Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 21, 1916, Night Extra, Page 4, Image 4

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-g "' "' IMH Illll I I I IHIlllllWWlllMIIHIII llliawill "" ' 111 1 III hi 1 1 -- " - - 1 ... ' ri.. ifl I lit miuii II I I Wl I ' !! ill I
Escaped Spy Writes An
other Statement Federal
Agents on Hunt
NEW YOIttv, Jan. 21.
Search Tor TRiirUtotii Tlinoth" Treboli
Lincoln, the versatile Ilunirnrlati. who
bnnstn of lmvInK been. In turn, a German
and; nh Kngllxli spy, was continued with'
out avail yesterday.
Another letter from Lincoln, this time
delivered by messenger. Instead of b tho
escaped spy himself, wns received by the
New York American.
Following Lincoln's visit to the ofllce of
that paper nnd'the publication of his first
Statement since his escape from n Federal
Deputy Marshal, t'nited Htntc District
Attorney France, of Urooklyn, asked
United States District Attorney Marshall
to cause the arrest of the persons re
sponsible for the second disappearance.
An Investigation Is belnfr mnilo by Mr,
Marshall's chief assistant, Hoser II.
Wood. Into tho affair.
It la reported that Lincoln dined Wed
nesday In n restaurant In Park How In
the same bnllillnK whero tho special In
vestigators of tho Department of Justice
have their office. Lincoln Is said to
have boasted that ho could walk Into tin)
Federal IiulldlnK without beliiK rec
Whether or not Lincoln lslted the
newspaper office on Wednesday nlKht,
United States Marsha! James M. Power's
investigation of tho escape Is being
dragged out In the hopo that somo such
display of Impudent daring will betray
tho fugitive within tho next day or two,
Mr. France did take one action yes
terday, however, looking toward crim
inal action after reading the report of
Lincoln's visit to the newspaper office
He held that whoever permitted him to
come and go was an accessory after
i the fact and so lepoited to the United
States Attorney In Manhattan. As a
result tho alleged visit Is to be Investi
gated. Lincoln's latest statement follows:
"Jokes aside, my escapo Is a serious
matter, and there Is more behind this
statement than anybody can Imagine.
"I have tonight addressed a note to
Captain Offley's olllcc. making a llniil
appeal not to net ns subservient tools
of the British Government against
me. I will see what they will do.
"If leason, fair play and. Justice pre
vail at Washington, I will Hiiricndcr of
my own free will. Washington knows
what I mean. Hut If not, then I will dis
close tho full story of my case and lllght
to the American people ttitough your
"The crux of tho whole situation Is that
Great tlrltuin is directing tho secret ser
vice of this country ns It apparently Is
directing other depattments as well. Hut
whatever happens, I will certainly not
tolerate that cither L'nlted States Mar
shal Power or United States Deputy Mar
shal Johnson or antody else he mnde a
scapegoat for the Inexcusable blunder of
people 'higher up' In Washington
"Many peoplo will consider It pip'utnn
tuous for an Individual thus to speak.
Wli5.? Meanwhile, I lequest Deputy Mar
shal Johnson not to participate In tho
bunt? He can see from my statement,
published In your columns this motnlns.
that I wunt to save him
"I am not nfrnid of him, nevertheless,
If ho will not Immediately drop out of
this childish hunt of a so-called secret
service, I will consider It ns n deliberately
unfriendly act und speak out.
"I refuse to bu hunted, bullied and
calumnled by nn nslnlne British Govern
ment. It Is my Innate right tn light
asalntt it with every means nvallable
just as one Government lights another.
"The iioxt step rests with tho United
States Government."
Yours very truly, "
L'ltalia Aiuta la Riorganizzazi-
one Mililare di 50,000 Serbi
Conceiitrati nell'lsola
di Corfu'
Medical Research Plant, to Be Built at
Plainsboro, .N. J.
TRENTON, N. J., Jan. Sl.-Thd mutest
for the erection of buildings worth $.37..
