Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 22, 1916, Night Extra, Page 4, Image 4

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Capture of Lincoln Predict
ed Within 24 Hours Fa
vored in Jail
Frnnk P. Calhoun, Newly
Elected Head, Will Preside
at the Annual Banquet
NEW YOUK. Jnn 22.
Dpartment of Justice official here re
Wired Information from nourcos they
consider rellablo laat hlsht which lnl
them to hopo strons'.y that iKiiatlud T T
Lincoln, confessed Oermati spy, would bo
cflbtlired within 21 hours.
A report will bo made to Attorney Gpn-
er! Gregory conccrnlnK the iirlvlleRei '
granted to Lincoln. vhoe renl name li
Ignatius Trcblch. while he was a pris
oner In the Haymond street Jail Men
who were Imprisoned there during jurt
oflJe time of Lincoln' stay voltintnrllv
Jfra yesterday of favors they nuid had ,
'been showered upon him Their stories
hae been verified In part
They said Lincoln was permitted to
dine frequently nt expensive restnumnli I
women sometimes being at these dinner
parties, when wine was drunk, nnd that
he. frequently received women visitors
tn the prison and outside
Once Federal Judge Veedcr was dining
In the Jtotel Clarendon and was nliiinved
by excessive hllnriti nt n table He wni
nmated to see Llneoln there with two '
deputy marshals and a fnshlnnntilv
dressed woman The Judge sent mi or-
der to United States Marshal Power pro- !
moiling nil such dinner pnrtlr In the
future. This was about three months
ft go.
Agents of the Department of Justice
obtained yesterday a list of Lincoln's
Visitors at the 1all This, with an Inter
cepted letter, will. It Is believed, proo
valuable In the hunt, even should the
Information to which so much liuportnticn
la attached lead to nothing
Officials aro Investigating reports that
Ince his escnpo Lincoln has received
two lame payments Tl.e hao Informa
tion as to the peisons alleged to have
made these payments nlso tho services
for which they were made.
The Department of Justice receded yes
terday a short letter from Lincoln. It
waa mailed In this city, nnd contained
an offer to surrender under a pledgo that
ha would not bo extradited on the forgery
charges. Lincoln asked nn answer
through the papers. ,
Formal dcnlnl was mono by British au
thorities hero yesterday that tho fugitive
was ever employed by the Itrltlsh Secret
Bervlco. They said his efforts In that di
rection failed when army and navy olll
cers Investigated his past and discovered
the alleged forgeries
i iiwr 7 w
! I . ' . .
LONDON, Jnn. 22. The Daily News gives prominence to an article
sufrgestinjr that the Germnns are preparing a naval surprise for England
The article says the Germans are arming their new battleships with 17-inch
guns. The Daily News adds that it is believed tho shells thrown into
Dunkirk some time ago wore fired by 17-inch naval guns,
i,. i. Unily Mn". nsscrts tnt knows "upon the highest authority"
that the statement in the Daily News regarding the 17-inch navnl gun?
is true. B
.iii 7h Triie of l1?0 Dally Ncw?. ar.tic, expresses fear that tho British
Mil bo caught napp.ng. Ho recalls that Germany nnd Austria concealed
the overwhelming power of tho howitzers, which demolished the Belgian
finnLU.U,ala? fortro?scs- Expert of the Allied nations had poohpoohed
them, but the experts were proved to bo wrong. m.u
r i tThe rm.n,ns ?ro cnfldent of the ability of their now aeroplane, tho
I-okkpr. The Hnmburg Fremdenblatt prints the following:
,1.1.. i A fenrful ,falc nwnits Great Britain, thanks to our new aeroplane
While our naval men arc getting their nerves nnd wills in condition to
command ultimate triumph, we shall see tho marvels of boldness shortly
demonstrated by our airmen before the world.
"In regard to technical and other details of tho most interesting
character, which nt this moment are in our possession, our lips are dosed.
Swedish Embargo on Wood
Pulp Starttirtff to London
Azioni di Artijrlieria sullai
Fronte Italo-Austrinca La
Nebbia Ostacola le Oper-
azipni sull'Isonzo
i in i i'iImimm i nil i ii i v. i iiiiiiriicinrn vvn i n .... ...
iI i " i vi V i ,, ' ' "-""- " ""'' ""uvur, assure tno hun
dreds of thousands of Germans, whoso only consolation in their present
depressing lives is tho hopo of punishing England, that destructive engines
of nn entirely new nnd immensely nowcrfnl tunn hm.. i... i. ...
v ,-------. j ,.. ....v. uvuii uvuivmi inr
the ue nf our airships.
