6 EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, SATTJBDAY, JANUABY 22, 101Q i 1 'i ; I ft. . BiMMk. (f- - IS 'PHOTOGRAPHY SCHOOL NEEDED HERE? ASKS M'LISS Many Persons Desirous of Engaging in This Interesting Work Find No Opportunity for Becoming Proficient AN INSTITUTION as unique- ns It ts well received wilt visit this city on XX Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of noxt week. It is tho Hastnian Travel ing School of Photography. Ono of its purposes Is to present to tho photog raphers of tho city and lo other persons Interested in the subject tho latest quirks of this most fascinating art, and to demonstrate to them tho nowest developments and tho general progress mado In photography In tho la9t year. Tho cagorness with which Its coming Is nwalted drives home tho fact that thoro Is no school of photography here. Thero are well-known schools In the South, In tho West and In New York city, ono of the leading photographers of Philadelphia tells me, but If a Phllndelphlan wants to become expert in this lino ho cither has to apprentlco himself In an already established studio hero, or go to tho expenso of leaving the city for his training. Only very recently I received two queries, both of them from women, strange to say, nsklng mo to tell them whore In this city they could learn to become proficient photographers. This would seem to Indlcato a certain need for such a school. In no other line, perhaps, havo more wonderful strides been made than In this one. Photography has been raised to tho level of a lino art, Almost Uti bollovable success has been achieved In color photography, and tho splendid ex amples of photographic portraiture that appear dally In tho papers nnd tho magazines Bhow plainly how this phase has improved slnco tho day when (a woman posed hand on hip and a look vl dcath-liko grlmncss In hor eye, not to mention tho way sho had her hair frizzed for tho occasion. Women, I nm told, aro particularly adapted for portralturo or studio pho tography. That Blxth artistic senso that they have, coupled with their cyo for detail, makes them especially apt at posing women and children. Why doesn't somo enterprising photographer establish a school, or at least a course of Instruction, for women anxious to cngngo In this profession? In tho meantime, If thoso Interested will send mo a stamped, self-addressed en velope, I'll tell them whero tickets to tho Kustman Traveling School may bo obtained frco of chnrgo. Nocturnal Raids A Now Jersey woman who saved 30,000 out of her husband's earnings refuses to glvo him half. Does this rcprrsent Ill-gotten gnlns, In tho shapo of nocturnal raids on tho trouscr pockets whllo her lord and master snored blissfully unknowing? You Never Can Tell Madamo Georgette, Just arrived from Paris, nays' that skirts arc to bo very, very long and hats tiny, resembling cuftboxes. Wo'll see about that, Madame. If wo like your attenuated skirts and your diminutive chapcaux wo'll order them. Otherwise not. Remember tho "nippcd-ln" corset that your French brother nnd sister stylo "fotsters" tried to make us squeeze Into, and don't be too Buro of yourself. Tho American woman is using her own Judgment these days In regard to tho clothes sho buys and prophecy, therefore, is dangerous. M'LISS. SEEN itt THE SHOPS "A-"' Letters to the Editor of the Woman's Page Addrrs nil communication to M'I.Im. rare of the Kvenhur Ledger. Mile nf tlic ptiprr only. Write on ono Dear M'LIss I am Interested in tho idea that you suggest of a woman guldo In Philadelphia, as per your editorial In, today's Evunino T.nrjcinn. I know a young woman who I bellevo could well do this work, nnd who Is looking for somo way to earn her living. Will you bo so good as to tell me whatever you may know of what op portunity there may bo for such work, and glvo mo any suggestions that you may think of In connection with tho vonturo? I will pass them on to my young friend, and I think we both will bo doing a good service. Thanking you for 8ame, I nm very truly yours, S. W. B. I understand thnt thero Is a woman In New York city who hns mado a notablo success as guide. I