Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 22, 1916, Night Extra, Page 15, Image 19

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copyright. 1011. the.
Uobs-Merrlll Company
saN - v
CHArTKH XXV-Contlnuetl.
1 i jp you're going up to Fond dii
vA'.line?" mierled Sandy. "Why
iA . . .
- ..i
,15... Mil tM """' '
Vt i
e professor lauslicit softly.
rv. in ti
' ... . nuked
'l' nTcrways a dozen times,
Sth; trail n. well n.s I know
H fH!: Resides, I like to be alone.
feh?work tat too hard, with the
Zkrd '" '.. -...,,. in Ilin north nm!
i ...! ill. ii..
irrtftte '"
",,, ,, looking nt tho Dane, with
Fr. ia McfJlll- An exultant Rlcnw
.m. It.
Ei (Sr Vn Instant Into his eyes.
&Y UklnK the -loss?-
m lighted hit PlPp nd snoke ,lko
fe'a'heap-.o take Ihese trip.
Wifcoahout Seve;
,$$ This will wl live.'
Ciflardi'' breathed Sandy.
said Sic
'An' you
Ain't you
"'.,". ihlnir mlEht hnppen ?"
SCmI Ptofwwr was looklnK the
"'.i.. Tho cnrelcssnesa in hl.i
lETsf ",anncr cl,,a,,ca; J"? 1,,:i
I!!tw,a shade darker. A hard smile
SJn FinUr dl ,10t sce nov'P'1 "0''.
BlSi fpr n" lnstant Thcn ho t,lr"t,,l
j . v.rv licht sleeper." ho pnld. "A
Lrfep at "nlRht rouses mo. Uv,
.iiiilnir awoken me. when I
K nb my mind thnt t must he on my
Erf And. besides- -he dicw fiom his
EriTi ft blue-steeled Hiivhrc nutotnnllr
?...- hnvi to use this." He pointed
2i knot 'in .tho wall of the cabin. "Oh
?i.he said Klvo times he llie.l lit
Mces. nnd when Snndy went up to
Lv t the knot he Kiivo u ensp. There
1 . ..-A.t Unn whom thn knnl Imil
HI0neJa8v.. ...- -
'SLhy good," ho Grinned. "Most men
M hetler'n thnt with n rllle."
iSai Sandy ' 1,cfliu ""weil him
Uli a .suspicious clenm In his eyes and
I ur!ous smile on his lips. Then he
tmti' to Kaww.
'tJoest you've got him IlKKcred out
.fright, old man," he InUKhcd softly.
1 don't blame you very much for wnnt
u to get him by tho throat. Per-
iHiihovod his hands deep In his pock
k ma 'went Into the cabin. Knznn
WPPd W3 hen(' between Ills forcpnu.
ltd X still, with wide-open eyes. It
Hi late afternoon, rally In September,
ul nch night brought now the Hist chill
frithi .of autumn. Kazan watched the
kit glow of the sun ns It fuded out of
lie jouthern skies. Darkness always
Mowed swiftly after thnt. nnd with
brines came more uerceiy nis wiiu
feflnf for freedom. NIKht nftcr nlRht
WMd gnawed at ms sieoi cnnin. riKni
ifltr night lie hud wntched the stnrs,
isd tne moon, nnu nsicncii tor urny
ITelfi call, while the IiIr Dane lay
piping. TonlKht It was colder thnn
Mutl, ana tne Keen tniiK ot tno wind
Ikt came fresh from the west stirred
bs ifran'gely It set his blood allro with
tut tha Indians call tho Frost IliiiiKer.
lethargic summer was Bono nnd tho
Viind nights of huntinK wero nt linnd.
Ei Tinted to lenp out into freedom nnd
iminitll ho wna exhausted, with tSrny
folf it his side He knew thnt Orny
Wtlftrasoff there whero the stnrs nunc
fci In the clear sky, nnd that who wiih
Tilting. He strained at the end of his
'dub, and whined All thnt nluht ho
ill restless- more restless than he hail
bt t any tlmo before. Once, In tho
'far Stance, he heard n cry that he
liwjtt was the cry of Orny Wolf, nnd
,14 iiuwer roused Mcflill fiom deep
fc& lit was dawn, nnd tho little pro
lor"drcBsed himself nnd enmo out of
tl cabin; With sntlsfnctlou he not.'d
Hi Mhllaratlnc snap in tho nlr. He
t 'to Kazan, nnd talked to him.
tatng other things he sulil. "This'll imt
w i Hack (lies to sleep. Kazan. A clay
lwo more of It und we'll start."
ITI dajs later McCUll led llrst the
. and then Knzau. to a packed
fiw. Sandv Mp'PrlifL.or Mf.w nm... .ff
ri Kaian watched for a chiineo to leap
vJOr' aanay "ejit his illstimco. nnd
lajlll watcheil tlw. twt tviiii .. timiK.!,
teat let ihi. I.inn.1 viim.i,. .....i.i.. i.
U . - .wu., .Miiii.iii n.t i.iij tic-
"M the mask of his careless smile.
tTflty had Rlintifwt 11 1 til .1n.iinit.nr.
ik..k. "".'. .". """"-""V""
--" icuncu over mm tain a rem less
HM on Kazan's head. SomethliiK In tho
wca of that hand and in tho proton.
.. vuico Kepi Knzun from n dcslro
wwap at him. He tolerated the frlend
P with expressionless oyes and a
BMlonless body
S w" Des'nnliiK to fenr 1 wouldn't
rm W?.Ch "leeP- 0,1 l,0'." elmekled Mr
jui ambiguously, "hut I guess I can take
itip now and then with you nloiiK'"
ail.?"1? camn u,t nlRlit 15 miles up
u. . i. oro T,lc "Ik I)ae he fastened
aiapunit M jnrds from his small silk
wt. out Kazan's chain he mude fast to
2.,.? ot a "tuntwl lib eh that held
r' "J tent-llap. Heforo lie went Into
U .,?. . tne nlRlt McOIII pulled out
- automatlo and examined It with
ttthsiii r,a .as u, Journey continued
laiT 1.? u,nls,"'!, along tho shore of
XcOiii A,?,8Jac On the fourth niglit
Hui.il. r , u ",s lent "' a clump of
iait pine n hundred yiuds back from
water, aii ti.n .t ... .-., . . .
lams .V.. in " ""i " mo wiihi nnu
Iwat il d."y flom bell'l them, and
!woVh!i,la n"lf ot 'he day tho pro.
rm ih. en wtchlng Kazan closely.
iraa the webt thsm i.n.i .,... ., i,...
cm ?Htn. ,hat "tlrreil him uneasily.
Jib. Cie, ,,aJ ""Iffe'l that wind.
In hu" v. ha" heanl ''lm growling
Sit h.J Ulroa, '""1 nce. when tho
aadhS0"!0 stronger than usunl,
mi ! un .iS hU tansa, nnd the bristles
strilong '"8 sP,,e- Fr an hour
HJS ca'"P the llttlo professor
raalior. . .? "" Dut at look ng up
l,f More of the lake through hl bunt.
krfi itil w?3 dusk whe" ho re-
MtJha.ioJhe d0Ka- Vor 'ew '"-
4 S?4 unbsorved, looking at the
f!idBi.kazan was st"1 uneasy. He
. fo?.v.?ves.t' Mcai" wade note of
KtiVtut & a lay behlnd Knza"
tTno h..ha?e faced ''lm. He was
"s ut ir! "cre wa3 somethlne in
Vto .? CU' uA "ule shlver ran up
a, a he thought of what It mlcht
R.J4a mpv u
,"e, and r,. j ""in a very small
t Into TivP ed 8UPPer. After this he
. rt,uilQ the ten, . .
Tr h can-i.,1 Vv am when he came
ithuckhTi "blanket under hU arm.
1-. "a 3 he Stood for n mnmn
.,. '
f. si
KfeWa'A- -----
tVldnhJF?.InF to sleeP '" 'here to
StyJlH he s,Uld. "I don't like
J U i ,h0U5a ln the west wind. It
W v," ."lhUnderiilnpml" ii.. i..,u.i
j:" tent u.. ""mi, w paces I ruin
tel.S ewehtet0rs1I,Ldh,mSel' '" h'8
Vntwd k"1' st!rl" night, and houra
l"Wafo.$an dropped his nose be
l.aW .., 'rtpaw and drowse,! t wn.
Jl did n lle. that roused him. The
'MWMthr i? a?n " sluggish Dane
" 69strl .aSn " head was alert, his
aiUdoirA '" lne alr- Wht he
"y itm y a avy about hlm
tkri 2ml Ja"k'aa3 behind the
1 WofeaTor ?i fl8Ure- u waa n' the
I. ."VaTs. It nnnrnniriAj n..a.l i
t itarii4 and n"nched shoulders.