As soon as lncteorologicnl and other conditions permit thev will do
their work in London."
. .u A NKW 1'llhSIlJENT
I-'rank P. Calhoun will be installed
president of tho local chnpter of
tho T. M. A. nt the annual ban
quet tomorrow evening.
At the nnminl banquet of the Philadel
phia Chapter of the Tlic.it rcn I Median
leal Association, uhlrli will he held to
mortow I'VculiiK. olllrefa for the year
1"1 xvlll b olllclnlly Instilled Flunk I.
I'nllioun, who was recently chosen prcs
lilent of the local chapter, will picsiilc at
the annual dinner.
Mr. t'nllioun Is a lucmber of several
well- nown tliputilrnl organizations, the
most prominent of which nil- the T M
A. and the White ttats of Aniuilcii. Tho
former association Is tho oldest of Its
kind In this country.
It Is expected that there will bo M1 to
attend the liamiuct. Many out-of-town
guests have already an lied, and more
ate expected tomoiiow moinlng. These
will Include members of the T. M A. from
every section of tho t'nltcil Sillies.
The olllreis to be Installed tomonow are
Frnnk I'. Calhoun, president, Ocorge V.
I'otcrson, post president, f'hniles llriin
tenni. vice prerildent, Tbioiloie lliirdlgiin,
ii'ioidlrig sccrvtniy, Chsiilis W. Sprngtio,
llnanclal seitetarv; William V. Hchiiefcr,
treasurer, John J', dlunldl, chaplain
Former .Secretaries of War De
clare There Are Good Things
in Administration
NEW TORK. Jan. 22 One or more of
the men who ranked high on tho ilHt of
secret agents employed In this country
by Captain Franz von 1'apen 1ms been
hot as a spy by tho Ilrltlsh Govern
ment. This was tho news conveyed to Ilrltlsh
Officials In a cablegram from tho Foreign
Oft! co. yesterday.
Mayerbach de Caserta, who had pmved
hla daring on three continents, was tho
man executed This Is the mysterious
".De Caserta, Ottawa." who tlgured In the
confiscated check stub book of von t'.ipen
as tho Agent who had been paid 53X1 on
one" occasion by the lccalled military
Caserta had been a spy for three gov
ernments. His "best" work was done In
Canada for von Papen Ilefore his death
he was Informed the British Government
had proof connecting hint with attempts
to blow up bridges on the ('umidlnn
Ho waa nlso accused of espionage In
Canada, performed at the behest of von
Ho was suspected, too. of having a
hand In munitions outrages In the Do
minion. Bcforo his death ho Is said to have
admitted many of the charges. Ho ad
mitted the receipt of largo sums, not
only from von Papen, but from another
hlch diplomat In tho service of tho cen
tral powers. Ho Is said to have admitted
receipt of VWQ from a foreign Power's
Ambassador to the United States.
Paralyzed by Blow on Head
Isaac Nichols, 52 yenrs old. a driver.
of 1509 Cumberland street, was struck on
the head by a. heavy piece of cordwood
slipping from a. wagon in the yards of
tho n. A. nnd J. J. Williams Lumber
Company,' 22d and York streets, today.
Nichols was felled by tho blow, and when
he attempted to rlso It was found that
his lesa were paralyzed. Ho was taken
to the Woman's Homeopathic Hospital,
where It was said his condition was
"Wine, Women and Song Preferred"
Takes Downward Spurt
NIIW YOUK. Jan. 22 -Following scenes
of wild speculation at the stock brnkoiH'
banquet on the lloor of Castles In the Air
all last night, "Wine, Women and Song
prnfeircd," which certainly led the list of
quotations, hu tip red u ghastly slump at
da break and today promises to be quoted
far. far below pai for days and dis.
When a heavily buttoned call-bov
chalked up JIIss Margaret Hdw.-inK a
new .listing, nt 100 par. the brokers weio
bulling "Hubble," tho momentary fa
vorite. Hut when the 350 speculators saw
what that KdwnnlH stock was, t.awthat
bate-legged, lllmlly-velled bundle of Ivory
and .ictlofi, that maiket went mad."