1530 for "the Rockefeller Institute for Med
ical Research, of New York and New Jer
sey," was awarded today to the Matthews
Construction Company, of Princeton, and
work will be started Immediately. The
buildings will bo' located near Plainsboro
on lands recently acquired.
Wlcoft & Lannlng, of thin city, filed the
contracts In tho Middlesex County Cleik's
office, In New Hruns-rlck. The buildings
will Include laboiatories, operating bulldi
Ing. powerhouse, tunnel. Isolation bulldlne
and dog kennels, Itonds and walks about
the grounds will cost 2.',B10.
Party Cannot Afford to Draw Color
Line, Says Letter
WASHINGTON, Jan. 21. A warning to
the Democratic party that It cannot af
ford to draw the color line was Issued in
an open letter sent to the President to
day by Bishop Alexander Walters, chair,
man of the Negro Democratic League.
Bishop Walters said that the Senate,
Which la controlled by the Democrats,
refuses to confirm a colored man for any
high Federal office. lie asks, "Can the
Democratic party afford to draw the color
of Washington have been urg
ing the President to nppoint a negro as
Hecorder of Deeds here. This office here
tofore haa been held by a negro. The
President haa announced hU intention to
appoint a white man.
XATB never use drop jn the ex-
amliiatlon of the eye for
trusses. Therefore ypu cannot
obtain anything- but your honest
refraction, lie honest with your
eyes. e--?eclally wh-n they are In
dltre, as they are priceless In
value The best service money
can buy Is obtainable here at the
moat rrasoiutblr tost In the city.
Ptetcriptiom Accurately Filled
and Broken Lmnte Duplicated
Eye Examined Free
2tS.$UiSt, 32 N. 13th St.
E,tWUhd 1903
Tfcutwtar- W 8. te. a B s'met Brant an
ROMA, 51 tlennalo,
11 presldente del Conslgllo, on. Snlnhdrn,
ha pronunrlato oggl tin dhcorso In Kl
rensse nel cjtiale ha detto che la tinxlone
deve preparaisl n sacrlfl?.ll estreml so la
gtieria deve essero vlntn. ICgll ha detto
"Qualche perconn ha dlchlarato che uol
(lemma nlla nnrlonr rimnresMono che la
guerrn sarebbe slnln unn breve loltn.
tjtieslo o' falso. Kin ilal principle uol
nhblamo selnpre afferntato che assume
vnmo le terrllilll rcsnonsabilita-. inn ere-
devnmo che queste responsHblllla" crano
nssunte con chlara cosclenza Oggl tutto
le tpspouiablllta' di nucsla storlca ora
ilovono essere patriottlcamente mnnlenutr-
da tuttl. Nol sappinmo cue uouuiamo
lottare contio nrandl dllllcolta- e con una
lunga. campagna. Sc I'escivlto e I'armata
devono comnlere II loro dovrre. la nazlone
deve nppogglarll
"Qtiesta e" guetra che lion e combat
tutu da coloro che danno la propria vitu
e lo Itiro furze, ma da ognl elngolo clt
tadlno. da nuelll cho restano a casa e da
qtlelll che iiiino nlla fronte Deve essero
nolle menu dl tuttl It proposlto dl fare
qunlshis! pncrlllzlo n accettare qualslasl
rlnuncla. N'esino puo' dire ora quanto
plu' n lungo nol dovromo sostenere tiucstl
surrltlcll pilma dl ottcnere la vlttoila. Io
posso asslcurarvl che per iitianto grnndl
slano lo nostre tesponsablllta' e le nostre
anslo, slamo coiifortntl dol noblle spetta
colo dl pntrlnttlsmn che II luse offro al
tunudo "
11 re Nicola del Montenegio ha Umclato
tin appello alle Potence nlleate purche'
luvllno sublto soccorsl al Montenegro so
vogllono che 1'eserelto montPliegrlno lion
sin annlchollto. L'appello pen-enuto al
Mlnlstero dcgll Ksterl llntlano domanda
I'lnvlo Immedlato dl viverl, munlrlonl e
bntterlu dl nrtgllcila.