EaSfl Vi "ealed the murderous
JU lata iJ inSSer. Kazan crouched
, Ha Iflu hftAfl tin. l.a.n.A. 1.1
1. til t "- uctnccil 1
w wdrT ;iT-v.M?."" "?. .r
l-Sh.idy approached, uod at
---. ...o uap ot no ttat Ue
UirVa. club or a. whip tn ins
SHller OX liteeL At th iIimf In
J.ckt'nott?,BlSUWd- nm' ,"CrC', '" ,1"'
.itlrlti,. A ...I it ...
Thi. d.. t ."' "" men up eiipeu.
tnU had weakened ho lii.riKt
:..: '."" " ncckbroken. Ago mid the
e .ml wn,j since the days f his slaver y
n traces, ami n ,.llve ,,.. ,.,,''
i niiiiii. Niniiii ...--
lean !. rJ " ' .""" ,M " "ccoml
his an?. ViiS1"5" S""k. M, thc n',"l' "'
ms arm urn, .,nrlPlI (h
fell, nm! n.s they rollc.l over "n ih
I, ii,iS,",,d.?r? "I"rl? . he lugged .it
A n V" .wm liol.l was
rr..i.li- f.U". """"I "W""-' mi ms reel.
"- "ii tiii iiiNiniir im ii
V. i .. """i"iT auacK.
The fir' 'lr ttfl" so"p rr(" III" neck.
imp rot pal, the stilts, the whlsuprliii
wind we.e all nbout 1,1m. Ile.e woie me f
and off there uas-d.ny Wolf! Ills ctls
ilroppcd and ho turned swlfth
s t-ped Ike a shadow back Into ,. . ' !
mis frcrdom of his world.
hUiHlied yards nwny soniethlnir
tte,i?l'n.f0P r" li,"l,,nL "
the bB !),, xoco ,)1t ,lt, sha
nlTr" .,,f,ll, lllll Professor's
nutomatle. And above that sound thclo
rose thn voice of S.mdy MeTikger I i a
weird nnd teiriblo cry.
MILK after mllo Kazan went on. For
n time ho was oppi eased b the
shHeil.iR note of ,rMth that had come
t hint fi, Handy MeTrlRKe.'s er. nnd ho
sipped thinuRh the bniiskl.m.s llku a
shndow. his enrs llatten,..!, his tail trail
litK. Ills hlndiiuarters betinylim- thnt
rurlous slliiklnR imallty of the wolf and
tlo stealing nwny fiom datiRpr. Then he
came out upon n plain, mid the still
ncss, tho billion stnrs In the clear vault
of the sky, mid the keen nlr thnt car
lied with It n breath of the Arctic bar
rens made him nleit nnd iiuestlonltiR. He
fined thc direction of the wind. Some
where off theie, fur to the south mid
west, wns (Irny Wolf. For the Hist time
In ninny weeks ho wit back on his
hnuriehes nnd nve the deep nnd vlhrnnt
call that echoed welrdlj Tor miles about
him. Hack in the batiskluns the bit; Dane
heard It. nnd whined.
From over the still body of Siinily
McTrlKKcr th0 Uttto piofessor looked up
with a white tense face, and listened for
a second cry. Hut Instinct told Kazan
that to that llrst call there would be no
answer, and now he struck out swiftly,
cnlloplne mile after mile, as a iIok fol
lows the trail of its master home. He did
not turn hack to the lnke, nor wus his
direction townrd Hod Gold City. As
stralRht ns ho intent hnve followed n roml
bjnzed by the linnd of man he cut across
tho 10 miles of plain nnd swamp mid
forest nnd rocky rldse that lay between
him and tho McFnrlane. All that nteht
ho did not call iiKnln for Orny Wolf. With
hi in reasoning was a process brought
about by habit by precedent and as
Ciroy Wolf had waited for him many
times hefoie, he knew that sho would be
waiting for him now near the sandbar.
Ily dawn he had reached the 'lver,
within three miles of the sandbar.
Scarcely was the sun up when ho stood
en t - whito strip ot sand whore ho nnd
Blonde Companion of Robber
Flees From Chicago to In
diana Town, Evading
Arrest Thus Far
rilH'AOO, Jnn 22. Kvery pollco
agency In tho centr ' States wns on the
look-out today for tho robber who shot
and killed Policeman Johnson In tho heart
of tho crowded retail shopping district
last evening, after wounding Krnest Ij.
Walsh, cashier of Thomas Cook & Sons'
Chicago tourist agency and robbing the
otllce of $1000. A reward of $200 hns been
offered by Oovemor Dunno for thc rob
ber's capture.
The blonde woman, who was tho com
panion of the lobbei but became sep
arated fiom him when tho driver refused
tn start his car. has been traced to Mlsh
awaka. Ind.
It was 5:15 o'clock when the robber en
tered the dooiway of tho otllce. The
cashier was counting over tho receipts of
the nftcrnoon.
"Hands up. everyho,J." ordered the
highwayman as ho came toward tho
cashiers counter with a revolver In his
"Oct over on this side and stand in
line," waa his noxt eommauu. .
Walsh started to reach for u levolvcr.
Immediately there wns a report and
Wrlsh fell with a bullet in his chest. The.
robber seized the pile of hills, tucked
them Into his pocket and backed toward
The report of the revolver hud attracted
the attention of passersby. One of the
crowd ran to the street crossing and sum
moned Policeman Johnson. Johnson
reached the doorway lust as the robber
was ..topping out. As Johnson started
to seize him. the robber tired the b
passing through hU heart. Johnson fell
dying on the doorstep.
In the meantime the woman "pal of
the robber was to have been waiting In
a taxi at the hank's door. The driver
engaged, suspecting something was
wrong, refused to drive there.
The robber rushed from the bank to
., , ,i.i., in waiting. He ran east.
whore another auto was standing, and,
lumrdiiB into the seat beside the driver.
SPrlhta. to drive away. A mile away
he lumped out and disappeared.
KdwSrd Stone, manager of the office,
was one of those held up. He said that
on Thursday afternoon a blonde wpman
on i nur " "" .. ,,,, mmiu tnnu rles
SSZ Uckets to Panama. She was in the
foom several minutes, and. according to
5SS 'tack.t least to the curbstone out
side the otllce.
It Was Really a Luncheon and Not
Very Thrilling
WASHINGTON, Jan. 22.-The breakfast
iw Assistant SecreUrj- of War Breckln
that AMJt".V, .chevy Chase Club with
r-'fain Jvou V pen and ex-Alpbaasador
SSwinWuirlUlg J. .dveloPed
today as early reports made It. Also It
ni?t a breakfast, but a luncheoi).
va.l .fori- started from a stub In von
Pane's chkbook; now held In London.
?n Hero W8 for that Chevy Chase meal.
T,.oi in the publication ot the story
that Hreckluridge and Dumb. w.rt the
tbat VruMta Today thc gucs.t lUt re
only guests. ii well known In
vealed nf v r- ---
movernc . sftls'-tl,e olf now- In cveiy
Torln fh!' tn,J!n" c"n to his feet. He
nmHi?1" thnt ,,el,1 hlm' Te" "t
nihil.- I i llJe enomy lie 1,nl"d nlvo nil
UhPifi he had over known. Hvcrv ounce
-f strength In his ..plr-mlld ho, v S
iiscir for t ho
pla,e down to 5, ivlth left over
t!ray Wolf had come down to drink !
Kxpeotiinlly and confidently he looked .
about him for Ora Wolf, whining softlv. .
nnd nKRlnK his tall. Ho benan to search I
for her scent, hut rain had washed even
her footprints fiom tl,o ..l.o.. ,. aii
that ilny he sentehed foi her nlonu the
tit.... rt.wl .. .... .. " . .
..... ..M. i ..Li mi lm i mm up wont to
where they had killed thi.r lni i-nbv.li
He sniffed nt thc buihcs where thc poison
halls had liuiiR Aaaln nnd nualn he sat
back on his haunches and sent out hbl
mall ' rry to her. And slowh. as lie did
these thliiRS, natuie was workln In him
that miracle of the wild which the Crees
have tinmed the "spirit call." As It had
"union in urny woir, so now It stirred
the blood of Kazan. With the coIiir of
the sun and I ,e s rr.pin about him of
shndowy iitelit, he turned more and imiro
tn the soillh und rnst Ills whole world
was inaile up of the Halls oier which ho
had bunted, lleyond those places be did
not know that there was such a thins ns
existence. And In that world, snmll In his
iiudeistniidiiiK of Ihlnss, wns (liny Wolf.