And whgn that Kd wards stock began to
fluctuate to the mllllon-dollnr music all
the tickers weio plumb busted and tile
quotation Jumped fiom par to ;SS t-5 in
stantly. Whoops and howls and jells
tilled the air Kieijhodv wanted to buy.
It was at this point that "Domestic HHsh
common" was withdrawn from tho lists
There was -'." woith of food for each
broker, but few of them got past their
5J.WJ soup.
1000 of 18,000 Have Complied
With Revenue Rule
Only -1000 of the 1S.000 persons in this
revenuo district nffected by the provls
Iohh of the emergency war-tat act
passed by Const ess have paid their tax,
Collector of Internal Itevenuo Lcderer
announced today. Tho taxes paid In
thus far aggregate only JJO.OOO. and J125,
or0 still icinalns to bo collected.
Collector I.edeicr has issued warn
ing of tho nile that all persons who do
not pay their tax by I'ebiuary J must
pay n line of 50 per cent, us a penult.
WASin.VlSTn.V, Jan. 22 The ex-Sccie-tnrles
or War. Kllhu Hoot, .liepubllonn.
nnd llenrv I. Htlmson, Progressive Ite
publlc.m. today Indorsed Sccictaiy Oai
rlson's continental army plan
Itnot, In a letter tit tin- National Se
curity Congress, declined the lilt.ii of
building up tho mllltla to tr.I(o the place
of an at my under Petleial contiol was
"There ate good thlnga In Secretary
Garrison's plan," ho said. "The doing
nf them would be progiess In the right
direction. Don't lose those goncl things
oven If jou And that you cannot nt this
tlmo get something moro In the sumo
direction (Jet them Into law, then mIiow
the peuplo what further steps ought to
be taken.
"Let us take the Hist steps on any sort
of a program that is dlroeteit toward tint
noal wo onsltt to attain a trained nnd
ntunvH itxiill. title national citizen soldiery I
under the Instruction nnd administration
and fprniQ(lvu leadership at an adequate
thougVininll regulai unity."
In an address before the league, Mr.
Stlmson approved Mr. Garrison's plan of
adding to tho skeleton form of tho regu
Ir army, but pointed nut that this Incieaso
could not be too large because of the
gieat expense of maintaining It.
"And by this method," he said, "we aro
defending our rountiy upon a lt.isls of
pity Instead of a basis of duty and p.Ui lot
Ism. It would bo Impossible for the
I'nlted States even to maintain a defenso
of adequate sir.e upon such a policy. It
would not only be a depnitttic from Uemo
cr.ttlc Ideals, hut It woulf. cost far too
much. That Is another reason why tho
retiLandtndoquatH defense of this coun
try -Jn a'ny serious war must depend upon
Its citizen soldiery."
Preparedness, by women was advo
cated by Mrs. A. J. George. Urnokllno,
JIass., In nn address. She recommended:
First. Military calisthenics, second, llrst
aid: third, hygiene, fourth, nursing, and
llftlt, conservation and preparation of
food supplies.
Mrs. Gtorge also favored exploding the
Idea that tho Unlteil States In Its wars
has had everything Us own way.
"Tho military history of our country
should b- attacked boldly on the basis
that In the past our achievements havo
been na bad as they possibly could bo
and wero lessons for which future pre
paredness was the only solution," she
"Children should bo taught that even
when our country was striving for Inde
pendence there was a woeful lack of pub
lic spirit. Men would not enlist without
Inducement of many sorts, including boun
ties: and many deserted tho colors In the
face of the enemy. Our success was due
to a friendly power. In tho War of 1812
double und trlplo bounties were neces
sary." Tho lack of aeroplanes and seaplanes
for the navy reduces Its lighting efficiency
20 per cent , said A. II. Lambert, of St.
Louis, of tho Aero Club of merka
Continued from I'nge One
enn of Itnl-, daughter of tjueen Mllelia
nnd sister of tho Princesses, accompanied
the ionl fugitives as far as Pisa.
I'AItlK. Jan. :.