am endeavoring to got Into direct communication with hor. In order to And out exactly how sho established herself in tho line and whnther methods aro. As soon as I have this Information at hand I will let you know. Dear M'LIsa Would It bo possible for you to glvo mo somo points on how to get tho "Woman's Guide" you spoke of in last night's paper beforo tho public without much outlay. I am a Philadelphia woman, know my city rather well and am told ,that I meet people with an easy manner, so I think I could act ns guide with more or less satisfaction, but I do not know Just how to mako tho start Thanking you for any help, I remain, MBS. C. II. S. Sco answer to S. W. B. above. A PLAY SUIT FOR THE SMALL BOY THERE arc advance styles tven for llttlo bovs, nnd today's Illustration shows one of tho newer models. The stylo suggests tho combination of tho middy and Rus sian blouse inllucnccs, although the earmarks of the former aro moro notice able The little -iiilt iim lie hud in a choice of materials, holselto or poplin, trimmed with linen, tit jn, or all linen at $fi. Tho lines arc simple and practical, and tho color combinations form tho main trimming, which Is qullo npproprlato for n boy's outfit. Mannish-looking stars nnd chevrons trim tho sleeves, nnd tho collar Is finished with a cord and tassels. This model may be otdctcd In white, trimmed with Copenhagen, rose, navy, brown or red, In Blzes from 4 to C years. Kull particulars ns to where this suit may bo purchased will bo supplied by the Editor of thp Woman's Page, Evn.viNij I.kwikii, BOS Chestnut streot. Tho lequest must bo nriompntilril by n stamped, self-addicssed envelope nnd must men tion tho dnte on which tho article appeared. INTRICACIES OF HIGH FINANCE SOLVED FOREVER Housekeeper Tells Budget Editor That Buying at Sales and "Pulling Together" Ai4 the Main Requisites to a Yearly Nest Egg w, KEEPING THE PATIENT COMFORTABLE IN ROOM Doctor Brndy Talks on tho Chief Duty of tho Nurso By WILLIAM BRADY, M. D. ANtmsK'S chief duty Is to keep the .patient comfortable. This requires attention to many llttlo details which are overlooked too often In tho sickroom. Night lights nro usually shaded rrom tho patient's eyes, but It Is a frequent cxperlenco to find tho patient's bed so placed that the pntlent faces a window. A patient may enjoy looking out through n window. vet tho bed may be so ar- .ranged that this Is possible, though the direct limit uoes not iau upon ino pa tient's eyes. No nurse with tho Interest of her pa tient at heart wilt whisper In or near the sickroom nbout anything; whatever. Cleanliness prevents odors. Evaporat ing, ovil-smclling "disinfectants" In tho sickroom, from dishes or wet cloths, of course, cannot kill any germs or In any way help tho patient, oven tliougn it does glvo tho "antiseptic" nurse some thing to busy her mischievous hands with. Cleanliness, cood ventilation and the Immodlato disposal of discharges or dressings will tnko care of unpleasant odors If not, then It Is the doctor's place to advlso what will. Every patient confined to bed should havo a dally bath. This, Is Indlspcnsablo for personal comfort A dally back rub Is equally refreshing for tho bedridden patient. Tho patient lies prone while tho nurso rubs tho small of tho back with tho palm of tho hand wet with alcohol. Slow, circular, firm strokes, under considerable pressure, out ward from tho splno over tho loins nnd hips, for nbout 10 minutes. It Is mighty hnrd work for tho nurso If dono well. It Is very refreshing for tho patient. A sure test of a good nurso IS tho clean liness of tho patient's mouth. Coating tnnv bo removed from tho tonguo by gen tle scraping with tho handle of a scissors. A soft cloth tied about n stick and wet with alkallno nntlseptlc solution may bo used Tor cleansing the mucus and secre tions from tho Insldo of tho cheeks nnd about tho gums. Tho nurso may brush tho patient's teeth with tho samo boIu tlon. Eiiual parts of lemon Juice, glycerin and wnter will make a good mouth wash for cleaning up a mouth which Is very foul. It Is well to havo tho patient rlnso the mouth Well with tho nlkallno solu tion beforo