He could not miss bir. Thnt world. In
bis colnpieheiislnn of It. nr. fiotu Hie
MeFnrlane In a imirow tail thiotmh the
foiesls nnd ovrr the plains to the llttlo
vnlle fiom which the 1 avers had driven
them. If Orny Wolf was mil heic sho
wns there, and tirelessly -c lesuined Ills
illest of her.
Not until the stars wero fading out of
the sky iiKaln, and gray day was Rliltnt
piare to nlRlit, did exhaustion and humter
stop him. He killed a rabbit nnd for
hours nftoi be had feasted ho lav elosn
to his kill nnd slept. Then he went on.
The fotiith nteht he came to the little
valley between the two rlitees, and under
the stars, moie billllnut now In the chill
clenriic's of the enrlv autumn ntehts, ho
followed the creek down Into their old
swamp home It wa. broad dm when hu
reached the edge, of the great beaver
pond thnt now rniiipletpU Hiiriiiiimleil the
windfall under which liinv Wolf's seronit
boin had come Into the win Id. Ilioken
Tooth and the other hem pin had wioughl
n big change In what had once hem his
home nnd Orm Wolf's, and for many
minutes Kuznn stood silent und motion
less nt the edge of the pond, spilling tho
nlr heavy with tho unplenmiul odor of
the usurpers. I'ntll now his splilt li.nl le
imilned uubiokeu Footsore, with thinned
sides nnd gaunt bead, he circled slowly
thiough the swamp. All that day he
searched. And his crest lay Hat now,
and there wns a hunted look In tho dioop
of Ids shouldeis mid in thn shifting look
of his eyes. Orny Wolf was gone.
Slowly nature was Impinging th.it fact
upon him She had vtscd out of his
world and .out of his life, and he was
tilled with u loneliness and a grief so
great that the forest seemed strange, and
the stillness of the wild n thing that
now oppressed nnd frightened him. Once
more the dog in him wns mastering the
wolf. With Ouiy Wolf he had possessed
the world of fieedoni Without her. that
win id was so big and siinnge and empty
that it appalled him. I.nte In the after
noon he enme upon n llttlo pile of
crushed clnm shells on tho shore of the
stream. 11- snltfed nt them turned
away went back, and sniffed again. It
was where Outs Volf had made a last
feast In thn swamp before continuing
south. Hut the scent she had left behind
Wiis not Mtroiig enough to tell Kazan, and
for a second time he tinned away. That
night he slunk tnnlnr a log, and cried
himself to sleep, t'eep lu thn night he
grieved in his uneasy slumber, like a
Members of Women Writers'
Club Attend Meeting at Club
house, 1210 Locust Street
Members of tho Women Wrlteis' Club,
who, with their guests, assembled In tho
clubrooms, 1210 Locust stieet, hist eve
ning, were given a delightfully Informal
talk by Mr. Karl K. Harrlman, managing
editor of thn Ladles' Homo Journal, on
"Magazine Fiction." Mr Hnrriman dealt
with different phnses of short-story writ
ing and gave many Interesting sidelights
on the Iillo.syncraelcH of several well
known writers. Tho speaker was Intro
duced by Miss I.ouisc Hetts IMwnrds.
who has been conducting a class for the
discussion of short-stdry writing at tho
club throughout thu winter. Among those
present wero Miss M. U Dlehl, president
of the club; Dr. Jane Klft, Mlt-a Julia
Hlaiikciibiirg, Miss Killtli M, Hurtls, Mrs.
Adrian F. Wellens, Mrs. Horace Hurrcll.
.Miss Virginia Caipenter, Miss Katharine
Field, Miss Ida Clevo Van Aiiken, Miss
Alma Anderson. Miss IClizabeth Ander
son, Miss Mabel Xlmmerllng, Miss uor
othy K. Mills, Miss Myra Smith Hedges.
Miss Gertrude Oarnell, Mrs. Itobert Quen
liell. Miss Kmlly Ctirpeiitor, Mrs. John
Weslej Avery. Miss Hebeknh Flllot, Miss
Hlunche Fisher, 'Miss I.ouUu Mct'onnell,
Mrs. Hertinm Hosiniin, Miss Hnchel An
derson, Miss Kdna Stuuffer, Miss Mary
Hopkins, Miss lllesson, Miss Jessie Du
Val and Miss Klnlso Vldol.
Tim fourth annual tiaii'iuet of men of
the Chambeis-Wylle Prebbvterlan Church
will be held next Tuesday evening.
The Itev. It. M. Blackburn will talk on
"The Public Heading of the Scriptures"
.at tho Presbyterian Ministers' Meeting at
11 o'clock on Monday forenoon.
The Hev. r. lir.iut llopiwr. rn'lor of tha
West 1'ark Prvsbvtertan Church. has an
nounced that the Itev. John It. Kendall, Jr..
of Muscatine, loua, will lecture un Abraham
Lincoln be I urn the men of llio church neat
Tt-e Itev. Or. William Nesbltt Chambers, nili
sIouar of the American Hoard of I'ungreKU
tlonal Korelan Missions to Adaua, Turke) .
wilt utldress the servica of the Christian Asfco
ilatlon of llryn Muwr Pullcxti tumorruw ete
nliie at o'tlock,
The Itev. ilear.e Chalmers ftlchmoml will
lireach In St. John's PpUv'upal riiur, h, 3d
und Hrown streets, on "Tho Iirumntlaatloii of
the Intistble." and In the tfvenlujr thu tupli- he
illl dUeuis u.111 he "Mrs. Slulssburi's bocUl
Service Stunt, or Why thu KaplJ Transit
t'oiniNiny. lalls to Itt-ut Its Curs In Putd
Weather." Mr. Itlchmond laid previously an
nounced that he would preach In the evening
on "Kellgtou Shams and Impostures, cr the
Heresies und Kccleslatluil Assumptions ut the
lev. P. M. llhlnelandcr. a Protestant lllshop
ltesldlns In Philadelphia and llavlni; Juris
diction Over a Small Kelslbus Ilenominallon."
The Hev Julian K. Smyth vvlll talk on
"The LtEhted Mind" at 11 o'clock tomorrow
moriitn. In Iho Church of the New Jerusalem
(Swedinlirvlan), and In ibo evening; at H his
topic wilt be. "Tho lllble: Its Power ot
Prophecy, Its Internal or Spiritual Msanliij."
The Itev, Dr. John V. Adam, of the Hart
ford Theological twminary. will preach st tha
Tuberi cl J'fe-sb) u-i Unchurch lopAorrour.
Michael J. Fanning- will deliver bis famous
lecture for temperance In Urace Methodist
episcopal Church tunlgbt.
Dr. Algernon S. Crepsey. of Rochester. N. Y.,
.Ill talk on ''Jesue Metho.1 of nni.rn-n,ni'i
at the Kthlcal Culture weetw. In the Broad
Street Theatre st tl am. tomorrow.
The Hev- Dr Bohert Uagnell will preach In
the Park Avenue Methodist Episcopal c'nureu
tomorrow tnornlm; pn '-The Salt of tb
Kartb," and In the cvenlnK on "Jesus or
The Rev. piadalpoe Uolnj preaches fonior.
ow In the Methodist Episcopal Church of the
Advocate. tiefiuaiiioii. at 10.45 on "Vision
and Service'; and at 7 43 on.-Wltb Paul to
Corinth. The idiurch U uulUtuc In tba csiaa
tuunlty evangelistic campaign, whlgh will boll
Its meetings, this kveik. every evening. eaxeEi
Will Speak Tonight Before Dis
tinguished Assemblage at
l.'nrmer President William II. Taft will ,
i he tho nrlnclnal sneaker nt tho Sth nnniinl ,
! hnmiuet of the Trnllle Oluli of I'hlladel-
' ..l.i ...kll. ..Ill 1... l.-l.l l..lnl.l It. IIia
i i'. Mint-ii ..nt i. nvm luiiift". ' ..
Ilellcvue-Strntford. Mr. Taft Is Hie Roe
ond px.Presldetit to be entertained 111 this
city within two days, former 1'iesldeiit
ltooscclt haMin; left here yesterday
nfter nttendhiR the Amerlriinlzntion Con
Kiess Mr. Tuft und Ivy I., l.ee, of the per-
s'onai slnff of John I)', llockofcller. Will
deliver the two niiilli nddresscs. Mr.
Tuft will spenk on "tlrpnnlznllon mul
Combltiallons in lluslness nnd Politics."
while Mr. l.ee has chosen to speak on
"Some Itallroad Questions the Public
Must Heckle."
A brilliant nssemblane of men from nil
tnrts of the eoiillnenl Will be the Riiesln
it. 111'' UWlllt'l. I 1 CrOUt'lllH Ul II11III..I.IH.
banks, steamship companies, corpoi.itl ms ,
mid ttnsts will ul tend. A fenluip of the
occasion will be the entertainment of
iiimiy women In the balcony during tho
progress of the dinner. Following tho '
bamiuet a dance will be held In tho I
t'lover (loom.
