a few tiials you'll bo delighted to ilnd your fekln Improved. Now, In tlm Instance of hot and cold applications to tho skin, you know ex treme temperatures always shock, and shocks are not especially beneficial. THE. CHEERFUL CHERU& js whe-r I c-ts-n 1"6-U(?K I ct-n KvK vKer I'm broke If you look t.t it ricjKt Tl 7 1 . V . .1.1 3 1 re, wnoie. wono. , , ,L 1.9 G. jri.. i i 'ANM i V !U . joke.. J rare SMI ) 2 X'v . v s s.v T - Dear M'Llss 'What would you suggest as trimming on a white serge gown for spring? I want it for good. Would silver look well? DORIS. White and stiver would look very well if cleverly used, but the silver has a tendency to tarnish if worn In tho air, on the street, etc., so that If you can use another kind of trimming It will provo more practical. Why not keep your dress all white, since it is to be worn on formal occasions, using Georgette crepe for the sleeves, or chiffon or indestructible net? 1 ; GREAT REDUCTIONS IN EXCLUSIVE FURS Ow'inp; to the eminently high character of EVERYTHING we sell and the fnct that our in season prices are based on ac tual value, our reductions are very exceptional saving oppor tunities. LOUIS RAPPAPORT Importer, Dolcnrr nml Mukrr of xcluibe jTurfif for 'it j rant 1227 Walnut Street SSSKiaSVSStSS53S(S8 Gingerisms The maro makes the money go. Show tbo custom ofllclal nn alluring tip nnd, like Desdcinona, he will percelvo a divided duty. To the pure nil things aro pure ex cept to the ofllclal food Inspector. There's many u slip 'twlxt the draw and tho chip. Tho name of the unpardonable sin Is whisper softly-KXPOSE. Figures don't lie, eh? Ever play Peep ing Tom about mlladl's boudlor? A twitch In tlmo often saves crlmo. THAT TROUBLESOME GALL-SAC AND HOW TO REGARD IT Hv WILLIAM BRADY, M INFLAMMATION of the gall-snc. like inllnim'MiIti"' o-' thnt other useless orgnn, the appendix, vary from the mild low-grado conditions which scarcely drive the pntient to the doctor to the most ful mlnntlng nttneks of ncuto cholecystitis, terminating In abscess or general peri tonitis. The typhoid bacillus, entering through the bllo duct from the bowel, Is one of the commonest causes of gall-snc In Ilammatlon and gallstones, the trouble perhaps coming several years after the typhoid fever. Tho colon bacillus, present In n sup posedly tamo or civilized form In the normal bowel, Is nnother common cause of cholecystitis (Inflammation of tho gall sac) and eventually perhaps of gallstones. Insufficient exercise, overeating, cor sets, constipation nnd the cathartic habit must bo mentioned as contributing causes. When gall-s.to Inflammation has been producing "Indigestion" or "dyspepsia" or pnln or distress high In tho abdomen for a considerable time, and when tho condi tion has been recognized and trentod dlctctlcally and medicinally without avail, then It Is tlmo o consider tho advlsa bllty of oporatvo treatment. This Is tho more Important In view of tho fact that cancer Is llahlo to de velop In such a case If tho trouble Is not cleared up. Adhesions binding tho gall-sac to neigh boring structures occasionally causo chronic pnln or distress In tho upper abdomen for years following somo inllam matory attack. Such a condition could bo rellovcd only by surgery. Tho gall-sac Is a blind reservoir with a capacity of about an ounco of bile. It stores tho bllo secreted by the liver In excess of Immcdlato digestive demands. Itj removal In no way alters digestion or health, so far as can be dotermlned. It lies Just underneath tho abdominal wall and tho edge of tho liver, at tho level of tho ninth and tenth rib cartilages, about thrco inches wcBt of the pit. In an cxplorutory operation it Is tho easiest thing Imaginable to find, ovon easier than tho appendix. Its rich ereenlsh-yellow color 13 striking. D. Your suggestion to ue boric ncld solu tion ns n gargle has done me moio good for a bronchial cough following hay fever thnn anything I ever tried and I'm n mighty poor hand at writing testi monials. I applied It In the form of a spray. Answer No charge, since