and after feeding, especially If tho patient Is taking a milk diet. ( I'igures or distinct designs should bo avoided In the paper of the bedroom or sickroom. Neutral tints. Instead of dead white nr too much color. Flowers nro healthful In tho sickroom It changed frequently. Marion Harland s Corner very on Dear M'LIss la Irish laco being worn any longer? I havo so lino specimens nnd would like to put them to somo use. Your ndvlco this question will be appreciated. B. B. II. It would depend upon what uso you want to put your laco to, for Instance, Irish laco collars and cuffs nro qulto passo, but bits of real laces aro seen on flno lingerie, fancy chiffon blouses and afternoon gowns. Tho effectiveness depends upon tho way tho laco Is used. I would mako uso of my lace, by nil means, or keep It against tho next "revival." Dear M'LIss I havo a raro old book which is falling to pieces. Could you tell me any way to preserve It? I hato to see It ruined. BOOKWORM:. Tho best way I know of Is to mend nil bIUs In tho cover, or up tho back of tho book, by applying adheslvo plaster. Torn leaves can bo gummed by means of waxed paper laid over them, or using tho sticky Haps of envelopes. Dear M'LIss How can I keep silk stockings?, I got soveral pairs for Christmas, and was told that they would rot If they wcro not worn during tho winter months. jj. T An expert tolls mo that all silk stockings should bo washed beforo being put away. This tightens the threads and prevents tho silk from rotting. Dear M'LIss I was crossing a street tho other day whon an auto splashed me full of mud. Although I lot tho stains dry beforo brushing, somo of them aro still visible. My suit Is black cheviot and I would llko to got tho spots out without the expenso of sending the suit to a dry cleaner. Can yo uhelp mo? NOBA. If thero waa no greaso In tho mud, I am told that rubbing tho spots with fresh slices of raw potato la an excellent cleanser. Dear M'LIss Is there any place In this city where I can go to get legal advice? I am very poor. N. N. J. Tho Legal Aid Society, 34 South 16th street, can help you. Lecture at Commercial Museum The eprlrg courso of free Illustrated lectures being given at the Commercial Museum, Stth -and Spruce streets, will be continued this afternoon with a lec ture by Wilfred II. Schorr, secretary of tho Philadelphia Museums, on "France." The lecture will begin at the channel, ports, passing through the Industrial lowlands and all around the commercial regions. John Mnscficld at Bryn Mawr John Maserleld, poet, will lecture to night In tho gymnasium of Bryn Mawr College on "English Poetry," the satno subject on which the virile poet has been speaking at various societies In Philadel phia. The lecture will start at 8 o'clock. Mr. Maselleld, sailor as well as poet, is regarded as tho greatest living English poet. HO sajs that tho aorago woman Isn't practical? And who ventures to declare that tho Intricacies of high finance nro over the head of tho house wifo? Tho Budgot Editor has received a written testimonial to woman's Ingenuity, and an emphntic proof of tho proposition that when a woman makes up her mind to learn a thing, oven if that thing hap pens to bo tho unknown workings of sick benefits or endowment pollclis, itiiy, she Just docs it. Tho following budget, which 1h ono of tbo most concise, practical und "workable" examples as yet submitted, ought to convince tho most skeptical that tho modern housekeeper la not without method. Could an j thing bo moio calculating than the budgot hero offered? llutlgct lUlltov: Sir Tho fuestion of tbo high co-jt of liv ing every housewife la seriously Interested In, but In solving tho problem wo nro not to draw tho lino too elose upon somo of Its phanoH, ThC-mos,t Important to my mind and the ones wo try to follow are, llrntly, ndnptlng oneself to present conditions, systematizing the household and general working conditions, using good Judgment In all buying and builng little or nothing on credit. We save a largo amount by taking ad vantage of tho sales; carpets at January sales and furniture at AuKtist sales, coal at April prices, winter