Th bnmiiint will be held In lite Hold
Koom. slivrtlng nt 5.So o'clock. Oeorgo
.!. Lincoln, presidenl of the club, will
preside. Dr. 15. .1. Cnttell. City Statis
tician, will be toastinnsler.
Hoy's .Maui: I cd Hcily I'otind on Track
A bov was run oxer bj a ronl train oh
the Port Itlelimniid branch of the Phil
adelphia and Heading Hallwaj, Ids head,
one mm and one leg being severed from
his hodv. The bodi was taken to the
moigiie and was Idcutltlis! n that of 13-.viMir-nlil
Imnlel Oioss. Jr.. of 101.' Saer
slieet The bodi was found iester,ia
mi the tracks of tin- railroad just above
the Mile avenue In Idge. It Is believed
that he was planum with olnei boys,
Jumping on Mains.
itPi.itiitii'M Miri('i:s
lllttiAMM' AMI (illlllt Ill'tt I : I '
riiurrhns kuppIIpiI Preilerlrk It luils, Mer.
Vnhc rulturp 1711 riicKtniM si.
ItM'IIM' iCMI'l.i:, Hrii',,1 -Hi,! llprki. sis
IMVj-Cl.l. II i'(iNWi:i.1. will prenrh
Mnrlillm. Ill .l Illhlp 4,-hnol, 2 i'.n. ei . 10.
Mppclal iiiusP- in ih,- ,'hnrus In th. picnlim
llrean re. Itill. "IS V P. TuwMell. M. P
finisTNi'T m'ki:i;i' uptiyr rm urn
CliPHtntlt st wpsI ,,f Inih.
(IKOlKll: l. ADAMS t) 11., Pastor
Ii 41 a in HrMthrrho.t.1 of an-l P.
to :ui h in. U'ortlil,. und Keiinnn hv P.istor.
t! la n tn llll.le MihiK.1
7 I" n in Wori.hli. un.l Sermon b I'Hstnr.
Ni:W lti:iIi:.VN, IHtli im.l Pine t -Hoi
Hen l.oikptt Pastor Sundni H.-rilios
Itnithcrhun,!, a ." a m , prpn hlnii. 10 II
.1 to.. 7 4.1 p In . H S . " .10 p. in
si:c(im HAPiisT iini.rists iiami plans
iiippIs '.'.in 7ih below illrtinl aie Hpi. A.
AK1IHH lli:sn sppnker Miss Pearl roniipr.
Mrs Irppp t'onntr. Mr I .n 1,1 Turner .oi'l the
Ifciwnton rtimtly will slnit Tho Sun-lni School
(lrihu-itr.i Mill tflMi-r.lke part In mush-til se
lections.' Vrhlnyllilahl. IV in llnw-ker. Spi.ik-c-r.
ojnr Sen Ire un.l Sncl.il NlKllt
rntsr piiiitrii np tiii: iiicri iiup.n
i Hunker), , or t'urllsle and I) iiinhln sts.
PreaehlnK 111 to a in. and 7 1.1 p. in.
Sunday Sili'inl-S .10 p m.
Prater Mcelllic pa,-h Wi-lnpsdav pvpiiIihit.
lll-irlplrs of Plirlst
laiupastcr ate. Holly and Aspen sts.
T i: U INTPIt. Pasior. 10 :io, ! ?.a, 7. s.
rtbli-nl rultute
1)11. AI.CP.ltNON S. rilAI'!ll5V. of Itochester.
will nddress the S.telt tor IHIihal t'ulluru
nt Hroail Street Tlieatle Huiuli). 11 n. in.,
on ' testis' Mtlhi.,1 of Hon rnment."
Prunklln Jlome
1IDN OP .Ni:illll.Ti:S,tll 1-1.1 Locust st
Sunday, s p. m., services conducted ny Itev,
j i-
Lemon II III AtMiclntiim
"Ji:SPS lll'.lti: AND CILIIINIi"
HP.NDAV NlllllT. 7:i).
Thu Prleiidli L'liuicli."
tilth nnd JfllT.'rsiiii sis.
lANli:i. K. WPIill.K. Pastor.
lii:rtn a. in "Siiokes or Ilrakns."
I., p. in.- I lie I'assinK snow.
Mnlit nuarlet will ulntl-
"St'ccil Away,"
Couldn t lo WHIiout Thee" mil "Just Oul
Hlde iho poor."
Muuiiay eteiiliig, S o'cloek, llotner Hode
heatei and tils tdanlst, hi Surtd CoiiL-ert
and Heelnil. Preetvlll nrfrrlng.
TAIIKICNACLK. .Huh and Spruce Win. J.
.Miller. Jr. 10 1.1, J II. ji. S., SJtll p. in
TIHII'LK. IWiriid Hare Hot- "a Pohlinnii.
M. Ii. to -M a. ni J .'111 mul 7-4.1 p. m.
.Iletliodlst IJjilbcupui
ciiphcii tn- tiii: aiiir'.ti5,
W.ivnr .it-inue and ijiu-en lane,
in 1.1 VISION AND sintvii'i:
Hevltut Setvltt Wolioluo.
Coiiimiinltv Htamiellstlt- ScrvUvs In Wavne
Av nuo IMpttst L'liiitt h tach wtek evening,
exiept MolldaV all-t natUlday.
uiiAti: iiL'iimni.vi' kpi.ncopal ciiphcii
Hruail and Master sts.
W (illAI JUNKS, Minister. A. O, MUh-
etier, , hotrnusttr.
Ill .'ilia I" -Morning- worship: "IsaUh the
2 tin ti. in. Session ot the Siunlav school.
7 Hop. m llvenwing, orgun recital nnd
irt,i hlng b Pastor.
Tonight- Ml, Intel J Punning will deliver his
great temperance lecture; admission free;
even body tteliome.
p. ii ii At i:ni i; rm ittn
I'ark ave. and Norrlu st.
lev. ItOlinitT IIAILN'KLL. I). I). Minister.
10 8o"THi: SALT op TUB KAHTH "
Anthem-' Festival Te Ileum." J. L. Frank.
Iljct- "Lonl. 1 have loved Thy hibllatlou,"
7 3o Organ recital, Mr. MiCulkln
Anthems' iUbylon." Wutsou; 'Try Me, O
Ond," Roberts
Solo "If with at! nur hearts." from
"l?lllah," Mr. Ucnlamln Know lea.
8AINT ANDRI'.W. Walnut am) 43th.
10 4,1 a in. and 7.45 p. nt
-no p m Men's Cnnuitunttv lllble Class
Dean. R. J Dennett. Perillanent Tearher;
TAIIKRNAPLK. lllli .1 below Oxford
to .10 a. m . "Winning Molds."
2 SO p. m. Sutulav School Servke.
T 45 l in.. "The Wages nf Sin."
Mr Wm N. Thomas, Slng'ng Evangelist.
will sing nt all services and throughout the
Preaching by the follow Ins named ministers
Monda and Tuebthiv Rev II. P Sloan
Wednesday Rev lleorge W. Her.sou. P. D.
Thursday Ret Wayne Channel!.
Friday. Ret Edwin P. Hann.
New .lerui-uleiii IHw etlenhorglun)
Tilt: nilll.t:: Its Power of rrophec): Ita
Iuterpul or Spiritual Meaning. Its Int-andes-cent
quallt)." lecture by Ret Julian K
h'rmtli, of New York city, at the Chunh
nl the New Jerusalem 2d and Chesiuut sts .
Sunday evening at n o'cluck Every one
wilrpme. Special music. No collection.
The Rev. Julian K. Sinth wilt uUa preach
tho Sermon Sundav morning. Subject, "The
Lighted Mind." Service at It u'llock. Sun
day School at ! HU. All seats are tree.
Everybody Is welcome.
HOPE. 3:td & Whurto., sts Minister. Rev.
TAYIjOK .CALDWELU Assistant, 10.4S.
Rev l)r Holloa will preach. Subject, "The
Coming Man," 7 13. Rev. Dr. William J.
Johnson tlie Smiling Orator of the Presbv
terUu Un.eral Assembly.
!'tlel)lUt uud U7th sts.
Iter, JOHN ALLAN ULAIR. D. p Minuter.
ford Theologlea! Seminary, will spre4ch.
8 p. m.-"aiVE CJIRIST A
Men's Class. 10 a. ni. Sunday School. SJiO.
HKIJill, 31st below Falrmount-Itev. R. E.