Le forze austrlache del generuln
Koewess hnno rlpreso roffenslva e I inon
teuegrlni rlplegano su Scuturl sempie
cotnbatlendo. till nustrlacl attaccano ora
la llnea Cettlgnc-Podgoritza. L'esccrclto
dl IC.is.nl puscla' e' gluuto Intanto a Scu
tari per unlrsl nl monlencgrlnl contro
1'Austria tTn reparto dl truppe nlis
triahe, st dice, murcia anche lungo la
costa contro Antlvaii. .SI rltleue che gll
alleatl iiluterannu I montcnegilnl ed i serbi
nella dlfesa dl Scutari, che sembia essere
tnlnucclata dagll nustrlncl
11 govcrno montenegrlno o' stato sta
blllto n Llone, Krancla.
Intanto II govcrno Itnliano liu deciso nel
conslgllo dl mlnlstri tenutosl iorl a Itoma
ill nlntaie Kcncrosamcnte la rlorganiz
zazlone dell'eseiclto se'rbu. rlorgnnlrza
zlone che gla' proccde. Clnnuuntamlla
soldatl serbi sono ora conccntratl nell'ls
ola dl Corfu. SI sa ora che re Vittorlo
Kinmanuele, dopo essere stato .t Taianto
per pnisare In rlvlsta la squadio Itiillalia,
sl reco' a Hrlndlsl doe confer!' con nl
cunl mluistii serbi che vl si erano recati
Una buonn notlzln vlene da Londin. SI
dice che si stannn facendo trattntlvo per
estundero gll scopl del conslgllo dl gutrru
della Qu.ldrupllce Intesa, e la notlzla e'
statu data dal prlmo mlnlstro Inglese As
fiultli nella Camera del Comunl.
Dopo due glornl di bnmbaidiuncuto del
portl bulgarl dl Porto Lapos o Dedea
gatch forze degll alleatl sono shnrcate a
Porto Lagos ed hnnno dlstrutto In piaz
zuole che crnnn state costrultc pel lo
butteile bulgare. Lo sliarco fu opernto
mercoledl' scorso e con perdlte insignifi
cant). OH anglo-fiancesi maicinrono
erso nord In dlrezlone della fcrrola, nia
gluntl a poehe mlglla da Poito L.igoi,
avendo incoutrnto forze bulgare supeiiori,
si rltliarono alle loio navl.
lTn comunlcntn ufflclale bulgnro pub
bllcuto oggl da' notlzla del bombarda
inento dl Porto Lagos o dl Dedcngatch,
ma non accenua affatto alio sbarco dl
truppe. II comuulcato pero' si rlferlscc
nl bombardamciito ill martedr opoiato da
21 navl da guerra nlleate Nel glonio
stesso le navl alleate bbmbnrdavano le
poslzloni turche nel Golfo dl Snios. K'
posslblle, e si rltleue geiieialmente. che
lo sbarco dl truppe dl rleognlzioiip a Porto
i.ugos on parte Uegll alleatl non sla die
i f. Stalbt, ScM28W3S
.. ,..-,.ci ,.'V ($ Sabrvb N. jfufe?
7Jxv,yV . fPi CcnntrVTP3M?i, A s . ,iWlndj
9" n rt &ftf&jEE' - i
I 'Ml!a -jgblffid f Z
1 i u-iTii-a. , I . , ,. , ' , , I
(1) Allies occupy Isluntl of Corfu and Kaiser's favorite winter palace,
which is to be used as Serbian capitol, (2) Teutonic forces massed
on Greek-Serb frontier for attack on Allies' base at Salonicn. (3)
Allies cut rail communication with northern Greece and isolate por
tion of Greek army. (4) Allies' defense before Salpnica. (5) Turk
forces from Gallipoli Peninsula massed at Xanthi, on Grcek-Buljrar
frontier. (0) Greek Government reported to have moved official
records from Athens to Larissa. (7) Now Allied force landed at
Phnleron and Piraeus, near Athens. (8) Corinth, where Allies have
also reported to have landed troops. (9) Allied fleet tightens block
ade of Greek coast.
nlkatl stannn csercitamlo una foite
piesslotie Miillit (iiei'ln per Indurie II
governo ellelilcu a (line I pa. inpnrtl al
lappresputantl diplomatic! degll iinperl
cpntiall, delln Uulgiirla e della Tutchla.