we can't see bow It would help, gargle or spray, t'so the ofllclal V. S. P. tincture of iodine, diluted with an equal amount of pute grain alcohol. Mrs. II. S. T., Chicago Heights: Shall bo glad to send you monograph on treat ment of tho hair upon receipt of stamped addressed envelope. .1. A. N. Since tho cause or cancer has not been determined, we do not know whether It Is communlcablo or heritable. Surgeons look upon It as somewhat In fectious at least auto-lnoculable. The research men, devoting their lives to the study of cancer, strongly doubt that It Is Inherited. Reports of Work Done "I received the music which I Inquired nbout and thank you for obtaining it f0, me. I Intend to do my share for th Corner. m W," A pleasing "echo." I Indulge mytetf and I would fain hope Interest members nnd readers by a report full of glorious significance nnd hope for whnt may a beforn us In the untrodden path stretch ing beyond our sight. "About a month ngo t decided to heln ' others who n9ked for nld from your Cor- ' iter. I sent tending matter twice to th Invalid girl who signed herself Miss A. S ' embroidery patterns to Miss J , MJ some to a girl friend of her. Jhty were gratefully received. I havo lomj clgnr bands 1 should like to send Hts n. A. A.'s husband nnd somo fordpj stnmps for Robert K. 1 should like SI, W. K 's nddiess so thnt I might tell h of our sowing club, If she bns had Co reply to her letter. And If 'Norwegian Girl' who offeied cboehet patterns his not had her supply exhausted will you add her name and address? "MAt'DE W." "I should like to thank you for the pair of roller skates my little girl received. She Is so happy. I acknowledge the. re ceipt of them and now want to thnnk the Comer for sending my name to tho good woman who inado a little child happy with the gift Long llvo the Corner! "MIIS. 0 L. B." All ronimiinlrntlnns mlilrrsiril tn Marlon lliirlnnd nlinulil lncloc it Mamped, self iiililrpril rmrlopo nml n rllpphiK of the nrtlt'le In which nll nre lnterrtrd. Frr sunn nMilns In nld In the rhnrltahle work of the II. II. C ftlinutil write Marlon Ifnrlnnd. hi rnre of this paper, for ail dicnr of thor tber would like to help, nnd, liming rrr-'lra them, lominuntcate direct ultli IIpko mrllr. ASK FOR and GET THE ORIGINAL Cheap substitutes cost YOU same prlc QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Accidental Relief of Hay Fever You suggested tincture of Iodine ns a household antiseptic. Do you ndvlse painting tho wound with puro lodlno? Deerfoot Farm Sausage Just make you long for breakfast Order some today Bargains In 9 tj n n omei s fSeasoBnaoJie Fooibweair Storm or Skating' Boots In tan, of oiled leather, with rawhide insole. Regularly $8 Carriage Boots In black velvet ribbon-tied, duced to In kid, with rubber soles. (Can be used for motor-boot). Regu larly 57.50 R:: f 4 Claflimi, 1107 Chestmiiuit cyTZD Wfarifo' ANNOUNCE A Special Showing OF New Models for Southern Wear Sports Clothes Millinery, Evening Gowns, Suits, Blouses, Etc. 1624 WALNUT STREET to 1222 Walnut St. Jr V A $& "StyUWithoul Extravagance" "T rapfev Southern Wear yVUrfP f$i Linen, Serge and T UVm Palm Beach Suits T yLnJr nm(E& Silk and nlm Wf&k Lingerie Dresses ilJij i J MILLIE AND HER MILLIONS (Copyright. 1015.) NEVER MIND, MONTY, TIMES FLIES ITSI F r OH'AUfiTBRlCANTINE.l'M -. THANKS,Ml(.ue. IT'I -iOGLADTUiEE YOU ITC AWFUL NICt OF BEEN LOOKING FORWARDAjOU TO 5AY SO J I HOPE. YOU'RE GOING TO PAY US A LONG VI5IT, ALNT iuLi.il LiJLitniii ruKivnivui niu iu .im j j y . ... i itfMiiwiiwwiw. WELL, MILLIE, I'M AFRAID, ICWTT5TAY VERY LONG- OrPwHY NOT;' 1 1 V COT AN AWFUL LOT TO 00, VISITS TOMAKE AN0 ONE r- (WELL BE AWFULLY JDISAPPOINTED ww AT I REALLY .SHOULDN'T STOP ; THAN ACOUrXC OF OftYS. f THING AND ANOTHER r CK V J J T &fc rt . (TO THIS VISIT , (JO THIS VISITV y VOIT, WINT r THIS TIME y- THIS TIME r I.'. CPPI THAT IaAV I I I MAKP IT 1 0H.JPH )' 4-1"- " " -i- ""'-y (z'S J N j (THIS PARADE fev ( I(r- THAIS' WOW Z, MM -SHE STAYED. ( J& ,fpf 'Wf 7 lm a whole r r3V (Ci, ?y i ' :-fe i HbH