WILLIAMS. W 30. English; 7J0. Welsh.
pro tea taut Episcopal
JIOI.V AI'Oall.Eis. t'lst and Christian sts.
tkHtces U u tu . 10 Jo a m. und 7 43 p.
m. SaoJay School. 'iSSH p. in. Forty eUMa
i Annivtrcary si isi iuo Ulsh'-u Suuriy
I jlll nroJ. II In lh ulstnliiA-
iTi ViflWIVV kl.lliall'il
&&&& h&S ' Pwinli5S3.
I'rnlrttant RpUeopnl C'ontlniinl
Cllt 1U II I' lloi.Y (OMIOIITIUI,
4Mh l anil !larrfnnl e
He K T McllUNIIY. ltm-mr
h . m . to IS n ra . l. p m
C'lltltCII vlt ST. l.fKK
AMI Till! IH-miANY
iitli clrrct. It.lrw Sprti, p.
llov. HAVili M STI!i:i.1-: Hector.
.mih m llolv ('Ammnnlon.
In 0,1 n m. Punrtav Sohnol
lyi 2 m J.'""'"" prer n-1 iM-rmoii.
I oil p. in hM-nlns i.nivcr. nntlicm am! ad
iire. The Hector nil! prenrh at both ftrvlce
sr" sTPT'iirfw fin ,
: .?trtl "i. ?v in m I
' nun i. KMin rreinut
t-v CAlll. ti HHAM.Mr.lt. ?. T, O.. Heeler.
I l'ltl.l)i:itirK tl. kllAlit.li. Aasnctatn
rteetor will nrnich nt Imth aetvlc-rs
.nt.la tn-giimltr Sihnnl
II una. in Mnrnliin 1'r.iver. nhil the llertot
n II nrairh Sullied. -,tv frmrsinm M n-
' .". , ."rfcvi, 1'rnninm.iiii rneis7
i imp in -uvtnina
tlie !t"i-tnr. Siviinl
I'nirer mill 8 rlnnn hT
1'rr.tcM nit t.'llbriipnl
ill II sf. .HHIV.s. tir.mti rt below a,l if
Itlilnnoiul prni. lies totnerr iw. 10-1.1 Jt :4.1
HUM' N. A, mi nn.l ti,ii... un .tohn
l lllikes. P.istnr. in tn un.l '. 8. 8 S "0.
Itefurmrd t-'pl.rmwl
,U iti-iiCKUni, te,',, , ,1 DTfnnf
ItvilSKrT in in. -Kialit on Pi,
.rtrfilnss ' .
If SHieil"
wiiit si, ii' I int. rl. ii lm t.i
NirlntUI l.llrrnry Society
OSt'.Mt A.MIltllMIKIt, Assoc-latc Iblllor of
the lllp-Siw, will spsiik ns IT'-pnrlim to
IM inhM Hip t'rnple ' torn rr-.w :t t m . nt
llro.i.1 Street Theatte Musi, hy the llolin
li iiik wumtet.
i:i: m: .n:itt .t i:t:
i iiH.irliu
llltsp I MIMtlAS. SIS1 I'tlcslnilt st Hpv.
t' P.. HT. IiUIK. Ii. P. Jllnlstcr 10 a. m.,
Kunil.iv Hchnnl. ti n. in.. Pr Kt. John lli
P'pn h Tin- i-hnll mini., Philip II. ilnpi.n,
rllreitnr will Is- TIip ,s,.t nil Kei
Hneei MmellliiB tier " l.v .t i: West, nnd
...-ii.it-i.Niiiiu uupi i . niip.i lor ipp loiii
, p in. iiiiiiitn M,-ri,, i. iici. r. a. i
lining Hen's ( litl-lliu, A -mi, In I Inn
kp.iniom: iiicvnti; .MPivriM., nth &
I , hltfh. Htirplie in, m m I'll le (Muskcs allrl
Norih Ilriin, h V M ,' A Kiind.it st 'I !n
p. in, Pr Mns Vt prtli-lm, r. r nliln Suh-J,-
I r.TprrlPiii-ts In .ln.l.iliin. Kplrllu illsni.
I'hil-iliin s, Ipin-p nnd ,'hrUilnnltt " i In run
.,r am. led h Pmr. .1 l.linsdn II all. Men
Intlii I
i t "i"i i." I mi mil ill 1 1 i't r now
Ml NAM II. Mil." ml.lr iv In llPt w
Ilnrnts l.mtor. Sun. In. :t M p in . I'ciitrnl
V. M i' A iiii.lllniliim Music stnrts :t p.
in Men ttelriitne
. 11 1-.. elliinenii.
VVnMAV.N NIIIN MI"Mhn(1 Mlt'inn
i.i:nana missmni
Will 11,- Ili-I.l
m:hni:hii.v, .ianpahv airrii. iimi,
THiii:u p. m.
At tile AinerlfiHi Suntltt S, liool t'nton,
sit I'hestnut sir. p
TIip Het. Holiert John. ton. Ii Ii . will prislite.
Ail.lr, ss.'s will bo iti.ulp lit Mls S A. Pnitt
ntlil Mrs P. S llriitisnn. .liipan nnd Miss A.
K. WlKhart. ltnlln. You olid tntir rrlpnds are.
eorillallt Inttteil In allplid
im: statu mi iiini iik i m: ik"h au-
tern of the I'enust haul i Anil Sitnnn t.paitu,.
tire lnrnlpil in suite lull to PC- New stork
i:rliatiKP llullitlin:. Telpphonu Prltatp
llralifli 1:x,.i.iiikp. Sunn o "J:I'J
IIAPI'IMInn TALK. Hill riiestimi st . Sun
day iivpiiIiiks Music 7:nn Talk S:1.1 MAR
CIAIII5T PHTTI.Vli lVl.'S. All llltltud.
iip.NKini.nNT asmociatiiixh
Tin: itn.PNTPP.its np a.iiciiipa
Mission Hull. J.1S N Hill St.
Mcclliigs vr nlKht. s :iu, ex,ept Mondays:
Sundass. In :., a in . .1 p. in and h 10 p. m.
Adliitant M. Williams III barge. Captain It.
Italic. Jr.. assistant.
HIP, nL1 VllllN A II 11 V, Inc.
l'hlladelphl.i lleailiiuarlprs. 1'otonl.il Trust
Hiitldlnir. l.'lth and .Market sts
Colonel It. i: llolz In comuiand.
Telephone. Hell. Walnut .17X1 II
This STYLi: TYPi: (or llko this)
One time bio per line
Three limes one week l"Vac per line
Six times one week ldc per lino
Situations Wanted. Ihrto times one week 10
cents tier line per Insertion.
Place your order for three or
more times and it will be inserted
in thc daily Public Ledger at no
additional cost.
One or nvn lime rate for HihxiMi Lr.p,irit
and 1'liuiu Lliiich combine,! Is in cents per
Hue, with l he exception of Help Warned an 1
Situations Wanted, which Is 1.1 etuis per line
TYPE LIKE THIS (or like this)
which Ih i-eiml-leil In nil rtmsHlriiMiilnnx -. I
eept Help and Situation. Want,-,! Lo.t ,,',,
V'TvT'cl'NTSP "it JNr"'IIJ "VNY oi?TllOVl!
There is n ilrnc slnre nenr vnnr
I licrt IS n lirtlf, siort. near your ,
Inline that will accent Leilp-cr want I
! . n. ,
aiiA .ii uiiicc r.uua.
I'or Oilier I n. I mid Pound Ncr I'age I
ll(STO.N'Ti:i!ltll5ll LOST. January 81. if
rtnltt or .'nth and Porter onsweis to name
nf Moiinrch. owner's name cngrnted on
ndlnr. Ilo reward If returned lu iUisi South
jnth street
1M.I1-tUlston Hull, ftmale i llntieil enr ttliiir.
head and link, brown tmjl iMitwceti ears, le- i
ward. .1741 hum, e t. ,
HRACKL1.T IjisI. gold bracelet n Prlilat.
with three amethtvis Reward if reiurncil to
iv.'l Thonl..s ute. Woodland Km
CHILIlNI'RSE. ,. ipalilr nf lalilng ihargo of
ihlld 'i ears obi Phone Cjuwid i,J M. or
wrl!t. Hox nn. Cvnuvd la.
CHILD.N'PHSE. while. 1'unci.iant girl: carViif
twu thtldren, tiiiHi hgiit housework, refer-
ente Phone Oak Lane 7:1.'
CLOTH WEAVERS anted APPlv John and
James Dnbson Int- lllanket Mills. Scott's
June. Falls nf Sthuilklll
C(M)K thambermald und wuliress. two slVters
or ft lends, or mother and daughter, in go to
Wllniliij.il n. Del., good wages; small famll).
1 Ik.... IK-tlffV. ...!..-.
flrll-i'l.i.s. exierlein-eil took 111 cufe.
nte reUlred. .124 p. I7lh street.