Peio' la situiizlolie non e' anciira nffiittn
chlarlla ad A tone. VI e' chl dice clip nlla
G reel. 'i e' stato presentato un ultimatum
da parte degll alleatl e vl e' chl In nega.
Sembia pero' nssodato che gll alleatl
oprcltunu In Qrecla una specie dl con
trollo che da uu mimieiito airnltrn uo'
anche dienlre militate.
Le truppe alleate rontliuinmi a tlls
truggpip tutto tpielle onere dl cul II
nemlco puo' uppiollttnip per scnpl
milltarl In tiierla. ma I governl dell'lntea
haiuio piiimesso rormalnieute alia tiiecla
che essl pagheianno pei ipipstl daiinl non
nppptia la gueiia sura' llnltn. Itittinto
la ceiisura a stiltiKendn eiupie plu' 1
suoi t e 11 f per iitianto rigiiaidn la firecla
Mr. Asiiuith informo il Pnrlnniento II n
ilal novembre seorso del fntto che tin
gll ulleatl si stava tiatt.indn per Ntl
tulre tmo Stato Mngglorc comuiie ed un
conslgllo ill guerra dl tutle e iiuattio le
puteuzu allente. Kliiom si sono tenuti
cinque consigll da rnppresentnntl ilegll
I eseiciti ill Krnncla i ill (linn Ilretngnn.
ed al cnnslglln che ebbc luogo nel iIIcpiii
I bre scorso a Parlgl p.iitecIi,irotiii ani'lie I
i rnppresentnntl deU'ltnlln. dtll.i ltusi.i e
iieu.i ferula. Da altta fonto si iipprende
oggl che si sono fattl buniii pnsil t- so
riiiilflcnzionc dcll'nzlone polltica e inili
tare degll alleatl,
Dal fionte nustro-iusso glungmio pine
notizie confnrliintl. L'offensivu del ius
si nella leglone dl Czprnovitz proccde
lotitumente ma con cuntlnuo miicccsso I
ruasl cnnqulstano a poto a pocn la tiln
cee austrlache e frustano tuttl I tentntlvl
dl rontioffeuslvii. Gll nttstilnci toinuionn
per ben cinque volte nll'nttacco per tl
prenderp una poslzione clip nwvmio per
duto ma fuiono sempre lesplntl con ginvl
peinite Aiiche I coiuunlcatl nustiincl
Todais War Developinenls
ROME, Jan, 21. The Montene
grin army s falling back on Scu
tari, Albania, closelv followed by
the Austrian and encnired in con
stant- clashes according to dis
patches. Tho Turks are reported as in
headlong flight on the Mesopotamia
and Caucasus fronts.
The Allies' fleet has shelled the
Bulgar Aegean coast and made
landings for reconnaissances. This
is believed to be a prelude to an
invasion to draw tho Bulgar army
out of Serbia for home defense.
The Allies continue pressure on
Greece. Conflicting reports are
nfdot concerning the Allies' re
ported 48-hour ultimatum lo King
Constnntine. One German painar
declares tho Hellenic monarch has
rojected the demands that Teuton,
Bulgar and Turk diplomats be ex
pelled, Another denies than any
such ultimatum was sent. k
The Bessarabia battle grows in
violence. Austria admits the heavy
Russian pressure at Czernovitz
Petrograd claims capture of a sec
tor of Teuton trenches in this war
WASHINGTON. .Ian. 2t.-The fight over
the llilrnett Immlgtatlon bill piopnilng
an educational test for Immigrants wns
continued lodnj before Hip lloitxe Immi
gration Cominlttpp. Thp lilll, which bus
twice been passed by both the Senate
and House, nnd which wns vetoed ov
fuimer President Tuft and PiPsldelit Wil
son, will probably he put through the
House within a month or two. Chairman
lliu iiett, of the committee, toda snld a
canvass of the House showpd that Hip
me.isurp was sure lo be passed If It could
lip In ought to a vole.