King .Vlcholns' pinclftinntlon, cnlllng
iipmi the Montenegiliis to renew hostlll
ties iiHii'tist the Atislrlnns, dcclnted that
It would bo better for his nation to be
wiped out titan to accept Austila'a pence
terms, the .Montenegrin Legation stated
Difllctillios Acknowledged in Official
VIKN'NA. Jnti. 2.'.
Peace with Montenegro Is not et an
established fact n nlllclnl statement Is
sued heie today admits that several dllll
culties have arisen in connection with the
peace ncgotl ttlons and that tho expected
sin lender of the Montenegrin nrmv will
oc iioinycu.
"Consummation of the lnylng down nf
arms ns arranged with tho Montenegrin
Government Is meeting with universal
dltllcultles," said tho statement, "and
general dlsai moment will bo delayed,
owing principally to long instances and
pool methods ir (omnumlcatlon, but also
to the national peculiarities of tho Monte-
negrln people, who. Ignoring! tllo;gqncral
situation, do not know whether It will
loutiiiue the war.
"The Austro-llungailan Government,
appreciating these circumstances, gives
tlmo to the Moutenegiln Government In
older that It may get Into communication
with those who aro reluctant to yield,
diminish their opposition nnd submit the
matter systematically to the population "
rtOMA. 22 Gennalo.
Olunge notl?ln, cite qui o' datn ufflclnl-
mente, cho II piccolo escrclto monte-
tiegrlno ha Inflllto una grave seonflttn n
due enrol austrtaci cho lo avevano at-
taccato non nppena II Montenegro rlfluto'
le comllrlonl ill pneo offcrte dall'Austrla
Pero", slccome si sa cho gll ntistrlnrl
hannn rlcevuto rlnforzl, si teme che I
montencgrlnl saranno costrettl a rlplegare
verso Son I nt I
I montencgrlnl nvcvnno scelto Ileiatia
come lorn ultima llnra ill reslsloiiiM net
torn piiese o da quelle nlture essl Inlllssero
gravl pcrtllto null nustrliiel ehe altac
rnvntio Olovctll' sera gll auslrlacl fu
rnno costrettl ad iibb.indnnnre II loro al
tarco che i'ii pern' rlpresn la mattlna
scguento. avendn essl nella notle ilcevuto
La reglna Mllena del Monlenegio n'
passnta da Itnma dlrelta a Llone, t'rancla,
dove e' statu stablllta la sede del govnrnn
montenegrlno, tua non e' scesn rit treno.
Klla era nrrompagnata dalle prlnclpesse
Vein e Natalia. Ln leglna Ulena il'ttalla,
sua flglla. si reco' alia stazlnne a salutare
la madie con II prlnelplno t'lnberto e le
prlnclposslno .loliinita e Matalda, e dopo
aver rlmandato al palazzo re.iln I prlnri
plnl. ella accompaRno' la iniidre, la so
lella e la rognnta lino a Pisa. SI dice
che la reglna Mllena non voile scendere
a ltoma eil ncrcttate 1'ospllallta' nffertitle
dal le e dalla leglna peicho' indlgnnta
delle accuse ihe la atampa Itallnna nveva
falto n re Nicola qitaudo si parlnvn delle
Initiative ill pace tra II .Monlenegio o
II Mlnlstero delta Gucrra pu;ibllcava
lerl sera II seguento comunlcnto ufflclate
sulla sltuazlone sill fronte Itnlo-austilaco:
"SI sono avutc iizloui dl nitlgllciia nelle
reglonl montiin.se della zona dl Tofata
ITno del nostil repartl obbllgo' gruppl
nemlcl a rltlralsi dopo aveio Inflllto loro
gravl pordlte.
"Sul medio e basso tsonzo l.i nehbln ha
ostacolato lo operazlonl ill gunria nella
glnrnata ill lerl, inn non ha Impedlto una
vivace nttlvlta' dell'artlgllcria Intesa spn-
clalmente nd ostacolare le opeiazlonl ill
rlnforza delle llnce ncmlchc. Sul icsto
della ft onto nulla dl nuovo."
Se e nppieso che le tiattatlvc ill pace
tra l'Austrla oil II Montenegro fuiono
Ironcato In segulto ull'lntei vento del gen
erale Mnrtlnovlc, leader del pnrtlto antl
nustriaco, II qualo preso II enmnndo delle
tiupiie, cdmpresl I contingent) scrbl ed
Impeill' che fosscio dlsaimute, ovltnndo
cosl' It trnillmcnto del Montenegro verso la
causa- degll allcntl c la causa sua stcssn.