COOK- t'olured Human, with rettrepte: help
downstairs und 'a'lndr) Phone aas W.
Iiarbj. .
COOK Pruieslant. .or iuiitr , uuges (ii, ref-
erences requlre.1 8Js s d t
tSENEHAL HOPSEWORK lilrlswhu aro ex-
ferleiued und capable can scture goo.1 posi
ions either In the tity r suburbs by con
bilting "Miss Reed" who Is coiutuntly In
touch with persons tvlnhlng this t luss of fielp.
Either cull or phone WALNPT 3000 and jou
will retelve valuuble Information which will
prompiiv fcts ure ou u most desirable posi
tion. This kervlce Is rendered through Ihe
THE I'l'HLIC LEDOKH und is free tu
I.EIHiKlt .l bii i tat.iin.
KITCHEN MAID, exp . state lurreiue In an
swer Addroa E Ml. LeilaerCenlrul.
LAPNDREhS, uls.i light rhamberwork. whits,
3Islu Line, give lerireuue und expected
wages. It iu.1l. Ledger OtHce.
OPERATORS Applications are now being re
etlved for experivn.ed female oaterators on
fuses. Cull or uddrees, stating eipcrleuce.
Si IS Fraukford ave.
MAIDS (S, cook, waitress and chambermaid;
bousemuu kept: German, Sfutch or Kasllih
yrejerrod. Hox Ul. Radaor. Pa.
SILK WEAVERS, experienced and barns.
tuit undr ltl. Sauuuolt
ous. Mitt. I.V..
and ttuniing turn uve.
SOFT SILK WINDERS, exp'd., and learners,
not under HI. Ally tstfore 10 a, m . Sauquolt
Silk Mfg. Co. 1Mb and Hunting park ave.
STENOGRAPHER Good salary and perma
nent position with long-established merchant
Orm must have good English education und
be quick, accurate nd IctelUgeut. Replt In
u handwriting to D 16 ledger wn.ee.
BTENtsaRAPHpn exMerien ed ,i ispaiTu
Ualnnire need not apply good salary Cull,
site i ?'a,K- l07 Fi1n.-S IkiHdlnx-
TYPIST who Is ouUk and . rrtl st Ogurvs,
jjpb E. Frschia $ Co BS Arih ft
ether llStit.MutUa. Protestant, for place In
coantrvTrercocf Met eioploycr Kooin SSO
JvjbLpp l3a, JJond-y, l to 12,
VOfNO t.AtilBS c,wl looks no objection
wnnici ac onie in mil suoscripiion eani
twten. Jlrect Imits nn1 letters of Intrmbir
tlnn. ttberfll romtplMton. Apply In person
I' H) trelsv to I) 1) O'l.mmhlln. r'rnnklln
Itank HMir . Chestnut st, below llrosil. nrl
nmir Hull si ii of tnlrancc.
MANTEIv Hrlfht oune wfimen. hptnern
una 22 vr.,rs ol.t to lkr im lelftihnne nt
7n experience necesmm. Palsrv imhl wlille
lenrnln rtcasnt work permnnent lio1
tloil...tiMy In.wriwva. Ii a. m..to r, n. m
4,1,! MAItKUt urftinrr.
XoW IS TUB TIM!! fur vmine Indies seek
Ityt cnmrnetPlal positions to consult , Miss
K:.. .'.. K.jsl .rrvpr I , rpinlerwl .to i
5tfiSW.0,3 ''IKtiit. lirvriKKHKl'ltlls AS'n
r't.reltKS ,11)11111 the pnmmerrlil Deport-
mem in l,l.J"ll-.II ,liv IIHTISKKH. BIHI n
Rrent ntimtirr nf Indies hste been beneilleil
bv this erlce
. (leneriil
WOMPN" wnnicl ns rtoternnienl elerks .'
tnon Phlln, rxattis .oiiiIiik- simple nnestlors
ftce., Pr-nklln Inst Pent 711 !., ltnchcsttr,
MOV. over 111 Mitrd III Ulterior furnlahltig
. estnlillshmrnl. M Bin. Ledcrr Pelitral
I1',V..ver la vinrs old t.. assist In restaurant
In North r.th si.
lilt APS .M(!l.pf:ii-vnnii.il
Inl- plitli.l.11.. iprt.1i ..,.1...
milml .ip.lt.el tiiitll
eliaiiilellrr work, elilier ,lrv or Rteen sind
Al.l.le Wel.liflt.h r..i,..u.- Illnu.i-.l.. M I
ll in 10 a in.
"... itr,,'n,!cr SPl'PltlNTHNIil'.S'T
vt mted. nt once pnnin. tent arneral super
Intehdent. with canerlenpe In rrlnfnrrpil ,nn
crete. Tor Job out of town 1! III. Led Cent.
r"l,m! WllAVKHS wanted. AppIv John R.
Jntnrs IWison. in,.. Illinket Mills. Srntl's
lane Falls of Siliutlklll.
tiltAPTSMAN'. in'ihatiral exn'rlenred In llio
ilpslun of telercnpl" Inslruieeiits snliri sl,1;ii
per nnniiin. .-IIIspii Aiudv Prinkfne.1 Arson, I,
In urrltlinr slntliiR .re nnd esuprlen,.. Fif
teen ,lav leate aflrr nin v ar'n sprtjpe:
seten lml ilavs mil Stnn-dat uliprnnntis dur.
.jn! Jhe. atiiniiiprjiintitlis. all tilth fullpai
liHPflS Vnuna nun who nlnlie. t. teifn drug
Imslnpss. Applt bv IpPpp mi'v Slate wngrs
esperl, n, p. k'enker t.ltb and liinmond
''"!"t'","'." '-nihle hind llmcer wnntrd for
holler shop In isntrnl Mnrvl-nil. site esis-rl-fni-e.
.New York Ccnlral linn Works Co.
In,.. Hsgersiottii, M..
Tliw with lilah Brnds sslllna eaperlenee
Apply st Hare in or Pmpti-t m -nt n. Hour.
STItAWHItllMli: Cl.riTlilLIt
KMrrnitS experl iie.1 nn Je'sev slid hith
linr suit (lnitis lltulenlp Fleeeni fader
weir Cn. :,'n. N llmrtnl
MN AND Wirt: vvnnteil mm P. innn nl nut
.0 .-res wire in run In online, Iioiii-j: rnlnrv
mid. Apple In letter nnlt Lennl Oii-irrv
en llr.il IMate Trust Itut'dliiR. PhlUdcf-
jdihl. Pa.
MAM rii.rleiii-,.d. acre'-.ltp to rpiiirse'nt
Isrue mnuiifnrtuier In PliPs'lelpliln. appll
citlon itntsl ttver nasi evnerlenee aits and
alarv,leslre,l. I' mo Ledse r nftl-e.
MAN hii.I wlfo as Puller and conk, titan to
Inkp ..or., of Intvn In Mimm-r. II 70H. LedRer
MP'TlANICM. PSTIM ITOIt'niid ilcnliiner. Ap-
Pli'L"" Ci'llininnttpnllh ttt.lg. . 4 In .1. nsl.iv.
OltPnit CLHItK l.irsp cniporallnn. 15 miles
mil of Philadelphia his a good poeltlen In
nriler tlepittm, nt open Tor the rttfht mnn.
nppllennts must hate .evtril 'iirs' expert
enep be nblp to ni.rp,te tuipttrltpr nnd
furnish goo.1 pfcrppie. I! 1.1 Ledger Cenlml.
SALPSMPN wiinted to e"ll sonp powder III
bulk and other snei'lalMes. must be ex'-erl.
eiire.1 P 701 Lt-darr OITIr-p
SAI PSMAN Hkh class evperl-'ncpil salp-i-man.
lubrleatlnR nils p-,sl,rn Ppiiiislvanla
assignment. P ,1'Js Ledger Office.
STIIVOIIHAPIIP.H Must be a vmine man over
-I ears of nee with setprn) tears' ciperl
enee, references reuulred: one with some
knowlcdc,. of l-nokkeeplna nnd who has hod
so retarlil training pref I? II, Ledger Cent.
STKNOMllAPIlr.lt Proleslimt pxnorlenrrtt'.
nbout IS or '.Ml for sales ilenartment niutiit
fnrtiirlng litduirv: slate reference and sal-
art expected. I' ,114 I edner office
STi:NO(i!tAPIIi:it Hunted Vountr mail with 'J
or more tears' expTleni o for ortl, e of large
manufacturing establishment stute oiper..
age nnd salarv expe, ted i: .1'J trP,l (Vnt.
STOCK SALESMAN for mining slotk: enc-l
inmmlsslnn. no drawing account. Apply
0!'il Jirexcl Hulldlng.