A delegation of Chicago opponents 01
the mea-uue headed hv ltppieseiitntlve
Riihatli, of Illinois, npppiupd befoir the
commlltcp tui!n and argtipd against the
Forger RMrrWri .
LANCASTER, Pa., jM tfjtf
wmii sieppea out 0f ft,, V
county prison a frc mn ft-jr
seivtrl a year sentence L. i!:YJ&
minute Inter h ,.. ..... wBtry,
Safety of Neutrals on High Sea , by sheriff -w w. cidWn . J
to Be Guaranteed at
All Times
BKltLLV, Jan. ,21, Germany s final ie
, ply In the Lusltanla maltcr Is now being
piepared ftt the ForelRn omee. The ex
nct time of Us delivery has not been de
termined, bul officials expressed confi
dence today that It will settle all subma
rine differences with the United States.
Drafting of the note follows several
necks of informal exchanges between the
Foielgn Ofllce and the American Stato
The contents remain a secret, tt Is nn
detstood, however, that Germany declares
her willingness to pay an Indemnity for
the lois of American lives nnd renews her
expressions of regiet, but again reminds
the Ameilcan Government that neutrals
who tool pnsoagp on the Ltisltnnla were
fully wittned of their danger through the
notice published In the newspapers by the
(Jo nil nn Kmbassy nt Washington,
The most Important clause, however, is
the declatntlon guaranteeing the future
safely of nputrnls nbonid belllgetcnt pas
senger ships and promising that these
vessels shall not be torpedoed without
fair warning. The Foreign Ofllce will In
form Hip United States that Germany will
maintain the position Indicated In tho
Kaiser's hotiiictlons lo submarine com
mantlets, as already transmitted lo the
State Department bj Ambassador Hetn-stoiff.
County, who aecompaica h,
burg. In that city he l Tiwr
IrW on three charges of foreB(r tf
THE frst pacbj
put the soda cracke?
in a class by itself. Iy
continued goodnetf
keeps it there. 'i
are representative of
the best of materiakl
the most careful bak-J
ptgp in& the ideal ml
W manufacturing!
0 conditions. i
A Plilladelphln Chamber of ( ommerce
tinde tour, to begin March fi and last live I
ilnVB, to extend thiougli the cities of ,
western Peniisvlvnnln and New Yoilt '
.State, has .een Jilamipd by the t'hnnibei
The tour will aim to take to the cities
visited a new. Ideal of Philadelphia com
mercial facilities nnd remind the rotnll '
men there that Phllndelphal Is a gteat
miinufactiiiing city; that it has unusual
i alii oml facilities and Is iond to 1111 the I
needs of the letnll concci ns' tin oughoiit
this State. i
One huiidred men expect to mnke the
ttlp. This wl.l hp one of the most eten
Klve trade tiiius ever mnde b the local
Cliiimbpi'. Arningements have been nmdo
by George I. Mitchell.
RSI i l&K
There was a time when oysters
were eaten without Oysterettes,
but it was before these flaky little
crackers were made. But now
Hale & Kilburn
I Company
1 As we are discontinuing the manufacture and retail :
'4 of furniture, wc arc, closing out our enormous stock by
:rackers were made. But now my Y" 11 A
Oysterettes ? rUDllC Auction
St AND 10t
The Oyster Cracker
are eaten and enjoyed with soupr
and other things as well as oysters
niiiettono die In violetiZH He in
li'i 1 1 fl It I hi rlia t. Imiimin .... II t t
ii Hni.. ii, il ", " ,,w" vuc . ... .(-" t lu.iivtiii.uu ii'-im nuunvina
II lireiUUlO 111 tinn Hliarm ill 1nt"rn , ln mimpnt'i rt rniirAucutin .,!. i., ..i.i ..-.
aslone che nviebbcro lo scopn dl at- ' tori I russl dl spongono ill fotze snpeiloil
trarre fuori della zona dl SSalonlceo forze ''on iiesto glustllicanu 11 iiistilncl l.i
utugare che ora operono In quel settoie. i loro incapucltu' dl muntenei'e le poslzloni
Telegramml da Londia dlcono che gll J dl dlfesa
,NCE you have tasted
the coodness of these
Graham Crackers, you will
do as thousands of other
families do, keep them on
hand for daily use.