clothing us tbo season has far ndvunced. summer clothes llkewiso. Would you believe- a family of four could save $!V1.50 per year in this item alone? Having good ' clothes (not extremes) but good Btles. Again, housewife, do jou do all jour sewing? You should by all means. Thero Is no excuse, If you havo tho will. "Can't" never accomplished nnytblng. Take a course at n dressmaking school where terms nre very reasonable- Tho material for a dress cost- you about a fourth of what jou pay a seamstress As to hired help, I would not havo any about me unless absolutely forced to It. Do your own laundry; If you are not strong, send tho largo pieces to tho laundry at 30 cents per dozen. By all means (especially In living room or reception balls) take up rugs In the spring, beat and air them thoroughly, place camphor In them, fold and wiap In newspaper and lay them away until fall, buying new rag rugs, which aro clean, light and Inexpensive. Don't buy a lot of brlc-a-brao and crowd your bouse ; It spoils the effect of good furnishings and doubles your work. Huy potatoes by tho bushed; plenty of milk, as nothing is so cheap or whole some; bako your own bread, cakes, pies, etc. It is foolish to pay 40 cents tor but ter and cook It all away; bubstltuta for this a vegetable fat, whioh is cheaper and wholesome. Economy Is all right, but you must J know where to draw the lines; don't sacrl- Tho Evening Ledger is olTcrinjr n first prize of $!, a second of $3 nntl two prizes of $1 each for tho best practical household budget of a family of live on a 20-a-wcck in come. All communications should bo ad dressed to the Budpcet Editor, Evening Ledgfji, 008 Chestnut street. Write on ono side of tho paper only this is imperative. Names nnd addresses will not bo used if such a request is mado. llco your health and happiness to put tho dollar In a "savings hank," or. In other words, don't get money mad. Do not misunderstand mo about saving, for I challcngo any housewife In a largo city to llvo In reality and save moro money than mo out of a $M weekly wage. Bvtry family should carry life Insur ance, but tho 20-year endowment policy Is tbo best, which expires In that tlmo, giving JI0CO back with dividends, mnklnn about $1300 In all, and your family has been protected all tho while. By making each payment yearly In advance you also savo G per cent. Tbo best sick beneficial societies nro the ones that break up each year, reorganising anew, dividing all moneys equally among its members; this costs about 5 cents per week, Instead of 15 eents, paying $3 per week sick bens'is and $10 at death. Now thero are bo many ways of economizing nnd by using good common sense, good Judg ment, nil pulling together, wo can all put a nest egg away for adverse circum stances when they come. VEAIIIA' KXPEXSCS. Coal buying In April for the year (largo coal tho cheapest). Bavins So cents on every ton , J37.50 G? .-AUO Water 12.00 Taxes .00 Ulfl Insurance C-'O-jcar endowment) pay In advance, suvlmr u per cent ) 15.00 Itepalm on iropcrty (do your own painting) 15,00 Table (hold at $S per vteek) 02x8 41(100 All clothing (new Ins for joumeln lfOOO Church und charity ,..,., T.'OO Doctor L'V 00 Mck bonetlclals for flvn persons 12 50 Incidentals, pleasure, etc ,,,, 7f00 UulMInt; and loan (Hvu shares) 110.00 Per year .KMSIK) Or, jr month TSi.03 Thus wo save at least J3L10 per year, besides our building and loan, and llvo well. Can you beat that? MBS. II. A. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Strychnine Not n Heart Tonic Is strychnlno in 1-30 grain tnblets a good heart tonic, to bo taken thrco times dally? Answer No. It Is a nervo stimulant, exciting the spinal cord and the volun tary muscular functions. Help! Sho went down to tho round house, And Interviewed an oiler; "What Is that thing?" "Why," bo replied, "That is the engine boiler." "And why do they boil engines?" asked Tho maiden, sweet and slender; "They do It," said tho honest man, "To mako tho englno tender." Boso Tcchnlc, In Pcnn Stnto Frath. Gingerisms Tho ago limit In women varies. Somo havo to bo removed from tho arena In a wheel chair, A stung man dreads