Plrsl-ilnss Tonlniakers.
Apply 2 1 IK Prnnkfi.rd at-p ,
Pet tt pen s n m nnd n p. m.
WANTKI1 Ist-elass" lathe band's" Call "f.r.xt
Westminster ate . l-etwcen 7 nnd N tonight.
VoPNO MI2N neni apnearnnce. cn",l raHrers
wanteil tn sell and ilemnnnirnte u-.Miile-T.'m
llnmx. Cull at .1!Hi.1 Walnut st. before noon
today. Saturday.
- - nenernl
SI'lll.N'fl IIAfllH.N INSTITPTi:
N 15 tor lhoad and Spring llnnl n sts
Onen Tuesiiav Jnn tl.1. Hint at 7'SH p. in.
Course of 1,1 uks ..0 lessons, tl hrs. Mich 5'.M
Teii-h tnalntenatiet. mid renalrs of all the
Inner un.l 'nirlcnie mot lug inrix nf the upo
mobile: overhauling nnd rebuilding tnught In
n praitleiil and lomlse mniner on Tue-iilav
nud Frblaw nlglus i, niier th pirsonal illrcc-
lion of HAUL J HOVPli
HKPn-s si:vpr.vi oti'i-ii i'os npi:.N".
run i.an'p titi.p iipii nis-n
LOCAL or trni ellng for stibscrlntlnns to leng
estiibllshr.l Pr.sbi lerbtll wieklt prntmsltlon
for t'per1ened ,t,id liu-xoi r , u d -'Ppll-anlB:
gnd Income. P 1.1,1 Iidgcr Central
ia,mmi.iiii m-.t. i.. i t .
" '.Vi'rV V Veil.n,-,V""n Sli Tcl-i-V'cemn.l""
rllAMHP.ltWOHK and walling ,n...irf,.mlvT
VK ;,lc pln, 7s Alrn'ord st . Ilrldcblnirar.
CHAM IIPHWOHK Neat .arable tmuia worn-
un. boil re'ireliccH t'717 N Hons.111 st.
COMPANION' NI'HSP iosl n ilnrd. pond"
seamstress for patient. 7'.'ii P. Chcilen iltn.
CUM PINION Mhl .need, relln.-il ttnmi.n. orm-.
nurse, seatnptress rHtmble .VJI'I I'nlauit st
COOK, colored- light hoiiwewi'rk go louutry.
reference. Phono Oirm.iiitonn "J'47 W
COOK, publb' or private etcerlciiecd white
tvmiian. i.fercn. e Call IIC2 JefTcrson st.
COOK and chniiibermalil ex.-el ret. Apply
after", present place 1 rt'l MotHi.ienrln- ate.
PAY'S WOPK vviiited In toloied unman, ref
erences Write H-t Aiinln st.
DIIESSM iki-'R. perfctt n'l.r riniilrllii-t. In
or mil. f'J.li'd.iy. rcf. ISSK Havcrford ate.
Di'KSHM-vKFrt tst-ils. wishes engagemenls
1,1. lailger liruil'-u .oip-e. .wis inrsei si.
1'N'OI I -all tn foreigners ami Auutleans with
neslei-tel eilueatlnn. ie s.iuabe. H fit I ed Cen.
LxliV'S MAID nnd goo.1 seamstress willing
tn P. lp with ihtmberwnrk wisliea position.
IL T . Movlatl llelaware Coun(y. Pa.
PHACTICxL ,nninanl.n uurhc. some hns. exp .
willing to travel. Phone Woodbind iri,7 (
REPINI'-n mull uldnw deelres management
of gcntlemaii'u bome- eap-ibb of being srire
tnrv. refermtcs. J .i. Ia.-.li-ir Central.
STENorillAI'llEH expirlemed, woiibi like few
Jioiir' wok at iorne. Main. Ledger I'eiural
VOPNil LADY thoroughly experienced " hi
ofrti-p ronip'o inni detail g,sl pcnuuti: no
curalr II -I. ledger om.e.
MIPS DEAN at I.e-lges Central has listed the
fiualitlcatlons of omig ladles exnerleuced In
nil kinds of otllce detail work, and lias had
slieclal training In selecting the "right per
son for tlio right ia Rlmi." Aciiiiuliit her
tilth lour utt-d ellhir by perMinal suit or
telephone Wn.nut or 31uln ItiiOn and perr
snnal uttentlsii will Ue riven jwnmptlv. This
Is n rue sertlte to I.EDfiL'K ADVER
Al TOMOH1LE TIRE MAN-il vears' prnttlrnl
tire tonsiru.ttoii in nil bramhes good per
sonality; well educated, knowledge of adver
tising, moderate aaUr J U.17, ledger Cen
tral ACCOPNTANT. Imokkefper, ubsolutel ilrsT
Mju. 1.1 veartr exit. trm. or ten.ui. imu.1.
. Jion.Jip-tq-datehlsh-clHss abllu .11 J! Ann. 4
At COi MAM aim otnee manager, experi
enced and capable of producing results; ref.
the highest. E 15s Ledger Central.
APDITING, big and little done b responsible
man. bonded lit tJOOO M 212. 1-edjfer Ofrtce.
IIOOKKEEHEH and ofHce manager, cashier,
pavm-istrr und carresuondent thuroughl
competent and reliable, Hinplo experience,
chance for advancement J Sit Ledger Cen
tral. ROOK KEEPER, ledger clerk, needs employ.
jnent lmmRateli Agnes' 200 N 3Bih
BOOKKEEPER, expert, wontTwork eVsnlngj;
Urt-la reference!,. A Ml. loslgsa- Offlcy,.
ill'TLER. colored, at present einploved. desires
change, best Mffrvnics. Cull afie W m.,
p. A UeSson. U)17 Federal st.
HITLER'S SO MAN Young Amer. disengaged.
guUU IS!. Mi"m iH.t.wu.1 .. qyiutTF
CARPENTER Younir lean, 21 murrled.
wtahes positioa, suuuruun expciience. cap.,
toudy woiknun A. H Johnso. till) N l-'lh.
CHAl'FFEUH Wishes position with private
family, married, white uge 37 xwrs. driver
of high-priced cars, cao give two or mora
referent es. E 47 Ledger Central.
SilAl'FFEl'R. exp.. thorough mechanic, sin
gle, desires pos.. private family furnish best
reference. VV 212a Krsnkford j.ve
CHAPFFEUK "1ffE,S,0,yon de!3
V liC1l rsirncer',
FlTiPFFEUR wb'lteT"sniar r "deiireia.
stiady position with private fiyy. beat rrt
JShciAlSll West Venango st
cilAPFFEPK." wer ,ll. wishes jialtToiT
f "try or tjuutry. yood rif. JjRj! S. 25th jr.
COOK Jaoaneas. " tpumoenuan. wisn oo
altlons hj prtv.t I aUywi-Hy countnt l
fsf, Moto, lte Viae st- f houo lajcust W w.
lnun. nl.le n.ierencs amall salary. tMr
ecntaBe anywhere wife aa housekeeper.
ii I. i-ilaer Office
MAN AND WIFK as hutlir nnd"cookt prlrats
position. 4 jrars' MnerlenCe n 2X 16. Off,
N'l'ItSK nraetle4l. an.l lomi anion, rtnlres po-1
sltlon with nvili.l rentlemsn, physician's
refercnce Writ K It -ioiu llaverforit atfa.
PIlYPiriAN' upoil ilissnostlrlm sml castlakpr.
rtrslrrs ofnrp position references. J 7.12,
Uily-r Pentrnl
KAI.KJi.IAN hustler ilrslres Permanent con
nerilon. mlsry and enmm . K 111.11. Cent,
RliiPPKtt an.lparker. ,n fnrnlah references
"t Imml J ni. Ledger Centrnl .
VOl'NII MAN withes position as bookkeeper or
ouRh 2.TI. 4 la
. if',. . .".errii-ncwi, ncsi irirrenies. iioxoor
lerlnatnn avr.
Mrts. KNP. r.n p. inn
hsln. with reference, rhn
10th nrnnta flrst-cass
hsrarter and ability.
for nrst-ctnss families rhnne Sprues
MIRS M.AHV T MeClHTHY 1107 Chrl.llsn
II n 111C1) siionlle Jtr u-nnl Ul-elai. P-nr.
t'alh male female help nil nationalities.
For Sale
11)1.1 MKIICI'.lt lliimbnnt: fully enulDP'd:
reieiilly palutei! nnd overhalileil: at a par.
lid- Ml:lli'i:it Itoail'ler. In line shape: else
Irb; llBhls top. nlnJshleid speedometer
and electric horn
inn Pl-:i:itl,i:ss 7-p.issengcr. n-ctllniler: In
Perlerl rendition, eleilile starter and Hants
slip c.ters finish like new, bargain.