Tutta lu Popoluzlone mnntcnegilnii ac
clama ...artinovle come II llbcratoie. SI
attendo ora cho questu populazlono lascl
In massa II suo pacse, e Murtlnovlc con
centra t lit 1 1 I suol sforzi crso la dlfcsa
dl Scutari.
II ro Nicola si rilliito' durante lo trat
tatlve dl assumcre ultra nttltudlnc cho
quclla della noutrallta' e dl cooperate alia
restaurazlnne del prlnclpo di Wicd como
prlnclpo dcll'Albnnla. Pol la sltuazlone
That tho embargo upon exports
of wood pulp declared by Sweden
was an unpleasant surprise to Lon
don is pointed out by Francis W.
Hirst, tno British financial expert,
who rocs in the order the beginninfr
of reprisnls against London news
papers which are demanding a se
verer blockade.
Mr. Hirst, in a special cable dis
patch, published exclusively in this
issue, commends the blockade as at
present conducted, declaring that it
it proving disastrous to German
fu cntnpllcata dal rlfluto della (tcnnnula
e dell" Austria dl lasclaie ehe I bulgnrl
occtipassero Durozzo cho si volcvn Invcco
date nl Wlcd.
IJssnil pasrla' coopcra con le forzo
montenrgrine alia dlfesa ill Scutari. Kgll
hu nl suol onllnl 2i),000 uomlnl dlsctctn
mente nrmntl
Minister of Marine Assails
Holding Up of 'Liner Stock
holm Only Minor Cargo
STOCKHOLM. Jnn. 22. Han llrostrnm.
Minister of Marine, declared Inst night
that Great llrltalii was ruining steamship
rommunlratlon between Scandinavian
ports and America.
Ho mode tho declaration In his capac
ity of chaliman of the Swedish-American
"Tho behavior of the Ilrltlsh author
ities Is tendering Impossible tho main
tenance of a steamship line for tiafllc
with Amotion," said Minister Urostrom.
Tho Minister's declaration was provoked
by detention of the liner Stockholm. The
vessel has been taken to Liverpool In
stead of being merely detained at Kirk
wall as has been customary.
sno is neing held in tile Jleisey on
what Swedish shipping men legard ns
trivial pretexts.
So far aa removing her alleged con
traband 'Is concerned, that could have
been done long ago nnd the vessel allowed
to go on her way.
The Stockholm was only recently pur
chased by public subscription in Sweden
nud America, and was on her first re
turn voyage from Ameilca. Plans for
three otlici ships aro under way.
Llko tho Stockholm, theso vessels uero
to have been built by public subscription
for the Swedish-American Lino, which Is
looked upon ns a national concern.
It Is alleged In London that It Is owing
to congested conditions of tho docks In
Liverpool that thn Stockholm Is forced
to anchor III midstream and wait nn op
portunity to remove the cargo under
tihlps of the Scandinavian-American
Lino are nlso being delayed by Ilrltlsh
patrol vessels.
Rabbi Takes Exception i
-uooseveu's Declaration in ,'
Speech Here
Exception to Colonel Itoosevelt's rt-S
ration In hi. Thursday night pcb tffll
in,-, iuiiiiy L.umui enmire ha f Aiwsl
can nnd half foreign" wns taken ffiisl
by Dr. Henry Ilerkowltz, rabbi 0fnil
Hoileph Shalom Synagogue. n a'
un ..wiieriranizing me American" ip
"We are an undivided nation." 'hi JS
rLni?'' .,".' B,,0U,i1 ".io '"' 'old MS
3.010.001) tinnaturallzed fnu. L.U? 6ftW
our 100,000,0110 population That Sflivvm ,
held up by Mr. Iloosevclt and othtrs ,.'
ii siiurcc m icnr ivny try to fill ivl
oountiy with terror and a military spirit?