The Innndering of perish
able fabrics is given such
careful attention here that
you may rest assured that
your most delicate conceits
will be beautifully finished
without the slightest dam-RKe.
Neptune Laundry
1501 Columbia Ave.
Wti ffY ? CAav Vic -tea ? '
each day this week at 2 o'clock
and following days next week, on
the premises, 1315 Walnut St.
Embracing Exquisite Antique and Modern'
Sheraton, Adam, Heppelwhite and Chippendale;
Library, Reception Room, Dining Room Furniture!
rjj rM. Tii r- aa' o h
wua vnairf, i aoics, iivans, lvurrors. ocreenwi
Marble Statuary, Chinese Porcelain, Objects oil
Decorative Art.
Commercial Truat Building
Electric Light & Power Wiring
Electro Construction Co Jl 1315 Walnut Stred
1 5frSX,j.N5AViVi.&Ss.v,t. X.
.s wi5.ik iJBJBS
- a -
i! (aniiiliiii iiiiiiniiiiihTnli vli
hv not a Henne Virtnr
Outfit in your Home?
Heppe outfits are made up of a Victrola and a certain quantity of
records. I here is an outfit for each style and a combination price for
the machine and records. You can purchase these outfits for cash or
you can take advantage of Heppe Victor Service, which provides every
accommodation for its patrons.
Cash, or Charge Account, or Rental-Payment Plan
At Heppe's you can secure any Victrola at its cash price, and make
your settlement either in cash, or charge account, or our rental-payment
plan, whereby all rent applies to purchase, with no extra for this privi
lege. Our outfits are listed below:
sft P Ii illllnllllll ;
ft wg I IPillMtSI
iC fc ITl P 'Pi
6 10-inch Double-face Records .', ,., 4.50
Total cost ..,.. ,....,..,, , $19.50
Pay $1 down, $2,50 monthly.
6 10-inch Double-face Records , , 4,50
Total cost , $29,50
Pay $2 down, $3 monthly.
VICTROLA VIII , , ,,,., $40.00
Records, your selection ,., , ,.,,.,,.,, 5.00
Total cost , ,.,,,.,., , $45.00
Pay $4 down, $3.50 monthly,
VICTROLA IX .,..,.,, v , , 0.00
Records, your selection ..........,,,.,.,..,...,...,,..,..,. 10.00
Total cost , ,..., ,....,. J.,..,.,,. $60.00
Records, your selection ...... 10.00
.total cost ..,.,,, ,,
Pay $5 down, $5 monthly;
Records, your selection ,.,'.'.
Total cost ..
Pay $8 down, $6 monthly.
This is the
Victrola XIV
,. 10.00
17.1-nrila vn... ..1 f ! "" .f flSU.I
..v.-., juu, aiickllUIl ,,.....,,,,,,..,..,,,,,,,,., 10.00
lotai cost ,..., ,,..,.
Pay $10 down, $8 monthly,'
In pianos, remember we have the Heppe jj
-patented three - sounding board instruments J
and the world-famous Pianola. These instru
ments also sold on the rental-payment plan.
Records, your selection
Pay $5 down, $4 monthly.
Total cost .
Pay $10 down, $10 monthly.
,.,5200.00 ,
... 10.00.
' ..', ' ..,.,, $2 1 0,00 .
Mf tftf tMff Mftftftt
1117-1119 Chestnut Street 6th and Thompson Streets
C J. Heppe & Son 8ftffl9TS$5i
Please send me
(Check whichever you wish)
Victrola catalog "d J2
Catalog of Fianou r i-r
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List of usea rwnv-
' MMtlMf f jtM1
31 Virwa-
wts, .ST