tho flyer. Don't mako such a hullabaloo about Darwin'B Origin of Species. How do you suppose tho poor simian feels? Kissing goes by favor Incidentally, flavor. Wouldn't tho custody of divorced couples' children mako Solomon sit up and tnko notlco? Just a suggestion for Madam Parvenu's crest: A jeweled codfish on a bed of golden mushrooms. A woman scorned Is a cooing dovo com pared to a woman duped. Put not' your trust In riches; rnthcr put your riches In trust. Tho golden calf no longer suffices. Now It must bo a gctn-lncrusted bull of heroic dimensions, Trust your servants, but keep your val uables locked up. If battery will not mako Its way to the lady's heart, try flattery. To1 Piece Quilts f-vO YOU know of any one having silk JL pieces to give away? I want them for a dear old lady who loves to pleco quilts and has nothing else to do. BI10 Is 81 years old nnd nmbltljutjTA T." "I am writing this note to see If you could get me somo patch quilt pieces. I . ivl.lnn' At wan old. and laid up much of the time with rheumatism, but I can do sewing on quilts If I have the pieces. I am too poor to buy ; them. ( I nm bunching tho petitions for patch work pieces for the convenience of all concerned In demand nnd supply. Patch work of all sorts nnd conditions Is un doubtedly the rngo this winter. Some body explains It by saying that Imported blankets nre not to bo had and that wool Is higher In consequence. However this may be, the truth that all tho world Is agog for materials for quilts, etc., can- . . ..- .iu,. 1... l.na "tvlin run nnil nOl UQ Ut'lllCU UJ UIU3D .... who read" this column. Moro Calls for Pieces "I wish to procuro patchwork patterns for quilts. I should be glad to get ahy kind of patterns, but tbo ono I want par ticularly appears In basket effect with handtfl and llllcd with flowers. Thero nre many cftcetlvo pntterns. An early answer will bo appreciated "JBNNIE M. B." m"May I ask your Corncrllcs .If they could sparo mo somo quilt patterns? I began ono block pattern quilt nnd haven't enough pieces to finish It. This kind of work helps to pass nway tho long, cold winter evonlngs. I will pay postago. "MBS. M. B," More and moro cvldonco of the "rngo" aforesaid. Thero should not bo a Bcrap of silk, velvet, calico, muslin or gingham left In rag bag or drawer. If readers aro aweary of theso calls, let them satisfy them so abundantly that they will cease from tho land. It Is a relief to turn to other subjects, but we cannot Ignore tho wishes of a large and respectable body of working members. Taking Up Stenography "I am taking up stenogrnnhv and tVDe- writing at an evening Bchool, nnd ns I am dcuclcnt In grammar, particularly punc tuation, capitalization, paragraphing, etc., I ask If any of your renders who aro good In this branch or somo schoolteacher will assist mo In this study? I am at homo during tho day, bo I hav0 plenty of time to devote to It. I have a hook treating of grammar nnd study It all I can, yet I would mako quicker headway if some ono helped me a little. I will npprcclnte It much If you will publish this appeal. If a teacher would help mo for an hour or so after Bchool hours I would bo grateful. I do not think I would requlro many les sons to help me get a knowledge sutllclcnt to becomo a good stenographer, which is my ambition. l,1iAtt S." Wo havo bo many successful stenog raphers connected with our aet(. iJW 01 coucagues that we print th ; .iX"? their attentive consideration I MJ Ing the writer fully. Can ?? '..M'V K2 8't?An.?y,? sirtS the helpers to whom I appf ' up the matter by getting into niv Little S. and lending VCF iVi0-!on WA She is ambitious, and the TdesTre THIi ccllcnce should be fostered? i wSum'.JSI moro young peoplo had Hi ula lW College Doy Wants MumtML "I am writing In tho interest of . &k who is working his way through .& nnd who would be delighted to Mceft'S1 mandolin and music that 0 W glvo away. This boy can nla'v lln or any musical Instrument ,FH music at sight, but has no Instruct', .Is own. Had ho a stringed &1 no would bo a welcome addition Ta .?'