MKItl-KII CO. UiO S IlitOAf) ST.
APTo. sriond baml. will sell my litis Special
Mlu hell Six. .-passenger, completely equip
eici-irip ntniier ano iigius, specisi nntsn
eiiipiiieiil throughout tires practlcnlly
tilt Inn. splendid family enr .at Ivsrssln.
Sleihttutjieruvio. Market st llelmont P12S.
Robertson's old original Aula
S hnol teaches ynu how to re
pair and how In drive slMns.
HI'ICK IP1.1 r.-p, avenger touring excellent con
gi;l tlon tires praitlt.illv uptt I: all, f-t-d.Ctnt.
t'AI.ILLAi , I1H1. louring . r,-.verliaiiled sfol
Iriuilnlri1. full eipilpiiietit prim"'". APTP
Htl.l'S collPOIHSIiiN lias III. flit si;
Old! I'll.'. nKMONSTRATOItS"
S .IIIHTLY PSKll POll flll.t:.
lll'P.MOIlll.U. Hill-,12 touring, electric tlhta
and -Uriel , bargnln Phone locust ,1.103 J.
I.oi nMcilll l.i: -,l rt llu.ler. 4 puss., a gentlY-"
man's torpedo: tu tine vendition In every re
f.c i tlrei line will demonstrate. J 0,10.
Ledscr Ceiilrtl
HiA.tu.i Hi'PAMLIt muring car. In good
rnnitltlnn J.V.O
Sell WART.. B.vt N. Hread st.
7-P vssi:noer
I1..I. ,. .'ft lltL.I.
nvMi'i.i,r tiiics in ik'oii i-iin
TIHN. 1. C MO-SKlt 'Jill N HltOAD !
HK.N-n roii riini: in-i li.tin
oohson apto i;xciianii: saa c? RUOAD
Tvl'ToCAlt' inn. open exprces, solid tires. nearly
new ill ii i f.pilpppfl, intv price ian pain.
Kooll llaitunt -til).
ais n
Chestnut st.
N"tt garage opened: tars bought, sold nn
i xi h' iged accessories, new and nl.l; tour,
tonus assistants, expert mtctinnlelnns.
Co.Mi: SEP. PS
Phils. Anln Parti Co till llrnid Phlln.
MA.NIrJIi VI'TlTs Poll" .11 'FK (inT OUIl
price Mrsi. nil Dum aid st Phone Pork HIV.
P.VCIIANOi: now ,,on plaver-plano for nillft.
VVIiltmor,. Piano ro . S0X1 Lehigh Tioga 72.'iO.
OLD cuts bought for lunk anv rondltlon'.
Ilelmniii 4n,i I'robinrkf. .nail Vine st.
to iiiiii:
Plerte-ArrnttB. Pa, Kurds, l"nrd Lm. Gars.
Special shopping rile. XL. '41 tier hour,
Pord town cars
Anion for We.Mlng and Funerals
1111 LOC'PST ST.
Itacc!tr.. Spruco fti.
liai N WlLtdNOTON ST.
NEW OARPORI, imiii nnd one-half 'ton nnjl
three-ton trucks: vvlll lease both trucks with
drivers on hourly bails, with contract guar
niileelug , nnt'tiuoiii fertpc It C. Kpqn
ILocust, Sltii, 2.10S Chestnut st.
KEIIR'S NEW nARAtlP.-l'.'Hi rsirard ave.
Now open for serii, with Ibo tlnest lip-to.
d lie crjillemcnt Slorngi- ri p... Drn.t :n pnd
look It nter or phone llelmont Iliad
TO HIRE ("pin dav nn-l plrhti i.in-nw
5 pass tniir'ng '-cr ul'h rob"- """ '.our:
also brand-new 7-nnss llinoiis'ne s r.n itour;
weddings funer.ls etc Cnnlir '1117 W.
Tlinmpsnn- cheap
"irng" ,lxL, .-.4th -ind
Itubv -Pah and l.nnc.sler.
1 SPEhllllMlTrKR TRtlt'!lt.fi 7
CVLLN'IilJR. HDHOHEP. new pistons, ani
rings rurmrlien. vveiuines ana oraxiug.
PnlerwKid X. Co. 10S.1 Hamilton nl.
New Denarturo Hervlre Sl-l The nwllllam Co..
1111 Vrclist. I'liuiies Walnut :ii)7. Hate -WO.
Ouarnnteed tnnu miles. Compare prices,
n iKolIne ..'np per pa"
ORIM'S L'llil North llrnad st.
PIRPhTONi: DEM, it'NTAIII.E rims for Ford
ca.-s. $15 n. r set lMstilli.1 Duplex Tire porn
mm SJV'n N llrnad SI I'linlie Dlalllnnd 1IJ3.
Pluck. II! mouths old, weight ;Wi pounds; aire
I'oxlillls or Oriel. Itockvtirook gpne.
nan, i-.i.
. II ..!
The Sappzonc Co.. filth nn.) Market sts.. last
csr paid to Ha stockholders ocr 13 ff
cent, dividends
We urn making preppnitl.na to open up S mora
bran, b onbes Wr will ham in carry iwrs
si. ak. epiilo mine salcsmin and ilcrks J IV)
other mii.sM4r cxpcnsis ... . .
Wo offir fur sale at pur a limited amount pf
our capital uluik. The muiivy to be urea fx
ilusliely lor imrcisliig our rapidly growlf
business. .. .
No at'., k will be Issued tcfoici I-ebruary 1;
therelorc you h.ue umplc lime to Invest).
fe'rsncd) h C. llAH'J"Qi5i President.
OLD - BSTAHUStlED business for
sale, gleij pppuitunfty for ucilve
lining' man: can be hsd on .msb t
Imsls or value nf Inventory. ); VM,
Linlgcr Ce,ntrul.
WANT3ISn toJtiln me In bujlng sutctlyralK
business tluil has been extremely pronUUIs
tor S.I voare I cun Inrgily im-reaie urefent
nj pmnts thiough supciior builng Cqnnec.
lloiJ highest rclerencis for. cnnracler uu4
pro, thai ability; want nun with $!l.ln) casta
In hand. s-HUng to give nncljour dally to
flnan.iJl en. of business. (I 7, lfn
Office. . .,
Hill OPPORTUNITY-J10OO will buy
lull rest In wots rlht ow-uing auto
si.vM.ir selling fpr (1: J.lg winner.
J 3.14, Le.lgit" Ceptral,
WOl'LIl a going manufacturing Hrm Interest
you? Will stand an) investigation, and
banking reference. M 420. Ledger 0lct.
In long-established wholesale inlUl
nerv house, with. 'WOO to Increase
business l tiHi. Ledger Otrtfj;.
st.. Phlla.. mechanical and electrics! anal;
peer, registered patent attorney, established
here 30 vears: Inventloits developed; patents,
trademarks. copjrUhts sciured ana iJUgabed
ap where, rcjeilttj applications precute,J;
prellmlnary advice free ' ,
SALESMAN of proven ability, used Jo making
large talsry, seek connection with a rofrf."
line of merit, with Idea of Investing- In same,
commission basis to stutt with, full partcu
lqi. a. P0 A.. Dejmar Apt.. fltn-
IVATER-POW'ER SITE., so to 100 borsapowsri
railroad and water facilities: wltbln 10 miles
ot Philadelphia: good fox same llgbtr maw,
faituriiiK buslocs: prR 12SO0 lid la
blrsalK1 sortby. of Insestlaatton. ill 217..,
SVf wortliy of Inveatlinitlou. W. 243, Ltjjcr-j.
Central lf , . T :. , ,. Its. .
Invest J1U.U.SJ In established ouuxu.
facturUig buslnes. elite Interest
f desired. I' trSti. Ledger Place.
To recreant New York company must have
at least I2O00 to curry suowles. referents;
without that amount do not nscly J 10 OuQ
year Income to right, man. Interv law. H. A.
Dorr Jljiahsm Jutel. JO o'clock, to 1 cults.
A HIGHLY PROj'lTABLE exeoutlvj r-olttoa
nirdUtV use 61 nu ey manbracturer. I5Z.
Jrcjs EfBriehey?pUtrtbtoA. 'lae?. 10 at:
4S.Tt . NsaPYOak jL- rTT.
OLD-EST'PHILA' JT1RM dealresT 8n3Eil
JUi !
pacning tun secuca evvrui vesr iuiimi:w
with additional capital credit unlbntuJ:
stauding A I eae ouoor worth tnvetlt.
JS1 lJW liMoy la ilty J J4(i. pd. Ksfat.
0(Uer ClaodAcd Ada on Kelt) faff
1 i