There Is no need for It ' "mntT,
Doctor Horkowltz flayed the exonn..U
of blcotrv ami rselnl i,.j ..iP0."M.
duro these subjects Into political SiuJl'W
i.iMii.s i resHicni Wilson, he said ..fl
light when he declared that thest' nllM
are the "worst enemies nf ih. .... .?r5ai
Me criticised Colonel nooseveltV Yjm
nunriaiioii oi mo t'liinamen who rettlV
men- piKiaiia in tins country. rtteliiJi
ellno tn their nbl.unrl.l ........ '?ner ''
The Gnveriinient nnd the people dt.
been negligent In dealing with the ImmlV
grain, no sniu. i pray that the AmrU
.w.,..,v,,, ira.mim- iii mis city m
bnvp better effcetti than previous efforts
If nlinU'a n rn.nr1li,i!t,.. txf "III
... .......... .. .... ... u. ...,,.,, ,., ,.itieavor t
thntik Clod that tlm rni,anin. . '..
Ameilcnti people has been awakened iJ
tho Immigrant's needs We must remtm.
ber that overv litiin unim,i. ... ...'.
In this country Is an Immlgmnt or th.
ilesceiulant of nn Immigrant ' v
Fifty-second Street Properly Sold
The stores nnd apartments s.m!i, .i ;
South B2d street havo beeit punhastd wi
XV. H. Doublcblower, from Masthi,m J
Uros & Fleishcr
kept secrot.
Tll pnnal.l...it. ."
.-""ruMl-lUllOU S
"Woo her with gift if
she respect not wordt,"
taid the bright Mr. Sliakei
penre. Then give her candy for
if ihe' a lady the won't
dare say "no" with her
mouth full!
XK candy shop
i .4
! 1
Hale & Kilburn
Auction Sale
of Furniture, Antiques, Tapestries,
Oriental Rugs and Interior decora
tions, is meeting with a tremendous
success. It will continue next week,
Monday's and Tuesday's sale in
cluding -Furniture, Tapestries and
Upholstery fabrics.
1315 Walnut Street
A Free Bank Account for Everybody Who Saves
MMtfTlI - J L.
Equitable Savings Certif
Cash Certificate FREE
Fill in the COUPON in Lower Right Hand Corner
" ?s1?-vjbl. r i - '
THl!rCEfTIFrE5 TIfRT pft
which! iKill leduel lhk intounc
flblkl I'jrihi tutl at.
i trAimn cbK ti
rfBu"B?en de
t in,iiee
j2 ' nt
Kmxstgsz.mKivt. J
In, &nd j
derfteoflTielffJfnpCpn;Kerl. lnhrbafS'n
ol iMsCaniflaire n I 1 ". il rl t I
truentpd lor djpift fviih, oth(s bUlt Wcafu teY (tB-rt4n
o one dolilar or mfre iwjljbi ncjeind bxijiii ul
ion, sum
sr dbDctlt
i.. aTYK -.ni.f j"i"r-.i ?.'r:'.'ivr.r .".e-rrT'r "J pits".
onjyj Hiai'i'si-tiaiiittnjij .rsr.uoQ wtmj vwrt IC.fl.r'
MUTUAL TRUST CO. Void after E. J. KELLY & CO Druus
5th abv. Chestnut St., Phila., Pa. Jan., 1920 5514-10 Germantown Ave I'hila
In Denominations of 5c, 10c, 25c, 50c, $1,00, $5 00
Ask Your Grocer, Butcher, Druggist, Clothier, Tobacconist, Coal Dealer and all ofher Merchants with whom
you deal for Equitable Savings Certificates. They represent 2 discount on all cash purchases.
Cash when Deposited at the Mutual Trust Co.
Merchants desiring information concerning this
system of advertising communicate with the
Equitable Savings System, Inc.
H. M. WARD, President
Lincoln Building, Philadelphia
unvii.'wm d, " t0 .&u,Jtab'e. Bvlnea Syatem. Lincoln Bldr, PhlU-.
SraUdOU0nXereSrlc'rUflcat?.CerUnCtt,e l 8Urt y0Ur saV'nB8 aCC0Unt M
Address ,.,., ,.,, ,, f t
Grocer's Name is ,,, , ,,, .,,,,
Butcher's Name is ,. f,, f
Druggist's Name is
Tobacconist's Name, Is ,
Clothier's Name is I
' '" ...-.
U of Merchants' Nam, in Your KSl f T Wft Crtcol.. Will Appear in Th
f ml
' - ----" J- "f'J 441
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