. collcgo orchestra or mandolin civ ! O. C. will Rivo him the InstrumeM J music I will gladly pay oxpreww. them; also pay for now atrln ,'& "A. M. nil Mandolin and Instruction boov M given away beforo wo heard of I?l young friend. Wo resistor 1,1. ac' M yours in the hope that similar oBr,Vf J bo mado in his behalf. Dl(erte4j Wnnts Orgnn Music I am a young plpo organist. k.JP filled that position for nearly tL,? In a church. I should bo pleased VS lo my collection some pleies of lft vanccd grade. I will gladly pay notiS? J .atcful. n you kindly X V. Lit 3 You wmild hn.Vn ltn -.1- . . I9 had not tho supply of organ mn.J fOrt bODelesslv Hnnlnt,..! 1. ?." ?.le &1 the liberal donor. I "'am' pleas.n,ml n W, and. I dnrn tireHMf ..,ii..T ra!l longing by referring your lei teV to m? crs. lour request Is Buro to have .nS pathetic readers, have ira!J They AH Like Articles "I am a llttlo clrl of 12 nn,i tnA . A? Ing, nnd would llko somo story books W much. Has any ono tho story of tv,t7 anna' they would llko to give ai And I also havo a little brothor. 1 vvJ old, and If any boy has a punching 1, that thev am lrr,l nf m i ,.'t'" . "? ;ovory thankful for it" Arr 1 mn ulnfrtt (tin la ....... . . ' -fl llttlo Bister that llOUBCS. BXCUSO IIIO fOI- nstcln,. t. :. t A ntl II.- .,, -- Y1 . h. nr. is very rnn.l nt j.nfl much, but wo all .iko articles. All communication nddrmKcl toMirl Ilnrlnnd Mintilil nrln r. .1 VI '!.'"'?? mlirrM.il rnirlnps nnd a cllpiiln 0f ih. urtlcl- wlih h ,ou ,rr Interrntrd. Vet! sons n-iihliiir to nlil In the rhsVli.M! work of the If. It. V. f.l.M'SrfMJtf' .....,, in iure 01 mii, imper, for d. ;. of those thcr would Ike to heft" I, liBTlnit received them, commun lift H Ilnrlnnd lire nun, iiiiTiiiB receive 1 (hem direct wiui inesc parlies, i H H H I. I I I U . The Service Test of Plumbing I u j-u-uAgesn-'i t,i h 1 1 1 1 t.i mirJ proves its worth or worthlessness. A service test is the best evidence of Fleck superiority. Unfailing dependability has made Fleck fixtures and plumbing supplies first choice of the owner who is particular, the architect who specifies, the contractor who installs. Flecks' are com- Flecks' are Philadelphia made. pietciy guaranteed. o?coi t.ho elltlro Fleck lino Installed In our easily reached showrooms. Fourteen Philadelphians Sail Fourteen Philadelphians sailed today from Now York on tho St. Paul, for Liv erpool, They were Mlsa Elizabeth Harto, Mrs. K. T. C. Frlsble, W. W. Kerr. A. Fels, Dr. Charles A. Ernst, Mr. and Mrs John Martin, James liutterly, Mrs, Effle F. Dennlson, Arthur Dachln, Arthur Bachln, Jr., Horace Bachln, Mr. and Mra. John Molyneux. THE CHEERFUL CHERU3 Vky We-srvt I "c- pretty I 5w:e ors t.1 tkese. i ht-ndsome creatures) And then I try to feel residned - I kue t. vse?vsif'' bunch or features. jpesa?' pay US A .i r. -m p.-i , a y t 5 ; J VISIT TODAY " 2Tb -1 JLECKIJJROS. LO. Showrooms 4450 North fifth Street 'I I I II I'l IDZC I - j - L v (5, 3r ' Jj Be Sure You Get Deerf oot Farm Sausage They cont more try theni uml tee why JS.VVVVlVVVVtVS,-.'.VVS,VVVtV',XVVVVV't'VV'I.VVV'l.'lVVVV'lvii 5 , I Greek Dances Are the Newest Fad for Society's Children' Appareled in classic drapery designed from old Cretan vases, society's children practice the graceful pose and measure or caper lightly in the spontaneous buoyancy of the "Dance of Joy." Society mothers say that the present-day dance-steps do not make children graceful, hence the vogue of the Greek dance. May Bosman has written an article on the subject for tomorrow's Public Le,dger, illustrated with pictures of beautiful young America in graceful poses, together with reproduc tions of designs from ancient vases, which ,' show how closely modern maidens repro- ' duce the capers of ancient Greece. t &VVV VUVUVUUVUUWVVWUVUVVVtWMVtVtUUVllVVUVVitVVVlVVVttt MILLIE AND HER MILLIONS (CopyrUht. 1915.) COLOR HARMONY SHOULD ALWAYS BE SOUGHT AFTER t lARvoocoMjwrrlr 0 rj I I (, H.ttxng ffgfe fe PoTtOR, WOULD IT HURT F.PO IFI) J J&LWZZ Bwfl SRwwS? L (I WANT to j ga gJflgeSrZj&cgg? DYED HIM BLUeTO MATC I My rE2tfs ' Mr"rilr"Ti,i7 IT "-" J 1 f I ask him S rjl") ' gJ-ffg'(.VANiooief 1 new GOWN? j - --- ,..---- . . . ...... 1 n . . ! m ...... Mil . " . - --11 1 TT --' , - 1 1 -